Recorded: May 26, 2023 Duration: 0:34:00



(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Thank you guys.
My name is Steryu.
And yeah.
is our AMA with our monics dude, you know, we're still waiting for a couple of people to actually tune in, you know, but anyways, we can just go ahead with our, you know, AMA.
Okay, I'm going to invite some
couple of people to speak and anybody, if there is anybody that wants to contribute, you know, it can just
So, first of all, I'm just going to introduce Afero Stark Geud.
I first argued, you know,
And I hear that comes from me to support
music in general, especially to the female musicians, and to bring collaborations between influences.
you know celebrities, you know, social media influencers, you know, because that is where you know
I afraid the most of being an impact and avoiding phenocritis into the ecosystem with the help of
So, this has been interesting for us over one year, you know, we started around January 22.
So basically, you know, what we do is support music, female pre-tips, you know, across the globe. Yeah. So each there is
any question anyone would like to ask. You can just go ahead and visit Ali I guess I'm only trying to look about us, my about us and I'm
and planning our collaborations with us. So we would like to hear more from you, you know, and however you feel you can. Patina, we touch, you know, yeah, that's it.
I have no idea if anybody got to
I'm going to use it in my queen. So, we can...
I look forward to you turning on.
Okay, yeah, I keep sending
the invitation.
I keep sending the invitation I don't know why. I sent you the invitation.
Hello, Quinn.
I've been trying to re invite Queen. Oh my gosh. So sorry for that. My bad. Alright. Sheesh. Yeah. Does not work on desktop. Only works on mobile. So that's good.
Oh, I see. Yeah, thank you so much for inviting me. Yeah, and having me on this call. Thank you, Sylvia, for setting this up. It's nice, it's nice to have you.
Absolutely. Yeah, there's a ton we can talk about today. Yeah, happy to have the conversation go in any direction. Definitely happy to talk about what harmonic guild can offer and good ways to work together.
Yeah, yeah, you know, um, yeah, we'd like to hear from you, you know, and see how we can go about our collaboration and partnership. Yeah, absolutely.
So, you know, harmonic guild is an open collective. We are trying to build a democratic team that focuses on making good technology to allow musicians
the ability to get paid for their art and also sort of have power and have say in how that art gets distributed online. And so there's a lot to unpack there as far as how we
implement this kind of stuff technologically and how we build kind of collaborative systems to allow musicians to work together and to work with us to build kind of a better version of the internet.
You know, in the most simple way right now, we're just trying to help creators with digital display environments, places and ways to
to display their art and distribute their art and have people buy their art and you know to fund the creation of art and music especially using these kinds of new techniques.
That itself is kind of a collaborative operation. I mean, one of the real promises of Web 3 technologies is that you can take your music, your music collection from place to place with you.
think that it's possible to build smart contract infrastructure to make that kind of process even more widespread. And that's one of the real, real major visions for what we're doing with harmonic guild.
Oh great, great. Great to hear about these. Is it like...
Thank you.
So you're breaking up there for that. - Do you have a question for me? - I did not. Would you please repeat it? - Yeah, I'm saying like, you have a doubt, you know, de-app or something, you know, for these.
Yeah, so right now we're focused on building custom things. So we have we have our de applications that we do we do have a set of right so we've got marketplaces environments. We have streaming environments. We've got sort of traditional
We're very excited. We're about to release kind of our first network environment, which is essentially just a landing page where you can kind of promote all the different things that you're working on. But right now, instead of just sort of going to
and plug in your information, we're trying to build more custom materials. One of the reasons that we're doing it that way is because we trust the creators, right, the creative people and the entrepreneurs behind these projects to know more about
their vision than we do. And so we want to build these custom environments and here you get what kind of features you guys think is the most important. And then build out those features in a way that allows you to be an entrepreneur with your art.
Yeah, I feel that. I feel that. Yeah, so I called it to our introduce about those. I said we work with communities like 70% of our project
projects, you know, based on the female grates and the tactic they say, you know, it's so every other like celebrities and social media influencers. So in this way,
You know, we worked with musicians. We were operating instrumentalists and we were with artists, you know, in our community. So at the moment, I
think, everything you talk about, you mention about, it's really, really quite going to be useful to us, inspired the fact that
Most of the people, you know, most of the artists, the creatives in our community, you know, set of people that are also busy more on the web
to word, you understand, simultaneously creating art to engage with the three ecosystem also.
The work is, you know, can be more on the team members in all time just to make sure we get
are critis, you know, are to be sold, you know, and to be known, you know, in the aspects so, yeah, so
You know, that's yeah, yeah. That's a that's a really important thing that we've been hearing in a lot of different places. So and part of the reason that we're doing this kind of we don't have a good name for it yet. We're still workshopping on a name, but what what I'm calling kind of this network project because
If you're a Web 3 creator, there's no way to make in the bear market. There's no way to make sustainable, livable money only reaching out to Web 3 communities. You have on board other communities. And the only way to do that is to use Web
two platforms, right? Like there's no way we can go and say to an artist, I mean, we work with musicians all the time. One of the biggest things that a music label looks at is how many Instagram followers do you have? That's just the reality. I've got my tons of issues with the way Instagram works, but
the reality is, that's what is an important part of growing their base. And so we are trying to make these little, this kind of network product that allows artists to promote themselves on the variety of channels that they're on while also pushing to the places where they think they can make the most money. Sometimes that's
three and that's great and we're here for that. But sometimes it's selling hats or t-shirts or something like that. And we don't want working with us and the kind of stuff that we can do with Web3, which is more flexible than what you get with Web2. We don't want that stuff to get in the way of your ability to promote yourself, however you see fit.
Alright, alright, that's amazing. That's great. So yeah, that's great. So how do we go about this now?
You're breaking up a little bit again during your question.
Okay, my question is yeah, it's great to hear about all these So now that we have thought about these now, how do we go about making it to come alive? How do we, you know, begin with these like how do we start, you know?
So of course, I did. Thank you. One, you know, we want to focus on bringing existing communities into Web 3. So at an oftentimes these communities have multiple layers, you know, so
So for us, you know, we deal with music industry a ton and so a band itself is often a community, right? There's four people in a band, right? So you have to kind of connect with that band. Each of them are individuals. You want to set each of them up with a wallet. Then the band itself needs a page.
But then maybe they're under management group, right? And that manager has a couple different bands. And then maybe that manager is part of a label group, right? So you can see how there's kind of like a natural, excuse me, there's kind of a natural, I don't know if it's a hierarchy necessarily, but there's a network here where there are multiple
sort of layers and multiple multiple brands with the with which these creators and creatives and artists musicians want to promote themselves. And so what we do is we kind of try to look at the entirety of your organization, whether or not
And then we collect all of that brand material, you turn it over to us, your fonts, your logos, your colors. And then we try to build something that is really important to us.
But it's kind of a Web 3 digital space, as well as getting all the Web 2 materials, your links to your Instagrams, your Spotify, whatever, and try to collect all of those materials into a hierarchy. And then we push out and develop a bunch of different websites, landing pages, Web 3 marketplaces,
other display environments, however, depending on what your portfolio looks like. And we try to build that out into this kind of web space. And then, yeah, we go back and forth.
and try to figure out whether or not we've met your kind of needs in terms of features, as well as this visual presence with all these different sites. And then that we sort of go from there to build this out.
Yeah, that's interesting, you know, very very interesting. Yeah, talking about the size of our community, you know, I'm just gonna be as real as, you know, as possible, you know, to be believed.
So the old community, I'm talking about, if you know about communities, that community, you know, I've been going through, you know, a round of, um, um, um, restructure, you know, for a very long time, almost for
over several months now. So we built project tweets like in our community like we are like
over 188 creatives that we have on boarded and have worked with so far. And at the point, we have so many
with inos and we still have some with inos but just because it's been too long that we worked with Tim. Like for example now we we saw some artworks in
May this year we showed some artworks and we don't even know how that got so like we showed about a fall and we had to go to Instagram and DM some of those artists that that belongs to our community and they're like you
So we just saw your NFT, you got this information in your wallet or something. You know, you dig just out to realize that you know, the other assets on chain in town, you know,
It's to working you understand so you know that really Inspired many to be back and be like ooh, this is working great and Yeah, so any which way so after the restructuring process, you know, we came back alive. We'll tell you
different projects entirely. So the new set of people, the set of people we're working with right now, we would like to get them along with these, you know, stuffy
you know telling us about you know we're because we already have a lot of plans to actually carry out you know particularly DCA. Absolutely to touch on your first point we have the
same problem. We have it is very difficult to onboard artists to get set up with wallets to get the smart contracts that you write to have the royalties paid to the right people. And that's one of the reasons we have to do this custom right now because the scalable stuff to do
that in mass, it doesn't exist. And so we have to kind of do these things one by one and you know we take care to try to make sure we do it right. We do have relatively good sort of a better than most sort of wallet setup
And we're working on financial onboarding technology for payments and stuff, but that's jurisdiction by jurisdiction because it is much more difficult in the United States to get this stuff set up than it is say in West Africa and India is even more difficult in the United States.
We do have a global presence, so we focus on the different jurisdictions as far as financial onboarding. But for onboarding members, it's a one by one process, and we want to work with you guys to create royalty, you know, royalty smart contracts
that are consistent with the expectations of your members, but are also that also support your collective. And also payouts, right? We're providing a service. And so, you know, there's some payment that we also expect, and that gets written into smart contracts as well.
Yeah, yeah, so yeah, you know, first of all, so now what would you, what are the things that you would like us to actually do, you know, for you and second world, okay, we
I already know what you know, you would be doing for the forest. So I think like what are the things that you would want to actually you know be part of you know for us to do you know for you? Sure. So the first step is to just talk about
What are your existing
What are your existing communities like? Where are those communities gaming traction? Are there on web two platforms or web three platforms? So essentially the first thing we do is we're like a librarian or a librarian. We come in, we talk with you, we set an hour to a side and we talk about all
the different things you've got going on. If you've got NFT stores on this chain or that chain or whatever, you've got a mid-based store, you've got this branding, here's your artist, here's their events are also incredibly important. So if you have an event coming up, you tell us when that's happening.
We go in and we just kind of try to organize everything you've got going on. And then we give all of that material, including the branding to our developers and our developers build out all the websites. Sometimes this takes a while. It could take two months if you're a very complicated thing.
And we don't quite have the future set that you're looking for it take a little bit longer, but we sort of put all that material together and then we sort of build and then we turn around and have a second call with you that says, hey, do you like this? Is this look the way you're looking?
you're hoping it will look. And then we talk about sort of the compensation model in smart contracts as well as talking about the different royalty contracts you have with your own artists, making sure they're all set up with wallets. And then yeah, we launch.
Okay, so basically it means you have to start start start with particular website where this pocket is gonna come weeks right? Yeah, it's not just one site, so it'll be it'll be a set of
So I imagine the best way to do it is usually each artist gets a site and then the collective as well gets a site. If you have so like sometimes you'll have different divisions.
Or like there'll be different collections or something and so we just kind of need to do research with you into what you have going on to understand the way that we think it's best and that you think it's best to display all of this material.
Okay, all right great, you know, I would like to start with I don't know sharing our Instagram. I mean telegram accounts like sure
social media and news and you know you know our nation's social you know I think every detours that's required we have websites so I'm just gonna like here as
everything. Yeah. If not now, maybe you know, directly to your DM. Yeah, it's probably good if we make like a telegram group. That way it won't just be me. You'll have access to developers and Sylvia will be
be on there, Elias, you know, the rest of our team will be on there because I won't necessarily be involved in every component of it and it'd be good to just sort of have a place where all this material kind of can sit while we organize it.
All right, bridge. So yeah, you know, so we can have it. We can go out to telegram, you know, groups to begin to carry out these projects. So on the
The log ground was the range amount between what was going to be needed for the used to be carried out. Talking about the
Oh, in terms of budget. It depends. So it depends on whether or not there's a custom integration. So if you want a
So right now, if you are on using mint base, we like mint base will take sort of one and a one and a half percent of marketplace sales. Yeah. That is on the basis of asset sales. Eventually we want to do streaming and
that will be a higher percentage because we think that's a more sort of compelling thing. If you, so the other thing is kind of to jump to the front of the line or to sort of wait. If you want us to kick it off immediately, just to sort
to skip the line as far as our development. Usually we ask for about $600 worth of near. If that's sort of outside, then it's going to definitely just take us a little bit longer to get all of your materials ready to go.
Alright, alright, alright, that's amazing. So yeah, so we can just simply create the telegram group so that we can get a lot of needed information together and you know
You know, kind of for, you know...
The projects to begin, what do you think?
Yeah, I think that sounds great. And you know, the most exciting thing for me is just get to listen and see all of the artwork. You know, I get this is my first chance to really dig into all of you guys' material. And I'm doing this because I love music and I love art, right? Otherwise, what's the point? You know,
So yeah, yeah, it's really excited just get in and meet the different artists meet meet you know understand their goals and see how we can build Stuff to help them and if not you know who we can point. It's not every solution will be with us right where we're three is a team
And so pointing out who else we can kind of connect you with that does various different things and sort of just continue to build those relationships and build technologies to help promote all of this and make money, hopefully. Right. Right.
Right, so I'm trying to copy out a means base link Actually, I have paraso so I'm gonna copy of the means base link. I'm gonna put it in like the comment session now, so sure
Please sit down for me. Okay. Yeah, we'll take a look and then
Probably about the middle of next week Wednesday would be a good day for us. Well for me, I don't know what Silvia schedule is like, but sit down and look at the content and talk about how these things all might fit together.
And yeah, I guess go from there. Yeah, that's great. That's great. So I just, I don't know if you, okay, I always drop the
There are means based link right now. So yeah, so In my in I'm gonna DM you you know just first to create the telegram group. I guess you said sure Yeah, my telegram name is the same as my Instagram handle
All right, it's great. Sorry my Twitter handle. So we can get in started from there. So I tried to DM so many people, you know, probably just busy with you know, just stuff in the real life. Yeah.
Yeah, musicians are busy. We try to make it as easy for them to work with us as possible. But yeah, that's always a challenge to scheduling. Yeah, yeah, so it's so great, you know, it's really really amazing to talk to you, you know, about these, you know, you know,
We love everything that's coming from you guys. I appreciate it. Yeah. I'm very sure by the time every other team members listen to these, you know, they are going to definitely be, you know, happy with what's about to get them. Well, I hope so. Yeah.
If anybody has questions, my DMs on Twitter, Telegram, Instagram, all that are open. So yeah, just feel free to reach out. Happy to talk about long-term visions and short-term logistics. Any of it. Yeah, superb. So
Yeah, that's great. So thank you. Thank you so much for granted these opportunities. So we go about. Yeah, thank you. Bye everyone. Yeah. Thank you so very much for setting this up. Yeah, too. Great. Goodbye.