AMA with Linea: DeFi Week and much more!

Recorded: June 28, 2023 Duration: 0:53:01
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Hello everyone, welcome to our space with Lena. We're just going to wait for some more minutes for people to join in our hosts to join us.
I am not afraid to request to speak and we accept you. We will give some more minutes for people to join.
Becle and Aswell, welcome. And just a request to speak, we will accept you and we will start in a couple of minutes.
Hey, yeah. You hear me, okay?
Yep, all good. Emma, you there. Hello.
- All right, we passed the mic check. Let's just wait two or three minutes. How you doing in the meantime? - Oh, good, Andrea. Thank you for the invite.
You're most welcome. It's actually a pleasure since what you building with Linya as well here. Declan, how are you doing? Is it Declan or Declan? I'm not really familiar with your name.
That's a pretty unusual name. It's an Irish name. Declan is pronunciation. But yeah, doing good. Have to be here as well.
All right, let's start it already. Anywhere the space will be recorded. People can listen to it afterwards. I mean, as we usually start, give us an introduction about yourself, who you are, who is your role, and I'll
would you describe your plot of calling layman's terms who wants to start a mandeclon? Yeah, I heard you not so well, I don't know if it's me or you. Can you hear me well?
Yeah, I can hear you work, can you? Yep, absolutely. So you just ask for my role, right? Yeah, I didn't hear. No, no problem. So just who you are, what do you do in India? And what is linear in, of course, in a couple of minutes? Otherwise, I know you could talk for hours.
Absolutely, yeah. I guess I'll just go a bit of introduction around me and then I'll let Declan go more in deep about what Lena is and what we're doing, etc. So my name is Manuela based out in Italy. I do growth for
So in general I'm taking care of growing the ecosystem of Plina with valuable partners. I'm actually doing lots of other things but at the moment one thing that I'm really focused about is it's really eating out our bandwidth a lot is the voyage quest which you
you guys from D4s are also a great part. So that's one thing and in general I'm a growth manager for DINI. So ball to Deklin who is the guy to speak about DINI. Yeah thanks Emma. So hey everyone I'm Deklin. So I'm the product lead for
linear, then with consensus, there was a company sort of incubated linear for coming up to two years. So, been there since the inception of linear when it was previously consensus EKVM. So, a lot of people usually ask me like, what is the product, the product managed
do. Lots of different things are at least spent a lot of time learning about the technology, learning about the market and all the different solutions, spending a lot of time talking to users and talking to the community, understanding what problems they have today when they're building gaps, what end users when they're trying to
interact with those depths and then just working with some of the amazing teams that we have to actually build solutions that sort of these problems in the best way, you know, and then actually deliver that to market. So yeah, that is what I do. What is linear in sort of like a simple term, sure we'll get into details, but
the very high level, linear is just a scalable and secure provider of block space that makes it extremely easy for developers to build apps. So that's what it is in a nutshell. And what we were able to do with that is we were able to rapidly process many volumes
of transactions in block space, many types of transactions are at a very low cost, all while inheriting that security and decentralization of Ethereum, because whereas ZK EVM as well, and with fully EVM compatible, that means that it's very easy to develop this to build, and we also have a
deep consideration of not just the technology the developers build on but actually like the full experience of like Building a doubt getting to market getting success. So that's that's linear All right, thanks to you both. I mean, I'm sure everyone's in the quick to space league
knows what consensus is. You're the guys behind MetaMask, among other products such as Infura and now also Lina and I'm sure at least you know everyone has used at least one of your products but of course in this call we're gonna talk about Lina and in particular
I would like to ask Ema, you know, you're adding a great success, a great participation to the linear voyage. Can you tell us more about this voyage or why you initiated it, how it has been going so far? And if you're doing something to counter Cibil attacks,
which I think it's always a hot topic when projects organize campaigns like yours. So aim up, please, the floor is yours and then Declan cannot, whatever later. Yeah, sure. So I guess we'll just go on what everybody in this day
really want to know, you know, so what the linear voyage quest is, why we're doing this also, I mean, what's coming next is also important, but yeah, first of all, I mean, it's worth to go a bit over the linear voyage quest as a program.
So it's something that we really worked really hard on. Basically we decided to perform stress testing of the network and stress testing of different op codes in quite a different way compared to other protocols.
to put some challenges, you know, some tasks for users that could be fun and differentiated. So we talked a lot with several partners in the say community engagement ecosystem and we landed into Galaxy, we met Galaxy and decided to go for a new
type of product that is a VOR is a quest, we call it a VORH quest that is basically not a single one but composed of weekly challenges that are themed. So with different teams across each week. So we started for example with the bridge week that of course you know is
Logically speaking, it's the one that makes the most sense because the first thing you should do if you want to get onboarding today the ecosystem is bridge some fence. To then go into the NFT week, the tech and the week focus on our partner tools that could be used for security and other type of building on
We had great week with the social entertainment week where we had several games and several social networks. Also a mention, a special mention is for Linester, which is the only app based on that protocol outside of
the polygon ecosystem that has received a great success during the quest. And now we are in the grand finale of the on-chain related weeks, so with the Diffie Week, of which D4 is a great partner inside, where we have a lot of partners lined up in order to showcase the
overall ecosystem of the FIDE apps based on linear. So it's proving pretty challenging both on the management side because of course we're talking about having a lot of partners onboarding to discuss so that's definitely something that needs to take into consideration.
And we know that for users sometimes it's been a bit overwhelming. At the same time, we really believe that we were able to first stress us the network and really achieve the objective that we had posed to ourselves before starting this adventure. And secondly,
to actually showcase the great ecosystem in theina. So we showcase over 60 partners for the moment and I guess the capabilities of the network are pretty much clear to everyone now. I want to do a special, let's say, deep dive.
into what some users are kind of complaining about, which are the high transaction fees that are currently experienced on the network. So we released a Twitter thread today from the Lineable account that everybody can go and see. In general, the most important things
my opinion that people can have in mind is our two things. So first of all, we have put an artificial cap on the total number of transactions that can be included into a block. This was done in order not to impact GERLIN Act work too much. We use GERLIN Act for network
of course the L1 signing of our batches of transactions. And secondly and most importantly that is still maybe not clear to all the users is that in a test network economic disincentives to perform spam operations do not exist.
Both of these two things, the artificial cap of course is artificial and will be removed from main net and economic disincentive will come in main. So this means that we expect that the network will be much faster than what users and current experiencing and everybody should
should not really worry at all because we expect at the moment our throughput to be around 20X from Ethereum may not be good. So, but again, since you made another question related to this, a very important one actually is that how
How did we reason also to try and stop some spam attacks and especially bot attacks? We released a proof of humanity campaign together with the quest. It's a campaign that, let's say compared to the other, it's not running weekly but rather until the end of the overall linear voyage quest.
where we ask users to perform a proof of humanity check through three main different ways that are it coin passport, galaxy passport and guild pins in order for us to understand and incentivize the addresses that are shown in the
and have proved their humanity. So that we don't censor anyone, we don't want to censor not even bots, because we do not want to put this type of restrictions on who can do transactions and who cannot, but we gave a big disincentivation for you
users, you know, to be civilians or spammers for the linear voyage quest, because even if they continue running bots in order to perform transactions, they will not get the proof of the, the proof of humanity and they will stay at the bottom of the leaderboard. The most important thing that we're giving out for this quest are
NFT prizes and so these bots will not be able to get the best one of them. So this is something important that we have currently carried out. We have I guess 500,000 verified humans at the moment. So almost all familiar users. This is a
super result of which we're very happy. And yeah, and then probably I already spoke to Maxion, so I will shut me up and I give you back the ball. I don't know if you have any question or if any user has made any question meanwhile. Yes, actually, I had a couple of things I wanted to call
So I noticed you basically incentivize more humans by giving 2500 points to those who wants a couple of passports or say proof of humanity. Tasks I personally have a Bitcoin passport so I was happy to let's say claim my points and I came
not easily manage. Someone running hundreds of bots, each one with a different Gitcoin password because it's actually quite complicated to get to the 20 points, which is a threshold that you set to claim the points. So yeah, you played a bit with incentives to count the civil attacks, and I appreciate that
also because it's a way that doesn't involve KYC or doesn't involve any privacy should put the users. I actually want to point out something related to this, Andre. We got a lot of backlash from users, you know, claiming that 20 points was too high threshold.
and on Geetcoin 15 is suggested number of points. I just want to clear out that this was suggested itself by the Geetcoin team with which we are collaborating and we cannot thank enough really. So just to respond, and I'm happy that you understand
And of course, it's meant to those 20 points are meant of course to make it hard to verify you money. Otherwise, everyone will be able to do it. Yeah, and as you said, you anyway collected a lot of humans who owns one of these three passports. So 20 points is not that high anyway.
I mean, it's not high for a human, right? It's high for a ball. You also mentioned the path a bit of the boyage, you started with the bridges and then I think, you know, so that's the news of the consensus Ziki, EVM chain was out, the first ball to post that was
interested in deploying with the page, but then the campaign went so well that eventually many other projects followed. And I think this is seeing it speak with the D5 week where you have really many partners and the first included that make the linear main look better.
promising looks like it's going to be a really thriving DeFi ecosystem already at day one. Super happy that you're seeing this as well. Yeah, I see the path, you know, like the bridges are the first people start to get interested and then the boilers take over and then the DeFi week is just a
success in terms of how many projects have been deploying in your testnet. And you know since we mentioned it, I mean talking about the mainnet, I would like to ask you and Declan what comes after the voyage campaign. So what is next? I mean everyone is participating to
This is definitely a question for a document than I always think silence. Okay, I'll tell you this one. Yes, it was what's next. Well, we actually just very recently released our last major upgrade to the test net. It was a couple of weeks ago. It was a success.
So we are now on sort of alpha v0.2 and this included just basically getting the architecture to its sort of target state and sort of unlock the path to main net. So that included making sure we had a robust bridge. Obviously the bridge is a super important part of a rollout making sure that's
that's implemented correctly for a bus, it's secure, it's audited. We also introduced a new feature called batch conflation and this is a totally unique and innovative solution out of linear. So what we do is we actually concatenate transactions inside blocks that span
multiple locks into it fills up a batch before posting it to the L1. So it's sort of like a stepping stone to complete prefaggregation, but without getting into too many technical details what it says is it reduces the cost, basically the cost to post this data and transaction state L1, which means cheaper
transactions for users. So we included that as well and we also updated the actual scheme that we used for our outer proof snark. So because whereas EK Rowla, we used zero knowledge, usability proofs, we actually moved to a to a plonk outer snark as part of the upgrade which kind of just sets us up
I see to now have our eyes forward towards a main net launch. So there will be a few minor updates over the next couple of weeks or so as we incorporate feedback from some of the audits and we're extremely fortunate to have consensus
diligence, work really closely with us. They're one of the best auditors in the business and we have them, which is in the same company. So that's amazing. We've got some great feedback from them. So we're going to be incorporating that feedback as well. And also listening to some of the feedback that we've had from the voyages.
So, you know, we've had some great feedback, some good, some bad, but that's the whole process, right? Like we need to listen, we need to learn, we need to work with the community to get everything into a good place. But ultimately, what's been great about the voyages and what we feel like now is that we're in a very good position.
to start thinking about the main net launch. That's really where we're looking now. It's all about just setting up the operations, the processes, making sure that security is a first principle for us and making sure that everyone's fun is safe. That's all we're looking forward to now.
All right, awesome, and thank you for your answer. I mean, it's good to see that you both concern about the tech development as well as the growth and the marketing of linear and
both are of course well for what you guys showed us and can you already say when the main is up in another big question
Not yet, but we'll have more information soon. Once we're 90% sure, because we don't want to, we said that we want to have as a founding principle, that when we say we'll do something, we're going to deliver. We want to be known as a team that actually delivers. And to be honest,
We've gone from POC in six months to an architecture that's pretty much ready to launch the main net, which is something that anything as ecosystem has ever seen. We want to continue that sort of reputation. So once we're 100% sure, or even just a little bit less than 90% sure, then we'll start to announce some more communications for people.
Yeah, I understand that like it's important to start with the right foot and it's important to stick to the data to announce so you know take your time we will be waiting for your announcements but I mean another question that many people are asking is how will your blockchain different from other layers to
solutions. So, you know, there's been an explosion of layer tools in the past months, if not years. And I understand that you plan to facilitate the integration within for structure developed by consensus. But could you please provide more specific details for now, these integrations will affect developers and users as well?
who wants to take it, maybe that client? Yeah, I think a bit of a overview, maybe Emma, you can, if only if there's anything make sure to shut out. So how is the need a different? Because obviously there are other layer two solutions out there, layer two is not a new thing, well, all ups are not a new thing.
So why why another one and I think first of all you have to start From the technology and then you have to think about the broader landscape of what what people actually need like what are users and developers actually need So the first part on the technology, you know, we use zero knowledge So we're different than a optimistic roll up in that sense
I won't do the dirty or optimistic role, I think they know the problems themselves and have their own plans to move to ZK, but obviously Zera knowledge provides you with a much more secure guarantees in terms of not relying on crypto economic trust assumptions and relying on cryptography and math to
to call the network and also just the general capital efficiency of being able to have fast finality. So, you know, ZK, we post proofs nearly instantly, minutes, not days or weeks. But that's great because you just get much quicker, you know, efficiency of capital across the bridge from Ethereum
to linear and the analogy that I often use is like nation states which have sort of fluid capital controls in their financial markets are much better off. So that's the sort of winning argument for ZK. And then in terms of the different ZK role, lots of we are fully EVM compatible.
If people are familiar with Vitalik's text on a me, we are type 2 currently. What that means is we have bytecode compatible. So if you already have a solidity smart contract and you want to port it to linear, you don't need to rewrite anything, you don't need to retool anything, you don't need to reorder anything, it's just zero switching
costs super easy. We actually use the same compiler as a theorem. So we don't even have any weird behavior under the hood. You might use another roll-up like ZK thing. For example, where you saw someone recently have thousands or millions of dollars worth of
because the transfer function didn't work as expected because they don't use the sole seat compiler. So we didn't have any of those problems with linear because we designed it to be completely bi-co-compatible. And then we also actually directly arifatized the EVM. So when you get into the real deep stuff, the Z
many other people, for example, Polygon took some shortcuts by emulating the UVM on like a ZK specialized virtual machine. And we actually decided to direct the EURIFMATIZE, which means you get this sort of hand tuned performance, which you know was
So, you can see some proper benchmarks, but the performances are going to be much more significant from our initial benchmarks. So, that's the kind of difference from the technology. We also have a, we also have spent a lot of time thinking about this. So, people might be quite new to the
idea of linear or even consensus UKVM but we've been working on this problem like since four years ago. You know there wasn't even some of the teams today weren't even around but our indeed department was thinking about how to scale Ethereum back in 2019 and thinking about having a zero knowledge role up that emulates like uses the EVM.
Go on, Emma. Sorry.
So we actually, you know, even eight months ago published some benchmarks for our approval, the public, it would prove 50 million, sorry, 30 million gas units, you know, around four minutes on our CPU as well, so not even using specialized hardware.
This is pretty impressive and the number is improving since then. Later on this year, we have to show the benchmarks of our Prever and it's just super exciting on the technology front. But then the really kind of key part when you think about linear and you kind of alluded to this, Andrea, is the inter-
integration with the rest of the consensus products week. So just in case you point it out on the call, hopefully everyone is, a consensus has been around since like the genesis block of Ethereum, you know, the co-founder of consensus is one of the co-founders of Ethereum, JetLubin, and we have many products to support the ecosystem, Metamask, Info,
your base to take you truffle. So actually being able to work with these teams to create the most opt for developer experience is something that we're deeply working on. So you just sort of give you a little flavor. Our execution client will be base to base to us all
of a battle hard and execution client on Ethereum has been around for years. We'll be able to work with the base for teams to optimize our three-footer execution and solve some of these problems you'll see on Testnet today with high gas prices like they won't be a problem because we have an in-house client team. We have an in-furer which delivers more than half of the transactions
and the whole of crypto to help us sort of have a very reliable and sound infrastructure and then Metamask as well which just provides the largest distribution to end users possible. So if you're a builder and you're wanting to create a new protocol and you're wanting to get access to users to sort of test out your product, iterate, find
product market that then he is going to be able to offer you access to users and other protocol well. And I think that sort of holistic view of both the technology but also the things that are less critical to the actual protocol itself of the overall experiences is what makes linear clearly stand out for
from the other solutions. Maybe Emma. Yeah, you've given a really comprehensive answer, very technical but also very clear. I can't wait to test the product on the mainnet as well.
Yeah, I mean, can you anticipate maybe there will be a direct integration on Metamask? Like is any of these details available to public yet? Because of course Metamask is one of your main products as consensus, right? So I'm curious to know if there will be some sort of integration there that you can already anticipate.
Yeah, this is so the testnet you already have this today just in terms of having the default network drop down. So if you go into a mesomobolo extension you'll see linear testnet already there. I actually think people underestimate the importance of this. So like we see the data and you know nearly like a third of users
instance where they lose money is because a net's work is not in the drop-down menu. That's crazy. Also shows that the UX needs a lot more improvement and account abstraction is coming and I can't say too much there, but down that's exciting for what we're going to be doing there. But also just from a developer's perspective,
amount of users churn from your DAP if the network is not in Metamask. So just from day one, you're going to have that with linear for testnet already, but also it may not. And that's just, honestly, that is just skimming the surface of what we're going to be able to do together. I'll save some excitement for the months
to come, but yeah, definitely multi-comba. Awesome. I would like to move to the next question, maybe analyze the best person to one situation. So with a DFI week, we saw the peak of the interest of the projects to deploy on linear also
because you built it, you made it so easy, so compatible with IBM, so that it's actually easy to migrate or expand to your blockchain. Did you expect such a positive response from the ecosystem and will there be incentives for protocols to deploy on and for users to use linear in the future?
So, great question Andrei. Regarding the five week in general. So, yeah, we are very happy again about what we have been able to put up. And one thing that there is also to notice that we are really happy about is that we are
are letting users test that counter-obstruction for real using FlubyWallet and our friends at Pimlico Paymas. So that's definitely a great way for us. At the moment we're really trying to fill up the whole
space of DeFi that we need from Dexes to money markets, to volatility products, to option markets, etc. So this is something that on the business development side we are really pushing hard because DeFi together with
gaming and social is something that we are use cases that we really believe that you need to set up in order to bootstrap an ecosystem. Secondly, on the grants and possibly
words that are going to happen. So first of all, this is something that is coming together with Mainnet as for testing the only real incentive program that we're running in this quest. So this is a question that I'm really happy to, you know, discuss
just a bit of time. For the moment, let's say that nothing has been set up yet, except for developers and builders in general, to know that they can reach out to us anytime. We are really happy to give out all the support in order to deploy your NINIA.
And from switching to a DAP that might be developed on another EVM chain and port it to Bina, but also DAPs, we're really looking at DAPs that are look to build native Bina. So, I mean, we already have several like, China of communications that anybody can use in order to reach out to us.
us what you're building and let us know the ways we can help you to build this in linear. So I guess this is the most comprehensive answer I could give you under. Yeah and also you know I'm inspired to wait for the main and to have more details about what comes next for the blockchain
really because as of now I mean you're in testing that your main focus is the voyage but I'm also hopeful because the main it I believe from what you say it's quite close for now and you know obviously also on the deep for side your support has been key for us to to have a smooth deployment as well to
participate to the DeFi week. So I can confirm you're actually there when someone asks for help or for some portal to solve some doubts. You know, sticking to the ecosystem side of things, you already mentioned it a bit, but like I would like to know
more directly if linear is mostly D5 focused or if there will be space for protocols dedicated to other fields we have trends such as the such real world asset, NFTs, these are as well what should I take on that either declin or Emma who wants to pick it
Emma, what are you going? I can say anything after. So, I'm sorry, can you just repeat the question? Like it's just about, you know, our thoughts on these use cases or now how do you envision like the linear main that will it be?
Soly, a DeFi ecosystem will there be also space for real what has said, NFTs, these are for example, how these, maybe you are, you know, use case agnostic and you don't have any preference on that. Well, it's something that it's definitely we are.
Like any other EVM chain. We are definitely use case agnostic I mean any type of use case can be deployed on linear and we're really happy to know To take it if it's a valuable partner for us, but again, linear is completely permissionless. So anybody
can deploy anything on Tuninia even without our support. So in general we are really attempting at giving users a great experience. So basically it's this you know council saw from Declan Declan
on response before. So coming from the Metamask ecosystem, one thing that we have seen is really how we can leverage on the fact that Lina is one of the full networks in Metamask. First of all, this is something that is already enhancing user experience as you
users don't need to manually add any network. They can directly use linear in zero seconds, so a zero switching cost for users as well. And we know that in order to give users what they want in a mass market, they say,
Not in a mass market because crypto is not yet in a mass market, but in a market that is already large for retail users, we need to give them all the use, pretty much all the type of use cases. So everything will be up on linear and in our explore section, in our
website you can already check everything that is already up and running on linear. Regarding the use cases that me personally I believe that you know we should really target it is defy gaming and social as I was telling you before.
All right, thanks, you're deck, and you want us about something? Yeah, I think like Emma's writing it, such a permission as protocol that enables many new use cases like one error down to just like one area. I think we do have, you know, I do believe personally that DeFi is almost like a foundational building block.
for many other use cases, sort of like composed ability of blockchain is one of the amazing things that we have and you know, some embeddedness for DeFi to then be used by, for example, like gaming is just so interesting to me. And I think we've seen so many great DeFi products and protocols at the beginning
So, we've kind of relied on some high value applications, especially financial ones, and I expect the financial side and the sort of less financial side of the social and gaming to really expand on the
any because you just have this completely different properties that DEPs and developers can exploit to build new use cases. So yeah, really really excited to see lots of use cases, especially DeFi. I do think as a ZK UVM, you know, so we we actually post, you know, transaction data on chain, we
send validity proof, CK proofs, on-chain to verify the computation that's happening on linear. And because we do that, and because it's going to be as secure as Ethereum wants to remove all the training wheels, I think DeFi will especially flourish, because you're going to have a level of security. And if you're realistically thinking about putting your network,
or large institutions are thinking about putting enormous billions of amounts of assets on chain, then they're going to need something that is that secure. So I think linear is just has a really promising value proposition for both T5, but then also these new use cases which have even more scalability and need cheaper block space.
Oh, clearly, I mean, I agree when it's a matter of where you want to deposit your life savings and you should be very careful with your decisions and rely on the protocols, the blockchains that as you figure out trustworthy and I think your history
shows you put it on the on the good premises to be among the successful projects. Before last question I prepared I would invite everyone who's listening to write down a question in the comment of the space. If you have any we will have a small
a little Q&A session in some minutes. You can also request to talk. That's also possible, but perhaps the text question will be preferable. I already see there's one in the space comments. So moving on, you know, a bit of a
related to this topic about the ecosystem and all. What's your opinion on the current state of crypto and defy? And where do you think we're headed as a sector in the coming years and decades, both, you know, defy crypto and linear as well?
who wants to start? I need a crystal ball for this. No, just kidding, but it's... So what's the current state of crypto? I can give you my honest experience by
by looking at this question, having to do with lots of users. So even though the community is a bit drugged by airdrop farmers, I really saw a huge amount of real user
testing out things and this has been very promising for me especially given that since when this kind of bear market started in 2021, US in a decreasing builders and a lot
of dead projects. So, you know, for us this becomes even more real, you know, to see people actually building to go at Hakatons and get a lot of submissions on linear. So, it gives us also some hope because, you know,
So, being in crypto, you see a lot of players that just come up for a bit and then disappear. I mean, you have seen it with the ICO Booms, you have seen it with the NFT craze, etc. But we are really accompanied that is here to stay.
much it takes since we are a bit part of the Metamaskaku system as well. So it's really great to see a lot of people that are fully committed and with the same mentality, let's say, at this point. And I'm just talking from my point of view for the rest. I mean, let's wait to see what
the market and the next bull run so it tells us. Yeah, I clearly don't know one can see the future but you say that you start on the right premises and that you have all the willingness to do well in the company. Yes, Declan, what's your take? Yeah, it's always hard to
but I think you just have to focus on the fundamentals and also zoom out a bit. Any naysayer of what we were trying to achieve of our vision is just too zoomed in on the current challenges and hurdles without understanding that we have a clear path to overcome them. So just in terms of the infrastructure, like we're still working on
scalability, right? We identified this problem many years ago, we're finally coming out of solutions like linear that actually saw this problem. But you know, that's not the end to kind of unlock the whole vision and all of the use cases that's really going to help us create this sort of like power of communities, which is going to have people able to own their data and their
identity, just be more self-solving in this world. So I really think it's all about building the infrastructure and then the use cases will sort of be unlocked. So scalability first, user experience is being tackled now with things like account abstraction and I'm very excited for all of the things that that's going to unlock especially with
zero knowledge taking over the world to unlock privacy as well. I think once you start to solve these fundamental primitives, we'll see a lot more use cases. I'm thinking very optimistic, even in the bear market, it really doesn't feel too much like a bear market in terms of the optimism.
I would say, and it's always a fun time to build. My sort of like, I guess, not controversial, but hot take is actually a big use case of crypto and of the sort of decentralized coordination platform is actually
You know eventually for the enterprises especially like business process automation is going to be sort of unglomerate like huge improvement upon the world we have today. So like you think of all the different parties around the world that communicate just think of like logistics how you get like a computer to a desk from many different manufacturers.
and suppliers around the world. Like all of that will be automated away and have huge, huge improvements in productivity and that's going to happen. That's all we're going to be on chain at some point when we saw these fundamental problems. So yeah, very, very exciting. It's just beginning of the technology adoption cycle and people need to be a bit patient and zoom out.
Yeah, I mean, if you see how the space evolved since 2020, or if you take the last couple of years and it's difficult to overestimate the progress that we can do as a DFI, I can talk about D4s in the coming years, there's a lot of fields.
They need to be explored as a lot of need from people around the world that the public blockchains and the decentralized application can solve. So let's get to it. I saw a couple of questions. I'm just going to ask you one to be mindful of your time as well.
What does the name linear come from and when was the chain conceived and why so I think linear is an Italian word as me and Emma Am I need I need you to confirm it's actually Italian and not taking from another language maybe nothing I'm for you it's
It's not Italian, I mean, it's an Italian word actually. So it's Italian as well. We didn't make the distinction really, but I think it comes from Latin, England. Yeah, that's right. It's Latin for the line. Yeah, yeah, like in Italy. Yeah, like in Italy.
I think it was really fun to see when we announced the new name, previously it was consensus UK, because we were just in a POC stage trying to figure out if this is a solution that people needed and wanted and then when we validated that we said, "OK, well,
This is going to be a public good. It shouldn't really be a consensus, CKVM name. And then we sort of came up with the name, the name Linear and actually the sort of background behind that was this idea and it's been an idea of consensus for a very long time that was sort of connecting, you know, Ethereum's past and present in like straight
line to its potential in future. So this is what Linia is all about. It's about taking the success of Ethereum, proof of state, the merge, then combining that with this cutting edge of only what's becoming possible now in crypto and Web3, this sort of scalable block space, this account abstraction. So that's why we sort of settled on Linia, which is sort of Latin for line as
is a way to help us really just memorialize that idea. Thank you. Obviously I'm familiar with the word "Linea" but I didn't know the message behind it. We are almost done. I would just like to say
I hope this AMA was useful for the first community because the vote for deploying on linear maintenance will be coming as soon as you guys will announce the exact date of the maintenance and all. So once that proposal, hopefully we will
will be voted for. Then we will move on with the deployment and we are super excited to start our journey there. We are blockchain agnostic but we feel like linear is one of the places to be 100%. So thank you guys for being here. I appreciate it.
the time you were dedicated to us and we will surely stay in touch for the coming weeks. I think you will keep being pretty busy even after the voyage and I wish you all a really successful maintenance. Thank you, Andrew. Thank you so much. Appreciate it.
And to everyone, see you at its CC to all the developers, come to our events, build a linear build, use de-force and let's push all the protocols. - Thank you, Emma. All right, pleasure to be here. Bye, guys. - Bye. - Bye, bye.