Recorded: May 24, 2023 Duration: 0:50:19



Okay, hello everyone. So as you guys know, we have an Amy today and since the space has just started, let us wait for more community members to start in the space. And yeah, I hope everyone is having a great day.
Also thank you for my slides. Quick sun check everything got alright? Yes we can hear you loud and clear Mr. Look minutes. Okay thank you. Okay so we will be starting in a few minutes.
We were just waiting for some community members so they won't miss anything on the AEMIS. Is that good for you? Yes, sure. No worries. Okay. Thank you so much.
Okay guys so as we're waiting I would just like to remind everyone to please follow the rules for this A-MAY because later on Everyone can have the chance to win a part of the reward pool the $100 USDT reward pool to be given away
in regards for this AMA and the rules are posted on the Telegram Community Group of ours so you guys have to join OC SWAP Telegram Group and Discord server and also give OC SWAP a follow here on Twitter and if you guys
are here in the space you guys can see OC's Wops official Twitter page as a speaker right now so just click on the icon and press follow and yeah I hope you guys can also prepare your best questions for later for the live segment thank you so much everyone
Okay, so I'm sure look as I think there's roughly a hundred I think above 100 people on the space already so Do you think we should start the aim? Yeah, sure. Let's go Okay, so let me just formally introduce a
So hello, once again everyone, welcome to CryptoTalks community and today we are again back with another amazing project and this time we have Oceiswap and with us is Mr. Lucas, he is the co-founder of Oceiswap.
founder of Ossiswap and he will be the one to introduce Ossiswap with us today and he will be answering some questions from us later on. So let's give him our warmest welcome. Hello Mr. Lucas. Hello, thank you so much for having us very appreciated.
Okay, so our first starters maybe we can Get an introduction about yourself and maybe the team as well like what experiences does the team have? Yeah, sure. I'm one of the four co-founders of Aussie Swap so to myself
I'm into crypto since 2016. Ford and my experience in IT sales and also as an online marketer. So it's also my core function in the core founder or in our team is marketing social media. So we have also other great team members.
more experience in developing, for instance, or the overall design and vision and those aspects as well. Yeah, and so like I said already since 2016, first more general interest onto the crypto sphere afterwards as I just as I
I got introduced into Redix two years ago. It was really such a special layer one that caught all my attention and that even I decided to start a decentralized protocol together with Mark Florian and Chris
Thank you so much for the quick introduction about yourself, Mr. Lucas. I believe the team has really experienced as an individual, of course. And I think Aussie Swap is a really amazing output of you guys.
Okay, so with regards to that, you guys have already introduced yourself. So maybe now we can learn more about what you guys are building. So can you give us a brief overview regarding what OC swap is all about? Absolutely. So we started with the project already November 21.
already out for quite some time. The beginning, we decided to build a community with OC token and a drop events and stuff like that. Then we had the opportunity already launched with an MVP prototype of OC swap. We called it Cdex. So it's like an
pre-smart contract exchanged already life since last year in August. So we already gathered the first experience how to build and operate and stuff like that. And also sort of kickstarted so we are now preparing the real decentralized
exchange with the upcoming Babylon launch for the Redix layer one itself. So it's like in end of July. So just 68 days to go and then we are ready with our real decentralized exchange. Are we looking forward to that?
That is really wonderful, plus you dropped one big spoiler for us, so we will be getting to know more about that later on. Okay, so next question I have for you, Mr. Lucas, is what do you think are the advantages that O.C. Swap has by having it built under
radix network against any other decentralized exchanges that are existing on the space. Yes, sure. So the major benefits of the Redix layer one itself, it knows what assets are natively. So tokens and fts are native to the ledger. So it's not like something
you have to create a standard like a ESC standard phone on the EVM for instance so that makes it way way more predictable and easy to build smart contract and also for the users I think will be sleek your iUX so it will be hopefully on a whole
and other level also direct steam itself decided to be mobile first I guess it's so important for the future so people are coming from web 2 are already used to use their mobile phone all day long right and so it's so important to that people have a frictionless way to get on board it with a mobile
solution and also to be ready to be ready in just two clicks and already are able to use our decentralized exchange. So there's one of the benefits why we decided to launch on Redix. So in general we are sort of like a unit swap with free with concentrated liquidity
Also, we see as ourselves as the front page of Redix. So that means that people have a CoinMarketCap like overview about all listed tokens, RayxBase tokens. So with the first glance overview, what are those tokens about and also an
easy way to exchange the trade and also provide liquidity. So that's what we're looking forward to. Also, everything ready very soon, just like I said, 68 days to wait. Okay, so that is ECS that just to click plus it is mobile first. So I'm trimming it
It would be open for everyone to access. That is really amazing. Absolutely. So it's a free-for Apple and also Android devices. And even in an aspect of an easy onboarding, it's like there's not even a sit-phrase you have to write down. So it's like two clicks, the wallet and
already ready to go. And then at the time you really use this wallet for the first time, the wallet will introduce you with so-called multifactor authentication. So in the case you're losing your mobile phone, you can easily back up your wallet on another smartphone with your setup to factors. It could be for instance
UBK or your family members, stuff like that. So, we are abstracting away the seed phrase, for instance. It's also kind of a big hurdle, I think, in trick to in general. So, that we have a way more seamless way to get started right away and to get rid of the seed phrase.
that is really impressive. Thank you so much for that, Mr. Lucas. Okay, so you've mentioned a bit about the security, about the authentication and something about just earlier, right? So the next question will be pertaining to security, since you've mentioned a bit of
about it. So we all know how risky taxes are, you know. So in terms of security, maybe we can now talk more about the perspective of the users like more like the security of their assets and overall security like how should users feel confident about
about their assets and security on OC SWAP? That's a really good question. So we even have it in our headline. It's like to trade, allow all our people or our users to trade with confidence. So this core aspect of security is very, very important for us and also for the Redics
the latch itself. So that's also the reason why the redics is built from scratch. So everything, so the consensus is not a blockchain. Also the application layer is not an EVM, so everything is built from scratch with 10 years research developing to mitigate all those problems we see on our layer ones, like the
the big risk of hexane exploits and smart contracts and also in bridges and stuff like that. So like I said earlier, this asset oriented approach mitigates a lot of pitfalls. For instance, we can program the same core logic like a uniswap on Ethereum is like a 7.
700 lines of codes, for instance. So we are able to do the same in 200 lines of code. So less lines of codes also means, yeah, we cannot do so much things wrong, right? Also for auditors, this way more, it's straightforward to understand the code, to audit it, and to understand it.
So in the end we hope so and also we see it already and then the RC net and the beta net that it's way more straightforward and also we're really looking forward the main net launch upcoming in end of July that people are also see it and also the real-life test environment
we see that there's a way less things going wrong like on other layer ones. So that's also what I'm really looking forward to. That is really amazing. Thank you so much for that. I think that really gave an assurance for everyone who are planning to jump in on OC swap with
from the community with us today. Okay, so for the last question I have for you, Mr. Lucas. This is just for introduction of course. There will be lots of questions flooding in later on. So you, aside from the 68th phase, I mean the big update upcoming
on 68 days, the big thing. What other updates are there to look forward to in OC swap for the remaining quarters of 2023? Yes, like I said, so the way most important part is obviously when you're starting with the DEX and we're looking forward to more
So, like, more, more minor steps afterwards to add even more functionality on top of it. So, we'll see how far we will be at the time of launch. So, we are absolutely ready of end of July with our core DAX AMM functionality and also the planned upcoming
utility design I can also maybe introduce something of that later on as well with some upcoming questions and so we're ready with that end of July and then obviously we see how it goes and if the redics network is really starting
to shine more depth are joining more projects are approaching. So we're looking forward to also maybe find more people, more partnerships, other projects to combine with our services. So like we are already having partnership with Impala for instance for the launchpad functionality like built in with our
our liquidity pools later on and also the partnership with her MIS protocol, so you can just sign up with notifications onto your mobile phone with one click as well. So also looking forward to have more those types of really beneficial partnerships in the future.
Thank you so much again Mr. Lucas for the wonderful introduction about Ose Swap and for everyone please guys to keep updated on the future updates of coming for Ose Swap. I've compiled every links of Ose Swap that they have for you guys it is all complete.
filed an hour telegram community chat. Please go on and access it there, check it out. Join their communities and visit their website because it is worth this shot. I promise you guys. And yes, I think that is for the first part of our AME. So,
Mr. Lucas, I have managed to pick. We have managed to pick a few questions left on the Twitter announcement. So are you ready to answer some best questions that we chose? Yes, sure. Let's see. Okay, so let's rock in the full one.
Okay, this is really an amazing question that I think it is really relevant. So the first question is, "Bobuloni's coming soon." So some spoilers about the new version of OC swap with regards to the functionality and usability. It just makes
issue everyone is on the same page. So Babylon is the name for the upcoming milestone with the smart contracts end of July. So yeah, some spoilers. What I mentioned earlier, so our token utility, we want to announce it in the next couple of weeks. So it's like in, yeah, it's really own,
system we created. So it's not really like curve for instance, but yeah, way different. So in the sense that we are want our people to enable to our liquidity providers, we have them sorry. So we have an opportunity that
liquidity providers can have a long-term sustainability with our built-in tokenomics. So typically if you have a normal token, I'm sorry, a bit squared something. So... - It's right, it's right, it's low-press.
One second. So with the typical liquidity mining programs, you have the problem that you are receiving, for instance, OC token every week or whatever, and typically liquidity providers are selling those tokens in rewards. So that's not really a long-term sustainable model, especially
Also for the model itself for the token, so we wanted to enable a design that the liquidity providers are incentivized, but also to keep incentivized, to keep in the system and also to provide even more liquidity over time, also haven't built in system that people are voting for
tools. So like I mentioned earlier, that's the we want to like, we like a decentralized coin market cap. So an overview about all these tokens. And also to give the decentralized thought to people that they can say this tokens are more trustworthy than that. So then we also
showing more trustworthy tokens on page 1 for instance, but in a decentralized way. So also to use this token utility not just to incentivize liquidity in a long term sustainable way, also to enable this token voting mechanism as well.
So we're looking forward to that. How this will win. And yeah, that's some first spoilers in Jesus in that regard. Yeah, I guess that's that's something. Yeah, guys, thank you so much. It's really just where the spoilers really appreciate that exclusive views we've got there. Thank
Thank you so much. Okay, so let's move on to the next question. So this is a good question as well. So the second question is, will OCs WAP PMB DEX only or are the OCs WAP team be developing more products in the future which might be better?
beneficial to OCI token holders. So, I mentioned earlier, for instance, partnerships are a really important aspect for us within Pala with LaunchPets and notification services and stuff like that. So, not to try to do it all in our team to just combine the best
projects from other teams as well. So what they are doing best to just also implement them overall, OCverse, you could say it like that, right? And yeah, also this token utility enables this aspect of a long-term
sustainable way. I guess that will be kind of cool and also unique way. So for instance, Uniswap doesn't really have something like that in general. Also other typical decentralized exchange lacking, these types of long-term sustainable liquidity
also in a decentralized way so that everyone can vote for fees for instance, even each of our pools are completely up to the users itself. So to have a less
involvement of our OCT team in general as possible. That's also a vision of us that we are like just providing the initial setup but in the end our governance, our OCT community is enabled to move forward with all those ideas in general. That's very important aspect as well.
Okay, thank you so much for clarifying that for our community members. Okay, so the next question is I think it is oddly interesting. So I'm really looking forward to the answer to this question. So the question is what happened
the 130 cards. I checked the questions earlier so that it has to be from entry, right? He's one of the very long-term community members and he's been in the very early days when we started our first Etrope campaigns
in November, December 21. And we started with kind of a unique and weird ideas sometimes. And so we had the counting cats at the event at that time. And so the person was able to roll down the correct numbers of cats within that picture.
we posted at the time was the winner for the OC Air Drop. And that was the question what happened to those 132 cats. Yeah, that's a really good question. So maybe we have to do some Easter eggs in the future to cover them one more time just for you and trade.
I think our community will be involved in the next event. That is really amazing. Thank you so much. I think I hope he is listening right now though. Okay, so I guess thank you so much for Mr. Lucas and now
So we can move forward to the last question that we chose. So the question is how do you measure the success of your marketing efforts and what metrics do you use to evaluate the effectiveness of your campaign? That's a really interesting question. So in the beginning,
Like every startup, it's like just go and look what what sticks, right? What what what works or what not and just move on and continue with all all these things that works in the end. So that was like in the beginning our our strategy, but in the meantime we had the opportunity
also to be part of the first straight-by-scratch program. It was a really big opportunity for us. And also within that program we learned a lot of stuff like the way combinator topics. And that helped us a lot to also be more straightforward or to have more things set
and a clear fashion, also the marketing efforts for instance. So we have some some core values or some core metrics now we track as well for our current prototype exchange also to to crow with our stats each week, week by week also try to
have some ideas how to give up more and obviously we're looking forward to the real decks and have way way way more marketing campaigns upcoming with that launch also in preparation I guess so we are known 68 days to go I guess it makes sense to do some
account on events and preparation like maybe two weeks before 40 days to go and so each day we could do some fun campaigns so make people that are really looking forward to this big launch for everyone not just for Osiswap for every single project launching on red
So it's like a long journey for all of us already and we cannot rate any more and I guess it makes sense to really celebrate this date also in preparation with some marketing campaigns. Yeah, so that's also something we have in mind in general.
And yeah, how to evaluate I guess So we have some tools to track certain Statistics of course and also we know approaching some new partnership with the many and they have a really cool tool that's not really
life yet, but it's like to engage long-term community members to do some high quality content for all this work in general and to incentivize those types of activities. And I think this could be really an effective way to do
Also long term, yeah, crow more awareness for all C-Swap in general. Also for for redics, it's very important to make this layer one itself more well known for us. Yeah, so we have a lot of things in mind and not already done in the past and also want to continue with a lot of things and
do some things also differently like we did in the past so we learned some some some some lessons as well. Okay thank you so much once again Mr. Lucas for answering some questions that we have chose from Twitter but the questions don't stop there actually.
I hope you're ready to take on some. Okay, so for the last segment, actually we will be an meeting live audience here. So they will get to ask their questions directly to you on this live
So I hope you're good with that. Okay, so before we proceed to that, actually, let me remind the community to please just follow the rules for the AMA to avoid this qualification. So the rules are all posted on our
telegram community chat to which it pertains to the joining of OC SWAP's telegram group and also their Discord server plus giving them a follow here on Twitter as well so that will be the rules to follow so please just do it right now while I'm speaking here.
And yeah, let's unmute the first one. We have a lot of people here who are actually requesting for the microphone. So we will unmute random people. Let's hear first from
What's the Avalona? Okay, so let's hear from Avalona.
Hello Ava, are you there already?
You can go on and ask your question now.
Hello, Eva.
I don't think she's here. She needs to unmute maybe first. Oh, he is here.
Hello, Avaluna. Would you please unmute for the question? Or maybe I am muted her and she doesn't have a question. Okay, so let's try to pick another one.
from the crowd because there are a lot of priests or priest hands. Let's hear from Panda. I've been seeing Panda a lot from the past, better spaces. So I think he's a really amazing community member. So let's hear from him.
Hello, Panda.
Hello Panda
I think his audio is trying to put it in. Hello, I am here. Hello. Yes, you can go on. All right. Thank you very much for the opportunity. My question. I also don't know. I believe we are on decks with those popping. So I also don't like what are some of your unique features that stand out in terms of competing
So we think with your competitors out there. Yeah, so I mentioned earlier, so we approached the units for free, the concentrated liquidity approach in general, so that enables people to provide liquidity in a way smaller bins. So this is like
Yeah, to enable more, concentrate liquidity also means, yeah, it's, you don't need so much liquidity in the same space, like in the B2 style, if you have the full range, so it can be way more, yeah.
I don't get it where I want to say it in German. I cannot speak in German here. Sorry. Yeah. So, and other things are also combined with the mentioned token utility. So, have on LEGO
the OCverse model in mind, so to also attract more liquidity in the long term sustainable way, with over 60% we are for our tokenomics just for liquidity rewards in mind also, yeah, to look forward at least for five
10 years in the future. So I guess it will be also kind of cool to have everything on one place, not like we may see them in Ethereum with Uniswap and Kerf, it's like an addition to vendors. So we'd like to combine a lot of things in general on one set.
Oh, that's awesome. Thank you very much for sharing the official.
Thank you so much, Panda. I hope your question gets answered. Okay, so let's pick another one. We have Louwe.
Yes, I think. That's the new username that he wants to sleep. So I hope he's not asleep though to ask his question. Hello, Lewis.
Okay, I think the better it is. Hello? Yes, go on.
Yes we can.
I was reading some of your docs documents. I found out that while it is currently available on the screen on the OCE bot, there are plans to expand its functionality even further in the future. So I would like to know what plans you
have lined up so it can be pushed forward across other networks I guess I don't know thank you yeah thank you Luis for this quick question so
We started with the Aussie Board a couple of months ago. First, just a telegram that was at Discord. In general, we want to provide a board of questions and answers for people in general for the Redics and Aussie's for communities. So it's like also to have a quick support
in general, not just to wait for responses in our chats. I also want to implement this Aussie bot on our front end, our website, later after the DEX launch. So there's an even easier approach. So you can simply
Put in your question in the chat box interface on our website so that what we want to enable as well in the future but allow even more than that's a good question. So first and foremost we are exclusively launching for the redics ecosystem so many
Maybe I'm not sure if we want to do more later or once in the future. So I guess we could also add more than but it's not really our long-term vision at the moment. Okay, thank you very much for your answer. Thank you for a question. Okay, thank you so much.
that's a really wonderful question and thank you so much for having the effort to go through their docs. That's really amazing. Okay, so I've been muted next is Zed so you can go ahead now and ask your question.
Hello sir and hello crypto talks community. Thank you for this opportunity to ask a question. So my question is we all know how partnership are one of the vitals of a project as it's health on the stability and sustainability of
the code of a project. So as of now, can you name some partners or how important are they on OssieSwap and are there any future partnerships that the community shall expect soon?
Yeah sure, a lot of moving parts are just waiting to be enabled with our smart contract launch end of July and a lot of things are kind of dependent on that for future partnerships and things we have in mind.
So just stay in touch with us and now announce some channels on Telegram Discord Twitter. So we won't miss anything in the future. So like I said earlier, we already have announced several partnerships, especially within the Redix ecosystem at the moment.
and the film palar and the reddix ecosystem, that's another project and also in Hermes protocol, right? And also, yeah, already in touch with a lot of other great projects.
projects and some things that kind of soon to announce or to be announced especially after the deck launch. So it's really close now just two months. So just stay around and we won't miss a thing.
Okay, so the house is already sent the links in Telegram, right? Thank you, host for the link. Thank you. And thank you sir for that very detailed answer.
Okay, thank you so much, Dad and for the next one. I've been needed you learn. All right, good day, good day, Captain. I think for this wonderful opportunity. So my question is, I'm most confused. These are very wonderful. I've known so far. So my question was, I'll be guiding your security measures. I don't know what security measures
have implemented to save God users during swaps. I use as keys, access, why swapping on Okis Swap and also what is the challenge of fee and the maximum sleep rate that can occur why swapping on Okis Swap. Thank you. Thank you. It's a hard time to understand the first question.
second question were related to slippage. So I start with slippage in general. You can set the slippage or widget also after the smart contract launch and the kind of crew feature is that you even have a predictable outcome. So you don't
have something like spline signing on Ethereum. So at the time you want to sign your transaction, you see a human readable manifest and there's even a predictable outcome that means so when you have an all-or-nothing guarantee so you're saying we have maximum 2% slippage in the
case it will be more, it will fail the transaction but you don't have to pay guess for it for instance so I don't have these issues like on a few in that regard and also so like I said either you have the predicted outcome or it fails completely without paying guess so it's like kind of
could need need way to go forward. So it's also one of the unique functionalities of the redics layer one itself. But your first question sorry maybe you can repeat it. Yeah I was asking what's the key to measures have been implemented to save God user phones, why swapping and also if you
keys assist wise to up in all keys. So which safeguards we have in place for us as well? Yes, yes, yes exactly. So at the moment we have a prototype that was well tested before we launched it July last year and since then there was not
everything went where we well and smoothly since to this day when we're ready with smart contracts is also with now six developers in our team and they are we we heavily focus sets down building a great smart contract and also already in touch with several audit firms
They will have a second look into our smart contracts before we are deploying it end of July. So I think we do all we can in this early stage to make it as secure as possible. Of course we see, but we are really heavily focused at every
everything will be great one day one already. Thank you for this wonderful answer. Thank you, Kathleen. I wish you all the best. Thank you. Okay, thank you so much, Elon. And for the next one, I think we're coming to the last
user. Let's hear from Justin. Yeah, hello, am I already well? Hello, Justin. Yes, you are going. Yeah, okay. So my question is, what are the significant different advantages about the other platform
what are the plans to ensure surface and liquidity on the exchange? So in general, we're just starting with a whole new ecosystem, whole new layer one. So it's not even like Arbitrum, they are kind of stick to the Ethereum ecosystem, something like that. So really starting something completely new for scratch.
So that's definitely an opportunity but also you have to do more going along the mile. So like I said earlier we have plans with our token utilities designed in general to attract more liquidity in a long term sustainable fashion but also with more money.
marketing campaigns really starting to shine and to roll after the smart conflict launch end of July. So that reddix itself will be well, well, well, better known as at the moment. So it's the kinder under the radar for most people. So I think that's also the biggest reason is that there's no
program ability at the moment so there is no smart contract so cannot really do much with the minute at the moment so that's not really attracting a lot of users or eyes at the moment but I guess it will change very soon, very quick after the smart contracts are live because you
but also developers have a first-hand view and we'll see how much difference and hopefully also better that the design will be for all sides. Not just users also developers are thinking, wow, this is so easy to build a safe smart contract
Also, way quicker time to market, for instance, and stuff like that. So it will also attract a lot more developers building trade steps that will also attract more users because each of those projects will also do steering marketing campaigns and awareness campaigns. So hopefully that will be like
like a Kickstarter event for the whole ecosystem. So it's like very soon, everyone hopefully will know about FedEx who are more interested or more into the crypto scene in general. Yeah.
Hello, Justin, are you still there? Yeah, yeah, thank you. Thank you. Okay, thank you so much, Justin. Okay, so there's still some people who are still requesting for the microphone, but unfortunately
Finally, we are only allowed to unmute 5 people, but for any questions, please proceed to the telegram group of Oseaswap. Or even the discredcer, we are saying they are really open for questions. Just drop any questions in there and hopefully the admins will
to answer you guys from there. And yes, I think we have come to the end of our last segment, Mr. Lucas. And again, I thank you for, you know, taking the time to answer some questions and doubts from the community. It's really a pleasure to have you on board and
Actually, Mr. Lucas, for the last closing remark, are there still any other things you would like to leave the community before we officially end the AMA? Yes, sure. Like I said, we would join our community. It's now the
the opportunity to get involved so close to the biggest launch. Since we started, like I said already in November 21, but now is really the time. Everything really comes into fruition. Everything really starts to kick off. Although the overall market certainly
It was kind of down at the moment, but it was at the same time the best time to build, to get ready. It was a lot less distraction. When markets are hyped and everyone is going crazy, it's the worst time to actually build because you are distracted all the time.
Kind of appreciate also that we had this market sentiment last couple of months or even years now because we are heavily focused headstone just building, create tech, also to enable future tech that will push D5 app pre in general to the next
level. That's what we are aiming for as Redix also as OCCWOP to enable way better platforms and technology that we are used to at the moment. And it was kind of the best time now to get everything rolling. And so just join our community telegram discord wherever you want.
and so we are close to the launch and you are about to miss the fun when we are starting end of July. Thank you so much Mr Lucas, you are really amazing and I really love how you answered our questions, brief and concise and yeah we
Thank you for your time on behalf of the CryptoTalks community. Again, we thank you with all of our hearts for attending this AMA and introducing OasisWap to us. I think you guys are really building something great on this space despite the, you know, how
how damage the image of taxes are on this space. And it's really amazing how you guys are really coming up with this idea, implementing it on the market and just doing the best the few guys have. And yeah, it's really amazing that there's still a
that it's existing as amazing as you guys are today. Yeah, thank you so much. Yeah, I think that's the power session. You are a really amazing speaker in Australia, thank you so much. It's good as I can before I long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long#
for having us look forward to future AMS cases as well. Yeah, I hope you can keep updated on future updates. Don't forget our community. Oh, of course. Yeah. Thank you so much. Bye. Okay, thank you so much for looking us. Have a great day. Bye.
Alright everyone, so that's the end of our session for OCSwap. I hope you guys really learned a lot from this informative AIMA. Again, thank you for your participation and questions. Thank you for your effort to do research regarding this project. So yeah, I hope you guys can just
I can meet you guys on the OC Swap Telegram group or even their discord anywhere guys I'll meet you there and yeah, thank you so much guys have a great day ahead and I'll see you guys on more future AMAs ahead Have a good one guys. Bye