AMA with Polygon – on L-2 scaling, cross-chain compatibility and more

Recorded: Oct. 12, 2022 Duration: 0:53:01



Hi folks, welcome to this, this week's AMA.
I'd be here with St. Kep from Polygon as if you've been tuning in previously in previous weeks. This is an ongoing series that we've been running here at My name is John and I'm one of the partners on the Capital Fund.
And I've been hosting most of these weekly conversations, which we are running in conjunction with a load of research reports that we've been publishing, which you can find at on layer1s and layer2s.
Okay, we'll just wait a little bit longer. Sam, can you hear me? Are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you,#
I think you are mute. Do you want to just say say hi quickly? Hi guys, thanks John. It's working, excellent. Last week we had a slight technical problem but glad to hear that you are here and on the line. Whereabouts are you calling in from?
Today I am calling in from India right now Nice nice says just I guess early afternoon on your time. Yes. Yes Awesome. Awesome. Okay. We'll just give it a little bit longer and then we can we can get started I think
So you just look again a quick plug for the research that we've been doing at So you can get a and there's weekly papers that we've been publishing. But in particular, this series is based around the layer one
research paper which I think was end of August, early September. So if you scroll back a bit on the site you can find a very deep and detailed report that the team did on May 1st. And as I say in conjunction with that we hosted a
I think this is down number five, number six AMAs that we've been doing with important people at very prominent companies in the LA one and La Too Space. So as I mentioned this week, St. Cath from St. Cath's head of strategy at Polygon, he's very kind of given
has time to explain a little bit more about what's going on and yeah I'm very excited to get into this. So as I'm sure folks are very well aware, Polygon is very prominent, layer 2 scaling solution out there. We're going to get into the details very soon.
Thank you so much, Raishel. Thank you so much all for joining. I am Sanket. I lead the strategy team at polygon.
strategies more of a horizontal like in the organization where I think I kind of over end up overseeing some of the parts of business strategy product strategy some of our new ZK stuff and yeah kind of in that zone I think
I get involved in some of the key initiatives like I can kind of delve deeper into some of those as we go and through the call but yeah from conceptualization to implementation. So that's kind of what I end up doing and spend a lot of time with founders and just brainstorming on what's next for Polygon.
Awesome, awesome. Okay, so thanks for the for the color and the background and what you're doing as you said. I think we'll get into more detail as we go. We've got a bunch of questions that we prepared on our side. They were at Krutler column. And if we were to take in some requests from the audience.
the community that we have out there. So, okay, let's start with the first and I think there's a question that we've asked on previous panels because I think it's quite relevant to what's going on, particularly on the layer 2 space. Ethereum obviously recently had a very big upgrade. My plan is
that post-merge and once the key upgrades are completed, the Ethereum chain will be able to process 100,000 transactions per second. And as we know, gas prices, we're already seeing that they're much lower than they were previously. So there's a lot of work that's going on
to make the Ethereum chain one more scalable and also I guess more sort of user friendly in terms of the fees that people are paying to use it. These obviously areas where layer two solutions like polygon have you sort of a major name right by giving
more more scalable more scalability to projects that are building on Ethereum obviously with Sanca with it with Ethereum being able to to produce more truck transactions and to and to a lot of the gas fees. What is where does that leave polygon because those are obviously problems that you're
like you're trying to fix. So just kind of curious what you know in a sort of post merge, if they're well, like where do you see the value that polygon can bring? Sure, thanks, thanks so much John, I think for the question. I think there are a lot of things for me to unpack. So I think let me