AMA with @TheUnioverse 🎮

Recorded: Jan. 9, 2023 Duration: 1:12:30



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All right, all right. Hello everyone. How's everyone doing today? This morning this evening GM to everyone just waking up on the other side of the
world over here in Asia. It's about 10 p.m. So we're actually wrapping up the day on this side, but really excited to be here today. My name is Justin. For those of you that don't know me, I'm the head of community at Ancient 8. I have my personal profile up here on the stage. But yeah,
I am really excited today guys. We have some really special guests and a really exciting space. We have a really exciting game that we're going to be chatting with today, the Uni Overse. And really looking forward to you guys getting to know a lot more about the team and a lot more about the project.
So thank you guys for being here with us today. I do also want to mention that today's event is actually being hosted on link three as well. So if you're a participant today in the space, you will have the opportunity to mint a West from the link three platform, which the event is
being hosted on. So please do make sure to do that at the end of the event if you'd like to get the West for today's space. Alright so just some quick house rules before we get things started just to make sure this space runs smoothly. If you guys have any questions and you'd like to request to join as a speaker please do
wait until you're called upon to ask your question or to share your statement if you have one. Please do respond in a timely manner as well if you can just so that we can keep things flowing smoothly and because today space is an AMA space we won't be expecting anyone up as a speaker
until we've reached the Q&A portion of the chat. So we thank you guys in advance for understanding and we hope you enjoyed today's AMA. So without further ado, I'd like to introduce our special guests of the evening. First we have Mr. Tony, the CEO at Random Games. We have Mr. Weef, the
CTO at random games and we also have mr. Grant who is joining us from the business development team at Uni overse So if you guys would have mined giving a short introduction about yourselves maybe starting with Tony and and followed by we did be great to hear from you guys Hey, this is Tony and
And weath is pronounced "Yeth" just so you have that. Oh right, I appreciate that. I'm not a college student, but... No worries, I said. I kinda like Weath though. But my name's Tony Harmon. I've been building games for a lot of years. I was director of development for Nintendo
America for about a decade. I've tried to always be involved with pretty revolutionary games like Donkey Kong Country, the first pre-rendered graphic game, Killer Instinct, Star Fox, the first polygonal console game that that was a hit. When I left
Nintendo I partnered up with Dave Jones and did a game called Grand Theft Auto and was involved with the first couple versions of Grand Theft Auto before we created a studio that did a game called Crackdown in APB. So I've been building games for a while. I tried just to really focus on the end of
I think the Univ. is one of the most innovative projects I've ever worked on. I'll pass it off to Wyatt. Hey guys, happy to be here. As Tony said, I'm the CTO of random games and I've been in game development for probably 20, 25 years or so.
on the technical and design side. I've spent most of my career working with major franchises and well, I've been trying to find a way to work with Tony, both through Boulder and have been really going to work with each other. And we started tracking NFTs and seeing the
Web 3 revolution and really saw an opportunity to kind of change the game development ecosystem and so probably about a year, year and a half ago we came up with the idea for the universe and jumped all in and yeah I'm really excited to tell you guys about it. It is more
than just a game. It is a lot of games, but it's also a vision for how we're going to revolutionize the relationship between gamers, game developers, and the franchise. And we have a really unique idea about how this is a community-owned. So this is a franchise we're doing for you, the community. And yeah, look
for answering some questions about it. Thanks. Justin, good morning. You know, I know it's 10 pm over there for you. So very, very grateful for you guys to be doing it at this time. Pleasure to meet you guys. I'm not on my personal account. I usually always float around the Uni Overse account on Twitter spaces, but my name is Grant Hart, first out of university. I am
actually got into Web 3 in 2019. So I feel like I've been there for a long time. I feel like 2019 is like the dinosaur year, you know, even though it's not very long. My first project was actually very fortunate to be working with Rally Forte, which is back by Audreson. I learned a ton on FOV over there and was very fortunate to be able to join Tony, Wyeth, Paul,
and the rest of the team over at Uniiverse. We're very passionate about games, I've been a long-life gamer ever since I can remember when I was a little kid. Being able to work with the minds of Wyatt and Tony has been a dream come true. We've been working really hard on the business development side and this is why I'm so excited to be able to talk on the space and be able to know
and the analysis partnership, one thing that was very exciting to us is when we did partner, you guys do a lot of really unique activations and I'm really excited to talk about that and what that interest of. And so we move forward. How are you, Neover St. James, continuing to work together through months? So very excited to be here and thank you for having us.
Absolutely, absolutely. I really appreciate it, gentlemen. Thank you for sharing more about your backgrounds. I think I probably speak for all of us when I say it's really exciting how much experience your team is bringing to the table right out of the gate. I mean, clearly you guys have the the gamer
backgrounds that a lot of us in the space have been excited for and hoping to see more of. So can't wait for you guys to share a bit more about exactly what you guys have planned and definitely we see a lot of projects come across our table at ANCHAN 8.
And it's definitely you guys have by far one of the most unique projects thus far and I don't even want to call it a project because it's so expansive and there's there's so much going on like you said it's like it's like many projects many games many universes coming together so I like to want
One thing's up with the first question, and it's actually about one of the core statements by your company, which is, you guys are building the future of franchise entertainment. So can you tell us a little bit more about your mission and kind of what this powerful statement means to you guys?
I don't know if Tony and Wyeth want to take that. I think I can take a cry. That would be for Tony. Tony was muted. I can picture Tony like just going off into a mute microphone. Sorry, I was just like talking away. I'm like, hey, I'm muted. Sorry, my phone went to sleep so I didn't see who was muted.
I'll give you a little bit of background and that'll kind of give you an idea of why we're doing this. There's a lot of frustration with Why's Night from the Game industry. We've been involved with this for many years. And the frustration is that the
business economics are just awful for game developers at this point in time. We seem to be making a lot of people rich, but we're not actually fueling and funding the games in the way they should be. And by that, I mean, when you release the game right at the beginning, 30% off the top is taken away and given to
Google given to Apple Store, given to the Steam Store, that doesn't go to the game. That's just transaction fee and instead of being like a credit card at 2.5%, they're going to take 30%. And then you can actually do any significant sales until you work your way up the charts in those stores.
So the only way to really work your way up in the charts is to spend huge amounts of money. And you do user acquisition. So you hire these marketing companies, whether it's Facebook or the variety of ones that exist out there, and you buy ads and you buy users in the cost you two to five dollars per user and you spend at least fifty
percent of your revenue on that. So 30% to the platforms, at least 50% to acquire users to go up the charts, 80% of the money that you guys are spending as consumers doesn't make the games any better. The models just completely broken. So all that money gets spun out of the game goes to big corporations.
goes to pay executives and to pay marketing companies, but does not go to make the game go to the developer to make the game better. So that is a huge frustration for us. So when, why is it that I in 2021 really saw a Web 3 taken off and NFTs taken off at the beginning, we're kind of
watching it kind of interesting, you know, how a PFT picture could be. We're so much and how could it sustain value, et cetera. And we started to thinking if we could reach out directly to these crypto NFT investors and reach out directly to the community, if we could have them help us at the beginning and help
provide support to us and we can use a smart contract in a new and innovative way. We could actually build something special. My whole entire career and wise career, we've really, he's built technology to keep these games running so they're online, they're multiplayer, they have
mass audiences, I've worked on the marketing side especially to build franchises, to build teams, to build really special projects. So we could create kind of the maximum utility for an NFT compared to the NFTs that we were seeing out there. And we could go out there and work directly with the community, turn the business model on
it upside down, we could survive off of the smart contract and the trading revenue of what we call heroes in the universe and we would make a hero be the mission ticket if you didn't have a hero you didn't get to play our games. And so we're not building a single game, we're building a franchise
that has comic books, has novels, builds up the characters just as if they were Marvel Universe character or a Star Wars character, and as we're building a large franchise like that. So we thought that wouldn't it be fun since we don't own any of this IP anyways?
We create it and then it's owned by take to Microsoft, etc. What if we just gave it away at the beginning to the community? And you come support us and the more characters that are acquiring the more heroes that are traded creates revenue that fuels us and allows us to build a universe out and build a franchise bigger and bigger and bigger.
And then on top of that, we would give away everything. We would let the third party developers come in and make universe games using our story for free, for no royalties. And on top of that, we would even create a game fund to help pay them from the revenue that was generated from the smart contracts. And on top of that,
that we let the consumers do anything they want, just about anything they want with the universe. They could take our logo, print shirts, sell them, make lunch boxes, write their own novels, create their own comic books, sell them and I know it's any royalty. So it's a truly innovative business
and we're going to say over and over that this is a franchise that's owned by you guys. It's owned by the community. The more support we get, the more trade of these heroes that we have, then it generates revenue and we're able to build more for you guys, the owners of this franchise. So I want to chime in on the actual, you know, on the
I mean, just speaking from a project since I really like the fact that you hit on that it's not just a project, right? Because project seems very surface level and I think we see that a lot, right? And then one thing with UniOvers that is so unique and I keep talking about this when we jump on spaces, when we have conversations with others, it's everlasting, right?
a lot of times projects will meant and that's where it ends. One thing that we're really focused on is once we keep, once we meant we're still going to have one more thing, one more thing, one more thing. I think that's unique because the ownership aspect, your ownership is going to continue to evolve. A lot of times you run
into the issue of IP and I love that Tony just chimed it on that because I think that's also one thing that separates us from a lot of projects is you see a lot of projects that don't allow you to use your NFT in certain ways and I think that's the one thing that's like the ethos right of of Web 3 and NFTs is it's
should be about ownership, it should be about you owning a piece of whatever project that you meant to their bought in and you put your spin on things a little bit, right? You have your ownership, you actually own your NFT and I think when you own your actual NFT, you actually own it, I think there's this level of buy-in and as the franchise continues to grow, we're going to see our community be able to own part of the franchise and as#
as well as to evolve it just as well as we evolve it. I think that's also one unique thing is I think when you put so many people's minds together, the franchise grows and takes different spins. And so that's one thing I'm really excited about just coming from a native Web3s perspective because that is something that has grown and that idea has grown a lot too. So we're going to continue to push the envelope on that.
Yeah, I mean pushing the envelope you guys definitely are like I said this is by far one of the most unique things that I've seen and and I've seen some some projects out there claim that they're they're giving the the the community the rights the IP rights and some
But then when push comes to shove and it comes time for products to actually start coming out into the market We have seen some pushback from these brands and and it turns out on the back end that it's not That the users don't have as much rights as they thought they may have but you guys have clearly stated not just on this space
but even on your websites and in your documentation that you guys are really opening this up to developers and opening this up to the community to really have a share in the IP which is incredible. Let me ask you in terms of the risk, do you guys feel that it's, I mean in a sense it's
much more risky to not have as much ownership over the project as we typically see in the space. Do you guys feel that this is pushing the envelope as far as the risk can go from your side or you guys really just more focused on, you know,
how far this can go because it is pushing the envelope so far. I mean, we're all in on this. So I mean, we, I think it, we can't really go half in or be kind of half married to a project. We want this project to be community
on. We intentionally at the beginning tried to raise less VC money than we probably could have gone out and done because we wanted to go out there and get the community support and build this project. What's really neat about this project compared to other projects are usually we build a game kind of in secrecy. Then we
have to make tremendous amount of noise. Later on, noise means marketing spend costs us millions upon millions of dollars to market a game to get it launched and off the ground. We're doing this backwards. We're building community sport from the beginning. We're introducing our heroes and the stories and we're building a
around Swal, where we're releasing heroes, we have a game we'll talk about called the Universe Collectibles, which is typically how we give away most of our characters, our heroes. And it's a very unique way to do it. So I mean, yes, there's risk involved with everything.
And the biggest risk is the time in typically you jump in when a new market takes off. And so, you know, I think right now is then kind of an inflection point where this market's really taken off and it's a great opportunity to try this kind of project. But, you know, if we kept rights to ourselves and we didn't do what we said we were going to do and it wouldn't be this type of project.
So we're trying to test up and very unique. We think it's going to be fantastic. We want tons and tons of community involvement. So by the time that our games come out, we'll have probably a million people that own a hero know the backstory of our game and we'll be excited not only to play the games that we release, but we're very excited to play the game.
games that our third party developers release. And we truly mean that it's community-owned. And we're developing SDK for our partners, our third parties that can come in and make games so that these heroes are interoperable between all of these games. And they can charge anything they want for their games and they don't own us anywhere else.
to back, we give them the 3D models, the animations, the rigging, the skins of the characters, etc. They don't have to pay us anything. Why would these developers want to develop for us? Because these small developers, they go and make a game, they put it out in a store, and it's very hard for that game to ever be known.
And so it's unlikely that the game will ever be successful. In our case, they make a uni-versed game. We will have community like you guys out there that have these heroes. They're dying to drop these heroes into a game and into multiple games and to play their heroes in the game. So we're bringing large community. The large community will drive
them up the charts and sales. It will create a lot of awareness. People will want to play their games because they'll be in the top first page of the charts. The only way they can play their game is to go out and acquire a hero. So then that powers us because they go out to open-see, rarerable, to acquire a hero or maybe they can acquire one directly from us.
and that revenue keeps funding the universe. So we're all in on this. We don't want to dip our toes into it. We're stating up front that this is a community on franchise that everything that we do is really to drive value for the community. And I think Justin just to add on that, we've really done our due diligence even before we went really quote-unquote live with the
project, right? When I say live, I guess it even means tweeting out a tweet, right? Like in Web 3. And so we worked really closely with a law firm that kind of specializes in Web 3 and IP called Asperger Law and Chris Albrecht, who is our head of comm. We actually did a podcast what we do weekly with the Asperger Legal
team called our jump podcast, which you can find on YouTube. But it's just, you know, really points to we us knowing that we are pushing envelope in many various ways, but we've done our due diligence and we've had a lot of time into kind of, you know, cross the T's and donning our eyes, but making sure the community is also protected in those in those areas as well.
I do think that's important as we move forward on Web 3 is not just the project being protected, but are your community holders protected? And so we've done, you know, our due diligence on how in different ways and all the ways that we've been pushing all the way up. So that way our community has protected the projects being protected and the franchise has protected everlasting.
Yeah, I love that you said that you guys are going headfirst all the way in. I think that that's that's honestly the best way to attack this and and when you're doing something so innovative that's that's really the way to go you know bring people something that they've never seen something they've never experienced before and and give them an opportunity to
the experience that for the first time. So I love that. I do have a question though in regards to like the genres of games. Are there any type of limitations in terms of like what type of genres developers will be allowed to take the IP and create or are you guys just really leaving the door open for them to create
whatever they like. I'll take that one Tony. So we this is one of the most common questions is what type of game is in the Ineoverse and it is a sci-fi franchise you know you could think kind of like Star Wars, Game of Thrones, Marvel, it's on that scale.
It was specifically designed around games and beyond that around the idea that there would be all sorts of games inside of this big vision we had so when we think about the types of games we're talking about multiplayer games versus games and co-op games things like Battlefront call
all the duty, you know, Dota, you know, team-based strategy games, anything that's a multiplayer competitive game, even games like Mario Kart could exist inside of the universe, Rocket League, right? Like things that require a vehicle and a hero, but you know, multiplayer games is where we're at.
And the reason that we picked this franchise and this theme to develop and do world building around is because it is so big and it is amenable to all of these games cramming inside of it. In fact, you could have many, many metaverses or MMOs inside of the universe,
because it's planets across the universe, right? It's literally at that galactic scale. So anything can be crammed inside of the universe, we wouldn't put constraints on any of that. If you follow along with our devlog, you'll see that I regularly post these videos from our danger
room that has a very Assassin's Creed look to it. That's sort of specifically to demonstrate how functional Raiyue is inside of a game engine. We view it as our job to make game development easier. So we're taking this avatar, Raiyue, and the next one, Chrisha and Janks
And we're showing game developers that it is fully iK rigged, it's animated and that we're solving complex problems like wall running and you know complex surface navigation. Ultimately we want to hand the games that we build back to the game development community with source code, you know, inside of a
real inside of Unity and say, "Hey, here you go guys. We've provided all these assets. We've provided complex solutions to common problems. Go build whatever you want." So, you know, we would never put boundaries on what someone creates. Some people will create silly things. Some people will create big things.
But you know, all they have to do is download RSDK and start using the support that we provide inside of the game engines and they can build anything that they want. And on top of that, I'm not sure that Tony hit this. We're giving millions of dollars of assets away to let people build whatever they want. They can build that royalty free, which
Now that you can use royalty free, but on top of that, we're taking the proceeds that we're getting from secondary trading and we're putting that towards game development fund that pays game developers for entertaining our audience. So the more monthly active users you have in your game, that we will cut you a check. So beyond just
Being free assets and storytelling and all of the structure we're actually monetization element for our community which is one of the reasons why Tony has equated our structure to Roblox. If you think about Roblox there's millions of games inside of Roblox but what they're ultimately providing is assets, a community
And a way to monetize so yeah, it's a very big vision and it completely changes the way that game developers can Are enabled Yeah, I'm actually really glad that you brought up Roblox because I actually wanted to ask I'm sure that you guys
kind of probably get that comparison when you are painting the vision for what you guys are getting ready to build or already in the process of building. I'd love to know like what do you guys consider maybe your differentiators in terms of Uniiverse as a more like a UGC type of platform
us level. And so we give the assets away to the community as well. And they can write. There could be a kid at home that wants to build their own comic book that can use our characters and can use our stories, etc. And we want to give an advantage to any of these small independent developers around the world. One thing I've learned is not all the time
talent resides in Tokyo or Seoul or Los Angeles, there is top talent all over the world and I've learned that from the project site worked on that have a user generated content element of it. So we want to provide for independent developers a huge kickstart in the sense that they will get millions upon millions of dollars
of assets, they will get our heroes, they get our code from our games that we do, everything that we generate, we will make available to these third party developers, we will support them financially and we'll also support them with our community and promoting their games so that they get lots of users which drive them up the charts. I mean, what is
a chance that independent developer could go to Disney and say, "Hey, can I make a Star Wars game?" They would just laugh at them. They wouldn't give them a chance to do that. We're not even charging any royalties. And because of that, I think we'll get lots of independent developers. Independent developers will create innovative concepts for these heroes, and that will fuel the
growth of the universe as well. I mean we have 25 writers on this project from people who worked on Star Wars, wrote episodes of Walking Dead, Clone Wars, wrote books for Dune, wrote Bird Box for Netflix. These are world class creators creating this universe and the ideas
behind it and any independent developer in the world can jump on board and make games for it. Justin, let me just add to that. I mean, go look at the videos that we're leaking, particularly next week in our reveal event. You'll see some gameplay footage and, you know, if you look at it side by side of the roadblocks, you'll see
fundamental difference. We're building triple-acquality assets that honestly are beyond most normal game developers. So these things are built at the absolute highest quality. They have every special effect and detail texture, you know, like current rendering techniques. And beyond that, because we've aligned our incentives
as a company to long-term babysit this franchise. I want to point out that if you buy a RAU today, our business model is to not only just make sure that that RAU is relevant in five years, but in 10 years and in 20 years. So we will be building that asset out, I think of him as a platform. So we'll be adding more animations to him.
adopting new rendering techniques like ray tracing and improving his particle systems. The ryeu that you see today will be relevant in five years for future games because we will constantly be improving on him to make sure that he stays relevant. It's just fundamentally different than anything else I see going on in the space.
Absolutely. I was actually lucky enough to be on a call with Grant initially and he did show me some of the sneak peak game footage and it was absolutely gorgeous. I think I made the same comparison that a really struck a chord for me.
in terms of having similarities to Assassin's Creed, but the character Raiju is so much more badass than the character from Assassin's Creed. So it's one of the things that really got me excited and got our team excited about the project. So since we're touching on Raiju now, I'd really love to hear a little bit more
if you guys can share about this first drop for the NFT hero, Raiyuu. Can you guys tell us a little bit more about the drop, what's going to be involved, and how can players go ahead and get their hands on a Raiyuu? So we wanted, this is Tony, we wanted to try to do something pretty unique and given away.
I've watched a lot of these projects and I'm always kind of interested in how these white lists are given out. I think there's just too much insider shenanigans. Either the team has a huge horde of them or investors get a bunch of them. So we wanted a fair and equitable way to actually reward
people who are loyal to the Uniiverse project and who are following us and following along with all the discussions we have. So we're given away 20,000 ryeus and we're given away on January 15th. But the interesting thing is we're given away white lists, we're given away
4000 white lists to collaborations to guys like you get like your group there and so 4000 of those are given away in that way and on the 13th and 14 people can come collect their RAU from their white list and then any of those that aren't collected we're not over subscribed in that so if
4000 is 4000 that will go out and then the rest of them the bulk of them 16,000 were we wanted to give away in this kind of an loyalty mechanism people that will follow along and so us being gamers we created a little game for this and so we have these universe collectibles which have which are
NFTs themselves. They have a piece of artwork from the Universe franchise as well as a bit of a story on these NFTs and we give them away in sets and we've been doing this for the last couple months. We announce a claim and people come and claim these. We started out having like one or two thousand of them claimed.
and now we're closer to 60,000 of them that are each claimed. And then when you collect them, then there are sets of them so you combine the Tier 1 ones into Tier 2, then you collect enough Tier 2 and you can combine them as Tier 3. And each one of them has a different value. Each Tier collects
what we call protons. So if you collect them and hold on to them, for every day you hold on to them, you will get protons. This is the energy of the universe. The more protons you have, you get to go shopping. And on January 15th, you get to go shopping and buy raiers. So this collection said if you keep building it,
your loyal and your hold on to them. You just don't go out and sell them on the marketplace, these NFTs. You keep building these proteins and then we will create fun opportunities for you to acquire things like the original RAU Genesis collection, which will be on January 15th. So we're making a little bit of a game out of it.
out of it and people are really getting excited. I give you an idea. We've now, I think we're pushing 900,000 of these universe collectibles that have been collected by people. And so it's pretty exciting tomorrow. We're announcing what the purchase price is and a rye
started planning this out. But the collectible style was something that was kind of thought of at the beginning of the universe. And the thought was like, hey, look, we know we have Ray, you, and multiple other avatars, and heroes coming out soon. But how do we want to reward people from really buying it early? And so we saw that like the white list meta
was dead. Right? Like in a way, right? Like where you don't just want to always give out whitelist for the whole collection, giving out whitelist like we're doing, I think is very, very beneficial because it does attract new, new followers, new comedians, right? But we also wanted to reward people in various ways and to have access to
to have this reward point.
is another really cool element to this. But then on top of that, you get to take these protons that you earn from collecting collectibles and then apply them and then use them to be able to redeem a Khrusha array you and other heroes coming up. And so I think that's one thing that's really unique about this. And I think
With the white list, you know, we've been doing our best with with collabs and one thing that we really appreciate is ancient eight was one of the most successful collabs that we did. We've done some really cool ones and we really appreciate that to the you know the age and age community. We did some really cool white list giveaways to you guys. We gave away 170 and I know over 3000 people
submitted for that. I think the gate of entry was pretty high. We want to collaborate with like-minded communities and we feel like in today is that. I actually pinned above, I know we talked about why don't we just give away more on the Twitter space, right? There's something we talked about in the engine name. We're actually giving away additional whitelists
You have a chance to win a whitelist. You have to prove that you're here. We want to tell you about our awesome project. You may have heard about it. It's another great way to put your new year anniversary on your map and possibly win a radio. For the collectibles, we have a collectible running live right now for the next about three and a half hours. That is also pinned in the
pin the tweets above. So if you actually just go ahead and click that, you'll be able to collect your first collectible or maybe one of that you've already had and start earning those proteins already. So you don't miss out on next time because you still are early. So the collectible is free and the link is above. So make sure you don't miss out on those tweets because I think there's some really cool things to collect here.
Let me add one more thing to that. Obviously, if this is the first time you put a universe and you have no collectibles, you're not going to get enough protons for this week to bioreyute. But people ask us all the time, "Oh, is it too late? I miss the early buzz." It is never too late.
growing this to millions of users and everybody needs a Ryu or a Krisha or some character to play the games. So start collecting now, start earning your potens and get that free one that Grant just mentioned and by the time Krisha mints you'll have enough potens for her.
Thank you guys so much for going ahead and giving everyone here an opportunity in the Twitter space today to have a chance to join the White List. I may or may not have actually screenshot myself from my personal account, but I'll keep that to myself. Oh, no, just joking, guys, but I really...
really love what you guys are doing with the with the mechanics behind proteins and how it actually is built into the lore of the story and I feel like for the true the true gamers and the true story lovers those people really get to feel even more apart
of the whole Uni-Overse project by collecting something that actually matters within the ecosystem and actually has a real world utility which is something that's even some top projects in the space find difficult to create for the user base. So the fact that you guys have thought that so far has
head I think is fantastic and it really gives people an incentive to be a holder and to really build alongside the project long term if they really do enjoy what the project is doing and kind of the future of what you guys are building together. So that's also
And also hearing that, uh, intonate was one of the, uh, more successful campaigns. Uh, we, we really love to hear that because we know that the community is really excited, um, about what you guys are building. We have people chatting about it every day inside of the discord. So, uh, we were also really, uh, excited to see the amount of
of people that applied to get into the ecosystem and I think that will continue to see so for future drops as well. Did you want to share something there? Yeah, I just wanted to tell you. I just wanted to talk about why we were so interested and partner with you guys.
and why we're so excited to continue our partnership as we move on with the universe franchise is one thing that really just caught my eye and I think the whole team's eyes like how engaged you guys are with your activations and I think that's one thing that you guys do really really well amongst numerous things but I think that's one thing that's I think very interesting in the space is how
How do you engage users in unique ways? I think you guys do a really good job at that. With the White List giveaway, you guys were already very creative in the ways you guys wanted to give them away. So that caught our eye and as we move forward, we really want to touch different audiences and show this project off in this whole
franchise off because we are something we're very proud of and we feel you guys are a great partner to have and our ecosystem to do so and so we're just really excited to partner with you guys and so if anybody in the uni over-sided things if you're on this Twitter space and you're a uni-o you know follower and community member and you're not
following H&A, please shoot them a follow because we will be doing numerous Twitter spaces, numerous giveaways, and other activations that are really creative, not just, you know, "Hey follow," or "Hey retweet," but some unique ways to get involved. So make sure you definitely follow H&A and adjust the ultimate of that. We really appreciate those people.
Thank you so much for the shout out man. I greatly appreciate that and I know the whole team does and yeah I think for us what's really important is very similar to the way that you guys are structuring things within your community is we really want to make sure the people that are really building in the space and really passionate about the space are the ones that
Get first dibs to get benefits when we do have extraordinary partnerships like the one we're forming with you guys. So similar to how you guys have proteins in your community, we have bamboo points inside of our discord community and we try to do something similar where we try to reward the most active and high-value community members.
and try to give those members the first opportunity to have shots to enter into new ecosystems like what you guys are building. So that's really a key for us as well. We've been lucky enough to have some guest pop-up on stage. It seems like there's some questions that want to be asked. So I think we'll go ahead and get into some
questions if you guys are alright with that. We got some raised hands here. I'm not even sure exactly what the order is, but I'm just going to go from left to right from what I can see on my screen guys. So please just wait to be called upon and then please go ahead and ask your question. So we will start with night. Night, please do share your question.
Hello GMG. Can you give me that? GM my friend, yes we can hear you. Sure, so my name is nine of the color manager and I've been following Universe for some time right from in the discord opening. So I kind of have like just two questions.
The first one is a co-signing protein. Are we going to be buying, are we going to be using proteins to mint, area you all buy it maybe on a market please or something? I don't quite understand how we are going to use our proteins. Yeah, so I'll tell you if you want to take that.
You either you or why it's gonna grab that either it's fine. Okay. Yeah, the best way to explain it night is that let's say if you have enough protons come protein day right when you when you're able to purchase a ray you with proteins you will be using your protons to many
away through a collab, you can through today, right? For example, you will have enough to mint a radio and then additionally come ProTin day when you're able to purchase a radio with ProTins, that will be when you use those ProTins to mint a radio.
Oh cool, that's that's nice. I love the idea behind that I'm sure you're gonna win a white list today. I do also I don't know So my other question if I do all the way without be like if you play the character in the game that's only I can use
or is he going to be something that anyone can use? I'll take that. So we are launching 20,000 of them. By the way, on, there's a news section and there's a section devoted just to Raiyou and how he works. You can see his rarity model and
His eventual mint size, but basically think of this we're launching 20,000 of a set of up to 100,000 every single one of them is unique, but they're in rarity tiers and so there's common uncommon epic rare legendary and as the rarity tiers
escalate the ways in which Ryu's unique get more and more elaborate to particle effects and skin shaders, surface shaders. But yes, you're right, you have to own one in order to play anything in the universe. So we're going to be releasing this thing called the danger room, which sort of shows
off some of his utility and lets you run around and shoot and attack with him. Basically just to show you that he's a functional game character inside of a game engine and you're only going to be able to do that if you own a Reya. So this is definitely gating everything in terms of playing Universe games.
Oh thanks thanks for answering my question. I think that's very very brilliant because that will create more demand for each race so that's pretty nice. So I'm sorry is the game going to be moved by a friend you as a game to the PC William. You know I think
We're certainly focused in PC and console just because we want to show these off as visually stunning as they can possibly be. But the trend for especially anyone over our under 18 is you know 30% of their game time at least is
playing on mobile. So I think just in order to reach the audience that we want to, we'll probably have to do one of these first games that we're doing as a mobile game. But our, again, our objectives are to make game development easier for game developers. We need to show examples of right you working
working in a variety of different contexts and one of those would certainly be mobile showing off how to use a lower resolution texture and a lower resolution geometry in order to get frame rates on mobile working correctly. So all of the above is kind of the answer.
All right sure sure that's I don't take too much time I did really want to ask in question, so I'm just going to like let other people ask their questions So thank you very much for answering my questions I only little protein I think I own like less than 500 so I don't know if you should be enough to get a really
in a congenital shift. So I would be very glad if I could you know, win a white list for something like that. So thank you very much for your time and thanks for hosting this wonderful species. Great questions, Nate. Thank you, Nate. Thank you so much for your questions. All right. Next, we will go ahead and allow
big bowl to ask your question please do unmute yourself big bowl and ask a question thank you so much yes your mic is a little bit hot so I'm not sure if you can adjust a little bit but we can hear you
Now my question is how you will and to be helpful for your project and how to scale your project in the future.
Did someone, can someone explain the question to me? I couldn't hear very well. I think she said, how do you plan on scaling the project long term? I think that's what I heard. Could be wrong.
Well, the project will scale based on the community size so as the community grows and People acquire heroes or they trade heroes Through the smart contract we will we will generate revenue and then that revenue will be shared between us in a game fund for
third party developers, where we'll give third party small independent developers, especially additional funds. They'll make more content. That'll be more games, some may more bigger audience, and that will continue to fuel the growth of the project.
Does that answer your question Big Bull?
All right, wonderful. Thank you so much for asking a question here today on the space. We really appreciate it. All right, so let's go ahead and move on.
move on to the next in line. We have Mr. John Reakey. John Reakey, can you please go ahead and ask your question sir. - Can he hear me? - Yes, I can.
Yes, sir, we can hear you. You can ask your question when you're ready.
So, can we hear it? Yes, Jai, we can hear you. My question is, how will you be a strong relationship?
with community and let us know how your positive can get involved through the blockchain and NFT cryptocurrency community. That's it.
I think if I heard the question right, it's about how do we continue to build a strong relationship amongst communities that I heard Justin. Yeah, I heard that as well. Yeah, I think from our franchise space and a team space, I think it's about rewarding the communities as much as possible right in the ownership perspective.
As we continue to roll out heroes and many games, different utility, etc. We want to give that ownership piece back to the community and I think it starts with something like Rayu, right here, like Rayu, where you own that NFT, you get to put that NFT on a t-shirt, put that
thing that we're really focused on and I think we've done a really good job of is we've been gathering a ton of feedback from the community and what we what they would like to see and how we can do things differently and how we can improve on things and also you know user generated content. We've held numerous competitions and contests with user generated content
It's something that Tony and the team is very passionate about and I think we think is really really interesting as we move forward especially with the community on the franchise So you'll be seeing a lot more UGC and it'll also you know exist amongst Partners with H&A right will be able to do UGC giveaways and competitions with the engine aid and a
on our other partners. So I think it stems from a lot of those core values of community on franchise, UGC, and a strong relationship amongst feedback and overall, just building and offering real long-term value in terms of the utility to the community.
We also give access to the team as well. So if people have wondered how you build a world class franchise, how you build great games, we have a series called World Bill in Secrets where we interview people on the
and the people in the industry as well. So the community can learn from that. We have a developer journal that why it does it which gives people access to what we're working on in the project and can interact. We're constantly on discord talking
our community. We're trying to do a lot of fun things with the projects that are franchise oriented as well. We have six comic books in development, two of them are completed, that will release to the community. We have novels being written, we have the Univir's collectible series.
And there's a story called a Malcolm O'Reyan story that's on our website as well that you should read that is literally written by world class authors of "Worked on the Star Wars franchise, Walking Dead franchise."
like sci-fi, you will absolutely love these stories. So we're really everything that we can do to drive value to the community we are trying to do and we're always open to suggestions as well and getting community feedback.
Awesome awesome. I hope that answered your question John Reggie. Thank you so much for the for the great question. Let's go ahead and keep moving it along here because we do have a few other questions. I actually did just get some insight from my team just a moment ago that we
have 10 white list spots as well. And what we'd like to go ahead and do is allow everybody in the space right now that would like an opportunity to get a white list spot. You can drop a comment on this Twitter space. Go ahead and drop a comment on this Twitter space. And
We're going to go ahead and randomly select 10 winners to get a whitelist spot today as well. So exciting news there. Let's go ahead and go over to praisepraise.ep. Please do unmute yourself and ask your question, my friend. Hey guys, so good evening.
to everybody. My question is regarding the proteins. Are they transferable? Like, can I, if I hold the collectibles on different wallets, can I like send the proteins so particular wallets, so they can make all the amounts I need to mint the radio?
The answer is yes and no. So you create a univrst account when you go and hit the protein site. So that's And in the upper right, you can connect any wallet you want. So if you have NFT scattered across four wallets, just
connect to them one at a time and click collect and you'll get all the NFTs gathered into a single universa count. But you can't then take any of those protons and give them to anybody else. I'll also mention that our recommendation is that you put all of your NFTs in a single wallet
But mostly because the protein's calculation is more friendly for that. I mean, it's a little frustrating to have to switch wallets every time you want to collect your proteins. But it will work. You can have from NFTs in several different wallets.
Okay, and secondly, would there be any other use for the collectibles after, meaning, or do they just like vanish from the wallet or something like that? Ah, yeah, no, collectibles are, they're permanent.
Keep them forever. You'll generate protons every day. You don't have to come in and collect every day, but every time you come and hit the collect button, you'll see that the R total goes up. And those are points that can be used not just for Raiyuu.
but for all six characters that we've announced and even more characters going on in the future. So this is the way that we're distributing content into the Uniroverse. So absolutely, this is a permanent thing. You'll want to keep doing that forever.
All right, thank you, thank you. All right, thank you so much for the awesome questions. Praise really appreciate it. Let's go ahead and move right along. Next up, we have King Tungji. King Tungji, please do unmute yourself and ask your question, my friend.
Yeah, I believe in my thing for this series. I like it. I'm using what to do. My. How long count to.
I'm sorry to cut you off my friend, but it's really, really muffled your audio, so I don't think anybody on the stage can hear you at the moment. Can you try to adjust your microphone?
Yeah, I heard that how many proteins is going to cost to mentor radio? We will actually be dropping that information tomorrow. So we'll be doing a twist race.
and a little bit of a chat in our discord. And we'll make a huge announcement on Twitter so don't miss that. But that announcement and that information will be released tomorrow, which is really exciting.
All right, wonderful. Thank you so much, King, for that question. Really do appreciate that. All right, let's go ahead and move along. We have Mr. Thomas Al-Bouz. Please do unmute yourself and ask your question, my friend. Can I know how to make? Yes.
Can I ask my question? Yes, please do ask your question. Yeah, my question is what is your upcoming update development and plan? How do you generate income? What is your revenue model? Yes, so this is Tony.
financial funding to the company we brought them $7.6 million in funding that helps us get to where we are now and into the future. As we build community we have the opportunity to raise additional money but the revenue model we have the ability to sell the heroes, give away the heroes
And as they trade, there's in the smart contract, there's a 10% royalty back to the universe team. And so as that money comes back to us, we use that money to fund more funding, exciting things for the community, own franchise, additional content. We also take
some of that money and give it to third party developers and a fun we've established that helps them create content that entertains the community as well. So that's the basic model. So we need to feel growth as we grow and as they're trading people that we make income. In order to play any
the universe content you must own a hero. You must own a radio or the next one's Chris or one of these heroes by owning the hero and by trading heroes we generate revenue. So that's our and we have the abilities to sell the heroes directly if we want as well.
So that's how we found the project. - Okay, secondly, my segregation is, what are the next major things people should be excited about your project in 2023?
Can you repeat the question please? Yeah, my question is what are the next major things people should be excited about your project in 2023? Alright, yeah, so there's we have quite a few exciting things. Some we've announced and most we
have them announced. But we have announced six heroes will be released. So that's pretty exciting. We have a comic book series in the franchise. There'll be six comic books released in 2023. We have a novel that's coming out. We just did a collaboration with Cell Dweller who's
a pretty famous musician in the space. He's doing a project we will announce pretty soon. You'll be able to see something that he's working on with us as well. So we also have vehicles, weapons, other things we can release.
as well for the project. So I think compared to any other NFT project, it's safe to say we will release more and have more to do than any other project in the space that at least I know of. Thank you so much. I've got minutes of thank you.
Awesome. Thank you so much, Thomas. Really appreciate the question. Guys, also please do let me know if you have time for one more question here. I think we'll take one more if you guys do have time. I don't want to kind of give you guys too long. One more. All right. Let's do one last question.
here we're going to go ahead and go over to tie. Ty please do one and meet yourself and ask your question. Good it guys. Thank you for bringing me up. Yeah, thank you for your patience. Yeah, we should arm everything you guys
I just had time to properly read the books and the university. I have been to university for a while. I had time to really set them up. I was going through the website and
everything and I got this really kind of bullish you know you guys are related during the most so yeah my question just to be quick is everything you guys mentioned the game the long
and everything like I was doing that to say everything in play like after the means I was when game when game when game yeah I'll take that
So you'll be doing interactive things with RAU this year, but the real games that we're building out are going to be a couple of years of development. So what we plan on doing is showing you videos like we have been, go to YouTube and you can see the actual development of the products that
we're underway with. And so you'll be getting moment to moment updates from the team, the dev team in that sense. But we're definitely going to release what we call these mini games that actually let you use your Raiou. And as I mentioned earlier in the in the AMA, you're only going to be able to play those things if you have one of them.
I think just a touch on that just for anyone in the space again. I want to add some color to You know why this comment and also our position on this is like hey, we do know That once we manage will like why I said you have to take these to mint or create these triple A level games it does take
I think the one thing that we don't want to do that a lot of projects I think do just because of maybe the lack of resources, the lack of team. I don't know, but a lot of times what you do see, especially if you're in a gaming project, is they'll do that.
This is a big hype up mint. And then it's like ghost in terms of anything game related for a year, for a year and a half. And we don't want to do that by any means. We want to stray away from that. And we want to reward you guys for you know, minting a ray. So I think adding these mini games is just another level.
of the community. I think that you guys are going to love. And I think it also gives you an additional utility. I'm a huge fan of utility, especially when you've meant something. And on top of this, you know, if you've been collecting your collectibles from the starter even starting now, right, it's not too late to collect that link above, you're, you're minting essentially almost for free.
right it is for free in a way. Just engagement. And so I think to have these mini games to have these other activations engagement methods I think is what the community really responds to well and I'm excited to it. I'm a part of the team and so I'm excited to get into the mini games with my radio and get involved because I have a huge gamer and so I'm really excited about that.
Definitely, definitely, I appreciate it. I just won last touch. I believe in the team. You know, when I got to the website and read up to the like you said, you know, these games are like some projects. It actually takes time. Like if you are going to build something
Why don't you just build it properly? So it takes a lot of resources. And those guys I saw, yeah, those guys, I can't bathe my money on them. I believe they can deliver.
Awesome, we appreciate your support. It's an extremely exciting project for us and we're hoping to get you guys involved as much as possible and keep you completely informed on our development. I think there's lots of fun treats, giveaways, participation
opportunities in 2023 for the entire community. We want to make this really fun for everyone and a reason for people to want to collect them. People really enjoy our collectible game. They've already come up and collected, you know, picked up nearly 900,000 of the collectibles. So I think we have a
good start and we'll continue to try to have some great creative ideas that will fuel excitement for the universe. Oh yeah, great. Thank you for having me guys. Thank you. Yeah, Ty, thank you so much for your question. Unfortunately, ladies and gentlemen, that's going to be the last
last question of the day, we're about 10 minutes over on our time. So gentlemen, thank you so much for spending the extra time with the community here today to get those questions answered. Just one more time for you guys that may have not been here when we shared it. If you go ahead and drop a comment on this space, we're going to be picking
10 winners, 10 random winners to get whitelisted for the Ryu drop. So if you're interested in that, please do drop a comment and we're wishing you luck on that. Gentlemen, the floor is yours. If there's any last things you guys want to touch on before we close it out for the night. Hey, so you don't have to wait for a maize to ask us.
questions. Join our discord, hit myself, why is the grant up and discord. We're always happy to answer your questions. We answer dozens and dozens of these questions every single day. So please get involved with the universe. We love to grow the community and we love each and eight. Thank you.
We love you guys as well. Thank you guys so much for your time. We'll definitely do this again. Thank you guys again and we appreciate you know we know we there's a little technical difficulties but we eventually got in we're rich really excited. Absolutely. Really excited.
Absolutely. And you know, you guys are, you know, an early partner above ours. And so we want to continue to reward your community as getting in early. And so, you know, from the age and eight side and the other side, you will continue to see more spaces, more activations, more engagements.
more reach out in terms of a community perspective from ourselves in H&A. So definitely shoot them a follow if you're in the Uni as a burst fam and do not follow H&A definitely shoot them a follow because they'll be doing a lot of really cool partnership ideas and rollouts with us as we move forward.
Awesome. Thank you guys so much everybody. Have a blessed day and a blessed evening wherever you're tuning in from and we'll catch you guys on the next one. Everybody have a good one. Take care. Thank you.
Thank you. Bye
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