AMA with zk-Sync on scalability, token launch, etc

Recorded: Sept. 22, 2022 Duration: 1:02:40



Hey, can you help hear me?
We will wait for a couple of minutes for more people to join us. I can see that a lot of people are joining now. So just a quick intro. I'm Tommy. I'm the senior associate at capital, the VC investment arm of
And I will be your host for today's Twitter space. And today we will be learning more about one of the leading layer to solution, CK Sync. And before we dive deeper to the exciting part, we will give a minute and then we will give a more background about our A and B series.
I can see that a lot of people have joined so we can kickstart out today's AMA. So this is a part of our layer 1 and layer 2A.
the game series, stem from the research article published by Research Team that analyzes the newest airline technologies as well as the two kinds of robots, Optimistic and CK Rollup. If you missed that, you can find the article at
slash research. There are a lot of high-quality educational content covering the newest and latest developments in the crypto space, so make sure to check out the research paper as well as the upcoming AMAs. So moving back to the topic for today.
So as we all know, Vitalik has said that CK wrote up can be the aim game for scaling Ethereum and everyone has been waiting for CK sync 2.0 to launch because this is the solution that Vitalik has described. So with us today we have Steve Newcom, the Chief Product Officer at MATLAB.
who is building Steve's team. Thanks for joining us today. Glad to be here. Super psyched to talk to everybody today. Yeah, I'm sure our audience would love to learn more about yourself in the background. Can you give a brief intro about yourself? Myself.
I got to be on the original team that put email across a phone for the first time in Nokia. I got to work at the Stanford Research Institute and be part of the team that created what we called at the time distributed voice recognition.
We call that Google Voice and Siri in Alexa. I'm the founder of a company called PowerSet, which was the first company to create a search engine based on natural language technology and AI. That now is better known as Microsoft
We also, spending out of that, came out of that was GitHub. And I am the funder of a project, a very large open-source project called Node.js and also Jake Weary.
And over the past many years, I've been studying crypto and after studying it deeply enough, I decided to say I wanted to join forces with Alex at ZK sync and make what we're doing here a reality to the masses to billions of people.
And I'm currently the Chief Product Officer at ZKC.
Right cool. So as the chief product

FAQ on AMA with zk-Sync on scalability, token launch, etc | Twitter Space Recording

Who is the host of the twitter space in the recording?
Tommy, who is the senior associate at capital.
What is the topic of the discussion in the recording?
The topic of the discussion is ck sync, which is one of the leading layer 2 solutions.
What is the name of the company that Steve Newcom is currently working at?
Steve Newcom is currently the chief product officer at zk sync.
What is ck rollup?
Ck rollup is one of the two kinds of robots discussed in the research article published by research team.
What is the aim of ck rollup according to Vitalik?
Vitalik has said that ck rollup can be the end game for scaling ethereum.
What are some of the companies that Steve Newcom has been associated with?
Steve Newcom has been associated with companies like Nokia, Stanford Research Institute, Powerset, and GitHub.
What is the name of the search engine created by Steve Newcom's company Powerset?
The search engine created by Steve Newcom's company Powerset is now better known as Microsoft.
What is the name of the project founded by Steve Newcom that is a large open-source project?
The name of the project founded by Steve Newcom that is a large open-source project is Node.js.
What is the importance of CK Sync 2.0?
CK Sync 2.0 is important because according to Vitalik, it is the solution that can be the end game for scaling ethereum.
Where can one find the research article discussed in the recording?
The research article discussed in the recording can be found at