Apecast - Web3 x Sport with Sportfaction, Metafight & FanLive

Recorded: Dec. 6, 2022 Duration: 0:25:58



Hello guys can you guys hear me okay?
testing, testing.
Okay, so let's do your meat.
Yes, I can hear you fine. Can you hear me? Yes, fine. Perfect. Okay. Even requested at a speaker. Yes. Awesome.
It's Ivan, can you hear me?
Yes, I can hear you clearly. Thank you.
Hi. Yeah. Pierre, yet I can hear you. Hi, everyone.
Yes. Achtadu you also want to request so you can test your mic.
Do you guys hear the honking? A bit yeah. Okay yeah because uh not fine. Yeah yeah. And uh it's about the same uh in our place so. Oh okay.
Okay. Special circumstances. Yes. Adam, if you can request, okay, someone else requested. Yes. And then Adam, if you can also request, or maybe I can just invite you to speak here.
Okay, can you, can you hear me guys?
Yes, I can hear you clearly. Okay, awesome.
(crickets chirping)
(keyboard clicking)
We are missing... who are we missing, Akta?
We need you to give this mic to Adam. Yeah, I actually invite to speak. I think you have to press something Adam.
I think we just missed the mess from live now and we will be just right.
We have Tomah.
Yeah, he's the only one missing now.
Okay. You have to request, I mean, I can also request invite to speak, but you have to accept it somewhere.
Maybe you can request access from a PC, maybe you should be equate with server-bed device.
Okay, we just missed them and we're good to go. Okay, okay, Adam is a speaker now. Yes. Good. I also invite
Yeah, I can hear you clearly. Perfect. Roman, I also invited you to speak so if you can accept that be great.
(keyboard clicking)
Okay, maybe to know you're on the fun live account directly.