all right all right welcome welcome we won't make you suffer through the
silence or the Twitter music I don't know which one of them you were enjoying
any longer we do have some music queued up we've got a bunch of guests prepared
for today's ape coin community hour we are coming up quickly on eath Denver we
are live with eath Paris so a lot of exciting things going on out here IRL
and a lot of exciting things going on in the ape coin community I'm also looking
over and seeing it looks like they've updated some of the Twitter UI here so
that's always a fun and interesting day on the oil spaces yeah some of the text
looks a little bit smaller I don't know anybody else is seeing that I don't know
if I messed with the setting maybe it's just me interesting anyway we got some
music we're gonna queue it up welcome up if you know you're supposed to be up here
if you want to join us up here please do and I mean I may as well just get this
out of the way even before we queue the music up but just to let everybody know
we are an informal group of highly motivated and active members of the
point community and we're not here to answer questions on behalf of the ape
foundation we cannot answer questions on their behalf and we're also not here to
advocate for any of the AIPs that are up for vote there are several we will also
give them some time in the spotlight but please do enjoy the music if you want to
join us on stage you're welcome up here with us you can also just drop comments
questions in the bottom right corner all right here we go a little little
remix on a little throwback we love it
don't be fooled by the rocks that I get
don't be fooled by the rocks that I got I'm still I'm still changing from the
right boom you know I like when the song ends just sort of naturally like
that welcome welcome mean brains I see you in the audience get up here I sent
you a request I don't know if it's working or not but it is the ape coin
community our 8th Denver special edition year two for the ape coin Dow at 8th
Denver and in these hackathons having a presence can't wait to see what this
year looks like definitely a little bit different than last year adventure safe
good morning good morning happy Friday happy Friday happy Friday did you like
the song you like the music yeah I did that was nice it sounded kind of though
that was copyright free I knew you were gonna get me I don't know they put it
out there we rolled the dice on that when we rolled the dice on that one
little extra little something special for today I don't know no no I like to
that was good it was good energy yeah I've been listening around I don't know
we did we went we went good energy in the in the in the beginning for those
for those spaces sometimes the the copyright free music I don't know I I
don't know I like the playlist Erin's gonna Erin's gonna mess me up for it but
what's up Erin good morning I'm not saying anything not today I I'm
thinking it but I'm not saying anything I am too concentrated on next week's
amazing downcastle event of which we are going to be putting up the first of our
AIP 346 laughing ape how many shows and that that ape has a dollar sign in front
of it I know we'll get to it but that is what I'm that is what I'm concentrated on
today got him got him I knew it I knew it I knew I could slide under the radar
today I love it love it mean brains what's up good morning GM GM's going on
man it is a lot of a lot of last-minute coordination going on you know you know
what I just got last week I got my oh one approved to go work in the States
for the next three years and this means I can go back and forth across the
border and not have you know stresses and confusions and and all that kind of
craziness it took it actually there was some there was a mess up in my paperwork
during Covid because I was out in Cupertino for like most of it and I
ended up getting it got really messy it took forever like three and a half years
and like like almost 20 grand to sort it all out and it's done now so I can
finally come down to to the valley again visit my friends and since what's
going on so very excited last week and now funny stories I didn't you guys
gonna laugh I didn't tell anyone because I'm like I really hope that this gets
sorted out before Denver because if it doesn't I can't go but I'm like just
promoting the shit of it anyways because you know we got to get shit done and
hope sometimes right and and so yeah a couple days ago I got the approval we're
good I am going to Denver now crisis averted that you didn't know about but
now you do yeah man just lots and lots on the go like the the the man for the
truck is going crazy it's going viral it's an interesting thing because now
that moonbirds is part of the Yuga fam you know there's you know there's like
okay well what now does that mean that that moonbirds can play around with this
and I'm like well why not and then pizza dough like well let's let them play
around with it too and they're cool for it and then all of a sudden Bankless
Dow is like hey let's support the public board too and let's support to Dow
Castle and let's do this as like a big giant collaboration so that's what this
is turning into like all of East Denver on February 28th is turning into this
giant cross-community Dow collaboration of a giant mix of everything from the
comedy show with Aaron which I'm super excited for I got a parking permit
directly outside the front doors of the building that Aaron's gonna be
performing at from 10 a.m. until midnight so that the public board giant
display truck is literally gonna be like right there in the front at the front
doors for the entire day so like anyone that's putting a display up is like
you're literally gonna be right there at the front doors where Aaron is
and where the pizza party is and where city Dow is and where how to Dow is and
then I'm getting parking permits and other spots where we just got the
approval to go crash the the matis matis I don't know how to pronounce that
probably made us foundation kickoff party so I'm talking with their event
team over there and we're looking at getting like a giant like shuttle bus
like a party bus of some sort I'm still working on that detail but the idea is
when the pizza party ends we can just load everyone into the shuttle bus at
like 10 o'clock or something like that and then the billboard the public board
billboard truck can lead the convoy at the front playing some music and showing
some apes and eight-point stuff and pizza Dow stuff and then we'll be
tracking like tailing behind us this bus filled with people from the party
obviously filled to the max with pizza and then we can show up at the matis
party and just like invade the space with with pizza and apes with music
going and and I'll have parking permits over there too so and and I want to do
this five days in a row and just like show up with parking permits at the
front doors of the biggest parties and just go crazy how much cocaine did you
did you sniff before that monologue I mean holy shit I have never heard
somebody so excited and and you know by the way mean brains I even though I
don't like okay and I I am also extremely extremely excited about the day
and you talking about this after-party now I'm like why the fuck did I even get
a hotel like I'm literally flying in I'll be in at like 9 a.m. and I'm flying
in the next day there was no need for me to even get a hotel you don't need no
sleep you can have lots of time to sleep later lost knows all about not sleeping
I've seen lost on his no sleep streets we know all about how that goes you
don't you know tell man you sleep on top of the truck did you bring if you
brought your sleeping bag we will definitely make sure that there's room
on top of the billboard truck and we can put like a giant image of do not
disturb on the displays on three sides I can't yeah I can't promise that people
won't disturb you from the fourth side because I don't maybe we can put the
laptop scream in the front window of the truck this way we got like do not
disturb comedians are sleeping neither beauty rest before they go on show
room and then and then one of them is local so but yes I mean I do want to
give a shout out to mean brains and of course you know our friends a city down
and pizza down and handed down and you know all that because we were gonna do
our first event in Vegas and and that was cool but then but then mean brains
was like hey what about doing it with pizza down all the other day I was like
oh shit that would be an amazing utility for a point holders to be able to get
into this event and also to be able to like show how awesome a point out is to
do all the other dows and I think that's something that we're very excited
about and we will also be doing Vegas sometime probably in the fall by the way
so anyway I'm very very excited and very thankful to me and brands yeah man I'm
glad we could collaborate on this and so it's very exciting and you know cuz
like you know I was you know the Dow last year and getting over one and
elections got heated up and you know it's like ah and then and then that gets
finished and then you get your IP approved and then and then I'm out there
with the board it's like oh now we can like actually support each other and like
involve everyone in this you can involve everyone with the show I can involve
everyone with the truck pizza doubt can involve everyone with the pizza city now
can involve everyone with their harbinger tax experiment and some of the
research they're doing for trying to get this like an actual Dow research paper
into University though can you imagine going to get it get your your PhD in
Dow's like that that's literally what see how is spearheading with this
experiment and doing research on and because like the former anyone can put
up a YouTube video and call it you know education and it is educational it's
great but to get into formal academia is a very different story actually you know
I'm gonna shut up we got the Vivi I wonder lost if you could bring the Vivi
up on stage to Vivi is the guy that I just like regurgitate what he says and
try to put a little bit of my super energy onto it but but he's the guy that
does all this I'm gonna bring him on stage here so oh we got the CDL speaker
anyways yeah lots lots of stuff going on there love the excitement love the
excitement see when you I could be excited I'm actually still a little sick
too so I'm like I'm I'm stuffles that stuffy excited I'm still excited though
I'm fine it doesn't matter stuffy I'm just just a little stuffy it's okay just
keep drinking water just keep sleeping more than normal so with like a normal
regular like night sleep for everybody else I've just been doing that don't
be good overall just a little stuffy it's a little stuffy you know what else
you gonna feel good a thousand homemade cookies by chef poncho poppins at the
Dow Castle before City Dow and in Aaron go on stage a thousand so what I love it
I'm gonna tell you guys just a tricks about some of these stages sometimes it
takes at least here anyway it takes like 10 or 15 minutes for people to come into
the room at some point there may be 50 people here I'm not sure I'm just
guessing because we run these Friday stages a little bit longer you might end
up wanting to repeat some of the information just to let the people know
as they're coming in just circle around real quick we got Chris up here on stage
with us representing that beautiful yellow background Chris how we doing
today it's army green my friend and you know what honestly I'm still just Jenny
from the block that was you know what I always you know love me some reggae as
you well know but that was fire dude I like that I like that that got me my
Friday rolling in the right direction I'm feeling good I think that's probably
what kick-started meme brains is enthusiasm level this morning it's like
JLo yeah I mean it got me that's for sure but man no you know FOMO
definitely hitting hard right now I mean you see all these peeps on the
timeline in Paris doing it up having fun we got all these heads in the house
getting ready for Denver and here we are just chillin at home watching it all
unfold but no it's uh this the vibes are good people are making stuff happen I'm
this Dow castle event man amazing look at this how to Dow you got city down in
there laughing apes gonna do their first show pizza castle and then of course we
got meme brains in the house here's what you're gonna be wearing like a giant
pizza suit with some bananas and some paper on it we're gonna throw it all in
there you got a little survey recently right what's what's winning right now I
was about to say you know how did you know did that yeah that's a good
question that's the best question I say we put a lot a little bit of all maybe
even sprinkle some of chef ponto poppins is a cookie crumbles on there for good
measure you know yeah yeah I'm so looking forward to seeing all you guys
I'm in New York right now I'm about to hop in the subway but uh when they come
up and just put in two cents they're like looking forward to the event got a
thousand cookies we're we're rolling so we're gonna come and spread the cookie
love your cooking videos to keep those rolling love it I'm trying to find a
survey I'm trying I'm looking for the the poll on meme brains is I'm posting
it right now yes I went banana there's one day left on the vote and right now
the ape is what is it for four percentages high there's 51 votes in so
far with it with a 33% vote inclination towards eight with t-rex coming up right
behind at 29% don't take that sexually I just mean it's behind in the polls
banana coming at 22 points in pizza slice coming as the other black horse
out of the gate need the pizza slice needs a bit of love if it's gonna have
any chance in this race I'll change my vote don't worry oh no don't change your
vote wait a second hold up actually this maybe this is a good question now that
we is the pulp in his opinion I don't see it did you find it all right I'm
gonna find the comments here eventually just keep taking me to your page what's
going on here well okay so I was working it's got a little out I found it you
showed me I think one one of the suits I think you showed me the ape suit have
you found have you sourced the other three suits no I gotta I gotta decide
which I gotta see what people want as like what the suit is and then I gotta
make it happen so the t-rex suit like one of those inflatable ones that people
run around in and do like the American Ninja Warrior like contest we're in the
giant t-rex suit yeah that's the most like trendy I think so that probably be
all right the ape one is tricky if like it's the ape one passes and that's the
one that it has to be then I got to get like a good representation of an ape
somehow like girl I feel guilty sometimes because you know I'm I'm lost
I'm here behind the outcomes account I'm also I brought the hodler collective up
here just in the meantime we can make space later but just so we could try to
get some more eyes in here so I got I got all these accounts right and so
sometimes when people run polls I'm just I have a naturally just kind of good
heart right I feel guilty right I honestly I feel guilty I don't want to
vote I don't want to influence the polls but so I haven't voted for made comes
and we have voted from any of my other accounts except my personal account but
let's get some let's maybe just like but maybe we could do like a panel wide poll
here I mean how many people do we have a pretend people at least eight nine ten
oh my god did you notice as soon as I said that the pizza was falling behind
the piece and you did some love that just snacks just pops out of nowhere he
just comes out of the oven fully fresh with pineapple and bacon snacks just
shows up at the right time you don't use am I supposed to okay well now I'm
curious like okay snacks welcome up on stage we're happy to have you here with
us on a promise I think it's time up here on the stage with us is does mean
brains have alphas is pineapple and bacon your your favorite pizza toppings
or what's what is your favorite pizza topping I like pepperoni olives and
mushrooms pepperoni olives and mushrooms do you get any meat on your pizzas or is
that is that like a side on the side of the meat the pepperoni Oh pepperoni okay
I said pepperoni out loud and it just didn't even registered you know what
pizza is lost what I'm gonna have to question this myself now is it's not a
sandwich right I've seen the hot dogs on the sandwich menu hold it if you're
doing it the right way but no it's it's it's not a sandwich okay okay then I
think I still know what a pizza is tentatively and we have the experts I
mean this is we have we have the experts here I mean well that's a whole
another combo it is well now I'm curious to remember it's what is your favorite
pizza topping you honestly it depends which place you go to you see the art
of a good pizza depends on how it's been put together I don't like pineapple in a
lot of places but there's some pizza culture in Calgary has the best pineapple
pizza I've ever had and then you get bacon in some places and they put this
garbage you know pre-grizzled the hardest rock bacon but that's that's
disgusting but you get a good fresh bacon that's grilled this like sizzled at
the same time as that cook is the pizzas being sizzled by the by the fire and a
good proper stone cook oven right and you get the bacon cooked at the same
time that's the kind of topping you want on the pizza right and none of this
garbage pepperoni stuff made with who knows what we want some true authentic
you know German style one ingredient type of pepperoni now you don't need a
thousand ingredients in a pepperoni it's like peanuts peanuts should be just
peanuts milk should be just milk pepperoni should be just the meat we
don't need all these other things so man the art back there goes yeah
so wait when you say bacon you mean like bacon bacon like crispy bacon right
because I know from Canada there's like Canadian bacon and pineapple is that
what you call that you don't call it hand call it Canadian bacon right or
they're two different things that your bacon's different from Canada yeah you
know you're right there is Canadian bacon which is a little bit more
circular it's a little bit more ham like but little you got to have the right
crispy drizzle on the outside edge it's not a slice of ham it's not a slice of
bacon it's a piece of Canadian bacon there's a little bit of a difference and
then when it comes to the bacon you know some people like they're really crispy
super hard and that's got its time in a place is this there's a mood that you
need to be in for that crispy bacon I like it kind of in the middle I like to
have like the crispy drizzle on the edge a little bit juicy on the inside you
know everyone's got their preference but I think when it's not too crispy it
fits on a pizza a little bit better you don't get this surprise crunch in the
middle of your nice juicy pizza I don't know snacks what you think but this is
my pizza because you know when when meme brains was in school and they gave him
those multiple choice tests he would write essays on each question next to
the multiple choice there's no simple answer no simple answer with this guy I
did you know pizza topping with but and I actually know his favorite pizza
topics we even get it now where that's the question we ask people we I can say
it for him because he he almost got to it but I also know his favorite mafia
movie because he's meets Montana in our discord so he likes meats on his pizza
he's the guy you should have asked that question to in the first place and you
know he's a he's a Tony Montana guy I'm just glad we clarified what kind of
talking about because I'm gonna be honest I was just thinking about like
bait little crispy bacon bits and now that I'm thinking of like Canadian bacon
with next to pineapple it's like I've the whole image of the pizza has changed
the whole context and my whole conversation has changed right because
even when I asked snacks I almost said it sarcastically like well you like
bacon like I'm having try this is like a very custom pizza that you get like
American bacon but then you qualify Canadian bacon now I'm on the same page
now we're on the same page so I'm glad we did that let Aaron let me see let me
see how Aaron can handle it Aaron what's it what is your favorite pizza
topic black olive black oh okay you know just go I don't know I've never tried I
was and I was gonna you had your turn I was going to say because because Irving
if you remember he announced I think either Wednesday or Monday that he had
gifted me a rare pizza from pizza down so in addition to being a proud member
of the eight coin Dow I am also now a proud member of the pizza Dow and and it
was a black olive pizza so I like black olives in real life for reals but now
how could I not like champion black olives because that is my pizza Dow
identity oh that's you have to become like your NFT like everyone you know
like everyone has been for yeah exactly and hey I do want to say one thing I
I'm sorry to get information in about the actual event we're talking about but I
just wanted to slip in a little bit Chris you don't have to feel too upset
that you're not gonna be in Denver okay do you know why because yeah because
you're gonna be streaming it live baby as part of our AIP 346 we are streaming it
live and because of lost and an ape comms and an ape coin Dow helping us we're
gonna be streaming it into the ape coin discord so all you've got to do is get
yourself an ape coin slide into that discord verify and then you can watch
the show right along with the in real life audience in Denver you can watch
it streaming and I will definitely be saying hi to to to the crowd watching it
you can also watch it in our comedy club metaverse which is also gonna be token
gated to ape coin and we even put together a special mocha verse version
of the club because not everybody in mocha verse has a coin but they are a
big part of a coin so if you are a mocha you can also get into that special
version of the club so we have we have everybody basically taken care of the in
real life the the ape coiners and some of the delegations that are very
important to ape coin like our friends at mocha verse and we are so excited for
everyone to watch the show wherever in the world you may be thanks Aaron
appreciate that I mean you you you you you bastardized meme brain for his 40
minute you know monologue and then I asked you the same question no hang on a
second you had your turn right so this is what you said that's what you said
I'm just repeating I'm just I'm just doing you now so so first you bastardize
meme brains for the for the monologue and then I asked you the same question
and you're like black olives and by the way let me tell you I mean the agenda
for these things are pretty simple right like you do a little introduction you
get the crowd going play a little music do a little hi good morning then you
break into to all the shit you're you I can't I couldn't imagine I can't wait to
get the videos from you guys at this IRL event you definitely did not need a
hotel you guys could have just stayed on the street eating pizza all night
having these discussions okay I can't wait somebody's got a vlog it meme brains
you gotta put the 200 bucks up you got to get the the Ray-Ban influencer video
frames for your face you got to invest in that I got to get the vlog I can't
wait to see this just like pizza I can dish it and I could take it out so you
know there you go I'm totally cool with your with your slick takedown of me
good job hey I just hope somebody gets footage of Aaron sleeping on top of the
truck that's all I want to see you like like Teen Wolf you know Michael J Fox
seen through on the corner doing backflips as a werewolf then we get
Aaron he's just like passed out in a monkey suit on top of the truck I'd be
the perfect ad no need the monkey suit I'm gonna be wearing be a YC merch I
can't I can't admit dude so you guys got to figure out if the mascot does the
mascot talk does it make sounds cuz I when I was the a point mascot from my
perspective like I wasn't sure cuz Annie had me on like so scared and like I felt
like I was on such a tight leash not to fuck up the brand like I just didn't
talk like the a point mascot didn't talk I could who's gonna wear the suit meme
brains who's wearing the suit I don't know man I don't know anything about a
suit I thought there was like a real ape that was coming out so I mean I don't
know anything about anything if something happens on site and there's
something there that's cool hey it just happens I'm you know I'm there the whole
time it's it couldn't be me I wanted to do a quick poll I wanted to get a quick
emoji poll so we could send a vote in and maybe we could try to influence this
vote that we pinned up at the top what do we have here I don't know why it's
not letting me click to things that are pinned up at the top but we've got a we
got pizza slice we got banana and we got t-rex and my account doesn't my
second account of the count so we got what eight we got ten we got at least
ten people up here so just just just give a thumbs up and we'll count it we'll
do a counter or maybe a hand up hand up will be easier to count do it this is
good this is good for engagement to see it doesn't get more people in so when we
go over the actual information there'll be more people here to receive it put
your hand up if you want to see as vote for ape dude are we voting for ape for
this for the suit for the mascot suit or for the the Dow Castle activation and
the public board are they gonna okay they could throw bananas from a ape
mascot only one vote for the ape good lord we're not getting any love from the
eight comes account for the ape even from our co-host unbelievable I'm team
banana oh me I can't change my position treacherous yes team banana this is
absolutely treacherous all right pizza slice hands up for pizza slice Aaron I
didn't qualify I didn't say how many times you could vote I'm hedging my bad
and say I'm not gonna say that's fine you're taking advantage you're taking
advantage early all right two votes two of us repeats of one vote for eight I'm
so my vote counts for a two I didn't put my hand up but you already know my my
yeah I said it all banana banana how many votes for banana three votes for
banana three votes for a minute four votes for banana oh four minutes are
hot here bananas are hot four votes for banana or city was sitting down in for
banana or no no four votes for banana all right all right t-rex how many in
for t-rex two two for t-rex Aaron's a hedger I'm gonna have to look at your
voting history I'm gonna have to find all your wallets for the ape going down
all right it looks like we're voting for banana all right the votes in it isn't
it hasn't affected anything but our voice counts it matters we'll see how
many votes stack up right now ape is still leading with 34% in the lead pizza
slice 15% 23% for the banana 28% for t-rex so we're giving a little bump to
the banana we love it we love it Chris way to lead the charge way to lead the
charge let's go bananas baby go bananas all right so let's let's you know what
yeah let's get into it let's get into it I know I know these guys can't wait we
got everybody up on stage now we got snacks we got how to Dow we got we got
mean brains and air and we've also got the creatress of art with us and Sadie
Dow so what do wait do you know do you know creatress do I know creatress no I
do not know creatress person I just want to say real quick that I've been asking
creatress to come and hang out at the ape coin Dow and also to look in to
thank ape and all kinds of stuff so I hope we welcome her because creatures is
an OG artist in the space an innovator doing a tremendous like innovative medium
where she she does her art in like in the in virtually in the metaverse and
also there's a performance live on stage while she's doing it where you can watch
the creation on a screen in back of her it is just fantastic I've not seen her
in real life yet but I'm hoping to soon but I've also been telling her about
some of the grant opportunities not just with AIPs but also with thank thank ape
so so I hope we welcome her to the ape coin Dow because she's really fantastic
I think we did and we definitely did we gave her a follow she's up on stage with
us now again join us in the conversation I want to hear about the
Dow Castle I want to hear about it you know with you know with some structure
here we got all you guys up here I mean mean brains you put all this work in I've
seen you going around to all not just a through the ape coin community but
through all the different communities and not just since the proposal was
approved but even before the proposal was approved for the public board I
don't know where that public board account is I don't know if you got
another phone or something but if we want to bring them in here we also got
some stuff pinned from them up there if you haven't by the way seen the public
board if you just go up into the top little section where stuff is pinned you
can check out their page they were approved with AIP 383 I wanted to say
different number 383 and it looks like up until February 28th you can still
claim if you're an ape coin member or member of some of these various
communities some space on that board and participate in exactly what it is we're
talking about today so shout out to you mean brains for all this work and I mean
what so what is the Dow Castle I mean what what what are we doing are we are
we the Dow Castle what is it cool yeah okay so here's some some context and
then of course we got how to down here and sitting out to and everyone okay
background this case short version TLDR the Dow Castle is a major kickoff event
for East Denver official it's on if the Dow Castle is happening on February 28th
it was initiated through pizza Dow they essentially rented and leased the
Sports Castle building in downtown Denver if you're not familiar with the
Sports Castle building it's a historic building it kind of looks like a castle
and it's the home of where East Denver was originally hosted for years before
they outgrew the center so the Dow the the Sports Castle venue is very
nostalgic to the East Denver participants and that's the venue that
they booked now now we have a full day lineup starting at 10 a.m. with breakfast
and a double speed a double stage speaker lineup of workshops seminars
trainings that are co-hosted and and organized through how to Dow in Poonkar
and he's doing a huge lift to get really good quality speakers and
trainings and stages going on for the whole day from 10 8 from 11 a.m. until 4
p.m. right after the breakfast at 4 p.m. city Dow is on the spotlight doing a
experiment with harbinger taxes which is the same concept that Vitalik Buterin
and radical markets did extensive writing on crypto punks is doing a big
harbinger tax experiment as well you probably heard about the pixel
experiment that happened as well and city Dow is doing a harbinger tax
experiment with the public board in collaboration and the idea is to take
the results of this and take the experience of it and integrate it into
a formal education system as a proper research paper that can start to get
circulated imagine going to like Oxford and Harvard and seeing Dow research
papers and that's what city Dow is doing so they're going to present about the
experiment and offer an opportunity for people to participate and actually be
involved in that process and then of course we have the the comedy show
coming up that's the laughing apes presenting board silly and at five
o'clock and really excited to see that it's like right this is the first time
is a professional comedy show being brought into East Denver and it's being
done at the sports castle and then of course we bring it home with the
one-and-the-only pizza Dow with Ninja Turtles and pizza for everyone and music
and just like a really good time and and that's and because there's so many
different Dows that are coming into this instead of calling it the sports castle
and of course it's the pizza castle right that's really how it started but
there's so many Dows now that the full day is called the Dow castle and this
represents a neutral playing ground for all of us you know big influencers in
the space and important Dows in the space to come at an equal footing in a
round table and say hey let's do something together let's behave like
Dows are supposed to behave let's support each other and have a better end result
as a team than we would otherwise as individuals and and this started last
summer and this is where I'll stop for now I was hosting I was doing panel
speaking at East Toronto and I was coordinating a major after-party with
city Dow and Bankless Dow and pizza Dow was doing their own thing separately and
as a result of that we thought you know what we need to be doing these together
that's what this is supposed to be and that's what we're doing here love it
love it I have not been to eat Denver before I've not had a chance to
participate in any of the pizza Dow events around the world so I am
listening and learning here happy to have all the speakers up here with us
today I see you got snacks up here with us as well from the pizza Dow I'm
curious I mean we're hearing about a lot of pizza I know apes love pizza I want
to hear more about the pizza down what you what you what you guys have going on
there and a little bit of context and background for these events and what
this one and what this particular activation is gonna look like in the
Denver but I see creatures has her hand up creatures please and welcome up to
the stage what's up GM everybody yeah I just wanted to say thanks to Erin for
the lovely intro and yeah he has been telling me about you guys I do like to
listen in quite a bit but I don't always come up to say hi so just want to say
hi and I am actually eating pizza right now it's garlic cheese and I added some
beats on it I sliced up a beat a cooked beat and then and then I put it to reheat
so it's all nice and warm so just wanted to say and also instead of the red
peppers I'm going with some tapatio for the for the spice so yeah GM I was
watching the emojis there as you were listing off the ingredients and I think
everybody was like wanted to ask right like everybody was like all right all
right that's what you're gonna say so we can ask what you eating on pizza and
then you started telling us what you're eating on your pizza and you got us all
with the garlic and they saw all the positive emoji with the garlic everyone
was like oh we didn't even think about garlic everyone's like yes and then you
said beats and everyone with the big mouth emoji like Oh beats it's just like
the pineapple I'm also into pineapple I don't think I've ever even seen it the
beat what do you call it what do you call that is that what is it is there a
creative name for the beat pizza I don't know man it beats me nothing from
Aaron there we go give you rock beats with the beats any I mean any of those
would work beats me I mean I can see that on the menu all right snacks please
if you would give us the introduction to the pizza dow for those of us that may
not be as familiar as I mean it seems like most of us on stage are and exactly
what what's going on here this year at East Denver yeah so pizza that was a
global pizza co-op and a pizza party planner you've probably seen us at our
parties all over the place and we're a pizza faucet so if you get a one of our
NFTs or if you have a friend in our community you can come to our discord
and you can put in proposals for us to buy pizza for events so we do that all
the time you know we've bought pizza all over the world I think we've given
away over $800,000 in pizza since we started in 2021 in February and we've
thrown three global pizza parties that was kind of like our first big mission
as an organization so we're going on our fourth last year we were in 116 cities
this year we want to be in a lot more like 150 I think would be great last
year we had like 9200 attendees this year we want to get well over 10,000 so
eight comes I you've never been to one of our events but you're gonna come to
this Denver one I hope are you no okay that's fine well where do you live I'm
in the Bay Area so we're close okay well great so then in May on May 22nd I
think it's a Wednesday just like our party is next week there's gonna be a
party in the Bay and I hope you'll go to it because it's gonna be epic but
anyway so we throw epic pizza parties and we have a great tradition of throwing
them at East Denver like our biggest parties of the year already Denver last
year we had this huge line I swear 200 people couldn't get in and we didn't
have a small venue like 350 capacity type spot so that's why we went big this
year we got the sports capsule we can cram way more than 500 people into this
place and I expect we will and it's gonna be it's gonna be epic like there's
gonna be so much pizza I don't I think it may be the most pizza that both
people there will have ever seen in one place I mean I'm and and yeah I'm now
FOMO I'm definitely why why so much fun why so much pizza this year I mean we
they're just gonna be so many people at this event right they're gonna be well
over 500 people we already have going on 500 RSVPs and just judging from
attendance at our events in years past like it's gonna be it's gonna be quite a
turnout so and our parties I mean if you haven't been to our parties everybody
like it's it's pretty relaxed it's like there's pizza there's beer we have pizza
themed music sometimes the Ninja Turtles come and we try and just make it like a
nice like relaxed house party type of an atmosphere like everyone can just make
some new friends I love it we're gonna have we're gonna have to talk about that
May 22nd event we just fired up the old Bay Sea community for for our local
regional board a chapter and then obviously we've got a pretty a pretty
strong presence for the a coin community as well sort of they're aligned with
that same community so we're gonna have to show up over there and eat up some of
your pizza I think let's go that would be that would be amazing and then one
other thing about pizza doubt that a lot of people don't know and the thing that
really aligns us with what city does doing is that we are we are working to
buy pizzeria real estate in partnership with pizzerias all over the world so you
know see that's very interested in in real estate on the blockchain as well
and this is like some strong alignment between our communities that we're we
were hoping to build on oh yeah that sounds great I mean you eat we need that
influence we want you know we want a clubhouse right you know that board a
biaclip what's a clubhouse we ain't going down figuring it out we're figuring out
if we're gonna do regional events if we're gonna have an ape coin fest if
we're gonna do it all but it always kind of circles back to that to that real
estate right anyway people always went somewhere to to show up without having
to deal with the old the old manager complaining about noise I didn't even
think about about ape dowl like owning the clubhouse as a dowl which is
freaking cool like I was just like oh yeah like you know the apes are gonna go
hang out at a spot but if it was actually crypto all the way down pretty
cool we got to get them in here we got to get these guys in these discussions
we got I mean and we've also okay so we got beer and weed I mean since we're
talking about pizza and pizza dowl I mean and we're not representing for the
ape coin foundation we're just active you know participating community
members beer and weed welcome back up I mean this is the day yo how's it going I
heard about this free oh wait don't do that all right go ahead my bed I've been
freaking me so like if I own one a point and I go to 8th Denver like well will I
basically be like part of this like party available like and I just like
basically like book a plane ticket to Denver right before I walk in go on
coinbase by one eighth point I can just like farm ten slices of pizza pretty
much I mean it'd be nice for that utility yeah yeah but yes and and for
all of our shows throughout the year all you need is one eight coin RSVP or to
watch it online now I understand why there's gonna be so much pizza you got
the 500 RSVP and maybe like the 350 show up but then there's always the plus one
pot head plus 500 that you got to account for I'm starting to see the
math and there's how to dowl as well doing the full day of speaker lineups
before any of the pizza even starts so there's like I'm not exactly sure what
their attendance counts right now like what it's at but I'm and I'm kind of
curious actually if there's any updates on their end but and that's kind of the
idea of putting us all together in one room we're all promoting all of our
separate things but now it's all in one venue that we all get to cross share on
and keep focused on I can only imagine how popular that's gonna be I mean
people love pizza one of my favorite things actually at eight fest was I
think the Sunday morning after event where they had just a bunch of pizza at
the clubhouse wasn't even that many people but there was just so much pizza
and I just grabbed a couple slices posted up at a table and started
chatting with people you know so only imagine having that many more people in
the same area with the same shared interests you know all getting together
and vibing over pizza so man now just if I didn't already have FOMO it's just
intensified that much more man and I'm reading here I pinned up at the top the
the agenda that we tweeted out earlier the account retweeted it as well so you
can kind of see the all the participating parties here and so we do
have how to Dow up here with us as well and it says breakfast burritos I mean so
it's just a soft introduction but you guys have breakfast burritos too I mean
this is people are gonna be getting full over here but it gets better some
prepared with energy yeah we want to kick it over some food and pizza now
will be later in the afternoon so how to now it's providing some burritos at the
beginning so you know you're ready for some good talks and and some networking
already during the day and to membrane or I will start with the question was
my favorite pizza I actually like the pizza very simple just margarita so just
cheese and tomatoes nothing else that's actually my favorite and on the
attendance we are now actually above 200 so we are getting there still we hope
it we will get maybe hundred hundred fifty more till next week but it's
already getting full so yeah I'm really looking forward to this event and was
already said like thank thank you membrane bringing us all together I'm
really looking forward with you know laughing games and sit it out and pizza
dough and other partners like pulling this dough castle together maybe that
will be actually like every year things from now I love it I mean this is
definitely one of the most exciting conversations we've had about an
approved ait in a long time I had to change the title of the space pizza
faucet I mean to show and show up in foreign pizza I can't even should we
open the pizza faucet to somebody in the audience maybe and buy them pizza right
now how did wait how do you do that how is this possible do it how you can do
definitely do that okay so so how do we want to pick I think they should respond
with like a good pizza or a ninja turtle or a gift and maybe we can just pick
one we like and then we send them to pizza faucet dot XYZ oh this is
incredible I didn't even know this is just a pizza faucet dot XYZ we want a
pizza or an ape gif in the comments and then we'll pick one yeah all right did
you guys get that pizza or ape gif in the comments or we can just do a ninja
turtles again I don't know maybe just ninja turtles is simpler because that is
the password to the event it is cowbung all right all right pizza now I'm fuck
all right now it's just got to be ninja turtle cuz I already forgot the other
all right there are too many rules just post a gift everybody Oh pizza faucet
unlocked pizza faucet unlocked for the community post your best gift in the
comments simple there you go break open your folder broke break open your file
they're breaking open the pizza faucet this is incredible how do we get I saw I
saw a comment did we get what do we get yeah post your gifts I saw I mean I saw
the city got posted in it but we needed any gift all right we got the I love you
pizza gift from Maximilian first one coming in this is a I'll give this is
one of the first gifts that comes up for pizza it's a solid one I try and go for
a slightly deeper cuts usually when I'm posting a pizza gift at this point in my
pizza gift posting career but I respect the it's a good first entry oh this is
incredible you wait so you you're how familiar how familiar are you with the
catalog of pizza gifts oh man I mean it's gonna be hard to surprise me I was
gonna say like if you could surprise snacks if you can surprise snacks with
the pizza gift I think you definitely you definitely break over the pizza
faucet all right keep it going keep it just keep your searches going I'll keep
an eye on the comments I keep pinning them up at the top to see who wins
Aaron's got the pizza cat another classic a very solid one a good choice
but you know it's I'd say that's like fourth or fifth most popular maybe six
so so pretty good a deeper cut I love this Michael Angelo gift with the three
spinning pizzas anyway we can we can come back keep posting your gifts favorite
gifts best gifts or try to surprise snack with the pizza gift you almost
can't go wrong all right well how did I mean we're following you guys but maybe
for those of us who aren't as familiar with exactly what it is you guys do I
mean me Brad said you guys are helping to organize here but I mean what do you
what are you guys doing on a on a regular basis and what is sort of
encouraged you to get involved here with this castle yeah we basically just hang
out in the dough space and figuring out how to doubt that's like I would say our
full-time full-time job but we also put that all in writing actually so we are
just finalizing our book myself Punkar and Kevin Ookie which will be
published in September by Penguin Random House so that's a big deal for us and
we organize education events and inspirational events to you know bring
more people into the Dow ecosystem build more doubts but more web tea
products and everything's basically like kind of evangelize the space overall so
you know there is not clear one thing we do we are just trying to open up the
space I love it I love it I love the logo too I love I love that that h2d
that had a Dow logo and Punkar his name sounds familiar I don't want it I don't
want to docs like his work or anything but what is Punkar is there anything
he's worked on that other people might be familiar with in the ecosystem well
I also around couple down so you know maker Dow get Klein bankless now index
scoop and so on so you know we might encounter each other at some some of the
doubts I also run a consulting company under bankless or bankless consulting so
there is no probably one particular thing what Punkar is doing but you know
I've been in the space for a while so usually at the conferences I see many
many familiar faces so it's been actually fun and one actually just a
random thing what I'm doing now it's actually I'm kicking off new Dow called
workout Dow because I just launched a event like random event for Denver I
was like I would like to do some work out there and maybe I can invite some
people over and I just got like I haven't promoted I just actually opened
the event I just got like 60 signups and I'm like well maybe people actually
want to do some workouts during website conferences so maybe you can create a
dollar on it I hope you will join I will share the link in the comments I love it
I love it no thank you for sharing I was I'm struggling over here with Twitter I
see profits is requesting for some reason it's like not letting me accept
profits to come up so maybe adventurous or Chris if you can accept her to come
up first I think the stage is full is a stage full can you why don't you put
down yeah take down your yeah let me do that can I say a quick hello to
everybody I got a run in a moment was that was that was that the Vivian
brings something you up from the audience what's up ma'am yeah thanks hey
I'm David from City Dow thanks so much guys for for putting this together it's
a great space is lots of energy so City Dow we just want to say and I'll throw
it over to Black Acres who's the other facilitator that we're both going to be
there we're going to be doing the presentation from four to five it's
going to be focused on ownership and and harbinger taxes and we're also going to
have an airdrop for alpha testers of our parcel zero NFT which actually does
have some value and it's about a real piece of land in Wyoming our first piece
of land we have a separate Dow that is the parcel zero Dow and so we're going
to be debuting this experiment that was built by meme brains and boss dragon
this really cool harbinger tax marketplace and then we are going to be
having this perpetual auction for this image on the digital billboard truck
around East Denver so I got a run I just wanted to say hi and thank everybody for
your time and I will see you all in Denver love it looking forward to it
thanks for sharing in meme brains was there was there anything else that you
wanted to ask for the VV to share with us up here while we got him no I mean
he's got a run he's gonna he's gonna explain a lot more of it in Denver too
but the VV is you know like this is a very special guide so the VV and Black
Acres are on the special counsel for City Dow they're very important people
over there and there's a lot of pressure in their shoulders anyone that knows
about being a council member knows like what that means so these are actually
two very special people that are like OGs in that space and you know and David of
course is I'll give him a little intro but he's legally trained as a lawyer he
taught he lived in China for 15 years he taught at University level actually
improv and comedy too so him and Aaron got a cool connection and and now he's
writing his papers and I got it all wrong I'm sorry but he's writing like
his PhD and masters in web the the metaverse in web 3 at like official
university level so he's got this deep deep inclination for bringing legitimacy
to the Dow space that is like bridging the gap between all of us crazy
degens and and the real the real world kind of like how Wyoming did by
introducing the Dow LLC like bill 38 there's there's two sides to the equation
and David to me is one of the guys that's helping to do that so just you
know love having him here and he's gonna talk a lot more about this in Denver and
and that's what this is all about this isn't some random airdrop this is no
this is like actual research paper type stuff and you know just really grateful
to have him here I love it I love even just the cadence of the conversation
right it's like we got pizza and then we've got IRL implications of Dow and
education and then we've got laughing a below board and then we've got how to
Dow learning about the ecosystem intense education about the ecosystem on chain
crypto web 3 all that stuff I love the balance I love the balance like how do
we get people in pizza faucet and then how do we how do we like get them with
education city Dow mean brains how to doubt and then how do we how do we keep
them after we like after we almost scared them off oh there's a comedy show
gotcha gotcha you got to stay we got we got celebrities we got comedy show got
you got you again I love it I love it I love it we got prophets up here prophets
welcome up how we doing today yo that's right clap for myself listen we before
we get back to the important talk I need everybody to like comment repost this
because this is one of the best dial spaces literally on Twitter on Twitter
shout out to snack shout out to city Dow appreciate you guys damn we are just
fucking rocking and rolling on this beautiful Friday how you doing lost I'm
juiced I'm juiced I love when we get a good combination because sometimes we
get too crazy and then people get disinterested and sometimes we get too
much in the weeds and people immediately get disinterested but this is great
this is great I'm excited and I'm FOMO I mean they're talking about a pizza
faucet before did you meet snacks before today I have it directly missed next but
I did jump in the San Francisco piece of Del's telegram at one point and I do
think we had a brief we gotta get you first of all you need to go to the
fucking pizza doubt discourse great in there I have a great name well aside
from that I I had the pleasure of talking with snacks on the phone the
other day and I know you guys don't know each other but I know you lost and I'm
telling you I think you two would be a great connection to have so you guys
definitely hang out in the DMS talk to each other both both great brains and
for the community overall and definitely great to see I love it I love
it well he told me they're doing an event up here May 22nd so I'm pretty
sure we're definitely on a on a direct path to meeting and we'll have to we'll
have to chat sooner than later I mean the recommendation from profits you can
get no no higher so yeah although I don't want to run because I'm not gonna
be oh I'm running second I'm gonna be hosting the one in Philly so they have
events snacks don't even have to be there he just says hey we're having a
pizza down here in Amsterdam pull up turns the faucet on he just turns on the
faucet did you know about the pizza faucet am I the only one that is just
finding out about the pizza faucet today don't forget to post your best gifts and
if you could surprise snacks with the pizza gift you're on a really great
track snacks opened up the pizza faucet so if you win today he's opening up the
pizza faucet that I didn't even know about profits did you were you holding
out on me did you know about the pizza faucet
listen I did it's all right though you'll learn feeling so just I want
pizza Chris what are you gonna say Chris what's up oh no I just remember I think
snacks mentioned speaking of we're gonna miss it you mentioned something about a
Bay Area event coming up was that right snacks did I hear you correctly there
yeah May 22nd oh yeah so yeah May 22nd and this goes to everyone who is here
listening there will be a pizza party likely within like an hour of you I
would say potentially much closer on May 27th like incredibly likely no matter
where you are on earth I'm telling you there's gonna be a group of your local
crypto Dow NFT dgens eating pizza together on May 22nd all right and it's
a Wednesday night so if you don't think there's gonna be a party where you are
like heavy up and we'll make I mean there there could be no better I mean
there could nearly be no better aligned public good than pizza with apes and
with the eight point Dow the board if I mean the whole thing I mean if we're
getting together somebody there's I mean I can't even think of the last Bay
Area event that didn't have pizza delivered mr. robot is like powered by
a coin every one of these past events including pizza so I mean the alignment
is is a hundred percent there is somebody also here with us behind the
city Dow account and just been patiently here with us this whole time yes hello
I'm here this is missa running the city Dow Twitter account over here with the
help of David and mean brains and Black Acres and I love it I love it
sometimes I don't want to put pressure on the the official account sometimes so
I'm glad you're here with us appreciate you being so patient during the
conversation Aaron I'm not forgetting about below board either I'm a below
board is 100% a part of the activation it's the it's the circular part like I
just said it's what it's what's it's what brings wholeness fullness to this
whole thing right we got the education we've got the pizza we've got more
education bunch of Dow stuff going on we got marketing too so we got a bunch of
things we're gonna be learning out different products from different people
that are up on that board and then boom we got comedy show so I didn't forget
yeah no listen this look we have 12 of these events coming up over the next
year and this is the absolute best way to kick off this event right it's great
for a coin holders which is what we're trying to do have a new utility fun
utility and then we get to hang out with snacks and legendary pizza Dow and City
Dow and Hana Dow and mean brains a public board you know my my AIP brother
in arms here so it is in East Denver and yes I am looking forward to bringing an
amazing comedy show to everybody it is you just couldn't ask for a better day
and and hey I just want I want to sneak in a little bit of of a point here which
is gonna totally kill the vibe but remember what we were talking about on
Wednesday about just like fun fun shit for people to get excited about the
eight coin Dow how fucking excited are you and the other people in this room
about the pizza faucet right and and how how on brand and messaging is snacks
with the pizza Dow we can learn a thing or two from what they are doing over
there about how we can get people excited and emotionally invested here in
the eight coin down so do not discount fun seemingly frivolous things that
actually have a deeper meaning and connection to bring about people and
excitement in the Dow because that is what snacks and pizza Dow are doing I
love it I love it I love the way you get into the pizza Dow too right it's like
you got to find one you gotta you gotta you gotta find someone and then they can
and they can kind of bless you in or you just find this faucet I love I love that
it's kind of just don't that one you can still mint your own it's an OG smart
contract you can mint your own pizza and be part of the pizza Dow I mean anybody
could be part of it well our boxes last I think they will eventually mix out but
yeah but we're also I mean many members of the pizza Dow actually earned their
NST by you know doing some favors for the pizza mafia that was ominous that
was ominous what's mostly pretty innocuous ones like you know or oh you
got to carry out these this this this duty this mission order of pizza hey
make sure you order enough pizzas with mushrooms okay oh I love it oh this is
great all right well miss it was me so right mr. D I mean I haven't I haven't
learned a hundred percent about city Dow I've heard from mean brains a lot in the
past about some of the things that you guys are working on some of your guys's
mission I know that he's been participating there for a while and has
always seemed extremely enthusiastic but for maybe anybody in the audience who
hasn't heard anything would you please just give us a little bit of introduction
to the city Dow and then I mean what is what is your guys's role here in in the
castle what should we expect from from the city down yeah sure just I mean our
thing we want to build we are building the blockchain city of the future and so
with castle Dow and and this event coming up we are experimenting with
harbinger taxes which we're really passionate about and David who hopped
out is really the expert in that and spear the the spearhead of that
experiment which we're really excited about mean brains knows a bunch about
that as well and yeah we're really excited to be speaking about harbinger
taxes and doing the experiment and yeah I'll let mean brains you know he's our
speaker really so he can definitely speak a little more eloquently on
everything that I do but we are an active community we've got land in
Wyoming and our NFT and would love to have everyone hop into the discord and
learn more and just engage with more of the community here all right well you
guys have said this this term like five or six times now and I'm not sure I'm
still lost I think I'm actually still lost so if I'm still lost I get a
feeling other people might still be lost so I don't know mean brains or me say if
you guys want to explain a little bit more about about this this heart
harboring your harboring your tax the harbinger tax and I know you guys said
Vitalik had written about it but maybe for for those of us who haven't you know
gone through the documents and and maybe in simple terms too you know like maybe
in a way that most people would be able to understand like what does this mean
what is that what are the implications of this yeah so here's some context when
we think about land ownership today we it's very simple in our minds we save
some money we we get enough to buy a property we get some agents we do some
paperwork we buy the land it's in our name that's the beginning that's the
middle and that's basically the end you pay some taxes on it but you own that
property forever it's under your name you can pass it down generally if you
do nothing with the property it's up to you if you let it become decrepit and
fall apart it's up to you if you rebuild on it and put a sky rise up
that's up to you and us humans and I'm putting on the philosopher hat here for
a second us humans we're tiny blips on the spectrum of our species and our
species is a tiny spectrum on a tiny speck on the spectrum of the planet and
of course the planet in relation to the universe as well if we go back 500 years
from now land ownership didn't work this way it was very very different and if we
go back you know one two three thousand years ago land ownership was very this
didn't exist the land ownership didn't exist for our species in the way that we
see it today prior to us being born but we think that it's always been that way
because that's all we've experienced while our bodies are here and breathing
and because if we can acknowledge that the way it is today is not the way that
it was in the past then we can also acknowledge that land ownership in the
future might knock and probably won't look like it does today it's gonna
change right the gold standard before that was there it was like seashells and
so can you imagine having your currency pegged to to seashells right but that
was normal back then that's how that's how it was and so what harbinger taxes
is an experiment on what the future of land ownership could look like so and
here's here's the pain point that it's trying to result imagine you're living
in a suburb area and you got a crazy neighbor and they they they party and
and they make a mess and things are falling apart and there's garbage and you
call the police on them a hundred times and it doesn't fix anything because the
systems are broken you're trying to sell your property you can't because no one
wants to buy it you're stuck you're stuck because someone's not taking care
of their property a real situation that happened in my city there was a guy
that well in my opinion kind of staged a an insurance claim he burnt down his
house it was in the middle of a really popular area downtown and and he just
left it decrepit and fallen apart with with fence all around it and cashed it
on the insurance claim didn't reinvest anything to rebuild it because the land
value was going up every year he did nothing right so the law and he did this
for ten years and I watched it firsthand I knew people that that were all
associated and and and he did nothing for ten years as this plotted land
increased in value and simultaneously all the neighbors around there hated
being near it because it was this abandoned falling apart piece of crap
burnt down building but he had no incentive to change it and the system
allowed him to do that and that's the way the land ownership is today now
anyone that reads the booklet radical markets will be able to go deep into
this but essentially imagine if the the the purchase of a land wasn't definitive
if if I had to when I so if I purchased the house and at the same time that I
put that house up that I buy that house I have to pay a live stream tax to a
community a local community like a neighborhood community that for the law
for the period of time that I own that house and and when I buy that house I'm
also putting it back up for sale so when I buy a house it's not in my name for
the next thousand years generationally no no I buy the house let's say for you
know 200 grand whatever and as I buy it I also have to put it back up for sale
well that's a little bit dumb because if I buy it for 200 grand and it's back up
for 200 grand someone's gonna buy it out from under me and I don't even get to
move in that doesn't really work so I'm not probably gonna put it at a higher
price if I buy it at 200 grand and I want to and I don't and I actually want
to live there well maybe maybe if I put the sale price at 300 grand then if
someone buys it out from under me hey I made a hundred grand that's great now I
don't really mind going through all the pain in the hassle or if I if I need to
sell my house quick I can just change it on the open market and lower the price
or whether it's a car or any any other type of an asset so there's a live
auction bid war on every piece of property imagine this like in real
estate world on every piece of property anyone could buy anything at any time
for any reason so long as you're willing to pay whatever price the person lists
it for so now if a person lists that price really really high well they're
paying a lot of money into a community tax that directly benefits that community
so when I give you the example of the burnt down decrepit house sure he can
keep it for 10 years if he wants but he's gonna have to be paying direct
tax directly into that community not just to you know the city for that for
the city ownership tax but to the neighbors to help increase the value and
like contribute as a as a neighbor and and anyway so that I could go on and on
and on but but if you just Google hard bird you're not harbing here there's
actually different two different versions hard bird you're like hamburger
Harberger Harberger have you want to pronounce it tax if you put Harberger
tax Vitalik Buterin Vitalik has some really interesting articles written on
on the direct applications that Harberger tax bring into the physical
world because of blockchain blockchain makes this viable because of the
automation the technology you can Harberger tax on NFTs if you Google
crypto punks Harberger tax experiment you're gonna see a real world
experiment with with NFTs crossing into Harberger taxes exactly as Vitalik
written has has written and if you're curious about the real land version just
Google radical mark read the radical markets book it's a fascinating it'll
change the way that your mind works on what land ownership will look like for
the next 500 years anyways I could ramble on that a lot more because I've
spent a lot of time in that space but I think that's the TLDR it's interesting
yeah I mean I have my own personal opinions I've also heard like oddly
enough I was just I was a part of a conversation on sort of the the directly
on the other end of the spectrum with some some friends of mine that are in
Texas and they've got like a lot of money and like these aren't like like
really great friends of mine or anything I'm not like in their house every day
or anything I've never been where they're at but anyway a lot of money
oil money a lot of money right and so one of the things that they actually
said was at some point there was a dispute between neighbors and yeah they
bought the house across the street and they they just let it go to hell
intentionally despite the person across the street and not only that they
actually put up a trailer park just despite despite the entire neighborhood
and and sort of create a dysfunctional area so that you know I feel like it's
something that's gonna be difficult to overcome when there's you know like a
vested interest in in ownership and in a sense like being able to control
certain areas but then like personally it seems like insane like what is the
incentive to move into an area that I don't like I that I have to have my
house listed in and like I'm not I'm obviously you said like there's more
details and I'm not sure exactly what the ranges are so like if I can buy a
house for a hundred grand and listed for a million dollars cool right I can buy a
house or two and probably back in that same neighborhood and be okay but if I
could only list it for you know like a hundred grand up or two hundred grand up
then that's kind of like that creates a difficulty right that I mean it seems
like to only to like recreate like a similar problem that we have now where
it is difficult to to kind of find a stable place to live dealing with taxes
or if you're somebody that's renting dealing with like a sustainable rent so
like what is the incentive to not own a home I mean it been to pay the price of
having a like as though you were to own the home yeah so I mean this is praised
as an experiment on purpose like that the principle of harbinger tax came out
in the early 1900s and and and there is a lot of experimentation that has to
happen and in the real world of course there's there'll be this experiment
there'll be that experiment they'll try this we'll try that we'll put this
condition we'll put this guardrail and we build slowly towards something that
could be better so really that the one of the questions is so so in this case
for example you're you're friends with the you're super rich close friends that
you went to high school with that have all this oil and gas money that feed the
ape comms under the table those friends in Texas it you know they're they're
upset with a certain person and they're doing things through the system to do
that to them and I'm not saying that's good or bad now if we imagine on the
other on the receiving end of that on the receiving end you got this guy who
or this family or whatever it is that maybe in their perspective they're
trying to just live a happy life and someone's ruining it for them and so how
do how do you work around that on the other side and and as long as the the
asset ownership systems work as they do today then you know then some people can
go and put a trailer park in front of your house and you can't do anything
about it and there's no benefit to you as a homeowner it just is what it is
you're just stuck with it so that's the pain point that that is trying to
resolve now if I'm gonna buy a house and then it gets sold right away under
me yeah there's some tricky parts there and there's some good questions about
like is it a live auction is it maybe yearly is it monthly are there
increments that need to be put up how does the community tax pool work for for
managing that that in that that Treasury and and basically if you have like a
suburb and you got everyone paying into this community tax and it's all going
into decentralized voting that's a dial friends that's what this is right
imagine if every community was operating as a Dow in the United States
right now and making decisions as a community about you know what to do with
their little tiny section of tax money do they do they fix the road do they do
they maybe do a barbecue do they you know put some infrastructure in do they
change building permits conditions there's there's kind of an infinite
number of applications and ripple effects like a domino effect no no no
pun for pizza intended domino pizza effects that ripple down in the universe
but and this is the purpose of the experiment the tech that myself and
Bargav one with at East Denver last year and the Dow and community track was in
part as you know the Treasury dashboard that you see on a coin and was also in
part the harbinger tax marketplace that we built for for and with City Dow
that's being showcased at East Denver and we're hooking it directly up to the
live feed of the truck for people to experiment with how harbinger taxes
works on a physical display on the board so City Dow has multiple hours
just fully blocked just for them for anyone to put like you can have if you
if you own the the the NFT for the harbinger tax experiment and you and
you and no one else bids on it you can have your image your art we can have
creatress and her you know beautiful shows up on that board for like four
hours straight that no one would be able to interject with because they own the
harbinger tax NFT or someone could just buy it out right away it's a and and the
results of this experiment are going to be put into a research paper that future
experiments will be leveraging off of to develop maybe the future of land
ownership in a decentralized way we don't know where it's going to go and I
don't have all the right answers and I can't say it's the right or wrong thing
for our species to go down but I do know that things always change and we can
either let it change or be a part of it yeah I love it I think it's really
interesting as soon got evil plan up here and he's one of the the developers
in the ecosystem so happy to hear from him we've got TFG joining us as well
local approved AIP author you good gaming council member happy to have you
with us and just to kind of reset a little bit as we're you know just
passing over the top of the hour I see we are talking about the Dow castle
activation in East Denver we've got approved AIP authors AIP 346 the below
board the laughing ape Aaron Haber himself we've also got meme brains here
with AIP 383 having been approved the public board make sure you guys are
following these folks this is the community this is the ape coin down yet
what is the ape point out this this is it these are them we are they you just
need one a point to join you don't need a board ape as you can tell by the stage
very diverse group of people here in the a point community you could be a fork
spork cat we love to have you we absolutely love to have you evil plan
was what's that Christmas what's up I just want to say amazing conversations
today like you said it's been you know the wacky to the really serious to the
amazing you know innovative and everybody's getting super pumped I just
want to respectfully bow out I want to say thank you to ape comms want to say
thank you to adventure safe and lost for having me I need to pick up these kids
it's a weird minimum Friday so thank you everybody for being here and I hope
everyone has a great weekend and see you all again soon I'm out thanks guys love
it love it thanks Chris for dedicating the time to us this Friday hope you have
a great Friday and get those kids everybody I mean had I feel like half
the stage up here has had kid noise background in the past during during
their time speaking so we definitely love the father community we love the
mother community thank you for joining us during these stages hopefully we can
help to give a little distraction during all the chaos evil plan what's up what's
going on which thing hey thanks for having me up okay so I'm gonna start out
and just like level set and say that this question is completely unrelated to
the very interesting and I mean this sincerely very interesting thing that
meme dreams is talking about but I do have a pressing question and it's it's
really pizza related and so I'm hoping that perhaps somebody relating to pizza
Dow would have some insight to this so here's my question if somebody okay let's
call him a friend we're to be holding a secret meeting with other entrepreneurs
and investors focused on I don't know like you know maybe AI and blockchain
okay in Denver where might they hold such a such an event that that would
that's a really oddly specific I mean that doesn't sound very general question
Aaron okay people know that that sounds very like a very specific thing agreed
to disagree pizza that's you know snacks is not answering I was gonna say
snack snacks it's you got the science that did seem like a little pointed a
question you got pizza alpha that's that's absolutely fair we can see this
is the thing this is the thing we did we went into the weeds we got a little too
far away from pizza evil play but I'm just kidding evil play what was your
question all right snack my question is if if somebody not me but if somebody
were to be holding a secret meeting relating to a topic like AI X blockchain
and it was for you know like other other entrepreneurs and investors that are
active in that and it was pizza related because the theme of the event
hypothetically could be like world domination and pizza again completely
unrelated where where might such a secret meeting be held in Denver
hmm maybe the International Church of cannabis do they serve pizza just
curious well they let us bring pizza in but not upstairs they said you cannot
bring it into the chapel the chapel is sacred no pizza we can't get these rug
actually roamed out spilled wine on the carpet so all right and besides the
International Church of Canada's if you were to if you were to put forth a
second location for such a meeting you know assuming perhaps that that location
was full or wasn't probably you know deep in the sports castle during our
event actually would it would be maybe you know probably a lot of people who'd
want to be at this meeting would already be there interesting yes I will have I
will ask my friend if if if such a meeting were to occur if the sports
castle might be great and if one were to organize such a meeting at the castle
what would be the process for that would they just kind of show up and do it or
you know is it is it like to have to talk to somebody like how would that
work it depends how secret you know interesting maybe maybe you need to step
into the back room in the pizza down discord and we could discuss them yeah I
will I will refer my friend and once again this is not it's not related to me
I will for my friend to the pizza down discord and you know I'll ask them to
send you a DM maybe to link to the discord or something and then they can
like pop in there and chit chat about where location might be but I
appreciate appreciate the time appreciate you a comms for letting me
come up and ask us on behalf of my friend who does not like speaking on
Twitter spaces hey this is what we do we facilitate connections I can't tell you
how many wonderful connections I've seen happen on these stages up here we've
seen people get connected straight to a fest in these stages so I mean if we can
get you a little pizza if we can see a little facilitation for a little pizza
faucet action for your AI friend who's definitely not you love to see it let me
just ask you real quick for the benefit of the audience just so we would make
sure everybody's safe evil plan you're not an AI right absolutely not no okay
and what's that oh yeah no I was gonna ask a similar question this is a general
hypothetical if if someone wanted to hang out at a place that had pizza and
animatronic performers that were like rats and other things and had games
where might one go to to experience that the pizza castle perfect I'm already
gonna be there I'm not gonna lie when you said that like my mind went straight
to the board ape Club to the IRL clubhouse and we need the ape animatronics
in there and we need Pete like we're gonna have pizzas so if we could just
have like animatronic ape I mean you know they're gonna meme us into a cop
but we got to yeah that would be that would be dope and ski ball or skeet
ball it'll it'll be a good time we're gonna have arcade games that's a hundred
percent I mean we've already got the digital arcade we're definitely getting
arcade games at least air hockey we had air hockey they put air hockey up in
Hong Kong they're gonna have that hey speaking of which there is an ape coin
video game in the ape coin belowboard Metaverse Club so if you go to the bar
and you you go up to the the little arcade game there it'll give you
instructions like hey do you want to do this thing and when you press start a
whole bunch of eight coins proliferate around the club and you have to try to
get as many as you can within one minute now it's your own private game
but you can post your your high score to to Twitter and we will all applaud you
I thought you were gonna say like the winner is gonna get a some ape coin and
then you rang me a little bit you're like well applaud you thumbs up
participation I will put in an AIP for five ape coin to give out to winners I'm
speaking of winners we have an early lead I think we have a winner on the
gift somebody's get you with the pizza gift pin it oh there's no I mean it's
just a solid gift it's a clear leader for me it's from it's from our friend
beer and weed so pretty good pretty good he's got everything he needs except
pizza is it the Ninja Turtle one so splinter dunking on the three Ninja
Turtles is a pretty rare turtles gift so that's my reasoning here I'm not
against it I love the Ninja Turtle gifts I like mean brains but he's up on stage
with this so it felt a little bit wrong to give him like an early W yeah he's
gonna get pizza at the event we don't know if pizza and beer is even gonna be
there like I like it excuse me beer beer and weed sorry yeah we got Jonathan here
too from CityDow council too I just realized I don't know if Jonathan put in
in your gift or not but we're gonna bring him up at some point to end them
end them up here that was a quality I think you're about as familiar with ape
gifts as we are with pizza gifts at pizza down I'd like CityDow posted a
pretty solid spinning gorilla gift it's a classic one how does that rate it's
classic so is that like a you know you're saying it's good but we we know
that one oh yeah oh yeah we're yeah so not a deep enough cut but still a solid
entry exactly exactly that exactly exactly well we got we got TFG up here
TFG are you going to eat Denver CityDow I am NOT going to eat Denver I'm from
Denver born and raised beautiful city have you ever been to the International
Church of cannabis have you have you been to this place I have not I don't
even know if that's a thing but you know it's it's Colorado it might fucking be
you never know to be honest there's a bot and pot heads up there do a lot of
crazy shit so wouldn't doubt it had to check had to check how you doing today
are you out in Paris I mean what's the news we got the alpha for us from the
gaming council I'm not in Paris but I am hyped up I am very excited just the
market's looking really good I made some some personal plays and some
certain NFT projects that I won't show here that that's doing really well right
now so that's always good to see right makes me excited but most excited for
swamp gaming you know we're making a lot of strides with the the eighth
foundation in terms of getting everything together and finalized we
passed the KYB yesterday so you know we're fully vetted and approved by the
the eighth foundation and whoever they hired to you know do the process so
that's exciting and we're working on the legal agreement and I was told that we
would have something we could look at really next week which is fantastic as
well as next week we will be posting our first ever inside the swamp video on
Twitter and YouTube which gives you know the eighth coin Dow and web three
individuals who want to see you know the the behind-the-scenes process of
building this company and bringing everything together we really want to
make sure that we're transparent and just taking you guys through the journey
so you can see you know all the blood sweat and tears that we're putting into
this we're very excited and yeah we began filming a few days ago and yeah
it's gonna be it's gonna be an amazing time and I'm just so excited so thrilled
and so blessed to be in this position and it's all cuz of the eight point down
so thank you so much to everybody who supported and voted us through beginning
of an amazing journey I love it I love it I love to hear it appreciate you
coming up and giving us the live updates rare I mean out of a hundred
authors I got to say overall pretty rare pretty very pretty very love to see it
that's that's an absolute shame I wow that's sad to hear to be honest cuz
we're going to provide I'll be on this every Friday unless you know my leg
falls off or you know something happens that I can't make it but I always want
to come to these and provide an update at the community hour and you know I
always try to make it to Mondays and Wednesdays as well but you can expect
this to be a regular thing from myself and I'm sure my partner is gonna start
to hop on these more often as well and yeah man it's all about transparency you
know we don't want to take the eight point out for granted there's been
bigger proposals passed but you know the four hundred and ninety two thousand
dollars means the world to us and we can't wait to you know fucking turn this
into something amazing yo TFG why would you not be able to come if your leg
fell off it doesn't really affect your ears yeah I know you're right you're
right no I know 100% man my leg fucking falls off I will be here yeah I will be
here if your mouth off I should have said of my head falls off right if your
head falls off by the way I do want to say that you know not just congratulations
for going through the process but I'm laughing April proud to be partners with
swamp gaming and we are mentioned in that AIP and TFG I think I might have
told you this but you have a swamp gaming door in the metaverse club that
we set up for ape coin and the ape coin community so gotta get a link from you
and it's now it's the original logo so when you update your logo we'll update
ours in the club for you and then people can just portal over right from
watching our show to where wherever you want them to go for swamp gaming that's
epic I love it and yeah we're super excited to be partnered with you Aaron
we love what you're doing we love the metaverse you have and also hopefully we
should have a conversation soon I know we talked in the DMS about it a little
bit but possibly an IRL event together you know merging the comedy and the
gaming and the web 3 and lifestyle together I think we could definitely
make it happen super stoked for sure to be working with you man and I'm happy
to hear about the door and yeah just to let everybody knows why no I said it
once before but the logo on the AIP is not the official one that was just a you
know a starter template one we made for the AIP you'll see it actually in the
video we're trading for inside the swamp we kind of showed some of the logos in
the process that we've been going through we literally have over like 50
60 different logos that we've had the art team put together you know branding
the identity is is everything when you're trying to build something in
eSports and gaming where you want fans to love your brand you want them to buy
your merchandise you want them to you know be your number one team you got to
have good branding so it's really important for us I love it I love it I
mean I think that's a good segue we also I mean we got Jonathan up here as well
so I want to invite Jonathan up and give him a chance to speak on some of the
things that we've been talking about around City Dow and maybe if we want to
touch on some of the things you heard meme brains talk about the harboring
attacks or you know we don't have to go all the way back in the weeds but
whatever you got on your mind Jonathan definitely welcome up to the stage and
I mean are you excited to get some pizza
I think he's testing the mic I heard like I'm here that quite that that was
me oh Jonathan we can't hear you I don't know if you can hear us oh you
got right off the stage earlier to it when when while Jonathan's getting ready
lost we got a talk from a from a sound technician standpoint that is the worst
way to test a microphone you just you talk into it you do not tap it because
you can hurt the mic and the speakers thank you it was all very deliberate it
was it was intentionally bad and I've got two of the same mic so if this one
breaks I'm gonna throw it right out the window into the trash and I'll get you
the other one that was thank you but thank you for tips even chips they
retreat I won't do that with your mic I definitely won't do a mic drop I will
not insult your microphone with my special lost mic to the advance that's
what I need that's exactly what I need because I get sweaty too because the
mascot then yeah I definitely need my own mic I need my own thing is this
thing turned on and it'd be like no it's actually not to free-run safety yeah
thanks for your sake for everyone's safety not for that not just for my
safety for the benefit of the audience all right well we're trying to reload
Jonathan here we're do do do do alright for the benefit of air and I'm doing the
voice the voice loading sound 15 1 2 1 2 simple lives by the way Jonathan has the
best audio setup I have ever heard anybody have I had to swap to my phone
though hi everybody how's it going oh man where did they be look like an idiot I
apologize I apologize no I do have a good setup it just I think that the
connections bugging with with Twitter sometimes you've got the vocals too you
got this deep voice sort of like whatever you call that can you can you do
can you do in a world where all the dowels are in a cast in a world you do
that where all the dowels are in a castle that's the best I got right now
yeah right now but I did want to just quickly mention you have brought up some
ethics questions essentially on Harvard your taxes and that is why we want to
start with advertising time on the board is to eventually work up to those
bigger questions of you know because in the end it's not really fair to have a
house for sales 24-7 right like it's your home like it's my home I don't want
someone to just to buy it from me but in a public good sense I know that
short-term purchases or Harvard your tax style purchases purchases of time or
space have can and have helped people before my sister a great example went to
Paris partnered with the store and now she has a bigger account in London in a
department store for her company because she got an opportunity to showcase her
stuff for a week and that public good aspect is what is worth doing these
experiments and ultimately facing those ethics questions down the line and that
was the main thing I wanted to say I love it I love it now sometimes I ask
well I always ask the hard questions we always ask the hard questions here
sometimes we see comments about you know people doing soft interviews we're not
trying to get anybody up here but I think you got to ask the hard questions
because it gives the the good actors a chance to shine right when you can give
an answer that makes sense it gives it really just gives you the opportunity to
make things make sense for so many people who do look at everything and
anything and especially in the crypto space with extreme scrutiny with the a
double check a triple check so appreciate you coming up and giving the
context Jonathan mean what's up oh just yeah and just as a background you
Jonathan is also one of the council members at citadel and it's you know we
know how difficult it is to be a council member on any Dow and so just you
know shout out to to that background and Jonathan's been been the OG like one of
the OGs in the space even before I got involved right when the podcast was
getting started and you know it's a it's a pretty cool space today you know we
got like legit OG City Dow we got the board eight comedy show coming up
board city comedy show we got snacks himself though the one and the only you
know pizza mafia Pizza King we've got punk are from so many back like different
backgrounds bringing it all into one stage of how to Dow I'd love to hear
more about the the workshops coming up to by the way like what what like what
the speaker lineup looks like and the education on that and just you know in
G is us I see G in the in the audience here you know what's going on G and you
know we have profits up here this is a really cool space I'm digging it and you
know lost just throwing it out there I've been like slammed ever since the
IP approved so like I haven't been on as much as I would usually but it's not
because I don't care it's because I care so much I care about making this really
good for everyone so yeah I'll be coming out as much as I can but super super
slammed and that yeah that's all no I love it I love it I appreciate it
appreciate you putting in the work to get your proposal implemented we've been
in the back office the facilitators have been back there going through all of the
previously accepted proposals it's been a process right getting some of the
information during all of this transition coordinated and clear on the
forum and you know there's been a handover of some of these assets from
what was our previous administration to now in part the community as well as our
current administration and the community who is also in a sense part of the
current administration and even just if you look now so we have a category on
our forum and our forums at a point comm you click up at the top you can click
discussions and that takes you the form you just need one a point to be a part
of our community you put in a proposal have your dreams come true we're
speaking with Aaron speaking with mean brains both accepted AIP authors our
proposal was also accepted for a palms through the a point community it is a
process and it does all live on this forum technically although a lot of the
discussions do happen outside of the forum and there's a category final AIP
and you can see the accepted and the implemented AIPs and if you're looking
at that it might not seem totally clear another thing that not everybody picks
up on it first or that's not like overtly obvious about our forum when
you're when you're looking at these categories on desktop you can actually
click right into the subcategories so when it says okay accepted AIP is
implemented AIP is rejected you see these are these are like terms that exist
under the main category those are subcategories and you can click right
into them and it's it's it's sorts of these topics it sorts these categories
and so you can see those AIPs that have been accepted and not yet implemented
and so they are still in progress still working and then those that have been
implemented based off of what their self-imposed timelines ultimately in in
their AIPs so a lot of a lot of that information does live here on the forum
if we're keeping up with the AIPs and we have been and it is one of the points of
feedback that has come up frequently from the community that we want to be
just keeping up with the accepted AIP authors we highlight them here right
through the community where the community led effort through APECOMS we
give you guys through the community a chance to be highlighted share with
what you're working on with the community but like I say with TFG right
it is pretty rare there is not and has not been traditionally a very formal or
very firm any sort of authoritative follow-up process for all of these
approved AIP so it is up to you guys to come up here and sort of let the
community know what you're working on and appreciate you guys for doing it and
definitely don't fault you for being busy in the process of getting these
things taken care of so appreciate you for being here we got Ervin here with us
as well love to see the merch AIP what's up Ervin what's going on here just saw
snacks bounce up he gave away some pizza he cracked open the pizza faucet oh shit
dude if I ever tell snacks I give Aaron a box it's like a sub 90 or 70 I forgot I
only got hundred those boxes Ervin's out here onboarding people to everything
there's the pizza doubt the commute the a point did you tell your pizza do you
tell your pizza doubt stories or no like our last turkey event tell us one give
us one they've told us some some contextual information they've given us
some information about events to come but yeah give us give us a personal
experience what do you got max talk about the first one we're fucking big
connect guy came in he might he might have been over there making sure the
faucets running to you got to tell a servant you share tell us your no dude I
just fucking remember like we threw that shit and then I'm just randomly in a
pizza and someone hands me a beer look open as fucking the big connect guy he's
wearing like a tanked up and George you know gene and then I think we were oh I
think we were trying to like launch right at that time snacks I can't remember
right they got for her yeah did I get name-checked while I was booking
internet for the sports castle on the other line I think so okay so yeah we
were launching and yeah he was chanting pizza should be free pizza should be
free he was pretty magnetic personality honestly okay the same thing happened
when we met Andrew Yang the chant or the magnetism the chant the chant also
magnetic personality but not not a scammer incredible incredible we didn't
accuse him of anything we were very welcoming to Carlos I recall and then
we made him an official pizza ambassador not just kidding I feel like
you're one of the most official the pizza ambassadors I've seen out here
urban yeah dude we fucking got a whole bunch of people to fucking come by this
fucking pizzas and then we got shame like to give up like forget what was at
that point I think it was their biggest grand to beat today it was good times
we had a great is that deck for that call I remember we had this this graph
and I had a line going up and to the right and the bottom it said time
spelled T Y M and on the y-axis it said pizza money spelled like all funky so
I'm there trying to source a lot of like the fun to come through and and I think
it was a chain link call or something right and and so these guys you know
they're pretty chill that like super web 3 but also like some of the beauty guys
pull up wearing like a suit and then we all turn our cameras on and the snacks
is there taking a hit all chill and I was like all right cool but then we get
the deal through so they'd like the vibes you know you said they DM you and
they were like I said this is the vibe yeah I was just like beats it out dude
that's what it is yeah I'm definitely coming to that to that next event I
might just have to do an Aaron Haber flight to Denver or something without a
without a room or something and just eat pizza on that I don't know we got we
got Airbnb hooked up we got extra room in it yeah I'm just saying just saying
that pizza dough you know the whole Dow Castle will be much more complete with
with when people are feeling a little more lost that'll be that'll be a big
addition yeah man and I got a I think I booked a queen-size bed man I don't I
don't need that whole bed I like I don't have kids or I don't have like these
crazy responsibilities like that are alive that I have to manage so I do have
like a pretty decent freedom but then I I do have like this fairly decently
visible position in the Dow and like the expectations there so it is sometimes
tough to get around what is not always overtly obvious maybe to the community
but a lot of weekly and daily commitments in in the green and
facilitating the grants process the whole grants process for the Dow so it
is sometimes tough to just pop out but it would make sense if you were there
because this is basically an ape coin Dow you know powered by a coin event so
you know doing and and and I bet that you could find a closet to sneak into to
host the Wednesday show right and we could do it live from I don't know I
just I think I think would be a good fit and you can wear the eight comms or
a pin mascot again so you know she's trying to kill me I'm definitely not
going did anybody tell you by the way that in one of the Yuga chat groups like
not official Yuga but like they were they were speculating that apekin was
something that you go was going to release in association I think with
Magic Eden and and like for like like half an hour people were like you know
you hear about this eight kin protocol and then somebody was finally like no
that's the that's the eight coin mascot like that's not that's not anything like
what you're talking about see that that's exactly one of those things right
because they point out doesn't have an HR section the facilitators are
effectively the HR of the eight point out so when we see something like that
pop up we're the ones that have to go and do like crowd control and say like
hey you know the communities out here now is speculating what the eight pin
protocol might be you might want to do an extra clue we might want to have an
extra clarification out there exactly what the fuck this you know this this
this amazing trailer is for it's great and we love it and don't put it down but
let's clarify exactly what the fuck is this because people are feeling a little
lost right now so yeah I mean even today right like whatever transparency
right like the the BNV tweet that came out from from the eight point Twitter
account like if you're looking at it it's very clearly not the eight point
logo in the TVs and so like another flag right like these are these are things
that just come up periodically that we've got to manage internally so
hey you don't worry about it just to come have a we hang around the table we
talk about the things we don't talk about so we don't tell you about to
come meet the dance message we have a snack so we have a meet them on time we
come I have a pizza at the downcast so we need a little lot Italians are like
the last rice left that you can just overtly be racist against yeah in my
life I can't oh my gosh Aaron I think we're just about at the comedy section
I think we're just about a comedy hour here please below board AIP 346 down
castle oh wait a second and first otherwise I mean you know how it feels
to sit through with your hand it for 30 minutes we got this moon bird and he may
or may not have it in his wallet you don't have to have a moon bird in your
wallet to represent it as your PFP so shout out to the moon bird on the stage
what you don't Oh right the CCO I got to my I'm my JPEG folder I'm moon bird
community member yep happy to be here it's a real moon bird you could stop
it's uh it's ether scan I got it in September decided to find the
absolute worst performing project with the worst founder I think I nailed it I
think I nailed it but what a bounce back if you told me September I look like an
idiot and now I look like a fucking insider trader so I just want to come
say hang out you said comedy I thought it'd be a perfect opportunity to come
up and and hang out when a token to moon birds or moon bird a token I don't know
something soon maybe but now I just saw a bunch of apes that I followed and I
know you guys been hosting these spaces a little bit I've been seeing a lot of
board a faction across the board from community members and seeing a lot of
these like other accounts coming up so I just wanted to support and just come
chill you guys I have like an hour and 20 minutes but yeah just chillin f2 of
these crowns hopefully Valhalla trade for mutant near future maybe are you
playing a game over there what are you clicking what what's going on you can
it's his beak it's the beak of the owl I knew it I knew it I knew it I didn't
want to dox the game I wanted to let you say but I used to play it back in the
day but now I'm playing it again just to keep me a little sane so I just don't
stare and talk on my phone all day so I feel like I'm multitasking now solid SK
is this the same SK with the crown that I'm talking to in DMS right now on
discord just kind of curious definitely not they're definitely trying to scam you
don't go click any of those links please for god's sakes right you have 25 board
apes and 37 mutants in one wallet well you might as well spread those out now
we'll just share some education security where we're around the stage but yeah
don't click that spreading them out has also been historically pretty good for
any sort of activations because usually they they like to aggregate all the
benefits to the wallet that holds any amount of apes so that's just that's
just good practice that's just practice overall I don't know what we're
spreading but it sounds like the intro for comedy is a hundred percent the
introduction for comedy hour this is how you you soft intro and segue transition
straight the low board soft spread speaking of spreading my blood work came
back and I am completely clean of everything so just wanted to say that
going into Denver I'm completely just I was as surprised as anybody but
and there's space in your queen bed you were saying right yeah well no that's
listen I have offered my my bathtub at different places VGF like was like oh
I'm coming into I think it was LA last year last minute I'm like you want to
pull up an extra pillow and sleep in the bathtub that's cool but I know lost you
know a little bit better I think actually I've known VGF longer so yeah I
I wonder if I'll even get into my hotel room to be quite honest we will see we
will see but yeah what do you want to know comedy wise I mean for anybody for
anybody who was in Baron Von Hustle space the other day I I have added my
tattoo jokes into the set that was a spontaneous thing but I was like hey
that's that's going to that's gonna work so I added that into the set but yeah
listen we have an hour of comedy three comedians if I'm gonna include myself
two and a half comedians local comic who has been in just for laughs new faces
Janae Burris who if you know anything about that that's the Montreal comedy
festival and that is a big freakin deal to get in new faces is cute right so and
she's from Denver we wanted to get somebody local as well so so she's gonna
be coming on and turns out that her partner romantically speaking is like a
huge web 3d gen so you know she she kind of know about it and then in the
background he's like what I'm like oh tell me ask me if he knows a board of
Yacht Club and a point he's like what and I'm like yeah I'm a mentor and we're
doing he's like what and so so he's gonna be coming by he loves blockchain
likes NFTs that that was a that was fun and then my friend Brian Kylie who I've
mentioned before he's a two-time Emmy award-winning comedy writer was one of
the head writers for Conan O'Brien for 20 years I wrote for Ellen and he
himself has been on every like TV comedy thing you can think of Comedy Central
the Tonight Show Letterman you know whatever host he's done comedy did a
drybar special for anybody who knows what that is and so he's gonna be our
headliner for the night and not only that but we are also dropping our first
comedy NFT with Brian so you know the the only NFT we dropped so far really
is our metaverse comedy club pass right we also did a collaboration with
Sabette that that was cool but this is the first one we're doing with a
comedian and it's gonna be on the on the on the public board truck and it's
going to be a limited time open edition and I'm very and this is not this is not
really to shill it's just to say that I'm super excited to be launching this
in in collaboration with this AIP that each month we're gonna try to get one of
the comedians to like dip their toes into web 3 and do something on the
blockchain and so this one in particular is this fantastic AI animation that my
friend wine bags some of you might know put together based on one of Brian's
jokes and so I'm very very excited to launch that but but fucking yeah I mean
what could be better than hanging out my friends from the ape coin Dow who
supported our AIP do comedy bring my comedian friends in hang out with fucking
pizza Dow and mean brains on the public board and city down how did I mean what a
great kickoff for AIP 346 and I am proud as fuck to be representing ape coin Dow
at least in terms of being powered by although I'm sure some of the jokes
would not pass through an AIP if I put them up individually but I'm so fucking
excited and I'm excited for you guys to go into the ape coin discord and watch
it there if you can't make it lost is going to be moderating which is amazing
and then and then also our belowboard comedy club where our friend lost our
community manager law law sorry law of the saw is going to be the host in there
and so I'm just I you know look I'm just very very very excited to kick this
all off and not to front-run anything but then if you're going to NFT NYC
that's going to be the second AIP 346 event on April 4th that one has a much
much tighter RSVP to it we only have about a hundred seats in that one so yeah
I don't know that's it I'm like I'm done I'm saving the comedy for the stage and
and I'm just I'm just still in the show right now I actually watched the headliner
I watched the YouTube of one-liners you know he's great he's kind of funny he's
kind of funny yeah no Brian Brian is one of the best one-liner comedians that I
know and and also it's very funny because I know him in person like I've
been friends with him for a long time now and he is one of the the cleanest
comedians so it's always really weird when he curses him in public when we're
just talking it's like what it's like listening to hooky monsters you know
saying fuck yeah she's a it's a weird thing but yes he's a he is a mess okay
one of the first times I met Brian Kylie he was hanging out with Jim
Gaffigan in my comedy club in New York because Jim had asked him to come in to
help him punch up some of his jokes for one of his comedy albums so Brian is
like just like a fucking pro he's the best
now I appreciate you giving the update and the information and I'll be honest
Aaron they're like few things they're actually very few things that I have
spent more time watching or spending time spending my time sort of observing
then in my meeting oh yeah I'm comedy yeah I mean I think it's interesting
right like I think comedians like the good comedians are really like kind of
geniuses right like the whole just art of observation and then making it
relatable to the crowd and then even listening to you speak like just the
little things right like you said you wanted to get somebody local and then up
on stage that means it's easier for them to sort of address the local crowd and
then obviously they've got the theme of web 3 or board apes or you know whatever
the entire the Dow Castle so it's like I like that part of it right like there's I
just like the the human element I guess of comedy the observational aspect and
like you thought I tore you up earlier whatever it's just the way I observed
things right like I love you being here that is kind of what's interesting to
me what's up but I said thanks and I I love I love the down I love ape comms and
and yeah we wanted to get some local flavor and Janae who I've never met in
person but was recommended to me says she is funny as hell and also we don't
have to pay for her travel or hotel so that really you know sealed the deal for
us because she lives in Denver so yes all of those things were why we put her
on the show and I'm very much looking forward to seeing her yeah I'm
definitely well I'm literally going to be tuned in there moderating so I'm
looking forward to seeing one of these shows finally and I appreciate the alpha
to NFT NYC you didn't give us the venue but a hundred seats sounds like
something caveat I don't I don't keep it a secret it's caveat is this great
underground comedy club on the Lower East Side of Manhattan and it just felt
like the best venue for us they've got a great tech setup it's intimate it's cool
I just like I'll drop some alpha if anybody knows God cloud I just hired
God cloud to to do live music for an hour after the show where people are
mingling and I'm very excited I'm very very excited about the New York event
cut it's me coming home that's where you know it's where I'm from so the question
for a point holders who want to make sure they're getting proper utility can
you heckle the comedians from the metaverse at all yeah just as long as
your mic is off I can't we're not no no no we're not we're not really a heckle
show okay guys let's let's be classy let's let's be classy that the
comedians are there to do a job let them do the job all right but if you want to
heckle me like in one-on-one conversations after you know and be like
hey Aaron I saw your set oh yeah yeah you suck and I'll be like okay well you
know the funding's already passed no backsies so you know let's just be clear
though Aaron will charge extra for that so just be aware have your credit cards
ready that's true I do walk around with a credit card machine and a change belt
but yeah during the show I hope that you guys you know treat the comedians with
respect you know just like just like if you listen to Jonathan for City Dye you
wouldn't be like you know how big this sucks ass like it just wouldn't be it
wouldn't be appropriate you would just let him speak and yeah and then maybe
raise raise your hand for questions later
I wanted to give awkward silence just in case there was like a heckle that
that somebody had but there was no what's up to it yeah we're gonna invite
the anti-harberger brigade you know they're gonna they're gonna stay to
protest yeah you're gonna wake up blindfolded in the shack on some
undeveloped land in Montana somewhere you know where the fuck I'm sorry Wyoming
where the fuck am I you're in you're in City Dao bitch like that is how
Jonathan is City Dao rolls so just just be careful when you're listening to by
the way he didn't he didn't mention anything but they are they are they're
having their speaker go right before our comedy show right but they have also
mentioned in other spaces that they are dropping some some serious cool like
blockchain swag to people that are there for the talk I hope not speaking
out of turn Jonathan but oh yeah so I my background is actually in filmmaking in
the art realm and so we're making essentially like keepsake NFTs the guys
and have and one surprise for me directly is that one of the people who
are gonna get it will get like a one-off like generation that I'm gonna be making
and that will just be yours and I'll be picking the address just like blindly
picking the address along with getting the parcel zero NFT as well which David
I mentioned earlier it is a sub-dao within our Dao and it will start
allowing sub-dao to be developed around the properties that we own and the
assets that we have on change so that's that's like the two big things too so if
you participate in the actual experiment we will keep your address we'll send you
part of like a keepsake NFT as a thank you for participating also it will be
automatic so like the gas fees will be like two cents as opposed to like $30
like how it is on the theorem currently and yeah and then one of you guys will
get a one-off design for me and you guys get to keep it and it'll probably be
pretty fun it'll probably be like a dark fantasy thing and it'll be good time so
yeah that was that was the other thing that we're doing now speaking of dark
fantasies you know not to be outdone by City Dao but one audience member who
laughs the hardest will also get a prize of coming back and sharing my queen bed
that night in Denver I'll bring a megaphone guarantee it I'm just gonna
damn you Irving and your sound effect oh shit okay I just noticed it turns the
mic on my bad did you think that we weren't hearing no cuz in Clubhouse you
couldn't like actually just play this right sorry sorry wait sweet you're just
playing sound effects for yourself yeah I will not be stopped by crickets okay I
have listen I have performed silent comedy shows hundreds of times they
weren't supposed to be silent when I told my jokes that's what happened and I
am an I am a pro when it comes to performing to silence and crickets so so
give me give me your worst urban give me your worst I will I will black all of
pizza you into oblivion can I just say that I you know I read somewhere people
can talk about this the stat about how like half the people in the world don't
have an inner monologue but I swear to God I never thought I would run across
someone who has like an inner sound effects Foley track that is fucking wild
I feel like I'm gonna be better off if I just leave my personal experiences out
of this one my inner monologue will stay internalized man your inner monologue
has to give a proposal to go through committee every time you want to say
something out of your actual mouth that that's how deep into the into the Dow
bureaucracy you are my friend I don't know why you feel that way like I mean
that's just half of the proposals that come through is just the nature of some
of the way that the Dow operates me you see my proposal if you mean we could
talk about my proposal we're here at the last 30 minutes I mean it's not just my
proposal you know when I when I do something I like to think it out a
little bit and to try to what SSP likes to say you make 1 plus 1 equal 3 I like
that so we're reserving AIP number 420 let's see if it gets up to vote but
talking to me about bureaucracy I've put up a couple proposals one is APECOMS
and it's so that people can come up here and have a voice from the community so
that we don't get lost in the fucking sea of VCs right so if they've got all
the tokens cool but as you just saw recently from board a jack club it
doesn't matter if the community is pissed off right so our voice fucking
matters so you seen from me APECOMS and now we got AIP 420 I don't want to hear
shit about this bureaucracy man it's just how we have to get things done like
me I'm used to breaking the rules so I know how to stay in the guidelines and
follow the rules to not get in trouble just up to the point that you don't get
fucking in trouble and you can't participate anymore so that that's the
goal but we are preserving AIP 420 and the the plus 3 is that we brought in one
of the board APYOT Club mods to participate we brought in one of the
board APYOT Club discord menaces to participate and they're gonna be co-authors
so they get to now experience this process as well pass or fail we'll see
God love you lost I I think I think you're great and thank God you put in an
AIP to allow somebody to open up a space on Twitter to talk about APECOIN DAO
I think that you and the APECOMS do a fantastic job with it and I am here for
it every time somebody's got to somebody's got to we got to stay
relevant we got to stay in these conversations people get excited people
get excited when we have these conversations after after those stages
that we do from the APECOIN account we're talking about AIP chain we're
talking about things that the community is working on that's what people want to
hear about people get excited they don't want to hear about token price they
don't want to hear oh I'm mad because this they want to hear what people are
working on they want to hear what's happening this is exactly what gets
people excited is what are you doing to make an impact what are you doing that I
can participate in how does this affect me so appreciate you guys coming up and
sharing all the alpha we got SK up here with this hand up for like 20 minutes to
the moonbirds are a patient a patient flock yeah definitely patience is a
virtue just curious about the the combination of the first time in New
York it was all right let me had some legends combined I was like wow this is
actually a lot better now I'm definitely in and probably like third tier you know
I know what you give or like third or fourth but I'm interested also the after
the event the bed things that open to both parties as I just like a girl thing
just cares for the crowd I think maybe some guys in there I'd be interested no
I mean like it's you know I don't discriminate I mean I don't like it this
is purely sleeping by the way so it's fine with I'm married but but to me you
can sleep with anybody I mean that that's just you know being thoughtful so
yeah I mean absolutely you know men women whatever gender you identify with
like I do not discriminate against sleepovers at all do you hog the covers
no dude I have a dog that is like a medium-sized dog that takes up a good
three-quarters of my side of the bed so I am used to sleep wait so your dog's
gonna be there you should I wish my dog was gonna be there no I I take up one
quarter of a king-size bed my dog takes up one half and my wife takes the other
quarter so I am and I'm a side sleeper right so you know what that means
perfect for spooning lucky dog perfect answer to be honest thank you SK are
you winning did you win around yet we're still in the game it's very close
all right well let us know I want to know if you win Ervin what's up yeah I
just cleaned it up real quick but yeah if you guys are in town so Vera and I
and uniquely are hosting and ring are hosting a little get-together so you
know come through it'll be at a bubble tea shop will be fun get some bubble tea
what town in Denver is again Denver yeah I thought I said I thought I'd
recognized your ape on there on Vera's post yeah what what day fuck I didn't
know I think it'll be on the 27th I'm only there for one day I hope you come
by the the Dow Castle oh yeah fucking have to is there a wheat sponsor snacks
I'm joking I'm joking of course there is yes I think so yes this March 1st it'll
be in the first this if anybody's around come through looks like she got her
cards out to mary bear has the best merch if you guys didn't know if you
guys are out there if you guys like the color scheme if you guys like the color
palette she's got going on well look she has the best merch uh-huh 100% I
guess I'm gonna bounce a little bit snacks I'll talk in a bit very much
love guys Ervin thanks for coming by line it
or even that fucking soundtrack oh that was Aaron that was there and getting you
back tomorrow so you guys there in Denver I'll see you there I gotta make
better use of this mute everyone button sometimes I figure out how to get the
soundboard off my my app I got my own custom one to hear that we've got our
own custom I don't even I haven't even tapped in to that yet but we'll get
there we'll get there we'll get around to that low priority mean brains we're
coming up to the top of the two and a half hours we've heard from the city
Dow we've heard from how to Dow we've heard from below board the public board
I'm not bored yet but we are gonna wrap it up here soon and respect everybody's
time anything you want to let anybody know everybody know anything that we
have not addressed yet that you want to talk about mean brains please you know
the only thing on my mind that we haven't hit on in just being open
community hour is so every time I talk to someone one-on-one about putting
whatever they want on the billboard truck it's like extreme positive and
immediately you know the arc gets uploaded and everything's good and at
the same point I'm still trying to figure out how to actually get the word
out properly where people know about it so I can't do DMS forever I get you know
I get hit by by Twitter blocks and and it's just inefficient but some but it's
obviously like always always positive and the board is booming right but but
I'm still I don't know how to do the true virality it's not my background and
specialty to do that obviously I have a small following and and the board is a
bit of a newer concept but I'm really trying to figure out and anyone that's
listening like I'd really love to have some discussion on like how do you
actually make something really cool and fun like this actually go viral and
spread and I don't have the answer so that's just really on my mind these days
well I'll give you just a little bit of insight for for the actual event as I
don't know so I'm not sure actually if you meant prior to the event itself or
as a result of the event all the above I mean really it before would be ideal
because then there's a big buildup and people's arts there during the event
also is really useful because we're there for five days so there's a lot of
time for like virality to kick in in those five days after the event is also
you know useful to the next stuff but it's you know I'm really focused on
making Denver really really good first got it well I mean I think you're doing
like for your part like what is on brand and what is like healthy and kind of the
best for you to do and doing the direct outreach for the brand since you've
just really established it like a couple of weeks ago right it's not like you
have this significant brand power you're not a celebrity but if you wanted to go
that route that was something you felt was on brand then obviously the the
virality in this ecosystem comes from people that have attention and so if you
were to tap into you know even one of the people with a lot of attention and
had them participating significantly in the board or with with the significant
ad space right like I don't know so you you reserved all of this space for the
ape coin Dow and for ape holders but if you had had like a allocation a special
allocation a special space for like these KOLs everyone likes this KOL thing
now that the that that document was was leaked from whatever the round tables
pitch deck was leaked it had KOLs the key opinion leaders right if you would
reserve the space for like the thread guys the the Ashley decans right the
influencers the mikas right and and they were excited about what you're
doing boom that's the like the pre virality as far as like at the event and
the activation now that you've got all these people it's like it's on you it's
your responsibility to sort of make all of this happen and to have sort of that
viral effect for all these people that have whatever spent time in getting
their stuff ready to go up on your board and if you are able to do that at the
event then you will have more people interested in you know paying to be on
the board during the next activations but again it's always gonna be that
direct outreach right so now you've done the direct outreach beforehand now at
the event it's not just having the Ninja Turtles in the suit with no voice it's
like who is where is your like you're lost basically right where is your like
excited person that has all of the information but can make it sort of
digestible to people on the street like where's your your street team I was the
industry team for the mega robot like you know the mega robot brand out in LA
boom we're handing out samples we're making a communication a connection with
people on social media getting the tweets out from them hey post the
product here take something free you know boom you got a pizza post out the
Dow post out the public board that type of thing that's where you get that
timeline impact and then it's on you to sort of keep that momentum going that's
just my personal sort of experience in this ecosystem hopefully something there
might be helpful but if anybody else wants to say or something as well
personal experience yeah we do have time if you want to join us up on stage or if
you're up here definitely do chime in SK did you win sorry it was almost over I
honestly thought we're gonna win but now it's still going but I wanted us to ask
I know if you guys have moonbirds gonna be like a one-minute moonbird show the
moonbirds Monday's face the fifth time Stevie comes by we have a few apes in
there trying to diversify a little bit we got two new spaces coming up one for
some board a female holders and some moonbird holders that's something to
look forward to and then we have a nighttime space too on Sundays so just
trying to spits an alpha I didn't want to like take them down but yeah you host
that yeah I host that one yeah it's our fifth week
Stevie yeah I'll put it up appreciate it you know how to doubt what's up well
I'm sorry wait a little known fact I just picked up a mythic this week to
celebrate you the labs getting proof so I'm now so if that counts as part of
the moonbirds family I'm also part of the moonbirds family that definitely
counts how many ifs do you have like four days I have one board a how many
mutants you got one you all right I'm gonna pick on you but I can't that seems
very reasonable yeah it's a very bored ape approach board apes are very
sustainable we're sustainable collectors I like it I like it we
appreciate the support I've seen mythics popping off I mean moonbirds are doing
really well but I know there's a lot of board ape holders I've been holding birds
and and feeling like the project was gonna die but now here we are here we
are so I definitely entice you to come by and check it out we're gonna have
some really cool spaces coming up next month too for for you the labs holders
and stuff that has to do with moonbirds and board apes so some stuff to look out
for I picked up my first bird last week I admit it happened I'm pretty happy
about it we'll check it out I'm the only one up here that didn't get a bird huh I
didn't get a bird I've been looking though the only the only birds for me
are the Philadelphia Eagles I mean I'm a jet fan but I'm in the Eagles are
greens I guess it works I root for anything the Kelsey is on
go bird now I'm just thinking if it's always funny in Philadelphia now that
you've given the GoBirds quote yeah I'm just gonna move right on how to oh how
to Dow is coming right to you fuck we scared him off he was probably gonna tell
us goodbye well thanks for spending the time and educating us how to Dow and
mean brains for putting all of this together it has been several hours now
it has been a long stage and we are just about at that time if anybody has
anything they want to share happy to have you guys come up here we've talked
about a bunch of different topics we've also got some AIPs that are live right
now head over to our snapshot space if you guys didn't hear the announcement or
see the news you know apes like apes like to be on top apes like little little
things right it's like little small things little little prizes from from a
video game right if you're playing play the mobile game back in the day right
we like little prizes like it doesn't take much to get the ape community
excited doesn't take much to get the ape coin community excited and we are now
prominently at the top of the snapshot home page where we belong with the IP in
our snapshot space this week we've got a resubmission from P King the 3d MOBA
social game reasonable request another exciting activation for the community
where there would be a competition we've got a IP 390 the ape cast which would
create an app iOS and Android friendly I don't know why they're Android friendly
but Android friendly even shout out to y'all and they would aggregate all the
spaces I know SSP is not even here today so it only feels half right to just to
pick on Android's just for sentence strays but you know we do we do and we've
got a happy 382 they build their house again funding towards the community but
building on an established brand looking to to do to very unique a builder houses
and and provide funding for members in the community through some accelerator
type programs ape builder Aaron what's up oh yeah you just asking if there's
anything to announce and I just wanted to tell people that we may not know
there's an event next week Wednesday in Denver called the Dow Castle and it's
going to be a bunch of us there pizza Dow how to Dow City Dow mean brains you
know who put a lot of us together and we're gonna be there doing a comedy show
laughing ape sponsored you know powered by a coin you can RSVP in the a point
discord and watch it live in the point discord just want to put that
when is it what was it what was that it's a February 28th it starts early in
the morning for how to Dow those are ticketed but but we do have some
giveaways potentially if anybody wants to go that early just just hit me up let
me know and then and then it's City Dow at 4 o'clock you know and then it's
laughing apes board silly comedy show powered by a point at 5 o'clock and then
it is pizza does pizza party starting at 6 o'clock and then I guess mean brains
is is gonna be renting one of those giant bicycles that we can all ride down
to another party or something when the when the pizza party is over and then
after that you guys are gonna get a piggyback to the airport and I'm just
gonna go right the fuck back home and and the hotel is gonna be like wait you
know that kind of thing so that's that's pretty much my day I love it I love it I
need pictures I need the vlog I want the vlog I need to see pictures of pizza on
the timeline oh yeah with a cookies from from poncho poppins a gay Sandman
as well one of our made-by-apes license folder friends oh jeez he's gonna be
there with with cookies as well are you saying that just made me realize I still
have our heart orange because there were so many orange apes up here the other
day shout out the poncho shout out to the pile of cookies definitely need
pictures of ponchos poppin cookies with a coin with the pizza and maybe somebody
laughing in the bag just a trifecta just the full effect of everything the
culmination of brands the this invent something that encompasses it some you
got to put a competition out I don't know the best picture that fully
encompasses you ever try factor pizza and a coin not trifecta it's it's a
little overrated I'm gonna I'm gonna abstain I'm gonna abstain I am gonna
abstain AIP 399 shameless shill check it out you guys didn't give us any
feedback don't be afraid don't be afraid I know it's me I know it's lost but give
it to us it's not just me it's not just me there's a whole team here give it to
us give us some feedback we got SSP on there too you know he loves he
absolutely loves getting feedback so give it to us give it to 12-gauge
Chris crypto like at the whole group on their air leaky air art leaky man of many
names mod in the basic community and GLO glow he's he's legitimately IRL a loan
officer so we do have a little bit of financial experience in the team he's
also a menace he's got an orange background I don't think we've ever seen
a team with so many orange backgrounds you love to see you love it for the
culture one time reserving AIP 420 for the community it's not for us I don't
need it I'll be fine but somebody in the community should definitely have it so
it doesn't sit in the rejected file folder forgotten forever fuck no we do a
contest let the community have it it'll live prominently as an accepted AIP and
the winner of that contest will receive a grant not to exceed 420,000 AIP coin
somebody can definitely submit a proposal and have their dreams come
through through they point down or potentially through some of the other
proposals that have been approved lots of proposals have been approved in the
past week including thank Cape shout out to them they got a huge grant 6.9
million a coin rewarding other contributors in the ecosystem with
unique contribution style so we're definitely keeping an eye out for that
there's a lot going on so I have these discussions if you guys have any
questions about any of the stuff that you've heard how to participate in any
of these things how do I get the pizza how do I get into the event how do I
join the down how do I put up a proposal anything there's so many things we talked
about please do DM the speakers up on stage make sure you're following whoever
you thought was interesting and you can always DM us here we're happy to point
you in the right direction and answer questions as best we can adventure safe
been a long day been long stage not long actually it's been a regular stage
there's long stages like four hours this has been a it's been a regular stage
been a nice regular stage it's just it's a Friday that's all it's a great Friday
got a lot going on in the ecosystem we've received a lot of news this week I
think that's what it is we've received we've been subject to a lot of change
over the past week how we feel an adventure safe I'm feeling good but
Jonathan has his hand up I'd love to hear what he asked I just wanted to
extend a thank you to a proms and everybody at 8 L for allowing us at City
Dow to come on here thank you to Eric thank you to Aaron thank you to snacks
thank you to everybody involved like it's it's really been awesome working
with you guys I'm super excited for Wednesday and again thank you comes for
hosting us and hosting the space deeply appreciated and you guys have a
great Friday and great weekend love it love it I mean encouragement to us
adventure safe thank you for being up here with us and being so patient over
all of these months it's it's coming up on two years for a comms coming up on
two years for the a point down you have to see some special stuff I have to see
something for this two-year anniversary I've seen some discussions haven't seen
any anything set in stone yet but we got to do something exciting we got a
lot of exciting stuff going on thank you Jonathan for spending time with us here
and for participating in this huge activation allowing us to collaborate
and contribute to your ecosystem over there definitely gonna keep up with this
her burger her burger I got to figure out how to say it now cuz now I'm I want
to mix like hard bringer with the actual her burger and then I'm thinking of
Heisenberg so I'm fucked up over here this is why I'm lost that's a good pizza
gift by the way Heisenberg throwing the pizza up on the garage absolutely true
absolutely do you have something oh I was gonna say a mean brings had to correct
me once cuz I kept saying a harbinger wrong and it just made me laugh cuz I
get it's a challenging thing you hear it once and you think it's harbinger and
then you think it's harbinger then think it's hammer and then you just get you're
just like you know what that thing that we're gonna do that thing we're gonna do
we're gonna do it and that's just how we have to roll so it's all good it's all
good Harvey's yeah I was about to say I'm going full left now and I'm not even
gonna try now that you've said that I'm not alone like now it's just Heinz 57
like I'm not even gonna get the number right it's just Heinz ketchup to me
we're gonna ticket the Heinz ketchup tax this sounds good to me it sounds good
to me yeah they're gonna put it on everything they will they he's gonna try
to slide it in on just properties but he was already talking about NFTs and he
when you say NFTs that's everything right now you're just trying to harbor
your tax my fucking whole identity man get the fuck at it I'm just kidding and
I'm not fighting the hamburger tax the hamburglar tax I'm just I'm just I can't
even stop now I'm totally mean brains thank you what's up Aaron oh I was just
giving you a rabble-rabble for your hamburger yeah I see I got good
observations sometimes like a good observation sometimes sometimes all right
everybody we got three minutes left we're gonna have a little bit of music
as we tune out if anybody wanted to say anything that before we go we definitely
have the stage open so this is the last chance we are gonna shut it down evil
has his hand evil plan has his hand I see it he said it in the middle of my
thing though I thought you're launching it in the music so sorry I'm just just
letting it went there to be no surprises with it no surprises but no no
adventure said you're supposed to be doing this to me the whole time I need
you the whole time to keep me in line like this thank you evil yo yeah I was
actually just thinking that you know I've hosted a lot of hours of spaces I
dare to say probably more spaces than anyone I hosted a 24-hour space for 265
straight days and then hold a bunch of other spaces after that and this is why
I'm saying that it's not to brag it's to say that I was actually just thinking
that this is one of my favorite and I mean it's very sincerely it's one of my
favorite spaces to hang out in I really appreciate you guys letting me up on
stage and hanging out I love the banter I love the the thoughtfulness and it's
just a really great space and so you know if no one else tells you this I
just want you guys to know that you're running a fantastic space it's probably
one of the best spaces on Twitter and and yeah shout out to you guys
appreciate it evil thank you for being here we definitely love having you up
here and one of these days I'm gonna figure out if you're a fork or a spork
or a cat for sport cat cork that is correct I love it I'm gonna figure it out
I'm gonna get it I'm gonna mint it we're gonna make an ant to be on far
caster or something it's an ant or a bird you think it like a bird like a
Picasso drew a bird that's what it would look like oh don't do that to me don't
throw a whole nother because now I mean I can almost see the ant don't do that
it's like a devil see this is comedy this is comedy other than everybody's
everybody's observation is different everybody's perspective just a little
roar shark test yeah it's a pizza what's up are those little pepperoni see
I could see it I could see it it's a it could be a pizookie could be anything I
love it thanks evil plan appreciate you being here with us definitely always
welcome up here and we'd love to hear your insights on all of these things
especially relevant as we're getting into these eight chain discussions phase
one omni chain eight I asked cap captain trippy where we take an ape coin
first he said Solana what the fuck I didn't say anything on the timeline but
in my head between us here I was like what the fuck
yeah that's not is it really bad idea DJ DJ straight to Solana straight does a
lot you could mint it right now and pump it look if you're gonna take a coin
anywhere that's like weird I would say like just go go full-on fuck
it would like you read number one card which means you say Cardano oh don't do
that to me I have a Cardano bag that's like 30 years old don't kill me killing
me I didn't even I stopped I had to stop watching the founder and just pretend it
was decentralized stop don't hey you gotta be like Cardano's the true chain
that's where ape queen belongs like you just gotta start you know get on that
get on that trip get some Cardano people in here they're very they're very
enthusiastic I was gonna say they got a strong community I saw WOD activate them
for a couple months there during one of these seasons in the bear market and
they definitely according to their out here they have a very active again
according to them they have a very active NFT scene like super active they
have like a whole thing in Vegas where they got together and like did did NFT
stuff whatever I guess I joined a Cardano punk space once and I was like
oh my god like that's I used to have that punk and then the guy was like oh
awesome these are CNFTs like I said oh I'm also gonna say that like I don't know
I don't know who's handling their messaging and their comms but branding
something is a CNFT really bad choice just terrible terrible choice they're
only mean they're only one letter away from progressiveness I think that's what
we call it I don't know if that's right progressiveness maybe not the right
word I'm not getting emojis from yeah I mean just like tech people have a have a
tendency to want to pronounce an acronym right like you don't just want to say
the letters you want to actually pronounce it typically and so like just
leaning into that in that instance is very just really poor choice
connect connect your connects yeah yeah gotta watch out for those all yeah
that's I'm not gonna try to say it anymore um yeah every time adventure
safe isn't giving me isn't giving me firm like emoji you know like a
verification I just I know oh yeah you got more wait there's more is that what
you said no this is the one oh wait why am I running so hard what are you
ordering is he on stage I don't see him pizza beer get oh man it's just I'm gonna
have to take a screenshot no I believe you now I see him as a listener invited
him up on stage now he's definitely yo I just got that pizza you already got it
no and this is gonna sound so fucked up and sound like I'm lying but I did like
curbside delivery and the guy who handed to me he was in a wheelchair
swear to fucking God I thought the boardie community was fucking with me I
have no fucking clue dude it was just the weirdest shit I've ever seen why
can't a guy in a wheelchair like make delicious pizza and give it to you I
think that's fantastic ah this is amazing well it definitely that's
definitely not on us we're not fucking with you what kind of pizza did you get
I got some pepperoni pan pepperoni pan curbside delivered living it up from the
pizza down the pizza faucet has fully opened up for beer and weed I mean did
there have been I don't know if there's ever been I don't know the history but
I don't know if they could have possibly ever been a more on brand distribution
of pizza to a community member your you guys gonna handle the IRL gas fees if
you have a receipt you know you see the limit I think it's a $25 pizza faucet
maybe let me check what we have it you know inflation sometimes we change it
true when pizza gets more expensive to get here I thought you said it was
no I went to go pick it up man and then like I did curbside like where it's like
like the person comes out to like reach the food cuz I'm like antisocial as fuck
I won't even like walk into a store cuz I have social anxiety and the person that
brought it out was in a wheelchair I swear to fucking God see this just
changed the whole story for me because for me the guy pulled up at your house
in the car got out in a wheelchair came up to your door but curbside it just
changed the story cuz I I don't get food delivered personally I don't trust
people like even them going from inside of the store out to the car like they
might have taken a trip to the bathroom you can't trust these MFers I'm just
saying I'm not putting names on any I don't know what weird about that like
you guys have never had pizza rolls off the floor of the bathroom the guy in the
wheelchair bringing your pizza oh Jesus Christ now I should just turn the stage
off right there now we're never getting sponsorships all right um thanks Aaron
thank you I'm just kidding I'm just kidding I'm totally kidding um well
that's it we did it we're at 230 234 I'm looking at I'm looking at our Aaron
Haber approved Twitter space playlist of copyright free music we won't be
playing the Jenny from the block remix to close us out because I don't want
Aaron Haber to come back during the off-week and get me we'll keep it we'll
see anything you you can play whoever you want can I recommend a song you can
recommend a song it's right it's from the pizza Dow community mixtape is that
on Spotify yeah is it called is it is pizza day the album if you search a rare
I think it's rare pizzas mixtape volume one it's and the first track the sauce
is uh that's our that's our hit single
all right we got it you got it we got it it was a pizza Dow day we got a pizza
Dow song and for the future just so I know are these copyright free or do I
have to ask somebody to use these or how do these work what it was to do with
these weird Dow go ahead who hear that Aaron give you the link to download you
hear that Aaron yeah we're good to do it good job good to go over set or set
all right well yeah that's it that's how we do it I would do these Mondays
Wednesdays and Fridays at noon PST Mondays we're here with the AIP
authors Wednesdays we invite the special counsel we're working it out we're
figuring it out Fridays is the community hour Wednesdays is also sort of
transitioned into a bit of a community hour but sometimes with scheduled guests
sometimes with the community sometimes with the special counsel we've got a lot
of things going on we do these stages three times a week though happy to
invite folks up here if you guys have had a proposal approved please feel free
to tap in anytime if you want to blot out a community hour we're more than
happy to blot out one of these hours or two just for you especially if you've
got something going on something you're implementing just let us know all right
we're gonna tune out with sauce adventure say before we go anything no
thank you all for coming it was a great discussion have a great weekend and for
those going to eat dinner there I'm really jealous and have a great time
jealous jealous most pizza ever at a pizza dao event potentially absolute
vibes dao castle public board below board you love to see it powered by a
coin powered by pizza the sauce faucet was unlocked today the pizza faucet but
I'm looking at sauce the sauce faucet sounds pretty cool too we might have to
figure that one out all right here we go