ApeSpaces ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Powered by Racer Club

Recorded: Jan. 26, 2024 Duration: 2:11:37



BAM what's going on ladies and gentlemen, hopefully just blew your eardrums
You know that
Elon's got to change the warm-up music
I need some like Rick Ross or something getting tired of like the like techno on a loop, you know hard to even call it techno
It's like elevator music
Welcome to Abe spaces ladies and gentlemen
You already know we do this every week
$1,000 giveaway tonight go enter at the top
Let's see, I forgot to put the retweet in there
I was like damn this post looks clean as fuck and then I realized like yeah
Well, I forgot to put like the you got a like and retweet
So go make sure you do that as well because that's how we draw the winner. Literally is Twitter picker
So if you don't retweet that I would suck, you know
But I'll keep saying that in space and
Hopefully if you're in here you haven't tuned out it's only been like four minutes. So hopefully you just heard what I said
All 120 of you we have lots to talk about
Already like it's it's been a pretty crazy week on our side for sure
You might know why you might not know why but we'll talk about that later on
We also have lots of stuff to share on the ATS side, too
I didn't even really schedule a ton of people today because like we have so much to talk about between myself
And what's going on in our ecosystem plus the giveaway plus I want to hear from the crowd plus we have racer labs
Racer Club coming back as well and my buddy toast punk to talk about updates there
They're doing some really cool stuff
Getting a lot of groups involved as well, which I think is like the play right now
you know, like web 3 has always been a togetherness atmosphere and
We have to embrace that and really build some cool shit that everybody can use
So welcome tape spaces. Enjoy yourself
If you haven't already go up to the top share the room out literally retweet it go take a friend get him in here
Yes, I'm giving away $1,000 tonight. No, you don't need to buy anything. Here's how that thousand dollars works though full disclaimer
Okay, we've made a recent change
I'm gonna give away five hundred dollars
Okay, if you don't own an ATS or a rota or a toast punk NFT
Okay, so anything in either ecosystem if you do own an ATS or a rota or a toast punk like somebody did last week
You'll win a thousand. I'll double it up. So just a little perk for holding obviously
Our community shows up day in day out. So I want to give them the respect
But again, if you own any of the toast punk NFTs if you own anything in the ATS NFT ecosystem
You will win double tonight. Okay, so instead of five hundred a thousand
I want to say what up to our co-host every week moon pie. What's going on?
Hi, everybody
Yo, I'm back in the gym moon pie
Mm-hmm. Okay, I've been I've been I've been you know hitting the bag
Lifting some weights. Oh
Really you've been actually like boxing. Yeah, my back's been feeling a lot better lately and
We we recent so the gyms open now
We for anybody that doesn't know we have a charity where we actually
Kids like high-risk youth we pay for their boxing fees
It started about six months ago
And I'm giving them a $45,000 check tomorrow
so that's gonna pay for a lot of kids and
The reason we do that is because it was actually me who grew up in a rough neighborhood
And got the opportunity to box and somebody paid for it for me and it kept me out of trouble when I was kid
So it's my way to pay it back
And I'm finally I'm back in the gym. I signed up. It just opened recently and the charity is starting
So we're gonna host a charity event every year. It's gonna be a boxing event. It'll be in Canada
I do want a lot of people to come. We're probably going to host it this year in June
so summertime if you want to come to Canada, it's nice would love to have you and
We're gonna throw a dope event and it's gonna be
It'll have a bunch of cool people there
But it's also gonna have grapes and ATS kind of plastered all over it
So it'll be fun. But yeah back in the gym and I honestly would love I'd love to fight
I'd love to do a little charity fight. Honestly, I wouldn't I wouldn't mind. I
Think that's a great idea
You in city, oh, yeah, yeah, that would be a huge fight
He's got a he's got a crazy right hand I've heard
Yeah, yeah, he sure does
Moon pie co-hosting. I don't know if Jimmy's coming tonight or what
I'll hit him up Jimmy if you're in here, we'd love to you to come up as well
But I want to say what up to toast bunk my buddy Matt owner of Racer Club all the toast funky ecosystem NFTs
What's going on?
What up? What up guys? I share your same sentiment with Elon Musk, basically
I think he's reserving it. He's gonna be charging extra for probably better music or something like that
Knowing him as a business person, but man good thing good to hear from you good to be here and again, you know
Well done mine and everything they're doing. Yeah, I'm glad to be here today
You'll appreciate it can't wait to learn more and more about Racer Club we got some insight last week
But would love to learn a little bit more this week as well and kind of dive a little bit deeper as well
Speaking of Elon
I've noticed fees are going up. Like if you have premium now, they have premium plus whatever that is you get really
Yeah, so it's really confusing really confusing because on my desktop
It is cheaper for me to sign up than on my phone. I don't know
and it's because
Through your phone like you are paying it technically through the app store
And it takes a cut so it's more expensive
Interesting yeah, you know how like you're using the you're using the
Twitter app so like any purchases are through the app store so they have it at a higher price
Interesting. Okay. Well, there's some alpha if you're gonna get premium or premium plus sign up through your desktop
Unlike what I did I signed up through my phone like an idiot
The thing is too I didn't notice is if you change your profile picture you cannot sign up
For three days until it's very fine. The desktop doesn't tell you that so the desktop
You know, I was literally trying to sign up with my credit card all night last night and it kept saying decline decline decline
I'm like, did I get like hacked or some shit? Like what's going on?
But no, it's just the desktop doesn't fulfill you properly
I also noticed the and this is just some Twitter alpha. You're welcome for this by the way
The the check mark the gold check mark the price came down
They have tiers for institutions as well
So they have a thousand dollar tier a thousand a month or you can pay annually ten grand. This is Canadian by the way
You can also sign up without extra exposure and it's like 280 a month or something like that
It's like 20% of the cost so or 25% of the cost so that was kind of weird
Wow, I don't know what what they're doing
But obviously they're trying to monetize the shit out of this platform, which is okay. I don't mind it
I love Twitter. Yeah, and then he announced the ex payments to which should be coming and me and hopefully make
things a little easier to buy also
Don't a dogecoin
He didn't say but he brought up X payments
Yeah, somebody announced the day he announced it does like spikes 30%
you know why that was because they caught him outside in an interview and he was saying that like
Pretty much that like dogecoin was started as a joke and now he wants to make it like an actual currency
and that he was kind of giving the hint that it was gonna be integrated and
Being that they're the dogecoin one of the dogecoin team members does a lot of the front-end UI for Twitter apparently
So, I don't know. I
Don't know what will happen, but it's definitely interesting and that'd be cool
It'd be dope if I could send people Ethan Bitcoin and shit on Twitter. That would be dope
Got a lot of people on stage
So I want to say hi to some peeps if you want to come up and say hello as well
We can definitely get you up
Lots happened on the market side this week, obviously
And we'll talk about that in a sec as well, but I want to say what up to Rui what's going on
All right, thank you for that Rui all right over to Isaac what's going on
Chilling chilling ganging them, you know right here word
Word word love it. Yo, I love the green visor by the way dope trait
For those are coming to the say blockchain
Say life man
The FOMO so real for these Brando, this is wild
I love that he said it too. Like what I think like two spaces back like don't sleep
Don't give up on it. And then I don't know where it's like yo grape some on SEI like let's go
Yeah, it's gonna be it's gonna be legit I'll talk that I'm waiting for the room to fill up a little bit more
We almost got 200 people in here
And then I'll talk a little bit about what we're building on that side
Because it's definitely going to be a very interesting mint and a lot is going into it, which is gonna be fun
But for now, if you haven't already go retweet the room, you can go enter to win a thousand dollars tonight
It'll be a shorter space than usual tonight because I want to make it open mic
I don't really want to have a ton of people in here on stage like partners other than racer labs
And then we got green visor game coming in a bit as well and that's pretty much it
So I want to keep it more low-key tonight
There's a lot of stuff cooking in the background which is gonna be exciting and racer labs actually builds right into that as well
And so we're gonna talk about that integration what we're doing with them as well. It's gonna be a lot of fun
So again go enter to win a thousand bucks. I'm literally wanting to give somebody in here 1,000 USDC tonight
All you got to do is follow easy instructions. You should be in the racer club labs discord. Anyway, by the way
It's crazy in there and follow them on Twitter. Obviously follow your host follow moon pie as well co-host
She gives back to web 3 literally every week
She also does a lot of stuff on the Solana shitcoin side and I should have took her alpha last week
I was gonna say I gave back a lot last week that you faded
That's a shot, that's okay, I'm bad at it. Yes. I have followed back
Moon pie called a shit coin, you know what? I don't even feel I feel disrespectful calling you a shit coin. Honestly
Moon moon moon pie called my little sweet princess angel Harambe
She called she called Harambe coin
Last week and it like what like 10 x'd
So yeah, 40 million today
Space at 4 million. So yeah, it did 10x it literally 10x. That's pretty crazy
And there's definitely a recording of me being like
Yo, no, that's not gonna go anywhere some shit
I can't remember what I said to that but that's thought that hurt. You're just like this is an alpha like come on
Okay, well here's why
Here's why right a guy comes on our platform that I've never had up here before
Literally, I knew him. Okay, I bought it know that I didn't know that part
So he comes up here and then so he's talking about how like the alpha is a Harambe coin or some shit
And then the Harambe fucking Twitter account comes up here and I'm just like nah
This is set up like come on you're telling the fucking account comes up here
You're just like they just hear you from the Twitter space or some shit. Like what's going on here?
There's a little flow you guys, you know, we have to be patient with him, but
It's okay and they're like, it's actually alpha and I was like, okay. Okay, I'll keep my eye on it
And yeah, I just watched that thing just ride, you know, I'm just like god
So what happens though, you know could I went the other way? It didn't but it could have
All right
Let's talk. Actually, I want to say what up to Rui. He was back up here
Finally done rugged. Yo, what's up, Brando? What's going on move pie? How you guys doing?
dude, vibing
Same same raising the bar, baby
Are we are we going to acknowledge that?
There's a new baby ape and the family. Yes. Great frickin point. Thank God for females
Yo, so for anybody that's been in our ecosystem a while
Make sure you toss shots fired a little message because shots fired who's my brother in real life and also our lead developer does a lot
Had a baby on what day is it today Thursday? Wasn't it yesterday? No, it's Tuesday. Okay
So he had a baby on Tuesday healthy. Happy baby boy eight pounds six ounces. Name is August
Very cute the most hilarious thing about all of it though
Is the baby looks like shots more than shots looks like shots didn't he come out with a beard?
I was just gonna ask that no
He didn't come out with a beard, but he came out with a full head of hair
But the face like so Connor looked a certain way when he was a kid
He was a cute kid
But the face literally looks so much like Connor that it almost creeped me out
Like I was like, you know, the baby looks like you more than you look like you
Yeah, so congratulations to shots. He'll be away until February 5th enjoying with the newborn. It's his first kid
So that's very exciting for him. So again, if you know shots toss him a message congratulate him
He's very happy. Obviously his wife is too and it's very I think they're going home today, but I got to meet meet the baby
You know, I held it didn't really want to you know, I just like you didn't want to what I
Didn't want to hold the baby just cuz like why too delicate
At that I don't get used to it
Yeah, I know. It's just for me. It's like
It's like when somebody hands you like, you know, very expensive like breakable item. You're just like, yeah
Yeah, I'm gonna give this back to you just in case I drop it, you know, so
Yeah, he's healthy he was able to give like natural birth and all of that
Um, yeah, I think it was a planned it was like more of a planned burst, but yeah, she's happy
Very healthy. I think they're again. They're back home later tonight, which will be good, too. So
Looking forward to seeing more and more
Yeah, it was it was good
So but yeah, shout out to shots, which means that we've been building a lot of stuff that is going to
Essentially be integrated when shots gets back on February 5th. So it'll be a lot of fun
But um, I want to give a shout out also to somebody else who joined us on stage. We got the hill
I don't think I've had you on spaces before but I want to say what up what's going on
Hi, what's up mighty man? It's good to be up here with you guys and nice to meet you guys that I don't know
You know, I've done toast and in events for a really long time, but
Um, yeah, just appreciate the space man. I appreciate being here. And uh, yeah, I actually just wanted to pop in and sort of
um, see what's going on with you guys and in in um, what you're doing with toast and
You know, I just like to keep up on my on my uh projects and my in my stuff, you know
It's part of my job. So I I like it. That's where i'm at
I love that
Dude, the pfp is hilarious, too
Because I just imagine you with a coffee in your hand, you know, like as you're listening in bro real talk like that that specific
Like ape is hilarious and I've minted it and I couldn't believe it. It was
Because you know, I have a giant white beard and all that and I was like, no way like no
So no matter what was going on or like what other
Nft's I have I was like that has to be it because it's it's legit like perfect match. You know what I mean?
That's hilarious
Oh my god, I forgot to tell you guys. Holy shit. I minted
number 420
On a on a collection the other day. So i've been okay
So i've been in the web3 space for a long time 2021 bull run nft's
Uh covid break degenerate, uh grinding. Um, i've been through it all right
Um, I saw the ups. I saw the downs. I saw people build. I saw people rug, right? I've seen it all here
But I minted i've been trying to do this, right?
Uh, we've been like really dabbling into say because I really like that blockchain
Uh gas fees are really really cheap. It's fast as hell. It's very secure. I thought it was sigh
I call it say
But it could be sigh. I have no idea actually
All right, and now I gotta dm them to make sure how do you say your name?
So i've been i've been minting quite a few projects
Um, you know, there's a lot of like low-cost projects like low barrier to entry
Uh, and I bought some of the you know top tier ones too
I went in and you know
If i'm gonna if i'm gonna ape into an ecosystem and you know push a product on there as well
I mean I probably should
Enter into some of the ecosystems that are doing it right and have you know, high floors and blah blah blah
So I bought like a wee bump. I bought a daub. I bought uh scion
Uh, I bought a bunch of them. Anyway, so
We got uh whitelist to this one that minted the other day called
Siamese cats. It was a 999 collection
Uh, they're actually building some really cool shit. So shout out to them. I'd love to have them on here
Tony, uh, the guy that uh hooked hooked me up with the with the whitelist because tony does all of our collabs
Uh, he's like yo, just so you know, you gotta mint this. Uh, the mint started you have whitelist
I was like, oh shit. I forgot. I literally went in and minted and I snagged 420. I couldn't believe the timing
Like uh, so shout out to cold tony for that one because that was definitely legendary, but I finally
After three years of grinding and minting probably hundreds of projects. Maybe not thousands but hundreds for sure
Uh, I finally got number 420
So pretty psyched about that. Obviously now you have a 69 and a 420 and I have neither
Yeah, and it's been an absolute party for sure. So that was fun. Um
Definitely check out say we'll talk a little bit more about the say blockchain
But again, they're secure and by the way, i'm not being paid by say they're a big blockchain. They're an l1
I just like it. I just like it. This is not a sponsorship, you know by any means
I wish it was honestly, that'd be dope but uh, and I will reach out to them. Don't you worry
But uh, what I will say is fast, right? They have front running tech
Um or anti-front running tech. Um, they have uh,
low low low gas like
Solana type gas fees
Um, and so far so good like it's been pretty easy to navigate
Uh compass wallet is the easiest way to get set up. So c o m p a s s compass like a compass like
To show you where north and south is that type of compass?
Uh, you can download it on ios android. You can download it on your pc mac. Whatever you want. It's very similar to metamask
Um, I don't know much if uh, maybe there's somebody in here that can educate us on it, uh more
Somebody on stage or somebody in the audience if you know about this
I don't know much about the permission settings
Uh, and i'm gonna talk to our devs about that like with eth when you set a shitty permission, you know, you get drained
Right. Is it the same with say, I don't know yet. I'm trying to figure that out. I'm sure it is
I'm sure it is too, but i'm just i'm trying to figure out
Yeah, I mean i'm going to with xverse, you know, like any
Bad permission is really what gives them access
Yeah, for sure. Like I would
I would honestly like go through them and just make sure you're you're top drawer, right? Because like legit like that is like the number one
Fault besides like link clicking, you know what I mean? That's like the number one issue
So yeah, and I do know that like for eth for example, you know revoked cash you go there
Yeah, unrevoked permissions and blah blah blah. I don't know enough about say
Uh to confidently say like one get it to say one thing or the next I don't I don't know yet, but um
We're gonna start developing on that blockchain soon
So it's it's gonna be we'll find out and we'll give everybody the alpha
But I don't know like revoke.cash like where do you go if you set a shitty permission on that blockchain?
Do you know man?
Like I don't i'm not sure about this, but I was talking to the dude that made wallet guard the other day
They they're like branching out to many different
Blockchains, so that's just maybe something to keep an eye on, you know and look at it like no ad or anything
I'm just saying like it it actually is they're really working hard to like get across many blockchains for the use case
Yo moon pie. Can you message wallet guard like dm them and see if they want to come talk about that
Yeah, definitely like i've been hella wondering
Yeah, every chain is different. I mean that's something that I really like about
Um phantom and soul is that it's all right there within your wallet
Like you can go to settings and go to connected apps
kind of like how um
Meta mask has it but you know with metamask, that's just you're connected to the site. You still have to go revoke
phantom and soul you can do it right there in your wallet like you just disconnect from
The the app and it it fully removes permissions
interesting, okay
Well, if there's somebody in here that wants to educate us dm me so I can get you up here because I don't know
But i'm gonna find you the answer and I think that's like um
Kind of like a testament as to how we run this shit is I don't pretend i'm smarter than anyone else neither
Does moon pie now that does anybody on our stage?
But what we will do is we'll find the answer because it's out there and we're early and we just need to know
So we'll get that for you
Again, welcome. Dave space is almost 300 in here now
So we're gonna start some alpha on the show talk a little bit about some things that are going on in our ecosystem
Uh pass the mic over to toast punk
And racer club as well to talk about what they're building and how we're integrating them into our ecosystem
But I do want to remind you you can enter to win a thousand dollars tonight
Just go up to the top of the nest. Okay, you got to make sure you you retweeting like that as well
It doesn't say that on the post, but it is a requirement. So go like and retweet that post you have to share it out
Um anything on the nest go support
Would appreciate that we're gonna jump right into it right before we do that
I got one more person. I want to give the mic to we got papi on stage
Papi, how are you, buddy?
I'm doing good. Can you guys hear me or just sound like i'm in a
Laundry, uh, what is it? What do you usually say in a washing machine or a dryer?
It sounds like you're air drying this time
Yeah, I definitely um, that's what I do on thursday nights is I I I go hard. So how's everybody doing?
Dude we're good. We're vibing having a good old time
Yeah, so it would be cool to find out if it's uh, like how to pronounce the the blockchain. I think that would be the
an awesome question
uh, but yeah, i've been looking at coin market cap a lot lately and uh suey and
Say have both been super fat volume like top 10 top 15 every single day
uh, so that's uh
That's pretty exciting even like, you know all the help around like um optimism and arbitrage like
The past like six months and before that they've been doing way more volume than them
So I think you know, some people are most people are starting to hear about them
But I think they got easily, you know, a good 10 15
X to go, uh in the next bull market and as things continue
So I think those are pretty like, you know solid plays going forward, especially as there's like there's going to be capitulation
As well too. I just noticed that hirambe is uh hitting all all-time highs as well, too
which is exciting moon pie and uh,
What what do you mean I actually was like I was totally like
Well, we heard about it first when it was like super super low and then uh, I was talking to day mother and he was like
Yeah, dude, like I got like a 25 30 x on and i'm like fuck. That's sweet. He put in like
89 bucks or something
And then I it's been going under a soul and he like over 20 sold
Yeah, yeah, and he's like it was up to like 3500 bucks or whatever
And then uh, so I was like I faded it a bit and uh, you know, I was like I saw it going down
I was like fuck it, you know, i'll throw a hundred bucks in and so i've been throwing a hundred bucks in here
And there on some different plays and I got in that uh, uh, what is he called?
Ponky ponky or whatever. I saw that because uh
I think it was jamster
Shared this uh, this kol's uh suggestion of it
so i've been just like playing around with the soul here and there but there's just like
all of deck screener is literally littered with just a lot of
like garbage basically, so lots of lots of lots of shit coins and uh, yeah, it's fun
it's a good time so that's what i've been doing and uh
Yeah, just uh, you know enjoying life and doing lots of uh, brand new you'd love it
I'm not sure if you're you've ever done this have you ever gone to like a nordic spa before and done like uh
Like cold exposure like getting in like ice ice baths and shit
No, he lives in fucking canada, so does
I know like I live in a I live in a fucking colder place
I need an ice bath for just like go outside. I don't know about that papi. It was minus 50 here last week
Oh, yeah, you're right. You're right. Okay. So yeah, it was like minus like 35, but check this out
I got an ice tank
And I have it in my backyard just outside my back door and like each morning
I wake up and
I do like my meditation or whatever and then I go out and
And i fucking get in the ice ice water for like
10 like five to ten minutes and like the sun rises as i'm in the ice water
And I think to myself like who the fuck does this but it's like the most peaceful time of my day
so i've been doing that and that's been nice and
lots of like
Amazing projects getting pumping through uh, have you guys heard a starter before it's a launch pad
It was it they were in the top three for uh
For fucking uh launch pads and last bull market. Have you guys heard of them before?
Yo, papi, we can actually hear you pretty loud in clear. So don't worry about yelling by the way. Yeah, like can you please stop yelling?
I just couldn't gauge sorry my bad. I'll talk is that good. Is that is that all right?
That should be all right
Anyways, uh, thanks for letting me know I um
Yeah, i'm still not gauging this uh car this uh car car volume here, but uh
Anyway, sorry the 300 people in the audience that just get their ear drums busted
Yeah car, uh, did you guys hear a starter before
I'm not here to start
Yeah, i'll have to send you guys. I'll have to send you that there's a scene around that's open right now
But they raised like they're in the top. Uh, they were in the top two for money raised for launch pads last bull market and
They just uh, they just came in and they're they're launching a token for the first time
So before they didn't have a token and they launched like I think 65 projects themselves and then
We're a part of like maybe 150 raises last bull market
Um, but yeah, they're launching a token and they're in private round right now. But anyways, yeah cool stuff
But uh, yeah, love you guys. It's good to be here as always
Appreciate you homeboy. Thank you
Yo couple things
Um, i'm just gonna meet you mike pappy. There's some background noise. Um, all right couple things
Here's the here's the agenda for the next about 30 minutes. All right
Uh, we got bugatti group coming in i'm going to chat with them a little bit because they've got some cool stuff
They're doing cooking up. We've been cooking with them as well
Uh, so we're going to talk to them, uh for people that don't know who bugatti group is
uh, they are a
I would say luxury handbag slash purse slash wallet slash luggage company
They do a lot of stuff in web2 actually got to go visit their facility
Last year in montreal which was dope at the ceo and got to meet the team and they're doing a lot of stuff in web2
And they ventured into web3 and so, um, I want to give them a shout out quickly after bugatti group
We're going to talk to toastpunk about racer labs what he's building there how you can get involved what we're doing with them as well
And then after that we are going to um talk about grapes on the say blockchain, uh, which uh
Has sparked some interest obviously in the crypto space at the moment and might even give out a few spots. So
Sit politely retweet the room go enter to win a thousand bucks
Um and enjoy the show, uh, we got james behind the bugatti account
James what's going on my brother? It's such an honor to be back up here with you. How are you?
Dude i'm doing good, man
Um finally settled in you know, I moved so how many plays settled in I got wi-fi. That's good
Um, you know finally, uh everything all the furniture is built
Uh, my back's broken, you know after doing that, but that's another story
Um, I know you got a dinner rezo tonight at 8 15. Where are you going?
Man i'm in miami right now. I'm actually uh down here for some work and
I'm going
Somewhere. I don't even know the name to be honest
It's at 8 15. I'm actually in the car right now. I'm on my way there. So
I'm on the same uh same vibe as poppy driving and uh and vibing with you guys
Nice so is it a steakhouse like where are you going? I need to visualize this a little bit in my brain
It's actually a fish place. Um
From what I heard and I believe i'm going for sushi, but to be to be honest
I'm quite I'm quite blank about what i'm gonna i'm gonna eat for all. I know I might be eating fried chicken tonight
Oh, okay fried chicken so good though
I don't disagree on that. That's for sure
But the best thing and brando knows what it is. It's poutine up in canada
No, it's true where james is from though eat a poutine in alberta you get food
Boom by eat somewhere like boom. Bye. Do you even know what poutine is?
That was glass. Yeah, it's like that was glass
Isn't it like french fries with like gravy and like cheese curds and stuff?
Did you did you were just so blasphemous? I was pretty much like racist towards all canadians. You just said that
Jesus I kind of am
I don't believe canada exists. I think it's a made up place. Well, you're you're that's that's quite american of you
So where where james is from in the east coast like the french provinces, you know, james you speak french or no
Yeah, I speak french about passe for anybody in the space
Nice, my wife does too. I don't
Yeah, I mean why don't you tell the funniest story about um meeting your wife's family when talking french?
Uh, I don't know if I should tell that right now. It's kind of inappropriate
My wife cousins did some foul shit to me when I first met
Um, my wife I went to quebec. Everybody speaks french there. Obviously small town small town
I'm talking like nobody spoke english like you walk in there and you only speak english like good luck
Um, dude, I just realized I just realized that your your wife's french
I didn't even realize man because well, I know it makes sense her name
But I just didn't I didn't put one and one together. So silly me
Yeah, i'll i'll tell this really quickly because james has a dinner reservation
So i'm in this small little town in quebec
Literally probably like a thousand people right and I sit at a dinner table with like 50 people like
Quebec people the french they have like massive eatings together like just crazy
Um, so i'm sitting there. I'm enjoying myself not talking to anybody because nobody spoke english
But her cousins did like a little bit right like a little bit of english
And they're my age at the time
And my wife goes to the washroom. She comes back to the table
Um, but before she came back to the table
Her cousins were like yo when your wife comes back, they're telling me this obviously like shitty shitty english
They're like you tell her toussaint la poisson
For anybody that speaks french, okay, that means like, you know, your under parts smell like fish, right?
Um in kind of like a derogatory way too, like not a very good way
I say this and I say this like loud like her grandma's sitting across from me
Her grandpa's sitting across from me like her dad or mom like literally all the family
And the worst part is I couldn't even defend myself
After I said it they looked at me. They're like
Looking at me like
You're a degenerate, you know and like she had one uncle that's like, you know
Kind of like uh, like a rich guy type vibe, right?
And he just looked at me like piece of shit, right? I'm just like
And so I just sat there quietly
And like even after the worst part was is like even after like the cousins were like, ah, we got you as a joke
Because I said it and it was at a dinner setting even though it was a joke
It was still like nah, fuck you guys. You're you're degenerate, you know, so I just sat there and ate
I love that. It's still like
The one phrase, you know in french
Dude that was
That's awful, man
That would suck so much because it doesn't even matter like if it's true or not or whatever happened you did it
And now you're forever marked
Oh, yeah, it was terrible. So that's about as much french as I know
And uh, yeah, I just make my way around, you know, I just I speak in sign language. Everybody understands it
But um james you guys have been cooking in the background. Um
I got one of those edition 22s
Love what that is. By the way, the art looks dope. I'm gonna claim my piece tonight
Uh, maybe you would love to you know, just kind of
Remind people, you know what you do with bugatti
Um, you know what you have cooking at the moment what you've done with certain projects in the industry
And then we'll give them a little off as to what's coming as well. But um
I'll give you the mic. What's going on over there?
Thank you my brother and I just want to say that that's uh quite a funny
Story, I can just imagine
You know you sitting there with a bunch of french folks that don't even speak english just
You know the the urgent side must have not been pleasant, but i'm glad he's your wife now
I guess it worked out in the end
But uh to touch base a little bit on everything and what we do in the space
At bugatti we joined about three years ago and we had two major goals
When we joined the web3 space one of them being that we wanted to provide as much utility as possible to our
Nft holders, whatever we did
We wanted to make sure that it was very clear and understood that we're here to provide utility
And we're not here to profit or to make money
We're really here to give access to our ecosystem to all of our holders
And how we did that is one of many different ways
But as uh as quickly as uh as I can jump into all the different kind of systems that we built
First thing first when you own a bugatti nft you get 55 discount on every single bugatti
Item in our uh in our stores on our ecom channels
Additionally each nft also comes with a free product that you can claim
You all you have to do is look at the traits on open sea look at the claim trait if it's false or if it's true
From here. We also build blending mechanisms to burn nfts and get better ones
We also build staking systems where
If you stake three nfts you're able to build your own custom acelia codes with that our holders have generated over
130 000 in sales and twelve thousand dollars in profit for themselves
We have also launched our own web3 store where we partner with projects and we um, we launch with them custom
Luggages for their holders to be able to customize which i'll touch a little bit on that whole
Uh, you know custom luggage world in a minute
additionally, we're also
Uh, you know doing partner drops and there's just so much going on. We also have another utility where
Uh, if you stake 22 plus travel points, you're able to build your merch line, which we're going to be launching the first merch lines
February 8th in web2 channels
And uh the list goes on but the bigger part is that we built
And invested a million dollars and over in a new factory new machines with real humans in there
To build one of one custom luggages
So if you click on our page you're able to see that there's a lot of custom one-of-one products
Basically what you can do with that is you can contact us directly in messages and we can get you a custom order
For yourself where you can customize the front and the back of your luggage with your choice of nft's and the amazing part is
You receive your product within seven business days to your door
So it's not like you order a product and you got to wait two or three months
We really get you your custom quickly. So that's uh, that's something that's amazing. Plus above all that we continue to bring
Some web 2 brands and partners into the space. We just now launched a uh,
A partner project with addition 22, which is a fashion brand in the uh in the web 2 space
They focus on doing bags and they just now launched their uh, their clothing edition. So
With that collection you get access to
Uh their their products each and every single nft comes with some free merch like brando said he got his own
He's going to be claiming it tonight
As soon as you buy your nft you're able to order your free product that you've customized
You just go on our website through the discord. It's super simple and there's a lot of different
Uh utilities similar to what I mentioned, uh as bugatti plus honestly, the art just looks amazing on its own
Uh within itself, but obviously what's you know, more important for us is the utility
And now the second big thing that was important for us when we were joining web 3
Was we wanted to find a way where we can help web 3 grow as a whole
In the uh in the eyes of web 2 in the traditional world
So that's where we decided to invest a million dollars plus
In this new factory that does one-of-one custom luggages
So our goal for 2024 is to partner with as many projects as possible in the web 3 space that are credible
And uh get some one-of-one orders for those custom goods to as many holders
As possible across as many projects as possible and we want to change the way you travel
We want uh custom nft luggages to be seen across all international airports and we really want to do
Something that's special there obviously as you guys know for for everybody who travels when you go to the airports
It's all the same black blue gray ugly luggages
And now you're able to travel with your own custom
Nft which if you once again if you scroll on our page on our timeline
You're able to to see what uh what i'm talking about, but uh, aside from that, you know
We're we're continuing to build we continue to to provide as much utility as we can for our holders
We're here to build with communities and provide as much as we can through our ecosystem
We have that edition 22 project that just went live
So for anybody who's interested, I definitely recommend you get your your own edition 22 nft
And uh aside from that obviously brenda, we have our own little something that's coming for the holders
Which i'm sure we'll be able to touch on in a little bit
But i'll uh i'll gladly answer our two questions here. I believe we have two
On the uh on the state we got done. Yeah, we got toast. Tell us what do you think?
Man, I love it so much and I got a few questions on this
Um, so I remember actually I think one of your team members contacted toastpunk a while back
Uh to get um, uh the collection, uh added first and foremost 100 percent. I think it's a great idea. Secondly
Um, my wife and kids just got back from uh overseas
They got stuck there a few of their luggages got damaged because it was a it was another story
I'll tell that some other time. But um, the issue was um, their bags got damaged some of them
And um, it was like forced open and things like that
So my wife went to me the other day
She said we need to go and buy more luggages and you know
The first thing she goes was samsonite and I was like, okay cool went up there checked it out
It's like 500 bucks 600 bucks. I just saw your website
Firstly, your prices are already amazing. I think you're only 233 for a normal bag. Is that right? A normal normal luggage
Is that correct?
Yep, that is correct. We are you know, just to backtrack a little bit brando when he was introducing us
He mentioned we're a luxury brand these specific words that we use is we're affordable luxury
So we're the high quality products just like the samsonites the tumis. The only difference is
We don't you know have those huge markets and we produce in the same factories that they do but our prices are made for affordability
And can I can I can I that's amazing can I can I pull up with something else as well you you mentioned just before you said
50 off if you got your nft's is that right? Is that so it's 233 and then 50 off that
Yep, exactly
Like I mentioned man, you know, we're here to provide the utility we build this
We join the nft space with the intentions of building something exclusive and valuable for our holders
So indeed it's uh, it comes down to to you know, something very affordable when you own the nfts with that 55 discount
And even without it, it's pretty affordable. So there's definitely uh, we'll hook you up on some luggages
Let's hop in some dms and let's get something going, uh together. Definitely there
No, I I definitely want to get because um
I don't want to be just another one with the same samsung as everyone else like, you know
The silver one the gray one and the one that comes off the bat, right?
If I can get a toe sponge one or something that I like, you know custom made for that price, it's ridiculous
I'll just change all my luggage to that and get everyone to change their luggage to that for sure
Um, but yeah, let's definitely hook up to this. This is amazing utility. Now one thing you mentioned. I just want to say
Sorry, I know the hills brother. I know you want to ask us but one thing I want to say is this right?
You mentioned before about
Investing into the space. Uh, it's not about making profits all that sort of stuff
Right, I think some I think most projects even the hills would also you know, say this after this
uh, he's got his own projects as well a lot of people like even us as well a lot of our projects and we've
You know these kind of founders that actually look at the time instead of dragging liquidity out of the space
Put liquidity back into the space
There's a lot of um, uh, like perseverance there that that
Must be respected. I would say it takes a long time
But at the end of the day the the truth of the matter is this
Businesses need to perform and get profits in order for it to sustain an ecosystem. Okay
I'll share a few things later on in race the club and all about what we're doing and and the vast
Behind the scenes sort of things we're doing
Which will also help other people and get things done. But for now, I just want to say
I don't know how you gotta vary with using that name for for a luggage
Because it's pretty close to Bugatti
And but like good on your mind well done
Thank you so much and just a touch on the name just for everybody to know we're Bugatti group the company has been around since 1940
We actually have a coexisting agreement with Bugatti the cars who came in 1909
To market and share the same name. So that's uh, that's for the name
But you know just to touch base a little bit on the profitability point
Uh, you know for us being a company that has many different streams
Obviously, you know, we're across all major retailers in north america. We have our ecom channels
There's just so much that uh that we do when we came in the space
We really wanted to come and give it all to the space and give the opportunity to make profit to our holders
Instead of us taking it, but I definitely agree with you that projects in the space need to make profit
And at the end of the day businesses, uh wouldn't be in business if there was no money to make so that's uh
That's definitely a good point there
And uh for yeah, that's that's that honestly brando. I'm gonna send it back to you brother
Yo, love it. Love it. I know that um
Yo, hill you had a question as well. You had your hand up. Maybe a comment. Yo, I did. Uh
I have like three really quick things one
Bugatti bro hectic job
Um to build things like this and get it done is difficult
You know like for our project like giving giving back and like making a difference is a big priority. So
Cheers bro, because that's what this is about like by doing that you're building
Uh a larger scale community with utility and function that like benefits other people allows them individuality
Um inside of communal identity, right? And so this is just it's fucking huge bro. So I really appreciate it. But secondarily bro
Legit dm me like I need this
Okay, because I would like to be able not just to it's not really just to showcase our project or anything
But more about the entirety of the space so I would probably be getting like a um, a uh set
You know what i'm saying?
um, because I I don't just seek to sort of like showcase what i'm doing but really truthfully like
Provide sort of visibility for everyone else
That's part of something that we're building on the back end as well that no one really knows about yet. But
Um, I 100 think this is amazing bro. So so dm me
Let me know how I can grab like one of those nft's
If that's what I need to do, I don't really care about the cost or anything like that
I mean i'm not rich by any means
at all, but
Um, yeah, you know, just let me know what the best way to go is and i'm i'm 100 in so
And you know just really honestly to echo what toe said like people in this space that have gone these years
You know because just like brendo like i've been in this space for a long time, man
And I have watched some crazy shit go down consistent, right?
Learning we're all still growing collectively and and that's what's important. So
You know, I think the reality of it is the more and more that
Blockchain develops and with all these new different uh blockchains, you know the the capability for
um sort of cross
Cross chain action cross chain growth is is huge. Um, you know, I was doing some research and
talking to some people um at hedera yesterday and
Yeah, man, there's just so much opportunity
Right if you're looking the correct direction
So just cheers to you and what you're doing and in you know
If you guys are out there and you're a founder or building a project or anything like that, man
The the key really is it's it's not about taking the bag
Okay, like look all of us probably got into blockchain for the bag, right?
Along the way when I was going I learned that the the real value is the people and that everyone has a very
specific value, so identifying understanding
And and being able to sort of put those puzzle pieces together
Connecting all the people for all the right reasons and and really moving forward quickly is uh, that's the key, right?
So so if you're building something build it for everyone
Because it is in your best interest and you're gonna win if you do it
Like doesn't matter how long it takes you're gonna win. So yeah, good job. Bugatti man and toast. Love you, bro. Straight up
Love is in the air. That's for sure. Hey, thank you for the words and uh, I sent you and toast a message
We can definitely get you guys hooked up
Obviously when you guys give us, you know
The words and you guys tell us that we're doing it properly it definitely goes
A long way and we truly appreciate it and for anybody that's in the space that wants to get themselves
A custom product as well. Just hop send us a message and we'll uh
We'll get you hooked up and I want to shine the light
Also on brando and everything that he does with his team moon pie as well
It's not easy to build
In uh in the world of web 3 it's very difficult
You know to build a community a community that's sustainable a community that sticks and a community that supports you and has the same vision
as you and
Brando everything that he has done and continues to do he is committed. He's disciplined
He's here every single day. Excuse me. He answers everybody
He forms partnerships. He helps people. He's a great human being. He's a great founder and a great ceo
And I just want to shine the light uh on brando here for a quick uh a quick minute
So shout out to you shout out to the team and obviously we're very honored to be able to be partnered with you
And we're excited to uh to come back out with our custom products for your holders
Uh, which i'm sure we we can maybe give them a little scoop on
You know, um, I wanted to I appreciate that first and foremost
Um, I wanted to shed the light on maybe some of the some of the bigger names that bugatti works with
Um, you know when I toured the facility, I don't I don't want to say any just because like, you know
I don't want any alpha
But I remember I saw adidas there for sure, you know, I know you guys work closely with adidas
Um, maybe if you want to touch on some of the bigger names that you guys work with i'm also curious to know
What's it gonna take for you guys to eventually approach somebody like adidas and say hey
Why don't we look at like hosting a digital line here? Um
Because I mean you guys have done that before you have your own right edition 22 now. Um, you've done in uh
There was a there was a doge project you partnered with and obviously you've partnered with a lot of these like web 3 brands
That are building and growing here
But what's it gonna take for you guys to maybe approach somebody like adidas and say hey, what interests you here? And what do you think?
Yeah, great point. So
So first things first a couple of the brands that we work with
In the traditional world some of the bigger names that people in this space are going to know here
We work with the rolling stones. So we take care of their entire bag and luggage line
We worked in the past with celine dion
Uh, celine dion if i'm saying it properly the family name. She's a famous singer
an artist
also, we worked with
Uh, gosh, why am I having a short memory blind here?
But blackpink there's no one I wanted to mention the k-pop group
And now, uh, the biggest brand that we're working with as well. It's not adidas just to correct you brando
It's actually rebop that you saw
Um at our facility so to answer your point brando indeed
We are we are pushing for web2 grants to make partnership with us in the web3 space and launch
Their own collections. We've been speaking with various different brand partners that we have obviously rebalk being one of them naturally when
When you do these things it takes a long time
Just uh, the bugatti project took like about a year
Before we came out publicly and said that we were in and we were investing and we were building something
So it's under the same lines
When uh other big traditional brands want to join web3 and we're pushing for that and we want to bring partners in the space
Just like we did with edition 22
But uh, it's something that takes a long time
So hopefully this year we're gonna see something pop out with rebop or with other uh names or you know
There's many on the list that we're approaching and we're speaking with so it's uh, it's definitely something we're doing and i'm glad you bring it up
That's dope. I love that. So keep me in the loop there because that would be interesting. Um,
And um, you know i'd like to see how you know, this this all breaks down and navigates. I mean I think
From what i've seen in web3 there's been a fair amount of like bigger names that have dropped here
I remember when porsche did their nft launch
Um, you know that I think they they kind of royally screwed it up because
The supply was too high there. I think they had like a one-eath mint price or something like that
It was it might have been lower, but it was high. I remember that
Um, and then they decided and i'm not sure who like advised on that project per se
You know, I think in a bear market giving
You know a web2 company a large raise like that was probably a mistake on their end
But they ended up cutting supply and I remember those things just started running. So
definitely like um
keen to learn more about that when it comes to
fruition and honestly, um james like use me as a resource if you ever need in regards to like
Helping with the launch strategy for some of these people as well
I think like one of the things that's harmed web2 coming into web3 is the fact that like
Not enough due diligence was done
In regards to like market conditions in regards to like the clientele that's here and how they navigate and how they like, you know
How they need to be marketed to
Um, and the projects that have done it like correctly have done incredibly well
Um, you know, and so it's kind of an interesting like there's definitely a lot of different launch strategies that I can think of
Just off the top of my head and there has been some web2 brands that have come here like very successfully
But there's also been like a lot that have failed and have like I don't want to say like rugged
But they've just been like yeah, no, like we're not we're not sticking around but a lot of it's because of their own fault
It's been kind of hilarious. So definitely like tap me into those conversations when you when you do have them because would love to like
Jump on like uh, even just like a quick like here's what I think type call to make sure like they're launching
Correctly because I don't want to see like and the only even reason I offer that is because like every time a web2 company
Comes to web3 and they fail
It's just another like headline, right?
And it's another thing where it's like the people that have been building here for so long
Now look at this and say, okay
I've been building here and i've been trying to push web3 for so long and trying to make something here
And then all of a sudden these web2 companies come in and it's a news headline
Because they failed and it makes web3 look like a joke, right?
So I almost think like I need to maybe step in a little bit to help some of these brands get to market
Right, and I don't even want to be paid. I just want them to be successful, right?
Because ultimately it's going to really help web3 to get some of these large brands to come in and get some more collectors in here as well
So spot on and uh rando honestly you're the first one i'm gonna run to when uh
I don't know if you're speaking right now if i'm the one rugged
No, i'm good. I'm good. I'm not speaking. I don't think okay. Okay. Yeah, so
I don't think so i'm definitely gonna run to you first thing
Um, you know, I I appreciate you as a human, but like I said above all also
You're a great founder
You're a great leader in the space and your consistency and discipline and you know
Just commitment to building how you've been building says it all so as soon as the uh opportunity comes
I'll definitely give you a call. I know I have your personal number
So i'll uh, i'll definitely want you on the official team for any big
Uh web2 partner that we're gonna we're going to release so
And i'm really glad that you you came forward to offer that so consider it done already and we'll obviously get you paid
Wicked brother wicked brother. Well here listen everything I do in web3
Has been now has been
Something that we just passed on holders, you know, so maybe if rebox coming we get some holders some rebalk luggage
We can call it a deal, you know, we'll figure it out. But um looking forward to that conversation for sure
Anything else we wanted to oh, so okay
Of course, that's why you're here beyond
Talking about what you're doing in the space at the moment. Uh, we are going to be launching some stuff with bugatti
we as a company have decided to
Uh give holders
Um as close as the maximum discount as we possibly could
Um, I don't know what that number actually is. Is it 45 or 40 percent or something like that? Yep spot on
So, uh, it's a large discount and the luggage is dope. It's print on demand
So if there's any ats nft ecosystem collectibles that you love that you're never going to sell and you want to rock that thing around
Uh, you're going to be able to on luggage very soon
Uh, they ship really quickly. I remember when we when we first came out
Uh with this collaboration james, there were some people that ordered that it took a while for their luggage to come in
Uh, but it's because everything was in brazil and now that you have the new facility
It should be coming like really quick like ship next day type thing
Yeah, exactly spot on not ship next day, but you receive it within seven days
So we ship like within two or three days and then depending on your location you get it within, you know, the seven business days
But indeed before we were producing overseas and now we brought everything at home with the new factory
So we're we're producing literally overnight
We're operating all the time and we're uh, we're shipping your your custom goods
And once again these custom one-of-ones they're hand built
So it's uh, you know, every touch is made with love the quality control is also controlled, uh one by one
So what you get is amazing quality and it's also affordable. So it's uh, it's definitely exciting
And we have a lot of art coming out very soon. Um
not only on
The save blockchain, but we also have art coming out on the eth blockchain right away as well for existing holders. Um
Get ready. It's it's coming. So
Um, we'll chat about uh an official launch strategy, uh, you know the date all that good stuff
James on the back end maybe this weekend and then we can start to push some stuff out
But it's going to be fun
I'm actually going to order a bunch for eight tickets to give some holders some prizes as well
So you might be even able to compete for one potentially, um, just by holding which will be fun
But um, you'll appreciate your time get to your rezo. Enjoy your sushi. James. Thanks for coming through appreciate you man
Brother thank you so much like like I said earlier
I totally appreciate you i'm honored to be a to be a friend and a partner of yours
And for everybody that's in the space. Thank you all as well for listening
Thank you for being here and supporting brando and us if you're interested in joining our ecosystem
Just head over to our discord. You can get a bugatti nft
And if you want to support us, you can also get a uh edition 22 nft
The mint is currently live. I pin that up and of course
If anybody wants a custom luggage, just hit us up in the dm
But brando all the love is on you all the light is on you. You're a hero to the eyes of web3
You're uh what we need more in this space. So shout out to you and thank you of course for having us again
You all appreciate you king. Thank you. Enjoy your dinner
Um, I do have by the way some pieces from the gotti group very very high quality stuff
Really like what they're doing. Um, and honestly, I can't wait to get one with my printed ape on it
I've not done that yet. I do have a piece with another collections ip on it
That I still hold and I do love it. I actually use it every day
But um, I want my own ip so i'll be ordering one as well when we launch very excited about that
All right, we are going to reset the room quickly. I got toast punk and racer labs up here racer club labs up here
Uh, we got a lot of people in here both 350 on a thursday night
It's been fun for sure you can scroll down see all these beautiful pfp's from a lot of different people
So I appreciate everybody for tapping in uh thousand dollars. We're giving out tonight and here's how you can win
They go up to the top right now
Okay, there is a pin post up there that says enter to win a thousand dollars usdc
Go retweet that go like that. Go tag a friend do what you got to do. Okay, you got to follow me and racer club
Follow my co-host moon pie as well
Um, make sure you're in the discord
If you haven't already entered go enter and you have to be in eight spaces
So if you've done all three of those things or four of those things you're going to enter into win
500 okay, that's how it works 500 bucks
If ts nft ecosystem assets or you hold any toast punk ecosystem bucks
So if you don't and you're just you know holding nothing you're literally here just to give away farm
Then you're going to win 500 if you hold
our assets or toast punk then
You're going to win a thousand so nice little uh way to celebrate potentially a holder winning. Um last week actually a holder won
Full thousand bucks. That was exciting. So
Um, but with that being said
Purple button at the very bottom right go retweet the room go tag a friend
We got lots of stuff still to come on eight spaces tonight. We got toast punk my buddy matt who's up here
They've actually powered the space tonight, by the way, so the giveaway is from them
Um, so make sure you follow toast very good guy in web 3 i've known him literally since I think I entered in the space
So he's been a friend of mine in web 3 for many years
Um, and very excited for him to be here and to be representing on eight spaces
Um, I want to open this up maybe just for people that don't know what racer racer club is. Um, maybe just like
A very easy easy explanation as to like what you're building and why you're building it and why people should get involved
Thank you. Thank you brando. My amazing as always and uh,
Lovely to hear all the different stories, uh from from the different projects here. So
Um, yeah, we started uh, racer club
In 2020 early 2022. So now we are in heading into two years right now main reason is basically we saw the
Uh, the the you know, the the road map that people attach was things like sandbox and energy worlds and you know
All these other things but the issue still with doing those is that you still got to build stuff on it. So racer club is is
Quite simple. We just created a full architecture a full game driven architecture racing game
Racing game that we wireframe, um with you know game dynamics tokenomics, uh, you know utility of actually
Existing NFT collection. So you plug in your erc 7 to 1 collection to it
And uh, and we completely as what bogaki is doing as well personalize it to
Um, uh that collection so just as a quick quick example
If you look up in the pin post, um, I did a little teaser on what we've been working with
With grapes brando in particular
We were talking to brando
We said all we need is your 10 characters right now and then we can you know
Sort of embed the characters in there and then get it done
So there's placeholders right now as you can see in the apes
But we aim to provide a real detail approach in the environment. What I mean by that is
Um, we we know that you know, we've tested it ourselves as well
From our mvp in august launch for toast fun that people prefer
Personality people prefer to be at home people people people, you know
There's better attentiveness there
There is um, you know a feeling that you're not going to get when you just play a generic game
Like a generic game going there and you play a generic game. It's like, okay, cool, whatever, you know
But if you if you feel like it's your home, you're you're proud
You know, you're loyal, you know, uh, and and you and you go further with it. So
Um that in essence is what race the club is about in a nutshell
We we are building we built the wireframe we continue to update it all the time. It's it's a big big
But yeah, the idea of it is to just allow for nfc projects
That have launched so either legacy upcoming launch
And also in addition to any chain as well. We obviously focus on mainnet first
But other chains whether it's l l ones, uh, so so l ones or other l two uvms
To come on as well, uh, and and basically provide a roadmap for the outholders and join the fun in racing
Uh simple as that basically
And so these projects that are coming on board, um, there's obviously incentives for people to get involved
Um, so do you want to talk about like the incentivization structure?
How does the tokenomics work, you know, how does somebody just pick up and race?
Um, and when is this all going live for some of these nft collections as well?
Yeah, cool. So we went live
um with the toe spawn genesis racing club in august and
We've been hearing really really good numbers as far as uh players are concerned and it's it's going to its test
Right. It's a good, you know, I would say five months, uh from from then
And it's going to its test in terms of retention rates and whether people get bored of it and things like that
So we tested all of that and the numbers are still
extremely high so we know that once it gets to
Um the others, um, you know, they can also take advantage of those things there now
timing wise, um, we
What we wanted to do was to ensure we have so we have over 300 clubs already signed up in terms of
Wanting to start the race club. So that's not an issue
But um, the main thing is to work closely
Such as like yourself with grapes and and others out there. I know the hills as well has uh
He's a non-essential project as well lined up in that in that first 50
So we're working closely with the first 50 to ensure that they get
Um their communities embedded in and this is now the main spread the main spread of ensuring we've got the
Art all done the unreal engine assets all done and yeah, it does cost a lot of money
But again, this is something that we as a project
Uh are investing in ourselves
Um, so yeah, it's it's the timing wise I would say it's going to take
Um, I mean our tge is aiming still for before the half, uh, halving becoming halving in april
So we still got some time, but um, yeah, we're gonna we're gonna get all these clubs together
Hopefully in the next month or so, uh, and and then let them all start, you know racing each other and be and get the competition running
And so, um
When it comes to like the gameplay itself, like what would you compare this to are we comparing it to like mario kart?
No, uh, so it has that mario kart vibes in terms of its presentation of its character
So you choose the 10 characters
Um, but it's more across of like forza and and uh and and mario kart, okay?
What we actually created was we created a sports category a racing sports category by itself. So you wanted to emulate the
the set rules
paradigm where
um in a sport like for example soccer you have a
A field that is the same size you have goalposts that are same size. You have half times that are same size
So we actually emulated all of those
parameters within each
Track so so even though the tracks or even though the clubs might appear differently
They the same rules apply to to to them there so it's the it's the it's the same opportunity they get in terms of
How they can grow their own economy. Uh, and yes, one of the key things is the economy of each club
Because not only will you be able to plug in your nfts and you know
Use your rarity levels as your base attributes for the game and then scale them up in the level up game dynamics
But you will also be able to use, you know
Even if you got your own token as well, you can even plug in your own token
You don't have to necessarily use the r-cop token. You can use your own token to give it for the utility
But the the idea is that in each
Economy that the club creates by itself the spread of all the economy, okay
Well majority of the economy so you got 75 of all the economy that definitely has to go back to the players
via the race
10 percent of
Of the economy goes to the club creators. So the founders of those clubs that actually
Started them and initiated and got the active campaigns going and then the balance 10 percent is what we will put back to the ecosystem
So we will manage that so we'll 5 percent of that for example gets auto burn for the next five years to support the uh
The the token the r-cop token the balance 5 percent, you know
They get split like 1.25 into liquidity pools 1.25 into treasury and the balance to operation costs
But yeah, we designed this whole thing in a way where it
All it really needs it's a really really good pickup start
Okay, which is what we're building right now
And then once it reaches to a point of uh, mass adoption or what we call mass adoption in web 3
It's still you know pretty small but mass adoption then we can open the eyes out to
The web 2 audience right because the web 2 audience today, especially e-sports does a lot of these things
They love these sort of stuff. It's just that you know, when they look at 8nft they go what what is this?
Is it a right click save has is it a you know, they they they're not common to it, right?
But they love playing games. They love being competitive. So
Um our our option for that was um, you know instead of it, you know
Having a like a massive massive high price or high barrier to entry price level for them to come in and play the game
We would allow for nft holders that that have a big bag of nfts or either
You know whole blue chips that you know, uh, are very hard for others to get in
Allow them to rent them via nft marketplace, which is also part of the economy of each race club
So, you know, everyone has their own tax stores everyone have their own
Uh a rental marketplace and that rental marketplace can be you know from from a price of free to rent
So you can rent those nfts and you win the person that's renting them
Win the local rewards but all the xp which is the most important stuff
The xp the level ups the attribute building and all that kind of stuff goes back
Straight to the nfts that are connected to it
So the owner gets all of that for the long term and and you know
Like we call it the capital gains of nfts on that side there. Um, so yeah, it's a very very deep thought
deeply thought um
Architecture on the whole game
But in essence we pick all the different elements from what we found in the space that that is lacking
And we apply it accordingly. But as you can imagine it's it's it's a massive job behind the scenes
Yeah, no doubt that's amazing
Um, so i'm very excited obviously to uh, start to gear up for that launch
Um, I noticed he had said just before bitcoin halving. Is there a reason for that?
Are we expecting a big old bull run matt? What do you think?
So yeah, a lot of the stuff, you know, you mentioned before like the launch strategy is very important
Timing is so important in this space, right?
I've seen so many projects with really brilliant roadmaps and really great infrastructure and good capital
But they launched the wrong time or they you know
They don't they don't have that right moment where the market looks at all of them
They they just don't get anywhere and then it's hard to catch up. Right? So like like one example is Porsche ventures
Uh, sorry Porsche NFTs via Porsche ventures
Um, they they started their mint at point they actually did it 0.911. I remember this because I minted two
And it was a bit of a kerfuffle and then it came slow back into realizing that the brand the collection
So we want to make sure that when we do this we we we come out
You know with a full plan
We do it quick and fast as in in terms of getting the the pg out
Um, we got all those partners like lined up like yesterday
We just signed a deal with immutable x
For one of the other blockchain wallets that we're going to deal with for their own PFP NFT collections. Um, and
At the end of the day, um, it's the timing is so critical that um bitcoin halving we feel that there's going to be this euphoria of
Onwards all the way to the april base on a period
Um based on market based on prior market cycles as well
We always seen this right when the halving comes there's a bit of a push up and then there'll be another
decline and you know consolidation again, so we we we estimate that that sort of period will be the
The really really good time to uh to come up as well and and not just in
halving but nearly
cycled as well, like if you if you remember if you guys were long in space enough you remember that there was
A goblin town mint. Okay, that was also around that april may period
Um, then you've got uh, you go back a little bit more as well
Even byc was around the november and then it finished off in april may kind of thing
Um other side as well that big big massive massive other side mint that that you know got the the apron going for
I think 350 million dollar raise or something. It was also around the april may period
uh, so yeah, we want we we we want and we've been given feedback by a lot of big things that we could be the next eluvian so
To do it right. We have to do it in accordance with uh time and and you know proper infrastructure and all that sort of stuff
I love that timing is key for sure 100 um hill. What do you think about all that?
Yo, so I was just I was just gonna say, you know
Like for everyone out there that really doesn't really sort of get what toast is doing or why he's doing it or or any of this
like the reason that i'm so bullish on toast and
Bents and like really like the space in general is because they're doing exactly
The thing that is required for everyone to grow right this cross community capability of interaction
so when we have this sort of
um, I don't want to call it a utility but but a sort of platform where
We can have interaction and have fun and have
You know these experiences not only is this like an excellent tool for onboarding
so if you're out there like with a project and you're like thinking oh, well, how do I
Sort of get bigger in the space or how do I?
Um, you know expand the the utility for my project. Well, you know, here's your answer. All right
Toast is doing massive shit in the space, you know, I do a completely different thing
But we all follow the same pattern because we understand
The benefit to building something for everyone, right? So
you know, I think that
If you if you don't really get it just really start
Looking at it and think about whether you're new or been in the markets for a long time
Think about what's missing why it's missing, right? Why is there so much division?
Why is there all this heat and fud and you know shit going on?
Well, it's because not everyone has a complete understanding of where
This whole thing is going right and it's not something you can stop or turn around or it's not going to change
Like it's going to go one way
And you know with with toast positioning himself and vince and all of them positioning themselves in a very particular manner
as he just explained to you
the capability
for the growth
And like literally just kind of like that rocket ship takeoff
He is perfectly positioned and he is correct. Like timing is everything
So I learned that lesson the hard way
I know that toast is learned that lesson many a times
But you know, the fact is is that what he is building and what they are doing it's not really for this
massive profit, okay
It is literally to create like direct community function and interoperability between
different communities in a competitive format that is also fun and engaging so
Um, yeah, that's really just kind of the point I wanted to make but yeah, you know
I mean that that's really like the big deal also brendo man. Um
I wanted to ask you a question, but I think i'm going to save it till later
um, you know when we're not like in the middle of a discussion, so
Um, yeah, i'll come i'll uh hop back up in in
An ask later, but you know toast man. Congratulations on on what you've done
Appreciate those kind words bro. Now one thing
Everyone knows in this space is that the attention span is really short for a lot of people, right?
And we usually see stuff
That we think was created yesterday and then it's just all of a sudden, you know, boom
It's it's a lot of that stuff. I know behind the scenes got talked to I mean spending it
spending a lot of time talking to a lot of founders
And understanding, you know how they started and looking at the signs of of how that works
Um, like I give you one example. Uh, I don't know whether you guys seen this here right now
I think I think pp
Maybe has something in relationship to I don't know
But op cats has anyone here seen op cats and how crazy they are hyped up right now
Getting all the different influences making videos of them, um to join, you know, and obviously that's the taproot
Taproot BTC side of things not you know say and all that
Um, but you know, these these are the things that don't just happen because they happen overnight
Um, yes, the the the growth happens overnight the the spur happens overnight
It's a lot of planning and a lot of timing and a lot of
You know connections that get done in the back that is most critically important before anything else can happen, right? So
That's what entirely we're doing things like spaces like this with brando, especially I mean to me
Yes, uh, I was when I was in the space
He was one of the first people also I met and we clicked
Immediately in terms of the vision and the drive and what you want to do for the space
And yeah, I I think he I think brando you have done a way one of the best jobs out there in terms of
building community rapport
And and cross, you know cross communities out there
You you I mean you are all about your project. Absolutely, but you're also all about others
And and to help each other out there, which is what is what web3 needs?
In order for us to welcome the masses out there because there's still plenty. There's still plenty that will come in
There's still plenty. They will look at stuff and they'll go. Oh, this is cool. That is cool
How do we how do we get involved? Um, they are and there's a
Huge generation of people that are just gonna go. Yep. Is this great? Is this good for me?
What do I do? What do I like, you know, do I like gaming?
Uh, do I like investing do I like trading do I like, you know, the the the get rich quick kind of bullshit that goes out
There sometimes as well with meme coins
Um, you know all sorts of things right you the space will attract people
And it's really up to the the two builders to to harness their resources carefully and and provide
uh, and and yeah, that's that's uh
That's something I know heals does and I know that's something that a lot of like bugatti before and a lot of other farmers
I just keep calling all the farmers that I that I spoke to before
Even some that that may not seem that they are that they are that they're doing stuff for the space
They are there, you know, they are trying their best to get yanish
Uh done correctly. So yeah brando. Thank you so much again, bro for everything you do and and um, and what you've done here
I think it's amazing
Appreciate that appreciate that big time very excited for um racer club. It's only a few months away, which is going to be exciting. So
Um, if you haven't already make sure you go up support, uh, you can follow toast punk
We're giving away thousand dollars usdc tonight like literally pretty soon within the next like
30 40 minutes i'll be giving away a thousand bucks
So stick around because um that's going to happen again. Here's how it works
You got to go up to the top. There is a post at the top of our space
That says one thousand dollar giveaway. Make sure you go enter. It's very simple. You got to follow racer club labs
Uh, which is what is uh powering the space tonight, but is also powering, uh racer club as a whole
So make sure you go take a look at that
As well follow myself follow moon pie. Make sure you follow toast punk who's up here as well
Um, and also just follow everybody on stage. Everybody up here is good people
Um, you got to like and retweet that as well
So if you don't do that it isn't it doesn't say it on the post but you have to do that
You have to spread it around so like and retweet
Uh, very simple and we post the transaction hash we post the twitter picker all that stuff
So here's how it works 500 bucks
If you have any apes together strong nft
ecosystem collectibles
Okay, you will win a thousand or if you have any toast punk nfts, you will win a thousand so
500 to one person and again it doubles if you own any of the nfts and again
There's no purchase required to win that 500. So um
Share the room out as well bottom right if you haven't already we're gonna talk. Uh
I want to spend a moment talking about a few things. I want to talk about um,
What's coming on the say blockchain because uh, we recently in the last 48 hours, uh, we opened up a discord
We shared with our community and other communities that uh, we're going to be doing a free mint on the say blockchain
Um, there's a few things. I want you guys to know first and foremost
We own the we own the the handle grapes on twitter. If you if you go to grapes like literally g r a p s
Uh, that is ours. Uh, that is our eth collectibles
Ats nft is a parent company, uh, which is going to own not only grapes, but also now grapes on
The say blockchain so if you're not familiar with say it is an l1. It's very fast. It's secure. There's anti-front running tech
It's recently blown up in the nft space and uh, we want to be a big part of that
So this is a cross chain collaborative effort, uh to really build in
Web 3 and not just eth. Uh, yes, our eth collectibles are always going to be a massive priority for us
Um, we have a lot coming for them this quarter, uh, but we also do want to
Um really grow on say i've really been enjoying it there. It's got great vibes. The people are good
And we want to branch out a little bit. Um, so
Expect that if you haven't already you might want to consider i'll post it to the very top
But you might want to consider hopping in our server
Um for a few reasons. So first and foremost i'll post this to the top
Uh, let's see here. Here we go
So that's got a little sneak peek
It's also got uh the twitter so you can follow that as well
Um when we opened up the discord
There was literally like a thousand dollars thousand dollars a thousand people that poured in like literally in
Like I don't know hours. So we closed it off and we said no, no, no, we got too crazy
We've opened it up again. So you can join the discord
It's uh, if you go to the twitter page the discord link is just underneath the the twitter
Uh, it's just underneath the bio
Um very easy to get in there
Um, there's a bit of grinding going on for sure. We've opened up a raffle channel
So if you're level five, you can enter in a raffle, uh to potentially win some free mint
Opportunities I want to let everybody know this though
I've seen a lot of projects mint over the last three years
And I know there's things that people love in this space. There's things that people hate in this space
Um, a free mint is very different from a conventional paid mint on the basis that
People are very concerned about over allocation. They're very concerned about making sure they have their spot. They're also very concerned about
You know the fact that uh, you know
Maybe people don't have experience launching smart contracts and other things like that
So I want to make it very clear for one. We have some of the best devs in the industry
We're not going to be launching with a launch pad. We know what we're doing. Uh, yes, it is a new blockchain for us
However, uh, there's always a lot of testing that happens prior to launch
I've seen other
Teams launch mints and I know why they fucked up and it's because they didn't test their contract
Um, or they rushed or they woke up late like none of that shit happens in our ecosystem. Uh, and that has been
Shown through many things such as like the merge that recently happened with our eth collections
Uh, the gas fees are so incredibly low
And there's a reason for that and we paid for pretty comprehensive audits
And we also paid 18 times more gas fees so that holders can merge very very cheap
So we know what we're doing. So that's number one. Secondly, the art is almost done
Uh, we've been working on the art for some time, but the art is fucking amazing. Um, it's very very 2d cartoony art
I'm rocking one as a pfp
They will be free for anybody that gets a grape list or has an og roll
Um collabs are also just starting to heat up right now as well
So, uh, we've hired one of the best collab guys in the industry
Uh, he's very hooked up in pretty much every blockchain, uh, and we have over 250 requests already for collabs
So this is your chance to literally get in our server before things absolutely blow up. Um
We're gonna make some noise on say blockchain. I'm excited for that for sure
Uh, what I will tell you is if you get a roll, so you get a grape list or you get an og roll
That is a guaranteed mint. I'm not going to overallocate this even by one
What's going to happen is that everybody is going to be able to mint one for free
The people that forgot to mint or the people that just didn't mint those will then go to a first come first serve list
So you do not need to worry about overallocation. We will not overallocate the mint. I promise you
I know a lot of founders say that and they do anyway
I've told our collab guys that they have 4 000 spots to give out
I'm going to give out a thousand in the server 500 ogs and 500 grape list and then we're going to run a first come first
If you get grape list you will 100 be able to mint as long as
You show up on time and you mint if you don't that's on you
It'll go to the first come first serve and then it'll go public
But I promise you if you do get a grape list and you earn that
You're not going to get screwed over there has been projects that have done free mints and have hyped shit up and blah blah blah
People obviously go out of their way to try to get like a free mint and then they overallocate it and they don't even get it
And it's like you grind it in the server you built community you built report and you didn't even get your nft, right?
That would suck. So i'm not going to do that. We're going to handle this very very well
We've opened up a channel on the server called pictures with grapes
Literally, if you go if you go into your fridge or go to the grocery store and you go take a picture with some grapes
You have a great chance of getting your grape list right now
There's been some fucking hilarious ones. So shout out to the people that have done that
And we're going to continue to do that just to build culture and community, but that's a great way
We're also looking for people that are that are
Talented. So if you build stickers, you can build memes stuff like that. We'd love to have you
There's going to be a lot of collab opportunities and there's going to be opportunities in the server. So
Stick around chat build community. I will say this and I say this like trying not to be like a dick
But we have a lot of holders. We have a huge community already
We've had collab people approach us saying like I can't believe you turned down our collab, you know
I appreciate that but we have a lot of like we have a big network. We're not worried about
singular collabs
Our community alone could easily easily
Uh mint out this uh project just with word of mouth
So i'm not worried about a free mint with collabs this is going to be a hard to get collab
But one of the things that's important for us is that we have 35 to 4 500 holders minimum
So we want 5 000 holders. I'll be cool. Does someone keep calling you?
No, am I rugged?
Yeah, so like keeps like pausing. I don't know if it's just me but it sounds like someone's calling you
Yo, what's going on here?
That's fine, I can game clearly no problem. Yeah moon pie somebody's calling you dog
Now I lost my train of thought but 35 to 4 500 holders hundred dollars, that's funny hundred holders, uh minimum and um
The jitters will get wrecked. We're only allowing by the way one
Uh one nft per wallet
So there's not going to be like multiple because it's always like a two three per wallet
You know what happens then is people mint three and they sell two and they pocket one
Right, and then they're in like, you know in the plus and blah blah blah if you sell your out
It's one per wallet. So this is a very different approach
Um, and I do want to just make it clear that if you work your way to get a grape list
You work your way to get an og roll. Whatever it is. I promise you you're going to be able to mint
That it will have a wallet checker so you can check your shit and make sure that's all good
Like we're going to do a very good launch. We've done launches before many times. We have great developers. We have great artists
We don't rush it so it's not going to be a rush job
But it will be something that is um going to be a lot of fun now in terms of promises here
I just want to make it clear
There's no promises in this collection none
And that's the best way to go. I don't even know shit about to say blockchain other than their unlock is linear
There's no institutional dumping. We've not launched a contract on it yet. The community is amazing. The blockchain's fast
I've used it lots, but I don't know much more than that
But what I do want to know is what can we build on this blockchain and how can we do it?
And how can we make a name for ourselves on this blockchain? That's very new. It's got a lot of hype right now
So there will be art very good art. You'll own the intellectual property
We always give you a terms of sale that gives you like the thing that says hey
You can do whatever you want with this other than racist and stupid shit
And then you're also going to have a kick-ass community and a kick-ass culture to be involved with in web 3
Beyond that though, we'll see what happens
We're building a lot on the e-chain right now. So i'd love to try and integrate some stuff, obviously
Um, but there's no promises. It's literally artwork for right now, which is the best way to handle it and the best way to do it
Um hill what's going on?
So i'm gonna throw myself under the bus a little bit here
But um, you know, I honestly brando i've been paying attention for a long time to what you do to apes together strong and
In all of this and uh, you know, the decisions I make are like highly calculated. So I wanted to sort of like
Um really have a chance to be able to speak to you personally
Um, but I have been paying attention to this for a really long time. I think this move to say is is huge
I think it's a big
Move and I think you're on the forefront of really doing something. That's valuable for everyone
Um, because because making that sort of cross chain
Capability and pioneering that end of communal
Like like sort of cross communal integration, right
Um is massive and that's exactly what the space needs. So I know that you're onto it and I know that you're doing
um, really something that's that's huge for everyone whether anyone sees that or not, but
You know, I wondered so I know there's like several different collections that you guys have and um
I have yet to to get one right and um, just you know
I always kind of
Try and make a when when I get myself involved in a project or whatever I try to make a personal connection
So that I can actually understand the ecosystem understand the vision of the founder
and and really push
Forward collectively, right? So I just wanted to ask you
Um because we've had this conversation today because I've paid attention for a long time
Um, you know as far as your ecosystem
What is the best sort of entry point i'm obviously going to do this
Simon and all of that like that's 100 on the books like i'm gonna do it but
For the ethereum ecosystem. What is what's the best sort of entry point for that? Um for for your specific projects and
Yeah, that I guess that's really the the entirety of the question is what is the best entry point
And you know just steer me that way bro, because I definitely
um after this conversation
You know, i'll definitely go and support and grab one of those, you know and and start being part of the squad but
Um, yeah, I just want to know sort of what the best entry point for that is and maybe that would help
Everyone else that is sort of new
Um to this conversation or hasn't been paying attention, right?
You know, I really appreciate that. I'm so sorry. My nose just started bleeding
It's the worst living in canada sometimes bro. Literally. It's so dry here
So, excuse me for literally one second
Um, you're good man. That's madness though. Like when it's that cold, you know what I mean? Like dude, that is madness, you know
Bro, it's literally so dry here because where furnaces are on all all the time
Yeah, and it was so cold last week here in canada like minus. I think it was minus 50 with windchill
Yeah, I saw that bro like that. I used to live in america and now I live in australia
So what happens is you have to turn you have to turn your humidity down in your house, right?
Because if your humidity is too high even though you have like the best windows ever
You'll get like crazy frost on your windows like build up and then it can ruin your windows and doors and stuff
So I had to turn my humidity down now. I turn my humidity down. I'm getting nosebleeds all the time, which is the worst
so my apologies for that but
We so I did things very different in this space. Um a lot of
founders and collections, you know, they came in during the 2021 bull runner shortly after that and you know
they did marketing in a way that was very hype and
You know influencers shedding out the project and doing things very differently. And so we took an approach that was very organic
We never paid anyone to shut us out
We wanted it to be genuine
Uh, and we also used this platform to sell it a project and so we have a lot of people that truly care about what we're
And I would say the number one utility in our ecosystem
Even to this day is community like we have a kick-ass community of people that actually really care
They're not just in it to like make a quick hundred bucks and then leave like we have people here that
Literally will never sell their ape. They've got lots and they might sell some of them
But there's a there's people that have made like
characters and like
Digitize their ape to their personality and they'll never sell it and I can name a hundred off the top of my head
So our community for one is like very very key to our growth
because this is a very busy space and it's been difficult for us because
Because there's always so much going on. Um, it's made it more difficult to like
Even though we put out the craziest shit sometimes, you know
I'm like, okay
It didn't get as much traction as I thought it would be because there was 15 other projects did the you know
A launch around the same time. So
Attracting holders is very very difficult. And so we took the organic approach. We wanted people to onboard
Um by hey, let's show them. We'll execute let's show them
We're not just going to take their money and screw off and let's show them we're here to build cool shit
And so we've done that since day one
we came out with um
A war on apes contract for for a rota collection that was like very different that was risk-based
But also very rewarding to people that came back from war. It was very very high grade
Cool ui and animation and all this other stuff
Um, so we have two collections. We have apes together strong
And then we have rise of the apes and apes together strong sold out in 13 days. And so
Um as we started to get more and more, um
Notoriety in the space there was people that wanted to get into the ground level
Some people just like to mint or people are like, okay i'm priced out
I want something a little cheaper and so what we did is we gave everybody from ats a free rota
They got to mutate their existing ape which was a mutation contract that was also done very uniquely
So all the holders got a free one and then we also did a mint for rota which sold out in five days
Um during like literally the worst bear market ever
Um, so that was pretty exciting for our community and it welcomed a lot of new people in
Now what we've done is we had our war on apes contract. It was very risk reward based
So some people took a risk and their ape got burned
Uh that risk sometimes might have paid off and your ape got upgraded to the same tier as an og
And the reason I say that is because we recently did a merge and so what the merge is
Is it's a way for us to get to around a 10k collection size?
In a market that's been like hard to deal with right?
So we have people from ats that are merging in
And they get a great tier because they're an og
And then we have people from rota and depending on what tier you got from rota
Because there's multiple because of war you got to merge into grapes as well
So the grapes merge literally just went live a few weeks ago, uh or last week
Um, and it's uh pretty complex as well. Actually, it takes your old ats
And it issues you a new one, which is grapes. We own the handle grapes
We actually just filed for trademark because we do understand there's another grapes out there
So we obviously want to build ip we want to build
Um cool web 3 shit and we want to do it with our community. And so we have a lot of stuff coming. Um
We have 2d art that is hand drawn you get the ip rights from both collections ats and rota
We also have two different 3d collections that are coming out for the og collection apes together strong right away. One's a high poly very detailed
Uh mean looking kind of planet of the ape style and one is the more cartoony version that's coming out for
A game that we're launching called ape haven that's going to come out. Uh q1. So likely closer to march
There's a few other things. Uh, we're building as well that I could talk about but I don't want to take too much time
I'm going to send you we just put out a medium article with a lot of our like outlook for 2024
Things that are coming for a collection. We're actually redoing the website completely
We want to reduce channel size and discord and have all the info on the website
So new ui is actually coming on the website right away
Our developer just had a kid
So my brother in real life and our lead dev had a kid on tuesday. He's back on february 5th
So after that you should see a brand new website a lot of functionalities for apes. Um, one thing i've noticed in this space is
there's been some
Projects that have been able to really utilize their ip and push it and that's when you see a project grow tremendously and so
Something that's coming is called ape studio. We're partnered up with um
Inceptive studios which uh is owned by rita if for people that know him. He does a lot of work for
Uh his mutant apia club and a lot of other like pretty huge brands in the space and it's probably one of the best 3d
Sculptured and artists in the space. So shout out to him, but we're gonna really allow our holders
To utilize their ip there's 3d ip and we're providing more file formats for our holders than I would say anybody in the industry right now
if together strong holders are going to be very surprised at what they're getting very soon because it's not just like one file like
We we went in um, and it's going to be really exciting and fun. So
Hopefully that okay. So so I don't start to cut you off there
But like to sort of like I want to just sort of encapsulate all that information very quickly
So what you're saying from what i'm getting and just clarify me if i'm wrong is that the the ats
The original like the og collection is probably the best entry point correct or not correct
correct if you um
For some people
Um, and I recognize this and it's one reason we're launching a free collection
And it's one reason also we have rota which is a cheaper entry point
And then also is one reason why an og is, you know
Four or five times the price of like a regular rota. It just depends on like
Where you want to get to?
I am very much sold
Myself on collecting og's I love her og collection
There's a lot of uh holders in our og that are just absolute diamond handers and really really big value providers
Um, so either one is a great entry point
Og if again if 0.25 is is something that and not just you but anybody in the room
Uh, you can afford a great entry point and uh awesome community and lots of utility coming for it as well
Yeah, so I mean that that's the thing right
It's so like I obviously like i've been paying attention to this for for quite some time
But the the og ones man, they're hectic and I actually have like
I uh, i'll be full disclosure. Like I recently made quite a quite a good bag, you know, which is is um
You know from airdrops and everything else but um, I I want to use that bag to be able to
Sort of invest in not just in the culture but in the growth of the web3 space overall. So
Um, i've been looking at those for a long time mate and and I love them
So i'm keen, you know to jump in today. So just I appreciate the explanation. I appreciate all the disclosure of like what you're doing
Yeah, man, i'm keen. I'm keen for the assignment bro, like keen bro. So hectic great job for real
Appreciate that we have wingman up here
Which has been like literally a holder since mint and has gone through a lot in web3 and has really really come out
Very very positively
Um, so I want to hear from him right before I do that though. I just do want to remind
Um, everybody in here. There's a thousand dollar giveaway up at the top. So make sure you go enter
Um, I also want to quickly
Uh get another we have another holder in here as well jedi that's going to come up but um wingman. What do you think what's going on?
Hey, how's it going, man? I just want to
Touch on something. Of course, like we always say not financial rights not financial advice
but um something crossed my mind in the
Process of going over to the new chain
And it may be smart to grab you a couple of tokens at this price. I think it's like 60 cents per token
Um one you're definitely going to support the chain and bring more awareness to it
And you might put yourself in a better situation to take advantage of some of the things that's going to drop
When we do get over there and make the noise that we're going to make, you know, you've been here in this space
You know what brand new capable you know how he rock you know what he do
So it might would benefit you to grab you
A knife for the bag before we go over there and um, you know bringing so much awareness to us
Yeah, just uh, just to quickly touch on that too. Um
I've been a web3 long enough and i've joined enough projects that I know that like nobody has like
The the map that shows you how to run a project successfully like literally. Nobody has that
There's some projects that have very high floor prices, but those if you look at all time highs are down significantly
Um, and there's been projects that have made terrible mistakes. So nobody knows
Really what people love in this space and what they're going to hate in this space
Um, and we're no different like we're just trying to build some cool shit and hoping our community likes it
But two things for one are we listen to our community?
We actually truthfully care about what they have to say
I just went in as I was speaking about an hour ago
I went in and showed them like the new ui and we had two different types and I was like yo
Do you like this one or this one and everyone was like, yeah this one and i'm like perfect
I mentioned the ui guy i'm like, yo, they like this one
Like we actually really really care and we take feedback seriously and we try to involve holders
Literally since day one a lot of our traits in our og collection
Were actually holders ideas. We had our artists collab with holders
That hadn't even minted yet and we got their ideas for artwork and we were like one of the first to do that
I know it's pretty common now, but this was back in like april at 2022. So that was really cool
Um, but so there's that the other thing is, you know, i've talked to a lot of people in in web 2
Just randomly and they've talked about what I do for a living and I always just say i'm in crypto, you know
I love crypto i've been trading crypto, you know, I I own a couple crypto companies, you know
I try not to get them too far into it
And I had a guy recently that was like, oh, yeah
Like me and my buddies have a group chat and that's all we do is talk crypto
We love talking crypto and we try to give each other like insight as to like what what we'd find and blah blah blah
I'm, like bro. You were literally the exact same thing as a really good nft project
And that's why like you can't undervalue community
Because the best communities i'm in are communities that continually
Share continually build and continually inform others of like things that they're doing in the space that they've done successfully
And I think that's like very very important. And so we don't undervalue that we try to we try to have literally
The best community ever and we try to educate and provide insight and provide alpha when we can
Um, but this is not I tell my holders like make a home, right?
Whether it's my nft project
Whether it's somebody else's like have one that you actually really care about that you show up every day
And like say what up to people because there's going to be projects that you get into and you flip
And there's going to be projects you make money on but if you don't ever have a home
That's going to suck and we had a holder on ape spaces about two months ago
That came up and he was like bro, like i've been flipping nfts like for two years
And I just realized I have no friends in the space
I was like, bro, that sucks. You need a community like for real. You need like a home base, you know, flip nfts
But have a home base whether it's my project or anybody else's but find one that actually is like truthfully helping you
Um get to where you want to be in this space and create yourself like a digital identity
We actually have somebody up here jedi who's like really made
Um an impact on our on our community and there's like somebody that's not only a whale but also like
a great holder in our our
Community as well as come to some of our live events and uh, everybody knows jedi in our community
So I want to toss the mic over to him. Hey, what up?
I'm just d gen so don't don't uh, no other accolades for me
But I just wanted to point out uh, you guys they were talking and I I just realized this earlier today
There's only 36 og ats left listed
Uh, most likely because of the merge but um, that's like 0.8 listed. It's crazy low
Yeah, it's just so you guys you're telling me I better get on it right now
Hey, is that what you're telling me? Yeah, i'm not gonna have to advise there nothing, you know, but uh, it's not a lot out there
Yeah, and just so you know when you get your ats you can immediately merge it
If you buy an ats like right now, for example, like the og collection you can immediately merge on merge.atsnft.io
So you can merge right to the new grapes collection
And then from there, obviously roto is going to merge
Like likely in march. It's not going to be a really quick thing
Because we're working on a lot of stuff
It's not really needing to be a quick thing anyway, and we understand that people might take their time to merge
Uh, but yeah listings are definitely low
Um last time I looked i'm gonna look right now because it's been a while but last time I looked we were at like 53
percent merged so half the collection's already merged, uh, which is pretty good
Especially because their collection's like older, you know, like it's it's funny
I'd like to see like a lot of collections even right now, uh, see how like active their community is because
Um, you know you think a lot of people aren't active or their apes are stolen or in locked wallets or whatever it is
But right now we're at 60%
So out of all the apes in our entire collection 60% of them got merged which is crazy to think about
Yeah, um, uh, wait, so i'm really quite interested to see how many uh, because we're such an old project, you know
And like how many og apes are from people who left the space or in locked or lost wallets?
Very interested in that i've gone through and looked at a couple of the older wallets that hold a fair few
OGs and it's just you know, the activity on some of those accounts is like
Yeah, so and and that's one of the reasons we wanted to merge as well
The thing is is back when we first started everybody was new
The amount of like it used to really stress me out and I still get stressed out when it happens
But like the amount of like tickets we get opened where people are like, oh my god
I just lost all my apes. I clicked on a stupid link because I thought I was claiming five free bitcoin
And it actually didn't give me any bitcoin
Um, that freaking happened a lot
People know this if you've been in our ecosystem
Well, but i've had like phone calls at like three in the morning where i'm like trying to like help people get unhacked
Like that's happened and I I do that shit because I care like for real
Um, but we also need to educate people better, right?
And we were in a very infant stage when we got to the space, uh originally
Now we're in more of a stage where that actually happens way less frequently
So it is going to be interesting to see but i'm also happy that now people are for the most part set up in a way
That that won't happen
Uh moving forward for the most part which which will be really nice. So
Um, but it also reduces the collection size a little bit too. So that'll that'll also be nice as well janek
What do you think?
Welcome to the stage. Thank you
I don't think you could have uh offered a better intro for myself and my situation than you just did
Um, I was just hoping to spread 60 seconds to maybe two minutes of my story and journey with ats and my rugging
You are I can't hear him. Yeah, you're a rugging mupai. He's he's talking
Uh, yes janek 100 i'd honestly love that. Yeah, so I wanted to just share for people
Uh new people and people sitting on the sidelines
Maybe the hill other people that have been following the collection and following the journey of ats, but haven't quite pulled the trigger
So I was an original mentor. Um, it was my third project actually ever in the crypto space
So I was I was weary I I put very little money into the space
But I did meant and then I was semi-active because I didn't really know what that meant
But I I was there and then I got to rota and
I think by then I had accumulated maybe three or four og by then so I had three or four rota
And then grabbed a couple more and then I was the dumbass
Then I didn't click the free bitcoin link, but I made a deal with a fake person
and I got wiped I lost
every ats every rota and my other main project was walker world and I lost all of it it was like
Almost eight eath worth that I accumulated over two years gone
in like 30 seconds
Uh, and I immediately reached out to brando and he was like, I'll help you dude
What could we do and we've been rebuilding since then
Uh, you know him just helping me pointing me in the right direction helped me find deals. Um, and then we hit
Rota where I like rebuilt a little bit
And the war application came out and my dgen s decided to send all my rota to war and they all died
He was like, okay. Well, we'll figure this out. You're part of the 15 percent
That should only happen once but it happened six times back to back. He sent me one
and it was grateful so through so grateful, but that
reinvigorated me to
Buy more so I move shit around and
I dude i'm so happy with my ats and rota great collection right now
It's like absurd and I have nothing to thank but you and the community
This is the best community i've ever been in by far and I will never leave it. That's all I wanted to say
Yo, I appreciate that heavily that was like almost inspiring, um
Straight up. So thank you so much, man
Yeah, and that's um, I would say that's like, uh, that's our community like that's literally like showcasing
Um what we've been building for you know close to two years now
Um, and I think that's like something that should really excite people for this upcoming collection, too
You know this free collection that you that you might be able to get access to on on the new network
Um, we're gonna give lots of holders. Uh, grape list
We will I will personally right because these people have been rocking with me for two years and they're gonna add a fuck load of value
For you, um, if you get a grape list or you get an og spot
And like everybody they're getting one like there's there's no there's no whales. They're gonna be coming in and eating up 300
That's just not how it works
Um, they're gonna be getting one, but that's why you should be bullish on this collection. That's coming grape. Sansei is gonna is gonna
Be amazing i'm i'm excited for it. I'm already rocking the pfp
The culture is amazing. The community is amazing collab start today
Uh, maybe tomorrow, but uh, you should be bullish and if you don't have any of the ecosystem assets yet pick one up
For sure. Oh, I have one last thing. Uh
I claim this pfp that you posted earlier. I decided I have to mint it because I need this
You need the shields eh, I love that trait honestly
Um, there's gonna be a lot more artwork coming over right away. So i'm pretty pumped about it
But a cross chain
A cross chain collaboration is important in the space. I have noticed that people stick to chains jedi
Why are you laughing so much?
I just thanks for calling that out. I just wanted to say you said something about whales and i'm gonna let everybody know now
If you list that grapes unrevealed i'm buying it
Yeah, and I will stay too and this is another thing we're not just to say collection we have
If i'm being like just bluntly honest, we have big money. I will buy up your grapes as well
so I would not list them low, um, there's a lot of liquidity in our circle for sure, but
It's it's gonna be a lot of fun and i'm very excited about it
Obviously, but if you do have if you've been rocking with us for a while and you don't have a grape list or an og
Yet definitely make sure you reach out to me
There's been a few people that have come out of the woodworks lately that
Have definitely floored ats that i've given them as gifts. You will not get a grape list. I keep tabs
So no disrespect, but you know
You can't fool me twice type shit
So we're we're definitely like i'm being very very careful about who we give grape list to who gets og list
Um, you know collabs we're being very careful about that as well
Um, so just be aware of that
But again, if uh, if you've been rocking with me and you know, we're homies and you're an ats or a rotoholder
You will get you you will get a spot 100
You might even end up like moon pie and get a mod roll just automatically, you know, um isaac what's going on
Anybody needs that grape list or og? Just put my hand up
You already know you already know yeah, we'll hook it up open a ticket, um and just tag me it please um
Everyone's been like pinging pinging me in there too because I am a mod but
I'm not giving out roles. Correct, sir
I mean I was not given like
a job description
No, nothing yet. Nothing yet. Uh, the only way people getting so none of the mods are going to be able to give roles
Just a heads up for now
Um, the only way you can win a role if you get to level five in the discord
Uh, you can enter the boost raffle and we're giving out 25 in the next 24 hours
And then there's going to be 4000 spots that get raffled off to other communities
And then there's going to be another thousand that you might be able to win in the server
There's gonna be a lot of fun
Do we have like somewhat eta on it because I still need to set up my compass wallet and i'm sure there's a lot of
Um procrastinators
Okay, yeah, it'll be a few weeks for sure. Yeah, probably like uh, maybe second week february ish
I'm gonna call it right now. Nico still won't have his wallet set up by the time it happens
Yo, I went out of my way just so you east maxis know this
And soul maxis in the crowd or cordano or whoever you're rocking with. I went out of my way
So weird cardano
Cardano, I went out of my way to create a setup say channel in the discord that literally babies you
Through setting up a say wallet loading in whether you go through a centralized exchange or simple swap
It's a three-step process and it's literally the simplest
If I can this is how I got bullish on say right I set up my shit in like 20 minutes
Like if I can do it
I if if somebody opens a ticket saying they're having issues i'm literally closing it
Yeah, I I used those instructions and I had it done in and probably 10 half that time. It was so easy
I'm just waiting. I was just gonna say 20 minutes to do that. Miranda
I know but that's what i'm saying. If anybody's having issues i'm totally saying it's because it's him
It takes them a long time to solve the problem though and like create like a a general wallet like
I have from like avax to soul to
To now i'm gonna need compass to eth like it's just it's so many different wallets to manage
You know, and it's easy for shit to like
To and my bitcoin wallet my xverse wallet. I mean there's so many freaking wallets
I don't like it
Um, yeah, I mean download compass. I don't know what to say to that. I eventually eventually hopefully there'll be something more structured
But for now, we're in the we're in the wild west
I also can't say say like brenda does I have to say sbi like like rei. I can't I think it's psi
I looked it up. It actually is say like sa why that's how you'd pronounce it like say like say something
I wanted to look it up just for credibility purposes
But I do want to say a couple things first and foremost
We're gonna give away a thousand bucks
It is seven o'clock my time nine pm eastern
Which means i'm gonna start drawing for a thousand dollars if you've not entered go up to the very top of the space
And go enter very quickly before it is up. Secondly, it is 500
Okay, it's only a thousand if you hold an ats or rota or any toastpunk nfts
So you'll get 500 if you don't you'll get a thousand if you do i'm gonna draw right away
Yeah, this is your last chance to enter go up to the top right now
Shout out to a big room tonight. Not a single bot in here, which is crazy
Usually we have like a hundred other listeners or some shit or 200 other listeners
There's like 500 like just freely like organic, which is pretty crazy in here
secondly and lastly
If you're not in the grape stay server get in there now it could close it anytime just a heads up
And make sure you go support racer labs as well for uh powering the space
They're doing some really cool shit, and i'm very excited to keep building with them as well
Um, i'm gonna hand it over to janek for a sec
Uh, because i'm gonna go draw a winner for a thousand bucks
And i'll be right back
In other words, I just had uh one quick note. I agree with moon pie. I can only imagine
Uh, how bad the mobs are getting hit in there because the the chat's crazy grape sci is the discord is absolutely absurd
If you're not in there jump in there and you'll get
You'll get like four year ago vibes. Like it's it's absolutely crazy
It's it's to the point that i'm getting direct messages from people i've never even fucking heard of asking me to make them
Grape list or og and i'm like one. I don't know you
Two I couldn't do it if I wanted and they're like, well, you know
Ndm's they're like, well, you know if you have it, you know brando. Can you just message him for me like dude?
I don't fucking know you
So there might be maybe an announcement that needs sent out in that discord saying
Brando's the only one that can uh grant you those roles until that changes just to you know, maybe alleviate some of the
Messaging required. That's all I got
They still gonna hear people man. The former was real out here
Yo, there was a bunch of people
There was a bunch of people that posted pictures with grapes in the picks with grapes channel
And I just grape listed all of them just so you know
so go do that because that is uh
If you're if you're one of those people that actually put out some content and you know, try instead of just spamming in general chat
Uh, that's what we look for. So shout out to the three or four people
I just grape listed just for literally taking a picture with grapes just because it's hilarious
Bro, I was literally just talking to my family and I was like, I can't believe you guys literally just ate all the grapes
I was like you that really that really hints me up. I gotta go to the grocery store. So
You know madness around here madness
Brando's lowkey getting you guys all to docs for a freemen
I love it
Yo, I think what a grape is legendary
Just take a picture of some grapes and photoshop a grape pfp on your head. I don't care
But it's got to be it's got to be it's got to be quality
There's been people that have just like taken pictures of grapes literally just like in their fridge. Like nah, that's not good enough
There was one with a dog that was cool a great list of that person that was yeah, i'm looking at it
What about what about the guy?
The grape capri star that was my favorite
Yo dogs can eat grapes straight up. They're boys
They're like super poisonous for dogs. Are you kidding me? Oh my god. Are you serious about that?
I think he is I feel like i've seen this before. Yeah, that's true dogs dogs can not eat grapes
Dogs are highly toxic for dogs, regardless of the breed age or gender
They're like more toxic than chocolate and it's because they have
I don't know. What is that? Elmo in the background?
That's a squeeze toy somebody's dog's going off
All right, fill the noise ladies and gentlemen i'll be back
Or that's her playing with the squeeze toy. I'm gonna mute for you guys talk so my dog can play
And silence falls upon the room well we can we can just chat who wants to chat that's not
Oh, sorry
All of a sudden he drops down now I can hear you all right well
It's been real. It's
It's been joked to see the vibes over. They've been talking moon pie. They were talking. Oh shit
I'm, so sorry. I still can't hear jaynex. So I just hear silence
All we hear is sweet toys from you. It's weird that I can hear you and you can't hear me
But you hear everyone else. It's like you got me. Ah good old x
You guys tell her later
That sweet x that sweet x vibe gets everybody man. But hey listen, I was just gonna say
Um, so you said the to set up that wallet and and all of that that's in
Um, the great discord there. Is that yeah all the info's there
Okay, hectic cool, so i'll get on that today man. Appreciate it
That's all I really don't know because I just want to make sure i'm like prepped and
Because to be honest bro, like i'm so busy with everything
Like I just I have to get it done like way ahead of time
So I I have everything ready and like prepped so I can make it fast and simple. So
Yeah, appreciate it fam for sure
Oh, yeah, go on ahead and put some golden loader a little bit too
So don't wait till the last minute try to figure out how to load it out neither
Yeah, that's facts you like yeah, I already know that I suck at all that so
I already put um, I already put like a couple days ago. Actually, it's funny that we're actually like this is what's going on
because a couple days ago, um, I bought a bag of uh, say like through
through coinbase, which is something I normally don't do uh, actually is use coinbase, but
Um, I literally just the other day bought a bag of that. So that'll be an easy transfer and load
Yo, that was how we brought it even though
I got to interrupt you guys for a sec. It's important. I promise it is important or I wouldn't do this
I don't want to be a dick. Okay, I just drew for somebody that's not in the room
So i'm gonna post a twitter picker right now because I redrew
On the same twitter picker. So you guys know this is legit. This is not like me just like doing some weird shit
Um, I drew somebody wasn't in the room and then it drew the hill
No brando yo, this is what makes it even better and he bought an ats seven minutes ago
Bro, my life is crazy. She'd like this happens all the time. Did you actually buy anything seven minutes ago?
Seven minutes ago. It's I posted it in the jumbo in the in the thing. Yeah, like legit
I really did. So yeah, he posted it five minutes ago. Oh, that's unbelievable, man. Fuck. Yes fire, bro
Congratulations, bro
Yo, just your ats
That's hectic and yeah that pays for that ats and it's like two three hundred bucks on top of that
It also pays for like your next three
It does bro. I'm in i'm in and that's where the funds are going
So just so you know, i'm not gonna like cheeky pocket these funds like they all go back to web3 and all go back
to the community, so
That's hectic man. Fucking hectic straight out. Well legendary. That was legendary kudos, brother
That's an epic fucking that's an epic draw. I love it
Yo, I just I just posted the twitter picker so you guys can take a look
When I saw yeah when I saw your name come up
I was like yo couldn't have gone to a better person seriously came up like just randomly for the first time ever
And just literally vibed asked us about what we're building and shit bought one and then wins like bro
That's fucking miracles, bro. Okay, so legit
I'm just gonna tell you just to be like clear and transparent like legitimately
I was like spending the time like looking well
Because after I was like yo, so you're telling me I better get on this now
Like I started looking through them, you know, and I was like man
Fuck like I you know, like with everything that's going on like is this like can I do this?
You know what I mean?
And I was like fuck it like this is this is what i'm supposed to do
So, you know, I get that one right and then boom
Like I mean because that that's like a legitimate output for me personally, you know what I mean? Like that's a pretty large
Um purchase so this I mean this is just
Unbelievable family. So like the if you don't know man
Get out there and help other people man build community
Because this was not like a pre-planned object or anything like that. Like that's the truth
good shit happens
Amazing shit happens when you build with everyone else around you like that is the truth. So you've seen it happen
right now today, so
That's just what it is fam. No lie brother. Welcome dates. Yes
Yeah, welcome fam. I appreciate that
Yo, um, i'm gonna keep it short and simple for tonight
This was an amazing space
I did uh, I did dmu hill just for your wallet address
So if you could send that over i'm gonna i'm gonna shoot you over a thousand bucks
And uh, what else what else what else i'll post the transaction hash for everybody. So, you know, what's going on
Twitter pickers been posted for transparency purposes as usual
Um get in the grapes on say discord i'm gonna be in there most of the night building with you guys
It's gonna be a lot of fun. Um, there's gonna be lots of opportunity for sure
I want to give a shout out to toast punk matt my good friend and web3. Make sure you go support that guy
He's building some amazing things racer club's gonna frickin slap. So i'm really excited for that
It was brought to you by racer club today. So that thousand dollars for compliments of racer club. Yes sponsored. Yes
They uh, you know compensated us to run this that has to be said very important also
Um, we're gonna run it back with them next
Thursday just so you guys know so every thursday 7 p.m
Eastern we start it's gonna be a fun space like usual if you haven't already picked up a toast punk nft of genesis
I would suggest you go do that so you can beta, uh racer club
Um, if you like gaming it's definitely the way to go. Uh, our collaboration with them is going to begin
Uh within uh three months ish depending on when it's already so excited for that
Um, I wanted to maybe just hand the mic off to matt for a sec in case he had any final words for the space
And then i'm gonna wrap it up. Appreciate everybody for tuning in as well
Thank you brando. Now. I just wanted to say thank you so much again for having us here and um,
Really appreciate it brother. Um, really the stuff that you're doing and the stuff that we're going to have
Uh in the future is going to be absolutely fantastic. Can't wait for it, bro. Thank you so much again guys
Let's go appreciate everybody for tapping in uh, he'll shoot me your wallet address. I'll get that over to you right away
thousand dollars as well
Next thursday like usual every space we do that. Let's go