apple vision pro privacy scare??

Recorded: Feb. 6, 2024 Duration: 3:17:27



Oh yes oh yes we're so backity backity backity back we're gonna get started in just a few
do not go anywhere give some love on the bottom right for the cats and the algo
oh hello everybody oh i really like this song i was playing it on my birthday this past weekend
and i was like damn i need to i need to tap in with this song again
happy birthday it's been a crazy weekend oh thank you nick oh thank you
where the hell is batoshi nick ping him damn that drop was crazy
let's see some hands how we feeling today everybody how we feeling what's up v nice to see you
what's up max i see you there shining
nick you could go ahead and pin everything to the top go for it i'm ready i am ready okay i just
pinged batoshi time to pin we love that set said what's up everyone i've been a little sleepy today
we're gonna get started in just a second and i'm gonna wake up y'all gonna wake me up it's just
been the craziest weekend of my life um there's so much to talk about it's it's actually insane
i don't even know what to do with myself like i don't even know where to begin but we're gonna
we're gonna begin somewhere
okay you know what we're gonna listen to this really quick
this is for batoshi
oh shit wait what happened oh here
thank you you not even the not even the fuck
wait what hip-hop will never be the same hip-hop will never be the same neither will will technology
oh that's a good segway right neither would say oh look who came sir batoshi welcome welcome i
guess guys um let's damn why is it slower than than like what i thought it was like i thought
this song was like way faster no what's up nick you're you're coming this guy give me the fuck
up right now yeah what did you say oh wait he said he said get yo botting ass uni no yeah bro
where you at it's not like you're busy trading bot batoshi is literally a bot look guys um let's
boost this for the algo uh we've i've had the craziest weekend ever let's give some love on
the bottom right corner um what i'm going to but like can you give me some love for the love of god
like holy shit um like i went viral but you couldn't tell i'm a whole new i'm a whole new
woman now like i don't know um no i don't know to hollywood okay i'm gonna listen to this song
real quick i'm gonna give you i'm gonna give you literally i see eight reposts faces faces 56
people i want to see some more pfbs because i know y'all had questions i was just i couldn't
answer this weekend so we're gonna get all your questions answered let's go everybody
oh my god now y'all are silent you know what i mean y'all ask me all weekend what's going on
now y'all are silent hell no oh i didn't even retweet my own space god damn that's crazy
okay let's go with the drop everybody the song has been in my head for like the past two weeks
everybody everybody everybody i'm having a coffee y'all i'm not going to be the same person
in about a minute so fucking prepare i'm taking a health shot in a gatorade we're on
oh my god
you could hire me the dj mika that that like uh jiff that was going on the screens at your party
was crazy we're just like the photos going rapid fire i went a little crazy i don't know why i do
this i don't know why the fuck it was so sick there were like three cakes there oh my god okay
so should we talk about the party okay sorry i put like a the party i floored it so hard at
the end of the what do you mean you floored it it was bad no but what the fuck does that even mean
you floored it like you know like you go on the floor you're floored for a bit
oh like you like went to bed no i was
i mean it i mean it as literally as i'm speaking okay um are you on the floor right now web zero
floor yes um everybody everybody everybody everybody who's ready for the show guys who
the fuck is ready i need to see them hands nick man who's ready nick other nick is ready
buto she's ready i'm scrolling through the audience to see who's ready face ready max
is always freaking ready y'all will never catch max slipping um crab dad is ready crab dad we need
to tap in are you even activated block man is ready z's always coming in absolutely hot
absolutely ready to get shit done she's the most supportive person in the world love to her
dray millie's ready oh shit where's your apples oh where's where's your vision proj you need to
come up here and tell me what you think about this um ricky's ready who else is ready the
boat pass is ready uh yannick is ready oh shit it's fucking happening okay um put a robot emoji
in the bottom right if you're watching or listening to this from your avp oh wait max are you listening
to this from your av social experience no should i yeah i don't know and screen record it and show
okay that's a lot bring the dinosaur too that's a lot we're asking a lot for max
but i'm here for it wait is it even possible is it not possible or are people just larping
lying i fully bought an nft on open c today that's crazy that's crazy you're able to connect your
metamask to the apple vision pro uh i didn't use metamask see that wasn't part of the situation
oh i used open c oh okay what does that even mean so then how did you because you can't connect
your metamask to like i mean maybe you can i'm trying to figure out how to do it but like the
um you know when it's like connect your wallet and like it's either qr code or you still like
do it on the phone it was kind of bugging out there so um i did it with like open c's wallet
or they don't want you to wait open c has a wallet
like i just made it with the email on there and i haven't even like exported the the key or anything
wait did you buy it with a credit card then like that no no no with with eth with i just i created
a like native wallet on open c and sent eth to it from my metamask and now we're here i love the
idea that like you could just blink and click your fingers the wrong way and just get rugged
yes that's actually hilarious but i can do that with your phone or computer too no you know what
you can you know what you can but you know what though okay um really okay okay i don't think
people realize that um the way that the apple vision pro works is that the cursor is your eyes
okay i'll say that again the cursor is your eyes so instead of like right now on your on your
computer you you know you see the little little cursor thing that little thing you know little
pointy arrow thingy um wait who the fuck um that little pointy arrow thing um so that instead of
like using your finger to or whatever um to you know click on something you're gonna you're gonna
look at it and that to me is absolutely crazy because like do you imagine adware where like
it tracks your eyes are and you're about to click like some other button or some other link and
and then it has just pops up exactly where your eyes are you click on it like that's actually
gonna be found i don't understand what does it even mean like the ads in the vision pro though
wait what there's ads yeah remember on the chess game i didn't see the chess game what okay i'm
guys okay i need to so i need to tap it yeah just tell them i'm just gonna tell them i'm just gonna
tell them um so okay so we've had okay let's like run this back really quick let's just
run it the fuck back full transparency i don't even have the apple vision pro
no i'm joking okay uh but i'm not really joking i'm actually kind of serious because
here's what's going on so as everybody has seen okay for ride a damn where the hell is swan i
need to like get swan in here hold on one second because everybody everybody wait guys chill chill
multitasking not my thing but it is now has to be oh what the fuck bro how did we summon
swan i literally was just talking about swan i didn't even press send yet i didn't even fucking
press send yet were you listening on anonymous you little shit no okay you would never do that
i know you would never do that i know you would never do that okay that was just talking about
you so oh my god okay i'm not gonna fully retell the whole story but it goes like this
so we're at irl alpha which by the way is like so important this is why going to like if you can
go to meetups um you know i'm very lucky for being in los angeles for you know the past
month or so and going to irl alpha every thursday night um i had the amazing opportunity to meet
betoshi and nick who clearly were you know co-hosting and we've been like running some
stuff and experimenting making content together but i would have i feel like really never connected
with them on that same level if i didn't meet them like in person right um at ira office so
i'm meeting with them whatever i'm going like every week um and i just meet the most extraordinary
people every single week and one of the weeks like this ira alpha actually saved me because
one of the weeks i'm sitting there max and i and we're me and max we're like these apple vision
pro maxis we're these xr maxis like we know what's going on we're tapped in little did we know
we're tapped in little did we know that we were about to miss the presale of the apple vision
pro and somebody at the irl alpha was like yeah the presales tonight like what do you mean it's
tonight like what do you mean it's tonight i thought it was february 2nd aka my birthday
which we'll get to i wouldn't mean it's tonight i said a couple of times um then they're like yeah
and i'm like where the fuck like how are we gonna do 4k tonight um like i gotta tell
i'm like i ain't got it on me like um so and i was like wait how do i get it like what's going on
like i was so taken aback it's 12 a.m and it's at 5 a.m pst in los angeles i'm freaking out i'm
pacing i'm going back and forth back and forth back and forth i look at patoshi patoshi goes
what's wrong i go i can't get the apple vision pro my life is gonna be over i was so stressed
it was my birthday my birth like gonna be my birthday february 2nd i couldn't believe it i
was not gonna get this asset i'm literally the cco of an xr tech company which by the way why
don't they call it xr they call it spatial computing we're gonna get to that uh nobody
knows what spatial computing means um but they're too afraid to ask so we're gonna we're gonna talk
about it today um anyways patoshi goes i got you looks me dead in the eye he goes i got you
patoshi now's the time where you say yeah that's what i got you exactly yeah so that's literally
what he said i was like yeah but you'd have to wake up at like five in the morning like is that cool
and he goes yeah like i'll do it like no worries he was like and he was about to go to like mint
too so this was crazy so anyways we wake up he pulls through he gets the headset it's like a
whole thing then i'm like damn he gets it in like somewhere an hour away from where i live like in
long beach like the fuck how am i gonna get to a long beach car what am i gonna do i call swan i
go swan listen i like i don't ask swan i'm not sure that's exactly what happened it's not really
it's not really what happened but it's kind of whatever i go swan listen we're i'm like look
it's my birthday i call him at like eight in the morning i go swan we're going um we're going to
long beach and swan lives also like an hour away i'm like look swan i don't know how to tell you
this but you're gonna come pick me up then we're gonna go to the long beach and we're gonna get
this headset swan's like yeah are we okay like i guess that's what we're doing anyways i also
pulled through because now the boys all got a demo we went we we literally made it on time
they pulled through everybody pulled through swan got to test it um batoshi got to test it
everybody got to demo it so i want you guys also at some point to give your takes on it
it was my birthday it was insane swan took a viral photo of me damn let me pin this to the top um
swan took this photo shout out to swan beep beep beep beep okay um so i pinned it to the top i don't
know if you've seen this photo but it's circulating on like every big instagram page no tags though
kind of crazy no tags no tags all good okay so it's it's okay y'all remember the space um
but swan took that pic and he took like the craziest photos of me so shout out to swan
we went to the museum me batoshi swan uh our other friend big carl um but we did an unboxing
video which i have where the hell is big carl we did an unboxing video this whole time she says
she calls swan to schedule us going to pick her up meanwhile it was motherfucking big car but he's
not he was it was it was no so he whatever but i had to skip the whatever for the purpose of this
not going on for five hours because i could talk about it forever um for the purpose of this it's
that's pretty much what happened um to like really make it real now here's where things
you know are happening so i go viral oh no wait what the fuck sorry we go to the simulator
amazing viral photo wait we go to the simulator that is the mall okay um and i'm like guys i'm
like birds i can't go to this mall like oh my god what's going on here we go we like batoshi we go
to zara we get him a fit like we're like talking about ai like we're having the best time i walk
the fit was so far but wait guys this is what i'm getting to we're walking the mall i see a guy
and this is the video that got like three point something million like views this this weekend
i see this guy like it was not staged for me like i'm walking with batoshi i'm walking with swan
i'm walking with everybody and i see this guy with the vision pro just like like just walking
through the mall like looking in all sorts of directions definitely not even using it like
that shit does not move that way there's no way i don't know what he was doing he's walking through
and i take this video i'm like no i can't i just i felt like it was too soon for this to even like
happen i was like oh like people are like out there like that like okay like it literally just
launched um i take this video i post it swan looks at it i i think nothing of it i think
nothing of it i wake up three million views no problem wait you're wondering you're probably
wondering how i landed up here but um so did i play with it when i got home i get home i'm a bit
tired i'm like damn we did an unboxing you know like did all this stuff happening then max and
i we go we we do a little publicity stunt we go to runyon we put them on people are looking at us
we're gonna talk about that in a second i get home there's a birthday party everything i'm like guys
i need to play in my vision pro like i haven't even downloaded any apps like i've like touched
a little bit but i haven't even like went in yesterday i go in
tell me how tell me how i can't even download any apps it doesn't work for me
like you're five mica yeah you want me to what no shut up let me finish okay i know i'm randy
i'm setting the fucking um stage because i'm pissed off okay i can't download any apps my
iCloud is in a different country i spent all morning with apple this morning i can't go into
the dinosaur simulator i can't do anything max is over here going on telegram playing chess going
into simulations i'm out here can't even download a freaking app this is where we're at however
i can interact with it and i do know that it literally is then like this is the next phase of
tech and nothing is going to be the same after this um the fact that i can control stuff with
my eyes is unbelievable it's so amazing so i can't wait to dive deep and get into this because
i know so many people had so many questions so i'm hoping we do have some cool people on the stage
we got bchills we got max we got um a bunch of amazing people that um are going to get into this
conversation we got a lot of amazing stuff pinned up to the top some viral videos i mean a lot of
people are saying that like apple like paid these people to like walk around with the headset but
like to be honest i don't think like i don't know but i don't think any other way around
other way around no what what oh we paid apple yeah no we exactly exactly like apple definitely
didn't pay me to do what i'd be doing um but you know what did is the fact that like you just know
i think all these content content creators just knew if they posted with this they're they're
going to pop off content wise um so definitely has been worth um you know the money for me
already just the fact that i'm able to literally control things with my eyes and um and my hands
there's no controllers on this thing is absolutely amazing so that's the whole setup i want to pass
it to my co-host um butoshi you tried it nick i don't know if you've tried it yet but you do
i know that you're you okay you haven't that's crazy um i want to pass it to boo boo what do you
think of the apple vision pro what are your just like quick thoughts we'll get to the stage i see
some hands up um let's go shoot the big car okay we're gonna pass it we're gonna hold on we're
gonna pass it a bit okay big carl okay yeah but i got you
okay what's up big girl stay stay stay around yes because i'm at work right now and i'm still
listening yeah i know that's here we go absolutely okay how i felt about it honestly it was still
like the biggest reason why i was excited demo is because like okay mica and everyone's hyping it up
it's a product of the future well i'm like fuck if i'm doing like ai shit and i need to like be
in tune with the future like let me see what's really going on and like i've used a bunch of
vr headsets like i've gone through like the original oculus um the playstation one the
meta quest and the new meta quest two i did not try the meta quest three i really want to but i
was really impressed by specifically the video because what's kind of bizarre and like was
extremely like black mirror i had a dark thought instantly there's this video and it's like the
spatial computer computer video where there's death so you could actually kind of like look
around and there's like 3d objects like in your space and it was this video of a family it's like
oh the wife and two kids are like blowing out a candle and it's like it felt like i was there like
i was watching my family blow out these candles and in that moment i instantly thought i was like
bro if i ever like like when i have a family if i ever lose them and i have spatial videos of them
like i would just be in the spatial video 24 seven on some lowkey dark city what happened
have you seen blade runner 2049 yes literally yes yes i i base a lot of things off that and
it's like lowkey it's kind of like getting that's what that's what was so weird in me it's like fuck
this is like lowkey now um the eye tracking is really cool that was one of the parts that
impressed me the most because it's like bro i could literally like look around and just like
tap my fingers and it was accurate like i even went on my own website and my website has a custom
cursor and i was looking at like the perfect pixel and it was like pixel accurate on my like
where i was looking so i was like okay that's pretty nuts and then like wrapping all that up
is like this is apple's gen one and i know apple absolutely goes ballistic when it comes to gen two
and like further developments so i'm personally gonna wait but i think it's exciting yeah i think
so i actually got very emotional i mean i i blazed through this whole thing because i didn't like i
just wanted to set it but i will give my thoughts i i cried um i actually cried when uh in the demo
when i saw the when i was experiencing the um photos and the videos of the birthday um
the birthday candles being blown out um i genuinely did cry uh just because i was like wow
this is this is incredible this is it's going to change the way that we experience cinema
and and life honestly life as we know it but really if you're interested in like in in movies
or you know just like memories and yeah it is it is like a black mirror episode i'm not gonna lie
that that thing where it's like you could experience the memories i'm not gonna lie i'm
not gonna lie it's a little is a little thing but is that so bad though is that so bad is it bad
that we can experience the physical world in a way and um better you know like i feel like i
actually saw a tweet by um by uh by what's this at mic um mic three he was saying that the real
black mirror is the phone because it literally is a black mirror that you're just like staring at
um not this like this is you know what you are literally looking at you know um so yeah um okay
i actually really want to pass it real quick to b chills b chills i want to know are you allowed
to talk about like your like how you feel now that it's out i mean as a consumer sure uh but
i follow pretty much the the press release that we put out pretty closely but um yeah i like from
a consumer standpoint i can talk about my experience with it please do uh yeah so i also went through
the same demo so uh i worked on the hardware uh of the product and it was my first time actually
trying out the ui in the store the other day and i honestly was blown away um it's been a pretty
cool experience and it's kind of it's kind of crazy like i posted a gm yesterday from uh my
vision pro while i was just like waking up and chilling in bed and like last night i watched
like the movie seven uh at yosemite which was pretty nuts and i don't know it's just really
cool i've been walking around my apartment today uh organizing my notes by the fridge and like just
leaving it up there and then having a movie going in like the living room and then i'd go into the
the bedroom and then there's another link up for me to use and it's all just kind of out there for
me to just deal with as i'm going on with my day um productivity is pretty cool on it having like
keynote open was pretty nuts to like have that the size of my wall um so i can like work on decks
and things like that just using my hands so yeah i'm i'm really loving it it's kind of crazy how
like my day has changed in the last you know 48 hours of really using this thing um but it's also
like i'm watching tv on my actual tv and i'm like dennis this is boring i just want to throw it up
on a you know 100 foot screen right now by yosemite or the moon um but yeah i'm loving it i'm actually
loving watching the videos on youtube from like Casey Neistat and like MKBHD and like all these
people that are just going out in public and just using it it's it's kind of surreal like Casey
Neistat just went to Times Square and just chilled and like had the whole like uh dinosaur experience
and people were just blown away uh and i also really liked how people weren't like making fun of
people wearing it they're more curious which i really really really love when people are just
curious about a product um and i feel like there's just FOMO picking up about it right now so
yeah i'm i'm loving the experience i'm seeing and would love to hear uh your your initial feedback
yeah i mean the cinema mode when you could like dim like the lights go dim
oh my god i'm like this i would i 100 percent like i do not want to watch a computer like
usually i actually watch i sorry watch a computer what um i usually watch uh like movies or shows
when i do like on my laptop um you know because i'm always on the go and the beauty about this
is that it is just an everything device you know um max actually has been using it like more than
her phone which has been really interesting i don't know um if she wants to speak on that at
some point i do see the hands up i'll pass it to crab dad crab dad thank you for coming to my
birthday by the way crab dad you're the absolute goat um i know you said you were coding in it
earlier um what's that like yeah i mean i've been using the the virtual displays and i actually just
got uh like right when this base started uh a magic keyboard and trackpad were delivered so i
haven't tried those out yet but you can actually like when you can connect your mac to it you can
use your max keyboard and trackpad across other apps in the vision pro which is interesting and
it like works pretty well but yeah it's been an interesting experience to try to program in this
i actually my interest in this was that i do most of my work fully flat laying down because of a
spine issue that i have and so i have like a bunch of like weird desk setups that are supposed
to like hold my computer above me but they're all pretty janky and pretty shit and get pretty
painful pretty quickly and so that's like why i wanted this initially and it's actually been
pretty good for that because i really can put windows literally anywhere and it's such a
an easy like automatic magical integration with my macbook that yeah it's been a pretty good
experience but like even right now i just have windows like all over my living room and you can
like walk up and touch them as if they're like an ipad or a giant smart board it's just a very
interesting experience it's definitely a first generation product that like there's some bugs
here and there but i think you know that that'll get fixed with the next few versions of vision os
but yeah i'm loving it mica mica i'm curious like what what's been your main use case over
the last three days for it wow if i can download some apps i would tell you grab that but nothing
is is that i can't is that i can't download apps um i've been in a depression uh because of this
like yesterday max like what tell them tell them tell them please tell them tell them um
b chills you're not apple support at all but i'm gonna go ahead and shoot my shot because i spend
an hour with apple support in the morning how come i can't download like how do i get oh my god it's
because like i have some subscription or something to apple tv and they're like you can't like change
your location of your apple id because you're like it's this whole thing nobody could figure
it out i i was so frustrated i took a nap today i was depressed i was just like what is going on
maybe i need to make a new apple id i'm freaking out so that's my thoughts you can create it you
can create a new apple id yeah do you have that's what i'm saying you have two phones yeah one for
the yeah but they're both they're both in countries that that it won't work so i'm actually like you
know what i was gonna go today to get an a legit like an american line to like just never have this
issue again it's a flood in california like the like it's just like a crazy flood can't leave
trapped in my own thoughts trapped with all i got is this all i got is nothing i don't have
anything i have i have do you know anybody that has a drone that can literally fly you a phone
what the fuck fly me i mean do i do i know i feel like that's pushing it like i like i call my
friends to wake up at 5 a.m and like you know pick me up a swan where to go uh you know people
like jack or whatever but like i feel like that's crazy genuinely no that's not crazy that's called
dedication we need to get you a phone yeah i mean if you're close to a best buy i can buy you one
that's crazy damn team's on 10 um but then how would they get like if i can't get it how would
they get uh how are you gonna fly the drone it's a rain storm it's a flood um okay so right let's
let's let's run it back i see also a lot of people uh in the comments asking what spatial computing
is i don't know i don't know what it is we had to change the title of the space we had to i know
yeah i know but you know let's break it down um let's break it down so i mean nick go for it
what's spatial computing be chills nick somebody uh what is spatial computing i mean it's literally
both nobody realizes it's just both like mica remember we need to tell them about our experience
because that was like a real life case study because some people obviously just walked by
acted like they they didn't know us of course um they're just like weirdos other people were
like apple came out with a product what what is this like no way this is apple and then there's
like the other half that generally were curious and would ask things like um can you see me
well we are on a mountain right now with no rails and so if i couldn't see you i would be
more worried about because in my uh well-being than like if i could see you so it kind of made
me realize like the amount of people what do you mean that they have no rails like it's
no more mountain or what are you talking about uh wait what is that like a form of figure speech
that i don't know i'm on a not bro literally a mountain are there every rails on a mountain or
okay yeah that's my point that's my point we were on a mountain in these headsets so clearly we could
see right um but that's the biggest misconception people don't realize that with this you are it's
the first thing that looks like a vr headset that puts you into another world per se but you
still can see the physical world right in front of you like to a tee that like you could do anything
in the headset and still have the same experience where you honestly cannot say the same about the
meta quest at all um and so that just goes to show like the the biggest misconception there
is that like we didn't have to hold anything with our hands we were breaking a little bit of a sweat
we were taking in the views still um and yet we're just wearing our maybe phones on our faces
and didn't have to like carry a phone or be like still plugged in in that way
let's go max so mica i'll address your question i think web3max no nick nick you can't do this
thing that you just know nick there's all there's hands you you do this thing and miss web3max
i did not my no my co-host okay look we need to establish this once a bro my co-host is nick
and he hasn't even spoken yet oh i thought yeah it's the moment we're all waiting for yeah i mean
his name is wick nev and it always gets me like it like it like it doesn't register in my brain
like i can't say it out loud um i thought you were yeah this happened last time you said
hey nick and i assumed you're talking to me in my back yeah it's okay you'll learn eventually
um who knows when but maybe the apple vision pro will help somehow you know my thoughts
overall are i can't wait to experience what casey nystat was talking about where you've got it on
for what 20 30 minutes and then from there you kind of forget about the novelty of it oh whoa
this is what i'm doing this is so cool and then you start really actually like integrating it
uh and kind of like quote unquote swimming you know uh and i really am excited for that
knowing myself uh you know there's one of the videos pinned up top it's like oh i've got my
workstation here with three monitors and i look over to my right and i've got art and a tv and
my music and over in the kitchen we got gordon ransy tutorial but it's like i know after a week
my workstation would have nine monitors my tv area would have like two shows in a movie
that i'm like oh i want to watch these and then my kitchen would have like
five different recipes that i'm like trying like i'm looking at my laptop right now this black mirror
has like 15 windows each window has like 20 tabs in it uh so that i'm not looking forward to that
adhd and me i'm not looking forward to but you know i am looking forward to having six monitors
at my workstation i am looking forward to you know putting flick play in there and and getting our
my ai ar brats girlfriend sitting right next to me watching me do work getting my butalian on my
left and i'm like hey butalian what the fuck is a bitcoin ordinal and then it'll like help me out
and tell me but i like your question of like what's good what's bad the in the simpsons like
they predicted it clip that's also pinned up top it's like you've got some people that are
you know outside enjoying their lives and then you've got like homer and march where their whole
thing is like that they're like making out in their bed like that's what homer sees that's what
march sees and then they're just actually just sitting there like holding hands and it's like
okay they're happy you know they could actually be doing it but instead they're just like sitting
there like watching the simulation of it which is cool they're happy also kind of weird because
it's just like it takes away the authenticity of it you i guess you don't have to like put in the
work you still get your brain pinging with dopamine so uh i don't know let's let's rile
some stuff up let's get some uh you know some people being it's good and why and some people
it's bad and why and then we can all agree that we don't fucking know but it's gonna happen anyway
i love it i love it let's pass it to crab dad crab dad what you you went up like super quick
with the hand go go for it yeah just like on the topic of spatial computing i mean it really is a
different experience from like a quest uh where with a quest it's kind of like you have this like
singular plane that wraps around your field of view and you can it's basically like an ultrawide
monitor where you can like snap applications within this like wraparound window but with
spatial computing yeah you really can't just like drop stuff around um nick to your your point i
don't think you'll you'll have too much of a problem with like crowding as much because i have
found that it's like somewhat intelligent about like closing windows that i'm not really using
anymore or haven't used in a while um although like there's definitely still some like bugs that are
being worked out but yeah i mean it is kind of cool to be able to look around and see like all
of these different things that i've been like working on or playing around with um and like
the fact that so many ipad apps like someone brought up metamask like can you use metamask
on this thing yeah you can go download the metamask iphone app and install it on your vision pro and
import your wallet into metamask um i think ledgers on here as well like there there's already a lot
you can do with it but it's very much like a cool new medium to try out i love how i love how it's
like it's got like like how the brain works where in the study room if you're always studying then
it's like outside of the study room you won't study too well or like in my office that's where
i do work right if i open my laptop and it's got like the tabs from where i do work and i'm like
in the living room my brain's gonna feel weird about it right but with spatial computing it's
like the things that i want to focus on in room a stay in room a like my gym tutorials stay in the
gym my cooking tutorials stay like in the kitchen and so i don't end up in my you know in my office
trying to do work and now i'm seeing all my gym tutorials in my kitchen tutorials and i'm like
fuck like now i need to now i feel like i need to be doing those things instead because that's like
the info that's going into my brain right now instead it's like you really can compartmentalize
which is like so perfect for how the human brain is wired anyway so yeah i'm super excited about
that and if it does close those apps for me that's perfect because i have like 400 like safari tabs
right now so um i definitely need some help with that you can't fat phone with your eyes either
let's go through these posts here i didn't actually land up watching um the the new video
with markey um what did you see it nick yeah i was watching a bit of it um and i really liked
one thing that was significant was how you can address someone who's out in the fog and to them
that i show up a little bit uh and to you they like immerse themselves into the environment and
show like through a bit of fog which i thought that was really cool uh kind of freaky and you
know we'll we'll be seeing hallucinations i'm sure someday where it's just like you can't
even tell like they truly are coming in like like it'll be like the fog okay so you're out in the
desert watching a movie because you've you know finally figured out how to download an app and
you're watching a movie in the immersive experience that's cold that's like really
like just heartbreaking um i didn't mean it like that yes i did um but
they be your own you hear you hear someone over to your right you hear max being like mika when
are we getting coffee i'm glad you finally got an app working but i want some coffee and then you
look to your right and you go what's up max what did you just say to me to my face right now
and then the vision pro actually like clears out part of that immersive experience and shows max
like irl through that immersive experience so i thought that that was a really cool feature
um the eyes are kind of wonky he was saying but overall still some uh some pretty dope features
and for the most part it seems as advertised yeah i feel like a lot of people are like oh yeah
the ad and then what we got i'm like honestly what we got looks way cooler like i just look
way cooler than like what the ad is like like i don't know i just look so cool in it it's like
kind of crazy um i feel like everybody else kind of they look like a whatever but i look really
cool um i love the way that it looks it's sleek it's so apple it's so apple like look i have the
meta quest three and now i'm looking at it i'm like damn that thing looks ancient and like i
was obsessed with it for a little while but i'm looking at i'm like damn like like it don't light
up like it's just like i don't know you have like three cameras in front of you like i don't know i
wouldn't like take out the meta quest three just like walk around outside with it but like the apple
vision pro we like did a hike in it um so i think that that is pretty cool okay um i want to pass the
mic to somebody new let's go to these hands um soul what's up what do you think do you have an
apple vision pro okay okay i don't i'm sad i'm lonely i got drained on the new new year's day
so i lost about 100k but it's all good i'm fat i'm coming back i'm coming back wait what why
i did not mean to put a laughing emoji to that by the way um no i don't care about money so i don't
go no i mean okay do you want to talk about like how you okay okay okay okay i just wanted to say
like i'm coming out that's when i'll get my my avp is when i get my money back up you know and
actually no i'm i'm buying free but i'm just so stoked to be here some xr maxis oh my gosh
uh any render network mac is up here i'd be loved to talk with you anytime but yeah mostly just
super happy to be here with some actual mixed reality people been pretty lonely for a long
time because they haven't really connected with any mixed reality folks okay so were you guys
talking about nerves earlier with spatial video it's like the term is nerves by the way i'm pretty
sure so they have actually have nerves already built into the uh avp that's wild that's crazy
can you explain what a nerf is like i'm five yes uh so okay so a corridor digital will be way
easier and way better like the channel like you're familiar with um video effects react
those guys would be they have a whole breakdown on nerves uh really fun cool um i would not
actually probably the best person to fully break down the details of what nerves actually are
but it basically is allowing you to take a video that you took shot bring it in and train
it with machine learning to then basically turn it into a 3d video that you can walk into which is
dude some of the content i've seen with that is wild actually just some of the coolest content
i've like just because it's not perfect yet so it kind of looks it uses like voxels but
like like round voxels instead of like square it's a really interesting visual so it's it creates
the scene almost as if it's like a nebula if that makes any sense um it's it's a little hard to
explain again i'm not gonna be the best person to explain this but uh nerves are the future and are
so sick um yeah everybody go look into nerves if you have not heard of that but yeah i'm just so
stoked to be here with you guys oh my god we're so stoked to be here with you also thanks for
coming this is definitely like the xr spatial computing gang um oh i know i know one last thing
actually are you guys ever been asked or because like when i first came on the scene i thought
you guys were odd labs not od labs have you guys ever been asked that yes oh my god so many people
are like are you yeah all the time all the time we're a little odd yeah no i mean i thought that
was the vibe who isn't the let's go
yo um i soon i she doesn't have her hand up but soon i want to hear from jen and how she feels
about the um the the eye scanning for the apple vision which i completely she loves it i know she
led does she love it um i could but like they're like oh did you want to give your dad i like
i was like yeah 100 like just i don't even care anymore um like yeah take my eye scan um so yeah
anyways anyways let's go to these hands before we we get to into that battle uh that i'm
don't even know if i'm running for but um fate let's go to you what's up what do you think about
the apple vision spatial computing some other word what what what did soul say i need to write that
down nerf it's in the i put it in the comments it's n okay capital n lowercase e capital over
the rest it's spelled like nerf like the brand it's really weird like honestly the name is gonna
have i don't think i don't like the name but it that's what's stick right now so it's got a whole
breakdown again but yeah nerfs are where it's uh nerf like we're gonna do some nerfs nerf or nothing
yeah i'm not i'm not gonna lie i'm pretty concerned about this shit because i'm one of those uh i
was one of those kids that you know would like yank the controller every way that i was like
actually trying to like you know fight or turn like the wheel of a car while playing video games
and i feel like i'm gonna do the same shit with this headset or whatever and so my eyes are just
gonna be darting around and i'm gonna just be clicking on things that i'm not supposed to
maybe like having shit show up that i don't want to show up you know so i'm really actually
concerned about that and then obviously like i don't know if y'all uh i pin this tweet to the top
um from bassy holder therapist and it's a woman in a cyber truck not driving the truck
and having her apple pro on so it's over it's over don't drive with the vision pro on
please can i can i just say something though can i just say something um
oh btills did you say that with the don't drive yeah can i just say that the you know in comparison
with the meta quest three um i could see so well in my apple vision like i'm not saying i'm gonna
drive but i could this woman is driving though she's not even driving she's having this cyber
truck i mean couldn't you just turn it off and drive and be like just looking good i know that
tetra drove with the meta quest three which is like kind of crazy um i don't know if he'll grace
us with his presence because he's building the next phase of the internet or whatever but um
but soon uh you know but soon maybe um anyway friend fradylation yo it's been a minute i see
your cover photo is literally you with the apple vision pro i need to get your take on this you're
always ahead of the game um you know we're he's just like me for real um shout out to you what
do you think about this right now uh i would say definitely don't drive with it i was walking around
target with it and i was standing next to my fiance and i couldn't see her directly to my left
i told her like stand like a couple feet in front of me so i could see you so definitely don't drive
but yeah i've been having a blast with it last night for the first time i minted nfts onto the
blockchain using it and i did this through uh a web3 game called simbio genesis uh it's a game
done by square enix who are the creators of final fantasy and so uh you're able to play the game
through the browser on uh the vision pro i actually just posted a video on twitter um which if it's
okay with you guys i'll pin it to the top but in it i played the game as well as minted nfts and
showed my open c profile and those nfts um were right there i actually i actually did this last
night but uh orangie was uh trolling me a little bit said no video no proof so i went ahead and
did a video real quick and uh put that up there but yeah i've been having a blast with the device
it it kind of changes everything spatial computing is pretty awesome i agree it definitely changes
absolutely everything um and i'll give a little bit of more of my takes um in a second uh but i
want to get to these hands um block mansions i've seen you hand your hand up for a little while
what do you think about this do you have the apple vision pro what's your thoughts on spatial computing
lay it down hi hi guys i'm cam from block mansions thanks for having me on me kaboo and nick
2 a.m here in london so i do apologize if i sound a bit croaky but i couldn't miss this space
um so i wanted to speak from my experience in VR um and how it really makes people's lives better
so at block mansions we actually use VR in the real estate game so showing people property from
across the world or across the country and it actually feels like you're there or for example
if you wanted to do a real big extension in your property you could actually visualize it through
the apple pro VR headset how it look in your house before you go ahead with that 50k house extension
um so i obviously the major one to compare it with is the meta quest and what i would say is
the apple vision pro offers a more premium mixed reality experience for more professionals
and the meta quest is more tailored towards i'd say entertainment at this moment um but yeah VR
is just coming at the beginning um it's going to be used for mental health um therapy training
doctors are going to be using it to practice surgery um just for another example we're
actually helping a charity create a virtual reality experience where you'd be able to actually
view the world of someone who has autism and then we'd be able to let parents and care workers and
key workers actually experience how someone with autism views the world so yeah it's nothing to
really be afraid of guys and it will actually make that you know millions of people's lives
better but yeah thank you for having me i love that dramatic stress too oh my god i love that
scene you're all talking my language now you're talking my language you hear that jen do you hear
that jen um jen is like hates xr we're gonna get to it in a second um guys we have um yeah i want
to um i want to make sure that everybody gets uh a chance to talk there's two there's a couple of
people in the request so i just want to make sure that everyone on the stage has their hand up
okay okay we'll do a little rotating um yeah thank you spell appreciate you we'll do a little
rotating uh hopefully get you back up as well um but uh don't worry if i drop you down just come
back up um but yeah i um awesome i see there i'm gonna get you back up there as well um awesome
awesome okay let's i want to pass it to jen i want it i want to have her have the hot take um
let's get to it jen what do you think what do you what do you think i know you haven't tried the
apple vision pro so like your take is kind of like i don't know how it's gonna be um i don't
agree with any of your takes in regards to augmented reality mixed reality i think they're
i think that you're a genius um but in this you've fallen off so hard jen like you're so
you're so far from where you need to be and it makes me actually sad because you're so smart
and i've been with you you know in this industry since like you've been with me in the industry
since i started so like i know that you be like early to everything and that you know stuff but
with this your takes are just so off so i want to hear i want to hear this off take and let's uh
let's get into it you know what i'm only here because it's mika's birthday so kind of right
like we don't just celebrate for one day and she's like okay to come shit on me look opinions are
opinions like that's not a fact and i think none of us know where this future is going to go and i
think if we're not critical like overly critical of new technology we can be excited about things
we're excited for but like criticism pushes things to be better so i don't know i i think and no i
have not tried an apple vision pro i was shocked i felt like that was going to be like the requirement
to come in the door um the other night but i i was not greeted with one so i've yet to try it i've
tried other like i've tried the quest thing look here's my thing on it i think that society we are
already like very dependent on technology i know i'm dependent on technology right like all of us
are i think virtual reality has its place right i think augmented reality for me 99 of the time
does not make sense because usually that is adding to an already like irl experience and i just feel
like it doesn't really add that much and it's kind of gimmicky especially with like i feel like the
main argument i keep hearing from you guys is like oh my god like this is gonna allow you to like
live your life but also have technology because your face isn't gonna be in your phone no one said
your phone is on your face right like that to me is so much more intrusive and of course people
aren't gonna turn that off we've seen what people do with technology and how addictive it is now
you're talking about eye data and this is the biggest thing to me that like i think people should
be aware of and i know there's like a school of thought that i've heard you say before of like
oh i want our ads to be targeted to me because then they're like personal to me the other part
of that is the amount of ads we are exposed to a day that we do not realize right is crazy
and when they have exact eye data to a level of like you're now doing everything with your eyes
there's so much subliminal shit that can be pushed your way like they will know exactly
where in the peripherals they can do things where you don't even notice it but it is still
influencing and impacting your decisions right that is kind of scary and i get that maybe someone
else is going to do that but for me i'm not like consenting to that because i think there's better
ways and yeah i feel like that's my general take i know you have specific things so i'ma let you
say um um but yeah i'm not for me this isn't like the life-changing things and i do think that there
are certain instances where this makes sense but like even when we start talking about education
right and that's super important to me and i totally love what like some of the educational
experiences that come with this but like if you look at statistics on schools in america
right like kids can't even afford lunch and it's not realistic to think everyone is going to have
this technology and i know that it will get like cheaper over time but i think if we want it to
affect society at scale we also have to be like realistic in the ways that that's going to happen
okay you said a lot there's a lot of points that i completely disagree with but that's why you're
here um and i'm happy you're here thank you for coming so that we could we could have it out with
the gang um okay i want to pass it to um b chills really quick because his hand shot up um and you
know he's doing his thing with you know his thing um and then we're gonna go to awesome
and then we're gonna go to nick and then we're gonna go to everybody else okay b chills go ahead
so i'm gonna put the retina scanning sharing data to rest um just like face id just like touch id
has always been your retina scan is stored on a secure enclave we actually have a full
uh support page for it uh and it's under apple platform security and it goes through
the actual complete overview of the systems on chip like validation and covers the nan flash
stores the dram memory controller literally everything um around your retina scan so uh
feel free to refer to that but no one is taking your retina scan it's stored it's stored it's
stored on the device itself so i want to say two things for that and one i totally get that apple
on a privacy level like tries to do a good job i think where it gets a little bit more of a gray
area is like when you give certain apps permission that you're using within it right so i'm not
necessarily saying like apple is insecure i also just want to say like i used to know this guy
that was like one of the top legal people at apple and he literally got arrested for insider
trading right like to say that it is so secure is still relying on like systems that eventually
can be breached but i'm i'm more talking specifically about like apps within this and and you giving
permission and signing terms of service that you don't understand right like that's we know marketing
data is going to be collected and but what's wrong again okay that's going to go into a whole other
conversation but i have my thoughts i have my thoughts uh i have my thoughts i will save them
um let's go to austin and then nick we're gonna get to you okay austin go ahead what's up austin
hey gmgm uh i'm not gonna respond to any of that but i am gonna say that division pro is amazing
i like have been completely blown away and using it these first couple days uh like doing the demo
you go through like uh like immersive like video um and photo like i did that at the store and
all i could think about like in the video i almost like teared up to to be honest was like
thinking about how you'll be able to like capture moments with your loved ones i was like damn like
i need to get the new iphones that i can like record uh video of my parents you know before
they're gone and like my loved ones because you just never know uh and i felt like i was like
really really in there in the moment with them um so yeah that's what i wanted to say i did i did
a couple meetings in the vision pro today which was very funny uh because i i was still on camera
so everyone was like very much enjoying me having uh the vision pro on while i'm like working from
a 50-inch uh screen but uh anyways i gotta jump to another space but i wanted to quickly shout out
mika and butoshi and jen because i met all of you in person what's up austin dude i had the exact
like at the start of the space that's the exact same viewpoint i had a more darker tay yours was
very like much more light-hearted because i was like fuck bro if i got recordings with my wife
and kids and like i lost them like i would only be watching these 24 seven yeah so you get it you
get it uh and mika we still have to do that like interview in vision pro so we'll figure that out
wait was i not supposed to say it out loud nothing was said in the last two minutes nothing
was said no no i appreciate you coming up and saying what's up by the way i want to say that
actually at the beginning of the space when i was giving my take on all of this i i cried
when i saw the the birthday cake um being blown out and the uh yeah that's that's what made me
realize oh my god it fucked me up this is happening yeah no it did it completely um it
completely blew my mind and i did cry in the headset she had to bring a kleenex so and she
said people actually have cried before um which i think is really beautiful i think that like
and it's so cool that we all had that same you know emotional experience um it just shows like
how how real it was and i think with something like this it's something that you have to
it's just something you have to experience that's the sad part it's like we could we could sit here
and we could talk about our experiences i think i think it does help like it makes it gives people
a better idea but there is nothing like having it on and you being in it like using even the the
photos the the quality of the photos i'm like this is better than anything that i've ever seen
like it's better than what i could see on my screen so it's just the fact that we always you
know are talking about art and tech and i'm like this device brings us closer to that perfect
emergence between art and tech and you know we have tetra up here i'll give him a second
but i do want to pass it to him after we go to nick uh because tetra did you know i think i'm
pretty much the first exhibit this was like a year um a year ago at art basil but he did the first
exhibit that was augmented reality activated uh and we did it again this year at art basil and
it was amazing um and people were blown away at the fact that his pieces were able to come to life
and they even had a soundscape attached to them um and it was just so beautiful and i'm like
yeah maybe there is a a barrier with the hardware like it's like okay you still need some things to
like activate it but like i don't care at this point like if i could be closer to my favorite
artist to Picasso to a basket to a key thing like they can't do that anymore but the artists of
you know the next generation like in this generation sorry can can do that and um and
it just makes me feel like i could be closer with them um who is eating
hello and can i have some yeah and can i have some it looks great no i mean it looks good it
looks good um okay and and they got wick wick what do i call you go ahead wick is fine um well
yeah i definitely agree the hardware has got to catch up uh we've we were working on uh activating
murals uh and we're activating a bunch out here in Santa Monica Venice area and then COVID hit in
2020 and people stopped going outside and i was like well shit that's great um but i wanted to
just go off the points that uh Jen brought up had to write some stuff down because i know Jen i
know Jen brings good points i had to write them down but um i appreciate that like you value
privacy and like that we cannot just give up tech i'm sorry we cannot give up ethics in the name of
tech uh it sucks that it's a moving train um that we like can't really get off at this point and
people are already you know giving up so much in the name of entertainment and convenience which
i think AR really brings to the table um as far as marketing data like AI is definitely going to
take care of that regardless of you know AR peripherals and stuff because it's just like
the pattern recognition the ability to compute data like they're going to know trends they're
going to know what we're doing on day 30 based on what we do the morning of day one um and people
give up their lunch money before they give up their phone money uh at least i'd say in the US
or at least in LA uh but maybe your phone saves money maybe your phone is your key to making money
making that lunch money um and perhaps in the future with like augmented reality and that kind
of tech we can save a lot of money because we can live in minimalist environments because you can
just switch up the decorations as you please don't have to spend as much money on you know
frames when you can just spend that money on the jpegs instead so it sucks that it's
a moving train that is not a good enough reason for us to um say that it's okay and defend it
but that is the direction that we're going and you know you can you can refuse as long as you
want until until it's like becomes so inconvenient or you get a step behind yeah so i i think like
look i i feel like you make a good point then you kind of walk back a little bit on it when you're
like you know like the train's already moving in that direction um i think like a lot of us right
all of this technology is new um it has all come up to be in our lifetimes and i know that i like
refer a lot to i mean there's a ton of bills on the table right now that are scary for implications
for like our you know freedom to converse on the internet um but i look a lot at like
a lot of the things that facebook has done and you know like we were literally guinea pigs for
them and so i actually think that we do have a chance to not only advocate for ourselves
um but there's just a whole different level of biometric info and i'm not going to sit here and
be like i'm fucking perfect but also if you go through my phone settings they're probably very
different than most other people's and like i share a lot about that right i share a lot of books
that people can read that like you do have choices and yes it takes time um but it's a
level of biometric information that like something being on your head plus eye changes like this is
some crazy shit right but there was a study that was done like when women become pregnant
there's like very early changes that would be able to be detected a lot faster via goggles like that
and you know shit's not legal in like states anymore right i'm thinking of like completely
worst case scenario of like surveillance technology and how we get around that i think
it's important to have these conversations now because especially as this tech is getting better
right like this is this is v1 everyone has like acknowledged the fact that like the apple vision
pro is not going to be anything fucking sufficient towards like wherever this is going in the future
right that this is like the most beta version um and so i i think that like yes there's a train
moving in that direction and ai can do things but ai is not literally on your face right
this is something it is now well yeah and that's the the point right is like i can turn my phone
off i can look away from my phone i can turn everything off with these if these are like
implemented into daily life i also this is something i was just i watched someone do like
a drop test and that thing fucking shattered and um i would love to know like what eye protections
there are because this is actually something like crazy like a lot of like designer sunglasses like
didn't use the right type of shatter uh proof glass and like people have lost eyes over it so
all these people that are like driving wearing these right it's like hmm where's that gonna go
i don't know there might already be a study on that but also just something i was thinking about
when you guys were talking about people driving wearing these do you think that we can do you
think we have the power to to make sure that we don't go in that uh orwellian direction or is it
kind of a no we a thousand percent do and i think conversations like this are really important like
i think acknowledging like you can be so obsessed with this tech and that's fine and like you can be
so excited for its future but if you can't objectively look at it and be like wow this
could be problematic then how are you actually going to build something that is going to be
beneficial to the society to society in the way that you want it to be like i am not saying stop
technology stop innovation but i'm saying like hey look at literally like why were all of these tech
platforms so well funded early on because we were the profitable thing right like experimenting on us
finding out how to control us like you know advertising to us right all of these things
and this isn't like me being dramatic you can look up how much engineers at facebook were paid to get
people to stay on for an extra second right and every single social platform like all of these
algorithms and so when it's how do we get people to not take these things off their face i'm like
i totally get like the wanting to be with family and like record all these videos but also at the
end of the day like spend time with people while you can right like i don't for me that's not like
the most compelling way i i was spending time with with max and buckets just in the headset
they were playing chess we were just we were we went on a hike together we did we did a bunch
of stuff together all i'm so happy for you guys but if i was there i wouldn't have been wearing a
heads up this is why i don't get invited oh this is why you don't get invited no jed listen you have
you have good takes i do somebody posted something to the top here um and and it's actually
interesting and it's kind of like what we're talking about so they go no offense but why do
we care so much about another apple project in a world of blockchain web 3 starting to actually be
utilized okay real quick my take can i do this oh yeah just hold on um i'll get my take and then
go ahead for sure um i want to hear i want to hear from everybody so does everybody not realize
like i just want to know if everybody realizes the fact that xr and apple releasing this product
is the most bullish thing for our industry that i've ever seen um and what i mean by our industry
i mean like nft's non fungible you know like non fungible tokens art um this this whole space
why because it's digital assets is it the most bullish thing for decentralization no but literally
there is no bullish thing in this industry right now for decentralization like like i feel like
we're so off the mark um of like you know the whole decentralization narrative like i remember
the artists that i got into the industry with was like yeah oh decentralization screw you know
all these uh big um auction houses and now they're all like in those auction houses and they're like
completely centralized and like they do not care about any of those things um we're we're in an
industry of digital assets and this literally brings these digital assets to life last year
i was like in like kind of like peak bear i was like a little you know when when royalties got
taken away i was like what is even the point of this space right now like i was honestly just
like what am i even doing here like i i really did not know what i was doing here and then
what re sparked my whole like raison d'etre like reason of being as we say in french is working on
like od labs and the xr stuff and this was before i you know really like the meta quest three wasn't
a thing um apple vision what the announcement wasn't even a thing it was just tetra literally
just having that vision i want to pass it to him i don't know if he's like i know he's like working
right now um i don't know if he's around so maybe shoot an emoji up or whatever if you're here if
i could pass it to you um okay there you are uh i don't know man i don't know but it's literally
because of you and and seeing how all of these things are working and the and the the way that
we're going the fact that i could look around me and i could see all of my instead of my art
pieces being on open sea i could look around me and it's literally everywhere and yeah right now
the hardware like people are just too obsessed with how the hardware is in beta but it's like
it's gonna change it's gonna evolve to getting smaller and smaller so it's like to me it's just
like okay we're on the right track because sometimes this space can make me feel like we're
just completely off the track um tetra i want to pass it to you how do you feel about this being
somebody that literally predicted that this is where we were gonna go three years ago you
predicted this three years ago i know you probably predicted it long more longer but i you know have
been now friends with you for for three years um and this is what you were telling me was going to
happen i looked at you like you were a little crazy but hey um how do you feel now that it's
actually all happening um wait how do i feel about that it's happening like that apple for you
like that it's like that it's happening like yeah it's happening like you weren't just a crazy
person and it's well i don't know like i don't know if i feel any particular i've had conviction
in this industry and if like you're deep enough in it like you know but it's happening i don't
necessarily feel any type of way it's not like i was waiting for this to happen to be like see
like i told you like i don't really care and i think um at the same time that's why i also agree
with someone like jen because like she doesn't have to opt in nobody has to opt in like you know
like you don't have to have even a cell phone you can literally be living in the mountains if you
want like nobody's stopping you that's literally the entire point of life do what you want i actually
think like if we're talking about invasive technologies blockchain is way more invasive
like if you think of the advent of like cbdc's and you really think of like what's happening
right now with uh in the european union and the fact that they want to bring like the
you know the digital euro and like the passing of those laws like all of your transactions being
online for anyone to see be able to track every one of your movements your biometrics eventually
being stored on chain which our company is doing that right now like those things are way more
invasive than xr because in many ways you can actually opt out of using xr you're not forced
into using it the same way you can opt out of having a cell phone like today you could literally
live your life without having a cell phone you don't have to have one sure your life is going
to be significantly probably more difficult in some ways maybe it's actually better in other ways
like i think that's that person's choice and that's the same thing with xr but like when a monetary
system changes and you literally cannot have cash and you want to go to a store and you want to buy
like anything and you have to use some form of a cbdc because the government's forced it on you
that's a way more invasive technology so i think in a lot of ways like things get overblown but the
reality of it is is that this industry is not going anywhere it's most likely going to be one
of the biggest in the entire world it's a multi-trillion dollar emerging industry there's a reason
why there's this like war between apple and meta and all these companies that are trying to get a
share of it but honestly it's like really those two it's like the two gangs that are trying to go
after it because meta doesn't want to get left behind on the hardware race they killed it in the
software race they killed it in the social media race they really had that angle for the past like
you know two decades decade and a half whatever um apple really took the hardware race and owned
this entire ecosystem and meta is just not as good as apple in this business but they're trying
to get a slice of the market share and they're trying to own a piece here because they see the
potential of how massive this market becomes over the next 10 plus years now does that mean that
the headsets and like the reason why i say that is that like it's not like a matter of if like is
this tech is this like headset the first version are they going to forget about it like no there's
no if in that it's guaranteed these headsets are going to get better already better technology
exists today this is getting shipped out because the b1 is never going to be shipped as the best
technology that's not how you sell products you constantly keep coming with better iterations and
you ship every single year and that's how you make money so the reality of it is this industry is
going nowhere that's why i don't really feel any type of way like i have a lot of conviction when
it comes to this stuff and i do genuinely believe from my own perspective that most ar things don't
have daily use case utility right now it's one of the reasons why the things that we're creating
like in my company are experiential things they come with art they come with emotion they come
with experiences because in a lot of ways that stuff that you can connect with today and you can
draw a lot out when it comes to those type of experiences but the great part is is that we
don't just focus on building that on other people's software we build our own tech stack we build our
own software we build our own functions and because of that not only can then we actually
accelerate what we believe in today which is not necessarily giving you an application that
you're going to walk in the street and like i don't know collect coins just so you can go to
the beach like no just go to the beach you don't need to collect coins on the way to the beach but
it's like as we're building the software that allows us to do the functions today with my art
and everything else i don't want to build with fashion and everything else the great part about
it is that that software can now be applied to tons of other things whether we choose to launch
like whatever those business models is that we're going to go down other people will see as
we grow this company but that's the great thing about this industry there's potential for what
you can do today and there's a massive potential for what's coming tomorrow and that's why i've
always been a big proponent of it and i've been and believed in it and my first-hand experience
is with my own collectors i have people that buy my physical art and i've never made one experience
for one of them that they haven't loved it sure somebody from the outside might not love it but
they've also might not just like my art in general but if someone's liked my work and they've seen it
come to life they've liked it even that much more and it's always been a very natural progression
of why i wanted to keep creating these experiences so i think a lot of these things are like it's
like in these spaces is fun to talk about a lot of the things that do relate to us which is like oh
x and y project is launching and why we want to support it or we don't because then we actually
get to opt into buying it or not but certain things are like beyond the control of like a
twitter space with a 200 people and then listening like there's a much bigger industry outside and
there's much bigger things at hand that like no matter what our opinions are this is going to
keep going on so it's it's like kind of irrelevant to combat any one particular voice or even a set
of voices you just got to let people like go about how they want and it's the beauty of life
wait super fast question do you have to accept the terms of icloud to use the apple vision pro
i have no i have no idea does anyone know i have no idea
nobody no honestly tetris just laid it down no that's very true i want to go to soul and
then i do want to hop back to jen her hand like went like right up um so go ahead oh my gosh okay
so yo i'm so excited to hear about your tech stack oh my gosh oh my gosh like yeah okay so
i've been uh render maxi what got me in well i was originally heath but then like i was in class
with 3d and came across render network and i like fucking went crazy and i just have been a render
maxi ever since um so i'm so excited to connect with you guys i'm so excited to learn about your
tech like just or just hear about your project here about what you guys actually have built like
what are your what your tech stack is built on when you're building for apple you're building
for android what are you building for like wow um you guys are literally yeah like you've been
building yeah now i'm in complete agreement with you too as well like building i get building for
the next wave of this too this is literally version one this isn't even actually the excitement
this isn't this is just a moment this is not even actually the moment this is not even what
my team's been building for too like we're building for like version three when everything
had two hour battery life and i guess the you guys got the battery packs too but like still um
not enough that's not ar to me like i'm here for full full ar when everyone's actually got
mobile eight hour ten hour battery life you go uh oh to speak to like jen just points earlier
just like i actually i'm so excited for to have somebody around like that to question and push
space and like actually like call people and like call us all on our ship and call like yeah
like just get the conversation going uh for one thing um but just uh oh my gosh what is she um
oh my god i just slipped out of my brain um uh i'm actually not gonna be able to remember it uh
apologies um come back to me on that so i just got really excited i'm just i haven't had people
to connect with on xr at all so everyone in my world is mostly used to the industry and actually
working like pre-game and but modeling and working for people uh and this makes me sad
you're trying to be my ar pokemon go buddy bro actually i don't really play i don't have time
for games sadly i took video games already years ago okay it's okay but i would love to damn you
you just saw it boo down like i would love to no no no it's connected some other way no no no no
let's go you can connect yeah some other way but yeah i know i'm really excited about all of this
like oh actually okay so octane x um anybody here i tried or know about octane x or what render
network is building with apple or for apple or block
it's the render right like the er render yes yeah yeah so reconnected off block decentralized
rendering on chain so what i'm actually so okay the thing that i'm actually even most stoked for
for that connection is when we get to real time and streaming streaming like walking around new
york city with ar and i'm imagining render network basically picking up piggybacking and like
picking up but the that's what octane x is built for basically think about like you're playing
video games at lags uh fuck um this is basically the same thing but for ar and vr like you're
fucking moving around real quick you're at ak by the way mica is that the reason your images are
so sharp everything is ak um and i imagine you're moving around super fast real quick uh and like
you're just spinning your head around you're looking at all the dope visuals there's like
everything going on i think about how fast i think how much gpu power that little device is
going to be needing to run and pick up and like and like uh like so i'm imagining like render
network basically taking like taking that and being like what healing is before the future of xr
okay wait real quick quick questions because you dropped like three different bangers that i was
like okay okay okay so first first question is you said this is decentralized gpu rendering
yeah okay that's not decentralized in terms of users crypto is decentralized in terms of the
concept of GPUs oh it does both both no so i get you get paid out and render tokens let's go
oh okay so you're basically using people's gpu hardware yep yep so they run yeah what did you
can i let me can i can i ask him can i ask him the questions first and then i can explain it like you
can and then you explain what your questions are okay okay okay so my second question mr soul
is that you talked about you talked about we'll get real lifetime rendering so one of the biggest
things that like i always hate real time real time real time okay so i'm thinking this i am
looking at the pictures right now we'll octane x is like this is insane insane things that would
be fine when did nigga kicked off what the hell i'm adding him back um so i'm on your own in real
time there's a giant robot chasing me in ar through new york city and it looks real and you're
telling me that i will get rendered using the service without lag or latency it can it will
and that's my my future imagination i haven't pushed i've been fucking talking to these guys
for so long uh render network at least they don't understand what my vision really is like
fucking the foundation is now a dow and they literally just like finally got to connect with
the side of strategy recently but like the dow just basically fucking put a rock block on me
to be able to get through this shit trying to build trying to build my top of render here they
got the stk coming soon we got so much coming uh sorry i'm so excited about this i haven't
actually got to talk to someone who cares about render x well because it sounds okay because like
literally it's exciting it's the most exciting thing in the world okay so explain it like i'm
bi for mika and friends okay okay so what what he brought up i could do an entire like i could i
could speak with this for like ever okay i'll do i'll just give a rundown on like the two questions
i asked so like everyone knows so what interested me about what sol just said is that using the ar
and without actually using the hardware processing power of the vision pro we could have really sick
ak renders going on so we imagine like you're using the vision pro it has a limited battery
life right now but because of this software you could render like entire movies or entire games
in real time without actually affecting your battery usage that much because instead of using
the power of the apple vision pro you're actually using the power of an entire network of like power
and gpu farmers yes sir yes so a bunch of this is what apple's imagined and julzer brook has spoken
about this quite a bit every single every single m1 m2 m3 chip and future being a node
on the network and being able to talk think about how connected apple's devices already are think
about how connected your your vision pro is to your apple devices in your home you just bought
and you guys were stopped speaking with us you're like i'm so stoked on this think about that on a
global scale yeah that's what i mean why it clicks like why that like concept makes sense to me in my
head is because it's like bitcoin miners or people mining bitcoin nodes it's like a collective
powers are bringing this together this is actually old jul's guys i guys i still don't understand
what you guys are saying what asked me uh i don't know i don't know where to start i don't know
decentralized but like at the same time yes what oh oh it's just oh it's just oh it's just
decentralized it's like your graphics processing like processing but the only problem with it is
that why are you making it why are okay but there is yes yes yes yes yes i know what it is pause
pause pause pause gpu thingy in computer to make computer do stuff kind of close okay close this
is your graphics okay yes right right it processes the graphics okay in computer in computer pause
pause why are you throwing words like decentralization in front of it now there's
like things like there's other networks too that like basically what makes the decentralization
there's a bunch of people around the world that have gpu's and they can essentially offload it
like miners to a network that then like basically uses their computing power there's a few issues
right now though like because i don't know about render but like we have like i know like we've
tested before with um cloud-based or like not necessarily decentralized based but like network
based like gpu uh farms and like one is like the issue with like latency where it's just not perfect
and like what you can essentially do is you can create a viewport like a viewport clone where
for example like right now your phone and we've done this with like ar where like your phone
can only process only certain megabytes of like uh data before it crashes memory yeah so like
memory what essentially happened is that so most like most apps right now like try to limit you
between four and 20 four is on like the lower side like a meta 20s on the higher side with
like some of the ar apps out there but then like the issue is that like for example like we did one
where it was like up to a gig uh but the issue with that was that you have to essentially like
clone um essentially like a viewport from unreal engine and then use um a gpu farm to essentially
power that and then clone that viewport back into your phone and the only issue with that
is one latency and two costs it costs like around like three cents four cents a minute
and it just doesn't scale because you're talking about right now though yeah well no of course
in the future it could be different like right now it's like because we like if that was possible
right now like the implications of what you could do by cloning things even into a phone device
like i could make your phone basically as powerful as like any fucking ar device in the world i can
literally make it do like your craziest projections but it's just that then the cost literally goes
up to like three four cents a second i mean the minute and then really like you you can't really
even offload that to a customer because imagine telling a customer like oh yeah you want to watch
like a five minute experience you got to pay like 50 cents for 100 100 so their main use case right
now is the main use case right now is a large scale like it got started for artists it got started
for us 3d artists who need large scale render job done at fast really fast to scale so imagine
you're a little small studio you kind of fucked up you don't have a big enough you kind of made
it too big of a scene and you don't have enough time to render for your client you're like oh
shit you need a render farm these render farms charge by the monthly so the best thing about
render network and and ideas like this is basically you pay for what you use instead of like paying
these giant monthly fees for these giant so originally like it's changed over the like
drilzer buck first laid down the patent for this in 2009 um completely disconnected from blockchain
he didn't even like he was just like he just was so happy when blockchain just came along he's
just like oh dope i'm gonna build on this now finally my uh tokenized on-chain photo like
photons or sorry um i won't get too terminology on this um but no everyone just needs to
really listen to some people's airbox i'm still stuck no you got no no no i have a question can
i have can i ask no you have a question i have questions can i can i analogy this like a five
year old so so if butoshi and mica and i want to watch dune to the interactive experience
and it's on my computer but my computer's too slow and butoshi and mica both have computers
then i could be like hey guys can i use your computer's strength on my computer 100 and we
can all watch this together yeah that's the concept that's the idea and so that already
actually it can be possible with unreal engine they already do that with like um computer sharing
you can like actually if your computers are like all synced up or on the same network you can
actually pull and that's been that's been there for years like years and years you can pull from
like other computers um gpu it's just a fact like into all your jobs and get everything done
much faster like distributed computing has been around forever this is just really throwing it
on the blockchain and so okay like just the the main use case for this is like there think about
all the gpu sitting around the world you go off to work or you're not playing video games
and they're just sitting there you know all of these like systems like high power gpu is all
these gaming gpu's just sitting there hundreds of thousands millions millions millions and just
not being utilized they could be powering so many systems i think the biggest thing is getting to
gamers to opt in and the you know people oh bro there's a company called giant i forget they just
were on a different space the other day um jerkero you're like the clone you might have seen these
everywhere um he's sponsored by them uh they're doing the exact same thing but for game they're
targeting gamers which like he gave me a rundown was like i was like damn this isn't even smarter
than renders because like they're targeting gamers straight up and building a platform so
what he what they built was literally like you could just download their software
you jump on their platform and you're immediately able to start like you like uh deepening basically
your gpu to the network and to all gamers and you like earn their gaming token eventually
they're dropping like a little while like that just sounds crazy i need him to like give me a
bigger rundown on that he's targeting basically three it's like three vector point that attack
vector like it's uh ai deep in and like um gaming that company i was like jeez
you just like actually sound yeah i've heard i've heard game and talk about it
over like essentially they have a one click opt in but yeah i think this is the biggest
is the marketing right like for them to actually get people to like opt in and then also like
whatever the token tokenomics is that makes someone go all right well i'm not just putting
wear and tear on my gpu if you're familiar with the entire device you should look into the bme
model that got dropped for the render network render network moving to a tournament equilibrium
model that allows their tokenomics anytime that render gets used the render token gets burned so
just think okay just think about what i was talking about before as real time even if it's
not rendered but just like as real time uh streaming and rendering is pushed forward
as things get more like things are gonna move to 16k eventually like um people are gonna want
anytime this is what actually jules noticed years ago years and this is why he moved octane like he
created octane from his like mom's like he just like right now he created video game first from
his mom's bedroom um and then like octane and a toy is his first company it's his web 2 company
they are deep deep deep connections with like pretty much every single company in the space
facebook they've done work for apple they built projects and products for like the like they uh
were autodesk my autodesk was one of their first invest it was their first investor like uh what's
it called are any of you familiar with uh ari manual uh or entourage the show uh an ari from
a show like he ari is his fucking buddy that dude literally called him uh this tweet somewhere
you know in a um podcast he like called him his brother from another mother and like jules is a
huge nerd so it was the funniest thing for me to hear that from because like ari in my mind is
like from the show but um like yeah no like jules is literally like to me jules is uh the steve
jobs of today like people call him the Elon musk of gpu's um so who's jules jules are
about created a toy are you familiar with what a renter no hold on hold on
hold on hold on is it oh my god do you know what a render engine is no i don't i'm more
i am five okay i'm five hold on how are you guys whoa i'm sorry but like you guys whoa
like this is like this is like the future i'm sorry tetra tetra how do tetra tetra i'm the cco
how do i not know do i need to soul tap me in um okay let's let's hold on hold on let's
let's revisit this no no i like meeting people like you no no you're good i like meeting people
like you i need people like you my life tap me in uh i'm five i'm not the cco of any uh but i need
to know this stuff uh so thank you that's the whole point of this space is is um to learn at expat
okay i want to get to the hands we've got a stage full of hands so i'm gonna save my takes my
questions i have no idea what you guys were talking about generally which i love i actually
love that uh you guys had a back and forth i have no idea um i'm gonna pass it damn okay i want to
pass it to gen but i do there is a new hand on stage um there's ben um and another pfp that i
have uh i think it's eric i don't know how to pronounce uh the user so i've had our hands before
so we have to go to jen go ahead let's go to jen you've been waiting a while okay you know
welcome back everybody let's get some retweets hi
the space how's it going guys when is snack time it's going good you might find some good man i had
a lot of fun at the party what hand do you like i probably decided we're going to jen go ahead
um anyway i wanted to respond to something tetra said because i agree with you i think
that everyone could make their own fucking decisions and it doesn't really matter and i
think once we all accept that and realize that it's actually great to have different perspectives
and like converse with people with other perspectives everything is better um but i do
like okay i i think the argument of crypto is more invasive right like i don't consider
government regulated crypto the same thing as like a decentralized blockchain that was made to evade
that and i think a lot of people don't get proper crypto education which is why i try and do a lot
of that right and like they're not given the the chance to like understand the difference in like
acting in a truly decentralized way but like i always fucking quote section 10 of the bitcoin
white paper like privacy was never a guarantee or promise of crypto you know what you're doing
right and like there are privacy coins and that's an option that people can utilize um but like
crypto is not more invasive because it's not pretending to be completely benign right like
you understand it's the blockchain um i also you know i i think that like government control is
not my favorite thing just kidding uh at all the fbi agents listening to this um control me i love
you the list is getting bigger we do have to be careful what we say control me harder um so into
it but uh yeah you know um tie me up feds uh but um i just think that like we you know we start
conflating all these things that are actually really different like i'm not a fan of you know
all these things but at the same time most people are doing transactions digitally anyway via a
credit card all your credit card information right like there's bureaus that sell all that shit all
of your transaction history it's why you buy something and you get an ad and you're like
how the fuck did this happen like we live in surveillance capitalism hell and that is what
it is um but i just i want to be sure that we're not comparing cbdcs to crypto and also acknowledging
like the consent that you should have with crypto because everything is a choice in crypto right
like you have to sign everything right like these are all conscious decisions that you're making
and i do think it's sad that people don't get educated properly on like what crypto is and isn't
um but also people should take you know the hour it's going to take them to read the white paper
to understand this stuff to ask questions obviously it's going to take way longer than
an hour to get like a deeper understanding but if you are putting significant finances
into anything like you should understand it you should empower yourself that's how you're going to
win yeah i think my my point mostly was that what it's not necessarily the conflation but the
connection between the technology and like while yes people should take the time yes people should
like you know opt in for self-sovereignty yes like all these things on idealistic standpoint
are good at probably most people that actually go for the opposite would agree that it's good and
still opt in for the opposite um what i meant was that like this technology is being used and is
being pushed there's legislation that is being pushed for it to be used in a way that you cannot
opt out of and that's the difference where there is no world in the future where you cannot where
any any government anyone can essentially force you into complying with xr technologies like you
can at the end of it they opt out of it you're not forced to have a smartphone today you're not
forced to have you know a pair of glasses or lenses or a brain chip like you're not forced to
that and in a world where you are forced to that i mean we're going so dystopian that then just even
like trying to connect for that world is like insane but no i mean these are real and they're
happening and they're getting the legislation is getting pushed like in october of it that you
literally passed away right it's happening without blockchain as well so like this is the digital age
that we're in and i feel like all of these things are different really deep and really important
conversations but the other thing that i specifically want to ask you because i actually
brought this up in a space last night and we kind of came to the conclusion like i think that xr and
mixed reality and all these things like i think they have a place but i don't think that blockchain
and mixed reality are like necessarily go hand in hand like i know that you're mixing it together
but everyone's like oh my god this is so obvious for crypto and i actually think and i feel like
you kind of hit on that right like they really serve very different purposes so you can use
them together but i don't think that like mixed reality is going to accelerate anything for crypto
and vice versa yeah i don't actually think that it i think mixed reality is actually much bigger
um than i think crypto is just a way of transactioning between two people i think mixed reality is an
experiential layer to everything in the world so i think it's actually a much bigger industry
and i don't think necessarily that they're like i think a lot of the people actually in this space
that save things like they see the natural progression because a lot of people that are
in these spaces are not crypto native people they're nft native people they're people who
got into this space because of digital assets so when they hear that there's a new way to experience
digital assets it just clicks for them that this is naturally the next progression of it but that's
why i think that for nfts for digital assets for asset ownership it makes a lot of sense because
the same way how we have it right now where you can own a picture or you can own a painting or you
can own just any form of digital or physical art and then you can now have some sort of a provenance
proof of you know ownership and you have that layer that goes on to you know crypto whatever
chain that you're putting it on is the same thing that's going to happen with mixed reality there's
going to be experiences that might be the biggest like the fortnite that gets released in mixed
reality that might have nothing to do and most likely will have nothing to do with anything crypto
or anything blockchain but there will also be a massive ecosystem of people that will be taking
those assets and they'll be attaching them to some form of on-chain provenance and that's why
it's a massive industry that's coming it doesn't necessarily mean that it's going to be the thing
that revolutionizes crypto i think that's a very ridiculous statement i think it's just another form
of ownership in a new world of experiences that mostly are assigned to digital assets
because in xr everything is some form of a user interface like everything that you see is a form
of art and if you can have a way of owning those pieces of art it's really great for people that
are into collecting so that's why there's that very natural connection yeah yeah go for it it
seems like uh where a xr and crypto or blockchain technology come together really just comes down to
the ownership aspect of it not any other part of the tech like it's not the xr itself that
makes it required to be on the blockchain it's it's more just that oh i it is an xr
artifact or collectible and i care about showcasing my ownership of it therefore for
me it must be on the blockchain but but yeah outside of that it's like it really comes down
to the the user whether or not they care because otherwise it's just like it's just a cool experience
like there what is the actual need anything that you could do especially right now anything that
you could do with like ar vr xr like why like token gate it maybe but regardless like that
you could still do that with like all the technology that still exists in in his web too
yeah and i think also like from my perspective i really look at it as
99 of xr experiences will be off chain 99 of art will be off chain 99 of like most things are off
chain but you can essentially make that connection especially for like what i'm creating it for right
now which is taking art in a moment in history that nobody's done it in the way that i'm creating it
basically putting that provenance allowing it to be on chain and there's things that we're doing
with it that like we haven't publicly talked about that essentially allow it to be more
decentralized that allow it to be like another layer of what's possible today and we're actively
working and building those and you know those are like goals that we have for the future but there's
like things that we're building that we're passionate about or like you know me personally
like i've had these visions of like how these things could be possible and the dopest part
about it is that they just haven't been done before none of them mean that like suddenly
we're going to cure cancer like that's not the value proposition here that like you know we've
done some revolutionary thing of like you know changing the entire world these assets like you
know most of these assets that we interact with didn't really change the world they might have
changed it for some of us here but they didn't change the entire world but the great part about
this industry is that really the sky is the limit like if you're actually not just building the
experiences but you're building the software then that software gets to be used for so many
other things and that's why we have the option to go the enterprise route we have the option to
go with the ecosystem route and do all those things and that's the great part about building
somewhere here where you're not locked into hey we just launched a pfp now what do we do next we
got to make a bunch of false promises and then we don't really know where to pivot as a company
which honestly is like the plight of what happened to most of this industry at least when
it comes to nfts because most of these founders like kind of like made a lot of money i had no
idea what to do next and i think that's one of the beauties of this industry which is that there's
so much more to be done if you have the team and the know-how and the vision to actually build for
it but it's not the easiest thing and that's why we're also building the tools to make it easier
for others because as we're building it we realize how hard it is for anybody else to do this
and like how why most of the experiences are so bad because if you go and see most they are
experiences they're not the highest of quality because it's just a barrier to entry is that high
it's a very gate kept industry where you have to really know what you're doing so you know that's
where like the democratization of this industry comes in and you know i think that just takes
like a team and you know the people that have the vision to do that and that's what we're in
to do right it's so interesting because it's like it depends on i guess like the audience you're
going for or like whether you're trying to educate them and bring them in and onboard them but
regardless it's like the people you decide to do business with the people in the audience that you
decide to like serve and do business for like it's really up to you right like for example with what
we're doing uh right now like we just did baby shark augmented reality like toys and it's like
it's on chain but it's it's not for the web3dgen so it's like we're just making it easy to use in
the app if you want to play with it versus like we're gonna launch brats and like that ip partner
they're like oh yeah put it on the blockchain make it interoperable like put it into games
and stuff like sure which makes it like more available to the web3dgen so it's like we know
that the the brats dolls will have a bigger web3 audience appeal than the baby shark will their
initial audience is web2 so like we're turning off their main audience and we have to educate
them coming in but then at the same time like we're opening it up to like web3dgens like no
dgen cares about a baby shark a dgen might care about a brats because because that's like the
the like age right like early 20s to like mid 30s right so those people might be actually
interested in blockchain but like it really just depends on like who you're trying to uh
who you're working with who you're trying to serve and you can do both you know like we don't have
to put ourselves in a box here because that's just not how like ar xr and the blockchain go
hand in hand you really have a lot of options there i think uh maybe we go gen and then uh we
got a lot of hands uh still i want to give ben and doge a chance to chat after gen and then we'll
go crab dad and we'll bring it around the horn to saw we didn't go to tkb bro oh oh my bad tk
my bad um we'll do we all go to tkb i'm gonna take my time yeah we we like high key we need to go to
tkb even though i do want to hear from jenna and i want to hear from everybody but we high key need
to go to tkb because like um okay okay tkb go ahead go ahead jeez that's literally like you guys
left me out here after we burnt that tent in the last ceremony i've been hanging out here forever
but my take is about as old as as long as my hands been up but like when you guys were talking about
what i thought the space was about the apple vision um i was gonna bring up like i remember
literally i'll explain it like i was 10 in 97 when they came out the scuba came out i don't
know if anybody remembers it but it's called the scuba headset and it was the thing that came out
and it was gonna like revolutionize the way you played games which was like nintendo 64 and shit
at the time and i put that thing on and i played like cruising usa and golden eye for like nine
hours probably till like three in the morning and i had the biggest headache in the world and i don't
think i've put a headset on in like 20 years so i need you to explain to me how this is way better
mica because i was like i'm never touching this again like what as amazing as i was in the cockpit
of like the 97 pt cruiser um just wasn't wasn't for me i felt like i was gonna barf after i wore
that thing all day okay so this is very different people don't understand it it is it is um
because it was revolutionary for like three days and then everybody was like well i'm not going
back to it okay wait what's the question then i'm confused the question is how is this better
yeah how is this from the 20 years ago like is something is that a real question
yeah is everybody gonna get sick of it in like 20 days there's everybody literally
going to wear these stupid fucking goggle headsets all over the place everywhere there's just no way
have you tried one have you tried one the simple the simple answer is yes people are gonna get
tired of it because it's the gen one and people were not like listen there's a novelty to it and
right now people are out they're wearing it it's fun you go a little viral like fun times whatever
whatever but i do think that when it comes to this generation of a headset they're meant for
home computing they're not actually meant for you to be walking around the streets and doing the
stuff of it but i think that novelty we wear off people will still do it on a very niche basis but
like yo right now i think what is it a million headsets out there is that is that the number i
think that's what it is there's not even that many headsets or is it a hundred thousand i think a
hundred there's like barely any headsets out there hundred thousand headsets out there that's like
nothing this is like daily active users are like like super low what you just got to understand
is a very simple term that applies to most industries that have a lot of backing which
translates to a lot of things like go back and see what mid-journey was doing in this v1 just last
year like type in any prompt put dash dash v1 it literally looks like someone just threw paint on
the floor and tried to like figure out just like put anything the progression of image AI is
actually completely insane because i remember when it went not like on reddit when dally was still
kind of in bed and it was like so close you would go on reddit post and there's people like batman
and like a 3d wearing a suit or like a bear wearing batman goggles and it was like the greatest
things ever and i was like oh my god like i wanted that tech so bad like i would kill for it
i got access to the beta and like six months later it was kind of like normalized now it's
like oh ai it's like and if you see the dates like if you can literally search what the v1 version
was for like something like a mid-journey and then compare it to like a v6 that recently released
and then check the exact same prompt because like you can go and discord and literally put dash
dash v1 dash dash v2 and you'll literally get the different versions of the same prompt so you can
see like how much the progression is now let's not conflate the two things because that software it
progresses at a different rate than hardware will and also like hardware sales cycles are different
as well so it's going to take this not necessarily like a year or six months it's going to take
several years but the difference is is that this industry isn't going anywhere it's going to keep
it going and so what that does is that the companies that are actually funding this don't
have a vision for it to be your gaming device or be that little one little novel thing they use
the vision is that it eventually will get slim and useful and have enough utility on a daily basis
that it will replace your smartphone that is the long-term vision so when you think of it in that
sense there is no like there's no like almost conversation that's going to steer the ship away
from that inevitability because it's being built towards that and that's just eventually going to
opt in or some people opt out it's happening it's the world we live in i respect all that and
obviously you know once it gets to the point too where it's like kind of like the ray bands even
how like the camera in them is way better like once it gets to the point where it's just a simple
piece of glasses or something like that that would be useful and then before i go back to my tent one
thing that was brought up while i was sitting in it with my hand up for two hours um you were
talking too about just like you know decentralization and and a bit of like you know cbdcs
and stuff like that that that's the one question i i do have mica and everybody is like we have
gotten way away from decentralization and everybody's all like stoked about etfs and and all this
shit but like as soon as we get to a point where now they can lock you out of cash lock you out of
cbdcs everybody who's like oh i'm crypto they they can't do anything to me no they can literally
put you in a corner till you have to spend it and that's how you accumulate it i'm pretty sure
the spot etf already accumulated like three percent of bitcoin or something like that which
is literally just people investing into bitcoin who won't own any of it will these corporations
own it i just think it's a crazy thing people have lost the script so hard i will go back to my tent
for a bit i mean like about that script though because it is decentralized like whether we like
it or not they have the option to fully do that no matter what so if something like that could
actually affect the space and it makes you question the space like well is it even worth if we could
just get shafted by people with money i don't think we can jen did i say something wrong you
it had instantly went up i'm nervous now no no no no i'm gonna wait my turn still okay well that
was just my point on that tk i'm so sorry i didn't mean your tent was very well hidden in camouflage
doge what's up what up dole what up what up everybody make a happy birthday again now that
i get to see you after your birthday but i hope you had a great birthday for carless catro
fucking god legend in this space everybody should be following that guy he's creating
the future right now just so you know um for me it just looks goofy like uh when i see people
walking around and and public it's a very big eyesore number one you look like you uh part
cyborg with a cord running from your head all the way down to your ass wherever you keep that
thing so i mean like until they develop uh you know a simpler way like the way tetras look like
yo if i can just look at my hand and scroll through my hand i feel i'm good dog like oh
i wouldn't even carry a fucking phone anymore obviously but uh yeah yeah those people that are
like walking around like the videos they make me not want to buy it like when i see people putting
like all these videos and people like sitting on the subway and like walking across the street
and they're like looking backwards and like pulling something like nah man you look ridiculous like
you look like a fool out in public like i would keep that shit to myself you know i don't know
what listen you know what's interesting those that's actually coming the concept is like
it's kind of far out there i'll say this i might sound crazy check me in 15 years there will
eventually be light bulbs in your home that will literally do holographic projections where you do
not need any piece of hardware because all of the like how you have ldev lights whatever on your
house will now be actually renting holographic lights that actually will project everything
and all be running running off of like your wi-fi system that is eventually coming and it's like a
concept that's been experimented by some companies it's not necessarily like anywhere near what it's
supposed to be but that is a future of extended reality that has nothing to do with a piece of
hardware that goes on your body and it's just like in your surrounding spaces with holographic
productions that's so cool oh my god that's what's gonna happen no that's literally that's gonna happen
yeah let let ben let ben talk ben's another person that's been had their hand over like way too long
go ahead ben have a back and forth take he be also you can you can have a back and forth like
feel free unmute like cut us off go go for it i'm sorry you guys have to wait for so long ben go
ahead okay i've just realized that i i had to cut someone off where else i wasn't gonna get to speak
and i have so many things that i want to touch on that i don't want more things to keep coming out
in this conversation and then i'm gonna have to touch on those too so first of all happy birthday
hello everyone in the space wow what a great space it's crazy that there have been several
different topics brought up that were all kind of spawned out of just one headset right we've
talked about like privacy we've talked about web three we've talked about decentralization we've
talked about ar mixed reality and if you should be a part of it or not be a part of it like great
great space um and to touch on a lot of that um like tetra was saying earlier it the train is
moving this is going to be the way of the future this isn't new technology you know um i've played
with an oculus i've owned a couple of different oculus headsets and i will say those got boring
after a while uh touching on what someone said earlier but i think when you start to with and
i haven't got to play within apple vision pro yet but they look awesome um and but i'm also a tech
nerd you know i like that kind of shit you know i'm usually the early adopter and and and i've
always loved virtual reality and ar and i think that is going to be the future regardless of if
you want to participate in that or not and i think it's going to get to a point where it's going to
become very hard not to kind of like how it's hard not to operate in today's world without a phone
or without the internet you know like some people thought an iphone was a crazy concept when they
first came out but now here we are carrying around computers in our pocket so you know there's going
to be people that adopt early and there's going to be the normal people that adopt in the middle and
there's going to be people that adopt super later maybe not at all um but i think that jen you know
you you bring up some great points you know it's something that like with ai you know we don't want
to just rush headfirst into things and be like oh this is great without thinking of some of the
consequences or especially privacy uh you know and and our ability to make choices and be influenced
or not influenced by media and what we see in front of our faces uh which i think is a huge
huge issue in today's world where you know facebook was caught doing that kind of stuff
already um you know i i was in advertising i i worked for comcast spotlight which is now called
effective like i was an ad sales person that's what i did for a long time and what i'm trying
to get back into in a in a different way now but it was like it's literally the job of an advertiser
to it might as well be like a psychology major because it's our job to pick the mind of consumer
and find out how to best influence them to buy a product or do a certain thing and when you have
things in front of your face constantly there's also things people don't realize you can flash
an image in a video so fast that your your your conscious mind like your your forefront visuals
can't even pick up on it but your subconscious mind does without you even realizing it and they
can they can feed you images that can affect your mood and on a on a scale again where you're
not even realizing this it can be a millisecond flash of that image and and it can change your
mood um there's several videos and studies about it that you can go look into so i think you bring
up great points there and that's that's just man that's the world of advertising and and being in
screens um but i i think it's awesome in the terms of digital assets which i love we all love
here um you know i i remember my first digital assets and being in second life which like was
years and years and years ago but you used to be able to make you can i think that game still
exists and they have blockchain technology on it now too like you could make and sell
furniture and clothes and shit on that game that was like man that was when i was in like
like you know elementary school middle school so i've always been interested in digital assets
but with ar and b r technology you can kind of bring those into the real world have an nft
hanging on your wall or have some kind of like the lulu's that tetra's working on you know have an
interactive ar companion um that that i don't know maybe that thing maybe you take that thing
with you everywhere who knows like i don't know maybe that thing has ai capabilities and can be
your assistant you know like there's a lot of things that i think ar and and digital assets
are gonna are gonna take each other to another level with and i think that's beautiful
but again that's a segment of blockchain technology and web 3 that you can either be
interested in or not interested in is ar going to help push blockchain blockchain technology
forward as a whole maybe not but then you start to talk about the render network which i didn't
even know about and i just looked up which is actually partnered with apple which is freaking
awesome man that's so cool i'm back on that like that's sick dude so happy you guys are
finally here with me yeah man i just read a media market for another while sitting here
was it my reason was it mine uh let me see i still have it pulled up i think was it archive
uh no but i'll go find yours and give it some love that's cool that's cool um
but it's awesome you know and i think that i think that the future is tokenized i think that
blockchain technology which is kind of what you what render is talking about and so it's really
cloud computing is what creates a blockchain right is if you want to take it pre web 3
just call it cloud computing which has been a thing for a long time like it's
slightly different though a little bit different but i mean okay so network i like a network of
they're definitely along the same lines like yeah decentralized yeah like computers talking to each
other knows oh 100 i guess um the concept of a bunch of different devices coming together
you know across a large you know spread area not just like a centralized server room somewhere
that's been a thing for a long time like shared yeah computing power has been a thing for a long
time and then when you talk about adding blockchain technology onto it or adding a
blockchain into that um that's adding an entirely new network onto it that and again decentral
to the term decentralized man i think that that term has been i don't even know what it is anymore
to be honest like to me the only decentralized thing to me is like like uh bitcoin that's
literally it that's the only in my mind that's the only truly decentralized thing left in this space
what is it i'm gonna let you talk actually i'm so sorry i keep doing what i probably are going to
talk about like a dal or something right no no get her in well you get her in well you can or
they'll leave you in your tent forever you've got to go yeah yeah i was just gonna say uh renders
technically like distributed i think like they they are decentralized and moving towards that
as far as best i can but it's technically is still like distributed it's like it's a fine line i
don't know yeah well and that's my point right there is a super fine line between what is
decentralized and what is not decentralized right like i mean ethereum is not truly decentralized
if viotech comes out tomorrow and says some like off the wall shit or there's some stuff that comes
out about him like ethereum will tank like that is not to me a decentralized thing in the fact that
there's people that can make changes to a network and things like that that's not decentralized like
bitcoin is decentralized that but there's also no absolution to decentralization i mean like
right exactly the bans in china some of the computing power got disbanded from basically
you know the miners being in china and like that essentially did make it so that bitcoin did become
more decentralized because of that that doesn't mean that in the future there isn't going to be
a large centralized mempool of like you know like essentially the world kind of can change the world
towards a point where bitcoin becomes much more centralized than it is right now and i think it's
like sometimes it already is and sometimes people will face get stuck up they they get stuck on like
you know the whole concept of like absolutes and i just think there are no absolutes when it comes
to decentralization but also it depends on what side of the spectrum you want to follow on but
i do agree that obviously out of all the cryptos we're talking about obviously it has the most
decentralized network yeah absolutely and but you're right i mean even that is getting to a point
where it's coming becoming like less decentralized because you look at grayscale right i mean i don't
know what percentage it is but they own a very large percentage of the available bitcoin
and then you start to talk about a central you know entity that can control and manipulate a coin
or make deals with our government and and literally hand them x amount of the supply to
to deal with or whatever you know and cbdc's and the fed now program man i can go down a whole other
rabbit hole about that too like it's it's here it's coming they've already tested it they
the the chinese are already doing it like the digital one is a massive like financial
you know entity now that they even do international trade with um you know like
and that's trouble for the us dollar um if if they don't move towards like a cbdc thing
um so there's so many like different angles that you can think of and go down with in that regards
to um but it is scary right it's like you know these these powers that be or will always have
control of our what we see in front of us via you know ar and in vr and and all of these things
in social media and screen time and and you know our privacy can be very easily uh breached with
more devices that we have uh you know it these are all things to think about and be wary about
and there's steps that you can take to protect yourself that i think you know i've heard you
talk before jen in spaces and i think you're always one to bring that up and i think that's
freaking awesome because there's so many people in this space that don't want to talk about that
and like you know i've been here since uh 2020 ish you know when it was all wag me and you know
like so it's it's it's and i've gotten my wallet drained and i've i've had my data breached and
hacked from experience and all these other companies too like centralized companies and
that we trust you know like with with our financial data so it there are things to think about in that
regards too but again i think we've opened pandora's box with technology and with vr and ar and
there is really no going back like tetra's mentioned and there's going to be a lot of
it's like a double-sided uh you know or two uh a double-edged sword right like there's
gonna be some really cool shit and really awesome things that aib are
but then life is there's some really i think you're you're ragging a bit ben ben you're
ragging a bit shit my bad you're breaking up in your tent and and uh i got a charger in the tent
so before i leave i got one genius idea i need to see out of mika and tetra and all the the lulu
team uh if we're going to be on the breaking edge of uh where this air is going to go but i need
me i need the whole team on the side of the racetrack while tetra flies by in the car
and you guys get the footage while it activates okay and and if you want i'll come and hang out
with you guys while we do it but that'll be the coolest thing that probably ever happens in the
history of earth so if we could just go ahead and get that done um wait what do we do it wait
what are we doing well instead of going for a hike you just stand on the side of the racetrack
and then activate lulu from your little headset while tetra goes 100 miles an hour i just had
this bright idea while i sat for an hour with my hand up and just imagine lulu oh my god it
tkv's not gonna let it go forever
imagine the speed at which you have to whip your head to watch that go 100 miles per hour
it's so hard like here's the thing it's not even about 100 miles an hour like we actually built
this whole thing with like i did this last year in miami which was like trying to track a moving
object and it's like once you go above like we actually did it with my car as well once you go
above like i don't know like 40 miles 30 miles like it's like it's around that range it's not
even that fast it just can't track like and like we got it to track even at faster speeds but just
look like shit so it's not there great idea with the apple pro sir well no the thing is
is like apple vision pro is not going to work as well like it's just if anything your phone's
actually better at doing that than the vision pros like the vision pro has one main key feature
that i think like is it's breakthrough thing which is like a spatial anchoring like it lets
you anchor things into space like it lets you actually like place something in the object around
you which i think is like the biggest implication for what it does all the other stuff honestly
your phone just does it better right now like most of the things that i want to do in ar your phone
will do better actually i was cooking some pasta the other day and like my house is giant so
sometimes i forget when i'm running the jacuzzi on the other side of it and i was like how cool
would it be if i could just stick a timer in front of my face so that i remember to go shut
that stupid tub off so i don't overflow it because that that's so far as the only use case
i can think of but that would be pretty cool so that's also the cool implications between
like digital assets in the space because spatial anchoring does actually allow you to like design
a digital space in your home for where you work and it's like that's why like i was on the space
earlier where they were like kind of conflating and like you know saying oh what's the difference
between this and like the oculus and it's like it was like massive or this and the quest experience
it was a massive difference like the quest is literally like a gaming device with this if you
actually use it as a home computing device then you can actually anchor so many things into your
home space and build like such a dope like overlay like that's that has such a big importation if
you're into actual art and like collectibles and being able to place those digital objects in your
room that's just not possible with any other device so i think like from that perspective
like that spatial anchoring and like how solid it is is probably like the biggest thing that's the
breakthrough or like the killer app that like this headset has that's what i'm excited about just
based off of the videos that i've seen and owning oculus headsets was like i tried the
the virtual desktop with oculus and because i couldn't see the world around me or just my
everyday space it still felt like i was it felt like i was in a different place you know like i
wasn't even at my house and that i think is what is like you said super exciting to me about the
advancement of this technology and the fact that you can see everything else around you and get up
and and walk into a different room and have your lists on your fridge and then come back and have
like 10 screens up which tkb you know you mentioned like oh why is this better what what use cases
there are if i want a 10 monitor setup or a five monitor setup with the apple vision pro and you
know at my workstation here i don't have to go buy five monitors now i can just you know pop up a
virtual one so i think it's also great for for traveling and you can even connect like let's
say if you don't want to type with your eyes or hands you can connect a keyboard to the headset
and you could just like use the keyboard because like i feel like oh i'm a faster typer obviously
right now with um with the keyboard um and i'm like oh but i want like five monitors for me it's
amazing because i travel a lot like i'm a digital nomad and i don't i can't just bring my setup
everywhere and um the fact that also i mean casey i don't know how to pronounce this last
name nice nice okay this like huge uh youtuber like the og vlogging youtuber um basically the
biggest youtuber in the world he um did a whole video and he edited the video in the vision pro
and i have to say that the vision pro like the quality is so clean and so clear with mixed
reality i'm actually like i'm not the biggest fan of virtual reality like i am i think that like
it's gonna be very popular like in a couple of years but right now like i'm a very big believer
in mixed reality like i like to be in my physical space but having this like ios clean display in
front of me like it's so crispy like guys it's it's so crispy it's crispier than my computer
and then i just look at my computer i'm like damn this is so small this is so tiny like this
just actually sucks um okay let's go to gen let's go to crab dad let's go to soul let's
go to let's just literally go to everybody um by the way we've been running this for a really long
time but i'm down i miss you guys um if you like this conversation you want to meet other people
that are into um x i like i feel like this isn't niche anymore like it's like once apple put this
out there it's like this is it this is it guys like i don't know it's their first it's their
first spatial computing product like it's not just like oh yeah you're in the xr community it's like
no this is pretty much uh it's pretty much where we're at right now it's like oh yeah you're into
phones like what like hello like i'm just i'm i'm surprised that not more spaces hosts are talking
about this it like just makes me sad how easily people could just kind of fall off um it's not
that i have like a bias or anything it's actually funny because like i've been talking about this so
i see there's a lot of like xr experts now which is hilarious like all these xr experts coming
forward these spatial computing experts when like just a couple of days ago they had no idea what
was happening but anyways i'm still blown away about tetra's take with the holographic light bulbs
i think that's like the most genius like 100 yes thing and by the way if you guys don't know tetra
literally is so on point with these things three years ago he told me literally about the apple
vision uh and i was like i couldn't like see it and now here we are with apple vision so
holographic light bulbs um is definitely going to be a thing and i think should be a thing and is
like super fucking cool okay gen go ahead um and then we'll we'll get to everybody promise
i cosign the uh the holographic light bulbs i also know what what what what what
sorry mika like sometimes you need to listen to what i'm saying i just assume that i hate
everything but like what i don't like about like the apple vision pro specifically is i know that
you said you buckets of mac sat and played chess together in mixed reality and like that's really
cool but i feel like a lot of times right you have to if you're using ar uh you have to have
a screen between you and this other experience that normally is with something physical right
and that is like technology in the way of an experience which i feel like is less of a
collaborative thing right and so i think that first of all i have a crazy obsession with lighting
um people are already like building their own holographic lighting stuff like
there's a lot of ways to do it i'm always a fan of lights but that comes from being a
wait jen jen can i can i add to can i like wait i want to talk to you uh have a back and forth
where you're like about the collaborative thing okay right now we're on i'm looking at you guys
on my little iphone okay you're with your little pfps why would i not want to like look at you all
or we all be in like like joshua tree you're looking at a static thing of my picture and
honestly my point exactly but like i'm literally like one looking at this drawing that i'm doing
and two have been doing like workouts right like while i'm talking so i don't need to look at it and
i i think that like i don't know like looking at a screen a static screen is not something that like
brings us together and so i i think that's like really my biggest issue with ar is that i feel
like but it wouldn't be that way though it wouldn't be that way now but it is right now
but it's but it's not though so i would love to hear how this actually enhances interaction
with people like in physical moments right because i think for like virtual stuff it makes sense
but i think in real life right when you have to like hold up your phone to be able to see the ar
filter things like that that is what bothers me so would love to hear but wait why does everything
need to enhance the physics like there are things by the way but but that's what a lot of
x that's what a lot of ar experiences are right now but here's the thing like i actually i agree
with you i think the i think like the issue is people start like okay there's like people walking
around the street with it people are doing these things and then it becomes this thing where it's
like oh i don't want to look at my screen i want to look through my screen and it's like well we're
not at that like iteration yet this is literally a home computer device that's what it's meant for
like you're not supposed to be like yes in in a digital format it brings you closer to others
because if you can have a holographic facetime where you can actually speak to somebody
it's much more um you know you you you can get closer to them and see more facial expressions
and be able to like build up that relationship digitally more than you can right now through a
2d screen and 3d experiences are always just more profound for us because we are 3d beings
like they are more profound for us than 2d experiences but does this enhance your in person
with another person relationship right now i don't think so i don't think that's even what
it's built for i think this iteration isn't supposed isn't trying to tackle that but obviously
people have fun with it where it's like oh we're at dinner and now rather than looking at our phone
we're sitting at dinner and we're both wearing a headset i think that's just a fun gimmick i think
like to think that that's like the thing that like is gonna sell this device like i think that's
ridiculous i totally respect that right i feel like a lot of the points that i'm bringing up
are the ones that i keep hearing be repeated and i'm like let's fucking be real about this stuff
and break it down because i think when you get to like the core of what this technology can do
then you can like expand on what you want it to do but i think also
yeah but because also these spaces are filled with people that have a lot of dreamer takes
like think about nfts like there was nobody that talked about like the nfts that are happening
right now everyone's like oh how's gonna replace your netflix imagine instead of me paying for
netflix i'm gonna get an nft of netflix and then after when i'm done with using netflix i mean this
is what gave me the audacity to fucking learn how to fucking do solidity because i was like
everyone is lying to me and i don't know how to prove that they're lying yet but like i'm
gonna learn this shit because they're all fucking wrong so it's it's not about yeah it's it's
sometimes i feel like those conversations and i know everyone's been really excited about apple
vision pro uh and that i'm you know the token hater but i do feel like if we centered some
of the conversations in reality and then went towards like where we're going versus like trying
to hype something up way past what it is it's actually a way more approachable place to like
convince someone to see your side of stuff because i i personally think that when people turn
something more sensational than it is it makes it unpalatable for myself that's why you'll never
hear me try to like you know push some sort of a narrative of like how devices are going to do x y
and z where like yeah i could see that happening in five ten years and i'll say if i ever say it
i'll preface it with it's happening but i think just if we're basing it off of these type of
spaces or any spaces that happen on x like it is people just speaking from dreamer standpoints
that happens with everything it happens with tokenization it happens with nfts happens with
ai it happens with like every single topic that gets brought up people go to the most dramatic
like forward thinking dreamer perspective and you got to let people like i let people run with it
but like at the same time i do also get turned off by it because it just makes it seem like i will
so nobody here actually has a real use case that we can build today we're all talking about like
the most outlandish things that are like maybe five years away okay why this is what i'm building
right now this is what i'm building for this is exactly what my team is building for so okay
like i want you guys to think about pokemon go and how many people that pulled out of their space
and how many people who are siloed in their own little bubbles that pulled out of their little
worlds and connected with new humans i have seen so many people who did not have friends in the
real world meet new people who they all loved like just would just die for pokemon and pokemon
go or they would just they it's all they want to talk about and they finally have met like
all of these new homies to go talk about pokemon with and go meet and go out inside and go outside
sorry and go do stuff with think about that on the next level think about that in five years
if you think about any okay this is what i've been talking about for a few spaces now think
about any playground any um local uh like really grassy area that could be turned into
okay so nerf battle yeah we'll bring up the nerf turn as i like like you don't actually have to
go buy a nerf gun or own a nerf gun you could just go buy the xr nerf gun for like two dollars
versus like 15 or whatever nerf guns cost and you can just pull up and you can just like it could
ping you and let you know like oh yo there's this game like just the same way you know that there's
a twitter space and pings you it lets you know that there's all of these homies in your area who
want to come play nerf in at this playground or just uh just area that gets you with the geolocation
you get siloed off into this i don't know let's say one kilometer area i don't know just throwing
out terms but like our numbers but like yeah just an area for people to then connect play
games together like built built like games that are built for connecting and pulling people out
like i see ar as the self if you have to get very like you cannot stop this technological wave
that's why i got on the ar train like you just you just cannot stop this this technology from
developing which is sad like it's really it's unfortunate but you just but i am all in on ar
over b r just because b r to me is consoles and it's gonna silo people further from each other
like i think there's so many cool things there there's certain things that in b r you cannot get
but like just like if i had to put all my eggs in one basket i am going all in on here like well i
think what you're trying to say is that it currently enhances social experiences if you're
an everyday consumer and you're talking about how it can enhance or how it makes you know being next
to someone in the same room or at the same place better you can have a better social experience
by playing right now in these iterations it doesn't do that like it doesn't actually make
your social experiences that much right and that's what there's a novelty to it like yeah the first
times that you do this stuff it's fun there is a novelty to it anything that's right and exciting
and does the eye tracking and all that i mean forget about this headset just think about the
quest three there's like lots of novelty to it but i think that if you think of it as like
this is the thing that connects me to other people in this iteration it's not it's a false
dream and i also think that like i don't want to be like the person who's like the dream because
i've been building this space for a long time uh so i don't want to be the one that's like
the dream killer in regards to things but like you know when people have the perspectives on
you know even things like pokemon go it's like bro fucking niantic did uh what is it a peridot
like they did fucking peridot that shit like it didn't tank but it didn't do great like who in
this space even like maybe two people in this entire room have heard of peridot you know what
i mean it's like it's a it's like you put so much they put so much into it and niantic is
a massive company i mean like we even use eighth wall with for our tracking uh in our tech stack
from niantic because they have tons of you know smaller uh divisions under them with great things
they've built in xr and even them like when they try to focus too much in like building this entire
gaming ecosystem it falls flat games are really hard you can put a hundred billion dollars into
a game your life blood and soul and everything and that shit tanks in like fucking two weeks
you know i mean games are games are so fucking hard to build but i do think that the great part
about this industry and it's the same thing that can both be a turn off and can be the thing that
actually you enjoy it is that the sky really is the limit and there is so much that you can build
it just comes down to you have a technical know-how like you know when we built the
aim simulator like the asylum game like it's not like we had to go out and spend months and months
and a ton of budget like no we built that in like three weeks and it's a fucking dope game you can
literally play it and if you have the know-how to be able to build those type of games we built it
in unreal ported into from an eight like made an apk ported into quest and we're able to run it
during basil and it's like something like that wasn't an insane lift for us we didn't put our
entire vision of like this is a company we're doing this revolutionizing gaming up this is a
fun game and it has tons of usability and i could i could actually see it being one of the top selling
games because i believe that like when we launch this and go onto the store with it which is just
one of our side projects but i believe that those five fun side games that you play for 15 20
minutes are the ones that really win this ecosystem because most people don't want to be wearing the
headset for hours and hours playing inside of the game you might be wearing it for like you know
doing some like home like especially with the apple one right now you might be wearing it to like do
like you know some of your uh computing work from home like whether you're you know designing
something or creating something you might offload some of your computer work onto this headset but
you're not going to want to be inside immersed in a game for like three hours straight it gets
fucking exhausting so it's like what are we doing we're literally building games that like we know
target you to be in there maybe for 10 minutes 15 minutes but then when you put the headset down 30
minutes later you're like oh that shit was fun i want to go back and try to beat my high score
or i want to go try to the next level and it's like i think that's the more realistic take on it
which is this isn't going to necessarily take over every aspect of your life in this iteration
this iteration is build great things that can make people come back not keep them there but
make people come back and then keep building actual software that then can be applied in the
coming years for things that can actually be used on a daily basis that's why it's great to build
both the experiential and build the software that can be licensed or you know white labeled or
whatever manner that you want to go out to like other enterprises and other builders so they can
also build as well so it's like that's the great thing about this industry it's just the sky really
is the limit what's possible but people get too dreamy with it well and yeah hey guys are we going
to hands or no hold on let me just say one one thing here on that because i wouldn't i wasn't
finished with my point yet nobody's ever going to be finished here you're right you're right
actually yeah we should have cycled through i mean facts has been like three hours i think
we just do like popcorn style can i go on bear snake hi bear snakes tetra have you seen the
hollow lens the google hold on hold on hold on hold on hollow lens hold this this uh i just have
one i have like a trillion questions but uh how about we learn a prayer snake of war and go at
the same time i'm just trying to provide some value before i bounce from the room um you know
i wish i was here sooner but uh how much apple stock do we own guys
are we just closing things are we sending it up or down wait was alpha stock that
that can we make a trade the stock because like i don't feel like learning how to trade
it's called render token jen can you help me because i don't know either facts like i'm like
i don't know anything about stocks i feel like stocks are so boring but like they are also like
i just need to get into it and tap it you guys seen a video this year oh my god you should start
with the etf where you can just give your money to blackrock and they'll buy the crypto for you
that'd be a great entry point for you guys this space literally there it's wild that you guys
both brought up niantic because there's an article on their site that talks about uh
how the vision pro they're warning uh that people it makes developers want to create stuff for indoors
when like that's kind of not the point of it like keep your vr goggles at home use your apple vision
you know in your outdoor life you know let you connect with other people let it enhance your
human connection outside of your house uh like pokemon go did i think i don't know if i cut
someone off from ruggan i don't know warren my bad guys this is the most important thing that i
think i could say here which is apple is a multi-trillion dollar company right
this conversation is like literally like you know apple stock is based off of its fundamentals right
but also like the narrative that's like a price to earnings ratio
so i'm just wondering like if this is a billion dollar narrative multi-billion
it's a multi-trillion dollar based on multi all right let's just say like you know
13 digits right maybe you know 10 digits all right there's a lot like privacy is fundamental you
know it's like apple always is like you know super privacy you know like privacy this privacy
this we care about your privacy right but um you know i'm just thinking like when you have like
this vr you know this head that's you know it's literally an unprecedented you know technological
innovation so if this data of my crib is being mined and there's a back door
um that would be problematic i think you know jen was speaking i see she's a decentralization
maxi i am i'm the biggest decentralization yeah like find me someone who believes in
decentralization more than me i'd probably be looking in the mirror um so basically all
i'm trying to say guys is like apple needs to make this their back end their code like hyper
transparent for me to be comfortable putting this thing on you know i'm down to put the shit on
right but like you know there's always fine print there's always you know i'm just wondering like
what do you guys think like like should apple be like super like this is where we get into like
you know allen k who's like probably you know one of the biggest um you know innovators of like
technology going back to xerox part said people who are serious about software should build
hardware so if we're all serious about hardware and crypto and whatnot like raise your hand if
you're using an iphone you know raise your hand if you're using a soul phone you know like anybody
make their own phone yet for you know to interact with the twitter space that's something that i'd
be you know if anyone wants to do that shoot me a dm but basically i'm trying to say guys is
you know like this is a you know this is a turning point in history you know so like
yeah all this shit that we could do is dope and it's really incredible but
like fundamentally when we put this headset on are we going to become ignorant to the real world
i mean the point is to combine it with the real world no that's why i'm super excited i mean i don't
know see because videos that's where incentives come down that's where i don't i don't own any
apple stock because i don't think it's going to go up you know in fact i think it's going to go down
so i actually i actually looked at the price and this announcement did not make the price
moon so it's very similar to how nt projects work in the current time so i can definitely see that
point yeah i'm just saying guys like we're hive mind like there's a ton of geniuses in this space
so like just really pushing the conversation towards you know like fundamental value and
i think that everyone could agree privacy is paramount um you know freedom not being like
subconsciously directed to you know we don't want to be bots we want to be glitches you know i'm
sorry for sounding like a glitch right now but um you know i've been waiting a long time for this
moment um you know my cousin up there uh metaverse daddy um you know a year ago he was like what's
happening and it a year later almost we're trying to figure out what's happening you know i'm saying
so so what do you guys think what what's happening it's it's not just about apple though too so like
apple's not going to be the only player in this space shout out to black rock shout out to van good
shout out to buffet no shout out to black rock nope
the gb wars and the vr wars and everything is going crazy yeah no guys i'm just super curious
to what you guys think because i joined space late i wish i was here earlier i was listening
to you guys you know converse and whatnot but uh you know dead ass like you guys saw ready player
one like what the fuck's going on here what was i mean i think we're definitely taking steps yeah
i was here i was about to ask like what's uh what do you want our opinion on specifically
because you did say a lot i just wanted to say well like talking about xr right it's like what's
this app called what's that right okay reality reality on x that's reality right here
oh someone's washing their hands i'm happy that you're keeping germ free but it is very loud so
i do want to go to i do want to go to bear snake real quick because my boy hopped up and he said
he had me saying he loves this topic what do you love about this topic hi guys what's up boo how
you doing miss you yeah i gosh i have so much to say but i'll try to keep it really uh
really succinct so i was just for the context i was like in the first i would say bubble of vr
back in like 2016 and had a vr company and and so uh i think this is very different than vr there's
a million reasons why ar or xr mixed reality is astronomically better than you know blinding and
like taking away your hearing um i i guess i want i kind of wanted to start with like
for vr the big question was um is it a like a killer app problem or is it a hardware issue
right that's gonna like prove the value and so i i just kind of wanted to ask like i wanted to
get one of these so badly i didn't just because i'm so scarred from being in virtual reality
um but it does look extremely cool i think the only i think ultimately this will succeed
100 um i think it's not a question of if it's a question of when um yeah and i think you know
computing computing power will shrink over time the form factor will shrink over time um all of
that it will just happen uh but the reality is is like you need to have real life use cases um for
this thing to actually take off and so i kind of wanted to ask like mika or butoshi if you have one
do you feel like you need to have a really healthy developer ecosystem for these things
to really like take the next step and i i was kind of wondering like uh you know does it feel
like the technology and delivery system is there but there's not enough to do not enough use cases
because i think it really comes down to that like in terms of the short term so that was like kind
of my question crap dad okay boo boo go or we passed it to crap dad i know crab dad was coding
in there recently so you asked like a dev question so we can we can do that doge i know you've had
your hand up i mean we could do popcorn style like uh lowkey we usually do this space and it
lasts like an hour and a half but i'm letting it cook because i want uh i i just like i want to
give the the mic to you know the community i want to hear your takes i learn a lot that's why i'm
sitting back and i'm being quiet um but we can do popcorn style i'll leave it run um a little bit
more uh but crab dad i'll let you take that and then we could go to doge um and then let's go to
a new voice and let's say nyx but i'm gonna take bears real quick so yeah go so that's your uh
question bear so mika can't answer that because she couldn't download apps um i also can't answer
that because i don't have one to download apps but from what i've seen it does seem pretty limited
like in terms of the use cases right now it's more so like oh like cool demos or it's like oh
you could turn your house into like a home office system in terms of like how much value people add
i think i have seen some people cook really really fun apps that seem cool like whatever nyx is doing
over there on that end but i just want the games like i'm waiting for sick games like personally
me i'm waiting for pokemon go on the ar like the moment that nyantik releases hey we got pokemon
going on apple vision pro you could literally put on your vision walk out the house i will look
black mare i won't care about opinion when i have this headset on my head because i'm catching
pokemon and i'm battling mika across with her pika pika and that sounds fun as fuck so the moment
those games come out and it will take time but i i would definitely so that's that's that's my
point that's my point i love you guys but you're not serious people well that's something you
gotta also understand that there's a hundred thousand devices out there like it's not like
there's no killer app that makes more people use it there just isn't even that much hardware out
there it's literally released as a blank slate that's why also a lot of developers didn't get
access to it there isn't a robust developer community because usually developers go where
money is there isn't a lot of money when it comes to this ecosystem right now it's growing and it
will be massive but at the end of the day it is still very early and that is also reflected
by the release model there wasn't that many pieces that were actually released it's not
like there's a massive ecosystem with 10 million users right now or 100 million users right now
there's a very limited ecosystem so so did they and it's not easy to get approved either so did
they release it as like did they position it as like a developer tool because it feels like if
it's being marketed as a like consumer tool maybe i'm wrong it's it's being marketed as like
basically a home computing device and it's being also marketed like if you watch their
entire presentation it's being marketed as the potential for what's you know coming in the future
and the partnerships that they're making and yes they even have a whole sector they put up in
regards to developers and like you know the ease of like how you can be releasing apps and like
they have that whole segment that they put out on as well i think this one in many ways is actually
supposed to be the blank slate that shows what's possible with this format of a headset device
because so far there's a few functions that this device has that no other device has had
and that's why in many ways it's supposed to inspire the developers and the people that are
interested to then see it and be like okay great now i can go create this because there is spatial
anchoring i can actually place things in a room without a jittering moving around there is this
whole concept of like your eye tracking and then the rest of the field view becoming slightly blurry
and like really following like that biometric of how your eyes like looking at things like
there's certain features that no other device has had so people just aren't prepared to necessarily
have apps ready for an ecosystem just hasn't existed and i think that's why people conflate
like you know this device and other devices that maybe look the same because you're putting it on
your head but they're vastly different because they're serving different niches and that's why
it's also released in such a small beta format obviously apple like they're not going to call
it a beta they're you know releasing it as a consumer product as a finished product but it
is a beta it's a very small release with a very small test that is basically giving almost zero
functions and the functions are really base level to show what its powers are so that then people
can go build on top of it also who's the motherfucker that said we're not serious people i heard that
comment when three people started talking at once and i actually want to bring that up because i
would love to hear your take well boo i'm not really a serious person it's being either you
guys you guys want to hear it or not yes yes yes it's being marketed as a cure for cancer
it's going to give people fucking high cholesterol i i didn't get marketing like that i didn't know
what are you talking about what a day what a day dude it's being marketed as a cure for cancer it's
gonna exacerbate our disconnection what who's marketing this too are you talking to this are
you talking to the shaman again what do you not have a look up bro i'm looking up that's my ceiling
i see this guy in the medical technology and this i'm looking up i'm wearing my apple vision i'm
looking up bro i see your fantastic weapon you have no idea what and yes by the way the moment
i put on this apple vision i was cured of my eyesight i was cured of all my back problems it
was definitely the cure as advertised and marketed so thank you very much i will prove their point
it was just a succession uh you know you guys saw succession right
it's an amazing it's an amazing it's an amazing show and yes i get the reference
so the point i'm trying to say guys is if you take your headset off booty and look at the
pin tweet up top tim cook is saying oh my god we cured cancer our employees i mean our slaves
have tears in their eyes oh my god oh yeah actually i saw that video and i found it insanely
funny like how they're like they're like happy yo please give me the raise we're so happy we're
so proud of you i did find that funny it was definitely like a little like back mirror dystopian
vibe but i definitely don't get the vibe where they're curing it for cancer i'm pretty sure
everyone knows like hey this is cool new tech coming out here's what you could do with it
um yeah it's okay just try it it's genuinely i'm just saying steve job just rolling in his grave
right now dude i think that take is also off too like a lot of people are saying that oh it's not
a finished product they shouldn't release it i think the numbers and the way that they reflected
it is that they want to try something new they want to get some hardware out to the market they
want to essentially step into a space that yes they haven't perfected yet but they see the future
of their company going towards and i think that's actually exciting i think it's exciting
for apple to not only be releasing finished finished products that are in like an iteration
that we think of as like iphone 14 it goes back to the era of like oh your iphone only has one
function which is tapping the screen well this is every other headset exists out there we've added
a couple functions spatial anchoring and we've added the concept of tracking your eyes and being
able to allow like you know the you know having no remote which was the idea behind what like
the iphone originally was like steve job did not want to release it if it had to have a stylus he
did not want to touch screen that had to have a stylus like no matter what that was not going to
come out and that's the only function that made it different from other touch screens but it was
revolutionary enough to kick off something exciting and i think that's why they also have
that you know language of them being excited with this coming out because it is the beginning of a
new era for something massive for them and this is like that first iphone and it will lead to a
massive revolution that you know apple wants a spearhead and not allow anybody else to overtake
in the hardware industry also when you give humans access to like a foundation or you show humans hey
this is actually possible humans do a really good fucking job at developing things utilizing this
new hardware or tech once they actually have access to it so to initially answer your question
bear's think like i think once devs get access to this and they're like hey this is a cool use case
that i track you and could solve this is a cool use case that the spatial computing like engine
will solve like i don't know humans are creative as hell that's why we're here that's why we're
having this combo that's why this tech came out i agree but the problem i don't know how much black
rock stock he owns boo i agree with you i think that one of like the friction points is that they
are a public company as we're talking about and so like the public perception uh plays like a key
role and in in sort of how this rolls out and so like the iphone the iphone became the iphone
because there was the the app store right all these things to add into it and so i don't know
if if it's if public perception is seen if you roll out and there's not a lot to do even if it
was like developer focused you know i think i think it's tough like what you talk about is like
yo this is incredible i can't wait to dot dot dot you want to play games right and so i think
they're just going to have to move pretty quickly and they're very smart people so you know they
wait a long time to push this out um so it'll just be interesting how how how they play it
but public perception definitely plays into you know if they stay with it if they double down all
that stuff i mean i definitely agree i'd like to come to mind here like this is like or for
us or no for apple i gotta i gotta just well first of all uh you know one that video makes
me feel like i'm getting recruited to kappa kappa gamma uh second uh new nickname unlocked booty
uh okay butoshi okay uh and then uh third it's tough right now for for devs like like you know to
uh launch something on vision os like it's got to be something completely different right oh
your your new app is too similar to your os app like your your iphone os app like ios like
it's not going to fly right it's going to get shot down it's got to be something completely new
completely different uh and once they open those floodgates yeah we'll we'll see some crazy stuff
going i can't wait to see you know the lighter app of this you know the lightsaber app of this
right where you would change the different color and shoom shoom whenever you moved your phone
uh i think like something like like tetra's uh aim simulator you know something where it's
like a pvp version of that right you do western duels uh we're gonna see and then we're just
gonna get into the crazy crazy stuff right gaming we'll get the clash of clans of this whatever that
looks like uh maybe you actually do raid yourself that would be crazy um but but for now it seems
like yeah they really are being careful about how quickly they open this to the sandbox ecosystem of
builders uh and when they do do that i don't know when it will be whether it'll be with this
version or once they have it like down better in the future um it's going to go crazy from there
but um i saw i know you said you ought to go crab dad has some great insights on using the uh
vision pro which i know bear snake was asking about so so crab dad would you mind uh you know
uh giving us some insights of your personal use case uses with yeah you know what i'm saying
yeah for sure well i i feel like kind of touching on some of the points other people brought up like
this is first of all the worst vision os product apple is ever going to release it's only up from
here um and like to that point i feel like it is a fairly unpolished product like if i were to put
this on my mom and be like okay this is your computer now go try to browse safari like go
try to browse twitter or facebook or whatever she'd have a horrible time just because the eye
tracking it's not perfect the the way that you type is not perfect um and i don't think it's
supposed to be like apple's only able to produce like half a million to a million of these devices
per year versus the over 200 million iphones they sell in any given year like it's not a perfect
product it's just like a dev kit that they wanted to kind of like hype up and at least start
introducing the idea of what this will be um so that people can start thinking about how to
integrate it into their lives once it is ready for that but like i'm viewing this really as a
simulator of whatever apple is trying to build in the next few years and like someone was drawing
the conclusion of like us being dreamers about apple vision pro to like us being dreamers about
nfts and like how nfts were going to replace netflix memberships but i think that there's
a massive difference between a bunch of us with no real power or connection to netflix
uh speculating about like how that could replace memberships versus like us speculating about a
company that's worth three trillion dollars that has consistently over the last 40 plus years
been revolutionizing how we interact with technology and the internet specifically
and so like i do think it's a relatively rough product for apple standards but like
they certainly have the next five prototypes of the next five iterations in some lab you know 200
feet underground at apple park like that they're just like working on making ready for mass adoption
that they can produce in mass quantities and at a reasonable price point but like there's
80 different sizes of the light seals and straps that you can get fitted to you you really do kind
of have to go in and like get this product fit to your face it's really not meant for the average
person to get it i think it really is meant to just like start seeding this simulation of like okay
we have this spatial computing interface what can you start building with that like where can we go
with that so that when they are ready to launch this to millions and millions of people
there's already stuff ready to go for it and use cases that people are familiar with
grab that i was me that said the netflix thing i think i misunderstood what i said it wasn't
that necessarily it's an apple thing i said in this space people come up with use cases
for things that they're not developing things they have no experience in and things that they
just like like to talk about and dream about so they just throw out these examples of like how
you can apply x y z to whatever else that they want to apply it to like i've been developing in
the xr space like experiences for i've been programming for like over five years building
a company for the past two years like doing it so that we can build our own tech stack and our
own ecosystem as well and what i do know is that most of the things that people want to create they
don't understand the barriers to entry and how hard it's actually create they're not things that
like you can just go out and build this massive ecosystem and suddenly become the next pokemon go
and it's like it works fucking great like all of these are just super dreamer takes and it's like
great like people dream do it but i also kind of agreed with you know what jen had to say which is
when you hear that it's like a little bit ridiculous like you know because i mean that's one of the
things that like myself like i got turned off from coming to a lot of spaces or listening to
a lot of things because it was like what is this like like what are we producing other than people
just talking about things that they're not working on like i mean like if you're working on it tell
me about it like even if it's the craziest idea tell me about it because i would love to hear it
and i would love to hear a founder that's actually putting their time and energy into creating
something and then it's like you can have the most craziest take and if anything i'll even
want to watch your work more closely because i want to see how well you do with that crazy dream
but i think a lot of times people have like in these spaces like the craziest dreams and
then it's like when you ask them they're not even developing for it i'm not necessarily saying that
towards any particular person i don't think jen necessarily was saying it either i think it just
comes down to the fact that like these air times get filled with a lot of that like that's the
ridiculous part you're such f**king dopes
which one of you is uh roman
i'm trying to get some points out and then get out of here and go for isle all right sick thank you
uh okay cool so i'm actually curious which uh someone could answer me real quickly which
ship is actually in the apple vision pro is it m1 two or three m2 and r1 okay thank you um i'm
wanting to speak with somebody who's really excited about spatial audio another time that's
really what like one of the aspects that we're really really building for geolocation xr and
spatial audio and experiences outside um um i'm really excited about just like damn the ergonomics
of the of the uh of this device i think i'm just like high five all ergonomic devices just because
my hands hurt all the time from f**king drawing and devving and f**king going off on these computers
and bro this is gonna be game changing for my hands and my fingers my fingers have been hurting
forever this is gonna be amazing i'm so stoked those are mostly my points i think oh actually
wait one more uh i'm looking for somebody to debate me calmly and respectfully uh at some point
on a deejin like what we're taking to the masses and the end user about deejin versus regen
uh i think wait can you can you emphasize deejin versus regen that's the point of the
deejin and what is a regen that's what i see that's okay i took a stick i took about a year off in
the space and then come back and basically feel like it feels like the deejans have completely
taken over the world and i really don't and this is okay like i'm wanting to like get a lot of
people into this eventually and i'm just kidding my main argument around this is just like how is
a new user and a new person supposed to know who is a good teacher and a bad deejin like i've just
been in a few spaces now and i'm like man like this it's just so many deejans and i just don't
even know who is who and like who's a good teacher like and i'm just thinking about a new person
coming to the space and like jesus would be insane sorry i just want to start like i just
want to start like having calm debates to have people clarify so people actually like learn and
know and like we actually like when we move forward with this space we are moving forward
kind of in unison in parallel we actually all have kind of a similar definition at least
on some of these terms because it's a little crazy out here like we need standards like
bro like universal scene description is what's going to link all of this metaverse together
and all of everything what you guys are talking about like we wouldn't even be able to build this
without universal scene description for one thing and we need standards so we need standardized
terms we need terminology we're all using together i would love just to like have again
friendly debate um calm uh i haven't seen enough calm like something to base i'm looking just
to start this figures i don't know i just i'm throwing out there because i do gotta go but yeah
i mean we definitely need to have another conversation like this conversation went
to so many different categories um okay let's go to doge let's go to ben um yeah so you're
gonna need to come back we'll we'll get into it i appreciate you thanks for coming up today
um and giving your takes okay okay okay all right doge go ahead
wow man 45 minutes guys that that is how we do it in meagre space here 45 minutes okay
this is such a baby because like it never happens that way i got the microphone holy
yeah but you and you use it
all right so first i like putting on my hat i'm putting on my hat boom my hat just went on right
so here's a lot of the things for me that are like very like uncomfortable with with the technology
where we're currently at right it and like tetra the light bulb thing bro i thought about that ever
since star trek back in the day like i'm waiting for you to already have the teleportation device
set up so we can just like beam to your house i i know it's look we are pure energy i know
we are constantly moving particles already so it's just about being able to generate those
particles from one area to another you know you know tetra we know what's going on but
wearing the apple headset right it's pretty much like you're doing a virtual terraforming
with within uh like a visualization it's what it's what it like really really is it's like you're
able to scan a space within that space replicate whatever you see fit that makes you happy at your
heart but it is a very big fucking distraction from true reality like what's actually happening
in front of you in your daily life like human interaction is already at its lowest that i've
ever seen in my life like it is very rare for people to like walk up to you and like interact
with you like just have a basic conversation with you most people are already like looking
at their phones or reading something but not actually paying attention to the people around
them utilizing this and you notice it while watching the videos that people are putting out
those people are literally not seeing or paying attention to jack shit that's happening around
them i'll watch one of them where a dude walks right into a light pole because he's looking
back to grab something like i think it's also a very it can be very cool to have in your house
yes but i think it's also a very big fucking distraction that can fuck people's minds up you
got to think man it it is all brand new right but it is something that could be hacked could be
manipulated all right mica this is un un-professional mica i didn't do anything i'm just kidding i'm
giving you shit okay blame booty not mica why is it always my fault bro blame witness booty's
booty's crazy like booty's your fault nick okay you're right time i'm sorry no you're all good i
love you too still i love you too and your energy particles yeah bro look i'm telling you man if
you've ever uh tried psychedelics ever in your lifetime you looked at your damn hand and it is
floating particles it's just it is and then as you move it you see like five different layers of your
hand moving and it's the particles that are adjusting all into your body at the same motion
like bro i know it's truly possible it's why it was made when we were kids like that the visualizations
that even spielberg would talk about that he would have in his dreams then you would bring it to a
reality that reality is currently happening the shit like in blade runner that you've seen way
back in the day judge dread that shit way back in the day that shit is happening now that technology
is here right now autonomous cars driving themselves all of that shit is happening
right now so we are already there my thing is is we are still way far behind than where we are
supposed to be and i think that now when people are starting finally starting to use their own
minds again and becoming free thinkers again by tetra he doesn't listen to fucking anybody he has
his own mindset and he knows what he's going to do and he does it there's a difference like that
that is a person that you that you call has an elite mindset like discipline is on a hype
on a hyperdrive like add of discipline is is what tetra is like when when you approach him he's a
very intense person right that can be very intimidating but very very well spoken and a
relaxed human being you just have to watch the layer right it's just a layer that he has over
top of him right and it's because of how he is right that peer-to-peer conversation that you
have with a human you are not getting that exact same thing through any type of xr you're not
getting that same thing but when you are having that human that human contact dude that is what
living in this world and in this life we are we are spiritual beings living a human experience
so that peer-to-peer real connection that you get from people that is what we are going to
continue to lose as this technology keeps coming in and as long as people are okay with that
as long as people are okay with not being in touch with real reality all the time and living
in a fantasy world is what i would call you are creating your own image that you want to see
so it's it's fake you know if you're okay with losing that then that is your choice right and
i respect that choice for anybody but for me like i love playing with the technology i love like
dude the shit tetra builds is phenomenal right i love watching what this man creates
but when i like immerse myself in something like that i don't i don't believe i ever would because
i think you would get lost in it at some point you would lose yourself in it at some point
and become an image that you want others to see you know i i like i think of you i mean like
obviously we've met but if anybody knows me personally like you know that i'm not necessarily
a person that is fully immersed like that all the time myself i'm not a person that was like
staring at my phone all the time like yes like if i'm working um i may be like on a computer or i
may be like i mean a lot of my work isn't even on a computer it's just like you know like leading
people in my company having meetings things like that but in general like i don't i think one of
the biggest propositions of ar that interested me originally was obviously for the art and then one
of the biggest things that i saw as a value proposition for the future was the fact that
like this technology is coming one way or another it's like once you see the vision and you kind of
like understand what's happening you know that this technology is coming and i just saw it as
a real um you know opportunity for actually an addition like an augmentation rather than a
separation which is like you know what's what something like uh you know a vr experience is
where you are completely siloed off and in a different world i do think that because these
are opt-in technologies you will always be able to take off the glasses and i think this iteration
you're not supposed to be making that human connection it's a home computing device but
eventually like if i mean if you go into that see the glasses that i posted you'll you'll see that
it's just like wearing a pair of frames and if you're wearing that pair of frames like wearing
just a pair of glasses you know like reading glasses you can have all of your digital displays
turned off for a majority of the time and only have it on for the times that you need and for
the moments that you do need it does allow you to have that utility of being able to interact with
that computing device that right now is in your pocket is a phone that you're holding but now it
just becomes overlaid so it becomes much more seamless and easy to experience but i do agree i
mean like most of these technologies open up two pathways for all people you either go down a path
of siloing yourself becoming a worser version of yourself or they democratize allow you to
do better things for yourself be able to actually go down a better path but i think that's what
in a lot of ways like all of these technologies are they will always present the two paths
and the sad part is a lot of humanity always takes the worst path
and because of that that becomes becomes the stigma of that this is what the technology is
but it's more like the path of least resistance sometimes is the bad path you know it's there's
more resistance to go down the better path and that's why i think a lot of it comes down to the
technology is not going away but it's good to vocalize those type of thoughts and also you know
follow the type of mindset that can possibly send you down the better path as these technologies
progress because there is no stopping the tech itself but there is stopping how you want to
utilize it on a daily basis exactly see like i couldn't agree more with that that sentiment of
understanding and knowing like where to draw the line in the sand and say hey at some point
i'm not going to go any further than this i'm going to disconnect i think that is are going to
be our biggest challenge though right because a lot of people especially like the gen x version
and beyond like they are born with a phone in their hand like their parents use cell phones
to distract them while they're doing other things around the house where the tv is always on and
they're sitting right in front of it you know like i i feel like as this uh vr you know ar
keeps growing and growing and growing i i find it harder for these kids to be able to disconnect
from it you know like like it is easier for you who creates it right but you're able to like you
said pull back away from it but what about like other people who who have always been infatuated
with that technology and so it becomes like a part of them you know whereas you control it but now
you're allowing it to control you i pinned up to the top um doge uh actually something that markey
brownlee said today it's a philosophical question he kind of like just talks about like
you know um you could just read it basically like if you could uh you know have um the the sound
and the wind and and like make it feel like that you're at the grand canyon or whatever like and
in vr would you still want to actually feel the need to go there in person so i'm going to pin
that to for the top for everybody um i got a hop off soon so i want to get to um zb and uh ben
again um but and wait touch did you want to say something to no i'm just saying like because i
read that and i think yeah obviously you still want to be at the grand canyon like i don't think
that exactly seeing a virtual experience at the grand canyon is not the same thing and that's not
like the vision that i have for building in this ecosystem i think literally it's in the name
augmentation is to add on and it's not to take away and if you add on and create experiences
that can add on to people's lives is great but with everything like there's the ability of uber eats
that i might utilize every once in a while when i can't cook that one day but i don't opt into
ordering every single day and eating food so i rather cook my own food i rather know where my
produce comes from like it's just there's certain things that come with discipline in life
and technology is one of the biggest because it always pushes you towards the worst road
and if you don't have the discipline to step away from it then yes a lot of people do get lost and
it's important to have those conversations so that people are aware but i think no matter how
much you make people aware people themselves need to choose to have that discipline to act on it and
i think there will never be a world that i rather sit at home and view the grand canyon through a
then go to the grand canyon i love i love what you said uh tetra that's actually such a banger i'm
going to steal that 100 um augmenting is not to like take away it's to add on and i think that's
like such a banger line to to you know get into uh a conversation with somebody that's just like
oh is it going to take us away or like you know from the the physical world and stuff like that
banger of a line um zb go ahead then we're going to ben um yeah good three-hour space let's go
i'll be super simple as well and thanks for having me up mike i appreciate you all
once and i appreciate it uh or appreciate i'd like to get in to see your experience you know
getting to get the apple vision pro as well um you know i have an apple vision pro and i've only
used it a little bit but i've really enjoyed the ability for some spatial computing and i think
just the only thing that i wanted to share in the perspective that i keep forgetting is that like
you know they're when apple wasn't the first inventor of smartphone you know they weren't
the first inventor of um smartwatch you know they weren't the first inventor a lot of things but
they just try to bring it to a different level and a scale where it seems like more attainable
um so i just get excited because i think especially when the folks say you know they're excited for
um like the lightsaber app or um you know like tennis or you know i think of like the first
couple apps that we downloaded when we first got the product and we get to get on a new path for
something that's completely different and i do agree that this is a level of like the foundation
of something new but i think it's at a grand scale i think once people really are able to
i just took a screenshot of something i thought like there's not it's not like there's nothing
available there's more than a million you know tim cook posted this up on x but there's over a
million apps available for the vision pro and 600 apps specifically made for the vision pro so i
think you know we're dave four into having this in our hands or on our face haha um but there's
gonna be billions more i remember when on there is a page where we're trying to see how many
apps that were available on the down uh on the uh the app store and the number grew you know
every second that somebody else is putting another app so it's just really exciting to me
to be a part of something so fresh and so new that like all of us here can like the first time our
one of our family members got a into a electric car you know and that's still very fresh but like
we we get to be the contributors of this and i think one last thing that i'll say and then i'll
jump off because i also want to leave because it's been a long space but uh and i've enjoyed
every bit of it i do want to share um but um you know we we can't uh people say like what do they
say uh i'm excited for the future i can't wait for the like yo we are the future so it's the
decisions that we're making and that we're putting investing into and that we're backing
is gonna really create it because i'll i used to always tell my father i'd be like man i can't
wait for this i can't wait for this thing to come out i can't wait for you know i used to i feel
like i used to say i can't wait for screens to be in front of us dad and me to be able to play
my video game in front of my screen whatever that is and he'd be like he'd be like zach
you do understand that you are the future so if you don't create it and your kind doesn't believe
or build it it's never gonna happen so don't just throw that out there what are you gonna do about
it but anyway i appreciate being in this space appreciate jumping up tetra i love you dude can't
wait to see what's uh beyond you i love getting your notice it's always fantastic and i'm showing
all my friends the stuff you post because it just gets me going anyway i'll jump down appreciate the
time oh my goodness gracious it's time guys um thank you so much i appreciate you uh zb definitely
have the post notifications on for tetra you will not regret it um this man taught me pretty much
everything i know and i'm always ahead of the curve because of him so i definitely recommend
uh everybody doing that right now tap in and we have such amazing stuff cooking with od like i'm
telling you you're zb you said it right that we are building it right now um and that's just what
keeps me going every single day um i'm surrounded by incredible people betoshi nick tetra don't
grab that everybody um is just building incredible stuff and we're all kind of coming together and
like finding each other and i'm i'm really really grateful for that um i think that's it guys like
real quick before the end like bro like literally like yeah this is this is great i'm gonna fucking
take a look but like literally what you said is the core motivation of everything i'm doing right
now because i work in ai i have crazy fucking visions with ai where i talk to no one person
and they're like you're fucking psychopath i am a psychopath i'm a psychopath that understands
our actions we take in the now determine our entire future and if i don't build this it
no one else's so i have a leaf up with your point exactly booty booty you eloquent as fuck
uh sorry guys spend three and a half hours um thank you guys so much i learned a lot and i met
a lot of amazing people um tetra just texted me to keep it going for four more hours um
um yeah oh actually there's gonna be there's gonna be a time
i can't say one but i'm gonna be running a space for like six hours um it's gonna anyways um it's
it anyways um but yeah i met amazing people guys please pull up um i really appreciate your takes
like i'm happy that everybody got a chance to have a mic i know some people waited but like that's
why i ran it for three and a half hours so that everybody could like get their takes in and you
know have a back and forth and have the um this type of conversation i think it's super crucial
and important i i suggest everybody look up look down look to the right look to the left follow
everybody because i'm telling you you never know who you're going to build with like uh
everybody in this space has something to offer and we're clearly all interested in um building
amazing things or even you know trying new things um i'm really grateful for my amazing co-host
patoshi and wick nebb jesus christ um you guys are absolutely amazing you're the homies for real
for real um and i i really love you guys appreciate you doing this we do this um monday is 5 pm pst
8 pm est um it the show is explained it like i'm five but we ran it like way over time and just
kind of changed the title into like some random thing that was my fault anyways uh so i'll see
you at the next one we probably will i don't know guys if you're down to run it again this week
we could uh we could do another a double space this week since you know um it's time to tap in
things are going on things are being built i love you guys i'll see you uh later and um yeah have an
amazing thank you guys thank you have a amazing rest of your day afternoon morning wherever you
are around the world uh this is the truman show and i'll see you later love you bye