Aradena: Trading Card Game where your Cards come to Life!🃏$AG

Recorded: June 21, 2023 Duration: 0:50:59



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Sorry about that guys. No, he's man. As I go and leave him and Jacob I'm assuming it's Liam on the on the main. Yeah. Hi there, man. Right on. So yeah.
great to meet you guys as well. I know that you're both on a time crunch and so being cognizant of that, give our audience a quick background into yourself, your origin story, how you got into crypto, all that good stuff, and then we can jump into the trading
card game that is a Aradena. Am I pronouncing that correctly? Aradena. So pretty much, yeah, slight, slight tweak. I've said I've said I've said I've said I've said I've said I've said I've said I've said I've said I've said I've said I've said I've said I've said I've said I've said I've said I've said I've said I've said I've#
Yeah, so in terms of giving you an introduction to everything just make sure that more videos are okay. Can anyone here make it? I idea ideas fantastic. Yeah, so just give you a real background. So myself and Jacob two co-founders, we met a university quite a long time ago and then we previously
I've worked on a company before this as well, which is all based around like gamified e-learning. And then Jacob Watch actually also founded another company which is a sort of like a game design agency for offline games. Then we both started this company about two years ago now. So it's been a pretty
action pack two years. In the first few months we very much focused on community building. We had limited savings between us to start the company with, so we focused on organic community building. Then did our initial NFT sale in August 2021, which generally
us like our initial revenue and then we put all of that back into the business to fund development and start building out our product, our ecosystem and our flagship game which is Aridina Battlegrounds which is currently in beta which we can talk a little bit more about as well. But yeah in terms of Aridina itself
Aradina is a medieval fancy gaming brand which includes a couple of different products in mini games and are like 3D world map, the extensive lore and backgrounds to the kingdom. But the flagship product at the moment is Aradina backgrounds is sort of like the core game that we first on in development.
Right on. So let's jump right into it. Tell us about Aradina, what kind of game it is, what the gameplay is like, what the battleground is, how it works, all the good stuff, and then we can individually dissect nuts and bolts. Sure, I'll give a quick intro, and then I'll let Jay to get further as well. So Jay could be our CPO, myself, I'm CEO.
So I'll start by giving you sort of like the high level and let Jacob go down to more details around what makes it quite so special. So already in the background is the flagship product and it's basically best described as a tactical trading card game that brings collectible cards to life in strategic 3D gameplay.
other games like Halfstone for example, when you put your cards down you sort of put them down on the virtual table. In our game when you put them down they turn into a 3D unit and if on a 3D hex battlefield this does two really important things for players. One is it creates a lot more visual immersion and then the second thing is that it brings in new sort of game mechanics
The key thing behind this is the fact that we believe that WAS Web 3 Tech can improve player experiences in gaming and that's why we're part of this space. The core value proposition for user acquisition is
So, the key thing behind it, so Web 3 is great, Web 3 is great at improving player attention and making changes to the monetization model that benefits users.
And so, I think that's where we're at right now. We just launched our early stage
the start of this month. Going pretty well so far already had over 10,000 games played and an average rating of over 8 out of 10 in our post game surveys. So for the stage rap right now this early in development, I mean I say early in the rating months in but this this like early in release is really exciting for us.
And so for those not familiar with her stone, is it tone based? What kind of game is that? What kind of gameplay can we expect? Yeah, sure. That's where I can jump in and give you a little bit more info. So yeah, like Liam said, product based for myself. So we started this game with obviously the inspiration of
using Web3 technology to improve gameplay for everybody, but also coming from a game development background myself and the team that we built around us at the early start. We saw a real gap in the market just in general for traditional gaming and that being an innovation on trading card games so for anyone that has
played those games like Half Stone or Magic Begavrum, was they're really, really fun, really strategic, really great games. They kind of all follow the same game mechanics. You have your 2D cards and you lay them down and kind of the person who lays them down in the best order wins. So we wanted to expand on that. We basically wanted
to take the best bits of trading card games and combine them with the best bits of 3D tactical battleers like XCOM, maybe some of the older games people might remember, so here is a nice magic. Those sort of things where you actually have to think about where you move your units around the battlefield as well, also took inspiration from civilization.
anyone's played the sort of battle mechanics in that. So yeah, we wanted to take the best parts of those two genres and kind of merged them together. And we'd seen other recent success of this sort of genre-imagine of deck-building training card games with our games like Slay the Spire that was a more recent game, really, really popular game, fantastic.
You took a lot of inspiration from that, so basically people can expect to find all the best bits of trading card games, you build a deck, you draw your cards, and then you put those cards down and they become 3D units on a 3D battlefield, and you move them around and you play spells and you kill the opponents units and win the game, hopefully.
How long is the average match last year? Great question, really important. We actually put loads and loads of time sort of in pre-production and testing on this. So we wanted to make sure that matches were short and snappy. So the average match is about
10-12 minutes with some of them. If you play some pad moves, maybe only 5-6 minutes long, then with a maximum cap of about 16 minutes as well. That was really important for us because nowadays, and also just our target
market in general. People want to play pretty quick games, everyone's got busy lives. So we wanted to make sure that you could sit down and play a game, variding in a 10-15 minutes max and you know you can commit to that. So they're really short, snappy and action packed.
And how many members, how many players do you guys have testing the beta?
Yeah, so at the moment, I think it's about 500,000 users at the moment in the first couple of weeks. Retention rates have been pretty high so far as well. So I think the average games played per user was something like 23 on the first weekend that we opened up. We heard that the first initial couple of hundred people come in
So really like the focus for us so far has been very much on like product development. We haven't really spent any money on marketing campaigns until the last three weeks or so. We launched a marketing campaign at start of this month, which has gone pretty well so far in terms of like cost practice and starting
to drive users to make unique game accounts and download the game for like $2 on our re-tugging campaign hoping to drive that even more with some more like optimisation on the ads. So that's like sort of the main focus for the next few months. Even still at the moment they're like just to give you an eye context and it sounds like the roadmap and the plans ahead. So right now as I said
We're in very early stages of beta. There's still a ton more polishing to do on the game. But I think in Web 3, the milestones are kind of a little bit different to Web 2. So like if you're in Web 2 game right now, you'd probably be calling this build like almost like an alpha build in that sense. Whereas in Web 3, things sort of get pushed further because there is this expectation of like open development.
and building with users which I think is great, like the idea is basically because people in our community and stuff are all stakeholders in the ecosystem, like they purchase assets, they purchase tokens, etc. etc. They like once it sort of helped build the product with us and give us feedback as early on as possible. So we had like an early alpha group of our biggest
stakeholders testing much earlier in the year. Then we've opened it out now to the beta. That beta period will continue probably for around up to six months, which will basically use to continually improve in the game, like basically bring in user feedback and making fast, digestive build developments. And then season one, which will basically be like the full launch of the game.
will be in queue for of this year and then that's really when we'll start to drive significant demand and user acquisition and start allocating a lot more resource towards that. We will start to allocate more tools at the next six months as well but really our objective is to get to 100,000 monthly active users by summer 2024. Sikling the first six months of next year of 2024 is where
and we'll really double down on the traditional gaming markets. Because by that point, we think the game build will be polished enough for us to really compete with those other top Web2 traditional trading card games. Audience members really quick. I forgot to mention this at the beginning of the broadcast, but if you could show Eradina some love, give them a follow on Twitter.
I'm going to be up there on the stage for the next 30 minutes. I want to learn about the NFTs. You guys are at a .03 floor on OpenC. What do the NFTs
provide with respect to the game, what kind of utilities you need NFTs to play the game, give us the rundown. Yeah, sure, I can give you the highlight of both of you. So there's actually two parts to this question. So right now, and for the last year, there's been a quest in mini-game that you can use your warriors on. So that's a narrative
based adventure game. That's been running for over a year now where players can sort of send their warriors on quests, upgrade them, level them up and earn rewards and prizes through that. That's been really successful just to give our community something to do and great retention for our community over the last year whilst we've been built
and then those warriors, what they'll mainly be used for, is in the Aradina Battagrounds. So they're basically your heroes of your deck. So when you create a deck for the game, that's sort of a combination of all the cards that you own, but you'll have to choose one warrior to be the command and warrior.
the deck. If anyone has played Magic the Gathering, it's very similar to the Commander mode in that. The Warriors are kind of like a special unit, special cards that have special abilities and can do those extra cool things in the battlefield. That will be the primary use case
for them in the long run and because they're generative there's lots and lots of different warriors, lots of different abilities so it really lends itself to the deck build and aspects where you can kind of combine any set of cards with a command and warrior as well to really maximize that different strategies and tactics you can play.
So, with respect to utilities, tell us about the AG token, your IDO, and the utilities of the token with respect to the ecosystem. Yeah, sure. So, I can dive more into that. So, we actually were thinking about launching the token probably like a little bit over a year ago when a lot of other projects
launched in the last bull run in gaming but the main reason we didn't at the time despite the fact that it was a bull run was the fact that we didn't have any sort of like product or utilities are token. I think really like 99% of the gaming projects that launched are token in the last bull run without having any product and utility because obviously it was very early on in work through gaming and up sort of dying out in the
sort of the market downturn in the last year. So we made the decision that we wanted to lay that and we always wanted to make sure that when we did it there would be immediate utility for the token. So in the short term there's three very large use cases for the for the token right now in terms of immediate use cases and then there's also wide variety of utilities that will continue to
add as well over the longer term. So the best way to describe the token is basically the premium game currency and utility token for all features, game store purchase, tournaments, market face transactions and more across the current and future games within the Aradina ecosystem. So as I think I don't know if I mentioned this
I don't think I have, but our intention is to release a game on mobile in the summer of next year. So that will provide more to the token, etc, etc. So as the ecosystem grows and more to the that will be added. In terms of the short term, what's available right now is three main use cases. So the first one is the fact that you can use the token in-game features. For example,
So, questing is sort of like one of our early products that we released, which is basically a narrative based questing game, and it allows people to send those warrior NFTs on quests in order to earn in-game commodities and also upgrade their warrior NFTs as well. So, AG can be used to optimize those quests. Second thing is staking, so holders can
state their tokens to receive APR rewards up to 37.5%. And then the major thing is the game store, which we're planning on launching by the end of this month within the next week or so. And that will initially sell pre-release bundles of card packs and unique cosmetic items and other things, as well as also variable reward loop chests as well, which is quite an exciting thing for anybody who
It's never been part of like NFT sales before. It's kind of similar to that in the sense of you pay one price and then you can receive a wide variety of different items that have different rareities and different values. Then just one thing to note on that as well in terms of like the pre-release bundles, what something that's very I suppose exciting about that is the fact that a lot of them
So, those unique cosmetics that are inside of it are never to be sold again. So, let's say that like, you know, the initial collection of unique cosmetics won't say sell out. Someone, when the ecosystem grows in like a year or so, and there's more users in the ecosystem, they'll always be able to recognize an earlier adopter in the game and ecosystem by like the sort of cosmetic that their units are wearing or something like that.
So, I call these burn mechanisms, right? Utilities uses for the actual token, and that's one component of a sustainable token economy. Is there anything else with regard to the tokenomics that you feel important to highlight or the overall games ecosystem?
Yeah, so I'll touch on a high level and then Jake might want to jump on some more, but there's two really key things. So I think, first of all, I think you've completely got to write there. So in general, although there is a lot of complexities with managing it on chain token economy for a game, it basically can be simplified right down in a way to
So basically providing more utilities and sinks in our token emissions. So it's sort of two sides of the equation for us. One is providing a lot of utility and a lot of sinks for the token as we just talked about game store quest things taking and then the future there'll be a lot more added as well. So like paying into certain tournaments new features like the
to that Jake, but that's quite a good high level overview for real. Yeah, that's really good and it might just be worth mentioning that to sort of go alongside that we have an in-game token and in-game assets that kind of facilitate that day-to-day earning mechanism. So
This is kind of like an off-chain economy work inside by side of our on-chain economy at the same time and that facilitates the sort of standard Web 2 game economy is that you would expect Web players can play the game and an in-game token and sort of use that and spend that as well.
So that really opens us up to be a free to play game, which will maximize our on board in, and really maximize that player base, and then that will on board those to become sort of AG, Web free players as well after that. So those two economies work side by side.
Liam, you mentioned that goal of I believe 100,000 active users. What are your strategies for reaching it? What are your marketing methods that you're deploying? It's going to be a two-part question.
I'm going to add community is a crucial component for project success. So given the significant increase in activity of your community since the launch of the beta, how do you plan on attracting more users through the community and expanding it?
Yeah, sure. So yeah, as I mentioned before, the campaign this month has gone really well so far since we launched the beta. We've had about 30,000 new members join our community across Twitter discord and Telegram. I'm in the last like three weeks or so. And as I said before, there's also been about 10,000 games played so far as well. In terms of going forwards and news, acquisition.
There's probably two really important things to talk about. One is targeted ads. So I personally think that targeted ads and retargeting and optimizing campaigns is probably the best way to drive down and scale user acquisition over the long term. So you've already started doing that now, just running very low cost
experiments. As I said, even in the first few days, we've driven down the user acquisition costs down to about $2, just off like some very simple optimization and retargeting campaigns. That will continue to improve as we allocate more budget tools at the long term and it's also super scalable as well. It actually gets a lot better over the long term because your retargeting pool increases a lot more as you start
to get people further down the funnel. That's the main long-term and scalable strategy in terms of marketing. And then secondary to that, you have brand awareness. And brand awareness for us is basically leveraging key opinion leaders and streamers and then also forming partnerships as well. So let's say for example, we have a partnership with the Mutabwex who have given a grant
and they have a lot of games that are pretty popular within the ecosystem and in a similar genre. So like Gods Unchained, obviously a very popular Web 3 trading card game. So utilising those partnerships is very important for us in the early stages as well. So let's say tonight I actually have a AMA in the Amute of Wex Discord server. So like things like that are actually really beneficial for us.
they're basically like free multi-efforts and they allow us to start acquiring users early on with quite limited spend. That's probably the main thing to talk about. The only thing else that might be worth adding is the competitive tournaments, actually attract gamers as well. So we have a competitive tournament that's running right now, a beta tournament with $15,000 in prizes, basically in tokens and NFTs.
So that also allows us to attract users a lot more easily as well. But that's more in terms of like providing a good cool to action. Like you still need like these marketing activities, but running those competitive tournaments can sort of double up with a lot of these marketing activities to improve like click through rates and stuff like that. Probably.
I think you might even touch on further, just using working with our community to drive that engagement as well because the community already invested, they want to see the project grow and succeed as well. So we have quite a few systems and
mechanism set up to work with our community where if they spread the word about Aradina and help with marketing activities on Twitter etc. they can earn rewards for doing that as well and kind of everybody gains and everybody wins from the ecosystem going like that so we really double down on our sort of community aspect.
Yeah, I think that's definitely what's up on that. So I think in Web 3 there's a natural element of community evangelism which you can double down on. So let's say for example because a lot of people in our community actually own assets or own tokens. So therefore they're not just incentivized to see the ecosystem grow because they love the game.
They're almost financially incentivized to see the ecosystem grow as well. So if you offer really all you need to do is supply them with news and any kind of small incentives and they're going to run with it and they're going to want to speak about you as much as they possibly can because it really benefits them as well. So that element of natural community evangelism in Web 3 is something that we're really trying to sort of like
One thing in particular, which is probably worth mentioning is in our discord we have something called the Aridina army. So anyone could join our discord and they can sign up to join the Aridina army. We're basically they have to engage on discord and Twitter and stuff like that and refer new users in return for getting rewards. So that's like one way we should do that.
Guys, so any specific streamers that you already have or you're already in talks with or any partners or backers that you feel important to highlight? Yes, I'll do backers first so lead investors and maker brands main
partnerships with you.
which is working with us already. And then in the next few months we're going to shift more focus towards traditional gaming influences. Just started speaking to Ali Straza, who's a big hearted instrument. I think she's got about 230,000 followers on Twitch. Hopefully she's going to be putting out some content on Aridine pretty soon as well.
So I know we have some community members waiting to ask questions and I know that you guys are doing a little giveaway. So I'm going to get right to them after this last one. Can you share and comment more on this?
the roadmap for Eradina going into the upcoming release of season one and through 2023, 2024, what you guys have planned for the mobile game launch.
So from now until the end of the year we're in this beta period, it's just started this month. Primary target really is Web 3 gamers just because it's easy to convert at this stage in time of where we're at with the branding, with generally how Web 3 has been adopted so far in the space and also
with where I build that so far, attracting those gamers with like prize pools and with also like sort of their expectation of the value of the ecosystem growing as well. So it's like a really clear value proposition for Web3 gamers right now. People in Web3, it's like they can see large potential for the game and for the project. So therefore
they want to get in early and they want to start buying assets and buying tokens to benefit the long term. Then at the end of the year we'll do season one full launch of our DNA battlegrounds and at that point we'll start expanding our marketing efforts more towards a mainstream gaming community. I'll feel like quite a lengthy refinement phase where we've polished our gameplay before that's
of Web2 game release. And then next year, as I mentioned before, our real number one goal is to reach target, at least a hundred thousand month of active users by summer of next year. And then moving forward from that, we're going to do our mobile launch next summer, which then will help us to target an even larger sort of more casual gaming audience and mainstream gaming as well.
Right on. One more question. Where can we other than the Twitter which people should be following if they want to get more information about Eridina. Where else can we find more info about the game, the beta launch, the token launch, how people get involved, all that good stuff.
Yeah, so if you go on to the Twitter there's a link tree in the bio which will provide links to our website our discord, telegram etc etc. Telegram and not massive on we don't really use it massively we do have one but it's not something that we're particularly engaged on. Discord is by far our main community engagement platform.
So if you want to keep up to date with the project, you want to speak to other community members, you want to speak to other players, definitely head into this score. The general chat is always super active. You can literally go in there and say hello and someone applies to you pretty much straight away. I'm sure and they can give you some more instructions in terms of finding out more about the project. If you head to our website,
website, there's a little bit of information on there, different trailers and stuff as well. And then if you go onto website, there's a little bit of the top called Docs, which has got the white paper in it, and then the white paper is actually just recently been updated, and that's got a lot more information, particularly if you want to find out more about the token and its utilities.
Beautiful. Rand, you're up first. All right, GM, GM, thanks for bringing me up to speak. It's really an informative, informative thing with our dinner. I just want to add our dinner like, you know, looking at the fact that hello, I'm El DiBou.
Okay, yes you are. All right, thank you very much. Looking at that, that's we know due to the arrival of chat, GPC and AI, which actually blows our
the whole web 3 ecosystem now. So I would like to know, is there any plan to integrate these new features into your gaming project and also by which everyone can benefit from it?
Yeah, Jake and everyone, touch everyone on that. I know that we've already started implementing AI within the production of artwork, a card artwork pipeline, might be something to touch on. And then also any other use cases as well. Sorry guys, I actually couldn't hear anybody speaking just then. So I'm not sure what the question was. John just quickly give me the load.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, just a lot of new technology is coming out particularly AI is their plans for us to implement AI in the project and how we already have done it, you know, with the car production pipeline and then also on it honestly, it was just silence. I was like, wow, no, what's going on?
So 100% that's the the best thing about being a startup is that we get to implement all of the newest tech because we're agile was small was starting off. You know, we've been on sort of all of that.
that new stuff. So AI in particular, we're using it all over the sort of production, especially in art production. So we have a rule to always paint over any AI that we use. So it's kind of any artwork that you see is not AI generated.
work, we've always done our own sort of paint over the top of it, that we've managed to cut out production costs down on 2D art by insane amounts, crazy crazy amounts, and being a card game, that's obviously a huge production cost for a trade and card game, so that's
fantastic. The artists love it because they just get to crank out all this awesome artwork so much faster than before. We're also looking at it with 3D as well, improving our 3D models. We use an AI in some of the narration and the voices
that we use in the game as well. So that's really, really cool. We can give all of our units like, you know, really deep sort of voice narratives. Yeah, all sorts of stuff. We're here. We're really doubling down on that and really kind of, you know, stay in tune to what new stuff is coming as well.
Yeah, me and Jacob have always always had conversations about the Parabai in the past even quite a long time. I did my dissertation at university on AI as well.
me and Jacob used up a lot of conversations about the potential for AI across multiple different industries, but now it's actually really exciting being able to apply a lot of that to what we're actually doing.
All right, it's all right. Thanks.
Thanks for answering the question. And yet, Jacob, sometimes there's a bug with Twitter spaces where you're not able to hear certain folks. So let's see if we have that same issue with Aisha, but hopefully not. Yeah, no, can you hear me?
terms of faster ranking up within a arena game or if progression and leveling up in the game are solely determined by a player's skill and the amount of time they dedicated to playing regardless of additional token investments.
So based, but based on the thumbs down on Jacob's and I don't think you heard it. I'm not sure if you caught it Liam. Yeah, I did catch it. It's probably one more for Jacob.
Jacob, Jacob, try it. Liam tries to answer that. Do you mind rejoining and I can bring you back up and it could probably solve this. Yeah, sure, sure. No problem.
But yeah, I can give a high level, I can give a high level answer to that first as well. I also had a little bit of a strong hearing, it was quite blurry, but I think just to make sure I'm getting it right, the question
was around how the units and NFTs interact in game and whether there's certain benefits for any certain NFTs, is that correct?
Okay, okay.
So basically when you use AG in the game, there's certain ways you can use it. So you can use AG to buy different assets so you can buy different card packs and basically increase the different strategic options available to you. So that's like one way in which you can get a benefit. So let's say for example, you use AG in the game store to buy a wide variety of different card packs. You don't have a wide variety of cards.
So you can use your deck to create a different card that you can use to create your deck and go into battle with, which can give you new strategic options in the game that your opponent may not have, because they won't have those cards. And then in terms of upgrading the assets as well, so the main thing is it can be upgraded to the warriors themselves.
the Warriors that's normally done through the questing system, they will be able to be done through backgrounds as well and that's done through spending aging to improve like this success chances of those quests and then that will allow the youth to improve your Warriors and what that basically does is it allows your Warriors to use different unique abilities in the battle as well.
Thank you so much for answering. Just a real quick one to add onto that. I can't hear now, which is fantastic. You can also upgrade your cards cosmetically. It's a really big part of it. So, you know, we want to keep the fair and balanced gameplay
because at the end of the day it's a competitive game and we want to make sure everybody has a fair chance but you can upgrade cards cosmetically that's one of the utilities that is coming out soon so you can spend the age to sort of merge and that will you know improve the
look of them and it will also improve the scarcity of it because there won't be, it goes up kind of a card build as we call it so there's going to be less card of those cards at that build quite level on the market so you can improve the value of your cards by playing and collecting new ones and spend it majoring.
Let's go with Captain Levi next.
Yeah, thanks. I'll see you guys.
Okay, so I wanted asking about the functions. I mean your white paper, the cards section and something like intonation was functions where I am made to understand that future functions and mathematics
will be introduced through expansion sets which is shed more light on these factions and when you say that the user's and mix are much factions within their decks is it going to be based on a ton by ton basis or is it going to be done while the game is in play?
Yeah, yeah, really good question. So the factions we started with four at the start of the game and they're going to have different cards inside of them. The best way to...
styles, so there's one fact
which is kind of
We're breaking up a little bit, Jake. I'm not sure if it's for me or for you.
I'll actually just check with when the co-host just check is it Jacob breaking up was it just my audio breaking up? Yeah, yeah, he was breaking up on my answer Sorry guys is it any better now?
seems to be. Yeah. Okay, yeah, I'll just try and summarize that last bit quickly. So the best way to think about the factions is play styles. So you'll have kind of one faction which is full of wizards and magical kind of spells and other factions
that are full of more armored kind of soldier units. So when we say you can mix them up, that means you can create your decks before you play. So you have to pick 25 cards to create a deck. So you can pick that
from different types of factions, so you don't have to stick to just one playstyle. We wanted to do that to just improve the amount of strategic options and kind of create to see people can have. And then in the future we're going to release expansion sets
of cards to keep it fresh for players and give players new things to play with. So that will be introducing new factions, new types of factions. So you know we've got some pretty cool ones lined up, maybe like the undeads or kind of sort of orcs and elves and stuff like that.
Well, that's pretty cool. I do have a couple more questions regarding the card factions, but I'll see you online in the trade of thought and you know ask you guys in your show shows. Thank you guys for answering my questions which shows you kill.
You guys are very best and I hope that's out in our state's pollution board. Thanks a lot Noah. Thanks a lot. Cheers, man. Thanks, Captain Levi. We have time for one more question before we close things out. Let's go with Rahmat.
Yeah, thank you. Am I coming clear? Yep. Okay, so I noticed that the game can be downloaded by Alexia Launcher. So I'm curious about reasoning behind choosing Alexia Launcher as the platform to accelerate game downloads. And furthermore, I would like to inquire right
whether there are plans to list the game on popular platforms such as Steam or Epic Games Store with the aim of reaching broader audience. Yes, so Alex is just the initial platform that we're launching on for the beta period. Our plan is to launch on Epic just so we just need a little bit more time to sell
up getting on there. We've already spoken with the Epic team, just fine lines, everything shortly. And then we need to do a bit of dub for the game for our platform. But yet the plan is to be still Epic in the near future. Awesome. Awesome. Thank you so much for answering. I'll look you in a while.
Yeah, thank you Rahmat. Guys, I mean, I think we hit all the high level points, but is there anything more, anything else about, about what you guys have built you want to share with us or touch upon to the community? Now the main thing is really just letting people know
So you can obviously join on follow us on Twitter, which I'm talking from now and now. Main place to get involved in terms of like speaking with the community is in the discord. We also have a beta tournament running right now of the actual game itself, which has got like $15,000 in prize pools.
you free to play, you literally just need to create an account for free and then download on a link so you can start playing the game. So go ahead. And then also the token is just launched as well this week. So if you want to find out more information about that, take a look on the white paper. You can also go to purchase that on Gai or Unisop as well.
Yeah, first of all, take a look at the white paper and also try out the game and see what you think. And then let us know your feedback in Discord and maybe even find yourself a game there. There is a matchmaking channel in the Discord. So if you want to line up someone in particular, then if you want to find a challenger in their first and you're welcome to do that, maybe start a bit of beef and start a game with them#
Sorry, did you guys hear me? Was I audible? I think I might have been. Okay, so the follow up question to that was when is the tournament going to run until and also how is the 15k prize pool going to be distributed? It's amongst the top 10, the top 20.
the tournament started last Sunday and it's running until this Sunday. There's two the prize pool split down the middle so that 15,000 is split right down the middle. One prize pool goes towards
So the top players are paid quite handsomely for that. But then the other half of the prize ball is paid towards players that have played at least 30
games and who have the best win rate. So we set that up basically because we don't want people who are joining halfway through to be put off by some of the top players who have a nasty crazy amount of points already. So if you're joining now, you've still got a really good chance
you can just play 30 games and try and get the best win rate possible. You can play more than that as well. And yeah, you can try and get placed in the win rate competition as well. Beautiful. We're looking forward to seeing the
Sorry about that. We're looking forward to watching the game go live or seeing the game go live in the coming months months and weeks and months and you know if you guys have any updates for us go ahead and share them we hope you to put that out. Remember every
Everything you hear on this broadcast, the Wheelcointalk community is meant for educational purposes only. Nothing is financial advice. Liam, Jacob, it's a pleasure talking to you guys today and best of luck. Awesome man, thank you very much. Yeah, it's been great. Thank you very much, Noah.