Arbitrum | Spectral Signal

Recorded: March 1, 2024 Duration: 0:47:51



GM GM everyone
How's it going?
It's been exciting. Yeah waking up
Yeah, yeah, we I almost didn't sleep. We we were working really hard to get the demo out last night
I said, you know what?
Yeah, I got a chat in the morning. I better get some rest. So but I'm I'm excited lots of energy today
It's Friday, right? Yeah. Yeah, we finally made it and yeah super excited about the demo coming out
I saw that you guys posted
Like a sneak peek a teaser of what players can expect and honestly, it looks so fun
It gives me the arcade vibes, you know, like in the old days
I mean there's arcades today, but you know, it gives me that that those vibes and
It brings back so much nostalgia from the you know from when I was little so it's nice to see that
Yeah, I mean I know we'll go into it we're really trying to hit on that
I mean, you know part of it came from okay, you know, what what games are being made out there, you know
They got these lane based games, you know
You got infinite runners and you've got you know, the Gallica vibes from you know decades ago
So, how do you bring what people loved back then into the future with the technology that we have now and
Really just kind of you know, get people into the beauty of what was created when when games were created, you know 40 years ago
So yeah, we're excited. We're excited to bring us to you guys
Yeah, awesome and I think we have everybody here so we can start the AMA but yeah like to introduce myself
My name is churro. I'm the community manager at Optin labs. I'm also an arbitrum
Contributor, so I'll be hosting and leading day in May for today
We also have spectral signal with us today
We have Aldo as well as Brandon. So we'll love to kick this off with some introductions. So
Brandon pass it over to you. Do you want to give us a short intro by yourself?
Yeah, absolutely. Thank you churro and thank you for having us
I mean, we're really excited to be working for with arbitrum here and
In short, you know, I've been in the gaming industry for over 15 years. I started in the MMO world
We were building an MMO and then we moved on to a browser based game and like most companies most startups most video game studios
We never never saw the light of day, you know kind of broke my heart back then
After that we went on to mobile games, this is shortly after we after Apple launched their store
so we're talking, you know 2010 11 12 and
We were slinging kids apps on the app store even before age gates and before Copa compliance even hit the road
So I did a lot of QA and design work
with them and and actually the engineer that I work with our lead engineer with spectral signal is
Is the one who's who I used to work with back then so?
He I mean, he's a full stack developer. He worked on
You know getting those games in native Apple at the time to launch on the app store and the Google Play Store
I mean millions of downloads. It was a very successful startup had a couple acquisitions
Yeah from then, you know, I went and worked for a unicorn company a
bit more a slot adjacent, you know kind of worked with their react apps and I was a product manager for them and
And then I worked for another kids game company doing more, you know launching more kids
apps to the app stores and so
You know, there's a lot of experience behind what we're doing. We are a small team, you know
There's only I would say four or five of us consistently doing work on this game, you know, yeah, we do have
You know contractors that come in, you know and voice acting is a great example, you know
You you can't really hire a voice actor full-time unless you're making a movie, right?
but yeah, you know, we have a great small team the beauty of that is you know,
we get to make things fast and we get to make things that we want and
money tends to go a long way when you have a small team so
Collectively, we have a ton of experience, you know, I would say personally I love games
You heard me say about kids games a lot, you know
I have four kids and they're all eight and under so they are over my shoulders. They dad. I want to play this
I want to play this. Let me try this and
So I'm playing all kinds of games with them, you know, particularly on the Nintendo switch, you know
I just love the way Nintendo has made games, you know
It kind of goes a lot of Nintendo games have the nostalgia built into it
So yeah, that that's a little nutshell of who I am
You know my family and and the developers we have working on this and we're just we're really excited to bring something new to the space
Cool yeah, no same here super big fan of the switch
Really love playing like Donkey Kong
Super Mario Bros big fan of that
So yeah, love the switch and Aldo. Do you want to give yourself a short intro by yourself?
Yeah, definitely. Hello everyone. Good morning
So start with me, I'm definitely a gamer myself
I think I remember I had like five Atari consoles and I'm not lying there
You know from Sega to a Nintendo
I think I've had every single, you know game console that it's out there and the market and I've tested it tried it and I
Love it. Like I think like Brandon said I think
And I love Nintendo. I think that's my go-to when it comes to games
Especially, you know kids love it too. And then I have a son myself
But yeah, you know, it's it's something that I really love since I was little
Little bit about crypto background. I started, you know, I started in crypto in 2017
slowly transitioned into
Fell in love with the technology
And then started to you know get into
The communities which is one of the things that I love the most about web 3
Currently I am working with extractor signal. I
Have a team
What I'm doing with them is marketing and project management. I have a team that you know, it's
You know behind the scenes you might not see it
You know moderators call out managers and you know, we're all working, you know around the clock to get
You know a spectral signal where it needs to be
Something that you mentioned at the beginning that it gives you that arcade feeling
That's one of the things that I love the most about it when Brandon came to me and he presented the project
That's you know
One of the things that made me want to be attracted and play in work with this project is I really love that
Neo Tokyo arcade feeling that spectral house
So yeah, that's that's me, you know in in short. Thank you for having us
Cool yeah, thanks for the intro guys and
I really love I really want to start off the discussion
with the inspiration
Behind spectral signal. So, you know for those that don't know
What is the story like? I know you guys have tons of experience in traditional gaming, right?
You know, you guys have been involved
heavily in that industry
for a long time and so I want to ask like what inspired you guys to come over to web 3 like why
Why is the time now to start building web 3 and and build this awesome game that you guys are working on
Yeah, that's a great question I
Would say I you know similar to although I came into the space in 2017, you know
I always use the analogy when you know, I don't know if you guys are snowboarders skiers
Whatever when I was a teenager. I remember getting up to the mountain
I I didn't know what I was doing. I had a new snowboarding boots and and
You know, I just sat on the snow. I put my boots on and I just stood up
I wasn't even thinking I just stood up and I wasn't on like a bunny hill
I was on like a big hill and I started moving down that hill and the butterflies in my stomach and
My mind was spinning because I was moving without moving
Just really threw me for a loop and it was just one of the most memorable experiences in my life
if you guys have not been snowboarding skiing go do it anyways, I relate that to web 3 because
When I came into web 3 in 2017 and I started saying what is this? What is defi? What is trading?
You know, what is how do I bridge to phantom and a vax and what popsicle? What what is what is going on?
Once I dug in and I said now I feel this now
I you know, I needed to get my money somewhere onto, you know an exchange then to a decentralized exchange then to what?
What is metamask? What is this?
Once I started to feel that it blew me away and you can't really put it into words
And I think most people on this call get that and and it's kind of there's this huge gap
It's the diffusion of innovation curve, right where everybody here really still is early adopters
And so there's that huge kind of chasm of early adopters to you know
The early majority of people be in the retail market coming in and seeing what web 3 is about
So anyway long story short, I said man
I've consumed this, you know since 2017 and I've been racking my brain since then
I had a couple other game ideas before that we were exploring and I said I just need to make something in the space
In any sense of the words I need to give something back to this and I need to explore what it means to
Bring art and science bring art and technology together, right? What does it mean to say? Okay
There's all of these defy things out. There's all this technology. There's arbitrum. There's there's you know, eat there's Solana
There's all these chains and they're all building this technology
But what does it mean to cover that technology in art and something that's that's interesting and fun and exciting to play
Where people don't need to understand what's built behind it
They just come in and experience it and so that's kind of where this came from is I said I just have to do something
I can't just you know, keep experiencing it from the outside
I need to experience it from the inside and so, you know, there was another game
We started with cyber Ward when we were early launching with the wolf den, you know
we're working on a partnership with the guard foundation and then
We came across this more, you know retro
Galaga cell shaded type game and I said I love science fiction and I'm gonna run with this and you know
I may be long-winded in this answer
But you know, I've watched almost all the Star Wars with my kids from beginning to end and before I didn't really care for Star
Wars I was like, you know the early Star Wars and you guys may hate me for this like ah those first three movies from the
Beginning, you know George Lucas. They're not that great. Sorry to break you bubble
Anyways, once I got into the Clone Wars once I got into like the Bad Batch got into the story of Ahsoka
Oh my gosh, it blew my mind
But I don't you know, I guess without getting too political
I don't really like the way direction the direction that Disney is taking Star Wars and I said, what if we can make a
Star Wars in web 3 and it could be kid-friendly kids will love it. It can be an IP that grows
It will be you know infused a new technology through whatever blockchain whatever tech is growing out there
Let's explore that and let's build it and that's that's where we're at with spectral signal. That's what we're gonna do
Yeah, yeah, no, I feel you on that
I I've also been in the space since 2017 and
I'm also I've also been snowboarding before and had the exact same experience as you
So I don't want to like I don't want to take forever to tell this story
But pretty much my friends and I went snowboarding for the first time
and then he took us to
Billy like one of the highest not black black diamond, but the blue slopes, so it's in between
The beginner slope and the really hard slope, right? So he took us there
And then yeah, the first time I went down like I was going like super quick, dude
And I could not control myself and like literally kept like falling every five seconds and then my other friends went back up
So they didn't go as far down. So they were able to climb back up
And take one of those things like I forgot what they're called
But it takes you like up and down a mountain
Think you know, but yeah, so pretty much they were either the lift or the gun lift lift
Yeah, so they were able to take the lift back down and then I was just like trapped on the on the on the slope
So I had to like make my way down there and it took like an hour and a half
And obviously right if you're an expert and if you know how to actually get snowboard, right?
Usually it takes for what 10-15 minutes to get down all in the bottom. But yeah
Yeah, and honestly, I think that's a good analogy like literally
It's such an amazing experience like it's still risky
But at the same time you're having fun, right because there's a lot of things going on a web 3
Right you have tons of technology being built
For developers to build with right you have games
NFTs DeFi and all all the amazing fun stuff that could really make a huge difference
Across the globe. So yeah, honestly that that's like what brought me to space as well
It's just the fun the community the technology being built the whole entire mission of just like making
You know finance gaming accessible to everybody
And so yeah, I really love what we're doing here, especially with arbitrum
You know, you know making gas fees super low making transactions fast
For people to use without having to worry about, you know, all these high
Transaction fees is that you would experience on on a theory of so
Yeah, it's I mean, honestly, yeah, it's the best place to be
Web 3 is yeah
Think you know that and I'm sure we'll go into you, you know why we're choosing arbitrum at this point too
But you're totally right and we need more people in it to experience it, you know, it's something new that people need to come see
Yeah, and like once you jump into the space
Obviously, you can never go back
And so yeah, so yeah, it's pretty much you know, it's crazy because like
We've been in his face since how many years like eight nine doesn't honestly doesn't feel that long
Yeah, I don't know about you guys but for me it doesn't oh, I never even thought of that. Yeah
You're like twenty seven teams just around the corner. But yeah, I mean, yeah, it's it's a long time
Yeah, yeah, it's it's pretty crazy
But yeah, I would love to talk about
Like special signal like what is the game? Is there a story behind it?
What I know we talked about it once fired you guys to to build it, but it would be cool to hear like
What is the game like? What can players expect?
Yeah, great question. So number one go to our website spectral signal that I owe
There is a demo button and you can play the game today. Now. It's a demo. There may be some bugs, right?
But you're gonna get to experience, you know, what we're looking after what we can build in a short time frame
we've been working on this for 18 months or more at this point and
You know, like I said, we're a small scrappy team
But we we build fast and we're trying to you know, bring something new to this space to offer
So the story, you know spectral signals in this universe, it's very similar to our universe, right?
Earth Mars asteroid belt things like that, but we're a couple hundred years in the future. So we're mining kind of our general area
there the story starts if you will and with the idea that
We finally been able to kind of get out of our comfort zone and kind of explore maybe the closest stars
You know Alpha Centauri or whatever, you know, we have these fusion drives that are taking us to these distant distant
Solar systems to kind of see hey, is there is there a Goldilocks zone planet here, right?
But it's still it's still very risky. So only a few select few pilots captains, you know, maybe a decade ago said it
We're gonna go explore. We're just gonna go do it. We're gonna take our resources. We have what we need
We're gonna try to get there. It may take us years decades, whatever
Well, what happened is we never heard back from those pilots, right?
And and maybe maybe that was the expectation is like hey, this is kind of like a one-way trip
You know, it's kind of like people going into Mars like hey
You realize there's no food on Mars, right? Like you're gonna have to make your own food and probably drink your own urine and and you
Know all that stuff. So
They went on this trip and we never heard from him again, but ten years later
We get a message we get a signal and this is from deep in the Oort cloud and the signal is not clear
It's from sounds like it's from one of the captains that happens name is Devlin Carrick and he he launched a ship called the GES
Barbola and he went
Deep into space as a you know, final frontier
Anyways, we get a cryptic message from him. It's got some other weird things in it, you know
Like it like the name of the game. It's spectral signal. It's a weird signal
So the the solar planetary Alliance is receiving this and they're digesting it and they're saying what do we do with this?
Is this real? Is this actually the captain? Does he need help? Do we need to go see?
What he needs did they did they you know in part of the message we have actually have a trailer a narrative trailer
We're gonna release in a few weeks
That are that I'll go into more detail here. It's got voiceover. It's a lot of fun
But the whole idea the whole premise here is we need people to go investigate this and if you know anything about the solar system
I mean things are really really far away. So the Oort cloud is really far away
So they're now right now the solar planet solar planetary lines is saying okay
We need cryptographers to figure out what this message is. We need willing-enabled pilots to say. Hey, let's go check out what this is
let's go, you know investigate it see what's out there and
And maybe we'll rent maybe it's a rescue mission. Maybe it's something else. So that's kind of where the story begins
And we have a ton of kind of teasers and you know
Elements as far as how that narrative plays out into the future even so far as you know right now we're we're
We have all of the renders done we just finished on Monday for the ship renders
For the first NFT launch of Genesis launch we plan to have captains after that
We have a whole narrative structure that will support what we're launching with that and then in the game
We also have a structure to support that narrative
So one of my goals is not to in a sense
You know lead you through kind of a scenario if you will like you're playing Call of Duty or whatever and you know
You're going through the scenario and and then you finish it in two hours
We want the users to come in and experience the narrative through our trailers through our gameplay through our community and discord and then experience it
Playing the game and actually affecting the narrative with the actions that they take with the NFTs that they use and
And yeah, I think it's gonna be really exciting
I think we have a lot in store for people to to really grab to grasp on and it's you know
It's more than just the game if I could go on a little tangent here
Being in kind of the product management world. I've had people reach out to me and say hey, you know
We're making we're making a new web 3 game. We need a product manager like you would you want to come work for us?
and I'm like
web like you know a a
Match 3 game. I don't know. I don't know that I can work on another match 3 game. You know, I just I'm just I
Just doesn't tickle me right and and so that's like one thing
I really want to avoid is I want to create an experience with spectral signal that just hasn't been created before and I think web 3
Is a perfect place to do that because there's so many ways to to to explore. Okay, how do I connect this type of NFT?
How do I create a mapping system?
Where you can earn something in the game that changes the map that changes the directory of where you're going in the spectral signal world
that changes the way that your ship interacts with the objects in that world and you could partner with people in the outside world
Just like you the labs is starting to do and bring in other NFTs and partner with them that give you
Attributes in the game that affect your gameplay
You can have competitions in the game where maybe there's different factions and those factions if we if we move on to some a secret
It's multiplayer are fighting over relics or fighting over certain territories
So there's a ton of things we really want to explore and and the most of all is we want the community to come explore
With us, you know
We like I said, we're a small team and what that means is when you come into our community and you say guys
Here's a fun idea. Like what have you guys thought of this? We take that and say yes or no
And we say, you know what? We're gonna explore that so you really have an opportunity to help us shape this
But either way, I mean we're moving fast and we're having a lot of fun and we really want to you know
Bring something new
Honestly, I really love what you said in terms of how much of an impact the community can have on the game
I think that's like
one of the best ways to
you know create excitement within the community or even outside of
your community because
There's a lot of games that especially in web 3 that don't go out of the way to
Reach out to the community and get their feedback here that hear out their ideas
I think that's where the the success comes from. Honestly, it's just by building with the community
Getting them involved within the story
And I think overall that just you know makes everything more fun. And honestly, I'm
Just because you said that like I'm super excited for you guys
And I also tried out the demo as well. I really love the music
The music that's being played in the background. That's super cool and all the really cool
Graphics and animations that come along with it
so I would love to like talk about the mechanics the game mechanics like
What what inspired you guys to use these types of game mechanics for spectral signal?
Yeah, it's a great question, you know and one thing that you know
I've had a heavy hand in exporting our our ships, you know, we have generative set which is kind of like the rare ships
We have you know really custom
We have about a hundred and thirty custom 3d models
Which you'll see some of those in our reveals if you go into discord or we have a couple on Twitter as well
And I said, how do you get a user to say?
To grab a toy, right you think of the amiibos we talked about Nintendo
Those amiibos are so neat, right?
You can go to the store you can buy a toy you take that toy you tap it to your remote and boom you get something
In-game, they've really touched on something there that I think the web 3 world is just just really glossing over or just barely glancing
And so the developer and I said, you know, this this is a toy for someone to use right?
So how do we make that toy fun if they're actually gonna go and purchase an NFT from us?
That's a product like we are selling something to them and we needed to deliver an experience to them
And so I said, okay, if they have that toy, what are the attributes? What can we change? What can we adjust?
You know and there's four main attributes on every ship
There is the whole or the frame that frame has, you know
Your kind of standard stats which we'll be using to balance and stuff like that, you know, hit points damage things like that
There is the the wings which is the trajectory
So how does it shoot? Do you know do you shoot, you know in the helix? Do you shoot in a wave?
Do you shoot in an arc?
There is the the projectile. So like do you shoot pellets? Do you shoot missiles? Do you shoot grenades?
Do you shoot lasers?
Some of those you'll actually see in in the demo
And we've only done there's a handful that we've only done in the demo, you know
We didn't do them all obviously want you to you know, experience those to the NFTs
but you know, there's shurikens and arrows and needles and spray and goo and then of course, there's the
there's an active ability so, you know, one of the ideas of the gameplay is if I'm playing a game and I
You know have a bunch of bullets coming at me kind of we don't call it a bullet hell kind of like most space shmups
Or shoot them ups do we call it kind of this bullet purgatory, but there may be a point in time
Where you're getting inundated with bullets. It's like, how do I avoid these and with this kind of, you know space time
Experience and so we the demo has a nullify which just gets rid of all bullets
We have on board to do a dash effect
You know kind of zooming forward and avoiding the bullets or an EMP that just EMP is all the bullets and stuff away a shock wave
You know confusing confusing the enemies so that they you know that attack each other instead of attacking you
so there's all these little elements that we put in and then
What you really notice in in the generative because of the colors
you know all the different colors and the emissions that we have is that every bullet will have an impact effect and that impact can be
fire or shock or or ice or
Explosion things like that. There's even a spectral one and the spectra is kind of like this corpse explosion
So it kind of you know chains across and you can experience that in the demo too
We made sure to put that in there
but you know one thing that I
communicated with when we were designing this is
How does a person have a ship and then that ship be unique and not just unique in physical attributes
But unique gameplay and what we ended up with is something like I think it was
30,000 different combinations of ships that we could have and
We're only launching with sixty six hundred. So there's so many more combinations that we could do
And then we thought okay, and how does that ship affect how you play the game?
You know one of my favorite games back in the day was path of exile and how they did their mapping system, right?
And you know that if you if you're changing your character and you're going to a map and you're you know
Whatever using exalted or alchemy orbs on that map
You want to get a map that you can actually win an impact and and you know
You're looking at your character and how you built your character and can I can I you know?
Can I win this map and can I get the treasure at the end of it?
And so that's one attribute that we really want to take into this game, too
Is you know, what is my spaceship do and what are my what are my character attributes?
What you know at some point are my pilot attributes and how can I affect going down this path or this experience?
With the ship and the materials that I have so I think I think it a great create a ton of community excitement a ton
Of like, you know experimenting and having fun and you know, as far as the community and you mentioned in discord
You know, we we have the ability to do a lot of live events
You know, we have some experience in live ops if you will
in our past and so the way that the developer has made this game is
It's so simple to change things
I was even going in there last night and messing with the balance like I want I want way more bullets
That do way less damage or I want more laser beams to go all over the place. And so
The ability for us to bring that to the community is gonna be so exciting because you know
We can change and we can affect the demo or the game on a dime and we can say hey guys
We we just made a change and we want you to experience it
I mean I could go on forever, you know, and I'll end with this one story when I played EverQuest back in like 1998, right?
Maybe 99 I remember jumping in at one point in that game and and if people are familiar with the original ever quest
There was a human area. I think it was either key notes or free port
Anyways, you know you jump in you kind of kill some some goblins or whatever. I jumped in one day. The sky was red
there was a skeleton that was like 30 feet tall with a giant hammer and I immediately got crushed right when I loaded the
Game and I was like what in the world just happened
It blew me away and I got back in as quick as I could I ran around and started killing these smaller skeletons
and and within 12 hours that whole event was done it was over with and like
You know just kind of like a snowboard example like people love those live events, you know
You go labs did something amazing with their other side live event, you know with 7,000 people
And so we built this with the ability to do that
And we're really excited to kind of really explore what those live events mean and getting people engaged in it
Another thing that I really love about
Spectral signal when I was playing it. So I was playing the demo or like this morning. I woke up played a demo and
I really love how simple it is to play it. Like you don't even need a wallet you just
Like you know, how how like, you know outside of web 3 really a lot of people don't have
Web 3 wallets, right? So I think that just like eliminates like a barrier of entry overall
So I really love that you guys and incorporate that feature
Just like just be able to like join in without needing a wallet
So that was really cool to see and yeah when I was playing it, too
When I kept dying, I was hoping I'd get like the previous ship
But every time that I played we played it again
I got a different ship and what was cool about that like you mentioned, right?
There's different features that comes with each ship that I use
Could be like the rockets like the way they bounce like off different rocks into the ships that the enemy ships
I think that that was pretty cool to see so yeah
I really love like every every more every second I died
I was like, you know, I need to try again. I want to see what other ships I could play around with
Yeah, so from from that point of view
Yeah, I really love the demo so far. You guys have done an amazing job. Just like keeping me like attached to my screen
It's just like playing around just figure out like how can I get past these ships?
So yeah, it's been fun so far just like trying out the demo. I
Appreciate that man. And and I would say if I can add to that, you know, you can go play the demo
You don't need to connect a wallet just launch
We will do some whitelist competitions and other giveaways
In our discord and we will you know, the great thing is you don't have to play guard tape, right?
You don't have to go play these other discord games like you can play our demo and you can get on the leaderboard
you know, we have daily and weekly leaderboards as well as global leaderboards and
And so you don't have to connect your wallet to play if you want to get on the leaderboard
We need to track who you are. You got to connect your wallet, right?
So and and that highlights one of our partners sequence. I think sequence is doing a really great job
I mean, there's tons of wallet providers out there, right? But we felt okay. Let's go with these guys that have this this
Their current tech stack, you know, one of their lead developers, I think helped
Create the 1155 contract so they know what they're doing
They got some really cool API is coming through and if you open the sequence wallet, you can connect with Apple
You can connect with Google Facebook email. We're trying to bring other gamers into this, right?
I think there's a lot in store. There's probably some I can't share
You know, we did launch on webgl
We thought that was the best way to get as many people as possible to play the game without fear of downloading things like that without
Worrying about, you know, the epic game store steam or Google or Apple those take a lot of time and effort, right?
That doesn't mean we won't ever launch on those
We actually are already in talks to see what that would look like so that we can continue to get kind of this
Retail market to experience our narrative and experience our game
So I think there's a lot of fun things in store and we just want we want gamers
we're building this for gamers where we want people to come and experience and have a great time and we want to build an IP that
You can you know people can pick up our books and read it to the children
They can buy their spaceships. They can go to the store and buy our retail
I mean we want to build an experience, you know top-down that everybody can enjoy together
Dude I love that so much like the IP experience potential with spectral signal
I could definitely imagine you guys like selling toys at Walmart or Target Amazon
I can definitely see like just
people playing around with their toys like outside in the backyard and then they could just scan the code and
They'll lock some really cool entities and just like join in the world of spectral signals
So I mean the the creativity and the potential for this
It's there's there's so much to do and there's so many ideas that you guys can can go about achieving this
So honestly, I'm super high for you guys because I don't think I've seen any other game
Approaching doing this type of approach like going this path
So I'm excited for you guys to try this out
Experiment and see what comes out of it
Because you know in web 3 it's all about trying new things
Experimenting and see you know how far you can go with this
Yeah, I appreciate that and I would say I would add to that and say
You know, some people may ask like hey, where's your funding?
Where's your VC funding?
Are you you know venture backed and what I learned and actually learned this when we were looking for chains to go with and this
is the reason we went with arbitrary as I talked to some other chains and
Their response to me was well, are you gonna launch a token?
What's your token when you're gonna launch it because if you want to launch a game and you want to get some VC funding
Then you better launch a token because then you can give you know
A large percentage of that token liquidity to the VC so that they can exit at some point and and just like your emoji man
It made me tear up. I'm like really
Most of these games out there are saying, okay
You know, we need money to make a game and and it does take money and effort
It is really hard to make games and to launch them
Like let's not be shy about that truth. If you bet any time in web 3, like you said the past seven years
You've been a part of many broken promises just as I have and that was one of my motivations
It's like gosh
I'm so freaking tired of buying an NFT that never launches anything and I said, you know
We're gonna launch something before we even launch an NFT so that the community knows dude
these guys can deliver they have something already made that I can play that I can sink my teeth into and so when when those other
Chains were saying yeah
Dude, you need to launch a token because otherwise the C's aren't gonna look at you because then there's no exit liquidity
It just it broke my heart and when I talked to arbitrum, well, I when I talked to off chain labs
It was more like are you guys building a fun game?
Do you really want gamers to be included and have it have a good experience and do you want to be a part of the
Arbitrum tech that we're building. I mean a great example is the arbitrum arcade that you guys have coming up. I'm super excited
We're hoping Spectra signal will get on, you know, I think it's the eighth week of that
But that's who I want to be with and a part of is people that are pushing the technology people that understand
That the marriage of art in technology is where this is that, you know
here's a great great quote that I just absolutely love and I've kind of lived my life by this in some ways and the quote is I
Would like to write the songs of a nation. I don't care who writes its laws
And when you think of that, you're like, well, of course you want to write the laws of the nation, but no
You need to write the songs of a nation. And if you're in the US, there was a
Gentleman I think his name is Oliver and he wrote a song
I think it was like six months ago that just went viral and
When you think of songs that are created or or IPs or narratives these things
Really honestly shape culture and they do it way better than some law that the politicians are gonna go make
And so that's that's kind of like the heart of this is like
How do I get with the right people building the right tech that are going to bring in?
The people who are building the art that will take this tech to a new level
I mean another example is how how computers gotten so strong and gotten as far as they have like some people say well
Because people want to do compute things compute things like no
they've gotten as far as they have because of entertainment because of gaming and then that is
Advanced and helped the medical field so that they can advance right? It's just like
Bitcoin and things like that like why have graphic cards and things like that been selling out over the past 10 12 years
it's because web 3 is pushing the mode of technology and
Algorithms and you know hashing and and just all these interesting things that are pushing
Technology to to this edge and so I want to be a part of that
I want our company to be a part of that and like I said
I want to you know make spectral signal kind of write those songs of what web 3 is because
You can go anywhere you want in web 3 and you can experience
DeFi if you will you can buy and sell and trade and put limits and orders and but where can you go to really?
Hear the songs of what web 3 is and that's what we want to do
You know you mentioned our sound is great. We definitely want to have great sound in the game
That was one of our features, and we'll continue to push that mold, but yeah, I'm just I'm really excited as if you can't tell
Yeah, I think the best part about building on arbitrum is that
Arbitrum is
tech first so what that means is that?
Arbitrum is always thinking of how to
improve the
Experiences not for just users, but also for
Developers who want to build something fun and cool in this space
So that's what I really love about arbitrum is their tech first
community first right I
Know you guys have seen right the the recent arbitrum arcade
This idea it came from a previous
Ecosystem event called
Arbitrum Odyssey
And the idea came from the community right and what was cool about that is it brought in so much
so much fun that
Afterwards right you still have these gaming NFTs DeFi projects collaborating with each other
And that's the best part about being a part of the arbitrum family, right?
It's just that everyone is so open to collaboration open to new ideas
Open to working with each other to you know push out new ideas and try out something fun that
Could or you know might not work?
But you know still a lot of people here are very very innovative there. They they love working with others
And obviously, you know arbitrum has a really huge gaming community, right?
You have ZTX you have treasure with small verse
You have cosmic battles you have pirate nation and all these really cool games that
Enjoy using arbitrum
Because the technology the community
So yeah, I'm honestly really excited for you guys to go out there
Collaborate with other NFT gaming projects
And experiment and have fun in that process right like you mentioned Brandon. It's all about having fun here
So yeah, super excited for you guys
Yeah, and if I could you know what I always tell even the guard foundation who's just started their Dow this year is
You know, especially when you have a foundation. It's like
You may look around and a lot of us in web 3 look around and say like hey who's gonna do a thing?
I'm here for watching somebody do a thing and what I always tell them is like no go go do the thing like you go do it and
And so I would just tell you know the community that wants to be involved a spectral signal
Like we are we're trying to go as organic as possible
And what that means is we get a higher quality of active users and discord
We've been reached out to so many people to promote of course, right?
Hey, give us some money
And we'll promote you give us some money and we'll go spam your stuff all over the place and get people in discord
And I'm like even all those like we I don't want that. I don't want that because they're not engaged
They're not people that really like what we're building that really love the space and really want to see it
Grow and thrive and be a part of the conversation
And so I would encourage all of you, you know
If you love what we are doing with spectral signals doing share with people that would also love this experience
That would love what we're building that would love to be a part of it that would love to have a voice in a game
That's in web 3
Yeah, we we want you to join discord
We want you to join the conversation and we want to communicate with you. I'm trying to be as active as possible in discord
You know, I'm getting my developer in there, too
I try to avoid him chatting so much because I'm like you go to work don't don't do anything else. Just go make a game
So but yeah
We're pretty active in there and we would just love to see you guys even give your feedback on the demo come and say
Hey, this thing is broken or hey, this thing is awesome. Hey, what if you did this or change this?
I've already gotten a load of feedback from people saying what if you change these buttons to do this or that?
So yeah, just join us
We you know, we love having we love have everybody in there to talk about it
And we appreciate you having us on here churro and an option and option
Yeah, I know we're towards the end the AMA but yeah for those that you know want to
Play the demo, you know love to give some feedback get involved. I know you mentioned discord, but where can they go play the game?
Yep, you can go to spectral signal dot io you can find that on our
On our twitter page to our x page. We are at spectral signal pretty easy to remember
Go to our web page. You'll see the demo button everywhere. It's the brightest button
It's got a fun little gradient on it. So you can't miss it
But yeah spectral signal dot io is our website. Don't go, you know, somebody else tells you it's another website
Don't do it go to our main website to find it go to discord in our main links and find the links in there
So we yeah, come play and give us some feedback
Cool yeah always got to stay safe out there especially since we're in the bull market mode
Yeah, yeah, yeah, we're close and you know, I will add we have a mint coming up
The only thing we revealed is the number we're we're launching six six two six
NFTs those are fully rendered. We just finished rendering this week. We haven't announced a launch date yet
We're still looking into that or a launch price
You know, our goal right now is to get the demo over the line and we did that literally this morning at 3 30 a.m
You know, but that's not the end demo either
You know, we we our first building a great product
but our mint our mint will come and those details will come so we you know, as Aldo said, we've got a lot of collaborations and
We just want people to come join us and have fun alongside with us
Yeah, gotta love the devs shout-out to devs
Yeah, thank you both Brandon and Aldo for joining us today
Really appreciate this and super super enjoyed this space honestly
And I'm sure the community is super hyped about what's coming for you guys
And yeah, thank you guys so much and hope you guys have a great weekend
Thanks guys. You too. Thank you. Thank you for having us