Arbitrum | Transient Labs

Recorded: Feb. 23, 2024 Duration: 1:00:01



How's it going what's up churro hey not much man happy Friday
Happy Friday
How's it going everybody?
Pretty good pretty good. Yeah, thank you all for joining us today. I'm super excited to
Host this AMA. My name is churro. I'm the community manager at option labs
Also an arbitrary contributor and yeah, really excited to have you guys here and dive deep into what you all have been working on
So yeah without further ado
David would you love I would love to get some intros from you guys. So David do you want to start off with some intros?
Yeah, that sounds great. I'm David. I had business development
partnerships at transient labs I was
introduced to arbitrum back in
What was I farming I was that was the first time I really got into quote-unquote farming for airdrops I was playing
It was called like treasure. I remember that was the game and I met a size Chad and AJ while I was at super rare and
This was when gas fees were like sixty to a hundred dollars back in
2021 when the market went crazy
So we were talking through like what L2s could be this was before really L2s took off arbitrum was
kind of newer in the stage and
we were talking about how you can do bidding and a lot of the
transactions for these artworks
to essentially make it easier for for collectors and artists to to
showcase and sell their their
Artworks, so fast forward to a couple of years later. We stayed in touch. I met Ben and Marco
Ben was doing amazing photography and
building rockets at the same time and
We decided like what transient labs is is we decided to build these tools to help creators like Ben
And now we have a hundred artists now utilizing our tools
to sell their artworks and one of the big things that we're excited to launch and debut this week and today with arbitrum is
The ability to utilize
L2s like arbitrum that's been around and has proven themselves
to give not just the
Let's say half a percent that could actually
Collect and utilize the blockchain for their creations and collecting artworks
So yeah, that's that's the excitement and I know we have a few of our big partners that are helping us bring this
Dream to reality on stage with us and I see RD
Also as well if he wants to come up, but Ben you want to jump in too
Yeah, sure. Thanks
Um, hello everybody. My name is Ben Strauss and I'm one of the co-founders and CEO of Transient Labs
Super excited that we're that we're about to kind of launch this big art on our
Campaign and art on our summer and hopefully, you know
Carries a lot farther than just the summer of 2024
and we're just
Eager to get going and excited to really start utilizing
Layer twos, especially on EVM. I mean we are
We are you know, that's our that's our wheelhouse. It's our roots. We love EVM and then layer to just unlock so many more
capabilities within
The innovative tech that we're that we're creating
Mainly due to transaction speeds and just gas being, you know, ultra cheap. So doing things like adding story inscriptions and
multi-meta data token standards
the use cases kind of just
you know take off so
excited excited to dive in
Do we want to pass the torch to to RD and just keep the intros going? Yeah. Yeah, go for it RD
Hey everybody. Happy to be here. Thanks for having me
I'm RD Roger Dickerman founder of artifacts and a brand called 24 hours of art cover
Literally every 24 hours of digital art as a medium and marketplace
Partner in launching that endeavor off was of course transient labs, which brings us to today
So art on our the ART it very much hits home and it's very much something. I'm excited to talk about
I can I can jump in next everyone. My name is Zach. I am the head of partnerships over at floor
Really excited to be here and really thankful
I'm really excited to be a partner of transit labs
You know, I've been following them for a long time. It kind of like what they're doing
It's like innovation and the space and excited to be able to help feature
Some art on floor. I know that our collectors are gonna be really excited to be able to collect
So I'm excited to be here. I'm excited for this partnership. Thanks for having me
Hey Mary, are you on the digital dreams account? Yes. Good morning. Hey
You want to talk about I know this has been a long time in the making with with us when we were kind of just ripping on
Ideas, you want to give some background on what you have cooking in Kansas City and what you've been doing
Sure, most definitely for those of y'all that don't know me. My name's Mary Macaulay. I started digital dreams
Casey out here in the heart of the nation in Kansas City, Missouri and I'm a digital art gallery that has
partnered with transient labs and
Arbitrum as well as going to be powered by black dev for digital canvas provider and
I'm super excited to get to share with all the folks here in the Midwest
The power of digital art the power of art and technology
The capabilities that transient labs is creating with these smart contracts the opportunities to mint on arbitrum and see that
They can create art on the blockchain that isn't going to absolutely rape their wallets of gas fees and all the possibilities
That this will open up for them and I've been blasting this everywhere. I go
Telling everyone I can in Kansas City about what is coming their way and the opportunities that it brings for them
So really excited to to tell the whole world about how awesome this is
Yeah, thanks for the introductions everybody
and no, I'm really happy to hear that you guys have been
Enjoying your times on arbitrum
with the low gas and so
This is really important for you know artists, but also for users that really want to enjoy the art
Only because they don't have to worry about the really high gas fees that you know
David mentioned and also I know some of us have probably experienced that
during the bull market back in 2021
Which was really crazy times, but it's good that we have
Technology is such as you know, arbitrum that helps with that. It helps alleviate that and solves that issue
So yeah, I'm really excited to learn more about transient labs. I mean the backstory
So I want to ask David like what what makes transient labs very unique?
compared to other
projects that are also focused with
artist creations
So do you want to share some thoughts on that? I?
Miss part of that question, but I think it was just
backstory to
Other potential projects and artists creator tools that I hear that correctly
Yeah, pretty much
Yeah, I mean so at transient labs. I mean we build the creator tools where we let artists be able to
tokenize and take their creations
and essentially focus on on creating the artwork and then we figure out how to bring that to the blockchain and our goal is obviously how
to make it to where our moms and dads and then our
our kids and of all ages can do this in an easy way without having to
Get into ether scan and figure out how to code these things
So I think the iteration and the people that we have up on stage and the partners that we've identified is
There's one thing you have a bunch of creators creating these works
They're trying to get more eyes and ultimately sales to build their business or essentially make a living or that everybody has
Maybe it's to get some extra beer money
whatever their story is
Things can be as complex or as simple as a
Generative artwork that takes 20 to 40 hours of coding or it could be just a JPEG or something that they created
So everybody has their own
Styles and goals and aspirations
What we've developed is now the tools and abilities with
Arbitrum to be able to get these out too many more hands of creators collectors, etc
I think what's exciting for this and with the partners like
Floor who's gonna help us get in the front of potentially hundreds of hundred thousand
JPEG collectors and even people that utilize the blockchain that might have not heard of transient labs and these creators
It's a way for us to essentially
Amplify the efforts and creators
tools and visions and everything else to these potential collectors what RD is doing is he's built a
Individuals collectors partners investors that really love the art and he's telling the data
Interesting way and what we realize is not everything that gets put on the blockchain
Needs to be sold. So what we're debuting with Roger is
our tools to help artists build a journal or a ledges
essentially a
ledger or a historic a way for
creators to
Document their legacy that can be passed on to their
Kids and that they will live on forever. So what's beautiful about that is we are trying to show that
Don't have to mint everything on chain to be sold
I feel like that's what I've seen over the last couple of years everything that gets put on chain
There's this like mantra that I'm putting this on chain. That means I have to sell it and now with like
Arbitrum and the ability to have cheap gas fees
We want to showcase and show like here's a great example. Like I have a one-year-old
I'm not an artist and I've always wondered like what do I create and mint?
Well, my son is creating all this like priceless. We all have like the pictures of like water paint and
Their their journey of like growing up and learning how to paint
It's means something to me and my family and my like cousins and close friends
But like I would never like I never had a reason to go spend a hundred dollars in gas to put that on chain
But I would do that if it's 20 or 30 cents because I can now send this
Folder or I can send this mint via transient labs
to my family cousins friends as just a way and then if one day when my kid is
Grown up and going to college and I have all these like
Papers, I'm not gonna feel bad
If like I have to like cleanse the house and get rid of some of these when I can know that I can go
Back to the launch pad
It's stored on Arbitrum. I can have that memory that will never that will live on forever
So that's just one example of what we're trying to really showcase is like the quote-unquote art on our
Everybody's a creator. Everyone's an artist. We can all utilize the blockchain
to document our our legacy
Yeah, that's super awesome and you know, I would love to hear from everybody else on
What you know inspired them to build their art, you know on Arbitrum
So, I mean that that'd be awesome to hear from the rest of you guys on stage
I'm happy to dive in off the back of that David. I think he teated up pretty well talking about the Genesis catalog token movement
So for the decision for me was multi-step
I think the first decision point was transient labs and again
We have a beautiful partnership with them and we launched the 24 hours of art endeavor
Have 320 unique collectors who who expressed conviction in that concept and 250 of those members occupy a private telegram
so a lot of my year and a lot of my mission is to lift up the people that were convicted in the concept and
A decent chunk of that population is no surprise artists and creators
And so, you know what I report on on a daily basis has a lot to do with sales thresholds
But I've made it clear for a long time. My goal is to find meaningful
Sustainable ways to lift creators that aren't only tied to sales even they're of course valid
But I want to find other ways as well. And so when this came across my radar via transient
Arbitrum is a no-brainer. I go back a long ways with
People like J and Silva who have long-standing relationships with Arbitrum
I've seen some amazing things happen alongside Arbitrum
and so I was naturally a bit more receptive to what this type of a thing could look like and
Then of course the the big brains at transient shout out Ben shout out David Marco, etc. Daniel
Talk about the Genesis catalog token and then you know, that's where my world breaks open
So then that gives me the ability to allow a number of people within the 24 hours of our community number of creators
to put works on Arbitrum and then for us to do something very special so for the first 24 creators within the community who do
So what I'm going to be doing with 24 hours of art is creating a professional curated report
That amplifies what they decide to put on our so I view it as like this this sort of multi-layer experience
We're obviously taking this leap with transient and Arbitrum number the creators get to use this tooling in whatever way they see fit
That could be process shots for an artwork that could be a literal catalog
It could be more along the lines of what David said really the sky is the limit
And then I get to lean in with each of these 24 creators and figure out the best possible way to
Report it amplify it and I really can't wait to see what comes out the other side and good news within the first 24 hours
Of announcing this to the community. We have 22 now of the 24 slots already filled so no-brainer for us
And I think what's exciting for RD is we like to test things out
But we're gonna we want people to be inspired and also just it's a learning experience for us
Like what people are gonna decide how to use?
These tools we have no idea like what people are gonna come up with and create so
This is gonna be available for anybody to do. We're just
Gonna showcase this through our D's
24 hours of art and then if you have any ideas or anything that you want to particularly do like we'd love to
Onboard you and let you go do it
Yeah, no, I'm super excited to see as well like how artists like experience
experiment with this
And I'm curious to learn as well. Like what are some things you guys are
excited to see
for artists like using
transient labs on an arbitrum
Yeah, I can jump into this because there's a lot to be kind of dive in and
It really like stems from our innovations that were that we're building
And and when I try to briefly go through those
Because it'll make more sense in the context of why we're excited to build on
Arbitrum and
And really try to get this, you know, like a new meta of art collecting and creation on
Arbitrum layer 2
What are the main functionalities of a transient labs current contracts and this is in every contract 1155
721s and all of our dynamic
Specialty contracts that I'll get into in a second
but we have this mechanic that's built into every contract called story inscriptions and
What this does is it's a it's a brand new layer like a novel
layer new provenance layer
So up to up to this point really
When we think about provenance, we think about
tracking things like token ownership
History of sales history of transfer
So we can query the blockchain and we can gather all this kind of data just with the standard 721
1155 and other ERCs
But what what's really missing that we
You know as humans, we know artwork goes more than goes through more than just an ownership and a sales
Provenance like there's
There's behind the scenes. There's emotional impact it has on collectors. There's where where's the NFT actually been exhibited
Where has it been displayed?
Mean there's all I'm gonna
Forget like a hundred use cases
I mean there's it goes on and on but there's there's all kinds of provenance that you're not capturing
that happens in the lifecycle of an NFT and
In order to to capture that we created something called story inscriptions
Which allows any artist or creator of a token and any collector of said token as long as they own this token
To inscribe on chain stories that are tied to that token ID on that contract
forever, so what I mean by this is I can mint an artwork and
It can go through the you know, typical auction process or or mint process. So there's now been you know mint
Ownership and sales provenance established in the traditional, you know methods on chain
But now I can add stories to this token as either the collector of the token or the original creator
Where I can talk about why I made this piece what inspired me to create the piece. I
could write I mean
paragraphs on paragraphs of
Content and supplemental information to kind of give more context to an artwork. I can include
Supplemental images and videos and gifs to show maybe where the piece was exhibited
I could take a photo of it hanging on the wall in the MoMA if it happens to get
Showcased and in the MoMA and put this stuff on chain in the tokens story inscription
And that's gonna live with that token forever. So when you pull up this token on
like the transient marketplace
Not only will you see all the sales provenance
you'll see a story inscriptions provenance where you can track what the artist has added to the token what the
Collector has shared maybe how they feel about the artwork or why they purchased it
And this just like unlocks an entirely new layer of provenance
Census is on chain long story short everything, you know
Requires gas because these are on chain transactions
So when you start looking at a layer to like arbitrum
The the use cases for stories
Inscriptions becomes even more compelling
So there's really no
Reason or there's no cost prohibitive reason
artists can't use story inscriptions to add all sorts of extra provenance to a token and
David and Roger were talking about a little bit ago the Genesis catalog token concept you can now mint
These portfolios will just they're single token
okay, it's just a 721 you minted on arbitrum and
you can now use that single token as like a container to add story inscriptions of
works in progress
unpublished works unminted works
Storing the provenance of those works on chain without actually minting them and increasing their supply and
Then that token can be shared around with your friends community family and collectors so that they can kind of view this
You know available artworks that aren't minted yet, but still
Have their provenance stored on chain forever. So doing things like that becomes extremely
Cost effective on on arbitrum, so that's like one example story inscriptions
the other one is like multi metadata tokens like ERC 7160 which is
which is a
Evolution of the 721 and
And just imagine it instead of minting a single file like you do with a 721
You're it enables you to mint in an entire folder of artwork to a single token
So if I am an owner of a 7160 and the creator has added eight artworks to that token
I now have the optionality to point my token to any one of those a artworks contained within my token and
Once again, this is on chain
Transactions because you're actually switching the metadata
Within a folder of metadata that's stored in the token. And so doing that on arbitrum, you know becomes
ridiculously cheap and as the creator I could add
I could add hundreds of
images to a single token or
Let's just say I could add ten images to a hundred tokens in a collection without driving my
gas costs into the multiple of eats
which can occur on on mainnet and so that unlocks all kinds of
extra use cases including things like gaming imagine you collect a
sword in a game and
as you level up you can you can upgrade your sword from let's just say it starts as a wooden sword and then you go
to iron and then
steel and then
Titanium and diamonds. And so all this metadata is getting added to your so your sword 721
But at any point in time you still have full access to any revision that swords been through before because instead of updating the metadata
Which gets wiped and replaced
7160 tokens
Maintain all previous metadata and the collector can actually repoint or change their token back to any previous state
and so doing that on a layer to like I said is is super cost-effective and
think it's just gonna unlock a whole bunch of new use cases things that I'm not even thinking about and
That's why we're excited to get these tools out of the hands of creators of all types and see really what they kind of come up
That was yeah, that's my long-winded
Reason of one of the main reasons why we're very excited to start
We're already building on Arbitrum. It was the first
And the only layer to actually supported in the lab. So if the creator studio
Yeah, it sounds like
This like unlocks so much
like unlimited creativity for
artists, right
And at the same time, you know when you have
unlimited creativity
That just makes the collectors experience so much fun because Ben like you mentioned, right?
Let's say playing game right with swords you could customize well you can
You know go from wood to iron to titanium to diamond and you'll still have
access to the others, right
so I think that's such a cool way to just like enhance the
The collector's experience like making it more fun for them to have the art
So I think that's really cool to see
And do you guys think?
This is like a new direction for collectors. Do you think this sets like a new path?
for collect or for artists as well
to dive into and you know create in this path or
What my question is is like this is essentially
Like in terms of impact right does this create a new way for artists to
Yeah, yeah, I mean one of the main things our main drivers at transient labs is to
Just absolutely blow the doors off the creative space surrounding every creator because right now
most of the time
contracts smart contracts and NFTs in general are used to to
Use as a vehicle to store
You know passive metadata like a JPEG or an mp4 on chain and it's sold
Traded and it's kind of vaulted
But there's so much more you can do with smart contracts like smart contracts are a creative tool
Dynamic metadata is a creative tool
And so you can widen that creative space around creators. So now all of a sudden they're sitting on a swivel chair
You know think about like those
Star Trek movies where you you now have this entire
Circuit board surrounding you and you can swivel around and play with so many more tools and
Because of that your use cases and your outputs and the possibilities, you know, they're exponential they just grow
With something like 71 60 story inscriptions
Doppelganger is another smart contracts and multi metadata, but it's for additions. We
Definitely realize there's a lot of education to be done because these are these are brand-new concepts for the most part to a lot of
but really they can be thought of as just upgrades to
721s or 1155s and I'm I've bet I could I think I'm already on the record saying this but when
when we fully launched
7160s ERC 7160, which is the
721 kind of like upgrade you can think about it like this. I
myself as an artist will probably never
use 721s again
just because
7160s can be used exactly like 721s if I just meant a single piece of metadata to that token it is a 721
All shapes and forms like it functions. It uses the same standards under the hood and everything
but if I ever want to update the metadata or
Add supplemental versions of their artwork new aspect ratios
Maybe I want to add a square version and a 16 by 9 and 9 by 16
Now I can do that to my collector's tokens without
wiping the original metadata, so they now have the original one
Which is the one that they bought was say during auction and now they have access in their token to a square
Aspect ratio 9 by 16 is 16 by 9 if they ever want to point it to a new one because maybe they have a frame
At home, that's you know a portrait 9 by 16
They can do so without losing original metadata, so it's like metadata updates without ragging your collector so you can
Add as many things as you want collector still has full control over what their token should look like and then
Let's see here on top of that
You can do airdrops
Without actually increasing your token supply so you can reward collectors who have collected your artwork on
7160s you know one of ones and instead of creating a new contract
Let's say it's a another 721 doing airdrops to your 21 of one collectors or your community you can now add
Supplemental or additional artworks to existing tokens that they already own
So it's just it just kind of unlocks all kinds of new ways to do the same things that we've been seeing
in addition to also being able to fall back and do things traditionally if you want to just use a
7160 as a 721 you can if you want to airdrop
You still can like you don't have to add tokens
And then we're also looking into the capability to actually run like a mint app on
7160 tokens
Where you as a creator can sell upgrades to a token so it's not just you don't just have to add them for free to people's
metadata array inside their token
You can run a mint app on an existing collection and say hey collectors of my you know pursuit of equilibrium
Collection and let's say there's a hundred pieces in there
I'm opening up a 24-hour
You know I'm using air quotes here like drop or mint page because it's not really a mint page
You're not minting new tokens, but your collectors can go in there connect their wallet
It'll detect that they own one of those tokens and now they can purchase an upgrade
Which could be a new piece of artwork to add to their token so just it also increases
creative ways for creators to to sell their work and to
Add more revenue streams all right. I'll shut up and let other people talk
Yeah, thanks for the in say super bullish on that and you know changing topics a bit
Mary of I get I would love to know what you're doing
Bridging the digital and in real life art world
So I'm wondering if you could tell us about the KC
art week and
What you will be producing and creating for the summer and as well as like how artists can get more involved
most definitely yeah, I'm
very excited about this because
Have you ever been to Kansas City first off? Let me just ask you that
I'm in Kansas City right now. Oh, I know you are big
Wait, what was your question? Sorry?
Have you been to Kansas City? It's true. I have not I have not been to Kansas City, okay?
well, I'm gonna give you a reason to come here because
Folks out here don't know about web 3 for the most part
it's I I've mentioned web 3 yesterday in conversation and
Literally, they looked at me like a deer in the headlights. They were like what?
What what is she talking about?
So it's you have to be very careful when you're talking to
Folks out here about the terminologies that you use and how you refer to things
because if you speak
I don't know how most of us speak they don't know what you're talking about. So
it's exciting to show them something like arbitrum for example to mentor and to introduce this concept of this new layer to solution because
most of them aren't even aware of what a therium is or what a layer one is or what a layer two is or the
fact that you know, they you can be chained agnostic or all of these choices the blockchain is
It's a whole new territory for them and they're scared, but they're curious. And so I feel that
showing them an option like arbitrum with the reduced transaction fees and just the scalability that it offers and the fact that you can easily like
build your room or take over your
existing contracts over to
Arbitrum because it's scaled to aetherium that you can
be compatible with your existing stuff and infrastructure and just make it easier for the developers to, you know, migrate over so this
scaling solution I feel is something that
gives them an easy easy in it's not confusing it's cohesive and
it doesn't drain their pockets to enter into the blockchain space and
With the shows that we're doing
In Kansas City, it's it's in the crossroads art district
Which is kind of like right in the heart of Kansas City downtown
And it's the arts district and it's where they
Hold these first Friday events on the first Friday of every month and they've been doing this for oh, I would say goodness
probably 15 years
About or so as a long time. It's it's been a tradition here
and it's just consistently the same thing and when I when I moved
Back to Kansas City from living in Colorado for a long time. I was really disappointed
At the offerings that first Friday was giving folks. It was very just outdated and and nothing new
it was the same stuff and
Interject this energy of digital art and technology
Into that space with traditional artists. I feel will
Revitalize that scene and and get artists excited about something that can really
Propel their art and and open doors for their art to go into new directions that they didn't even know were possible
I've been talking to folks at all over town was at the Art Institute
Yesterday or the day before talking to the senior animation class about
Art on Arbitrum and explaining to them all the opportunities that will be coming their way this summer
With open calls that we're gonna be running starting in April
We're gonna have, you know five different shows that are gonna have a variety of different themes and mediums
To really give a diversity of offerings of not only the different types of smart contracts that transient offers
But to try to reach a wide variety of artists and we're gonna have digital canvases provided by black dev
We're gonna have all kinds of great technology going on inside there with LED
Screens and touch designer interactive art and just really trying to make it
Something we're learning about the blockchain is fun, but also
Exploring what can be done with your art on the blockchain
And I I think that it's all possible with this whole campaign
I think it's it's going to be phenomenal and I hope that if you haven't been to Kansas City that
When you start to see what we're doing out here come May that you're gonna want to come to Kansas City and check it out for yourself
Yeah, we'll second that
and you mentioned something about reducing friction and
In gas costs being one of them. I mean Arbitrum is lightning fast every time I do something I and I forget that I'm
Deploying an Arbitrum, you know, we're just so used to like
Pitting the sign transaction button and waiting like 12 to 15 seconds and it always catches me off guard
Just like signed done ready to go
We but something else and I kind of wanted to use this opportunity to segue over to to Zach on floor
Which by the way, someone's gonna have to translate be a translator for me. I can't hear Zach for some reason
It's like selective rugging. He's the only one I can't hear to hear everyone else
Floors taking it, you know to a whole new level and someone when with our partnership
building on you know
Stacks mince mint pages, which is transient labs
Minting mint page product called stacks
Doing that on Arbitrum and then running those drops through floor, especially
using activations like Kansas City art walks to
Completely remove the need to connect wallets and everything out of the equation where you can
Quite literally use your phone and in Apple pay to collect artwork
Is just gonna be a game changer and I think we're moving into
This like this we're moving into I wouldn't call it a meta
But I think we're moving towards inclusive editions kind of what we were doing a lot of artists like the 99% of us
We're doing before NFTs where we'd have a print website or some kind of physicals
Website to collect our artwork. I'm a photographer for example, so I'd sell prints. I didn't
Bother with limited editions, you know, not too many people in the print world
Can can do that very successfully and I think most of us just enjoyed having forever open editions
so like the equivalent of that is like an inclusive edition in web 3 where you just
Customized creator storefront where you have multiple open editions running on Arbitrum
Running through floor
floors mobile app for example and people can just browse your store and
Pick up your artwork from 20 to 200 dollars
I think we're definitely gonna see a lot more of those types of sale mechanics. So of
Course doing that on a layer to like Arbitrum makes a lot more sense when you're talking those price ranges in that kind of volume
then doing that on on EVM or gas becomes like on mainnet sorry where gas becomes like
very cost prohibitive and we'll leave a lot of people scratching their heads like when I'm buying a $20 piece of artwork and I'm
Paying $56 for fees like I wouldn't know what the hell's going on and I'd probably just walk away
So, um, I'll pass the mic to Zach if he wants to talk in this and I cannot hear what you're saying Zach
So I don't have to fill me in if you if you if there's any back and forth here
Can somebody give a quick like emoji response if you can hear me? I'm curious if it's me or if it's Ben
Okay, see the emojis. I
Call then I guess everybody else can hear me and I I guess that uh, then might be the lucky one
That doesn't get to
But I've been listening to most of this conversation. Um
One like always enjoy chatting with the transit labs team
I think like I learned a ton every single time that I'm in a conversation
and so I've been mainly a spectator in this and a space because
It's been awesome. It's what also being able to
Learn but it's also resonated a lot with me what everybody's been talking about
You know, it is our belief that
When you are paying $50 in gas and like honestly the market gets really hot
Like I remember back in 2021 paying into hundreds of dollars of gas
So like some people have had mythic experiences where they might have paid in the thousands and you know
There's a market for that, but that's not going to be the market that brings in more people into this space
People that are interested in that like they've been here
But that's not going to be what like brings in the next million people brings in the next 10 million people
What ultimately makes web 3 become web?
You're looking at frictionless
You're looking at one low gas to you're looking at like frictionless experiences
What can you do that makes it easy for somebody to experience like the magic that a lot of us?
You know are used to that are currently in this space already
And I think that like one what are we shrooms doing towards that?
It's going to be a huge huge step for like it
Makes sense to be able to collect from your favorite artists discover new types of things make experiments
I'm watching
Where you don't have to do all those expensive fees like our trim?
The way that like we kind of think about this problem at floor is
The way that you mint on floor today
It's what we call mobile minting and it's actually paying with off-chain assets
So it's with your familiar payment rails what that would look like is actually paying with Apple pay or Google pay
Depending on if you have an iPhone or an Android
And then you're getting an immediate on-chain asset, so paying off-chain
We built out the rails
Where you are able to pay off-chain with USD, maybe you get your NFT on-chain
Honestly, it looks like in less than two seconds. It's it's a pretty amazing experience
And I think that like when you think about consumer experiences
people like
Participating in something to try something out that is familiar to them it makes it easier
And so like when we think about floor as a product like that's the the type of environment we built
built on the familiar rails and
You know, I think that going back to the inclusive editions like honestly
we're thrilled for this partnership because I
Really enjoy seeing all the artists all the traders that do work with transit labs
And so like our collectors that are on floor today
I think are really going to appreciate on the the art that they're gonna be able to collect and
Also, I think about this like in the months from now perspective where I think that you know
There's going to be a lot of art that comes through floor
That's been created in partnership with transit labs on the arbitrary blockchain
that will invite a lot more people into the space today and they'll be able to experience the magic that
You know a lot of us get to experience in the day-to-day just by being in web 3 today
Yeah, that's amazing Zach
And I've also used floor as well to mint a few NFTs and with Apple pay
So I definitely like really love that feature
Just makes everything so simple
And I also had a relative as well using floor to meant a few NFTs and they enjoyed the experience
So yes, Zach you guys have been crushing it on that front. Just wanted to mention that real quick
Really appreciate that. I'll make sure to bring that back to the rest of my team. They'll be excited to hear it
Yeah, yeah, and I know we're near towards the end of the space
So I want to give you guys an opportunity to mention anything else that we still haven't talked about
I think one last one last thing that we should cover is
Where can people go to support?
What you guys are building here?
Well, I can jump in this by the way, it was weird sitting in silence forever while I knew Zach was just spitting gold
Let's see, so
Keep an eye out
on transient labs over the next like
Two to four weeks a lot's gonna be happening everything that our creator studio currently is in closed beta
That's about to start changing and
Things are about to get feature-rich
That's okay. That's the first one second one
transient and
RD with 24 hours of art
We'll be doing some
We're doing a campaign around the Genesis catalog token
kind of I
think once people get what it is, it's gonna click in their head and
Imagination is the limit
so we're gonna do some stuff around that and to show how you can use tokens on arbitrum as
Not just to mint your artwork but to to use story inscriptions to store
provenance for unpublished artworks before you share them with the world. It's like a way of establishing
work on chain without actually minting the work on chain and
Then with transient labs and floor. We're gonna be kicking that off soon
With some with some pretty exciting
mints and from there, it's just gonna be a flywheel and
excited to see all the all the mints move through and all the
both virtual and
IRL activations that we're going to be doing and
floors mobile app for
Yeah, that's all I got. I will pass the mic. I
Got rugged, but I think you're just
capping things off
We are super excited for this arbitrum team like it's been years in the making at least personally for me
I've only had the best experience
we're so excited to
Essentially lead the charge and the creating this movement art on Arb
We brought in three amazing partners to kick start this but we are going to be
Opening this up and we want everyone to be inspired
There's gonna be things that you're gonna come up with that is outside of the realm of what we're talking about here
And that's how transient labs works is we help you guys do the impossible and we figure out the technical stuff
Arbitrum has given us the
Rails to essentially do these things that we come up in concept and create so
We are super excited and
Always are asking any feedback or ideas like we're here to help make it happen
We have amazing partners and we just want to see everybody succeed and we all believe in the same mantra that
We can build our own personal businesses
partnerships etc
with the tools in place and
Yeah, it can't be more bullish on on this year and this partnership
Yeah, I'm super excited for
Arbon art
so that's gonna be amazing and
Yeah, I love the collaboration that's going on here. I'm so really excited to see all this
Fritition come to life
And yeah, I appreciate you guys for joining us today
I'm sure the community is super excited as well for what you guys are working on this year
Yeah, thank you. Everybody here for joining us and have a great weekend
Thank you, take care. Thanks everyone. Thanks for having us