Arbitrum x Open Ocean

Recorded: Jan. 22, 2024 Duration: 0:52:30



Oh, yes. Yeah, absolutely. I create crazy like after parties and stuff in Istanbul like being
up on a rooftop in someone who you don't know is Airbnb like talking to another project manager
about real world assets. It's kind of I kind of had to blink and be like, how do we get
here? But you just you know that with crypto, especially you just say, you just say yes to
things and doors open for you. And I think that's also true of like working in the space as well.
I would, you know, encourage everybody just to say yes to things and you know, see what happens.
Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm super bullish, really, really bullish for this year, for the Ethereum
ecosystem, as well as the other ones as well. You know, just a lot of exciting, exciting
developments going on. But yeah, I see that we're almost at the end of time. I want to give you
a chance to mention anything else that you want the community to know. Like, where can they find
you guys if they have any questions or if they want to learn more about what you guys are
building here? Yeah, yeah, I'll summarize that pretty quickly. So if you the easiest
way to get involved is first of all, to click on the open ocean profile is the one wearing
the little Santa hat. We haven't updated it. We'll do that at the end of January. And then in our
profile, there's a link three link. So you can click that and it'll take you'll have every single
link that we have. So that will take you to our medium where we publish articles, not only like
platform specific articles, but ones about you know, like wallet security, best practices online
and in crypto. You can also follow us on CMC. So if you didn't know, coin market cap has a
sort of feeds similar ish to Twitter. We're we're pretty adamant in posting there. And we
cross post all of our articles from medium on on coin market cap. But as usual, with any project,
you know, you want to be in the telegram, you want to be in the discord, those are the first
places where we post announcements. And that's also where we share news of our campaigns.
We do have a few exciting campaigns coming up that we're working in collaboration with other
partners with. So I would say make sure that you're following our Twitter page, make sure
you're in the telegram and the discord, or the usual crypto avenues is where you can get your
news. And we also do have a newsletter, which you can subscribe to so that you don't even have
to go out and hump the information, we just drop it straight into your inbox. But other than that,
I would say, you know, keep an eye on our on our Twitter page, because I think we have,
you know, I did cover it in the space, but we have announced our brand new OE token will be
launching on Arbitrum very, very soon in probably in the next one to two weeks. So there'll be
probably some good opportunities, not only for arbitrage between Arbitrum B and B chain and
the centralized exchanges, but also interacting with the open ocean platform. And, you know,
we've got some extra awards lined up for the first people who participate in that. So that's
a little bit of bonus alpha. But yeah, make sure you're following on all the usual platforms,
keep an eye on us. We're we're still we're still doing parts three and four of the Arbitrum STIP.
And also don't forget, if you you know, even if you've swapped on Metamask wallet on Arbitrum,
Rabi wallet, for example, you may have unknowingly swapped through our liquidity.
And if you have done, then you're eligible for a gas refund. So go on to our portfolio page,
and you'll be able to see if you're eligible for any ARB refunds. I think we had a user come on
a pretty heavy trader jump on and he was kind of shocked to realize he had 45 bucks in Arbitrum
gas rebates that he didn't know about. So that was great news. So yeah, follow us on all the
usual socials, keep an eye out for the new token deployment coming up in the next one to
two weeks. And we've also got some really fun on chain activities lined up surrounding that as
well, and some bonus rewards. But yeah, I think that's pretty much summarizes it. I just want
to say a huge thank you to churro for you know, hosting the space, and as well to the Arbitrum
team and Arbitrum Foundation, they've been absolutely amazing with us. And yeah, I can't
wait to see what what what this year brings. Yeah, same here. Yeah, definitely need to check
out the gas rebate. I'm always using Camelot, so definitely need to check it out. But yeah,
wish you guys the best. And really excited to see what you guys cook this year.
Amazing. Yeah, thanks a lot. Thanks so much for the space, man. It's been an absolute pleasure
talking today. And yeah, we're going to share the recording out amongst the community so we can get
more and more ears on to the space. And yeah, big, big thanks from our side.
Cool. Yeah, I mean, to everybody else, have a great day. Enjoy your Monday,
and we'll see you on the next AMA. Awesome. Thanks a lot, man.