Arbitrum x Origin x Timeless x Silo

Recorded: April 30, 2024 Duration: 0:41:10
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Hello, hello.
Can you guys hear me?
How's it going, everybody?
I'm GM, GM.
Doing well.
Looking forward to this.
Yeah, no, we got a big crowd here.
We have Silo, Origin, also have Timeless and Reina here with us from Optane Labs.
Really excited to host this space.
My name is Truro.
I'm the community manager here at Optane Labs.
He's also an Arbitrum contributor.
So, really excited to dive into everything that you guys have been working on.
I mean, Josh, there's like lots of exciting stuff that you guys recently announced with
RAP Origin Ether, as well as being awarded the LTIPP grant.
Congrats on that.
I appreciate that.
Yeah, we're super excited.
This is something we've wanted to do for a long time.
And we're excited to finally have it coming together in such a great way.
And appreciate the support of Arbitrum community and really appreciate this grant.
It's really going to help kickstart our growth on Arbitrum.
So, super, super stoked for that.
Yeah, yeah.
Maybe we could start with some introductions from you guys.
We could talk about yourselves and how you guys got into crypto, as well as like, tell
us a bit about each of your projects.
So, we could start with Josh.
Do you want to kick us off?
Josh, I think you're muted.
Josh, can you hear me now?
Yeah, yeah, we can hear you.
So, I have my phone set to limit my time on social media to one hour a day.
And, of course, it popped up right in the middle of that and it like kicked me off the
So, sorry about that.
I'm back now, but unfortunately, I didn't hear your question.
So, do you mind repeating that for me?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, no, I think like, you know, before we like kick off the space, you guys want to
do some introductions.
So, I mean, Josh, you want to kick us off?
Like, tell us about yourself.
How did you get started at Origin and the whole entire story?
Oh, yeah.
Well, how long do you have?
We could be here a while.
But, yeah.
I'm Josh.
I'm one of the two founders of Origin.
We started Origin actually all the way back in 2017.
We've been building in space ever since.
And really, you know, we've pivoted through a couple of different products along the way.
But, you know, what we're focused on today is really around how you can earn yield in crypto
and do that in a completely permissionless way.
And so, we have a number of products that serve that purpose.
We have Origin Ether, which is a liquid staking token that lets you earn yield on your ETH.
We also have Prime ETH, which is a restaking layer with Eigen layer.
And then we have Origin Dollar, which is a way to earn yield on stablecoins.
And all of those are deployed into DeFi to earn a yield.
And so, that's what we're working on at Origin.
Just really focusing on how we can be the simplest, easiest, most trusted way to earn in DeFi, in crypto.
And we're really excited about this next chapter, where we're going to be focusing on layer two integrations,
starting with Arbitrum, and really excited about all the new yield opportunities that will open.
And then secondly, we're working on becoming the most appealing protocol for other protocols to tap into to earn yield.
And so, there's billions of dollars sitting idle on different bridges, on different AMMs, and really all over DeFi.
And we'd love to be a trusted way for other protocols to enable rehypopulation.
And so, those are the two big initiatives that we're working on right now, is how do we take this yield product to other chains,
and how do we bring it from just, not just other users and individuals and, you know, DAOs and corporations,
but actually extending this to other protocols that want to earn yield as well.
Cool. Yeah. We also have Silo Labs. Silo, do you want to give yourself an intro about yourself?
If you're trying to talk, we can't hear you.
Unless you guys can hear Silo.
I cannot.
Yeah, Silo, do you want to, like, leave the space and then rejoin?
This thing is so buggy, isn't it?
This happens on every Twitter space.
Yeah, Elon doesn't like us.
Okay, we got Tenzin. Tenzin's coming up.
Hey guys, can you hear me now?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I couldn't hear you.
Yeah, I know.
The desktop version of the Twitter spaces thing, it always messes up.
I have to go on my phone.
Oh, you can't do that.
You've got to do it on your phone.
Yeah, I know.
Rookie move.
Rookie move, my friend.
No, but anyway, I'm Tenzin.
I lead BD and, you know, integrations over at Silo.
I've been in crypto for, like, I would say four or five years now.
But at Silo, what we're really trying to do is we're creating risk isolated lending markets.
So what that means is rather than one large pool with a bunch of different assets borrowing each other, we create one pool for every asset, right?
And to that extent, we're very excited to be working with Origin, where we have them lined up for integration very soon.
And it'll be essentially an isolated RAPTO ETH USDC market live on Arbitrum, as well as with all of our integrations.
We're working to get that live.
So I'm very excited.
Thank you for having us, guys.
And yeah, I really like what you guys are also doing with that.
You know, it's like kind of like a staking derivative, but rather than straight staking, you're kind of bringing in the components of DeFi.
So that's very cool.
Thank you for that.
And feelings mutual where a lot of us here at Origin are using Silo and big fans of your product.
So pretty stoked for that partnership as well.
Yeah, no, I love the collaboration, too.
I mean, obviously, like Silo has been on Arbitrum for a while now.
Like, I don't know how long you guys have been here, but it seems like you guys have been on Arbitrum for a long time now.
But yeah, one of the OGs here on Arbitrum.
So we're really excited that you guys are collaborating with Silo on this.
And we also have Timeless.
We have Silent.
Silent, do you want to give yourself an intro?
Yeah, I appreciate the opportunity, man.
Thank you for having us on this space.
I'm happy to be here with some of our players as well, Silo Labs and Origin.
So my name is Sol, representing Timeless Finance.
We've been a liquidity incentivization platform deployed since January 2023.
So it's been a cool year.
I recently joined the team, the growth unit to help out with these sorts of endeavors.
And with the LTIP that we were recently approved of.
Thank you, Arbitrum.
You know, we're excited for the activity that's going to be introduced to the platform throughout the 12-week campaign.
Happy to be with Silo and Origin as well.
You know, we hope to incentivize a lot of liquidity for OE and maybe some of the other products or other tokens at the same time.
And we've been long-term admirers of Silo Labs as well.
You know, especially, I'm personally quite excited for the next version of the protocol that's going to be coming out soon.
But I think, I'm not sure if there still needs to go through approval in the bad part.
What there are, what they're working with with the new mechanics for the Lindenpro call.
Looks to be really cool, especially it being permissionless.
And yeah, happy to be here once again.
Yeah, we also have Rena from Offchain Labs.
Rena, do you want to give yourself a short intro by yourself?
Yeah, for sure.
I'm glad to be here.
So as Turo said, I'm from Offchain Labs and I focus mainly on partnerships, DeFi.
And so working with projects like Origin and Silo, helping them grow in the ecosystem.
Excited to hear, you know, the plans you guys have together.
So, Josh, I mean, I don't know where you want to take this conversation, but do you want to, like,
talk about the latest developments and announcement that you guys recently pushed out?
Well, we've had a number of announcements of what we're working on.
But the big one is coming to Arbitrum.
And, you know, the new incentive, long-term incentives that we were able to get from Arbitrum.
I guess to give you a little bit of a whole story here, OEVE started as a DeFi yield aggregator.
So we're taking EVE and LSDs and deploying them into yield strategies across DeFi.
And the feedback we heard from a lot of the users and other protocols we were wanting to integrate with was that the layers and layers of smart contract risk,
as well as the risk of, you know, changing allocations between these different strategies, was just really hard to quantify.
And it became a bit of a challenge for getting these integrations that we wanted.
And so one of the big announcements lately was just the shift from being this yield aggregator to really simplifying things down to just being sort of a generic liquid staking token
with, you know, just some small, unique features that we think can really make a big difference to price stability and also the yield that we're able to generate.
And so hopefully, you know, we're very bullish that it's going to make it easier for us to get integrations and to work with other partners like those on the call.
And it will be easier for people to plug OEVE in as a tool for generating yield and enabling rehypopulation.
Cool. Yeah. And for those that don't know what is rehypopulation, what is that?
It's a long ass word.
So rehypopulation, actually, it's not it's not unique to crypto.
This is essentially what banks do when you give them your money.
They take it and they loan it up to other people.
And then, you know, it gets it gets reused.
The same capital gets put to work multiple times over.
And you can take you can think of it as like the IOU that you're given back from a loan.
That can then be used as collateral to go and borrow some more money or do something else.
And so what it looks like in crypto, let's use bridges as an example.
Right. When you bridge your money to Arbitrum, the ETH, like let's say you're bridging ETH, the ETH gets locked up on the bridge.
And then on the on the Arbitrum side, you have a placeholder token for represents ETH on Arbitrum.
And then when you want to go the other direction, you burn the placeholder token and you get your your ETH back.
And this is this is very standard. This is how bridges work.
But what happens with that ETH is it's just sitting there idle.
It's not earning any yield. It's not earning even the staking yield that you can get from, you know, if it were that ETH were staked somewhere.
So, you know, imagine a world where you take basically the same thing, except when you whenever you bridge to Arbitrum instead of the ETH sitting idle on that bridge, you could actually turn it into a yield generating asset.
So, for example, you could immediately convert that ETH into OETH.
Now you're earning the staking yield.
And then when people unbridge, you know, when they when they come back to mainnet, you would just reverse that transaction and give them instead of OETH, you'd, you know, unstake it and give them ETH back instead.
And so there are opportunities like that all across DeFi, whether it's on bridges, whether it's on AMMs, whether it's things like Blur's bidding pool, there's all these all these pools of idle capital that probably shouldn't be, you know, participating in super risky strategies.
But it is probably safe for them to go into, you know, things like like Ethereum staking and really tap.
It's probably the closest thing they have to the risk fee rate in DeFi.
And so I think there are a lot of users that would like to be able to tap into that yield.
And then I can do, you know, there's numerous things you could do with that. Right.
So you could either use it for funding future development of the protocol, you'd offer it as incentives to the users, or you could use it to, you know, instead of, you know, you can imagine a bridge, but instead of charging fees, could offer it for free because all of the costs are covered from the from the yield that is generated from it.
So lots of opportunities there that we're, you know, we're excited to explore and see what the appetite is for in the community.
Just, just wanted to add, I think that was a, it was a great explanation.
Only one thing to point out is unlike banks and sort of benefit of DeFi is that for all of you lovely people here, when you do engage in some of these strategies, you know, your capital is rehypothecated.
So when you do want your capital back, you will be able to get your capital back in the majority of cases.
I don't think origin is going to be different to that as well.
So there's going to be no backgrounds.
I mean, the unique thing is everything's transparent on chain, right?
So you know exactly where the funds are, you know exactly how much risks are being taken.
There's no opaque tools of capital where you don't know, you know, who has the money or what we're doing with it.
There's a lot more transparent and visible on chain.
I think that's really, really important for people to be able to trust us.
Oh, and if I just, I just, I'm curious with you guys coming on Arbitrum.
Is there any plans to deploy some strategies on Arbitrum with the underlying RAPTO ETH?
Yeah, I mean, we're starting off on, we're starting by bridging RAPTO ETH.
So bringing the yield that comes from OETH over.
And then we're, you know, we're excited to be, to be working with Silo.
We're also going to be, be working with some of the AMMs on Arbitrum as well.
And, you know, hoping to expand to, to do more on Arbitrum as we, you know, get more comfortable and get more liquidity and get more users on board.
Yeah, really excited for that.
I've been working with the Origin team for a while now.
Personally, you know, love what you guys are doing.
I just feel like it's a really clean way to engage with like multiple DeFi strategies.
Yeah, I think like a question that I'm like really curious on is how, how was there like a challenge?
Is there, is there a challenge to like integrate that into Arbitrum?
Were there any like challenges that you guys faced as a team on the technical side?
What, what was that like?
What was that experience like?
I have not heard any complaints at all from our engineers.
As far as I know, I think it's been pretty smooth sailing.
And, and shout out to your team for being so helpful all along the way, walking through stuff and helping explain what needs to be done.
I've, I've not heard any complaints whatsoever on the whole process so far.
Smooth as butter.
You know, congrats, you know, to you guys for having great technical documentation and also just support along the way.
You guys have been a pleasure to work with.
Yeah, no, I love hearing that.
And, you know, I'm curious as well, like how can, like what, what makes an asset good for like rehypothication?
Yeah, this is, this is a question we've been asking ourselves a lot.
Um, and you know, it's something that is just going back to, to first principles.
And I think the, you know, rule number one is don't lose people's money.
And so, uh, if you, when, when you look at liquid staking tokens, whether it's Lido or Fraxif or Rockpool leaf, they're all really, really good at taking your ETH in, uh, on a one-to-one basis.
So, you know, you, you put in, um, one ETH into Lido, you get, uh, one stake deep ETH back.
Um, that's all great and easy, but what happens when you try and do the reverse, when you, when you want to get your ETH back out?
Um, you have two options.
You can either go to an AMM and you can swap, um, or you can enter the exit queue, um, in which case you can, you know, get your ETH back on one-to-one basis, but it's going to take some time.
And that, that time is dependent on the length of the ETH exit queue at that time.
So minimums 27 hours, it could be multiple days, uh, or even weeks in the worst case scenario.
And then on a, if you're swapping it on Uniswap or Curve, you're getting hit with the AMM fees, uh, as well as whatever slippage there might be on that exchange.
And so what we see is a lot of these LSTs are trading below PEC.
You take something like Frax ETH, which on the surface looks like one of the better LSTs because it's returning a higher yield, but the trade-off is, is trading, you know, permanently 25 bps below PEC.
And so you can think of that as a hidden exit fee on, on getting out of Frax ETH.
And so that might be an acceptable trade-off for an individual who wants to use this for earning, but it's completely different.
A non-starter for another protocol that is rehypopulating other users' money, right?
So if someone comes in, deposits a million dollars in your protocol, and then five minutes later, they ask for money back, you better be able to give them, you know, every penny of that money back, uh, without any loss and without any slippage.
And so I think when the number one, one thing we need to figure out is how do we enable one-to-one redemptions instantly?
Uh, and that is really, uh, quite a high challenge because you're, again, that the ETH is locked on Ethereum and into staking.
Uh, and so you have to, you have to incentivize that in some way or other.
Uh, and so our, our thinking on how to do this is actually, um, to, to just subsidize that extra liquidity.
And instead of having that liquidity on an AMM where you're getting pushed around by the whims of a bonding curve and the price can get, um, you know, you can have variable price depending on how people are trading.
Uh, instead you can have an exit liquidity pool, uh, where people can get out on a, on a one-to-one basis and you're using incentives to, to make sure that there's always enough liquidity there.
And so that, that can give comfort to other protocols that, you know, they put a million dollars in, they can always get a million dollars right back out.
Uh, if they, if they need to do that.
And we think that's going to be a pretty important differentiator.
Um, and it's going to be, you know, table stakes for anyone who actually wants to, uh, offer rehypopulation in this kind of manner.
And just that you're exactly on point, at least when it comes to lending, um, it's having that one-to-one, but also having the, the atomicity, right?
So the time queue is actually the thing that gets in the way for a lot of assets for, um, listing with us, right?
Um, because you want, liquidators need to be able to instantly close a position within a block, right?
If they, if they're not closing it within a block, technically then the liquidator is becoming a third party that's taking on your risk.
But the liquidators need this ability to instantly redeem, um, the, you know, the wrapped asset for the, the underlying in order for liquidations to be possible, but also scalable.
Um, you can also do it with Texas, um, but you need a huge amount of liquidity.
If you want to have a huge lending market, right?
So, uh, redeemability and instant redeemability are, are very, very important, uh, in the lending space.
We've actually been doing some explorations around this lately.
We have a new, uh, I don't want to call it product, but I got a little bit of an experiment that we've been, we've been building.
Uh, we're calling our, uh, automated redemption manager arm for short.
Uh, and we, you know, we haven't made a whole lot of noise about it.
Um, but it's already done over a hundred million dollars in trading volume.
And basically what it does is it, it is just a, an almost like an ARB system for handling redemptions of LSTs.
And so we saw this opportunity where, you know, these LSTs are trading quite a bit below peg.
Um, but when you look at, you know, even when the redemption queue is only, you know, a day or two long, which, when you look at how, how much it costs to borrow ETH for a day, you know, you can borrow ETH for a day from most AMMs for, for less than a BIP.
But they're trading at a much bigger discount on, uh, AMMs.
And so what, what this, uh, arm tool does basically, um, loans out the ETH, you know, gives you ETH right away.
And then, you know, puts the LSTs into redemption queue.
And it earns like a, a pretty solid yield just doing that, that arbitrage between those two different prices.
And so this is something we think it can really help all LSTs or really not just LSTs, but all reasonable assets, whether it's restaking assets or even, uh, treasury, you know, tokenized treasury bills and all sorts of things we may have in the future.
Anywhere we have sort of this, um, redemption queue and you need to pay for the time value of money.
You can have this alternate way of pricing it that's focused on the length of redemption queue instead of, you know, the whims of a bonding curve.
Uh, and we think that's going to be an important piece in bringing more stability to, to these assets.
And then this is, this is a tool we're planning to use ourselves where we're just going to set that fee to zero.
Right. And so you can trade in and out of OEF on a one-to-one basis without any fee at all.
Uh, and then adding, you know, OGN incentives on top to, to make sure there's always liquidity there.
Um, and so that people can, can come and go as they, as they wish.
Very, very interesting.
Um, and I think this is a good segue into another big announcement that you guys, uh, recently announced.
Um, you guys were awarded, um, a grant from the long-term incentive pilot program.
Uh, so, uh, Josh, you want to like talk about it for a bit and then go over like how you guys plan to use that?
I, I, I do. Yeah. And, and thank you. Um, really appreciate the grant.
It's, it's, it's really amazing the way that you, uh, offer incentives to, to other partners in the space.
It really shows how, um, you, you think about, you know, the community and building up the ecosystem.
So, so thank you, uh, first of all.
Um, but yeah, the, the, the goals here really are around how do we create liquidity for the, the wrapped OEF on Arbitrum.
And people are going to need a way to, uh, to trade it on that platform.
Um, and so we're going to be, um, putting some of the incentives towards incentivizing that liquidity.
Uh, and then secondly, we want to incentivize interesting integrations, uh, on Arbitrum.
Uh, and so, but the initial, um, use that we're thinking of, we're going to, um, take 55,000 ARB, uh, to incentivize, uh, balancer LPs.
Uh, and secondly, we're going to take 130,000 ARB, uh, for lending platforms of our integration, such as Silo.
Um, so quite, quite excited for, for both of those.
Um, and you know, looking, you know, this is obviously just, just step one, um, where there's a lot more we want to do in the future, but, um, that's, that's where we're going to start.
That's awesome.
I'm sure the community is really excited about that.
Um, and you know, for Silo and Timeless, uh, how you guys leverage the incentive program?
Um, for your respective protocols.
Uh, yeah, I mean, uh, we were part of the STIP, right?
So, but, uh, we'll be part of the, the bridge STIP, which, which is coming up.
Um, the, uh, but as far as the STIP, I can tell you, our experience was quite good.
Uh, in terms of metrics, um, we're top of the charts with the exception of Pendle, of course, uh, who is actually one of our bigger partners.
So, uh, I would say our biggest partner.
Um, so, I mean, the growth has been immense.
I think it really helped for us being able to, um, kind of test a lot of things.
Uh, we were able to, you know, we set up like, man, I mean, we've got like 20, 20 odd something markets, uh, for a variety of arbitrary native tokens.
But we were able to have this, uh, kind of big budget that we were able to experiment and we created kind of small niches for ourselves with these, uh, the PT tokens and the LRTs.
Uh, and I think it's also helped everyone as a whole, because we've seen that it kind of, our success has been replicated across other lending platforms with these assets.
So I think that's fantastic.
Uh, and, um, and yeah, and we're very excited also because we've retained a lot of that growth.
Uh, we've seen that, uh, you know, a lot of projects kind of lost, uh, a lot of steam, uh, you know, with, uh, you know, the incentives drying up obviously.
Um, but, uh, we were able to retain a lot of, uh, of that, uh, momentum.
And, um, that was particularly because we found profitable niches, um, where incentives weren't required.
Um, so yeah, it's been fantastic.
And we're looking forward to doing a lot more kind of cool derivative stuff, uh, with the bridge step coming up.
I think, uh, on, on our end, you know, um, liquidity bunny is a platform that helps for the incentivization or like a smoother experience to incentivize the liquidity.
And the, the assets and the tokens that, you know, I've really benefited from our programs have been liquid state tokens, um, or really pegged assets in general.
So it could be a stable coin and liquid stakes, they were going to, you know, equal or liquid stake.
Um, and I think with the, uh, with our LTIP where we're really promoting this bright matching program that we have on, uh, in which protocols can come into the bunny ecosystem, uh, and commit.
And commit to a certain amount of, uh, bribes that they will be allocated towards the governance holders to direct token emissions.
Uh, and with our LTIP, we'll be able to match, you know, the commitments that they're able to make or that they, they, they desire to make over that total period.
So if there's, um, you know, let's say a thousand dollars to $2,000 that a product is willing to put up, you know, in ARB, then we'll match that.
And essentially doubles the amount of incentives that are flowing towards the liquidity pools.
So there'll be a, uh, a lot of incentives that are going towards trading some of these assets that are going to be used in a bunch of different use cases.
Um, with regards to either lending arbitrage or just general trading, uh, makes it really easy for, for people, traders, uh, investors or protocols to get access to some of these assets.
Cool. Cool. Yeah. Yeah. I know, I know you guys have been, uh, doing an awesome job on that front. Um, so yeah, congrats to you guys, um, silo and timeless on that achievement. Um, and I know we're a bit short of time. I think we're over time, but, uh, I want to quickly go over, I want to get your thoughts on like, what are you guys most excited about from each of your projects going into?
Q2, Q2, or even like the rest of the year? Um, and what are, what are some things you guys have like coming up? Um, you know, since, you know, origin has announced, uh, origin OE coming on arbitrum. So yeah, what are some plans that you guys have cooking up?
Well, I just say, I don't know if you've used, uh, main net recently, uh, but gas costs are quite prohibitive and they really slow down, um, you know, the, the last,
of how much people are able to, um, you know, participate in DeFi. It's like, uh, really, really slows things down when you, you have to be, uh, fortunate in gas. Uh, and so I'd say what I'm, one of the things I'm most excited about is just what happens when we get rid of that friction. Uh, and people are able to, um, tap into our products with, uh, out that, that friction of a gas cost.
And then are able to, to take it in and deploy into other, uh, strategies, other, um, other yield opportunities on arbitrum. Um, I, I'm just really excited to see all the things that we can unlock, um, both ourselves and, and with, uh, the partnerships that we have, uh, cooking with, uh, with timeless and silo and, and others, uh, on, on arbitrum.
Um, so super excited to see how it all plays out.
Yeah. And, uh, from silos end, I mean, we, we've been diligently working on our V2. We've just been securing it all this time. Uh, we're doing, uh, I think it's five or six audits now, um, with a lot of top firms, trail of bits, uh, chain security.
We're lining up and just, uh, a lot of, uh, security work going into it right now. But, um, once that's done, we've, we have announced, uh, kind of the key features, uh, on a medium post. Uh, and particularly we're excited to start working with hooks. Uh, so if you're familiar with uni before they have this hook system, which is what it really allows. It's, it's like a, uh, transfer or a custom logic before and after a transfer. Right. Um, and so we've essentially allowed
that, uh, capability into the silo contracts, um, in addition to them being permissionless, right? So when you come in and you create a lending market, you'll be able to set a custom hook and that will let you do a variety of different things. That can be like, you could have this market be this particular silo be permissioned. You can have it use the idle liquidity in some way. You can have it draw interest rates from a composite of different numbers from other contracts or whatnot. Um, so we're very excited for that.
Uh, and we've done, uh, uh, a lot of work on the security side. So we're excited to, to ship it to you guys, uh, relatively soon.
Yeah. On a, on a quick one, did you guys, um, look at formal verification to, to, to secure the protocol?
Yes. Yes. We, we, we, we use Sertora for all of our contracts, everything. We've, we've always used them. We use them for V1 too. Um, and we have a partnership with them. And actually the Sertora team is one of, did, uh, an audit for us.
As well. Uh, so that's been great.
Wonderful. Glad to hear that. Um, yeah. Cause when I, when I speak about security, uh, sometimes, um, I always love when the verification to be involved in some way.
Um, but it looks like it sometimes can be a bit difficult depending on what like the protocol is doing because, uh, you have to allocate for a bunch of different parameters.
Um, it's definitely super time consuming, but I, I agree. It's like very, very important. It tests for things that auditors miss. Uh, so yeah, it's, it's formal verification. It's a plus.
On, uh, on, uh, on our side, we are like timeless finance. We're, we're getting Bonnie V2 ready. Um, you know, we feel like the, the 12 week program that we've got with the, with the LTI PP will lead nicely, uh, into the rollout of the platform. Um, if you haven't seen our pin tweet on our, on our Twitter account, in case, uh, you want to refresh your memory on the things I'm about to mention.
Uh, it's there. Um, we're really excited for it in, in, in, in general. We feel like it's going to offer a new paradigm towards, um, you know, LP ink, uh, and better, a better experience for, for traders in general because of the, the features that will be there. Uh, we're going to allow for shape shift in liquidity, which, you know, allows for programmable, uh, liquidity provision and a lot more flexibility in general.
So you can imagine, you know, having one shape or liquidity profile that's, you know, being provided for an asset while having that automatically changed to a different profile that, you know, supports the, the trading volumes that whatever size that is, um, depending on the nature of the assets as well, this can dictate what kind of shapes are really catered towards it.
Um, and then on the other side of that, you know, if there's any, either liquidity that's within somebody's position, you know, or an investor's position, that will be able to get sent to other protocols to, uh, at the same time.
So, you know, both of those together just helps to improve capital efficiency for, for investors and, you know, for any LPs in general.
And then, um, the other feature that, you know, we feel is going to be a, really of a net benefit to a lot of LPs and maybe market makers as well is from the auction model AMM, uh, which was worked up by, by Zephyrm after
Paradigm and Uniswap Labs released a research paper on the, on the concept and the idea.
Um, and in a nutshell, it's, it's basically just, uh, running ongoing auctions inside the liquidity pools, uh, and giving off that right or giving off, giving off the rights to the winner in order to be able to set and receive the swap fees in, uh, in a liquidity pool.
So this means that they'll be able to make trades for free, uh, which can make it profitable for them to do arbitrage trades or align with any of the strategies that, that they have going to, uh, in general.
So we are, uh, currently getting it ready.
The testnet should be available, uh, soon, relatively soon.
Maybe in like the next four to six weeks, ideally.
Uh, but we will keep you guys, uh, updated, uh, and informed on when that's going to be.
Um, but yeah, you know, Polyv2 should be a powerful platform to come.
And we're excited to get it linked up with a bunch of the protocols that are already existing and new ones that are coming to Arborgen, like your silo labs and like your origin.
Well, I think we could, uh, close out the space, but yeah, thank you to everybody for joining us today.
Uh, especially Josh and Tenzin and silent.
Uh, thank you guys for coming through and talking about everything, what you guys are working on.
So yeah, extremely bullish.
Uh, yeah, let's keep cooking.
Appreciate y'all.
Thanks so much.
Thank you, sir.
Appreciate you having me.
Take care, everyone.
Thank you guys for having us.
Of course, always a pleasure.