Arbitrum x Pike Finance

Recorded: Jan. 18, 2024 Duration: 0:44:03



Gm gm urban arts and happy thursday today
It's a very exciting day because we are talking with pike finance as you know
We are having these daily amas with different projects building the arbitrum ecosystem and the web tree ecosystem for sure
And yeah today we are talking as well with suchant
So yeah, by the way, my name is anna community manager at the arbitrum foundation
Yeah, I would love to hear
About you suchant like maybe if you can share a little bit about you like what's your background and what do you do at pike?
Gee woman at everyone. Uh, my name is ashant. I'm the head of growth at
pike finance
And uh, I kind of handle everything there is to do with growth wherever marketing
A little bit of community here and there as well as just uh, you know strategies to help the community
and our users
as for myself I
Got into defi, uh during defi summer so 2020 I had dabbled in crypto before that but like nothing too serious
Uh, but defi summer and phantom ftm specifically was kind of what really got me into it and that's how I got the bug
And i've been here
Ever since i've actually I went full-time crypto, uh just over two years ago
Uh was actually in the polka dot ecosystem for quite some time because there's a really big fan of that
idea of a really interoperable
Ecosystem where you don't have to rely on bridges or anything like that
And you know fast forward, uh two years now since those crowd lines
We're now seeing this same sort of interoperability take place with an evm and other ecosystems as well
Amazing yeah, thank you suchant
It's super cool to hear
More about the people who are building the ecosystem. So yeah, thank you very much for sharing about about you what you do
It's it's very cool to be honest. So so yeah now
You're here here to share about pike finance. So so yeah, I would like to ask you like
What is what is pike finance? What do you do?
what do you do there and like
There in what what is pike finance doing and how how does it works? Yeah, sure
Um, so very simply, uh, I think everyone's familiar with are they to some degree?
Uh where you can deposit collateral, you know, let's say eth for example, and then you're able to borrow assets against that collateral
You know, let's say usdc. That's probably the most common, you know, borrow lend flow that there is
Uh, and are they has been around for quite some time
However, are they is only available on a single chain at a single time?
So if you're in say a theorem you can only exist within a theorem if you're on
Arbitrum, you can only be on arbitrum. What pike is doing is that same borrow lend idea?
However, it's natively cross chain
So in this example, you could deposit ethereum on ethereum and you could actually borrow usdc on arbitrum
Uh, and vice versa you could support you could deposit arb arb as collateral on arbitrum
And then you could say borrow usdc on something like salano
So it's kind of taking that same, you know lending market
But bringing it cross chain natively without having to use bridges or anything like that
That's super interesting because I think
that facilitates
Um the the onboarding or like also improves the
the user experience
Yeah, so yeah, that's that's super interesting to be honest
And I feel like
It also unlocks like a lot of usability of your assets
Uh, because we're like if you want to say on the arbitrum ecosystem
And you know, let's say your gmx maxi you have a lot of gmx. Uh, you can't really do any you can't do much with it
Of course, you can you know supply it here and there but you're like limited to just the arbitrum ecosystem, which is obviously fine
Arbitrum is actually my most used chain. So i've got no problems with that
But all of a sudden you could use your assets in arbitrum, but then you can explore the entire ecosystem
In a way that you really weren't able to before because before you'd have to like
You know sell some of your assets and kind of compromise, you know
You have to let's say you're a maxi in arbitrum
But you don't have to get rid of some of your assets because you'd have to bridge to another chain
So you could explore opportunities there
But pike is letting you you know, still have all your assets in arbitrum
But leverage them and then use them, you know in other ecosystems. So I think that's the really exciting part about pike
Yeah, 100 percent is historically
Yeah, it's very easier to
To use it I see and I actually was thinking yesterday like
Who i'm going to explain my mom that she needs to do bridging and then if yeah
Like I was like, oh no, this is this is this will be super hard. But but yeah with this
With these uh features, I think is is way easier
So yeah, good to see this
And and yeah, well something I'd like to ask you like what's the best way for the community?
to get involved like
Yeah, like say
They have to join your x account then joining your website and then what's next?
Yeah, so we actually have a testnet live
So you can actually play with you know, this cross-chain lending in a real environment right now
As we speak and the four networks you can
Use our aetherium girly optimism girly base girly and arbitrum girly
And these will also be the four networks that we go live with
You know on mainnet
So what I'd recommend the community to do is join our discord
Which is just slash pike finance. You can go on our website
And really play with the testnet, you know
What we the whole purpose of the test of course is for us so that we're able to improve the product
improve bits and pieces of the ux the ui
And just the overall flow for users
But something that's really important to us is that you know
We're bringing kind of like a new paradigm to the ecosystem
That doesn't say that we're the first necessarily but the product we have is definitely
Of course i'm biased, but I think our product is definitely the best
And so we really want people to experience, you know, what does a native cross chain lending sort of
Experience for lack of a better term actually feel like and what does it you know
What is it like to actually use?
Um, and I think that's the most valuable thing that any user interested in pike can do for both us and themselves
Yeah, it's really it really makes sense
Nice nice nice good to see it
And I would like to ask you
Why did you choose?
Arbitrum as one of the first networks to support at lounge for sure. Um
So like I mentioned earlier, uh, arbitrum is definitely my most used chain by far like it's not even close
Obviously that isn't the reason why but I think arbitrum was the first layer two to really crack that
Really like the usage problem, right because like there's so many layer twos now, but not every single one of them has a lot of usage
Um, and it's just because you know, maybe the opportunities aren't there
Maybe the community isn't there just yet and I feel like arbitrum was one of the first if not the first to really crack that
And as a result there's been a lot of things that have come out of the arbitrum ecosystem
Which are unique and what I mean by that is, you know, when you go to a new ecosystem oftentimes
The protocols that are leading are just like a uniswap v2 fork and maybe an rvv2 fork, right?
That's like the bread and butter of every new ecosystem
But I think arbitrum is very unique in that, you know, your guy's
Top, uh protocol is actually a perp dex. Um, you know being and I feel like prior to gmx
Perp dex narrative was like non-existent. It's kind of like gmx really started that hype train and that craze
Of course, you know, you had dydx don't get me wrong, but I feel like dydx was very uh
It was for a very niche set of users, but gmx
I think really brought like perps to the mainstream, uh to like just the average defy user
So I think now it's a really good example because as a result of that the arbitrum community is very switched on and very defy native
And those are the exact kind of users that we want to approach first
You know those first movers the people that try new protocols before anyone else does
Um, and then continuing from that, you know is radiant
Of course, you could argue radian is one of our competitors which makes sense because they're a lending market
But those guys did a master class as far as like how do you redesign tokenomics?
So how do you redesign tokens so that users really?
Value them. Um, and you know, you could argue okay radiance only in rvv2 fork
But you know as far as their tokenomics and their tokens are, you know concerned the radiant token that was extremely innovative
And as a result they took, you know, they're the most prominent lending market by a huge margin
an arbitrum
from my recollection
Um, and so, you know what i'm what i'm kind of getting at is that this is a sort of community that the arbitrum
Uh chain has that is quite unique in that it's full of defy users that are very very defy native
And they're much more willing to try brand new protocols in a way that other ecosystems might not necessarily be as comfortable
Oh fantastic, thank you susan and yeah cool
Good to know that you are a very active user on arbitrum and and see that
You like besides of that that you're finding the other
Good things that the that that the ecosystem has
So yeah, the at the end is the the arbitrum community is amazing
And as well, I see that
projects too like everyone is super collaborative
Helping each other and that's very very cool to see
And and yeah at the end as well
The the arbitrum technology is is the most advanced
Out there like this is according to the layer 2 beat organization that this research that they they do
comparing other
Other layer 2s what well not comparing this they are just like
Sharing how each layer 2 can improve
so at the moment arbitrum arbitrum is the most advanced and for sure there are
There are things still to work on but but yeah, there are the
Depths are building
These these these other things that need to be improved they
Being addressed so so yeah
It's it's very good to see that the community is growing the the system is growing and the technology is improving every day
And so so yeah, but we are we are going to make sure I mean
We also saw uh, you know, you were talking about like it's very collaborative like with the STIP
That you know really, you know, you could argue our incentives, uh, you know
That's the only thing that draws people but as we've seen, you know
People were here before the STIP and that kind of just like really pushed
the ecosystem, you know Pendle
Especially is a really favorite protocol of mine that has a really strong
A how should I say presence on arbitrum?
And you know those guys have benefited a lot and what we're seeing is that like what your guys are doing with the ARP token
Is really setting up that flywheel
In a way that like not not every other protocol has been able to do so, you know, really big fan of that as well
Yeah, totally for for those who are not familiar with this STIP term
This means shared incentive
Sorry, shared term incentives program
And this was a proposal
In the arbitrum DAO like individuals in the arbitrum DAO shared this idea
and yeah, now
many projects in the arbitrum ecosystem have
have been supported to incentivize the
the growth and the
The use of the of arbitrum and and their their project. So yeah, very cool to see there's actually another proposal
to fund the long-term incentive program
Uh, so yeah, if you want to check it out go to to the arbitrum DAO
And if you think there's something missing
In the in the arbitrum ecosystem you can go to the arbitrum DAO to propose your idea
And actually get funding for that
for and by the way, there is a proposal for
like that
There is a proposal for people or group of people groups of people to create proposals to
create frameworks
Grant frameworks. So yeah, if you would like to create a grant frame grant framework
You are more than welcome to join to that conversation too. If someone will is interested on that
Please leave a comment here and I can reach out to you later to give you more information about it. Uh, but yeah
That's a long topic and the arbitrum DAO is super active and it's very passionate. So so yeah, I
I had I had to take the chance to to discuss
I'm a big fan. So by all means
Yeah, well, I I actually was a digging into your x account and I found out that you
That you choose wormhole and circle, you know circle the the company behind us you see
as strategic partners for pike
So I would like to ask you like why did you choose them?
as partners for sure, um
So i'll start with wormhole because I think the story is uh
Not a lot simpler, but it's probably more fun. I'd imagine
Um, so funnily enough, uh dan and robinson at wormhole who is their
Cco and their coo
I had personally worked with them for quite a while and terry
One of pike's co-founders that also worked with them quite closely
And so when they went to wormhole, we of course, you know stayed in touch
Kept talking about what they're working on what we're working on etc
And you know as time went on and we were building pike it became, you know, more and more obvious that okay
We're quite friendly. We talk all the time
Uh, just because we're both working in in web 3 and defi, but it became clear that okay
There's actually a lot of overlap between wormhole and pike because we were needing a you know
Cross-chain messaging partner and what a cross-chain messaging protocol does is actually what allows pike to be cross-chain
Basically, you know
We don't use bridges for you know communication between chains because of all the security risks that are involved
As well as how expensive and slow they are
And instead we use uh, what are called cross-chain or messaging protocols, which are able to send in a very lightweight messages between chains
Uh, and this is actually what allows us to do this, you know cross-chain lending very briefly
Um for what wormhole allows us to do is, you know, if you deposit say one eth on arbitrum
Um, you know a message will be sent to pike
You know the arbitrum pike spoke
Saying that okay this user bob has deposited one eth on arbitrum and then pike will know
You know no matter where it is in the ecosystem pike will know
Okay, there's one eth on arbitrum for this user and from that it'll allow you to borrow
You know, let's say 75 percent of that one eth let's say for example a thousand dollars, uh worth of assets on any chain
Uh, and that's kind of and so when you do that then pike knows that okay
There are all these positions and all these different chains and how it all communicates to one another
Is by using this messaging and so as a result wormhole is very very important because that's kind of like what actually facilitates
Pike to even function as a protocol
Um, and so but you know, I can say that and you could probably say, okay
Well wormhole isn't the only cross-chain messaging protocol. There's many others. Of course, there's layer zero
There's axilla the ccip, etc. And we're friendly with all of them. You know, we have nothing against
Any of them per se but something that we really like to have wormhole
Of course, we love the team because we knew them personally
We'd known them for quite a long time and we enjoyed working with them
But something else was how wormhole began very like at the start
Was that it was the bridge and the only bridge that connected solana and evm or solana and ethereum specifically
Prior to that point. There was no way to get assets from ethereum into solana and vice versa
You know and wormhole was basically I shouldn't say created for this purpose
But this was their first application was to connect these two ecosystems
And what that means is very deep and very fundamental in wormhole sort of culture or reason for being
Is to be that bridge that connects all ecosystems not just evm to itself
Um, but evm to every other ecosystem to cosmos to solana to the move ecosystems of apto sui
Than to say etc
And so why that's important to us is one of pike's biggest value props is that not only we're facilitating cross-chain lending
But we're connecting the evm ecosystems, you know
Whether that be ethereum and the layer twos and so on and so forth monad, etc
phantom avalanche
Uh with these alternative or non evm ecosystems like solana like the movie systems like cosmos
And pike is very much in that same, you know
That's exactly what we're trying to do. And so as a result our culture and our mission is very aligned for that reason
Um, I don't want to say that the other cross-chain messaging protocols are only focused on evm
But we can see you know, the proof is in the pudding wormhole has been about this since literally day one
Uh, whereas the other protocols haven't and so that was that that made the most sense that for them to be our very first strategic partner
Um to tackle this, you know, very hard problem of connecting, you know
Say solana with ethereum because as far as lending is concerned, no one's done it
So that's the that's the wormhole side and that's kind of like a long story. So sorry about that and then on the circle side
Um, you know, of course everyone knows usdt tether. It's the biggest stable coin by far
And you know, it's got the highest volume as well
However, this is only when you look at centralized exchanges
And usdt is definitely, you know far more used than usdc on the centralized exchanges
However pike doesn't operate in the realm of you know, centralized exchanges
We operate within d phi and when you look at stablecoin volume within d phi and usage
Usdc is the leader by far. Uh, it's not necessarily the largest by market cap
I'll give you that but as far as volume as far as state
transfer volume is concerned as far as deployment within protocols whether it be d phi protocols like
Liquidity pools with indexes within already existing lending markets within yield farms aggregators, etc
Usdc reign supreme by quite a large margin
It basically beats that usdt on every metric except for market cap
And so that's really important to us because a stable coin is like the lifeblood of any lending market
That's the most that's the most borrowed asset. That's the most used asset
So it only makes sense to you know integrate usdc
But you know the reason why we went full hard on circle and usdc specifically
Is what circle has done with usdc that you know, there are a few other stablecoins coming out with this sort of uh,
uh, how should I say architecture but circle is the largest one
Is that they've made usdc native to every chain and what that means is if you want to get usdc from
ethereum to arbitrum for example or ethereum to base or arbitrum to base
You don't have to go through a third party bridge
You don't even have to go through like the official bridge. You can literally just
Send it using cctp to another chain and when I say send all that's happening
It's kind of being teleported because that usdc is native to every chain
Meaning when you send it to another chain
It basically gets burnt on the source chain and minted on the destination chain
And what this means is now you don't need a bridge to transfer usdc
And cctp is a very very quick and fast and extremely secure way to move
usdc cross chain
And that's super important for something like pike because all of a sudden, you know at launch
We'll have an asset that's native to every chain that can be borrowed in every chain
That can be deposited on every chain and can also be repaid from every chain because you know something like eth
Eth is obviously native on ethereum and it's used as gas on layer twos
But on many other chains, it's simply just wrapped ethereum
Meaning, you know
We don't want to deal with wrapped assets because the liquidity is thinner the liquidity is fragmented
And we want to just deal with native assets to begin with and usdc kind of ticks all of those boxes
And it's a stable coin. So it's kind of like there's no
Downsides and so we realize okay, we're going to go all out with usdc
We may as well get circle on board have them help us, you know implement this because this is a really good and meaningful use case
For cctp to really drive usdc as the go-to
You know omni-chain stable coin and you know, it'll have a home at pike
So hopefully that answers why we went with wormhole and why we went with circle
It's a bit of a convoluted and long answer, but I think it's an important one
Yeah, that's great very powerful collaborations there. I see that's that's very good to see congratulations on that
Thank you, yeah, it's uh, they're both very very close to us
Nice nice nice and
And cool, well, uh, I have another question like as you know, security is
As you know security is
Is super important like
Having the security first mindset is very important in the in the arbitrary system. So
What are those security measures that uh that you have been implementing a
On pike for sure. Um, so i'll start with the I guess the most obvious one
And that pertains to bridges
So, you know if you want to transfer assets between chains
You have to bridge your assets
There's and you know as we've seen as far as exploits within defy are concerned bridges are the largest by far
And because there's a lot of security
Risk and a lot of security assumptions that take place when you use a bridge now, of course
There are official bridges, you know from ethereum to arbitrum and vice versa
But often, you know because arbitrum is optimistic if you're to bridge assets from arbitrum back to mainnet
You have to wait seven days, which obviously not many people want to do and so there's these third-party bridges that have come in
to sort of, you know offer this
I guess product which will allow you to bridge assets much quicker
But of course, you know, you're taking on a bit more risk as a result to kind of facilitate this
faster convenience
But which are fine, you know, they have their place within the ecosystem and they're very necessary
But we don't want to deal with them at all. We want pike to be completely, you know
Unreliant on bridges and have no kind of interaction with the bridges, you know in the core protocol
And so as a result, we you know, you are using cross-chain messaging to do this sort of cross-chain communication and on top of that
You know something that I think a lot of people get confused is that when you borrow an asset on pike, you know
Let's say you borrow up on arbitrum, right?
You don't actually you know, this arbitrum of course doesn't exist anywhere else
It only exists within the arbitrum ecosystem this up meaning, you know
These assets aren't actually bridged to wherever you you're borrowing from
Many people think if you're borrowing usdc on say
You know arbitrum and you've deposited assets in ethereum that usdc is getting bridged from ethereum into arbitrum to facilitate this borrow
But actually the liquidity that you're borrowing from is you know was deposited on that receiving end of the chain
And so we don't want to use bridges whatsoever because of those security risks. The other thing that we want to do is
This is very very difficult
To build a cross-chain lending market with something like arvey you can simply fork arvey
You know all the work the arvey team has put in into making say arvey v3 the most secure lending market ever
You can just inherit that because you can just fork their protocol and then
You know everything all the work they've put in you can just you can just inherit that and you don't have to do any of the
Work yourself
We can't do that with pike because there isn't any you know
Like big cross-chain lending market or any at all that's live where we can go in and say okay
Let's copy paste their code base and now we have a cross-chain lending market
We've had to build this from scratch and we've been working on this for over a year now
Ever since you know, we the the idea really kind of came to fruition which would have been at the end
Uh, like q4 of 2022. So quite a long time ago now or q3 even actually
And so as a result we've had to partner with a lot of like top tier auditing firms
Like otter sec for example who have you know, they're kind of like the big dogs in the auditing world
They've audited all the really big protocols
And they haven't had, you know any problem so far and so, you know, we've finished one audit with them
But we have two three four five and more on the way
uh with a couple happening, you know as we speak and this is really really necessary for us because
You know, we want to move quickly, but we cannot compromise security at any at any point
So even if we could you know benefit in the short term by moving a bit quicker
We know we want to be here for the next five six seven years
We want to be a part of this cross chain infrastructure, you know going into the future. So we have to move slowly
Uh, but not too slow, of course, we don't want to be, you know crawling
Uh, but we need to be very cognizant of all these security risks partner with the right auditing firms in question
And then also have really meaningful
Partners like wormhole and circle who've also put in you know
So much money so much time so much effort into making sure that their protocols are rock solid and airtight
and as well as
You know constantly improving and constantly developing the protocols to be even more secure and that's something that we're also doing
You know, we've been alive on testnet for just over a month now, but we've been pushing out updates
You know once a week sometimes even twice a week based on user feedback based on problems that the community has
Found and then pushing fixes changing
Complete modules actually, you know, we just released testnet 2.0
Just yesterday and we actually revamped the entire architecture of pike based on community feedback
To make the protocol much more robust and a lot more airtight as well as a lot simpler
You know just to reduce the amount of attack vectors they could or would be
Uh, you know as far as security is concerned
So I think it you know to answer your question succinctly
It's all about culture and how much of a priority the team puts on security and for us
It's it's number one. That's why we've been working on pike for over a year now
And only now are we talking about mainnet. Uh, so yeah, I hope that answers your question
Yeah, totally good to see that you're that you're having these measures and
and yeah in
That you have all these procedures to to face this this issue. So so yeah, cool to see cool to see this
Keep keep it going
And I I want to ask you too as well, like what are those challenges challenges that you faced with when building pike?
Yeah, for sure. Um, I touched on this a little bit, uh before but it's like we have nowhere to
We can't look at anything for inspiration like there's no protocol that we can look at and be like, okay, they've set the
You know, they set the foundation and we can build on top of this
Um, you know, we're kind of in the same position as are they you know back when it was called eth lend back in the day
Where it's like they had no protocol they could they could look at for inspiration and figure out
Okay, let's do a better way of doing this
They had to come up with it themselves and that's exactly what we've had to do
You know cross chain lending and this cross chain interoperability is like such a brand new
narrative for lack of a better term
Even though obviously people have been cooking this for quite a while now including us
It's only now becoming more and more mainstream as people are realizing, you know
With data availability with modular blockchains with roll apps as time goes on
liquidity is going to become more and more fragmented and so we need these protocols like pike to sort of
You know bring the ecosystem back together and connect them in a seamless way
Um, but you know, even though that it's pop. It's a popular narrative now
We have to build this from scratch and that's kind of the biggest
Hurdle because like I mentioned at the start, you know, when there's a new ecosystem that comes out
You know, what do you see first?
You see an rvv2 fork as like the core lending protocol of the ecosystem
And then you see a uniswap v2 fork for like the decks
And then they have a new token and the token pumps and people buy it and you know
So on and so forth that's kind of the story of every new ecosystem at the at the very start
Of course and then you know with something like arbitrum
Then you have innovative protocols like gmx and radium that come out afterwards
But that's kind of the story, you know every single time
And and we just can't do that. And that's why it's been so
You know, of course that we would have loved to have gone live on mainnet, you know last year, you know ages ago
We would have loved to have a token live ages ago, but we just can't do these things
Because of what a new thing like what a new paradigm it is we're building in and like, you know
We just mentioned we just talked about security
We have to keep mind be mindful of that, you know above all else
And so we have to move a bit slower. We have to watch, you know other protocols kind of pass us by
We have to watch, you know, some maybe the crochet narrative dies in in a week's time and then we're kind of
You know left hanging we're like, oh, you know crushing lending or cross chain
Protocols aren't as fun or exciting anymore. And we just have to take that on the chin
And so I think that's the biggest challenge is that we don't we can't be as fast as we want to be
It's for a good reason
But of course, I'd love to just like go live start onboarding all the assets all all the ecosystems right out of the gate
But we have to be slow and methodical
Because you know, we don't want to be we don't want to be gone in like six months
We want to be here for the long term. We want to be one of these core pieces of infrastructure that you know
kind of carries us into this
Connected uh cross chain defy ecosystem. So I'd say that's the biggest challenge by far
Yeah, I think uh
there are
always challenges in the
In the in the path, but but yeah as as soon as you are facing them and
analyzing them and acting accordingly to
Yeah to to make to improve it. I think that's that's a great way to to achieve it too
Um, but so so yeah, that that is very cool
I by the way as well, like you sharing this is as well like building in public like
Like sharing what have what were to face in there is
Is very cool as well
Like maybe this can help other other builders. Um
In in their path too. So yeah, thank you for sharing that as well sujans. Um
so yeah, I think uh
I think I know we are we have we we don't have a lot of time for this ama today
Uh, but but yeah wondering if you would like to share something else to the community or something that we haven't touched yet
I don't know if you would you would like to share
any something about what's coming for pike finance or
Or maybe you we can follow you on next to to get posted on it. Yeah, for sure
Uh, you know, we've just released testnet 2.0
Um, which is you know, we've revamped a lot of the architecture
Um to fix quite a there's you know, there were a few problems
Uh during testnet 1.0 over the last month that didn't have like immediate fixes. There would be more
Structural or more back end fixes
But of course the devs were cooking the entire time and you know
A lot of these fixes were implemented with this kind of revamp of our architecture now
why this is important is this is going to kind of be the
How should I say the template for mainnet which is you know around the corner and it's coming very very soon
Um, of course, everything's not perfect yet. There are still
Quite a few things we need to fix and the community has been amazing and sort of
Uh offering us all of this feedback and letting us know what works what doesn't work what they do like and what they don't like
And then you know us responding straight away
Uh already, you know, we have updates lined up for next week
Which you know, i'd love to make live straight away, but of course, we'll push them all at at once
Um, but this is yeah really important because this is what's going to sort of be the template for mainnet when that goes live and of course
Just to reiterate
You know mainnet will be going live on arbitrum on optimism on base and on mainnet ethereum and then other ecosystems and other chains
Uh, like salana will be coming soon after that
But of course no timeline just yet when when everything's ready to go, you know, we'll announce it
So be sure to watch our twitter
Um, but also something else is, you know, we've built a really meaningful community
Um, you go into our discord and it's all real people
It's having real conversations, you know, oftentimes when you go into some communities, it's nothing but gm and like when token
Uh good day and that's kind of it
But we've put a really big emphasis on the people that make up the pie community
And building like a an environment where everyone wants to contribute and also an environment where people feel heard
So I think you know, if you really want to get involved, you don't really have to do anything
Just be yourself and like be a member of the community
Um, that's probably going to benefit you the most and it's definitely going to benefit us the most because that's how we
Able to make our protocol so so much better, you know already within one month
Uh, I think you know, you talk to anyone in the pike community
The dapp itself is like so much better than it was upon launch
It was still really good when we launched it
but because of all these fixes all these changes, you know, all these little things that we wouldn't be able to see because
You know, we we live pike, right? We live and breathe pike every waking moment. We're thinking about pike
So there's lots of things that just aren't obvious to us
As far as like the ux and the ui are concerned because like we know it like the back of our hand
And so, you know having new users play with pike and give us that fresh insight is like more valuable than gold
Um, so that's something i'd really you know
Ask everyone listening to really play with the pike test net and if you feel like you have something to add
Or if you just want to be a part of like a meaningful community join the pike discord
And that's exactly what you'll be a part of
So yeah, I think the the bit of alpha that I guess i'll have to share is, you know mainnet is around the corner
It's coming a lot sooner than you think
Uh, and it'll be quite big when we do announce it
But definitely keep an eye out on that and you know, we'll be doing a few more things with arbitrum in the in the near future
Uh, but yeah, that that's uh, that's kind of everything I wanted to uh touch on
Wow, that's huge you have a lot of you gave a lot of alphas to be honest and
And yeah for sure. I I see that
taking the
The advices or the feedback from the community super important and it's very nice to see that you have
Um integrating all those um comments or suggestions from from them
and so yeah, looking forward to see the
the spike finance on
On mainnet soon. Yeah
And on on arbitrum, especially
Uh, you know if you if you have
Arb like a lot of us do me included and you're looking for somewhere to put it
I think you know pike will definitely be the place for that
Uh, and you'll be able to leverage it cross chain, which uh, which will be amazing
Yeah, totally for sure
Yeah, that was super awesome to see on arbitrum very soon, too
And yeah, well, thank you very much sushant for for this amazing ama
It was very cool to get to know more about what you're building on pike finance
What are your what's your roadmap?
and and yeah, the
Import import we also we also heard about your about your security measures
And for sure about your background. Uh, so yeah, thank you very much. If someone is
Is new to this ama remember that this one is going to stay recorded. So you can
Re-listen it over and over again
And so yeah, thank you very much sushant for joining us and thank you arby notes for always being so supportive and
And yeah, let's keep building arbitrum together. Thank you very much
Thanks, and i'll take a
Happy thursday. See you. Thank you