Arbitrum x Tenderize

Recorded: Jan. 30, 2024 Duration: 0:09:00



Can anybody hear me
Yeah loud and clear jam jam
so the arbitrant main account is having some issues, but
We can get started. My name is chiro. I am the community manager at offchain labs
and a arbitrum contributor
And super excited to host this space. We have tender eyes here today to talk about
The liquid staking protocol. So super excited to jump into that
And before we start get some introduction for you guys
Yeah, hey everyone, uh, I can start here
So first off, thank you for hosting us and we're super excited to be here on our launch day
I'm alec. I'm the ceo of tender eyes labs
where the development shop that
code to the tender eyes open source protocol
And background on myself i've been building in crypto now for a couple of years in 2020
I started a call that lives on
Can you hear me?
Yeah, I can hear me
How about now
You're good go forward good
All right, I just I just cut my wi-fi just in case
Yeah, i'll keep this short. I've been building in crypto professionally now since 2020
Uh, I launched a protocol called spare x it's an on-chain money market fund
It'll take your stable coins farm yield for them and automatically give the yield back to you
Got listed on coinbase still live on arbitrum go check it out spare before that I
Can you hear me?