Arbitrum | Zeeve

Recorded: Feb. 28, 2024 Duration: 0:48:51



Thank you very much.
Hi, everyone. Hey, Jero.
GM, how's it going?
It's going absolutely fantastic. And why not? You're talking Arbitrum today, NZ.
Yeah, really excited for that. I know you guys recently integrated Arbitrum Orbit into your Rollup as a Service stack.
So, yeah, really excited to dive into that. Let's get Chase up here, partnership from Optin Labs. So let me bring him up first.
Yeah, sure.
GM Chase.
Hey, Jero. How's it going? Thanks for having me.
Pretty good, pretty good. How's the Eve Denver so far?
I'm actually going to call an Uber to the airport in like 30 minutes. So I'll let you know in a few hours.
Oh, nice.
I'm not going there yet. Yeah.
Oh, okay. Cool. I thought you were there already.
No, I might actually be in the Uber for some of the space. I hope everybody doesn't mind.
No, it's all good. It's all good. But yeah, I guess since we have everybody here, let's kick this off.
So, yeah, my name is Jero. I am the Q Manager here at Optin Labs, also an Arbitrum contributor.
So I'll be leading this space today. I'm super excited to have you both here to talk about Arbitrum Orbit and Zevi.
So first, I would love to get some interest from you guys.
Gan, would you love, I would love to start off with you. Do you want to give us a high level overview of what is Zevi?
And then afterwards, pass it over to Chase.
Yeah, sure. Why not? So, yeah, my name is Gan Vasish. I'm the co-founder and C2 at Zevi.
Zevi is a very interesting world-class infrastructure service provider in the Web3 space.
And we have pioneered the roll-up spaces specifically.
So we provide complete automated deployments and management and monitoring for layer 2, layer 3 roll-ups.
And it includes all, you know, we have taken a full-stack approach.
So when we deploy these layer 2, layer 3 chains for our customers, we ensure that they have explosives, they have faucets,
they have account abstraction, they have other integrations like interop and wallet infra all come in place.
And we have partnered with about 30 plus different integration partners of ours.
It includes an account abstraction space, includes economy, wallet infrastructure space, includes circle, particle.
In the interop space, it is XLR, layer 0, and the list goes on.
So, yeah, our role is to make roll-ups and L2s and L3s as easy as possible and in a low-code mode, automation focused.
And we give enterprise SLAs around the infrastructure we provide, which includes 24-7 monitoring and management, and also a 99.9% uptime guarantee.
So, yeah, this is quick on Zev, and we've seen that roll-ups are growing like nothing else.
Yeah, that's super awesome. And yeah, what I really love about roll-up as a service providers is that it just makes it super easy for projects to deploy their own custom chain.
I think that's like really cool to see in this space.
Yeah, I completely agree. It's great to work with teams like Zevie and gone.
They just make the process extremely easy, like Truro said, for app builders who decide that they need their own chain or want their own chain to do more customizations, own more of their economics, what have you.
Basically, Zevie handles the whole chain component.
And I guess I can give a quick background on myself as well. I lead infra partnerships at Off-Chain Labs.
So, we're the core service provider to the Arbitrum Foundation. Essentially, what that means is I help infra teams who are already onboarded in the Arbitrum ecosystem as much as they can.
As much as I can, essentially trying to be a point of contact for them, help them out, match-make them with certain providers, certain services, certain dApps that may need support.
A lot of my role recently has included working on Orbit as a lot of these teams need basic infrastructure onboarded onto their chain.
I love to match-make Orbit chains and infra teams. And I've been lucky to work really closely with teams like Caldera, Conduit, Gelato.
Zevie is one that I'm actually not as familiar with, but I'm super excited to learn more on the space and super glad that they're working with Arbitrum Orbit now.
Yeah, that's super chase.
So, one thing I always wondered before getting into the L2, L3 space myself was that there are so many terminologies which are floating around.
In fact, when we integrated Arbitrum, and in fact, it's been some time when we first interacted with Arbitrum, we ourselves had to go through a lot of terminology in our normal region.
I'm certain new emerging startups and teams who are planning to build on Arbitrum, and they have to figure it out. What is L3, what is L2?
Among the nomenclatures like Arbitrum 1, Nova, Nitro, Orbit, I mean, is there a way you can maybe simplify this from understanding perspective? I mean, for everybody.
Sorry, what was the question?
Yeah, so the question was around the nomenclatures. So Arbitrum is a very large ecosystem. There is Arbitrum 1, there is Arbitrum Nova, then Nitro, then Orbit.
And this goes to a lot of new emerging companies and initiatives and apps coming around. When they try to develop something, they need to map their use case with the right ecosystem solution here in the Arbitrum.
So, can you maybe share some insights upon in a very simple, lucid way in terms of which one fits what need and purpose?
Yeah, yeah. So let me start with Arbitrum Nitro. Arbitrum Nitro is the Arbitrum stack in the broadest sense.
So all Arbitrum Orbit chains contain Arbitrum Nitro, all Arbitrum 1 is built with Arbitrum Nitro, Arbitrum Nova is built with Arbitrum Nitro.
So that's, I guess you could say the backbone of Arbitrum itself. This includes our working fraud proofs for the only roll up with interactive fraud proofs currently live.
Then you have Arbitrum 1, which is the main Arbitrum chain. When you go on DeFi Lava and you see Arbitrum is the number one roll up by TVL, that's tracking the TVL on Arbitrum 1 itself.
That is a roll up in the most general sense. It's one of the first two or three optimistic roll ups ever launched.
It settles directly to Ethereum, it posts data directly to Ethereum, which makes it very, very secure. It inherits the security of Ethereum.
Again, I said, this makes it much more secure and it's the place where we see a lot of DeFi activity because security and trustlessness is very important for those use cases.
We have Arbitrum Nova, which again uses Arbitrum Nitro, but what we added is an antitrust data availability committee.
So we've built this technology, we built this multiple years ago and it's been in production working for over a year.
So people talk about Celestia, they talk about EigenDA. We've really been on the forefront of data availability for quite a while now.
Essentially what the DAC is, is it's a group of call it six trusted parties. It could be more or less who you post your data to them as opposed to Ethereum or Celestia or EigenDA, which introduces a little bit more of a trust assumption,
but it makes it significantly cheaper even than your EigenDA, your Celestia. And if any of the parties are to act maliciously, you only need one of the parties to be acting honestly for the data availability committee to actually post the correct data to Ethereum or to settle to operate efficiently.
Finally, we have Arbitrum Orbit. Arbitrum Orbit is our layer two and layer three open source scaling technology. So if you want to build your own layer two or layer three using the Arbitrum Tech, that's going to be an Arbitrum Orbit chain.
There's tons of customizations that can be done so you can build it more similar to Arbitrum One where you're a layer two roll up posting directly to Ethereum. Or you could be a layer two like Arbitrum Nova where you're posting to a data availability committee like any trust.
You can also have both of those options and be a layer three where you are on top of Arbitrum One or on top of Arbitrum Nova again using a DAC or using classic data availability. You could also use Celestia or Eigen, so tons and tons of options.
You can also be a layer three on top of other L2s. So for example, Arbitrum Orbit chains on top of base or something that we would love to see people try. If there are any builders out there, definitely hit us up if that seems interesting to you.
But yeah, sorry, I know I sort of went on for a while there. I hope that answers your question.
No, 200%. In fact, when you say tons and tons of configurations and combinations, this is what we have tried to simplify using Zeev, roll up as a service, which means when you come to Zeev and you want to deploy a layer two, layer three, pick up if you would want any trust or you would want an external DA like Celestia, Eigen, near or avail, those are the kind of complexities we're solving.
So we are making it a very simple click and plug and play or pick and choose kind of a scenario for the developers and the startups and the enterprises alike.
And you would get all sort of token related configurations, token economics configurations if you're launching an L2 or L3 all on your screen. And when the Arbitrum layer two, layer three goes live, you also get to choose what settlement layer.
So you mentioned you can choose, of course, the Arbitrum chains, but then you can pick up base or any other compatible EVM out there as your settlement chain, parent chain, and it works just fine.
So we have made all this complexity into a very orchestrated intuitive wizard and made it DIY. So the DevNet is pretty much, you know, DIY.
And then we also help real testnet and minutes come into existence in the same, pretty much same fashion where you get, once the network is live, you get management dashboards, monitoring panels, all sorts of alerts and graphs coming into your inboxes.
Even with enterprise integrations like you have these notifications about if your block propagation is not on the track, if your, you know, chain is not sinking, one of the nodes is lagging behind in the roll up or something.
Like that is happening, you would get these alerts into your MS teams, Slack, or preferred, you know, communication channels as well.
So yeah, I think it's a very interesting aspect of looking at this chain that the more the complexity is, the more the flexibility is, the more simplicity is also required at the same time.
And that's what I think, you know, working with Arbitrum, we're trying to facilitate towards the people who are using these roll ups and are building very aggressively nowadays.
Yeah, for sure. No, I think, yeah, I think ZV has like a really important role to play here.
As I mentioned earlier, earlier, like roll up as a service is such important, like infrastructures to have orbit chains, just because it saves a lot of developers time to, you know, build all that out on their own.
And instead, I can go to ZV to deploy their own orbit chain, and they could add all these customizations on there as well, which makes the experience even more fun, right?
So yeah, really excited that you guys have integrated Arbitrum Orbit into ZV. I think, yeah, there's definitely tons of opportunities for collaborations across the Arbitrum ecosystem for projects that are looking to deploy their Arbitrum Orbit chain.
And yeah, like what Chuck said, I mean, what Chase said, sorry, what Chase said, you know, with Arbitrum Orbit, I think it just brings in tons of opportunities for experimenting, right?
Like you can deploy an Arbitrum Orbit chain that settles to other L2s that are compatible with the EVM, right? Like base, it could be optimism as well.
It could be other L2s as well. So yeah, super excited for people that are looking to deploy their Orbit chain to experiment on that front.
Also, use cases as well, right? So far, within the Arbitrum Orbit ecosystem, you've seen tons of use cases where projects are deploying their own L2 for artists and collectors, right? Like Frame.
You also have other products deploying their Orbit chain that is focused on gaming. And you also have others that are focused on DeFi as well, like Kento, who are focused on making DeFi accessible through KYC, you know, to make it safer, as well as, you know, safer for institutions to use, which is pretty big.
So yeah, I want to dive into that topic. So Chase, do you want to like dive into like, what other use cases have you seen with Arbitrum Orbit chains?
Yeah, I think that's a great question. It's completely ranging, right? We have like, I think our biggest, our strongest selling point is that we are a highly, highly customizable stack. So, you know, like you mentioned Frame. Frame is really interesting.
It's designed for NFT creators, collectors, you know, any visionary, if you will. The marketplace or the chain itself has an enshrined NFT marketplace built into it. What that means is, you can build different front ends around said marketplace.
But if you post an NFT for sale on that marketplace, or on on one front end, it's going to exist on all front ends, or it's possible to buy it on all front ends. That way, you're not fragmenting liquidity or different collections across, you know, Blur, OpenSea, etc, etc.
And even more interestingly, part of that enshrined marketplace is enshrined creator royalties. So you really can't transfer an NFT. You can't buy or sell an NFT without paying creator royalties.
So you run, so you lose, you know, the aspect of people don't want to pay two and a half percent creator fee because that or whoever wants to sell, you know, is being greedy and wants the whole hundred percent of the sale.
You're guaranteed a royalty as a creator on that chain. So I wouldn't be surprised if we saw that become a, you know, very like art focused, art heavy chain. It was built by Saigar.
He's been in the NFT space innovating for a really long time. He's worked a lot with like Azuki, he's done, he's done all sorts of stuff across the space.
Another interesting thing we've seen is xi that they're a layer three gaming chain. They're using a antitrust data availability committee. And one of the things that arbiter morbid also lets you do is
have a native custom gas token. So xi has their xi token listed on Binance. And actually, when you use xi as a chain, it's, you pay all your gas fees in xi itself. So there's no need to have like a couple dollars, $20 worth of ETH in your wallet just to play a game and pay for gas fees.
It's all going to go. It's all done through xi, which is, we think pretty neat. Definitely really cool primitive. They also have the only layer three that I know of, I believe they're the only layer three period that has direct a direct Binance integration.
So you can have money in Binance and directly withdraw it onto the xi chain, which is really cool and we're really excited about.
Last one I'll mention is Kinto just for like the DeFi, the financial people out there. Kinto is a layer two optimized for institutions and one of the ways they do that is they don't allow you to create a wallet without KYC.
So every wallet that's on chain is going to be KYC. Obviously, there's a lot of people out there that probably disagree with that. But at the end of the day, like, we need a, if we're going to have a compliant blockchain network, we want it to be public.
So Kinto is public using our virtual orbit, but there also needs to be certain accommodations that we make to the SEC and Gary and his friends in DC.
So I think that's one of the things that Kinto is doing. They've had great traction so far as well. I'm excited to see, you know, what excited to see them continue to build.
Yeah, no, in addition to that, there's also a Rari chain. I know I'm sure you guys are familiar with Rari like the NFT marketplace for artists and collectors.
They launched their arbitrary orbit chain. And I think one of the recent milestones they have was generating over probably like 200 ETH for artists and collectors using their chain.
So I think that's a huge milestone, an important use case for artists. So yeah, that's awesome to see. And I think another really cool feature as well to touch on is the elastic chain.
So on Arbitrum, right, blocks are produced up to four times a second. And if your orbit chain goes 10 minutes without a transaction, there won't be a block created.
So that means that you'll never have to pay for empty blocks, which is really great, right? Because imagine you're having to pay, you know, lots of money for blocks that aren't being used that don't have transactions in them.
It could be like super costly for the projects. So yeah, I think that's another advantage of Arbitrum orbit chains. It's just like the elastic block times. It's very good.
Absolutely. I think this is a very interesting feature. And when we speak to a lot of customers, they usually do not have this awareness. And, you know, we explain this to them all the time.
So this is, you know, part of our engagement itself when we work with L2s and L3s on Arbitrum. And we educate them about Arbitrum itself, how it functions the best and how they can, because it's very flexible, like, you know, Chase also mentioned, and Jerry did mention too, it's very flexible.
So how do they can master the flexibility with us and fit it to the best of the, you know, use case needs. And as Chase appropriately pointed out, the dynamics of how gaming use cases can be, you know, grafted around Arbitrum, Orbit L2s and L3s, specifically L3s is very interesting.
They have actually changed the game for all these gaming, you know, applications and use cases. So you can have your own native token, you can then plug in account abstraction and, you know, usage of any trust kind of a permissioned DA on top of it makes it, you know, a full stack towards what a gaming solution can leverage.
So this indeed is very, very interesting. And I think we keep it as a part of, you know, our conversations with our customers. Every time we talk to them, we try to explain these different combinations and how, you know, what can fit better for them in terms of real execution and going to production, because in production, these things matters a lot.
But at the same time, you know, you want to tweak and play around with these ephemeral setups. So we do provide these opportunities to the customers, they can create, you know, multiple ephemeral devnet while in production and testnets, they can go ahead with what is the final configuration they would want on their chains.
Yeah, no, I totally agree.
Yeah, I really love how, you know, when you're building on Arbitrum, especially if you're building an Arbitrum Orbit Chain, you have the complete freedom to, like, add any future to your chain.
And the cool part about this, I think this is a really great transition is Orbit Chains have the ability to opt in into future upgrades.
And some of the things that are being developed by Arbitrum, which is in testnet right now, is Arbitrum Stylus, which you guys have heard, right? The ability to deploy smart contracts and Rust, C, C++.
So the cool part about Arbitrum Orbit Chains is that Orbit Chains will have the ability to opt in to these upgrades, including Stylus, Bold, and further upgrades, upgrades that comes to Arbitrum.
And the really awesome part as well is that since Orbit Chains are permissionless, right, they'll be the first to have those upgrades, because obviously, any upgrade that is going through, that's being upgraded to Arbitrum 1 and Nova, right?
The public chains, the DAO governed chains by the Arbitrum DAO, there's a process to that, which may take a while, right?
So in that case, right, because Orbit Chains are permissionless, they'll have the ability to receive those upgrades first, before the public chains, which is Arbitrum 1 and Nova.
But yeah, I wanted to hear your thoughts on that. Chase, do you want to dive into the upgrades that are coming to Arbitrum?
Yeah, definitely. You touched on one earlier, Stylus. That one is super exciting. Basically, we're adding WebAssembly.
So Wasm, which is another virtual machine to the EVM on top of Arbitrum. So we're basically going to have two virtual machines running in parallel next to each other.
And what I didn't understand for a while was actually you can have V1 of your app running in Solidity on the EVM and V2 of your app running in Wasm written in Rust.
And they can interoperate and communicate completely seamlessly. I had no idea that this was possible when I first joined off-chain.
I think this is extremely cool. As a non-dev, it's hard to know what a sort of like general purpose, like dev tool could potentially unlock.
But you've got to imagine that being able to do this seamlessly is going to unlock new use cases.
We've seen some teams working with like encryption and building dark pools and doing a number of things that aren't possible in Solidity in the EVM.
So it's just going to unlock so many more opportunities for teams that want to build on Arbitrum. And I think that's super exciting.
Another upgrade that should be coming this year is Time Boost. And I think Time Boost is extremely interesting.
But this will go to a Dal vote as well. And in my opinion, I think it will pass. Time Boost is a transaction ordering policy.
So similar to how in Bitcoin you can pay a tip to the miners to get your transaction included in the next block, we'll be changing our transaction ordering policy on Arbitrum.
I know it's first in, first out. So I send a transaction and you do. And that's how the sequencer posts them to Ethereum or processes them.
Now bots, MEV searchers, whomever, will be able to pay a tip as well in order to get to the front of that block or the end of the block or wherever.
That way it's not a game of who can buy the most expensive hardware with the lowest latency or who is lucky to be geographically close to where the sequencer, to where the server or what have you that the sequencer is sitting on.
There's less luck. We believe that it's a fairer system. And that means your chain or Arbitrum One or Arbitrum Nova will be collecting extra sequencer revenue in the form of MEV each block.
Which as Charo already said, 250 millisecond block times, you'll be collecting MEV four times a second, which is probably going to add up even if it's just a little amount each block, four times a second adds up.
Yeah, yeah. In addition to that, there's also a collaboration between off-chain labs and Espresso for making the sequencer decentralized.
So there's currently a research going on with Espresso Labs to help decentralize the sequencer. So that's on the roadmap as well. And not only that would be available to... I think you could correct me on this, but I think this would also be available to other L2s, right? Or is it just Arbitrum?
Yep. So it'll be a decentralized sequencer. Therefore, anyone that wants to use it will be able to opt in.
Awesome. Yeah. So in this case, it just comes to show how not only we're focused on Arbitrum technology, but also focused on the growth of the layer two ecosystem as a whole.
Which is really awesome to see.
Yeah, I think, you know, Stylus, the moment you said it, you know, xSpaces, they do not support videos yet. But, you know, you could see the excitement on my face if that would have been there.
And one interesting aspect about Stylus, you know, specifically when they are operated on Orbital 3 chains, we are very actively working and following the repositories and, you know, it's intestinal, but we are expecting to go live very, very fast.
And we would probably be the first one to add support, you know, being a RAS provider for, you know, Orbital 3s to have these Stylus capabilities on top of them.
But the interesting aspect is that, you know, these are not just an order of magnitude faster. That is just one thing.
But there is another aspect which usually is not talked about much when we talk about web assembly based smart contract, EVMs and all.
And that is, it is also cheaper. And that matters a lot when you talk about gaming use cases, building on healthies and all.
They do not only focus upon faster executions, but they also focus upon cheaper execution. And this is what Stylus would bring to Orbital 3s.
And, you know, we are very aggressively following the repositories and we would launch it as soon as it goes to the stable releases and mainnets.
We will push it out on the L3s. We are actively testing it out in whatever state it is as of today.
Yeah, I think that is really cool to see from you guys. And definitely I am super excited to see how Orbit Chains use Stylus.
Like Chase mentioned earlier, there is already plenty of ideas that are flowing out so far.
Like you have like dark pools, you have developers focused on gaming in the art vertical.
And so yeah, super excited to see what comes out of that. And yeah, I mean Arbitrum Stylus as a whole, I believe it opens like the floodgates for developers like in Web 2 to come over and build on Ethereum, right?
Because Rust is a known language outside of Web 3. So especially for gaming developers, right? They are really familiar with Rust.
So imagine the amount of games that can be built on Arbitrum as a whole. I think that is going to be super exciting to see.
So not only developers can enjoy the really cool features of Stylus, but they can also enjoy building with the very vibrant Web 3 community.
So really excited to see that as a whole. Yeah, super bullish on Arbitrum Stylus overall.
But yeah, I also wanted to ask you guys, like what are you most excited about with Arbitrum? It could be like technology, it could be the community. What are you most excited about this year for Arbitrum?
Everything, everything, pretty much everything. So if you see the role of ecosystem and we being a Rust provider, we interact with a lot of use cases every other day.
And we hear one thing repeatedly with all these customers and of course as a common thing with all these customer or initiatives or ideas that they would want a very stable, robust, yet scalable, cost-effective solution.
They do not just want a very cutting-edge stack which just doesn't work. In case of Arbitrum, it works. That is how simple it is.
And when we automate Arbitrum, we ourselves have seen while trying to build this support on Zeev, we didn't face any challenges at all. It was very smooth. The documentation is proper and people love that.
Especially the builders, they love that. And when you go to the enterprises, this is gold. Stability, resilience is gold.
And that's why when you merge Zeev and Arbitrum all three chains, you become most dear to enterprises because all you need is a very stable framework stack underneath and then a Rust provider which takes it to another level.
So we, that's why I mentioned earlier, we're not just a typical provider who offers 99.9% SLA 24x7 tech support and blah blah blah, but we are also SOC 2 type 2 certified. We are also ISO 27,135. We are also GDPR compliant.
Now, if you merge this and with monitoring dashboards and sophisticated management and operational, day-to-day operational panels for Arbitrum Orbit chains, and then you merge this with this very strong framework under the hood, which is Arbitrum Orbit itself, you create a very strong, dangerous, enterprise-friendly ecosystem.
And they love it. So I would say that we love everything about Arbitrum Orbit as it is today and with stylus and other initiatives which are coming along, this is becoming dangerous. Stylus, if you would see, it's the first WebAssembly-based, I would say, capability which is getting into the rollups.
It's not seen until today anywhere. So WebAssembly-based EVM on top of a rollup, specifically the L3 chain, L2 chain, this is first of its kind. So yeah, everything.
Yeah, that's super cool to hear. And I don't know if you know this, but here's a fun fact about Arbitrum stylus. So I don't know if you guys know this, but back in the day, I believe Ethereum was working on WebAssembly smart contracts as well.
I think this was a proposal, but I'm not sure what happened to it. But yeah, it's really cool to see how Arbitrum has picked off from that initiative and now is leading that initiative to bring WebAssembly smart contracts over to Arbitrum and the Holy Theorem ecosystem.
So yeah, that was an interesting fun fact that I came across about when I was learning about Arbitrum stylus. So yeah, it's super cool to see that in the past, Ethereum was actually working on that. But it's cool to see now that Arbitrum has picked up that initiative and is leading that on that front.
Yeah, yeah, I totally agree. God, I had a question. When a team comes to you and says, hey, we know we want to build a L2 or L3, but we're not decided on our on our tech stack yet. What do you how do you walk them through that?
Yeah, it's a it's a fantastic point. And like I said, in the beginning as well, most of the teams are new to the role of ecosystem. And they need a lot of advice and a lot of guidance in terms of, you know, not just choosing the stack, but then configuring the stack. So the journey begins in with, you know, understanding their use case. So when they say they are gaming, it becomes really different when they say, you know, they are an enterprise, it becomes entirely different how you would want to do that.
So, so we in in very general sense, try to understand what their use cases, then we try to, you know, dissect it into some specific parameters, for example, do you require or is this use case require a native gas token or not, not all the use cases required.
And then how important liquidity to the use cases, depending on the kind of assets which will reside or live upon this use case when it goes live, or on this R2 L3 chain when it goes live. So we ask these questions, and also at the same time, you know, consult about if they would go this path, what impact it would generate on a short term and then on long term.
And this this factor is really important here, because on a short term, most use cases would not think about scaling on a long term scaling is unavoidable. Most use cases will never reach a long term, if they would choose a wrong configuration. So if you focus on scaling in the beginning, you might might not exist.
So when we talk about these use cases with them and try to figure out what configuration would work around transaction managers and gas token economics, and even, you know, choosing the right machines underneath and distributing them differently.
And do they need HA? Do they not need HA as of now? Do they need load balancer on their RPC nodes? Or do they not need it? Do they need indexed data or, you know, hosted sub graphs? So I think at this point, I can also talk about a product we have recently launched, it's called TreSci.
So most of the gaming use cases, they do not need only the basic orbit chain, or the layer two, layer three chain, or just regular RPCs, they would require additional capabilities through which they can index contract related data out of the chain, and then make it usable.
And then same way, we also talk about different integrations they would need. So in some use cases, they say that they would want their users to be completely, you know, very less when it comes to paying the gas fee, and they would want their users to simply interact with the chain.
That's when account abstraction comes in, like TreSci comes in for hosted sub graphs. And then when they talk about liquidity, we run them through the choices they have. Of course, there are canonical bridges available then, but then there are external providers as well.
And most importantly, the difference which comes between an enterprise or a web-to-native company picking up a technology and we do define very clearly what, you know, any trust kind of a permission group of data availability can do for them, and what an external DA can do for them.
So it's all about, you know, making them understand on-chain, off-chain data availability options, nuances of them, pros and cons of them. So yeah, and there is a lot which we do. And this is how we do it.
And this is how we actually approach and guide them.
Cool. Yeah, that's really awesome to hear. And I know we're towards the end of the space. So John, I want to give you an opportunity to share where people can go and learn more about Zevi and how they can get involved.
Yeah, it's very easy. You know, our platform is DIY. Do it yourself. You can go to and you can learn about a lot of, you know, things you can do there on your own.
We offer a 15-day free trial on most of the L2s we offer and L3s we offer. So you're free to try out. And in the parallel, you can talk to our team through different support channels.
And as well as, you know, there are tutorials and documents available inside the platform itself, which you can read and leverage. And it's very simple, you know, you can go to and that's where the journey begins.
And then you never want to get out. And if you love Arbitrum, I think that is the place to be.
Love that. Yeah, Chase, do you have any final words?
Yeah, no, I really appreciate you putting this together, Churro. It's been great chatting. Really excited to learn more. Work with Zev, see what you guys bring to the orbit ecosystem.
You're obviously a very key core component of it now. We're just super excited to have you all. And I'm getting ready to hop in and over to Denver. So if anybody's there, definitely hit me up. It's been a lot of fun.
Yeah, and thank you, Churro and Chase for, you know, bringing us up as well. And again, like Chase said, we are also at Denver. So anybody want to learn more about Arbitrum, Orbiter, L3, L2 chains and how Zev can help you take it to production or, you know, realize in a live use case, we are at booth number 241. Happy to talk.
Oh, awesome. Yeah, I'll be flying in tomorrow on Thursday. So I'll be there from Thursday to Sunday. And I'm not sure if you know, Gun, but we're Arbitrum is also throwing in events on Friday. I believe from 2 to 8 at Shake Shack.
So you can go come over, hang out with the Arbitrum community, grab some free burgers and fries and play some games as well. We'll have some really cool games over there as well. There will be like an arcade machine where you can try out some really great Arbitrum games, such as the Beacon, Smallverse and much more. So yeah, really excited to chat and see everybody over there.
Yep, no, definitely.
Cool. Well, yeah, Gun, Chase, thank you both for joining us today. Such an insightful conversation about Arbitrum, Orbiter and Zev. Really excited to see the growth of the Arbitrum, Orbiter ecosystem this year. But yeah, appreciate you both for coming on and hope you guys have a great week.
Yeah, you too and everybody else.
See you guys. Thank you. Bye-bye. See you guys. Bye.