Archway Ecosystem: Introducing @pipapoio

Recorded: June 15, 2023 Duration: 0:29:58



Yo, yo. Oh, we got the dancing music on now. Oh, yeah.
Once Max is brought up as a speaker, we'll be ready to start.
Until then, Kim is a completely a captive audience.
Nice try.
Hey everybody. Welcome to another Twitter space featuring a tab from our Equatorium. Yes we can.
Awesome. So first things first, let's go through a round of introductions. I'm Valeria from the Archway ecosystem. I'm a Fire Labs core contributor marketing lead. So I'm marketing strategy lead. So yeah, Mac
Eric, do you want to give an intro and then we can do around with the Pivo team? Sure, yeah. Sorry, Eric, it didn't mean to cut you off there, but uh, CryptoCamer max, I, uh, I lead to be the side for five labs who Valeria mentioned is a core contributor to our
archway. I'm happy to be up here with the team and then the rest of the Fire Labs people as well. Hey guys, I'm Eric, I'm the tokenomics lead for Fire Labs and contribute a little bit as well but also just a community member and excited to learn about all the cool stuff being built.
- Pippa-pippa, you're up.
Hey, so yeah, so I'm Irfi. I'm the core developer and also the designer of the pop-up so we came from an FTB background. It's been two years in the FTB
And yeah, so I came from development background since five years ago. And we are a four-man team. And we have two developers, one marketing and one BD. So the one with the PPP-Papo account is actually Vincent. He's from the BD team. And yeah, so that's us, let's be purple.
Awesome, well it's great to have you guys on. And just a reminder to the audience, if you guys want to start tweeting any questions you have as they come up, we can go through those at the end and if not, we'll have a round of audience questions.
where you guys can come up and speak to the team. So yeah, thank you. And with that, let's get started. So Irfi Irvingson, do you guys want to give us a high-level introduction as to what is Pippa-Po and what you guys are doing?
So people are saying we help projects to launch their NFT. But we focus ultimately on the NFT utility or NFT utilization. And that's because we see that lack of utility from the NFT space. Many NFTs are
not utilize well. So for example, NFT could be a ticket or NFT could be a gateway to content. So that's the updated content for you guys. So yeah, so we focus on NFT utilization and that's what makes us different.
Okay, awesome. Sorry about that. I was on mute. So what would be the current landscape of the NFT market and how do you think that Pippa Pippa was going to come in and change that?
Alright, yeah, I think I'll take this one. Can you go ahead and clear me? Yes sir. Alright then, yeah, so in my opinion the current off the market is a bit in the state of Fox.
after experiencing a surge in property in 2021 and early 2022. I think the market has cooled off in recent months, although there are several factors that have contributed to that, I believe one of them is
the decline of or the fall of like RTX and Luna which impacted market liquidity and I'll say eroded confidence of the market but on the other hand I think it's important for us to know
that there are still many opportunities like the hat and over the past month we witnessed reputable up to brands and during the NFTs phase indicates potential growth and development in the market.
Awesome. And so what sets you guys apart from other players in the industry?
We do have a large part that can be where it's a free and after-minter or holders that we utilize.
I think it will be explained further by you later on during this call.
That's sweet. You also good blur
No, go ahead, Eric. You also won the Hackathon. Do I explain what exactly people didn't hack it on? I don't know if that one overknows it. Done.
Yeah, yeah, sure. Yeah, so we are first encounter with Archway was during the hackathon and we want to see what we can do in Archway and Archway has a great file capture program or rewards that we use that in our NF3 reward content.
So by that, I mean we can share the premiums, share the gas rebates from our way into HFDNFD. So currently our sharing algorithm is that
we share the HNFT as a... everything. So HNFT got the same shares. And yeah, so that's what we bring into the hackathon and also we try to create a one NFT.
that's called the Silver ticket and it meant that well on the Constance in two. Yeah, and actually I would say very well. That was very impressive actually because if you want to expand a little bit more potentially on maybe what you had in mind with this Silver ticket come mainnet because one thing I
I did notice is that US had 10,000 of those, so overtickets available to mint and they minted out and probably under a week I'd say, which is super impressive given the size of collection and just the fact that we're on testnet. So, I wonder if you had any grand plans for that company net.
Yeah, so there will be as you can see from our page there will be like something called golden ticket and it Connects to our re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re re#
That means that we will build in for all, we will be two kids and each of that will have transactions, we'll have guess rebates and that will be shared on the NFT. So yeah, so yeah.
Golden ticket holders will get sharing from all our other contracts and for the Silver ticket. It will be something related to Golden ticket.
That's pretty cool. How are you searching the RNG for us? I'm like who gets a golden ticket? How is everything stored? Is it going to be a newment? Burn these silver one or just like that white automatic white list to try?
We will announce it later, but it will be open so anyone can see our source code. And yeah, we'll announce it either. So yeah, yes.
Also, I guess if anyone in the audience wants to ask a question, you can feel free to request a speak to ask or submit a question on Twitter. So I want to quick reminder. And then I guess back to that question. So one thing I noticed, and this was kind of what drew my attention at least during the hack of time.
was you guys are coming up with your own smart contract and it sounds like you dubbed it the CW721R and that's going to be your reward earning contract. Can you just kind of explain how that might differ from a standard CW721 and what drove you guys to build something like this for the hackathon?
So it is a modified version of CW721 and each of the holders will get a share of the rewards that actually came from archway. So archway reward system is
is embedded directly on the L1 and we can use that with our contract. So HNFT will get the same shear of the gas. So we distribute all these gas rebates and the premiums to holders.
So yeah, so it essentially is a smart contract for sharing for sharing arch. Yeah, awesome. And I think that's a super cool concept and I really like the naming convention. I like that it ties it into the standard CW721 just to give you a
There's a strong understanding of what type of token they're using, but then explain to them that there is an additional benefit because of the innovative approach you've taken to this type of contract with rewards. And then I also noticed you kind of on your website have different periods, which is it looks to be like your
roadmap. And I noticed, so it looks like you're kind of heading on to the second period of your roadmap with main net release coming up. It says golden ticket mint and then the marketplace integration. And then the next period says NFT as IRL tickets. So I guess would you be able to shed some more lights on?
or some more light on what you have in mind with the IRL ticketing because I know that's becoming a much more popular and high demand. I guess concept is using NFTs as a way to access exclusive content or events. So, didn't know if you had anything specific in mind or what have you.
Yeah, so for break ground we explore NFK ticketing before and Mostly they are against it because they don't see value it beside the what blockchain already provides by that I mean if you use NFT well you can benefit from the proof of ownership on the blockchain and transfer market but we want to bring more
fail this to the NFD itself. So, yeah, so the NFD itself, we will provide tokens, so that will be like something for white labeling, but we also will provide front page for people to min, trade and verify tickets. So it will be a bankpon infrastructure,
for people to use NFT as in real life tickets. So we'll provide them minting page, we'll provide the tool for verifying it will be something like an app for your mobile phone or a website that you can use for your mobile phone to verify the tickets. And yeah, it will
It will be end to end, so people may not go to the event, check the ticket is on chain or not, and then he or she can enter the event. So it will be a whole toolkit for NFT chatting.
Awesome. And that is something I think that is going to become more useful as we move forward. I think a lot of people will start to see the value and being able to really track and be able to understand what your users or eventgoers are doing.
And you're going to be able to reach those people in different ways that you may not have before. It really helps you kind of narrow in on the target market, I guess, from a event standpoint. So I think it will come around to where it becomes more accepted. But yeah, I'm happy to hear that's being built out right now.
Dude, I'm trying to get my Taylor Swift ticket still. It's just not working. We could need a lot of improvement in this space.
That actually is a big problem though, right? Like there is a lot of issues with people just hoarding all the tickets and then forcing you to pay more for them. So anyway, we could fix that with a blockchain, I think would be beneficial to everyone. So we're not paying $3,000.
for children to go see a concert. Recruiters just like no joke military recruiters just put up like an ad saying like Matt Riftick it's a good and expensive uh like you can get a good sign bonus if you join the military.
Okay, let's bring it back to the people that are but no I'm kind of continuing out with that though so so people pull you guys have like a multi-tiered approach to what you're trying to do right so you're starting out with the ticketing going to the marketplace and then eventually
the IRL event type ticketing. So I guess have you worked with any other teams in the ecosystem or have you found it easier to communicate with some of the other teams to help
collaborate and see what you guys could build together. I'm even so much as talking to the RJX team who I know is building a native wallet and trying to do native integrations. So just wanted to hear how that's been going and if you guys plan to have mobile access through their wallet.
Yeah, we are sure we are open with collaboration. So yeah, so like our check has been contacting us, but we are yet up. I mean, we
We were deploying the consent in the consent in three just last week, I guess, so it didn't need more time to create with them. And yeah, by the way, we are open with any code.
and if any projects in the ecosystem want to launch NFT, we are real estate to help them. And also with added like marketing benefits also, yeah.
And I guess what do you guys see? And this is more of a general question. So I apologize if it's very broad, but what do you really see as like the largest issues right now in the NFT or ticketing space? And how do you see that people poet is going to help kind of provide a solution to those issues?
Yeah, so this is my personal opinion, but people don't see NFT. NFT is just NFT. It's for trading, it's for assets. People don't put more values to it.
So our idea was to put values more into the NFT with an NFT contract reward and we will vote like ticketing. So our NFT will be, there will be many values added to it.
features, many default features. So say that you are making NFDPFP for example and your NFDP actually can works also as a reward sharing NFD or it could work also as
NFD ticket for your community events, for example. And our mission was to put values on the NFD itself, put more features so that people can use the NFD as many other things that the blockchain can provide.
So more or less expanding utility providing more use cases for NFTs other than, for example, just a PFP, which has kind of dominated the space as the core use case. And I agree. I think NFTs have a lot more utility than just being in a
Collector item or a PFP. So I'm always happy to see teams who are trying to innovate and use NFTs in more, I guess, real world examples or real world situations. This being one of them. And I guess, have you guys with this contract is there, for example,
If someone were to trade an NFT or trade a ticket, how does the contract accumulate those rewards? For example, could you use this contract to stop people from circumventing royalties when trading NFTs?
Yeah, so that's actually two questions. So the first one is that how the reward is working, right? So every transaction will generate case rebates and so the more
the more people at transaction, the more people transact with us, the more the guest rebates will generate it and it will reward the NFD holders. So the NFD holders will just incentivize just by holder.
holding the NFT and if people are trading it, the holder will also benefit from the ksrbhs. And for the royalty circumfession prevention, actually
We will, it will need to have a reality enforcement standard. So we have to, people have to, so marketplace launch pad will need to have a common ground on following the standard.
and it's done that must be strict and so people like Marketplace and WatchPet follows it. And I think that's all will be solved by a strict standard that people are implementing.
And I just know and this is because Eric has kind of mentioned this a few times of how royalties are being circumvented by a lot of different users, but through SQL contracts and things like that. So if possible to
you know, prevent that type of behavior through a contract. I think that's a net benefit to everybody involved, especially the creators of the collection. So, yeah, I mean, that's all really cool stuff. In Valeria, I saw you had an audience question.
It looks like it's related to the silver ticket. I don't know if you guys had anything more to share. I know we kind of talked about it briefly. But if you had any hints or
If you could drop, I think the audience would appreciate it. Otherwise, just kind of be interested to hear what next steps are for the team and what you guys have planned for Mayna. It's coming up in a few weeks.
Yeah, for some particular, I cannot say much like it will be announced soon and for him it will be a link somewhat to the golden ticket. Yeah.
Very cool. Will you guys be live around main net or do you have like a timeline for lunch or announcement?
We are still in discussion about that. So we want people to interact with us and we haven't decided yet what the best way on launching on minutes. Yeah, so we'll discuss this further with you.
and we'll get back to you. - Yeah, I'm actually, I'm, you know, look at your roadmap now and I see that after you guys enable IRL ticketing, you guys are allowing people to create NFT collections without coding. So do you guys wanna expand a little bit on that? I feel like we didn't really touch on that.
So no code NFDM thing has been a requirement in this space for quite a while and we haven't seen that in archway and we want like everyone else in this space we want to reach mainstream adoption with the NFT and to do no code solution will be necessary since not so
so many people can hold themselves and people like artists can or even organizer can men's and use art to talk it easily without any coding requirements. Awesome. So because as you mentioned, it's kind of become a requirement or a prerequisite in
Do you have any timelines attached to these periods? So, like, let's say after you launch how much after your initial launch on Archway, will each of these ages come? Do you guys have timelines for that? Let's say like two weeks, three weeks, type of thing.
our timeline is actually six months so so I think after the first minute launch it will be it will be
the ticketing toolkit first and after that people can like three months after that people can use our no-code solution to mint their ticketing NFT or any NFT that they want.
Okay, awesome. And I think this is a good time to start reminding the audience that if you have any questions, you can come up and ask. And if not, we'll just continue with our discussion. But yeah, and actually,
more of like a casual question, where did the name Pippa Poc come from? It's catchy, I like it. You know, you guys have done a really great job with your marketing and your branding, but I'm curious to know where the name came from.
So people can actually say something when we want to play FIFA. So it's like FIFA something like it's in Indonesia and then we search what the meaning of
PIPAPO in internet and we see a German language for PIPAPO and that means "alice" or "all". So that synergies with us and us as an all solution for the end of the utilization.
Okay, awesome. Yeah, I was just I love the name. I think it's catchy. I think it's great. I was just curious to where I came because it's very original. But yeah, I think it's it's a great time to start bringing up audience members. So if anyone wants to request to speak, feel free. If not, we'll we'll start wrapping it up.
And while we're waiting for people to request, if the Pippa Bo team has anything to leave our audience with, maybe any calls to action that you guys want to call out.
If you guys are opening beta testing on Concent team 3 and stuff, anything you want to leave are on Audience with. Feel free to speak now or forever hold your piece.
Yeah, so everybody if everybody is curious about us, you can visit and there's an ongoing test with the Constantin3 so you can try to mentor, try to
to collect the rewards and it will also drop the constant in two holders. So don't worry about it. If you mint it on the content in two, you will get the same entity and constant in three.
Okay, awesome. I'm gonna actually add to that so make sure you also follow them on Twitter to stay up to date on all their announcements
And why we wait for some questions of potentially rolling I guess just wanted to make a couple of announcements with archway as many of probably seen the air drop eligibility tracker or sorry, eligibility checker is now out on the website so you can go check to see if you qualified for the archway checker
air drop. We also have a smart contract hackathon that is running until the 23rd and that has up to 500,000 arch for prizes. So if you have any ideas for a smart contract or any ideas for some tooling that could utilize the archway rewards, we highly
I think that's a great way for us to continue to support the teams in the ecosystem and really just to innovate and come up with new use cases and ideas for smart contracts that could utilize the archway value capture engine.
of those announcements and also that the foundation is working with coinless to host the public sale which I believe kicks off today. So a lot going on the archway ecosystem and Maynack coming up in a couple more weeks so I'm pretty excited and happy to have everyone here and excited to get Maynack kicked off.
Yeah, absolutely. And just to add on to that, if you guys are curious as to how the foundation calculated, air drop amounts and stuff, the requirements are live on our medium blog. So you can go check that out. It's the last article that was published. It's called the TLDR behind the argument.
ways, Genesis Arts Drop. So if you guys are curious about that, go check that out. And yeah, if not, thank you so much for coming and thank you so much for listening to the Pippa Pippa team. Really exciting stuff coming up. And yeah, we're really happy that everyone was able to join.
Thank you guys, look where it is. Thank you for joining. Thank you guys.