Archway Ecosystem: The premiere wallet for Archway? @ArchX_Wallet

Recorded: June 26, 2023 Duration: 0:43:28



Hey everyone, how are you today?
It went good. One day is always the best day of the week, right? It's fresh. It's fresh as we hopefully can be from the weekend. Is that how it usually goes? Yeah, you'd think. So how's your weekend been?
It's good now with everything archway coming up very close the weekends get busier and busier the closer we get yes sir launch is coming up soon. I'm very excited. How are you feeling?
Well, I'm a little stressed, very tired, the usual. But we're plugging right along. So it actually feels good to knock things off the list and excited to share with everyone here what it's going to look like in just a few days. Yeah, absolutely. So do you want to go ahead and give it a little intro to yourself before we
Yeah, yeah, my name is Sean. I am the head of growth at R-Jex. Our dev team is like full heads, heads down, getting all the last bugs fixed. So I'll be sharing all the fun stuff that they probably don't want me to share with you guys. But yeah, I'll be covering all the bases.
of what our checks while it's going to look like, for me, as well as the big picture view of what this wallet will be in the next six to 12 months as well. Absolutely, that sounds great. And then for those of you who don't know my name's Fularia, I'm the growth strategy lead at Bylobs. And I'm really excited to be
hosting this Twitter spaces with arch x. I've been privy to seeing what the user will look like and stuff and I'm really excited to use it for one. So yeah, so for those of you who don't know, Sean, would you want to give a high level overview of what arch x is and kind of what it will look like at launch and kind of what people will be able to do through it?
Yeah, on the basics, our checks wallet is a mobile first wallet. So I think all of us are very familiar with, you know, browser extension, what those capabilities are. And we wanted to kind of spearhead and make an everything you can do on your browser extension, right on your
mobile phone. Now you don't have to go around chaser laptop down, markets crashing, if you got to do anything. This way, if we take that mobile first approach, we believe we can onboard a lot more users into archway and the entire ecosystem.
The mobile design is some features that just as fans think we've all wanted. My partner and I build in this out have been in the space for many years and so we figured there's some really big things that the current wallet industry is kind of ignoring.
And we want to build a mobile wallet that takes these into place. So I'll give a high level overview of what those look like and then we can always dig deep into each but really like I said, we want everything that you can do on a browser extension, you can do right on your phone. We want something around like native integration.
You don't have to worry about a depth not working on your device just because it's mobile. All adapts being accessible. I think right now you see some that you just can't even open up. And then on the bigger view, we want developers that are creating depths to easily come and
bring their application into the wallet without having to jump through a bunch of hoops. So that way it's more accessible. You're not having to figure out how can I get my decks or whatever dab onto a mobile device so that users can access it easily. That's some of the small stuff. A lot of little features.
features that will definitely lead here. But that's kind of the big view, right, from the user point of view to even the DAPS and how they can get integrated. Yeah, that's amazing. And so do you want to give kind of like an overview of what the mobile wallet space looks like right now and why it's so important, why you see it gap in terms of like mobile first wallets?
Yeah, I think I think the overlying view is pretty simple right? I mean, all of us do everything on our mobile, right? Most of the world is mobile. I think if you look at outside the US, that's always the way everyone stays connected and that just has such a untapped kind of blue eyes.
ocean that the, you know, crypto world hasn't really dipped the toes into. And, you know, we figure instead of seeing what all the wallets are doing now, which is let's just kind of copy everybody else, let's build browser. You know, why are we just tackling what everyone else
Let's go out and actually build what's going to be the next wave or what we think are the wallet wars, right? So it really starts with let's let's take that mobile first approach. Mobile is much much more difficult to build out than a browser extension. There really two separate products. But by taking that mobile first approach,
We can use a lot of that to then down the road build browser extension if needed. But really from mainnet, right when our toy launches, we're going to have the ability to do everything you expect in a wallet, right? You're staking, you're sending, receiving, accessing
apps through WebView, all that will be ready on MidNet. And then from there, it's just going to expand quickly. I know that we're doing a couple good initiatives with our Twain in the Foundation, and they're going to grow quickly starting great after MidNet. So the train doesn't slow down.
- Yeah, absolutely, that's great. And so do you wanna talk a little bit about how you're integrating with DAPS? How that mobile first experience gonna look like for the DAPS that will be accessible through the wallet?
Yeah, right now I'm actually most excited for seeing what the archway community thinks with Okay, I'm right on mainnet. I can download arch x wallet right it's gonna be available day one and You you can you'll always have it there and you can immediately access all the other dabs that are
launching on me net as well. Right? So let's like we see liquid finance here, right? These guys awesome product, awesome team. Anybody that's ready for day one, you're going to be able to use it right in your wallet, right? You're not being kicked out to anywhere else. You're going to it's going to be right inside.
the mobile wallet, it will look like browser view until we start rolling out native integration and that's where we're going to partner with individual teams on a deeper level. But we don't want to negate access for any DAP team that is building. So you will, any DAP team that's coming on to Archway will be able to
to be compatible with our checks wallet. It will be WebView and then as we can go out and approach each team see what they're building really validate like okay this is a strong team we believe in a good partnership with them. Let's discuss how to build native integration for them. That's where things get
a little more intense and a lot deeper, but it will give a much more seamless feel, better functionality for the end user. And I think if anybody that's alpha tested us, which is out now, I think it's pretty easy to see that design and simplicity and having a beautiful feel throughout the whole experience.
experience for the end user is something that we take very highly. We want a high level of quality there. So yeah, and at least from the DAP side, if there are any DAP teams here, we have a GitHub repository that you can just enter your information into and your DAP will immediately appear inside the wall.
it. You get to pick what PFP want to have, what description you want, you can remove it. If you don't want to be in the wallet, you guys have a lot of granular control that you don't have to wait for us. There's usually some mobile options that charge an ungodly amount
us to be compatible with them. And then it's just a nightmare. You can't really get your application on there for many months. So we wanted to make that easier. If you're building on Archway, let's actually work together and get your app in here pretty easily here. Just right through GitHub.
Yeah, that's definitely a benefit kind of lowering that barrier to entry and making the archway ecosystem a lot better interconnected than you know a lot of the typical fragmentation that we see across blood three so props to you guys on that. And so diving into some of the what you said earlier, I'd love to hear what those
special features are. I'm sure our listeners would love to hear that as well. Maybe give us some alpha. Yeah, let's see here. Oh my god, man, I feel like I've been chatting about them with my team for so long that I'm sure the
the meeting I'll have with them after this. They're going to hate me for saying too much, but I'm going to share my favorites and I'll take the heat later. So hopefully you guys enjoy some of these. My personal favorite one that you guys, anybody who who downloads us, day one, mainnet launch, this will be activated right
to win and that's going to be push notifications. It sounds so simple and I don't know, maybe it's just me, they get really, really excited for that because everybody has push notifications on every other application, right? But you just don't see that and again, it's because most are browser
that capability just isn't even allowed, right? It's not possible. So it sounds so simple, but it's really one of the most beautiful things I think of, you know, anybody here that wants to learn like cool astro vault when they put up a new pool. I want to get notified.
or the new staking derivative with a good finance let me know when that comes up you know give me that push notification and then i'm going to partake so even the foundation right farchway if you guys have like a really really big upgrade or announcements that can be done as well and
It seems like such a missing gap that hasn't existed in in prior areas, you know, right? Maybe you can get a tweet or you'll get an email and you know what kind of read conversion is there. So you end up missing a lot. So I think that that's a huge value ed coming from our checks that you
You can just have direct communication that's got pretty much 100% readpoint to all your users. Yeah, I think that's probably my personal favorite. I don't know. Before we go, drop
Some of those other features, I'm actually curious what that integration looks like with DAPS. So like if I want to get notifications from let's say like liquid finance and when they list and you like a seeking pair, how do I program that? Do they have to have a partner with you, partnership with you or is that just something that's natively done?
There's a few ways. Actually, there's another team building on our way that we're working with. Mempools, another good team that is building out a big piece of this feature. They're letting the push notifications come down very granular, right? So we're going to see how they end up building
it out, but it's all going to get facilitated through the wallet. So right now we're in discussions with them and it will be built out over time, but we're going to have much more simple high-level notifications inside the wallet, which will be kind of your basic, more generic ones. Ones like mempools, which the product's really cool.
That's where you're going to be able to choose which ones you want or you don't want. The user will always have that choice. If you don't want any notifications, no problem. Don't get any. If you want generic ones, that one's easy. If you want DAP level ones, then that's where the RCHX team is going to go with each
if you get if you guys see Jordy, make sure he just popped in here, give him a follow. He's got the real alpha because he's founder, builder, the the dev extrodenaire. So make sure to follow him. Yeah, I think that that's just my that's my personal favorite one. So I'm really excited for that one. But
Yeah, I think really the idea is, okay, we've got a small window here to get ready for mainnet. We want to make sure that users can experience everything that they're used to, right? Kind of catch up and say, good, this is where wallets are at. You know, thank God, I don't have to run to my laptop. This is great. And then
And then beat everybody else after that, which is looking like native integration where DAPs work beautifully seamlessly, bringing in an IBC compatibility, bringing that in, opens us up to the rest of the cosmos. That's kind of the next role.
map after Maynutt, but we wanted to make sure that like right when you come to Maynutt that you don't have to think of, you know, where do I go? What do I do? It's going to be really the first time that you can get a full archway experience right on your phone. So I'll think of, um,
I'm trying to think of maybe one more feature that Jordy won't get mad at me for. I don't know, do you have, I'm curious, well, let me pull up my list here and Valeria, do you have a feature that you would love to see in the wallet?
Yeah, one second. Let me just add Jordy here as a speaker. Perfect timing. Maybe he can drop some more off as well. What feature would I like to see in the wallet? I mean, I feel like you guys have dropped
something really comprehensive. I'd love to have obviously a desktop version eventually just so that I'm able to move from one to the other. But the fact that you guys are integrating the individual apps that we're able to access
the desktop version. That all sounds really great. And then the configurable notifications would be very useful because some of the things is like when you disconnect from Twitter and stuff, you might miss out on a bunch of stuff. So I guess also push notifications to remember to vote for different egos
systems that you're invested in would be great just because you don't want to miss any governance proposals. If eventually we could sync those up with like governance calls or community calls for each of those that would be really awesome. But I agree the notifications are super exciting. Jordi, welcome. How are you?
Hey, that was a good one. I figured I'd manage as well. Hop in here real quick.
Thank you for doing that. Do you want to give an intro to yourself?
Yes, I'm Jordi. I'm the primary developer for the RCHX wallet and founder of Coutic, which is focused on software infrastructure in the ECA system.
Awesome, welcome Jordy. So we were just talking about the different special features that will be available on ArchX. Do you want to share if you think maybe you haven't released yet? Do you want to talk about your favorite? Any additional sound bites that you want to add? Or absolutely welcome.
Yeah, obviously I think Sean already touched more mainly on the push notifications, which obviously a very big feature to bring to from Web 2 to Web 3, elaborating some level of basically re-engagement with users, which sometimes very lacking Web 3 is a high
you re-engage your users. But beyond that, obviously everything else that you could probably expect, our roadmap is very in-depth and we'll be releasing that pretty soon. But you know, that's your support so that you can get your hardware-based wallets. We are working to integrate
I think that's a really cool feature overall because one of the frustrations when you are trying to send to somebody else is that you're doing so using these long multi-character
So basically allowing you the functionality to enter a RID and then we'll resolve that RID automatically as you enter it into the address field instead and then we'll pull the code.
correct address that you've associated with your RShide as the center. So I think over time that this provides a lot smoother experience for users rather than having to deal with cumbersome addresses, which if you get one character around
you probably end up sending to the wrong person. So that's definitely not something that you want to do. Yeah, and then beyond that, there's just a lot of other features that you kind of just have to wait and see. But I think those are the very key things that right from the get go we can probably aim to get into the wallet as soon as possible for you.
That's awesome. So will we be able to save like contact the way that you would, I don't know, like on, you know, a PayPal you can see like recently sent to. So like that. So I'm thinking if you integrate our TID, be cool to have the availability to save a few addresses and or a few RIDs.
and just save them on to your archx contacts. And just, you know, yeah. Yep. No, 100%. No, 100%. That's part of the integration for our JD, right? What does that experience look like relative to connecting with other individuals?
The medical savings is in contact. Obviously one of those. We do have what most other wallets have, which is an address book. The address book right now, you can set an avatar so it's easy to identify who the contact is. Provide a memo, a pre-filled memo, and then obviously the address.
address, but as we integrate our ID, we want to extend towards not saving an address per save and save the corresponding handle from our ID. The domain name is probably the better way to put it, and then we'll resolve that.
Okay, awesome. So I also think that it's a great time to start eating audience questions. So I see that liquid finances here. There's a few others. I see Deedle and stuff like that. So if anyone wants to come up, ask any questions to the RTX team. Feel free to.
>> If not, can I turn one huge feature that is we haven't spoke about it before. It's one that I think I'm curious what the community would think of this. So it's the first time we've ever mentioned it. But it's one thing that Jordan and I always speak about is
is while it's not a very fun place to hang out, you kind of send some tokens, take some tokens, and then you touch it maybe a week or a month later, right? One of the features that we're looking at building out long-term is kind of like a social feed. So if you picture maybe something like Venmo where you can
see somebody sends a bunch of emojis for uber, beer, and pdl or something. Everybody can like and comment on it and you can see how cool Sean sent Jordy all this because they must have gone out last night. It's kind of a fun social way to see what your friends are doing.
in our social feed like this inside our checks mobile, you're able to house that inside here and see who do you like to follow and what are they doing, what dApps do they use, if they're willing to share that on the social feed, right? Things of that nature. So I'm really excited to see obviously this is more of a long term. We want to get things
very much utility-ready and then build out some fun stuff like this. But yeah, if anybody here had suggestions or thoughts on that, we haven't really talked to many people about that one. That sounds very fun and very interesting. I feel like that feature on Venmo was not like I feel like
people didn't realize how much people would actually use that and check that. So I'm curious to see what like a Cosmos community drama is going to come out of that, you know, a tweet from one or another person kind of like, oh, did you guys just see that, you know, archway sent to secret network? What are they plotting?
like that. Um, that'd be funny. Hey, Dan, how are you? Awesome. Yeah. No, that's crazy. And that's kind of goes along with my question for Jordier or Melchus. What do you see as kind of like the five year vision for
like just I guess the overall like Web through UX and where wallets fall into that. And yeah, like I think that like there's going to be a lot of innovation and like a lot of change compared to what we you know people are used to getting you know a cause
space wallet or getting metamask as a browser extension. Now we're finally getting a mobile, but I think that the UX is going to change dramatically. And I think I like this idea of the social integrations, but yeah, it's wondering kind of like broader vision what you guys think you actually look like and where wallets will play into that. You're done the road.
Yeah, this is Jordy Brunbutter. I can't I love that you ask this question go for it Jordy Yeah, I think one of the primary things is is how are you supposed to view while it wants the purpose of the wallet? While it's our for intensive purposes of the common denominator throughout any ecosystem
to use the network, you have to go to your wallet, you have to go to the wallet. So the wallet really should over time basically become similar to, I would say, kind of like an app store, you know, the existing file, it's where you go to discover applications that you basically want
to interact with, download them, and then you're able to utilize them on how do you want. And you're actually already seeing this happen in the wallet ecosystem when you look over at some of them. They have a backpack wallet and what's called executable NFTs, which are for all the things and purposes decentralized applications that are packaged.
And then you can mint them as NFTs. The whole code is actually stored and then you can download the code base and run them inside of a wallet. And they're going to work to basically integrate that directly with the so on a phone itself. So basically you're starting to see that, while it's since they're that base layer,
They are becoming kind of the app store, the Play store for Web 3 per se, allowing you for interactivity and discoverability of everything that happens in the ecosystems. And you're kind of also going to see that in terms of snaps with Metamass, which is customized ability. Like what else can you do once you're able to
to allow access, that gives us access to a lot more features. Just be a mobile because you can now basically connect them with any type of native APIs directly to the APIs and customize the wallet fully to whatever you want it to be. I like to think of wallet
in a traditional sense, which is a wallet is, you know, it's kind of a personal thing, right? It's like when you hold your money, you've always kind of, you know, you have a leather wallet, I have a Velcro wallet and you're able to pick the wallet that you must enjoy back in the day when you had actual money and stuff. And I think over time you'll probably see a lot more
more and more modularity of while it's allowing users to basically fully customize it. As an example for us, we're already extending it to like why you have to stick to just basic boring, you know, like dark theme. Like let me allow you to customize it with six plus different themes that we've been kind of like playing around and testing around.
to really start making it completely your own. And then obviously beyond that, I think there's a lot of limitations and wallets in terms of onboarding experiences that I think a lot of wallets have to solve for, which is something that we're actually working on. And that typically entails basically removing the, I would say, the
the seed phrases as the plan of the biggest barrier of entries, and not having to worry about, oh, I lost my seed phrase, I can't get in. How do you allow users to appropriately recover and create accounts and then recover their accounts, preferably using existing Web2 type authentication methods? So yeah, I think a lot of it
has to be relative to summarize basically onboarding experiences, customize ability of your wallet to make it truly unique in your own, and then allowing better access to discoverability and interactions with DAPS as basically the wallet should act as some kind of app store for sale.
Yeah, wow, I love that. I think that's a definite big vision. And yeah, it'll be interesting to see as things evolve, but I do think the wall is going to be crucial for the future of Web 3, you know, long term.
Yeah, no 100% and you know, I'd love to see this to Sean all the time is that from a wallet perspective, a wallet isn't necessarily we have multiple customers. It's the network you have the end users and you also have developers. I think on a wallet front we need to also make the appropriate toolings that allow developers to connect to wallets.
We have big plans in that capacity to basically allow you to ploy your apps natively into the wallet like I was seeing before as executables. There's almost like many programs that get to run inside of the wallet natively without any other type of applications or third parties needed in between.
Yeah, that definitely sounds awesome. On high tender, are you here to ask question? Tenderment in me, Jesus, yes. I am, but I don't mean to interrupt. I can wait for a better stopping point. No urgency on my part.
Yeah, I think you're good to go. I think, um, yeah, I was just going to ask for another round of questions when you were brought up. Cool. Yeah. Um, so what's up guys? I already chatted with a couple of you a couple of times. How's it going, Deedle? Um, I'm wondering like if you guys have plans either
on your own internal development or integration plans with existing things. But my total focus these days in the interchange is kind of what wallets do, but also beyond that. So my main focus is interchain info.
which is like a wiki of web 3 and aggregator of resources content, kind of the non-on-chain side of onboarding and user experience. And I've always thought like wallets are the other half of that equation. So I feel like something like Interchain Info or
various other people are doing similar things. And wallets are like the front page of Web 3 for the average user. They're the first thing you interact with. They're what you use to like explore, find new things, just like you guys are talking about with App Store. And so I'm wondering if you guys would ever be
to do more than a wallet, whether in-house or with like partnering with someone like Interchain Info. So when people are exploring stuff, they also have you know quick access to media articles or YouTube videos that have done about that project recently or like link tree types
things to all their socials or maybe even linking like to our wiki pages for people who want to read more in depth about things or other projects like not trying to show my thing here, but it's just where I'm out of head is that all the time. Because I got so many friends that tried to bring in and they'll fire up a wallet but not really know where to go from there, you know.
Yeah, no, of course, I think I understand what you're with the overall product is I definitely want to look more into entertainment though. But yeah, I think that would be a happy collaboration. Sean originally touched on I think at the beginning about our
browser. And right now, as a gap browser's built, it's meant to be dynamic. So essentially, any gap is able to add themselves based off a schema of details that they get to provide, their testing URLs, their descriptions, their logos, and everything. And the wallet automatically pulls that.
We also kind of do a similar thing right now with Archway's blog. We automatically pulled the most recent blog to display that as like a UI card at the very top so that you can easily always access the latest information. So yeah, I feel like that makes it a very natural thing to do.
And to do we can easily integrate that and make it so it's very easy to pull that information and provide dedicated needs for new seed or articles relative to individual gaps. We could add a little extra logic to make that plausible. It should take that much. So I think we'd be very happy to work with you on that.
That'd be awesome. Yeah, I most of my focus for the past 10 years in crypto has been like figuring out how to pitch and make people excited about like onboarding into crypto. And I've noticed the wall it is where it often falls apart. So anything we can do to kind of like guide
users around and like aggregate aggregate is the name of the game I think for Web 3 is unfractoring everything putting it in one place making it easy to navigate 100 percent I think that's what I said earlier that the well it is the common denominator and is the consistent interaction
amount of what you're doing. So when you make it easy to discover other applications, you'll probably tend to engage a lot more in Web 3 as a whole. Right? You know, I'm done with my NFT as a wallet. I can easily, especially in a world wallet, I can easily now guide you from one application to another application via the user flows.
So that you're able to discover other things that you could do, you just spot an NFT. Okay, let me show you how to go stake it. I can make you go to a different application to do that. Or, hey, quick pad it to your profile. Now I make it your profile picture for you, this social feed. That kind of stuff that becomes very plausible. I think the inner chain info, it's
valuable if you do or you are aggregating that information, we could definitely tag that in because that is the objective of our data browser is so that you can ease that discoverability, provide the users information relative to DAPS, what does that DAP do, what's the latest news about it, and then to be able to discover even more beyond that, like what else is going on.
I love it. Yeah, I feel like such a cool experience that only a wallet can offer would be noticing like, oh, this user has liquidity pools on liquid finance, let's say. So on the home
page of their wallet, let's make sure to show updates and blog posts and stuff about liquid finance. Or they have, they're holding a couple NFTs on this marketplace. Clearly that's something they use. Like let's put this stuff into one of them. I think that's something Wallet's a uniquely position to do.
Yeah, I like how you added in there that you know it's almost like the education gap and I think Jordan I always talk about this is that as a wallet you have a really big responsibility because you take on a lot of risk nobody ever really thinks that oh it's something in the back end or it's this dab or something
something else, they only see you because they're interacting with your wallet. So you take a lot of that risk and that means we have to do a lot of extra thinking or education or guidance to show this user like, "Hey, here's liquid finance and when you select them and their card opens up, it can give you connections to their articles or what you can
do with them. That's one aggregator we can put in. We also think of guidance as important. What's that user flow look like? I think right now it's very dead. You come in download a wallet and what do I do? You don't know unless your buddy is sitting next to you showing you what you can do. Now push notifications
come in and we can say, "Hey, congrats. You just claimed your airdrop. Go get your NFT off of this marketplace or stake it here." And here's how. I think that that helps. And the more that we can create that kind of flow, user flow, it makes it easier for somebody like you, Tendermint, to be able to
Refer it to somebody because then you know As we take on that risk you're also taking on that risk by referring it But if you know that that person at the other end is gonna get an easy guided walkthrough, you know, you feel comfortable referring that and that's that's just so needed and um Yeah seeing what what Jordi's built out on the back end. It's like it'll be
It'll be there. I'm excited. Let's please keep in touch in our DM so that we can we can we can get feedback from it. Yeah, Tim, what I would say real quick is I'm looking at your interchange info. So website real quick. And I think it would very much be a good. Still in replacement for what we're kind of doing right now, which is going through GitHub.
essentially, you know, hey, dabs add yourself. But if we're able to even add more modularity to what you have and more information, I think that'd be a very powerful, you know, overall for the whole ecosystem that we could easily then provide that dynamically inside of the wallet as the main source of, I don't know, source of truth if you per se for every
everything interchained related? That's, I'm thrilled to hear you like what you see so far because I can't even really articulate how big of a change is coming. Like the current site I designed, we had no budget when we started, I'm not a designer. We have a full launch coming out of beta within like a month that's
It blows what we currently have out of the water, so we'd love to chat with you guys about, well, I mean, we want to kind of integrate it everywhere that's possible, and we're not going to be charging for such like, we really just want to be a neutral sort of tool that projects can tap into and keep users informed without having to do all that legwork. Like, that's going to be our job.
100% and I think you know it falls in line exactly with that direction that we're trying to go to which is make the wallet as the primary source of your discoverability of applications. We've already kind of taken steps in that direction with that
are first released and I think that it's probably going to be a lot easier for us, probably initially, than it will be with other wallets to make this happen. So we're happy to be your starting point and proof of concept to make something like that happen.
Beautiful. Yeah, and we hope to like you guys. I think you mentioned you're already doing with. I think archway medium posts. We're looking for ways to kind of automate things as well. So like the same way that you're maybe right now looking at the archway medium account and pulling stuff that comes in. We want to eventually look at.
All projects, medium accounts, channels like Coney Daddy, Don, Tank, other people who write or do Twitter spaces and just have like all these different sources aggregated and easy to find.
So yeah, and then let other people automatically hook into that and just have everything kind of run semi-automated.
Yeah, 100% please DM the RJX wallet Twitter account or actually Melch's personal account to Zodzong here. And then we can definitely connect. Thanks.
We'll do.
Awesome guys, is there any other questions from the community that you guys want to come up here and ask?
I'll throw out a question as well because this is this is intrigued me ever since Coney Daddy made that awesome archway video. What does it take to make our checks while it's so awesome that Coney Daddy will make a video of us that is that's that's our goal right there.
Send him some, send him some one of one physical object with the logo or something. Something he can do something fun with in a video. That'd be my guess. I'll tell him sure, Connie's listening like now. He's waiting to see what we look like. I mean that first and
and then maybe we'll see. Get in one of those hoodies that you can zip up all the way but have it being the archway orange and with the logo on it. I'm sure you can figure out something fun to do with that. He's much more creative than I am so that would be a good one to see.
This is like what Coney's DMs look like. I'm guessing.
I know we have a couple of alpha testers too. I don't know if they're brave enough to come up and ask a question, but Wendy, thank you for testing. And I know we had a couple of chats on features that you'd like to see. So if we can answer any personal
or even take any down that you'd want to see. We'll add them to the list. I know Kobe's building an incredible wallet. He's a big brain wallet guy as well. So you guys have anything. Please love to chat.
So last call for questions guys if not then we'll go ahead and start closing the spaces out
I had one small question just because I joined the space halfway through. Where is it on our checks wallet or is it on your roadmap at all? Are you guys going to support stuff beyond our toy like rest of cosmos or focused on this ecosystem in particular?
Yeah, I was pretty much like first undertaking after a postman it is You get to the Cosmos about basically the rest of the Cosmos So we're focusing on right our twig
is not necessarily the larger roadmap, so we'll be immediately trying to add new networks, promote the ones that Archway has IPC connections with, so that we can then provide IPC directly inside of the wallet so you can move your funds around.
Awesome. Yeah, that is good point. No point building in Cosmos if you're not building for the Cosmos.
Exactly 100%.
Awesome guys. Well, I think that about concludes it. Thank you so much. Um, Jordi, Sean, Dan, Timmy for coming up and talking and being a part of this face is looking forward to launch and looking forward to you guys using our checks and leaving all your amazing feedback.
all over Twitter. Yeah, let me, let me through one closing thing out and everybody please follow us. We're going to be putting out some announcements this week because we are aiming to be available both in iOS and Android four mainnet. So we'll be, make sure to follow us on Twitter. We'll make some announcements there and you guys will
maybe able to download it a little bit earlier to mainnet so you can get ready for your air drop and then immediately use it inside the wallet on any of the apps that you see launching day one. So that's our ask and please hit us up in the DMs if you guys have questions. We're a small lean team but we'll make sure to get back to all of you guys.
Thank you so much guys and Kony you heard him slide into our sixes DMs. All right. Bye guys. Take care.