Archway Hackathon: Release your inner bull with @DoraHacks 🏆 1M ARCH!

Recorded: March 28, 2023 Duration: 0:33:33




For everyone else who's just joining, welcome, welcome, welcome, just way in to get the team to come on in. And once we get out of the running, we'll be kicking off the conversation with George from DoorHacks about all things at Archery Hackathon and allow you guys to ask your questions in due course.
Glad and clear. Good to hear. Hope everyone is good. I'm Luca from Philaps, which is a core contributor of the Archweep protocol. So yeah, happy to be here and discuss about.
the the Agathon really really cool to get all these interests and and things happening so yeah like looking forward to see all beautiful projects getting released so yeah nice nice to be here
Cool, let's get started. Can everyone hear me? Yeah. Perfect, perfect. So welcome to today's Twitter space, which is a part of the release you're in a bull series hosted by our Tran Dora Hacks. I am George and I'll be the host for today's session. The purpose really of this session is for our communities to get a better understanding
of how to build an archway and what opportunities are currently available through the daughter hack style platform. With us today we have Lufa and also a manual who are both from Fire Labs. So that will be answering a bunch of questions for us today. So yeah looking forward to it so let's get started. Welcome guys and thanks for joining us.
Thank you. - Thank you.
Let's first start off. Perhaps the G has one introduce yourselves a little bit and then we can get into some questions.
Yeah, I can go first. So I name the manual part of the growth marketing team at Fire Labs, which is a core contributor towards the archery protocol. Yeah, it's been interesting ride with the hackathon itself really cool thing that's happened.
And it's been amazing to work with George and Arrested Dora Hacks team to bring the hack-of-hunter life and see what cool things people are building which will touch on Junior's conversation. So yeah, it's been pretty amazing to see some other stuff that's being built.
Nice. And yeah, I'm Luca, nickname Lufa. So yeah, the development relation at the file apps and it's really, yeah, it's really exciting to see all the all the scene, the rest and projects getting built. So and yeah, you
You really feel the interest of all the folks that want to try new things out. So yeah, it's nice to see how everything is going. So we got several submissions. So it's really interesting how this is playing out, to be honest.
Fantastic actually so cool. I'm so how is the hack going on on your end and how you guys feeling about it?
Yeah, it's been a great, fantastic, like, you know, order food from the first, you know, day we launched had a lot of interest in people, you know, even hopping into the discord arcs and Luca, a ton of questions about their, their, their, their, their pedals are as well as, you know, just the interesting number of submissions that come through all the way to, you know,
I'm a fantastic, you know, speakers who helped out with playing together some workshops that touched on the basics of you know pitching investors on the devilside how to basically understand, you know, get the Spio archery will get basically a download of archery 101 and how to build on a protocol. Yeah, it's been it's been a fun.
event for fun packs a couple of weeks for sure and yet it's really cool to see some of the stuff that people are building or asking questions about and it's been really really good couple of weeks. Luca from your end, what do you think? Yeah, I totally agree with you and it's really cool to see
like the engagement, especially on Discord, where that's our asking specific questions regarding both on how our three worlds, but also more general questions.
I want to be in a lot of trouble.
for schools could actually get into a discourse based basically, yeah, like tell us a bit more about their projects and raise some specific questions or considerations and it's like from my side what I could say
like is really interesting to see that like the folks that are applying to the Alcaton and they are building their projects then they really can see the value proposition for archery and from some of
them we also have had some feedback in like that actually is really perfect to enable their project. So yeah, in general it's really exciting to have this engagement have to say. So yeah.
You're absolutely seen some fantastic reception reception so far and some good submissions as well, which is great to see. So I mean, from your perspective, so what is unique about our trace modules that would be appealing to developers?
Yeah, so I would say the interesting thing is the rewards module because the rest, the really hasn't been an easy way for developers around the crypto space to create sustainable business models
with their projects. So they always need to maybe create a token to monetize their project and with the reverse module then it's really a game changer for builders because then builders can basically create new use cases by
creating by basically sustaining the operations of their decentralized application with all the rewards that are gained by having a lot of volume in transactions. And this is something that is really, it's really unable for solid
Did we lose Luke a little bit?
Luca, I think we may have just lost our very poor friend, technical difficulties. In this case, the only person you can blame is Elon. So yes, once again, we'll be right back everybody.
trying to find ways to monetize their smart contract because this is already
I guess can you do me? Can he now? Yeah, sorry. I think I was close. So yeah, so it's really a game changer when it comes to developers because also he takes out a lot of burden
Yeah, so it's a really good change because then that's don't necessarily oversteam the way to monetize their smart contracts, right? They can just focus on building. So yeah, that's the most important value proposition. I would say that developers are looking for.
Sure, did you have anything else to add on the manual?
I know it's just just a line of Luca is really just allowing DAPS kind of to utilize the rewards modules and kind of elevate what they're trying to offer for their communities and users. I think that's a really cool thing that the Black Canvas that Archer kind of offers to all kinds of DAPS and by using
and the most exciting thing and that's what the unlimited possibilities are when that's the poor and are addressed. Yeah, and also because in general like developers that
that's deployed as Mark contract, then they really didn't have a way to monetize it. So if you think about developing as Mark contract, then even if your Mark contract is grinding a lot of transactions because a lot of people use it and because then the product should be as exact
successful than the only ones who are charging for real are just the infrastructure provider of the blockchain. So like the validators. So in a web too comparison is like you create an extremely successful application and but yeah you run it
on cloud computing and then the only part that is actually monetizing your application is the infrastructure provider like AWS or Google Cloud. So yeah, this is really really important. It's simple as a value proposition, but also it's
It's it's it has a huge impact and also like the way of of making sure that it's is exactly what the developers needs also it's Yeah, it's it's really an enabler for for building decentralized applications
Perfect, and how does our trade help developers improve their business models?
Yeah, so basically like depending on your use case, then you could basically leverage the reverse module to make sure that you or the community you're adding like gets.
is sustainable or get enough incentives, right? So for example, let's say if you are building on NFT platforms, then basically like you could use the arch rewards to subsidize gas fee for every user first.
So for example, this would make the whole NFT, a minting experience way more accessible for users because they would be able to grab their means for free, for example, like the first mint and you would be able to do it because then you would basically
Yeah, monetize the amount of volume that your doubts is creating. So in this case, like the community would get the reward if you wanted to or for example, if you are a DEX, then you can make sure that it's for example, you are not
not charging users for some liquidity provision fees and then you can also use the archway rewards to incentivize liquidity providers according to some specific criteria or if you are in a
For example, if you are building a doubt and you could use the R3 rewards to incentivize user participation. So basically, you can either use the rewards to make sure that your operations are sustainable or you can also
use them to get some traction in the community you are building. So depending on the specific use case, then you would basically find out what's the most appropriate way for you to leverage those rewards.
In general, like the baseline here is that you kind of still would be able to cover your operations costs, for example, if you're building a app, then you are running transactions, then you're getting a rewards based on the transaction volume.
the overhead of the wall running, the decentralized application also way more limited. So yeah, these are just some of the use cases that you could think of when it comes to leveraging the actual rewards model.
But yeah, skies the limit, right? So yeah, we are definitely very curious on seeing like how people will actually implement other use cases, other than the ones that we think of as being the blue sheep, let's say use cases.
And why should builders look to deploy on our trade? Obviously, you've spoken about the use cases, et cetera, but why should builders look to deploy on our trade? Yeah, so at the end of the day, if you are building a cost more than
application and it's kind of similar in the moment in which there are cosmos chains enabled with IBCs and they have the cosmos was implemented then you could still be able to interact with all those
Cosm was a module so another change to IBC right so The recent so much of a need to build on another chain if the chain you can build on for example archery is already providing you with Layer 1 Sustainability of operating
and the rewards. So it's kind of a way of saying, "Hey, you can get the same benefits on building a cause wasn't an application in a chain or another, then why should you deploy it on a chain that doesn't reward
for all the transactions that your chain is, that your application is providing. So like I see the question in a way the other way around like why should you not deploy your naturally given that the reverse module is so
powerful. What's really the need of doing that in another chain if you then need to basically both strap your own sustainability of your business and maybe you need to create a token just because you need to monetize your project because if not just the infrastructure
provider are monetizing it. So what's the reason like do you really want to do it? Or just what was the reason of not doing it on actually where you get rewards and then you can also set like not only you get the rewards according to the usage of the of your
decentralized application, but also you are able to set premiums. So you have a very flexible way of establishing how to run your project from a business perspective. So what's really the need in the moment in which we are in the cosmos space and there is
IBC and more and more chains are enabling it plus more and more chain and integrating Cosmos on the moment in which all these things are connected then you should be able to deploy the chain that gives you most value. And that's archery in my view.
And just to add to that, I think we all in this space of Comma Crush projects, you fall out of the blue, just go down, release a print together token for token sake. And you're wondering why the heck would you do that? Does it make zero sense for all your building? And that ultimately--
and the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project, the project#
your depth as well and ultimately just take some of the headache and the cost associated with starting up. I think that's important to mention as well is that it really just helps you get to market a lot quicker and that ultimately helps you get to get your depth in the hands of people who want to use them as well.
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, exactly. Sticking is taking out every additional overhead that developers add like it's and just letting them forward on building something that is cool and that works and because then if it works and out of people use it then
All the rest of the problems are already getting taken care of by the the reverse module and I mean the archway layer one and we saw like historically like a lot of projects that's yeah needed to
to implement a token just just just for the sake of being able to monetize the thing like we we saw also like back then vampire attacks on on new newswap and that they didn't came up with a token just to you know like being able to resist that so
It's really not uncommon for developers to have the necessity to release a token just because they cannot monetize it anyhow. They're projects and now we finally have a way to do it. That's really powerful.
So what's next for the microphone?
I'll say that one. What is next? So a lot more is next. In between obviously people are participating building, joining the workshops, joining office hours kind of learn more about how to build an archway. So we've got a lot more stuff in store and that from now on.
So the 24th April is the most important date you will hear about today and I'll probably say it's probably the most important date in conjunction with your birthday. April 24th is where the hackathon is basically the last day of submissions for the hackathon. So between now and
And then it's basically people are building, coming to our discord, asking questions, posing questions to Luca and Adrian on the rail team, as well as probably asking you George as well from you guys to scroll as well about questions about how best to participate in the hackathon. So yeah, so building
going to carry on from now towards April. In between every Wednesday from now until the April 24, this office hours specifically for the hackathon. So it's basically allowing anyone who has any questions they they have but want to kind of ask them in more
one to one setting. So that kind of is for the specificity to sorry every Wednesday throughout the hackathon. And also, you know, those are the main things that we're looking forward to ultimately is people building all the way through and obviously supporting them in a way, shape, and we can from both
the the Philanx team but ultimately from the US side as well George and then yeah so from when the end day for the submission happens in April 24th, a judging period will be from April 25th to 30th and then will be announcing the winners on May 1st. It sounds like a long way
away but as time is just quickly ramping through the hackathon, it would do want to let people know if you do want to sort us a minute, please do again early to just allow yourself to ask the team any questions you have about your bittles as well as you know get feedback and I kind of help you with
submission as well. So yeah, really, really pumped to see what submissions come through. We've had some really cool ones that have come through so far. So yeah, it's really like, it's going to be a really busy period as we gear up and have to, you know, do with the submissions or not to me select some of the amazing winners from the competition as well.
for short and where can people go to learn more about the hackathon? Obviously on the platform there is a lot of information on there but from your end in the archway community where can where can developers and other people go to to learn more.
Yeah, absolutely. So in this space, I've actually pinned a tweet and that basically breaks down all information you need, at least on the high level from the hackathon. As just quite inequity put, if you go to the website and you go to
a hackathon section, you see a big banner that has the release it in a board information there and if you click on that you basically have all info you need from the submission so far, the details, timeline prizes, the criteria and obviously you break down of like the world
that have previously happened and if you haven't attended the previous workshops you can watch those recordings and that's all on the hackathon page at and also like sometimes conditions and submission guides because they actually use this different submission process
that you have to follow on the door hack website. So please do have a look at the submission guide once you're ready to follow through and that end of the process. But yeah, all the information is on your guide website and honestly, thank you guys for putting it all together and kind of putting in nice place on the website.
people to the access as well. So yeah, like that's where people can dive a little bit more into things and get up to speed as well. But yeah, if anything you read on there, any questions, like Joe said, just fire them away. Now out this door hacks this cord, or @sasa on Twitter as well, more than willing to help people out.
Yeah, cool. Yeah, like I'm like I'm a happy to happy to of course support anyone who's interested in in the hackathon submitting projects or just wants to learn a little bit more anyone at the door hacks team anyone
the Doraax team is happy to help and also of course the archway team as well. So and the last question and probably one of the most important is where can people go to learn more about archway?
Yeah, that's a good one. So our tutorial account has, if you go to our tutorial account, it has a link to our link tree. Yes, and our link tree has a link to everything you need. So documentation, website links, learning a bit more about the projects for our newsletter.
on the C-Jorda community on Twitter discord and Telegram. So all those links are beautifully on our Twitter page. So if you want to go on there to check everything out you can. There's also a short video on there that's kind of introduced to what archway is. So if you just want to get quickly up to speed about that, I think that's fantastic.
resources as well. Also, we share about your content by our Twitter account as well. So give that a cheeky follow, like us you can. And that will basically, you know, that content covers like, you know, a news update to arching podcasts where we profile different builders in the space. And a news update podcast really just talks about
So yeah, that pretty much covers like the different avenues and places can learn a bit more about our trade as well as keep up the date.
Most importantly, if you haven't already followed Twitter accounts, if you haven't followed Twitter accounts, shame on you. But yeah, that's pretty much how best to keep up today with the project. And especially with a lot more interesting things coming down in pipeline, which I cannot say as of yet.
You can probably guess by some of our tweets coming out recently. We've got some really interesting things coming down the pipeline that's going to appeal to the builders who are in this space, community members and other things that are hearing up as we get closer to Mayna.
Fantastic. So thank you, thanks a manual and look it for your time today and of course sharing all the lane. So with us we do really appreciate your time and I'm for anyone in the audience listening. The archway hackathon as a manual mentioned earlier is currently live on and there is still plenty of
time to submit your bootles but of course don't wait too long because time does go fast and then we can slip away. So there is a bunch of prizes to be won and yes please do submit your projects and your boots on the DoraHack's Dioplast form. Now if you do have any
questions again feel free to reach out to either myself or either of the guys here today from our archway team or archway in general through their Twitter or the social media platforms discord channels etc. My telegram is at George Dora so if you do
to reach out by telegram please feel free to do so and I'm sure that I can um answer your questions or if I kind of can send them off to someone who can so I'm always happy to support and um yeah it's a pleasure to be partnering with with Archway I'm on this one so thanks again guys and um I'll see you again next time
Thank you for riding us in a really really fun. So yeah, catch you up next time. Thanks everyone. Take care. Thank you. Thank you. See you.