Art Walk on Polygon: Let’s Meet the Artists

Recorded: Feb. 5, 2024 Duration: 1:33:30



What's going on everybody we are going to set the stage and while that's happening
We're gonna play a little bit of music and just so that we can get everybody up here. All right, everyone
Right everyone let's get
Started so this is a smoky behind the account
I'm actually going to pull up my account as for the coho spot
So everybody kind of know who I am and we have the wonderful Galabas
Co-hosting with us. Why don't we check on in with Calabas? How are you doing, sir?
GM GM I am doing well
It's nice that I was able to pull in some friends and extremely talented artists here
I think we'll see some incredible stuff that
Polygon is going to get some great exposure to over the coming weeks months
Year, so yeah, just excited to be here excited to be around amongst friends and artists
Perfect to thank you Galabas
And do you want to give a brief introduction of who you are and what you do at polygon?
Oh, of course. I always forget about that part. So I am the head of NFTs over here at polygon. So focused on
Building out the entirety of the NFT ecosystem
I think sometimes we hyper focus on the PFP realm but within polygon
Specifically, it's a much broader ecosystem that transcends gaming NFT 5 tokenized RWAs
Just to name a few things
So it's you know, we have a vast vast ecosystem and art has always been at
You know the front of my heart
Especially since I worked at a art marketplace for about two years nifty gateway
And this is where I met quite a few of my friends and artists that are up here as well
Perfect, thank you, Glavas
Much appreciated. Yeah, it is really exciting to be able to see I think you know coming into it and again
this is smoky behind the
The polygon account we actually just switched up the handle
We are 0x polygon going back to the OG roots
Of what the account was before but this is smoky. I am the community manager at polygon labs and
Yeah, you know, it's it's it's you know coming into it to work at polygon
You know, I think that we have the most diverse ecosystem right that I've ever encountered and and within you know
The NFT space that's especially true
You know, I think with with RWAs and art and NFT PFPs
Like there's so many different ways that people are using this technology
so I think it's I think it's really important that we continue to highlight that and I think I
You know, I think just in the overall general landscape
Within you know the wider web 3 ecosystem
Most of the emphasis is placed on to the you know PFP
Communities right but
you know, there are some really amazing artists out there and I am happy that we get to provide a
platform to some of these artists, so
this will be how the
the space will go so
We'll introduce an artist right and they can come up and they can tell us a little bit about themselves and then
We're going to have them in some of their art up to the top and talk a little bit about it
So I'm really excited to dive in. Thank you so much clavas for
Inviting all of these amazing artists. So why don't we get started? So why don't we start off with?
Brian Brinkman, how is it going Brian? You want to introduce yourself?
Hey, everybody. Hey friends
It's going well. I'm realizing I was not prepared for pinning my art. No
Y'all to bear with me there. But yeah, it's great to be here and shout out to you guys
uh thinking about like my time in the space and how polygon has kind of weaved in and out of my
practice back in 2021
I think it was the first polygon PFP project which was called art guitars, which was like 60 different artists
Collaborating on a PFP project that was before like, you know, you had to go to a separate version of open sea to trade it
So it's like thinking about how much you've kind of grown in that time. I also did a
collaboration with Budweiser and around 21 that was a polygon drop and then most recently I did a
collaboration with Metropolis world, which is a
PFP that you can customize
The clothing and all that and so I made a bunch of like
Brinkman inspired
Wearables that you can some of them are free. Some of them are like ten dollars, but it's all very affordable and fun
So I recommend checking out Metropolis world
Very cool. So so you did a a
Collab with Budweiser back in what 2021? Yeah, that was with them
Yeah around 21 was the kind of lead on it and then I think they were working with Vayner
And it was you know, everybody that attended this
basketball themed event at Art Basel
2022 I think
We're airdrop this NFT for free. And that's one thing I like about
Polygon is that the affordability, you know allows people to do these kind of fun
Community-based things because it's not a huge cost to mint a bunch of stuff and airdrop it and all that stuff
so it's always been to me like the
Kind of the fun fun free experimental platform. I
Love to hear that. Well, look Brian while
Do you need a little bit of time to get a few pieces?
Well, I can I can
See I was able to pin Brian your metropolis world collection
But I think you know pinning some of your you know, just work on ETH as well would be effective
I'm sure a lot of you in the crowd have seen Brian's work. That's very very distinct
He's one of these impressive individuals that not only is an incredible artist
But he just understands the tech to another level and that's a very very kind of rare pedigree
in this space is
kind of this
Multi-talented artists if most of the times artists will couple up with the devs or do something on this like and I know Brian does as
Well, but Brian understands this from the next level too. So why don't you mention that and then yeah, Brian
I I remember you telling me because you were one of the first artists that was very very open to
talking to collectors talking to anyone I think you entered this space and
Even though you were working for I believe it was The Daily Show back then
Close the Tonight Show and Tonight Show, Saturday Night Live. Yeah. Yeah, same same idea
Yeah, yeah, but we'd love to hear kind of your come up in the NFT space
And at what point did you kind of make that transition or discover the tech itself?
Yeah, so I guess I discovered it in like the very end of 2029 via killer acid who's an artist I'd collected physical work of and
Saw him selling stuff on super rare and so to me, you know
I was still working both jobs six days a week at NBC doing kind of graphics and visual effects for those shows
and so I just saw you know, this was a way for me to
Dive into a new art practice really work on animation as an art form, which I was always kind of doing screen prints or
physicals or shirts or all these other things and
Yeah, so, you know, it was just kind of experimental in that sense and you know, shout out to the kites is on on the stage
I mean big part of my come-up was him
Curating my first nifty gateway drop back in October 2020
that really, you know led to you know
My eventual art blocks drop and my async drop and all these other things that led me to be a full-time artist in the space
so huge shout out to hey Kaita and then um, I
Don't I think the arsenic left the stage, but I also just pinned my GMGN
drop, which I think is very arsenic
inspired in terms of the mechanics which is
Anybody that wants to trade me back my art can get this
NFT that's also a VRM that you can use them like on cyber and stuff
So and I think you know, he's gonna come on and talk about his own mean thing soon. So
Very cool very interesting
So so they can if you if they have a piece of your art they can turn it in for this GMGN
Yeah, yeah, it's a manual trade system
There's no automation that you have to reach out and talk to me and basically send me a random piece
It could be that Budweiser piece from polygon. It could be anything
and and then you'll get this kind of this NFT that
Will hopefully become more mean mobile as time goes on
Interesting that's so cool
Nice well, I'm just checking out the couple of pieces that glabas shared
No, the metropolis rolled yeah
Those guys are building something pretty cool in polygon, which is I mean they have this like metaverse
That's like a weird 2d version of a metaverse. So it's like a really complicated
City structure you can buy like apartments and but then they have this which is you know, I
See it's kind of like a paper doll
PFP where you can create 2d, you know
I've done I've done wearables for decentralized. I guess that was polygon too, right?
Those are 3d wearables. These are 2d flat wearables
And so it's fun to kind of think of fashion in terms of just painting fashion versus having to like model and do all this extra work
So yeah, and I you know, I like that anybody can go there and you know
One of these PFPs for about three cents, you know, there's a very low barrier of entry
Very cool. Well, I love the GMGN
I love how creative that is
with the M&M's
I'm definitely I make any of the the good morning and good night culture
I think it proliferates through the entire web 3 community
Even though I thought it was a little silly at first and then I just like you just kind of dive right in
Right. So I love that that that play on it with the M&Ms. I think that's so fun, man
Thanks. Yeah, no, it's you know again seeing what arsenic has done with sergeant Pepe and the memes is very inspirational and seeing how it like
Cco and kind of taking this idea and seeing how far you can push it with this one
I worked with neon glitch who's an awesome 3d modeler to create a playable character in a 3d world. And so
Yeah, it's you know, I'm already like 3d printing that model and seeing how it looks is like a little figurine and stuff
So it's fun to like plant these seeds and see how they grow
Absolutely and the different people that you so so you think like the different people that you work with can kind of dictate like how
Your art can change in this space
Like in terms of like tiers of value or something or what do you mean?
We're just like different styles like right? It sounds like you're kind of moving into doing some 3d art
Yeah, I've always seen myself as a mixed media artist. So, you know, my backgrounds and animation but you know
I've dabbled in generative art. I was early on our blocks with arsenic, you know, I did animations I've done
Plotter things, you know, I think the more you can expand your mediums both physically and digitally
the more you build up this bigger language around your art, which is always a
I don't know. It's fun. I would get super bored if I just did the same kind of thing over and over and over
No, absolutely and and so are you solely in
Like the web 3 space now as far as like work have you been able to kind of you know, come in and be full-time now
Yeah, no, I've been I've been very fortunate that uh, I guess I left I left my job about three years ago
And you know, I've been able to sustain
thankfully, you know, there's lots of opportunities in the space whether it's
making art and selling art or collecting and flipping art or advising projects or
Curating stuff, you know, like nifty gateway drops where you curate it
And so there's there's a lot of different ways that you can be creative that doesn't necessarily
Force you to keep putting out more and more supply
And I really appreciate I mean, I like every aspect of the space so I like that there's like a bazillion jobs to do
Absolutely, I think it is a you know relatively new industry right and and I love to see
You know the freedom that it's giving some
Artists in this space to be able to to come and and drop their art. So well, thank you so much Brian
I really love your stuff and it was really nice to meet you and
You know everybody in the audience if you could go and give Brian a follow that would be great
You can check out his profile check out some of his other pieces of art
But it was very cool to hear about your story Brian and thank you so much for coming up and showing some of your art
Thanks for having me. Look forward to listening to the rest of the people
Perfect. All right. Well, let's go on down to
Tyler Faust
So Tyler, I know you quite well, sir
And and I'm a fan of your art over with the reddit avatars
For everybody that does not know he's got some some very great stuff over with the reddit avatar community
So you want to give a little introduction about yourself and how you got into the space?
Sure. Thanks. Can you hear me? Okay. I'm on a different Bluetooth set
Yeah, sounds good
Okay, so cool. Well, first off. Thanks for having me up here
It's a pleasure and honor to be here with some other really cool artists. I've been calling Brian Freeman for a while
stuff and
Daddy bags and this is just really fun
but yeah, so I did post I did create kind of a post for people that are not familiar with the kind of work that I
on the stage and so
I think we've all kind of doodled with like one line and I kind of just had a whole lot of time on my hands
In grad school and I started doing one line or single line art for a while and I just started kind of developing that
Over time and it just kept growing and growing and I really enjoyed you know creating a sense of illusion
with single line art and
You know, I like playing with different rule sets where hey, you know
I'll try not to let this blind intersect itself and so it's kind of like a a large game of snake, you know, so
But yeah, I've got I got three pictures up here and kind of showing, you know
Some of the pieces that I've done that I really like especially
Mono line Monroe's what when I call that wine right there
It's a really fun one because it's you know
It's it's a piece where if you actually have it in person up close
It doesn't really make any sense
But if you get you step back away from it, it really starts starts to come in to focus better
So if you're looking on your phone
It probably makes a lot of sense. But if it was, you know, a large piece in front of you
It it's absolutely confusing and I really like that in this circle line, you know, I really like to hide things
It's a theme of my art. And so it's actually three three four circles on that piece, but um
Yeah, man, I just I just really really like taking single line art and you know pushing it and seeing what I can do with it
That's pretty much
That's probably the best summary of my style
But I can give you
Very cool man in in like
Did you plan to be an artist or like how did that come about?
Yeah, so, you know I was I was in grad school and I was studying health care administration
I've been a nurse for quite a while and I decided to kind of move
move along the lines of administration and join the dark side and
While I was in class, you know
I found one way that I could pay attention better is if I just give myself really basic rule sets to draw and
It would kind of keep me from scrolling on my phone and and you know getting distracted. So
what I ended up doing was just kind of drawing on the back of worksheets and and
homework or whatever and
then at the end of class, I would toss it in the trash and then I had a
Classmate of mine. It's like why do you draw all that stuff and then throw it away from the class and I explained
Well, you know, this is really just a way for me to listen better and it's kind of helping me get better
consistency with my line work and they're like you should post it somewhere so I
Posted it on reddit and it was received pretty well and
You know someone quickly reached out to me like hey, you know after a couple posts or yeah, I really like your stuff
I like to color it in when you post it
so keep posting it and you're kind of gave me a silly reason to just continue posting and
One thing after another started happening and next thing, you know
people started buying artwork which was new to me at the time and
you know, I started selling it and
people started challenging me to you know, try different things use different colors and
It just really expanded and and I thought well, this is just a weird wave
I'm gonna kind of ride it out and it's honestly, it's just been exploding ever since and
after I graduated
school, it was kind of a sad moment because I you know, I I really enjoyed that time drawing but I
Definitely continued with it and it was definitely an unforeseen consequence of just drawing in class and it took off
And you know, I've really really enjoyed it and I've really been
Blessed by those people that really encouraged me early on to just continue doing it
And so I'm forever thankful for my reddit family and then you know
I did do a project with reddit actually when they started doing their avatars. I
was fortunate enough to get invited to participate with them and
You know that thing definitely took off and it's been a really fun experience
So yeah, it was very out of left field for me and my background and my knowledge base, but I've really been enjoying it
Well, that's super great, I mean I am a fan myself and I'm
Knowledgeable about you know, the pieces that you have put out within the reddit avatar
You know with the different artists program
Programs that they've had out. So yeah, super great to hear, you know, it's always amazing when
You know, you just have this little passion this little hobby and then you're able
You know to make it a full-time profession, right?
Like that's the dream and I think that you know, that is something that web 3 is able to provide
You know, especially for artists, right? It just kind of like open things up opens things up and I think the
the avatar
artist program is
you know something that is very unique to web 3 and
It's just this ecosystem
That is you know completely over on reddit
Right and and and pretty kind of separated from the traditional web 3 community
right and you know, it's been really great to see some of the success of the different artists and the spotlight
And platform that has been provided to them through reddit and you are one of them
And we also have fatty bags up here. So we will get to fatty as well. But Tyler
Do you uh have anything that you know you got coming up or anything that that, you know, you can share with us?
Um, I I do I don't i'm looking uh, i'm looking at glavas. I don't really know what I can share but
Briefly, yeah, no, uh, we're working on something and this is gonna go
Same for our sonic here, but we can't reveal
A platform quite yet. Uh, we could you know share some concepts around the art
So feel free to share, you know a teaser of the art or just uh, you know the direction of what you want to do
Just the platform maybe keep uh out
Sure. Sure. Well
You know, i've i've been interested in a lot of different things a lot of the themes of my my artwork is a geometry and uh
plato had
talked about platonic solids, uh, you know a while ago and
um, i've been kind of reading up on platonic solids that i've been interested in them and so
I did some artwork a project based on platonic solids and uh
There will be more to come with that
probably shortly, but that's that's kind of the direction I went and uh, i'm really excited to
Share more about that when that time comes
Very exciting. Well, we can't wait to see it. Did you want to uh post anything up to the top?
Any teasers or are you think you're gonna you're gonna wait till the actual?
um, I you know what I
I might post a teaser a little bit later on today when I get it kind of developed but um
Yeah, i'm just excited about it. I can't wait. Um, I also have a
another project, um that
Probably out a little bit later than probably about a month or so
with magic batch, which is a large collection of all the art that i've been working on since
Since I began my grad school program and it just kind of shows the
progression of where I started and kind of where i'm at currently and
That one's going to be a much
larger project with
A lot of uh, one-of-one pieces that I can't wait to introduce that uh, it's been pretty special to to work on as well
So so definitely some things moving i'm really excited about them
And you know who knows where we'll go with it all but i'm just really excited to
Be part of the whole web3 journey because it's definitely as an artist a newer way or better way to connect with
People who you know collect artwork and it's just a it's just been a really fun experience
And I you know, I can't wait to see how everything evolves
Well, we cannot wait to see it
Uh, i'm definitely really excited for what you have coming out. Uh, you know for magic batch. I am a part of
Uh, you know that community. So yeah
Well, thank you so much Tyler for for coming up and sharing some of your pieces and your story
Uh, it's definitely great to have you dropping your art on polygon
And I cannot wait to see what you come out with over
You know these next few years
Thank you so much, thanks for having me up here
I look forward to listening to everyone else happy to see fatty bags up here. Always always a pleasure
And uh, yeah, thanks
Perfect. All right, everybody. Let's do just a brief reset of the room
So again, this is smoky behind the polygon account
We did change up the handle. We shortened it from ox polygon labs
to ox polygon
Keeping it, uh nice and and clean and everyone this is the weekly space that we do
So we do weekly spaces, right and we have so much going on at polygon that
We decided to do like vertical specific themed spaces, right so
We've had a space on rwa's real world assets
Uh deep in uh decentralized physical infrastructure now, you know
We're checking out some of the the different artists that are on polygon. So each week
We'll have a new theme
Right and we will have builders
or creatives from the ecosystem come
and join us for these different spaces, but
If everybody would not mind if if you could all everybody in the audience if you could all go on down to the bottom right hand
Corner click that little purple comment box
It will take you to the link to the space if you could hit that like and retweet button
It would be greatly appreciated. We did just change the handle
um, so, you know, I think uh
Our engagement might be a little bit low just for a little while while people are getting used to the new handle
So if you guys would not mind uh posting that out there on your on your timeline, that would be wonderful
You're more than welcome to un-retweet it at the end of the space
That is more than okay, but let's keep it moving. So we are going to check in with another artist
Let's check in with arsenic. You want to give an introduction of yourself and and show us some of your art?
GM gm. Yeah. Yeah, of course
Uh introduction of myself i've been in crypto since what 2015 I would say
Until 2018. I had a web agency before web marketing agency
Uh that I ran for about around 15 years
And yeah in
2018 I let go the agency to go full-time crypto
So that's that's when all the fun started for me
not long after I uh
I met with snow fro
an old friend who
Everyone knows now
He taught me about nft. He's a general art and he's probably a one who got me into uh
All all this amazing, uh ecosystem and where I learned
general with him, uh while testing uh art blocks
What else to say on me i've done i've done probably i've touched a lot of things in crypto
Nfts i've done i've worked on some coins. So I know the tech behind that's probably why i'm
obsessed with
Pushing new techs with my new tech with my art
It's what I like to do. So I really enjoy when there's new mechanics and things like that
Yeah, i've done unigrids, uh, like like brian said on art blocks i've done a surgeon pepe which is a
And man card with six five two nine. I think most people know me, uh because of that one
I've been doing a lot of stuff. I'm coming up with uh
Another gen heart with the six five two nine this week on the new contract. Uh, we helped him
Build, uh, that's gonna be super fun on thursday
I I guess that's me
And you know our our cynics really underselling themselves because
The kind of cultural relevance
that this man has in this space and
You know when he says he has a card on
You know within the six five two nine meme card collection. It's not just any card. This is probably one of the
most prevalent cards when it comes to notoriety, but also when it comes to
Which one was this in order of six five two nine cards?
It was uh number 37
Actually number 37. So we're almost up to 200 now
and when it comes to
floor price, I think it's number two, um
And correct me if i'm wrong, but yeah, it's this man that has art that goes for significant price tags
And he continues to build not only
You know with the tech but with the culture as I like to say, right?
It's a lot of pate based art a lot of meme culture based art, which is
Part of the you know, and I think brian brinkman actually told me to watch a movie about matt fury
That kind of provided me a lot of exposure and understanding of this
Space and meme culture in general
Brian what's the name of the documentary again?
I believe it's called feels good, man
That's right feels good, man. So if you guys want to check something out watch feels good, man
It'll give you an understanding of the character of pepe the artist behind it
And I think you know we have arsenic here who is
One of these individuals that's pushing on this front and he's very very relevant to our culture
Well, thank you and it's uh
I guess i'm not too good at selling myself here. I should probably uh
Have you as a mind manager now?
But yeah, i'm really trying to push what's possible to do uh around
outside of the uh art itself
Uh, I actually did this summer. I did a cold brew with bored brews
Uh what we did over there. It's uh, it's a product but
From the product you get to claim dnft that was done on polygon actually
It's super cool to do like most people
Have done nfts to uh in real products. We wanted to do something different and then we try
The other way around I think it worked. Well
I'll probably do something else in that range
In the future, uh, like you said around pepe i've I've built
Surgeon pepe world which is uh with what i'm trying to do with it. It's a decentralized brand. It's a brand that
everyone can use and hopefully
What if they are a new product or they want some exposure from our community?
What they what we do is if if they use surgeon pepe or anything like that will
Push them a little bit to our communities and people around so
They get that that free exposure. Uh when they are starting so the more people
that will use surgeon pepe as uh
As an image it will well will grow that that
That brand that free brand that everyone will be able to be able to use in the future
I love that. Well, i'm a big fan
Of pepe myself. I think most people
Uh within the the the crypto space are so I love I mean, I really love your pfp. I think that's so cool
Uh, like the little hoodie
Um, i'm like super big on onesies
And uh having the little pepe eyes above I think that that's really awesome and really cool to see that
You know you're you're going and helping others
Uh that are helping to push this culture, right?
So yeah, really appreciate you. You're coming up arsenic
Do you have anything like coming up soon or that you want to talk about any drops that are happening?
And arsenic I uh pinned the teaser up top so you could talk on that one
Yeah, let's let's start with the teaser up top, uh
This is what's coming for me with polygon on that platform that no one knows
Actually took me a bit of time to figure out
What I wanted to do
As a couple ideas, I grew something around and was not working for me
And I came up with those characters. I think that will be uh
easily recognizable on on the polygon, uh ecosystem in the future or
On any any ecosystem, I would say
Yeah, we'll have a lot of fun with with with those I think in the future I always try to make
art that are
That you can reuse in many and many forms or many
other ways
And all we already have a couple ideas with with with them. So uh
Very cool. Well, you know with uh,
Greg and all of these artists you're you're creating all this mystery about this this this secret platform
That seems to be coming. So, uh, I guess that's that's good for the art world
You need a little mystique going on. So so thanks for that glabas
I don't even know about it. So don't feel bad. Everybody in the audience. Um
Very cool stuff arsenic. Uh, thank you for for coming up and and showing your art. I definitely love these little sneak peeks
That you've got going on. They're very very cool. I love the purple eyes
I think that that looks really nice. So definitely super excited to see
What you have got coming out. I will be anxiously awaiting and and trying to get my pepe's for sure
So, thank you, sir
Thank you for having me guys
Awesome, all right. Well, let's keep it moving. Why don't we go on over to?
Fatty bags mr. Fatty bags. How aren't you doing, sir? Why don't you give us a little bit of an introduction about yourself?
What's up smoky? How's it going, man? Long time. No talk. I see a lot of familiar faces
I see a lot of unfamiliar faces too. It's nice to be able to
Gauge how the other artists are doing and learn about different artists themselves. So that's really cool. Appreciate you having me up here
Oh, we we might we might be losing you sir, are you with us?
You might be having some technical difficulties
We'll give them a moment
All right, how about now are we good? Oh, yeah, we can hear you now fatty bags
So, uh, yeah if i'm clear now I apologize it's rainy it's dreary but it's not snowing, uh, my name is fatty bags
Saying that's a wonderful opener for a meeting when you're meeting with important people and they ask if they can call you fatty
Yes, you can. Uh, i'm an artist i've been in crypto since 2014
Uh, I was mining bitcoin. Uh, I was the previous cmo for olympus now, which is a defi
Probably the most fork defi protocol last bull market
Um, and then I got into nfts. So I started drawing a collection called apliens on mainnet
Did really well with that during the last bull market when the eth prices were high fingers crossed that happens again
Um and had some success there went through an imposter syndrome. I guess my whole life as an artist
Not really like thinking i'm an artist more of a doodler
Um, but then things started to pop off with nfts and in the space and I got a lot of traction
Uh built an amazing community around my project apliens
Uh where we brought in a lot of the reddit folks who were new to web 3 educated them and now they're in the audience here
They're all over crypto twitter
Uh, and they're far more degenerate than I could ever uh wish or hope that they would be which is an amazing thing
Uh to have happened. So that was really cool. Reddit brought me on during gen one and throughout the rest of their
Cycle for the creator program, which I was grateful for had a lot of fun
Got to meet some really talented people like tyler and many of the other really good artists
Um, so I rock and rolled with that
And I have been very very deep and focusing on education in this space
Uh non-stop for a long time. I try not to take things too too seriously here
Uh emotions get you hurt in this space and I I always try to keep it real with the people that follow me
Or at least pay attention to the crazy shit that i'm always
Spewing so i'll throw up some some art up at the top so you guys can kind of see some of the stuff
I've been working on
Uh, I lean into like heavy psychedelic colors a lot of third eye opening stuff sprinkled in stardust is what I always like to say
Um, if it's something that makes you look at it four or five times, that's what I want to be
Creating so super grateful to be up here smoke wonderful to hear your voice big daddy
And then i'm gonna i'm gonna post some of these images up now
Perfect well, well, thanks for joining fatty bags i'm not sure if uh, you know
You're on your way to run errands or on your way to work
But I appreciate you taking the time to come on up and and share your story and share some of your art pieces
Um, yeah, and and definitely appreciate you
Being you know such a leader in the ecosystem with trying to educate individuals in this space
I think that that is something very important
Right. So, uh, you know, I know you talk a lot about, you know safety and security and all these different things that you need to know
and understand
Uh when you enter an ecosystem so that you're not taking advantage of or so
Yeah, definitely super appreciate it. And I am a big fan of your art and just you as a person
So thanks for coming up, sir
Yeah, man. Thank you. I appreciate it. Big shout out to all the artists that they're building
Uh stick with it keep grinding web threes wild if I can say anything i've been in it long enough. I've seen failure
I've seen success
Uh, the one thing I can say is just stay at it like get back up on that horse
There's always a new audience. There's always new people that can be exposed to your word
Uh, you know stay stay agile stay fluid keep keep creating. That's all I can say
Uh, we have a really wonderful platform here to be able to do whatever we want and have people really appreciate it
So i'm grateful for that and i'm grateful for all the people, uh, who are community members family and friends
So, thank you guys and thanks smoky. I appreciate you big dog
All right, thank you sir appreciate you everybody
Why don't you all go and give all of the artists a follow that are up on the stage?
You can check out some of their art go to their profiles
And see what they have got going on. We've gone through some really great artists so far
And let's keep it moving. So why don't we go on over to anna?
Anna how is it going? You want to give a little introduction of yourself?
Hi, hi everyone. Um, and thank you so much for for the invite for having me up here
Um, I love that you're putting the spotlight on artists on polygon because I feel like there are so many hardworking talented artists here
Um, and I find it super inspiring to hear everyone's, uh, you know, everyone's story and everybody's journey into web3
Uh, so really cool stuff
Um, but yeah, i'm anna
I'm a romanian artist and i'm also the creator of the metavix's project
Which I launched on polygon almost two years ago
Actually next monday is going to mark precisely two years since I minted the first metavixen, which is really really cool and really exciting
But yeah, it's purely an art driven project
Uh, which I feel from the start. It would be a challenge, but i'm really happy. I decided to just stick through to my vision
Um, but yeah, i've i've been drawing ever since I can remember really
Uh, you know, I did some fun projects ended up working as a graphic designer slash illustrator for
my whole adult life basically, so
Um, but yeah my free time I also used to like hand paint skateboards illustrate children's books and all kinds of fun projects like that
Um, and i've always had this hunger for creating and trying different things out
And then I heard about nft's and you know from the art community. It did not have the best
A reputation, uh, but you know, I was very curious
So I took a leap I joined the nft space back in january
And I had no idea what to expect really
Um, but I was instantly amazed by you know, how much talent and hard work and and kindness there is within the community
Uh, so I I ended up loving it from the get-go
And then I felt like you know, I collected a bit and then I felt like it would be really cool if I tried
You know to create my own collection
leave my own
mark on the blockchain and see how
How it goes and then I learned about polygon and the fact that I do not
Have to pay insane gas fees to get him going which is a an awesome surprise
So yeah, and since i've always loved, you know drawing
Bladeweeds and character design and fashion design and things like that. I thought um, this would be a fun way to
You know to to compress it all and uh, so I came up with the meta vixens, which is basically
Um pfp collection, but they're all
uh one of ones, uh, so I hand draw each and every one of them and
I think there are about 700
Plus in the collection now
Which is really really cool. Um and uh
Uh, I have some fun art utilities for my holders. So every every month I create
Artwork and airdrop it to them
For my bigger collectors, they can also you know
Make their own customs with me so they they can choose. Um of extent of their of their liking. Um
So again, they can they can be part of the collection
Because we do it's it's a slow mint
Since I hand draw them, you know every two weeks
There are a few getting released and being up for auction. So again, it's it's
I don't want to talk too much about it
It's been a lot
a lot of fun and um
Yeah, it's I I feel like we're still just getting started too
So i'm just happy to be here and happy to to create and have the opportunity to actually have a community behind me
Um in all this so yeah
And I just wanted to add that
What anna's doing is, you know, she's one of the flagship creators here on polygon
Um for any polygon native individual in this space
Like if you're not familiar with metavixins
You just haven't been around long enough because
It is some of the best art we have
But also what anna and her team does is, you know, they get really ingrained within the community itself
And I can't speak what kind of wonders this does for an artist
To talk to projects to talk to communities within an ecosystem to work with them
I mean anna has worked with several
different pfp projects to do
Pfp type of metavixin that goes to the theme of whatever the pfp project is
And she has done an incredible job not only from the art side but from the community side as well
Thank you so much for for saying that I I really really appreciate I love
Colabs and actually we we have one in the works for valentine's which is really fun
Because we do get to you know, mingle the communities together and learn more about other projects and stuff like that
So I really I really enjoy uh, this type of you know of collaboration in this space
and I love when you know, we we can do that together and have joint spaces and just
You know just learn more about everyone. So yeah, thank you so much for mentioning it
Perfect. Well, thank you anna and I did post some of your pieces up to the top. Uh, I think it
Oh, yeah, go ahead. Yeah, of course and you know, I think it's really really interesting the way that
You know you
Are putting out art right as a pfp, but you're you're doing it very slowly, right?
it's definitely an interesting way to
slowly build out a community right and uh
Yeah, i've i've been able to meet a lot of your community members and uh, you know
Everybody's just really involved right and and you are super involved, you know as an artist and as just a participant in the ecosystem
Um, and I think that that's really important right because you know as an artist
in the space
You really have to be the person that wears all the hats
right and and part of that is is getting out there and
And showing your art and and getting it in front of people
Um, you know within the ecosystem, so I think that you've done a really really great job of that. You have a really awesome community
That is behind you
And it has been very cool to see so
Um looking forward to seeing some of the new
victims that come out
And really appreciate you coming up on her
Thank you so much. Thank you. And I I would like to say definitely i'm so grateful
Uh for my community and I had no idea what it even means to have a community behind you when I came here
Uh, so i'm i'm so instantly happy to have been able to do that because we're not the biggest in terms of numbers
But I feel like we're a very a passionate community and we have you know
We have this in common the love for art and the appreciation for for art and it's really really amazing
So thank you so much for having me
Of course
Thank you hana. All right
Well, perfect
Well, let's keep going
So we have got I think it's
A kitesa i'm not sure if i'm saying that right
You nailed it
That's it. All right. Hey, do you want to give a little introduction about yourself and show us some of your art?
Uh, yeah, definitely. Um, hi everyone. My name is a kitesa, which is a Basque name that means storm or you can call me habo
I uh been in this space since 2013
Then I started to participate in different communities seeing how this space evolved
And in 2018, I started to find nfts. It was a very different
Situation back then. I think it was the first purchase on super for more than a hundred dollars
And the biggest artist in in on super rare at that time had a banner on his website saying over
$7,000 in nft sold so it was very different to what it is now. I feel like it was more like the
The makers fair type of a setup where it was a combination of artists and creators
Or people that were just technologically savvy and and I you know was part of that latter group
uh, my background is
silicon valley, um
Road patents on ai when ai was archaic
Uh did a lot of consulting business transformation
and before I moved full-time to the space in 2021 I left the company with
a step-by-step guide on how to
create a federated or participate in a federated blockchain and uh transact data securely so even from the
From the very corporate life. I was trying to influence, uh and set up a better way to transact information
Um, and that's when ekitza was born. Um, if you know me from back then, you know my schools, um schools with a
with a bit of a twist, uh
before uh
When I jumped to the space I joined if the gateway as the director of curation and artist relations
And i've been there ever since but even before joining, uh bringman brian mentioned, uh,
I created his
His work and this was before curation was a thing
So i've been really lucky to be able to meet people early and somehow our futures, uh are always
uh connected and bringman or brian is like one of those where I
I just always love to work with and he's been
Super happy to participate every time I draw a crazy idea. So I really appreciate that. Um
When I joined nifty I wanted to put a pause on on ekitza
So my last mint as ekitza was july 7 in 2021 because I really wanted to pay attention to
to curation, um
And it was a company. It was a collaboration with 24 artists, uh that created their own version of my school including brian
And I haven't minted since or with the exception of an ai mint. Uh,
I thought that was really important to document what mid-journey was doing. I met david holes early, uh greater mid-journey
When he was trying to figure out what mid-journey was going to be and and the initial take and i'm not sure if it's
What I can share but it was like more like a pfp engine
And it has to build into something else like I remember early on bringman
Can probably tell you it was version 0.0 or something like that
And it was very rough, but we were enjoying it
I think we spent about a week going at it full force and creating crazy things
And I think when I minted that uh, it's called explorations by ekitza. It's on on
Nifty I felt like I had to document it because it was mid-journey version 2.0
So more that will come uh as a result of that i've been working on a project
Over the weekend in a manic way that'll tie ai in a different way ai and and how you access big data and information
uh, it'll be tied to
Recursiveness a little bit of math and coding and then just the artist creation
So it's a combination of different things and it's still in the works
And then you may know me for my other project, which is muga
Which is a collaboration with my friend and more talented much more talented artists, uh zegor. So i'm an ego
And we've been creating this figurines this character that we kind of blended the two styles together
and our goal is to basically document what's happening in the space by collaborating with artists that are
In web3 and creating this figurine and the digital collaboration is just a start of the uh, the uh
Journey with the different artists
And I think if you look at my uh twitter account, I've hinted many things that are coming and uh, we're just
Creating this studio essentially we're buying
8k resin printers. We're buying hot presses or heat presses and uh
Really want to make sure that everything that goes through our brand as muga
We create ourselves. So super excited, but it's also
Exhausting to have like three jobs at the same time
So i'm at a weird stage where I there's nothing that I can show because everything is in
Influx, but uh, maybe follow my account. You'll probably uh, look at what's happening in the next few weeks
Uh, but positive things it's just a matter of like getting back to the ekaitza brand
continuing continuing the momentum on on muga and um enjoying to
Connecting with people in the space and see what they create
Very cool
Well, definitely excited for I mean seems like there is a lot of uh, kind of mystery
Going on with some of these different artists, uh that we have coming up here. Uh, greg seems to
To be getting that cohort
But not very cool stuff
Uh ekaitza and definitely appreciate, you know, all the work that you've done at nifty gateway
Uh to to help develop, you know, this this artist community and ecosystem
So so did you and glabas uh work together over there? Yes, sadly we did and coincided and he was a pain in the butt to work with
No, he's actually a good friend. Uh
In the he's a victim of my manic, uh process where I I probably send them like seven or eight
Text with previous and stuff that I uh stuff that i've been working on. So
If you're my friend you're you're going to suffer because i'm going to send you those as as I work on those
But it's a way to refine my my my creative process, but no, yeah, I couldn't side be with him
It's been a pleasure to even connect with him
Uh after his time at nifty just somebody that I trust in and I appreciate having around
Pleasure is all mine. Havel and I just pinned to the top as well
The one thing that I think havel really undersell some so for is his
Ability to operate on the business end
So, you know, he says he does everything for his project from the business operation side
Look at those physicals that he created that I posted at the top of the muga one
There's an akku one in there as well. But if you look at just purely the muga one you'll notice this man
Created this from scratch. Obviously he worked with someone to produce the toys, but you know, it's his vision
It's his curation. It's his everything when it comes to the box details to the figure to the colors everything. It's pretty damn incredible
Yeah, thank you for that. Yeah, the the first
Toy line actually brian is the one that connected me with uh, somebody that had ties to a toy manufacturing company
uh the second time
So there's a physical coming for that collaboration. It's the company that makes the toys for
Disney so disney and um
uh, some of those funko pops, but it's only like a few like
Disney related ones and the third iteration is we do them in-house
So that's why we're buying like these ak rest machines or printers because that's what I want to do with with
I want to control from beginning to end
The creative process but also the the quality of it. So yeah, it's been it's been fun
Very cool
Well, thank you so much for for coming up and and showing some of your art
Definitely excited to see some of the other stuff that you will have coming out
Yeah, yeah, thank you. Appreciate you
My pleasure
Awesome. All right. Well, look, uh, so we are at the top of the hour. So we will keep it going
You know, we do have a hard stop at the half hour mark
Uh, but we are going to do our best to get to everybody and for anybody that wants
You know or did not get to share if you're in the requests
Uh, do not worry because we are going to be doing these, you know every so often
We will always have a space for artists
Uh, you know here at polygon within these uh themed spaces that we do. Uh, so
definitely want to keep it going and
Stay tuned, uh, you know keep watch on the polygon account, you know, we host these spaces every single monday
at 10 a.m
pacific standard time
eastern standard time so
Just keep watch for any of the artist spaces that we do and and if you're an artist on polygon, you know
You can you can come on up and we'll let you show off your art
And get up here and use this platform
So do not worry. All right. Well, let's keep it going. Uh, let's go on over to the hardest artist
You want to give an introduction of yourself and and show us some of your art?
Absolutely. Uh, so my name is zachary mojica
Otherwise known as the hardest artist uh been an artist ever since I could draw
And I have been in web 3 for two and a half years
Uh, I would label myself as an explorative artist. I explore emotions and all my works
I really like traditional but at the core of my heart
I'm a professional scribbler as much as i'd love to talk about my work
I'm actually wanting to talk about other people's work. Um, i'm the art network developer for uh,
the first native independent marketplace on polygon
And right now so to just give you an idea
You know if you're familiar with tesos tesos has object if you're familiar with solano solana has exchanged art
Well now polygon has the art nexus and we are currently already housed a a fair amount of artists
sharing their wonderful works of heart and I just really want to bring some awareness to it because you know an
Independent marketplace is the hub
For independent art culture and we really want to get some more artists involved and and we really want to start building that
Here on polygon
You know, it's it's a very exciting time
Um, and you know, even one of the speakers Maria from women from cosmos. She also has her art on our platform and uh
If you get it if you ever get a chance and you go check it out, it's the art nexus
I'm, so sorry. I'm really uh, slow to pin things. Let me pin it up for you real quick
Share share in the
All right, there it is
I'm, sorry. Let me let me put the more official one. That's like a quoted tweet
Bear with me here. Appreciate the patience
Okay, that's the right one
So there you have it. That's the art nexus and right now marketplace fees are free until march 1st
We invite any independent passion creators to come out and just try out the platform
Blist your art tell your friends. You never know what kind of support you can get for the type of art that you make
Be feel free to be creative if you're a poet if you write poetry feel free to type it up
Mint it like that
If you like digital art do your digital art if you're a fine art fine art artist and you have you know
You do a lot of traditional art take a photo of it. Take a high quality photo upload it mint it share it and and just explore
It's it's I feel
That this is exactly what the polygon ecosystem needs and I just want to be a spokesperson
And advocate for all these passionate creators here on polygon
Very cool. Well, thanks so much for for coming up and talking about that
I think it's super important to have the proper infrastructure put into place
Uh, you know for these artists that are on polygon
So definitely I'm very appreciative of the work that you are doing
And if everybody wants to go and check out the marketplace
You can go on up to the very top part of the space and there is a great thread
He posted so thank you so much. Uh, very very cool stuff that you've got going on
and uh, yeah
Thank you for for coming and talking about that. Uh, you know some some very important infrastructure
Thank you so much for for giving me the opportunity and the chance. It's um, heartfelt and I really do appreciate it
Hope everybody has a an amazing rest of their day
Awesome, well, thank you. All right. Well, let's keep it moving. We've got a few more artists up on the stage
So why don't we go on over to maria?
How is it going maria? Do you want to give a give us an introduction of yourself?
Yes, how are you doing guys really excited for having this space not gonna lie
I think like the artists in polygon these are more shine, let's say
So thank you for putting this together. Uh, my name is maria. I'm an artist and illustrator from spame
I'm a one-on-one artist and also the founder and artist obviously behind woman from cosmos
Which is my love throw yet that was born in the cosmos ecosystem
And we recently expanded to polygon which was amazing because I definitely feel like home here
and i've been recently as well going back to my one-on-one path because it's
Why I joined then after space back in 2021
And as it's been said I dropped it few pieces on our nexus
It was really amazing. I'm really excited to continue creating and keep going with my one-on-one
art path, let's say
Very cool and do you have uh some pieces that you that you want to share with us of of some previous art?
Yes, absolutely. I can share the three pieces that I minted and sold out on our nexus
Which is as I said last year
I promised myself to go back to my one-on-one path, right?
Because even though i'm the founder and artist behind woman from cosmos
I start more legs like anna with mirabix and like we started minting one-on-one pieces only
And you know like representing woman
Really focused on art but obviously a community wanted to being able to get access to the pieces
So I had to do some generative collection as well to open the doors, right for everyone
And now I feel like it's time to go back to my true love which is one-on-one art
So I drop this little bunch of pieces which is under the collection my web 3 journey
Which is different pieces represent the different feelings and emotions
I experiment during you know, my web 3 journey actually here in the space for almost three years
Um, yeah, i'm gonna paint as well some examples from woman from cosmos, but you can clearly say it's me behind
Perfect well very cool stuff and how many pieces were in that collection that you dropped recently?
In that one, it's only three pieces because I want to keep it, you know
Like i'm really busy like in real life with yoke also with woman from cosmos
So I didn't want to
Promise anything and I stick to dropping at least one drop every month with small
Budges of you know, like three two pieces depending on the time I have
So we'll see but definitely i'm gonna continue working on this because i've been wearing so long
To be back to my one-on-one path
Wonderful well, thank you so much for sharing your art and appreciate you coming up if everybody wants to go on up to the very top part of the space
You can check it out and maria is also going to share some of her pieces from her project
So thank you for coming up everybody. Why don't you go and give maria a follow?
You can check out her profile if you want to see
Some of the work that she has got coming out. So thank you maria
Thank you so much for having all right. Why don't we go on down to pinwheel?
What is going on? How are you doing? Why don't you give us a brief introduction of yourself?
Yeah, of course. Hello everyone. Have a nice day
I'm mr. Pinwheel. I am a niche artist. It means I only create pinwheels as you read my
Pinwheels which remind me my childhood, uh used to create my own because I couldn't buy any my manufactured toys
And I could use wind
To sorry, I could use wood to create
and I started
with polygon with my NFT journey in 2021 and moved that childhood toys into web3
I used opacity smart contract and reached 1k volume
Then started learning blender and created 3d versions of these
real pinwheels
And I am going to pin my polygon, uh collection my newest polygon collection
Uh, it's it has its own contract
Then I enlarged my collection
With six chains and then created 1 000 of them
Uh, you can read all the details and watch the process everything in my website
Uh, I have pinned
My polygon collection, but you can also go to my website
I mainly create 3d pinwheels because sorry I create 3d pinwheel models
I believe 3d is the feature with these 3d models
You can weave them on augmented reality mode. You can use them on
Spatial on cyber, uh, wherever you want. I also created some of them for nifty islands
I'm checking the metaverse applications
Because these are the feature and I want to become part of it
also create a wind spinners, which are more intricate than
pinwheels and
The pin I posted here is about wind spinners. All of these are
3d models
And you can use them on metaverse, you know, apple launched his
its latest product production
latest product apple vision pro and I got excited because these are
Each step for the next
Next hype about metaverse, but it's not really hype. It's the reality it's coming through
It's coming. It's happening and we all with we will all see that we will use
3d models more than real ones. So no one will need to get a real product
And they will get the 3d version with these
Glasses metaverse glasses. So please check them out and you can watch the
Process everything in my website
Thanks for the
chance because
I always admire polygon because it serves great purchase as layer two
to the artist without
Without fees mint prices everything. Yeah. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. I appreciate it
Awesome. Well, thank you so much for for coming up and sharing your story and sharing some pieces
Uh with our audience. So if everybody wants to go and check it out. He pinned it up to the very top
So, thank you pinwheel
Awesome. All right. Well, why don't we go on over to dill? What is going on gm gm? What's going on?
Polygon fam i'm doing good
I was happy to see this space a couple days ago scheduled
Because I you know
I love supporting artists and I really wanted to come in here and chat a little bit about what i'm doing with polygon
Because i've been i've been involved in polygon for a long time
And uh support a lot of artists as well. Shout out to pinwheel if you guys don't have a pinwheel in your wallet
What are you doing? Go support this guy? He's got affordable stuff and very unique niche artist. I like what you said pinwheel
Opportunity, but yeah shout out to all the artists support a lot i've been in polygon since back in mint songs days
If anybody remembers mint songs, um, I was like the biggest artist on mint songs actually
so i've been in polygon for a long time and
Recently over this past summer. I started my own token dill coin
And we just bridged polygon about two weeks ago. So it's a one-to-one bridge from eth and it's been super successful
And so now you're able to buy into my token
Which is a music based token a token from my art and my music on polygon
And we're also going to be having some polygon nft's coming out on the new scurpee platform as well
But yeah, I really am a big fan of polygon. We've had a great community support since we bridged over there
And uh, it's it's pretty unique having a token and just seeing the opportunities that come so
We've connected with the gon community
uh, we've connected with some others like the kulo community and the jugne community and
Uh, there's all these different coins on polygon, but yeah, it's been a lot of fun since we bridged over
We've brought a lot of people on we've airdropped some great communities, but yeah, i'm a fan of polygon
So it was the first blockchain we chose to bridge to and i've been here for a while
I helped other collections like troglodyte society. I helped them sell out
You know just been connecting more with communities and releasing new music. I'm dropping a new song every single friday right now
Of course, I also have my music as nft's but I created my own token dill coin because it really opens up
Um my product to a new market and it gives you access within my community
And we're building out a lot of really cool use cases for dill coin as well
But it's really just an easy way to buy in and support my music
And we're bringing that music more on chain as well. We're actually building out a dap and stuff right now. So
Um, that's what we got going on update on what i'm doing and I appreciate you holding this great space for artists
i'm always supporting artists too and
Um trying to help them in our community and we do spaces and stuff like that
So any artists in the room are welcome to come hang out with us
Anytime and shout out to all the builders on polygon
Awesome, well, thank you so much for coming up very cool stuff that you have. Uh
You know songs coming out every single friday
So what platform and where can people go to be able to?
Buy these songs. Yeah. So right now i'm just releasing music through my traditional means. Uh, I have spotify
Apple music youtube. I have almost a million monthly listeners across all platforms
So i'm releasing music in the traditional way in web 2. I have a pretty big audience there
And for me, I bring it into web 3 when the time is right
I just need to be releasing more music for my career at all times
And that's another reason why I release dill coin because you can buy into dill coin and it gives you uh
A lot of different use cases one of them being licensing to my music
So every new song that i'm dropping if you hold a million dill coin
You're actually getting a license to go ahead and use that music for various use cases
It's also a connection to our community and a membership and what we do
Um, so yeah, you can go listen to the music on youtube and all sites and I bring it to the blockchain when the time is right
And like I mentioned i'm going to be bringing a polygon nft collection on the new scurpee platform
Um, so that's going to be cool because you'll be able to buy some of my songs on chain
But I think dill coin is great because it allows you to just buy into everything that we have going on
And when you see the new dap that we're building you're going to be able to go there and connect your wallet whether you're on polygon
ethereum any other chain we bridge to you connect your wallet and you can easily
Uh get the music listen to music there access stuff like ticketing merchandise. So we actually have a great
Uh screenshot that we've built out. I can uh, I can show you the screenshot as well
I just posted it. So i'll reply it under the post above and pin it to the top
But yeah, the dill dap is going to be dope and i'm excited to say we're going to be integrating polygon
Uh as well
And also the other thing that you we're definitely going to have there is the bridge because we we've built this token bridge
Which is amazing
And so you'll be able to bridge right right over to polygon within our dap
So among other use cases related to music there will be bridging
And uh, basically long story short if you have one million dill you're eligible for dill rewards
You're active in our community and as the music grows on spotify is how you earn more dill coin
So that's kind of what we built around the token
So it actually is connected to the music in web 2 and as the music nfts come out
You'll see more about how we integrate them through the app
but I do have music nfts on other chains, so
Coming to polygon is in our roadmap
And I appreciate all the time to share today
And we'd love to have more people in the polygon community supporting so
Go put a couple matic in the dill even if you put in just a few matic
That's what I love about polygon. You don't need to have a 50 or a hundred dollar minimum
You can put it in two or three matic and check it out. So
Yeah, it's on uh, it's on polygon. You can just search it on on dex tools or dex screener
Um, and we have the polygon ca posted as well. So
All right. Well, thanks for coming up very cool stuff that you have got going on
And uh, all right. Well, let's keep it moving. We got a few more
People, uh, so all right, I think actually just one more it looks like
So let's go on over to tmd infinite
You want to give us an introduction of yourself and share a few pieces of your art?
Hi everybody, good afternoon. How's everybody doing?
Very good. Very good. How are you?
Oh, I can't complain. Thank you. Um, i'm a kill my own
Excuse me. My art handle is tmd infinite one
Um, i'm a artist by nature. Uh, my background
Is traditionally just rather than number two pencil until a few years ago when I got back into my art and
Currently decided to turn it into a business and invested in it. It's a little bit hard to hear you tmd. You're pretty muffled
Hold on one second. Uh, probably take them out my blue. Let me turn it off and off
Is that better
Much better much better. Okay. Um, so yeah, i'm a barber by trade artists by nature
Um, i'm founder of vision oversight, which is a platform
for artists creators musicians
talent of all different, uh spectrums
Um, not only within the web too, but also in web three
Uh, I have excuse me. I have vos tv, which is a decentralized
TV channel on my business partner and I's
Uh, we both have our own clothing line. Mine is called vos wear
Um two time featured nft nyc artists 2023 and we're going to be featured again
Uh in april of this year, so i'm excited about that
Um, I got into nft's
Uh a couple of years ago. I first found out about nft's
Uh a few years back when I was in the process of writing an e-book
And I went to go look something up. I can't recall what it was at the time
Whatever. I typed in the search bar nft's came up and I didn't know what it stood for and being me being curious
When I looked it up the thing that caught my attention was the fact that
Every time an nft gets sold the artist or the creator always gets paid
By me being an artist, although at that time I wasn't into my art
and I don't
like the usury systems that exist within other
Uh platforms like when you look into the sports industry or the entertainment industry you're always
hearing about a lot of cases of
Artists not owning their masters or their publishings and having bad deals and things of that nature
So fast forward when I pulled my book off for the platform that it was on called gum road at the time. Um
Something told me to
look back into what i've came across previously which was nft's and if I was able to
Put my book into an nft. So once I found out that
Anything electronically that can be stored can be turned into an nft
Um, that's when I started tapping into the enough the spaces on twitter
And things of that nature just learning as much as I you know could uh about nft's
Eventually end up, you know getting set up with crypto wallets and set up my account on open c
And things of that nature to say the least um had some bad experiences in the beginning
Um, which I learned from those lessons
So then I had to you know do a lot of regrouping and bouncing back
But if you give me one second i'm gonna post something up right quick
My phone a little slow
Got a um, I haven't been on the spaces in a while
Um, so if I was to post something into the onto the jumbotron, how do I go about doing it?
Um, so if you can just post it in the comments of the space if you go on down to
So let's see. All right. Is it on your profile or is it is it something that's outside?
Like in an image that you have. Oh, no, it should be in my profile. Uh, yeah
Yes, if you if you go to the the little right hand corner of any tweet
Uh the bottom right hand corner, you'll see a little up arrow, right and you click on that
And then you'll see the name of the space if you just click on that then it'll post it at the top
Okay, so I'll go to my profile to do that. All right
Okay here nope that's not it
Gotta forget not a part of me
Did you do you see it i'm scrolling down I thought it was going to be a little closer to the um to the top
I'm scrolling for it right now. Okay, I found something that I can go
So you said I hit the I hit the share button. Okay, I found it
There you go. Yeah
Yes, it's been a minute since i've been in the space
Because uh when I was on them frequently twitter's the connections was
Very bad and it was kind of irritating to keep, you know getting disconnected and things of that nature
Um, nope, it didn't it didn't post I gotta do it again
It just takes a little while to show up so once once you do it it'll it'll pop up
This takes a little bit a little time. Okay, so yeah
my clothing line vos where
Um, it merges art tech and fashion
Um with nft's nfc's and qr qr codes
Um, everything is limited editions
and when you uh when you receive
uh when you purchase the nf2 well, actually when you purchase the clothes you get the
Nft for free and everything all the information about the particular work of art the number in the collection
The source of where it can be purchased that
Uh is all incorporated into the qr code. So you just hold your phone up to it
And you know, it gives you all of the the details and information about it for validity and authenticity
Um vos tv, um, we're looking for content creators of all different, uh backgrounds writers actors musicians
Producers if anybody has any content, you know, we're looking for them
Um on our on our platform. We also have art school
where we teach artists and creators not how to just be better artists or
photographers or writers, but also how to be better business minded as well as
How to build up their brand along with intellectual property law
Uh, we also teach how analytics and algorithms work
um, and also how to own your and your met your metadata and your digital id and online
Id and fingerprint so we have we have a lot things going on. Actually i'm looking for
Um a platform to have exclusive. Um to have my uh nfts for the clothing line as an exclusive partnership
and things of that nature, so
Hopefully something can be worked out because I do have i'm on polygon myself, but not with my art
But uh, this is my first time coming into this space and actually seeing the spaces
So i'll be tuning in on a regular. I believe you said it was every monday at 10 o'clock the 6 pacific time, correct?
I'm sorry. I say that again
You if i'm not mistaken you said earlier on the polygon spaces is every monday at 10 a.m. Specific. I mean pacific time
That is correct, but we will have different themes for each space
So you'll have to look and see if it is a theme that uh, you know works with whatever that you have got going on
No problem. I gotta uh tune on in anyway, because i'm not a i'm not a big tech guy as far as like knowledge base
I just understand, you know, I just get the gist and the basics of things
You know and from there, you know, I can pretty much see the broader scope
But as far as tech jargon and you know
The know-how's um, that's not my strong point
So I do my best to tap into those that you know, that's their area of of expertise
So I can you know be impressed of what's going on
Well, you are more than welcome to to come and listen to all of the spaces
But thanks for coming up tmd. We do have to get to one more person, but really appreciate you coming up and showing
Uh your art and and talking to the audience. So, uh, really appreciate you coming up. No problem. Thank you
Awesome. All right. So
Last but not least we have got yr up here
How is it going? Can you give us an introduction of yourself and show us some of your art?
Hi everyone. My name is wire and um
so basically I
I do a lot of art
diverse art
in different mediums
I have a background in ar and vr. Hence my name being yr
And also sensor art and um, i've also been really interested in artificial intelligence
Um, so I launched this um collection
Is it is it just me or
I can't hear her anymore
Can you guys hear her no no
Um wire, we can't hear you. So maybe if you could drop down and come back up usually that fixes it
Just uh, oh
And they're gone
Well, darn
Oh, they're back
All right, let's get them up here and you can continue wire
Can you hear us?
Oh, okay, we can hear you now. All right. Perfect. Uh, please continue. Uh, I don't know what you guys heard last
Oh, yeah, I have an nft collection and it's called aon and it's about artificial intelligence criminals
So there's been two releases so far there was aon and then there was aon 1.5
so now we're up to
97 artificial intelligence criminals
and they range from
all the crimes from
Like autonomous vehicle hijacking neurological subjugation
Defake propaganda and things like that
Uh, we lost you again, we we can't hear you anymore wire
Um, let me see if I can find some of the art
And wire has
Let's see. Oh, I I did find some so i'm gonna post it up to the top
Wire i'm sorry, but we cannot hear you any longer
But I did post some of your art up to the very top part of the space
Let's see if we can bring her back up one more time
All right
Well, look I posted uh
Some of her work up to the very top part of the space. So if you want to give her a follow
Uh, and then check out
Some of her project collection you can go ahead and do that
But we actually have come to the very end of the space
So I really want to thank all of the artists for coming out
Uh to the space. I really appreciate you guys showing your art
Um, you know, I think uh, it's really really important
To be able to get an understanding of what is going on in the ecosystem
I appreciate glabas for coming out and and and inviting some some really amazing artists
Um, you guys, uh, I think that you guys made it a very very great space
I think the audience for coming out you guys make this space possible
We really appreciate your support, but look we will be back next
Uh, please stay tuned
Um, and we will see you then but look everyone. I hope you all have a good day night morning
Whatever it is wherever you are and we will see you next week
All right, everyone