ArtDAO x LiveArtX Artists Hangout

Recorded: Aug. 10, 2022 Duration: 0:25:00



Hello, what's up? I think that's actually most of us. There we are talking more joining at some point, but we can kick off, feel like.
Let's have a look. Eric, can you hear me?
Hey, can you hear me?
I think we all are here now.
Yeah, I think so, right?
See how those paintings are going to be somewhere being my train.
I'm also on the beach, but I'm here.
You guys are lucky.
Well, you have to tell us, you good?
Yeah, yeah, I'm here. Are you joining? Yeah. Let's have a great game.
Hello, I'm also painting. Hello, that's multitasking.
You'll have to treat us a photo at the end. Yeah, be the artist.
What are your paintings, Gregory? Is there another pen painting?
Yeah, exactly. It's like a street scene from New York, like from the 80s with like a street photography random people standing on a red light sitting on a red
light with, you know, like different stuff going on. Yeah, still in beginning with, I like it. Is that the same canvas that we saw the other day?
I'm not a new one
It's like the same format and everything but new painting. We can hear you. Scraver thing. What are you up to Eric?
I was checking very exciting. I'm running from one side to the other, I'm so too busy, too busy from my own good, but that's really cool.
and start new projects and some projects, writing things down, and 1,000 miles an hour. Nice. What's the last sentence you wrote down? Shall I read it out first?
So I've been researching on transhumanism. So I'm trying to crack down my own code in a way. So I'm trying to understand how transhumanism will
create the new gods and how we will be the new gods once we become transhuman in a way and in a way it's about the cycle repeating itself if you believe in a myth
creation and maybe got some gods or some security being created as and we are their machines and the next machines we're creating will make us gods and those machines will be the new gods. It's pretty much what that
Awesome. Have you come across Terraform? I read this article on like Terrapunk the other day and it's about how like I know if you've seen June they like ride the spaceworms and stuff
and it's kind of like not so much this like transcending of like nature but just kind of like being able to control and like I guess be like gods in a way but in kind of harmony in some kind.
Before the mocha was terraformed but not the fight to this concept actually. It's cool. It's cool, it's cool. In the way it's like terraforming kind of creating a single area.
Yeah, I guess I mean it's kind of like because there's this sort of regressive tendency right? It was like wanting to go back to being like cavemen and like live in harmony with nature When we like probably didn't really live like that hominously and many regards cuz like yeah, it's kind of tough But I guess with this is like looking forward to like how you can use
use technology right to like, I don't know, say like, make trees grow like super fast or like, I don't know, make animals or like the weather work in ways that like benefit you, but also like a kind of like, I don't know, at least don't really kind of drain from their natural resources, more just like how you can make them like flow for your own benefit.
I mean in a way it's kind of like the race the way it's like the race you know leader and ourselves with our technology, our ambition towards technology or we can save our
We can save ourselves with our mission to technology. It either goes left or right or right or down. It's a really can save ourselves through our technology. Or we're going to have to like migrate into something else, something
It's like a war with the environment, or maybe we can save the environment with the war we're doing on it. So it's kind of like, let's see what happens.
But I also think like the technology is going to teach us a lot. Like I think we're thinking about the future a lot right now from our perspective in like physical terms. So we're thinking about technology and advancement and stuff. And it's going
be crazy the next 10 years, the development, but I think also this will open up our perspective on consciousness and stuff like this. If this machine is capable to access
like the internet to download all these things. Maybe a similar thing is possible for human beings in the realm of consciousness, like compared to the internet for AI or something. So we also can download stuff.
and expand and upgrade and you know, to point whatever human beings. So I don't, I don't hope that we all have like robot arms and chips in the brain and stuff. And what like, I guess like
In that taking place like what do you think of that being a kind of like autistic phenomena or something like are you imagining kind of like wires and computers and or brains or Maybe something like more because I don't know sometimes I feel like from a painting or piece of art You actually can get like the whole vibe of something and only
from that vibe you can kind of understand and get more of the reality of something then you could necessarily from like say like reading a hundred books you know and so I kind of wonder with like the kind of knowledge that you're talking about being trance third or kind of like understood like how you see that taking place
I think like when you experience an artwork or like basically whatever happens in your life like in front of you really that is like a experiential understanding or download for your consciousness for your brain also where you like
know something and not just like intellectually grasp it through reading like books and stuff. And I mean, you know, when you listen to like all these Elon Musk snippets, whatever on the internet, it's definitely possible. We're very close to, you know,
putting chips in our brain and connecting to you know like oh I'm just gonna download the whole library of England and now I know everything about blah blah, multi-pighten. You know like I think it's possible but it's like kind of sad because I think that there are other possibilities
the teas that are just not like visible on the table yet, like would probably fall under like spirituality or stuff, but you know like life is kind of a spiritual experience in my opinion.
And yeah, so I think we may be playing around a lot with this technological gadgets that are going to be very sophisticated at some point. But I think also it's not really a very soul-touching
experience. So I think also it's not going to be so healthy and people going to get sick or be sick of it. And then search for different approaches to evolve, which we definitely have to in these times.
Can I just express something? I was listening and I think yes, but at the same time all the possibilities that we can do with it, it's the same brush that we discovered
500 years ago and we were using to paint paintings today and all these technology and all the possibilities that can open to us as artists and the ways we can express more than and show that to one image is not just one image and can be much more and can
can be movement, can be an idea, can be just colors. So I think it's sometimes the way we're going and sometimes the way that technology looks like it's taking over of everything. But at the same time, it's our choices in the way we can
and we can consume it, that gives them that power. And we as artists, we can play with it. We have that freedom of playing with the technology the way we wanted to be, and not the way that Ellen Masks says the way we should use it as a pragmatic or useful way.
Exactly, it's a tool basically. So we can use it in one way or another, in the same way that before we didn't have electricity, electricity happened and we got used to it in our part of our lives. But it's about how we're gonna use it.
So cool. So I mean I think like because some people kind of think his like art and technology is quite separate in some ways. I think that's maybe changing a little bit now. But it's sort of in some ways like art is almost this romantic kind of like
human pursuit of something that you like, I don't know, kind of delve into nature to find in some way. And it's almost like in a way like opposed or against this kind of like technology-fighted occasion of everyday life. But you guys are kind of seeing ways where it like works together.
very well I think or isn't even opposed and I guess maybe specifically in the context of kind of NFTs and bringing art kind of into the digital realm how you kind of like yeah have experienced that personally and see it going.
What's that was talking about like the brush was a piece of technology, you know, and then maybe you know having a ball ball band the piece of technology Like this is all the evolution in technology, you know from when the first paintings were made in the caves and they were just blowing pigments on their hands with their mouth
and their mouth was their product or you know it's this same evolution in a way it's about like how are you conveying a message you know sometimes we will focus so much on the medium and we forget that the message is really important what are you I mean we can't be able to convey different types of messages
even more immersive, for example, VR, we can do more immersive messages before I could draw my world. Now I can put you some less in your face and you can be in the world I was thinking about and I was imagining. So it's just the way we can experience heart and the way