aSEED Update & Meta Defender Products

Recorded: Nov. 16, 2023 Duration: 0:56:30
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Hello, everyone.
We're just filling up the stage right now.
Give us a few minutes to get all our speakers on the panel and let everybody tune in.
We'll be speaking soon.
Thank you, everybody.
Thank you, everybody, for your patience.
we'll still give a little bit of time for people to roll in just love to do a
mic check because we always got to do those with Twitter spaces we have Angie
on stage and as well Alvin can we do a quick mic check are you guys there can
you hear me yes I think very quick very clearly perfect I've heard both of you
guys too so that's that is awesome okay we'll give about one more minute for
people to get in everybody get prepared get nice and comfortable this will be
an interesting Twitter space titled the state of a seed so hopefully you guys
will be able to get some new information about a seed hopefully we can answer some
questions our typical spaces structure is the first 30 40 minutes is a
conversation and then we leave the rest for an open mic if anybody wants to come
on stage has a question has a problem has a concern or even some ideas that
they'd like to share that will be at the end of the Twitter space so thank you
all for tuning in whether you're tuning in live or listening to the recording like
I said we'll give one more minute before we get started
okay let's get started so again welcome everybody to the Twitter space it is titled the state of a seed
where we're gonna go a little deeper into a seed and what will happen with a seed in the near future
and products that you can use a seed for right now that's why we have our wonderful guests Alvin and
let's see Angie from the Meta Defender team let's say Alvin would you like to give us a brief intro of your position at
Meta Defender and then Angie can follow oh yes I'm here hello everyone this is Aaron the co-founder of Meta Defender happy to meet with Akala fans again in this space I logged in through our official account and welcome to follow us to keep up with any new updates
as I have introduced in previous Twitter spaces and we are a direct in marketplace and built on Akala EVM plus and ethereum and and arbitral and tonight I will explain about the details about the option trading market we especially provided for AC token and I mean for more details Angie please
Hello everyone I'm also co-founder of Meta Defender I'm also co-founder of Meta Defender I'm very glad to be here today and I will be talking about our new product which is the AC option trading platform Meta Defender is providing
um yes that's it awesome and we're really growing in the space and especially growing this is Akala growing into the EVM uh world so to speak and so a lot of these products that that we'll be speaking with or that are or we're working with are builders in EVM along with substrate as well um we'll get deep into Meta Defender but it'll be it we say first it's interesting to
um but yes we'll get into that in this Twitter space just a quick update on the Akala side we see on all our platforms there's still an increase in liquidity and activity which is great to see uh UFRITS for example if you're looking for a place to stake your dots if you're just holding it idle definitely check out that's how you access our UFRITS app
so we're just just pushing to that seven million dot stake number which would be a great achievement um but you can definitely check that out we have we have two pools we have the L dot pool and the T dot pool and varying uh AP APRs that uh you can benefit if you decide to partake in that okay so let's get started with a bit of an overview of a seed so a seed
has three steps to it has three steps to it okay the first step we've actually already completed and that was the AUSD to A seed conversion so if you were an AUSD holder um back in July there's been a vote there was a vote um
to convert all AUSD to A seed so that has already happened AUSD in in all forms has been converted into A seed whether you were a liquidity provider whether you were a holder
and it converted one to one exactly so currently if you hold a seed you can use it to um deposit it back to uh redeem your collateral um in fact if you are over collateralized collateralized in your vaults you can choose the amount of A seed you want to deposit to redeem the underlying collateral that
that uh that uh that uh that you use to borrow AUSD before the next big step is going to be the vault conversion
now for the vault conversion this will happen in about one to two months we we want to time it appropriately
where all users are aware and are active so it'll either be in one month with some time before Christmas
or in January shortly after Christmas again we we just want to make sure that the activity is there and
that that people are ready with their wallets and their votes because it will go through a governance
vote so with the vault conversion what happens is a portion of your collateral gets sent to the treasury
and a portion gets returned to you the exact numbers uh will be voted on but there's more information
about it in our acala wiki so with that with that done if if you make it to the conversion
states uh in again in one to two months from now and you're still holding a seed and that means you
want to play what we can call the ac game and that is a little bit of speculation on the price of ac again if
you hold a seed right now you can redeem your your your the collateral um right away but once we get to the
conversion it almost becomes a shared collateral it becomes a it goes to the treasury and the ac treasury
will be where you would be able to redeem your collateral from using your ac in the future now
to do that we need to reach the third state so again the first state was converting a usd to ac
the second state will be uh will be converting the vaults into into from individual vaults to a shared
treasury and the third step will be to be able to redeem from that shared treasury using your ac
now for the third step it takes a little bit more time again these go through governance votes so if
you're already if you're not actively checking open square and you're an ac holder that is something i
suggest to do because proposals will be written and your voice can be heard so for the third step we
then need to create a certain criteria for example we can say after six months of a seed being over a
dollar it will open up redemption where you can use your ac to redeem from the treasury now that treasury
will be interesting because it very likely will be growing in value based on the the collateral and
what we do with the collateral and the treasury so it's a bit of a game of do i do i bet on the ac
treasury uh growing in size growing in value so that my ac can grow in value and i can redeem a good amount
or do i just want to um use my ac to take out my collateral right now or do you want to do a mix if
you're over collateralized do you want to use some of your ac take out some of the collateral and still play the game for when the conversion happens
or yeah the the choice is yours and there's different levels to it i know that was really quick and i know
it's there's probably still some questions in the crowd but we'll open up the stage at the end of the
space to do that so i mentioned the ac game and the speculation on the ac price and that's why we have
the wonderful meta defender team here with us because as we wait for the vault conversion and the ac redemption
um we can there is a product for us to use um during that time so let's dive deep into that um
angie um what's what what product does meta defender have for ac holders
hello travis thank you travis for that question um again hello to everyone here uh and angie from
meta defender um so for ac holders uh meta defenders of trading platform offers a fresh opportunity um i
would like to emphasize the value this brings to the ac holders um first let me explain the essence of
option trading options are essentially contracts that give the holder the right but not the obligation
to buy or sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price um within a certain time frame um in the
context of meta defender we offer call options which give ac holders the power to speculate on or hedge
against the price movement of acid this mechanism is beneficial for ac holders who have witnessed
fluctuations in value and are looking for ways to potentially profit from or zip guide their
investments during this recovery phase as option buyers ac holders can purchase call options to speculate
on the anticipated price on the anticipated price recovery of a state if their predictions are accurate and
the price of ac increases the option will automatically exercised as a strike price by the smart contract
thereby they can secure a profit this strategy can be a significant way for holders to gain on positive
market movements without additional capital investments uh and on the other side as option sellers as the holders can write
call options earning premiums from buyers this approach provides them with a immediate return which can be seen as a form of income
generated from their holdings um it's an effective way to earn while maintaining their position
in acid especially if they anticipate that the asset will not exceed the strike price by the expiration date
by engaging as other option buyers or sellers ac holders can play a more active role in the ecosystem of
its state we believe that by offering this service we can provide its holders with a unique and powerful way
to engage with the holdings um i understand this uh is quite a bit to take in especially for those new to
option trading um so we have comprehensive guides and a supportive community to help you through each step
uh our platform is designed to be user friendly and we're here to ensure that you can make the most of
informed decisions with your ac tokens yeah i hope this answer your question no that's great uh opening up
a an options market for ac while we wait for the votes while we instead of just sitting and watching the price it
is something for those that want to be more active with the price movements uh can get involved with
but i i believe at least myself and a lot of us in the crowd here are probably not active options traders
so you you mentioned a lot of different concepts and and benefits um from being an options for for trading
options could you maybe break down some of the the concepts that you mentioned um so that we can have a
better understanding of what is going on um in options trading before we get into it with ac um sure uh
option trading is a key part of financial derivatives that provides traders with rights uh regarding an
asset through a contract um in simple terms there are two types of options call option and put option
option a call option gives you the right to buy an asset at a set price before a specific date
while a pull option allows you to sell under similar terms um here at meta defender we focus on call
options particularly american style which the option can be exercised anytime before expiration if the strike
condition is met unlike european options that are accessible only at expiration um this flexibility is
significant for ac holders because it allows them to capitalize on favorable market movements whenever
they occur um the options life circle on meta defenders starts with the purchase and selling period that lasts for
the first 10 days for the first 10 days of each cycle this is followed by a 20-day active cycle
our strike price determination is quite unique it's set as the end of the purchase period based on a
specific seven-day moving average of ac price which is designed to avoid price manipulation risks and ensure fairness
the premium is the cost of acquiring the option which is also the seller's income it's like a fee you pay for
the potential gains if the market moves in your favor or for the sellers a direct profit from the fee irrespective
of whether the option is exercised or not um for acid our core options are structured to reflect the price movement
benefit without the need to uh without need for actual asset transfer if the option strikes that means um the seller
pays out the pre-agreed amounts as a compensation in acid mirroring the profits that would be made through
traditional options but with the simplicity tailored for the defy and smart contracts uh this special model
is made to offer asset holders the ability to hedge against mark market uh sorry uh against the market of
volatility and speculate on price rises um insurance that the option buyers uh can enjoy the upside
potential without buying large quantities of the asset and sellers can earn premiums with a clear
understanding of their maximum risk um so in conclusion whether you are safe guiding your holdings
or looking to profit from market trends meta defenders call options are designed to provide a strategic
and simplified trading experience i think this is how meta defender integrates the basic concept
of uh option trading with our innovative approach for ac options thank you thank you for the thorough
thank you for the thorough breakdown um yeah this is a lot of a lot of details but it looks like you
guys covered a lot of of of uh of spots i guess when when you mentioned that um you protected from from market
manipulation uh as far as when the strike price and also going american style um maybe quickly could you
break down as a user if i'm a user and i want to start a call option right um let's say ac price is at 50 cents
um i start a call option um i start a call option with uh one of the strike price options um how how would
how would i how would i how would i go about doing that or like what how does that look for me as a user
uh starting my first option on meta defender
yes so that's based on your expectation of the ac price uh and the end of the um like at the end of the cycle if you expect it
because we offer three uh three volts each cycle each with different strike price it's like a ladder we have a uh
uh uh we have three volts named as glimmer uh uh uh flame and blaze you can tell from their name uh it's represent
for different strike prices um if and at the end of the purchase period the strike price will be determined the
base of the uh current ac price on the last day of the purchase period uh and you can uh decide uh
um based on your market expect uh expectation of a price and you can decide which vault you can
um participate perfect perfect so let's say again sorry the same example i'm an ac holder let's say ac
is currently at 50 50 cents i believe by the end of the cycle it will be at 55 cents so a 10 increase
i can start a call option on the on the first um first option that you guys have i pay a premium
uh based on how much a seed i want as as as the backing um and then if it reaches my expected um
price by the end of the period i can exercise my call option if not i lose the premium i paid for it
which is much smaller than the ac that is in the option is that correct is there anything that you
would like to add or take away okay awesome so it gives yes it gives some room for some speculation
on the price movements and uh and it's it's something pretty you said user-friendly and interesting to
to try um oh yeah so uh you you briefly mentioned this but why why is there only call options for ac
yeah that's an excellent question um and i'm glad you've asked it because it allows us to go deep
um into the strategic choices um behind meta defenders focus on co-options for acid um you see after the
event last year uh that affected a usd um the akala community has been working very hard to restore
confidence and stability in the ecosystem um aced emerged as a pivotal element in this recovery process
um i think the underlying reserves uh of aced are robust and there's a clear vision for a bright feature
for both akala and ac holders so in this context call options naturally align with the uh optimistic outlook
many of us share um we can see an upward trend of ac price since october also uh we think the market is
about to move from a down phase to an up phase uh when this happens having the chance to bet on
an asset price going up is really valuable uh it's a chance for asset holders to reap the benefits of
trust in the akala ecosystem i think also uh call options are easy to understand uh making them great for
beginners they work well for a state which is expected to increase in value and has strong support
it's good for everyone um buyers have a chance to make money if prices go up and sellers make a
steady income for the premiums they collected um i hope this answers your question
no that's actually a great point that uh buy options are probably our call options are a lot
simpler to understand than put options same for longing and shorting as well as there is an optimistic
swing in the market i think i can feel it even outside of akala outside of polka dodges in in crypto
even stocks a little bit um in general so it is a direction that it seems like we're moving hopefully
we can keep that momentum going and uh yes have something for a seed holders to to play around with um
during this time um which brings another question um are there any other benefits for for users that
uh engage in in meta defender and and the ac options market that you guys have created
uh yes um so it's very exciting to share the additional advantage the mandate defender offers beyond the main
functionality of option trading so one significant benefit for our users is the ability to practice
trading strategies within a risk-free environment on the mandala testnet with mseed options
uh mseed option on mandala testnet is a direct mirror of ac options trading on the
akala minnet it means that users can expect the same market movements and price trends
more like an accurate and risk-free risk-free simulation environment um the best part is trading mseed
options uses test tokens which means there's no real financial risk involved this creates a perfect
playground for both newbies who are learning the ropes and ogs who want to test new strategies
on top of this we are actively running campaigns on zealy which include a variety of tasks
tasks as i've mentioned before after diving into our handbook users can take crisis to consolidate
their knowledge um we also encourage our community to create and share posts or tutorials helping to
spread the words about the benefits of ac options we will launch a new set of three vaults in the coming
days which presents a fresh opportunity for akala community users to engage with our protocol
trade and then submit their transaction hash on zealy to earn points the more you interact with the
protocol the more points you earn there are attractive rewards waiting for our top 50 users
uh also we are set to introduce a leaderboard within our d app ranking users based on their profit and loss
this prepares us for an upcoming trading competition where we will find out who really understand the
market trends and movements um currently we haven't launched our tokens yet but in the future
meta defender plans to launch a series of derivative products uh we will be conducting an airdrop for our early
option trading users um so everyone just stay tuned for this exciting development um
yes that's it thank you angie that's actually a lot of information so just to recap you guys also have
a test net where users can practice options trading that is mirroring the real market with test net tokens
if they don't want to have any uh effects i guess financial effects in the decisions that they make
as they're practicing so that's really cool and then you guys also have a zealy campaigns running for
different actions um that you can do on your protocol and that and then users can get rewarded based on
their ranking and their activity and then on top of that in the future you will be making more products
and releasing a token and there will be an airdrop to those who are active participants um that's some
pretty exciting some pretty exciting news um and things to look forward to oh and as well i almost forgot
you'll also be having a trading competition which i'm sure will have its its rewards and its fun and
excitement and excitement and competitive nature um one big question i guess i forgot to ask how can people
access um meta defender and uh both the test nets and the main nets on a call though
ah so the access is uh is on our web page so if you click on our website there is a um like access showing option trading um just go
uh uh begin there and you will find find the access to both mandala test net and a climbing net
awesome and this is a time as well where if if anybody has any questions or or yeah whether on on a seed
or meta defender you can start requesting and we'll be allowing people on stage uh to share your thoughts
questions or ideas um yeah uh the stage is is going to open you can start sending the requests another
question i have for you um angie is if people have more questions or they for example need access to
the guidebook the handbook or maybe has more questions about meta defender that are not listening
to this live where is the best place for them to reach out to you guys to contact you or to look up for
more information um everyone is welcome to our telegram group and our discord uh we have bunch of uh
friendly stuff here to answer your questions
great um so telegram is great discord is great it's always interesting to know where
for projects are most active and it does seem like telegram and and and discord are the are the
main platforms so everybody listening if you've taken some information from this uh be sure to follow
meta defender um and join their discord if you want to partake more in options trading again there's a lot
of zealy campaigns there's a trading competition coming there's a lot of educational information that
they have that if you want to start getting involved in options even if it's not just for a seed
perhaps you try with a seed um on the on main nets or you practice with m seed um a test net version of
a seed or if uh if it's something that you want to bring outside of the crypto space or outside of
akala um information is always good it's always valuable and meta defender definitely wants to be
uh user friendly in that sense and you can follow the journey as meta defender expands uh their
protocol and their ecosystem i have one request from the stage neo we're gonna bring neo on stage one
just connecting we'll see if neo gets to connect usually
yeah let's see neo will connect or not if anybody else would like to request as neo is connecting uh
feel free if you have any questions about a seed again as a review we are currently we've finished
the first stage of a seed uh the second one will be the vault conversion and the third will be the
redemption and the vault conversion can be expected in the next one to two months again we are going to
launch it either sometime before christmas so we don't get into the holidays or shortly after in
january where we can ensure that everyone is active and ready and making the appropriate
decision uh with their a seed um and then after that point we will create the we'll be working
towards the redemption phase of a seed but as of right now if you're an a seed holder and uh you
don't want to participate in the speculation of a seed and in the game of a seed um in the coming year
you are free to return your ac to get the collateral um back that you have on akala looks
like neo is having some trouble connecting um maybe i can talk more about how a user can interact
with ac options because i i didn't give much details about that yes go for it how about that yes um
in meta defender um users looking to engage with ac options can as a buy options um to speculate on
price movements or sell options to earn premium just like i said before but i want to give more
detail about that um so for those who are bullish on acid's future price buying a call option is a
strategic move um that means when you purchase a call option you are essentially securing the right to
benefit from the potential price increases of acid without having to own the asset directly you'll pay a
premium um which is the cost of the option cause uh calculated based on the factors like the gain you
expected if the option strikes and the market's play and demand um if the price of acid rests above the
strike price within the options active period uh your option is in the money that means the option will
be automatically striked and you can enjoy the profit um but the for the users who are looking for
more of a passive income route selling options or what we call underwriting could be appealing so as an
option seller you receive the premium paid by the buyer up front um this premium is yours to keep
regardless of whether the option is exercised it's like earning rental income so you are providing a
service and being consented for that if the market price doesn't exceed the strike price and the option
doesn't strike um the option seller have earned through the premium without any further obligation
besides choosing to buy or sell options uh we've got something special in meta defender
just like i said before it's cycle we have um swivels the user can pick from we call them glimmer flame and
blaze so just like i said before you can tell from their names it's like just picking how hot you want to
fire to burn um let's say for example uh the ac price on the last day of option purchase period is 0.6 usd
let's start with glimmer i would like to give more examples so let's start with glimmer uh which has the
lowest uh strike price at 110 percent of the ac price as on the last day of purchase period which
will be 0.66 usd for sellers this vault is the least secure because it's the most likely to strike
making it risky for them but for buyers glimmer is attractive because it offers a higher probability
of profit since the option is more likely to strike due to its lower threshold um on the other end of
the spectrum is blaze set as 130 percent equals a strap price of 0.78 usd um this is where sellers feel
most queue uh the higher threat price means it's less likely for the option to strike reducing the
seller's risk of needing to compensate the buyer um however for the buyers blaze means more risk the
option is less likely to strike means there's a higher chance they will lose zero they will lose their
premium without gaining any return um then there is flame sitting right in the middle at 115 percent
equal to a strap price of 0.69 usd so it strikes like um a balance between risk and reward for both buyers
and sellers um sellers um sellers see it has moderate risk queue and buyers may consider it with a decent
chance of striking but with less risk compared to blaze um so in meta defender whether you are an option
option buyer or seller you have the choice to match your strategy with your risk appetite um glimmer for higher
chances of striking blaze for lower risk for sellers and flame for those seeking a middle pass um so
whether you are looking to hedge your investment speculate on price movements or earn through premium
meta defender offers a versatile platform for ac option trading yes that's it awesome so let me let me see
if i can break that down into something a little practical and you can you can correct me in in any
steps that that i go about this wrong so let's imagine there's two people an options buyer and an option
seller let's call the options buyer bob and the option seller jim okay so bob is feeling very bullish uh
and he decides to go with blaze options so 130 percent so he he says hey i'm going to buy
let's say um an option with i guess 100 100 a seed i guess as the under underwrite or underlying capital um
and so he basically makes a deal with jim saying hey if ac reaches you know 30 higher of its price
then you need to sell it to me at the price that it is today so let's say we use simpler numbers uh 50
cents today it's 50 cents today i believe it's going to be 65 cents by the end of the month i'm
buying the option kind of buying a coupon to say hey if it reaches 65 cents you will still sell it to
me at 50 cents and jim on the other side says okay that sounds like a deal maybe he believes it won't
reach 65 cents so he'll sell the coupon which is the premium and he will he will get that money regardless
of what happens if if it reaches 65 cents or not and that's the kind of bets on both ways if it does
reach that price uh jim takes the small loss versus if it uh and then and bob gets the the win versus if
it doesn't reach that price jim gets the premium and everything kind of returns to normal is that
is that moderately right or is there some things that you would fix in that scenario
um yes the logic right uh except we um like when the option buyer buys the option uh uh he doesn't need
to like directly own the asset after a strike he will only get the compensation uh
the compensation all the payouts like it's just a price difference between the um strap price and
the price set before yes great point you're not actually yes you're not actually owning the the a seed
you're just benefiting from the the price movement and it is reaching the estimated price okay yes good
good clarification on that thank you um how does someone participate as a seller uh on on the platform
um what are the steps to being an option seller
um so the token the seller will use is acid so the seller will choose uh which vaults uh he would like to
participate and he can add liquidity in that vault and um he is not allowed to take out the money
before the purchase period is end um actually um some of the underlying uh underwriting capital will be
locked in the contract as a option margin um that means it will be locked um for the potential
to pay out to the option buyer if the option is strike um but after the purchase period is end
the option seller can take all the money uh take all the capital that is not locked in the um
smart contract and if the uh option expired at the end of the cycle uh and uh it didn't strike
the option seller is allowed to take the whole money back but if it strikes it uh the option seller must
to compensate the option buyer great so that's a good point to to reiterate that if you are an options
buyer um you actually don't need too much capital to to really have a big impact versus while you're an
option seller it does take a little more capital because you are um funding the vaults whether it's
glimmer flame or blaze bolts but you're also collecting premiums and it's just a different
different angle to take in options buying and selling um so that's pretty cool um is there is
there anything else you would like to add as far as features um for the users uh i think that's all
let's see whether there are questions for us again uh i welcome anyone to come up on stage i do see
your questions in the actual comment section and it's by john johnson john johnson are you still in this
chat maybe um john did ask and this is a question that does get asked so i do want to address it um john
john johnson is asking about ausd on kucoin uh why is withdrawal still suspended uh suspended and why
is there nothing to do with the frozen coins unfortunately the situation with kucoin is now
under a a legal umbrella and so the workings of the the the legal workings is something that we
unfortunately can't expedite um it is still in process and any news we get or any progress
we will be happily sharing with you guys it is unfortunately still under process so there's
not too too much we can do as individuals on our end and it's kind of left to the legal team to to
advance on that so for the kucoin incident it is something that is big i do want to address that
um because that is the the small the portion of ausd that is still frozen okay i see neo requesting
again new we're going to try to get you on um we're going to try to get you connected if there's
anybody else this will be the final call if anybody wants to come on stage um and also twitter spaces
has their their issues with people trying to connect uh sometimes they get cut off right away and then
sometimes yes oh oh no oh yes alvin would you like to share something yeah i noticed the new
has typed something on the on the on the on the on the board asking about the margin governance about
our project yeah so angie uh that new uh how is the option margin yeah he is asking how is the option
margin handled in our project okay uh actually i just answered the question i maybe leo uh is not here
but i will answer that again um so at meta defender we have a unique algorithm for managing uh option
margins um so when an uh when an option seller commits their capital to a vault um it's locked in until
the end of the option purchase period um this is crucial because once an option buyer purchase an option
a portion of this underlying capital will be locked to ensure there are sufficient funds to cover
potential payouts if the option strikes and after the purchase period ends option sellers are free to
withdraw any part of their capital that hasn't been locked for options so the option margin remains
within the contract to guarantee the settlement of the options this margin is only released back to this
users uh sorry to the sellers after the vault expires if the options within that vault don't strike
this kind of system could ensure that both the buyer buyers and sellers interest while maintaining a fair
option trading process i think so hopefully neo that answers your question yeah hopefully neo is here
is new is they all still here i see neo is requesting i've tried twice and it must disconnect neo but i
see neo in in the audience and i see yeah i see your question uh so hopefully that answered hopefully it
didn't get cut off again this space is recorded so if you've missed any sections or if you want to
re-listen to certain sections um it will be available once the space closes the recording uh comes up
pretty shortly after um okay so uh last moments i'm seeing some maybe some questions come in if you
guys have any uh additional questions you can get them in now i'll just do a little update on the
ecology side i'll speak about that while we wait for questions um there's a lot of partnerships coming uh
uh you might guys might have seen that the bind binance has released their wallets we're also
working with binance to have a color integrated uh you'll be able to stake uh dot on ufrits directly
using binance wallet and a little bit of an alpha and to be honest i'm not sure if i can
share this exactly but one click staking is also coming um so that you'll be able to stake directly from any
parachain uh directly to you fritz uh we also emphasize and and are focusing on user experience
and ease the ease of user experience um as that is one thing that crypto seems to fail uh on a lot
of times so that uh so you guys can enjoy the services you guys can enjoy the the innovation um in
crypto um that being said i don't see any new question ah neo has another question written
why does meta defender have a 10-day purchase period for options will many users just wait the last day
when the price is more stable to buy i think you slightly mentioned this on uh angie but would you
like to to clarify or to answer that question um yes so here he's asking why us has a 10-day purchase
period for options and he's saying many users will just wait until the last day when the price is
more stable to buy actually that's a great question indeed um so many option buyers might wait until
the last day of the purchase period um but there is a strategic reason for this 10-day window
uh our premium calculation is based on a specific algorithm that considers market supply and demand
um so buying options earlier in the period can actually cost less uh in premiums than waiting for the last
day when everyone buys at once uh also i think it's important to consider that option sellers underwriting
capital um sometimes the underwriting capital um sometimes the underwriting capital might get
exhausted before the purchase period ends therefore i think finding the right time to buy
based on market predictions is crucial to get the best deal um also uh i think for option sellers
providing more liquidity towards the end of the selling period can be beneficial because during this
time funds are scarcer and the income from the premiums tends to be higher um these are strategic
trading tips and tricks uh we encourage our users to consider while engaging with our platform
um hope this can answer leo's question yes hopefully that is answered um alvin i thought i saw you take
your your speaker off did you want to add anything to that um answer yes yes yes and i want to add something
to neil to the second question asked by neil yes um actually i i don't think the the tenth day or the last day
of the purchase period will provide a more stable or more sustainable or more correct strike price for
users to buy us because our strike price is decided or we can say determined by the on the on the basic of
the acid price at the last day as that means we cannot we cannot determine the strike price
uh even before the last day maybe the eighth day or the ninth day we don't know how where is it will
go uh at the 10 on the 10th day yes and so so the last day uh maybe i see if the last day the the the acid
price goes rise too high and and you you buy the uh you may pay a higher premium
um um for for for not uh not uh for for a strike price which is not that easy to strike yes so the
the last day may not be the best price that may not be the best choice for you yeah
yes there's a yeah balanced approach on on yeah getting the uh paying the premium early versus late but
of course yes you have more of a clearer picture of the the strike price determination when it's when
it's closer to the the end of the the purchasing period um so yes uh i think uh i think uh i think that
covers it um for the questions i don't see any new ones neo thank you for the great questions uh it gave us
opportunity to hopefully clarify uh thank you for everybody that's listening i've been seeing a lot
of hands and some emojis and those who stayed throughout the whole space we appreciate and
those that are listening uh to the recording uh you'll be hearing a lot more from meta defender
through meta defender and our platform in the coming days and weeks so stay tuned in make sure
to follow kala follow meta defender um and stay up to date with all our releases um a fun time is
awaiting for us with a seed with meta defender with options trading with derivatives with dot staking
lots of products lots of fun things uh steaming out of the akala ecosystem and uh thank you again for
everybody and we'll see you guys next week uh for our next twitter space have a good one
thanks everyone yeah thank you everyone
yeah thank you everyone