Astar x Equilibrium AMA Session

Recorded: April 10, 2023 Duration: 1:00:40



(upbeat music)
Thank you everybody for joining us. We'll be starting shortly with our guests from Equilibrium. We're going to be having Alex, a CEO of Equilibrium with us. So please stay tuned and we'll be starting soon. Thank you.
Thank you Alex for joining us. Thank you for having me. Hi, Harry Fantastic. How is your day? Yeah, it's it's a great day and yeah lovely to join the space and I'm super excited about our upcoming conversation and
We would love to share more details on what we are cooking on the backgrounds and what we kind of present to the both communities of equilibrium and Asta, you know, soon. Definitely. Yeah, we're excited to work with you guys and I know collaborate further deep in
connections, use cases, this is exciting. Personally, I've been very excited for your guys' projects, so let's get to see us working together over the years. And it's a level out we're here now. >> Yeah, absolutely. It's very, very comfortable to work with.
with you guys as well. We are kind of feeling that we are in the good company. We usually feeling like a lot of care that we receive from the side of us there as team in all of our initiatives and definitely we think that there's a lot of room for us to collaborate specifically that given that the different
I agree. It's exciting. The synergy we have with our projects and also the DeFi space is starting off.
being bootstrapped and equilibrium is very well positioned in our ecosystem to be the D5, go to project I believe personally. But yes, I'm excited to see further collaborations and more use cases for sure. Absolutely. Absolutely.
All right guys, so we'll be opening up here today. So thank you everyone for joining us. Everyone. My name is Dustin Lee. I'm content creation manager at Star Network. These AMAs are focused on collaborating with projects in our ecosystem and how our ecosystems get benefit from each other. Today we have AMA with Alex Melikov, a CEO of
equilibrium on this Twitter space so we're covering how equilibrium got started, the latest with equilibrium and further on collaborations with the EQD stable token in our ecosystem. Today's title is a star in equilibrium's AMA session. AMA will consist of two segments, first one with all the speakers with us today.
And the second part will be with the community to ask questions. Thanks for joining us, Alex. Can you give us a little backstory of equilibrium and what inspired you to create the project? Sure, absolutely. We'd love to. So equilibrium is a brainchild of our team. The team is--
Actually is existing for long period of time we started our journey in crypto in 2017. We've been building on various blockchain networks and actually in 2020 we migrated from us on to polka dot so if just
We were building a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge, a bridge,#
bootstrapping defy over there and was quite successful experience. The stablecoin that we were building there was very much in demand and very, very much popular and recognizable within this ecosystem. But at some point we decided that we needed to move more cross-chain
because we had a lot of ideas of what exactly we want to build and essentially we were not supposed to be limiting ourselves just to the stable coin thing but also expanded beyond the stable coin and will for more full fledged
platform for DeFi which embraces almost all the possible DeFi premises that you can even imagine. And the idea was to put this together on some technology which will be the center among amongst many other blockchain so we will be not forced to be
build everything from scratch in every single ecosystem, but creates build the core of the technology on some blockchain network which will eventually be connected with others. So that's how we were coming to the idea of equilibrium and in 2020
we actually were facing the point when we needed to make the decision where exactly we were moving. And the Polkadot was quite obvious choice because Polkadot is one of the most promising platforms which is highly customizable in terms of development experience.
and you definitely can build things that cannot be created on other heterogeneous networks due to very, you know, quite many technical aspects of that. And yeah, so this is how we decided to kick off
So yeah, I remember that we were actually doing our own research. There were a few kind of options. Again, the pocket that was probably the most obvious and more natural choice at that point. We approached I remember a parity with a three foundation.
told them about our idea to create like the comprehensive platform which will be combining together the money markets, the stablecoin and the trading components all together based on our innovative approach to
You know, management, loan management and specific management of liquidations and Yeah, so everyone was quite excited about this that idea and we we decided to you know to move forwards and since then we were we have been extensively building you know and
Yeah, so far we have got to the parishing slow as you guys know we are one of the first parachains being able to do the polka dots.
one the 11th auction and Right now we are running probably again the most comprehensive platform in the in the pocket on space
Yeah, I definitely agree. There's a lot of, I guess, in the sense of watching your project personally, that transition from cross-chain and then also signaling early development in the Polkadot ecosystem. That was very important.
position, being that, you know, Polkadot does have that modular blockchain aspect of building, you know, LEGO, uh, pair chains or chains in general, um, and being that equilibrium has been actually one of the very first projects, I would say, um, that signaled to build in the ecosystem, I personally
have seen the valuation you guys project when it comes to the quality and the ability to be flexible in the space even though through the system or the market conditions and whatnot that you guys have been building this whole time.
And it's exciting to see that you guys' project after this time and this phase of the market, you guys have emerged. And I see the position you guys have created for yourselves. And it's exciting to see how you guys have come along. - Thanks, Dustin.
Big fan. Big fan. So let's start with an overview guys perspective on the star and the wider polka dot ecosystem. So you mentioned some of the reasons why you built on polka dot. Can you give us the like why why polka dot and like what were some
like the exciting use cases when it came to building a poker. Yeah, again, a poker dot office quite a lot of flexibility for developers because essentially not building in the isolated environments where creating just my contracts and then
enjoy the functional, business logic that you have implemented, but you are actually building your own blockchain and this brings you certain drawbacks on one side because obviously the barrier for entrance for teams is quite high and it's actually quite
difficult just to kick the job. You need to have a certain level of expertise to start programming Rust and obviously be very conscious about your architecture, what exactly you're building because despite all the flexibility, all the advantages of
these type of developments, you're obviously risking to have sample abilities in your code and how your blockchain operates. So obviously you need to have certain qualifications. But if you are qualified and you're quite confident in what
you team can deliver, then obviously it's very essential and natural choice for you because obviously like building your own blockchain and you're literally programming your own runtime is giving you a lot of advantages. You know, there's, I can
Continuously like emphasizing that every time when I'm talking about that, but you know there's a few few things that has never been have never been implemented to other blockchain networks and they actually cannot be implemented there because of the resource model and certain you know, congestion and
So, sort of limitations in the technology and the public that actually eliminates this everything, thanks to like of chain workers technology and other stuff. And, you know, when you're building a whole blockchain and more flexible in terms of like what, what, what, what, what,
how exactly your resource model will look like and what would be the approach to, let's say, to implementing your business logics. So like specifically it comes to equilibrium, for example, we have developed quite sophisticated
sophisticated math model which is backing our developments. We are performing quite a lot of computations when we are monitoring the system kind of conditions and what was going on within users.
And this definitely would be requiring quite a bunch of resources if we were building let's say an Ethereum or other networks on polkidard is you know again it's more flexible and polkidard offers to build you a little bit more and on
on a different scale and a different approach to mine. So actually, if it comes to the ecosystem itself, what's exciting about Polkadot is the internal composability because essentially Polkadot is
consists of multiple blockchain networks, right? So every project, if it's the bear chain projects is developing on its own blockchain, which are, as you guys know, connects us with each other through the relay chain and the, this, you know, XM connections and
Connect connections between this fairy chain is the core advantage of polka dots and the exciting thing which delivers certain composites ability in the network when these blockchains interact with each other and at the end of
the day it will be like more universal mean of communication between blockchains and and eventually will turn poked out into the layer layer zero zero technology so to say how it was initially positioned and yeah this is this is something that we are
very much, you know, utilizing what we're building in equilibrium as well. And I think all these aspects will help the ecosystem sustain and make, you know, projects and products built on top of that really, really exciting and outstanding.
Yeah, I'm excited how far along the ecosystem has come and also how early we are still exactly utilizing XEM, OpenEast channels, more use cases, more protocol level use cases.
And bringing such as the EQV into other ecosystems and parachains outside of Pokerat itself. It's exciting how far we've come along and seeing projects such as yours, such as a star, and other parachain projects in our ecosystem.
we're working together, building the synergy. It's not necessarily competitive, but it's good competition and competitiveness in the sense that we're all being able to build with each other and then being able to utilize
is interconnection the same language between each other and security level. And it's just it's bar not compared to any ecosystem that I've ever seen. So we're such in the best place to build for anyone that's coming in this space is just using
the tech stack with polka dot as a software in comparison to thinking as blockchain and that's kind of the part of abstracting what we're trying to build here. I'm excited what we're doing here, especially Google, or the IBM.
So that's equilibrium apart from other projects in the Polkadot U system or the wider blockchain space. Yeah, having said that the main idea of building equilibrium was to deliver certain integrated approach
And let users basically utilize the advantages of multiple, defy primitives in one place. It was like the main idea behind equilibrium. And I think this really outstance
equilibrium compared to other defy projects because you can use a function out of the money markets or integrate it. So embedded decentralized stablecoin over there. And also we will be launching our own decks real soon.
On top of that, we are offering quite a bunch of staking opportunities so you can take your dots and get liquid dot instead which can be used within our protocol for multiple purposes. You can use the collateral or you can also stake these liquid dots
in various degrees of pool and iron yield. So there's a bunch of functionality that you can utilize within equilibrium and probably the spectrum of these functions is the broadest ones compared and
You basically you you cannot like find the same the same spectrum in any other other protocols, specifically outside outside bulk of that. Like obviously, bulk of that is more
kind of welcoming in terms of you know building the only one platforms because like essentially if you have your own if you're running your own parachain you probably would need more functionality within within your parachain rather than
You know, relying on connections with the with other perishing projects due to you know, polka dot specifics and the the current stage of FCM development because like it's it's not yet there when all the projects will be internally competitive.
composable with others like almost out of the boxes still requires quite some developments when you need to connect to your pair of shoes with another one. However, when we get to the point when XM will be more kind of standardized and they will be like
more, more, more, um, composability established within the ecosystem then, uh, definitely will be, um, a different, different situation. Um, um, so another thing that I probably worth mentioning that equilibrium is also designed to solve the problem of capital inefficiency in defile.
And this was one of the ideas behind the model of equilibrium, like the economy model, which is backing the product climate we're building. So respectively,
We have reworked the liquidation mechanics, as you guys know, that most of the default codes in Ethereum specifically are relying on auctions when it comes to liquidations of defaulted loans in these platforms, meaning that's collateral.
from these loans are basically auctioned out to get and return the asset which is missing in the platform. However, this model from many standpoints actually not sustainable enough and might
apply certain risks because there might be not enough liquidity at the point of liquidation or this might be some excessive slippage when liquidation happens. So we have reworked this model and we have presented
it's the role of insurer in our system, meaning that there can be liquidity providers who provide their funds in advance and these funds are used as insurance for loans being generated in the platform.
And when the liquidation happens, we are not like selling off the collateral that we get from this positions, but we are transferring the these debt obligations from the defaulted board to to intuers and intuers also receive this collateral, meaning that they're
effectively becoming borers in this sense according to these, you know, loans that the borer has generated in the past and then ensures they have they can basically pay out this loan at whatever moment they want and
Actually, like this, this makes system way more balanced around the systems where there is no kind of concept party who will take this equation risks and adapt. So given like long story short, so if given that we have
have reworked this liquidation mechanism, we have positioned ourselves in the way that we can lower the characterization requirements now platform. Because again, we are not
We don't need to hedge the risk of excessive sleepage in case of you know CV market crash to whatever but
Again, we have this insurance mechanism in place and thanks to that we can lower collateralization requirements. And given that we have the lowest collateral requirements probably all across DFI in the dot-sonic system obviously.
and probably like in other ecosystems as well. So right now liquidations in equilibrium happen at 105% causation ratio, which gives borers quite a lot of flexibility. So we are providing
Quite high leverage on trading at the end of the day So the exchange is not launched yet, but once it's gonna be launched the you can you will be able to get like 20x leverage and your assets that you settle in the platform and on top of that you obviously you're
have way more flexibility when you are actually boring fights right so you you might not necessarily just take more risks but you also can be more flexible in terms of the way how you're providing this collateral so when it comes to more kind of risky situation you can be you wouldn't
I mean, you would not be really within this right away, you have some gray spirit when you can more, more prolonged gray spirit to provide more collateral. So this is actually how we are solving the problem of like capital inefficiency in, in defy because like from our standpoint, these, you know, overcloses
So like let's say make it ours 150% or other lending plots courses like at least 130% it's still quite a lot and You know you need to lock quite a bunch of your funds just to Have them as a dead weight in
DeFi protocols, which makes no sense. So this is the problem that we are solving at equilibrium, quite effectively, a nice point. And yeah, this is actually applies not only trading again, but also on loans that you can take from the money market that we are building. And also if you are
If you would be generating EQD, which is our native decentralized stablecoin, I think we'll be talking about it a bit later in the course of our conversation. But again, if you will be considering generating EQD, it also requires as low collateral as it's required in the money market.
That's exciting. Definitely interesting ways going about the money market and being able to sustain it. That's important. So yeah, we're excited to see more on
And coming future, especially with our collaborations in the EQD and a star token. So yeah, I'm on the sides. Yeah, that's gonna be cool to see what we can do in the utilizes
the D5 tools you guys have. So how does Equilibrium impact a star and how does your team add value to the rest of the Polkadot Kusama ecosystem?
Yeah, great question. So given the advantages that we're delivering to our users and given that these advantages would be accessible from other parachain networks, including ASTAR, of course, we think that
these advantages will be really important for the entire defy consistent of a pokidot and a star specifically. So I think one of probably missing components in the pokidotic system right now is the reliable
decentralized native stablecoin and through building EQD and putting this together with you guys and with all our other partners we think that we might potentially help the situation resolve.
And yeah, so EQD itself was initially designed to be used within primarily within equilibrium for as a mean of quotation for our decks and also is quite convenience way of leveraging your
volatile collateral or any of your assets that you can bridge into equilibrium for dollar liquidity is really effective and fast access to dollar liquidity essentially. But my understanding that's EQDQ
can quite successfully play outside the equilibrium spare chain as well. And we see clear use cases for the QD in the ASTAR ecosystem as well, because you can use
you will be able to use it as an instrument for leveraging your, let's say, for example, dots or other volatile, bokeh dot assets. And then use it as a stable coin within the principles of an
given that we are again full the advantages that we are providing like local actual requirements flexible interest rates that you can pay on your loans and many many other stuff I think it will be like really interesting opportunity for you to utilize the EQD within the ASTAR ecosystem as well
Yeah, I'm really excited to see QD and ask their ecosystem, especially some possible dexes and whatnot in our ecosystem. So that's fantastic to see the EQD being able to be utilized as our ecosystem in a star as well.
All this outer ecosystem is true. Strengthening and token and building that collaboration with other teams as well. That's great. >> My voice. >> Yeah, maybe we'll jump in a little bit about the EECD stable token.
So for those who are new to equilibrium, can you give us a little background on the EQD stable token? Sure, absolutely. So EQD stablecoin is the, just in short, just in short, stablecoin
by its nature. So there is no other way to put EQD in circulation rather than locking some liquid collateral within our platform. So, like currently we are supporting
Maybe not that wide range of collageal types, but eventually we are planning for more collageal types added to the platform. But in any ways it's the most kind of reliable way
well-traded assets in the ecosystem. Moreover, to minimize impact of specific assets on the overall system stability, we have the system of discounts, meaning that if, for example, we, through the community voting, we decide
to add like certain assets as the new collateral type, then we are assessing that from the perspective of you know, a quantitative modeling, whether like what potential impact this asset can have on the entire, on the entire plot
And given this this this impact on the like how significant it is, we are deciding what kind of discount we need to we need to apply on this as so discount can vary between like
0 to 80%. So again, if some assets, for example, are not that liquid, but we essentially like adding this asset as a collateral type, for example, because it's like quite established.
Let's say projects in the dot sum ecosystem. So like we can apply like 80% discount on that. However, like the the general requirements is that the these assets needs to be traded at least on three exchanges. And you know, some other requirements are also, you know, applied in that.
So long story short, so first of all, you can use your volatile collateral to generate these stablecoins. So the minimum utilization ratio is 105%. This is the level when the actual liquidations happen.
And we also have the sort of model of like the mechanism of maintenance margin calls, which is quite unique specifically for like
the regular defy protocols. So race period means that once your cultivation rate reaches a certain level, in our case it's 125%. So remember, then you get notified in
you actually have certain gray spirits ahead when you can provide more collateral to avoid liquidations.
unique feature which makes our borrow is aware of the situation with their positions. So then like what's what's important to know that first of all like every EQD stablecoin is at any
anytime backed by liquid collateral. This is like really important. There is no way that there is any fraction of EQD supply non-college-liced or not backed by sort of
in the back by any kind of liquid type of assets. So this is the first thing. Then it's a question and they're available in any way. Like first of all, it can be transferred within the bulk idk system.
So far equilibrium has probably the most like it's it's we have quite a lot of you know exam connections established with almost all the major platforms major per chain projects in the polka dots ecosystem
And also we have a bridge, we have connection with Ethereum and potentially with other chains through the multi-chain bridge. So the multi-chain bridge, like currently we are developing together with multi-chain
the improved version of our connection. So right, and actually we will re-enable cross-chain transfer like real soon. But in any way, you will have a chance to first of all bridge Ethereum
Ethereum based assets like Ethereum itself and stablecoins into equilibrium and coach lies then there. But in top of that you will be able to transfer it you did to to other networks connected with us through the multi-chain bridge which is one of the most reliable and
more reputable regions in the ecosystem. Yeah, so this is like quick load down on EQD, maybe worth mentioning that there will be more tables
open for EQD. So right now you can swap EQD for use the C-ON-Out platform. But eventually you will be able to
exchange EQD for other assets, let's say on ASTAR's AMM, so that's something that will be launched in that really soon, due to our kind of partnership relations with ASTAR and with ASTAR based projects as well.
It's exciting. UQD has been strengthened and also very accepted in our true ecosystem. So yeah, I've been able to bring them over to AMA's or AMMs and also mentioned before
for you guys were working with crust and as well as a unit for their dot or the battle mobs game. So yeah it's interesting to see like more use cases coming out as you know we further strengthen these relationships that we have in
ecosystem. So yeah, so one that, oh, sure. So yeah, one of the little bit more about the EQD stable coin. Like what is it? What's the difference between EQD stable coin and others?
other stable coins. Sure, so first of all, again, EQD is the decentralized stable coin. So for example, if it comes to other stable coins like UZT or UZT, you always rely on some central counterpart
which at least pretends that they have enough funds backing the stablecoin supply. Probably they have maybe not, you never know before you see the OG 3Pods.
Yeah, so I mean, in any case, you're always relying on some kind of, you know, centralized counterparty, which holds these accounts where there's dollars or whatever.
security is backing this fly stablecoin sitting and actually like this this kind of entities they can be impacted by some regulatory strangeness to you let's say as it comes
comes to like we've recently seen the begging of use DC because of the failure of the silicone well-e-bank and this never gonna happen to
to decentralized stablecoins because they are not relying on banking and first-action in the real world. And this is like the obvious advantage. If you compare EQD to other decentralized stablecoins, then you will find that for
So first of all, IqD presents certain capital efficiency when it comes to crystallizing your assets because it's actually, like I already told you about this mechanism of liquidations.
can afford like large collateral requirements and definitely that makes EQD quite outstanding and you do offers way more flexibility compared to the disinsolized table coin in this sense. So another important feature of EQD is the interest rate
So if you would say you're generating EQD yourself through, uh, colicilizing your, uh, your portfolio of assets, then, um, the, the interest rate that you, you would pay on your loan would be also quite flexible. Uh, and, uh, it's, uh, solely depending
on the level of causation that you're pushing in, but and actually it can vary from like percent half to probably like 20% say PR depending on how risky your EQD position is.
So let's say if you are opening quite regular position, which doesn't apply excessive risk, then you'll be paying really low APR on your loan. And you always can affect the interest that you're paying on your
it would be loaned by providing other more collateral or less volatile collateral for example because actually two factors that we account for when we are calculating interest rates. First of all, the cost of the rate of real QD position and secondly for the volatility of underlying collateral
So the less volatile collateral and the less risk you position, the less interest you will be paying. So you always can be regulating this interest and this also gives you certain confidence and obviously flexibility, so to speak.
That's great you guys have taken the consideration of other stable coins and seeing how they work and how they navigate. Being that if there's higher collateralization in comparison to your guys' projects that's focusing on bringing in adoption
instead of just putting too much on those who are trying to get those collaborations. So it's good to see you guys as strategy and also be able to implement it in a way that's easy to access, per se. - That's right. - Yeah, it's exciting to see.
you guys are doing. So yeah, before we have our closing questions, I want to ask about equilibrium splash campaign and how projects can benefit from this campaign. Sure. So right now we are running our EQ Blast campaign, which offers quite attractive
API rewards for people who join equilibrium and do certain actions within our protocol, specifically on, you know, staking assets within our league of pools so you can effectively get over 90% of the API
when you are participating in equilibrium and staking your assets in various liquid intervals. So currently we have different strategies of this staking and each strategy is bringing like different levels of APR based on on your
risk and how many steps you have done within the particular strategy because we have various elements which are staking with each other. So just to make it simple, so firstly just to give you an example. So we have the
So you can bring dots to equilibrium and stake it through our EQ dots, liquid staking, meaning that you are
looking your dots and you receive EQ dots as a as a as a wrapper in exchange. So you will be receiving the regular dot staking API, which is roughly like 1314% at this point. And on top of that, we'll be paying like around 10% of the R from
from equilibrium in terms of the EQ blast campaign on top of that. So it's already 24%. But what you can do next, you can close your, like there are actually a few options. So firstly you can lock your EQ dotted to get through liquid staking, let's say in the
insurance mechanism in the platform and gets another like the Ryan APR in between like 15 up to 20%. Depending on on various circumstances, specifically like how much liquid in the platform.
And this brings your eventual rewards up to like 30% and on top of that you can basically get like another option for you is to lock your EQD EQ.
it as collateral for EQD and then put generated EQD into the stable swap pool. So on top of that you will be getting more IPR from there and once you get your EQD logs in the stable swap pool
you receive LP tokens from over there like liquidity provision tokens and you can lock them in the insurance pool as well. So like overall if you do all these operations you can get over 90% APR. So there is also certain bonuses provided if you
to lock our native tokens called EQ. So, generally speaking, probably it's a little bit difficult to understand, by the way, how exactly this works, but you can find all the details on our medium page.
that Michael Liggs will probably also listen to this call, can drop some links in the chat. So anyways, we offer quite a lot of different opportunities for those who are staking within our platform right now in terms of how we
last campaign and different strategies. So like all the strategies I explained in our medium, so you can find them there. And if you follow the steps of these strategies, you can again, you can or you can earn up to like over 90% APR at the end of the day. So these
This program, this EQ Blast campaign will be expanded on the liquidity pools outside equilibrium. And we are planning for more campaigns within the Astar based DeFi projects.
So we will be announcing you campaigns like really soon and what you guys will be able to do is actually generate QD stablecoins within our platform and lock within like a mm pools and others in within
within these defi protocols on Astar. And I'm sure there will be quite interesting and attractive APR provided on these operations as well. So, stay tuned, we will definitely announce in this exciting extensions of our EQ bless campaign, Wilson.
It's very exciting. Just a mention everyone, if you guys want to check out EGLE Rehams previous community call, it's the 28th community call. So be sure to check that out, it's pinned on the top. There's anything that was added at that call. I haven't heard the new
is one but I do try to keep up as much as possible. You guys have so much going on. So yeah, definitely stay tuned. I actually have personal question in that sense. When is your guys' next community call? So we usually do that the last
Thursday of the month. So like if it comes to April, so I'm sure this will be on the April 27th, I guess. Okay, well you guys are here. So definitely check it out 27.
And by the way, I also wanted to mention that every year we are hosting our annual events called POKE Defines, which is like the event covering POKE dots
DeFi space, like projects in this space, whatever. So the next one is plans for, like this year, it's planned for May the 4th. We have not announced this publicly, and you guys are first to know.
But just keep in mind save the dates on Thursday, May the 4th, we'll get together all the amazing paratrain projects. Join us at Polka Define, so we'll be covering all the defy topics in Polka.dads.
over there. That's exciting. May 4th, I'd be sure to set your calendars and we'll see you there. So yeah, some questions before we close here. So how can people and projects get started using with the equilibrium? Very simple. Go to our website
It's There is the button application on the top right of your screen. Go to application. You just need to deposit some funds either Polkadot assets. Very soon there will be like
you know bridging with the theorem, uh, reenables and you'll be able to use your theorem or you theorem be steel points. Um, so even you don't even need to have eq tokens to pay commissions because like you you you'll be able to swap some fraction of assets bridging
to equilibrium for EQ to cover your commission costs. So very easy, very user friendly. You can start with, let's say, staking and participating in our EQ Blast campaign. And on top of that, you can start at least considering using more advanced features like
generating up stablecoins or money market loans or at some point when we launch the exchange you probably might have some appetite to trade there as well. So yeah multiple options very easy to start go to equilibrium that's our final information there.
Definitely. Yeah, if you guys might go to the pan you can go to equilibrium's Twitter, Twitter account and you follow equilibrium definitely follow Alex Definitely follow everybody here. We're all part of the ecosystem. So they're all building towards the future here But there's a little bit of time left
Is there anything you'd like to add before we open up for the community? Yes, so first of all, thank you very much for fooling us and we are very much excited about partnership with Astar. We know them as very reliable and long-term partners.
And we hope to bring certain value to the Astar DeFi ecosystem contribute to that and probably facilitate more exam transfers between our pair of chains and overall kind of value transfer in the Polkadad ecosystem.
system. So hopefully our stablecoin as well as other features will bring certain value and value to the Asteric system to Polkadot overall.
Yeah, it's very exciting to see our collaborations and the synergy that we're building utilizing an EQD or a star or even EQ token as well into our ecosystems and being able to further our liquidity and our connections so that it's
It's really exciting where we're at right now. So yeah, it's still very early too. So anyone that's just getting involved in the Polkadike system or a Star equilibrium, definitely check out what we're building here, any new developers,
definitely check out what we're doing and join Equire Bram and see what they're doing as well. So yeah, anybody would like to join us for a speaker spot, be sure to raise your hand. I can add you to the panel here. Just anybody has any questions? Feel free to join us.
But it seems like you did cover quite a bit Alex. So I'm sure there are questions having an answer. I'm sure. So definitely I covered all the bases. Yeah. Cool. Cool, guys. Yeah.
Yeah, thank you very much for hosting us today. It was a real pleasure to have this conversation with you Dustin. You did a great job. So definitely come over to our community call. It's also quite a tentative usually.
will be really, really nice to have you with us as well. For sure. Yeah, I definitely, I try to attend as many as possible. I've been, I've attended, you know, definitely the first, I think maybe 10 or 15 of them. But yeah, I was definitely there when you guys first started.
You know, been a big fan of the project personally and I got involved, you know, with the transition from EOS to I was there early on. Yeah. So definitely know how that worked. And I've been seeing you guys build and build and you know,
Then let the market conditions affect you guys. It's just been exciting how you guys have come along. I'm excited to see how far along equilibrium will be in the next three years, five years, and how you're going
is you know advanced DeFi tools are going to be utilized in the ecosystem. Yeah, it's exciting. Yeah, looking forward to that, of course. Yeah, I mean, we would love to have to host you as participants by far. So not just as a listener, so eventually if you
I think we will have a lot of things to highlight for our community as well who is like really keen on listening or what's going on after. So yeah, you can consider this invitation anyways. Oh thank you very much. Yeah I love to talk about more how the stars involved me and also
kind of my personal touch on my interest in the equilibrium and understanding, you know, your guys' journey. Yeah, thanks very much. Really, really awesome. Thank you. Yeah, thank you, Alex. I see actually just one question here in the questionnaire section, which probably we can pick before we go.
It's like Shizu asking has equilibrium reached out to Astrid now about potential partnership with collaboration. So I should admit here that we are talking to almost all the most established projects in the Astar ecosystem.
and we have certain plans. Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to review all of them right now because all of them deserve certain special announcements and we still need to prepare to get prepared to cover particular details of this
So please stay tuned. Definitely follow our Twitter accounts and we regularly posting there and definitely will be the first to know what's going on with all these amazing projects, including Astrid Dow, how exactly we are collaborating and when exactly this will happen.
Hmm, yeah you guys heard it first. There's a little bit of alpha, but obviously you can't say too much, but Excited to see more collaborations in our ecosystem and a star and yeah definitely seeing projects you guys are speaking to you. That's nice.
So I said ask for $1,000. Interesting. But yeah, I -- so yeah, we'll definitely wrap up here. Thank you everybody for joining us. Thank you, Alex for joining us. CEO of Equilibrium, definitely follow. Equilibrium, check out their community call, the 29th Community
on April 27th also May 4th is going to be pocketed out the finance or the def defyance defyance defyance defyance so definitely stay tuned for that and
more collaboration equilibrium in Astart ecosystem. And we'll see you guys on the next one. Absolutely. I look forward to that. Thank you very much for joining today. Bye bye. Thank you very much, everyone. Have a great day. Bye bye.

FAQ on Astar x Equilibrium AMA Session | Twitter Space Recording

Who is the CEO of Equilibrium?
Alex Melikov
What is the purpose of the AMA?
To discuss collaborations between Equilibrium and the Asta ecosystem
What is Equilibrium's background?
Equilibrium was created in 2020 by a team that had been building on various blockchain networks for years.
Why did Equilibrium migrate to Polkadot?
To expand beyond the stablecoin and build a more full-fledged platform for DeFi that embraces almost all possible DeFi premises.
What is Polkadot known for?
Polkadot is known for its modularity and ability to build lego-like parachains.
What are some advantages of building on Polkadot?
Flexibility, the ability to build one's own blockchain and program the runtime, and advantages that cannot be implemented in other blockchain networks due to resource limitations.
What is the focus of Equilibrium's platform?
Equilibrium's platform combines money markets, stablecoins, and trading components based on their innovative approach to loan management and specific management of liquidations.
What is the role of the EQD stable token in Equilibrium's ecosystem?
EQD is the stablecoin and backbone of Equilibrium's platform.
What is the purpose of Star Network's AMAs?
To collaborate with projects in their ecosystem and determine how their ecosystems can benefit from each other.
What is the second part of the AMA?
The second part of the AMA is with the community to ask questions.