Astar x Grabber Campaign - Results & Next Steps✨

Recorded: Jan. 14, 2023 Duration: 0:39:00



Hey everyone, we're just going to give it another minute or so for more people to jump in. This space is being recorded, so we can tune in later as well to find out more about the results and the next steps from our Grabber campaign. Thanks Grabber for being here.
Hello, yeah, thank you. Thank you
Welcome everybody, okay, let's get it started. Hey there Dustin and everybody else here on the space. Again, this is recorded so feel free to tune in again later or more details and we're gonna jump right into it. So thank you Nick from Grabber team for being here. I'm in
introduce myself. I'm Rams from Astor Network. I help grow the community as a community growth lead. Nick, if you give us a quick introduction to what Grabber is in the tool that you're offering. Thank you Rams. My name is Nick. I'm the product
from WebRTm, we are doing that helps to connect nice projects with nice community members and our core idea to find the most beneficial or potential good nice users that should be incentivized for some projects like our stars.
And in this case, we try to find the best and most impactful users that make some specific action in the Astar and make benefits for whole ecosystem. That's what we do for this because we make a score. And shortly we will make some
unique feature that we offer at Ashtard where a builder can have their de-app, their community stake on it, and in return to meet the builder, the owner of the de-app which is rewards. So it's like passive income. And the grabber tool, just like Nick said, is finding and scoring these users, and we use
a ton of metrics and one of the metrics that we wanted to include was the de-upstaking. And thank you Nick again for including this metric because it's changing the game for us here at Astar. I can I get to Enzo Mike and said that I'm really excited about the upstaking because there was a some because we are one time not as
but we are long-term players in the bulk of the ecosystem and there are some problems to connect some substrate wallets with these event wallets and from our point of view, where the wallets is at now is the biggest opportunity for bulk of them because they're resolved of team already, a strategy developer, and then you have the stuff and there is almost impossible
for most of the systems to revert or provide some benefits. So existing user is a nice impact. And AstarPas is the upstaking as well. We wear a nice idea. And I think it should be taken by our system as well. And it's very nice. And for me, it's also very interesting to understand how many users
they do and in case we are research the Ethereum activity, we see the nice good user from Ethereum make nice big impact into the asset should have taken and this was very nice. Yes, it's wonderful. Thank you so much again Nick and yeah the asset pass now that we see how it is then
how it was used, we're going to aim to grow it, the users who connect and register with the AstarPASS. So we can track that EVM on chain activity as well as substrate activity. Now it opens our eyes to a new way of, on the marketing side for sure, a new way of
like having and considering our users and their previous activity and other change. So moving forward though, you did have a campaign with Algem as one of the first ecosystem grabber campaigns as well. Can you tell us a little bit about what you learned from that campaign with AlgemNet?
It was very nice. I like the idea as well. It was nice and it should be one part of one of the devices and like a series. So we try to understand which users will be most impactful in the short future.
for Algem. We make some research for the user do on the chair and compound, you miss what, any other things, LIDA is like something on the chair and like Algem. So we try to find the most beneficial users and we use that staking as well because we can
So we make some research and we make some many many scores about any of our gets so we take the information from the about the user from Any smart contracts and understand how many they Spend the gas how many they make transaction in what times they do any transaction and how they
What they do and how many tokens they receive through bulk senders and other stuff so we can make some aggregates about the users and make some final scores about any users that will be in this campaign and provide tool game team, this course and aggregates
and spoke with them to understand which has a due user for system will be. So I think when we go we make some ideas about decreasing the power of the most impactful users to make it, we can
optimization. So in most systems, more you do, more you receive low and nice potential users with nice actions, but in the early stage, it will be decreasing with the amount of benefits. So idea to provide
opportunity to make more benefits for low users for maybe potential users and stimulate big ones but not so much as a low one. So we provide the NAS course for Algem and I think they will shortly provide the reverse for the community. That's great. Yeah.
Yes, I'll join with the liquid-saking and Astar providing a great service for our ecosystem in general. And they're growing too. Just continuing to see some more activity. Thanks again for that info. And here at Astar, we saw the activity that's happening and how the grabbers track into tools and all the
metrics to using. And a little bit of how ASSAR plants to use it further, we realize that GrabBer has a lot more potential than just rewarding, you know, our users and their activity, but also to bring in other users from Ethereum, mainnet or other chains.
Because if I'm correct, Nick, you could track the if the user has either some certain smart contracts like the NFTs. So if they're a board ape holder or if they use Uniswap or if they interact with it, XY, dy/dx.
and so on. So that kind of activity might help some of our ecosystem projects who have similar tools, whether it's DeFi, ORNFTs. This could be considered when creating these campaigns. So in order for us, as a, you know, as the paracane and also to benefit polka dot, attracting these users to
come into Polkadot with these metrics, with these kind of campaigns to airdrop. Some rewards doesn't have to be a lot, but to get it to be intrigued, it's an introduction for many. And we saw this with one of our NFT partners, Candy Girl.
where there was, because of the artist, in that case, there was about 1,000 new users who never experienced Astar, in a sense never experienced Pocata. So we took a survey and that's what we found out. But we could also use the Grabber tool to even grow the
this number even more. So we're now considering many methods to attract users from outside, other chains, to experiment with ASTAR. To reward it with ASTAR for their activity, whether it's the FStateCube, whether it's the HOLD-NFT that's relatable or the same team comes to ASTAR.
and launch is there. So this is exciting news. So thanks again Nick for the insight on Algem because that's an ecosystem project that's using it in their way. Here at Astar we're not considering how can we help our D apps and ecosystem projects as well. Is there other liquid-staking protocols outside that we could tag and make
and then have them learn that we also have one in Algem. So those users who are accustomed to move their staking amount or tokens around because their liquid might be more interested in using Algem. So this is exciting. I'll just let it go.
From my point of view, when talking about NFT, the main problem problems when we talk is this area. I have a lot of NFT, but I never sold any one of them. So I'm users in this case. It's like blockchain games.
users in this case. So even if you see some tokens of some games or some of them in my wallet, it's make no sense. We should understand who can sell it, because if you're talking about the future, follow from our point of view, our point of view is the future of on-chain users, users that can
make on chain activity. And on chain activities, a future key to some new summer or new spring how name it. So our idea to understand how we can impact in this case, how we can provide tokens and if to somebody who can use it, who can make some transactions because this is our
So if you're talking about NFT, we can understand who can send an ift used to Ethereum. And in most cases, if we provide them even free NFT, they can try to sell it and they create real one chain activities. They create some actions, they create some real activity.
any other thing. So it's a little bit much better than I have dropped for my wallet. Yeah, totally. No, this is so exciting in general. I am super impressed. There are a lot of other tools I've seen in the space where they they kind of track the activity, whether it's social activity on Twitter or Disney.
scored, but that launching analysis that you can provide and have provided to Al-Jem and Astar is really in depth. Then can you go a little bit more in depth on what you found out in the results for the Astar campaign? Yeah, yeah, I had the need to remark about
where we start this, nobody knows nothing about charge-gbd. But nowadays if you have charge-gbd you can create a very nice Twitter account, any other social TV viewers who can only connect this, AYSync's, this Twitter and you have very nice activity, very nice things. You can create a
very nice, a group of farms with very nice, a group of accounts. So yes, I think on chain activity is all I think from our point of view that we can do. So what we've seen into the start we see a lot of users that use that stake in Colot as a nice users. We spoke with some of them through
email when we try to understand some things that they how they find what they do, how they do. We see that a lot of users who use DUP Stagen, in case an empty, the better user is the lower chance of
using NFT or OpenSea through their wallet. Of course, they can have more than one wallet, of course, but the best wallet that we see don't use NFT. Also, it's strange for me, it's a strange for me that there are some things like box senders, box senders,
multi-sanders token centers is about system to send a lot of tokens to you with any VM or look alike, even chains, any other one. And we can track and we can see the trace of transactions in the user wallets. And if you see that user receive a lot of tokens from
this way, the quality was not good. And for me it's strange because I always think that users collect a lot of wallets from, for example, you use WAPM, sends them some sheet of the wallets, but maybe they use not talking centers these days. Maybe they use some other stuff, but
The most popular standard things don't look good and they provide information about what quality of the user that's what we're trying for radio. That's great. Yeah, no. And the emails that you are able to capture as well help us
to sort of pinpoint. Yeah, we see, yeah, we see the, we don't use it actually. We, well, we see there are some from users that come to us and they, for example, air job 2424, add So we see that, but we don't
use it for example firstly it's not WebStreet secondly we see already it's through bulk sender so if the user have a lot of information like telegram, meek, this air drop or drop hunter or best drop hunter Kenya 2022 so we see already that they will receive a
lot of tokens from the ball center. So we don't need to use it. And actually, in some cases, if some users or some apps come to us and say, hey, guys, we need to be on the web through web through there's not any emails. Okay, we can do it as well. It's not the problem. But in this case, we can say we can
ask the guys to come and receive their tokens. That's a problem. So if we don't use emails, we don't know how to, hey guys, you win some tokens, you should participate. And how we can do this in Web3, I don't understand. - Hey, I think that's my email, AirDrop Hunter, Kenina7722.
Oh, it should be cool to run. Oh, I see your account. That's it. That's it. Make sure to reward me. Thanks big. Yes, it's super exciting. If so, some of the results that we are looking through right now,
are these 148 users who use AstarPASS, you know, as we stated in our campaign, make sure to be registered with AstarPASS or track both EVM and sub-tractivity. So we have 148 users and we decided that Astar
that they took the time to use the tool. A lot of them did put a lot of their social and a lot of their other information, including the Twitter handle and Discord handle and we appreciated that. We know that they're also staked on the apps anywhere from one de app all the way up to I think the top user was 20 and
the apps if I'm correct that they were staked on that means they were staked on. I think it's it's it's it's it's very nice developer I think it's yes and and the in the the amounts they were staking with I think the average maybe was 4k but one of the most had 700k.
So this is information for us to analyze and also consider to reward even more or invite them to other campaigns or specify certain actions for these top users.
This information was so valuable for us and it really got us thinking like, "Hey, how do we actually reward our top users, our dedicated loyal users, and also attract others from the outside?" And so we decided to actually up the amount of rewards since this is our first campaign.
overall small but 38,000 ASTAR to reward every single one of those 148 users instead of 50 that was initially planned internally. So this is also something to consider moving forward. The pool amount and if you don't mind explaining to our list
and the future listeners who are going to listen in. How can one, if you're one of those 148, participate in Claim these rewards? If you don't mind walking through us through. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We also add some new stuff to my
make the claim and opportunity for the user. So from our point of view, the more commitment user, so the better user, we want to make a provide token for everybody, of course. But in the most cases, user when they receive the token, they will flip it and there's no ball
can perform, then price, view it down, all community will be upset. So there's a very thin idea to provide the tokens for somebody who can make on chain activity or will plan to do it in the future. So I'll go idea to understand this users and make the best tokens and best
amount for tokens only for them. But in other case, we know there's a problem with a listing or airdrops as well. So what's the problem? If you have, for example, 1000 users and you provide to them for every one of them, a lot of tokens and they will go to the exchange and try
to drop it and we can form the snowball and snowball will become weak and price will be dropped and community will be upset as well. So our idea to try to migrate from these red knifes to other ideas and we add the claiming opportunity. There are other ways of wasting that work nowadays
in the old blockchain area. It's more, it's it's it's look like company options. So longer you wait more percent from your old again, you will receive. So if you come to our system,
will be gone. You will see over 25% from your location. What if you wait one peak more, you will see 15% of location. And in one more week, 75% and two more weeks, 100% and you can in you help able to make
It's like in company, when you go out, you receive how many options that you have in this moment. You will not receive other allocations that you can have if you quit earlier than you plan. So the same idea is here. So there is a second step.
When user will be in allocation, they will have only one opportunity to make claim. Long as they wait, more percent from allocation, he will receive. But to be a part of this passing procedure, user should be participating in it.
So right now users, they able to claim should go to our system and put the button to participate. So everyone of 148 users should be participate in
future claim to approve that they are okay with any rules with any other stuff. And wait two more days to start the claim in procedure. And the claim starts from 25% to 100%. We make some big document about this. You can find it already in our page. And I hope
this idea will become like standard for our industry because nowadays if you're talking about Western you have four air drops in your Western schedule like a launch pad and in every way everybody comes and make big big snowballs
on the exchange and price drops and it's like I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I#
avoid the start of the Q&A or of this noble procedure. I hope I'm listening to this. Yes, yes, yes, now I totally understand for our listeners who are just joining into we're talking about the grabber tool that we're using here with Nick and how we're changing
the whole aspect of how we reward loyal users, you know, attract users from outside. And the snow well effect you're talking about, about users even, the pressure, the cell pressure because they receive their air drop, their reward or whatever, how it has been created is detrimental to projects as well.
well. So this vesting component that Graber has implemented over four weeks is, in my opinion, genius because some of those high score, high score users, you know, these dream users, as we like to call them too, they're probably not that concerned about selling, you know, if they believe in the project, the protocol or the tool
whatever they're receiving the token they're receiving it they're most likely going to be patient and maybe claim at the end of four weeks they'll total amount so just to recap so the user only has one opportunity to claim so so many
I do see some familiar profiles here, probably participated in the Grabber campaign. You have one opportunity over four weeks to claim if you claim within the first week, that's 25%, then 50, the second week, then 75, then 100% if you claim at the end of four weeks. And Grabber, I just saw that you
Also on your Twitter page have all this information so we're going to retweet it for our users and then they have up to Sunday night to participate correct Yeah, no, you know if you've been a hero wait until claim you don't you should don't forget to participate
because it's like an agreement. So you should agree with everything that will be done next steps and understand it and wait for it. And others in the other hand, we try to make the opportunity to make a meeting from the universe. Our main idea to the users should will provide a meeting that they
needs a token, they will try to use it, and if you try to come for it, it's not like I had opened my last case, use the TZ, it's like sheet of stuff on my wallet, it's not, it's still not like that. We should provide you tokens on your
for somebody who has some passion for it, who makes some kind of meatment for it. That's the score idea. It is a great idea. And some of us who, some of the OGs here at Astar who have been involved for almost over two years now, since it started as Plasm now, Astar will definitely appreciate the sentiment.
good old times, good old times, what's it? Oh, I remember this time. It was a wild ride and now look at us. Taking over countries, governments. So, thank you Nick so much again for the explanation. Again, we're going to retweet the info that you provided on your website. I invite
everybody here to please follow grabber. We're going to be using grabber a lot more just because we are super impressed with the results, the metrics they use and the way we could use it is basically up to our imagination but there is a lot of potential here. Not only for our lawyers
And don't forget to use Asset Pass. I think even you may be trying to make your first time since Asset Pass is a nice idea because as I said before, as a Polkadotica system,
There is a whole and one of the biggest problems to connect and connect in wallets to make metal between them between native wallets, substrate based, bunch of wallets and even base. So it's one of the biggest problems. So Astropas is very nice idea and it can provide
What benefits for you? So try to use it, try to understand it. I think it's one of the part of the battles from the future. So it should be much more useful in next weeks in your sense. It's very nice. Yes, and we will remind users for the SRPASS registration. It's really simple.
It basically, to sum it up, you register for the Aster Pass, it's connecting, it's, we'll be able to track your EVM activity and your sub-sure activity. And this helps us. >> My, my, my, easier. >> Much easier than using, yeah, Spokadachi, yes, and then finding out how, and how many D-abs you're staying.
So every user here, please register for the Astar Pass. We're going to be retweeting that information out to and holding campaigns that are heavily inclined towards registering for the Astar Pass, which is safe. It's also at no cost. It's just signing transactions. And then you'll be able to participate in these upcoming
way more campaigns that we plan to do with Grabber. So thanks again Nick for all information and a little shout out. I don't know if you'll be listening to Mario who created the Astor Pass. I always think that the devs on Astor are super impressive creating these tools and these methods
it's to not just here at Ashtar, but for like other protocols to, they could learn from it. The Ashtar passed tracking activity across both chains. Just speaks to what we want to do at Ashtar. We're dual virtual machine, EVM and Wadlam, and we want to incorporate as much as we can
to become a hub for smart contracts. No matter what language you know, you should be able to build and use our tools and technology. And Grabber is a great example of how now we can incentivize users to continue using our protocol, our tools, our technology, and our ecosystem, the apps.
our project sound here. So thanks again Nick for the information. We'll be retweeting again all this information out. So if you did participate in the Grabber event, you'll be sure to participate in and basically sign the contract that you're willing to, you want to claim your tokens
Now, any other, I do want to talk about any future plans that Grabber has now that you've successfully done these two campaigns on Ashtar. From our point of view, the most interesting part to track what we will usually do with their stockings.
I start talking, I start coins and I'll gen tokens because we are not only one way that I'll gen will distribute their tokens, not only our user provided by us, but we want to make some research about what they will do, like I start as well. So I think we have
actually we see a lot of cohorts, I don't know how to say this right, so we have a lot of a bunch of users and we can divide them between any parameters and try to research what they will do and we will find out what other metrics
and what are the things features about the users that we can track. And our main idea to, for example, come to you in the future and all these users, more beneficial for you than other ones. For example, they used upstaking, but they, for example, like
like a body shop with developers. So they try and they forget forever. So they don't make any intuitive, but they try because they can. And other users, for example, they can make a lot of clean pack and they have some features. For example, they use a lot of LIDO or they use bridges. So we see that users that should
you will use bridges and sit-ups taking. It's the most beneficial users. And we can propose you to some to do some campaigns, especially for these users. Second idea, not only to research, but we call it something like real
So we see that a lot of users have similar as I told before that can use bridges. So this user can switch the net into the Metamask is the big deal actually. So this users make more chain transaction on other chains except Ethereum of course.
So, we can come to you and talk about the runs. Let's do some relaunching company campaign that will provide tokens, first tokens like promo tokens for for stakers and for bridge stakers. And we can stimulate
what's going on on your chain in the future. And it can make a lot of impact on the apps because they receive the users. And for the community because we can make some mental impact on the price. What would I want to do? That's great. Thank you so much Nick. Yes, super interesting, especially the whole
the bridge activity. If they're willing to use a bridge to come and bring you know, add to the TBL, add to poke that as well. There's an effect not just for Astar but for the whole ecosystem, which is beneficial. So hopefully we can...
Did Gavin have an email call? Gavin Air Drop Hunters or no? We'll invite him to participate in the Grand Prix event. But no, thank you so much. Is there any other plans to possibly move towards other parachains as well, Nick?
We can't focus the business with some more friends on the Binance right now because we know it is very close to Astar itself. So I think maybe Azulon but mostly I think Astar is nice and we have
Thanks to you, we have a lot of connects with the how I start a start team. So if we have see nice actions from incentivized users, I think they'll like it. And we can plan some campaigns to do some stuff.
Nowadays, I know there's a re-interior or nothing, nothing happens, but it's a time to community build. Because we try to incentivize and make some actions with somebody who has community. Because you can have price itself, or they are talking, only if you have some community to buy and sell.
But on this to buy and sell we can form the price and buy and sell can be happened. It's not community. That's a problem. So being just summer or some spring we should work with our community and our our our tooling propose the easiest way to incentivize and do some actions. One hundred percent.
example has been that good things again Nick for you your time and your whole team dedicated to this whole process it really it really would help a lot of these these D apps who are struggling perhaps to create a community maybe get the the word out there or attract loyal users to our star
that are loyal to the asset to their project. So this is super exciting. So thanks again, Nick. >> You're welcome. Thank you for our staff, for hosting us. Actually, I'm in luck. It's good to know better than I said. >> Who's okay. He's all right. Yes.
And for your post runs, you help us a lot and you make a lot of connections, you help us through the gauges, the ecosystem, and it was very nice. Thank you for saying this. It's the start now, where let's connect more with the other projects and let's keep going. This is great. And thanks to the community here listening today.
in the future. Again, please follow Grabber. We will be doing more campaigns with them. That is a certainty. Please register for the Aster Pass. We'll be tweeting more information about that. And if you participated in the Aster and Grabber campaign, please check out the Grabber and follow the steps that are laid out there. We'll be retweeting that in fall.
- Okay, Nick, thank you so much. If any questions from the users, feel free to post them under this post for the Twitter space. And we'll get those answers to you. Thanks, Nick, and everyone. - Thank you all. - Thank you very much. - Bye, everyone. - Bye, thank you.

FAQ on Astar x Grabber Campaign - Results & Next Steps✨ | Twitter Space Recording

What is Grabber?
Grabber is a tool offered by WebRTM that connects nice projects with nice community members. It aims to find the most beneficial or potential good nice users that should be incentivized for some projects like ASTAR’s.
What is the core idea behind Grabber?
The core idea behind Grabber is to find the best and most impactful users that make specific actions in ASTAR and make benefits for the whole ecosystem.
What is one of the metrics used by Grabber to score users?
One of the metrics used by Grabber to score users is the DE-app staking.
What is ASTARpass and how does it help track EVM on-chain activity?
ASTARpass is a unique feature offered by ASTAR where a builder can have their dApp, their community stake on it, and in return meet the builder, the owner of the dApp which is rewarded. It helps track EVM on-chain activity as well as Substrate activity.
What did Nick from Grabber learn from their campaign with Algoem?
Nick learned that the idea provided an opportunity to make more benefits for low users for maybe potential users and stimulate big ones but not so much as a low one. They provided the NAS score for Algome and will shortly provide the reverse for the community.
What is the potential use of Grabber beyond rewarding users?
The potential use of Grabber beyond rewarding users is to attract users from other chains, including Ethereum mainnet, to experiment with ASTAR and polkadot. This will introduce them to the activity-based reward system and incentivize them to use ASTAR for their activity.
What types of smart contracts or activity can Grabber track?
Grabber can track smart contracts such as NFTs, Uniswap, XY, DY/DX, and other activity-based metrics.
What is the problem with NFTs according to Nick from Grabber?
According to Nick, the main problem with NFTs is that users have a lot of NFTs, but they never sell any one of them. The focus should be on understanding who can sell them and creating opportunities for on-chain users to make on-chain activity.
What is ASTAR doing to grow its user base and attract users from other chains?
ASTAR is using Grabber to attract users from other chains by introducing them to the activity-based reward system and incentivizing them to use ASTAR for their activity. They are considering methods to attract users to experiment with ASTAR whether it’s the Fstatecube, holding NFTs or team coming to launch in ASTAR.
What is the liquid-staking protocol mentioned in the podcast?
Algome is the liquid-staking protocol mentioned in the podcast.