Astar zkEVM - Yoki Origins Fusion

Recorded: March 20, 2024 Duration: 0:08:36



["Ave Maria")
Let's do a test test.
Let's do a test test.
I think we're trying to stop the music right now.
I think we were successful.
Great, great.
Okay, great.
I feel like we're set.
GM, good evening.
Thank you so much for joining our Yokey Origins Fusions X Space.
Thank you so much for all of you for coming.
This is Tatsu from Aster Growth team speaking,
and we're really, really happy to have all of you here.
So today we are inviting really exciting and special guests for us to talk about a variety of things, really,
but specifically for the launch of Aster ZKVM and the campaign that we're currently pursuing, Yokey Origins,
and this campaign is actually welcoming so many of the exciting projects on Aster ZKVM.
And it is super valuable and exciting to hear real voices from those projects, how they're doing, how everything is going, you know, all of that.
So happy to have all of you here without further ado, I think we are ready to start.
So first of all, I kind of like want to make sure that everyone's, you know, like Mike is like properly working, everyone can speak, all of that.
So let me start by calling each of the speaker for tonight.
So I am going to now I have this list that I can go down and let's see if we can hear every each of you.
So first of all, I would like to see if Carol from XO can speak. And if Carol is here, if you are, can you just say hi and quickly, you know who you are and, you know, a little introduction would be really nice.
Hello, can you hear me? Yes.
Hi, thank you, Tatsu, and thank you, Esther, network and all the ecosystem fam.
I am Carol from XO and we are WAV3 friend making app and we are very happy to be here and thanks for your happiness.
And yeah, I'm a bit nervous, you know, because it's my first time to meet like the ecosystem fam. And also we have prepared a lot of, you know, good stuff for all the family.
And I think we will reveal soon. So yeah.
Awesome. Thank you so much. You know, not gonna lie, usually I'm like completely fine running those spaces whatsoever.
But like today we're having like really amazing guests and I'm even sort of, you know, like being a bit like self-conscious when I'm like speaking certain things.
But yeah, you know, it's awesome to have you. Thank you so much. All right. Thank you. Yeah. Let's continue down the list.
Can I see if there are our fellow members, friends from Kokio NFT, perhaps Ed or Yuki, I don't know one of you.
Yeah, sure. So I'm Yuki from Kokio NFT. So yeah, very excited to be here. So thank you for having us. So yeah, Kokio NFT is like project by Japan Ally and Hakkodo, which is one of the biggest marketing agency in Japan.
So it unlocks like exclusive local Japanese experience available only for NFT holders, including like crafting Japanese knife or samurai family experience or those kinds of stuff.