Astroport Community Call with Autonomy

Recorded: Feb. 10, 2023 Duration: 1:00:01
Space Recording

Full Transcription

Hello hello can y'all hear me okay?
Hey guys, how's it going?
- Good, good. Can hear you loud and clear. - Perfect, perfect. - Is it just us today? I think so, but I just didn't know if we have anyone else that's coming up on stage.
Checking real quick to see if I think I think we may have a couple more people that are coming. So I will
I will give it a minute here.
Yeah, sweet. Where are you guys based?
So I'm living over in Germany and you around Berlin.
Oh, great. No, like you're living in Berlin.
Oh no no no no no I'm not living in Berlin. I'm way in the countryside. Originally from the United States as you can tell by my lack of a German accent. Yeehaw. Yeehaw, that's right. That's right. Yeah. Are you still in the boat?
I'll probably go back in a few months actually. I do miss it. Was it if you don't mind me asking not asking you to say too much about yourself, but was it for your work school? Just like the reason I moved there in the first place.
Sorry, I was sending a message, yes. That's what I'm doing too. Yeah, just for fun really, I mean, I've been working remotely for like last few years. Also, I'm British, so because of Brexit,
There was a last opportunity to move to an EU country and get permanent residency before some deadline. Like a month before the deadline, I fucking slid right in and got it.
Yeah, it was kind of a less chance. OK, yeah, I see. I didn't even think about that. Yeah, like meeting deadlines in order to keep that EU residency. Yeah, exactly. I think that.
Sorry, what'd you say? Oh, nothing good. I'm just kind of confirming here in the background that we have everyone here.
Someone from the team is saying autonomy is missing, but I'm like I'm talking to autonomy. Do you know if there's I don't think there's anyone else from your team specifically coming right? I don't think so. They may be assuming that I was going to come on my
personal account, but obviously I'm on the project account. Okay, yeah, no, that's fine. That's where the source of confusion is. So I think that we are probably good to start here so we don't lose too much time and I'm sure
I'll just go ahead and say it now because I think it's sometimes we wait till the end of the space. If you do have questions throughout the space, go ahead and put your hand up. At a certain point we will open it up to allow questions from the community. Those are some of the best questions sometimes so don't worry about the time
in the call. Feel free to just throw your hand up whenever you think of a question. But I think a good place to start is just say hello everyone. Thank you for coming to the space. Lots of familiar faces inside the Astroport, the Terra and Cosmos community.
community here, so it's great to see a lot of you. And thank you for joining me. So I think the autonomy team, so it'd be great if we could get just maybe a brief introduction about yourself and just autonomy and maybe your experience in the industry.
Yeah, for sure. So I've been following crypto man makes me feel very old say this bit of a bit of a crypto boom. I've been following it for like 10 years at this point. But I was basically doing a physics degree didn't know how to code or anything and like after the ball run in
2017 basically like dropped out of of uni Like my first job was doing like tracking of like Bitcoin for clients like the FBI and banks and that kind of thing implemented proof of stake on the flow blockchain that Dapper Labs built a cross-chain decks bunch of other like side projects
projects. And the idea for, well, first of all, I guess, what is AutonMe? It's basically a decentralized automation protocol. So it's kind of like infrastructure and it's mostly for DAPs, like AstroPort to use to add features kind of like chain
but not for Oracle's but for automation instead. Whenever you want to do something in the future on a blockchain, obviously such as trade at a later time at a specific price in the case of a limit order or recurring payments for example. There's a ton of cool use cases but yeah, had the
either in 2019 but it was I think a bit too early at that point it wasn't really a market for it and then after like DeFi summer 2020 Dex volume started you know getting like serious and I knew that like at the very least you know autonomy could be used for for like limits and stops
on decks and so pretty much started building an MVP at the end of 2020 and yeah just been growing and getting partnerships and ever since really it's been yeah it's been about two years now crazy but yeah that's a time
I knew you all from your work you were doing on osmosis and I want to say you have you'd also done some work with like autonomous NFTs and in a separate side game am I am I correct in that assumption?
Yeah, I was surprised you know about that. Yeah, we were gonna release this game called Meta Dungeon and the whole, like the specific thing that we were doing with that game is showcasing NPCs, non-playable characters in games.
which, you know, like when you play like Skyrim or Cyberpunk or whatever, when you interact with NPCs, like they interact with you or they interact with each other, but blockchains are like passive, so, you know, it requires somebody to make a transaction, but obviously like
if someone's interacting with you and you're doing nothing, that would be impossible. But with an automation protocol, it is possible. And we went through a bunch of delays in actually launching the game, and then when we were actually about to launch it, the FTX collapse happened.
was fucking terrible timing. And yeah, it would have been suicide to like launch an F.T. project. So the whole thing actually works. We essentially just put it on ice for the time being. And yeah, as soon as the gaming market comes back, we'll launch that thing.
Yeah, yeah, no problem. I mean, I think the gaming market in general, I know several teams that had to put things on ice as you eloquently put it. And so that's totally understandable given the market conditions, everything that happened.
Anyways, it was just a little bit of an aside that there's a lot more to do to autonomy than maybe people know. But I would like to talk about obviously Ash Airport today. And so I'm curious before we talk about the specifics of the integration, what led you to the Ash Airport team? Like how was that connection formed?
I think we were just...
Just looking for, you know, like obviously new Dex is in and looking to kind of expand like beyond EVM because we started out on on EVM, but, you know, like really want to be kind of the go to automation layer for blockchains like in general and obviously like EVM is a huge
market, but it's not the only market. So yeah, we were just looking to expand. And obviously, especially at the time, Asch report was getting, I think, maybe 5% of overall decks volume or something like that.
Yeah, it was like roughly around this time like last year and yeah, so it seemed like a good place to expand and yeah, then obviously that deluna collapse like put really delayed things because I remember we were
planning on doing it and actually started working on it with the team like a few weeks before the Lunar collapse so that really put a spanner in the works but yeah I mean it eventually made it which is awesome
Yeah, that's great. It definitely sounds like you all are not new to this. You've been around. You've been through the trials and tribulations. Sometimes you see projects pop up here and there and always curious whether or not they've been around for the long
but it definitely sounds like like you guys have been here and so I guess you know good for you for to keep building and driving through this so maybe we'll we'll dive into the weeds a little bit here can you just talk about your integration with the ash report
How is it, how does it improve the, you know, maybe the trading experience or just whatever you want to talk about on the platform?
Sure, so I think right now the only thing that's live is limit orders. Using autonomy you can add like a bunch of like advanced trading features like stop losses, trailing limits, trailing stops, dollar cost averaging, things, things like that. So this
This is only really just like the tip of the iceberg, hopefully there's more to come. But yeah, I mean, it seems like the kind of like value proposition is pretty huge, I mean, but especially after the collapse of FTX, a lot of centralized
change users are moving to Dex's. And I think for a long time, it really takes something to really go wrong in order for people to change their habits to move from one technology to another. And Dex Volume has been
growing over the years, but obviously centralized exchange volume has still been largely dominant. Aside from things like liquidity, it just has some new more features, obviously the ability to do risk management with limit orders and stop losses, etc.
And now that people's habits have been disrupted after the FTX thing and people want to make sure that they own the tokens, people are moving to Dex's. But they don't want to degrade user experience. They want essentially the same thing that they were doing before, but with the extra
benefits of owning your own tokens, having access to all the great things about DeFi and yield farming, etc. So yeah, that's the motivation, I suppose, giving users the tools that they had before, which I think
I think is kind of ties into our mission broadly and that we're in order for the next billion people to come into crypto for it to really go mainstream. People are not going to go with a degraded user experience. I mean, crypto is going to have to be in the background.
ideally not even going to know about it. And you're never going to use a financial app that doesn't have just basic features. I mean, it's kind of embarrassing the crypto to be honest that we don't have things like recurring payments, which is such a basic thing for like subscription salaries, et cetera.
But I mean something like that requires an automation protocol. So, you know, that's kind of the, I mean, that was part of the motivation for building autonomy in the first place, but I guess the, to answer your question more directly like, the basically the way that autonomy
works is there's a decentralized network of bots who are monitoring people's requests. So when you click like limo order on our support, you essentially puts an entry into our registry contract that says, "Hey, I want to make this trade under this price condition."
and these bots essentially just sit there monitoring for when that price condition is met. And obviously once it is, they trigger the trade. Because in a blockchain, somebody has to trigger it and if you're offline or actually for whatever, somebody has to do it and obviously they're the ones that do it.
pay small fee to them in the same way you pay a transaction fee to a minor on blockchains in general. So it's similar to economics, but the fee is very small. But yeah. Yeah, that's very interesting because I read about y'all as this idea of having a
registry. So, you know, basically what you're saying, like you click submit, gets added to this registry, and then you have people, or you know, you say bots, right, that are going and executing these orders, taking share of the fees, and basically that's how you're creating the automation.
I'm not sure if I'm correct if any of that I butchered in the explanation. But I am curious, so can you talk a little bit more about these bots? Who are they run by? Are these just independent people like miners, like what you were saying, or is it autonomy also has their own bots that they run to help this go smoothly? How does that work?
Yeah, so you're descriptions of like 100% accurate, but for who's running it depends kind of on the on the chain, but like currently at the moment with with with territory chain is just
So it won't be long before anyone will be able to run one of these bots. Running a bot requires staking our auto token.
which is not live yet. But it's kind of the same as any proof of stake system. If you have 10% of the stake, then you're able to, in this case, execute 10% of people's requests and therefore get 10% of the approach
called revenue. So yeah, we'll be opening it up pretty soon. Okay, so that's interesting. So you're saying that it's basically like the proportion at which you stake is the proportion of the job request that you can execute.
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, kind of like, you know, in like East to or or you know some other like proof of stake blockchain like if you have like 10% of the stake you'll be able to mine Well, I guess it's not really called mining in proof of stake, but you know You'll be able to create 10% of the blocks and therefore get the transaction fees from you know on average about
10% of all the transactions as well as the block reward. So yeah, on average you get 10% of Ethereum's ProScore revenue, so to speak. Okay, I see. I see. And I just want to say a quick hello. I know
So we have some more speakers that joined us. We've got Max and then we've got Andre from the Delphi Digital team and then Danny Witters. I know we kind of had to skip ahead because we need to get the space started but you all want to just give a quick hello.
and feel free to jump in if there's anything you want to say.
Hey guys, yeah, sorry. It was a little bit late. I was trying to figure out how to get into this space having some problems. Yeah, hi, hi, hi, to the autonomy team. Didn't get your name, though. I'm Max. I'm
quite regular in the governance forums within Ashroport, help out a few teams with proposals and stuff like that. I'm glad to see you guys joining the Ashroport community.
I'm Dan and I'm part of Delphi. Short introduction I've been a dev working on Astroport for about a year now. I've been integrating autonomy for a lot of people.
It was coming in a little bit in and out for me there, Danny. I don't know if anyone else it was the same way. I just wanted to make you aware of that.
Um, faint faintly. Is it just me? Maybe it's just me. No, no, I, uh, same. Yeah. Same. Can you hear me all right?
Yeah, yeah, I'm Andrea engineer at the Alphair Labs. And yeah, I'm a coworker with like with Danny. We I've been a little it I
I think we are basically in terms of time frame, being developing us report the same time, although I joined earlier, then we'll switch project and then came back. So yeah.
But I actually initially started like trying to integrate the autonomy, but then got switched to a different task and then it took over. So yeah, it's the autonomy expert over at Assyport.
Let's go.
All right, great. Yeah. I know we were deep in conversation, but I just wanted to make sure I knew everyone was on stage and give them a chance to introduce themselves. So thank you all for coming. Appreciate it.
So, um, I don't know, was there anything else you wanted to add from the autonomy side on what we were talking about originally? If not, we can just jump into the next question. Uh, yeah, no, I don't think so. I think we covered it.
Okay, great. And so, you know, just a point of clarification. I think I know the answer to this, but it seems like what autonomy has built is all
kind of in the backend, right? Users won't see this from the front end experience, right? Besides what functionality it actually brings, like, you know, limit orders, things like that.
Yeah, we like autonomy itself like as a pro school is just yeah like you said like 100% kind of in the in the background like no real like UI for it. We have been creating some like products for example like Autoswap I mean if you go to all the links around our website
autonomy network. I mean, also swap was our first product, for example, where it just allows you to do limits and stops on, you know, major dexism and major chains. Actually, we were going to launch a method engine as well, like we were talking about, but
But yeah, most of what we do is on the backend. We are actually about to launch. There's a bit of alpha actually, about to launch a product on the EVM side called AutoHedge. Very quick TLDR. It allows you to LP into Dex's but without the price risk and without
the impermanent loss as well as get like you're able to leverage with like very low risk so basically say you want to LP on like an East die pair on on a deck like Uniswap or Sushi Swap with like one East and say the price of East is like two thousand dollars so one East and
and 2000 like die. It LPs with that and uses the DEX LP token as collateral to borrow one ETH. So you're long one ETH in the DEX position and you're short one ETH because now you owe one ETH that you
borrowed. And so any time the price goes up or down, the position value overall stays the same. But you're still earning APY on the actual, from the trading fees from the Dex itself. I mean, I can go
to it if you like, but with some kind of like define magic, we're able to like 10X leverage. So like right now, we're actually looking for beta testers as well. So if anyone wants some early access to this kind of tool, definitely, actually, I think we put out a tweet like yesterday or the day before.
about it, but we're getting about 30% APY on some of the pairs without leveraging and we're about to finish development of the leveraging feature, which will 10X the yield. This sounds like a scam and it sounds crazy to say that you can get 300%
100% APY on non-shit coin pairs, just regular pairs. But yeah, nothing like this has been done before because it requires an automation protocol like autonomy, which is relative in you. So yeah, I'm the most bullish on this one out of
all our products. But yeah, sorry, that ended up being like a minute rant. But yeah, so I had to answer your question. Most of what we do is in the background, but we're creating a couple of these products to demonstrate new use cases and stuff that's unique that can only be done with automation.
Okay, yeah, that's very interesting and I think I want to bounce it over to the Delphi team here and maybe not when AutoHedge, but had you all been aware of this product? Maybe something on a further horizon integration?
Yeah, I can say that we
We do extensively try to research how to mitigate IL. As support isn't really... So as support is an AMM and the DEX, but we now like to separate the two concepts.
In reality, you serve different customers, right? AMM, you serve the passive liquidity, the LPs, right? And a Dex is more for the traders, right? And it kind of like the LPs kind of like passively get wrecked.
If you see most of the research around passive LPs, right? So we do a lot of research trying to understand and mitigate that risk. We just released a research around
Like we call it passive concentrated liquidity, which tries to mitigate a little bit around that. It's a different technique though, because it's basically, and just a better xyk, so it's not really using any automation.
Certainly, like any product that can help the passive LPs, we will be considering for sure because in the end, that's kind of our main focus in terms of users we want to serve as an NMM.
I didn't know you guys were working on that. That's cool. Do you think it fully solves IL or just reduces its impact by some significant percent?
It's not asked, I need to make this clear legally, it's not asked for part that's working on it. It's just the research that we, that we, that we, that we, that we, that we, that we, that we, that we, that we, that we, that we, that we, that we, that we, that we, that we, that we, that we, that we, that we, that we,#
That we announced, but it doesn't reduce I/O because at the end of the day, I mean, sorry, it doesn't remove I/O completely, but it does reduce it. It's just a better strategy.
for the passive liquidity providers, right? It doesn't remove them completely, like the IL completely, but it certainly improves it. So that's already a nice step. Yeah.
Sweet. I'm kind of curious. So I work so I might check that paper out. It's like a preventative thing or it's like a post. I don't know how to describe it. I mean, for example, like a bank or had this thing where they were like refunding
people like the IL that they lost, which is like a post there. I don't know what to call it. They're doing something after the fact they're not preventing it. Is yours like that or is it preventing them? >> The hours is basically similar to CarVvy 2, right? So CarVvy
you basically have like a repagging mechanism where you basically so you change the xyk formula so that it increases fees dynamically as you move from the basically the price point that it was currently paying
which is at the point where generally LPs start incurring IL, right, because it moved from the price. So if you dynamically increase the fees then supposedly at some point the fees will basically
It will be net positive or at least less negative compared to the ILD would suffer and then you repack the price again for that pool, let's say, so that the fees go back to normal.
So it's quite interesting. I'm not the research guy, so I'm just giving you like the high level thing. I also may be doing some mistakes here over simplifying it, but it's more or less kind of this.
Interesting. So it's
But then how do you know at what price to repag? Because with stable, you just assume that it's a dollar or whatever, right? But if you're talking about two volatile tokens. Yeah, generally, should
at the point where repagging it now is so the fees that you accrued are already like enough to cover dial basically.
Okay, interesting.
Yeah, it sounds like a cool innovation.
when launch. You're not working on it. I know.
We're just gonna let that sit. Yeah, I'm gonna answer on that one, but yeah, that's pretty exciting. Yeah, it's a great paper for those in the audience who haven't read it highly highly
recommended. And really, I think it's great too because they kind of differentiate the user experience in both where traditional, concentrated liquidity requires often a lot of active management to make sure you're in like
price ranges that are going to be effective as opposed to the way that Asher Ford is making their model more passive. So I mean that's obviously very high level. I didn't max it looks like you unmute yourself. I didn't know if there was anything you wanted to add or say.
Yeah, just going back to what Andre mentioned about the curve V2 model. From what I understand is that the curve V2 model requires something like a virtual pricing that the pricing needs to pay.
to for the concentrated liquidity to move around. How do you get this pricing anyway? Because I think the Oracle within Territ technically is a support where you get this information from. Yeah, that's that's an interesting like, you know,
low-level question. I guess you you'll have like a T-Wop where you will store prices at some time ranges so you know you're like we're moving from a current price from from the past. I'm not too well into the like
those low-level details into the smart contract development. But you basically think you have a T-Wop that you start the prices as they move and then you'll figure out with...
Yeah, well, someone is just not as report today. Do it anyway, right? Yeah, this was researched by Delphi and the app lab team because they are the developers on the smart contract side partnership with us.
Yeah. Yeah, but and to your point, because you mentioned that you at some point like you need a naracle to know the price, which is the way that you could like implement a curvy to style model, that's why that's why we all
also like focus heavily on researching into articles, trying to understand what's the best one and the best solution also for which use cases because as we all know, like we all know like it's never one solution like fits all right.
So we also been looking a lot into that in terms of the research because that's another thing that, as you mentioned, us report, if we start thinking more as an AMM, being like the AMM provider of cosmetics, let's say,
And then you basically have a product, a derivative product from NAMM, which is Oracle's. And Oracle's are also very fundamental basic things, features of the whole DeFi ecosystem.
I also don't want to move away too much from the I guess the subject around automation because I've been that's been my battle in like currently in our industry which is we really need automation if we
want to really be Web 3. People use the word Web 3. But there is a basic thing as any software engineer would know, which is like just the Chrome jobs. Chrome jobs are just things that are automatically being called and ran so that the system can
around without user interaction. And that's why I feel like autonomy is also key here because they really are adding to that real, like let's say infrastructure of this whole new concept, which is the centralization and blockchains. And we really need that
If we want to really feel like full-blown applications, like defy full-blown, even games, right? You can't really have a game if you don't have like automated code running. So yeah, I'm very
on any type of technology that has to that, specifically like crumbs, right? Because even this is not related to us report, but if you wanted to leak relations, like it would be much better if you'd have them like natively running automatically, but of course there
there's some like issues to solve there. But yeah, that's definitely an area that I feel it's not too like people don't focus on that too much, but it's a very key fundamental thing for our DeFi software to work well and
perfectly better than it is currently because I John when I joined the call I was here from the beginning and one thing that was said that is very true is that we really need our UX
of our DeFi apps to be exactly like the CFI, right? Because if we don't have them, like at least 99% or 98% close to it, then I think from what we've seen, from all the collapses that have happened to the CFI,
So far people still chose to go with FTX even though there were other problems with other centralized exchanges even earlier people still went with it and and I think I think that the biggest reason was the UX FTX UX wasn't matched and until we really met
it. It's when we really can like say, okay, we, it now this is the way to go. Because people, like at the end of the day, I feel like people will always choose convenience over privacy and security. There is some fringe that don't.
And it says that the users currently, but the regular user, they will always choose convenience. Until we can solve that real problem, then I feel like when we have massive options, sorry, I went for, I'm monopolizing the talk.
No worries at all. Just on the subject of AMM and probably with autonomy as well. Because right now, Astroport has just launched itself, not launched yet, still on TestNet in injectives. So it operates some sort of like an AMM on injectives, but basically
you still need to use those polls to put in orders on something like PLXR, on objectives. Candles, jobs, be done through a solution like autonomy, where basically a bot comes around, gets certain liquidity and just places
in limit orders on the order book itself. Am I getting it right? I think so. I don't know the exact mechanisms for the thing you're talking about, but autonomy in general can automate, like today,
like any on-chain action with any on-chain condition. So, you know, if it's just a matter of like, like, putting liquidity from like, point A to point B, then yeah, 100%. I think that's like, definitely something something autonomy can do. Yeah, yeah.
I think I'll tell you how to do that easily. Although in the Injective Scays, they are like a native order book in itself. They are like an
channels and because of that they already provide native capabilities that any protocol can interact with. So you have to adapt to that chain itself but you can natively
provide liquidity in a very interesting and fancy way, basically like a start block and end block thing where they call your contracts. So in a way they have automation built in for that, just for that, not anything else.
Right, right. Okay, okay. Interesting.
I'm curious how they do the automation. I think it's the validators themselves. They always call these two hooks, let's say, the start block and the block.
them wherever as registered for those hooks will be called and executed something. Now maybe that but there's always like the question about gas fees and gas limit so yeah.
I see which way I I I'm I realize what you're talking about now with the Yeah, the stop blocking in block hooks. Yeah, I really wish Ethereum had those kinds of things although
I'm not entirely convinced it's fully generalizable. I'm not an expert on Ethereum in terms of smart contract development and all of that, but is it
order on Ethereum to know if you get infinite loops because I guess with these types of hooks you could like incurring to some issues like that I'm not sure if they are very generic.
Yeah, I think the main issue would be that they, it is like we're just like automating anything.
I mean, it's not as bad if it's only just like one block, but I mean, for example, like if you are trying to like just automate like, you know, paying someone in, you know, some some later time period, like if you delegate that to like the validators, then they essentially just have to
keep a copy of every outstanding automation, like basically forever until it's executed. And then it's like how long do you store those things for? Because they're just going to build up and then someone could attack the thing by just spamming it. And yeah, like usually
you end up with the validator requirements that are completely ridiculous, completely ruined, like the decentralization, because we can write it. So yeah, bit of attention, but still a no-one question. I guess that's the use case for autonomy
is that you separate those things. I've never actually thought about it that way, but it's a good moat for our business. It would be really hard to roll up into the blockchain itself. But yeah.
Yeah, no tangents tangents are okay, right? It's it's about the exploration but I am I am curious to kind of talk to talk more about this just this integration right that we're here today. Is there anything special?
specifically that you all want you want to add about just exciting things about partnering with autonomy, you know, maybe exciting things that you've been thinking about partnering with Ashtrayport. Any other ideas you have, things that are on the horizon that the audience should know about, maybe even some alpha.
Maybe I can go first. I think I've, like there are definitely some things. I think I mentioned them already, some, some of the things that I haven't mentioned, but I mean, yes, I summarized. I mean, there's more advanced order types, like, you know, like stop losses, trailing limits, trailing stops, et cetera.
as well as potentially some kind of, I mean, it's questionable whether people would want this in the Dex UI itself. But it's possible for essentially taking the AutoHedge product that I was mentioning before and adding it to the Dex itself.
Because actually one reason why this would be beneficial for the DEX itself is because it would essentially allow more people to provide liquidity. So what is the biggest reason that people don't provide liquidity? I think it's because of like pricing.
and volatility. I mean, especially for new tokens, they're obviously typically very low liquidity. It's like, why? Well, nobody is willing to buy and hold the token in order to LP you just for a small market with small fees when the losses from the
price or all the IL or both are going to be like huge. But if you have a way to LP where you can guarantee that you don't lose any money from the price and you don't have any IL, then that removes the biggest barrier for liquidity. I mean, not just for new tokens, for things like, you know,
or whatever as well. And so when you remove barriers and friction to provide liquidity, you obviously end up with more liquidity. So yeah, I mean, that's one potential way of collaborating for drawing more liquidity to the DEX itself.
And you mentioned, you know, the trailing limits. And so maybe you can explain that for the audience. People with pea brains like me, right? Maybe not everyone has a great knowledge of using these different functionalities. So I think it'd be good to kind of explain that from the user side.
Yeah, sorry, I kind of skipped over that, but no, it's definitely very understandable. It's basically just setting multiple limit orders at once. So say the price of some token is 10 and you're like, "Okay, I think
get a bottom out somewhere between 4 and 6 so you set some trailing limits to buy it up between 4 and 6. So it's just like it's one order for the user, they just click one button but it does the same as those
they set five different limit orders like 1 at 4, 1 at like 4.8, 1 at 5.2, 1 at 5.6, 1 at 6. So they're like evenly spread out or they could be like not evenly spread out but yeah it's basically just it's essentially just like batching really that's all it is.
Okay, yeah, that totally makes sense. Like in my head I was thinking about it almost like yeah, batching or like kind of like DCing almost over just like a limit price range, but okay. Yeah, no, that's a great clarification.
Yeah, that's good. We put it at the same presence. No thought about it like that. And you know, someone did bring this up and maybe some other people in the community that are listeners and
And I was thinking that when I was reading through your docs, are you all aware of warped protocol being built on on Terra money? I'm just just out of curiosity because it seems to have a lot of similarities with your with your protocol.
You said warp like to be a off you. Yeah, that's that's correct. I don't remember if I've heard of warp. I know there was another one that was also trying to launch on Osmosis, but I
Honestly, I forget. There's been a few that are specific to a certain ecosystem. There's one called Clockwork on Salana. There's the one that I can't remember the name of that's trying to go on as Moses.
Yeah, it seems like there's this kind of like long tail of automation protocols, just like popping up everywhere, I suppose. I think like the use case or like the kind of value proposition is like a lot more obvious like nowadays that there are a lot more teams like trying to build it.
Yeah, I should look into them. I guess. Yeah, no, and that's not meant to be a trick question. Just, um, yeah, you know, it just came to my mind because definitely the idea of having decentralized job execution with, you know, jobs being posted and then people executing them.
I noticed the similarities there. So maybe even something in the future like an interesting topic on a call, but just wanted to mention that because of the similarities. Another thing I don't want to dominate the conversation, but now I am kind of curious
You mentioned this auto token, which I'm assuming is your native token. So when auto token? Yeah, but basically just whenever the market comes back, I mean, we want to launch it ASAP, but obviously you would be
you know, kind of suicide to launch a token in the current market. So yeah, just just really depends. I'm assuming between like six and 12 months, but you know, we'll see. It depends on the market.
Yeah, sorry about that. I had a phone call came through so I had to. Yeah, but um, okay. Yeah, no, that's great. And so maybe I'll open it up. We have a couple more speakers on here. Is there is anything that we haven't really covered in the call yet that anyone listening up here on the
on the podium would just like to address. It could be from the Delphi side, autonomy, max if you want to chime in. Want to keep this open? Yeah, yeah, I'm just really curious, right? If we are to use the limit orders on extra board,
Who pays for the gas at the back and when a board actually executes that order itself does actual port pays from their fees or does autonomy pays for that? How does it work? It actually comes from
the user. So the general monetization from autonomy is that whatever the gas cost of executing is the user ends up paying plus 30%. So if executing your limit order costs,
10 cents, then the user ends up paying like 13 cents. So it's not based on like trading volume, it's like purely like the gas cost. So yeah. Right, right. So when I actually keys
in a limit order on a support, I pay a gas to submit a transaction. Once a swap happens, there's going to be a fee, a swap fee of 0.3%. Maybe from a support team, does it actually come up from that?
0.3% fee itself to pay for any any bot execution. So it like it it doesn't come out the fee you pay to the decks it's like on on top of it so you you essentially
end up paying for the gas cost of like two transactions as well as like the swap fee. But either like in autonomy in general either you can like prepay for the automated execution that's the automated transaction or you can pay
during the execution of the transaction, which in this case is a trade, so say you were trading like shit going A for shit going B, but you needed to like pay the token in Luna. Like if this all happens like in the background, the users don't even need to know about it.
I mean they don't even need to know about the existence of autonomy really when they're just like using a DEX but but if you're trading like hey for B it'll make a second swap the trades B for the token that you need to pay the gas sorry to pay the autonomy fee in which is just the base token of
the chain. So, you know, in this case, like Luna. So it can be done either way. Right, right. So I was reading
There was a lot of different features you all had in your docs and I thought some of them were pretty interesting. One of them, particularly that jumped out at me, was this idea of automatically moving liquidity between yield farms and lending platforms every time the yield becomes better elsewhere.
And maybe this is something like further on the horizon, but is there anything you kind of want to like add or talk about on that? I just thought it was pretty cool.
We, it's something we've always wanted to do, but I just had like other higher priorities. Ironically, actually, just in the last week, or actually in the last like two days, I've actually talked to two teams who are like looking at building
building something like this or have already started building something like this. So that may be possible or maybe like, you know, available to use like not too long from now. But yeah, I mean, I think it's like a great
a great product to be built. It's free arbitrating. Say the interest rate for ETH or something is 5% on one lending platform but 3% on another. It's just free money to borrow it at 3%.
and then lend it to 5% right. So a product that just like automates that it just seems like a no-brainer. So yeah, I mean I think we'll be like seeing ideally even more of those but yeah there's a couple like popping up recently but yeah it
Yeah, we are doing it ourselves, unfortunately. Just how curiously can you name drop? Am I going to get you in trouble if I ask you to do this? I don't think so. Well, at least with one of them, I think they can call it like elevate, find, or
Let me just have a bit of altitude All right. Yeah. I think there's. Yeah.
So I've no idea what like chain the wrong thing. That's that's okay. That's okay. Really just a pure curiosity thing and for any one of the audience who wants to look into them too. But we are at that five minute mark. So I think this is this is the best time in the call where we we give it back to the speakers one last time for
from autonomy and delifying. And thank you again for being on this space today. But want to give you an opportunity to say any like last minute things that you want to share with the community, any call to actions that you want to recommend that the audience do. So the floor is now yours.
Not a ton to say really, I think this integration is great obviously. Definitely looking forward to being part of the Azure port community, hopefully there's more features to come, like the stop losses and auto headstain. As we're called to actually
Yeah, I just want to get people using it like let's know your feedback if Yeah, if you have any likes, justness for improvements definitely like jumping out of discord You can open a ticket or just you know say it in the in the journal chat or whatever Yeah, it's pretty much it
But there's less related to afterport. I did mention the AutoHedge product that will be getting 300% APUI soon. We are looking for beta testers, but that's a very, very minor thing. But yeah, I mean, definitely use the Lim orders and let us know what you think.
Anything from the Delphi side?
I'm going to plan on course now.
a little bit. Yeah, pretty much.
I'll be there. Well, you know, nothing's much that but yeah, just try it out and let us know how you guys um
Yeah, I would also add just, yeah, whoever isn't yet, join our Discord for our support to participate in the forums as well. Like governance is very important.
If you also discuss with us, trying to get, because at the end we are all just trying to do the best for the protocol. So, um, LC discussion is always great, because it helps us involve and create, um,
even new passive liquidity product types, let's say, because like I said at the end of the day, Asaport is now more focused on being an AMM. So yeah.
Great, and it looks like we're going to finish this exactly on the minute. So well done speakers, audience, everyone. Very efficient, very great space. It's always a pleasure to have you on and I will give you know one last call to action. Of course like maybe
Make sure you're following ash report, make sure you're following autonomy. And these speakers up here, these mega brained individuals that explain, you know, say a lot of things that sometimes, you know, it takes us a second, we gotta go back and relist into these spaces.
was a pleasure today have you all on and without further ado just signing off now and just one more thank you so goodbye everyone thanks everyone cheers everyone thanks for having me bye bye

FAQ on Astroport Community Call with Autonomy | Twitter Space Recording

Can everyone hear each other okay?
Yes, everyone can hear each other loud and clear.
Where is the person from Autonomy team living?
The person from Autonomy team is living in the countryside in Germany, originally from the United States.
Why did Autonomy team move to an EU country before Brexit deadline?
Autonomy team moved to an EU country before Brexit deadline to get permanent residency due to Brexit restrictions.
What is Autonomy?
Autonomy is a decentralized automation protocol that is used mostly for Dapps to add features which can be used for various use cases such as limit orders or recurring payments.
What other projects has Autonomy team worked on?
Autonomy team has also worked on Metadungeon and implemented proof of stake on Flow blockchain among other projects.
How did Autonomy team connect with AstroPort team?
Autonomy team was looking to expand beyond EVM and AstroPort was getting a good amount of DEX volume, so it seemed like a good place to expand.
What event delayed the integration of Autonomy with AstroPort?
The Deluna collapse put a delay on the integration of Autonomy with AstroPort.
How does the Autonomy integration improve the trading experience on AstroPort?
Autonomy integration with AstroPort improves the trading experience by providing a decentralized automation protocol that can be used for various use cases such as limit orders or recurring payments.
Can participants ask questions during the podcast?
Yes, participants can ask questions and are encouraged to do so throughout the podcast.
How should the response be formatted for the questions and answers?
The response should be formatted in JSON format as a list of objects with two keys, question and answer.