Recorded: Feb. 20, 2024 Duration: 0:54:28



What's going on, everyone?
My check. I was just speaking with it on mute.
It worked out too well.
Can you guys hear me?
Yes, I can hear you.
What's going on? Can you hear me?
I'm loud and fine.
What about you?
Doing well. Who else do we got? I know we got Ash report, but is there anyone that I need to invite up?
Someone else will join
as far as I know from Ash report.
So let's give it a minute.
Yeah, I was good at that.
And I was up all night pulling an all nighter.
Like I'm too old to be doing that stuff. I'm like so wrecked right now. I'm so messed up.
What have you been doing?
Well, there's a new L1 in Cosmos called Tempe.
Netara, Blockchain, they just launched last night and then they have a listing on our IDEC.
So it was like kind of just helping out support and just saying how everything went.
They did their listing at 11 p.m. Pacific time and I'm in East, so that's three hours.
It was 2 a.m. and by time, you know, I kind of just settled down.
It's like after five o'clock in the morning. It's usually when I'm getting up.
So yeah, I'm all wrecked right now.
Time's on. I think I saw that one, the Tempe somewhere on.
That was so crazy. The space is so big that you don't even get to hear about like new chains and stuff.
Yeah, man, it's crazy. Cosmos has just grown so fast.
I mean, you know, before you still had to put in the work, but it was easier to be more
inundated with all the new things that are in the background before they list or launch.
And now it's like that's beyond a full time job now.
It's almost like you have to delegate and have a network of people that you're like, hey, you know, what's going on?
You need touch base with them so often.
And I have a good network for that because there's just so much going on.
And your brain can only hold so much data in there, you know, but it's a lot of fun there, man.
It's crazy to see, you know, three, two, three years ago talking about Cosmos and only the
OGs and people that kind of understood tack were interested.
Now it's starting to hit the market where everyone starts starting to find out about it, you know,
like most people in Cosmos have been investing, if you want to call it D-PEN,
before there was an acronym called D-PEN, you know, and it's just cool to see that everyone's starting to catch up on that.
So let's see who else we got here.
It looks like we have someone who you guys can request to speak.
I think it's Dino. Let me see.
Nick, can you send them the link to enter the chat, the spaciousness in it?
Yeah, it's crazy. So many Cosmos chains are now top 100 coin market cap.
Yeah, and then like yesterday or the day before I looked at it, I think there was 11.
And then there's like a few other ones that are right there as well.
So, you know, like 15 or so in the top 150, which is insane, right?
Before it was just Adam and then Osmo and then that was it.
And then now there's inject, you know, there's just so many, you know, it's awesome to see.
Yeah, I think it's easy for Adam because it's a new stable coin.
Yeah, a stable coin that prints you air drops in perpetuity.
Oh man, it's funny.
But hey, we got we got Andre up here.
What's going on, man?
GM, GM. Yeah, I'm Jim.
Yes, I mean, if you guys want to just do it, if you just want to do a quick little intro,
I'm sure everyone really who's who is asked to report.
But I always like to do that just in case someone listens to the recording and someone's new in here.
Yeah, for sure. So I'll start.
I'm Andre, lead contributor for our support, been contributing for over two years now.
Us report is an MMDEX.
It's deployed on Cosmos.
We started on Terra.
Then right after when Terra crashed, we then seek the multi chain thesis and vision.
This way we wouldn't be like we would in a way like the risk ourselves.
And at the same time, like we we also like believe in the app chain thesis.
So this means that a lot of products or protocols will launch their own chain.
And does it make sense that Ash report being a multi chain MMM then can deploy close to the users and whatever like options launch.
So we are right now deployed on Terra Neutron Injective and say and things are have been like pretty good.
We have like some good ideas around how to leverage these multi chain deployments.
But I would say like our newest development has been PCL, which is a very nice improvement over X, Y, K,
which is like the very basic pull mechanism that most people probably know about the constant product.
And that's been currently our like Chinese object.
But yeah, I would say that's a nice intro.
Yeah. And then like to follow up on your intro real quick before we really hop into depth with things is Ash.
Is Ash report just the CW 20 swap or do you guys have token factory for those out there that are like, what does he even talk?
What's what does he even mean by that question?
Can you get more into depth like what CW 20 swap is and also what token factory is?
Yeah, so OK, so CW 20 basically has been a standard ported over from Ethereum, the RC 20 that everyone probably knows about.
And then when basically Cosmos change launched, there wasn't really like a way to natively create like native or coins.
I'm trying not to go too deep into like tech nerdy stuff, but basically CW 20 is the RC 20 in the Cosmos world.
Now, I think Osmosis was the one that created a module that would allow you to create like a native token to actually get treated as a coin.
Just like when you use the native token for fees, like you Luna, you Neutron, you Osmo, you could create like a native token coin.
Ash report supports both.
So we support CW 20s.
We support token factories.
We actually got some requests to drop the CW 20 support because a lot of the devs in the Cosmos, they believe it.
Like similar to all on Ethereum, they believe it was a mistake, the RC 20, especially the guy that created it, people in Cosmos think that it is a mistake.
And now that we have token factory that people should just use it, I agree we should just use it, but I don't think we should drop CW 20 support because especially we come from Terra, a lot of protocols and projects on Terra are CW 20s.
Now we'd say we are seeing a lot of CW 20s too.
So I think we will, if we ever drop support, it will be in a way that like it should be like phased out and with proper time for people to move away from it.
But for now, we support both even our like whenever you provide liquidity to our pools, you'll receive like a kind of like a proof that you are like provided the LP, right, which is the LP shares and those are minted RC double 20 did it.
That is just like a relic of our like legacy and our code being out there for so long.
But we also plan to move away and migrate over to token factory for those.
Tech wise, it just makes sense and it's way, way better.
I'm sorry to throw you under the gun there.
I know you weren't expecting that right off the rip.
I don't know why I was just thinking about that, but I just randomly thought of that.
And thank you for the in depth analysis.
That's that's good.
Hopefully people got something out of that because that's that's something that no one ever talks about in Cosmos like everyone's just no one talking about, but it's really important.
I think and I think that, you know, obviously off the beginning at the beginning to have be able to be flexible for both, but essentially see the vision to phase that out over time because I think that's the right approach.
Like if I was running a DAX or whatnot, that's what my approach would be because just because something was the standard event at the beginning.
Does it mean you can't evolve?
And that's what I love about Cosmos, how modular it is.
You can just adopt and evolve, you know, and that's the cool thing.
The word modular has been thrown around so much lately.
It's insane, like just insanity.
But people that are grinding and Cosmos have been talking about modularity for three plus years now.
And now it's kind of the talk of town.
This is nice.
Like being like kind of a Cosmos maxi to see all these terminologies being thrown around outside of Cosmos.
It's like, yeah, we've been saying that for like three years now.
They weren't interoperability and modularity and all that stuff.
So it's just so cool that you guys first off, shout out to you guys that were able to withstand and handle the U.S.T.
Luna crash because I think everyone negatively was affected in Cosmos, but more so obviously, people that were inside like the terror ecosystem.
And for those that were just purely in terror at the time, you know, and then with withstood that, you know, obviously, you're you're gritty, so to speak.
So that's cool that you guys were able to withstand that, but also evolve and now flourishing and being in multiple different blockchains.
So that's a great intro.
I want to give it over to Nick.
What's up, Nick?
Yo, what's up?
I have a quick question like to Andre.
You mentioned that the CW 20 tokens are basically an artifact from a theorem, but can you tell the users a little bit like the listeners a little bit more what the benefits are if we use more contract factory contract tokens?
Could you could you.
Re-ask the question, sorry.
So what are the benefits if we, let's say, drop CW 20 tokens?
Yeah, so, so I'll say tech wise, so right now, for example, CW 20 isn't really a token, it's just a contract that holds essentially another ledger.
So blockchain is a ledger, and the CW 20 is also in itself a ledger, meaning it's a contract that whenever you receive tokens from it, it will like note your address and say you have 10 of something.
So whenever you send, basically what you are doing is you're executing the contract, telling it send from my 10, send five to be and that's basically essentially keeping a ledger.
This means that whenever you want to know your balance, you have to create this contract, which means if you have like 10 or 20 of these tokens, CW 20 tokens supposedly in your wallet in reality, they aren't really in your wallet.
It's the individual contracts that all the balance that you hold.
So tech wise, what this means is that there's a lot of inefficiencies, because basically you have for you to know everything you hold, you have to query each one of them individually to know exactly your balance.
Not only that, it's a contract, which means it's upgradable, can be changed.
And unfortunately, for example, with the, say, meme season that we saw, it is possible that people can upload a CW 20 like contract, so it feels like it's a CW 20, but then it has like, ruggable code in it, right?
And unless you really like, like, unless you reverse engineered that contract to really know, or it's a white listed code ID, it's hard for you to know what's under the hood, even though it feels like it's a CW 20.
Unfortunately, we saw things like that. It's not the best. So these are some of the things that see the 20s. I'm really the best at. Not only that, you also have like the increase allowance message for us cosmos people that really doesn't affect us, because thankfully, we can bundle multiple messages in one transaction.
And in contrast with the factory token factory, not only it's native to the chain, so you are literally interacting with the module, so you can really change how that works. So if it's a coin, it's a coin, it's not really like, sensible or able to upgrade that.
But also when I query bank module, so your wallet on the chain, if you say, tell me which tokens I own, you just do one single query to the bank module, and it will like return the list of all your tokens. So that one is like a massive improvement around like, yeah, just and even like when you are developing contracts, you can just do one single query to the bank module, and it will like return the list of all your tokens.
So that one is like a massive improvement around like, yeah, just and even like when you are developing contracts, it's less hurdle having to deal with cw 20s, because the contract then needs to call transfer from another contract to actually get the coins to hold them, whereas in the native token, so token factory, you basically send them directly to the contract, and then the contract actually holds it immediately.
It doesn't have to call anything, it just needs to verify what it received. But, but that's it. So, so per se, that's why I think people don't really talk about this, because for the users and retails, it's not the most, like fun, or that it's not, it doesn't look like super valuable immediately. But it's more like for the DX and the developer experience, I would say, but with that, it means increases user experience as well.
Yeah, man. Thank you for that, Andreas. And I don't know if you've ever been a part of any of my spaces or in general, but yeah, I love the nerd out. And I think that's my audience kind of does too might be a little bit dry. But we're all here to learn. And I appreciate it, dude, because like, I love doing these spaces, almost like selfishly, just to learn some stuff. And I knew a lot about cw 20s and token factory and the benefits and that, you know, people behind the scenes, because I'm, I've been
fortunate to basically be on calls like all day long with different teams, like all the time. And I just pick people's brains. And that was one of the things that I hear no one really talking about. But the benefits of essentially being token factory and being able to evolve and do more things down the road. And that's what it's all about. So it's cool that you guys are able to do both. And then you have the vision to essentially be able to phase it out if you want. So shout out to that. And I hope people got something out of that. If not, just listen to it afterwards
because it's very, it's important. So yeah, that's all but Nick, talk, talk, do a quick intro, because I know you're you're excited about that to pick into that too. You know, wherever my conversations go, where they go, I have no clue where they're going to go sometimes. But we went down that we went down that rabbit hole, and it was pretty cool. So anyhow, do you do your intro and tell us like what?
I remember when I heard about it for the first time, it was also quite difficult to wrap my head around it. But I think people will get the hang of it. So I'm Nick, I'm the founder of yo yo, which is an idealistic platform, initially also built on Terra. And after the collapse, we were granted by secret labs, and then started building the first ideal launchpad on secret.
Now, since I think like, during the last year, during 2023, we expanded to say, and now we're also expanding to S report. So currently, we're on S report, sorry, S report, all right, chain testnet. I got your got your app open here. That's why I was a little bit confused. But so yeah, now we're also on testnet on
my chain. And what's very interesting for most users in here, is that our app is built in a way that you can join ideas, super simply, just by making a few clicks. And yeah, that's what we wanted to build from the start, because we had like troubles on
with launchpads. And we, we just ran into obstacles all the time, like staking a launchpad token buying the token somewhere, or doing some some other stuff, which was really risky. Then we thought, Okay, maybe we can do that better. And yeah, reached out to secret. They supported us from from the start. And yeah, happy to be here now. Thank you.
Andres, one more thing, too. So how are you guys integrated with like osmosis? So this is something that's just recently been posted on the forum, we will be having a deployment there. And the way it's going to work is pretty, pretty similar to, like, it's going to be like a
regular Azure port deployment, in the sense that we have pools, and then you can swap through it. The difference here is that our pools will be deeply integrated into osmosis. So, like the an Azure port pool would just be like an osmosis pool. Why are we launching there, most people would probably ask, because osmosis also has their pools.
Basically, osmosis went with the uni v3 route, when they like launch their concentrated liquidity style pool, right? This means that uni v3 route for the people that are the uni v3 pools, for people that aren't familiar, it's simply an order book, it's basically you provide your liquidity to the pool.
And you have to say, the range, you want to like, deploy the liquidity app. So you have to actively manage where you want to basically sell and buy, or you basically are setting the curve yourself. This is very, like a feeling for market makers, or for more expert, expert, like advanced users. But for most like passive retail users, in this case, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like,
in the end, all we want is if a pool has 40 50% yield, I want LP, I don't care about it. All I want is my 50% yield. That's it. And the uni v3 really doesn't cater to these users. It's mostly for market makers. Because they are able to provide whatever ranges they want. So the traders, they're still benefit, because there's deep liquidity around supposedly the best price possible.
That's what supposedly achieves. But for LPs that are passive, and for more retail users, they most times get wrecked. Because if the price moves, you probably aren't actively managing your position. So, unfortunately, or it is what it is, like in terms of trade offs, osmosis went with these implementation. And that's what they have, we did the PCL side of things.
So we also implemented our own concentrated liquidity, but the pool itself automatically adjust adjust the price slash curve. So basically, you provide the LP to that pool, and the pool will do everything for you. Like it's essentially it's a strategy, the that PCL is a strategy on top of another book.
And what you're going to have is you're going to have our PCL pools on osmosis. That's the only thing that is going to be there doesn't make sense to have the other pool types because osmosis has them.
So we're going to have for something new, which is PCL and like you can already think that most likely also makes sense that if we are able to our PCL pools should also like provide the liquidity on top of the osmosis CL pools.
That's not going to happen right out of the gate. But it is something that you can think of as the right next step. So basically, everyone like wins in this deployment. And like, yeah, I think this question makes a lot of sense because a lot of people sometimes don't realize, like, why would osmosis like allow us to deploy there? And I guess this is the answer.
No, it's a good answer because as much as it helps as a trader for concentrated liquidity, if you're being a provider, it's you know, it's annoying, right? Like I want to if I want to provide liquidity, I want to provide liquidity and be like hands off and not have to worry. Oh, it's out of range. And then I got to sit here and do all this crap that I don't want to do. And I love osmosis. Honestly, it was essentially my first intro into cosmos when it launched back in June of 21.
And I just thought like my experience was like real good. It interested me in the look into cosmos in the first place, because I was like, I was smooth. It looks good. It was it was a good experience. And then not saying it's not anymore. But if you're trying to provide liquidity, and you're sitting here messing around with these ranges, it's just too much work. Like, I just don't have the time for it. I want to do other stuff, keep learning ground doing these spaces and all this other stuff, but also not have to really manage. You know, that's how most
people say, Hey, give me a percent back or do your best. They don't want to sit here and micromanage your their investments. So it's kind of nice to be able to do that still, and use you guys and you guys will do all the work to essentially maintain the range and all that. So that's just a good user experience at the end of the day that adds value to osmosis. So yeah, and like people think, I guess, in essence, they think of osmosis as just like this DEX. But really, it's its own chain. It was the first one
or, you know, at first to be just the DEX, so to speak. But, you know, it has more than just that. So yeah, that's that's great. You know, you guys are doing that. And you're just like, well versed, like throughout all of gosmos. So I know you said it before. But how many chains that total is it now? Yeah, we are far soon to be five with those models. Yeah, and you're in all the big players to like all the ones that are, for the most part, have all the the IBC transfers and
interactions. So like, that's you guys are positioned well for that. Yeah, I would say that we yeah, we did we did pretty well at like deciphering which ones we thought that the potential. We have some competitive edge in that being Delphi Labs incubated and having all those relationships. We have an advantage there, because we can more or less foresee which ones will be like will make it.
But yeah, that's that we are, thankfully, very well placed. That's why a lot of people would say that Ash report is basically a cosmos index, in the sense.
Yeah, it truly is, actually. So like, that's a good way, you know, of putting it. But hey, Nick, I see you had your hand up. What's up?
Yes, so I wanted to ask, and Andre, regarding that strategy, can you tell us a little bit more? How does stretch team works?
PCL to understand PCL. Yeah, to understand PCL a little bit better.
Yeah, so PCL is heavily inspired in curvy too. So if people are aware, and now all that works, it's pretty much similar. And the way it works is, you essentially have like an Oracle price. And what you do is you concentrate all your liquidity around that price.
So like, x, y, k, you like, in the, in the constant product pool, you could say, it's like, the liquidity is pretty spread out, right? And the ratio is where the price is at. But it's very easy to move like any swap will move it immediately.
Like very high, like TVL on the pool, to be able to give good like executions. PCL, because it is an Oracle price base, it's not as simple as a swap moves the price. You could essentially think of it's a stable swap around the Oracle price.
And as long as the price is set at an x value, the trades will happen at that price. The way then it works is, essentially, it's more or less a moving average. And as the trades are happening, and it's basically forcing the price to move away from its current peg, the pool applies higher fees.
As it's moving away. The reason being, is that the pool will only repag itself. So it's only going to repag the Oracle price when the LPs have earned enough money that it is worth it to repag the price. Because if you understand the MMS, you'll know all about IL impermanent loss.
Impermanent loss, essentially, is what you lose from when you provided the price moved of any asset. And you would be better off holding them all the assets individually. This is what IL means. And with PCL, basically, the fees will uptake a little bit until it repags, because it's trying to make a lot of money.
And this is how it works. It is, to be honest, for a lot of us, still a little bit black magic. The reality is it works. It works three times way better than XYK, constant product pools, which means you have much more efficiency with less liquidity.
So that also means that the pricing is a little bit different sometime to other. Okay. So how do you treat that? Or will this be just arbitraged?
Yeah. So any pool is automated, right? That's why it's an AMM. So we don't do anything manually at all. It's the algorithm of the pool. If the price, for some reason, is different, then there is some arbitrage opportunity somewhere. And this is why also the fees get increased, because we basically are accounting for that.
Because generally, people in the AMM world, they say that ARB is toxic flow. It is a little bit, because essentially, you are basically making money off the LPs that are basically lagging behind the price change. And that's, in reality, what it means.
But with our fee increase, as you are trying to force the repack, hopefully to the right price, what it happens then is that you're basically propping off the ARBs. So in the end, LPs are very well protected.
The only downside is that sometimes traders don't get the best execution all the time. But our product is more for the LPs, not so much for the traders, even though it's a market. So you always have both sides, and you should cater for both. But we are more on the LP side, so to speak.
Yeah, I think this is super interesting for listeners and for people who want to provide two DEXs. So I think this is also, in our partnership, something which helps us and gives us the opportunity to say, hey, if you're a startup and you list your tokens on S-Report,
it will have that edge because of PCL.
Yeah, I was going to pivot into that while you, you know, not to like go off topic, but just seem like a good segue to go into, you know, with we believe where we are in the market right now and all the raising and just all the new chains and new apps are being built right now in the background.
I foresee that being, you know, a substantial growth in this space over the next few years here. So your position as a launchpad, what's the collaboration between you guys together and how can you benefit and how would one even go about listing or doing that?
So that's always the question we ask startups is, okay, what's your plan? Where will people buy your token after your launch?
And they just have these two options that they say, okay, we go to a DEX or they go to a SEX.
And basically, S-Report will be our DEX partner. So startups will be introduced to S-Report, to DEX, and they can just easily connect with them.
And yeah, they will help them to do to be listed on S-Report. But as far as I know, you can list your tokens, even if you're like without the partnership or connection through us. Is that right, Andre?
Yeah, that's correct.
So can you tell us a little bit more about the process if a startup wants to be listed on S-Report? What would the startup process be?
Yeah, that's so it is pretty simple because S-Report is permissionless. So anyone can just come up and create a pool.
I should have a quick note on this. With the recently launched PCL pools, there is like a technicality where we unfortunately need to know the precision of the asset.
And this means we need to register that precision on chain. So I said it's permissionless, but unfortunately, due to this aspect that we will very soon solve and fix this, so that is back to 100% permissionless, we still have to set that up.
Alongside with generally people want like the logo to look great, the naming, the ticker, all of that. So you should go through like making a pull request on our token list repo.
We accept that, we register the decimals, and then we create the PCL pool as soon as the decimals are registered.
Once that's done, pretty much we are live. We just launched very recently as well, being able to add incentives permissionlessly.
So that's also I think great because you can all by yourselves, you can easily like create the pool, set up incentives, which is most likely going to attract LPs right away to stay in the pool.
And you can like pretty fast and easy bootstrap a nice pool of liquidity.
Now, another thing that I would add, which I think is very interesting for you, is we just had passed in August of last year, a proposal, which is the ARC 75, which is basically, it is a proposal to give Launchpad the opportunity to have some sort of fee share mechanism.
If you bring us projects, right? So if you are in any way part of bringing projects, onboarding projects to us report, this is what the proposal said, we think you should be part of the upside altogether.
If that means that from that fee share, then you also like share with the project that is launching, then it's up to you. But that's something that's also possible and open for anyone, like, I shouldn't say anyone, but for Launchpad's ideas to basically benefit from.
Yes, I remember you mentioned that. And that's great to collaborate in this way. Of course, we all want to be together on the upside.
But yeah, I checked your price. I saw that the price of S report is also increased by a lot since I think January or December. So how was the liquidity and everything going up during like the last two or three months on S report?
Yeah, generally, we don't really think too much about price. Because if we really go back, we're going to be pretty sad because our support was $3 around Terra peak. So it still feels low to us, especially for what we know we are capable of.
But like, we went through the very lows and highs. I think, obviously, like I'm a market, a free market believer. So I think the price generally is some is an indicator and metric of your success or not. Sometimes it's not because it's crypto, like liquidity is not abundant. So it's also easy to manipulate things.
In any case, it does certainly feel good that at the peak of the bottom, in the bear, we were at one cent. And now it's, I would say 20x from that.
It certainly feels very good, especially because we've kept building heads down and just keep on it, which is what we will do anyway, regardless of what the price is right now.
We kept building and we kept trying to build also those relationships, bringing projects in. And like, all of that is I think the price is the manifestation of all of that work. So yeah, I would say everything that has been happening, not only is a sign of the bull market, where things will go crazy,
almost like any project is going to go up. But also, it is a reflection of just building and keep on it.
Yeah, I mean, I personally, I mean, I, I'm not trying to cut the space or anything. I don't personally have any other questions. Like I really enjoyed the beginning when I got like a masterclass on CW 20s and token factory and the benefits of essentially just being IVC, like an IVC Denon and all that. So, and then like, you guys are, I just really appreciate that.
Talking to teams that, like you said, you're at $3 a tear and you don't want to think about it. Like, I don't think anyone wants to, right? Even if, even if you weren't just like some terror D gen, and you were just in cosmos, really, all we have is UST. So we all got beat, right? Like, the only way you didn't is if you time the market perfectly took all your assets and remove them from cosmos, right? And I don't think any of us did that. Because why were we in cosmos in the first place, especially back
when it was kind of inflated right now, you probably just want the UST like I did. And then you just got beat. So it's kind of a, it's kind of a sad remembrance. But it's also cool to see that, you know, we all kind of survive. And what doesn't kill us only makes it stronger, so to speak. So I appreciate when teams that were deployed on Terra, you know, found home and cosmos is a very communitarian and open arms, right? It's like, Hey, yeah, come over here. And maybe you got grants or collaborations. And
everyone kind of picked up the pieces, the ashes, if you will, and found a way to survive in advance. So you guys are doing great. And then you know, it's awesome that you guys are trying to be a place for people, because that's the thing too, I get from the community side, also teams, also people that are, you know, maybe EVM heads and they're like, Look, we don't want to be over here anymore. But where do we begin? It's sometimes it's a little bit difficult to navigate the waters of
cosmos. So you need, you need people to have have a position to go to or docs or whatever they need. And it's great to see that that's all starting to take place as well.
Yeah, for sure. I would still say that a lot of devs are still like, they still miss the Faraday's, because when it crashed, and we had to basically pick up from the ashes and then started like testing out other cosmo chains. That's when you realize how
terrible not only terror infra was, but also developer experience, like terror was literally amazing.
Yeah, it was like an adult playground, like a ground to like, it was just a good, it was like, I was just a good experience. Like at the end of the day, that's all I care about is, yeah, I experienced a good experience or not. If it wasn't, then I'm probably not going to come back. I'm not going to talk about it. I'm not really interested. And it was a good experience. And that was honestly, terror was a good experience. And at the time, like osmosis, and it still is, it's just a good experience.
It's just a good experience. And if something's not a good experience, first off, it's already complicated in this space. And most normal human beings are not, I don't want to say eclectic, but immersed with with tech as we all are people in the space listening. So if these new people are coming over, and they have a shitty experience, they're just probably not going to come back. So sometimes you only have one chance to get it right. And I respect that. And I think that's a good experience, because it's a good experience. And if something's not a good experience, first off
I respect the teams that are working on every little facet of it. It's not just, hey, how fast can we deploy something? It's also like, yes, we want to be fast with it. But we also want to create an environment that's good on all sides of the scale. So we want the devs that have a good experience. We want the end user, most importantly, to have a good experience. And sometimes in this space, I think that devs in general think everyone's a dev, whether they're communicating it or just the building facet of it. You know, there's
so much we need to improve on, but it has drastically in my experience from I've only been kind of the space for like three years now is how much better it is. It's still it still needs to improve, obviously. But it's nice to see that things are starting to interoperate more more so because it was it was such a learning curve, you know, sometimes the monolithic approach is is better for the user experience because like what Tara had was this gigantic ecosystem. And it was like, you know, everything just kind of
flowed together. Well, now it's kind of more of like we were talking about it, the app chain thesis, it's you've kind of picked up and now you're deploying all over the place. And it's like, how do we make it feel the same as just like this monolithic approach, but we're like deployed all over the place, you know, and it's kind of cool to see that kind of take place. For sure. Yeah. Well, I don't have work yet. It's good. So that's actually what we try and what we
are trying to build is a launchpad where users from different ecosystem can come together and check out what's what's being built on other ecosystem. Because sometimes I also think, hey, I'm in cosmos, I'm like everywhere and checking out everything. But at the end of the day, I'm maybe on two or three chains. And I don't even see it in my feed, like what's going on on the other chains. So I think bringing new chains to
our launchpad like or I or we we are expanding now to Solana and BNB. So I think this will help the users to get like a broader vision and also see what's happening on this chain, what's going on there and also like spread spread the users around the ecosystems.
Yeah, absolutely. That's like, that's one of the things I always complained about in cosmos was that the data was so fragmented, I'd have 50 tabs up and go back and forth. And it's like, man, none of this is there for me to just view. And like you said, now that the ecosystem cosmos as a whole is is getting, you know, it's getting very big. And everyone kind of has their own thing going on in different chains. And sometimes it's like, man, it's like, man, this is there for me to just view. And like you said, now that
it's hard to keep up with what's what's the point over here? What's the point over there? And to have some sort of like hub, you know, like a launchpad hub is great, where people can see like, okay, these five things are launching here in the next month or two, and then you can kind of do your research and see what's going on. So that I like stuff like that, you know, like, I try to think of my experiences, just as a whole, be able to do that, and just see everything all the data in one place. So that's great.
Yes, I'm very happy to stick around and see the new projects popping up. And yeah, we already have some ideal listings around the corner. So stay tuned for that. And thanks, everyone who was in here listening, and especially to s report. It was amazing to to listen to all the details and learn more about what you've been building.
I don't have anything else. I think this space was beneficial and very informative, which is my style. I tried. I really appreciate that. If I get to learn some things while I'm doing this even better. So I think I did and appreciate Andres and everyone that came in and listen, listen to the recording. Shout out to all of you. And have a great rest of your day, evening, night wherever you're located at. And any closing thoughts for you too?
I'm good. Thank you so much, guys. Have a good night.
Thank you so much for having us.
My pleasure. Take care, everyone.
Cheers. Bye bye. Bye bye.