Aurora Insider x C14

Recorded: Jan. 5, 2023 Duration: 0:45:01



Hello everyone, welcome to the AMA between Aurora Insider and C14. The AMA will begin shortly in three minutes thanks to everyone who have joined on time but will give a bit more time so that everyone
and join and don't miss anything from the very start of the AMA. In the meantime, do remember to follow Aurora Insider and C14 on Twitter for the latest news and updates. Catch you in another Trieven in Stanks for reading.
Hello again everyone. Okay, I see there's more folks joining the AME so we'll kick things off. So hello again. Welcome everyone to the AME between Aurora Insider and C14. A next generation payment ramp for web-trips businesses. So my name is Ki and I'm really excited to be the host of the AME
me today. In my day job, I'm the co-founder of Layer C, a web 3-product development company. Prior to that, I was a product manager at Grap, Southeast Asia's leading super app. And at night, I host AMA, like this one, on behalf of Aurora Insider. So a quick introduction for Aurora Insider. There were media
channel in the Ararara ecosystem and we strive to be the first to cover the most important news. We also provide in-depth analysis and research articles to give our readers a multi-dimensional view of the ecosystem to easy to digest infographics and to give you the opportunity
to learn from the top web tree companies, we regularly organise AMAs like this one so you can get your burning questions answered by the founders or key stakeholders of the company. And today we have Patrick, the head of business development at C14. Hi Patrick, welcome and
Thanks for being my co-pilot for today. Could you give a quick introduction by yourself and your role at C14 Patrick? Yeah, yeah, happy to. I've been in crypto for a few years now, but this is sort of the first time I've formally built something using my name here. I'm so very excited to be building C14.
The ramp space is sort of something that's been dominated by legacy providers kind of slow, not real adaptive institutions. So I think with us we're a small team. We want to move fast. We understand the space really well and we kind of understand what we can make a huge difference and make crypto available and easy to buy.
for a lot of people around the world who currently don't have even good central exchange coverage. So yeah, I mean, it looks really well-attended. Excited to answer some questions and sort of talk through what we're building. Awesome. Thanks so much, Patrick. So it's really great to have you here. So to make sure everyone here is up to date about C40 and
and for those initials, could you explain what is C14? Yeah, yeah, it's funny. I've done other AMAs in the past and I've gone on a big tangent at this stage and I'm going to keep it short this time so I don't spoil the rest of the questions. But essentially, we build the crypto payment flow.
So the word fiat on ramp gets thrown around a lot, fiat off ramps, that's the space that we're operating in. But essentially what we want to do is make it very easy for anyone around the world to use their most adopted payment method in their country to purchase crypto assets, not just assets that have been around for two years and
listed on finance and other popular central exchanges, but new ecosystems and ecosystem project assets as well. So that's our goal and I think in the Q&A today we can sort of expand on that a lot more. Awesome. Yeah, I think this is a great tool and for
and definitely one of the key gateways for anyone who is not in crypto yet to get into crypto or get into the blockchain space. So definitely a very important piece of the blockchain battery infrastructure. So could you share a bit more about when did C14 launch?
Yeah, it's funny. So we were playing around with the idea of this. Probably a little less than a year ago, but it took a long time for us to actually get stood up. A lot of Ramp companies will pay back on other companies, regulatory and processor infrastructure, which is a way to get something stood up very fast.
But it's extremely limiting and it's why a lot of them look the same and have the same assets and the same payment methods available. We actually went out and built our own, like our entity has the approvals from a regulation standpoint in the countries that we operate and will continue to add those as we add new coverage countries.
And we also have the process or approvals directly. So we launched, I think about eight weeks ago at this point. So we launched with Edmos, chain support and US coverage. Since then we've added Europe, Canada, and also through credit debit card and Brazil through something called PIXPAD.
And we'll talk about more of that later, but it's essentially our first example of integrating the most popular payment method and not just adding credit debit card options around the world like everybody else seems to do. But yeah, the short answer is we're about eight weeks old and we feel a lot of progress since then and we want to continue
that pace and even accelerated in terms of adding new assets, adding new payment methods, adding new countries, everything we can do to sort of increase the value of what we're building here. Awesome. I'm so glad you touched on that because being based in Southeast Asia and Singapore myself, I think having this kind
of very different and localized payment methods is a very important part of giving access to folks in the developing countries around Southeast Asia. And I think for anyone who has tried making crypto purchases or even NFT purchases using one of those
current currently available payment methods the exchange rates are often pretty poor right so I think this could be one of the ways to really get competitive exchange rates and make it super accessible for someone who is familiar with Rebecca payment real to get into you know get into Web Tree or
access crypto. So super cool. But that being said, yeah, yeah, yeah, one thing I'll add really quick. Aside from the ease, it's also I think just better for the adoption curve because you're buying directly into your own custody wallet with something like C14. As we learned with FTX a lot of the times when you quote unquote buy something on
exchange. You're not actually buying it at all. It's just numbers on the screen in the case of FDX and you know perhaps somehow even worse in the case of some other exchanges that sort of haven't been found out yet. But you are buying the actual tokens on the actual main net, you know, where the token is and it's being deposited
into your wallet that you own. So I think that's important not just from a sort of safety standpoint of owning your tokens and having them in your wallet but from a sort of meaningful adoption standpoint because buying on an exchange is sort of getting price exposure to crypto but it's not participating in any of the ecosystems and it's not really helping the adoption curve as
as somebody who's buying a native asset and maybe participating in a game buy project or, you know, an NFT marketplace or a Dex and sort of increasing the use case for decentralized finance. So yeah, I'll just add that point. Cool. Yeah, I think that's very critical to,
I like to liken this to the old days of the internet where we started off with very old school, 56.6 KBPS, kind of moderns. Everybody is trying to learn how to dig up their moderns and do up the dollar of the internet.
It's kind of the face where everybody is kind of discover what is self-pastodial wallets and how to create their first ever blockchain wallets using either metamalas or whatever wallets they have on a different chains and getting onto this on-rem process. And after that, there's still that big hurdle of purchasing their first crypto with the payment method.
Very exciting that you guys are building this product but that being said, you know, there are many other on-ramp providers You know strap is coming in with that one solution and I think Apple pay is supporting usdc not sure whether they are supporting You know on-ramp at this stage But what makes see for ten different from other on-ramp?
So if you're buying USDC in the US, maybe there are other
options that are just as good as us. But where we're really going to shine at a lot of value is from a global perspective, from both geography and payment methods. So that would be sort of the first way. Brazil is our first example of that adding taxpayer for a region like Brazil with a pretty large user base.
probably going into Mexico next and we'll integrate something called SPAY, which is well adopted there and sort of an easy big transfer system. And we'll continue to do that as we add different geographies. If you look on a lot of other ramp company websites, it'll say 180 countries supported and you'll look and it'll be, you know, credit debit cards
around the world through one single processor with really low authorization. It's not meaningful coverage in a lot of these cases. That's the first way and the thing I'm most excited about is adding a lot of these local payments around the world. The other thing comes back to the USDC equation, which is that we're going to
list a lot of longer tail assets. So in the past it's been really hard for people to ramp into new ecosystems. For example, near Aurora, especially when near first started, but even with Aurora now it's only available on a few central exchanges. And even then with half of those you have to go through Randall Bridge and
and do that process, which is a little intimidating for a lot of new users. So being able to take out my credit card or use PIX Pay, whatever I'm used to using to buy things and purchase native Aurora or native Mirror directly on that network, and then I'm ready to go. I don't have to
bionechx, send to a wallet, bridge to a different wallet, or any of that, it makes it very easy for people to get into new ecosystem. So that's another way that we're going to differentiate entirely because we have that processor and regulatory framework in-house on like most other ramps. We can make our own decisions about
tokens we want to make available. And we can move fast, which is really my third point in terms of how we differentiate. We are competing with a lot of slow monoliths who made a lot of money in the bull run and don't have a lot of incentives to change. And I think you'll see some of them sort of go away because of that.
So, we're going to be able to do a slow ability to adapt to a pretty quickly changing market, which crypto is. We are not that we're small, we're constantly making improvements. If you used our widget six weeks ago, when we launched, you saw one asset with one country. If you use it today, we've made a ton of UI improvements.
We have, I think, eight assets listed now across three different chains. We have four countries, or not four countries, four regions, rather, one of them being the EU, which is a significant percentage of the world. So we're moving very quickly. We're sort of analyzing what we're
we do wrong and what could be made better about the ramp user experience. And I think in a year from now you'll be shocked at how much we've accomplished because we've done a lot in the last six to eight weeks, but that's really just kind of us getting off the ground. We want to make this
from a UI perspective significantly better than our current competitors. I think we're a little better right now, but still somewhat similar to that user experience. So we want to sort of succeed and differentiate on that front while also adding a lot of assets and coverage that no other ramp has. Well, also, and to have
I've done all that in six to eight weeks. It must be a pretty amazing period. I hope you guys managed to get some rest and get some family time over the New Year in Christmas. But... I like the part where... An hour in there, I called my mom. That's great.
I've got to tell them about this new way to get into crypto that you are building. It's funny. It's a good joke. Sorry. That's actually something we sail at is sort of making something that our parents could use. You know, because I can tell you if I wanted, if I was like, hey, mom, you need to buy a near or
Aurora native and get it in a wallet you own she can't do it but if I send her to the widget and get her a wallet address she can do it yeah no I totally resonate with that and you know that's I think that's a good icebreaker for the New York or Christmas parties as well and then you can own for your your relatives and your parents over those data
and time that you spend with them. And I really like the point you touched on earlier about this kind of partnerships with local payment rails. And one of the, again being in Southeast Asia, I see this happening a lot even in the Web2 payment rails ecosystem.
And you mentioned a couple of things about the unique selling propositions and differentiators with other on-ramp providers. So I just have to show this one in. It's being competitive on on-ramp rates, one of the key differentiators. Or is that going to be something in the pipeline?
You said competitive on on ramping like a specific aspect of that. Yeah, like in the for on ramp exchange rates, you know conversion available currency to making crypto per chase. Oh sure sure sure. Yeah, we'll be competitive sort of every area where we can be competitive.
We will in any area where we can sort of be totally unique and new is something we'll especially focus on so like Going back to the example of USDC in the United States with a credit card We're gonna be pretty equivalent to most ramp providers because there's not much wiggle room there. I mean some of them will goug you like moving
and pay it will be like some crazy percentage. Our rate is 2.99% for a credit card purchase of an asset in the US and that's just sort of all inclusive. The bulk of that is paid to the card company. So it's not something we have a lot of sort of freedom on in some of these aspects.
So for some of these things, it depends where you are and what you're buying will be sort of in line with the legacy providers and that's sort of a product of things we can't change. But in a lot of new markets, I mean, we'll have dozens of assets soon that you can't find on other ramps and ways to buy them that
you can't find on other ramps. And a user experience that's a lot easier in streamline, especially for repeat purchases, which even now can be done in 10, 15 seconds if you type fast. So that whole experience will be significantly improved. But in terms of just fees and rates, there are still
going to be some places around the world and some purchase methods where we will be competitive but there's not really any room for improvement there with the current sort of framework of these regulations. Got it. Yeah, thanks for sharing. I mean, I think as consumers or potential partners who are on the AME, I think this would be very good news.
To take into consideration, I'm sure any builders for building the web free space would understand that it's about getting started. And then in most places there are regulations that require you to be on par with the other players, but that's a good way to get started and then be competitive in the other areas.
Yeah, and I think like something I just want to touch on because I want to talk a lot about sort of future state plans and a lot of this will be realized I guess Brazil is the first example of realizing that global cover aspect but right now we look somewhat similar to a lot of other ramps but we're you know less than two months old and they're kicking down year four here. Yeah.
Our future state is going to look a lot different and even now I would say another key differentiator that I didn't touch on was the embeddable aspect. So ours is an embeddable widget. There's no cost for projects to install the widget. Anybody listening who's building a project, you can install our widget right now. Maybe our asset list isn't directly
relevant and that can change over time and you won't install it then. But if you look at Aurora, the first project we embedded with was in DENIC, NFT marketplace. So if you go on in DENIC and you click top up balance in the right hand nap bar, you can grab some Aurora tokens with C14 and use the
to mint any other ramp. They're going to send you off the website. You go to their website, you go through the process and then you have to go back. R's is embeddable and once you have an account and a stored payment method, you can do repeat transactions and like I said 15 to 20 seconds. So now as you move around different ecosystems
you'll see our widget and you'll be like, "Hey, okay, I'll top up my balance really quickly." Boom, 20 seconds later, I have what I need to purchase and send a team marketplace. Or 20 seconds later, I have that little bit of gas token that I needed. That I don't have to spend 20 minutes waiting for our kex deposits and transfers and the bridges just to get a dollar
a lot of benefits to having it directly embeddable. And I would encourage anyone on this call who's building a project like reach out, let's get it embedded, you can do it as an iframe, takes a few minutes. You know, anybody on this call, we have a ruralist
We planned a list in the year, so or this year definitely. So we'll have pretty much any tokens that are directly relative or relevant rather than anybody building on this call I would think. Well, that's awesome. And as a builder myself, I can really appreciate the fact that having this whole
feature being able to embed it into your product gives the the the user the builder that's so much more control over the user experience and user journey. So that's really cool. So early on you also touched on a bit about like this different token assets that the in the c14 sx has actually
Can you share a bit more about your strategy for new token listings? Yeah, I mean, we're fairly agnostic. We just want to provide value. We move very fast in terms of new token listings, so we're pretty aggressive in terms of what we want to list. One of the big tickets sort of UI improvements right now.
is how we lay out the different tokens because when we had one to three tokens to start, it was easy to write the name, but now we're going to have a lot of different tokens on a lot of different networks. We don't just list governance tokens or billion dollar market cap, DeFi tokens, we'll list a project token.
And if they want us to, there is a listing fee there. The widget install is free for projects. There is a listing fee for project tokens, but it's pretty fair and easy to talk through and get set up. So we'll have some very long retail assets, not
just Aurora on mainnet but maybe an NFT marketplace token, a Dex token, a gamefire token, things like that. So it's not just about topping up the mainnet token but directly being able to access rather a lot of these project tokens before their primary
So I guess without going on too long about the ecosystem aspect because I kind of talked about that earlier. Our token strategy is just a little bit of a mix sense. You know, we're talking to everybody. We like early chains because it allows us to talk to a lot of the builders as they're getting their project set up and we can kind of
I guess to talk to them because it's not hectic and the project doesn't launched. So we can get more exposure to the widget, I think, throughout the ecosystem with new chains. But we're pretty agnostic. You know, we're sort of here to help everybody. I think it provides a lot of value to have C14 integrates.
created on your chain because then it's something you can offer to all of the projects building there. So, you know, we're talking to everybody. That's really cool. Yeah, so for any builders in this AMA, Patrick, what's the best way to reach out to you if someone wants to embed widget or wants to talk about token listings?
Yeah, there's a lot of ways to reach out to me. I obsessively check all of them. So I'll see them. There's a contact us on the website that's really easy. If you want to reach out, it has an email form and then it also has a telegram listed. So either of those options. Also, okay. Cool. And now let's switch back to one last question I have.
which is, you know, other one you also spoke about, you know, eventually covering users around the world. Right now, you know, in just a short span of time, of eight weeks, you've covered Europe, US, Brazil, you mentioned Mexico. So what is the strategy for covering the rest of the users, you know, in other parts of the world?
Yeah, we have sort of a broad strategy outlined. I think some of it will change depending on our partners. So as we bring on new chain partners, we always tell them like, hey, if you're getting a lot of traffic in a certain area, but there's not a lot of good coverage there to purchase the token or the tax coverage is limited and difficult.
and maybe it's on eith and not your mainnet. Let us know we're happy to prioritize certain regions for our partners and switch up our covered strategy. But we do have a broad plan. I guess without giving too much away we'll add more Latin America. We started with Brazil. We'll focus there for the time being, but we
do want to add this year start to expand into Africa and Southeast Asia, just because those are very quickly growing markets. There's a lot of countries there with sort of rapidly growing crypto adoption and a lot of people that need ramps. So we definitely want to do both those regions this year sort of start
building those out after we kind of solidify Latin America more. Because that's another region, same thing. A lot of users, not a lot of quality ramps down there or even good-case coverage. And I think as sort of the current bear market continues, you might see
We've seen a lot of these kexas fail already. So there's, you know, coverage is going down around the world from that standpoint. So the need is, you know, perhaps more obvious than ever. So yeah, we'll be pretty aggressive coverage wise. Awesome. Good to hear that it's obvious ages in the moment. I think, you know, you know, killi pins for sure.
The country that was the catalyst for the whole play for the movement with XC Infinity and Vietnam of course, where the studio is based, a lot of goods in Philippines and I'm based in Singapore. So good to hear that in Southern Rome. Cool. Yeah, I've been seeing a lot of growth in Vietnam.
Even just in sort of talking to projects, I talked to a lot more founders based out of Vietnam than in the past certainly. So it seems like that sort of crypto technology sector in Vietnam is growing really quickly especially. Yeah, also. Cool. Okay, so now let's switch gears.
to answering a couple of questions from the community. So again, these questions were submitted to us before the AMA. So if you have any questions during this AMA for Patrick and C14, like what he mentioned earlier, feel free to get in touch to the company's website. There's a form there. If you build it especially, do something
the form and get in touch to find out more about the widget, the product, the features as well as the open distings. So, and if you'd like to get in touch with Aurora Insider, feel free to send us a DM on Twitter. Cool, so let's kick things off with questions from the community.
So Patrick, what benefits does C14 bring to users and the near ecosystem? Yeah, I think I've touched on this a little bit in sort of how we differentiate, but having the widget embedded throughout the ecosystem, so starting with Aurora and eventually near will be list.
main net near as well. But having it be easy for people around the world to directly ramp into the ecosystem and not have to do sort of a 30 minute four step process that if they accidentally make the four of the five, they lose all their money. I think there's a lot of benefit even just in that in having ramp support.
But having it specifically available to people in countries with local Fiat payments methods that other ramps don't have and then making that sort of payment portal that we built imbedible and allowing all of these different projects to host it and sort of show it to their users like hey here's a way to ramp in if you're just looking at this
project. It does a lot for adoption in my opinion because right now if you're really into crypto and you're really into a project on Aurora or near and you want to send it to your friend, you kind of know ahead of time they're going to have trouble getting the assets and sort of getting exposure to that project. So you don't
really pitch it at all. You kind of go, "Hey, this is really cool, but I couldn't really help you get into this if I tried. I'd have to spend an hour sitting with you." And then you'd be lost the next time you looked at it. So now you can send them to the web page if that page has or de-app if that site or de-app has the C14 widget embedded, they can directly ramp in.#
using an experience that resembles e-commerce. So it's sort of a user experience that resembles something they're used to and it's sort of the thing they're used to paying with depending on where they are. So yeah, I think there's just a lot of benefit in terms of adoption there with both covering a lot of users that couldn't buy the assets before.
and allowing them to sort of easily ramp in the ecosystem projects. Cool. Yeah, and I totally agree with that benefit. You know, especially having a floor that's familiar and that's already trusted by users. Don't really help a lot. Yeah.
Cool. So the next question is something that I think very close to all of the folks who are in crypto trading, especially those who are affected by FDX. So what measures does C14 take to protect users from
Thanks, it's games. Yeah, so this is a balance for us. Our primary sort of vulnerability, and I'm sure there's like a handful of people listening who are just waiting to see how they can commit fraud on our ramp. Our biggest vulnerability is fraud, especially with credit.
credit cards. So anything we build in terms of like KYC, I mean some of that is related to regulations and things we have to do, but our entire balance here that we're actively changing and improving and making as efficient as possible is how do we make the user experience
as easy and streamlined for the user while also protecting us from fraud because fraud is sort of, that's public enemy number one for us. Sure the market's not great but we'll continue to build and we're responsible with money and you know that's fine. Fraud is the thing that can hurt us so that's what we have to be especially protective about.
So that's why we have to collect some of this data. I think somebody will probably ask about KYC later because it seems to be the number one question with ramps which makes sense. We have a pretty easy KYC right now but we do ask for some information. You know the same information that the other ramps ask for.
It's pretty hard to innovate that process, but it's something that we definitely want to do. And I guess I should have touched on in the differentiators. Another future state differentiator for us is we want to find sort of creative ways to make the KYC flow very easy for people that, you know, given certain data, it's pretty safe to assume they're not trying to
scam us or commit fraud. So we're going to do a lot around that and it'll be sort of a patchwork of solutions. There's not sort of one size fits all 10 second KYC anti-fraud model. So it's something that we're going to have to build that's rather complex, but we've already made a lot of progress in sort of outlining how we can do that. So look, look forward to that process getting a lot#
or streamlined as we build here. But in terms of the data, we collect now. Some of it is stored temporarily and then deleted. And it's really just sort of like a check to make sure they're real human. You know, some of that data is pretty temporary. Anything personal info wise that is stored is encrypted. So
So it's not something that's going to be easily accessible or anything like that. And then card data, we don't actually store ourselves. We store that with the processor and all we store is a tokenized version of that that we paying for each transaction. So it's sort of just like a, hey, here's the card, paying the data.
data that the processor stores. And we work with the most reputable processor. So there's not really any concern there. There's no history of any security breaches with them. And they're pretty tightly regulated. So I would feel very confident. And my data, I've gone through the widget. All of my friends have gone with family. I've gone through it
which is not something I have any hesitancy about knowing how the backend is structured and protected. Awesome. Thanks for the very detailed answer. You are right. There is a question about what are the steps in the KYC process and if the post-align permission will be exposed. Thanks for answering that as well. There you have it.
the person who asks this question, your personal info will be encrypted and any other credit card information will be, correct me if I'm wrong, but you know, pass on essays to the credit card providers, partners and process accordingly. Yeah, you'll enter it because storing, storing payment, storing the ability to store
or a payment method is a sort of key benefit to what we're building here because the first time you use the widget and you go through, you do KYC, you take a couple minutes, you add your payment method and then you're good forever and it's not just you know you can come back to that website and use the widget to buy tokens on that website.
anywhere you see the C14 widget and this will be even more valuable as we grow and we're on all sorts of ecosystems. You can log in with your phone number, you have the payment method already there, it takes like I said 15, 20 seconds and pretty soon in a lot of countries around the world with a lot of different interesting local adopted payment methods. You can talk
So the top up token balance is all around different chains, different ecosystems, the projects, really quickly using C14. So it's a fun project to work on because it builds on itself. It's sort of like the value that we provide grows every day because as we have more adoption, the value that we provide grows as well directly.
I'm sort of like I know some of this is future state and a lot of people can say hey we're gonna do this we're gonna do that but like you trust me we're doing it and I mean maybe we can do a follow-up in a few months down the line sort of you guys can check me on sort of what I said we'd have done I'm happy to do that because I believe in our team and I
I just given what we've accomplished so far and sort of what we have directly scheduled to go live. You know, I'm pretty confident it'll be a good check in a few months. Awesome. Okay. And yeah, I think the fact that you can log in with your phone number to easily make transactions is, you know, it's, it makes things super easy and there are already
a lot of different e-commerce platforms today that allows you to log in with your phone number instead of your email. So this is definitely a cool feature. Yeah and emails kind of come and go. Yeah. People have college emails, they have work emails, like the phone number, I've had the same phone number for, you know, a decade plus at this point. So it's a lot more static.
I think then email. Yep, that's true. And secure. Yep, that's true. Cool. So the next question from the community is, what are the benefits or incentives to attract new users to see for them and get them to use the platform? Yeah, we do a lot of
around this. We want to incentivize people to use the platform, of course. That's one of our main initiatives right now, given how new we are. And given the fact, like I said, we are small and we make changes. So a lot of the other rent companies you could look at a year ago and look at today, and it's the exact same thing, maybe with a few less assets listed.
Even, you know, maybe they turned off some stuff because it was built improperly and improperly. So if you look at us six weeks ago and us today, we've made a ton of improvements. So it's not only that I want to incentivize people using the widget, it's that I want to incentivize people telling us what they don't like about the widget and then we can change
those things. So if you look, we have a couple Galaxy campaigns right now. We have one for people in Brazil and one for anyone, anywhere buying any token. It's sort of a duplicate campaign. I just put it in Portuguese so it would be easy to understand for Brazilian users. But yeah, we have things
like that. And then as we do a lot of our embeds, you know, like I mentioned, endemic marketplace, we're going to do some co-promotion with them to incentivize users. But yeah, the short answer is we do a ton of direct sort of financial incentives for people to go through the widget because we are happy to
provide monetary value for feedback because that's directly valuable to us. We want to make this the best experience possible and you know I've been through the way to the hundred times now. Anything that I'm going to notice, anything that I'm going to notice sort of given my perspective and what I'm looking for, I've already noticed and brought up with the team right but every time a new person goes through with
the new perspective, there's always sort of different opinions on what could be made better and all that data is really important. We want to make this sort of the best user experience for as many people as possible. So if you do go through the widget and have some feedback, feel free to tell me. Message me, use the contact page on the website, DMS,
on Twitter, whatever is easiest for you and if you are interested in sort of going through the widget and receiving some sort of cash incentive or token incentive, like just follow us, we post those things all the time. Every time we add a new ecosystem, every time we add a new project, there's usually some sort of incentive campaign and we have some
some going on right now. So if you have any questions about that, hit me up. But yeah, it's a follow up Twitter and add post notifications and you'll definitely see some incentive campaigns. Awesome. That's really cool to hear nothing like building with the community and building public in this way of getting feedback. That's
Awesome. Yeah. Yeah. Cool. So the next question is something you've touched on as well. But if you can share more about the roadmap for C14, what were you focused on in the next steps? Yeah, asset wise, it's going to be we're focused more on sort of new chains and ecosystems.
right now and then once we have a lot of those live we can start adding some of the ecosystem project tokens. So that's sort of the asset list. I can't really give away the full roadmap there but you know a lot of EVM and non EVM chains coming and a lot of things that don't have a lot of X coverage right now so that's something I'm really excited about.
is sort of giving people access to these assets before they have their major adoption, which is I think what most people want. In crypto is exposure to things that sort of hidden gems. So that's sort of the asset side. Coverage and payment methods side I talked through will continue to come
go through LATAM for a bit and then we definitely want to focus on Africa and Southeast Asia have some exposure there. This year while continuing to sort of add more stuff for our current markets in terms of payment methods and some additional coverage. And then on the user experience side I think it's just
is important. Continue to refine what the flow looks like, continue to find creative ways to reduce the KYC burden for a lot of users and grow adoption there through both incentives and being better than other firms. I would say
in about six to eight weeks we are an equivalent experience if not a little better than the current ramps on the market so I'm pretty excited to see what will be in you know six to eight months also cool thanks for sharing yeah I think you know payment on rangs and payment rules such kind of products and one of those things they
that apart from the UI/UX improvements, which is of course very important, but otherwise a lot of the innovation tend to take place behind the scenes, like expanding the new countries, improving the KIOIC, AML kind of technology. And these are all these very important innovations that happen behind the
scenes and you know, that's very important part of the C14 differentiator. So yeah, very cool to hear about this. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah, and I think that's all the questions we have from the community. So Patrick, is there anything else you would like to share that we have not touched on?
No, I think we've touched on everything. If there's anything else I'm happy to speak on it. Cool. Okay. Yeah, otherwise, you know, that's a wrap for today. Thank you so much again, Patrick, for representing C14 for joining us with this EME. Hope you find and hope everyone will have a dollar.
and for those of you here, do remember to follow C14 for the latest news and updates. And if you have enjoyed the AMA today, do give a rubber insider a follow as well. Join us at a rubber insider for interesting AMAs like this one.
But not least, the winners of the five best questions will be announced in another post on Aurora Insiders Twitter within the next 24 hours. So yeah, thanks again everyone, they joined. Thanks Patrick. Thanks for your time. Yeah, yeah. If I can just add a last one. Go ahead.
I'll say two things. Anybody who's building and wants to install the widget, please contact us. We can get that live very quickly. We have it. It adds value. Add it to your site or do you have it if you want? Super easy and no cost. And then on the sort of user side, if you're in
In the countries that I mentioned that we cover, please do go through and if you have any feedback, let me know. I'm happy to sort of incentivize you to use the widget. We have a lot of campaigns I could point you to as a way to get paid for your time there. So I'll leave it at that.
Thanks again. This was great. Super well attended. Great questions. Really enjoyed this and happy to do it again. Awesome. Thanks, thanks, Patrick. And thanks to everyone who dialed in. Cool. Have a good day or good afternoon and good evening. Thanks everyone. Take care everyone. Take care.