BAT Community, Near & Aurora

Recorded: Aug. 19, 2022 Duration: 1:12:40



Hello, hello. Hi everybody, can you hear me? Please put on the reaction if you can hear. All right, hi Viking, Hi Alejandro. Hello Alex, welcome.
Hello, hello everybody
Welcome. Hello. All right. Hang on. Oh, we're filling out fast. Hello. Hey, Gierim, you want to get the intro music going for a little bit? Sure. Hey, we're just going to we usually play some music while we wait for the
room to fill up here so we're going to do that for about a minute or two and then we'll kick off. Hello hello. Hey everybody. Bad turn in the house.
It was a it was better now house last night I slept outside I'm done your little balcony spot Yeah, yeah, my girlfriend woke up and take pictures So let's see those
Badger and sent us a photo of his new office and my first reaction it was like an inflatable mattress on a balcony and My reaction was are you in the doghouse? And he was like no But he's like finally that's what everybody I've shown this photo to his ass and I'm like, yeah
because that's what that's what my partner's situation would look like if he was in the doghouse. I think it's just it's just bear market things. You need to put it on mattresses the best we can get right now. It's just it's just a bad actually in the sun. It's just wonderful.
I tried sleeping on it inside like that. They said it happened, but the moment you just move a few feet onto the balcony she saw. Confused, forever. You've got to let me warm that. Yeah, you're asking about the music. It's a little...
It's a little low, but it's okay because we're gonna get started here. - All right, this is, yeah, I gotta find another way of playing music.
1000 people in the mic. Yeah, probably doesn't work so well when people are talking to you, if it cuts it out. Yeah, I think that's the case. That are pre-entiply putting
himself in the dog house. All right, should we kick off everybody?
Oh, sorry, what was that? - I just said let's do it. - All right, perfect, perfect. Oki-doki, so hi everybody, welcome. We're back again, two days in a row. A lot of fun. I think today is our 23rd Twitter spaces. That's super exciting. Those numbers are going up fast.
Thanks again for joining us. Of course, we love spending time with you all. It's always an honor that you take any amount of time out of your day to hang out with the back community here. So welcome, welcome. Happy to have you all. I'm seeing lots of community members in the audience and Sherelle from the team is here as well. Everyone say hi, Sherelle.
Thank you. Thank you for engaging my stupidity. But yes, yeah, you know while we wait for the room to fill up please tweet the link share with a friend. You know if you're in the office, open some colleagues, get people listening and yeah let's fill the space up. Our guest
Today, very exciting, is Near Protocol and Aurora. Near represents the next generation of blockchains, helping to bring Web 3 to the masses. And Aurora is an Ethereum Virtual Machine, or EDM, built on the near protocol. And as a brave version
1.42, as many of you know, Aurora is now available as a preloaded blockchain for all brave wallet users, enabling access to fast and low fee transactions. You can actually read our blog about this partnership and integration. Just go to and it's like one of the top three
One of the three most recent blogs I believe. But please do that after this basis. Let's give our guests the full floor here and our full attention. For anybody visiting from outside of the back community today, of course, welcome, welcome, one and all. We are the basic attention token community, of course.
Most of you here know us, but I got to do the walkthrough for anybody new, anybody who's stepping in. So the basic attention token or that is an Ethereum-based utility and rewards token. You can think of it as a unit of account between the three main parties on the web, which Brave believes to be
users, publishers, and advertisers. In a new blockchain-based, privacy-respecting, advertising paradigm, piloted by the Brave Web browser. And Brave, of course, is a fast and secure web browser that blocks creepy third-party ads, including YouTube ads, very important, and trackers by default.
allows users to earn that for instead opting into view ads that respect their privacy. That can be used to support your favorite content creators or digital publishers or even causes and nonprofits through a mechanism that we call tips or automatic monthly donations
a Patreon-style contribution system that is built right into the browser natively. Bat tokens can also be used to purchase items in several blockchain-based games. We've had partnerships with gaming platforms like Gala Games and even Splinterlands where you could purchase in-game NFTs.

FAQ on BAT Community, Near & Aurora | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of the Basic Attention Token?
The Basic Attention Token is an Ethereum-based utility and rewards token that serves as a unit of account between users, publishers, and advertisers in a new blockchain-based, privacy-respecting, advertising paradigm.
What is the Brave web browser?
The Brave web browser is a fast and secure web browser that blocks third-party ads and trackers by default.
How can users earn BAT tokens?
Users can earn BAT tokens by opting in to view ads that respect their privacy while using the Brave browser.
What can BAT tokens be used for?
BAT tokens can be used to support content creators or digital publishers, and even causes and nonprofits through tips or automatic monthly donations. They can also be used to purchase items in several blockchain-based games.
What is Near Protocol?
Near Protocol represents the next generation of blockchains, helping to bring web 3 to the masses.
What is Aurora?
Aurora is an Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) built on the Near Protocol.
What is the significance of the Aurora and Brave partnership?
Aurora is now available as a preloaded blockchain for all Brave wallet users, which allows access to fast and low fee transactions.
What is the purpose of the Twitter Spaces event?
The Twitter Spaces event is an opportunity for the basic attention token community to engage with special guests and discuss topics related to blockchain, cryptocurrency, and web 3.
How often are these Twitter Spaces events held?
According to the recording, this was the 23rd Twitter Spaces event held by the Basic Attention Token community.
What is the purpose of the intro music in the Twitter Spaces event?
The intro music is played while waiting for the room to fill up with participants.