Bayc failed pudgies also lost

Recorded: Jan. 19, 2024 Duration: 2:56:40



Also, this space and the next 16 spaces we do, so basically that accounts for like a month, are going to be sponsored by Gaiman.
So I tag them in the spaces tweet, so these spaces, the next 16 spaces are powered by Gaiman.
Appreciate you guys for supporting creators and allowing me to continue doing my job.
Also, we will be doing an AMA at some point with them in the next month.
Not tonight, probably not tomorrow night, but some point we'll do an AMA with them so you guys can get to know the team more and all that good stuff.
So really, really appreciate them and shout out to them.
That being said, let's get into it.
I want to cover a little bit of the prices, a little traffic report, weather report, all that good stuff.
Bitcoin down 3.6% today.
As we're going down, you know, Jim Cramer, if you know anything about Jim Cramer, you always inverse Jim Cramer.
So take that for what you will.
All right.
Moving forward from that, jump over to Ethereum.
Ethereum is down 2.8%.
USDT, maybe it's a stable coin, but it's actually down 0.03% if you care about that.
BNB up 0.3%.
Solana down 7% today.
It's $92.
XRP down 2.3%.
Avax down 7%, it's basically red across the board.
It's a red day.
It's a red day in crypto.
The total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies right now is $1.62 trillion, with $64 billion traded over the past 24 hours,
and Bitcoin retains its market dominance of 49.65% down about 0.13% from yesterday.
Opposed to that, or in addition to that, we're going to jump over to Magic Eden.
Look, the Pizza Ninjas minted today.
They're up, I guess, 3X for mint.
They're 0.1 currently, so shout out to everybody who minted those.
Node Monkeys are 0.18.
And also, you know, somebody that I have a lot of love for, thank you, X, minted his Ordinals collection today.
It was a 0.045 mint.
They minted out 100 units for a total of 4.5 Bitcoin,
and the floor price is currently slightly above mint at 0.048,
but retracing from there.
Moving forward, we'll go over to some Solana NFTs here.
Crypto Undeds, that's the main one people want to talk about.
7.2 Sol, Tensorians 94 Sol.
And Clano is seeing an uptick today, 654% increase in their traded volume day over day,
to a floor price of 36.85 Sol.
Saga Monkeys, 9 Sol, OK Bears, 16.
They can't really catch a break.
And for Ganas, I don't know what happened to the Cabal, but these things are sitting at 4.2 Sol.
Matlads at 173.
We're going to jump over to OpenSea.
And our trending topic for today is Pudgies.
Pudgies at 18 ETH hitting highs of 20 ETH earlier today,
with 2,944 ETH traded over the past day.
Azuki's 7.7 ETH.
Board Ape's 25 ETH.
Little Pudgies, one of the biggest winners, realistically,
they were a couple days ago to 4.6, and Sappy's almost at an ETH,
with like a 20% gain to 0.8 ETH.
Shout-out to the Sappy's, DeGods 3.2, and Milady's at 2.4.
So that is our traffic weather report for the day.
I mean, there is not a lacking of topics today.
Lucifer, what's up?
Yeah, man.
Just wanted to say something about the Frogana NFTs.
The Koal actually minted for $5 and dumped them on everyone's head.
That was the board apes that came over to Solana as liquidity started flowing.
Don't put this on the board apes.
Did you say Froganas are board apes?
Don't put this on the board apes.
That is a huge claim.
That is a huge claim.
If anything, it was the Solana community that dumped them on the Ethereum community.
We minted them and then we dumped them on the board apes.
Is there somebody doing wallet tracking to see if...
I would love someone to do a deep dive, Zach XBT, on-chain, sleuth, analytics, chainalysis,
and really go look to see if it really was board apes that got dumped on.
Because if that's true and someone puts that tweet together, that's an easy thousand likes.
So there's a...
Yeah, engagement farming hack.
I'm going to do that.
Always engagement farming.
I feel like it might be a little bit difficult though to track from ETH to Solana
for those random wallets that might not be connected.
This is a Twitter space, we don't think, in logic.
Anyway, we got to get to it.
We got to get to it.
Where should we start?
You guys want to talk about the penalization of the SVM, EBM?
Lucifer, what do you think?
Dude, I got a bunch of stuff.
Do you want me to do a little Louie Lowdown for you and hit you with some shit that happened today?
I'll take a Louie Lowdown any day of the week.
Did I? Okay.
Alright, Louie Lowdown is absolutely wild.
So we had Jupiter, an anticipation of Jup launching at the end of the month.
They launched Mach Jup yesterday,
and they're actually going to be launching a second version of Mach Jup,
and Meow, the founder of Jupiter and Meteora,
made sure to state that if you guys are buying this like degenerates,
that you guys are ready to ride this shit to zero.
Only on Solana would you guys see people add liquidity to a Mach token launch.
It's just absolutely ridiculous.
We have UniBot.
SolanaBot came out less than two weeks ago
and is doing 83% of the volume for UniBot now.
Absolutely love to see it months back on the space.
I was dunked on for Solana just having zero liquidity,
so you'd love to see us getting some of that shine.
We have...
There's so much Solana stuff here.
We'll scroll down a little bit.
The Nifty Island open beta launch happened the other day.
The feedback has been absolutely phenomenal.
Users are loving the seamless navigation,
stunning visuals, and endless possibility,
as well as how much creativity is at the user's capability.
Pudgy Penguins broke 19th.
Their floor price is up 80% in the past week
and 40% in the past 24 hours.
The Solana Foundation published their 2024 Hackerhouse schedule.
New York, March 28th through 29th.
Dubai, April 15th, 16th.
London, July 5th and 6th.
Bengaluru, July 26th and 27th.
And Phantom celebrates 2.7 million monthly active users.
And Donald Trump says he will never allow the creation
of a central bank digital currency.
Back to you, Lee.
Oh, I forgot about the Trump stuff.
I got multiple DMs today.
This was actually a real DM that I got.
Let me see if I can read it here.
I won't say who sent it to me.
It was Lucifer.
But it basically was along the lines of...
It wasn't actually Lucifer.
But it was like election seasons coming up,
Trump's releasing ordinals.
You have to talk about it.
Was it Bad Brothers?
No, no, no.
It was somebody...
It's not somebody who comes up on stage.
But I respect their opinion.
I do think it's interesting that Donald...
By the way, it's not like Donald Trump woke up
and is like, you know what?
The immutability of Bitcoin,
that's where I want my digital collectibles to be.
He did not say that.
There's just a deal.
There's a team.
I know of them.
There's a team of guys.
They fucking run the project.
And they have the licensing agreement
with Trump and his brand.
And for them, this is just such an easy way.
I think it's like you basically
meant a hundred of these things
and then someone gets an ordinal, whatever.
Bro, did you see that they're not tradeable
till December 2024?
Bro, the Ponzi Ponzi's every day a little bit harder.
Look, I was reading...
By the way, you guys know e-girl...
Is it e-cat capital?
e-girl capital?
No one knows that.
Everybody knows that, okay?
CL, you guys know CL?
It's like one of the gigabrains of the space.
Anyway, I was with Thread Guy tonight
and we were just fucking reading these papers.
And this guy talks in cat.
These are like one of the richest people in the space.
Like hundreds of millions, whatever it is.
Super gigabrain.
Like writing all these like thesis papers
on this blog, all this stuff about memes
and identity and NFT.
Like just like really, really good reading.
But the entire thing is done in cat voice.
So it's like a lot of meows,
a lot of humans instead of humans.
It's just like anything you can...
Where's N.B.?
Oh, by the way, speaking of N.B.,
I hit up the guy who's crypto punk...
Like the guy who burned the crypto punk robinist.
And I think the guy's gonna come to our space tonight.
So I'm gonna hit up N.B. to try to get in here
a little 1v1 debate.
I think that could be interesting.
But anyway, I was reading these papers.
What were they getting to?
I don't remember.
Anyway, the point is,
Donald Trump on ordinals,
your Bitcoin is not safe.
Somebody DMed me.
They said if you buy ordinals,
you support Trump.
Dude, this is not what we're doing, okay?
We're not doing this now.
This is not getting political.
Also, somebody did not DMed me that.
I just made it up.
Anyway, look, we got to get into it.
So Solana is Biden?
Solana Biden, Bitcoin, Trump.
What the hell is Ethereum?
Rama Swam.
Dude, we're not doing this.
Can we keep it moving?
I would say either like Rama Swam.
Okay, we got to keep it moving.
I literally don't know anything about politics
besides the fact that it's spelled with a P.
Look, we got to get into it.
Let's start with the crypto undeads.
Why don't we start there?
Dude, why don't we not?
That art is trash.
They should have stayed undead.
We're here for the odds, you know, guys.
Okay, hold on.
Let's just...
Can everybody put their seat belts on
for a second?
It's about to be a bumpy ride.
Dude, make the title of the arena.
Tomorrow's pudgies ruined.
We are doing the Lucas base tonight.
I don't know.
It's just like how cringe.
So I was sitting with Thread
and we were looking through all our titles
for the past month.
And I kid you not,
I got to read you Thread's titles
because it basically goes
NFTs are dead.
NFTs are back.
Web3 ruined NFTs.
Crypto is over.
Bitcoin sucks.
Ordinals are number one.
Like, it's just the most...
We were literally saying this together yesterday.
We're going to do a whole segment.
We're, like, launching a stream show type thing.
Again, tomorrow's the first episode.
But we're going to do a whole segment
sometimes this weekend
of just going through our spaces titles
because it's ridiculous.
All right.
We'll go to a couple of the hands here
before we jump into the crypto undead stuff.
I would like to go to Chaz,
but then he keeps making posts
about how I never call on his hand,
and I enjoy them,
so I'm not going to call on his hand.
We're going to go to Jason.
Jason, what's up?
Talk to me.
What's going on?
Hey, so I think this is very interesting.
So I had lunch with Machi,
big brother, yesterday.
And the idea of him bringing 4A to ordinals,
is that insane?
All right.
Where are you?
He's in Taipei.
So we're both based in Taipei.
And then he's convinced.
He's convinced that ordinals is here to stay.
He wants to do something.
And so it's not going to be the same thing
as OCM, color burning,
a bunch of NFTs into ordinals.
But he's thinking of doing something in ordinals,
and it could be relevant to 4A
because he's one of the biggest 4-hit holders.
I think he is the biggest 4-hit holder right now.
I don't know.
But I don't know.
I'm pretty sure if he does something there,
a bunch of people will follow.
So that's the alpha for today.
What does that mean for the 4A community in the club
when Machi owns you?
Look, Machi's a smart guy.
He sees opportunities, whatever.
I'm sure there is an opportunity for Bitcoin
and you go to come together in some capacity,
even if it's community-led or through some sort of initiative
with the foundation or whatever the hell it went down.
So yeah, I don't know.
I mean, I think it's cool,
but I don't know what that even looks like.
You lose the smart contract stuff and whatever.
Is it just to have the art there?
There's already a 4A collection on ordinals.
So if we're going true ordinals ethos
with versus first in terms of inscriptions,
then it doesn't matter what fucking apes are inscribed
because they've already all been inscribed.
I think the way he's looking at this
is to build some form of equivalent of a blur on Bitcoin.
And so instead of earning ETH,
you're basically earning Bitcoin.
So you get the option to either earn Bitcoin or ETH.
So right now, if you're doing everything, you're earning ETH.
So if you believe that Bitcoin will have way more upside than ETH,
then ordinals is the play.
Wait, so is it basically making current blur interoperable with Bitcoin?
No, it's going to be completely new.
Completely new.
So this is the stuff that we're talking about
and he's like, do we got to make this happen?
I'm like, I'm going to bring in the 4A.
Bro, y'all are about to fuck around and make Machin
the most powerful person in Web3.
I'm telling you, you guys do what you want
and maybe that's the right thing for Web3.
Who fucking knows?
Dude, I mean, he's about to own us.
Dude, I mean, there's so much stuff being on layer 2 right now.
It's like people understand layer 2 will be huge on Bitcoin,
but there's no product, right?
Even the nearest product, let's say you do build a blur,
there's no liquidity.
Because almost the whales aren't ETH or Solano, right?
And so you're trying to really migrate some of that whales
into the ordinal space.
Just like why Machin is enough to basically take a chunk
of just the trading volume.
Oh, okay.
Well, look, I mean, I'm always down for innovation on Bitcoin
and I think I'm actually, as much as it gets hated on,
I don't hate blur.
Like I know a lot of people do because the royalties thing,
and I know it's a hot take, whatever,
but I think blur over a long enough period
actually does more good than it does bad.
I know some people disagree with it.
I fucking get it.
Like, and I know the creator royalty stuff is too,
but it's all about optionality.
And if you want enforced royalties, Solano fucking has it.
If you want enforced royalties on ETH,
then, you know, Gabriel Layton's new token standard
and what they're doing with Magic Eden,
you'll have enforceable royalties there too.
So just, and it's pretty easy.
I'm pretty sure it's pretty easy to migrate to it as well.
So there are going to be options
and I think royalties over the next year,
maybe fixed isn't the right word for it,
but there will be solutions for people who want them enforced.
But anyway, look, Jason, I mean, I don't know.
I mean, maybe it's a good thing.
Maybe it's a bad thing. I don't know.
I do think like probably the hardcore Bitcoin laser eye maxis
are not crazy about bringing the YUKA community over
and then creating blur on Bitcoin
and then trading pictures.
But Satoshi did just get active today on Twitter,
AKA Craig Wright.
So maybe he's excited about word.
Oh, Jason, what is up with Craig?
Is Craig Wright Satoshi? What's going on?
That has always been the question since like, what, 2016?
I feel like that's the situation.
I don't think so.
But I think a lot of people do believe that.
I mean, look, this is always going to be a side
that always kind of like, it's just like backing him, right?
It's like, it's just politics.
I prefer talking about Trump and Biden
versus this topic, to be honest.
All right, fair enough.
I don't know if he just, if he's Satoshi,
he should just fucking sell one Bitcoin out of the one million.
Just prove it to us.
Okay, well, look, I don't want to talk about Trump and Biden either.
So we'll throw it back to crypto on guys here.
Trump is coming to work out his big leap.
Bro, first of all, the fact that you're in the shower
tells me you're naked right now.
And I just like, we don't need to talk when you're naked.
Anyway, we got to get into this.
Shout out to Bad Brothers.
Shout out to you, Jason.
Look, we'll talk about the crypto undead thing.
First, we got to go to Chaz.
Chaz, tell me how I don't call on your hand.
Leap, that was under 10 minutes.
So that was pretty good.
You're back to number one.
But look, crypto undeads, I pinned up their tweet.
I just read it.
Quote, tomorrow our work begins.
Short and sweet.
Not until there's CC Omen.
What did you think about crypto undead leap?
Did we talk about that already?
So, okay.
So I minted one and I sold it at 13 sold pre-reveal.
I said that yesterday on the space.
I just got to be upfront with my trades.
I should have fucking sold it earlier.
I genuinely want to buy one.
Like, I want to buy back in at some point.
And if it goes down a four or three, so I'll fucking take a stab at it.
I made a tweet about this and then I deleted it today
because it was like a really mid-tweet.
But basically, the concept was we are conditioned to assume
that everyone is just a bad actor and it's unfathomable for us to believe
that something might actually be good.
Which I think is like a pretty, like if there was a point in time
where I just assumed everybody's a scammer and I was just miserable
So now I'm back on the side of I'm not going to trust you with my life
but also like I'll give you a shot.
And I think that we should at least give projects a fair shot
before like calling them rugs and this and that.
And there's a lot of people calling crypto undead rug.
It's like, dude, they haven't done anything yet to prove that it's a rug
or it's a bad project.
They spent like three, four hundred thousand or six hundred thousand dollars
sweeping up the project to pay back the pre-sailors that never got their tokens.
Like that's a pretty good show of faith for me personally.
In terms of the...
We don't know what the project is or what they're going to develop
so I have no judgment there.
Dolla's the founder was on the space with Fast Eddie today.
It is unrecorded so I can't go back and listen to it.
And I was in a meeting during the space.
So if anybody has a recording in that space, send it to me.
I'd like to listen to it.
But it is good that he's doing spaces.
In regards to the art,
I literally texted Thread Guy the moment it revealed.
I'm talking within the first 30 seconds
and I said, there's no way Bundjal didn't do this art.
And like within 30 seconds.
And like people are comparing it to Lily
but you got to compare it to Lotus Gang
which is Bundjal's first collection,
which is his pixel art collection.
I think Bundjal is a phenomenal artist.
I think Lily is some of the best art
in terms of like PFP sort of relatable traits,
that sort of thing.
Like if that's your style,
I think it does a really good job there.
And when I saw this one, I was like,
dude, this is fucking Bundjal.
And it turns out that Bundjal did like consult on the art
or work on the art or whatever.
Bro, look at the top.
He's on the meet the team, bro.
Well, now, because it's out in the open.
But like, I did hear a clip
from the director that's on the team.
Who's on the team?
The DJ downtown founder, Ramo.
No fucking way.
Look at the top.
No fucking way.
Daddy's gaslighting, Lily.
Don't fall for Lou.
Oh, that's not real.
Oh, fuck you, dude.
You're never doing a Lou low down again.
All right.
Wait, no, wait.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
The tweet is my my fucking low down stuff.
All the information beginning.
That was all.
That's all facts.
I do that for my show and everything.
I just bring it here for you.
You're welcome.
Wait, so did you make this tweet?
Like you added Ramo there?
No, I saw it on the timeline
and it didn't get that much engagement.
So I nabbed and it's going to hit on my Twitter.
I'm not going to lie.
That's a great tweet.
Yeah, dude, it's going to fucking bang on my Twitter.
And I'm going to put some stuff up in here.
Well, I have zero likes right now.
Well, tell them.
I kind of agree with your take.
My only thing was if you were a rugger,
this is how you would want to launch a project.
Like that's my only issue with that.
I think the arts actually pretty good.
I thought there was a good variety of traits like for what it is.
It was just kind of like overhyped to me and it was just like,
you know, I just don't like the way they went about it.
But you know, which on the best of luck, I guess.
Yeah, I mean, that's kind of my take here.
I don't want to just assume that something is a rug.
Let them have a fair shot at it.
The mint price wasn't crazy.
I mean, it was three sold for fuck's sake.
And just like a month ago,
sold was half the price it is now.
It wasn't that egregious of a mint price.
If I'm being honest,
there are a ton of mints on Bitcoin and Ethereum
that are way more expensive than this.
And they mint down and nobody has a problem with it.
Like for the mint price perspective,
I don't think it's that big of a deal.
I do understand some of the criticism when it comes to like
the influencer cabal and like how old is it?
Like I get that too.
But I also don't really think that is that big of a deal either.
I don't know.
I mean, if people want to buy it and again,
I feel the same way you do bad brothers about the art.
I think it's pretty good.
I like Lily and I like Lotus gang.
So of course I'm going to like this art too.
But I think they definitely underestimated
how recognizable bundle style was.
Like I don't,
it's 100% wasn't meant to come out that that bundle was the artist
because on I did get to tune in to the crypto dead space earlier today
for like two seconds.
And in the two seconds,
somebody asked about the art and Dala said,
well, we had some people work on the art,
but for respect of their privacy, we're not going to say.
But five minutes before that,
bundle had tweeted out that he worked on the art.
So like clearly there was like,
it wasn't supposed to come out that there were like people who worked on
I don't really see it as something to hide.
To be honest,
like who fucking cares bundles of good artists.
Like it's good that he worked in the art.
I'm just great artists.
The problem with Lily and stuff when they are like,
I like the art for holders.
Yeah, I agree.
So I don't know.
There are people like scooping up a bunch of rails and trying to collect
them, so on and so forth.
And I think that's why I think the art is genuinely a pretty decent PFP.
But this is my take on pixel art and why I think something like node
monkeys was so like,
we're just talking about art here.
Node monkeys to me as a form of pixel art is just different.
It's very unique in terms of we haven't seen something like that in
At least I haven't.
If there's something like it,
then I haven't seen it.
Nakamigos is another good example of this.
Forget the project.
Forget the team.
Whatever in terms of sleep on my backs.
Then fuck them.
Don't pump the bet.
I gotta say about the art.
Yeah, Nakamigos, it's pixel art, but it's different.
It's more full body.
What about the new Nakamigos art?
It's terrible.
Dude, they did such a good job with that new collection.
You guys are falling for the marketing so easily.
This is the whole point.
It's literally the whole fucking point.
It's shit.
They want everybody to talk about it.
Speaking of node NFTs,
there's a node doodle thing.
I don't know.
What do you mean speaking of node NFTs?
Oh, new NFTs.
Like you mentioned node Nakamigos,
and there's a node doodles that surpass the doodles.
I don't have any.
I haven't even purchased any.
I don't know what's that,
but I think because no one's listing the floor is up
because no one's buying or selling or anything
since I don't know when.
Is that an official doodles collection,
or is it somebody else?
I have no idea.
I'll try to dig up the tweet.
I don't know the collection.
I've seen it tweet.
Someone just mentioned it.
It was fun to see,
but I'll dig it up and try to pin it.
Guys, disclaimer.
I'm not sure what that is.
Don't buy.
It's not an investment or anything.
It's just a fun fact.
Go ahead.
But shout out to Ryan.
I think the arts are fantastic.
A pretty limited collection, 100 pieces.
Just very, very simple rollout and did really well.
So congrats to Ryan for that.
And that shit is in my vault and never leaving.
Unless it 10X's in price and then I will sell it, Ryan.
Just letting you know.
Anyway, I'm just being honest.
Fucking 10X's I'm 100% selling.
Anyway, I'll throw it over to Mlo.
Mlo, talk to me.
What's up?
What's up?
Yeah, definitely huge congratulations to Ryan.
He killed it today.
It's not easy to sell out a collection of 100 pieces that quickly,
especially at that price.
So seriously, congratulations.
I also thought that the art was amazing.
And I thought that like the way that the community came together was really nice also
because you saw a lot of ETH people that came over to Bitcoin that probably didn't
have ordinals beforehand that like this might have been their first ordinal.
And I think it's like definitely a very good kind of onboarding experience to
ordinals for them that were able to mint it.
And then also congratulations to Trevor.
Huge congratulations.
He's been working on that project for a very long time.
And that sold out also.
I think that he's going to continue to keep building on Bitcoin.
And I think that like there are not that many people that have been there from the beginning
that have built as much as Trevor has built.
And like he's had more spaces than many, many, many people on Bitcoin.
So I mean, he's done a ton of onboarding, but I'd love to throw it over to Ryan
because he just came on stage.
Appreciate you, Mlo.
Ryan, talk to me.
How are you feeling?
Yo, I'm feeling good.
Thank you for the shout out.
Yeah, no, I, to Emma's point, I do want to say that what was cool is that I have a Discord channel
that's like a collector's only channel.
And, you know, it's it's all ETH until today.
And I think we had something like 60 new wallets created.
First time buyers and not all those people got it because it sold out pretty fast.
But they still all signed up for Ordinals wallets and Bitcoin wallets.
So that was pretty cool to me.
But yeah, no, I'm just stoked.
I feel very good.
I wanted to do like a limited collection.
And yeah, I couldn't be more stoked about it turned out.
And just thankful for like all the ETH people who came over and supported and bought for the first time.
And then like all the new friends that I've basically met in the Ordinals community supporting.
So yeah, shout out to everybody.
You and Meffer, it fucking sold out too quick.
I was looking at it and it was like, it was like four percent sold in like the first hour.
And I was like, OK, I have time.
I'm on calls for work and whatever.
I look at it again.
Eighty percent minted.
Like a five minutes later.
Well, we did like I and I don't know how it's normally done in Ordinals, but like I wanted it to be like multiple phases.
And so I did like a kind of like a guaranteed allow us first.
That was pretty limited.
It was like, you know, my one of one collectors and then like, you know, a handful of people that basically like really helped me out in Web 3.
And then the Phase 2 was like, you know, bigger but still not like huge.
I didn't want to like do one of those like crazy PFP over allocation style things.
And yeah, so I want to give people a chance.
I kind of I purposed I do wish it went public, to be honest with you, just because it would have been fun.
But I'm glad that the people who got it seem to be enjoying it.
So, yeah.
Yeah, I paid a little bit of a premium for mine, but I'm very happy with the one that I got.
I'll send it to you in DM so you can see.
But yeah, I have so many. I have state of the art now.
I have like an open edition and this.
I'm I'm getting the I'm collecting the Thanos Infinity Stones of Thank You X pieces.
Someone called me Thanos of Chains to release on because I've released on Tezos, Solana, Ethereum and now Ordinals.
Wait, what do you have once I didn't know you had something else Solana.
Yeah, dude, I I'm twenty twenty two.
I broke the record for highest one of one sale on Solana for art.
What? Yeah. How much was the sale?
It was seven hundred and fifty soul at the time, which was like I think one hundred and ten or one hundred and twenty.
Yeah. I mean, at the time it was it was awesome.
When I was on magic even as well.
Yeah, it went to DaVinci die. You can look it up on magic even it's called explore like X P L O R E.
But yeah.
So yeah, I'm stoked. I think ordinals don't know.
The funny thing is, like in the discord, people were like, oh, it's taken so long.
I submitted, you know, because they're so used to either being like, OK, cool. I bought it.
It went through and like a minute or something.
And then it was taking like fifteen, twenty minutes for transactions to like people were freaking out that they didn't get it.
And all this stuff is very, very interesting process.
And, you know, obviously, Bitcoin is very clunky and very slow.
But, you know, I think it's like worth the weight, I guess.
One hundred percent. And no, just just fantastic work all around.
What was it? I mean, what was the inspiration for this? How did you do this?
Like, typically you do like the big the big piece and then you kind of split it up into all the different little pieces.
Like, how was this one done?
So what's cool about this one is that it's similar to kind of what I do with state of the art where state of the art.
I painted a giant paint or four giant paintings and split them up into four hundred pieces.
This one I painted one piece and I split it up into a hundred pieces.
More like 3D textures to it just to give it something like a little different.
And yeah, the interesting thing about about like ordinals is recursive.
And so like recursive basically just state of the art where you like, you know, you break up one giant piece.
And so like it's that to me, I was like, oh, shit, like I'm supposed to be here.
I've already been doing this on the. So when I, you know, that's how that's how we meant it and stuff.
I'll be honest, like there's a lot of stuff I was very confused at.
And it felt like I was like in 2020 again, trying to figure out like how to use the MetaMask wallet for the first time.
And like, yeah, I'm super thankful to like the team at Magic, even on like the Bitcoin side that really helped explain a lot of things to me.
The other crazy thing that like for people who don't know is it's it is crazy expensive to like mint or like, you know, inscribe on Bitcoin.
And so like when I was talking about how much I paid, they're like, oh, my God, like people that are like, how much did you pay?
It was around thirteen thousand. I mean, dude, to inscribe a hundred pieces, that's pretty crazy.
Like if you look at it, it's going to be expensive. It's expensive.
And so like, you know, there's and that's why you'll see a lot of eight bit stuff and like low, like smaller files, you know.
But because like I would like I can't just do that, you know, like it's like my pieces have to have this like texture, you know, there's more kind of detail.
And so I didn't want to lose that. So I was like, basically, you could like, all right, we could shrink it down to like a thousand by a thousand.
And it's only this much. And I'm like, I can't it doesn't look good. I can't do that.
And so we ended up going like the bigger route. But yeah, it's worth it. And everyone seems I haven't heard one person.
I mean, I'm sure people some there's got to be someone who doesn't like it.
But, you know, all the stuff I'm seeing is seems to be pretty positive.
So that to me is like, you know, a big win. Love that.
I love that for you, too. Congrats, man, on the success. You definitely deserve it.
And mine is in my hold. And really, I won't I won't get mad if it if you sell it.
I'm like, you're telling me if it doesn't like 50 X's I shouldn't sell it. Of course.
No, I think if it two X's you should sell. I don't know. I'm a fan of people moving stuff.
You know, I don't I don't have like a I don't know. Like I never got mad when people sold my stuff.
I'm like, cool. You supported me. So like, thank you. Now it's yours. Do what you want.
I think that's a fun part of it. Right. Just being able to like own them.
Like the way I think about NFT is like, you never someone tweeted this the other day.
It's like you never truly own an NFT. It's just your turn.
I guess for some people, they put these things in their vault and they never touch it.
But I would like to find an easier way to display stuff in the home, but we're not going to have this conversation.
And he's going to talk to me about digital displays and the hurts and the quantum mechanics of the different analogs.
I'm still shocked and confused that you didn't know that Ryan had a Solana drop.
I thought I thought you knew. I thought we all knew that.
Oh, yeah. It's a one. I mean, he made headlines, you know, it wasn't just any Solana drop.
You made a record. I mean, OK, well, I didn't get to Solana until October 2022.
So it's like, I'm assuming it was before that.
You know what happens when you suddenly.
You don't want to happen. You know, Robness is coming tonight. I hit him up.
OK, we're friends now.
I bought a one of one from Robness after our space that we're talking about.
And you made me even more bullish. Well, he said he might.
Does he only talk in all caps?
Yeah, he only talks in all caps.
OK, because I didn't get the memo and he's my DMs just like in all caps.
And I'm like, oh, wow, you're excited.
Yeah, definitely all caps. But shout out to Robness.
All caps when you say the man's name.
Yeah, you got to scream it. You got to scream the name.
But shout out to you, Ryan. And again, congrats on all the success.
So DaVinci Dow bought the Solana piece.
I just pinned it to the top.
It was this is when this was a year after they bought it.
So it was the actual day was three twenty six twenty two.
So March twenty twenty two.
Oh, wow, this was early.
This is early, early Solana days early for me, at least.
But oh, we also do.
We got Doc up here. Doc, what's going on?
All right.
No, no, that's a bunch of bullshit, man.
I don't know what to keep it going.
I want this. Yo, Doc, how are you doing tonight?
Do you only have the one quack?
Like you don't have like different.
Do you take that leap?
Bro, this is actually the case and he's saying you can't tell.
I can tell.
Like there's different tones there.
All right. Here's a question for you.
I'm at first.
Would you ever rather have a crypto and debt or a pudgy penguin?
That's the stupidest question.
You guys.
You guys suck.
All right.
Look, we're resetting the space.
Welcome, everybody.
I hate being needed.
Pudgy's ruined Basie.
I'm just I'm washed.
I can't even come up with good titles anymore.
If you're enjoying the conversation, which again, at this point,
probably not the case, but click that button
in the bottom right corner, like on the retweet.
Anyway, OK, we got to talk about this crypto and debt thing.
We talked about it a little bit.
Does anybody have any takes here, any spice takes on the situation?
Or are we just balanced individuals who are very reasonable,
which I don't think is true.
Lou, what do you think?
Hey, man.
Super balanced individual here just came to give like a super mild take.
Yeah, man.
So I think crypto and debts are probably going to pump a little bit now
that they've revealed.
But then I think they're going to absolutely bleed.
I think they're going to fumble the bag.
I think people have their identities in their communities and Web 3 already.
And I think it's hard to try and establish a new collection that's trying
to be established as an identity when there's so many of those collections
And I just think there was so many expectations set with the art.
Do you think if the art was teased earlier that like yes,
I think the expectations would have been lower and I would have done better.
You know, people's 100 percent here on his own.
Why would it be?
Well, you know, put the dinosaur eating the blue potato chip.
If you're here, people, people have been baiting me for too long.
He's doing the cabal tweet.
He's like putting thread guy in the thing.
I'm in one of the fucking things.
You're not even in there.
This is ridiculous.
You know what it is?
Dude, it's the blue potato chip.
It's top hat.
I was going to say the same thing.
I don't like blue smiley faces.
What did people tweet?
Let's see.
I put it on the top.
It's an undead.
Undead with Biden's head on it.
Honestly, better art than the crypto undead art.
This confirms someone as Biden.
But honestly, what do we expect out of that art?
It was kind of obvious it was going to be pixel art from the unrevealed thing.
You know, it was kind of like I mean, it kind of meant my expectation to pixel.
It was like people were acting, you know, like that timeline was kind of like, oh, this is going to be the most hyped greatest project ever.
And it's just like, I don't know why we had that expectation.
Why does it happen every day?
I think it's egregious that he made an every day for this project.
I mean, it was the big thing of the day.
I mean, here's the big thing for two days.
Then it dropped.
Everyone was like, fuck this shit.
And now we're still talking about it.
You just don't understand people's work.
There is no dick in this.
So he's clearly bearish on it.
You know, you know, the more people's work.
I've seen over a decade of people's work.
And the first penis I found was in 2014.
There could be a dick somewhere.
We just, you have to zoom.
You look hard enough to find a dick.
Was it true?
It proliferated in 2016 to 2017.
And I'm not sure why.
But beyond that, there was only one a year for a bit.
And then like, they just just went crazy at that.
I think something happened.
Something happened to him.
All right.
Well, this, I'll give you a, I'll give you a tip and be another type of tip.
We're talking about right now.
But if you create what's gotten into you lately, I don't know.
I've just been under a lot of speed.
You guys got back together and the powers activated.
I'm just, I'm going through a lot right now.
But anyway, if you want to, if you want a viral tweet, then just create like
an Excel spreadsheet analysis ratio of like dicks to picture per year for
people and how the dicks have like proliferated more and more over time.
Like if you created a real breakdown tweet of that, it's going viral.
Why haven't you been to my island, Lee?
Yeah, you were visualization of that Indian.
I just gave me the best idea you've ever had.
And you're asking me about coming to your nifty island.
My nifty island has a beeple art installation.
I'm recreating one of the, what do you call it?
The shipping container sculptures he did.
And then I have a cave system.
I'm integrating gold cats.
Um, if you want to go, try to make it, you know?
Oh my God.
I was just going to say this.
Okay. All right.
Enough about the island.
Why aren't you on nifty island late?
I actually have my, I have a 3d rendition of mine.
Well, I don't have a computer right now.
I search your name every time I log in and you're not there.
Yeah, I don't have a computer right now.
I'm supposed to be getting computers.
I'll send you one.
No, I look, I, I will handle my computer.
Okay. Just send it back, please.
I don't have one.
I, I don't.
Why would you send him your computer?
Because I care Louis.
Look, if I wanted to click a bunch of sticky keys, I would look at Lou.
I don't know what's getting into me.
Um, look, we need to, we need to get this going properly.
We, this was shout out to game and for sponsoring the space.
Um, they definitely already regret it.
Like they're like, fuck, this is.
This is a mistake.
Um, but shout out to gaming.
Look, I'm also in, um, I'm like in my apartment's meeting room right now.
And it's just like one tiny little room.
It's so equity at the table squeaky.
So if the, if the audio isn't great, I forgive me.
Um, look, we got to, we got to talk about something here.
So we clearly, no one has any takes here on crypto undeads.
I will go over to Basel.
What are you doing?
Uh, should I talk because I've seen Louis on mute?
Is he talking or no?
Now you go ahead.
Basil just run right over.
Yeah. Fuck Louis.
Okay. Thank you.
It wasn't even saying anything.
Lou see for you watch your mouth Basil is talking.
Oh, I thought it was Lucy.
Lucy for thanks for correcting me anyways.
Uh, I'll give a little talk about the crypto undeads,
but I want to give a follow up about the conversation that we talked about
like a few moments earlier.
And for some reason, like, uh, there was a huge snow storm here in the city
where I live in and as I was walking through the forest,
we found a snow dick.
And I'm not sure if it was people's work.
I'm not sure if he was there, but it was pretty impressive to be honest.
Put it in the freezer.
I don't know, man.
Like it's still up.
It's not what snow.
What the fuck is good.
Hey, we got that full math battle.
I'm looking at like the beans profile.
I'm like, who is this Ninja turtle coming up on stage?
He changed the bean changes PFP to a Ninja turtle.
Um, it looks like it's a one of the pizza ninjas.
Um, they've got to bring up the bean here.
I need them to be taken.
I needed to be taken my life.
That's really what I'm missing.
Um, all right.
We're going, we're going over to Basil Basil.
It's it's back to you.
What's up.
I was everyone was muted.
Uh, so yeah.
Uh, I think I'll change the topic of the snow penis and go to the krypton dead.
And, uh, yeah, man, you asked a very nice question.
Would you rather have a punch penguin or krypton dead?
I would definitely have, you know, no, to take krypton dead.
I would definitely have 20 krypton dead white lists rather than a punch penguin.
But at the moment, also why not 20 krypton dead because they might have a nice pump.
Like Lucifer said before.
So yeah, for the short time, I mean, okay.
All right.
That's fair.
That's totally fair.
Um, all right.
Well, we'll throw it over to Smokey Smokey.
What do you think about these krypton dead?
Do you agree with Basil?
Yeah, I mean, I did hear some shady rumors about that guy, but I did also go over to
his profile and see how long he had been tweeting about Solana.
And it was about a month.
Um, and then he launched a collection on Solana.
So like, I don't know what people think about that, but I don't think really people care
about, you know, really, uh, anything.
If there's like people were ruggers or anything like that, if they're able to make money
on it, uh, then people will buy it in this space.
I think people talk a big game, you know, about not supporting, you know, supporting
certain artists, supporting royalties, all this stuff.
But that none of it's true.
Like if they can make money and the dude rugged his grandma, like people will go
after it.
Wait, I just, uh, I just posted a, Hey, look, it's the truth.
It's the truth.
The community that actually that I've seen that like actually holds true to their
morals about like certain stuff is the avatar community.
Like if you guys don't support royalties, they make an announcement and they're
like, Hey, look, you guys, we're not using this marketplace because they don't
support our artists, right?
Like they're super tapped in like to their artists and like they want to
protect them.
It's like, it's the wildest thing I've ever seen.
And now they just opened up like the creator program.
So it looks like they're going to have like some type of a, you know,
expansion of the NFT community over there.
So it's going to be very interesting to watch, but I do.
What do you think of the snow penis?
Um, I need more of it in my life.
You see the picture.
This is my first sponsor space in like three week, like first like actual
month long sponsor.
We didn't have the island recently, but the first like actually like a month
Can we not ruin it on day one?
Um, I'm getting DM's from the fucking CEO.
Like this was a mistake.
Like, anyway, um, look, smokey, you bring up a good point.
Um, I do think for the most part, people don't give, like you actually
set a bar.
People talk a big game when it comes to like, quote, unquote drug
pullers or like this or that.
And by the way, this is not in relation to crypto index.
I know, like, I'm not going to call something a rug.
I just, unless it is a rug and it's not currently.
Um, so anyway, like people do talk a big game, but at the end of the day,
it is about if you can make money and I'm honestly not even mad at it.
I've just come to terms with like, look, people are motivated by profit
and that's totally fine.
I mean, why do people work to make money?
Why do people flip things to make money?
This is why people are here.
Um, there's not a sense.
Did you see, did you see the, uh, look like, I don't know what,
what people like think about bungeal, but you know,
he was an advisor to the project and you know,
I think like there was some controversy with him having like paid
himself like a decent salary, you know, and then like being like,
Oh, like the project's not going to work out.
Uh, I mean, has, has there been any, any thoughts about that?
Yeah, I talked about Joel and I asked him about it. Um,
Oh, remember that Uber ride or no, the taxi.
No, no, I talked to him today about it.
I talked to him today because I, I, dude,
I looked at the art and I instantly knew that he had worked on it.
Like it's not.
It like, it looks like his art.
Um, so I asked him about it and, uh, I mean,
I'm not going to reveal exactly what the DM said,
but my take on the situation is he is an artist.
He makes money by creating art.
That is what he does.
And another project hit him up to basically help with the art.
I don't know to what extent he like worked on the art.
If he actually like drew stuff, I'm not entirely sure,
but like clearly it's heavily inspired by his work because yeah,
he was an art advisor on the project.
I'm not necessarily mad at it. He's an art.
He makes money by selling art. That's what artists do.
All right. Let's not start.
I think it was nice of them to reach out to it.
Like more soul artists to like, you know, drop a soul project.
Bro, artists don't make money from selling art.
Who told you that?
Bro, are you kidding me?
You ever heard of merchandising?
You ever looked at fucking Daniel or Sean or Alec Monopoly?
You think Daniel or Sean,
the majority of his income comes from his art? No, bro.
He has a whole merchandising channel.
So he doesn't have to sacrifice the quality of his work to make a buck.
Okay. Sure.
But also Ryan made $250,000 today on his ordinals, man.
Like artists.
He's got merchandising channels too.
Yeah. I'm not saying they don't.
I'm just saying like artists make money in the space by selling art.
That is their business.
Like they also have other stuff, merchandising, whatever it is,
deals, so on and so forth, but they make art.
They sell it. Same with the musician.
You make music and you stream it and sell it and go to like,
I don't think that's necessarily bad at all.
I do totally understand the critique and the viewpoint where it's like
bundle does have like other projects and some people feel certain ways about
them. And I think their, their points are fair too. Like they,
they feel that way and who am I to tell them not to? Um,
so I, I do.
It just seemed like it could be like an added thing to like pile on to
the FUD, but at the end of the day, like I, like I said,
like I don't think like the market actually cares comparatively to like
what people are saying on the timeline.
Like it's still above mint. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Yeah. So here's the thing. A lot of like the hardcore soul people,
they know bundle, they know the art, so on and so forth,
but a lot of the people have no fucking clue who bunchal is or like what
Lily was or Lotus. Like they just look at crypto and dads and they're
like, Oh, we like this. This is cool pixel art.
So like zooming out is important here. Um,
that being said, I think a lot of the criticism is fair. Like I,
I do think they've talked so much and not saying anything at the same time.
You've literally never given, you've literally never given a take on the
space. All you do is tell people that they don't give take.
You've never,
Hey Lee, does utopia avatars work on nifty Island?
You know, two people that you shouldn't edit.
I did a video with, uh, with OG today.
He asked me to like record like top three tips for not for,
for doing a space. Um, tip number one, never bring up nb and tip number two,
don't bring up more. Um, tip number three, don't do spaces in general.
Uh, but anyway,
do you see what happened when I joined leap a hundred people came after me?
That's bro. Our numbers are actually down from when you joined.
Not a hundred people came.
Oh, oh, it's okay.
All right, more. What do you think about crypto on dad?
Cause I already know what more is that? Yeah, exactly.
Exactly. Even trade NFTs more.
What is that PFP? Um, look, anyway, we love you more.
If anyway, but look, okay.
That's if we got to just move on guys, we'll just move on.
Um, we're going to, you weren't even, it wasn't even your turn.
Yes, you are.
I love her.
I love her finish more come to my Island.
Well, I am done.
Dude, it's like, I'm just like a, it's not even fun to do spaces anymore.
I'm just babysitting UFFers of like a zoo exhibit in here.
Um, most specifically MBA and more for everybody else's chill.
Um, look more, please give your take.
And then I want to go over to M low and, um, then girl crashed as well.
Or if what do you think?
What you think about these crypto and deads
My take is that it's 20 24 January and so you still talking about board a yacht club like fuck is going on
Haven't talked about board a p.o. Closely
Dude, see what the fuck I'm supposed to be your back complete
There's not even a chat I don't what platform do you think you're on right now? I
Wait shout out to
How is she speaking? Okay? Um, I'm sweating literally sweating. I'm stressed nervous
Anxiety is going up
I'm having chest pains
It's the wrong career choice. Okay, look we got it. We got to get into this
Because we also got to talk about pudgy's pudgy's had an amazing day today. Congrats to them and the team
I don't know even why you're down voting that and you're rocking a crypto pump. It is burnt. You even know it it was
What does this have to do with with pudgy's?
Um, why are you down voting pudgy's and B? Tell me talk to me. What's uh, you really want to know don't you?
I mean, I just know it's probably the worst take of all time. I'm ready for it
Or you would they have a good day today what they went up to 20th and then sell two weeks down on top of that
Bro, there's nothing there
You guys drove some royalties so Lucan that's can get another six hundred thousand dollar SUV and then
I don't know
But I do have to say in terms of people who won
NFTs from a financial point of view
There's two people I see who are in line to actually make generational wealth
That's zagabond with his his anime thing and you're like what you don't like a suki
Why are you saying that? Well, it's like I said, it's this guy's ticket to generational wealth
So he's probably gonna give it his best shot same with Luca his little merchandising thing worked out
And now he's got his tickets to generational wealth. He'll grow it out
It'll be a big thing
And you know, I I just don't understand like why it has to exist as an nft, but the stuffed animals are dope
Uh, the other side
100 is just gonna flop
I think there's no viability at this point after nifty island like nifty island is the true other side
It's the metaverse for everyone. It's a lot of fun leaps in it
Um, and uh, wow, you guys are still letting me talk
Can we talk about the easiest cash grab is on bitcoin though?
Like just drop some art and call it like the futures of bitcoins. How would you know? You don't even recognize it morph
But uh, nice to see you got the ninja ninjas minted today. We haven't talked about that
Yeah, we do got to talk about the ninja shout out to trevor. Um, they minted out and I think the art's very fun
Look ordinals are no more or less a cash grab than anything else in crypto half of these fucking l1s are cash grabs
Most of the l2s are cash grabs. It's all fucking cash grabs. Everything here is a cash grab
I've been trying to grab cash including every single person on this stage is trying to make money in crypto
So at this point
Fucking give me a ticket to the sky casino because i'm staying for at least a weekend
Um, but no more than that
No more than that
Look in regards to the pudgy penguins
I think they deserve like literally every ounce times 100 of respect and
Acknowledgment for what they've done because it's it's like very easy to just be like
Like even how you mentioned it and be like their little merchandising thing. It is very difficult to
Yeah, like create products from zero to one and then like sell them out
First they were selling them out on the network app then they were selling them out on amazon. They don't do fucking it
You haven't gone down this road have you
Which road it's a merchandising partner, bro. They they do all that shit for you. You just got to show up
demand essentially
That's the hard part
But they don't but it's just the merchandising partner
That's it any project in the space could do what luka did and it wouldn't cost them a single fucking penny
They'll do it for free
It's the craziest thing
That's just not true, dude
I mean, it's true didn't we do this before that isn't your friend the top drawer merch dude nb
I've been I
I've been in the merchandising this for a long fucking time and that is just not true
You you know these companies that make these products do not take that kind of inventory risk
Like for nothing like that's just not true, dude. Full stop
They're not gonna stock it on the thing but they do the stupid mail order
Yes, we've been over this in the past naveen I don't know why you're
With all due respect with all due respect the amount of time and effort it takes
You know the the time from like a p.o. What walmart to actually getting paid like dude. It's so hard
It's so hard and then getting getting these retailers to take the shit. Holy crap, dude
You know you and I both know these motherfuckers, you know plan their inventory in some cases a year in advance
It's hard, you know, they don't all have it's not hard when you're manufacturing the demand with your pf
Look at the way they ran the fucking walmart, bro. Do you do you really think do you know how many stores walmart has?
Do you have any idea?
400 and no a fucking lot more than that bro a lot more and but they're all shitty
Well and that and that we can agree on but dude a bunch of last time I went to walmart someone stole my car
Okay, look they not only should have sold your cart but your wallet as well look and we we gotta
Yeah, game is getting their money worth tonight naveen back to you
Yeah, I mean look with all due respect like a bunch of fucking nerds
Can't generate on on it with you know
Several thousand, you know jpegs of penguins are not going to generate meaningful demand for walmart
Walmart is a real estate business
The entire goal of walmart is to turn inventory if you can't turn the inventory guess what happens
They kick you out of the fucking store
So anyone who thinks that it's easy to you know, first of all make a high quality product second of all
Distribute a high quality product and third turn a high quality product
Is fucking delusional. They have never been never they've never done a high quality product naveen. It's six dollars
It's the worst of the worst fabrics and toxins that are leaking out. I wouldn't give that to my worst enemies kid
I would give them a 46 dollar american made
dinosaur plushie not a six dollar
questionable fabric
Questionable toxin. Okay, so nb is that is that your big concern now is your concern with the yeah, I think you should want quality
If you want to keep out on the plushie
Is your big concern the supply chain of luca nets's fucking products?
Is that your concern now?
My big concern is is how many of these products are going to fit into another six hundred thousand dollar rose royce?
Before they have to get another one to fit all the products. You know what i'll got to tell you something
I don't I don't have any problem with an entrepreneur being successful
I think anyone who has a problem with an entrepreneur being successful by actually hustling and doing hard work. It's fucking anti-capitalist and fuck you
No, if he wants to rub it in our face
Why is it wrong if I rub it back in his right? Nobody's red rose is cullan and why do I know that why?
Okay, you are the biggest pocket watcher and you're speed running your way
To being I don't even know
I guess the biggest pocket watcher look I have to agree with him being here
I think people should make as much money as they can and they should make a lot of money
And they should do it in an ethical way, of course, but look i'm
We're all fucking working to make my obviously like we want to change the world and like do all this stuff
But you need money to do that
Like you genuinely need money to change the world in in most ways. So
Um, yeah, dude, he should have 10 fucking dude if he brings this much of it
He's brought 20 eth to every one of his holders now
You don't think he deserves some nice stuff, too
He deserves as much as he wants and as well as well as other founders who do well
Like I have no problem with people buying nice things
I might buy a nice car at some point when I can afford it. Who knows?
That was the fucking first thing I did by the way, so
You know, I get it. I can't criticize it
Like okay
All right, um any old man car too
Not not that car. Like I don't want to prove that car with it, bro
I don't approve that car, but like teller ride the key a teller ride. Okay, but cooler criticize the car
But not the action dog, you know
I put wag me on my license plate because I had nft but then I thought that was scary
Has tweets out there. They're like
Rich people I know haven't even congratulated me on the cully. They don't even know
I'm just like what in the fuck does that he was saying to rent a Ferrari?
And put a bunch of pictures on instagram
And then try to get those rich people to invest in your shit like bro. I'm not into that ethos
Okay, look it
Every single and be you live in florida dog
You do live in boca raton like you live in the richest most bougie area
Is that where is that where the 90 kilogram pythons at?
Okay. No, that's the other glades
Look if we're gonna start criticizing people for every tweet they've ever made then every single person on the stage should be cancelled
Like that's it. This is the way it goes
Um, I don't give a fuck what he tweeted
He's brought a lot of value to his holders and I think pudgies are cool as fuck
I think what they're doing also with pudgy worlds to me the most exciting
The plushies and stuff are cool. Like it's a good way to go to market the pudgy world
Bro, it's like club hangman for adults metaverse this and that like it's interesting and I like listen. I like the fact
Oh, listen to what?
I don't even know
Lee, why are you so zesty? No leaf leaf is using the mute button because he has a lot of respect for alex. Um using
The mute button you're actually getting fucking muted
Okay, let me just keep we're just talking to the bad brothers. We'll just have a three-way conversation here for the next two hours
um, anyway
We'll reset the space and we'll get to it pudgy's ruin basey. Both products are good. It's a clickbait title
I want to throw into some of these hints here. Uh quickly. I want to go over to to girl crash crash
Talk to me. What's going on?
Yo, what's good? What's good? I just love the speedway, you know, um
Got some stuff for this for this saturday night
Um after hanging out with some friends, but yeah now i'm tuned into the space
I honestly i'm obsessed with pudgy's. I feel like
I've thought that what they're doing makes sense since like a while, you know what i'm saying. Ah, damn. Okay. Well shit
Um, well, yeah, no, I feel like I thought what they have been doing makes sense for a while just from like a standpoint of like
Okay, you know like they're building something that can actually stand on its own two feet outside of web 3 which is really cool
Like we have this really tiny
Micro ecosystem here, which is so cool and so awesome
but then seeing something that can really like
Actually hold its own weight outside of here is like really really cool and just seeing how far
Like they can flip their og community to be like
Bigger and like just you know, just cooler and like, you know, just like reach more people
I mean, I really think it's fire
Like I think like I don't know like i'm definitely taking notes just as an artist and stuff
But yeah, I mean, I don't know. I think like what they're doing is really cool
So I want to just give them I feel like I know who that is
Awesome works. Let's go
Don't shut don't beanie was uh calling out. Well, not calling out, but he was like criticizing
I guess fudgic's purchase of that, uh penguin but like, um, you know fudgic's
Yeah, I got the what do you call I got the shirts fudgic made those are the nicest fucking shirts I ever got
No, shits are high quality. So
Shouts out to fudgic and uh having that left face and penguin. That's a nice penguin
So I do get that's actually a great point
By the way, here's a great tip for spaces
Beanie puts out enough tweets on a daily basis to create enough content for as long a space as you want
So you don't know what to look talk about just go look at beanie's tweets and they're good for conversation
Because he does bring up some good points. He actually had a tweet earlier either today or last night. It was a banger
Please no, no, no, it's not that I i'm not saypilled. Yeah, I don't know enough about it. Um
Just don't say something gay. Just don't say anything gay
I will literally never be sponsored again. It's just not gonna happen to enjoy it while it lasts. Um, shout out to gaiman. Look we
Was my life
Um beanie he did put out this tweet and it raises interesting conversation of like should you buy rares or should you buy floors?
I think if it's a collection, why are we paying attention to anything beanie says? I mean, it's an engaging tweet
It's an engaging tweet but like why don't you give him any credit at all?
What's a good look it is a good question, right?
It is a good question. Should you buy rares?
I can't even get a takeout tonight. This is ridiculous. It is a good question
Should you buy rares or should you buy floors for me personally?
I like to buy floors because a lot of the others would be completely honest with you
When it comes to nfts and i'm minting like brand like when I bought ryan's piece today on bitcoin
That's not like a like i'm joking about selling it
I probably will sell it if it fucking goes to a bitcoin or more but for the most part i'm just holding it
Um, that's oh I missed I missed ryan's when when did that happen fuck it was it was early you can buy on secondary
Um, it sold out before
In stage two, whatever that was called
Yeah, it's sold out. Well leap leap missed leap missed my mint too, except they're like 30x now
So bro, I minted your open edition. I'm still waiting for you to activate that remember that open edition
That wasn't your open edition. Remember that leap remember that leap
Oh, I thought you're talking to me mb I was talking to you
Wait, what came in here? Really? Like oh i'm gonna do an open edition. You'd go don't buy this then we all bought it
Release another open edition the next day. I'm like, I got the cabal edition. Let's go
Well, actually
Okay for fuck nb like you have a talent of literally not letting anybody else talk and making the stage about you on any given moment
Don't make me pull out the dowel trip. Fuck it. We're doing it. Look i'm a man of the people
And he's pinning shit to the top too. He's shilling his fucking nifty
Shout out to nifty island, but i'm not going your island. I'm a man of the people as always
Um, i'm pinning this up to the top or you can click the button in the bottom right hand corner
Um, we're at 48 likes right now
If that gets to 85 or 90 likes within the next 60 seconds, there's about 40 likes I will remove
And be off the stage. So look it is in your hands
As individuals again, this is a dow a decentralized
Opulence anyway
Let's see
Well, we'll see what the people vote but in the meantime, um, I do want to throw back wait
Wait, I just have I just had I just wanted to say one thing about pudgies
a long time ago
Um, it's really simple. It's
You have to have respect
For anyone in crypto land who actually delivers on something they promise because how many people don't?
I think that's that's all I wanted to say
It's a bar actually. It's a good point. It's true. I had this one friend tech
Thing I really liked for this international deejay. I loved in this one day. He just ended it. So
You know, but didn't you get all of your money back? I don't know. I didn't actually do it. So
Oh, why give everyone their money back? Can you guys
Okay, can you guys please fucking vote it's at 61 likes jesus christ, it's 29 more get this mf. We're off the stage
Anyway, okay. We gotta go. Look, we haven't come no more interrupting
Let's just have some good conversation. Like let's go to the hands
Um, I want to throw quickly over to emlo and then we go go go emlo. What's up?
What are you thinking here?
Um naveen is that part of uh, trevor's collection
It is part of trevor's collection
Did they get the license from ninja turtles to do that or they just did it like the bitcoin mushrooms?
It's not a ninja turtle
What do you mean?
It's it's it's a it's a turtle. That's clearly not a ninja turtle. I mean, you know
It's a roofie file, you know, he goes around it's part of the ninja collection collection and it's a turtle
It's a pizza turtle with a mask
Oh, right, that's actually that's actually a fair uh fair use
Yeah, they didn't get I don't I don't know the crossover episode of the power rangers and the ninja turtles that one with the banger
I'm right. I'm just also like a public domain like this
No, no, they're definitely not. They're definitely not
No, no, no in all seriousness. I think this falls well into fair use
It's you know, it's a parody and it's fun and I don't I don't think there's a problem, but whatever
I don't I don't know
Not only the ip owners know what an ordinal is yet
Leap leap leap. How many people voted for the nb train?
I said what I guess people still want people still want the the
Demand crypto celebrity in the nft space he's the he's the crypto trash. You're all very lucky to have me
All right, um, if we get one like in the next hour I will remove and be off the stage
I I don't know how much easier I can make this for you guys. Um, just one like
Please can I have more?
Look we're going over to go go
Go go talk to us. What do you think about this? Anything crypto undeads the turtles? What's up?
Okay, sorry go go yeah the mute the mute was still muting
Uh, it was giving so
Um, wow fucking elon
I'm trying to like deprogram
Um my brain from bitcoin because I was in a bitcoin space for like three hours
So back to undeads. Okay and be already pasted over my pen with the
Brickety frack with like five million pastes. Let me repaste it
You're having trouble counting. It's two
And one of them's the people louis vitton collection, but you didn't know that existed that up i'm talking. Thank you
crypto undeads revealed compared to bones bits on eath from october
Um, I repinned that
Which I thought was really intriguing the similarities
And then I go over to that collection stop over pinning it
We're talking about this subject
So then I go over to that collection bones bits
the art actually
really slaps
Like if that had been this hyped reveal, I I I never even heard of this collection
Maybe because I haven't been looking at eath in a long time
Um, but if the art
For bones bits, which i'm gonna pin up here nb stop it
Let me get the art up here real quick like this slaps
I just don't like the eyes on that bones bits one. Well that one's just one of them, but like look at some of these
I think people would have been really happy
But nobody bought this other collection. I guess like word didn't get out about it. I don't know
I feel like the style of art was kind of co-opted sneakily with just a really muted palette
and so it made it less exciting and
Price just dip dip dip dip dip dip dip dip. What do we think about the shadows on this thing?
I've never really seen the shadows like that on a
Pfp like this. That's odd
On the latest one
On the terminator it's like they all yeah on all of them like they have like that background shadow
I don't think i've seen one do it. I I like that effect. It makes it pop out, right?
I don't know. Anyway, I thought I uncovered like a little bit of a
Whoop-de-boop, but you know that happens all the time like solana and eath copying each other with their collections
And then I guess I was going to talk about bitcoin, but I won't because I see so many hands
So i'm gonna stop there for now. No, go ahead go go finish your take
Um, are any of you guys?
Um looking into quantum cats right now and like the discussion is raising about op cat
No, yeah, it's um, it's very interesting I got to do more read i've been work, uh, what do you call out?
In uh capo for work, but when I get home this weekend, that's what i'm doing
Yeah, i'm just like learning about recursive covenants
Things like things. I just didn't even know existed
um in the evolution of
What's going on in the tech on bitcoin right now?
So I just thought that would be an interesting conversation
But I think maybe naveen and I are the only ones who are in tune with that. So i'll leave it for next time
I don't know why you need to just drop these goddamn wizards now. There's like a whole new collection of cats
You need the cat to get the wizardly
But think about always engaged with udi through like not dropping it and then he's bringing up these like important things and like, you know
Educating people about it
So honestly, he can never drop the wizard as far as i'm concerned as long as he keeps doing stuff like this
The people who took a shower on camera better get the fucking wizards. Otherwise, that's that's what i'm saying
I'm i'm getting a wizard like it's happening. If you took a shower, you should that should be mandatory like you fucking did it
Um, anyway, but the cats are cool
I'm, not the biggest fan of the art and I love udi and I love the wood
I really love the wizards art not crazy about the cat art for whatever reason just being honest
Well, those aren't those aren't even like I don't even think those are
Inscribed are they naveen? I think it's just like
No, yeah, they are it's like i don't know
I gotta like the last time so the way udi did it was like they inscribed all the data
And then they uh, what do you call they like had a key for it like a encryption key basically
And that would and lock it or whatever. But again, I gotta do a lot of reading this weekend on a lot of the star made the art
You know far far
Far is awesome. He he's always yeah, he's always listening
He supports like he has a gallery show right now in germany with expanded art
They do a lot of drops in the space as well
But definitely check that out. There's a lot of available pieces and they're really fucking cool
But like if you look at his other volumes of work
it's it's actually really cool to see the quantum cats in comparison like it's
I if I could afford it, I would totally bid on that ordinal
Well, you know, maybe they'll grow on me over time. I do like far. They've talked a lot of dns
I also met him in new york
Um, just really really nice. I mean the whole team is just really really great people
I'm ready for the wizards. Um, I didn't know I mean I learned a lot from what gogo just said
I didn't really know there was all that backstory into it
So maybe that's kind of maybe I had to understand the narrative a little bit more before I speak on it
So i'll do some more research there appreciate you go go. I want to throw it over to
I gotta say what's up to jonah jonah
What's up, what do you think about these crypto undeads or whatever?
They look like the genuine undeads
Completely different, uh pixel arts not really
I mean like uh
It looks whatever it doesn't look like it doesn't look pfp able to me. Anyway, that's not true
That's okay. Who's wearing it right now. Let me look at the audience
Well, I don't know about our audience specifically
But if you go to a lot of this is all of web 3 in your chat usually around this time
so like no there's there's a
Look at if you go to dollis post or the crypto undead post and you scroll now 20 layers below
And I don't see a single one who has one
Well, dude, like a lot of the people in our community have been rocking at their same pfps for a long time or switch very rarely
Like it people are not gonna for the most part
You're not gonna have like og community members or like people who've been in the space for a while
Just like switching to a crypto undead on day one. Like did you get a whitelist spot?
I did I minted I sold it
Oh, okay. What'd you sell it for?
Would you buy it for?
3 i'm into that. That's good
But I but I genuinely like the art. I just I don't know by the way
Go sorry go on
I mean, I said so I said this yesterday because I I told people yeah
Even did a yesterday the day before that I minted and sold and i'm very appreciative that I was able to win for the record
So, um, thank you to the people. Yeah, guess who's men you miss motherfucker
You piece of shit. Um, by the way naveen
I did something that I wasn't happy about but I did it because like my artists are pricey. I just give them the money I
Do you guys call it minted or inscribed? I don't know what the fuck I got one of those ninjas too
And I did flip it
But I do feel good that I gave trevor 1600 bucks because I feel like he for sure deserves it
Which I don't have to trevor. I just
I was just like busy like i'll probably regret flipping it honestly because I feel like trevor like has a real business
But it is
Trevor is highly motivated
The number one thing with any founder is you want to back people who just will blow through fucking walls
That's thunder lizard that is that is
That is what it's all fuck you nb. That's what it's all about. What's wrong with the
Mascastle you
You have to you have to bet on people that are just willing to do whatever the fuck it takes and trevor
Is a motherfucker who doesn't sleep. This is a guy who will do whatever the fuck it takes
So that in my opinion
What you need to be in order to be successful in any business. It doesn't matter whether it's you know
This industry or any other industry
But just i'm sorry, i'd be i was just teasing you just to just to be clear. The only reason I flipped it is because
Making my own pfp. I got a you know, i'm on a balling on a budget
It's what how that works
So, you know like any chance to flip is good
But honestly if I if I didn't feel like I needed the capital to pay artists and creators
I would absolutely hold it because I I think I think his mint is going to do very well and he already has a software business that
Is operating before this so I think that he's going to do quite well
What what what did I do the thing he did this morning
Uh, I give him be money
He's spot i'm sponsored by jonah
All right. Hold on
What is going on here? Can you hold this other device?
In your hand for two seconds. Why in the world would you give this man funding?
I mean if anything we should be taking funding away
Someone find this wallet. Um
What did you sponsor him for I don't even understand what you sponsor would
Jonah what the fuck he said something funny about yuga. So I gave him money for it
You tipped him
He said he sponsored me. It's a little different
I uh, he said something funny about other side regarding a game that I represent
Uh, and I just sent him 250 bucks because I thought it was funny. That's insane
That's why you should play nifty island motherfuckers
Bro, see here's the problem is like you have people giving nb 250 bucks go
Mint gentle tornadoes thing go give 250 bucks to that
Yes, 100 go go go do that
Fuck i'm out of jewel pods. I'm about to become a giant asshole
I do want to say this though jonah. I think you're absolutely right about the flipping point. I think it's a
It's a good take I cannot stand people who just
They're like dissing on the flips dude. Let people flip it's good for everybody
The only reason I feel bad is because I like I actually think trevor is a real founder
Otherwise, I wouldn't give a shit like I flip things all the time
But like people who actually build shit I like uh, like damn like really i'm gonna flip this thing
I'm not a trader. Like I should make that very clear. I'm a bad trader
I i'm someone who like commits the long term to things and i'm very like dead set on what I do
Like i'm a that's just how I am. I'm not a day trader. It's just not my it's not my
Knowledge base. So when I flip something, I don't care about I don't care
But if it's someone that I respect it, it does irritate me
I mean, I don't know. I like like I flipped to the crypto on dad. I mean
Yeah, I don't respect them
So I wouldn't care
a student observation jonah another just knock out of the park
Take jaleep. You really are lucky to have him here. He is such a gem
I'm not sponsoring him to be nice. It was just because he's playing nifty island. I don't condone
This whatever he's doing here. This is not what I paid for by the way. You got three more likes
That's two more than you required
Say no one's counting go go feel free to leave to let someone else go up and speak i'm gonna do that right now
Bye, leave
All right, and i'm not gonna i'm just being
You know, I would have been here for an hour. I've had my time. Goodbye. Y'all
All right, i'm gonna remove you just so you can say that you didn't leave on your own accord. Um, okay
We're going over to agent. Love you and me
By the way, I didn't I didn't realize your bio director of vibes of fuzzy penguins
Um, so good to have you up here, dude. I want a job like that's so bad
I don't want to run a company. Can I just be director bro, please? I'm
By the way director of vibes is I mean you're basically it's 2021 director of vibes
Yeah, you're that was d's role for a long time. Yeah. Well d's d's is the one he has fired
pioneered it. Um
I also like money to smoke weed
Dude, wow, I missed that bank nfts and smoking weed man
I think i'm gonna change
I'm gonna change my role
From ceo to director of vibes that would relieve me of a lot of responsibility. Wow, please dude
It was so great
Look, I prefer all right. All right. Well officially officially i'm a community lead, but I hate the term. Never mind
That's terrible. I don't want that
What's the the little beyond you know below the
It's listen listen for me the term community lead, I mean it just leaps over to uh
Discord mod, you know like the two are synonyms. So I don't like being called a discord mod
So I was sitting there one day and I was like, you know, what do I really do here?
And I said I direct the vibe. So it's a
Self-given title, that's good. That's actually great. I love that description. I support that
Thank you. Thank you. I really appreciate that. I came up here, uh for one point of order
But i've gathered a couple more first off leap
Thanks for the follow back. I've been hunting for that for like a year and a half
I guess I wasn't worth your follow. Uh, you know a year ago, but now that my profile picture is fine luxury art
Uh, you know, it's deserving of a follow. So I I really respect that uh, man of principle really love that
Second point of order second point of order. I joined this space
Because of the title because of the title lo and behold there was no talk in the title
But I didn't join just because I saw the word pudgies. I joined because I saw the word pudgies misspelled
Misspelled we do not pluralize pudgies with the ies
Okay, when people go right we go left pudgies is p u d
That is the plural form of pudgies. I would like for you to respect the spelling
Uh, get it right if you're gonna farm
For listeners using our name. That's really it. That's all I wanted to add to the conversation. You can do your spelling bro
All right, I changed the title
Um, I I hopefully I spelled it correctly here
Yeah, that's uh, that's close enough
I i'm losing I'm not really good with my hands at these days. Um,
Okay. Well, look agents get to have you up here and look I think director
Of obviously really important role within a company. I do think the meta is that it changes to cro chief riz officer
Um, so that is probably the next iteration of this entire thing also
Love the pudgy
The red background makes it pop and it is fine art. You are absolutely right. It is immaculate fine art and um
But I don't think there's anybody who never who ever disliked the pudgy art
I think that was one thing was kind of universal is that people did like the art just easy
It's cute so and and so forth. Um, I also like how you have yours a little bit misplaced to the left
Just like gives it a different vibe
I think that's pretty cool
Zeneca did something similar with his eighth back in the day. I've always kind of liked when people
Changed the crop. It's just interesting
But like how does it feel like pudgy's 18 1920 e like you're part of the company
Like how are the the conversations internally tomorrow? We have the space with luka and vedon
So I have a ton of questions for them. But for you, I mean, do you feel differently? What are you thinking now?
Are you approaching this?
So I have to uh, be careful with my words here
And uh, honestly, I thought when we got here, uh, the dopamine levels would be
Way way higher. I thought it would be crazy when we hit
10th, I thought it would be nuts when we hit 15. I didn't expect them to happen. Wait, what?
They're when are we 15 since when that's kind of their 20 years
Yeah, wow, we're almost at 20, but uh, wow
That's a new years ago two years ago when we were down bad and you know
Everyone was hosting space spaces just dunking on us
That's when I bought one agents. That's fucking right. You you're a real one
You're that's because naveen that's because naveen's a real one and he had one and and I believed in lucas
Lucas hustle. So yeah, I still have it. I'm just repping trevor today
Well, yeah, I know I know I know I like trevor
So uh, but agents I just feel like the pudgy community is zana at this point
Like they're just like we love our penguins. The floor price keeps going up, but we're just we're chilling with these penguins
I mean, I honestly think um, I think that's one of the contributing
Factors to why we're we're doing what we're doing and I just uh, I just posted a a pretty good refresher for anyone who's
Unfamiliar or hasn't been been following the project because I understand, you know
You can't really keep up with every project announcement that's happening in the space
It's it's unrealistic. So I got a refresher on my twitter there if you want to look at it
But for the longest time all these ups and downs this roller coaster that pudgy penguins has had
Uh, the flippers get in and then the flippers get out and every time that happens
I feel like we picked up, you know a few more people who
A love the art or love the community or a combo of both or they have conviction in the vision
Or what lucas and the team are building?
Um, and eventually I just think that hit
Critical mass and it's you know more more pudgies
Are in the hands of the people who are really holding for the long term?
And and I just think we're seeing a result of that among other things posted a big long tweet about
Everything going on with pudgies for people who are
Who are living under a rock and that's not even really scratching the surface. It was just
Stream of stream of consciousness. So go check that out
And I appreciate that. So is the token going to be on arbitrum or optimism?
Listen I can confidently say that there is no plans for token
Um any of your favorite showfluencers who are saying everything's being driven by insider speculation on a token like you
You know the posts. Um
This is me saying this there are absolutely no plans for a token
this is just a result of hard hard work and
Consistency and an absolutely amazing
amazing community of holders
I also agree, um, but optimism and arbitrum both said there were no plans for a token in release
I mean, that's the meta, right? Like that's what you have to do if you're launching an l2 if you're launching an l1
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
There's not gonna be a token but everyone knows there's gonna be a token and by the way, bro
You are overstepping leap
I'm telling you that's how it works
anyway, um
By the way, you want to know how it works?
I mean spill the cabal. Can I finish my take and then you can say the cabal insider? Okay. Okay
I'll say this
I don't think token like I I hate this. Um
If there is a token if there's not a token
Let's just move that away to the side
It does not take away from the fact that pudgies have an amazing community have proven themselves over years have stuck together
Like they have a lot going for them and the token talk should not be
Negative connotation or like some sort of sentiment that is not positive towards it
Like I I actually think it's ridiculous when people say oh, it's spec people are speculating on a token ergo
There's not real value within the brand. I think that's actually ridiculous
Now if there is a token dude, if anybody's going to make one work, it's going to be luca
I'm just speculating you call it whatever it is, but i'm just so let me say this
if you look at
Projects who have dropped token and you look at the motivations behind it
A lot of what it distills down to is that there is no revenue coming in from outside web 3
Blur meta completely killed royalties. So there was no revenue coming in or vastly reduced revenue. Okay
Pudgy penguins is not like that
We have millions and millions of dollars worth of toy sales through big retailers like walmart. We don't need these huge
For lack of a better term extraction events, so I will say
There are no current plans for token. Wow
And I think this I think it's uh disingenuous to compare us to
Other projects that and i'm not saying you're disingenuous
The motivations that cause projects to launch tokens that everyone would compare us to speculatively those motivations do not exist within pudgy penguins
Yeah, I I didn't compare it even once to other products
Like as I said, no i'm talking in the general sense the the chatter on the timeline, right?
Everyone's looking at everyone else who's who's dropped a token without looking they're looking at what happened not why it happened
No, I 100 I 100 agree. I think it's a good take and
Like I said it before I was I said it in thread space and maybe it doesn't make sense
But it's like if you eat cup noodle ramen every day
And then you just like assume that all ramen is fucking bad
And then you've never had like good ramen. It's the same thing with these tokens
I think they're incredibly hard to make work
But if they do work, they can be very powerful tools
Especially if you have like a gaming ecosystem and products and merchandise and all these different things. So it's like fuck it
Like the connotation or like of course, there's been projects that have extracted with them so on and so forth
But there's still a strong crypto tool
That's why people have that's why tokens exist because they they can work if done right
It's just an incredibly hard thing to do and I think if there is a token and I have no insider information at all
If there is a token, I think pudgies are the ones to make it work
Um, and I just like don't think it should be fucking like this negative connotation around it
Like people aren't buying pudgies because they're cool because the arts
Very interesting and accessible to a lot of people people love penguins. They have pudgy world. They have the merge
Luca is a total killer knows how to speak has good presence
The team is filled with cracked people as well. Like there's so much to love about pudgies
And I just like wouldn't take it out
Like if people want to speculate that there's a token like fuck it like let them speculate it's part of the game. Listen, they could
Speculate all they want and I kind of keep myself
um intentionally
Out of a lot of conversations because I I host the holder only meetings the inner igloos on the discord
Which happened every other week for the past two years and it's it's kind of better the less I know
So in my putting my holder hat on okay
I know what pudgy penguins wants to accomplish. They want to be the ip the face of web3
We want a ton of licensed products all licensed penguins. We got overpass coming out
We want to give holders royalties and licensing deals. We want to create an ecosystem where brands
outside of pudgy penguins want to license holders ip's we want to empower holders
to license their ip outside of pudgy penguins to other web2 brands or other web3 brands and
With that in mind
The the question becomes does dropping a token is it cutting off your foot to spite your face or however the that
colloquialism goes and with my holder hat on I would say that uh
You know wouldn't be the time wouldn't be in need. Um, and don't speculate or expect it
Well, I I think speculation can be good, um, but I also agree
I probably not the right time to do it but like if they did it's just like to me not something to fud like what?
Let me try to put like the whole point of people
Experimenting in this space and building cool shit is they want to build big world changing crazy shit
Like if if people want to do safe stuff, this is not the industry to do it in
I'm just like tired of this sentiment of like everybody who's like trying to like so what if there's a token whatever whatever like
Like can I finally say my token thing? Yeah. Yeah, just tell us how the cabal works. Wow
It's not how the ball works. It's how tokens work. It's very simple
Tokens have three purposes
governance or mutual incentives
ethereum in and of itself is a token
Why is ethereum a token? Well in ethereum it's more of an incentive and of course
Payment structure type token where you actually have to use it to move things around on chain
But anything beyond a layer one token that doesn't have anything to do with governance decentralization
Structuring these giant entities that are building protocols with lots of engineers and the complexities of u.s
Legal structure and all the bullshit bullshit bullshit that we don't have to talk about. Um, most tokens
And mind you i'm not ashamed to hate on ape coin
Um as both the yuga investor and og ape holder
It was structured
And generally the incentives were wrong. I wouldn't even say it was the founder's choice
I think that there were a lot of problems a lot of problems with a lot of that that stuff that happened later
Compared to early apes. The reality is that tokens are actually very very very high risk
for a high quality founder
To do in the short term
um tokens only make sense when you have a shit set of people using something
Or when there's governance structure
That is necessary for the thing to operate aka a protocol
In most cases nft projects do not need tokens because the nfts themselves are tokens
They are value occurring you can enable all the things that a fungible token would with one with with an nft with one exception
Um fractionalization
Right, um, and that is in the actual standard
Um aka wallet address on one side unit number on the other equals nft
Whereas for fungible its wallet address on one side balance on the other side of the spreadsheet, right?
And so you can accomplish pretty much anything you'd want to with a fungible token
With an nft when it comes to community utility, etc. The only thing that's a little bit harder is
true decentralized governance where you have you know a holder that owns a certain amount of avay for instance
And has the right because they have so much of the governance token to veto the collateralization of a new asset on the d5 protocol
Which does happen all the time in which case an nft doesn't do as good of a job
As you know this kind of large balance that allows for more decentralization, right? Because if you have a token with a multi-billion supply
Um that inherently and and of course you can own that token to to a to a many decimal place
I believe it's anywhere between 16 and you know, it's sort of customizable as an erc 20
I don't I don't believe there's an actual standard decimal, but someone can correct me
Now you have the ability to get as many people involved as possible. Whereas with an nft inherently
There's a more limited number and so the decentralization reach is lower, but the community effect is higher
Right. And so again, there are only three purposes for a token pure speculative bullshit governance or mutual incentives
That's all
I wanted to say
Oh, that was a banger well reasoned
Yeah, that was a banger we're all going in jail
Okay, we are okay
Maybe you for sponsoring nb
Um, please that's charity
That's that's charity is crazy
Um, no, I think it's a good point. Wow, and um
Do you so like do you have any examples at the top of your head of like nft projects dropping tokens that?
Maybe like in an interesting way that could make sense. Um
Well, hold on so let me give you the vision let me give you the vision for what the royal token could be
But like when I say that I mean this is like any present prison let's go
Well, yeah, definitely. I mean today 1000 percent prison, but um, no, just kidding. Um, this is a recording space
I can't say shit like that. But I said, you know, hold on. Hold on. If you guys are listening, it's i'm actually
Okay. Okay. Okay, don't okay. So so let let me so if I if I could
The original vision for royal and you know still might hold may hold true today
Is like us as a company
Doesn't want to be an arbiter of
Truth between artists and fans when it comes to investing
So if an artist actually owns or sorry if a fan actually owns a piece of an artist
Should we the company?
Control the relationship the answer is no that's the whole reason why I got into crypto in the first place
Is when that when that relationship is not controlled in a web2 interface or with a web2 database?
Right where I own as an intermediary the information of all the users
That interact with between a fan and an artist which is like basically how instagram and spotify and all these companies work
It's the biggest disenfranchisement to any creator is we create all this value for the advertisers
But we capture none of the data and so the top one percent of my spotify listeners
I don't know who they are. I can't contact them crypto sort of solves this problem
In a lot of ways and that's why I got excited about crypto in the first place
Um, but sort of in the second wave. So long story short like what could a music decentralized token look like?
Um, well if everything was being paid out on chain and anyone could invest in any artist
They wanted to a token could theoretically be governance for the policies of transparency
For the policies of payout periods and you could have a community decide all the rules in a similar way to a dao
of how these tokens interact with
You know how what the rules of the nfts are now
This works uniquely for a situation like royal where the assets are actually backed by revenues that exist off chain
And a decentralized governance mechanism might actually add value to
An ecosystem of assets that have revenues that are occurring off chain
This is not necessarily true of a fucking pfp where the nfts themselves
Could create like could create the same governance mechanisms as a fungible token
The reason why it works in in a revenue backed model
Is because you might have participants that
That may not even own any music assets, but want to participate in the economy separately and let me give you a specific example
There's a great protocol called zero x splits
Someone can deposit money into a contract and then there are owners of the money that's in that escrow contract
But anyone can pay to unlock it and earn a fee and what that creates is an interesting gas efficient
world where
like quite literally
Membots and or arbitrageurs can go and depending on the gas prices get everyone the most money including themselves
This is sort of how um, not to get too deep on this topic
But and I would if anybody's interested in this stuff
Zero x splits is a pretty incredible protocol that enables you to do this where like you as the payor into the escrow contract
Aren't necessarily necessarily responsible for paying the gas to everyone else
But someone else can come in and snipe it depending on what gas optimization strategy they use
This is like pretty like high level shit
But that that's one reason why a token a sort of governance token or a fee token
When there's other fees flying around is interesting because you don't necessarily need to own an nft
To participate in the economy of that protocol this actually happens in defy all the fucking time by the way
um, but in in a sort of like
consumer driven, um
Like nft nft project like pudgy penguins like the governance token
Theoretically could exist to vote on like things that happen with the ip but you could do all the same thing with nft, right?
Like there's no there's no real revenue moving around now in the event that the regulatory environment in the united states changes
And all pudgy penguin participants actually got a rev share in the physical toy sales
A fungible token actually could make sense for a lot of different reasons
um, or in the context of a game
yes, fungible tokens can make sense for in-game currency and if you want to be able to make that in-game currency composable or um,
Truly like tradable outside of the in-game ecosystem. That's like interesting, right? Like there are all these different
Separate cases, but in general
Unless there is a like cash revenue specific product that's being shared amongst nft holders
There's typically little reason for a fungible token because the nft accomplishes all the same things with governance on-chain
and that is
So, how do you think like just for the sake of a fun conversation, um, like if they were to roll one out
How do you think they would do it?
And for what purpose? Well, like I said in the event that like
Owning a pudgy means and again, this is like not legal today. Um
In in when I say that I mean like in the united states and and many question marks because there's so much happening
There's a lot of innovation happening on capital hill right now where I think like we're going to be in a way more friendly environment
in like again
If pudgy owners could participate in the revenue that pudgy as a as ip generated
Outside of any blockchain infrastructure, then a governance token could make sense for a number of different reasons
that said
What like why did ape coin even come into existence because of the context of the game which also makes sense now
In theory, right?
I don't know if it ended up that way in practice and and some of the
Pitches for ape coin that I heard at the time were were were misguided by non-crypto people that were on the team
People were saying oh, yeah
People are going to be able to use ape coin and spend it everywhere
And like that was the original thesis of coinbase that they abandoned very very early on in the coinbase days
The original thesis of coinbase before it was an exchange by the way was
People are going to use bitcoin for consumer products and we want to build the infrastructure for payments
With bitcoin like that was the original idea for coinbase before it did anything else and um
Obviously that didn't end up being the idea that worked out now. They have a lot of ideas that currently work all that said
okay, like
it's like a five-hour conversation to talk about token economics and like
Governance and like why it works really well in defi
Especially for uniswap as a really I would say uniswap is like my favorite example of how tokens should happen
When you really dive into the uniswap story
It is the most in my opinion is one of the most perfectly launched
All things when I say perfect
I mean like I should say well
Well-informed launch tokens in existence where your reward was a function of how much liquidity you were pulling for a for how much time
Right, and it was all mathematical and algorithmic
No, like grinding for fucking whitelist bot bullshit or like airdrop this based on how much you traded on this
Like no, it was none of that. It was how long have you actually been participating and how much money did you put up?
Mathematically, you know, obviously, I I know like some of the airdrops that have happened or sort of built that way
But uniswap really originated that concept
I should say in a really powerful
special way now the interesting thing about that is when you bring in external investors
and and there's a protocol and there's also
Equity in this in this entity, right and that is the case for pudgy, right?
Like there's there's real equity in the ip of pudgy penguins and then there are also these token holders, right?
And so you have this like weird dilemma of like do the equity holders in the brand earn a pro rata share of whatever
Token could exist and let me tell you that is not how it works for yuga
Which will piss me off to the end of time
As an early supporter and as still i'm still a very big supporter of apes
But I was very disappointed in that in that discrepancy because that is typically how it works with private
Company investments in crypto is you you typically get some pro rata share of a token if you invest in the equity
And those things are sometimes treated similarly, especially if it's decentralized defy protocol
They're sometimes treated differently if it's you know
A marketplace like an open sea for instance
Um, but usually a founder who starts a crypto company says I don't know if we're going to do a token
But in the event that we think it's a good idea in the future
This is how much you get and that's in the initial agreement for investment in any of these private companies for for the most
This is like a very modern version of investing in a crypto company
Whereas like six years ago
You just buy a token and hope it gets listed on the fucking centralized exchange and that you could fucking trade out of it
And that was like ico era of 2017
I'm trying to get as much information out as possible because this is like a very very big question
It is very very difficult to answer but for the most part for the most part tokens need to be used
For them to actually for to get especially fundable tokens, right?
For them to exist really in a way that makes sense governance. I would say is the number one
Financial incentives community and fees
Are like also part of it and number two
And then speculation is really what ends up happening most
of the fucking time
Okay, so maybe I want to appreciate the information
Um, but wait, but wait also the the avay example is my favorite which is which is if you own avay token
Right, like some like stani started avay avay is decentralized lending protocol
Or maker maker is another good example. If you own maker dao token you have the right to vote on how the decentralized protocol works
And what makes that vote more decentralized is the fact that it's not a 10 kpfp collection
But rather the amount of tokens you own influences your voting power
And so if you have millions of dollars locked up and collateralized in a defy protocol and someone
Proposes that they want to collateralize cross collateralized assets with this new
Fucking token that like nobody really knows about all the people that control the governance token can vote that out
Of happening out of existence, right? So like this happened a lot my friend's company barnbridge
Was actually I think excluded
From a like a vote excluded it to be a collateralized asset on avay
Even though the founders were actually friends with each other
So like the cool social vibe didn't work
the actual owners of the protocol decided not to make barnbridge a
Collateralized asset on avay this happened like maybe four years ago
I don't even remember if I can remember what happened, but like that is a good thing that is that is proof that the protocol is decentralized
With pfps
It's really hard to think of an example of like that working. Does that make sense?
No, that makes sense and the beans hand. Yes popped up right in the middle of that. I mean, what do you think?
The governance thing is like one of those things that
You know, it sounds like a good idea on the surface
But then when you actually look at it, you know, no one actually participates like, you know, uniswap has a billion
Tokens circulating around but if you actually look at it the number of people that actually like participate in governance is like
Around here. Can I pause you for a second? I mean i'm i'm just i'm just saying like i'm not saying
I'm saying the reason for a token to exist versus like what actually happens
Yeah, fair enough fair enough. Yeah, I mean I just think like
ethereum I think is like and the like the history of ethereum I think is maybe the best example versus uniswap
Sure fair enough. Yeah, I just I you know
I just uh
You know i've never ever
Believed in the dao thing, you know at all
people just don't have
Enough interest, you know, they just don't have enough
reason to spend the time to like read the proposals and pay fucking attention and and then you end up with these, you know, like
Essentially governance ponzi's of like oh, well i'm not gonna vote i'm gonna delegate it to andreason and andreason's gonna vote for me
It's like, you know with all the ens shit, you know, it's like aka the u.s. Political system. Yeah
Yeah, yeah, but I mean at least in the u.s. Political system like
People are talking about it all the time and you know, obviously like the amount of participation, you know
Far exceeds the participation of every fucking protocol that exists in our god forsaken space
Um, but yeah, I just think that you know
The whole dao thing is basically a failure
Um, you know broadly speaking the governance stuff. It's like a very small number of people actually control
You know any of these votes like if you wanted to go in and
You know like basically vote for anything you want on uniswap you basically acquire
You know what three percent of the tokens or four?
I guess on the flip side of that i've actually actually participated as an audience
Dao voter as like an you know, like I don't know like I but like I get I agree
I agree with you and that like I do think participation is low. However
Like original ethereum situation may be an exception to that rule
All i'm saying though is like the reason
Well, what do you what do you mean?
Vitalit called for the rollback. I mean like there is no governance in ethereum
Just taking a taking a second
That let's rewind for a quick second
The reason for token to exist especially from a corporate structure
right, like if you want to build a protocol and
attempt to
Make that protocol run in the most decentralized way possible
Did vitalik have the influence to make something happen the way a politician does even though the poll
You can never say that trump or biden actually
Control every heart and mind in the united states though. The media might help right like I guess what i'm saying is
The reason what leap asked is why should a token exist? Sure. Sure
And the theoretical reason is to maximize the degree of decentralization and control of a protocol
Such that someone like vitalik wouldn't have all the control of the future of the thing
Yeah, you probably need a token that that that's all i'm saying
100 percent and and i'm not here to debate the value of tokens as it relates to things like nakamoto consensus or
other things that you know
actually makes sense, you know, I
you know obviously have my
strong points of view as it relates to things like proof of stake and
You know dows and other things where I just think it tends to be flimsier, but
Um, yeah, I mean i'm completely with you
You you obviously laid out the various reasons why someone may want to have a token. Um, I was just you know
Calling out the the fact that dal participation tends to be miserable and you know, I think always will be miserable
Like the optimist in me says I hope it's not always miserable, but I agree with you that in the most in most cases it
is today, I think
Smaller dows have a better shot like a hundred thousand dal. Sure easier than
The more decentralized it is I think I tend to agree that like the more decentralized something is the harder
incentivizing participation can become well, yes, so I you know, and i'm not trying to be mr
pessimist here, I I think your point is
Really well stated that when it's a smaller very mission-aligned group of people
You know where it really is a true community of people
That want to actually like, you know
Have a say and have a vote for something that they all you know, that's a shared belief system
Yeah, of course, you're gonna have a much higher
You you may have a much higher participation rate and that tends to work better
But when you have you know a bunch of you know
crypto people who are you know
gambling in the sky casino and receiving air drops
And not really paying attention because it's not worth their time to pay attention
There's no real genuine upside to paying attention. You know that that's where I think the whole
concept tends to fall apart
I'm sorry. I didn't unmute. Um, yeah, yeah, yeah and and and you know
Look, I I you know what i've been saying look a lot because the leap says it i've just adopted some leapisms
I guess just my final thought on this is like I just fucking love crypto. It's so fucking powerful
It really is. I mean all the events that are happening in the fucking mainstream right now
I'm just like just laughing being like
Ah, man, fucking jamie diamond motherfucker. I bank with these motherfuckers
I've been banking with these motherfuckers for years and guess what they are finally
Saying satashi instead of satoshi on the fucking live television, you know what I mean? Like
I mean listen, listen
Tokens and blockchains are just sort of at least for me for nine years now
And I mean i've known you for almost seven of them that i've been involved in this shit
I mean if you can go so far back, it's so fun to hang out on spaces
From fucking really long. I mean if he goes back even fucking farther than I do he seemed way more shit than I have but like
Blockchains are just hope for
A better version of the future than that than could ever exist in web 2
right like web 2 like existing databases
And privacy issues and all these things like they have very specific limitations because we built the internet on this weird
with this weird framework of like
Email login who owns the data who re-hypothecates it for advertising?
How much privacy is there like all these questions?
Like we built the internet in a certain way and the internet's only been around
I mean the internet's actually been around for like seven years, but the way we know the internet's only been around for let's call it
Uh 30 maybe right like the way we know the internet's only been around for 30 years
We just built it a certain way that we're now we have tech debt
like human collective has tech debt in the internet because we built it in in a way that
Unfortunately gives power to all the people in the middle and not to the people that make the internet possible
Aka the information providers the creators all that stuff and the financial system even right like like let's be real also
The most important the financial system which was built on the internet
And now you see money in your bank account when you log into chase or when you log into bank of america
And they show you this number that's in your bank account. Let's say it's
4000 and guess what bank only has 400 of those dollars
And do you know how many people have money in checking accounts earning zero percent interest while banks are earning five percent interest on your money?
Um to the tune of 2.2 trillion dollars of american citizens money is sitting in checking accounts earning zero interest
Which is the biggest fucking ponzi scheme of all fucking time and crypto just gives us hope that there's a different world out there
And that's why we're all here
priestly preach
Well, go right to some of these things. I appreciate you meaning. Wow
Uh, I want to go to quickly back to agents agents. What do you think about this? You've been uh,
You're listening, bro. I think well, that was like a like a gig of brain
Um, i'm gonna try and dissect a couple things
That he said first off and I know you were responding to to leap's question about uh
What scenario would work for a token first off?
I don't think any sort of dao structure
For penguins would ever be able to accomplish what penguins have done with their lean scrappy team at the top
Stuff like the walmart deal the collectible drops. I mean, I could not imagine a dao of what's our we're at
4000 holders even if only 10
holders even if only 10 of them were actively involved 450 people I do not think they would
have the organization or the
engagement to pull off
um, you know getting getting the molds and the forms and and shipping shipping the toys and
Striking the deal with walmart in the first place so utility out the window
Or uh governance rather out the window for any sort of token
The second point I just wanted to bring up is I feel like
And and I was a d gen and a flipper and a trader way before
Pudgy penguins. I use the term trader loosely. I lost a lot of money. Um
A lot of the other nft projects who have dropped tokens
It almost to me feels like they've been
uh reactive
Reactive drops of a token from inside pressure from the community like devs do something and like hey
Let's we're gonna drop a token or they have nothing else in the pipe and it's like hey, we're gonna drop a token
There's a not so small contingent of core pudgy penguin holders who absolutely do not want to see a token
And this is act we love being trailblazers and and being the first ones to do it
But this is kind of where it's to our benefit not being the first one
We've seen how this has gone down with other projects. So uh, I just want to reiterate the point as right now
There's no internal pressure from the holders to drop a token
There's no plans to drop a token and another point
What relieves a lot of that pressure is early on pudgy penguins had a not so small contingent
Of ct backing them and what this has resulted in two and a half years down the line is we have
penguins in position of power at existing protocols new protocols, I mean layer zero
All penguins the new dimension protocol
So when these tokens come out and and they say hey, you know, i'm part of this really great community
I've been a part of this community for years because so and so got me in
I'm going to give an allocation to the penguins that almost releases a lot of pressure on the pot
That would cause any other team to uh
To you know kind of snap react and release a token and I think that's a that's a benefit that we have
That's kind of unique to pudgy penguins
I think that's a great point actually
There are a lot of high ranking
We really establish people within the industry that all rock pudgies as their pfp, which is definitely something to not discredit
like a very important thing now in regards to the token, uh, I mean
I look at tokens and um
I'd say like tokens and maybe you could just apply this crypto as a whole
But like tokens are kind of like a piece of paper
Like most people look at a piece of paper and they just like write on it
Maybe they draw on it
But there was one mf or that folded that shit up and turned it into an airplane and threw it
And like I look at tokens the same way
Like there is going to be somebody who just figures out
There is a way to use these things in an interesting manner. That isn't just the traditional structure
That isn't just a traditional incentive start
Like there's going to be somebody who figures out how to do this
And you know, maybe it's luka. Maybe it's on who knows
Wait, can I just shout out one more thing because you made me think of it
And then I promise I'll shut up
There's a great application that one of my buddies built that i've been using for almost five years
He's he's pretty he's really young. I think he's still under 26 years old. He's an og
like super og
Solidity dev who built this this thing called poly market and what poly market is is it's a prediction market that that exists on chain
You can go bet on the election. You can go bet on anything you want
You can also put liquidity in these markets that sort of exist on their own version of an amm
And it's an amazing product. It really is incredible
And it's it's starting to pop off again now because it's an election year last election year. This is like pre-nft cycle
Um, it was one of the coolest consumer crypto products
I thought existed but at the time there were way more limitations on like wallet structures and usd
It was all usdc based not ethereum based. It's pretty complex. Um, and I think this I think it was on polygon back then
I'm, not sure
Anyway, so like it's starting to pop off again because it's an election year and like one example of governance
That's that I think is is was actually one of the og
Applications of a token back in the day the first token on ethereum, um augur
Which was quite literally a token meant to
Regulate the outcome of a prediction market makes total sense and let me explain if trump really wins the election
Um who decides that that's true in a decentralized way without an oracle linking to the real world?
What is the source of truth of an outcome?
with an on-chain prediction market, well
um token holders
Of of this governance token would be incentivized to
Vote in the correct direction of reality and at the time when augur started and if you guys are curious
You should look it up. There's not really that many great ways to link truth
Um in in a way that makes sense and so this token sort of served as a truth mechanism
For prediction markets around like what what actually happened and who bet on what and prediction markets
I think in general are pretty useful
But that's that's just an example of and I highly encourage you guys to check out poly market if you're into this shit
I think it's an incredible
Crypto application it's like that's an example of like where decentralized governance and voting actually makes sense
Because the source of truth is everyone versus a singular media source and we've seen how that can backfire in recent time
I'll add one more thing before leap gets to some other hands here. You said one other uh reason for a token outside of uh,
Governance was he had a protocol or product that a lot of people are using and it makes sense. So I will say
Oh, no, I don't I don't think I said that
Some to that effect right mutual incentives mutual incentives. Yeah, mutual mutual incentives, right? A lot of people are using the protocol
I would think way far in the future hypothetical if it ever happened and again, no plans for it
Uh, it probably wouldn't be something like staking or nesting or whatever
Um, they are building pudgy world which a lot of people don't know about they're they're building a massive online game
Um all tied into the toys being sold in walmart. So
We'll add that but we're not there yet
Why do I feel like a game is an inevitability for all these companies? We're a lot of them at least
Well for pudgy pudgies
It just makes sense because we wanted to ship the physical products and this whole
By the way the whole idea for for pudgy world and the interaction and i'll explain it for anyone who has not bought a pudgy toy
At a walmart or five below or wherever else they're sold is you buy the toy
And inside the toy whether it's a plushie one of the blind boxes one of the vinyl collectibles
There's a qr code
And you scan the qr code and what happens is you go to pudgy world calm and you actually get a penguin arm avatar
It creates a polygon wallet for you. The penguin avatar itself is it
It's like a soul bound token and you claim the qr code and it gives you a bunch of traits
To dress up your penguin to use in pudgy world and this whole idea actually came around from one of those holder only meetings
That I was talking about where we needed some way to tie the physical products
Into web 3 so without anybody realizing it because it's a very very seamless process when you tie when you claim these straights
Uh, we're onboarding a ton of people to web 3 whether they know it or not if they want to dive deeper, you know
You claim the claim the trait snorkels or you know, uniswap unicorn. We got a whole bunch of different collection
traits in there from other nft projects and uh
And you can go sell that trait if you want to if you're one of the the people who wants to dive
A layer deeper. So it's a really cool
top of funnel mechanism to onboard people into web 3 without the stigma that's attached to terms like
Nft is really
Leap you should do is that's awesome
That's amazing and also and not a lot of people know about it though because we've been flying under the radar for so long
And that's that's the biggest hurdle is educating people about
Everything that's actually going on with the brand
I'm sure there's people listening to this space right now who had no idea that every single physical
Pudgy toy product that you can buy in walmart actually comes with nfts in it
You get I think it's minimum of three polygon trait nfts when you purchase any toy
Any pudgy penguin toy?
You will never know you will never know that nfts are involved
But your traits will be nfts really took a play
Play out of the reddit book with their avatar program
Do the holders get the qr code
If they buy a toy this one
Yeah, you buy the toy, I mean I feel like we've talked about it quite a bit
I think it's interesting you buy the toy you get the code and then you get the traits the different clothing things like that for your
I'm assuming within pudgy world you'll be able to you know, whatever whatever
I know there was the igloos have the golden tickets in them and people were very excited about those too
so it has this gambling sort of
Aspect when it comes to yeah, like it's like buying a pack of pokemon cards
You go buy a pack of pokemon cards, you know what you're gonna get in it
But at least with this at the bare minimum you get a couple
You know different traits so on and so forth and then you also get the physical plushie
Um, so I think it's really cool. And also the price point of it was really cheap. I love klanos
I really really love klanos and I hold klanos. I think it's one of the best art on salana
But their plushies were like after taxes like 75 dollars a piece
So and then and I mean that was I actually have a lot of love for the klanos bro
I brought I bought my girlfriend some shit for christmas. Have you guys heard of a company called jelly cat?
What what does this have to do with
No, i'm just commenting on how expensive plushies are I but
I didn't even really look at how much I spent but I had spent five hundred dollars on this fucking
Tiger that was like a foot long. I don't know. I was like, why the fuck is this thing five hundred dollars?
She just asked me to buy it and I didn't really I just had my assistant do it
Hello the fuck what kind of toy is five hundred dollars?
Anyway, think about this the uh, the cheapest
Toy in walmart is one of those blind igloo boxes
A kid can get a little toy to play with an igloo for a house and three nfts
Like that is an affordable mass appeal product that will actually get web 3 into the hands of millions and millions of people and not
Gated behind a super high price. So I think they
They hit the right on the head agents. I would hire you bro. You're great. You're great director vibes
Shout out to the vibes. I appreciate that brother
Make sure you send send vedant a dm and tell him exactly what you just said verbatim. Please blau, please
Also shout out to vedant. Yo, vedant is so fucking talented and just like just a massive gig of brain
I feel like he he obviously gets a ton of respect, but he deserves every ounce of I mean the dude is just so talented
It's so young too. Just driven
very active always in motion just
He's awesome. He's the best. Um, I go ahead it look he got cooked yesterday on that fit challenge though and lead
I called you out and you know, I never came
It's over. No, no
No, I was with right guy last night too and I told him I was like needed
I was like it'll call me out on this thing and we ended up taking lemon drop shots at a saddle ranch on a Wednesday night
and things
Taking any picture after that was kind of out of the question. That's just another sigh off to dock people don't fall for it
Oh, I also did not have a good fit to show off. So I did not complete the challenge
Yeah agent you you also was shook to jump in the in the field, you know
So yeah, we all know what it is
Well, am I gonna show off my $9 hoodie from H&M get it out of here. I know what the
Speaking of hoodies, I ordered the the pudgy penguin. Oh pep and hoodie. What are these things shipping? It's been like two months
What's going on? Um
To be quite honest, we're big enough that I can say not my department but I can send a message to somebody and
And get an update and you follow me now. So if I DM you the update
You'll actually receive it instead of leaving me on
On inbox rot like I have to be fair if I DMed myself, I probably would ignore it
I just there's too many DMs. You should see my telegram my telegram stresses me to fuck out
It's like 800 messages at any given moment Lee Lee. Oh, I I know I got I got a hundred and ninety thousand followers on
Instagram and a
9,000 person discord myself for my own way. Whoa. Wait Lee and nobody
Telegram can I change your life?
No, I'm not no, I'm not no, I'm not doing that but um, you know that on telegram you can create folders
Yeah, that's actually huge alpha
Separated by my bots my coins. I have all my all my work telegrams in one folder and I never look at the spam
It's so great. I
Did not even a telegram is such a good for me at least a good application. It's much better than Twitter DMS
I don't know what the hell he wants doing but he needs to update our DM system here
But look, I want to throw it to somebody's hands. Appreciate everybody's patience. Welcome to the space
I gotta change the title is not even a good title
If you're enjoying anything about the conversation click the button in the bottom right hand corner and like comment retweet
Look, we're going to the hands
Bro, wait before you go before you go to the hands
If you want to want people if you want to attract more people to the space just make the title music and a tea
Suck do it
No, he's good. This title is farming right now. All right, we'll tell the chef how to cook
Like like pudgies aren't birds or something. Well, I was the worst
I've ever had
Elon Musk bought a
Elon bought a pudgy. Yeah, I ain't gonna lie leave I came in here hot. I'm like, yo, I'm going up on stage
I'm cussing niggas the fuck out the fuck was poppin
Tired of this shit. I'm holding it down for the bunny motherfuckers trying to have bunny tattoo a penguin on his ass and shit
Fuck out of here. I had an emergency meeting today at you good to save the bunny and then you was just farming
Now you found me even harder, okay
Wait, why did you change the title to Basie failed pudgies also lost that's crazy
What's Basie the board a pyrokuma?
What's poor they love I'm Basie to I'm Basie to don't don't don't let them he's one of these BA YC guys
Love you, Ella. Also the man, you know, you're my guy man music industry gang in this bitch
Wait, Ella, do you have you like have you seen a lot of the comparisons about like nifty island and and other silent?
What is your take on I?
Think that it's it's great that um, I love nifty island and I can't wait to play
What's this called shrapnel?
I just think that everybody in this space
Be on some real bozo shit trying to compare shit and pump their bags and try to
Fun other shit in order to pump their bags or get paid to pump something so they shit on something else
It's like a bunch of weirdo bill because the end of the day. It's shit. It's like a echo chamber
There's barely any liquidity in this motherfucker. So for God's sakes
We're every we're all competing against real brands outside of the space
Real games outside of the space and all those brands and real games
They're working ten times harder to shit on all of us in here. They think it's all a joke
So for all of us to compete against each other and shit on each other makes it just ten times more redacted
So that's why when I make my post people like oh your stoops positive and our middle curve
I'm like, bro. Stop saying now all that weirdo shit that middle curve kale. Well, she all sounds stupid as hell
Like stop all that goofy shit
You're not no fucking tech in Silicon Valley board meeting or nothing. You're D gen trading JPEGs on the fucking Internet and
at the end of the day
Lucas the homie Luca had it right like yo was stronger together because all the all the projects from the class of 2021
If we don't think we're gonna have pressure
When these new motherfuckers come in here when it's a real NFT bull market, right?
Everyone that comes in here all these new guns new young guns or new teams
They're gonna shit on all of us. It's gonna be all of the class of 2020 21 competing against them
They're not gonna come in here playing nice
they're not gonna they're gonna be guys to come in here with their whole a web to fan base and a crazy fucking team and
Just come in here like oh we see what this is. You guys are doing this all wrong
Oh, you guys are talking about tokens. You guys are talking about it wrong. You should do this this and this
That's the same thing with any industry music fashion. Once the new wave comes they just shit on the old guard
So that's what I worry about. I don't think about all of me. Let's compete against each other. Nah, let's everybody cook
Yuba does its own thing
Pudgies do their own thing. I'm sharing a zookeys on cuz I fucking love anime and I hope I want to see that anime
Like tomorrow, you know I'm saying and I like to see the doodle starting to wake up
I've seen fucking alien friends made a post today out of nowhere because motherfuckers is getting excited again
You know, they seen the pudgy rally and it's driving momentum because people just got lazy and sat on their ass all
2022 and 2023 so I love that competition and I'm your leap
It's gonna be wild when the next NFT bull market really starts because there's gonna be some cats who come in here
Who cook on another level with brand new recipes and a whole new level of sauce and those are the motherfuckers that we got to really
Not even worry about but be ready for
I agree like
The compare the comparison stuff is exactly like you said, it's just people trying to pump their bags
Also, I totally agree on the middle curve thing. I also say middle curve, but now that you said it
Like there was a switch like six months ago where now middle curve has become something that just is a very popular thing to say
But yeah, that is popular at Sky casino
Yeah, yeah, I like casino. That casino is the realest shit because fuck a bunch of gambling adding
degenerates motherfuckers with little yo
Three months ago. I'm glad that finally thread guy was like yo, you know what? Fuck this shit. Fuck shit coins
Cuz three months ago remember NFTs were dead. Remember that meta fuck NFTs
Motherfuckers will never trade NFTs again. NFTs are dead, bro. NFTs are dead like
All the meta and all the fucking oh, it's fucking stupid like Jesus just cook man. And when teams cook
Disappreciate them. There's no there's no way that there's there's
Not pudgy penguins in the board eight community and vice versa, you know I'm saying
Impossible. There's no way there's not apes and fucking every fucking community because guess what apes wrote the playbook for 99% of the shit
So when you see people doing something outside of that playbook, you've got to applaud it, man
You got to applaud when Luca goes and has his own vision because those are the cast are to coming in here people
Who don't follow some playbook and be like, oh shit. Well, I'm just gonna go to Walmart
I don't care about no road map shit like that. I'm going into Walmart
That's the fly shit and that's the shit you gotta applaud instead of oh, bro
Like no, oh the flippening and the flapping and it's like bro who gives a fuck about that shit because it's toxic
You got people saying all your ugly monkey James. I have to tell golden today like your golden
I know you're a very smart guy, you know I'm saying but the end of the day you're
It feels like he's a lot of people are jaded by
Individuals who were really loud and obnoxious and insufferable because they were part of a project that won
And then they blame you can board a God club for that
They're like, this is some art
You can't blame the team for the people who bought the project and were insufferable to you on the timeline
That's fucking stupid at the end of the day
Apes are fucking historic. You cannot deny the relevance
I don't give a fuck what you say if you're in this space that you really in this space and you're about that life
Of this space you have to give the nod like yo Apes are fucking historic on me
They're relevant. There's no denying it, right?
How many fucking people that even try to talk shit built their whole persona off of owning a board ache?
It's like yo don't think we forgot that shit. So at the end
Yo, I'm not my campaign in my narrative for 2024
I want the OG age to realize I bro just sit back and realize you own a part of history
Like that. I don't see the punk holders sweating shit like they don't
As an ambassador to both as as a member of both I would say they are different
I would say that Apes were the most culturally relevant thing to happen in crypto of all time
I still would say that I would also say that the punk community is very much a
super nerd technical like
Kabbalah type community. They are different but powerful in their own ways. Yeah, but
They don't sweat shit, that's what I'm saying
Lindsay I just want to get this one last point out
What I'm saying is I'm giving flowers to pumps because they don't sweat shit
They don't they don't worry about what H flip them. Some of them were like, oh whatever
But most of them are like, alright cool. We're still we still have the problem
We're still we we're the first PFP pro. Oh, oh, sorry. I miss interpret what you said. Oh, sorry. Yeah. Yeah
I think there's something that you really you're forgetting about
There's something that you're forgetting about punks and also of course you guys think that way because you come from music
So, you know, I see I see like blouse like yeah when you're like you got in you gotta tip the hat
It's cuz when you when you're a musician and you have influences, you're proud to talk about them
It's not like you're not like trying to hide that you took from them. You're actually you're paying respect
You know, and I don't see a lot of that
Happening it, you know, I don't see a lot of that happening
today from from a lot of these projects which is fine, but I come from music too
I work in the music industry a lot and and I love that part of it because I love being able to go back and go
Oh, how did this artist like kind of come up with that and oh that reminds me
Of this and and it just it feels so
Good, you know and the thing that I think is really interesting about punks and I fuck it
I love punks, you know, like I'm gonna be a punk like I think about it all the time
I I just I love it. I just kind of love the vibe maybe cuz I was a punk er
kinda, but I think that the thing that was so
Exciting a couple years ago. Was it a couple years ago when they bought the project and then they were like, here's the IP
I mean that was
that that is the thing that is so
Kind of revolutionary and I know that
It gets dicey and there's rules and there's things and there's things that you know, the holders don't know about because it's going
But didn't they give the IP away? Yeah
Don't know I don't know
So, okay, so here's what I mean, I knew this in advance and of course could not trade on the information
I did, you know theoretically it's totally done. I mean
Actually, I probably could have but I didn't because everybody's my fucking wallet
Everybody sees my wall and everybody wouldn't have been able to see that
I did something about it and I never there've been others. This is not the first circumstance
There have been a couple of us in my time
But what happened was is you got bought
So so like yeah
I mean you get you got as a corporate entity right bought the IP of punks and then basically just assigned it
to the existing tokeners now now like
Theoretically there's been no legal precedent for anything like that happening in history on the IP side
And why why I thought that was so special is to be completely honest
The reason why I got into board apes on mint day is because everyone my little community of like random ass
fringe like NFTs were so not cool even within crypto like my favorite story is I was you know
I've been friends with
one of the co-founders of Coinbase for a really long time who's an investor in my company and every Thanksgiving we get we
We hang out because his grandparents live here in Vegas and I was like what so
What do you think about this is like mid 2020 or November 2020? So even like yes, they're not mid
This is like right. I think it was right before the first people sale. I was like yo
Oat and most Audrey og and crypto you could get mind you I'm like, so what do you what do you think about NFTs in the
Context of art he's like, yeah
I sort of only understand them in the context of a game and like I don't know it feels kind of weird like even the
Crypto the hardcore og crypto motherfuckers with the exception of naveen. He's always been into digital collectibles
Well, some of the most hardcore og crypto motherfuckers did not understand
NFTs at all because the meta before was like crypto kiddies clogged up aetherium. They fucked up aetherium
We don't want these right like that was how it used to be
So but I make now I'm doing a blout a stupid blout thing where I talk forever instead of answering questions
E which is but I didn't answer I didn't really I wasn't actually gonna ask a question
They gave that I want to talk about that that people have forgotten
Because because that is what makes these things so special
True, I don't know
I'm not a pudgy owner and I think like fuck
Yeah, great pudgy like why wouldn't my kids would want pudgy toys?
Like they would I think Jeff actually bought and or his kids bought his kids
The pudgy like he was like, this is cute. They're cute. That makes sense to me
I think that the real struggle that I've been seeing at least is like
Once as a company you give away the IP
When the entire world doesn't do that when all of these come like, how do you exist? How do you survive?
You know, what is next what innovation?
Like how can they inspire us to help again? And I think that I feel like that's kind of what I'm always
Hearing I'm also extremely interested in
You know the proposed tokenomics
structure of your company
the fictitious hypothetical one because
I'm fascinated by it. I think that it could be really interesting
I also think that it's so the music industry is so complex and all the side deals and you would actually have to
Agree that everyone makes the same amount of money
Regardless of like perceived talent and that will get very very dicey
Yeah, I think
I think there is like there's a there's a Mount Rushmore or fuck all that. There's a graffiti wall of
All these projects, you know, I'm saying punks was up there
H is up there and now I love that that the pudgies is up there because I fuck with that team
I fuck with with that. I fuck with fucking Luca
Who is the what's his name? I think Pete
Was mosh-pitting at fuck it Saturday, you know I'm saying they're a bunch of young guns and they trying to end there
They went out and got it. So there that that IP that penguin is up on that graffiti wall now
And you can't take that shit down
It's you know saying they have a concrete community and that's what I love because at the end of the day Lindsay
It's it's at you good. It's boring as fuck to compete with yourself
We've been running a scrimmage against fucking like two years. That's to me. That's for sure
We're not gonna push each other doing that shit. That's why I want it
Do you have to admit that when people when it's the negative talk that gets so annoying because it's like
the only way
instead of them saying something like
Yeah, fuck we're like
They they fuck with us. It's like we're we're better than them and and it doesn't really have to be that way
But that is some kid shit, you know, it's like it's like oh if we're better than them if we flip them
Then that means that like you can date
But the thing is that's it's all one in the same
That's the people that are competitive and I get that too because I'm a competitor motherfucker
But you got to look at the teams all of the teams respect each other and that's the thing that matters the most
the community could be that's like a
When you see the end of a football game, you notice the two coaches walk out and dap each other up every time and the fans
They go fight in the fuck. Yeah, we know this. Yeah, they have to because it's a business
We know what you have to wait through
Okay, so let me do that
I'll say this I I don't really mind the shit talking. I think that's kind of like what makes sports really fun, too
I like we say it like the teams like they always you know show respect to each other do let people be like
Like sure it's certain aspect of tribalism, but it also can be really fun
And when it comes to games, for example, just like think web to video games in general
But like how boring would the fucking world be if it was only Call of Duty?
Like what are we talking about here?
We can't have an industry with one successful NFT project that doesn't even I would never want to be part of this industry
If there was only one successful company that it wouldn't even be exciting. It wouldn't be engaging
There's nothing to look forward to and we want different teams
Upping each other trying new things changing the playbook. Like this is what it's about. I hope by the end
We're not talking about we're talking about people staying actual damaging things
publicly on a public
It makes me feel insane
Because it's not like you're you're like go team go and then the guy gets a goal
It's like it's just this gnawing on
What are they saying that happens with every project? I mean, have you been a founder of a project?
Have you seen what has happened? I mean the shit that I saw
at least even when
Jeff launched his project and I was helping with that like I thought he was gonna have a nervous breakdown
We definitely were gonna break up like after years of being together. Like it was it was
Horrible. It was fucking horrible
That guy Pablo the fucking Roboto's guy almost went to the hospital
This kind of stuff gets in people's head because what you need are is everyone behind these people like
With constructive criticism. I know I sound like an old fogey, but it's not we're not it's not fucking Hunger Games
It's just so and there's so many smart people that could be like
Contributing in a positive way and instead it's just like in their ear. Give me give me give me give me and it's fucking gnarly in my opinion
It's not so I mean look obviously there's a ton of negativity not just in in crypto
But we're on a social media app, right?
So like if you go to go to Instagram reels right now or tick-tock and like every video
Every video it doesn't matter how positive the video is is like every comment because it's now a thing
It's like part of the culture of those applications to like shit on people in the comment section
It is literally part of the culture YouTube has taken like, you know
Certain stances to make sure that their comment sections are a little bit more positive and they are right, but that comes with censorship
So like yeah, like obviously it's not good when people are shit-talking each other
But do I get like daily DMS in this Twitter space of like people telling me to kill myself and then my spaces suck
And like whatever it like who gives a fuck like I I could care
There is not a 1% that I could care less
Is that I would say I could not care less if people don't like the space or if they've been I hear the criticism
There's a lot of people who will hit me up and say like, you know
Maybe you're like rambling too much. You let the speakers ramble too much
You're not good like that stuff is actually pretty better. That's all my fault. I take a responsibility
Leap, I just sent you a DM
Send those DMS to blau guys if you want to hit on someone tonight, it's gonna be a blout. Let's get it
40 comments of people shitting on blau love you blau, but don't look at it. Don't look at the comments. He asked for that, bro
Some of you are cool. Don't look at the comment section tonight
I mean look, but this is this is unfortunately part of the game. I mean I've
Dude, I've been fucking
I've anybody who's been following my story long enough and in this space knows I've been through like some fucking shit on the timeline
It's just like
It's just part of it
Like you just it is not an excuse for people to to be mean to others and should talk them and like it
At the end of the day, dude
There are days where I just like dread opening the space not recently
I think I've been having a good time with it
But they're days like I dread it like I know I know I'm gonna be judged and this is a space
I can't even imagine if you're let's say the founder of fucking D God. So you're Frank that
The 60% of Twitter is just shitting on Frank 24-7
Like 80% of Twitter like this shitting on the guy constantly like it for everything that he does
It's just yeah, that's why that's why I leave
I'm probably one of the only people on you did that comes on spaces daily
And the reason is because I come from the music industry
So I'm used to this shit and what leap is saying is a hundred percent facts
Everything you drop I'm at a how dope it is you oh, I got a Grammy nomination bitch. You suck. That song was trash
I wish you choke on that grant. You like God dang like so you always got a level yourself
Like go home to go to my fiance. She'll congratulate me
My daughter's happy my bank account look good
And then I go back and I'll be like yo, fuck you and like some most times I ignore it
But sometimes I'll jump in the mud to because it is what it is
You know I'm saying you got to have really tough skin and Twitter
the reason I left Twitter a long time ago is because of that same toxicity and
You know when I came into Twitter again was 2021 and it was wag me and I'm like damn Twitter
All these happy fucking people with money like
Sharing each other rod and I'm like, this is the vibe then it turned back into this is the real Twitter
So like you got to have thick
Super thick skin to be in the real Twitter cuz it's tribal is wild
It's unhinged
But you know, that's what you love and you hate about it because once people once it gets bullish again the wag meal come back
But right now this is the real Twitter
You can't ignore it though cuz this is where all the sentiments at so if you know
You know, it'll know what to ever talk to you. It's your face that way, bro
You know, it's all in a no worries, but you know internet worries, bro
But that's why I don't even take it
I don't it's not that serious to me
You know I'm saying you just I roll with the punches and I and I got thick skin and I give it as much
As I you know, I'm saying is I could take it Paul. So that's just how it is
So somebody is hating on me in the comments. I made me sad
They got there that I said my assistant bought a $500 plushie which I guess that does sound bad
But it actually did happen
Yeah, but leave real quick. First of all blouse first of thank you and happy belated birthday
You know my boy Preston Burke here in Tampa and I just want to say
You know exactly, you know, I'm talking about but hey Lee, thanks for having me up here, bro
I'm gonna wait my turn. I just want to say that cuz this guy had a birthday recently and that was badass, bro
That's my dog. Preston is my you know, my boy Preston here in Tampa, bro. Let's go. So
Wow, happy birthday. What's the name of the street that you grew up on? Alright, hold on
Social security number but look Lindsay said something that I think is very true
is something we're talking about which is
Just a lot of true things one specifically that I think is very very accurate is I do think that there are people
That would build in this industry but choose not to because of the public nature of it
Like if you are building a quote-unquote web to a company you are not like even your investors
Like they're not hitting you up every day every month. Hell you may hear from them once every quarter
What's a year depending on the check size or how much they're embedded. There's nuance, but I'm
With this industry you build something and not only do you have let's say you have 5,000 holders, right?
Like an ideal world you'd have a 50% distribution. Whatever was a 5,000 holders
Not only do you have them hating on you and criticizing you but you have an additional
20,000 people that don't hold your project that are also shitting on you
And if anything the people who don't hold your project are the ones that are most critical
Which is it which is like a really interesting phenomenon because why is that the case?
Why are we so invested in things that we don't actually have any exposure to and I think it
It can come down to a lot of things. But one thing specifically is like there is a
People take this industry very personally
regardless if you have $5 in it or if you have you know, 20 board apes and 50 crypto funds like there is a level of
Personableness if that's even a word that exists here that doesn't exist elsewhere
And it's because these assets these things that we're flipping we're trading and speculating on are so directly tied to
Maybe how you feel about your own personal intelligence
Like if you buy something and it fails like it's very easy to get down on yourself for it
Or how easy it is to tie a lot of these assets and products to your personal identity, too
So it's like there's so much
Volatility and what comes how you how you feel here
And it's not like we're doing physical labor, right? Like there's only harder things that we can do than fucking working crypto, but
Yeah, there's like somebody with I think there's like somebody I was gonna say before there's somebody without fail that DMS me every night to
Kill myself. I think they've made it to a challenge to tell it to me seven days a week
Why don't you block them?
Now it's like nah, you will lose the motivation bro
Yeah blocking
The thing with blocking is is that if you block somebody it now becomes like a social
Acknowledgment of what they're doing to you and an acknowledgement that what they're doing actually does bother you which gives them further
Validation to continue doing what they're doing and it becomes a there's like a thing where people will post
That you blocked them and then now it becomes a challenge for their followers friends to also get blocked by you
And I've made that mistake before I think we all have so, you know, what's very helpful and cathartic for the haters is
Be nice to them and try to get them to apologize
Because they're having a personal thing. Some of them you can't convert but the ones that you do it's it's very
Therapeutic so the thing is so I've also done that before and by the way, they're
I think Frank probably gets is the worst out of anybody but
I actually think it's kind of bullish when people don't like you and I like if everybody liked you
Then you're probably fake as fuck
Because there's no way that you have like that every one of your opinions people agree with because it's not how opinions work
So I think it's like and look I also don't think that my personal brand and like our show is for everybody
Like I totally acknowledge that that's why there's so many great spaces and so like so many different styles of people creating content on this platform
Yeah, but you're not trying to get them to like you you're taking a selfish action that they took
By by telling you horrible things because they want to feel better about themselves and you're being selfish by turning it into something
That makes you feel good
trying to find this
jelly cat because
I'm so curious
Because I'm looking I'm on their website
It's so so it was in all fairness
It was multiple but the one that we got the the one that was the most
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it was like you it was 200 some it was 200 something for that one
But then in the total bill was $500. It was not for one. It was for like three, but
I exaggerated a little bit, but it was for three plushies and it was five hundred dollars or something
And tax and maybe you personalized it cuz you can personalize these things. They're cute
Your agent, you're gonna sell blow the the pudgy the plushy pants for like five racks
Bro, I got them. I literally have a pudgy right next to me because my girlfriend loves it
It's literally on her her. She's not with me right now, but it's on her night table
It's here. Yeah, I started that I stood at that machine for like two hours at the party and basil
Fighting not one my girl when she got on her backpack
But she wears it every time we go traveling and shit, but I was the hero, you know
You got a winner for your old lady, you know
Who made the plushie who made the pudgy pants, was that agents or was that somebody else?
Pudgy pants, which one we have a lot of pants
Okay, well the one that I'm wearing you got to be a little more specific pudgy pants
Yeah, the plushy pants they have all the plushies on them who made those oh, no, that wasn't us
What was like a community member?
Yeah, I haven't even seen these turn me on
Okay, so you ain't seen them
Yeah, the plushy plate, you know, there's so many things happening at pudgy penguins
I can't even I can't even keep up with definitely you definitely thought it went viral. It's like a lot of little plushie penguins
Stoned together and tell me what I have or have not seen. I haven't seen them community members
They're making things all the time
Somebody made pudgy penguin tennis racket dampeners. I
Didn't even know
What is that I don't know you put them on your tennis racket and
You want a pudgy penguin on your tennis racket? You can have it. Am I supposed to be well versed in?
Where's the best and vibrant community slaps their penguin on get out of here. Show me the pants. I want a bear
We got them and blah I got
We got some some aboard a member. Um, he's actually a kid in high school
He made the board a pickleball set. I'm looking at it right now. So I'll be em you he's a man
I don't even
In high school and cooking with his IP
Wait, so the reason I bring it up is because I still think that those pants can't remember the project if someone knows the DM
Send it to me, but those pants are one of the most unique creative pieces of apparel
I've ever seen come out of the space. But agents have you seen the there was like the pudgy plushie porcupines
Pudgy plushie pork no now you guys are just making me look bad
Wait, you're the director of
Have you seen the wrist wieners?
Yeah, I have I took a picture with the wrist wiener actually
Wait, speaking of wieners. There's a new little dicky album that just came out today
All right, never start a take with speaking of wieners
I just there's a new little dicky album that came out today called penis
I'm so excited about it. I am
Welcome to space guys
Sponsors they were sponsored for the next 16 spaces Appreciate you guys. I know you guys are probably your decision
Did the pudgy plushie yeah, yeah, you know the album name is actually penis with PI at PI
Yeah, and there's a th at the end. It's great. It's what little dicky man little dicky's a legend
Well, look if we say penis three times people will appear so
Anyway, look click that button at the bottom right hand corner and like comment retweet
It's all I have going for me at this point
Look, we got to go to this
Wow, hold on our pudgy porcupines an actual thing or you gaslighting me
I just don't understand you're the director of our unit by the fucking plus
I don't understand how you host spaces every day and you didn't know about pudgy tennis racket dampeners
Okay, we really have your finger on the pulse in this space
I have my
Plushy no, but are the porcupines a real thing?
With the power of a mask
Can I ask a very important question? Like what animal has not been tokenized? I'll tell you I'll tell you a rachman
There are there's a lab in saying this for probably nine months at this point
There's a lack of arachnid representation within the space. We there's like no spiders
You really think about it named one spider project
I mean, bro
I'm gonna use chat GPT to make me a 10k PFP spider on Solana and launch it tomorrow
And that's going to be my night project just because you like honestly we can do it
Leap's first mint arachnid all at this. Nah, you call it the spider web threes
Well, there's just a lack of insects in general like if you think like where's the pre-mances project that seems like a no-brainer
No, no, no, no, listen agents just killed it
spider web 3 I mean, how can you not I
Mean we are just ask get me get me og roll. I want og roll
I'm gonna start making the whitelist guys
Actually, let's get let's get k-money to make a music NFT to drop on Sol as the theme song for spider web 3
Wow, I have a couple of friends. They're pure diamond handers. I'm gonna send you a list of wallets. Okay. Thank you
We're gonna just air drop them to all the pudgy porcupines
We can call the community
Hold on. Hold on blout fluffy hedgehogs not exactly porcupines, but they're cute cousins fluffy hedgehogs exist
Oh got it and they they rescue hedgehogs. It's actually a really cool collection
Kind of like the pines a lack of platypus or platypus was these are kind of plata plata pie
But uh, there's like a few was he projects
There's a huge lack of like monkey pride like eight projects as well, too
I feel like we just there's not that many of them
On any chain there. There aren't enough pun derivatives are there?
You know what they're really, you know, what they're really isn't enough of and illa will agree with me
Good music shit on chain. Let's just let's just throw that out there. I
Said this the other day I've been saying this for a few days now
and it's probably gonna be my last take for the night cuz I'm fucking exhausted but I
Think like I said this before I say it again
My thesis is that there's gonna be a collector or a group of collectors that sweeps and scoops up every
Music relevant project that's ever like they're so undervalued
Yes, I believe believe you missed you missed out because it's like literally 12x motherfucker. I know I was pissed
I was literally like it was because I was on mobile and I wasn't able to I
End up buying on secondary for fucking 10x. What would the mint price was just because I wanted to have one
Wait you ended up you ended up buying one. Yeah
I want its dude is historic the first like AI
Real license. Yo illa illa. We got it. We got to talk bro. I got I got this thing man
I won't take up the space for it, but but we got to talk but
Give me another hit me in the DMS
There's a lot of I heard you got a dope AI AI tool and man
This shit that shit has come a long way and just in a year's time
This shit went from making the trash this music in life into actual like fire shit
So I know if you repping one, it's got to be like a viable actual option
So yeah, definitely hit me in the DM leap leap made a hit. So my eye is on chain. It's what's happening
I'm ready. I'm on that note. Oh
Hell yeah
Yeah, I gotta release some music because I haven't I just haven't been a if I just had a week
Because I have not been able to actually create music in a long time
I just like a week to just lock in to the studio
I feel like I could crazy bangers, but I just I don't have any gear out here and it's just gonna
Anyway, anyway, look, I love you guys. I appreciate you guys. I need to get some rest my first meetings at 6 a.m.
Tomorrow we'll be back, but we have something different tomorrow that we're doing so I'm I might or might not do my night space
but thread and I are finally launching our fucking show and
Grabbing Luca and the dawn to like a few of the pudgy members that are gonna be on stage and it's gonna be great
It's gonna be awesome. I've been been talking about doing a show together for the longest time
From his morning show and separate from from our night show
And it's not gonna be a sort of thing where we just like bring up people is it's not gonna be that
It's mostly just gonna be him and I but then we'll have like, you know
Really like notable and important people come up once in a while, too. So please tune into that. I should
Fuck I need this. I don't even know what time what time I know
I didn't know even know what time you wanted to do it. Come on
Yeah, because the thing is I was at his house and every time we're together we start with like
What should we do and the 10 minutes in we're reading egirl capital thesis papers on the meaning of meme identity in the medic culture
like it is
Bizarre tonight, but look tomorrow it's gonna be probably like 1 to 2 p.m. Pacific
But we'll put out a tweet in the morning to kind of explain that a little bit better
But looking forward to that some them I want to do for a while
So look, I appreciate you guys. I love you guys. Click that button at the bottom right hand corner like comment retweet
It's really the best way to support the space and yeah, I'll see you tomorrow in the space