Beanie 1:1

Recorded: Jan. 30, 2024 Duration: 3:18:25



Yo, what is up guys, all right, I'm gonna put some headphones on so you gotta tell me if these headphones fucking suck
Mic check mic
Sound great
All right, sound good. Everything good. Yeah, just I just connected a certain mic check. I don't know how you feeling
All right, cool. Good. Good. Good. All right, let's we got to get this going
We gotta get this going say the least indeed. Welcome to the space everybody appreciate y'all for popping out. It's been
Damn it's been two weeks since I've hosted the space
To I think that's the longest I've gone without hosting spaces and and probably two years
But it's good to be back. Appreciate y'all so much for hopping into space
we have a fuck ton to talk about today an absolute metric fuck ton to talk about and
Really just like two weeks worth of stuff to discuss so a lot to unpack and a lot to go through
So it's gonna be a fun one
If you want to come up on stage click that request button in the bottom left hand corner
And then also do me a massive favor click that button in the bottom right hand corner and drop a like comment or retweet
It is the best way to support the space. I am in New York currently. So it is East East Coast time for me
It's about 10 20 p.m. Eastern
And I'll be here for the next four or five days and then over to Virginia for four or five days
And then I'll be back in LA for probably like it's just a week and then Japan and then Paris
So it's gonna be quite a bit of traveling over the next few weeks
But yeah, it's gonna be fun. Um, anyway, I
Don't even know where to begin. I guess we'll start with just a little bit of a price update here
Go to our favorite coin market cap Bitcoin is up 2.74% today. We've seen an uptrend or just over the past couple hours
Everything was read earlier to forty three thousand five hundred a theorems up one point eight percent twenty three hundred
BnB one point five percent Solana good old soul up five percent today breaking a hundred dollars now sitting at 102 and
71 cents an avalanche Avax up twenty percent today
Probably the biggest winner of the day and Cardano is up ten percent as well
so a lot of movement across the board here and
Nice to see even like mean coin shit coins a lot of random miscellaneous things are seeing an uptrend as well
Which is nice because it's basically been down only for the past five days
And I'm hopefully we're seeing a little bit of a turnaround because post ETF news
It's just been man
Everyone was saying everything's gonna go crazy after the ETF and the thesis that you inverse the timeline has like it never fails
It absolutely never fails. Whatever the timeline says goes the opposite
that's why tomorrow or whenever the Jupiter airdrops going I
Like look what happened with when it is another perfect example the when coin
They're like, oh the supplies being burned today 30 40 percent of supplies being burnt
It's gonna go parabolic shit dumped like 20 30 percent or whatever the hell it did
Basically right after the burn so I've never been more bullish on the inverse the timeline thesis
And I'm feeling that we're gonna see something similar with Jupiter
I think a lot of people are assuming that tons of liquidity is just gonna pour into NFTs pour into all their favorite shit coins
I I genuinely don't know if that's gonna happen. So we're gonna have to see I don't really have a huge
Jupiter airdrop, I mean probably if I'm lucky a couple grand at moats, but still nice still free money and
Yeah, I was been tweeting like a madman he just did that podcast with Luke Belmar as well
How did how the fuck did Luke Belmar get the most hyped crypto interface?
Where did he come from? He's been doing like Andrew Tate red pill content for the past god knows how long and then randomly
He just drops the meow podcast. He's like I flew to Singapore blah blah blah. I'm not gonna lie
I tried to watch a lot of the podcast. It was like me. I was talking in 5x speed
He's like talking like 5x speed going through so many different things and I was simultaneously
Incredibly impressed and also pretty confused. But yeah, I was definitely a legend and I'm excited to see what happens going forward
What was that I even I even know what that was that a cost sneeze
Anyway, I really don't understand I've tried to read a lot of his writings, but it is a lot
I don't fully understand the
The like the LFG launchpad and like what the purpose there is to me. It's more so like doubling down on just
Hey, someone like this might be a hot take but it's just like doubling down
I'm like, hey fucking people want to trade in the sky casino
Whatever it is, and we're gonna make it a lot easier and safer to do which by the way is a good thing
So excited to see what happens there. And yeah, it's gonna be a big day
Another thing that we're gonna chat about today is the quantum cat mint, which dude
I didn't have a allow list but I was gonna try and mint on public and I guess the mint got pushed to tomorrow
So so we'll see what happens with that
Also another thing to chat about today
It took every ounce of being to not name this space Valhalla is a rug
Like it like I'm telling you I still might switch it
It I mean it took it every I feel like I'm maturing as an individual of growing up and going through content puberty
And I said leap you don't you used to do this and now you don't have to do it anymore
But fuck it. I have that bitch
So I might still I might still change the thing is I've literally interviewed Alex Lynn on this space before it has to be
Like a year ago at this point
You know, like we did a whole interview. I remember the interview was like it wasn't paid
It wasn't anything like that. It was just about how it was in the conversation
And I thought it seemed cool and I kind of like the art
I want to see what was going on and at that time it was hey, we're developing a twitch killer. Fuck it
I'm changing the title. I can't help I
Literally can't even help it. All right, here we go
Yo, don't do it man. Don't do it. I'm doing it. Let's fucking go
Enby's in the house pillar of web 3
Pillar of web more like pillar of the mute button. Anyway, don't you dare come on does not mute
Like apparently the Android phone that you're on doesn't mute either. We have menace
We we got menace up here. Shout out to menace
menace, I
Don't know what's going on here. It's gonna be I feel like this is gonna be just zesty in every sense of the word
But um, we're gonna get to it. So
Those are just a couple of the things there's other stuff that's happened in the past two weeks as well
I just can't think of it right now Lou. I do want to throw it to you
I mean, I know you have probably a lot. Okay, actually before we throw it to Lou
Where do you guys want to start? Should we start Valhalla? Do we start quantum? I can change it to quantum
Oh, dude, let's start with the cats. Let's do it. I feel you want to start should I start?
Okay, I gotta go to come on. It's gonna be tomorrow's title leap. Oh
That is actually a good why I could run it twice
I ran use as a rug probably for three months. No, they postponed the segment. You got to postpone the title
Let's go to nb
You know, I've been gone for two weeks and I wish I made it three if I'm being honest look I
Don't know whether to go to quantum quantum cats or Valhalla's there's so many options
We might just go back to the class and say moonbirds as a rug. What do you think menace?
Honestly, it's always good to roast on kro
But you know and be does have a point quantum cats like five minutes ago delay their mint again
So probably Valhalla is the move
Then wait they delayed it again, so it's not tomorrow. Yeah. Yep, unfortunately
All right. Well, you know
It's fine. It's fine
It to be fair. It is probably in terms of demand
I don't know if it's more than or less than node monkeys
But it is one of the most demand mint in Bitcoin history
And I'm sure their servers got overloaded to the maximum capacity, you know
What's crazy is that these things are four thousand dollars apiece or whatever?
The equivalent of the Bitcoin amount is and we're begging to pay it
We are begging to give them four thousand dollars and I could not be happier to do it. I'm being honest with you
I'm excited for the project. I to be honest have literally no idea what it is
It's something about opcat and something about Bitcoin. I don't know
But at first I wasn't really excited about it now. I am there's just something about that cat art that just makes me frolic
So anyway, I'll throw it over to smoky smoky. What's going on? Good to see you. What do you think?
I'm chuffed liver great to have you back leap
Yeah, I was just reading a thread about the AOF first so that that might be a good one to cover too, but
Yeah, I mean we're gonna see a lot more of this but it is always you know
It's it's done
I guess it's you know less of a blow when you see projects that have been around
For like a good period of time where like, you know
They did try some stuff and they kind of like ran through the funds
But like when they when they still have you know
A large treasury and then they're just not executing on the road map and then they do something out of the blue
That was without community feedback. It's like wait like what's going on here? So yeah, definitely. Uh
Definitely interested to see what people's the opinions are about it. So what was the first thing you said AOX what?
AOF first I DM'd you the thread Lambo Land just wrote a thread on it
So it seems like the issue who was that they like launched a token, but they only allocated 1% of the supply to holders
Like say that guy's name is Lambo Land. What do you use her name?
Yeah, he's cool. He's a good. He's a good thread or dingaling sold them off
Oh, it's the bigger news around that dingaling never sells
Well, okay any any tweeted about it and he tweeted about selling it being like man
This is a big loss for me like bro, so I'm not fully up-to-date with the AOF stuff. I
I've seen it like I've definitely seen it and I think I even might have some DMS with the AOF account like way
Back in the day, but like I I have no idea like really what it was a game
I have no idea what it is. I honestly don't even know what it is. It looked like I'm
Smokey, can you give me like a TLDR like explain like I'm five on the situation. I
Mean I don't know a super big amount about it either
I mean, I just saw that it was hyped
It was like a cheap a cheaper mint and ended up like really cooking and then I guess it just crashed
You know, I think because of the FUD around the token allocation to the community like people were just like super not happy about that
Okay, that's totally fair
Well, I guess I'll read through some of this thread and then see if we can figure out some information here
Give me one moment here to pull it up
Let's see
All right, here it is
All right, Lambeau and Lambeau land by the way has been writing threats for a long time does a pretty good job
So shout out to Lambeau land
So it's I love this tagline the dark side of NFTs why the biggest whales are calling out web 3 gaming products
This is a great thumbnail to he did a good job
Alright, so AOF burst dinghling just sold all of his AOF burst NFTs for a hundred and forty thousand dollar loss
This is the first time dinghling ever dumped an NFT and posted about it on X
So what happened and dinghling tweeted dumped 143 AOF burst founders keys after the team's latest update taking a 60th loss
Overall, I usually just let my NFTs in the wallet go to zero
But teams like this don't appreciate their community and don't belong in web 3 why even launch an NFT collection?
Good luck, and it did
1.6 thousand likes at the time of this screenshot and
512,000 impressions so AOF burst just announced details for their afg token which caused the floor price to crash which is
Actually pretty interesting because typically when a project announces a token floor price goes up
so holders are upset because they only get 1% of the supply with 0% unlock at TGE and
Terrible vesting it would take 20 months for all the tokens to unlock
Can you imagine the entire NFT community of your holders get 1% of the token and that tiny fraction?
That's allocated to you as an individual would take a year and a half to unlock what the
This is that like inflated fd bullshit
Okay, so AOF burst was a free meant so shouldn't the holders expectations below well
No, because all the marketing was about a token airdrop which the team overhyped
Well, it looks like the AOF burst may be making some changes now
Wait, wait now it's talking about Valhalla
So to Valhalla Valhalla is launching a keyboard that their holders can buy and people are not happy grail dot eth
Quickly called out the founder so grail wrote what the fuck is this shit not Alex Lynn?
I met 15 of your NFTs to show support. I buy more on the floor
I didn't give you ease to build a fucking exclusive keyboard that no one asked for you had one job and you failed so far
You should be absolutely ashamed doing your community in like this
The problem is that it looks like the founder just quietly gave up. So they promised a twitch competitor
They raised 15 mil from investors and made 5.4 mil from NFTs
But they've delivered nothing of value for the community in the past 18 months
There was many red flags as well. Last year messages leaked where Alex talked about doing a quick rug pull
Yeah, that screenshot was not great
So Alex also raised 50 mil in capital for a previous startup called hush
But investors got wiped out when hush went out of business only one year after its big series a one round
So update Alex just responded to the keyboard controversy
But he turned off the comments and he also canceled the scheduled AMA. He had to address the questions such a red flag
So this was Lambo Lance thoughts
It's so frustrating seeing how some teams treat their community the whole point of entities that you can align incentives so that you can win with
Your community, but it is nice to see whales calling out the bad actors in the space
So I want to read Alex's response
We'll go to a couple hands before we read his response, but I do want to I do want to read the response here
So I'll go and be it has to be on topic and be what's up
Well, how do you think it's not gonna be on topic everything I do is on topic
Anyways to be on topic with the keyboard. Is that okay? Can we talk about the keyboard? Yeah
So so so that if I was a very wealthy man
This is what I would do and I was in the video games. I would basically spend a year
Working with three different
Partners to create my dream little keyboard wouldn't bother doing any, you know
Kind of thought or attention towards a mouse just really hone in on that keyboard
And then, you know, maybe make 300 examples that they sell out like it's like what a very wealthy man does with a car
Like like they they will, you know
contract and engineering
Company to do XYZ and then a fabricator to make it happen. And then yeah
Well, we have all these, you know, most on fuck it
We'll do 25 300 examples to anyone who will pay for the fabrication cost
That's literally what he did except instead of using his own money. He used all of your money
So like I get why people are upset but like, you know kudos to him. He made the dream come true
Without having to be rich
Bro, it's not even like one of those keyboards. It has like the LCD under it. He didn't even go like
To like, you know like that
An hinged place with the money. He just did like some basic bitch shit. No, it's three guys
There's a guy who does the fabrication
There's a guy who does the art. I guess there's art involved. I don't know what the the artist guy is
He's the first tag the mark something or another. He's the most famous one
But he's just a keyboard artist, whatever that is
And then there's the the studio which is bringing all these different aspects together with Valhalla and like bro over the past year
They made a fuck ton of money off of these 300 keyboards that have yet to be produced and I applaud them and
Continually in my three years in the NFT space
Specifically around PFPs. I am amazed by how many industries we've been able to fund almost like
single-handedly from
Like merchandise with hoodies and t-shirts, you know, all you forgot about those five or artists all the five artists
The industries that thrive off of web 3 it always blows me away and this is another one now keyboards. Okay, hold on. Okay, so I
Have a take that every single one of you is gonna disagree with but that's fine
I want to go to the hands before I say it because it is definitely contrarian
We'll go over to an low first and low. What do you think about this?
Why do I feel like you're actually bullish on the keyboards? I don't know that that's that's what I'm getting from you
We're being honest, but before you go to that in the keyboards just gonna say before we go to that
I think on a different space. We were talking about how
Basically, you could literally get the same exact keyboard for probably a fraction of the price
So I don't even know what they've been doing for a year
Like they've been like sampling and doing other stuff. But like the holders really don't want this
so I think like it's always best to just
But the key clock is like very soft it has like precision like haptic feedback
Kiro if artifact came to you and said yo Kiro, sorry, we haven't released animus yet
But no, don't worry. We have
300 keyboards we got you king, but like even though you have 20 artifact these bro, but I'm I'm mentally ill bro
I'm gonna buy the keyboard because it says artifact on it
I'm the wrong person to ask about this bro. Like you know
That's the difference with
You brought up a good point. What were those a before we get into artifact. This is getting all over the place
All right, let me it's not that I'm bullish on the keyboards, okay, I I am a piano player
so I am a fan of keyboards, but it's not I
Care less about the keyboard not keyboard
I do think there's like a level of hypocrisy in the reaction to this that is
So evident that it's like worth noting and I probably get flamed for this take and by the way
I don't hold any Valhalla NFTs. I've never hold any Valhalla NFTs
So I have no like vested stake in this from a monetary point of view at all
I want to read quickly before we before we go on to the I
Want to read actually Alex's response to the entire just like the first part of it at least
Given recent post on the CT timeline
I wanted to share my thoughts about Valhalla a recent keyboard drop and stacked when we started Valhalla
We sent out to build a gaming brand starting with a PFP project to date
We have not deviated from the statement. So recap in our one year post mint
we've shipped shipped several technical initiatives including an on-chain reroll mechanic a
Native marketplace with 0% fees battle pass and clans a programmatic way to reward holders for growing the value of traits
We've also held several community events both IRL and online
We've hosted free max capacity events for our community at both NFT LA and NFT NYC
We professionally produced hosted and casted free to enter five figure prize pools and two live gaming tournaments being fall guys
Fortnight for the NFT community that saw attendance from players in phase and other eSports organizations
We continue to host weekly in-house gaming tournaments for our community at large
This brings me to our most recent keyboard drop our first foray into physical goods
All right. So before before we get into the rest of it, I do want to say they did do all of those things
They had like the reroll mechanics. They had the marketplace. They had the traits what they had a lot
I'm not gonna lie. They actually did more than majority of projects and
Actually did more than majority of projects that we all know and love
the only difference is is that their floor price didn't pump and I think that has to do with a lot of things like
Communication and lack of presence on the timeline
Nobody rocking the pf like it nobody rocking the PFP
Like it doesn't matter if you build the fucking coolest thing if it's in the middle of forest and no one's there to see it
Then is it did you even build it at all?
Right, like it's so important that people know about what my marketing is so important. So
Now that they've done this keyboard people are like, oh, well you rugged because you build this keyboard
You didn't do anything in our floor prices down
Well, no, they actually did a bunch of stuff quite a few things. Actually their trait swapping mechanic was pretty cool
They also have stacked which is their whole like video thing that we can talk about here in a moment
Which it looks like they're still building
I knew from day one that the twitch competitor thing was doomed to fail and and Alex even talks about it in his thread
You have kick paying creators a hundred million dollar X you see steel was like a hundred mil
Aiden Ross's deal was like 200 mil. These are real numbers
Now a lot of it was equity and compensation based on the gambling aspect, but these are like like
Neon's deal is probably ridiculous. They paid so many Fousey's deal
they paid all of these top creators massive bags and gave them equity in the company to get them to come over to kick and
Like you just can't compete with that. Like there's literally a quick
Real quick. What's up? Yeah
When we saw that like all right you my first I
What I don't even know what either either one at a time
All right
We go Nick the second part of his tweet is what you're talking about they did none of them were talking about that
But I'm gonna assert that right now. Well what you were talking about leap is addressed specifically in the in the second reply tweet
Okay, well we'll get to that in a moment Nick go ahead
That was it I said real quick that I'm on my fuzzy tube saga
All right, okay
Fluke go ahead and then I want to jump over the wall
Yeah, I'm previously from steak kick
When we saw steady or about holler as you guys call it moving into this field they had no chance
They literally had no chance you can see in that tweet that they're actually talking about the base fundamentals of setting up a streaming service
and how much the actual like
Architecture itself cost they raised nowhere near amount the amount of money to even cover the basic
Bill like they were never gonna like achieve that. I think it's
very basic research could have come from the community side to actually see how much twitch is actually paying for
standard like live streaming like
Software essentially or like technology through AWS like the scalability that you need that is
Insane and they just did not raise enough
Let alone user acquisition cost
It's it was completely
Undoable and like maybe there was a model there for something related to web 3 where you could monetize based on like
Like if anybody knows what un-lonely is or that like whole streaming platform is like they're not trying to replace twitch
But it's like in stream gambling on things that happen live during this. It's like kind of interesting
I don't know how popular it is, but it's pretty cool
so like there is an angle if you want to do something with live streaming but to basically come out and say hey
We're gonna be a twitch competitor is it's like near impossible to be like what?
Why would it you just don't have the bag to you got to pay people to come over to your platform at a certain point?
And even if you wanted to come at it from a perspective of like hey
This is native web 3 and we're catering this content is specifically web 3 content creators web 3 content creators
There's like seven of us
With and like none of us do video except thread guys
So it's basically gonna be the mullet unlimited on your account. That's gonna be it's gonna be thread guy
With ten people watching him, okay, there would be more than three there are more than ten
And then they have the weird problem of if a major like products something like Twitter releases live streaming and video
What are they gonna do then you're kind of caught in between a rock and a hard place there?
No, it's there. It's it
Go ahead Nick
Okay, this is what we're gonna do you guys not see
Wait a whole lot real quick. Have you not seen a lot less streaming Diablo on Twitter?
You just hook it up to OBS. That's very easy. You need help ask
So yeah, I've definitely seen him streaming Diablo for on on Twitter
I do think the streaming on Twitter is really bad for a lot of reasons one of them being specifically you can't surf Twitter while
Watching a video stream for just like a bizarre design. I don't even know if it's a design choice thing
We don't use Twitter anymore leap
X whatever
so anyway
But my point stands
Like I just think it's like a level of hypocrisy here because like so many of these projects that we know in love
literally not shipped one thing and
They don't get even half the shit. I that's why I genuinely think you know the success of your project
This is right now heavily dependent on the sentiment around the project which has to do with founder
Communication and how people perceive it if people are rocking the people like there's so much more than just what you ship
And actually there's a thread guy just sent this to me a couple minutes ago, and this is um
V horny tweeted this and it's a screenshot. I guess from who I don't know his name is V horny
What are these usernames and you guys your username is literally two letters, okay? We're not let's not talk about creativity here
Okay, I'm gonna pin this up to the top and
And this says um is there any utility plan for the Jupiter token besides the governance and it looks like this was from one
month ago and meow wrote this is an incredibly important topic that I dove into many times before and I would like to take the chance to
Be very clear about how I think about it and advice everyone or advise everyone
Not to be involved in the Jupiter token if you expect a lot of focus on the utility aspect
My following statements will be controversial so feel free to debate them the core reason is this I believe that the idea that
utility of a token drives value is a myth
created to justify why things have value or by project founders who are desperate to explain why their token has value and I believe
That most people could care less about utility, but rather they care about value
Which is I don't know like a really convoluted couple of sentences
But this endless focus on utility causes everyone to make a ton of bad decisions
Make endless rounds of tokenomics that end up in a small spike, but flattened back down again and over time. No one cares, so
Okay, I actually I
Just like don't like that way of thinking I'll be completely on I like meow
And I think Jupiter's gonna do really well and obviously they're crushing
I just like don't like I refuse to succumb
To the current meta of anything and maybe I'm like middle curving it if you want to use that word
But it's like to just be like nobody gives a fuck about utility because the past two years
We haven't really been able to develop on this like that's so fucking ridiculous
You can't hear because of the superior audit audio filtration of the iPhone 15 Pro
But I'm snapping because you use that word great word
What can you guys not hear me?
No, I know we can hear my snaps because of the superior audio
You need to be filtered
okay, so look I just think it's I just like don't like that way of thinking and it I
See why they think like that because they're launching a shit coin launchpad
That's literally what the fucking LFG launchpad is like it's literally a shit coin launchpad for people to just lose more money
That's what it is
Like yeah, like okay, maybe more projects and stuff will be able to launch their token suit it like that's totally fine
But that's what it is. Like let's just be honest. It has become so normalized in the current
Landscape of web3 to just relentlessly show shit coins in every time like every aspect that you can at every corner that you can
That is what the meta is like it used to be something that was so taboo
They was like so taboo
It's like walking outside naked like you don't fucking do that
But then all of a sudden everyone's just make everyone's like walking around fucking slongs hanging everywhere like it's it's ridiculous
it's actually ridiculous and
we have just accepted this normality of a like of just everything being a casino and
You have people who are approaching this conversation from a perspective of like well, look we're trimming the fat
We're trimming the fat. We're getting rid of the bullshit like we're getting to the core of what people want
Yeah, but people also want to be high on drugs all the time
That doesn't mean we fucking help them do it like it. It's so ridiculous that this is to the point we've we've become
And this is all part of the reason why I like I haven't been tweeting as much recently
Cuz I just like don't know what to even tweet about like I scroll through the timeline
And it's like if you just mention a shit coin that has like a radicalized extremist community
It's gonna do fucking 600 likes 800 likes
But if you write a whole fucking thesis post on like the conceptual nature of the web3 like it's gonna get like four likes
It's and that's fine
Like it's totally understandable with with the way that that social media is
but like let's just not just like bend over and bend the knee to this like idea that the only thing that crypto is good for
Is speculative value because if that's what it is then fucking I'm just gonna go to Las Vegas and live in a casino
And fucking gamble all day every day while drinking free mimosas. Like is that what you guys want?
It's not what I want and I love speculating and I actually have a good time buying shit coins and I buy shit points
I I literally buy shit coins. I flip them
I don't make a lot of money on them
But I make a couple hundred bucks or a couple grand here and there and I think it's actually a core
Necessity that it exists in the space, but it is not a core necessity for it to be the primary use case and
Don't know dude. I don't know. Maybe I'm just being a boomer. I'm 28, but maybe I'm just being a boomer
I do want to throw it over to wolf. We'll appreciate you hopping up here. I've been spewing a lot
So I'm you know, I'm ready for the take
Yeah, I guess I was gonna talk about
Alex I don't know if we're we're still on that but
Yeah, basically, I guess my
Yeah, the core problem for me is this like as soon as he gets guff and problems from you know
Crypto Twitter as a whole he writes a post on it and in the post he comes out that he knew and understood
That his platform wouldn't work
So it just feels like okay, so, you know, it didn't work now
So how long have you not known it was going to work and how did you raise 15 million dollars and a five million dollar raise?
On your NFTs and I guess the question for me is and I really I usually go at projects
You know as a whole from a standpoint of like, you know
What was like the the moral line here between like because I know that things won't be perfect
I get that like nobody's gonna have a perfect drop. You're gonna have to iterate like failure where happened
But the problem with me is that when things blow up then you get honest that to me is like
There's a lack of character here and there's a lack of follow-through and maybe I missed some posts along the way and you guys can like
Let me know but like when you finally decide to start sharing the inner details and the inner
Understandings of your ecosystem because things are exploding
It really shows like for me
There's a serious lack of trust that we can give to you because we need to know that a long time ago
And that's okay that that comes out like you're like, hey, we raised 15 million
Found out we won't be able to do anything with that and then people can exit instead of ride your project out for months and months
And months and come to find out when everything explodes that oh we knew
That was the sticky point for me as well they knew this from the start essentially right like
You've raised that much money. You couldn't do half an hour's worth of due diligence. Come on, man
Dude web 3 can't even spell due diligence like it. There's
Like we here's the problem. It's also like a vernacular thing
So like when we talk about it, it's like oh, they raised five point four mil on the mint or whatever
It was like we come at this from a perspective of like yeah
They are raising money to to build something that's gonna deliver us some value and maybe that values is for price pumping
Or maybe some cool shit that they give us whatever
But the problem is here is not that they're charging $300 for a keyboard
I actually like that's not a crazy price for a high-end keyboard
Like people buy $300 keyboards all the time and you have projects selling things often
Look at the fucking the pudgy penguins Jack butcher hoodie that just dropped was like a hundred and forty dollars after tax
Wait, are these $300 or there there are 300 of these keyboards? Are you sure they're 300 bucks? I think they're more I
Five hundred
I don't know what the number is but like people pay a lot of money for high-end keyboards and then you like or like look at the
Azuki skateboards, they fucking sold golden skateboards for like a million dollars apiece like it
That's not the same though. That's like
Completely different that's like something that you expect you can't do a kickflip on a golden skateboard
I don't care and I thought you were gonna talk about
Diligence like that's what's in right? No, no. No, what's interesting? Okay, look you gotta like here a finish
So I'm interested in the in the take I I know it's not the same hero
But I'm like, I guess the point I'm trying to make is that like projects sell things. I don't think that's the outrage
well, the outrage is people kind of like
They thought they had some other plan to raise because there's no way like anyone that knows anything
About like like, you know, what's it called is underwater bro, like which is underwater
They don't make like that serious amount of money for like the infrastructure to like stream to hundreds of thousands of people is not
Cheap like if they didn't have AWS. They wouldn't be able to do it like
They're they're not like running like, you know, the house always wins in a casino say quit it, buddy
Calm your Amazon is like notorious loss leader as well
Like they don't make any money on Amazon calm. They don't make any money on Twitch. They make all of their money from AWS
Okay, that's an exaggeration but they have the highest margins of the AWS that's true
All right due diligence with nb
D D right in different generations D D means dear daughter
Do a diligence drug deal?
All right
Don't make me pull out the man-of-the-people stick here
We're where everyone votes by liking the button in the bottom right hand. Don't it's too early
It's only been 45 minutes. Like I can't I got to wait at least an hour to do that one
Fucking you know, what's crazy is like do you guys remember when it's not my intent
Like I'm not my intention to like kick founders when they're down or like shit on projects and holders and like I I know
That's kind of what's feeling like right now. It's really not the intention
But but I do think it's interesting that like yes, remember the drama was shilling villain and Valhalla
You know shit really does come full circle because that was
Man, that was a goddamn mess. That was like the
Yeah, I think that was like right before you got like banned on Twitter, too
And it was like always the Valhalla commute man, and now everyone's like fuck. It was a rug. They rubbed us whatever
just think it's like very I
Don't know is it just like dangerous to buy an NFT that the prop the the company or the projects has already raised like 15
million dollars like outside of the NFT sale like should that just be kind of a
like a red flag or at least something that people should look into but I think even at the most basic level was the
And I hate to use this word, but the idiocracy of just saying we're gonna create a twitch killer
Like I think that is like really where a lot of this lies where
You can just look at that instantly and just say like okay if they believe that they're gonna do a twitch killer
It's probably not gonna be successful, but you have to also think of it from like a VC perspective
You have this like young gun come pitched to the VCs and the funds like look we're gonna use web 3 technology
And you know the power of personal identity with PFPs
And we're gonna take down the corporate overlords that is twitch and Amazon like I I can understand how they were able to raise
Money on that seriously like we're gonna do this community thing and bootstrap it with like 5,000 holders, and it's gonna be fantastic
But I do stand by that their trait swapping trait rerolling thing was pretty cool
And I wasn't like super innovative. There's been other projects that do it, but at the end of the day
It just shows that people don't like that shit doesn't move the needle
Like it just like doesn't move the needle and that's why the title of the space is fuck utility
So I want to throw it to bad brother first bad brother. I mean talk to me here. What's going on?
What do you think? All right first off fuck hero because he told me about this pal world game
And now that was my entire weekend. I got consumed by it
So anyway, no, yeah on the Valhalla thing
This thing was like a rug from the beginning
I remember people were talking about it for like two weeks and like I didn't even want to look into it because I was just tired
About looking at things at that time and then finally after like the two weeks people were annoying about it enough where I was
Like alright, let me let me pull this up
And then I did like five minutes of like looking at the website and this and it was just like I don't know how anybody ever
Put any money towards this like the idea we discussed it at length
Like you said leave of making twitch on Val Hal and then someone told me last space where it was just like oh, yeah
They abandoned that eventually afterwards and became like a game product company
so so like this I guess is in line with what they're supposed to be now, but it's just like the original idea was just like
You know twitch is in profitable
So I didn't know how the fuck they were gonna do this if you were saying about the time a lot of people were like
Oh, I don't know. I guess we'll have to say but it's just like nah at that time
It was just like no, this is dumb
Like I don't know why anybody's putting their money at this and I don't know
So it's like I don't I can't help you if you bought this at any point in time
There's no point in time where I was like, oh, let me put my money towards this unless you were like thought you were gonna do
No, not even that I was gonna say quick men flip, but it was just like even that was stupid
Yeah, I mean I
Think people just like have high hopes for this term of twitch killer
But like if you look at the art arts not that bad
I mean, it's not like a twitch is being subsidized by Amazon
you got to figure out how to make a profitable first for like anybody to kill it and no one has been able to do that and
Twitch like Amazon loves twitch because they're a data
Scraping tool for them. They get so much use of data from that that it's actually absolutely cool
All right guys, I have to I'm making an executive call here
I'm making an executive call. I'm about to change this title to beanie one-on-one
And I'm just gonna shoot my shot here because like he's in the fucking comment sections of like these different tweets
Like I'm ready to do a space who's hosting. Can y'all can y'all do a beanie do happy like at him
Can can you guys like tag beanie and because like I I've just I'm I'm shooting my shot here
Okay, like I don't know if it's gonna work
Well, he said I'm ready in 27 minutes like 33 minutes ago to thread guys
So he should come in here like what's he waiting for basically? He's avoiding the space now. I don't know
How do you piss him off? No, I think we follow each other. We actually never interacted at all
I've always wanted to talk to him though
We could just do not talking until beanie joins the space
But we might end up sitting here just all night. That seems to be the meta
But like I changed the title to beanie won't just be me talking for hours
Yeah, if you think you're gonna be on stage you are mistaken
But yeah, if you want to support the space for the button bottom right hand corner
And we'll just run it and see what happens. I will throw it to wolf wolf. What's going on?
Yeah, so basically I was gonna go back to I
Can't remember I was gonna say come back to me, I'm sorry. Yeah, no worries at all. No worries at all
Burden dude, I have not seen you in a fucking minute. He's here by the way
Well, that was I
Why change the title in it it worked on beanie? I hear you're ready for a space
If you want to come up, you're welcome to join. No, no worries guys. Fuck my take. It's okay beanies here
Everybody calm down fuck burn
All right, go ahead burden. Go ahead. No, no, no, I mean beanie's here beanie's here
Want to hear your take? Okay. Listen do it. I
Knew when Val Halla came out that shit was a hoax
Nothing made sense that shit was a scam. It was so off do it
Like just if you just look at track records like mixer
Like got ninja on board like had their like thing on
Xbox or if you wanted to stream on Xbox you had to use mixer like all of that and it still failed and then you look
At Val Halla like come on dude, like you like give me a break. I
Mean look, it's a valiant effort. No, no, you're not even kick is having a valiant effort
That is a real valiant effort. This is that was not a valiant effort. That was barely an effort
Again it's
No, I'm trying to play both sides of this here so you'll be unbiased
I mean look it's written can't fucking defeat twitch unless we're
Sleep, you know, why don't you ask someone who participated in the Val Halla pre-sale like myself?
Oh, yeah, I forget that shit is a rug cousin
Wait, okay, so can you
Okay, okay, it's not a rug it's not a rug
Okay, because that is alluding to certain things they didn't rug it
it just went to zero because they fucking don't know how to fucking communicate or run a fucking, you know project in the public and
Dude, that's not the issue on bro. The moment cuz like here I had a bunch of them
Right cuz I was in the pre-sale like the moment. I just took profit on like fucking a couple of them
the founder fucking unfollowed me bro, it's
Don't give a fuck about them bro. Also. Yeah, like this shit looks like fucking copa Zuki, dude
Okay, hold up. The art isn't I actually don't think they are
Their fucking logo is a triangle or a pyramid if you will leap
There is a pyramid scheme and then right in front of us the whole time. Oh
Yeah, I just know this space is gonna get out of hand. Um, okay
Well, let's talk about blue baby. Let's talk about you
Like the amount of cringe that is on the stage right now is unprecedented. Okay, I want to
Ridiculous, I want to throw it to you Kevin Kevin
Did you make any profit on this thing? Oh, dude?
Yeah, absolutely
But I mean like not as much as I would have if I would have fucking you know done what like my other friends who did
The pre-sale day which is sell all of them
No, but yeah, I held on to them until they were essentially fucking like way below mint price
And then I just gave them to a friend because I didn't want to be the one to sell the remainder
I don't want to put the dog down. So I had someone else do it for me
So I just sent them a bunch of NFTs
They fucking you know blur bidded and I forgot about it to be honest
Will say though yo that shit was not a rug when they were close to an etho dude, that shit was sick
The art was looking pretty good. The art was looking really good, right?
I know people who got Amazon was getting rekt dude
I know people who got a fucking rekt because there was a trait called like the mech skin or something
Not mech not Mexican, but like mech skin and dude they were like well people were buying them for like fucking like up to like
Like up to like 510 East that was me
What's up, okay money, what's up lead? Yeah, let's hear some from some actual ball hollow holders like myself
Yeah, I have a meccala
Also known as a mech ball hollow
Yeah, fuck this motherfucker Alex Lynn. He's a piece of shit like look at grail. He's thread on it
That posted in response to him just calling out for everything
This motherfucker has the nerve to charge a community for these bullshit gamer keyboards
Like are you kidding me?
You can't even give a couple keyboards a couple hundred keyboards away for free this man made
5500 fucking East from the mint in secondary like I'm sick of this shit people getting away with it
I mean look I to be honest just been looking for like exit liquidity for the past
You know year and a half. It hasn't happened or ever but luckily I'm only down to one but no fuck this guy
The only people defending him in the discord and like I'm calling him out and like asking if he's gonna answer questions
Cuz he asked people to submit questions for the town hall like just the other day
I'm gonna check on the project and then he cancels it no replies as you guys know on the tweet. He said
But yeah, he's a fucking coward piece of shit
That's it
Yeah, I mean like I've been bearish on them for a fucking like almost a year now
But I haven't said anything but like the moment I see a motherfucker fucking turn their comments off
And they're not even fucking hacks over or sin swapped. I'm like bro. Like that's just the most fucking beta cuck move ever
It's like you're not even welcoming dialogue in your comments
And then oh no boo-hoo didn't Kevin Rose someone was mean to you in the replies. You better cancel your AMA boo-hoo
To be fair they should be getting dragged like this this is gonna stop other people from launching just garbage
I hate to say it but shown villain he was fucking right dude
It took a year for this motherfucker to be right, but god damn dude, you got a fucking give credit
Even a clock even a clock is right twice a day even a piece. Yeah
Computer screen saying I was right, okay
I hate to do this guys
But I got to remove every single one of you on stage beanie's gonna come up and we're gonna do the fucking one-on-one
I just DM me so I love you guys
And we'll bring people up later, but I got to do what I got to do here
That's what I'm doing and you know, just stick around if it doesn't happen it doesn't happen. I'm shooting my fucking shot. Let's see here
Love you guys
Wow, it takes a long time to do it you guys could just drop down by yourself if you want it would be pretty nice
Just be patient here just a moment while we kind of get everything going just get I hate to do it
But I've also been wanting to chat with beanie for a while. So let's see if
See if he's gonna come up
Wait one moment here
Anyway, here we go
So brother Lee, oh
This is actually our first time
Interacting it probably ever you followed me after the cabal tweet that I did a couple weeks ago
And I was like, oh shit, I guess like everybody's seeing this tweet, but it's a fighter to have you up here
Why why all of a sudden do you want to do just like a one-on-one today? Like what kind of put you in the mood?
I wanted to talk to thread guy, but he was too much from fucking pussy
You know, I'll have a space of this hour. So, you know, you're hosting so I'm here with you. I
Actually, thanks for having me
Yeah, no, thanks for being here. I was talking to thread guy on the phone right before the space actually
I love thread guy by the way, I'm just joking but I mean, I know he's tired and shit, but you know
Well, he's actually he's actually at the library, right?
Okay, well, I mean like talk to me first, like how are you doing? Like what's your mindset right now?
What's say up to like what's going on? I mean a lot of people think I'm like, you know running say or whatever
I mean, honestly, I'm just in there like everybody else, you know, I've been talking about the the NFTs from day one
Pretty much day one not exactly day one
I guess but for the last couple months before people started talking about them and they've done pretty well
I think it's you know an emerging
Ecosystem that's worth, you know
Keeping tabs on it's it's done very well, you know, the we bumps are up about
20x since I started talking about them and I think it's you know, it's that it's a blockchain meant for
You know trading assets real quick real cheap and it's got a rapid community and I like it
I like it. I love the people in it. So, you know, I mean to me I think I think say it's pretty fucking cool
Wait, so what do you okay? So what do you think about this new like?
It's like modular like Celestia is popping off obviously it was like 20 bucks recently
Yeah, Monad and where they're bringing like and there's even things like yeah
Well, you know Monad Celestia say these are all
You know, they're all the same sort of thing right? They're all built on the cosmos SDK
Yeah, I think you know, I'm like I don't have any Celestia and I guess Monad that hasn't released a token yet
But I'm sure they'll be I'm sure they'll be great
But right now say, you know, I'm using say I like it. You can see all the NFTs I'm buying and
You know, I think it's it's an awesome community and you know, I'm just happy to be a part of it
Do you think it's not safe specifically?
But do you think there's a mad rush to release a lot of like a lot of new l1s right now because people are just trying
To capitalize on the upcoming bull market. Like didn't we see something similar in the previous cycle?
I don't know. I mean the previous cycle was all about the aetherium killer and
Know I think you're gonna see that every cycle but right now I really feel like you've got a lot of you know years of
you know these, you know of development and
I think you're getting you're getting better products out there. Like if you look at Solana a few years ago
you know is crashing right all the time, right and
you know now it's like, you know come out with its comfort zone and
You know, it's clearly I mean today I was just blown away by Solana and the volume and you know
I'm not like I'm not like a
Solana fanboy by any means, you know, I
but you know, it's hard to ignore the volume and
Community that it has behind it and you know, it's all about community at the end of the day
It's all about the people that back these things
Anybody can make a valuation argument. All the valuations are you know, just ridiculous and absurd if you think about it, right?
Celestia you mentioned, you know, it's at like an 18 billion dollar FTV
I mean, it's it's absurd right? But is it you know, I mean even say is that like, you know, seven billion dollar FTV
Is it absurd? Yeah for sure
but you know
To me, uh, you know that makes Solana look like not that absurd actually at a you know
50 billion dollar FTV and people are really using it and it's taking off. So I
Don't know. I'm just pretty excited about these emerging now ones. I think they're all
You know, they're
You know, they're this whole this whole ecosystem sole crypto ecosystem seems to be
You know kicking right now and I'm just excited to see where things go in the next, you know few months
So you okay, so actually I got to admit a lot of your tweets
Are I use them for content in our space like I'll pin them up and they're really good for Congress and just
Instigating or just like really start on though. You had a tweet recently
speaking of FTV that basically spoke on
Like FTV it matters obviously
But it also doesn't in a sense and these things can go to an essentially like unlimited market caps
Could you expand on that just a little bit?
Yeah, I mean I what I'm saying is
You know, you have to throw all valuation metrics out the window like I I'm you know a stock guy, you know
I've been like, you know value investors Club
I don't know if you guys follow that but you know
we're where you really get down to like the brass tacks on everything you're looking at like, you know cash flow and
Stuff like that. You just have to throw all that out the window when you're looking at crypto because I mean none of it
Makes sense, right?
you know you talk you hear me talking about say a lot and I'm like super bullish on say but
If you start to look at it and like FTV, I mean, of course, it doesn't make sense, right?
I mean, how can this be valued at seven billion dollars when there's only you know, eight million dollars of TBL and this and that
You know Celestia, I think I don't I don't even know they haven't put out an update a month's and it's at seventeen billion dollars
Fdv I mean even even looking at Solano, which is like super active and everything
But I mean, how do you get to a 55 billion dollar?
Valuation when there's no, you know cash flow or something
You can't really you can't rationalize any of this in my opinion. So you just can't look at that. You have to look at
You know just the narrative and the story and you know
I'm looking at like communities that I really like and that's what attracted me to say
I just think it's like it's just like an awesome community and you know, it's very heavily Korean and I think that's
You know part of my part of my bull thesis for that but I don't look at like FTVs and stuff like that not in crypto
So, okay, I want to ask you this because we were talking about it earlier in the space tonight
So meow in regards to Jupiter had done a reddit
I guess like a me of some sort of month ago where he was talking about utility is essentially
Like and to paraphrase kind of the biggest lie that was told and used to basically validate
The potential value of a token and NFT, whatever it is. Do you think that's true?
Do you think utility is completely fabricated and and if you remove the fat you trim all the bullshit people basically come down to they
Want to speculate and the narrative is the most important thing. Would you agree or strongly disagree?
I mean it's hard to say um, I think the narrative is obviously the most important thing
You see it with everything right? You see it with Bitcoin. You see what the theorem you see with Solani you see with everything, right?
you know, what was what was the whole narrative with like the ETF and
Yeah, I mean I
I'd say utility definitely matters. I mean you look at the NFT market right now and it's completely utility based
utility driven I should say I mean there's
Completely dead. I mean what what is moving in terms of like one-of-one? I'm a super heiros completely dead
You know art blocks completely dead art is completely dead. People are buying for utility people are buying pudgy penguins now
Cuz you know expectation utility licensing whatnot. They're buying board apes so they could stake it for a coin
Future utility and other side, you know
Utility is driving the NFT market
You know the other markets I think utility drives them too because you're always going to be able to stake it for something for rewards
And stuff like that. I
Think that's what that's what's driving every market. I think
Okay, so you said a lot of spicy shit in that take so you've already said art blocks is dead and art is dead
So what is dead? I mean, I'm not making that up. I mean you go look at the numbers. I'm not like, you know
Well, what constitutes as dead dead as in no, but no volume no volume
I mean, I'm I'm you know
I I'm trying to sell some art block stuff now
I floored and floored and floored and go below floor and below and blow and it's not moving. There's no volume. No buyers
That's dead to me
Do you think like the stuff that you're trying to sell? Are they some of the more obscure collection? No
Well, not squiggles not for dances, but you know some of the stuff from art block season one
I mean some of the first stuff
What's the day?
Some of the first collections. No, I wouldn't call that obscure at all from the first few collections
No, I mean our plaques are dead. I mean go look at the sales volume
There was one whale that swept a few for dances a couple weeks ago, but there not it's completely there
But there's just so much supply. I mean, there's like millions of art blocks tokens out there
I mean and that was that was you know
You know, that was the idea right? I mean what it was snow froze famous quote
I relish in the oversupply or whatever something like that, you know that he made I mean, that's what it is and
Nobody cares about the art. I mean, you know, I cared about the art I was you know, like when Beanie
First came onto the scene Beanie was all about you know
one-on-ones and super rare and this and that in the art and the art of story and everything but
It seems like people don't care about that anymore. It's all about utility to answer your question
So I think where it became really convoluted. Obviously, there's a fuck ton of tokens
But when they merged art blocks curated and art blocks factory
You know you get at least a little bit of a divide in which you could let's say if you're an under one
You go to factory you can find some stuff for point oh five point one
Like maybe you're not gonna 10x on it
We can like genuinely find something you'd like, but when everything was merged together, it's I mean, bro
It's fucking I agree with you. I agree too. And also I think you're wasting your money buying anything
I mean, why would you buy anything that has no liquidity and can't get out of it right now?
I mean, it's just not the meta right now
You got to go where the meta is and the meta is not that you know, like art is dead
I'm sorry
And I have a lot of shit for sale and I've been trying to sell it for a long time and I can't so, you know
And I under it's just dead. Why would you buy that? I mean, I'm only buying if I'm buying NFTs right now
I'm either buying stuff on emerging chains
Where you know, we're pretty much ground floor
I think or I'm buying stuff on aetherium or Solana stuff that you can
That have like the blurs and the liquidity that you can you know sell 50 to 100 of them, you know
You know in a single, you know sale, right? That's where I go where the liquidity is
And I think everybody's gonna do that eventually
Do you think it's more appropriate to say not that art is dead, but rather speculating on art is not dead
Obviously arts not dead. I mean art is booming right at Christie's and Sotheby's and the auctions
You know, you know Roth goes going for a hundred million plus and you know
Art is not dead. Let's don't get me wrong. But you know NFT guard has come a long way, right? I mean
You know, we saw some of these artists, you know go from floors of first laws, it's a new medium, right?
I mean, it's not like you could display an X copy on your wall. There's still no way to display any of this stuff
right, so you're only gonna
You're not gonna you're not gonna attract most collectors because you can't like put it on your wall
I mean people who want to own this stuff one, you know for millions of dollars want to put it on their wall
you can't put it on your wall, but
I I don't think like
You know art is dead, but it's come such a long way. So okay 2021 early
An X copy 101 you could buy for like a couple hundred dollars, right and then by like mid
2021 I think Snoop Dogg made like the high sale of around like six million dollars. I mean
Art doesn't move that quickly, right?
It's taking decades if not centuries for stuff like, you know, Rembrandt's and van Gogh's to move like millions of dollars
I mean, it's it just moves so quickly that of course it's gonna come back to earth
Right. So I don't think art is dead. And I think I think I think this stuff will age
Well, but it's come like so far ahead of itself that you know
It doesn't surprise me that it's pulled back and I don't see that medic coming back anytime soon
I really feel it's like a utility driven market is a gamified driven market, right? You're seeing with blur
I think blur change the game with you know gamification. Obviously, you know, I'm a little biased as you know seed investor there on blur
but you know
You've seen it right? You've seen the emergence of like, you know gamification in you know in trading
Do you think this over over and hyper financialization and hyper gamification and by the way, I agree
I've been saying this since day one with blur. I actually think it's done
More good than bad. I just think that it came in at a really weird. So we can talk about blur
For hours, but do you think this hyper gamification even with look at something like portal coin, right?
Look at how every project is dropping points. How everything is creating these sort of like engaged to earn mechanics
Do you think that's I mean like negative positive? I mean, what do you take there?
Yeah, I mean look the markets gonna move towards liquidity right and
They're obviously bringing the liquidity. Everybody was very bearish at the beginning
Everybody was like blaming blur for like a bad market saying okay
We're in a bear market because of blur
But I I from day one I kept saying no, I mean they're bringing the liquidity of the market and
You know, I think it's a good thing at the end of the day and I stand by that I think it's a good thing
I think it's a positive for the space
It'll be interesting to see those kind of platforms on other chains
Because you know blur is very focused on aetherium
But you know, I think it's definitely a net positive
Okay, just people interested right we're this is like the attention economy and
You know, you want to keep people interested and people are interested when they're you know, when there's rewards, right?
I'm blur kind of introduced the idea of like rewards and
They introduced liquidity. I mean when else could you like? Okay. Okay, somebody sold what like 40 or 50
Or I'm not sure how many of them in like 20 or 30 pudgy penguins today
Okay, so like several hundred each worth of penguins, I mean when can you have ever been able to do that, right and
They were able to do that with the floor price
I mean it dropped a little bit but not a lot
But that was like a trader that bought those penguins a couple months ago and ended up making a couple hundred each
And they still have you know more penguins. So I mean you couldn't have done that before
But I think that's interesting. I mean to me, it's definitely interesting as a trader
I think you know for sure, you know, I'm definitely much more interested in NFT trading with with platforms when platforms like that exist
Well, let me ask you this beanie. So with platforms like that came the
Popularization of like essentially near 0% royalties or 0% and obviously the narrative was you know
You had these basically 0% royalty marketplaces on Solana that in the span of nine weeks basically took magic Eden from 50% market dominance
So like less than 10, obviously they've recovered, you know leaps and bounds since then
And then obviously that came over to eat as well with blur and like I see why to whatever
What is your take on royalties?
I saw you put out a tweet recently where it's like if stocks had a five ten percent tax on them
There'd be no liquidity. Nobody would fuck with them
Do you think there's a difference between what we're doing here and something like stocks because I personally do well
Okay, so yeah, if you go back to like the late 90s before that
You know to trade stocks essentially you had to call up a broker, right?
You had to you know, put an order in mostly over the phone. You had to pay several hundred dollars
You know to put an order in but then the discount brokers came out in the late 90s, you know E trade Ameritrade
Whatnot then Schwab came out and there was just like it
Very quickly went to almost free trading right went from like twenty dollars to like
I think I remember Schwab came out with like the five dollar trading and like
1999 or something and almost went to like zero now it's at like zero and
You know, if you look at like if you look at the charts, I mean, you know
Everything's just been up only since then, right?
Um, so I really think like it's you know, liquidity
Drives the market. I mean I stand by that what I was saying
Yeah, sorry, yeah, no, I'm just saying that I think that
You know, I think it's a good thing. I I I don't think royalties are sustainable now when we're talking about royalties originally
We were talking about royalties quite a bit on like super rare and the whole idea was super
I don't know if you know about the history of super air, but around
2018 a bunch of artists wrote like a letter X copy was one of them. They wrote a letter to
Super and they kind of like gang together and they were like, hey, you know
we we want to get royalties on the platform super adder royalties and the whole story was like
You know, these are like, you know artists will be able to
You know break this cycle of like I don't want to say poverty
But like they were you know, are everybody knows artists are pretty exploited by galleries and Sotheby's and Christie's and whatnot
Artists haven't really gotten very rich. There's obviously examples where they have, you know
You got like the coonces of the world and like whatever but most artists, you know
There they don't get rich until they die, right?
The idea was okay, you know, they'll they'll be able to you know earn royalties
I always thought even from the beginning, you know royalties on like sales volumes not the right way to reward people because
You know, they you're just you know, it's not it's not the right action to reward right but
either way
Everybody kind of supported I supported it. It was kind of a good thing, you know
The artists would get royalties, you know, they'd be able to break the you know
The cycle of you know being exploited by galleries who make all the money and they make no money
but you know when it started coming down to like you got
I mean just back in the envelope
Calculations. I mean you go across the board of like you got and you're talking like almost half a billion dollars in royalties, right? I
Is this like, you know, I
We're not talking about starving artists anymore, right?
And will that and people who are trading you got I mean
Shouldn't they be the ones benefiting?
Okay, so let me okay, I mean I got fucking I don't know how much time you have but I got a lot of questions I
Let's go to you go because I have some other deeds
That's basically the only you get exposure I have but I have been a fan of them and I am excited for others
But I'm just to set the you know set my bias kind of out in the open here
Well, I mean talk to me like just overall take you guys you think they're fucking up
It's too corporate now, like what I think it's too corporate personally. Yeah, I get I I don't get the greatest vibe from it
You know, I had I had a play going on codas I put my thesis out there but I was like
You know, then they just I just didn't really get updates and then I was like, what am I even waiting for like updates?
You know, it just felt like like you said just to to corporate
Um, you know, I don't know I I'm just
It's gonna be a pass for me
But do you think that's an inevitability when a project gets very big
I mean even look at like something outside of web 3 like any fucking clothing brand you get like supreme
It's cool. Cool. Cool until it's not cool pudgy penguins are you got same thing?
I mean like I feel like just it's an inevitability when these products become so big
They become corporate due to the nature of their scale and you lose this inherent club
Community-based five that existed when it was just like a couple thousand people on the internet. Yeah, I'd agree with that 100%
I think he nailed that for sure. I agree. I agree. I don't know if it's possible for them to make it cool
I mean, they brought a CEO and obviously a very competent guy. They brought him from you know, Activision Blizzard making, you know
Was making like eight figures a year in salary and stock options
I mean, they obviously paid the guy a lot of money to come on obviously a very very smart guy
I mean, they're bringing in the right people that you would think right in a corporate scenario
I mean, you can't fuck the guy right? I mean, he's obviously, you know, a very smart and capable guy for this kind of business, but
But like you said, I mean it became kind of corporate right? I don't know if it will resonate well with an
NFT people
Well, I think this point it almost doesn't matter because if the other side is let's say a massive success
You're looking at a huge. I mean like you're looking at a player base. That's
Vastly bigger than what exists in web 3 like for sure for sure for sure. There is definitely an upside
I think part of my coda thesis is true
What I got kind of tired of is was like I kept hearing okay, we're gonna do this update
We're gonna do this update and then just nothing happened. I was like, uh, you know
I don't really want to be sitting there with like a big position and anything really and in East
You know, I'd rather move it into you know more emerging chains where I think I'll get a better return
So I got out of it, but I mean
You know it does like yeah, I really believe they will put out a quality product. Will it matter? I don't know
If you can't communicate, I mean, what are you doing in web 3 because it's all we know it's all about communication, right?
It it's not about who has the best c-class execs
So actually you kind of nailed it on the head there like I actually I truly believe they're also put out a quality product
Even if it takes longer than we know that if people will care
My follow-up. Yeah might be too little too late. I don't know. I'm not I'm not saying that I don't know
And I hope they put out a quality product whether I have any exposure or not
I hope they do because I think it'll be amazing from the space and onboard a lot of people that
Ultimately, that's what I care about, you know
So, you know, I I am I am kind of you know
I am cheering for them to put out a quality product for sure because you know
If it's not a quality product, it's gonna be real bad for the space and I don't want that
Okay, more more broadly gaming gaming and web 3 what's your take?
Like obviously there's a fuck ton of projects now that are dropping tokens NFTs building games ever
I mean, do you see that that is over saturated overblown is like will traditional gamers care about being able to make $10
A day or $10 a week or whatever it is on games or do they just want to play for fun?
Yeah, I mean
That one's hard hard to say I think
Yeah, I don't know I don't really have an answer for that it's hard to say what's gonna go on with gaming
I mean, obviously gaming is the meta and everybody's, you know releasing games and
I'm still waiting to see one that that seems, you know
Enjoyable right? So I think that's I think that's the problem, right? They're not really games. They're like veiled games, right?
Exactly exactly. I mean if you call that a game that's a game
But I mean there's nothing like, you know, like a real game like, you know, I play Madden I play NHL
You know hockey I play, you know, those are games right, but there's nothing like that out there right now
We're not we're not there yet, but there are things like nifty island
I don't know if you I saw it. Yeah, I mean that might that might be the closest kind of it's almost like roblox
Right. Obviously, it's not as developed as roblox. I don't nobody would expect that but
But yeah, I mean it seems like it looks interesting right? It seems like
Like like the closest thing we've seen so far. So, you know, I definitely applaud them for whatever they're doing
That's cool. I like that. Yeah, I think that's good. I
Like it too and and they actually minted in 2021 and we're building for two years or three years now and finally released
I actually gave a big fan. I don't hold any of their assets
I know either do I either do I but I I did see I did see the
I've seen some people playing it and yeah, it looks interesting people are like hey, I'm building my island
I mean, I like it cuz yeah, I I maybe I'm wrong
I don't know. I haven't looked into it that much but it to me it's like what like a web 3 kind of roblox, right?
Where you can build your own kind of game within the game and stuff like that like within like, you know
Roblox studio kind of thing. Yeah, I mean, it's like user-generated content, which is cool. I think that's awesome
I think that's very cool. I mean
I think that's the best thing we've seen so far and you know in terms of like an actual game
Okay, so look I want to I want to pivot here a little bit
I want to say shout out to everybody who's in the space. Welcome guys. This was
Actually my first space I posted in two weeks here. So I was a little rusty
But appreciate you hopping up here. I appreciate it. I appreciate for having me. Thank you. You know, I was gonna go
I'm a trade guy, but
We're not leaving yet
Anybody's enjoying anything about the conversation click that button in the bottom right hand corner
Alright, this is my favorite thing to do and look at your fucking account and pin some tweets and talk about them
So if you're cool with it, that's what we're yeah. Yeah, I got a few minutes
All right, so that I gotta talk about this most recent one here. I'm gonna pin it to the top
So it says two years ago. I got canceled the worst time of my life pride myself to sleep for months
The pain is real when everybody turns out on you out of nowhere. I wish it never went down like this
Thanks to those that stood by me. I love you. Time to run it back with love and respect
All right, talk to me like you were forced out of pixel vault at the fucking pico top
And it's just been in wild and also getting of our conversation. You reference yourself in third person
You were like when beanie maxi came on to the stage came into play like
First I want to understand like do you think of yourself as an individual different than your account and to
Did that change the way that you felt when you were forced out of pixel vault, I
Mean, you know obviously
Mean first you say like the pico top, but I mean it's hard to really say what the top, you know what the top is
You know, we're we're high at that time right from
From like, you know, like a VC point of view
It's hard to really say what the top was I mean a lot of a lot of
Projects, you look at pudgy penguins for instance. I don't know when that when that takeover that acquisition happened
But it was all through the bear market, right?
Yeah, it was so, you know, it's hard to say what a project and you would argue that I think what did Luca bought it for
Seven hundred seven hundred fifty
It was like about two point five
About two point five million dollars. Okay, and and pretty much in the bear market
I think was the acquisition or like just before right?
It was like maybe like right at the entrance of the bear market was getting bad enough
So what would you value pudgy penguins at right now? Like he bought it for two and a half. It's gotta be worth
I'm sure he could raise capital right now at what over a billion dollars. I think right
I mean if there's a token coming like if that's some or speculating
Oh, if it was a token coming, it would be a multi-billion dollar token. We all know that right?
It would be top ten. Okay, just so hold on
I think so. I think so. I think so. I think so
if it had the right tokenomics and everything obviously, but
We're what would you value the company out right now?
Over I think over I don't think you would be able to invest in pudgy penguins for under
I don't think you could have a conversation for under ten figures, right as
Evaluation right? I think if Luca was taking capital right now, it would be several billion dollar valuation
In line with what board apes was or like you go was at the top which was like four billion or something, right?
Yeah, I was around four point five. Okay. Okay, but you had made a lot more money at that point. Okay
Right, right, right, but you know
Luca has not had any you know revenue generating moments at that time like
You know board apes
You know, they they did the mutant sale for like a hundred million. They've taken in several hundred million in royalties
They've I believe I don't know what's evaluation that come before or after when they did the other side sale for several hundred million dollars
You know, they had they had a nice revenue stream, right?
Luca's just been purely royalties which are obviously as we talked about are diminished already, right?
I don't know how much they take in the royalties. It's hard to even tell these days, right?
You'd have to actually get granular and see because there's only really royalties on open sea and then they're
You know, not everybody pays them and whatnot, but I believe strongly that if if penguins
Did like a raise right now they would have evaluation over a billion dollars, right? Would you agree with that? I
Mean like I would have probably said somewhere closer to 750, but I think okay. Okay, let's say 750
So that would be like a 50x of what he bought penguins for right?
Going into the bear market, so that's my point. It's like hard to say what could have been
You know pixel wall was on such a upward trajectory. It was just killing it on every aspect of everything. I mean
You know killing it and now it's not you blame beanie for this
You know what I mean like you say hey, you know, you know this guy he was
Forced out at the top, but was that the top or was that just the beginning right?
That's what that's what I have a problem with because everybody's like, oh no, you should be happy
You were forced out the time. It's like, you know to me that wasn't the top and I don't care
I I really feel like good operators can transcend a bear market Luca transcended a
bear market, right
He delivered all of this during the bear market and only the moment the market only started to get a little better now
But I mean most of the growth happened during the bear market
So that's why I don't like this argument where everybody's like, okay
You know you you got out at the top. You're so lucky. No, you know, we don't know what the trajectory could have been
Do you think that pixel ball could have been
To this day one of the biggest names in the space and one of the most successful enterprises here
Had you not been forced out hundred percent hundred percent
No question about it
What role were you playing in pixel ball?
Like for people who may have come into crypto and I was bringing like exposure it like the first thing that you asked me
When when I just came on stage was all about say right?
I mean people think I'm like actually involved in say I'm not actually involved in say I don't really you know
I'm not a seed investor or anything. I'm buying open market. I'm buying NFTs
I've gotten to know some of you know, I've had chats with like, you know
pallet exchange and like we bump and like the people who are involved in the ecosystem, of course, but
only because I've just kind of gotten involved in it, right but
You know like everybody knew were pixel ball everybody knew about all the all the drops and the stories and everything
Everybody knew about a why cuz you know
You know, I was I was out there, you know
Talking about it, right and I think I think we let you know
They and then they just went dark for like a year forced me out and then went dark for a year
You tell me what happened with pixel vault in 2022, right?
I don't I mean, it's hard to recover after that. They got some bad advice, you know, G funk will tell you
Himself he got bad advice. They told him to go dark and just worry about building in private, you know, like you like you see in pudgies
They build in public. I mean look at their YouTube. They have it. What really attracted me to them and I don't own any pudgies
I have no equity. I'm not like I don't even own a single NFT
But I've watched their youtubes and their whole building in public series. It's like it's very cool
and I kind of understand why it works, right and
thought you know
You know, I really thought pixel I was on on a similar trajectory
So one I mean, you know nothing but love for for Luca the pudgy penguins Lorenzo the entire team
They're very smart these guys and there's not a lot of guys like that out there
I mean, these are growth hackers. They know what they're doing
There's just not a lot of very like experienced marketers in this space and
You know, I know Lucas got his is, you know, his his own like fud and whatever
But you know, it's just testament to his like, you know marketing a lot of these guys are just you know
They're they're good marketers and there's not a lot of good marketers out there. I
Agree and marketing is very underrated very underrated in this space, you know, especially, you know
You know, but I'm so you're asking me about pixel vault and could it have been a trajectory?
I mean, I don't think in my opinion. I don't think I got out at the top because I really feel it was just getting started at
that time and
You know, whatever happened since
you know, I
Don't think I don't think that wouldn't necessarily happen if I wasn't
If things didn't happen like that, I think it was on a good trajectory and I think we could have transcended this
This bear market. I wouldn't blame the market for everything
I don't think you can blame the market for everything when you see penguins and other projects still doing well
In a bear market. I don't think you blame the bear market for everything
Okay, so tell me this though because I so I didn't come into NFTs until January 2022
I was like D 5 before I actually missed most of the beanie arc
And I've just been filled in bits and pieces with different threads this and that so I mean just why did they actually met?
What is the con and
Really brief interaction. Why did they push you out? What was the reason was it like internal beef? What was what was going on?
I mean, there was some internal stuff over some of like, you know, I guess, you know
Beanie was always the guy who would call out things and you know right or wrong, you know
I always say no good deed
Goes unpunished right? I mean good call out
You know, I would call it a lot of shit and I was usually right about it
but it would piss off a lot of people and
So there was some internal strife and then you know that whole
You know cancellation thing came about that
Thread and when that happened it was just you know that happened actually on the
that happened on the day that
that the VCS were
You know taking a stake in in pixel vault a pretty sizable stake and you know that happens
coincidentally on the exact same day and
Came to me that like hey, you know now they're not, you know, you have to get out you're out and
they're coming in they're taking over and
you know, I
was just forced out and
It wasn't an option. I mean I tried to you know, I begged them pleaded to just keep
You know some stake in it, but it was like hey, you're literally you're getting nothing
Take this which was you know, well well well under market value everybody saying, you know
Hey, you got an amazing deal. Nobody actually knows what the deal is as well. Well under what the valuations were. I mean substantially
It just you know seemed very coincidental and that happened on the exact same day as
the supposed
VC deal which was being talked about for months before that so
So you said
Well, just saying it happened on it happened on the same day that the the VC
You know deal went down right? I mean you think they leaked leaked it. Do you think it was them? I don't know
I I don't I don't think so. I don't know. Maybe it was just coincidence, but it just happened on the it just was like
Everything was going in the right direction and everything was on the right trajectory
then it was like I just woke up and was like, you know got a message from
G funky's like yeah, you're
Out and you know, I pleaded with them, you know, I said, you know, I really obviously, you know cared about everything
with that, you know the project and
But there was no choice it was
You know, you're out
take this or get nothing was the exact quote and
Were were you in chief hunk friends?
I mean weren't friends in real life. We were like, you know, like like he said, you know, I'm I
Was one of like a person who you know believed in him. I and you know, he definitely at the
At the onset I you know, he definitely impressed me of this work ethic. I mean as a guy that you know worked, you know 24 7
Literally, I remember getting the first comic out. Remember the first comic took five weeks to sell out
This wasn't like a success like day one. It took five weeks to sell out
You know G fun, you know, he actually worked himself
So hard that he ended up in the hospital for lack of sleep. I ended up in the yard, you know, like I
Was impressed with his work ethic. That's for sure
And you know, I no reason to doubt his character or anything like that
There was no like, you know, obviously after what happened when he put out that thread and you know thread that I quoted
You know, there's obviously I am feeling
Some like you know, like bad blood there obviously, right? I mean, is it possible not to
You know when you have something like stripped away from you that you care so much about and you know
And then everybody's saying hey, you know
Well, you're out at the top and this and that and you know to me it just it didn't equate to that whatsoever
I would so much rather be in it so much rather be in it and you know
I begged and pleaded and you know, gee funky even said and threads. He's like, you know, he actually cried
I actually cried on the phone. I'm not a guy who cries on the phone ever
But I I pleaded and begged to stay in it and it was like nope you have no choice you're out and
I mean, you know that took me a long time to recover from I know people are like, you know
thread guy makes that meme of me crying and money and everything but
It was like it hurt me a lot and you know
It's still to this day. It does and to see so many people like
If you go go look back at that thread and see so many people who like I was like, you know close with and and
Helped and everything and for them to just immediately turn their backs on me
I mean, you know a few people were like solid and you know
I totally appreciate these people and you know, actually thread guys one of them and you know
I've talked him for the last couple years even when I talked to nobody and he's a good guy and
But like so many people turn their back to me people who are you know, and it's tough
So and one I love that guy he's one of my best friends and we lifted we actually moved
I don't know if you know this but we moved across the country both of us from Virginia together. Okay, I didn't know that
Then you probably heard some of my calls with them like in the last couple years, you know
Like I've definitely like stated he's one of the few that I've actually stayed in touch with
Like ever since even the cancellation or whatnot. I mean, you know, like I
Because I've always still been trading crypto. I'm always still into the market whether I'm like public about it or not
I mean, it's what I do
You know, that's
Do you think the public backlash against you was fair or do you feel that people have done way worse in crypto?
And I've gone away with it. Well, I know I don't think it's fair
I mean, I think you should be judged on what you've done in crypto and I mean for to bring up like
You know, what have I done?
Who have I harmed in crypto? Okay, I've always had the best intentions going into anything and I've always tried my best
I've always backed people that I thought would
Think I lost you there for a second. Yeah, sorry
No, I think I've always like I've always I've always tried my best, you know to like
You know back people that I thought were you know
That had their their best
Best intentions and everything right? I think I've done a pretty good job. I mean even like tick wolf game for example
Go happy he said take wolf game for example, I
Think I lost you there
Well, we'll be reconnect y'all again
Welcome to space if you're enjoying anything about the conversation click that button in the bottom right hand corner
Give me a like comment or a retweet and also if you have any questions or anything you want me to ask feel free to DM
Yeah, but being able ton of people DMing me a ton of questions
Also, a lot of people want to know your take on ordinals and we will get to that in a moment
But being it are you reconnected now
Yeah, sorry, I'm sorry, sorry about that. Sorry. Okay. Um, I was just getting a call on the other line
Yeah, I I mean I I think my intentions have always been good you could see
Even like I was saying wolf game as an example, you know, I thought
As G fund mentioned I introduced him to the wolf game
founders as is just an example and
I thought you know picks of all taking over that would be you know, the best path forward, right because I feel that they'll
You know, sometimes you need some fresh blood in the space and I thought you know that
You know, so I'm always looking for I'm always looking for like positive outcomes for everything for example, so I mean no
I I don't think the the the hate is
Justified I'd like you to find somebody else with a track record, you know
as good as mine for backing like, you know, I just all I do is I back a lot of people right and
I'm very selective of who I back and I think I think the people I'm backing have turned out pretty good. I mean
You know G funk
You know, you can't fault the guy for trying. I mean the guy's trying right? He's out there working. He's trying like, you know
He hasn't given up I think he'll be trying for you know a long time and
Regardless of you know, what went down with me and him
I'm still proud of what like, you know pixel vaults become I'm proud of what like wolf game has become
You know, it's always always my like intention for like, you know positive outcomes for everybody and
You know, I think I have a pretty good track record in the space. So I really don't know I really don't believe that
You know criticism
Is warranted
So, okay, let me ask you this
The thread that was dropped by entity on this
Everything that it outlined. I mean, I mean just like talk me through some of it
Do you think it was some of it fair with some of it not fair?
I mean we go through it. I I mean just like what is your overall take there?
Well, I think I think I've answered that I think I've posted about that before that, you know, I feel people
Should judge me based on my actions in the space
So what have my actions been in the space primarily I've been posting about, you know trading
I've been posting my trades what I'm doing
I've been talking about, you know what I'm buying and what I'm selling. I've backed a few different founders here and there
most of them
Have been you know been good, you know and
You know, I I think my intentions have always been good
I think I've been
You know always I think I've always helped myself I feel to the highway highest integrity in this space
Okay, what about I have a lot of people
But blue was blue was a free man, I don't know so you said you were involved in the space and
You got involved in 2022. I think blue was around
2021 right
Okay, so there was a project called loot
it was a free mint and
It quickly went to like about a 20th floor
I remember multi coin capital like a bunch of VC started aping that I went to like a 20th floor
Which is a bunch of words. So
Came to me is like hey, I got an idea. We'll do blue like
You know kind of a funny version so tropo
G funk hunter
hunter's brother Dylan
And myself we okay. Well, let's just roll this out as a free mint and it really you know
I mean, I think I underestimated how big beanie was at the time like
Obviously that was like an error on my part to realize how like how much you know, my words would affect like
everything and
You know, obviously the free mint it took off as free, but there was a bunch of other like side projects that ended up
You know minting and there were a lot of rewards and
Somebody unbeknownst us launched this BGLD token
It shot up, you know, very quickly over like a dollar. I think it was like
And this they they sent me like 5 million of them
Which I've never sold to this day
I didn't want to you know dump on everybody but I got kind of carried away with it at the time, right?
I thought okay, so this is gonna be the token of blue blah blah blah we're gonna you know
But it just got out of hand very quickly and then that whoever developed whoever created that token. It was a third party
I still don't know to this day who did it and
They rubbed it. They pulled all the liquidity and it went from like a dollar something to you know
zero in like a matter of like a
Couple days. I think at first it went down to like 20 cents and then hovered there a little then went to like below zero and
Like I said, I didn't I never you know profited off it. I
Still have all those tokens. I've never bought or sold BGLD actually I bought some blutes
You know even at what you would call the top of the market
I was you know, obviously I was you know, very like I was running spaces and you know, I was
Super excited about blute. There were a lot of people building on blute and building like a lot of projects
There were a lot of rewards people who minted it for free did very well
know, and I mean
Then it just kind of like when the BGLD thing happened it just kind of took the wind out of the sails
right, so
Yeah, I know a lot of people hate me for that
But I mean did I make money off the loot? I I mean we made some money off royalties. It was perfect like
You know, we all split the royalties was five of us myself G fun trouble hunter his brother
I mean, I wasn't a bigger partner than anybody and then I believe they
After the whole cancellation thing happened
they turned it over to some people in the community to take over who wanted to take over it and
And that's it
Do you do you least understand why it's hard for people to believe that though
Especially in this space where it's like everything's just fucking pseudo anonymous and it's so hard to tell like
To believe what exactly that that I wasn't involved in creating BGLD. I mean I wasn't I
could tell you right now is funded by a coinbase account you can see it clearly and I don't have a coinbase account, so
So this is I mean the brilliance and the the tough aspect of this space too, right?
It's like the blockchain does tell all but it doesn't tell
Like it tells the truth
But it doesn't tell the entirety of the story and like you can at least look at that you understand to a certain perspective
Why people feel the way they do? Yeah, totally totally. I mean that blue created
So many enemies for me and not even just an NFT Twitter
It created like a lot of crypto Twitter people started to ape this BGLD. Obviously, you know, I got caught up in the
You know, I got caught up in it, you know, I've said this before like I got caught up in it
I was you know, super like okay, this is like
You know felt like a new paradigm kind of thing like crazy like okay
This feels right some a non-dev just created this maybe it's like kind of like a Satoshi type character that created this
With no like, you know, totally selfless and everything but turned out he ended up running it
I mean all I could tell you is I have never sold any I have never bought any those five million that I got
They were worth over five million dollars at a time. I never sold them. I still have them to this day. There were zero, you know
That's all I could say definitively and did I and I I lost more than anybody
Okay, so yeah, I made a little bit of money on on the royalties just like everybody else involved in blue
You know nothing compared to the reputational hit I took and you know
You know, the value of reputation is infinitely more than you know, a
Little bit of money made on in royalties and yeah, I mean I took the the burden of that
I mean nobody else is getting fighted over this and you know
I really feel like in terms of like the blue team
I really feel like I did a lot
I mean I was out there like really promoting it running spaces and bringing attention to it bringing people on to build on it
build blue tools and stuff like that and
You know just didn't pick the right team. I
Mean that's probably the reason why people think you did it for sure. We're for sure for sure for sure for sure
It was a huge mistake
And I learned I learned to lessen and it was a huge mistake
I'm not gonna deny that a lot of people hate me for it. A lot of people will never you know, forgive me for that
Right. I mean, I'm not I'm not denying that at all
By the way, I wish I'd known we were to do this because people are DMing me and saying I'm not pressing hard enough
I mean, like I I don't have every date fucking memorized here
And also I did not even know we were gonna do this face. But let me let me ask you about this
What about like even with like pixel bowl or punks comics rather not pixel bowl, sorry
Like you I'm like people are just sending me threads and reading them
You're gonna have to just kind of bear with me while I while I go through some of this
Apparently you were saying you were not a founder certain so on and so forth
But like you basically claimed all the eats that was made like it. What do you think there?
Well, I don't know what do you mean I
Don't know. I mean, I'm reading a thread here says
As you know being outspoken
Advisor whatever whatever and he claimed on numerous exceptions not being affiliated or
Over the blockchain as otherwise, let's start with punks comics the sales generated around 2,000 ETH in June 2021
100% of this ETH has been transferred from the punks comic contract to this address owned and controlled by beanie
What do you what is I think I have to talk to G-funk about commercial things in relation to pixel bowl
I can't really there's a lot of stuff. I can't really
discuss with in terms of pixel mold
All right, that's totally fair that's so fair
Do you think there's any coming back from this like how are you because like you become a lot more active on the timeline and
I genuinely
Enjoy a lot of your tweets and I said it before we use them for for content in our space because they drive a lot of
Conversation whether positive or negative. I mean like for you. What's the North Star? What's the Grail like you want to come back?
No, I mean, you know, I've like I said, I've always been active behind the scenes as like
First first as like, you know, I'm always I'm always out there trading the markets whether it's NFTs
fungible tokens, whatever Bitcoin I'm always trading I'm
You know, I feel like I'm I'm always in the
In the market, I'm always talking to different founders looking for you know
You know seed opportunities
You know and
The reason why I tweet it's not like everybody's like, oh you're gauging farming this and that no a lot of times
I just like to sharpen my thesis. I like to throw things out there and see
You know what the responses are and a lot of times it changes my thesis, you know
So I feel I got like a good platform where I have
You know people that
Like to comment on my threads even if I don't have the most engagement I get a lot of comments and
You know negative or positive and sometimes it you know, it helps me form a thesis so I think I think I've got a good
platform for that and
You know that my goal is to just have the best, you know thesis possible on different matters in
crypto and I think
I'm achieving that with my with my platform
Okay, so I
I'm gonna just ask you and it's okay if you say no
Do you want people to I have a ton of requests like do you want people to come up and ask questions?
We're not really fucking right. I don't mind sure
All right. Fuck it, dude. I appreciate that. All right guys, if you want to come up on stage like we're gonna have some ground
They're like no riffing forever. Like if you have a question, it's got to be quick
And then we can just kind of run through them. So I appreciate people who if they want to request up here
Let me see here. Oh
All of a sudden everybody just fucking away. Oh, here we go. Oh, we got budgies coming up. Oh
A lot of these I'm that first beanie up literally never see so we're kind of rolling the roulette, you know
Nice to meet you leap beanie. Love this. Oh, I hope that's not what we do. Oh, yeah, we got
That's not what we're doing. You gotta raise it. We go by the hands. I'll go in the order of the hands
I just appreciate it. I was with it. I will go to you first cuz you are the first hand
Rasmer good to see you up here. I think this is our first time interacting. So what's up? What's your question? Thanks, man
Honestly, the the cancel stuff's cool
But like I just I'm curious what beanies like opinions on say are the SEI ecosystem
thesis on that
Yeah, he's been tweeting about say a lot and the NFTs are upset so
Beanie what do you think? I
Know you talked about it a little bit in the beginning of the space. But if you want to kind of summarize your take here
Beanie you're muted
Sorry, yeah, okay
So no, I think I talked about say before but I mean, it's a very it's a very emerging rabid community particularly with NFTs
Even though of course the volumes aren't very high
I mean NFT volumes stay under a hundred thousand but
$100,000 but
you know, I I like like I like the community I think it has a lot of potential and
You know, I'm happy to you know support the projects on it and
Myself, I I'm you know feeding some stuff on
on say all
you know through
GM capital you got any alpha about the nut market and like
You know, there's it's one of it's one of the
the projects that I'm
Backing I should say there are several like projects that I'm back and I say
that I've you know, I've been
You know, I'd say that would I'll be one of them. It's NFT market place. I'm very bullish on NFT marketplaces and
You know, I think
Yeah, it's about it. Yeah pal. It's pretty questionable. So that is improvement. Well, you know, I'm I
hasn't been announced yet, but I'm I'm
Participating the seed round of palette also, so
You know, I
I'd like to you know, I
Want to I want to get I want to get as many bets as I can in on the sea ecosystem and the builders on the
sea ecosystem, so
You know pallets sort of first to market and I know they have some big plans. So I'm excited about that one also
Yeah, that's how interesting thanks for asking her appreciate the question
Also beanie before we go the rest of the hands I mentioned it before and I got a lot of dams about it
Ordinals, so you faded faded ordinals and you know, I don't know if I I don't know if you'd say faded
Yeah, I didn't participate. I missed the move. I I would say faded would be like don't buy ordinals never, you know
Blah blah blah. I don't think I was like that. I definitely missed it. I didn't think it would take off
still don't really get it so much because it seems like you know, the Bitcoin core devs are against ordinals and
You know, it's almost seem like it seemed like spam on by you know
Buy the big Bitcoiners. So I mean, I don't really get it, but I wouldn't say
Well, I'm all I'm all I'm all about, you know, I'm all about
Miss you know, I I'm always okay if I miss something
Right. I'm not gonna chase things if I miss something. I miss it. I missed ordinals. I've made posts about it. Yeah, I missed it
You know, I screwed up like obviously like it's been a huge return and I missed it, right?
But it's okay to miss things. There's opportunities every day every day. There's something right?
That's the beauty about this market every day. There's something and if you miss something, it's okay
You know, just don't chase things. Don't lose money. Don't get caught up in FOMO
But if you miss something, it's okay. And I missed ordinals, so I'll live with that
Beanie, did you call it a scam in one of your tweets? No, never
never never never
Well, I guess like why did you I mean, yeah, it's fine. I don't I don't I don't say if I faded it
I faded it. I don't say I faded it
I I think I think one of like when I did an AMA I said ordinals are worthless at one point
I think that might be what you're referring to I said
Somebody asked me my opinion ordinals. I said worthless and they were worthless at the time. They
They were they mooned early and then they went to zero and then they rebounded and when the time when they were at zero
I think I wrote back that they were worthless but never did I say they're a scam or anything like that. No
Okay, that's totally fair
Well, why did you think they were worthless
Well, I mean they were worthless at the time to be fair, you know
They were actually literally worthless
They went to like zero from like a big peak when I said that and I I never thought they would rebound
But they did they came back
You know, obviously they have a huge following chinese following and I didn't anticipate that
Usually i'm really on top of like wechat and all that and you know
you know my I really feel like my edge is catching the the chinese and korean like ahead of time that money coming in
And I missed it
I missed it
Uh, and you know, I said they're worthless. They actually were worthless, but I didn't anticipate like I said
I didn't anticipate coming back all worthless. You had like ombs doing well
Oh, well, I mean they weren't they were definitely down like
They had an early peak and then went to zero and then just like rebounded like insane. I missed it
Hey, what can I say? I you can't win them all
you know and um
But I never called them a scam or anything, but I I do think that they're like
You know the bitcoin core devs are against them and I don't know long term they they're talking about forking around them
Soft forking around them or whatever. I don't know if that's possible
There's a lot of core devs plenty of them have been neutral on it. There's one that eats cats. That's uh, you know, okay
I want to throw it quickly over to
I'm not an expert on ordinals. I'm just I'm not I'm I'm no expert on ordinals. Yeah
Is that right when I start talking sucks, but no, I mean, I appreciate beanie
I think beanie has been you know, if you're around in crypto for a while, you know beanie's there and it's he's been still here
So like I give him credit, but I think obviously it was a mistake in orders
But I think you're still kind of missing it, but i'm just curious. Did you actually read the white paper?
of ordinals
Okay, then it's all good
Like there's no point even talking like you have an opinion in front of 700 people you even read the white paper
And you're still missing it, but it's all good leave. That's that's the little point
I just want to say but you know, my opinion is my opinion is I missed it, you know, I mean
Everyone beanie does everything in vc. Like yeah, i'm not saying you didn't but like before you say something publicly
I mean read the white paper. That's that's the point I was making
I didn't even know there was a white paper to be honest
ck appreciate you and also I actually gotta agree in the sense with what beanie just said like you can't hit everything
And ordinals for a lot of people that are supporting them now
Most people were fighting them and i mean ck
You know this most people were fighting them in the beginning even me like I wasn't fighting them
But i'm not going to claim that I totally understood it because I didn't
Yeah, I want to be clear like i'm passionate about it, but I got nothing against people
I think like credo
Like we're all here because we care about this and we're all have hyper kind of nuanced opinions
No, but I I think it's incorrect to say that I fought at ordinals. I mean I did once say in one ama
Yes in one reply
Yes, I did say that one. I said it wasn't a tweet. I said it in like a reply to uh
In an ama. I said ordinals are worthless and at the time they were worthless. Correct. I mean, was I right at that time?
Right, I think it was to my boy brutoshi and like, you know
I understand like it's your point of view you're looking at everything and like yeah, you could have your vision
But you know, it's before you say before I was I wrong
Well, they were worthless at the time, but well, they were worthless at the time
Well, they were worthless at the time, but hey like there's an on-chain proof here
You don't have to take my word for it
Like what time do you think these things were worthless because i'll just i'll send you the transaction
I think I think when I well find that tweet and I believe at that time
They were pretty much down like 90 something percent from the high, correct?
But yeah, did I miss it for sure I missed it absolutely no question about it
There was a huge amount of money to be made I missed it
I don't know what else you want me to say. Am I getting back into it?
No, so I mean it's volatile with swings, but like yeah, I think um
From the timing considering that orders were less than a year old to say, you know, it was dead or worthless or some shit
I mean, but like I said, it's it's you could change the money
Yeah, I mean, I didn't like it. I didn't like the story. I didn't like the story
I see the bitcoin cordabs didn't like it. I don't know. It was my opinion
Was I wrong? Yes, was I wrong? Was I wrong? Was I wrong for sure? Was I wrong? I was wrong
I mean, what do you want me to say? I was wrong. That's not the point i'm making
The only point I was making is that before you didn't read the white paper and you had no idea
I didn't even know there was a white paper. I I have no idea. There's a white paper of that
I know there's a bitcoin white paper. I didn't know there was an ordinal swipe paper
Okay, I mean, yeah, that's fun
Like you do I know you're in a different world than I am and you do your thing
But i'm just saying uh, I heard you talking about ordinals just wanted to say that I think you still might be missing it
That's on bitcoin. It's gonna be bigger
Maybe maybe maybe i'll maybe i'll keep yeah, maybe I don't know. Maybe i'll look uh, you know
I i'm definitely, you know open to looking at that stuff for sure
And I understand I think vini deserves credit for being still here a lot of people like this market wiped out a lot of people
And uh, yeah, I think we've seen a great space and i'll let the uh, yeah, you know
That's a that's a good point
You know, I appreciate that that's a good point too
Like a lot of people were like being you were so like bearish for like two years you you know
Um, and I think that's an important thing that a lot of people are missing
You got to go bearish when the market's bad because you got to have money when the market's good
And now when the market's coming back
Imagine if you just spent all your money during the bearish times where you know
Everything was like minus ev and you had no money now. That's why I was always very like hey, you know
You got to wait
You got to play these cycles. You got to you know play when you know, the odds are in your favor
Right. There's there's years when the odds are against you
And you know, you might you might bet on one and
Right now with like bitcoin ETF and that stuff. I'm just curious your talk. Are the odds against ordinals right now?
No, I don't think so
No, I don't think so. I I believe we're in like, you know, I believe we've entered into the secular bull right now
Or I wouldn't be long and I wouldn't be betting on things myself and i'm betting on a lot of things right now
Thank you
Thank you as well. Okay. Look we got a bunch of hands here. So I want to keep it brief
We also have a shit ton of requests. So let's stop everybody a chance here
Also, beanie somebody dm me said ask him how the beef with pranks he started so whenever you're ready to touch on well
I mean, I don't know. I um
What was it? I think he was
I believe he was uh, he minted a bunch of like the punks comics and I think one night he was you know, um
I think he got mad at something. I said
On a tweet. I I don't remember exactly but uh, then I messaged him and uh,
And then you know, he got mad. He got madder
Because and it just kind of became like a beef and then he blocked me and then we haven't talked
I wouldn't call it like a beef like I mean, I don't really
Engage with him at all. I got really got nothing against him
But uh, yeah, I I believe it was something about that. I don't know. I don't even remember
This was like a couple two and a half years ago, probably beanie. Why with everybody what's going on?
Uh, you know, that's
That's the way it is, right?
All right, well that's fair. All right, look we'll go to the hands. Um, I do want to throw it over to let's go deck
Deck, we've never chatted before. Good to meet your acquaintance. What's going on? What's your question?
What's up fellas? What's up?
Yeah, man, appreciate you, uh, you know letting beanie jump on and beanie it's good to hear you around again. Uh,
I mean honestly man
I don't know. I mean I guess
I don't know. I guess I joined the space. Uh
Nft wise, I don't know midsummer 21
It's been in the you know, an interesting kind of experience and journey to
Because I was around when you were doing spaces and you know, the the crowd loved you and you know, everybody was your friend and I
You know, I didn't really understand some of the depths of how things went
But I also don't know a ton of the bc background stuff
But you know you always been genuine and straightforward, you know anytime we've chatted
You know, it's just nice to hear you back around man
And I appreciate that there there's a lot of uh, there's a lot of very open characters that are out here
In my opinion that i've watched
You know just completely
Um, you know disregard the markets disregard, you know, the funds that
Were used in what kind of ways so I don't know man. I think you bring a lot to the table
And you know, I think you've always been
I don't know. It seems to me
pretty straightforward
And uh, I don't know. I like that. I like that much more than the tailored threads, you know that are
just kind of super
So anyways, no, I appreciate that. I appreciate that, you know, it's like i've always prided myself on you know
I don't do paid promos. I can't be bought
uh, i'm not one of those advisors that takes free tokens if i'm in on something it's because I put my own money behind it and
And I let everybody know it too. I you know, so I I do appreciate that
Um, you know if there's any vibe I want people to take from me
It's that you know, i'm not afraid to call out people
I'm not afraid to call out like a lot of shit that goes on and I know it pisses off a lot of people
I am i'm keeping tabs on everything
And you know, I see what's going on and you know, somebody's got to call this shit out because
You know, there's all this talk about the cabal and the cabal is fucking real. Okay. I mean you see it on the same
You see it on all these tokens the same people like if you're if you're on if you're like a vc and you can see
Like these cap tables, you'll see the same names everywhere getting free tokens here and there and that every time
It's the same people and you know
It's not good
I pride myself for not being part of that and uh, you know, of course that's going to create a lot of enemies high-profile enemies
people that will want to take me down and
You know, they they succeeded in a way
You know, they did take me down
You know and uh, but uh, they're not gonna take me out. So look, let me I will say this
Um, and again, you fall you initially followed me after my cabal tweet that kind of went a little crazy
I uh, the word cabal obviously has a connotation to it. That's pretty negative
I mean like my thought process on the whole thing is it is really good to have friends in the space
Obviously for a million reasons that don't need to be stated
Um, and I always tell people like if you can't get a seat at the table
Just build your own table now to be fair be 100 fair. I think
I mean, I don't disagree with you. I think the cabal it is the same fucking name getting on every cap table
It's the same this and hey, hold on. Hold on. You can see like cabal like okay, like your friend threat guy
He's not cabal. I don't see him on any cap tables. He's friendly with people but he's not cabal
You know exactly who i'm talking about who are cabal and we don't need to name names because it's going to create more enemies
For me, so i'm not even naming names anymore
But I mean it's pretty obvious who they are and they're just given free tokens
Of everything just to create this like positive vibe around things
And it's it's all it does is enrich these people who just dump the tokens right away and it hurts everybody else
So so let me say that so I I actually don't know who you're referencing specifically, but I will say
Um, i'm actually bullish
On the new age of cabals, which is basically just people working together and doing it in an ethical and positive way
That's the way I look at it. I know some people may think that's bullshit, but it is. I think it's bullshit
Okay, hold on. Well, yeah, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. All right, tell me why
Don't make us do this
Well, I mean I don't know I mean give me an example of what you mean by like a positive cabal
I haven't seen a positive cabal. I mean, uh,
Okay, we're all right. Can we okay?
Let's say we change the word cabal because I mean there's people who are positive who aren't negative
I guess who aren't part of the cabal but like
Um, I I just think the cabal is real and you know
The thing is the sick part about it is the cabal jokes about being a cabal openly and people laugh about it like
These are cabal whatever but they're actually the cabal and they're fucking everybody over
Okay while they laugh about it, you know, and it just runs me the wrong way
And i'm not part of that. I don't want to ever be part of that and i'll call that shit out
And you can't cancel me again
Uh, well, they will definitely try being me. Don't try don't try but I mean, what are they gonna do?
What can they do worse to me now? I mean they thrown it all out there. What are you gonna do?
Okay, let me say this. Um
Maybe we're talking about different cabals when I think about the word cabal
Um, and again in my tweet I was using it for like sensationalist purposes
Um, but I genuinely think it's good to have friends in the space that you work with to
I don't know like trade information like in the sense that like hey i'm looking at this looks pretty cool
Like whatever that's not cabal. That's not cabal
That's not cabal. That's not cabal. That might be like, uh a discord or a telegram
Trading information and you know trying to get alpha. That's not cabal
Cabal i'm talking about the same people on the cap table advisors particularly advisors because you know
I'm not considering vcs as cabal because you know
They might invest in 20 different things and you know, get a big return on one of them
That's just what they do. They say like the investor list on blur is the cabal
No, I don't think so
There might be some cabal people there but um
I I would say more the advisors
On things like that would be more would be more cabal ish
Right, like the people who are actually getting at least at least the investors on blur are paying money. I mean I invested in blur in
I believe it was
January 2022 early January 2022 is when I like and it was in talks in late 2021
I don't think I didn't even know the name of blur. I mean I invested in it because
Of the founder who has a successful exit with the handshake and other things. So I was like, yeah, fuck i'm in
Um, but I didn't even know the name of the platform
Until you know, what maybe a year later? So, um, you know, it's a risk to me, right?
Yeah, I did well off it very well
Um, don't get me wrong
as a seed investor, but
I obviously took a risk, you know, and uh, I I don't consider that cabal
Uh, I consider cabal getting getting free tokens for doing nothing
You know, they call advisors or whatever and uh, you know, if i'm running a project
I'd rather give those tokens to the community personally than give them to a bunch of you know, quote unquote advisors who literally do nothing
Look you're the cabal biniya you were at the cabal meeting running all the meetings
Look, I want to throw it. What do you mean? I was I was at the cabal meeting
I don't know. I just saw like a it was like a flick on an instagram story. Uh, look what do you mean?
No, I don't know what you mean
I don't to be honest. I don't even know what I mean. Look I want to go to something here
Um, we'll throw it over to let's go to alan
Alan appreciate you being paid and I know it's taking a while to get all the hands. I appreciate the payments guys alan. What's up?
Hey, what's up?
Yeah, I pretty much just want beanie. I I feel like he ever he's never really answered questions
About that thread from nft ethics. He's sort of sidestepped it now. He's trying to say
Oh, I never did anything
In crypto now, you know, he's trying to segment it, but I mean you read the thread you see things like token pay
monkey bet dao
Crypto bet chimp bet that's all crypto stuff. That's all this space, right?
And and you said you've done threads. Well point me to the threads where you've refuted every
Every everything in that tweet rut because you've not really you've said oh, I didn't do it
But like we'd like some evidence besides trust me, bro
Finally a nigga with testosterone in his voice god damn
I don't know what you want me to do. I mean I i've responded to
To threads and where where?
I mean, there's one I think I responded to everything your your speaker pin it
Exactly, well i'm gonna go look I mean, I think I responded to some stuff
What are you you're looking for like a point by point breakdown
That thread that thread had 75 70 plus
tweets in it, right
And you went silent
Thinking we'd forget and you got a lot of muppets on this stage asking you about the next thing you're pumping
And i'm not saying anything's bad about these other products. What am I what am I pumping?
But whatever you're talking about now
Cts like a goldfish, but people have been in this space for a long time. They're not going to forget this stuff
Forget what?
What have I done to you what have I done to you alan? What have I done to you don't don't segment it
What have I done to you know, you're claiming i'm a bad guy
I never said
Find the thread where you addressed it. Why do I have to address every single point of stuff that
You know, I mean, I I don't even understand. What have I done to you?
Blue i'm not here for me
I'm here for crypto. I never brought up blue here for crypto
Besides you saying that. Oh you're going to do all this whatever that's taking me back
I don't even care about that that nft ethics thread
You never addressed it and if you did give me the thread where you addressed it or address it now point by point
Why do I have to address it?
I mean, you don't have to but you're just exposing yourself
Everyone sees you for what you are and what you've been from day one. What am I?
What what harm have I done to you alan?
It's not about me, dude. No, it is about you. You're the one bring it up. What harm have I done to you?
I'm bringing it up because there was a thread and you're bringing up
You're bringing up circumstantial things based on some thread that
You you claim is, you know, credible. So what is it? I mean then discredit the thread
They had records they had everything in there
Right. So discredit the thread you're saying i'm just bringing it. Yeah, i'm bringing up that thread
I mean i'm sure there's others but that's the main one you go silent for two years
I didn't go silent for two years just creep back in and everyone's going to forget and a lot of people have forgot
We got some of these muppets that came over here. Just five minutes ago. We're talking about
Oh beanie this beanie that no people have been in this space for a long time recognize you for what how long have you been
In this space
You are new you are new to the space
Yeah, i'm new. Sure. I'm how long have you been in the space? Honestly, how long have you been in space? Answer the questions, dude
How long have you been here?
How old are you?
How old are you?
You're dancing
How old are you?
You answer the question
Um, okay, we got to get this back on track look alan
If there's specific questions that you want to that you want to add like we got to like keep it to specifics
I am curious. How old you are now just just for the
Just for the sake of the I mean, I don't mind answering the question. I can tell them how old I am
But it's just it's a distraction
Okay, how does that help?
him address the issues in that thread with token pay or the monkey bed dial or
Everything else in that thread, right? How does that actually help him? It's all a distraction
Be neat you want to if you want to speak on some of this stuff as well
I think you're muted too
You can't trust low testosterone it does
Yeah, I think it was muted there. How long you've been in crypto alan?
Beat me stop with the ad hominin attacks. Just address the substance. That's not an ad hominin attack
I've been in crypto for seven years
He's bringing seven years seven eight years
What does that have to do with anything?
That's what most of us that have been here for more than two years
Want to know is that thread called up a lot of questionable stuff in your past?
Questionable stuff you said you were gonna address it
There's there's tweets that you're gonna address it scams with a monkey bet casinos all that webtooth stuff
It's a 70 point thread
You said you were gonna address it and you just never did and that's the point because look I really think you are the
Smartest person on nft twitter and I well, I appreciate that but I love all your takes
And they hold a lot of weight
But you never addresses in like alan said people got goldfish memory and that's 100 true
You did never address this though, and you said you were going to and it's some serious allegations
That's it
I believe I did uh one thread i'm looking for it
Didn't if you want to look at the day to your tweet january 24th two days after this came out you said
There's pending litigation against the person defying me
So we'll be doing this formally in terms of addressing all the accusations and you never did that
That's that's what people want, dude
They they're not saying they believe 100 that nft ethics thread, but there is serious accusations
What what kind of accusations?
Again, the the casino scam what I don't what casino scam. What are you talking about?
I'll pin the thread
It's I I don't remember. It's two years ago, but that's what alan's getting
I raised my hand to get up here to help facilitate that conversation
But that's what he's getting at and I know that's what a lot of other people talking about this niggas see now
He don't remember. He don't remember devoting his whole life the blue tea the cake ass nigga
All right. Hold on. All right. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. We we got to have
A leveled conversation here. I'm interested in what bando and alan are saying beanie. I mean you're hearing their takes here
Um, is there any legitimacy to what they're saying? I mean, what's your opinion there? Um, you're muted as well
Well, there's no legitimacy to any of this
Absolutely, not I you know
If you want to judge me judge me on what i've done judge beanie on beanie
I mean, what has beanie done in this space? I think uh only only good things
Bando or alan if you'd like to respond
I mean, I just posted the thread
Right, and once again, he's just using platitudes
You have very specific operations that are named in there that um, whoever I can't remember who was just talking
the token pay the monkey bed dao
Like there's it's a long thread you said you've addressed it the crypto bet bet the chimp bet
I'm actually just focusing on the crypto stuff because you tried to like segment it. All right, you only you didn't hurt crypto people
All right, let's focus on that then right address those and if you're saying it's all fake
Then I mean that nft ethics that they put it they showed actual records. They tied accounts together
You'd probably be better just to own it honestly at this point because you're not really refuting it with evidence they provided evidence
What do you think about what i'm just looking at this
Yeah, yeah, I don't know what you I don't know what you want me to say
I mean, you know, i've you know, i've posted about this before
Beanie you didn't though dude. You said you absolutely did. I absolutely did you said you were trying to find the thread and you never did
But people forgot and they moved on and everyone loves you now, so it doesn't matter
Um, well look alan and bando if you're if you're concluded here, we can we can move to the next hand
I want to throw it over to og og
I mean what's going on, man? What do you think?
Yo, what the fuck is poppin shit getting crazy on this bitch god?
Look, i mean i'll throw a few questions. Uh, you know, i mean i'm gonna start with some light
Uh, you know, maybe switch the mood up a little bit
All right
You know shit coins, you know, I don't know what your thesis is on them
But you've seen so a lot of shit coins going fucking insane recently. What's your thoughts bro?
Well, I mean I I think uh, you know, obviously the liquidity is on solana so, you know, i've gotten pretty
Bullish on solana. I mean that's where the action is
Like the action please let me let me stop you right there solana i've been having bro. It's solana like i've thought solana one
Yeah, there you go. There you go. I think yeah, go ahead continue. No, no, that's it
That's all I have to say about that. No word. Uh, and I mean like to speak for like bando and alan
I mean, I think what you guys were missing the mark on there was uh, bro
Like you just got to be stupid ultra omega specific. Like for example, i'm going through this thread, right?
It says, uh, you know, you said you weren't the founder
Of punk's comic or you weren't in a founder role
but then it says about
2000 eth uh was sent directly to your wallet
Like what's the what's the story there?
Well that you'll have to ask chief funk about it. I mean i'm not going to talk about commercial stuff regarding, uh fix a vault
Um, you know you you've seen his posts you see my posts. I mean, you know, uh, I I don't know what that has to do with anything right now
Um, all right. Well appreciate you og. Um, look i'll throw it over to let's go to old school
Old school from texas. What do you think and what's going on?
Hey, thanks lee, um
I've been following beanie for a long time and in my in real life business, you know, i'm in the microcap space
Um, we work with a lot of nazdak companies a lot of otc companies there's
in my in real life
World there's a lot of investment bankers and guys that put shells together and look
It's startup land deals succeed a lot of deals fail. So I do empathize with beanie and
You know, you can't always control the market. You don't always know what's going to happen
So I kind of want to put for me beanie. I want to put the past in the past. Um,
I know you've never followed me. Maybe you'll follow me after tonight, but
I know you've been the kind of an ethmaxi. I would rather hear your view on uh, I mean i'm a pretty og punk
I'd like to hear your views on, uh punks right now, you know
What our floor is at what you know, 61 or whatever it is and also uh, and also and also, uh btc so
Like to hear what you have to say. Okay. Well
No, no, I appreciate that and you know the whole thing. Um
Somebody just pinned that so that's the thread that I was looking for here. Um
Somebody just uh pin that
Pin that thread that was my response. There you go mostly about blue
It's not it doesn't touch on any of the allegations pre nfts
That's it
Blute is the best thing to happen to you because then everyone forgot about this thread and it was a distraction like oh, okay
Yeah, and if you're talking about I don't think you know
Obviously if you think that you've never you know done anything in this space because you know
Not everything works out and you know, all you can do is have good intentions on things and yeah
But look man, he's glad it's going to be on the floor
That's what people are talking about the bloop thing didn't work
I I believe you're honest to god, I believe you a thousand percent on bloop. Okay a thousand percent
It's the stuff before that that's questionable the people that got pissed about bloop are pissed that they got dumped on by someone else
And we're okay because they were react to you. So I lost my whole reputation over
Over over blue where you know, I know you did it. You know, you did not
It's the other stuff in the past before nfts. Listen that you have before nfts. Okay. Yeah, so
Listen, what's that february?
That february 16th thread didn't address anything you didn't take accountability this is a bunch of empty
latitudes like you're doing now
Segmenting trying to attack, you know ad hominem attacks you have an address
Then you got people up here talking about asking about punks
Listen, you're going to get away with it. I'm calling you out. You've never taken accountability for it
That's how this space works. Unfortunately
It is what it is
Okay, all right, okay, I think we're done here
Thanks beanie, I appreciate you, um, appreciate it
so look I
I gotta say this though
Regardless of anything. Um, I appreciate you coming to this space and I appreciate having me. Obviously, it's gonna, you know degenerate into
You know, whatever there. I obviously have my haters out there and uh
I thought we had yeah, yeah, I thought we had a pretty good conversation. I did too. So yeah, it was fun
Wait, right guy. Yeah, I think he wanted to ask you something
Wait, sorry guys, sir
Hold on. I gotta bring the right guy up, but you can't you can't leave yet
Um, let me get this mf up here
We gotta just like social pressure him to accept this invite
Um, if everybody wants to like tag right guy say something about his mullet in the comment section
Just click that button at the bottom, right? It's getting quite
Um unkempt recently he's downvoting me
Um, so be any give it give your give your uh, your uh prediction on punks and btc as of right now
I mean it's hard to say, um
I don't know. I mean there's bets. I like better than punks right now. Otherwise, I would own punks. So
Fair enough
I'd rather I'd rather take you know, what's the floor 150 000 on a punk?
You know, I think I could make a lot of bets for 150 000 that I think some of them will be 10x
Maybe 100x, you know in this kind of emerging
emerging markets scene
You want to while I wait for for thread to hop up here?
Um, you want to take it like at least one or two more questions?
I I feel like I know what emlo is going to ask about probably something art related emlo. What's up. I appreciate you being patient
Oh this mf was afk no, I was I was gonna ask
Um, I know that you you're an early collector of people that come to the space like lindsey burns
I'm wondering what you think of her art. I know she's an upcoming drop
Oh, I don't I don't know what you love that. I think I I think I have a couple for things
Thanks, i'm photos right but that's all I know yeah
I'm not really not familiar with her, but I I think I do own a couple for photos
Yeah, lindsey's awesome. Shout to lindsey. Um, okay. Well, I ate nfts. What's up?
So what's up, bro? Um, hold up everyone as well. I mean me and beanie. Uh
I think you have me blocked bro. Um
I remember I commented I said that you were arctic once and that was the end
I'm blocked. I'm blocked. Yeah, bro
That was a funny
Of course, i'm our check everybody thinks that too because I made a joke one time saying i'm our check
So everybody thinks i'm our check, you know, everybody, you know people think the worst you made the girl
I'm not gonna come up here, you know to suck up, you know
Suck you up and stuff like that. But uh at the end of the day like
If you drop another project or somebody finds out that you're behind anything. Everybody's pressing max mint. Uh
Every every fucking single founder in in web 3 is a serial rugger
Uh, but it's just find the one that does it the best
Um, and I think you're one of them bro. Uh, you're one that knew how to fucking manipulate markets
Uh fucking send everything higher and you know, if you're fucking dropping something just, you know, let us know
We're gonna mint it. Everybody's out here complaining and shit
But at the end of the day everybody here is broke. They want money and if you drop a project
I swear to god you're they're gonna max me and if that's not the way I see it and I mean
you haven't seen me drop any projects and
You know that all these people who talk about me being a bad guy. Look if I wanted to make money
It's very easy for me to make money in this market and uh, you know
I could drop a project. Of course, I could drop one tonight and make money. But I mean, that's not what i'm all about. I mean
Fuck it. I think everyone wants to say everybody wants to see some of these people want to say i'm a piece of shit
I'm this and that but you know, uh, why don't I act like that?
Not looking for forgiveness. I I
Your threat says otherwise
Which the one I posted the one that somebody posted time for a threat that was from two years ago
But yeah, that was the one where you're complaining about like how everybody canceled you and stuff like that. They did
They did so, you know
You okay, you know, but you get uncancelled. Trust me so I could drop a three mint like blute and uh lead to you know
All you know, was it worth it?
For me it was yeah, I bought
People let's be people aren't complaining at being at beanie like
I mean many people I mean beanie. I have you to thank for making me a lot of money, dude
Well, whatever projects people are just mad
They held the bag on blute and then want questions answered about your so
You made a lot of money following beanie and yet i'm a piece of shit to you
No, you're not a piece of shit
I just frustrated that people have wanted to answer these questions. What questions what questions somebody wrote if somebody wrote some
Fucking long thread about you
Posting complete fucking nonsense. What are you gonna go respond to it point by point about the month? Yeah, exactly
Why why tell me why
Because you know what every time you respond to something it just
It just goes more and more and more and more. I mean, what's the point?
What's the fun with lies? Yeah, that's what happens
But if you're responding with truth and evidence, I don't know that kind of
You know combats a bunch of yes, tell me what kind of truth and evidence would satisfy people who have already made up their mind
When they read something
I mean we're here trying to give you a space
To give your side of the story and you're basically giving us platitudes and a bunch of like empty talk
So we're giving you the space right now and you're literally not taking that opportunity. So what are we supposed to go through?
Point by point, uh, no, I don't know what that is. Like what are you talking about? Yes
You don't have to do it right now
You've had two years
What do you talk about monkey do you think I
Like i've i've done spaces on monkey bed. That was uh, definitely something that I was you know
I backed like I I don't understand. Did I deny being part of monkey bed? I posted about it
So I don't even know what you're even talking about
It's it's what's wrong with monkey bed
Like I don't even understand what the accusation is like yeah, is monkey bed not at like a 20th floor?
No, it's not like is that why you're mad as monkey bed not delivered on something
That was promised is monkey bed not running right now running contests every you know
No, that's fucking bullshit monkey bed is still alive
Okay. Well, you just mentioned monkey bed. So what's wrong monkey bed?
It's about what's in the thread that's tying you to it specifically tying me to monkey bed
Did I did I deny is monkey bed a rug?
No, one's gonna sit here and read all 72 tweets and
You're the one bringing it up right because that's the only reason why people are questioning your character for your past
Okay before blue i'm being honest. Okay, so you mentioned monkey bed is monkey bed a rug
I have no idea, dude. Of course, it's not it's still it's still running
It's still running
You know contests i'm still in contact with the founder all the time we're talking and you know
Just because it's not just because something has not reached your expectations doesn't mean it's a rug
I mean people try very hard and not everything, you know
works out and
What are you talking about
No, what are you talking about? I I don't know what you're talking about the what monkey bed
They had a little monkey
You said buy this thing
And then they'll drop you a bunch of tokens and you can use it and then I fucking did it and it didn't work
I see. I don't even know what you're talking about
It fails cause memory loss
What's the the the the problem is this is how this is what this is why it gets insane and this becomes a waste of time for me
But you're you're I don't know what you're talking about. You're talking about monkey bed and i'm addressing monkey bed
I mean, yeah, okay. I still talk to
You know, I still talk to the founder of monkey bed and they're still operating and they're still like, you know in the community
And they're still running contests every week
You know or every month or whatever and they're still doing things does that make it that's
That's a scam in your opinion. I I really don't think it is. Yeah, I I don't even understand
I mean it was it was a full protocol. No, i'm not deflecting. I'm answering your exact question about monkey bed
So I don't even know what the fuck monkey bed is bro. I'm saying okay
Then why are you bringing it up because these are the white people?
This is why you were canceled or people don't hold you
Okay, so there you go. You obviously care about it
I'm trying to explain to you of course, I care about it because I don't like you know being accused of doing shit that you know
And I haven't addressed this right and I and so clear the air and address the specific things in these long ass fucking threads
That we're not going to read through accusation one by one and clear the air. That's it, dude
It's serious fucking allegations of scamming money from this shit that predates like early entities like years ago with the receipts
Screenshots. That's all people want from you, dude
Like that's yeah and to add and to add on to that. I mean I just posted one about token pay
Right, like dude, you've had two years
You could have made your own thread address point by point. We wouldn't even be here in the spaces
If you should actually use all this and you did say that you would address them and you have it
The only thing you addressed was bluke and then people forgot but you're up here now asking for forgiveness
Well, you were talking about monkey bed and I just mentioned, you know, I just addressed that I mean you're calling monkey about a scam
I dude, I don't know what it is. I'm saying if you look at the specific accusations in the thread
I read this two years ago. No, I'm not rereading 70 70 point thread right now
But i'm telling you that's what people want you to address and you said you were gonna address it and did it
If you're not going to then there's no point in even having this conversation because like I said, I have nothing against you
You've made me a lot of money. I like you
But if you want to know why you were canceling shit, the bluke was a fucking distraction. It's the shit that predates it
Okay, if I hear monkey bat one more like take a shot every time you hear monkey bat
Um, all right beanie, let me ask you this just from reading that thread because we said specific things
They're saying that in the monkey bed now
Uh, there was this saying invariant labs that you said you invested a small amount in
Then people looked into it and it said it was actually owned by this royal gaming technology that you were apparently the owner of
So is that true? I'm just trying to assess like, you know, you're saying
This is on merit list and they're bringing up these things. So i'm like, what are these points for?
I can get into this alterhead right now
Exactly. Someone asked a pointed question
Exactly. This is what two years
Two years, dude, and you're still spending like did you own rgt like yes
Said i'm not going to get into this thread. I mean it's ridiculous at this point exactly
In other news the most important book in crypto history is coming out tomorrow written by chris dixon. I've read it already. It's fantastic
It's very educational. It's a bible that you could send all of your friends who ask you questions about crypto
Actually, i'm not even kidding. It's actually one of the best crypto books ever. It's pinned above. I love it. It's fantastic
It's called read write own and it's all about everything. We love defi nfts and solana
Um, yeah, so I just wanted to say that to break the silence
I mean you own our gt bone. There's there's no okay. There was literally no silence
Um, okay. All right, um, shout out to my wait
shout out to um
by by c dixon dot e
All right. Um, that that was a paid a paid chill for my friend, uh via btc loan
All right, look we're gonna go to the hands
And we got like one more, you know, obviously if you've been involved in you know, any businesses before you know crypto or nfts
You know anybody can write, you know a lot of shit about you. So
For sure, you know people's businesses fail all the time, but it's the specific scam accusations
Okay, whatever I mean
Oh, and you're you're really the friends we made along the way. I don't know. No one knows who owned them
What have you done? What have you done before? What have you done? Uh, alan before crypto
Never stamped anyone. That's what I've never done. Right, right. Okay
I used to be a deejay before I scammed anyone. Okay
Blau. God damn it. These are deejays with their red background crypto punks
Yeah, crypto punks are all the same. Uh, look
We got one more hand. Uh, no futuristic and bini again. Appreciate you sticking around to answer some of these questions
Uh, no futuristic. What's up?
Hey, yeah, no, you know a lot of good points were brought up. I had a question specifically about blutes
Uh, I was one of those people that bought very early and then I made money
And then I got greedy and I bought at the pico top and got wrecked. I still have five blutes
You said it was your life's mission. Is there any intention to go back to that project?
I understand that, uh, you know trupo you feel betrayed by hunter and all the rest
Like what's your position on that? Is that just dead in the the water? I'm assuming it's dead
I have no intentions, you know, i'm holding that shit forever. It's just a reminder of how stupid I am
But you know realistically is there any intention for you to like
Do anything with that because you did say it was going to be literally there were charts out there that she was like
This is my my life work and it was honestly this is this is getting so pointless
Honestly, you guys just like coming up with like
literal nonsense to argue with me about
Wait, hold up. I want to throw like just I mean it's getting completely
Nonsensical you guys are bringing it up here
Like and you wish you didn't pump it like move on from that
And you know and you're bringing up, you know
You want to start talking about everybody's life history and everything? I mean, it's just it's it's nonsensical
Yes, alan alan I definitely like hurt you for sure right alan have I scammed you alan
So then shut the fuck up
Oh, there it is
You know you want it you want to just talk shit about somebody but you haven't like
Listen, I didn't I didn't write that to you, man. What have I done to you?
What have I done to you? I'll tell you what you did to me. You made me read that 70 post thread
And then you're staying up here two years later and you can't even address a single point in that thread with a fucking bat
Come on that's the problem
Nobody gives me I don't care about blue. I don't care about any like I don't care about blue
With that you didn't hear me bring that up
You are trying to skate through and we are going to sit here and call you out
So your best move is probably to just block everyone calling you out
Because it's never going to end or maybe take one of your 16 to 20 other alts and try to build those up
And then push your back to some bass in your voice when you speak to a real nigga little ho ass nigga
It's not running your dick suckers about niggas. Okay, this is okay. Okay, you need some steroids old ass nigga
Your dick probably don't
All right, let's not talk about dick's not working, okay, this is supposed to be like an intellectual scholarly space
Beanie, I apologize. The stage is getting a bit a bit unruly
Okay, we gotta we gotta get back into this we haven't even talked about the paralyzation of the ebm svm on on l3
It's like we haven't even gotten to the meat and potatoes of this thing bro. It's already l4 time
It's all four season. Where have you been bro? Come on?
Okay, well, um, do we have any more I think i'm switching my name to four lau it's already over l3s are over
You put those sunglasses on your crypto punk and you became a different person. Uh, look we have um
We're already here. They were just turned into pit vipers. They were already
I have sunglasses on my punk. They just put some pits. But listen, I don't know I think you did some mandela effect thing
This the only thing that's pits is this space right now, um, look we need a
We got to get this going. Um, I have 15 let's talk
I have 15 16 requests
If anybody has any like pointed specific questions, um, i'm up for it
So just you have to dm me though, because I don't even know who the fuck to who remove and who to add and
And all this stuff and again, i'd be appreciate you sticking around for this
Also, i'm getting a lot of shit in the dms and they're like you're giving a scammer the time on the stage
You're doing all this different stuff. Look, what do you guys want from me? You want interesting conversations?
I'm not here to pass judgment on a camera or not a scammer like it's not what i'm here for i'm trying to get biased as possible
Uh and just provide the stage to to have the conversation. That's that's it
Listen, you're letting people ask the questions that need to be asked
And also the question you got all these guys who are you know, i've never chilled anything ever, you know, and
I chilled the book. Okay. Okay, you know
Okay, I keep chilling the book
So there is and I went on a rant about this at the beginning of the space
This is not in reference to you being here anything
But this is literally what I said at the beginning of the space
I think there is a huge level of hypocrisy within web3 right now where you think
We're shilling shit
Not only um
It's tolerable but actually encouraged
Um, and I think that people are like openly shilling bullshit and basically we're 24 7 now under the guise of community vibes
And when all of the music stops playing and the sky casino closes down people are get fucking wrecked
But like this is this is not in defense of beanie and not and not in um
It arguing for him or in any way, but I literally went on a fucking 45 minute rant about this at the beginning of the space
So it's like yeah
It's very easy to pass judgment one way or another but like everybody their fucking mother is shilling vaporware right now
And just something to keep to keep in mind
Um, also we have cold theory of requesting up on the leap. Do I do I shill vaporware?
I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about no, i'm just saying in general. I think i'm you know, pretty you know
I I think I don't shill vaporware. I think i'm, you know pretty
Uh honest with high integrity of everything I post so, you know, that's why I find this, you know
pretty nonsensical the criticisms when
You know people people are criticizing me on stuff. They have no fucking idea what they're talking about. You can bring up shit
But I mean well beanie beanie beanie i've known you. Um, I feel like we've been like twitter
Follow friends because of our punks
For long before any of this shit
Happened. I don't even I gotta be honest. I don't even know what happened
I just know people are mad, but I don't I don't know what happened. I don't pretend to know I didn't pay attention
I don't know what a blute is but
That's all that's all i'm saying. It is is I don't know what happened, but people are mad
So that's not good. That's all that's all
Okay, well look i'm eating pizza right now
I want to play yeah
People are mad
I want to throw it to also
Like i'm getting so much fucking people are cursing at me in the comments that the cursing in the dm's are saying i'm getting gas
I told you people are mad people are mad people are mad people are mad. Um, yeah i'm mad but people
I'll say this
I'm, sorry bando. I didn't mean to cut you off
If what i'm doing if what i'm doing at any given moment, is it pissing some people off then i'm not doing the right things
Um bando go ahead
And um, and then i'll throw it. I want to I do want to throw it over to col after
Yeah, I don't think in general people people are mad at beanie
I think they're in beanie
You're honestly right now like one of the most trustworthy people on twitter because you like anything you talk shit on or
Or talk or shill like like you said isn't vaporware like for lack of better term
What you said like you are trustworthy now people aren't mad at you people are frustrated that you haven't
Addressed what's in those threads?
And you're talking around them and not not addressing them and that's how you want
What do you want me? What do you want me to address this thread point by point?
I think that's what
I can easily address that point thread by thread, uh point by point
And i'm getting hundreds from some people down here that like are respected here
That's what people want and it doesn't okay now
But if you do that and you prove that you didn't scam people in the shit in the past
Then you will be a thousand percent uncancelled, but there's some really incriminating shit in there
Well, I I would disagree that that's really incriminating shit. Um, well, there's screenshots that looks like it's it's it's
Tied to you
But if it's like that fucking always sunny meme or the threads on the wall
Tiny the thing if you could prove in other ways that's not to you
That's how you would be like uncancelled because it looks like you know, you you said it's bothered you in the past
But I don't think people are necessarily mad at you and people
What I was saying is, you know, look at look at the thread that I posted. I think it's been pinned and
Addresses bloop beanie. It doesn't address the other shit
He does mention monkey bet in that
Well, you mentioned monkey bet and I mentioned monkey bet and I said the team is still working on monkey bet
I mean, this is the thing
There's been a lot
You know almost everything fails has failed in crypto like you know, and uh, you know
If you've promoted something before or got behind something before and it's failed
Immediately, you're a bad guy
I don't know you want me to
Like what what are the levels what are the levels do it and i'm gonna step down because I gotta go um
And i'm gonna listen, but I hope someone else can do better at me than at asking pointed questions that knows the thread
He's not going to he's just not I could spend if I had time to waste I could spend
And read like go through that whole thread
And he would just say a bunch of empty stuff like he's saying now
That's what i'm saying. Everything I say is going to be considered empty by you. So what does it matter? Hey, can I can I?
Address anything specifically
Of course because you're gonna say oh, no, that's bullshit. No, that's bullshit. That's all you're gonna say
So what does it matter? Can I tap into something that uh beanie said when he said that?
Everything fails and so I forgot of weaseling my way. I didn't say everything fails. I said like
almost yeah, yeah, exactly let me tap into that and like sorry for weaseling in but um
You know a lot of the people in the nft space who have ended up, you know
Making something cool or you know something that people enjoy
They have tried multiple things before that have failed and people have bought that thing and lost money on it multiple times before
Zagabond has had projects before I had two or three projects before we hit it on pudgy penguins
Beanies had multiple multiple projects in the nft space
And a lot of it has led to amazing stuff that people still collect like, you know
I'm a huge fan of the whole punks comics universe and everything and I think at the end of the day
everyone expects like
These people to come in and just like boom like i'm gonna build like some massive company on my first try
and at the end of the day you're dealing with like
art and trends
And like there's a whole social side to it
and then you have like
Your whole you know hype groups that'll come in and like they'll hype up something that like, you know
Maybe someone spent 15 minutes on and you have people in the trenches who are failing and they've been working on their project for a year
So going into what he says like where almost everything fails. It's just like
Part of nfts like everyone's experimenting and the people who take the most risks and end up with really cool stuff
You know, they fail a lot too. I don't think there needs to be like, uh
Some win rate that everyone has to hit, you know
No, no, but cool, but there's
There's a rule book though, there's a rule book
So as somebody who started a bunch of things sold a bunch of things and given money back twice
It's really quite simple
Um people usually only people aren't mad if you try something and it doesn't work
They just get mad if they feel like you made money off of promises that you didn't keep
So what I did was I I thought friend tech was pretty cool. I talked about it for a little bit
I had a call with a lawyer
I decided that it was too risky for me and I shut down the market and everyone's like blah dumped on everyone
It was like 80th. It was like 80th. Not a big deal
What I do. I queried dune I returned everyone's money and the money they lost above whatever I even made
Why because I care about my reputation
Right, so it's really simple if people are mad
Whatever money was made if it's not being used to develop anything just needs to go back. It's really that simple
Okay, how does that relate to me? Well, I don't know if it relates to you. That's what I'm saying
Was I out there was I out there promoting friend tech? I was the one I was one of the only people saying
Don't promote friend tech. I was saying don't buy
Listen, I don't know anything about anything in the context
I'm just saying if people feel like they got scammed then did you get the okay?
Okay, I think majority of the time people feel like they got scammed in the nft
Space because they buy
That's actually not true though cool
That's not true because I have a bunch of holders of blout tokens from like three fucking years ago
They don't complain about shit
You know what I mean? And like what have I really done outside of sold them art?
Um some stuff recently, but it's like it takes a while to build shit. Everybody knows that right when you invest anything
You have a 10-year time or you should at least have a 10-year time horizon if you're if you're serious if you're a real believer
It all depends on whether or not the funds are being used to continue to build positive experiences for people who invested or
Somebody ran away with the money
If somebody ran away with money, they're bad if they didn't then I don't know how bad they are but why not
Why do all
Why do all nft artists have to become builders like just because you're an nft creator and you have a cool idea
It doesn't mean you have to be a builder, but everyone expects let me address
Let me address that sure and and who's accusing me of running away with whatever money
Okay. Okay. First of all, oh, I think you're conflating
People know that projects fail and they don't work out
Right, like that's understandable
I think when people expect more of an artist is when they start doing roadmaps, so we had that whole trend
Which you know got kicked off by you know, the board apes with doing a bunch of roadmaps and then everyone's like once you start
Setting expectations then guess what people are going to have expectations. Hold on
Let me correct you on that because that's actually totally not true board apes did not have a road map in the beginning
They were literally just art jpegs for 200 dollars. There was no road map
They developed roadmaps later after the secondary market started to get hot because they actually sought out to achieve those things
But roadmaps date way way away
That's not accurate. They had a road map for if they sold so many apes then they would give people like shirts or merch or something
Like in second that i'm pretty sure there was an original road map if I don't know if that's relevant
No, it was a it was a it was a like if
To me a road map is like a giant five-year point like promising people some fucking merch
No, and mind you I minted 33 apes in the original mint
So I was definitely there and I definitely remember it was very much cool art ip and then maybe some fucking t-shirts
It was not we're gonna change the future of the metaverse, which is like what no, but that yes that that narrative
Got into what you're saying. But initially there were promises in that. Yes. No off rip
Anyway, I I feel like that whole debate is going to be distracting. The point i'm making is that
That was there on day one and that is i'm not here to debate board apes
What i'm saying is that there was the trend in 2021 of roadmaps whether it was board apes first or someone else
That was the trend and that's why people started expecting more of artists going beyond
What actually just here's this nft. Here's this product. In fact, that was one of the things I
Often would talk about in 2021 was that why can't people just make art and then that's what it is
And you don't have all these like future expectations with the roadmaps that people
Expectations you still can just make art and that is what it is
Yeah, and that's that's but that is what that utility driver that narrative that hype that's what that's what that era was
But let's get back on beaming because I feel like we're getting distracted. I don't want to get conflated with like projects failing
And people using addresses that are linked to scam deployers and things like token
Dive dive in address link. Hold on dive. Hold on. Do I have an address linked to a scam deployer?
Listen, why don't you post that if I do I mean
In that thread I think 21 to 26 that's only I think that's only five, you know, five or six posts
Why don't you address those? Why don't we read it out?
Yeah, let's read it out. Let's let's read it. You know, this is oh nonsensical. No, because it's nonsense
Of course, are you gonna be quiet so I can read it out or how's this gonna work? No
No, you're not gonna be quiet or
I'll read it out. So I'll start on
number 21
When typing in the real name of alman into os an ens domain showed up attached to an account
Is a theorem address with an interesting history. It was deployed on cbet a scam token
associated with a variety of scam projects including token pay token pay was transferred to rgt
And rgt is also associated with beanie
And it was easy to find out that the same person behind cbet
And token pay was also a person behind rgt
In fact before he used the name beanie
He used the name ec on discord which corresponds to one of his token pay twitter handles
Then there's some pictures evidence. I you know, I might even want to get into like some of the doxing that's done here
I don't think that's
Appropriate at this point you you were involved in this alan
I was wait, what do you mean? I wasn't so i'm reading a thread. I don't understand. So you're involved
No, you're you're reading somebody's opinion on something. Are you involved in this? So like what are you talking about?
epics thread
Neo, come on
I I don't understand. So you're reading something that what like you're you're you're involved in this to write this where you
Let me do
It's considered a scam by you
No, let me see you're getting worked up. He's just reading accusations
Right, but he's coming at it with like, okay, this was a scam. Why is that a scam?
He's this is i'm literally reading it. Why are the things that he's reading are a scam
He's he's getting to that. I think he's reading the accusations, right?
And this is directly from the thread he's reading off of which you a hundred percent read
When it came out
You just haven't addressed so whether or not he got hurt by it or not or was involved in it at all
I think it's like just glossing over the point he's trying to make which is to get you to address
Some of this stuff and it's a pointed question because it's reading from it directly in this concise thread
That has a lot of detail though in screenshots
That's it. Just trying to okay, but okay. So yeah, it has a lot of detail
But what's the objective of the thread to make me look bad as saying, okay, i'm involved
Supposedly in this and this and this in the past and is that a bad thing?
Is it a bad thing to be involved in these things? Are these scams?
Yes, that why are they scams? Why are they scams on that evidence provided you're getting so worked up, dude
Let him finish and then no because it's it's nonsense. Why are you're you're headed. That's where it's headed
Is that it's a it's it's connecting you to a scam. Why is that a scam?
Why are these scams? I think the thread doesn't even say they're scams. It just connects
It says oh you're connected to this and this and this
Are those bad things? I I don't recall two years ago the thread. I'm just okay. Well, are they bad things?
I mean what's wrong? What's wrong with any of these projects that are mentioned? Can you explain why they're scams?
I think he's gonna get to that. Well, no, he's not he's just saying oh you're connected to this. Okay
All right, then what it literally says in the next thing that one of them is like a casino thing
And then if casinos are scams, I guess
Okay, I mean this is this is the nonsense of all of this if you win a lot and then you would be able to withdraw
That's you wouldn't be able to withdraw. Okay, nothing is bad because of that. Why don't you're associated to it?
Why don't you go to it?
Was that true? Like that's that's what do you mean if you win you can't withdraw
Why don't you go on trust pilot and look at the reviews of online casinos? Go look at william hill bet 365
Go look at all the casinos
Don't look at the ratings you were involved with go look at their ratings compared to the one mentioned here
Go look at their ratings. I'll wait go look at their ratings
Oh, wait, there's just there's zero point to this
You know, you're creating some nonsense
narrative around
Around around a casino you're saying oh this casino is a scam because somebody complained it was hard for him to withdraw
And oh, oh the trust the trust pilot had a bad rating. Well, guess what?
Go look on fucking trust pilot for william hill go look on bet 365
Go look on any of the big casinos go look at their ratings and go look at the complaints
I mean, this is all nonsense. It just proves that you guys don't know what the fuck you're talking about
You're just moves to the internet and then you know, you don't know what you're talking about. Go look
Go look. Oh, oh, this is a scam because this guy had trouble with drawing one guy with the review a bad review
like have you have you never
Seen an online casino review. I find you one. That's five stars on trust pilot
Most respected casinos in the world like this it's all conjecture and nonsense. Anyhow, I gotta go. This is
Hold on hold on i've been listening here. I wanted I experimented and I wanted to see what what happened at the stage when
Untapped. Oh, we just lost beating
Okay. Well, look shout out to beanie. Um, I don't care what you guys say
I do appreciate him coming up on stage and willing to kind of take a flyer
Now that he now that he's gone what actually happened
This was a thread from two years ago. Why beanie was cancelled
This is like what did have nothing to do with the blute. It's about web3 casino and a web2 scam
Fucking point thread. It's very incriminating. Wait band that someone else someone else published like a history of being nft ethics
Yes, it's yeah, it's tied to the top
Okay, and this is why I did not happen two years ago. It was the biggest thing for a fucking week
That's why he got cancelled and it goes into a ton of detail
And that's why he he he's really great at talking about it
I don't know what the fuck i'm talking about because I read this two years ago
I don't remember it
All right
Answer any pointed questions about it
And it never addressed it like he said he was and he said he did he never did
On a calmer note on a calmer note on a calmer note leap like you can go first if you want
But I I just have one thing to say
Like usually if that many people want to research your background and try to find all the moral
qualms of your past
They're probably true
Like really like I don't know like there are lots of success like look at mr. Beast. He's so fucking successful
I'm sure there's a bunch of shit posters on the internet
But that shit doesn't blow up because there's no truth to it or maybe there's a little truth to it
I shouldn't say that. I don't know. I don't know mr. Beast
Personally, but like at the end of the day
Like if enough people get mad about something there's probably some fucking truth to it. It's really that simple
Um, yeah, you could read the thread and make the judgment for yourself and that goes for everyone else. Sorry
Yeah, no worries. No worries. Um, I probably shouldn't have let the stage go on uncontrolled for that long
That's that's totally my bad. Um, I was good. I mean we were just asking question. He's the one who freaked out and left
I mean i'm not gonna lie. I was eating pizza and I was just kind of
Muted my phone first. I'm not gonna lie. I like muted my phone for like two minutes
I I just it was I needed I was getting anyway
Okay, look we we have two more hands and it's it's almost two o'clock in the morning here
So I want to I want to wrap this up here in a moment
I'll go over to to golden and then we go to jay and then we probably call it a night
Golden looks up real shame. I actually didn't get to talk to him
Um, gotta say been listening the last hour and a half and the majority of people talking to him
Have absolutely no idea how to talk to people like beany
You ask factual questions
Point by point by point you don't allege or accuse him of things you ask factual questions
He's also playing a game of what about ism asking the guy about his age. When did you join crypto?
When you know, what have you done for the culture of the community?
Oh, have you ever showed the project you guys you guys fall for that trap many of you on the stage right now
Fell for the trap
Okay, and you get pushed around and you don't even know it
He's a skilled speaker and he fell into his trap
And what you do with these types of people is you ask the question and if he doesn't answer it you guess what you do
You go back to the question and you say i'm we're here to talk about you
It's not about myspace. We're talking about you if you don't want to answer this question
You can do so. You don't have to answer the question. Guess what? Here's the exit
Why don't you leave instead of wasting everyone's time?
And you know making having this giant ego trip in front of hundreds of people late at night
If he has nothing to hide unless there's some legal reasons which by the way can provide good reasons to not answer certain questions
And maybe that's what he suggested in some instances. That's perfectly fine and normal and expected
But if he doesn't answer a question or if he says something or labels it as a as nonsensical
Well, guess what that's his tail. That means you're actually getting at something there
That's his tail
So when thread guy has a space with him tomorrow or I guess today if you're on the east coast like me
If he does go to thread guy space were you ever good? That's his tail. Okay
This guy you have to know how to point you have to hold you have to tie his hands behind his back
When you're talking with someone like that and you do not let him push you around
Like what happened on this stage and i'm really sorry
I missed the opportunity to talk to him because believe me that would have not happened with me
Um, but you know interesting space
Uh major sociopathic tendencies expressed
Uh, and no i'm not a doctor
But and I don't play one on television, but I also have pretty good common sense and read on people and that was
A very slow and then quick unraveling of character
So, uh, you just you just you guys have to know how to
It's not even necessarily confront these people is to be direct and to converse with them
It's not throwing stones at a person and saying did you own rgt or whatever? I don't know the guy's history
I don't know the allegations
But I know how to talk to people and I know how to hold them accountable to answer questions factual questions not accusatory questions
Because then that person is going to be less likely to answer a question
Anyway, i'll i'll stop with my preaching but I guess I would have been the next person to ask a question. It's too bad
Um, maybe there'll be another opportunity. I'm sure i'll probably not
But uh, yeah, all right. I'll say uh, gold. I wish um, I wish you had the opportunity to do that because you're 100
Right. I wasn't also where the hell were you? I requested. Well, yeah
No, I listen, I know I appreciate that bando. No, yeah
Yeah, and I even dm delete. Yeah, if someone's DMing you that can ask questions let him up. No, it's all good
No, no, no, it's because I I came up because I was frustrated of you know, alan was trying to get at me
Just talking around i'm like no beanie. This is what people want to fucking hear as you address that for sure
For sure. Yeah. No anyone know you guys were fine. I just like
It's like the skill set is okay. Let's go back to you. What about ism. Have you ever heard of that?
Oh, how old am I? Oh, really? Does that matter like you don't you don't even have to get like defensive with people like that
You just say calm. Guess what? My age doesn't matter. Let's talk about you. Here's the question
Let's go back to your question and you just do it systematically and you just let him unravel
You know, here's your shovel. Let's dig it. Let's go. Why don't you go dig your own grave?
That's how you handle these types of people
You don't yeah, you don't and don't compliment them either. Don't say you've been a you're you're so wise beanie
You know so much about the space and the NFTs that might be true
But when you're trying to get down and dirty with actual factual or fact gathering, okay
You don't do that
You focus on the core facts because when you're appeasing his ego and he's actually thinking he's in a position of power
And he owes you less than he actually does
Okay, it's a yeah, there's a shift in power dynamic in that situation
All right. Okay. Can I say something real quick? I just want to say something real quick. I
Know that we gotta go to the hands. We got appreciate you out. We gotta go to the hands golden
I apologize. You can get a chance to say something again. It's
It's it's my bad like I shouldn't have let the stage go on camp for 20 minutes here at the end
That was that was solely my bad
I want to throw it to okay. We got three hands guys
Please be concise because I gotta I gotta go to bed here. I have worked really early in the morning
Um, so we'll go jay blau alan, please
Please be as concise as possible and then we're fucking and I have some quick closing thoughts and then we're ending the space. So
I'm gonna throw it over to to jay
Then we go blau then we go alan and then and then we're done
So we're in speed round guys. There's gotta be like yeah speed round that motherfucker not golden
Not the the reason why everybody's frustrated with every with everything of this is
When that dropped right everybody was shocked and no one really got a response now
Nft ethics went on like a fucking a wall and they kind of did some other shit that
That it was another thread that kind of debunked everything and that's where the frustration came because everybody
Said is this real?
Is this not about the beanie thread and we never got a response and that's why everybody's frustrated because no one knows if it's real
Or or not, right because the whole like nft ethics lost their cred
Uh, they were hot. They were hot as shit
They dropped a lot of threads and then they I remember they dropped like another thread that really debunked everything
And then everybody started fucking questioning everything and that's the frustration that everybody's going around
Thanks jay, appreciate you
Okay, blau and then alan and then and then I got some closing thoughts because I haven't had a chance to speak here in a minute
Blau what's up?
Oh, I apologize
I'm just doing a public apology for derailing the conversation completely and alan. I didn't I didn't mean to
I was just sort of fact checking some of the ape stuff and wanted to talk about roadmaps from 2017
But i'm the I told this is like partially my fault. I came up here and started derailing shit
So i'm taking some responsibility. I didn't have any idea that this was like meant to be a beanie questioning
Situation. I figured it was just like a
Entertainment space per leaps general. But anyway, so i'm i'm number one apologizing. I'm keeping it concise
Number number two. I think that like anyone who and I don't know if this is what beanie did
But i'm gonna go look if you like write up a fucking roadmap and you take public money
Um, and then you don't fulfill that roadmap
That's like why the sec exists
Right, but if you just sell stuff to people
And you hype it up a little bit
Like that's like what he was what beanie was saying that like has anybody ever shilled shit before everybody talks about some fucking token
That they want to sell or mint or whatever. There's nothing wrong with like with talking about
It's just that when you promise things that you don't deliver on
That that's like quite literally the the definition the efforts of others definition of the howie test like that's the problem
That's why everyone hates crypto outside of crypto because they think it's a scam because people make promises
They can't keep so all I wanted to say is if you have like cool ideas
Just be realistic about them. And you know in my case at least
Um, I sold a bunch of art and then finally built some shit to make the extra shit work later
But never promised it when we originally sold it and no one's that mad at me
Um, except frentech they were mad at me and then I gave them all their money back and then no one said anything
So, you know
I think it's like it's pretty simple. I think people
Genuinely just get mad when promises are not kept. That's all
Yeah, and i'll just add
Blau, it goes beyond just like rugging a web3 project
What he's accused of in those threads for so for sure. I'm gonna read it
Yeah, yeah, and I get what you're saying
It's friendly and like like jay said just been going two years
He went on spaces after this happened two years ago and the same exact conversation
Happened he didn't address anything even when he was asked a point of question. So this was like another opportunity to me
Just frustrating, um, no losses towards anyone
Okay, i'll throw it over to alan alan's last speaker and then I have some closing thoughts and then we're done alan
What's up quick and concise, please?
Yeah. Yeah, uh, thanks leap pros in the space
I think just all I would say is I think for the host or just
Anyone that actually wants to call like host a thing like this
Being neutral is not stroking their ego and telling them like all these good things being neutral is making sure
That the question is answered right and that we're trying to get to a point as golden was saying that we're getting
Outcomes of answers, right? So just putting
Some pressure just making sure we stay on topic
Right. I think
Doesn't make you not neutral and I think maybe some hosts, you know, like
Forget about that, right? You're not forcing someone to answer a hard question
Is not a bad thing
By the host that doesn't make you not neutral
And I think that's lost on a lot of people
Um, all of you could use some skills and improving in your interviewing abilities if i'm being honest
Um it like it clearly it didn't work
Um your guys's approach, but I appreciate you coming up anyway
Um, and and I really do appreciate it, um to say the least now also to beanie
I don't give a fuck what you guys say. I also thank him and appreciate him for coming up
Like I could care less it is hard to come up and do this especially when you have an entire stage of people
Railing you for basically he was up here for fucking two three hours
You know what I mean? Um, I had a one-on-one with him for over an hour before we even brought up
And brought people up. He didn't have to do that
Um, so it's not about praising him not praising him
I mean at the end of the day
I want to just host some cool conversations and I did not expect this tonight
Had I had I known we were going to do this. I would have been a lot more prepared
Um, it was completely impromptu
He was commenting on um, some people's posts about wanting to do a one-on-one
I changed the title to to beanie one-on-one kicked everybody off and he joined
Um, I actually thought our conversation for the first hour was was pretty good
Obviously, it wasn't really touching on a lot of these controversial things. I thought it was pretty good
And I suggest people go back and listen to space if they're interested in this was our biggest space in a long time
And my first space in over two weeks
So what a fucking way to to come back to the game
And thank you to the listeners that tuned in and to all the speakers that came up
Whether your opinions are for beanie against beanie, whatever the fuck
We are all kind of here for the same reasons more or less. So just something to remember
We're here every single night or we try to be so we'll be back here tomorrow
Same time same place 10 p.m. Eastern time 7 p.m. Pacific. Please give the speakers a follow
Blau allen j brain bando futuristic bad brothers ape and all the other speakers deserve follows. So shout out to them and um
Yeah, that's it. I fucking love you guys. What a crazy crazy space. Somebody was asking me earlier today on a phone call
What's the craziest space you've ever hosted? I did not think in two hours. The answer would be this one. So
Um, yeah, anyway, I love you guys. I'm gonna get some rest. My first call is at fucking way early in the morning
So appreciate