Beating the fud and fomo and just succeed in crypto #NFT #blockchain

Recorded: Jan. 8, 2023 Duration: 0:56:34



you. All right, morning. This seems like I'm the first one here. That's all right. Today's day number one. Just wanted to see how things would go.
[wind blowing]
You know me live in the dream you know how it is How about you? Yeah, I'm all good. We're good. Bit of a late morning for me though. That's all right. I know. I know. I know. Just kind of wanted to give this a try and see how this thing is. You know, I didn't want to just kind of start it and then be funneling around and I was like, well, you know, today#
I'm not expecting a lot of people to be on. I just kind of want to see how it works. You know what I mean? Yeah, I'm done with it. The place is blowing off anyway. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's it's a...
It's that yeah things are definitely blowing up everywhere. I mean these Twitter spaces are kind of funny, you know. So all looking and we have quick to web it on. Let's see if we can tap on Avatar to invite like I said this is my first time.
I think this is more like a soft opening get out the bugs see how it is see invite to send to host invite I'm gonna send crypto web it is
things that co-host invite. And have you used these before buddy? Very briefly. Okay, okay, okay.
So you're still kind of getting the feel about it for then, huh? Yeah, okay, okay. Let's see, quick to grab it. Morning or good afternoon depending on what side of the world you're on. Yeah, it's actually afternoon. So I'm just having some issues with
with the audio settings because when I joined my phone switched from loudspeaker to internal speaker so I have no clue how to fix that. So I'm just trying to fumble around a little bit. Sometimes if you leave and come back because I have these things with a Bluetooth also, maybe it'll help.
Let me add a
Let's see, did that help? I think when you're a speaker, I think it goes straight to
Doesn't it go straight to last week or?
Um, it did for a minute. Like I just have it on my Bluetooth. So I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,#
things are getting more serious. It's really funny because that's kind of how it feels like now we're down to the last couple of weeks. Some campaigns going for the last couple of weeks so I feel like it's crunched high.
I just feel more serious. Oh yes. I wonder how... I was just wondering, is there a way of you... can you say a way of you actually tagging Twitter posts in this?
because people can highlight them, can't they? So they're at the top of the chart. Yes, yes, yes, yes. I don't know. Check it out. I mean, that's why I invited you to talk to people at Hanukkah.
cohost just to see if it works because really I think the better idea well it's not the better idea but the way I'm thinking about it is like you know telegram is very uh you know you when you're on hosting a telegram VC

FAQ on Beating the fud and fomo and just succeed in crypto #NFT #blockchain | Twitter Space Recording

What is the podcast about?
The podcast recording is not specific, no specific title or topic is discussed in the recording.
What is the speaker's purpose in starting the podcast?
The speaker's purpose in starting the podcast is not stated in the recording.
What issues did the speaker face in the podcast recording?
The speaker faced audio setting issues while recording the podcast. Their phone kept switching from loudspeaker to internal speaker.
Did the speaker have experience with Twitter spaces?
The speaker had very little experience with Twitter spaces.
What did the speaker think of the Twitter spaces?
The speaker found the Twitter spaces to be funny.
Was there anyone else in the Twitter space with the speaker?
Yes, the speaker invited another person to the Twitter space to test if they could co-host.
What does the speaker think about the last few weeks of a campaign?
The speaker thinks that the last few weeks of a campaign are more serious and that things are getting more intense.
Is there a way to tag Twitter posts in Twitter spaces?
The speaker is unsure if Twitter posts can be tagged in Twitter spaces.
What does the speaker suggest is a better way to host a VC than on Telegram?
The speaker did not explicitly state what is better than hosting a VC on Telegram.
What time of day is it in the recording?
It is morning in the recording, but the speaker later corrects themselves to say that it is actually afternoon.