BeCOOL Twitter Space

Recorded: April 21, 2023 Duration: 0:32:39



Hello together and a warm welcome to today's Twitter space. We are just going to wait for a few seconds. We're having amazing speakers coming up and joining like the lovely Be cool campaign which we have prepared. So after the Twitter space we'll right away jump into Decentraland where we've
We've got quite a few gamifications, wearables and our voting actor for you. So let us just wait till we've got the speakers up on board. Very excited of having amazing people over here. A big thank you to the team for building this great campaign and I couldn't be more excited one day before
for Earth Day on having this Twitter space together and celebrating into Earth Day together for all of our Muslim friends, warm, Eid Mubarak also. Thank you for taking the time and still being here with us. Looking forward to this space. I see we're having a few speakers already on board.
So let's just wait like one or two minutes so that we have everybody together and we'll get it started.
Maybe just like an overview of today's Twitter space and what we want to do today. Besides the pleasure of talking about the different projects which are involved over here and why climate action is important, we want to shed light on how we'll be cool campaign.
has been working tirelessly for more than one and a half years. We've got our soft lunch coming up tomorrow and couldn't be more excited on having you here with us and celebrating this together. In order to have a fun start and engage the community from
the get go and have them engaged on the brand's corporate social responsibility measures. We have an immersive environmental metaverse experience where we are displaying different environmental projects over there where we are having a number of projects have been nominated.
to have one of the first accounts on mental and will let you the community not only win wearables by solving different quests, but actually vote on which first cool pools, which first user accounts to activate. For those of you who do not know what mental protocol is and what we do,
I'll also give a small summary over here before handing over to our lovely speakers. Mental protocol has set out to the division to make Web 3 the first climate positive industry. We have a ease to use access and automation tool allowing companies and individuals to track and display their carbon footprint.
But more importantly, automate the compensating of the respective non-avoidable carbon footprint while inviting their community to be part in the choices of which projects to support and have a transparent, verifiable customer-engaging CSR. So for this, we are very excited to
aggregate and partner with different service and suppliers over year who offer great assets. So on the other hand, we are happy to have amazing partners and L1s to build upon as well as different depths who are actually using us. So,
Having had this as a small intro, I would love to welcome the speaker from MetaWear as a first participant. We would love to hear very shortly what your company is, what are your latest updates, and how does climate action touch your business model and your strategy? That would be amazing.
Hello everyone, this is Dr. of Sales, founder of Methodware and I'm glad to be here together with you and so excited for the decentralized event as well. I already have been visited the place and it looks awesome.
And as a matter of fact, maybe some of our already know that we are digital manufacturer, digital's facial manufacturer, and we are carrying two heads in this part of the space.
as a manufacturer and we are nominated to be the one of the cool pool owners and probably you will give more information about that one. And second one is a UMSA founder member and we are providing mental protocol services to the real-world brand.
And we are so excited to be here as well today and let's save the planet together. Awesome, thanks a lot and we had like a lovely tour to space not too long ago. Metaware has added scores, sustainability,
by allowing through digital fashion to reduce the actual production necessity. So have an active contribution towards reducing the carbon footprint. But maybe you could explain why climate action is important to you and how you see this as in part of your strategy. Is that an important part?
would love to hear a few comments on your site of climate action. Yes, sure. Actually, we are having three major legs of our projects and one of them is completely connected to
pollution that textile manufacturing produce and currently because textile manufacturing is the one of the less recyclable production process and they are not able even 10% recycle
process from their production and they cannot recycle even buttons and they are spending lots of water and lots of energy as well and One of the worst thing is if they cannot be able to sell the products they produced and it is so much a disaster scenario called
and pollution was for the planet Earth. So we decided to make digital version of their collections before they sell and they market their products and we can avoid some modeling production in source.
Since we are in that business helping textile and fashion companies produce less products and it's perfect match with mental protocol also we are helping in another way to eliminate their carbon footprint and it's
will be really excited if we go there and we can solve two problem in source and we can have collaboration with huge brands and it will have three different help to them. First of all, it's a really good thing to save planet and they can make a public relation on this one.
and people will allow their brands more so they can create an edge in competition so it can be an indispensable source of their competitive power in the market. So they are making similar products, they are having similar shops and similar things so competition is one of
best enemy of the phasing companies currently. So in meta where we can create outstanding shows, digital shows and AR VR available shows and we can create an edge in marketing sites and with mental protocol and we can
eliminate some pollution they already created in their manufacturing and also in meta where we can help them to reduce their modeling production. So actually I can talk about it for hours but I would like to give you the... Okay I'm talking like your...
I just wanted to share that we know that the climate crisis needs a two-step solution reducing the carbon footprint to new processes, innovations and business models and that's something what you would do.
over here and a big shout out for you for that fashion and like the clothing industry requires that. And the second point and that's where mental comes in is compensating for the non-avoidable carbon footprint measured. So we're happy to be hand in hand together with you and working on this together in the fashion industry with having
And this said, a big shout out to your community and everybody also go up and vote for METAWARE. I would love to hand over to Amro from a choir finance. Amro, thanks a lot for being here. It would be great to hear what you are up to, what are the latest updates and
and why climate action plays an important role for you. Doctor of sales of Meta, we are just pointed out that branding is one important point over you as well. Love to hear your thoughts. - Thank you for having this space today. I think it's super important to raise awareness just for overall, you know.
I'm going to wear this. For me, you know, men are wearing this. It's an everybody. Everybody please follow each other. That's the number one thing that we can do to push this agenda forward at a choir.
the barriers of entry for people to participate in not just in Web 3, right? And tradfied making it frictionless. But really what we're innovating is we allow for the creation of pools of an asset class
like renewable energy credits or carbon credits or solar companies face is that they have large capital expenditure and more often than not investors don't have the patience or interest to invest because they can't
an increased amount of time. So using a ChoirFi where we're able to provide, you know, not only a marketplace for innovation to kind of proliferate, but
So that they can bring their community, they can pool this asset class and they can generate that upfront capital needed to kind of keep expanding their clean energy initiatives. So it's really taking the burden off of the
combat climate, you know, climate change and some of the negatives there. And on the other hand,
providing the most robust regulated crowdfunding platform. We will allow companies who are focused on climate change, who are focused on impacting the environment and making things more efficient and effective.
get their communities behind it in a very, very robust manner, covering, spanning the globe. And really, where we hope to make the changes using these three things. So we hope to have the
bring in new users to fill up these metaverses to become aware of this, to have that financial literacy, to have that technical literacy. And then from there, allow companies, entities, organizations to leverage these financial tools in which we've made sure to have regulatory safe harbors to get that capital
that they need to execute on these amazing, amazing initiatives. And lastly, you know, be able to push forward at a larger scale and involve more people and let them get involved with these initiatives from the bottom up. So we're really excited and required to be able to really just be that foundation where we're vetted, you know, validate
any one in the ecosystem. So there's trust. And when there's trust, you know, you see the false multiplication and around the topic like this, I think
Thank you.
Thanks a lot Amro for sharing your insights over here. We're very excited to have you part of the B-cool campaign and with no further break I would love to hand over to Harun from Piguet.
Thanks a lot for being part of here and inviting your community to also the Mateiverse event afterwards. Please take over and share with us what are you up to, what are the last things which you've been working on and how does climate action fit into your strategy.
Hello, everyone, and thank you. I'm really glad to be part of this program first of all because mental protocol uses Web3 capabilities to make the space climate positive and democratize the solutions that everyone in the project and in communities make Web3 space carbon free.
an important and good way to use Web3 technology. And first of all, I thank you for that, mental protocol, and thank you for that Amir. So to explain the picklet to you, we are an NFT back landing platform that enables NFT holders to access liquidity without selling their NFTs through BoroWink.
And Piquilet also enables DeFi investors to earn yield through landing, secured by NFT assets. But there are many other platforms that use this borrowing and landing, but we want to democratize the financial solutions for NFT.
In the current market, only Blue Chip and some high-value NFTs can benefit from borrowing and landing. And as Piccolat, we change that by providing necessary security layers like NFT classification and liquidation systems to enable NFT-backed landing for the whole NFT economy.
So like mental protocol you guys care about the whole world's ecosystem and as big let we care about the whole NFT ecosystem for financial opportunities and I'm really glad that you guys invited us to join your space and I'm really excited for the
upcoming Metaverse event on the decentralized land. Thank you. Awesome Harun. Thanks a lot for sharing. Actually, like the first NFTs I got involved with were the flowers and if these from Flo Caron because it was not only NFT, they actually had real world impact behind it. So I love this idea of
emerging, those different innovations out there. Talking about carbon credits, we know that it's not only carbon credits, we have to take a look at their different impacts we seek in different areas. So I'm very happy to have Natalie over here from Jasmine Energy
who's bringing also renewable energy credits on chain. And Natalie, if you could give a small overview of Jasmine energy, your latest updates, and also how climate action plays into your strategy, which is, I guess, obvious from different perspectives, we would love to hear so, and thanks for being part of the Be Cool campaign.
Thank you, Mayor. Thanks, mental community for allowing Jasmine Energy to be part of your campaign. Yes, I'm an athlete CEO and co-founder of Jasmine Energy. Jasmine is a marketplace for climate assets and we're actually opening up our market with energy attribute certificates as in your mentioned. There are different types of
assets like carbon offsets, but these are renewable energy credits, EACs, widely known, globally, Geo's, Rex. The wreck market is currently a $12 billion market that is still over the counter today. So we're building it on blockchain to reduce transaction times, improve price transparency,
And increase liquidity. So why that's important is like increasing liquidity demonstrates the financial health of a renewable energy market. And with that health, it tracks more investors to finance a new energy. We think that we need to do more education on megawatt hours.
want you to better understand your energy consumption. So most importantly, RECs are in units of megawatt hours and what that translates to is actually one megawatt hour is equivalent to one metric ton of CO2 emission. So we aim to solve climate impact from the very beginning. Energy is one of the largest producers of CO2
to emissions and if we can decrease the amount of carbon-emitting energy on the grid by adding more renewables, then we can avoid a lot of carbon from being emitted from the very, very beginning. So that's our goal and we really hope to have you join us on our Twitter, on our Discord and also please book for us. Thank you.
Awesome. Thanks a lot for sharing that. We're super excited for your upcoming launch and will be definitely there on your Twitter space looking greatly forward. Now, when we talk about Web 3 enabling climate action as well as social action, there's one very essential part of
which has to be there, layer ones. And I think when we look at the different lands, like solutions out there, there's one, one which is standing out in there, yeah, drive towards impact and we couldn't be more happy to also be deployed on cello. So, Isha, a small introduction
from your side regarding Salah would be amazing. We are huge fans. I think the whole ReFy Space honors your strong movement in this field of impact. Lovely to have you here. Please share with us some news from your side. Give a small intro and you're happy to hear your thoughts on climate action. Yeah. Thank you.
Thank you for having me, Emma. I feel like this is such an incredible panel. So I'm so grateful to be part of it. I heard such incredible strategies and plans from all of these panelists. Oh my god, I'm so so honored. Yeah, so just quickly to tell you a little bit about myself. I had DeFi at Salafan
But I'm here to talk a bit about climate strategy at Salo and what we're doing and the people incredible community that we have around time at on the Salo ecosystem. So just to really quick Introduction for those that are not aware Salo is a layer one chain and
And we are very mission-reoriented and our mission is prosperity for all. And climate action is a really big part of our strategy and has been from day one. We were actually launched on Earth's day. So tomorrow is our three-year anniversary. And we're always looking at from the founding
And from the day we were started, our first block was to offset our prediction of energy consumption and emissions. And so that was block one for us. And so climate has been a really big focus from the get goal. And as we kind of change and evolve,
climate strategy is just becoming bigger and better for us at the foundation at Salo. And so, a couple of things I wanted to just give a shout out to that we've done recently. One of the things that we're really proud of is with starting with the concept of ultra green money.
We're taking this concept of ultra-salt money from Ethereum and changing it to ultra-green to kind of change it to us. Essentially what that is is all the gas that is generated 20% of that will go towards carbon offset at the solar foundation. I know mental protocols has been really incredible.
We've got a lot of people who are really incredible in dashboarding our time at usage and helping sea labs to kind of run all those metrics. So a big shout out to mental here. And then as part of ultra green money and Earth today, we've also run a couple of really interesting campaigns the last week because clearly climate is really big for us.
and a campaign the first day of this week where we've had people mint pull ups where we give for every poll up minted we give an X amount of money to giving block towards donations to climate action. We've had a move to
to earn campaign where you kind of mitigate carbon emissions by moving and using energy efficient modes of transportation. And I know that campaign has had participation from people across 78 countries. And that was just yesterday. So I'm not even sure what the status for that is today. Two can't protocol
one of the protocols on the salo ecosystem that does carbon offsets. They have announced retirements of carbon credit on the salo ecosystem. And we have carbon paths that does incredible again carbon offsetting in the salo ecosystem.
for abandoned minds, etc. And so like the entire ecosystem is constantly moving towards sustainability, constantly moving towards having positive climate as well as social impact. And so I'm really, it's
really great that we're here with mental because I feel like these are the kind of partners and protocols in the ecosystem that we are always we find it a pleasure to kind of work with and build with I know Amari mentioned Flo Carvan who is also a partner protocol and their NFC collection honestly that was my first NFT buy purchase
is to the flowers protocol, the flowers NFT. And so I just wanted to say it's such a great pleasure to be here. And in case you're interested in learning more, we have a lot of climate focused actions happening at Salo right now for Earth Day. And also super excited to be in the metaverse event with you guys later on.
That sounds great. Thanks a lot. We are also super honored to be working side by side with amazing partners and the amazing ecosystem of SELO. Last but not least, I would love to give over to DotMove, Salome, lovely to have you over here.
share with us what are the latest updates from your side, what do you do and where does climate action fit into your strategy. Thank you. Thank you so much, Amir, for inviting that move to this panel. As I was saying, it's amazing to be here with this topic within
this topic and with these colleagues working for, you know, to address this issue. So I'm the CEO of A TalkMovs and DotMovs is the product of a passion that has been coming up for several years. So it's basically
We are basically remote peer to peer sports competition gaming platform. We are our main mission and vision is to change the way that we play sports. We want to democratize sports and allow anyone anywhere to play and compete against other players.
So our main contribution for climate change is actually revolutionizing the way that players are playing sports. So a recent report, consider that the sports industry is making, there
expenses are over $600 billion and that is responsible for almost 60 billion tons of CO2. And this is like just a quick pick of athletes and the staff and the fans traveling
all around the world to be able to participate in sports events and watch their and see their favorite players playing their favorite sports. So DotMovze is addressing that very issue by creating this digital approach to play
sports. We also based our sports game in a game economy that rewards players through their sports performance by moving themselves by participating in challenges and in tournaments.
They use the lefties because we wanted to mimic the sports equipment metaphor for players. So I think anyone can have an empathy on the situation. I remember when I was a kid, every sports equipment
had some meaning for me either because they made me feel that I was like my favorite sports player or because that equipment made me one several games throughout the year. So that kind of equipment becomes some kind of collectible of experience around
around an athlete's experience. So what we are also trying to come up in order to be able to reduce the consumption of sports related products and that are perishable in a way is to create a digital version through NFT technology to allow
players and fans to have a different approach to collectibles in the sports industry, reducing the supply chain around this products that are so perishable and the meaning behind them can be associated to a digital product with reduced
So basically dot moves, it's not directly, but it's very aware about these two main goals that we want to contribute for the whole world to achieve the goals that we
that we've been agreeing to in order to change the trends that we've been watching for the several decades before us. So in our end-to-dot moves, playing sports can be digital without losing the experience, can have the nostalgia
and the experience from the physical products, but with a reduced food carbon footprint because they are digital in our chain. Thank you. Thanks a lot for sharing and like amazing to see the different applications and where we can embed climate action.
literally into any field and that's also our aim. We want to bring climate and social impact into the economic system and that works step by step by going through different industries and different use cases. I want to give a big shout out to all of our speakers over here. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
and your updates as well as being interested and involved in climate action. I also want to give a strong shout out to Meta Game Hub. We'll be having a Twitter space in one-daff hours with a number of special guests over there and also have like a second entry going jointly together into the DC
central land, meet-averse event. So we have the pleasure of having amazing partners by our side. I also want to give a strong shout out to Shamba Network. We know that when looking at climate action, we have different bottlenecks, which we try to solve with the different technologies we're using. One of it is liquidity.
find the crypto market and the web three market having a lot of access to liquidity and which is something we want to grow for different reasons and different applications. Anyhow, one other bottleneck is the verification and giving access in an easy way also to smaller participants is something
something what the Shambha network is doing. I just try to invite you up as a speaker. It doesn't seem to work, but the huge shout out to you as well. We are honored to have you also as part of our, um, um, uh, be cool campaign and our soft launch. And it was amazing to hear that cello actually also launched on, on Earth Day. So we are happy to be, um, in that
over here. With this, I want to slowly close the Twitter space, invite you all over to the Decentral Land Meet Hover's event. We'll be sharing on the main mental account the actual location, the date, the
coordinates to log in. And I would invite every speaker over here, but also every community member to reshare this post. Let's have a great party in the Metaverse. Let's show that this is a place of immersive experience, also, yeah, suitable for climate action and for community in this realm.
Thanks a lot for this amazing Twitter space and we're looking forward to see with you, to talk with you in Dcentraland to explore the different quests we have prepared over there and ultimately find you at the dance floor after you have successfully voted.
I hope it will be fun looking forward to get your feedback and I would say let's close it and let's jump over to the meet-up list. American, I just say thank you and thank you to take stock leadership to make this happen and really appreciate you having all of
this any pleasant experience. So thank you for hosting and thank you for making this change possible and let's do it together.
Thanks a lot for those kind of words Amro. I think we are all in this taught leadership together, but we are honored to be a part of it, yeah, and jointly make the world a cooler place. So shout out to everyone and thanks a lot. I love that.
Thanks for me. Thanks guys. Thank you so much. Bye. Thank you. See you in the metaverse. Exactly. Cheers. Bye bye.
Haru, if you're still speaking, I'm up there.