beCOOL Twitter Space w/ Evan Luthra

Recorded: April 4, 2023 Duration: 0:31:30



Hello test test.
Evan, are you with us? Yes, how are you, Amir? Great to be here, guys. Great having here. Looking forward to this trip to space and lovely seeing you just a few days back in Hong Kong. No, definitely. It was pleasure. It was a great time at many cool people and very excited.
No, awesome. And thanks a lot also for the introductions to Max and also to William. So we're having a great discussions over here and are all looking forward also towards the launch of several projects coming up this year. And we see a lot of advancements in the ReFi space.
But yeah, maybe let's give a small warm up intro for and warm welcome to the community. Thanks for joining. We're looking forward to walking through a mental upcoming launch on the 22nd of April. So we've got one special
to guest a investor and influencer known in the web space as well as in the tech space. Yeah, bringing together a great experience and also advice being an advisor of mental. So
We are looking forward to talking about our product, our launch, but maybe we would start with giving Evan the floor. So, Evan would be great if you would introduce yourself and give us a little bit background on what you do, what inspires you, and a great and honoured of having you here.
Hey guys, pleasure to be here. I'm Evan Lutra. I'm a serial entrepreneur, angel investor, being the technology space quite a while. I was actually one of the first few hundred people who developed apps for the iPhone. This one I was 13 years old, built about 30 apps before studying my first set by 17.
million dollars from that and started investing that back into other technology companies. And got my first Bitcoin in 2014 and being pretty involved in the technology crypto space since then, 2016, I was an early investor, a few investor in companies like Haderah Hashgraph, a 10 million valuation.
XRP Ripple, you know, these are top 20 coin market cap coins with like tens of billions of dollars in market cap today. And so these were a few of the projects that got early, 2016 or 2018, invested about 25 or so crypto companies, but that
I've made me realize that this is the future, right? And I mean, there is nothing better and more disruptive technology I've seen at that time today. AI is extremely disruptive, but let's not go touch on that later, but at that time, this was the most disruptive technologies available. So really, vengeful on in this in the last few years, I travel
to 25 countries speaking at over 200 events live in person about cryptocurrency and blockchain. And if he's pushing the movement forward, you know, and right for all the top two media, coin telegraph, cryptoomics, entrepreneur, hack or noon, a few more of Gendith's good community
And yeah, and in the last three years, I invested in over 300 different crypto projects. One of them in mental protocols, one of the best ones being mental protocol. And here we are today and just trying to see how I can help push the community forward and get more people involved. A big believer in climate change, you know, I love to enjoy this beautiful world.
that we have. I love to travel. I've been to 70 countries, but I've seen the impact of climate change firsthand. I want multiple beach houses around the world. The seaweed coming, which is all new sense makes the world less beautiful and climate is the big reason. And that's why I'm a big believer of mental and that's why I'm here not just
investing, but also advising and also helping them, you know, make the VEP 3 much more concerned and much more impactful of what they do with climate with their impact. And I think Mentor can help solve all those problems. Pleasure to be here and happy to answer any questions and let's chat and let's see how we can make the world a better place together.
Thanks a lot, Evan. Lovely to hear again your background and where you come from and also your concern about the climate crisis and also looking at different solutions in this spectrum. So, Manthol wants to make it very easy having the vision to make Web 3 the climate positive industry for different Web 3 B2B companies.
companies as well as Web 3B to see market players to engage with climate action offset their carbon footprint, but also participate in the emerging market. So maybe before I'm 12 a little bit into that, just like understanding the market of the carbon credit
market of being the essential tool to offset the carbon footprint and seeing its different applications. Basically through the tokenization of carbon credits, biodiversity credits at a higher level, any positive call to action for the environment.
can be tokenized and now accessible in a very easy way. So, me as coming from the marketing background, I understand that attaching a specific environmental project to your product bundle will be able to create new connections with the
community and will allow them actually on a product level to engage with the corporate social responsibility. And the beautiful thing what you already mentioned, which we'll discuss, is that we've got different emerging trends coming together. So Evan talked about the AI. We've got basic
basically also big data allowing new verification of environmental assets, which are then being tokenized and written with different AI applications. So we've got conversions of different technologies bringing help to each other. So yeah, the tokenizers on the market are quite
We are quite a few. So the impact behind those projects are also differing in their category, in their type. It could be environmental, it could be social. And we want to make it really easy to integrate that into a company. We know that we've got the climate crisis
going on with the two-step solution. So the first step of the solution is actually offsetting, like sorry, calculating and tracking the carbon footprint with the aim to reduce it through new technologies, innovations and processes. The second step is calculating the
non-available carbon footprint to compensate for it to become net zero in the best case, meaning that both like aims reducing the carbon footprint as well as compensating clear crucial role. And this is the buying power behind the carbon credit market, which is of 2021-07 business.
and expected to reach 700 billion in 2050. So the climate finance market being this tool for companies, organizations and governments to go carbon neutral is by always compensating for this remaining footprint we bring along with each economic activity.
So, like having 12, a little bit into that, I would like to talk very shortly about our launch, which is upcoming also to explain the product against this background and how you can participate, how community member actually engage with the Cool Pool and what are our
also the next steps after rolling out our product being in close beta since the beginning of January. So, we had like different discussions and also a joint metaverse event last year. So, that was our celebration into the close beta phase spending new year was
amazing with you. So yeah also looking forward to have had the MateHiverse event allowing digital community members to join. So for the celebration of our soft launch we'll have on the 22nd of April, earth, the hour activation, having a MateHiverse event
and on the 21st of April. And this will be like with the in real life event in Munich with our gaming partners, RCP, Europe's largest gaming development company with their partners, Changang, their web 3 arm, we're happy to be there, sustainability partner. So on this meta,
event we'll invite the community with different perks and iftees having 60 projects nominated, allowing to have an early account on mental which comes with an offset and an automatic tracking of the carbon footprint, allowing the community to actually see the positive climate action of the respective projects.
and through different gamification which I'll elaborate in a while, give different perks and accesses from our partners. So, Evan, maybe jumping into the conversation, sorry for taking those minutes just to 12 into menthol.
and our launch. So we want to invite everybody to join this event. What are your takes currently on the market of Mate Hover's Web 3 and how that can be used as this is like one core part we're using in our current rollout. It would be great to hear your takes on that.
I mean, I think the metaverse and NFPs are definitely the future. I think everything from identification for passport perspective, your passport, your ID cards, everything will become NFT in the future. But aside from that, also, tracking value and transfer of value is going to be done through NFT. So simple things as carbon credits where there's a big issue.
this double accounting right now, carbon credits are not tracked in the best manner, that can be done, like that is done better through NFTs, like NFTs are better when you do that now. So then the double accounting should be solved in the climate space. But meta word generally, I think, is where we are moving towards in the future. Even think about it, right?
100% of our attention used to be in the real world, in the physical world, then computers came along, that sucked our attention 20% than TVs, then iPhones, and now 50% of attention is on the digital world. You go to a restaurant, have the people on the iPhone all the time.
on their phones all the time. So what is happening is the digital is sucking up attention from the physical and I was an early builder for apps for Google Glass. You know, this was a screen in front of your eye 90% of the time. I was one of the first 10 people to develop apps that Google Glass. This was 10 years ago. It was too early for it's time. But now Apple has announced their glasses.
And I think with somebody like Apple launching their glasses, it's only a matter of time when more and more are for suspending their time in the digital world. And I think metaverse is basically that it's a moment in time when our digital life matters more to us than our physical life. And this is not an overnight change. It's a gradual change has been happening for about 20 years.
years now. Right? So this is what we're seeing. We're seeing more and more attention going to the digital world and eventually we're all going to live in the metaverse. That's what the metaverse really is. It's like the internet. When it started, it was called the information super high-veh or the cyber space, but now it's the internet. Everybody uses very common. So that's what metaverse is going to be. It#
and not that many people are using it, but you give it enough time and eventually everybody will live in the metaverse. And I think the impact is also pretty big because metaverse opens up so many opportunities. Think about it, everything is going digital. You work from factories to boardrooms to Zoom calls.
Where do you meet friends? You meet friends now on Tinder on Reddit. It's gonna go in your neighbors. You know, more people play Fortnite than basketball and football combined. So your work, your identity, right? I mean, what matters more to you? How you look like in real life or how you look like on Instagram? So stories are the personal billboard.
So I think if you look from that perspective with crypto and with NFT and with the metaverse your assets are also becoming online. Boardapes are the new Rolexes, you know skinny jeans and the Fortnite skins are the new skinny jeans. So if you look at from that perspective we are already living in the metaverse is just a question of time to realize that
that. And I think that's what the future is. I'm very, very, very bullish on the metaverse heavily invested. I'm all in on the metaverse, you know, I have more land and metaverse than I have in real world and I own land in plenty of countries. So it's like if you look from that perspective, I think the future is very, very bright. And I mean, everybody here on this thing is a 700
people listening or a thousand people now, I think everybody should understand that the future is in the metaverse and you are one of the early people and if you get involved early, you learn to add value early, you will definitely be rewarded very, very well. So thanks, love Evan, for your important take on the metaverse and how that
Basically, also from our climate perspective can take an important role to represent the environmental assets, represent the companies there and allowing the community to take apart in the decision making of how to spend basically a part of the marketing budget of the products there anyhow buying.
towards real impact on the world. So we're excited of bringing this cultural space into the Metaverse where everybody can basically join. This everybody is limited by the central land and the different access opportunities as we're having the Metaverse event over there.
But they are different solutions coming out. So we see the open metaverse taking place hub where companies already have their headquarters where market prices are driven by demand and by different synergies which are being created there. So we see it as a great marketing and community in
engaging tool where you can actually verify with digital IDs, the different players involved. So giving this digital ID, a carbon ID, which mental basically does, calculating the carbon footprint on the one side for the auction activities, as well as allowing to offset them with a few clicks.
giving access to different community specific privileges which are starting with also co-branding and nominating the next wave of carbon, yeah, cool pools. Cool pools are the user accounts on menthol which represents an individual or an organization. So,
Here Evan being one of our earliest, if not the earliest cool pool creator, you have the right to nominate six different projects. So you'll be able to claim an NFT, which we will air drop to all of the listeners over here. We have campaigns with thousands of in-apps.
of T is giving an access code to get access to a wearable in our Metaverse event. And in the Metaverse event, we will not only be introduced to Changgang, the Web 3 arm of RCP, which is Europe's largest gaming development company, we will also have access
to the different cool pools, there will be 60 projects, six of them nominated by Evan. So community members can vote on those projects and get different perks while offsetting the carbon footprint of the respective projects. So we are excited of having you on board.
Evan, maybe you would, I see that we've got enough time to talk also about our projects which we want to initiate and we can use the examples of cool pools over there. So maybe you could share the nominating parties you have in mind for the cool pool activation.
Yes, definitely. I have like 400 projects that I'm in. So let me let me let me go through my list and let me tell you like which ones would be the one I want to nominate, give me a second guys. There's a lot of projects.
I want to choose ones which I'm confident that will do well. Let me see. Give me a second. I want to I want to nominate projects which I think will really look into it. The first one I want to do is cookie three.
This is an interesting project. I also invested in this about six, seven months ago. They're tracking basically cookies in the web free space, but instead of value, being going to the centralized products is going back to the community. The first dominate, I'll do cookie three. What do you think about that?
That sounds amazing and actually they were part of already offsetting their carbon footprint at the NBX last year in Berlin. So we are very happy of having also a cool pool and an offset for them. Thanks a lot Evan. Okay, let me, let me, okay, so let's do that one.
Let me do a second one. Let's do let's do metalware. That's the company I also advise and they have united metaverse association where they're working with all the better was providers. Metalware will be a good company. I think they will be very interested to join also so let's do metalware as one also.
Awesome sounds great so we'll be able to track the carbon footprint of these projects on chain in real time and offset them. So we're looking forward to getting the solution for every organization in Web 3. Evan please I didn't want to interrupt. Okay, let's do let's do metalware, let's do cookie. How about
flowers. This is an F.P. project. I was the highest bidder when they did the NFP main. I bought quite a few of the NFTs. I think they're also really set and I think it's back. It's the first NFT collection from Flo Carbon, which is already one of the biggest players in the Web 3 climate impact space. I think they would be really good partners also. Why don't we work with flowers?
Sounds great. So I've also been involved in flowers being like a project where 75% of the amount goes into donating meat a slash into retiring carbon credits. So we've got impact over there behind them. So I love flowers. Great choice.
Okay, so flowers we have cookie we have meta where the next two I would like to do is named out and notify I think these two are also good projects and they care about the climate I would actually actually nominate all 400 of my projects, but I know some of them are not that care about the climate but let's do let's do a notify a name
Sounds great. So we're looking forward to slowly onboard more and more players. Thanks a lot, Evan. So shout out to named out and I'm also to notify. Yeah, which we as menthol want to use, allowing the different accounts created on on menthol to have a communication
layer allowing the communities to comment on life. So we are looking forward about creating cool puts for those projects and having the part of the metaverse event. Okay. So that's good. So how many did I give you? I have to give you six. I did five, right? I did cookie. I did name down. I did notify metaverse.
and flowers. Let me see. Six one has to be something interested. I want to choose something I'm not involved with right now. Maybe I was thinking I actually have all the NFTs I have board Aves, I have crypto planks, doodles, Clonex's, bunch of that. I don't have Pudgy Penguins and I was thinking about getting a Pudgy Penguin. So how about I nominate Pudgy
Pangeee Penguin and if they join this initiative I will go and buy a Pangeee Penguin also. Sounds great, Evan. Amazing. So we have six projects. We'll be also happy to have Pangeee Penguins. I actually love the project as well. So excited on having them part of our campaign and our software.
Okay, perfect. So let's nominate Pudgy Peng this there we have you have a six projects. Let's nominate these guys. Let's get these guys to take care about our community about our climate and let's make it work and everybody listening all of you guys should actually show interest in all of you should come and work with mental protocol and also
So try to offset your carbon-email climate impact. I think mental protocol is a great way for Repply projects to offset the climate impact. Thanks a lot, Evan. So yeah, we're excited about the launch. We're excited about allowing everybody with a few clicks to turn climate positive, starting with
Web 3 so excited about all, yeah, regions and regions out there to join, but eventually everybody also wanting to offset their on-chain carbon footprint can do so. They're off-chain carbon footprint, meaning real-world carbon footprint. So we've got exciting features with
which we've been preparing with the team together with our different stakeholders. And we're looking forward to the launch. Evan, maybe just to shed light a little bit more on the metaverse event, I'd like to invite you to the different floors we'll have and what we'll actually be
we are being able to expect. So our partners, Chang Gang which is a representation of different expertise fields from gaming, entertainment and web 3 are launching our
having different games in the pipeline which are going to be released. Having web 3 components from NFTs, tokens, they're different, yeah, a whole steam-like platform with games prepared. So the connection
between gaming and climate action will be showcast over there. We'll have the first floor showing the gaming projects and the platforms involved from metaverse sustainability gaming leading to the second floor where we actually have a
different projects that will be there also different other games will be represented and on the third floor we'll have the different ReFi projects out there so there are different solutions out there to offset the carbon footprint
The whole Metaverse experience will walk you through gamify through the different games, but also the RE-FI projects, which you can basically see working together over here on a pre-NWeb 3. And basically this fourth floor
will have 10 different initiators with the six nominees. So you'll be able to claim different NFTs giving you special access to mental and as an early user, they will be claimable after voting. So we look forward to have different quests for you.
prepared and having it a really nice Metaverse experience where you learn about the environmental projects, the different Web3 projects which want to offset and maybe your first Metaverse experience if you haven't done any Web3 engagement in Web3 so far.
So we're looking forward to that. Evan, we've got like a couple of minutes left. So I know you've been traveling a lot. You're having, you're speaking all over the world in Paris and Hong Kong. Are there any like current topics you would like to share with
with us. Yeah. I mean, I would just tell everybody this is the best time to be in the crypto space, right? This is literally the best time. All of you listening here, you guys have a real opportunity in front of you. Get involved in the web three space, get involved with mental protocol, find something you
about the passion about climate change mental protocol it is if you're passionate about art flowers and empty collection or any other NFT collection right or if you're passionate about fashion like metalware so there's great opportunities find what you're passionate about get involved with the focus of how can you add value to others right
How can you add value to others? The more value you add to others, the more success you will get. And remember guys, we're still very, very, very early. There's less than 10 million wallets with the NFT in them. That's very small part of the wall. So anybody who gets involved at this stage will reap the rewards and not
the work is just showing up. I'm very happy to see everybody who showed up right now on the space. I'm actually trending on Twitter in India right now. So maybe that's also a reason. But yes, I mean, everybody is interested. Feel free to follow my speeches, get involved in the space. I think all of you do well. I'm doing a giveaway.
way, deal with it on my Twitter for $1,000 right now. So you can go and follow me, you can go and follow mental protocol. And you can also win that $1,000 for yourself. The game will be tweeted in like next 30 minutes after this call, after this Twitter space is, but yes, very happy to see everybody here and hopefully best all the best everybody is joining in.
Awesome, thanks a lot. So we're looking forward to this next steps. We're going to have a series of Twitter spaces and we'll be discussing with our different partners why sustainability is important. We're looking forward to have everybody at the event.
Yeah, from our side, basically, from mental protocol side, we have been to different events in the last weeks and we are very happy to see that ReFi is represented everywhere. There's a growing community and a growing number of solution providers in this market.
So like cheers to our partners from two con protocol to Norrie, to Moss Earth, to Flo Carbon as well as Klima Dow, with whom we are looking forward to bring great solutions into the market. And we're looking forward to also
discuss with the projects which are using mental protocol. What are the assets which they are interested in? They are also social impact projects which can be integrated. So we look forward to get great conversations going on between the brand that the environmental social project
and the community. So yeah, be sure that we'll have lovely partners in our next spaces and we're excited about this launch. We've been building for one-half years, so also a big thank you to the entire team. Yeah, looking forward to the next steps.
Do we have maybe any questions from the audience? I'm also seeing MetaWeir over here. So, MetaWeir, we're looking forward to a joint launch and offering sustainability as a service through the Metaverse.
So it's exciting to engage with those assets in this field, but yeah, we're looking also forward to our joint to the space. If there are any questions, very happy to take them.
I guess we'll be looking forward to have the next Twitter space. Evan, is there anything from your side before we close the Twitter space? Thanks a lot for your warm invitation and we're excited about the project.
nominated. So I'm also excited, man. I'm excited to see which project offsets the most carbon emissions and that will be very exciting. So yeah, I mean, that's great. Thank you for everybody's time. Really appreciate coming in and to the moon guys. I'm talking about the course with the moon.
Thanks a lot, Evan. Thanks a lot. We are excited as well. And shout out to Cookie, named out Notify, Metaware, Flowers and Pudgy Pingweens. So we are greatly looking forward on bringing a re-fight to the world and finding different applications.
- What if I guys? - Awesome. We see a Daisy over here as a speaker. Are you able to-- - Hello, can you help me?
Yes, we can hear you.
Okay, so it doesn't seem to work. Daisy, are you there?
So yeah, we're looking forward, we'll have frequent Twitter spaces a few this week. So we're happy to take any comments also send us a DM. If not, yeah, we're looking forward to the next Twitter space and engaging here together. Maybe you can give it another try.
If not, let's call off the Twitter space and we are excited to take the next steps together and all of the listeners, you'll not only have the chance to basically have the auction of
winning $1,000 by following Evan and Mental, we'll also have an NFT drop for you. So look forward to some nice tickets, which you can claim a code with for a special wearable in the metaverse.
Also, I see that the CVS is a speaker, so lovely having you upstage. Maybe we have a bit more luck over here.
Would you like to step up? You could unmute yourself.
Okay, so in this case, it seems to be a problem not the first time with Twitter. We are looking forward to the next Twitter space. Thanks a lot and yeah.
Thank you everybody. Have a good day. Cheers, lovely Evan. Thanks for being there. Bye bye. Bye.