BeL2 Updates, Destiny Calls Plan and Community Contributors Discussion

Recorded: Feb. 23, 2024 Duration: 1:15:51
Space Recording

Full Transcription

hello everyone
I hope you can hear me okay
I hope everyone is having a great week
going into the weekend
and thanks for joining us today
as we look to give some Bell 2 updates
we'll talk a bit about Destiny calls
and really look at where we're heading
in these months ahead because there's a lot that's been going on
it's very exciting and the Elastos ecosystem
is continuing to innovate and grow so
Mark isn't with us today
so we're joined as well by Ian
and we'll give a brief introduction shortly
but Mark actually he just put a
tweet out and he's boarding a plane
to go to Denver right now
next week is
East Denver which is
really it's a week long
event primarily focused
around the ethereum ecosystem
and there's everything
from the dev week which is all about
sorry the dev it's a couple
days of building
there's the main event which has some really
big talkers and
speakers there and then actually after
the event there's even a retreat up in the mountains
and I didn't realise this but
Denver Colorado is over
a mile high so it's a
very high place and
obviously when I think of it I think of actually
South Park but I'll
be flying out next week as well
so I'll be joining Mark next
Monday I fly, I'll arrive on Tuesday
and I'm hoping will be
a really fun time to get to
from my perspective
specifically to really showcase
actually some of the DRM stuff
that we've been doing with Elastosy
because everything that we've done here is all
EVM compatible so
we have a really good story to
tell in how we are enabling monetisation
markets and the ability
to actually package, to distribute
and trade digital
capsules and play them back
on ethereum virtual machines
it'll be a great chance to actually network
to connect with different stakeholders
and showcase the technology
and then in doing so
we can also look at how we promote
Bell2, if you look again at
Mark's tweet he's got an amazing
Bell2 hoodie that he's
taking out there with him alongside some
other bits and bobs
and so the goal here as well
is to showcase how Bell2 which
is a protocol to allow smart
contracts to run on top of Bitcoin
really it's
compatible and it's working with ESC
the Elastos smart chain
which is EVM compatible
too so as
everything slowly comes to
maturity we
start to see a convergence of all these
technologies and this really is Bitcoin
as the kind of root underlying
security layer
into a protocol where
we can now interact with
ethereum virtual machine smart contracts
and in that environment we
can have digital asset markets
or digital capsule markets
powered by something like Elastos
so it should be a really exciting
week ahead, it's going to be
all systems go, Mark and
myself will certainly try to update everyone as
we're going. Ian are you on this call
as well and I'm not sure actually Ian are you
headed to Denver as well, your side?
if you're with us Ian
you just need to unmute and John
are you with us too?
Yes I'm here
if you can hear me John
Ian just yet but we can hear you great John
and how's everything your side, how are you doing?
Very good
looking forward to updating everyone on
Destiny calls
yeah so it's been busy
busy, we're
joined by another guest
they're going to be joining us in about 20 minutes
or so so I think
we could probably get started
and jump straight into that John
if you'd like to give a brief update
on things that's been going on your side
and Destiny calls probably
first of all what is Destiny calls and what's
happening on that side?
Yeah so thanks Ash
so the exciting news
is we have
the first cohort and the process
already set up
for Destiny calls
the official program
will launch on the
5th of March
with a call out to
the development community
to contribute
ideas for potential
funding and partnerships
the good news is
we're working
with a company called Questbook
who have a database of
50,000 builders actually
and they've
already started working with us
and working with our contacts
and Ian who's
helping us to start
trying to bring in projects
and we've got already
quite a long list of
fantastic potential
projects and we want to have
a couple that we are
in agreement with about the build
for the launch because we want to try to get some
PR and some announcements
that have a bit more meat to them
rather than us just saying that we're planning
to do this, we want to show some action
and that's really important
because really the whole program is about
building on LASOS
so the grants
will be released when things are
built and
sooner and the whole idea
is to really accelerate, not just
the deployment of
Bell2, we need to be really clear
for the kind of splitting
the focus of the program into two
areas, one is Bitcoin innovation
of which Bell2 is obviously
a major part
and that will account for probably about 50%
of the companies we partner with
but the second one will be
actually smart web
infrastructure, so
this is really about
broader kind of a LASOS
system is being
developed and we've got
exciting projects such as Deepin
for example that we're talking to
to try to do things that are really quite
new and quite innovative
to try and take the smart web vision
forward so it's really important
to stress that and stress how
that kind of side of the project
needs to be balanced equally
that's the good news
I think we will
obviously share more details as we get
up to the launch date
particularly we've had some really great
already from the community who
just heard about Destiny Calls
some of which we
will be shortlisting
so any suggestions from the community
are for projects
as I say the
goal is really to focus on building
and trying to get things
working as fast as we can
in doing that a couple of
really important partners for us
I mentioned Pressbook
they're kind of helping and they
will help also with the marketing
and outreach
but we also have
a partnership with an accelerator
business called Applicature
and Applicature
will not only help to accelerate
the technology but you also have
VC funding that can help
to bring to the table which is pretty
exciting and then we have a
whole range of different business partners from
the marketing side through
to the business development side who will be
supporting the program with
skills and insight
and I'll announce more about
that in the coming
week or so
but a very important
contributor to the
program is Ian who
has been working with us
on developing this first cohort
and I think what I
want to stress with
Ian's role which really about
again how do we get people
building on not just project
building on
Elastos but also
development houses who really
understand what we're trying to do with Bell2
for example and really
get that it's this
kind of quite radical
change in the way that we can use Bitcoin
and so working quite closely hopefully
key group of developers
and those will range from
end, top dollar
developers from New York City through
to some really fantastic developers
we've identified
and are working with around the world
obviously in India
Sri Lanka
very, very cool development company in Argentina
actually, Quinn Fabric
so that's
actually a really important
benefit of this program is that it will
super invigorate
our relationship with some key development
houses and then we
will be looking to then launch more sophisticated
developer relations programs
to try to tell
the whole development of the world about that
I'm hoping I can
hand over now to Ian who
gives his view on what we're
doing and how we're going to take the program
forward strategically so Ian
if you can speak?
Thanks for having me guys this is my first
Elastos spaces so I'm pretty excited to be
here. John that was a great summary
so yeah hey guys I'm Workhorse
my IRL name is Ian
I've been now
part of John's growth team
for about three weeks
so it feels
still shiny and new but we have gotten
a ton done in those
three weeks. We
are getting this off the ground really quickly
at a breakneck pace and it's been
a blast. I've been really appreciating
my time with John and also Agnes and the rest
of the Elastos team.
The project itself is
I'm very passionate about helping
people actually build things.
I have started
10 businesses in my career
that I founded myself. I've helped assist
the launch of over 30 others in my
career and I really love
helping new projects, new
businesses, new founders
old founders build something
that they're really wanting
to make material.
In the web3 space
as we all know
there is a lot of
smoke and mirrors sometimes and a lot of promises
that go unfulfilled and that is
one of the wrongs that all
of us want to write.
This program is about actually
building stuff, actually executing
on plans.
Some of you might know, most of you
probably don't, but I've actually been an
Elastos community lurker for many years
now. First getting
into the project 2018
I've been a big fan of all of you
but also a fan of the project.
One of the things that's
kind of crazy is how
insane the tech is.
probably am preaching to the choir a
bit here, but the tech is so nuts
in this project that it just needs
to be used by more people.
When John approached me to start working together to
attract some talent,
attract some devs, attract some
projects that are going to truly
execute and build something special that
leverages this technology, I was like
super in.
Getting to dive into that with Destiny
calls was
a huge fit.
This first round
we just got
over the first couple of hurdles
in terms of getting everybody
grouped up together, decision
makers grouped up together to learn about the
projects. We have currently
12 potential
candidates for cohort number one.
That list is
comprised of some pretty
great projects.
I don't know if I have enough time just to
talk about all of them, but I'll drop a
couple of highlights.
Bookfault is one that I think you guys have seen
around. We just had a press release about
them. They are a fantastic blockchain
based publisher, a book publisher.
They are embarking on
I don't know, from my perspective,
leveling the playing field
and bringing rights
back to actual
authors, actual writers.
I don't know if anyone saw the
recent Spotify news that they are
totally gutting
rights that you get when you upload your book,
upload your audiobook.
It's pretty crazy and so the timing for Bookfault
to enter into the fray I think
is pretty wonderful.
Another one that I really
am interested in is
email, which is actually
an email service I use myself.
They are an
AI-powered decentralized communication
infrastructure. They're built to provide
encrypted emails.
It actually functions
just like any other email
system that is out there. However,
the way that they do it is super cool.
If they join this
cohort, they
want to integrate Elastos and Essentials Wallet
into DML, which would be super cool.
And then probably the third one
that John has
thank you, John, championed
the most is Beat Farm. That's a project
that I've been
working with for a long time. That team
is awesome. They are seeking
to literally
totally disrupt how the
music industry even works.
There's a lot of weird stuff that happens
in the music industry. A lot of pain points that have been around
for decades. And they're hoping that
pretty much every tool that Elastos
has in the toolbox,
they can actually solve some of
these problems, ranging from
to building a Socialify platform
to helping labels
and artists handle their publishing through our
DRM tools, using
runtime, using
our DID chain,
literally leveraging the whole
kit and kaboodle. That was a pretty
cool one, too. That's
three. There are 12. I could talk about it
forever, but I'll take a pause there just to make sure
that I am staying on course.
That's great.
Thanks, Ian. I hope
people can feel your passion
for building.
That's really the
strategy. I know
we've got all got huge hopes and
plans for the whole growth
of Elastos, but until we really
start building and start to
deliver on particularly
Ron's vision of fully
decentralised economics that sit
behind our project,
then I think
we're only
working with
half the ammunition, so we need these projects
I think, Ian, as you outlined, the
first cohort we deliberately focused
on smart entertainment.
There were some reasons for that
because there's a reason
why Amazon started with books, etc.
Apple with music.
It's kind of possibly
the easiest route into
this kind of idea
of peer-to-peer economics,
we know, Ella City also brings
some really
just unbleeding edge technology
to enable a
different approach.
There's some
music playing.
No music.
entertainment is the
low-hanging fruit. The next
stage of the programme will be
to start to focus on what we're
calling smart finance.
Here, really, what
I mean is
not just DeFi, but actually more specifically
DeFi, so Bitcoin
application of
This is, for us, really exciting.
Ian's given that it already
started mapping out a strategy
The obvious point is
we need to improve
some of our product in terms of bridges
couple of other areas before
we can really put our foot
down, so that's an absolute priority
and, no, this is raised in the community a lot,
but there's no point in us moving
into this bleeding edge if we're not
really holding
our own with
some of these core technologies.
That is something
that's working progress and we're
going to accelerate.
From that, we'll look to launch
a second cohort
round for Destiny calls,
which will be focused on smart finance
and this DeFi
opportunity, which
I'm really excited about because
entertainment's a big opportunity, but
finance is off the roof
in size compared to
entertainment and
leads into, very nicely, into the
third category, which is the absolutely
humongous category of what we call
smart assets, which is basically
when we're able to use
our decentralized
approach to economics to make
all assets, real world assets
smarter and empowered
by web3, and that's
literally a mind-blowing
business opportunity,
but we're trying to get the
finance piece in place first before
we rush too fast
into that big one, so that's just an
outlined strategy.
Ian, I don't know if you want to
just share a little bit of your thoughts on
the smart finance and the
DeFi approach. Yeah, absolutely.
So, I'm an absolute
DeFi degen, so I've been
doing DeFi work
ever since the DeFi summer
and it's something that
you guys will catch on quickly,
that I'm a very excitable fellow
and so this is another piece of the
industry that I'm very passionate about.
However, we've got to solve some problems,
we've got to make things easier. I mean,
like I said, we have
incredible technology, but the
field of dreams adage of if you
want to go through, they can only
come here if they have easy ways
to come here and so bridging
bridges, blue chip
household name bridges need to be
involved in getting the masses
to come and try us out.
So that, to me, is the first thing
that needs to be tackled is a
true blue bridge partner
that can really just be trusted.
After that,
another tier 2,
tier 3 lending protocol.
Something probably not as big as like an Aave
because that's a pretty big
an Aave-like lending platform that allows
us to lock in some
TVL and create some good
lending markets there. And then beyond
more traders.
Specifically when we're talking about smart finance,
we need the options for
people to use, basically
for lack of a better way of putting it, a GMX fork
with futures
and leverage training needs to be something
that we can actually do.
And then beyond that, a DLMM.
If you guys have been following
the sort of Jupiter, Meteora
frenzy over on Solana,
they built a beautiful ecosystem
flywheel between those two
protocols. And these are things that
while not something that I think we should
totally bite completely, but these are
strategies that are proving to be very effective
and to capture some liquidity, capture
traders, capture
DeFi activity.
The tools need to exist.
Just straight up. And so
one of my big objectives, and one of the big
objectives of round two of Destiny Calls
is just to attract that talent
and attract those developers
who want to build things like it,
build tools that speak to that
community, and
really can create a home for
the DeFi community as well over here.
So yeah, I hope that's
a good analysis
of the first steps that we want
to take. And we're obviously open
to lots of questions and suggestions
on how we do it. What one
point to make is in our smart
entertainment focus.
GameFi has always been on the agenda.
GameFi is harder to do
than it might
might appear from all the hype around it.
And in fact, some of these DeFi
tools really make it
A lot would do it all.
Ian's also got a deep background
in developing
web-free gaming platforms,
including DeFi Kingdoms.
we're not forgetting about
gamification and
gamefi because it's really key, but
it's just we need to
do some more work and
actually some of the other
content plays are easier ways
to build our experience base.
So any suggestions
on gamefi, et cetera,
we're actually really
keen to address those
as we develop our approach.
I don't know if we want to open up for questions
at the end, but happy to take any.
Thanks, John and Ian.
Ian, it's great
to have you on the team
and to have your wealth of knowledge
and to bring that in alongside
the network. I can see how
beneficial this will be.
And really, Destiny calls
from the CRC side,
which is the
Cyber Republic Council,
it's the DAO of Elastos,
and it's the
Cyber Republic Council,
it's the DAO of Elastos.
Every year,
12 council members are voted in using
Merge Mind ELA with
Bitcoin, so it's almost like
a Bitcoin-powered
DAO through
ELA token.
Just recently,
well, actually, end of last year,
it was over 50,000 ELA,
which was allocated for this Destiny
calls programme. So
at the base price, that's just under
about $200,000.
And then there's also
participants who are helping contribute
to that pot, too, to make it even bigger.
So I'd advise
anyone here who is
interested in engineering or who knows engineers
or thinks that they could connect engineers
to really think about
how you could do that and put them
in contact with either John or Ian
as they look to build out
this exciting programme.
entertainment is certainly
going to be a really exciting
area that's going to grow.
To kind of echo what John said,
it's enabled through
smart finance,
even gaming. I know we've got
in the gold community
token ecosystem,
we have someone who's taken a lead,
and in doing so,
they are looking to do a gold-based
game as well on the Elastos smart chain.
So I think when we start
to really put the finance
side into play, we start
to then see all of these
benefits, because I kind of look
at it like tourism. You need to have
airports, you want to have
ports, so that
people can come in and out of your
country, and without that
it becomes very difficult, or if anything
it becomes really expensive.
One thing we could say is that
really Bell 2
is a form
of transportation, because
what it's allowing is for people
who are on Bitcoin, which is the number
one cryptocurrency in the world.
It's the most accepted,
and it has the most amount
of really mom-and-pops as well
who are dabbling in
cryptocurrencies. They're the ones that
are only really dipping
their toes into Bitcoin, and
they're the ones who will download a wallet and
actually experience that user experience
of what crypto is like.
So when we start to enable
smart contracts to run on top of Bitcoin,
and we can enable
accessibility into what
will be ESC, the Elastos Smart Chain,
with all of these platforms
on, that can basically
receive zero-knowledge
proofs from Bitcoin, which is
generated through a transaction,
and this is using Bell 2
as a protocol, when
we start to then enable these services
on Bitcoin, we not only
connect our ecosystem into Bitcoin,
but we create amazing, almost
travel routes to get
to our ecosystem.
Just from the efforts that
we've made from Bitcoin
over the last coming months, we
are now getting included in infographics.
We're being, and the community,
credit to everyone here,
because there's been small mistakes
made, there's been one where we were
labelled as a non-EVM, which is
understandable, because Elastos
is ELA, and the main chain
is non-EVM, because it's merge-mind
with Bitcoin, but actually
it's Bell 2 that enables our
side chain, which is EVM compatible
a layer 2 kind of smart contract
ecosystem. So there's a slight
learning curves to be coming into
our ecosystem, and our job is to
really educate. So kudos
to everyone who has been in the replies
of these graphics, and actually has
been so good at that, that
these researchers
have actually changed their
graphics to represent what Elastos
is trying to build here.
But in doing so, just being
included in this marketing material,
we've had lots of individuals
come to us, and they have
who are building, and especially
bridges for Bitcoin
layer 2 ecosystems, they've
come and said, we want to integrate with
you guys. So we're having
conversations there too, in how we
can connect Bitcoin
through bridges to ESC, and
with other EVM ecosystems.
There's a fundamental difference
to remember in what makes Bell
2 so special, because
we can connect bridges and
Bitcoin to ESC
to the Elastos smart chain, but
that's very different to what actual
Bell 2, the protocol does,
because Bell 2 as a protocol
fundamentally doesn't bridge anything across.
There's no lock and mint
mechanism that you'd usually see,
because if you want to come from Ethereum
to ESC for instance, traditionally
you will lock your Ethereum
on Ethereum's network,
and then you will mint a
representing token of that value
on let's say ESC,
and you can say it's got the same value
of the Ethereum.
Bell 2 is all about
creating zero
knowledge proofs, so doing a transaction
with your Bitcoin on the layer 1,
which doesn't get locked
or minted, it goes to another address
which could let's say be a multi-sig address,
but it creates a zero knowledge
proof that proves
that that transaction took place,
and that proof is then passed across
by an ELA relayer.
This is someone who stakes
ELA as collateral, and gets the
privilege to pass that proof across
into a smart contract
which then releases
let's say an asset on the layer 2,
but there's no lock or mint
function that you'd see here, so
it's great to think about the
innovation of Bell 2 and what we can build here,
but also to use our marketing
as a layer 2 solution to
also see other ecosystem
partners who are building on Bitcoin
connect to us, and we can just open
up these gateways to allow for finance
to really flow in and out.
And then the final really thing on
finance and smart finance is
Anders and myself from the Elasti
kind of camp. We have
bi-weekly meetings with Rong
who's an Elasti advisor
and also Dr. Zinn who is our
DRM advisor, and really
in these calls we get
the opportunity to kind of think about how
we improve the system, how we bring in
new business models, and
one of the big things that we need to try
and tackle is how can we create a system
where someone could pay with
let's say their PayPal account or their
PayPal account, and there's almost
like Bell 2 a zero knowledge proof
which could be fed into a smart contract
and it could release funds.
That is how
you would get mainstream adoption
and you could have a toggle
where everyone who is into crypto
can interact with let's say Elasti
as they would today, and they can
pay in ELA or they can pay in stablecoins
but then you can flick this toggle
and it's suddenly a web 2 front end
and you can just pay with Stripe
with what you know today, and suddenly
now someone who is
not well versed in web 2
at all, they don't actually
need to be, they can just interact
and everything that's blockchain
is hidden in the background. A step
further is to actually do wallet
abstraction, so
we would as Elasti be able to allow
you to log in with Google, and when
you log in a web
3 wallet is generated in the background
that is purely dedicated to
your Google account, you don't see
it, but when you buy an access
token with your PayPal for instance
the access token is sent to
that designated wallet, and now
blockchain is completely
hidden, but you're interacting with it
ESC for Elastos is
amazing because it's so cheap as gas
that we could basically pay gas
on behalf of a client, but also
if ELA rocketed
which it will, it will go much
higher in my belief than it is today
gas fees go up too, but we
have a CRC DAO, we have a DAO
which within a week, if it
makes consensus, can actually drop
gas fees back to a reasonable
price, I think that's where
we also see smart web technology coming
into effect, what does Ethereum
do when it becomes too expensive,
it's kind of trapped, what does Elastos
do when it rockets and gas fees
become too much, we put in a proposal
and we vote to bring the price
down, and then the CRC nodes
who run that blockchain
who are elected in by the community
using Bitcoin
secured ELA, they
give consensus, and if
it's a yes, two thirds say
yes, we drop the gas fees
and that means for businesses that are
running on the Elastos smart web, they
actually can be quite confident that
which is really there to keep the peace
can provide solutions
if it becomes either too
expensive or too congested
the other one is the fact that you
can use the DAO to actually
generate a new sidechain, so if
ESC for instance becomes too clogged
and busy, well you could put in a proposal
and say we want a new sidechain
and I want it to be dedicated for my
business, you can even say I want seven
sidechains all just designated for my
business, and if the CRC approves
it, you can then basically move forward
in getting those sidechains generated
so that side
is also extremely exciting
but smart finance will
certainly, through Bell2
and through different innovations and partners
who are reaching out to us
will really open the floodgates
to how people can access
Ian, really great to have you join our team
great to have you on the Elastos ecosystem
I know you said you've been in the background
but it's great to have you in the
foreground now, and from the calls we've
had already, I just think it's going to be
fun, we've got lots to do
but lots of fun to be had, and I
think this year already we've started to see
the kind of positive impact that everyone's
having, working away on all of this
technology and doing what they're doing
and I honestly just believe it's just going to get
more and more exciting, and even into
2025, that's probably when
things will just continue to ramp up
Bitcoin is certainly
only seeing more inflows
of interest and capital
coming in
Okay, so, from a Bell2
perspective, I think it's worth
mentioning that
we've begun working on the
three or so days ago, work
started, so we, I won't say what
it is just now, it will be
the basic demo, but what it will showcase
is actually Bell2
as more of a product, so
we're working now on the interface
on the front end and connecting it to the
back end technology, and what
it will allow is for someone on Bitcoin
to interact through Bell2
with the Elastos Smart Chain
and do a certain function
that should
be ready, we're aiming, and what
we said in our roadmap was at the beginning of
April, and what we're
hoping to try and do is
use this technology to go
to token 2049
in Dubai, which is mid April
and start to engage there and showcase
what's possible, more
than anything, and I kind of see it similar
to the Elasti DRM platform
it's the initial introduction, it's
the MVP, the basis
it shows the end-to-end
kind of platform working together
and then what that leads to
is not only being able to understand what the
technology is, because I can remember
trying to
explain what
runtime is, and it was
such a headache, but now people can
go to Elasti, they can watch a video
and it's going to play back in the runtime
and it makes complete sense
so I think the same thing should be the same
for Bell2, that there'll be at least
this feeling of like, ah, I kind of understand
it now, and then
I can see where this is going, and
all the kinds of services which we talked
about around finance, entertainment
and smart assets start
to become more tangible, and also
more exciting, so
yep, that's begun, we're moving forward
on it, and I'm super
excited, and I'm really excited to get to share it with you
guys when we get the opportunity
as I say, we've had lots of partners
moving in and talking with us
wanting to build
on ESC, and hopefully
even next week with Eat Denver
there's going to be lots of interest too
the cyber republic
recently put out
or sorry, Mark from Bell2
as head of strategy, recently
put out a proposal on the cyber republic
to sponsor the Bitcoin
conference, traditionally
it's in Miami, but this year it will be
in Nashville
and it got
passed, so if you
actually were to head over to the Bitcoin
conference page today, you
will actually see Bell2 is
is listed now
on the website, and we
will be having one of the largest booths
there, so we are one
of the lead sponsors
of the Bitcoin conference
and this actually took about
three months really, two and a
half months to get lined up
so again, it's a great showcase
of our DAO in action
the DAO voted in favour
we get to move forward, and
in doing so, we can tell the
story of how a Bitcoin
ELA powered DAO
was able to make consensus to allow
us to co-sponsor, but also
the Bitcoin conference are extremely
conservative about
who they let in, especially
to sponsor, because a lot of times
you get projects that really do want to
just come and shill their token
and obviously a lot comes from the Ethereum
side, but they are
have to be very stringent, and in our case
they went away, did their due
diligence, looked at us and said
we'd love you to come and join
so that will be moving forward
in Nashville, which is
let me just double quickly check the time
it's on the 25th to the 27th
of July, so anyone
who's in America or anyone who wants to make the trip
it's a great opportunity to meet up
to also showcase
everything we've been doing, obviously
April is what we had in mind for Bell
too, but really
think about where we're going to be at
come July time, things are just going to start
to get more and more exciting as this year
goes on, so
that's been pushing forward, and big credit
to Mark, he's not on this call, but he really
helped pull that all together, and
he's been attending many in the past
and I can see why he really saw
this as beneficial, what we
haven't established yet is whether we could get any
speaking slots, but we're also
looking at the Bitcoin conference which will happen
in Hong Kong too, and trying
to find synergies and ways in which we can
basically make these events as
impactful as possible, really
this year is about, from my
perspective it's about the Bitcoin layer 2's
and from Elastos I really believe
this is our time,
kind of you wait for this
moment where things start to align
and from my perspective I think
it's really beginning to align
Bitcoin is just going
to get more prominent, it's going to become
we're moving into a new bull market
we've got the
Harvening coming up, yes there will be
drawbacks, but I think there's a clear
direction on where this is all heading
so the fact that we've
been merged minds since 2018
and we have such an interesting story to tell
honestly, we are
perfectly aligned to
start now making some noise, so
we'll use these conferences to our
advantage, we'll showcase
our MVPs and showcase Bell
too, we'll continue to onboard
individuals and we'll make things happen
so obviously thank you so much to
everyone who's believing in us on this journey
and who's been with
us really since the start, I know there's
many people I can see in this chat
and I see all the Bellas as well
but we've all kind of seen
it all now and I'd like to say we're
all veterans and
the word that we used was
resilient and John and I had
the kind of ups and downs
that our communities faced over the years
we are extremely resilient and that's
actually a massive positive
trait, you can't
stop us and
there will be disbelief in the people that
wished that we'd given up
many years, if not
months ago and yet here we are,
we're not slowing down, actually we're getting more
aggressive and this is
showcased by the fact that we will be
at the Bitcoin Conference Nashville
the biggest Bitcoin Conference
and we'll be one of the biggest sponsors
so we're going to showcase ourselves here
let's make some noise and let's
let's showcase what we're doing because it's
exciting and it has the opportunity
to really revolutionise how we
not only use finance
through Bitcoin but how we use the internet
through the Elastos
SmartWeb, so
okay, so I think we
have another guest joined with us today
are you with us? Can you hear?
I have you on my screen as
connecting but I also had the same for
Ian, so I'm just wondering if
you are here and can hear and if I
need to jump back in
but hey Adoshi, can you hear me okay?
Yeah, I can hear you but
can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Hello, hello, can you hear me?
I can hear you just fine
I'm not sure if anyone else can
Can you hear me? Okay
Sash, Sash, can you hear me?
Ian, can you hear me?
I can hear you, yep
You sound good to me
Hey, okay
I hear you too Adoshi
Okay, I hear you too, thank you for
inviting me in this space by the way
so my name is Adoshi and
as you might
you guys might have seen like
you think I'm new but I'm actually
I'm actually I have joined
Elastos since 2018
I actually left the crypto
space in general
and I actually
if you saw the
2017 pump that we had
we all went up
with it but then you know me
being a very bad trader
just held everything and went down
with it as well
and then we just
just left crypto as a whole
but honestly I have never sold my Elastos
I sold everything except my Elastos
and honestly Elastos
is a unique project
the reason I joined Elastos
in the first place is honestly because of
Mr. Rong Chen
I remember watching his
interview with
some YouTubers
I forget the name now but
when I saw the interview
I was I believed in
Mr. Rong like I just
felt something about
this guy is the real deal
and I just
went on more
research on the project and what's
trying to do and everything
I just went all in basically that time
and I joined I think
when it was around $50 or something
which is really bad but
I mean that's just the stock
the stock is not the business
but I still believe in the technology
and I believe in everything and honestly
I think Elastos is in a place where
I think no other project is in
because if you even go and check
other projects of similar
standard as Elastos
or similar size you will
see their communities are actually not that
active or not that
yeah so basically
they're not that active and not that
passionate about the project itself
but when you come to Elastos
and you see this it's
it's different the community is just
different in Elastos for some reason
and this is what Mr. Rong
Chen has built even though
we are still not in the mainstream
yet which I think we will
especially with the Bell 2
the Bell 2 thing I mean
really Bell 2 like you said Sash
it's very very very exciting
and I'm really excited
I want to see it in testnet
and that's why I even started
so the reason we started Elowings is because
you see other blockchains
right like Ethereum
like who remembers in
2000 I think 17-18
I don't remember the date but
when CryptoKitties came
and it just
it was the reason
blockchain as a whole became mainstream
because of some
you know some
NFTs and then later
on now Solana the same
same story repeated again
with meme coins
so then you see why these
blockchains get mainstream
but not by real
real business use
real life usage
instead they're just being used by
these kind of people and that's because
that says a lot about
the market of blockchain
of the crypto space as a whole
so I think
Elastos we are too serious
we have too much
serious vision
our vision is serious
our thinking is very serious
like everything in our infrastructure
from the carrier to the
storage hive to everything is serious
real life usage
people don't look for that
especially here in the crypto space
the people
the real people who are looking for this
are actually
the people who are working in real life
right now and they still
don't want to jump in blockchain because
maybe too risky or something like that
but they will eventually shift
that's for sure
and hopefully Elastos is in the forefront
when that happens
so this is
a small background about myself
Thank you Adoshi
I'm sure many in this
chat can resonate with your story
on early days
whether it was investment decisions
or seeing the kind of stories
that unfolded and actually
we look at the coin market
cap and we see
all the different projects which
kind of come and gone
if we were to look back at 2017 and see
the top 50 tokens then
we'd say I forgot about
that project and I couldn't remember that one
everything is always shifting
and things can happen very aggressively
these kind of shifts and turns
so I resonate
completely with what you're saying and I was actually
listening to a Lex Friedman
podcast with Bill Ackman who is
one of the leading hedge fund traders
and he very much goes into value
investing and really as an investor
the speculation, the speculative
price and that's
what can drive markets but what is
the real value, what's the underlying value
and that's what makes a great investor
really seeing something
before others have seen it and
placing your bet
and I think when we look
at the merged mind aspect
of Elastos we look at the community
I've said this quite a few times but it's
better to have
the die hard few
than the lukewarm many
and I do believe we have
some real die hard individuals in
this community but also through
the struggle and trudging through mud
you also get to know each other and you're left
with the die hard few and that's what
drives us forward, we are quite
anonymous to each other and there's
plenty of people whose faces I have no
idea what they look like and yet I feel
more connected than ever because of everything
we've gone through and so we are
power in what we do together too
and so, Adosie
I mean your background
am I not right as in graphic design
because actually you re-emerged
recently and came in full
effect with some really amazing graphics
and I think it immediately captured
a lot of the community despite
you having been kind of in the
background for many years
where is your background and
with graphic design how
does that take you into the engineering
aspect and what's been going on with
actually I'm actually
not a graphic designer like
the main thing I do, I'm actually a developer
I've been a developer since 2018
and I build
mobile applications for businesses
and I'm actually in my day time
I'm a sales manager
a developer by
it's not by a job or something
so I keep building stuff on the side
and the same thing in
graphics, I love graphics and
I use the graphics
I use video editing, it's just
I like to learn
that's the whole
thing but I'm actually
not a graphic engineer
that's why when people
tell me to make some graphic something
I'm not that confident but I just
try and somehow it just turns out good
so that's the main thing
but the reason
EloWings came about
is honestly, I have not finished my explanation
I thought I did but
basically when I
said Ethereum, CryptoQT, Solana
they all start
somewhere, right? So to bring
people, if these
people come, EloWings
was built so that I
want to bring people to Elastos
I want to bring from other
blockchains and I think
we have something here because
right now, we
will be listed on Elasti
with the SASH team
and hopefully that will happen very soon
people don't realize that but if
we list an Elasti that's actually
we are, Elasti
will be the first marketplace
to list an ERC 404
coin, token
and we will be the first coin to
ever be bought and sold on
a marketplace. So that
because if you go to OpenSea and if you go to
Ethereum blockchain
they don't have that. The ERC
404 tokens that are
available there, they cannot be
bought and sold in OpenSea
so we have something we can work with
in marketing where we can
try to bring people in
from this side of
you could tell it a side narrative
or you call it whatever but it is
something we can try
so that's the whole point
we started this
and the second thing is honestly as well
the tech of Elastos
basically when Beltoo comes
the plan is to try and make
Elowinks into the Bitcoin network
maybe we can have
an inscription there
and we can
try something, we can try the new technology
with Elowinks. So
that's my background and that's the background
of Elowinks by the way.
So good, so good. Okay
that's for me as well, I always
I was like in my head
Adoshi is a graphic designer and he's
doing such an incredible job
so much so that the community are loving
it and you won the Beltoo
video contest recently
and yet when you started
doing development I was like oh shit
Adoshi's obviously got
some additional skills here
as well but for you to come from
the engineering side is awesome
and kudos to you Adoshi for
throwing in everything and doing all of this
because I know the community will
really appreciate it
and as you kind of mentioned
this whole week we've
been working with Adoshi on Elacity
and actually integrating 404
into the marketplace so we have it
live working in Testnet right now
and we plan to push it with
Elacity version 2.4
next Monday
so you'll be able
404 NFTs on Elacity
now for Elowinks there's
adorable dragon NFTs
that Adoshi has released
with his team and for anyone
who doesn't know what 404s are
really it's a way of
so fungible tokens
with ERC721
which are non-fungibles
tokens so it's how you can make
something that can be
added as liquidity and traded on
Glide how you can then
make that interact with NFTs
so for instance you can
on Glide purchase the
ERC20 token and if you
Elowinks it doesn't
really mean anything as far as you've just bought
some ERC20 token which can
fluctuate in value and you can trade
it like a financial token
but if you were to buy one whole
ERC20 token and there's only
110 it triggers a
response where NFT
is minted on your behalf
meaning you now have an NFT
alongside that ERC20
token so you could now
take that to Elacity and you could trade that
on Elacity but if you were to
sell a portion of your ERC20
token the NFT
gets burnt so what you
can have then is a marketplace
where and actually we've been exploring
how 404s could be potentially
integrated into the DDRM side
because especially in
smart finance and potential royalties
you can create these liquid
markets but then you could also enter
and exit into an NFT world
which then gives you smart
utilities and it starts to get quite
interesting especially
as one of the problems of NFTs
is liquidity and how you can
actually easily enter and exit
and also have changing
market prices and dynamics
so for those that
haven't please do check out
Elawings Twitter
you can go over to Elawings HQ
they have a website
they have a telegram you can
jump into the Elacity telegram if you want
to ask any questions as well
but really this is the first
404 project, 404s
are very new so there's going to be a lot
of innovation in the coming months
I think it's going to move really quickly
it doesn't support ERC1155s
which are
more for gaming
so where you could, and really
Elacity DDRM uses
1155s for instance to mint
royalty tokens because you can mint
access tokens
you can mint 1 billion access
tokens in one transaction that's
what 1155s introduce
but I'm going to say that in the coming
months we're going to see all of this incredible
innovation and Elawings
can claim
their territory and that they were the
first ever 404
token on Elastos
and in doing so there's only 110
dragons but you can buy a fraction
of those dragons as ERC20
tokens on Glides today
so yeah thank you so
much Adoshi for joining I really appreciate
and hearing your background it's super
interesting and super
excited as well to continue working with your
team and doing more and collaborating
on ways in which we can innovate
forward. Monday we will
allow for the 404 trading on
Elacity and
in the bigger picture I'd agree that
you could have someone buying
really an Elawing
even working with the ERC20 token
through their Bitcoin wallet
and it would look like scanning a QR
code and they're just purchasing
an Elawing with their Bitcoin
and it's executing on the
smart contract in the layer 2
so really exciting
and if you haven't yet
go over and check out Elawings
on the Twitter.
And Sash I just wanted to add
one point which is Adoshi's
reinforced what he said about making
it fun I think that's
a critical point because
the projects we're working on
with Destiny Calls the goal is
to really make them as tangible
and as fun as possible so
starting with music and looking at
travel you know the idea of being
out of memories and other ideas
like that you know it's so key to
us really kind of exploding
what we can do with Anastos
so keep pushing us in that direction
Adoshi whenever we get too serious
like this needs to be fun
and we need to tell people about it
that's the other side of
building stuff we then need to make it
fun to use and tell people
about it so thank you for that
keep reminding us of that
thanks. Really valid John, really
valid. Yeah
it's easy to get caught up and also
lawyer talk as well where we use all
these complex words actually
I found recently I'm living
by the Occam's Razor
as my philosophy for how
to do everything which is basically
always pick the simple option
it's easy to
do complexity but it's difficult to
do simple and
I think just echoing Adoshi
on what you mentioned about all the
different pieces we have and how
serious but also how
insane the actual ecosystem is
perhaps part of our issue too has
been the complexity and how we convey
this technology and if we
were to ply Occam's Razor it's
to try and really simplify this
message down which it looks like we're
moving towards now with the Bitcoin
kind of narrative and then
by default people who come into
the ecosystem they learn and they get
to interact but yes
we need more fun. This is all fun as well
really what we're doing we're allowing
independence the ability to
own your data and make
money from your data and
to have the freedoms
to make decisions on your own behalf
using your decentralized identity
and here is a world of
services that open up as a result
of this new kind of technology
this is fun. I was thinking
the other day just how much I love
my work. I'm so grateful to be
in this with everyone here
so let's definitely try and have
more fun especially as we start to
mature these products so thank
you Adoshi and thank you for joining
and really great point there Mark too
so I think there's
not too much to touch on now
I'm conscious of time
quickly Elasti has begun working
on DDRM digital rights
management version 2 and
this really is looking at how
we really introduce new business
models. One of the
main ones we want to introduce is
subscribe so you could actually subscribe
to someone's channel and
you could decrypt all of their videos at
once but also more broadly
assets be it
audio and then
thinking about further into gaming
and even software
but how do we create the frameworks
to allow for that to take place
and another one actually is
to include in
an NFT contract
so you could say if you own
a Bella you can actually watch
this for free or you could enjoy this
experience but you could also
purchase it if you don't directly
and buy an access token or
you could subscribe to the whole channel
and you can get access to everything
subscriptions to a channel
is similar to rental you're renting access
to someone's channel and unlocking
all their videos but then actually
direct by now resales
is more like purchasing like a
physical DVD and then being able to
resell it on eBay so these are
different business models which
also if we went the step
further it would be to also
do peer to peer deals
with advertisers so that you
could offer free content because as a consumer
we want free content
the problem is is that
it's not free because actually your data
in most cases is being sold to
advertisers and you don't really get
any of that value and if you're a
creator I mean if you're a consumer
your data's being taken and sold
with your consent given the
terms and conditions but you don't
really have any income that comes from
that and if you're a creator especially
in YouTube's case you're
giving 45% away to
an advertisement deal that they
handle so can we allow you
to build up your reputation in
Web3 and then can you do a direct
deal with an advertiser where maybe
they pay for the hosting or maybe
they pay you and they put
their adverts on your
video or on your content but
as a result you get 95% of
the deal and that's a pretty powerful
kind of switch up from what we see today
and so things
are taking away there, I'm really
excited for what will come next for DDRM
at ETH Denver we'll be all about
connecting with people in the Ethereum
ecosystem and showcasing it and
then finally there was
really a re-emergence recently
of Creda, oh Adoshi I see your
hands up did you want to say anything?
you actually started
talking about Creda and
the Creda project and I
was thinking about the bridge
the bridge
in Glide and
the RPC issue and
these issues that are top priority
right now said
by the admins
I think these things need to
be I think
looked at
before the
bell to release especially because
if people come here with their
money where they will go
they will be in
the entrance
the entrance is Glide
basically to the Elastos
so I think
Glide needs more focus
more support
really valid
so bridging
and Ian touched on it
and I know John as well
you all have been having these discussions
and completely understand so
there's a plan in place for bridging
that's being worked on now
and there's multiple different
there's actually a number of different
pieces that are going to fall into place
over the coming weeks
that I think the final
final one will allow for a really
powerful bridge partner
but I completely agree
and even next week I actually have a meeting
with a potential bridging partner
in September
so that's a core focus
now what's not being fully
discussed to the extent it does is the
RPC issue
and for those that don't know
RPC is really
it's basically how you communicate
from your wallet with the blockchain
rather than every time you turn on your
wallet and having to download the whole
blockchain you can use an RPC
server which basically keeps
updating the blockchain on your
server and you get immediate access
so this is quite common
in the blockchain ecosystems as a
whole I have a friend that works
in neon and
not long ago I was with him and he was
saying the same thing there's these RPC
issues it's not fundamentally
a problem with the blockchain
nor is it a problem with your wallet
it's a problem with communication between
the two so
there's been some
issues and I think people who are
on their essentials wallet might see
an error, an
accounted error that pops up quite
a lot on their wallet and that
really is an error
in communication through the RPC
so we've been talking
about this too Adoshi and it's
certainly something we need to get fixed
so we've got communication channels
starting on this topic
I think we're a little bit more ahead on the bridge
route but really
the RPC is so important
because when it comes to scaling
we need to have that in place and
I'd encourage any ecosystem builder
as well to host their own
RPC nodes and then we
should work to get these RPCs added
into essentials allowing
basically for everyone to have
more choices of who they select
right now there's only two options
and we want to I'd say try
and get up to at least four or five
five would be optimum and then
we can decide what's the most reliable
and work from that
I don't want to
interrupt you but basically
RPC is not a huge problem
Ethereum had RPC problems
Solana had RPC problems
many blockchains already had
RPC problems
it's a common thing, it's not something
critical because it has nothing to do with the
blockchain, it's just like a server
which is saving the data
so that we can access it
I just didn't want to give the wrong idea
but I also want
to clear things about the yellow wings
right now we migrated our
contract for the support
of Elasticity and
in migration the community
voted that they wanted to increase the supply
so the supply now is not
110, it's now 550
and so we did the migration
one to five ratio
so to make it easier for people
to buy one yellow wings at least
because it has been very expensive and people
just did not want to
they wanted to join but
the barrier entry was very
high so the increase
of supply was voted
and also one more
thing when I'm seeing this picture of
actually the yellow wings
was inspired by Bella because if you
see the stands that dragons
are sitting on it's very
similar to Bella so
that's also something I just wanted to say
yeah thanks Adoshi
and yeah okay that's good to know
okay so there is a migration
going on and for anyone that owns
an yellow wings from the version 1
what's the best way Adoshi to know
what to do is it to jump in the telegram
and find out how to migrate
across? Yeah so
basically right now in the migration we
already have migrated more than 80%
of the holders
requirement is actually if you just join the telegram
and check the announcement then
but the basic thing is just send
your old wings
tokens to a specific address
and you will get back the newly
wings in the
1 to 5 ratio
Brilliant okay so yeah
anyone that owns one please do jump across
into the telegram and you'll get
a link or follow
yellow wings on Twitter and I'm sure there will be a
link there
Okay cool so quickly before we
finalise up Creda
there has been a re-emergence recently
and there's been a cyber republic proposal
and really it surrounds
the Bell 2
inscription which was
minted I think it was
early December last year
on the Bitcoin blockchain
it's almost like Bitcoin NFTs
and there's been a decision
to support these Bell 2
inscriptions and use them
as a means to
showcase Bell 2 utility
so you can use an inscription
to either mint an NFT
or to use as a payment option
on the layer 2 networks
and in doing so
Creda, the team
have used this as an opportunity to
showcase their technology and they
are 10% of the Bell 2
inscription supply will be airdropped
to the community and it will
be done through the Creda
oracle, it will basically
calculate snapshot that was
from December the 10th last
year from everyone who
participated in a number of different ecosystem
apps, if I'm correct
it's everything from Glide, Fielder
Elacity and
I need to double check
I think that's fairly much
and in doing so, anyone
who interacted with these platforms before
December the 10th
will find that they're going to get
airdropped Bell 2 inscriptions
so there's actually
a proposal in place now, it's being
voted on so it's not concrete
but certainly it should be quite exciting
it's going to be
the way that we're looking at Bell 2 inscriptions
are it's like candy
they're Bitcoin assets
they're going to get airdropped to Elastos community
members, they're going to help showcase
the utility of Bell 2
and they'll leverage ELA
relayers, so nodes
who stake ELA to pass
zero knowledge proofs into these smart contracts
and they could pass Bell
2 value into
let's say an ESC smart contract
so if you haven't
yet checked out Cyber Republic, check out
the proposal and if
you're in favour, let it be known, if you're
not, let it be known, we have
this DAO governance mechanism for this exact
reason and it's transparent
and clear for everyone to see
so that's probably everything
so far from the update side
the same marks flying probably right now
to Denver, I'm following on
Monday, I'll aim to keep you guys all updated
as we go and before
we do end, John, Ian,
Adoshi, is there anything
your side and from the community aspects
do you guys have any questions or
anything you'd like to jump in and ask?
Please feel free.
Thank you to everyone on this call for joining today
and also for being with us
and also what's ahead
I'm hoping we're starting
to really get excited on what's coming
and start to see actual positive
flywheel take place for Elastos as a whole
I know us being in the background
we see it probably more prominently
because we have people connecting with us
but certainly
it's going to continue
to drive up and get more exciting
so thank you everyone for joining
we'll aim to keep you updated
on East Denver next week
and this time
in the next two weeks we'll join back
and give another update
so have a great weekend, wishing you all the best
and until next week