The better they used to lose their time, the more they could get back on their butt to poop. There's no real thing stolen, there's no real thing stolen.
anyone anyone anyone be alert
I can't hear anyone. I can't hear anyone. Is anyone speaking?
Benjamin, are you there? Oh, my mic's finally turned on. Can you hear me? I never got it. Yes. It was just, I turned the mic on. It was just turned off instantly and I think a few of the others got the same thing. Oh, maybe. I can do it. Yeah. Good.
I'm here too now. Oh good. You. Best day ever. How are you? Isn't it? And Randy's having the same issues I think. I think I have the same issues as Ben as I kept turning the mic, kept turning itself off. So I couldn't
I'm like I'm on team I'm off to team I want to do you know not do you do you go on again
I get my usual weekly thing where as soon as I start playing the music and I have my mic open, I get the tic-t-ly-est cough ever and I have to try and you know not cough while the music's playing is you know serious serious problems but you know just about made it through.
Well done man. Well done. Thank you. Well I was just thinking I do like that song. It is like really catchy and you know pretty pretty nice song to listen to anyways isn't it? It's brilliant. Now I'm trying to get my own deep back up.
So we've got a good show this evening we're going to be joining. If you leave and then come back that's why I did then it sorts itself out.
can. Something's going on. I can't turn my mic off now. Got a lot. I mean we should be spamming Elon as we speak. What is going
on Twitter spaces. And although there's like 300 people on a join but they're not showing up. It says there's loads of people listening elsewhere. I don't know.
It's like the UK, everyone's on strike.
I keep doing just a little change in the image for a little more. I don't know. Did he? Fantastic. Sounds possible. Anyway, we've got some cool stuff to go through this evening. We've got some exciting update.
big partnership update we're going to be joined by the guys at Ethan Male a little later in the in the show about Hop-Rs the hour so about 20 minutes also they're going to jump on. Shall we get started with some of the updates and did you want to start with
or the bed do you want to start with 3d updates? Say where we are there because it's exciting stage with reach with those. Yeah sure so we've completed all our Martians and Luke and Liam have done an amazing job on those and
And I think Luke put it no Lee. No it was Luke put a video up in the the Discord chat earlier on with the more dancing and they were looking amazing and he's certainly been putting ones in our chat or fully rendered out and they look fantastic. So that's really exciting news.
We'll be doing something away soon so people can have a play and yeah and then cracking on with the roughnecks. Yep so we're working away on the roughnecks now so the idea is that we're just working through how we release those weather
we can release the Martians ahead of the Roughness, or we wait until we do it all together because we need to upload everything together to our drive once and one time only. So we're just working out if we can make those Martians available ahead of that time.
or not so we'll have that sorted in the next day also and make an announcement in the discord and buy Twitter just to keep you guys up to date with that but obviously there's still the 642 Martian FBX is available via the OneDrive link that you can access through the discord server if you do want to
have a little play around in Unreal Engine or Blender or anything else, have a little play in Animates or do anything else with the FBX files as of now. So you can anyone can access those, they're sort of un-gated, you don't actually need to be a holder but you can have a little play around.
around and see how cool they are, see the quality of them, etc. So definitely encourage you to go and find that and have a plan. I know a lot of you guys have and Disguised Phoenix, I know you have some of the other guys as well. In the Discord, so that's super fun and the heat as well I think. So that's good.
That brings us on to the animation series. Do you want to give us a bit of an update? Again, lots of things going on in the background. Some exciting developments. Do you want to give an update where we are with that? Yeah, definitely definitely. The animation is moving forward quite nicely. Obviously we've got
We've now got the directors and two writers lined up. We've also got next stage for us is to we're just in the final stage actually signing the animation contract as well. And then we will have the ability to go out to celebs, work out exactly who we want to be with.
each person within each of the positions. So we've got a casting list. Then obviously we go out to film finance and that's all sort of happening this week as well. I've got to call it I think nine o'clock tomorrow morning for the film finance guys and then we've got had a call today actually into
is to an agent in LA who then is going to start looking at who we want to approach, finding the right contacts, etc and going through those. So if you've got any ideas for characters and who you think would be good, do ping them out way, feel free to get involved, it's going to be fun. There's lots of crazy ideas
is going around already from the Cardassians right the way through to more sensible, I say sensible actually they're probably quite cool. But anyway so there's lots of fun stuff to happen there. I think we've got, it's starting to really come together, it feels like we're probably
not far away from having something really serious to talk about. But yeah, I'm quite excited, it's all fun, you know, and it actually feels like it's coming together at the moment. So I don't know if anyone else has got anything to add, Ben, you know, with your kind of where you are with the drawings and stuff, I think you're pretty much there for all of you, aren't you?
Yeah, I'm just literally as we're talking I'm drawing up a front cover for our pitch and once that's out, yeah, we'll pop that into the discord but I might as well talk about it yet. I did a little town scape the other day
and that's more for our ECOverse, which I'm sure Andy will talk about shortly, but I'll pop a picture of that into the discord and that's the sort of a crossover between the animation and our ECOverse and the environment for our Roughnecks.
Yeah, so the Eker versus obviously it is going to be an integration of basically a gamified product for NVR. So it's looking pretty good. We're moving forward it quite well. We've got lots of conversations that are happening around how we build it out and the structure
are already partially there with an MVP. So yeah, it's all pretty cool and I think the idea being is it's about rewarding the community and giving them some fun stuff to do. I don't want to ruin too much of that because obviously, you know, the fun is going to be in running around in the
e-code verse and doing various things and what you were able to do I think you know people were like a lot I mean I thought it was cool and everyone was supposed to think it's really cool so again I think we're on to the winner there um yes and that's that and that will include we're
So we're okay to say that that will include the staking platform as well as that. Yeah, so the staking platform, a rewards platform based within the staking platform as well. So how, you know, not only do you get staking, you earn token, but then what do you actually get to do with the token?
There's going to be lots of games to play in there. There's going to be some kind of rewards for engagement. So engaging with Twitter and engaging with the doubt. We just leave it on very quickly. I think most people here would know about the doubt what we've been doing.
So the next stage for us is we put in the Lomand system which is a sweartecrity reward platform. So basically everyone who's involved in the DAW will get
awards will be based on their engagement for each individual project. On the low maps guys are pretty cool so it's kind of nice to use their product. I know Nest has been playing with it today. I know she's not a speaker so I won't ask her to come up and tell us all about it.
Cool, we can hear you. And just spend just going back to the way you feel. Thanks Andy for that update on the Ekaverse bits and that's certainly lots of exciting things going to happen with that over the coming weeks. So with the animation series obviously we've released some of the character information there
as well so we're sort of building out the sort of character back stories with the Badger family we've certainly released Jim Bob, Jim Boe, Jr. and Coodles images of those on Twitter and in the Discord server and there's obviously going to be the wider family and friends which will release
in the next few weeks as well. So they're looking really good and then obviously there's how they interact and what the story is with the with the Martians etc. So the pilot has been outlined hasn't it? So we've got the outline of the pilot. So we're just looking at how and
is developing the pilot, obviously we've got the partnership with Dendrick, so in discussions with those guys. So hopefully have some exciting updates in the next, I don't quite soon I want to say Andy, but let's say weeks. Indeed, I think it's going to be, it's going to be weeks, everything we were talking about.
So everything that you sort of think, "Oh, I really want it to happen tomorrow." Nothing ever really happens that quickly. But the nice thing is, I think that everything is just ticking along nicely. Everything's coming together. And yeah, I think it's pretty good.
Awesome. Nessa, do you want to do, we've got some competition winners then prizes to give away. Shall we jump to you to do that before the e-mail guys join us shortly? Yeah. You guys can hear me, right? And she's on, let's go.
Okay, cool. Excellent. Yeah, so we have obviously we have the slash giveaway which was a little bit trickier than I thought. It was going to be I had about 20 entries and we got three correct answers. So if you guys want to jump into the chat, I've got a spinny wheel.
Okay cool Andy said he couldn't so all right drum roll are we ready for the giveaway ready ready ready excellent so the uh come
The contest was to count up the guitar emojis over a two week period. There were 29. I had three correct answers. And the video is in the chat now.
I don't know if it's loaded up. Can everybody see it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. No, we had like 20 entries, but three correct answers. Nice, nice.
The correct answers were from Disguise Phoenix, Tommy Ray and Bushpoo and the winner is Tommy Ray. Congratulations. He is a great
Congratulations! Wow, that's amazing! Let's go! Yeah, open up a ticket, we will get slash into your wallet safe and sound for you.
And then hey Andy should we, I guess maybe just a little bit on the partnership things that me and Andy and Clint have been kind of working on something working something in the back about kind of a big grand partnerships, scavenger hunt type thing with some other projects. So it's a pretty cool.
The thing that's going on is pretty in-depth. I can't really get too much into it right now, but it's kind of in the woodworks and it'll be super, super exciting for the community to get in and to join other communities and it's kind of, yeah, so I don't really have too many more details on it, but it's in the oven cooking. We can just leave it at that.
Nice, nice, definitely. Sounds good, I know you guys and there's Brad as well. Let me do loads of great stuff with the partnerships, reaching out to a lot of other projects. We've got a lot of ions in fires with various things, so and that's in kind of conjunction with the dow as well as
mentioned earlier so there's definitely lots of exciting things coming up. Andy, anything else from you? No, I don't think so. Again, I think it's just good to have the Martians all finished now. You know, the Roughnecks Parry should be more easy.
Just because of we've already ran all the programs very that there's a thousand lines of code or something been built for the first half of the collection which is obviously pretty crazy really but again now that's already it should integrate quite nicely I mean I shouldn't say things like this should I really I should keep quiet
We also had a meeting with Network our regular catch up with Network today. Obviously there was a few updates from those guys. There's a bit of chat about the Motor Club. I know that's been
pushed back slightly but there's been something else that has been brought forward. Can't again tell you too much about that but it's exciting and the motor club stuff is still there rumbling along nicely and some of those designs are looking a
amazing. So that's going to be in the next few weeks as well as well as something else that they're looking to release slightly sooner but in terms of the alpha version of the social spaces the first version is still looking like end of May I think they said I think that's what Jeff said end of May
May for the first alpha then there'll be a second alpha and then the first beta will be in September. So second alpha in July then the first alpha beta in September is what they're working to and the wallet kind of integration to allow you to
select your individual avatars will probably go into that second version of the alpha. So that's when you'll be able to then use your unique NVR avatars. So that's going to be a big milestone for the project, for both them and for us. So that'll be a cool
date to having the diaries. I don't think there's too much else came out of that particular meeting. It was quite short and sweet just a quick update but they're certainly on track with everything that they're doing and obviously the communication with those guys is super smooth. I'm just working really nicely with
those guys, they've obviously been out to NFT LA, I think it was, wasn't it recently, so there are lots of good connections for those guys during that session as well. Anything else, what's
anything else to update from your side Ben? Have you dropped in the... Yeah, the town's gate postcard is in there, yeah so have a look at that. Cheers, Barry. So do you want to just talk
through. So obviously there's some bits in there people look out so yeah so we've already released the some of the individual images anyway so yeah so we show um Travis's RV last time but now we've got um did I chose junkyards um the rough neck
trailer village and then we got the badges duplex caravan and of course bettys and grandma daisy store and obviously they've been worked up and this lies a bit more than I've done in the past so
There's some more little details in there like betties with a crash saucer which will help when we come to visualise the betties bar and the reason why we've got a Martian side and a rough next side. Nice, nice, next awesome.
That's great. I can't wait to release some more of those sort of story kind of details because you know Rich and Matt have been doing an amazing job of that. It's you know read through the pilot and kind of giggling away. It's really brilliant. So I know you guys are going to be looking forward
to getting your eyes on that. I don't know whether the email guys are in yet. I can't see them yet. They should be joining us shortly.
can we do before they join? We've got the giveaway from Zozo and we've got the... Actually I'm not sure if Clint is struggling to get on again is and he's had lots of problems in it so I don't know if we've got a mate
field FC update or not. But we've got a Zozo giveaway. Zozo. What's going on party people? I'm not sure if Zozo's
I don't know if you guys can hear me I might have to reconnect yeah I dropped my phone the other day and totally smashed it and now I'm trying to type in the chat
and it's not letting me type in the chat in the regular chat there but I will keep trying. Are you guys looking to do a giveaway? Yeah, let's do it.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,#
He's going to pick us a number here. Where's Randall? I'm going to get Randall to pick a number. He picks good numbers. What am I picking between? Let me see. 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, between 1 and 20. Between 1 and 20, what's going on? It's at number 7.
Seven that's it That's right So come in so so Come in from the great weight North yeah, yeah, all right number seven
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,#
Hey guys, it's me slim Things are very good So wait, I just won something that's crazy, but I actually had a question for y'all
and then we'll tell you what you want depending on how good the question is. You know what, it's just great to be nominated, but really what I wanted to ask with the development of the show and stuff, I feel like the
So the Roughnecks have a great IP or intellectual property. My question comes, since there's some similarities with the Martians from Mars attached. Have you had conversations with people regarding that sort of situation and how to navigate it?
That sounds like an Andrew question. I can't hear anybody talking by the way. So you're talking because the Martian looks similar to like the Martian Jack movie. It'll be a few being kind of similar or you just
We did have some legal consultations before we went to far down that route and it's a derivative but to be fair we looked into it. There's so many classes
I've got six sci-fi films with Martians with big brains. I've very much doubt even there. Mars attacks FIP rights from them. Everyone's a rip off really in the grand scheme of things with Martians. From the old 1950s film.
understood, understood. I just just checking that out because I mean I'm excited for it. But I do has enough changes made to the armor and the head and stuff like that. The guys basically said, yeah, it's not too close and we're not trying to pretend it is Mars attacks. It's completely different. So as far as
anyone's aware we're not trying to pass off or anything like that so yeah it's not from right on right on now that's cool so thank you for that thank you for the chance to ask the question and hey thanks for whatever I mean yeah an MBR so open up a ticket in the server and we'll
that sent out to you. I love you guys. I love you guys so much. Is that shankin is that shankin panko? Or no? Skanking. Yeah. Thank you. That's skanking. Is that skanking panko? Zosko, it's slim. Okay. Well, no, you got a crazy name today. Okay. Yeah. You won an MBR open up a ticket.
and I got you covered for that brother. Gotcha Zozo, thank you guys. Cool number. And does anyone else have any questions? Let's do questions from the floor. If anyone has any, then please raise your hand and I'll get you up. If there's no questions,
I'm kind of something it's nothing that's official by any means but it here in Panama I've been doing I've been trying to do as much charity work and things like this so I'm trying to look at collaborating our project here with some of the charitable work that I have going on in Panama City so I'll keep you guys posted on that but yeah the
a lot of good stuff, you know, nothing better than trying to get back to the community and make a difference. So once again, these are just, these are all things that are kind of on the go and the back burner, but I just want to let you guys know that kind of what I got going on like in real life and kind of my hair. So hopefully I'll be able to share some good more official news in the upcoming week's last ones.#
Yeah, so anyways I just want to share that. Nice nice. Um, Carl has a question. I'll just get you up on mute you. Is it Carl's birthday? Is it Carl's birthday? Haha. So, so I'm gonna let you know what it is my birthday. Don't worry bro.
Okay, okay. Now I just thought that another thing was as slim as that question, what I liked about a lot of Martian movies is, you know, you can have different kind of Martian voices when it comes to like the Texas characters we're going to
be not limited. I mean there's going to be a lot of scope on what people can post their characters as, but when it comes to the Martians we can start to think a little bit outside. The box obviously you've got big ones like Vader and then you've got another one like I like the
of the guy who was like, you know, trying to follow Tim Allen and he was like, never give in, never surrender. You know, so we've got a lot of scope to play with the characters in that regard. Maybe you should think like that because like we've just said, it is a generic kind of Martian.
So just something to put on the table, that's all. The guy might not be here, so just Tim run through what the synopsis of the new partnership is without those guys and we can catch up later.
Yeah, I will do. So yeah, just on the on the voicing, obviously your 100% right, so the rough net characters will be voiced by people, not not people that you would expect, but obviously they will have a, you know, an accent and tone that you would kind of expect them to have. And obviously the mind
and if we get the right person then we can fit the Martians around them a bit more as opposed to the other way around if that makes sense. We're just trying to nudge the
email guys, I think he's struggling to get on, I think. So I'm happy to give a bit of a background on the announcement. So we're partnered with Ethan Mell. So they provide email solutions for Web 3 business is so you can go encrypted wallet to
communication so we'll be able to send content directly to asset holders using their anonymous and encrypted PTP communication platform. So it's kind of quite exciting it allows us to open up marketing opportunities through Web 3 wallet and blockchain
and things like that. So it's quite interesting. They have quite a big community as well, so they will obviously help promote us to their community and we'll be starting to use their full
range of products and services that they use. So it's an exciting partnership with Reald to be partnered with them. We'll have the full announcement, medium articles, etc. out in the next 24 hours. It's all
drafted and ready to go. So yeah, it's another kind of building block, another stepping stone for us just to help us push into the right direction, another kind of solid partnership with another great kind of web 3 business. So I didn't know where Andy would you want it to add anything
to that? No, I mean, I've got a question. Part of what it will give us, it will give us an ability to send messages, limited edition kind of events, whether it's NFTs or whether it's competitions, etc. to people who are
been holders for a long time frame. So obviously, when we're in Discord, you have to have your wallet linked in Discord. It's difficult to tell when people are changing. You've got obviously a cloud land, etc. This gives us effectively an ability to search on who holds which NFTs, how long they've
hold those and held those NFTs for who's got a combination of different NFTs and actually send relevant information. The other thing that's kind of interesting about these guys is they're signing up something like 60,000 new email addresses every month and the reason so many people are joining
up to them is it's first of all because there's lots of interesting stuff it's giving people an ability to talk to each other within a group without people having to go to discord you know you'll get an email that comes through and you can obviously set defaults to send to you normally or you can log into this one but the
The big reason people I think are signing up for it is for every email account that you hold, they're going to be giving away tokens at their TGE. So I think people are expecting it to pump quite dramatically and all of our holders will get tokens for just opening the emails.
having an email address and the same goes for us as well. It's a really good idea to have people using or people enabling each other to connect better rather than having to log into Discord or whatever the case is or follow stuff on Twitter etc. So it's pretty good from that side. That's it really, nothing else.
So essentially what it is when you say an emailing is saying wallet in the same kind of sentence, your wallet that you'd have to log into Metamask, but somehow without me say printing up a
You guys obviously can print up bank and draw a flyer for an event and then you've got something that you know how to send or wallet. What I just said is that somebody with an internet mask wallet be able to send an email message
message to somebody, would I be able to send somebody a text message saying this and I'm interested in your NFT that you've got, what about an awful like this, you know, that would be the only way I could reach somebody. Can I do that with this kind of communication?
Did you hear that Andy? Not sure what was it? Yeah, Andy's having problems hearing anyone other than a few select speakers. So the question
What is, can will other people be able to email people directly, using this service or will it only be asking able to push messages out to our community, for example?
and I need to check this out, too, because people will be able to email each other through the service. Basically, what you'll be able to do is each wallet will have an email address and initially those email addresses are going to be
But there will be an option like the ENS system where people can have nicknames attached to the front of the email. So you'll be able to have like, I'll have Cletus at eithamel. But Bayesian, what will also happen is any other NFT groups that you're in or NFT that you hold
you will also, if they have an eithema account, you will also get e-mails from those groups as well. I don't think it's going to be possible for people to spam through it. I think they've got pretty strong firewalls, so it's not going to be, you know, you sign up for this e-mail address and you get a million e-mails from, I don't know, whoever who's trying to get#
to join a gaming consortium or some spam kind of stuff. It's going to be highly managed because otherwise if it ends up like that then people just won't do it. So they're pretty switched on down there and
they know what they're doing. So people are going to the website and they'll just register first with their Metamolts wallet addresses. So they've actually just they tweeted
shortly and I've just retweeted it actually so there is a link there with some more details about the project and stuff as well so if you want to look at more about what they do go check them out on Twitter give them a follow give a like and a retweet to the the tweet as well and let's share our our Martians and our Roughnecks
So their community see the cool artwork and the kind of stuff that we're doing as well. So I've just retweeted that from the main Martians accounts, so you'll be able to see that there. Yeah. I'm then I touched on something for Carl. Yeah, of course.
Okay, yeah, I was just gonna touch on something, Carl, if you can still. And for anyone else listening that was wondering something based off of Carl's question, currently right now I haven't tried it yet, but there is a way to message people, like say message them to their wallet type thing and say, hey, you know, I'm looking at your NFT or
I have not tested it out so maybe I will test it out and get back to you on how it works. I will probably test it out first but I do see an option when I go to the top to message people.
Maybe that's another thing you can check out Carl. Yeah, cool. Yeah, it's obviously something that's missing from the whole, you know, Ethereum main that you should be able to get in touch with people and, you know, at least say thank you, cheers, or, you know,
You guys and homework man, come on stop it. Obviously there have been some big air drops lately. Obviously the Arbitrum is the big one, but obviously they're looking to do something similar with their community and engagement with their products and services.
as Andy mentioned, definitely well worth getting on their registering etc. So if they do do an air drop at some point you might get yourself a few tokens which you you know will be worth something. So definitely worth doing that. Cool.
I'll be there any other question I did on mute someone but I think they just dropped off so I don't know whether they're going to try and get back on. But were there any other questions about eith or mail or anything else that we are currently doing? We're not currently not doing we should be doing speak now.
otherwise we'll jump to the quiz. I think we've got a quiz and Vanessa, what's the theme this week? We do have a quiz. Well, it's springed now officially, so the quiz is spring themed. Easter Bunnies. Easter Bunnies. Now there's like maybe two these
the questions. Okay, lambs. And springing. Spring has sprung. And flowers blossoming. And it's us. And it's us. And it's us. And it's us. And it's us. And it's us. And it's us. And it's us. And it's us. And it's us. And it's us. And it's us. And it's us. And it's us. And it's us#
I've got any other questions. So let's get them now just in a side on the e-themail thing. E-themail to e-themail communication is as possible between the users, but you can't send a forward emails to regular email addresses.
Perfect. Okay, so if coal was registered and I was registered we could female each other via that service. Yes, that is my understanding of it. Yeah. Sweet. I think that was good. Yeah, but they they haven't incorporated like your Gmail's e-mail. Yeah, who's around if in just yeah.
just to secure it and send some things. I don't know. I got an email from a Yahoo email address the other day. I thought I'd gone back in time. I'm actually going
drop the link for the e-themele FAQs into the chat because it's really informative. If anyone does have any questions, so this probably explains it better than I would. But it seems really cool and they are great guys. Cool.
We'll stick out the formal announcement. We'll be ready to go tomorrow. Yes. We've got a medium article done. Yeah. The link for the quiz is in the chat. Disguised Phoenix said it didn't work for him, but I hadn't pressed play on the chat yet. So if you want to give that a try again.
it'll work then. Okay yeah that's working now. Yeah should do. I got distracted. I was trying to be informative and I got distracted and didn't press like. Yeah you're trying to be helping people. It's much more important to get the quiz done. Well I was trying while I
I don't think anyone could hear me. No, Twitter Spaces is definitely being fronted today. It's wild today. All right. Where is the spring? Spring has sprung.
I don't think it's too pretty this time. So for anyone that's new, you can join our Discord and access the link via our Discord in the main chat. Join the quiz. We do a little quick fire, multiple choice questions, ten of them and the winner gets a little
and the our merch prize picked from the community wallet so a bit of fun doesn't take too long. So yeah definitely get involved. Super quick, hang on I'm just do on the link and put an ant Twitter
Hello. Sweet sweet sweet. Sorry everybody that might not be in the discord but I mean you should be in our discord it's a good time. Sometimes. Sometimes. Alright is everybody ready? How many have we got? Who's missing?
All right, we're ready. Here we go. Let's go. Let's go. All right. Question one. Who is the Greek goddess of
Spring and Nature, Artemis, Prasefanie or Hera.
The questions are timed as well guys in case anybody hasn't played before so no dilly dallyin
Correct answer is Persephone.
Next question. Which country did the Easter Bunny tradition originate from? Germany, Italy or Ireland?
So a lot of really creepy pictures of old time Easter ponies today actually while I was putting this together. Oh no I'm gonna change it I want to change it. I haven't changed it. I'm also gonna change it to Germany because if they're gonna be creepy it's always gonna be better.
Yeah, yeah, apparently it's um Osterra hair or something that used to break into people's houses and like eggs and Ness. Yeah, there were a couple of different ones that were the creepiest. It's the Bonnie and Laying eggs.
Yeah, yeah. That's where it comes from. Yes, that is shook today. All right, question tree. Where was St Patrick born? Ireland, Scotland, for England. It's got to be true questions.
Yeah. Wouldn't be like me now, I'm Feren. I think Tommy's in Germany. You in Germany, Tommy? Tommy? Tommy? Tommy? I think you might be in Germany. I don't want to call that one. Correct answer is
England is apparently captured as a youth and taken over to Ireland. Of course to drink heavily. I'm not rid of the snakes. I need protection.
All right on April Fool's Day 2002 NASA posted a picture that proof the moon was made of what marble plastic or cheese
Remember the story. It's not that long ago. Correct answer is cheese. Bit of an old April fools gag from NASA.
Children actually grow faster in the spring than during other times of year, true or false. I think I know this as well. This is what it feels like the time is a bit longer this week. You've got longer on the timer? No, 15 seconds.
Maybe I'm talking faster. Maybe. It's entirely possible. I had a lot of coffee for this. The correct answer is true. They do scientifically. Like 25% faster or something weird.
They're like weeds aren't they kids? They are like weeds yeah But they need pruning. He's so wrong. What is named? Well, it's a cat.
- All right. - Top tarmac over then. - Yeah. - Right. (laughs) - Question six. How much was the largest or did the largest Easter egg in the world weigh? 1,800 kilograms, 7,200 kilograms or 600 kilograms.
And it was made out of chocolate just before I got a stewards inquiry.
Correct answer is 7200 US. 7.2 tons sounds too much. I think it was an Italy no big. Next question. It wasn't laid by the funny and Germany. It was no
not. No. In the US, how much do students spend each year on spring break? $100 million, $10 million or $1 billion. Not each, like, I mean, as a whole.
So now out. Right answer is one billion dollars. Next question. What
The new sandwiched Burger King introduced on the 1st of April 1998. The McWapper, the left-handed Wapper or the chocolate Wapper. Interesting, that's a really even split. Oh no, got a lot of mind changes here. No one knows.
No one knows. Do you not remember it? No. The left-handed wapper. But I did know it. Maybe a little fun. Next question. What are baby rabbits called? Kittens,
or fledgling. Wait. Maybe animals are fine, it's paper humans that are stressful. Let's find out. They're not fledgling. The correct answer.
is kittens. And the last question on the very first Groundhog Day in 1886 after the ceremony, the Groundhog was cooked and eaten as part of the celebratory picnic, true or false.
The vegan enemy says I hope it wasn't.
Not a lot of vegans in 1886 unfortunately apparently it tastes like a cross between Turkey and port. Everything tastes like chicken. There was a delicacy.
All right, and the leaderboard congrats, Glenn, Serpen, when? Killing it. Killing it tonight. Holy shit, that was really quick too. Well done.
Yeah. Congrats. Congrats. Open up a ticket and I will get you sorted with some super swag from my slide bag. Well done everybody. Nice. Awesome. Great quiz.
as usual. So getting a bit weirder as the weeks go on but some running out of themes. Yeah next one will be the late April quiz.
Not just the spring and quince. Now we shall see. Incredible. So any more questions? The next quiz sounds like it's going to be running right around my birthday.
I think I actually did a no I had a couple of toast questions and a quiz for Zozo once maybe I'll do a full toast quiz
I love it. Yeah. Or Canada, please. Maybe. I'll put my thinking cap on. I'll come up with something cool. It was those of themed quiz.
Awesome, I don't think I have anything else to add and the anything else from you. No, I'm good. It's great. Ben. No, I think we're all done.
Thanks everyone. And we can go sing for those those birthday then if it's going to be those those birthday can we put everybody on speaker and then do a collective thing along again. I'll join in for sure. Definitely. No, I can't really do that.
I think spaces will only limit us to about 10 people up to the speed, but you know we'll give it a good go anyway. Yeah, well, we'll have a shot. Yeah, perfect. So yeah, thanks for everyone for joining. If you join late, we'll share the link. It's been recorded
so we'll share that in the discord and on twitter again so people can listen back and the next one will be in two weeks time as normal and thanks for joining. So good see you all later.