Also sorry about that, our initial within service connection, our Twitter has been really off these days.
Yeah, I believe everyone can hear me now. Yes, yes, can hear you now. Alright, it's a suicide or a hallucination.
Yeah, as I was saying, Twitter's pairs is quite shitty sometimes and that's why for... I also do podcasts once a week and I decided to switch to Telegram for that.
to either space as sometimes do this shit so no worries yeah I think we can continue yeah we can continue thank you so the next special was about to ask was what's out of downside of me too because I believe our
very good thing there is also a bad side. So because that's why we need to keep improving on others bad side because there's always another new innovation coming up. There's always need force to improve upon the technology of our frame.
So what do you think are the backside of Miss Avers? Oh yeah sure I was just talking about that so I guess that today is the weakest part of the metaverse is that
people most literally perceive it is only entertaining thing but in fact the potential of the metaverse much much wider became
I think that it's only a matter of time, then a real life business will implement their services in the metaverse because it has
like enormous scalability all over the world and you could for example advertise your goods in the 3D showroom in the metaverse and then sell it all over the world through the shipping.
Many many opportunities hides just behind the absence of knowledge of what metaverse is and we really need to tell the world what it is. So then another mind is I would say but it's
not the minus literally. People can become less social and more lazy. Why do they need to go out on the street when you can do everything without getting up from your coach? So yes, from one perspective, I would say
some kind of race because several people might decide that so life and computer is better than the real life and why do we need to communicate with other people. But let's take a look from the other side. You have a limitless ability to communicate with the
people from all over the world as I mentioned before. So it highly depends on what kind of person you are. If you're not really sociable, yes, you might become even less sociable. But if you like meeting people,
and exchange and experience or any kind of compression. So I guess it's an opportunity. And the very last point I would mention is that several metaverses have
is extreme lack of privacy. At the moment in many metaverses it's possible to save user data. And the more real world there is in the metavers the more dangerous it will become because if you can
Consume services and goods in the metaverse and someone recording your data. Who knows what can happen. Could you just imagine that someone is recording all your customer journey and customer preferences
in the real life. So it could be dangerous. That's why actually we are choosing the secret network because we really like privacy and in our own project called Laura Maxim Matterverse. We do not record any personal data
and any customer journey of our users, just to keep the privacy and to keep all the things safe. So there are several weak places in the metaverses, but we're trying to overcome them.
Yeah, and I would like to add here that this saying that Solomon just mentioned that we do not collect any user data is trustless. Yeah, so because we are using a secret network, the authorization is happening through a secret
NFT and as you all know, secret NFT has secret metadata hidden into it. And when user is entering the metaverse, there is no digital connection between the public address
And the entrance into the metaverse. So even public address is not recorded, which is, I think, super cool. For example, you have a secret NFT with ID 007. And only this information will be recorded.
that 0, 0, 7 geek, yeah, secret NFT entered the Metaverse and they won't be able to connect it with your data on chain. So this is a beautiful side of secret network in the Metaverse that we are working on.
So if I'll study correctly, easily traditional methods of us, people can easily check your data on training as soon as it connects your LHC with the method of us.
Yeah, precisely, precisely so.
which means that I will see the order, this is what the right is doing, and that means that I believe that I will see the definition of the right.
Hey guys, sorry, can you hear me?
Let's move to this question. So, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the, what is the#
LoreMetSum is the first metaverse on the secret network, as Vlad mentioned using secret metadata and the power and the technology of secret NFT. But I think we'll tell a bit more about secret NFT a bit later.
So for now secret loremipsum is the metaverse hosted on a cache based on secret network and the name conveys the meta for that every person who has an idea and ability to implement it can bring their own meaning to the metaverse loremipsum
So, the sum is actually a term from the web design, that means full feeling, the field for text with some kind of placeholder. So, yeah, it's kind of a metaphor.
envision Lormypsum as a metaverse as a service. This means that we're planning to integrate all types of services for everyday use, but with a better user experience and completely different user interface, which is a 3D realistic environment.
Just to give you a couple of examples from my head. Let's take stash as for example, it's a place where you can browse collection, collect pages and so on. So just imagine how can stash look in 3D?
For example, it can be a playground with some kind of screens where you could actually take a look at the NFT collections and fix the one you like and just in the 3D space just like in the game press a button and buy
that NFT or Salon of tea doesn't really matter. So you can for example imagine this matter as a private scene in my there you can take a look on some kind of film movie
You may heard that there was one episode of a turntineous movie, both by a ranger guy who created anons. Let's take it as for example. We could build a digital cinema where they actually
is happening through the secret metadata from the NFTs. So that way you could show that movie only for the limited amount of people, only those who had bought the ticket. So you
Using Metaverse you can shape their reality and that's exactly what we're going to do. We would like to create space where people could find themselves using different kinds of interesting services, expressing themselves and communicate it with
each other. So for now we are already live, Laura Mipson is already exist and actually you could enter the matter first just right now. And I think that it's more connected with the next question but
As we mentioned before, the only thing that you need to enter the Metagors is to hold a GKNFT. This is the NFT collection that I'm going to tell a bit more about in the next couple of minutes.
Oh, oh, man, I was really nice. So, uh, uh, literally, uh, Robert, if some is more of a service provider, by a people can come to you with whatever food odds they want to put out in your metaverse and they guys will be the metaverse for the image.
I want to put some check out my collections. I will show you my collection.
I think that's what LLIPSIM is more like a service for when I like ESPlyn.
Yep, you could answer through your NFT token and this is not only your quest to the metaverse, this is also your digital avatar. So you can use your NFT as your character to dive into the metaverse.
Okay, also, is there any like requirements or any process, if someone wants to come over to your meta version, pitch or add his own community, like you know, if he has as many
such as, you know, of a cancer, the NHS 3D in the Metaverse, we can check out the collection from StarTram by NHSNMHF. So, is there a process for people to do this from an avian forest in the Metaverse or everyone is welcome with your specific requirements?
And I'll sleep here before it wakes up.
Excuse me, it's breaking a line again. What did you just say?
Hope this was interesting and give me love.
Can you repeat your last question please? Will you send it again?
probably, Chris, I want to say this, or Poodlots, to them to, you know, either process if I have to come over to your, uh, me travel down to their Poodlots, uh, everyone is both from the, as long as the only is LFT, as long as, as long as the whole thing takes LFT.
Yeah, I see so to enter the lower MIPSM metaverse you have to hold geek NFT. So this is our NFT collection that was developed especially for those who would like to enter
the first release of our Loremit some metaverse. So in the future we will open the access to the metaverse to other collections, but to tell the truth, access to free and limitless
access to all the spaces of the murderers will be open for those people who both GIC and FT, which is available to me on our website. So for now to enter the murderers you have
to go to our website, mean our NFT and then use it as a key and as an avatar and become a user of LureMapesum just right now because it's live. It's not the promise for the future. It's already happening.
Yeah, and I would like to add here that Yeah, saying that it will be open for new collections. It's not only already existing collections those collections can be made Especially for this purpose Yeah, or
those that already exist too. So possibilities are limitless. For example, if Secret Africa wants to create a small collection, especially for their followers, users, you can issue it and make
your own location there, then you will be able to onboard your collection holders to your own location where you put some games or interaction things at chat
to talk to the people, like here we talk now in Twitter spaces that are sometimes breaking or something like that. You can be online in the metaverse, seeing each other as avatars and playing some games. I don't know anything.
and this is how we go into scale. So adding more and more collections and communities, it can be yoga community, yeah.
like, no, not a ticket, how you call them, like a subscription and you get a pass to a metaverse and you do yoga with your friends in a beautiful environment, 3D environment. And then that's what makes it so fun, yeah, that
But you don't have to find people that you are comfortable with. You are already with them. And so you can empower this interaction between people using this kind of tools.
Oh no, I can't throw it on the stone that I guess is in our window. It's really good. That's fun. The people who have been out for a little bit about to lower the mix on other places. Yeah, people can have a lot of streets. That's really amazing. Yeah. So now let's move on to the next mission.
So I will speak or shall I say, I will have some solved the problem in Metaverse. Because a single one made me sound like this, which is really a big factor. So I hope all of you guys solved this problem. Or the dark side of the Metaverse in general.
Okay, thanks for the question. First of all, I have to say that gig and FT holders is our devoted, devoted audience, which allows us to make our project better day by day. So that one of the main
main instruments to improve the merivers daily. So secondly, a lot of maps on kinetics exist without the key kinetics since the entrance of metaverse is carried out through the secret
in the secret metadata of the key to the Lorem-Mip Sum metaverse. The other have gotten into it, the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key to the key#
in under the digital avatar of his NFT token. That is if you buy NFT you will enter the metaverse on his behalf and other users will also look like their NFTs. So there's plenty of geeks one
around the metaverse and it looks like pretty funny because you could use your NFTS and avatar practically just like in the real life but in the metaverse so that's a great great experience.
Do you have something to add?
Yeah, I think you explained it pretty clearly. So sign under each word you said.
Okay, thanks. So all in a GNFC, things you access to all you connection on the main servers.
So now let's dive into your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your, your,#
push it out and push it to the report or push it to sort of set in people who are business and it's your world around NST. I would like to also have maybe another NST solution coming up or people are being up. What are you guys doing? What's your name?
Okay, the team, our team and vision, this project is permissionless, scalable, and in the future decentralized digital world bringing together a variety of different projects specializing in music games, art,
and anything you would like. Lower Mip Sum metaverse is the space where all users and partners have equal opportunities to create and develop their project. So for now we have a launch our genetic location just a little bit less than three weeks ago.
go and we are now collecting the feedback to improve for our genetic slackation in the future. So further the development will go as follows. Each release we will show you
improvements to the previous release plus the varying eulocation. So step one is genetic classification step two is improvements to genetic classification plus the second location. And the third one is improvements
to the previous stations plus in U1 and so on and so on. What are we doing now? For now we are negotiating with several friendly projects, friendly for us to onboard on
board them in developing the metaverse because we would like to have something different in our metaverse different kind of space with different kind of design, different kind of usability and the different community.
to give it a fresh start to grow the audience and to make it more interesting. So then we will make some kind of collaboration. We will start the development of the dual
at the very same time. I guess that will happen in the nearest couple of months and it's in process now. I would say that the very best thing about our project that it's life, it's working right now and we're not going to stop even in
those market conditions that you can see we're not going to stop because we do understand that the metaverse is the future and the value of metaverse is impossible to over price I would say
I just started to believe that my services are different. There are different facilities in the service. Depending on who the user is, this kind of service is going to provide. Because I believe there are endless opportunities in the service.
people are not familiar with. And it was interesting to know about assessing the metaverse. The issues are userized trends. There are lots of people who don't understand how it works. You know, compared to some of these physical objects,
put on the VR Max after the continued after the continued on the channels, the hours is to the anything else that was is to which is most one of the so both compare to me that was the after me to the system and after on an LHT on the after connected order that really does not support and this is a belief you're only coming
to embody new things through the Metaverse community. Because they feel like there's with more two different materials to access the Metaverse. I can say that we hope it's a feature by the Kata Automobys. A lot of us are meeting very soon to access the Metaverse.
So that was the question I was asking about. Oh, I'm sorry breaking the line. Could the prince repeat the poem with time? Oh, okay. So I was saying, you know, up here to be away by people those people on the VR mask and the Ibooters.
the VR community, the VR environment, and the other things, the central panel wallets, other NFC, and the other things, the environment is there by people who don't know, on an NFC or ask for the wallets that raise.
We need to have an NFC, we need to have a system and system as to meet up to the requirements to enter the materials. So I think some of this issue has been one of the main interest wipe-off nodes for the adopted materials. Is there any way you guys are coming up to solve some of these problems?
Hey, I guess, Silomone, you want to get that? Or... Well, actually I can, but if you like, you may not answer.
Okay, I may start just you mentioned the VR and VR use cases. I just got to say that all the measure use cases I get to come to VR and to metaverse
So there are many, many good technologies right now in the real life and in blockchain and wherever like we have those NFTs, sold-bound tokens, pages, then we have VR, then we have blockchain living somewhere there.
And when these use cases, when those industries come together, there will be so many more use cases to digital world worlds that it might
actually turn us into like kind of a matrix where users will be existing. Yeah, so this is a long topic. Yeah, I want the dive to deep into that. So Solomon, they want to continue.
Well, actually you covered it pretty well. But again, I think that anyway it's some kind of a future no matter how it turns out, but the fact
is that in the future we will use most of our digital services or not even digital but still services and buying goods remotely.
I would say that it's the future and this is the only question to ask, how are we going to use that opportunity for the best or for the worst?
I believe that we will be more interested in the rest of the countries.
anyone does anyone have any question before you add up this space? Also there's an NLC badge for everyone and one of these. So let's check out the comment section. The theme code is I love this. I love this.
So that's I-L-O-V-G-E-N-K-S. So that's the thing called for today's batch. It's a cut-sie from our loving system. So it's really batch, we get to explain it. So does anyone have any question? I think that's a shame as a question.
Okay, the floor is up for question now.
I think one of the users tried to connect but he might also lost his connection and now is Misha trying to connect but I can send it to all cities. Okay, yeah, Misha, you're here. Everything is on good session, Flare to the North.
You mentioned something about your institution or authorized services that you are able to track the name of the NAC that is basically trying to use the quality of the method which is not possible to track all of the management that you have only.
And the method of all the activities is 200 methods. Thank you, you know the meaning of this energy. I'm not sure, but I'm definitely willing to identify with this, this is the method and since you know the idea of this person,
So it was a bit loud and noisy, so I
I hope, Secret Africa, you can clear this question for us if you heard it. Yeah, I think you are most of the old ones in St. Louis type is a pretty question. You are not allowed to buy a lot.
It seems you have a nice deep background. I just need a bit of a question one more time.
Okay, one saying is you mentioned that in your organization that you do this with as you pretend FT and you're able to know the name of this NFT or they're able to get an idea on this NFT like no, this is geek.
one zero zero when the person is on on on on on on on on on on on on on on on is not possible to track activities since you really have the idea of that NFT. Isn't it? Are you know able to know that this is the places person went to all these are the services or on some
is they interacted with on this particular section of the meta risk, does just what I want to be clear about. Yeah, I got the question. Thank you. So as you said, the only thing that is recorded when you kind of
walk in is the ID number. But if you don't show on your GIG NFT in your social media or in public, like the picture itself, how it looks like, and you only
it online in the metaverse then this id doesn't make any sense yeah so yeah you will like someone can see that geek 007 entered the metaverse but no one knows who's geek 007 yeah there is nothing that this
geek is sharing on media. Okay so it's the answer you have a question? Yeah it's it's okay from what I get it's up to the user now if you're able to secure it from your end even when they have the name of the NFT they can't link it to any
if you are having already spoken. Yeah, you're completely right because the same, but pretty much the same principle as your secret address for example, if you share your secret address in the social media and say that's me, that's me.
That's my address. Then we can track you. Then we know who do you send your tokens and what are you doing with your address. But if you do not share it, we have no idea who is behind the exam for all of you.
Why we don't mean that we are doing that, yeah, trying to understand who's who address and so on. But it still, it creates a new level of security. It's like, it's like you're adding more and more layers
to like of clothes to to yourself. So you are not only hiding your address, but you are hiding like services that you are using and so on and so on. So that it's not even linked to your address, which is also in most cases anonymous.
Okay, let me just ask what you guys are saying so far. So just like the traditional metaverse, it never means any NNH, it's also the metaverse.
and NFCs are public by the cause. Everyone can definitely know who owns this NFC, who owns this NFC because it's public. So it can definitely know what's your name because these NFC are public and we know the English, we know the other languages. You know, can this be the same as the English language?
Yeah, I think that's the end of the video.
Okay, Shem and Anizov, let me just give him the mic so you can access the question.
[speaking in foreign language]
Can you guys hear me? Yeah, we can hear you a lot on play. Yeah, I have like two questions to ask because you know before I'm hearing about NFT and this one but land, I want to know is this metaverse work? Is it the same place like let me
You can see the Ethereum project that is on MetaVas and MetaVas NFT. That is virtual Ethereum project. You can see that on the left side of the MetaVas. I was before my special about
project buton Ethereum they are the ones that owns this land so is it something like that and equally I want to ask another question assuming like I own a jeepix NFT now on my wallet secret wallet and I only have another NFT that is not jeepix maybe let me see I have a
and I'm on my wallet. Can I use that since I have GPs NFC on that wallet? Can I use that's unknown? That's not GPs to enter the metaverse. Having that I have boot GPs and I'm on my wallet. I don't know if you guys get my question. It's 2 here.
I think still a more old take that question.
Yes, sure. I'm okay with the second question. I guess you're asking me if it's possible to enter the metaverse using one of the N on 10 FT's, right?
Yeah, half of that you quality have GPs NFC in that same particular while let's address Yep, yep, so the thing is that If we will for example make a
collaboration with the Anons, we could definitely make an access for the Anons, how there are two other
or not. But for now today, to answer the metaverse, you have to be holder of the Geeks NFT because it's the only way to get to the metaverse today.
Yeah, so Solomon has covered the second question, but yeah, I just want to add that we are very welcome for the ideas. Yeah, this is how
We want to scale on board new projects communities to Laura Mupesom and I'll cover the first question so as I understood your question is
that lorem, sorry, metaverse is something like a shared space with different use cases like all in one. Was this, was it that I understood it correctly?
Like I was asking if let me see in a meta in a metaverse what not I can actually see Lurham of some Projects on this side there are the ones that owns this land and I will quality other projects built on other ecosystem There are the ones of buying this land. I don't know if it gets my question. So is it something like that or when you end time today?
We are starting with exclusive quality build locations because many metaversers that are starting on Ethereum, they already have millions of dollars invested in the Ethereum market.
and building already huge spaces, huge locations, huge districts. We started on secret network, like with a slightly simpler thing, yeah, because it was off
self-funded project and our idea is to grow little by little, especially in this market, with those projects that we find important for us, yeah, because when
When you have investors, they always want you to do something for them. You are getting limited with your own moves and ideas. This was important for us that we integrate locations that we like and our community likes.
and our partners like, but definitely once we grow into ecosystem of stakeholders with skin in the game, then we can become decentralized and
release like land purchasing, release the token of course to manage this economy and release variables collectibles and so on and so on. So make it actual decentralized space that you
shape themselves. We have ideas for admin dashboards to control, for example, some of the elements of metaverse. So we are working on these ideas. And at the same time, making allies kind of allies.
So we think this is a sustainable way and for now we stick with it. I hope it answers your question. Yes and there is a small addition to that is we are just at the very beginning of our way. We will be
build in a far more bigger project, but for now we're here and we just have to say that holders of G Connecting NFTs will have an limitless access to all the location that will come in the future. They have access today and they will have
in a year and two years, like forever. There are some kind of the closed club of Gikendevt holders who was with us from the very very beginning, then we were financing us ourselves. So we will not forget that definitely.
And another thing to add is that we are in fact depending on this because all funds collected from the Mint itself, they are distributed
in funds. So it makes it ecosystem fund, foundation fund and community fund. And once the collection is minted out, sold out, then this funds will be used
to even further improve locations and they will form a DAO in fact. And so geekholders will be the decisive people who will be deciding on
future use cases future collaborations as well and so on and so on using these funds and so yeah we forgot to mention that it's going to be a doubt
I can't really go to the world of good map. I just had to believe that we can start something that is homostean. It's something that really creates lots of physicality to be over. And one more big thing is that we are coming into
I think it seems so on the other side of the question. Okay. Okay. Yeah, boss.
Okay, my question is, Lure, like are you actually building a meta of us that is interactive? We are users can go in probably using VR to interact with you.
world in the metaverse. Like is your project building like a world in the meta way users can go and interact. I don't know how long you think you can build a technology like on the secret ecosystem.
Yeah, Solomon, do you want to take take this question?
Well, actually I was breaking the line so if you don't mind I would leave it for you
Can you repeat it then? I can. I should repeat it. We can hear you but please just sorry the connection sometimes getting lost they are just repeating
it. Okay. I said is Lurem actually building a world in the like like a Metaverse world, your project, I believe in a Metaverse world. We are used to come in and interact and how long do you think I can be that kind of technology.
I would love to see you in the future. I just want to know, I would be in the past now, in the past, in the world where your investors can come in and interact and understand. I don't know how to get back. Thank you.
My mic was off. Sorry. Yeah, so you got it. Metaverse is generally just about what you said. Yeah, it's the world where you can build your own world.
and shape it yourself. This is actually in the name, Laura Mip Sumya. So you can bring your own meanings, your own content to it. And now
just started with simple painting on the walls, you can join in the location and you can make a piece of this location fully
created by you. It doesn't mean that you can build the actual things there yet, but you can change their colors, you can change the content of it and so on and so on. So people are advertising their
The validators there, their projects like we have Kudzira, huge Orca painted on the wall, we have post-human validator, Mario, Luigi, validator from Secret
network, Citadel 1, announced some event there. So now it's this level of building this your own reality, your own piece of content, but in the future there will be more use cases. For example, building something
or changing their environment, music, music use cases are very interesting and something to create music, to listen to music, to listen to music with many people like on festivals. This is definitely what we are looking into.
Okay, okay, I get that again on the house. That's actually good. Thank you so much. So, if you guys want to have a system, it's always a place to be. Mainstigook NFC and investment.
like I said different validitos and so they are being advertised in the internet and there are names on the work so you can also think only on the world customize or whatever it seems once customized
in the paint. So only after this paint, MF Tiani can have us as three, Mr. Rose. So I guess that will be all for today's question. So, our solo model is generally interested to one of the space for quality paint.
Can you repeat the last part please? I got with the first one but not the last one.
Oh, I was asked if this anything else had before the one of this space?
So the question is, can I have more than one or sorry what? I was saying that before we are next round of this phase.
Is there any other information you guys would like to share to the public or is there anything you guys would like to add to what you guys have seen it? What's the answer you guys have seen earlier? Okay, sorry, sorry. Yeah, I just heard there's something wrong. Yeah, basically.
Basically, we, I think, answered everything. We would like to see everyone in our community on Discord. There's some important information there.
And on Telegram also, and look for the updates on our social media because we are dropping many interesting information on what's going on on some events.
Alright guys, don't forget to meet the NFT badge from Lauren if so. So check out the comments and click on it. The claim code is "I love GIDS". I-L-O-V-E-G-E-D-T-S.
So yeah, that's the 10th of the navigation means you have to get sick with bad driver. So yeah, thank you very much, Lowe. If so, and so long, I'm off onto space. Thanks for the additional series and it's been really awesome.
I really learned notes from what's left of the scene and I look forward to more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more, more,#
Yeah, thanks for having us.
Thank you very much for moving out to us.
Yeah, just everyone for any natural or make sure you mean specific patch. We don't we can't say there might be still it's coming to the separate patch in the future. So.
Yeah, I think everyone go up with one of the this is for the team came in after talk in the materials we precise What time is it in a country?
Sorry, what time? I was on the meeting at country. Oh, it's 10-15 in the evening at here. We are in Thailand right now.
Oh, okay, do a little bit of midnight. Take care everyone. Bye, guys. Yeah, have a good day. Have a good night. Thank you very much. Good day. Bye, guys. Bye, bye.