Binance Fud , #bitcoin and crypto market updates. Will defi change ?

Recorded: June 5, 2023 Duration: 0:23:58



Yeah apologies for that guys. That's a thing with Twitter space sometimes and I'm using two devices on this device. I couldn't hear anybody but on the other one I was able to but when I was going to speak on the second one it had booted me off of speaker
But yeah, spaces, activities actually pretty well across all of Twitter at the current moment. So I know they had tried to implement a feature where multiple spaces with large audiences would be able to function all at once, but it seemed like
today it's being pressed upon to its limit, right? But Calvin, you were coming in a bit, choppy on my end, so I'm not sure what you guys were talking about, but yeah. Who was talking about this?
I think it is me just to close off a bit. I guess my. Calvin was talking about where you saw the industry going.
Yeah, I think obviously I just kind of hope that we have more products that we're able to be able to incubate ourselves. And the reason why we want that, of course, is to see the space mature. There's still, I think, a lot of things that aren't
I do feel like the ability to be cross-border from day one is one of the coolest things for this whole space hand for the world. And that I kind of lost where I was going with regards to the second part of the question, but if I remember correctly, I was going to be
I'm going to correctly, you mentioned about other use cases of crypto, whether it's more of the gambling side of things or other products. I would say that I do think that risk is something that inherently exists in the world.
And I do feel that some of that is I was as symptom of the world doesn't actually have a lot of good places for people to properly place risk such that it makes sense for some fairly rational people to spend a lot of money into meme coins and other things, right?
I see that more as a symptom of the world rather than necessarily cryptos greatness. And I think that that's actually something that I hope that that's not the only reason why crypto needs to exist. But that in the worst of times, it will likely be something that also
gives crypto some level of worst case scenario there will always be users kind of case And I think that is something that's useful for crypto, but maybe not necessarily the best from the branding or ethos perspective of the space I Wanted to work in crypto because I feel like it's a place
where we can find a lot of positive some games for everyone. Obviously a lot of the more dejan things out there today in bear market tend to be very PVP or very much zero sum or even a year of sum when there's a house edge on things right that that's not
really necessary something that's better for users. And so I don't fault anyone for building these types of products or have using these types of products, but I would feel like these are more of a symptom of because real world economies are struggling or because of other kind of issues that people feel
like the best way out for them is to risk their money. I think that's just something that will always happen over time in different countries and different places. But I do think that crypto is well positioned to capture a lot of the value from any time that the
of the world's struggles. Crypto can somewhat, I think, hopefully become a bit of a safe haven or a place that will have some economic activity because it is not so concentrated in any one particular field sector or physical geography.
Talkers, anything you want to stay during the space, brother, I don't think you got a chance to get a word in.
Yeah, yeah, no, I was just gonna ask Calvin just a few more like specifics about Impossible and like you know how they operate Just just going over like you know what what kind of sets you guys apart from comparable platforms and
How do you choose which projects to implement on your platform? What's kind of the long-term vision of impossible? And how do you get there? I know that was a lot of questions, but you can pick and choose.
get some more specifics on the actual protocol? Yeah, I think, yeah, he hit me with a lot of good questions. I want to be respectful of everyone's time given that I joined a little bit late. I think also this page has already gone over for an hour, but yeah, I guess quickly
impossible. I would say how we can differentiate from a lot of folks is as a advisor incubator of products we take skin in the game with the products that we work with. So usually that is in the form of team investing tokens or tokens at least best, you know, four or five, six years. So
For us, I would say I would criticize, be pretty critical of ourselves and say that to be honest, sometimes we're not necessarily the best business, but I would say that at least I feel confident that everyone that working at impossible is doing things for the right reasons, because we never get to profit before the public users that buy
any tokens or purchase band or products on our platform before they get a chance to be able to realize any profit or losses. So I do feel like we put users in front of even our own earnings potential sometimes. And I would say that's a maybe a business risk, but at least it's one where I feel like we're never going
to piss off people based on the way that our business model is created, that we win if everyone wins together. And there's cases where other people might win and we don't win. But we have to live with that if we're hopefully for the long run. We'll run into enough good projects that we are able to meaningfully
can impact on and hopefully those are able to capture the value that we believe they deserve. So I would say that that alone already changes a lot of the perspective of how maybe other platforms are launch pads and so on and so forth may be kind of positioned. I would say that
I've definitely seen my fair share of products out there that really just try to show things to their users. You'll notice that many launch pads actually charge a direct fee that's quite hefty, like sometimes north of even 20% direct
from the funds raised of the projects that they launch. And so then they become much more of a volume business. And volume businesses are fine, I would say. I wouldn't say that they're not fit for everything, but that it's different from being a volume based business like an exchange where tokens already are listed or trading.
and liquid out there. I think for early stage working crypto, especially in crypto, but not just limited to, I do believe that you can't be neutral because you should be believers of the products that you're working with. If you're just there to kind of sell a bunch of volume and of course there are a lot
are players that were able to help projects raise tens of hundreds of million dollars at a time. These types of platforms are designed just to try and pump valuations or get folks to follow in. I don't think those are really sustainable things to do. If you notice a lot of the other platforms are
while in bear market they just simply don't do any launches whatsoever because they don't feel like they can create the FOMO that is needed inside their models right. At impossible I guess first off impossible platform doesn't do a first come first serve so better for better forest we also don't have any type of FOMO inducing effect.
that causes people to have to try and race to get in earlier or do a bunch of things that cost the money or other things to get in the front of the line. I think that these things are obviously somewhat
game key. There's a right time and place, I think, for different gamification or incentivization of users, but that a lot of platforms really just try to take advantage of this so that then they can sell as much as they can to their users because that is the way they make money, right? And so we made a very conscious decision
If we ever do levy any fees or the things it's for hopefully added services or other things that we do to protect users One example of something that we've done is that impossible actually has a buyback protection program that has existed for the last I think it's 19 or 20 months or so now where in late 2021
One we actually rolled out a this protection program where for some of the project teams that we launch users actually have a price floor that they're able to sell back to the project team. So even if the token were to go to zero, they would actually get back some part of their money and that we would be holding some parts of the
on race from the project came that we work with in our hands to make sure that we would be able to fulfill these buybacks. So I do feel that we've taken a lot of user facing protections to make sure that when people invest at impossible, they can, for example, read our research reports, understand our thesis of
why we believe in something in the sector, be able to understand that our business model is in it for the long run with them. They can understand from our research that as someone mentioned as well, the in it for the tax side of things that I think we have a little bit of balance there, but at least we can at least explain to people
people why we believe in something on the tech side and then why we believe in it on the business side as well. And that's something where I do feel confident in saying that there are not a lot of businesses in crypto that put their mouth exactly, money exactly where they're not this and I do feel confident that impossible is one of those. So I would say that would be kind of how
We look at a lot of the other sectors. I think it's pretty transparent from a lot of other people's business models that they are not designed to be in there for the long run. And I would caution using any products out there that try to position themselves as something that
helps all of our these sage things but instead try to get paid as soon as possible as a front of a man or as possible. Obviously you guys kind of do it in a similar kind of mindset, right? You guys didn't charge me to be a guest on this panel or vice versa.
It's something that is clear that you guys want to organize these types of spaces in such for building a long-term ecosystem. And I think that unfortunately a lot of other platforms in this space maybe don't think about it in that type of way.
And that's also why I think for us, we really want to jump on this opportunity and be able to speak more with you guys and hear a little bit more of what you guys have to say as well, given that we do hope to see and support as many of the players that are in it for the long run and build together on that front.
Thanks, Galbom. Yeah, first one is I appreciate your I appreciate that you appreciate, you know, basically having your ears to the streets and you know, taking into considering what the people who are like truly, I guess,
quote unquote in the transcripts that are thinking and feeling as far as, you know, we obviously all believe in this as like a long-term investment, but you know, there's significant nuance to that, you know, where there's so many different scams.
and so many different just basically griff protocols and people within this industry that it's super easy to just get lost and not be able to find out like curate good information about what
decisions to make. And so, you know, you mentioned a couple of times throughout the space that, you know, you like that word crypto native. And I would say same goes for you. You know, I think that any builder in the space that is like, didn't just come in late 2021.
You know are like pivoted from crypto to AI or something like they're basically just get bullish on everything trending That's like that is a lot of people in the space and I'm bullish on impossible finance offer up just by the fact that
You know how important it is, you know, like within CT and within the culture to consider like what people are saying and thinking. So I want to say thanks, man. And I appreciate that you want to come up on here and, you know, share your thoughts.
I'm very often we together will learn quite a bit of things so really thanks to you guys for having me on. I think definitely quite an inventful day to have some of the different topics to cover. I'm sure in the future we'll be able to try even more about other things that we're seeing.
I've got to justify infrastructure data, you know, a lot of different things that you guys have been watching as well. So yeah, just really I want to say thanks. It's actually already past midnight for me here, but I don't even feel it. I think we touched on so many interesting things. So yeah, thanks again. >> For sure. No problem.
I'll end up, I'll hit you with one more question. What do you think, which sector of crypto do you think is most poised for growth? So personally, I think it's NFTs as far as user adoption and just bringing like, quote unquote, "normies" into crypto and getting them to download Metamask and, you know,
Used exchanges and so on and so forth. I think NFTs have a lot of potential because I've personally just as far as like adopting it within my friend group Almost all of them understood NFTs much more so than coins and it was easier for them to wrap up
after heads around it as like an investment and you're basically just buying a piece of a community and like going long on a group of people which I am I can appreciate a lot and I think is super powerful but I also think DeFi has tons of room for growth as well. I'm just curious as to what what sectors you think
are really like poised to boom. Yeah great question and I think I totally agree with you on NFC T side of things. I feel like NFTs are maybe for a lack of a better phase to get a drug into crypto for a lot of people. I think for a
a lot of us, right, whether the games we played of collecting Pokemon or for me, I collect a lot of sports cards and memorabilia as a kid. And so it's not so difficult for me to understand the collectable side of things. And I think that's definitely true for a lot of the world that hasn't been exposed yet to crypto.
It will take me a long time to explain how roll ups work to people, right? But to be able to just kind of point at something on OpenC or be able to directly play a game, I think is definitely really really cool. And I do think that that's going to be needed to be able to bring the future waves of users.
definitely very interesting some of the infrastructure of like the account abstraction and NPC wallets and multi-sakes that help make it easier for people that are not have to deal with losing their seed phases and such. I do feel like that would be a really important thing to to shore up and so a lot of things are impossible to
looking at and thinking about our things like this that hopefully reduce the frictions for future waves of users to I'll call it digitally migrate into the crypto world. Obviously we see opportunities and communities that can be built digitally that maybe previously couldn't be built physically and then
that for us to be able to provide a lot of the rails and services that I think are needed in the real world for this digital world that we are creating and the communities that we're creating. I think that's definitely the most wonderful part about building in the space.
It's not like brothers.
Go ahead, Ben. Oh no, I was just saying thanks for answering the question. We came out of basketball on a storm lax here, whoever else. On the panel, once asked a question, storm lax, is there anything you wanted to say, brother, before we wrap up?
No, not too much great conversation guys, you know, still kind of digesting all this news that we've had this morning myself But you know from a from a personal standpoint I take a pretty hard line against regulation, you know specifically because I think you know when you let in regular
regulation, it's entirely down to the regulators that you're working with. And in no capacity have American regulators proven to be anicable and friendly or at the very least cooperative with some of our gains, I do believe if you let people in through regulation,
going to continue taking and continue taking and continue taking. So for me, I would hate to see regulation in crypto. I know people want it to be, you know, some people want it to bring in more institutional investors, but I don't know. I think that's kind of what makes crypto what it is. You know, what pain was talking about.
how crypto is a casino and that's the fundamental value or not the fundamental value but how a lot of people view crypto as a vehicle for potentially super juiced returns. But I will say one thing on that note that I think we have to be really careful
kind of cultivating that casino meta, right? Because we're trying to frame this technology as the future, we kind of meme it now, but like the future of finance, tools that we want people to be using to help not only secure their financial freedom through investment gains, but also through
through the technical tools themselves. I don't think that the casino meta is productive, but at the same time, I think it's also helped spawn a group of BGENs who use on-chain, they use exchanges, they use all of these crypto products, they actually know what we
need to make the space better for your technological standpoint. And so we're kind of seeing some really cool projects be born out of that. Just off the top of my head, you know, D&T, Unibot, projects like that, you know, built by DGENs for DGENs. So I know that's, you guys covered a lot of topics. So just kind of run
down a list of some notes that I had, but in general, I don't like the idea of cooperating with the SEC in any capacity, even if that means making small concessions because I don't really believe that the SEC will ever just stop at small concessions.
Nice go ahead brother before we wrap up
Yeah, really great discussion guys. I was actually doing some other work in the background just enjoying the space Calvin It was really great to have you here on a because Bitcoin space and I appreciate all the kind words that you had to say about what we're doing We certainly put in we certainly put in the hours to try to shine light on people in the industry
industry, and companies building in the industry that we believe are doing really groundbreaking things and are going to be here for a long time and also companies and people that align with our company morals and values. So I appreciate you recognizing that. Really, really great discussion. I hope you'll come back soon.
All right guys, I think that about wraps it up. I know with with our first half of the space is getting nuked and with this second half being more of a wrap up I think I think this is a pretty good way to Just say thank you again come
for taking the time out of your night. I know it's about 1am 2am where you are. We're talking some shop with us. So thank you all who participated in these spaces and Calvin working people learn more about what you're doing with Impossible Brother.
Oh, his phone just died, guys. He's out of the way through telegram. So all right, guys, thank you all so much for participating in these spaces. We'll see you on later on today. Thank you guys so much. Take care and God bless you all. Take care, God bless, guys.