#Bitcoin Miami 2023 - Bull or Bear?

Recorded: May 16, 2023 Duration: 1:59:09



Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, I hope everyone is doing well. Happy Tuesday. I'm just about to get
And YouTube life going. So just give me a second.
we're going to have
some nice topics to discuss. It's going to talk about Miami. What are we expecting?
talk to current kind of market to be honest relatively boring actually in a market, but we've been discussing it a bit surprisingly boring actually. And
But I think we are ready to go. So three, two, one. Let's go.
Happy Tuesday everyone, hope you're doing well. It's Tuesday, May 16th. It's the week of Bitcoin Miami. There's the Orinals Conference on Thursday.
Thursday, there is actually become a yummy starts on Thursday, but you need to have the VIP tickets or like the special tickets do already have access on Thursday. And then the
conference for a common folks starts on Friday. We're going to be discussing that. There is
interesting trend at the moment with ordinals with BRC 20. I just want to for full transparency our investment fund has invested a million dollars into a project on the ordinal side so but it has nothing to do with this actually.
We're not going to be talking about that. Purely, we're going to actually discuss philosophies, Bitcoin. We're going to discuss a bit on what's going on in the market. Ethereum struggled finalizing twice in a row and people kind of made a big deal out of this. Bitcoin Ethereum almost became unusable with all the fees.
people also making a big deal out of this. Our big blocks the solution is lightning and danger. So yeah, and it's gonna be quite a nice discussion. I think we're gonna have quite some fun. Markets been quite sideways over the last week. Doesn't feel like a dough.
fills the day a bit down, but they are slightly down. But not as bad as it was a couple days ago. Yeah, so quite a few topics. Fabio, how's everything going? How's the community? What's the chin and chatter? Give us a bit of a high level and then we're going to go into the details.
Exciting, super exciting week. I was looking forward to Bitcoin Miami for quite a while. I'm not going to be there in person, but I'm going to follow the whole event on live stream. It's always very exciting the last few years. They're doing a great job at organizing these events. In general market, there is
not a lot to discuss, just say mold, say mold, it's a lot of inflation talks still and of course economy housing but nothing really changed since the last two or three weeks that we really did a deep dive on on macroeconomic topics. So I
I guess the main topic of this week is going to be this going Miami. And we had a slide or a very brief conversation ahead of this call where we already touched on that. And both you and me feel the same that the organizing in the
instance which is Bitcoin magazine is a very so you can always you could almost say that there is somewhat of a politic spectrum with in Bitcoin where you have like the hardliner Bitcoin Maxis with all
the way on the right and you have like the more left leaning or the more open minded people that are into BRC 20 and into ordinals and into other things like make Bitcoin fun again, magic internet money people on the left side and Bitcoin magazine used to be more
more hardliner, more Bitcoin only, just money, separating money from state, small blocks, no fun, and they are more leaning into the middle now. And you can really see that change from last year to this year. They invited a lot of
broader people or like more crypto people like for example BitBoy which is definitely not a crypto influencer not a Bitcoiner in that sense. Yeah, definitely not a Bitcoiner. No, and also people that get criticized a lot
by the hardliners. So you have for example Udi Vertimer which you know he used to be one of the biggest trolls on Twitter very much a bit going toxic maximalist and he coined phrase F on Stainport but he's more in the left leaning camp right now he's very much into ordinal
and he really criticises Bitcoin culture and the Bitcoin hard line is a lot and he will be a keynote speaker, he will be a guest and there's a lot of talk about him being on stage there and Eric Wall and Uli Day, they have these Bitcoin wizards which you might
saw them on Twitter, it's like paint in Microsoft's painted wizards and a few knowledgeable people and a few very known people they have them as Prophet Pictures' assert from NFTs, but they are a bit conorbitant. And they have
hashtag #myamiquest where they dress up as wizards and go to Miami to the conference. That's at least the things that I saw in anticipation of the event. What are you making of the shift that Bitcoin magazine did? I think this happened a bit over during the COVID times swell.
I think if you look at the conference, how it was before COVID and then how it turned afterwards, it was really night and day. And I think a lot of this was only possible because the conference organizers just realized if they only go for the real hardliners, it will stay more of a... It's going to be a very loud
But it's going to be very niche, right? And we know that we know that the hardliners the laser eyes and so on they are generally more of a smaller group, but they're very opinionated very loud, right? And so I think the organizers just realized, okay, we have to open it up a bit more reach get a bit of a bigger audience. Um, whether this is the right or wrong side.
I'm not the biggest fan of the Bitcoin hardliners, but I do respect what they're doing. I do respect where they're coming from. And so, it's always interesting to kind of see if this is the right thing or if this is the wrong thing from an event. I mean, from the size and everything, I definitely think it was the right thing. If that's the best thing
Bitcoin, I don't know, always a bit tricky. Again, I definitely fall way more on the centric kind of side. I love that idea way more of, I don't necessarily think like all the craziness is good. So I think even though we have invested in in ordinals and and and bursy 20 and so on, I
do see some of the caveats where all the craziness is not going to be the right thing, but I believe the more utility the better. And so, yeah, I'm happy actually what's happening right now. I love that there's some exploration. And one thing I was very interesting at
that breakfast with Usen, actually, yes, they were at lunch because he couldn't do breakfast, but we always on Monday catch up. During lunch yesterday it was so interesting we discussed the bit and Usen is going to be on Miami, so he's on a plane right now flying. The interesting observation that he also made was that for the first time he's
C's engineers and developers moving into Bitcoin and over the last probably 10 years eight years. I don't know. It was the other way. There was people moving away from Bitcoin engineers and going into every other chain where they could actually build and do something and not into Bitcoin.
This was very interesting observation. He has been in his face since 2010, so 13 years. That observation was very interesting. I cannot judge it as well as he does, but I can understand where it is coming from. I think at the end, maybe BRC 20, or Ordinals, I have not been
stay the way they are right now, maybe they're going to evolve in some shape of form, but we may actually be looking back in this moment and be like, wow, you know, like 2023 really was a bit of a seismic shift for Bitcoin where some of the engineers and projects came back again. Quite interesting. So I thought that was an interesting observation.
How do you see price-wise? Historically speaking Bitcoin Miami as where is it always is or actually Bitcoin conference, it wasn't always in Miami Bitcoin conference Historically always led to a price down. It was always interesting. It was always bearish. I hope this year is different.
And I think that could chance widespread because many times in the last years it was always doing a bit of a hype cycle. Why do you think that is? Do you think that's more causation? Do you think that's more correlation? Is that just fool by randomness? Or do you think there's something to it? How do you think this is going to turn out this year?
Yeah, tough question. He certainly was bearish and I don't know, it's last year, no, the year before.
which 2021, it was really just slightly before the Coinbase IPO and really on top of the first run-up. - Yeah, it was really easy on the Mexico-Mexica, it was jumping over the stage and it was like F Elon, F Elon, F Elon. - Yeah.
Yeah, that was like the top of the top of the hype of the first run up. And I think we it was beginning of beginning of May, we had the Coinbase IPO listing on the day of the top and we had this conference leading up to it. And there it was kind of, I don't know if this was
coincidence, it really felt like, okay, this is just the pinnacle of hype. So maybe that was the exception. And
The other events we didn't see the tops or like extreme sell-offs on the other events I think in 2022.
No, yeah, in 2022 we had Luna also kind of correlated, but a little bit later I think. It was a little afterwards.
Yeah, so I don't know maybe when we had our team gathering in Dubai and the conference was just before.
Yeah, yeah, maybe it's also you could also say, okay, this is just seasonality because we go into the summer and but I don't know. It could be a bit similar this year because still like I mentioned that yet last week as well, I still
I'm bearish for the summer and we're kind of getting it at mid-May now. So I could definitely foresee that we have a slightly bullish week until the conference and then see some sell-off, maybe even continuing selling off during the summertime, but it's extremely hard to say.
think it has a big impact on markets this year and just for size comparisons and I find it very interesting. So last year in Miami there were 26,000 attendees which made it the biggest finance festival or conference in the world.
Yeah, it's kind of a festival like experience. I've never been in Miami, but I've attended the Bitcoin conference in Amsterdam. I'm also going to attend this year. It's just around the corner from my end. When is it? When is this year? In October.
think first week or second week of October. And but this year is going to be only 13,000 people in Miami. So it's half of the size. And I'm watching a few, I'm following Bitcoin magazine fairly closely what they're doing. And so on, I find it very
interesting organization and how they approach things. We briefly talked about that they're very nuanced, they have their own ordinals, they're venturing into other things, they're looking into other things, and they're more settling a bit in the middle of the political spectrum and Bitcoin, which I also find interesting. So they're
trying to cater to a bigger market I guess. And they hinted at it that the conference is going to change drastically and this year is going to be the last old school Miami conference. Really? What is that? That's interesting. I don't
know what that means. My best guess is, and this is not, I didn't read about this, it's just me making things up. My best guess would be that they want to decentralize this a lot more, that they want to have more events spread around the world instead of just this one big conference in Miami. And they are already
going into the direction with Bitcoin Amsterdam and you know so that's my guess that they don't want to have this one big conference with like 20,000 people but more like year-round decentralized kind of but I'm not one on the picture. Have you been following what the Syrian is doing right now in
Montenegro. I don't know if you've been following this at all. I thought that was so interesting. I think two months almost. For two months everyone is going into this resort and they're all stuck together and then every week is like
a bit of a different theme. So they not only do in crypto, so they talk about AI, they talk about longevity, they talk about all kinds of things. And so it's like, people stay for as long as they want. I think Vitalik stays for the entire two months and so on. Right. So I thought this was, yeah, very, very interesting kind of
I think I was like a summer camp or something. I thought that was interesting. He's seeing that a bit. Yeah, I don't know. So that was just quite interesting to see. And obviously, very different needs that Ethereum has versus the Bitcoin has. So it's probably going to make a lot of sense to put people
together for like two months and kind of, yeah, kind of have them brainstorm and so on. So I thought this was quite interesting. I didn't know. Okay. It's, yeah. The, the, I find it's also kind of interesting that the Bitcoin conference
move more into a macroeconomic finance thing where also you will talk about lots of other stuff like building on the ground bunkers and guns and you know eating steak and things like that it's more
In this direction, like there's also a lot of talk about gold, about microeconomics, about general economics and politics and so on. If you, if you, with the broader crypto conferences or the theory conferences is more developers and techs.
building pictures of all kinds of things that are being sold and a little bit more niche I would say. Pictures being sold probably how does it make you feel that the first purchase was not a pizza but
Yeah, I have my space here. Share your feelings and express. You can lie down on your couch and share. Yeah, how does that make you feel? Sure. Maybe for some context first. Maybe some people are confused.
We had the whole ordinal thing. We were talking specifically about ordinals. Sure, but we're talking about the first purchase actually. Oh, what's the thing you it's not a pizza. Yes.
So Julian shared a post I think it's Bitcoin for out of Bitcoin forum just by the way. Yeah, all right. So there is the screen jobs of a forum post and it's think it's from January 2010.
where some dude sold a desktop picture for 500 Bitcoin, one dog. So the first transaction is probably, I don't know, is actually a picture got sold or not. So basically, Udi is
is inferring that Satoshi wanted what it all to happen. And he wanted Bitcoin to be used to buy JPEGs and he wanted to get into the mean culture. So how does that make you feel knowing that Satoshi wanted that or do you think that's just truly trolling
I follow the ordinals with two eyes. I find it an interesting development. I try to hear both sides of the coins. I follow a lot of hardliners on Twitter and I'm coming from an understanding why they are against this.
And I also follow a lot of people that are really pro. I really love how say the things about this because he's right there in the middle and he just says, look, I love free markets. I was actually very surprised. I have to admit that I was very surprised about the airline this and I have to give him props because I thought he was going to come out and go completely different than he did. So I give him props for that.
He's doing an amazing job actually at being not an influencer but maybe an opinion leader in these things and he has a very nuanced takes on a lot of things and I think this is very helpful because we don't want to polarize, we want to be exploring, we want to give
And with all these things, like, and he said that perfectly, like out of, we have a bit of a necessity right now. The Bitcoin man pool, it's full. We have a lot of transactions. It's congested network. And what does it do? It creates necessity.
brings this discussion back that we had in 2017, how do we scale these things and put some necessities, some pressure on that, hey, now would be a great time to solve that. When transaction fees are low and the network is not congested, nobody wants to talk about scaling.
right now the whole discussion comes back. So, you know, I think it's a very positive development and I like that people or institutions like Bitcoin Magazine and Sailor are very nuanced, not taking one side or the other but, you know, just being there in the middle and
kind of giving it the chance. Mohamed asks in the chat whether we think this is just a cycle, just a hype cycle, is this something that's going to stay? How do you see this? I'm also going to share some thoughts on that, but how do you see this right now?
So I don't think it's going to be just pictures. You know, this is the first iteration, but I find this very, very interesting. And here I'm just going to quote sailor or paraphrase what sailor said. And he said, hey, this could be the early development of, you know, and he makes this great
great analogy and he said, "Hey look, I'm worth $1 billion, not me, Fabio but Sailor." He said that his worth of $1 billion or more. And he wants to inscribe his will, his testament, to be there for when he dies so nobody can mess with it. Hey, the Bitcoin blockchain would actually be a great platform to
you know, inscribed this so nobody can mess with it. And how much would this be worth for somebody? And the interesting thing about this is also it's very easy to timestamp it, right? So if you wanted to update that will, it's very simple, whoever finds the latest version, that's basically the latest version. And if you don't
find a later version, that's a later version. If you have a version that's like three days old and then someone has a newer version, it's very like it's undeniably then updated version, right? So that is always a big thing in legal or in law when there's two wills, right? And then which one is actually the one that supersedes the other one? So now
Yeah, did this would be one one sector another sector that would be interesting is so I'm into 3D printing. I love 3D printer. I don't have a printer yet, but I'm following all the developments very very closely and kind of trying to make my mind up to buy one. And there is a lot of plans and things that
you can print that bigger companies wouldn't like. So I make one example that everybody can understand and it's also kind of funny. So we have a vacuum cleaner at home and sometimes I'm not into vacuum cleaning so I don't clean a lot.
But I did and the bag was full. I never switched the vacuum cleaner with our vacuum cleaner at home. Usually my girlfriend does that because I never encountered a full one. So I took the whole thing out and I threw it into the garbage. It just happens to be that there was this small blue
plastic thing that was still attached to the bag and I threw that away as well but without that you cannot add a new bag. And so what I did is shit okay I need to order a new thing and there's like VocuumElement.com or whatever like a page where you can buy
buy these things. This $40 for a plastic thing. But you can 3D printed one dollar. They know either you buy a new one or you buy this replacement thing and so you're going to pay whatever as long as it's somehow reasonable. They're going to make you poor with that.
Yeah, things like that, plans for specific machinery books that are maybe forbidden in some countries, 3D printed guns, there is like a whole section of interesting applications that you could inscribe in a
censorship resistant blockchain. So I agree with Sailor there. It could be very interesting and just the early stages of what we're about to see. I mean I 100% agree with you Fabio. I also want to caution that maybe this entire meme hype at the moment is not going to
be the sustainable one. I would actually doubt that this is going to be the sustainable one. Just also how crazy this is right now. I think a few of exchanges have allowed to deposit BRC 20s. However, if you try to deposit, you cannot withdraw
And the reason why you're kind of withdraw is because the way these BRC20s work is you basically always have them in batches. And the way you have them in batches is by basically giving it the number and that number numbers the batch. So for the exchange to let you withdraw, they are basically having to mint a
again from scratch and that cost them so much money that they actually don't want you to withdraw. So they're going to allow you to trade them because it's really not one for one. So they just, you're trading paper BRC 20s and then if you actually want to claim them and withdraw,
It's probably not going to be possible until quite far down the line. So I thought this was really, really interesting. So I have an interesting question when we talk about, so we had one section is a bit ordinal and so on. We have the congestion network. What do you think about block size?
My opinion on this has always been the same and I say look when Bitcoin started let's see 2009 January 3rd. I would go with the technical requirement. So the main argument against increasing the block size that the only one that I can follow is decentralization right is the only one.
However, I don't understand if that is true, then why don't we go with the technical development? I mean, over the last 10 years, right, speed of the internet, storage capacity. I don't know, it probably went up 100x. So what was, I don't know,
What was a gigabyte? 10 years ago is probably like 100 gigabytes 100 gigabytes today. So to me, I don't see any explanation on why it wouldn't be okay in increasing the block size a little bit like I'm not saying we have to a hundred exit, right? But I don't know increase it.
you can even increase it linearly with every halfing and just go and say 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Honestly, in 100 years, we cannot support 100 megabytes
by block, something is wrong with the technology, like with technology kind of broke because it just makes no sense how this technological kind of a grandson is. So that is my opinion. I've always been of that opinion.
I believe that right now, with what's going on, it's just impossible to kind of change because miners have way too strong of incentive now, not to change it. Plus block stream, who are the major kind of opinion makers in the Bitcoin space, have
So I just think there's zero interest in actually increasing the block size. All the arguments that I always see from the hardliners, I know, they always set up the block size.
around this concept of centralization. And I'm like, dude, if five years ago, one megabyte blocks were okay, two megabyte blocks today are definitely okay because we definitely doubled everything, right? So we can argue if 10 megabyte is okay or two
But I think a bigger block size than five years ago is 100% okay. How is this not okay? Now I understand why we're not going, why we're not moving at all. And I'm not expecting it to move. That's just a bit of my thoughts on that. How do you see it Fabio?
I actually agree a lot with, especially with the statement, technical capabilities. So I think it's very, very, I run my own note and I know a lot of people that do. And it's important that these developments, so the raising of the block size happens in
ship with like the technical requirements. So it cannot be too expensive or unreasonable to run your own note. But you know, as storage kind of grows and gets less and less expensive and network capabilities. So the speed of the internet and so on as these things grow, it's also possible to grow the
like I come out of I started system technology so I T with a major in networks and it's very important that networks need to scale in layers so for everybody that is interested in scaling and networks and blockchain definitely put some time in
into studying TCP/IP. And all the narratives that were created around TCP/IP, that so many times along the creation of it and the scaling of it, hundreds and hundreds of people, very knowledgeable people,
It's impossible to scale. It's cannot scale. It's cannot scale and eventually it did. And like how it is set up in layers is very, very interesting. And I think the same thing should happen with Bitcoin. I think we should scale it in layers, but there needs to be a reasonable discussion about the one to form megabyte.
blocks because right now, as you pointed out correctly, both the speed of the internet and the storage capabilities became a lot cheaper and broadly available. So we should definitely, at one point, consider slightly raising block. The only thing there is we don't want to have the American approach and I call it that
because you have these 16 lane highways and then people just add another lane and then we sort of and it's not soft, you know you can see these highways outside of LA for example with 16 lanes and you just add another lane it's not going to solve the scaling issue and that's also a little bit of my worry if we go down
that path that you're okay we just make it bigger we just make it bigger and eventually you're gonna end up with enormous blocks that you know require a AWS infrastructure or service enters to to to run your own node and that's not that wouldn't be a great future yeah so a bit of nuance there as well
but I found you take to be very nuanced. Muhammad asks a nice question here, is there a beef between CC and Elon and Julian here and followed you both? So okay, so the story came up because there was some way, like a some account that tracks this stuff that showed that CC unfollowed Elon and
Then that's and CC used to follow me and then I clicked on CC and I noticed that he's not following me anymore Honestly, I don't know if this was at the same time. Maybe he started I'm following me. I don't know a year ago. I have no like no clue I really didn't check so and then it was just me commenting under that tool
tweet that he also underfall at me and the interesting thing is a lot of media outlets actually picked this up and started talking about CC, unfollowing Elon and like Julian and like I got a lot of media notifications because that makes no sense to put me into the same sentence right. I also think it has nothing
I don't think they do with each other. Could be, I don't know, that CC got triggered by something that I said. I mean, Muhammad says maybe this because the BUSD issue, sure, could be. What do I know? I honestly don't know. I do think though the reason maybe CC unfollowed Elon in my opinion
is because Twitter integrated E-Toro and not Binance. That is my just very subjective assumption here. I'm probably totally wrong. Maybe it was just a mistake. I don't know, maybe Elon kicked Binance off the cap table. It can also be that, you know,
Elon said, "Hey, I don't want to deal with Binance on my cap table. I don't want to have these issues with a company that gets pursued by the CFTC. Maybe I'll get issues with this. Maybe this is just that, right? I don't know. Really. I really don't think it has. I want to be very clear. I saw a lot of them use articles.
I 100% doubt that this is any how related that CC unfolded Elon and myself for the same reason I also don't think probably it didn't even happen at the same time I just noticed because there was this tweet and that's how I know it's so I don't know have you seen anything else on the Elon unfollowing thing?
No, first when I heard it, I was making the assumption for myself, okay, maybe he's gonna switch to lists, you know, a lot of Twitter accounts, they unfollow people and they switch to lists, but he's still following like 600, 1,600 people, so I guess that's not the reason. And yeah, Muhammad said a little bit childish, if true.
I don't know. I didn't even notice that. I only saw it because of those tweets. Did you look into the Ethereum kind of final?
I think it's still not really clear. Anyone found anything where I
I kind of kept the bit track of it, also looked a bit on Reddit and so on, didn't really find anything, and what was the actual reason? So the way this works on Ethereum is that after about 15 minutes, a finalization happens, which is the time when you would have to sacrifice
one third of all stake e's in order to backtrack this. So you can only backtrack this part if you actually are willing to sacrifice one third of the stake e's. So it's very unlikely, especially because I mean about 10% of all e's is stake now it's an all time high. And so that means over 3.5%
3% of all east would have to get burned so that's billions of dollars right? So it's super super super unlikely because it's a very high cost billions of dollars for 15 minutes. So however for some reason the notes couldn't achieve that finalization and that was the first time and then people kind of started freaking out was going on and then it seemed all okay
was a bit weird because no one really knew why this was happening and I think less than 24 hours later there was the next time they couldn't find this finalization. It was just a bit weird. I don't know, haven't seen much from that, not much of the solution or the reasons. I don't know, sometimes, yeah, blockchains are
are weird. Yeah, okay. Yeah, these are main topics that I had. Anything else Fabio, that you feel we need to address? Maybe really quickly, if everything goes well this week, we're going to be adding new vaults to
our service offering, vaults with a higher yield. However, these vaults will only go towards the USD. So you will be getting a lot of the USD. If you want, you can sell those USD yourself.
But the reason they have these higher returns is because we are going to be allocating the DFI that we get from users towards these vaults. Plus obviously there is no stabilization fee.
So you're going to get 50% higher returns because of that. And on top, we're going to be allocating the customer DFI into these vaults. So they should be attracting way more yield. So it could easily be that these vaults are going to have
Again, don't quote me on this right now because the stuff changes, but I think it could probably have about twice the yield as the current vaults. The current vaults will stay, so don't worry. But if you want to maximize your yield, you're definitely going to want to check out those vaults.
To be honest, the main reason we are launching those is actually two reasons. First, because customers have been asking us if they could not go from the USD into the native coin, just doing that is basically costing them some of the YOTE. And at the same time, we really want
to help the D-faging ecosystem and I think doing so is really going to help the D-faging ecosystem. So all in all, this could be a very interesting service. So last week we were on an entire company retreat, so the entire company or the majority of the company was actually on a week
it this week. You know, actually quite interesting from a security perspective, all the measurements we had to take. So that's actually we could do a one week retreat. Quite crazy. I'm not going to go into the details because I'm not going to reveal any security things, but I can
Promise you was yeah, it was quite crazy from all kinds of things from a security front from How to behave and so on. Yeah, you cannot imagine Always interesting to see that so Yeah, I don't know if I'll do anything else we're missing here that we need to add to
We can maybe super briefly touch on on on Mark Road the only thing I would love to mention there is I actually saw an hour long session with Stanley Grunklemiller one of the one of the greats if not the as
He's up there, you know, with Warren Buffett, Ray Dalio standing on criminalism. These are the people I kind of look up to in an investing world and all the people do because they kind of have the track records and the credentials. And he said a few interesting things. He was at a conference
I think or at him he spoke as an event that it's called some 2023 and He he's mostly in cash and he said is the wildest and most difficult
high for him to make decisions to give forward guidance to guides the current markets. And he specifically mentioned a few times that he considers the time we are in as big bubble and assets, an extreme bubble and assets, especially
equities. For example, housing is pretty robust, or it looks pretty robust, but he's especially like things like the NASDAQ and so on. He considers them to be in a bubble and he wasn't really specific on a timeline, so he said it's always almost impossible to put a timeframe on it.
three months, six months, two years, five years. But he was very specific that he considers the market to be in one of the biggest financial asset bubbles that he's ever encountered, which I found extremely interesting. Because if you look at the markets, we are holding like
And we are 13% or so below all time highs. And the markets are very distorted and a lot of people don't actually acknowledge that maybe to the full extent because you cannot apply classical analysis and cash flow.
and so on because we COVID and the stimulus with COVID just distorted everything and it's so hard to see what's real and what's not and how we will go from here and he kind of doubled down on that point which I found very very interesting because a lot of people
I follow a guy, it's called Felix Zulav, he's a Swiss investor and I really like everything that he does because he has a very conservative approach and he says a lot of times in periods like right now, like in very interesting periods where we don't
really have a precedence and we don't know what's happening. The best thing you can do is listen to dinosaurs, listen to people with gray hair that have been in a lot of different circumstances and have been in the markets for a very long time. So, you know, if somebody like Stanley Bromkin Miller says something,
like that it's definitely very very interesting. Yeah that's the only thing I wanted to mention. Yeah interesting. Definitely interesting times yeah. No nothing else then let's not drag this out unnecessarily. Let's see what the conference is gonna bring we're gonna keep you updated we're gonna definitely talk about this next week.
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cash on your crypto. Also, we are one of the few companies still hiring. I want to be very clear, though, most of the roles are in Singapore. So you have to be willing to move here or live here. With that, maybe we can also show the promotion that we have going right now. So,
If you go to our app or to our website, you will see a small promotion. If you're in crypto and you like to predict prices, you should definitely give it a go. You don't have to spend any money or anything. You can just go to our web application or to our mobile application. You will find a pizza
promotion. So if you can predict the price of either the FI and/or Bitcoin on the pizza day, you can win a whole year of free pizza. And yeah, definitely give it a go. You can just type in your estimate
or your prediction and you might win a lot of pizza. I love it. Great. With this everyone, thank you. Thanks for tuning in. Please subscribe, like, share and then see you next time. All the best. Stay healthy. Have a good rest of the week. Bye bye everyone. Cheers.

FAQ on #Bitcoin Miami 2023 - Bull or Bear? | Twitter Space Recording

What is the topic of the podcast recording?
The podcast recording discusses various topics related to the upcoming Bitcoin Miami conference, the cryptocurrency market, and recent developments in the Bitcoin community.
What date is it?
It is Tuesday, May 16th.
What event is happening in Miami this week?
The Bitcoin Miami conference is happening this week.
When does the conference start?
The conference opens for VIP ticket holders on Thursday and for the general attendees on Friday.
What is the current state of the cryptocurrency market?
The market has been relatively boring and sideways over the last week, but there are inflation talks and discussions around the economy and housing.
What is the investment fund's association with the Ordinal side?
The investment fund has invested a million dollars in a project on the Ordinal side, but it is not related to the podcast discussion.
What is the solution proposed for Bitcoin's scalability issues?
The solution proposed for Bitcoin's scalability issues is Lightning and danger.
What is the shift in Bitcoin Magazine's philosophy being discussed?
Bitcoin Magazine is moving away from a hardline stance and is becoming more open-minded by inviting a broader range of people and topics to the conference.
What is the interesting observation shared by Usen during a lunch meeting?
Usen shared the observation that engineers and developers are moving back into Bitcoin after years of moving away to other chains and projects.
What is the historical trend for Bitcoin conferences and price movements?
Historically, Bitcoin conferences have led to price decreases and bearish sentiment.