Bitcoin Miami - A Disturbance in the Force?

Recorded: May 24, 2023 Duration: 0:45:28



Ladies and gentlemen, let's rely happy Wednesday.
live here on Twitter. I hope you can hear us, give me a thumbs up or something that I know the audio quality is working and everything is youth here. We are, yep, Mark said thumbs up. Great.
soon as I get the address. It's also getting a thumbs up. Great. Thank you.
That means we are good to go on all this so I can
Yeah, everything going?
which is fits in the mic. It should be fine.
And then we'll go to the next one.
open YouTube as well. So we know all this stuff is flying.
Go go go we took the life. Happy Wednesday one, May 24th. Let's go live our weekly Twitter space on Twitter and obviously live here on YouTube as well. This is our weekly show
from take where we discuss markets, we discuss product updates, we go into your questions, we debate what the community is debating and it's mostly Fabio and myself. Sometimes it's just one of us, sometimes we add extra guests. Today it's going to be Fabio and myself, topics.
are going to be about reflecting over the past week. There were obviously a lot of debates, discussions, just had before we started the recording here, or started the live Fabio shared a little bit about the Twitter space from yesterday that he was in. I think this ties really nicely into that Bitcoin debate that's going on.
There's a couple of questions you posted for me on Twitter. I want to address those. I also want to address the VOS devolves that were launched and we had a little bit of some hiccups, mostly with some fun flows and ups. So, I'm going to address that. And yeah, it's going to be a nice fun episode. Fabio, let's dive in. Get going.
What are the topics in the community right now? I think we need to discuss. Let's start with that first. I brought my green shirt today because I'm very hopeful we will see a big green candle soon. No, I really don't know. It's doing and we had a brief back and forth.
with current market sentiment, community sentiment, and I just had a look at the charts. And basically since March 26, which is two months ago, we haven't moved at all. We are the sideways consolidation, and you can really see
Everybody seems kind of bored. You mentioned the tweet from M. Crypto. I haven't seen the tweet. Everybody seems to be bored and we are all of us of course in crypto. We are looking. Yeah, no wait. What was the tweet of Chris? Chris is to M. Crypto.
tweet was I'm not like citing it correctly but like the meaning was man I've been missing waking up in the morning and getting my dopamine shot with the prices moving and over the past weeks really I wake up and there's nothing yeah and then yeah what did you say Fabio yeah exactly all of us in crypto
We are looking for these dopamine hits. We are very used to them. And right now it's just bored. And people really like to, when everything is boring, they like to make their own entertainment. And for everybody that might have seen it in the aftermath of the Bitcoin conference, which
we're going to reflect on it. There was some, let's say beef, we can touch on that at the later part of the space, but maybe we can just hit it off with a small bird's eye view or summary of our insights or opinions on
I mean, have you been following closely or just with one eye or not closely? No, not closely. My main things came from people actually sharing it with me. It was quite interesting for me because I felt like there were three different kind of feedbacks, but why don't you go first and then
Yeah, I'll kind of share a bit of thoughts Yeah, so we had in total on Bitcoin magazines YouTube you could watch three days three livestream one industry day general admission day one and general admission day two these these and each livestream is approximately I don't know
8 to 10 hours so it's like 30 hours in total livestream I watched all of the livestreams last year and I watched all of them this year I haven't attended in person and I have to say this year was I struggled to really get done with everything we have some exciting why
Because it was just not a lot of crazy news. There were a few good talks, for example, that two presidential candidates were there. Of course, the ordinal debate was very much worth watching. Jack Molder's announcement that Stripe is going global, not in Europe sadly, but
And a few other talks when it comes to mining and a few macro things that were very enjoyable, but all in all it was very long and just from an engagement level. So I checked this a few minutes ago. If you compare the live streams from 2022, which was, you just need to
put it in comparison when was this Bitcoin conference actually happening was slightly before the Luna collapse. So we were still made in a bull market, maybe not, it was not really confirmed, people were still hopeful because Luna was buying a lot of Bitcoin. So it was still in a high p-phase, but from an engagement perspective, last year,
here had an order of magnitude more attendees online and 200% more attendees or 100% more attendees lives. So life I think last year was 26,000 this year it was 13,000 online last year was 350,000
and this time it was about 35,000. So that you can really see the difference from the two years. And my personal experience was just, it was very long. Of course, if you're there and attending and seeing this in person, it's easier to go through. You can network in between and so on. But if you're just watching it on a live
stream 30 hours, yeah it was a lot. What were your personal highlights, Julian? I mean I didn't watch, I want to be honest, I haven't watched any of the live streams. For me I just seen some of the clips, some highlights I think on Twitter or YouTube or when they were shared on Slack
on Discord, so this was the main thing. So I think these are the highlights that most people have seen, like I think you have mentioned, nothing extra on now there. But I had, I think I had like three different groups of friends who actually attended. I think that first group is what I think is these very early
crypto people. For me, the representation that is really my co-founder using was been in crypto for so long and Bitcoin was that first true love for him in crypto and that love faded away relatively quickly because there was just no development and using being at the
originally really got excited about Bitcoin, but then there was silver progress. And I think him being there, and I have rarely seen using so hyped up and so pumped and so excited as I see right now. And I think a lot of that is just because that first true love is kind of igniting massively.
by him kind of seeing, wow, ordinals, BRC 20, there's so much possibilities now to build on Bitcoin. And I think that's that first group. And to be honest, I think that's kind of the only group that was there that's really pumped and really hyped up. And if he talks to Dan, they're like super excited about all of this.
So that was kind of that first group. Obviously, ordinalist conference, like you mentioned, a lot of the Udi and Eric, kind of a gospel, kind of podcast. And so I think that's a very interesting kind of group. Now, I would probably
I probably see myself also more in that camp. I don't see myself as a crypto OG, so I don't know if I would truly fall in there, but I think if I had gone to the conference, I would probably also see that way more than all the others. The flip side to that, obviously, and you mentioned as well, is a lot of the hardcore Bitcoiners.
that see Bitcoin as payments only, Bitcoin as like the dollar replacement, the next global currency. And I do see a bit on the one hand, there's some disappointment, there's frustration, there's anger versus that first group. There's maybe also a bit of disappointment that, you know, not much progress. Sure.
some kind of interesting topics. I know that you're not the super hard core laser eye maxi, but I do think you're sharing a bit of your sentiment here, probably resembles that a bit. I know you're way more open than the most really hard lineers.
But that kind of that resemblance of how you said you know struggle a bit going through the streams some parts were interesting some parts were disappointing and so on. That's kind of that second group. The third group is that typical kind of tourist investor. So for them, it's just like numbers go up. They need a builder. They need a
a lot of them. I'm in a lot of masterminds that are very high net worth also. I mean for them going there would be easy money wise and they just didn't go this year because they didn't care. Like for them crypto is not a topic. And last
this was like all of them. Like I think there was like groups with like hundreds of people there just like these are super high-knit with people and they just went there to kind of experience it and this year they didn't at all. It was not even a conversation and so it's very very interesting to kind of see that a bit right and and I think it resembles if you then go on social
I think it resembles a lot of this as well. If you look into various communities, you see the builders that are very excited right now. You have more of the kind of popcasters. I think a lot of the laser eye maxis, right, that the hardliner laser eye maxis. A lot of them are popcasters. They're not really, they're more almost like
Yeah, you know, my opinion, they were almost like second leaders, not so much of, I don't know, yeah, it's a very kind of, generally very very difficult. It was also very interesting, one of our team members, he spoke at an event in Italy, and it was also very interesting to listen to him how we kind of
experience the sentiment there when I don't know when builders spoke or when more the pop taskers on stage kind of spoke about about Bitcoin was very, very different. So I think very similar how everyone kind of else experiences that. And then you see this in the community right now. I mean, interest, I think from every
tourist investor is insanely low in crypto right now. It's not a topic. It doesn't come up. For them, these numbers going up, it just stopped for the last couple of weeks and so, yeah, that's, I don't know, that was my experience from talking to people. I don't know if there's this stuff to add from you, something surprising or, yeah.
Yeah, so there's definitely a shift in everything becomes a bit more nuanced and you can really see a bit of camps forming so just and this is my personal opinion. I think what's the
The OG Bitcoin Maxi laser I called like people dead for Bitcoin was invaluable Crazy value for the whole of crypto early on because they had to fight so much negativity thought regulation and and and
just headwinds, crazy, you know, if you go back to the really early days, Bitcoin was really loved at and there were so many attacks from different angles. So what they did early on was very, very important for not only Bitcoin but crypto in general. Right?
Right now it's kind of loft a part of its foot to stand on and it's not that much needed anymore and you can have the bait on if the hardliners really help Bitcoin or the whole of crypto or if they don't and that's
Maybe a bit of the culture war that you can see right now in crypto which you know, would end Eric take one extreme and you have people like maybe something Mao or Grep Foss or you name them maybe taking the other opposite end of that and
It is a legitimate debate to have, like usually even a hardcore Bitcoin Maxis, they're free markets maximalists as well. So they don't really have an issue with people using Bitcoin for something that it is maybe not intended
it for and right now sometimes I really feel that this culture war is on a very personal level like yesterday for example you had Udi and Eric they came up on stage and in Wizard's suits they brought a lot of people with them they made some fun they did some trolls
but they also talked about very crucial technical things on Bitcoin and on Bitcoin culture, which the points that they made were fair points and they were important points. You can discuss if the way they deliver the message is
There is some room for improvement, I would say, because they use the same kind of messaging that the other side uses and kind of, yeah, it's. This resulted in one of the like grab force, he's a Canadian guy and talks a lot about it.
he has a podcast or at least he speaks a lot of podcasts. He lost, like he's very famous for Rans and he had this rant where he really went very personal against Udi and there was some back and forth and they had a debate two hours long yesterday and
Just my recommendation don't watch it because there is really not a lot of value in that debate was very I don't know they just probably dirt that had each other I would love to recommend this debate because I listen to the whole two hours of it, but I would recommend listening to it It was just a very dirty Twitter space where they were on a very
personal level. It ended on a nice note where they were kind of, okay, I unboxed you and everything's fine and I say sorry and you say sorry and something like that. But I guess this is just a symptom or a result of the current boringness in the
Bitcoin or in crypto in general. So people are just looking for, I don't know, beef because there is nothing else to do. But just to your point are the things that you mentioned, there is a clear shift out of the bull market now in the midst of the bear market from
I would say hype macro politics into building. Like the building section drastically improved or there's like just to put it in perspective. So from an NFT standpoint, Bitcoin was never famous for NFT, which
go to Ethereum, you would go to Solana. But right now is you just rank NFTs in volume or in interactions, Bitcoin actually ranks number two after Ethereum. So they surpassed Solana on interactions on NFT, which is pretty crazy because ordinals are not that old.
And yeah, I found this very interesting, you know, people have opinions you might like them you might hate them, but it's definitely interesting. Oh, no, I mean, I think no fully aligned was very interesting to hear it also from you. I don't know, it's not.
discussed, obviously that ceiling, yeah, I think that is not so much of a cryptographic, more of a macro topic. Personally, I don't know what your thoughts on this are. I think this is going to be way more politicized, especially also in the media than the actual issue. The media uses this just as bargaining power, the political
I'm kind of pointing those and use that. So I think there's going to be a lot more fear among wearing this. I don't know if you've any other opinions on that. I would say it's a nothing burger because every time they make a big deal out of it and then it just gets raised and after that nobody talks about it anymore and why should
this time be different. So I'm expecting an offing barrier because if it wouldn't be one, it would actually be pretty, it's just not a viable option I guess. So yeah, it's politicized a lot and people try to leverage it a lot. I
I would say number one, this is one of the number one topics in the macro world, or especially in the US, maybe besides that we are still, are we pausing with the federated hikes or not? It's also heavily discussed and kind of on the table until we have the meeting. I don't know, do you have any thoughts on that?
I would be so surprised. I mean, I saw that the probability of a rate hike went up slightly, but I mean, we're talking about, I mean, I get it, but I mean, this just at the end, the probability of no
of this being it is just so incredibly high. I would be so surprised. Like really surprised. I think the market would be surprised. Yeah, I think that's it. What your thoughts?
Yeah, it's a dead-down with hiking, not I don't expect them to cut or to lower rates anytime soon they're probably gonna hold as long as they can. So we discussed this I think the
Yeah, during the whole year, so my personal opinion on this is they're gonna hold until something breaks So yeah, I can not I also cannot foresee a scenario where they're actually
actually going to raise again. That would be pretty crazy also because we now have the converting rates. So the inflation is actually lower than the fed fund rate or core inflation.
Anything else to discuss on the community? I would love to address a bit on the USE vaults and maybe a couple of questions people had for me on Twitter, but I don't know if there's anything else that you feel is up in the community right now. I know it's
relatively quiet which on the one hand is nice and yet it's also a bit worrisome not so much in the cake community but in the entire community but I know if there's anything else we need to address
We could do a cake specific or product specific right now and maybe in the end touch a little bit on price. Sure, let's do that. Yeah, first and foremost, we launched newest evolves. These vaults are actually high yield vaults for various coins, but the FI, the US,
the Bitcoin E-stable coins. This is a relatively complex issue for us internally because we already have these vaults, but these vaults pay out in native coins. But because these special vaults only pay out in the USD, in theory they can get a way higher yield.
The problem is that more of an ups issue, not so much of a tech issue, that you have to rebalance these vaults because you always need the FI from customers and then you need to have a big coin, a big coin, have to be in the right kind of vault, the same for the, for, for DUSD, the same for the FI. So a lot of this rebalancing is extremely difficult.
Especially because basically we have to start all these parallel so there was some hiccups in the launch of all that Some people got a bit frustrated with I bridge. I really understand don't get me wrong Also trust me internally the team is frustrated when these things don't work well Everyone wants this stuff to work smooth Yeah
Teams on this is fixing this yields then should be like relatively solid on those walls So if you are if you want to get cash flow on Bitcoin East stablecoin DFI DOC You will see that best return you can get is if you use the special ball
that pay out in the USD, here you get the highest yield. Now be aware, there's a couple of things. Obviously, those USD you need to convert into the native coin at the moment. DIVA Chain has a stabilization fee of 30% there to do that. So you lose part of that yield if you convert now. But obviously,
Some people say, you know what, it doesn't make sense to convert now, which what the native coins are doing. So the native coins are converting and that's why you lose it all in a lot of yields. Let me wait until that issue is fixed. And then at that point, I not only get the upside, but I also don't have to pay that fee. So if you're a bit more of a long term investor,
Going for the use dp out waiting a little bit may actually be a really good solution. But actually how this works, there's also a question on Twitter why is the yield here? More sustainable than on the own product. It's just a completely different product on arm. This was a match of liquidity might
And if the impairment loss gets too high in comparison to the actual yield, it just doesn't work out anymore. And so that's why we have to stop that product. On the yield vault, this works via a negative interest rate on defaging. And so it's a completely different service.
find other products again, we will add them as well, but at the moment these are just the safest and the best ways to actually generate yield for your Bitcoin, for your East for your stable coins and so on. So yeah, we're going to fix all that so that's should work really smoothly in the coming days. Anything else other questions on that Fabio that that you saw
No, not really. Some users that have been with us for a very long time.
Usually it is entirely possible that we have a few hiccups within the first 24 to 48 hours of launching a new option or a new product. And this is just also how we go about launching things. Julian explained this, I think approximately three months or four months ago to stay
board principle or I don't know how you call it and which is a minimum viable product and sometimes you know I really feel the pain because I spend a lot of time in telegram and community chats and I'm sorry about your inconvenience there but if you use the product within the first 24 hours
There might be a slight takeoff. It's not that any funds or anything are at risk, but it's just how things are displayed or how things feel. It might be a slightly or a bit clunky, but I think a large part of the issues have already been resolved and everything else is probably addressed by the end of the week. And then it's a perfect fund.
functioning products like all the other products that we're currently offering. And maybe just because I see this question a lot appearing on Telegram, on Twitter and so on. A lot of community members are, they remember we had lab, we had lab is we had lending, we have earned and now
these products kind of moved over and evolved into euthanic world. And they're asking themselves, okay, is there anything else into the direction of urban, lobbyist lending plant? And maybe you can answer this question a little bit better than I can, but right now it's
Maybe it's important for customers to understand why we are no longer offering lending. So it's actually kind of a nice way in how we, or personally I think we approach this very professionally. So as a lot of you might remember last year in 2022, a lot of people
that were in the same industry, in the same business as we are, they went bankrupt because they chose their own partners or had risk management. We kind of made some great choices and had a bit of luck because we selected better partners and had better risk management and we retired our landing service last summer.
just because we are not willing to have any contagion risk, any exposure to anybody that you never know. Right now, we don't know if the contagion is fully solved, we still have the whole genesis and digital currency group and so on. Out there, there is still
some uncertainty. But I don't know because I don't make strategic decisions. But I think as soon as we know we're going into an expel, so I go to the contagion and everything is done. We might look for a new partner or create a new product or what our
answer to me. Um yeah I don't want to honestly I mean at this point not want to share so much right now. Um to me I think it's just always about opportunities right especially crypto if you're just stagnant um crypto most way too fast um the things that really
made customers money, let's say two years ago, is something that doesn't work right now and things that are working right now didn't exist two years ago. So it always depends a bit on all that, right? So you kind of have to be nimble. And I don't know, for us, I think what made us, as a company successful was always to level the playing field.
For those crypto investors that kind of knew that there were more possibilities out there but weren't expert enough to use it for themselves And I think what we did as a company really good job. That is kind of extracting the complexities away and leaving the simple things still here so that um, yeah, those
crypto investors could get access to staking could get access to lending could get access to liquidity mining could get access to tokenization and so on. And that was I think something that most people never got access to or it got black boxed by companies not in a in not in a transparent manner and these companies are just not around any
more. So I think that's the key thing we need to really get back to and that's really something we're going to focus on in yeah, abstracting the complexities away, providing people access in a simple manner, transparent manner, providing them with great returns. And yeah, so that's going to be a really key focus, be honest.
Damian writes, and that's, I think, a good question here. Do you think the BSDC's got invalidated? We currently have so thin order books, the BSD sell of continues, but still no positive price movement. Here, I have a really nice graphic. It's interesting that you just bring this up because I just looked at it. Actually, it's the exact opposite.
the season right now is as strong as ever. Tell you why. So if you look at when this is the market cap of FUSD, so when you actually look at when the sell-ups happen, right? So it was like right at the beginning of 2023, so all of January, that's when we had this massive price pump, then
And you need to understand right so the BSD cell up happens the USD need to get cycled back in and that's when the pump happens so the pump always happens after the cell off. This is really important to understand so it doesn't happen during the cell off because during the cell off it just changes hands but when it's fresh dollars coming into the happens afterwards it is
the money has to side for back in. It always happens afterwards, right? And that's what the arbitrage traders then are doing. So the arbitrage traders are doing this. It's not buying itself. It's the arbitrage. So you have the sell-off. It's dramatic here, right? So it goes from 22 billion all the way down to like 16 billion in like less than a month. So that's 6 billion and less than a month.#
Then here we have all the February completely flat nothing's happening and then March comes and then from a second week of March we're like pumping like insane We have this massive drop from 16 all the way down to six right so this is like out to eight another eight billion in like a month right so six and then eight both in a month and since then
Since mid-March, the sell-off has been super negligible. You don't know if this is fine and so it's selling this off. This could just also be the other holders. Just two billion have been sold off in two months. This does not mean that because they get sold off, maybe they don't come back. To me, actually right now,
Now from this behavior here, it's actually to me that thesis is stronger than actually their way around because it really fits on when the pump always happens. And so I don't know. Yeah, I just think this is, yeah, at least my thoughts obviously take of it. What would you want for yourself?
This is a, this is a really like about digital companies and thousand so on. I think this is like a very off topic topic here.
So I'm not going to address that here on financing with thousand on blockchains for define so on I think it's very off topic. So I'll leave that to another point to discuss that.
If I have a price, anything you want to discuss there unless there's other topics, let's finish with some price stuff.
I mean, at the moment, it didn't matter if you went away or not, at the moment, it's like super stagnant, but thoughts. Yeah, I think we haven't talked about technical price levels in a while, and right now we are actually
at a pretty decisive price level because we are holding slightly above the 200 weekly moving average which historically like if you go back to 2019 for example the bottom formation in 2019 or
earlier the 200 weekly moving average was usually in the vicinity of the bottom. This time in this bar market for the first time ever Bitcoin sustainability broke underneath the 200 weekly moving average and kind of was there for
for a multiple month period. We broke to the upside and we're slightly holding above it right now. So I think this is the level to watch because if you want a bet on go away May or for the strong summer, if we can hold the two-hung weekly moving average, make it support and go higher, then I
I would probably revisit my opinion of a bearish summer. But if we are breaking the 200 degree, moving average to the downsides, then go away in May would very much be on the table so that we would probably look at a bearish summer. So I'm having two eyes on
on that price level right now. So just to check currently is at 26,280 the moving average which is just one candle away from either making it support or
or for assistance or breaking up or down. There's your rights, technical analysis for men is like astrology for women. So this is fabulous astrology. It's true, it's true. Like I really like
A bit of astrology is nice, come on guys. Our girls have these whole things with planets and stars and whatnot. A bit of astrology is a nice thing. So I like to keep it fairly simple, just use
I wanted to move averages and maybe one or two trend lines. That's it, but yeah, I think a fun exercise. And especially in times right now, we don't have anything better to do because it's just a boarding price action. We practically just go sideways.
Other than that, in my opinion, there is not the biggest thing within the Bitcoin community is definitely ordinals, BRC20, all the developments there. And I don't know, Ethereum community
I don't know, regulation kind of came into the background. I have to say my Twitter feed is probably more optimized for following Bitcoin people than Ethereum people. So maybe you have some insights there and we could finish off with the
the defetching community after we heard of your insights on ETH. Honestly, I don't have any insight on ETH. I think on ETH the next thing is going to be scaling solutions that should come in later this year.
I think that's the main thing there and I don't think much there. Like I think at the moment Bitcoin is really key focus because there's just so much development going on there. And so so much innovation on there. So I think that's definitely an interesting one.
Regulation, I mean Coinbase filed again an additional kind of or file but added some parts with a lawsuit against the S&C. So I mean that's something that came in. Yeah, I don't know. FOMC minutes should be coming out today or just came out. I don't know when.
I think the two or whatever or eight at the time. I think there's still revelation in this. I think to be honest, the main thing right now that I probably see as a bit of a dangerous part is the digital currency group thing. I mean, it's something we can cover.
over here. I don't know how much we've covered that in the past kind of shows. They missed and this is now confirmed. They missed their payment to Genesis. There was a loan due and they missed that payment. I think there's like a 30 day mediation period now. So by the beginning of June,
some point, I do think there's the possibility for Genesis to put a digital currency group into a involuntary chapter 11. And from everything that I actually see, this is what all the creditors actually want to have, simply because they
then the easy key would have to really start dissolving or liquidating all of its assets and most of it, most of all, obviously, great scale. And I just think this is super bearish. I think this is like, obviously, it's super Polish for whoever, like, is owed money, but it's going to be very bearish.
for the rest of the community. So that generally is probably a bit of a kind of thing I would be watching out for. It's not something that's going to happen. Like decisions are going to be made in the next two to three weeks, but like all of the liquidation and so on, I mean, this could go on for months and years. So who knows? Yeah, these are just
the main things right now. I don't know, by now, there was another article in there that they have been mixing company funds and customer funds. I don't know how much of a smoking gun that is, so how much fuck that is. Difficult. Really, I mean, difficult from the outside. I think everyone sits here and expects that
Like, there's some mostly probably compliance.
issues at Binance, but I don't think most people sit here and think that Binance is a liquid. I don't think that many people sit here like this. The other question is, did Binance trade against its customers? I think a lot of people just
just say yeah, that easily possible. But obviously if finance truly has an issue, that would be dangerous. But yeah, I think that's just how it is. Nothing else to add.
Maybe let me just bring up one or two points what's currently going on within the DFA chain community and then we can call it the day. So there's clear shift happening. So with every community, I find it kind of interesting because I experienced this the first time with
Ethereum in the run up in 2017 and then the bear market in 18 and 19 which really condensed the community to its essence and everybody just you know right-roaded off this is that it's never going coming back and so on and you can really see
a lot of the same with projects that got started in 19 or 2021. So they experienced their first bull market and with that also their first bull market and usually just if you compare this to other top 10 projects like for example
or XLM or XRP or you name them the top 10 out of the 2017 period. Usually these projects correct 90% against Bitcoin. Ish, some of them 95, 96% as for example, Cardano or XRP did. And then in this
the community really compresses to its heart-world levers and to the builders and this is kind of a decisive period and you can really see that happening within the defaging community. It's less like where maybe in 2021 it was dominated by the DGENs and yield farmers
and people looking for a quick buck. These people have left. The mercenaries have left and what stayed and what is currently, let's say, left behind or still there are the true builders. And just to highlight this, yesterday, 22 hours ago, one of the first white
papers for the MC got published which is called Jellyworth for everybody that is interested within the default ecosystem, defaulting ecosystem, definitely check that one out. You can find them on Twitter just go on to the defaulting Twitter or defaulting Telegram, the link
things are everywhere. And this is like a huge project, like just in size and very ambitious story. So I love what's going on there, lots of building, lots of crazy new ideas, and people are kind of
turning a bit more hopeful than they were the last few months. So it's definitely
Better a better sentiment or a better narrative in a community right now than just a few months or a few weeks ago, which Yeah, it's always nice to see Cool. Yeah, that's that's nice cool with that I think
Yeah, we're calling you to show quite nice insights for everyone on the market on what's happening on the platform. If you're not accustomed yet, head over Let us help you take control of your financial destiny and reach those financial goals. Get cash from your crypto. If you are looking
To work for crypto company, we are still hiring, head over to Most of these jobs are in Singapore, so you have to be either in Singapore or have to be willing to move. And yeah, that being said, see you all next week. Fabio was really nice.
and yeah, work with everyone. So yeah, very much appreciate it also for the great work. And remember, click the subscribe, follow, like, whatever, so you don't miss any stuff on the good stuff here. And then we'll see you next time. Thank you so much. All the best.