Bitcoin Puppets World Peace 🌎

Recorded: Feb. 2, 2024 Duration: 4:00:45



Yo, what's up, Emily, what's up King our heart what's up puppets
No our thing on stage tonight, come on dude, I
Remember it. I remember when it was so like, you know, it's still like a taboo around Emily this junior to art
Dude, remember that y'all is allowed. That's the only one that's allowed to do that. I wasn't that fucking long ago
It's in my name
More of these cats or what I see like there's there's some myths going on. Are you talking about the shitty ones? Yeah
Definitely talking about the city ones. Yeah, you got a chef
The flight attendant just came out and said prepare for liftoff and she was talking about our sick. Oh
Shit we're going straight into our sick. This is a this is a big one fucking space Emily. Oh
No, I mean we talked about whatever man. I just figured I don't want to see the top. I didn't even see the headline
Yeah. Yeah. No, I mean we got oh my god. What is that cat dude? What is this? Wait, listen
These things are ridiculous
This I'm taking it in right now, you got two cigarettes
Haven't even looked at mine. I meant it right before I took off
In Miami earlier
But are we are we mentioned I meant some more of these it looks like they're starting to go
All right, they're public now. Yeah, they're probably I just woke up actually GM be mug
Dude, I feel like I talked all right. Yeah, I was on safe with you like
Ten hours ago ten hours ago. Yeah, I slept during the day again. Yeah, you're seriously just like catnapping
Yeah, I take naps during the dippies
This is a different vibe with this the music here and it's more right now than you then you are during the day cup hits now
Wait, so like that the music or no, no, no, no, no keep going. That's right. No, it's a different vibe then
Think good things, you know in the in the three o'clock hour. Oh, yeah
We're out of office hours Emily at the strings
Now it's ours it's still up actually it's a point oh seven three I just refresh it
Yeah, I would like them to go back down, please. I mean I I miss I miss my fucking opportunity
We'll stop fucking bull posting the motherfucker then they'll might go down
You know, it's actually smart. You shouldn't bull post these and then you should
Good things is leaking all the alpha on the timeline. I've been like what is going on with this guy, man
I know dude. I'm too like too forthcoming
I'm like the opposite of a normal influencer
Like I don't load my own bags and then I tell people what to do or not what to do
But like I show people you know, what's a good thing?
They'll be looking at and then I I don't actually load my own bag beforehand. I gotta I gotta learn
But no, I was I was literally like I was watching the R6 and the puppets like play like leapfrog with each other on the floors
And I'm like both of these fucking things are gonna go at some point like that
Like my top three convictions are fucking node monks puppets and R6
I'm definitely still bullets on the frogs
But just to be honest like at the same price as a as a node monk
Oh my god, what I don't know I'm just trying to start fud
Yeah, no, I mean I'm just being I'm keeping it real like I watch the frogs like since they launched
I knew they were gonna fucking pump like me and Paul enough talking about this last night
He's like, bro, you called it like five times and you didn't buy a single frog
I'm like, I know I'm fucking idiot
But that's what happens when you get you get super busy working like we were fucking working
Seven days a week non-stop over the last year, you know at the previous team
Missed out on a lot of things so that didn't have time to just like sometimes it was just like literally like two in the
Morning and it's like, oh should I go like, you know load up the wall with Bitcoin right now?
Or so I just go hop on the spaces and pass out like so there's too many of those nights that that's over with
I'm like King Arp now, like we're taking catnaps instead of full full eight hours of sleeping. But um
Yeah, man
We got we got a lot of shit coming. I was just on
Just hopped on the spaces with Jason fang of sort of ventures and an Albert from the BTC startup lab
think I saw some pups in there, but
You know Jason was basically someone asked or Albert asked Jason, you know
What if you think this is like kind of like like a repeat of aetherium, right?
Like we're repeating a similar cycle that we saw in aetherium. What year do you think it is in aetherium?
And he was like, uh, you know, maybe like late 2016 early 2017 and and Albert was like, oh shit
That's bullish. I mean Albert knew the answer
That's why I asked him the question
But I think I think like we're kind of in a lot of us are in the same boat
Like that's how I think about it
Like I said the other day on everything normal show like to me runes is gonna be like an ICO moment
you know, it's like it's just gonna be like the the shitter launch of all shitter launches, you know in terms of like
Meaningless but but super pumpy coins like we'll probably get some ones that that last I think our six might be one of those
but I mean we're gonna get just it's gonna be raining down holy hell shit coins and
All all the like the biggest shit corners that we all know from aetherium and Solana
Those MF errs are not gonna like they're not gonna ignore it like they'll they'll fade it
Some of them like one by one they're gonna come over some of them will fucking faded and faded faded
But eventually everybody capitulates to a good shit coin
Storms, so yeah and we go ahead. Yeah, everyone just follows the volume
It's like even everyone that was fading Solana. They're all on Solana now. They could just it doesn't that doesn't matter
Know you can face a lot all you want. But when the volumes there everyone goes there and same thing
What would think what I mean here if we were even like a little bit smart and had even the the slightest
semblance of a nutsack of this of a pair of marbles
Wouldn't we just be selling every last thing that we possibly have right now and buying our six?
Isn't that what we would be doing if we had any type of balls at all
Posting but now you're just like you're making me want to go click dump on everything
It's it's obvious. I mean there's obviously I'm not doing that
but I guess I don't have the marbles that are that I've just alluded to there, but
Good gosh, man, but it's
Am I am I overhyped about this now like am I drinking the Kool-Aid or what?
No, I am someone bring me in. No, I can't I can't I wish I could if I was the guy I tried
But I can't I keep talking about it. I shouldn't have talked about it in the first place just like fucking
Liquidium just like Saturn. Well all this I mean Saturn's okay. I guess we all get that but like yeah, fuck
I shouldn't said anything about liquidity. I'ma shouldn't say anything about these puppies
I shouldn't said anything about fucking arsenic, but it's too late. We are where we're at. They almost went to point. Oh eight
Last night right so that was crazy, but they're so high
No, you know the thing is Emily like here
I'll reel it back a little bit because I feel like it's good to have a little bit of fucking, you know different
Up our sick is over point. Oh, it's point. Oh a five right now. And what's not I didn't refresh
Yeah, you need to refresh your shit, bro. You're you're you're a computer
Motherfucker, yeah, wake the fuck sorry, too. I was just trying to make sure that I called that
Absolutely call that correctly King
Fucking I just call him King because I can't say
That's just King but
I'm sorry to know. Yeah, I was talking to my buddy about this today. I'm like listen dude
Like part of me is jaded just because of like we've seen what happens when there's like super cycles
But I don't think I don't he told me he's like I think you're I think you're just a little bit too early to being
Worried so I told them the only way I can kind of think about this now is that?
Where it's obviously it's like a speculative asset at the end of the day
Not as speculative anymore just because of the way things are going and progressing but we're all
Basically putting we're all betting on a roulette table of which assets are gonna pay off
Because the reality is there's gonna be some that absolutely fucking fail like this is just part of cycles
you know, like they'll have their small-time pumps, but equally they'll be
investments you can make that will literally be capable of fucking retiring you and your entire family now
You could make your thesis on which ones those are gonna be and there is a few like quote-unquote blue chips
Whatever that fucking means, right and that's kind of just where I'm at with it
You know, I'm looking for the few numbers that I could place my fucking bets on they're gonna that are gonna like
Give me the heart ice ROI just because of the way
They've been progressing and because of the last space especially like where the volume is going, you know
And our six seems to be one of them fucking, you know
There's a couple of other things here and there like different ordinals that you could invest in but I don't know
Overall at the end of the day just max bullish. I don't think I'm being bullish enough is kind of where I'm at with it
I'm right there with you. I well, I'm definitely bullish enough, dude, but uh, it's dude
It's like you got a bet on something runes are coming. I've been bullish on runes forever
I still like looking at everything that's happening here. I'm just too bullish on these still
Like I've heard a lot of people talking about runes
I think the derps are kind of funny and might do something when it comes like a really fucking Mimi coin
You know, so I think that's something cool. But like our sick just feels like the biggest one
I don't know how else to put it
It's just the way that the team has come out with this being first movers
Like how clean it is like it's just like everything about it just seems like really well thought out and executed
So I think that they still have stuff up their sleeves do like a lot of people are like, well
These might go down these might do this these might do that
I think that they might have things that might prevent that but I don't know like I did you listen to last base King
Are did you listen?
Fuck bro, that was like I
Retweeted it and I fucking quoted it as memento Mori and like one of the things he said in the space
Jason is fucking
somebody asked him he's like
Is is is is the are the VCs here basically or is retail kind of running the market now
And he said retails running the market which you can translate that however you want
But I'll tell you the way I translate it is like you're fucking early like and not to be on some hype beasts FOMO shit
Like you're actually early for once, you know, maybe maybe some of us here were earlier than others
But I still think we're fucking very early in terms of the cycle. Like is there gonna be pullbacks?
Yeah, of course, just like in any fucking market. There's pullbacks. There's always pullbacks
So what but don't miss the forest for the trees is kind of where I'm at with it, you know
Yeah, yeah, no 100% dude memento Mori remember that you could die but that's not important right now
Let's talk about runes, you know, I fucking completely agree, bro
I'd like it's look this is one of those things where you either like I've seen in crypto plenty of fucking times
We're like you believe in something and then it works
So like if you want to left curve this fully and like trust a team and blah blah blah
That's kind of where I'm at with it, bro. Like I don't really
Have to think about it anymore. Like I saw what happened when it happened me and y'all were like
Talking on a phone call. We're like, dude, this is like we're saying all the things we're saying now
We're like, yeah, this is one of those things right? Like none of this exists yet. This is like the first real like thing
That's going on with this. We'll see how it goes
But like I'm definitely getting in here and like that was when it was like going because we got the free ones, right?
But we're like like I'm too bullish. So like we need more so that was when it was like by the blood time and shit
And then yeah, like point I think it's point. Oh three
I just like went in and was like fuck it like we're doing this and then loaded my wallet and so now it's wait
I don't really have any don't really have anything like we pontificate like okay
Well, maybe we'll start selling and like when we start thinking about offloading these and ball block
So you're fucking idiots at some people bro, but like I don't give a fuck if these hit point one
I'm not selling it. I don't care
I want all the allocation until the drop and then if I hold them throughout we'll see what they do, bro
Like I literally don't know and neither do you so that's that's the thing for nobody knows nobody knows
Nobody knows a fascinating game as well. It's why it is just like it is such a
Things it's gonna get attention right interesting way that they built. I mean, it's just really
Not just the game part of it, but even like the distribution of it was
There's it's that's clouded in mystery like how they actually distribute puppets
Obviously, you know, we're a part of that's in some way
But I mean I talked to some people who got six of them that had no way less ordinals
Than me and we all have the same collections
So like I don't know but yeah, so not just like that part, but even the technical nature of it
It's just it's mind-blowing how they
They pull this off and I've heard good things say it is like, you know, there was only a handful of people
At that time that could have actually like pulled something like this off
I don't see a single other team by the way since this drop that has done like a copycat
That's like following the roadmap that where they have like you can go to a website check how many ruins you're farming
That's kind of impressive if nobody's copied them yet because like they probably yeah, let's let's take well first of all
I was having
Fucking earbud issues, but to I remember toot saying I'd like to you know represent
You know basically an opposite end of the spectrum. You guys are too
FOMO II, you know, but then like he like quickly fucking turned into like
We're retailers beat not like he's so I'll be that guy was
You know, you don't have the money to these no, he's too close to these spells. He still has PTSD from the board
I'm getting out of the sock but like no, I like the contrarian the contrarian the contrarian like
Arguments, right? I like to be wrong bro, like fucking prove me wrong if I can prove myself wrong great
that means I fucking dodged a bullet but with I don't know saying things out loud and
Just writing things down and just like putting positives negative doing all this cliche bullshit
You hear on fucking tick-tock videos and stuff like makes sense, you know, like that you I do these kinds of things to try to find
Kinks and cracks and theories wait, dude. How old are you dude?
Like you're acting like you first seen these motivational like like things on tick-tock. Those have been on every social
I'm just giving you
Dude is one of these MFers that like literally fucking was fading, you know ordinals and then I don't know what happened overnight
He's like, bro
I got fucking orange-pilled and like here he is like knee-deep and all this shit. So kudos to you, man, dude
I'm King Garb's motherfucker you and King are like just listen to a few spaces and just you know
I just fucking orange-pilled the fuck out of me, bro
Fucking car about to fucking get you listen to be honest for us. Tell you
Orange orange juice for a long time and not everybody drinks it too. So
not seriously, but
Oh, so I like to like catalog like what we have so far right because ruins is a protocol
You're like I said, it's gonna be a fucking storm like the ICO craze of 2017
That's kind of the thing that I liken it to the most and so we're gonna see literally like hundreds
if not thousands of fucking ruins get etched probably in the first month because like you gotta remember during ICOs like
People didn't know what an ICO was like the literally like you had fucking people debating and talking about what is an ICO for like
Month while these things were getting deployed and launched and you didn't have a fucking rich community of Solidity developers
Like it was fucking brand new
So now you have like and this is what Jason was talking about in that last space is like
Which which is what we all kind of see happening. It's going to speedrun like like Albert was asking Jason
Is this gonna take like if we're kind of analogizing to aetherium and we're in 2016 2017
How long is it gonna take us to get to 2019 and Jason was like months and I don't know
I don't know how many months but I tend to agree with him
Like we've seen how fast of the ordinals ecosystem grew just in one year in the year one
So I think it's gonna get faster or not slower
But I just want to catalog like for all of us
So how many of these fucking things exist where we're basically got IO use for runes cuz by my count, there's like five
You got I see any that I don't see any that you could go count how many you're getting on a website
Does that exist yet where like they partnered with somebody and you could go see how many you're actually you're crewing
I just want to I want to fucking like just so so I'm clear on it cuz I've counted five we got our six
We got rune X we got derp. That's three. We got the new one
I forget what it's called, but they got like they just launched the Twitter. I think today or yesterday
You know guess I've heard it I'll find in a minute and then we got we got rune stone, right?
Which is being kind of like spearheaded by Leonidas, right? So that's fine. Does anybody know of any other ones?
I don't I does are the only ones I what's the one you're talking about?
Like how do we how don't we get in on the other ones? Oh
We got nifty up here, dude
Yeah, I mean I don't know if all of them are going to be air dropped I know
Our six already air dropped. I don't know about rune X
I do think this new one. I'll find the name of it that one
I think is going to be an air drop and rune stone is going to be an air drop
I was on rune next you gotta use the platform holding a silly little puppet
Yeah, but you're really not here. Are you are you puffing yet?
I've been but I literally I pulled I put the signal out at point. Oh
Five or some shit like like 10x prior to where we are right now
I don't know. I just thought they were fucking hilarious and I bought like eight of them
Did you get any R6 nifty?
I'm not you know, I'm not touching those
But I'm I'm like honestly, I think I
Used to I faded the fuck out of ordinals or I didn't fade it
I just didn't it was too complicated in the beginning
I'd have like a node you had to do all this stuff people were mining these the Bitcoin punks
They were selling them for like half a Bitcoin someone in a group chat
I mean was like I just sold over for a Bitcoin. I was like
Fuck is this like? Oh you have to download this thing. It takes two days and run it and then do this
I was like, yeah, no, I'm
But nifty the conversation that I had with good things in King Garth
Which like this is it was something I heard and then it's just something that just is like a rent free in my head now
It's bullish on friction things that are difficult to get is
Is better for you to get them before it becomes like way too easy, you know for everybody
Like it's the same thesis that I see with like
With with shit coins and an L1 chains and it's basically the same thing like if you perceive something as a threat
you should fucking buy it and
That's that's it. Like, you know, there's there's shit coins going after shit coins and there's L1's vampire attacking other
L1's and even L2's vampire attacking other L2's if you perceive it as a threat and there's a community behind it
You should probably have some exposure to it. I'm not I'm not you know
That's that's just kind of how I run with things like
Ordinals was a threat to eat NFTs. I didn't see that at the time, but then I
Started noticing like the behavior on Bitcoin is so it's like so refined and it's like such a well-behaved chain
you know you look at other things like Solana and even eat like
The beat the jittery is just not as existent on
Got a threat and I got a I gotta get some Bitcoin and put
To me, I think you're like really what do you say?
Never mind you were rugged. Oh, I was right. Sorry. I was saying like, you know, dude ordinals made Bitcoin fun, I think
eat, but even even better cuz like like the cold like the fees on on Bitcoin because it's such a more developed space is a
Lot cheaper right you have
It moved into a validating system because they couldn't really afford to stake or proof of work eat
They couldn't afford it
They couldn't afford it right. So that's the real reason why eat is that as a steak steak ecosystem, right? So
It's interesting
You said actually when it came to
What the fuck did you say bro, like you're talking about friction and then you're talking about
The threats right so like the thing about a threat is that like this is a threat
I don't think enough people are like
Wrapping their heads around that but like BRC 20s were not great. Okay, like they're very terrible on a technical
And in my opinion like those can I think it's like a threat like the threat came from eat, right?
So this is just the Connor act from Bitcoin
No. Yeah, my point being is that like I think that runes are a threat to BRC 20s
I think BRC 20s I mean and I don't know much about the rune
I just know like Emily Emily honestly was was the source of information. He's like don't touch these
Send it to you know, a brand new wallet send it to yourself
Let it accumulate whatever it's gonna accumulate and then we'll figure it out when it when it drops
But I wouldn't you know, I wouldn't fade these and I was like, you know what? You're right. I I have absolutely no expectations
I remember getting DM saying did you get this in your wallet? You listen your wall and I was like
What is it like it's a ruin I was like fuck is this this is some
Bitcoin shit, I don't understand and they were like it just they sent me a screenshot like it looks like this
Go see if you have in your wallet and I had you know a few of my wallets and I was like, okay
what do I do was told what to do and I did it and like I
I didn't expect this from puppets or from you know holding ordinals. I didn't expect to get any of these
There were no expectations. And so the bar was like already zero and now they're not like what three grand thirty five hundred dollars
And so it's like now it's kind of like, okay
What the hell is this thing? And and I think other people are starting to kind of get it as well
But I think we're so new to this and and it's this is such an early part of the cycle for ordinals
It's like a new brand new and I think that
You know a lot of the newcomers and NFTs they were buying the dumbest shit
And they made a lot of fucking money and they're not very smart and you don't really have to be that smart
You just have to see and like I see golden up here
like this guy's very good with like metas and and figuring out like what's next and you know, he's not he's not a
Aggressive trader, but he kind of he kind of picks up on things and you know, he's in my DM
Oh, I would look at this I would look at that and he's been right about it every single time
So, you know he he was early on the lady wings except for coins
What do you say you were like first in Pepe like early in Pepe and
Ordinals right
I wasn't early in ordinals, but I'm here now and I feel like I'm still early
Yeah, you're early enough. You're definitely early enough like like
Yeah, I mean for those who don't know like we might have some folks in the audience who have no fucking clue
What runes is like runes is a protocol?
Being built by Casey Broda more who's the creator of ordinals. He's building. It's literally 500. Excuse me
500 lines of code that's being built inside the order
the order
Like code base the same code base that launched ordinals
He's actually building this protocol called runes inside it and it's not part of ordinals
Like it's not like it's its own thing like it can actually exist without inscriptions and inscriptions can exist without it
So it's this nice like like maybe you could call it another layer. Maybe you call it another lens
I don't know exactly how to categorize it, but but basically it's it's a thing
It's software that when it goes live at the having like he's got a basically a block height that he's announced where it will go
Everybody will be able to start etching runes etches the verb instead of like inscribe and what that means is it's like creating shit coins
And there's there's a lot of like there's a lot of stuff that we could dig into
I'm not well versed enough to start naming off all the things
But Casey basically has looked at the meta protocols for fundable token standards that exist namely tap BRC 20
You know some that I can't remember off top. I had the other one. There's several he's looked at those and he's gone
He's goes, you know what? I'm gonna design a system that is superior and so we'll see we will see yet to see but based
His track record you know Casey is one of the best Bitcoin engineers in the world
I would say he's one of the best
Artists last engineers on Bitcoin if not the best or most you know most significant for what he's done so far
If he if he succeeds in launching this thing like it's gonna launch a fucking bull market on Bitcoin like we've never seen before
Like it's gonna make things that we've seen before look like small money because it's it's just this is a different market that we're dealing with
So yeah, just a little guy's well-funded, right? I
Mean, yeah, they do they've done bounties and shit where like if they're having a problem
They've paid out Bitcoin to like coders who came in and like helped out and stuff
So I think they're pretty okay when it comes to like run away
So like one of the best things that it's coming from rooms is that it's coming from the same time frame
Remember last year right last year was kicked off by bonk bonk kicked off this like bull market
Into trading right? So like people from Solana got
decimated last year from like let's say
2022 time frame going into 2023 time frame got decimated from FTX and then bond came around and then and
Then Pepe came around right so at like the same time frame
So if you if you remember when Pepe came around that gave a lot of trading volume to a lot of people
But this year, right?
It's going to be launched at the same time that Pepe came around and it's going to be something on Bitcoin
That's going to create that transaction
Euphoria, right? So everyone is going to be tried transacting on
Fucking Bitcoin so much. It's going to create like this euphoria of you missing out and
And it's to be honest. It's the craziest thing that's gonna be created this year, right?
It's going to leave into like a massive full run because everyone on every blockchain is going to feel like
I'm gonna be missing out on like generational wealth, right?
I was coming China's coming China's coming for your runes
I looked in case he said that these are for DJ's by the way
So if you think about shit coins, he said they're for DJ's like they're built for DJ
If you watch the mental Maury on YouTube look of a mental Maury Casey and you need to watch that like understand
What is happening here? Like that's like the best place to start whenever anybody asked me about these runes
I'm like, have you watch the mental Maury by Casey? He's the guy making these he literally has a slideshow
It's literally fucking dope and it's like what 23 minutes or something like you need to watch that
Polish on Asian tryouts washing money with
Yes, the RCs. It's good. Yeah, bro. It's just a coin
They're like their chain smoking cigarettes with 20 of them in a room, you know with a laptop and a solo cup it's
But I will say like the thing I'm most bullish about on Bitcoin I've been thinking about it a lot lately
If you look at these other chains, so you look at Solana you look at eat
You I any any other like cheaper chain
There's a really low barrier to entry to launch something
I mean people are launching something with you know to Solana of liquid $200 of liquidity on a shit coin on
Solana and they're they're rugging it within you know, 30 minutes and the same on eat
They're launching something with you know, $500 that the bar goes a little bit higher on eat with Bitcoin
I feel like there's a very high bar and there's gonna be a lot less
Rugs on Bitcoin. It's gonna be a lot more
protected for a consumer or for a trader on Bitcoin because I mean
I bought I bought some shitty NFTs on Bitcoin, but the majority of the stuff that I bought
You know, it's either stayed the same in price or it's gone up exponentially and I feel like the reason is because you're buying
Sat right. So like one sat is going to go up with the price of Bitcoin
So like whatever that picture is you could always inscribe on that sat that you own
So like the sat that you own has value, right?
So like when you buy a shitty JPEG from any proof of stake
Blockchain that that JPEG literally when you bought it has no value like I am telling you right now
It has a zero value
But like you let's say you buy a shitty JPEG on Bitcoin because you're buying a sat it has value, right?
So you if you could try like transform or like understand what UT XO is, right?
But you could actually move that sat and actually make that sat actually valuable out of that JPEG that you just bought
And take it a step further nifty
I think the money that's coming from Bitcoin like the people that are coming in with money from Bitcoin is gonna be fucking
Biblical like it's gonna shit on every fucking chain in terms of how much money is gonna be entering the ecosystem, you know
When I can shit coin on Bitcoin like proper, I mean that's gonna be a game-changer. There's there's gonna be a lot of
People I mean, I don't know. I don't I don't think the majority people are gonna move
There right away because there is it like I said the barrier to entry is very high
Bitcoin's expensive the transaction costs, you know, they're more expensive than Solana. I'd say they're around the same as eat
Cuz I mean I was trading on on Ethan things got pretty high during you know, the height of meme coin season
but I do think that shit coining on Bitcoin and
and trading just NFT trading in general shit coining on Bitcoin. I think it's gonna be
More profitable than other chains and I like I'm here for the profits and I'm not exactly here for the technology
But I do think like it's gonna start a new meta where there's there's devs
and teams that have a broader vision than just
PvP on chain bullshit and they're gonna try to build this into the next thing and I think I
Truly believe that because the barrier to entry is so high
Our things are not good
her crazy BRC 20 volume, but I even think we talk about like node monks and
how there's unprecedented volume on Bitcoin, but so there's
14 or 1,400 Bitcoin, which is just it is crazy
But that's 60 million dollars and I always go back to like the fact that moonbirds fucking minted for fucking 80 million
So like we're not even close yet
not even close and
I was gonna say oh man
Yeah, go ahead. I don't know if you look at top. This is a Bitcoin public space. The public's worse a G
I did like honoraries. He's doing honoraries. He's doing 420 of them
So that's gonna take a while. But like go on go give a pup an honor a bro
I'll see y'all a baby get him in there, bro. Fuck
I need a fucking honorary dude. You need an honor. You need to go get someone with the honorary person
So you need to get somebody to go nominate you at the day one
He made a post of this and he was like hey like I'm looking for honoraries and then like I don't know what happened
I woke up
I was tagged in the fucking discord whatever and then there's like a little
Section that we got and he has like an honorary thing where he wants you explain what you're into
What kind of person you are a couple different questions and he makes these cute little fucking honorees and he's fucking inscribing them into
A collection which will be max 420
So I think that's fucking bullish dude
Like look a lot of these projects do this shit and they do this shit fucking before they drop
They give it to all the fucking top people in spaces who fucking are larping and they just don't fucking care and they just do that
to build hype
He's doing this like after the hype and he's fucking doing it in a dope way
So it's gotta give him flowers for that bro
Like there's gonna be a whole ass collection honoraries that are actual people in the community and this is in here
So it's g-shirt. It's not cheap to do this though. Is it? No
I know he put out an address and I think some people donated and they're like helping out and stuff
But it's a really cool thing that he's put together though
Like it's gonna be a whole collection on ordinals and that'll be the honoraries
But that'll be from within the community not just people to build hype or anything like that and they're like personal bro
Like when I get one like, you know
It's gonna be like I gotta get that thing on my PFP whether it's on my hand or what but like 100% like I'm so hyped
I've never really been or they had a fucking honorary bro. And like yeah most of the time it's for fucking marketing, bro
It's that's it. It's just for fucking marketing and people wear it just to fucking whatever they get a couple free enough teas and they cheat
That's not this so that's it's really cool. It's like the opposite counterculture honoraries
I fucking like it a lot. So I want to give him flowers for that shit. It's fucking bullish, bro
100% and I'm not gonna I'm not gonna lie like I'm going on record
I need a pup honorary like I've never really wanted an honorary all that bad came in there with a node monk on bro. I
Know dude, they they ate me a fucking live dude, like I don't I don't want one dude
I think that's did you and they're like
They're horrendous I'm gonna get you an honorary golden they're horrendous get golden and honorary
Or whatever his name is, I'm saying I need an honorary
Before I forget I know I was gonna say cuz Nifty was talking about friction
So there is friction like I don't know if you're talking just in terms of cost like we talked about this plenty of times
Like Bitcoin is is the chain for the rich like it's still it's still like low enough for the poor to enter
But eventually it does get to that point
Just like we saw with fucking punks and apes and all you know
Like at some point everything is like entry-level and I think we're still there right now
But at some point it's not gonna be anymore
But in terms of like just the reduction and friction like the magic even wallet fucking those chads
They you could just fucking swap straight into Bitcoin like in the wallet and then go buy fucking ordinals
Like that's a game-changer and I was talking about was initially
Having to have a node and having to run like do this whole
Thing that I have never heard about
When they were first meeting those punks and like those type of things. I think the friction has gone away
Since magic Eden has put like I don't I think I have
What is it called ordinal? Well, I thought or first ordinal. I bought was on the discord. I totally thought I was getting rubbed
I had to fill out a spreadsheet and I'd do all this thing and they sent it to like an ordinals wallet and
I've never used the ordinals wallet ever again, but that was the marketplace initially and I think magic Eden
You know a lot about friction away. It probably has
RC. Yeah, you should check that wallet, bro
That's a good call
English dude, what's up, man?
Yo, yo, no, I just saw King Arth's PFP and I just wanted to tell him that it kind of fucks hard
So our I thought so is I guess you gotta give a shout out to loud pack the ghost
He's a G puppet. He did this and I was like nah like that's it
Like these are like the he's like the unhinged fucking Bitcoin mugs
You just put a puppet on your hand on your regular PFP. It's fucking G. Yeah. No, I like I like the mask
I like the wizard had I like the fucking puppets. I like I like everything about it didn't it fucks really hard
Yeah, as soon as I may I was gonna fucking call it the olive brown
I was like nah, I gotta do this. He's like I might have to do that. I was like, yeah, you might
Everybody might have to do this if you have a puppet and you're in another community that you want to rep
But you really love the puppets. So you want to wrap them to just put it on your hand, bro
You put the maw glasses on why not do this? Yeah, I don't know like I'm not a big puppet fan
I know that's not a popular thing to say here Wow, but like I really like it with like it off the stage
No, that's fucked up
Is my favorite bold motherfucker
I'm in prison
I'm on boarding you worry about our
PFP is talking shit about puppets. He wasn't about arsenic either at a point. So you got to kind of be careful
It's what you trust. Yeah
Yeah, if you if you want to send me any taproot wizards that you have
I'll give you any amount of puppets for you all your way. He's just showing your bags, bro
That's all you just want to be able to buy those
Somebody said like it was mocking me like with my PFP like yeah
I'm willing to do that trade all day do like in fact, I'll give you ten puppets for one wizard
So just yeah, he's bullish on puppets. He just can't say it cuz I would he is fine, dude
We don't need to it's fine. It's fine. You don't need to say
Intelligent forces like he's got every one of them on
Tracker right now. So yes, we know we know you love the top roots and you hate the puppets
No, I don't hate the puppies. I just went twice if you're being held hostage. Well, I do I am I do by the idea
There is a certain element to that that actually has a certain element of truth. I don't hate the puppets
I just I didn't see them and it didn't like hit like for me like the way that
God I'm having flashbacks to eat bro. Everybody fated me for seals for a year, bro
Everybody shut the fuck up. These things are bullish seals are bullish. I love
I love the people meeting with them. I love the people vibing with them
Dude, like I think it's dope like I just it's some things are for you and some things are not they like that's fine
It's fine. You you are our sick now. They're right. Well, let's hold on
Let's I want to get into like bowl case for puppets because the R6 bowl case is being fucking blasted out there
I'd like my puppets to get a little bit higher so I can rebalance
But I mean honestly like I was bullish on these fucking things like even before the mint and then obviously we didn't get to mint
And then I went on secondary and I picked up a bunch. I sniped a few hoodies
I don't know if that's even gonna work out
I don't know if there's gonna be a he look pretty premium, but I just saw hoodies and was like, that's obvious
Can I be honest about something so like you really like it was the connotation that like
So, you know how sometimes there's like one person that's really vocal about something it'll take you
So there's just one dude that was bullposting about it and I'm super bearish on him
And so it tainted my world of like video puppets. And if it wasn't dude, I'm right here. Just fucking
Yeah, everybody's bullish. You gotta deal with that, you know
What am I getting my damn fucking cat
You really don't understand the tabroot wizard ethos like this mother
This motherfucker gave me a wizard and it's not even in my wallet
Dude, like this guy has no this guy does not want to give part ways with any of his inscriptions all the taproot wizards
Are in his wallet?
And they're still in his wallet, like are you motherfuckers not learning dude like nobody's
I'm only learning
It's only where I learn
Better be these puppets are gonna straight to sudden reason English is gonna go. All right, I got a shout
I got a shout out some people. We got a rocket girl. We got melted. We got John
We got dad mod soon to be pup mod. We got start talker to you soon to be pup talker tease. Dr. Crypto Rocky
Y'all I don't know what you're doing. Get up here y'all. Let's eat bar
Shovel snow unblocked me. Thank God melted. I miss you. Let's go
I want to I want to hear people's, you know, what are you thinking about puffs long-term? I'm super bullish on them
I think they're gonna like they're an obvious fucking win in this in this cycle like for a PFP
We got too many we got too many people
We got too much culture and we got too much of a fucking forward momentum for this to not work in my opinion
We're getting into everything. There's a lot of really deep-seated ordinal people that are holders
Like it's not just a bunch of fucking unhinged weirdos, you know, it seems like that sometimes
But I think that's foolish to be honest puppets go to Sara, which is like, okay bears level that's
I'm not a salon. I am effort
Okay, there shit
From somebody who's not a father as somebody who's not a folder
off the stage
Let me just stop in I'm
You guys some giving you some outside perspective so you can be outside your echo chamber. Just chill out a second
So it was one of two things
It was either gonna be a fad and go away or it was gonna be like a perennial meme the same way that like
The ladies of efforts or like, you know, that kind of things and it might wax and wane in popularity
But I think at this point based on bitcoins history, it's already kind of reached that level
So I don't know it might fade away it might this but I don't think the puppets are going that way anytime soon
That's my outside perspective from being a non-holder and keep fading them. I think they're gonna do great
I just think it's already reached like that escape velocity not necessarily from a price price point, but just from like
Even reaching outside of to some extent like the BTC ordinal kind of thing
It's really hard to like get into the aetherium Solana community and there's like some eat them at first fucking with it
So just because it's done that and I really haven't seen like yeah
You've seen like goosin olds and a couple other like things kind of get popular
But I think those were really like plays that were like, okay, let me get some exposure to Bitcoin
This is a 10k collection. It has volume. I'll buy one and hope the price goes up
PFP and making memes and like everything that it takes to have a long-term community. So just because it's like the first meme
Freeman, you know ride it kind of thing. I think that means something. I think it's different enough
So I really don't see them. I could see like a year from now still being pretty relevant to be honest
You said you were gonna get us out of our echo chamber. You just basically more bullshit
And and why don't you have one English? I wasn't I wasn't how long are you gonna wait here?
I wasn't I wasn't gonna say I was gonna say something negative about it
I really thought it was one of those two things and had you asked me
You know three weeks ago or whatever. I probably would have just said hey
It's gonna be one of the two and I left it at that. I think it's already we did ask us that we did and you
Were like not for me and it's doing really but it's too expensive the price the price is like money for you
Though you get it back. Can you get it back down to point zero zero five when I first saw them? No, no
That's not happening. One thing I will say that I'm incredibly bullish on is that like think about this for a second most puppies
Most of us have a bunch of our sick or are gonna hold and they're all talking about that
Imagine if a community did really well with these are six because they got dropped and then they're growing into a bull market
With a bunch of fucking money. I'm pretty bullish on that. What do you consider a lot?
uh, well, I bought more but you know, I think that a good
At least a few and I think a good amount of puppets that I know don't really plan
I like they're very bullish on runes. So I think that a lot of puppets are gonna do very well
That's my point is that a lot of the community members themselves will be uh, pretty well set to go into a bull market
Which I think can kickstart more higher going back to what I said initially like it was a free drop
You don't even have to pay for gas to claim it. It just popped up in our wallet
So like it's part of the it's part of the lore at this point. It's like, okay, we got this thing
It was worth like what?
$400 initially we were told to send it to ourselves. We didn't pay for gas to claim it. We didn't know it was coming
We weren't hyped on it. We didn't know anything about it
We just knew okay, send it to yourself to activate it and you might get a shit coin down the line
Okay, cool. So we're gonna send it to ourselves to activate and we're gonna shit going down
Like, you know, I'm not I'm not gonna sell these I have no idea what they go to
I'm not gonna make a price prediction. I have no idea. I don't know much about them, but it's worth more than the puppet. I
Bought puppets at you know, what?
$200 each
Those things are worth like well, I don't even know what they're worth a couple grand to grand and the arctic is worth
three grand
Who's gonna complain about that nobody's a lot of hands. That's all friends. Well, we got to go to hand
We got grands and hands. Let's go to Johnny
Yeah, what's up with y'all bro, yeah, what's up, what's up king I like
Like your change to your PFP, bro. I like like the little seal with the little puppets on the hands. I
Like that. Thanks, bro. Yeah, I like that. We got a thumbs down from cypher D's. He's not fucking with your drip
That's not even Jack the swag first though
Yeah, dude, you got another PFP you could throw your little puppers on your hands dude, I think we all should yeah
We're cross-community fucking blending. Also, I'm marketing the fuck out of this by doing this
So I don't have to tell you this bullish for you guys
For sure. I'm a pioneer. You need to put these on your hands like mogs, bro. No, that's that's that's that's real
That's real for show
That's real for show
My point is with all this dude imagine the pups just make a fuckload of money because they get into everything because they're pups
Yeah, that's actually a really good point. That's a really good
Fucking god damn it Johnny or what's his name was fucking talking about it, dude
That their pups are gonna get a distribution of that fucking token. They're dropping. So like the best
Which token which token? Let me find that I'm pennant
Drug token is coming and I do hope that that does well because I have I probably have a decent allocation there
That's also gonna be a very large
Like I don't know exactly how it's gonna work if it's gonna get prop straight in or what to be honest
I need to do a lot of I can send it right to you
I can I can I tell you you guys yeah. Yeah, please I'm gonna tell you this like
you guys are going to do well, it's going to be airdrop right into your wallet and
Yeah, you guys are gonna make a nice little bag
Bullish. Yeah, I'm like what they're doing. We're on their space earlier. It was actually fucking lit
I'm not gonna get into all the details. I miss it
But yeah, no if we could give us like a summary because I need to do homework on I was gonna
Yeah, alpha could you do can you break that down cuz it's I'm too bullish on this shit to be honest
So Jason fang he tweeted. Well, oh my bad. Go ahead alpha
No, go ahead dude, go ahead. Yeah, let's get the Jason fang and then there's too much out there. Let's go
Jason fang said he tweeted the other day which was shared in the puppet chat
He's like we've taken feedback from communities and learned to be more inclusive or survey
So here's a new poll which community should we air drop the karma token to and they fucking obliterated it
The puppets like voted it into fucking hell and then I tweeted
What the fuck did I tweet I think I pinned it I put common puppet W went karma and he replied soon
So run it. Should we be putting our puppets up into separate wallets?
Okay, cool
More drops I got a great but some be careful because like some I think you might need like too many three like nobody knows
I own 14 on bees and I got like for
Arctic I got like five per room
fucking Chris
Damn bro. Okay, you're you're a different. Yeah, but I was telling me to sell them. I'm gonna shame you right now. It's okay
I told you to get it
Take I'll tell you you wanted to buy more. That's it. He was putting your bags
In the hands of the truth, like, you know, like like where's the lizard at?
Why of all the fuck? Oh, wait, I see what you're doing. Okay, motherfucker
Anyway back back to bull posting. Go ahead. Don't fill my ears with sweet. Nothing's everybody now
These the ring we're getting the ring token. It's gonna be fucking good
Saturn's gonna be like a really easy way to drop these things to you
Right, like essentially so like you'll just get him for free and then like yeah like alpha saying like I think it's gonna be
Pretty good drop as well
but like point being is we're just getting into everything like they're not even trying and like when a community gets into
Everything and when they start making money together and when they really start pushing
There's a momentum that happens that we've seen on other chains that like puts them in front and it puts them in front of attention
Economy and like attention is what you need in order to like keep going bro
And like making more money is what you need to keep going and to be real money is the best fucking advertising
We all know that shit airdrops fucking everything. That's the best fucking advertising if you're making money people are gonna be interested
They're gonna want to fucking see what's going on
So like if all of these things are all happening to pups specifically
I think higher bro
And I think like that's they're already established in the ecosystem where they came out of nowhere people like okay
This makes fucking sense culturally relevant and now they're part of all these different fucking things these new protocols coming out
Like we're getting onboarded into shit that like as like people in web 3 and Bitcoin
Well, I might have not have gotten into like I probably wouldn't have gotten into most of this shit if I didn't have a puppet
So I think that that's why it's like longer standing like like making money is the best fucking advertisement. That's fucking simple
That's what people are here for I want to get I was actually gonna ask Leo anyway
I'm glad you raised your hand, but and this is this is a puppet space
You don't need to raise your hand. Just have some decorum. Don't scream over each other
But but Leo I want to get your perspective on this you're you're definitely a legend in the in the space
Watching all things watching more than most so yeah, but what's your take awesome? Yeah, man. Thank you so much for
Getting me on stage. Yeah, I was just
thinking about what King of said when it comes to the attention and all the stuff and also what you guys
Asked earlier when it comes to puppets and English takes
English take I
Think personally I really agree with with English and what King offset when it comes to attention especially for project
For a project like the puppets because I think they are really attention-based kind of project when it comes to
Like attention on the timeline and doing all these memes kind of stuff
You know like exactly the kind of stuff that we have seen on the theorem with
sappy seals and my ladies and MFS I
Think not every project needs this kind of attention of course we have like the the collections with super strong provenance
Like ordinal punks or rocks and the stuff these things don't really need to see a lot of attention on the timeline
Because you know they they have the provenance of course and collectors just collect these things based on that
but for puppets, of course, it's it's a really attention-based thing and
What we have seen is the the art like English said it's been a very early
Freeman's which perfectly
With it was just at the perfect timing. I think as well
Because it wasn't really a saturated
Kind of style when it comes to the art in the in the ordinal space, you know a lot of teachings
Wanted to probably get some kind of a PFP
Like this and I think it's also hard to replicate in the future
Because you know, you can be the greatest artist in the world
but this this won't get you found because the puppets aren't based on the
necessarily on the quality of the art itself, but
On how it hits the
Culture and the people in the space
It is the greatest are in the world. I don't know what this guy's
In my PFP to be honest like the art is the artist fire
I just mean it's not higher because of the quality itself
It's just fire because it resonates with the people and
No, but I think like as a general person like I would rock this like if I was not like an NFT
Or no, I would rock this fucking just like I would tag this on my snowboard, right? Like yeah
Yeah, no, I think Leo you're walking a dangerous tightrope here
In risky, but yeah, I give you're saying the culture part was nice. You didn't need to say that art, but it's
It's supposed to piss you off. I feel like it's supposed to provoke some sort of emotion
Usually when you hate something so much you end up loving it like couple weeks couple months down the line
Did you love my art like of my PFP right? Cuz you know, it actually grew on me
I thought it was dumbest shit. I've ever seen when it first came out. I thought but it gets
Bro, like it gets you like fuck this makes me anxious and like man. I saw people burning punks for it
I was like, this is so fucking dumb. And now I'm like this motherfucker, right? Yeah, I was like, you know what?
It's it's not so bad. It's pretty cool. I think they're pretty bad
He's like I am that motherfucker, right? Like I will tell you how it is at all times are
Real quick. I got a shout out
We got we got a puppet down in the audience who I think does something with protocol services at Massari
Do I don't know if you're free. Do if I shot you an invite, but would love to have you join the conversation
Let's go over to cypher D's
You know as a go-guess
Like this conversation, but yeah with regards to Leo, I think value is very subjective
I mean you probably I think a lot of people agree with that
But then you tie in art and it's like leveraging that subjectivity. So I mean to some people, you know, the art is shit
It doesn't really matter the end of the day. I mean, so the Bitcoin and scribe put like sats and scrap of pizza
Obviously now people think they're more valuable for some reason. So I mean, I just want to
Get at the point that like everything is so subjective and I guess that's what creates the value like whether or not
In someone might think something has way more value like Bitcoin, you know, that's why it's going up. Yeah
No, I mean I I'm oh
Sorry, go ahead. Well, I mean Bitcoin's obviously tied to mining difficulty
So some people like to say it's hard money
But it's there, you know, it's not gonna be what it's worth today without that speculation of the future increase
Yeah, I mean it took it took Bitcoin fucking well over a decade right to get to where it is today
I mean it took it like years to get to any kind of like recognized like stable not even stable
But like people like okay, this is this is actually really a thing right first couple years
You couldn't even get people to buy a fucking pizza with it
Maybe it was to you. I forget how long what was that 2011 but it's like I've had I've had people tell
You know, I've heard people say this over and over again
Like when you talk to people outside of our industry, you know about Bitcoin they're like, well, it's only got value because people
You know believe it's got value and it's like that's literally everything in our fucking world
Like that's how economics works dude. Like that's why we have market cycles
That's why our currencies are doing what they're doing
It's why we get into wars and shit like it literally our whole reality is based on social consensus
I mean there are anyway, I don't want to get too deep down to fill. I want to get one more question or comment
Yeah, I mean I started Bitcoin like 2012 mining it and just like getting drugs on the silk road
And I was back in college and then if I saved a little bit
But yeah, like today, you know that the country we're so fucked in that and all we have to do is theoretically
We have a ton of Bitcoin in the US government's the selling way that Bitcoin which drives me crazy
like they should just advertise that they should put like a Bitcoin symbol of rocket ships, you know, we're sending Bitcoin to the moon and
We should start buying Bitcoin on the moon
Like and storing the data on the moon. There's a note up there perhaps already, you know, that's really securing the technology
but they're
They're selling Bitcoin. It's reasonable sense today
So the power in the world after an ETF passes to you know
Push that momentum forward and then drive the price higher and then we could leverage our Bitcoin
So question for you
I I know a lot of people that have lost Bitcoin over the years like one of my good friends
There's a paper wallet out there somewhere with like 10 or 10 to 12 Bitcoin in it. He just fucking well
He I forget what happened. I think he logged out of his his his
Fucking browser without saving the seed phrase or some some some kind of bullshit
But has so my people lost a lot of Bitcoin, but you you literally were smoke rolling it up and smoking it
How long did it take you before like how what was like the the road of like getting out of the agony of doing that?
for you like
Um, well, yeah started 2012. I mean I had well over
Hundreds, I mean it was only like a few cents. I don't think it was a dollar when I started mining Bitcoin in my dorm
Then when coinbase went live it went up to like 70 bucks and that's what I bought most of it
But I've lost so much parents
I mean a lot like the most important thing is just like not your keys at your points
I've lost the point the the biggest holding was cripsy without what the font I think I was like the fifth holder in those
But you know, I got a lot of it
How big of a Pepe bag holder? Yes are your banner?
How much um, I I mean I bought date to I bought 80 billion
Pepe and then the fucking go I mean I sold it to I sold most with my car
so about an Audi in three
Keep it simple. So
Yeah, and then yeah, then I moved from you know, Bitcoin I continuously like I felt like there's something missing from Bitcoin
So I've moved to doge and then then I moved then I got an eef pre-sale then a V chain
Then I I lost like all like the majority of my beach. It doesn't leave that thing. I
Fractured seed phrase that's worth like 800k right now DM me if you want to fucking try and figure this out
So I've been trying to do it for a while
Keep trying buddy one day. That's dude. I've tried
Every it's like I don't give up. Don't give up man. My computer's not gonna be out
Don't know how it happened
Yeah, make sure when you when it's not your keys not your coins
Make sure you record those seeds and keep them in a safe
Probably, you know multiple places and might be for your own good
You never know you might you might unlock those keys, you know when bitcoins a lot higher. So
We're gonna we're gonna pray for you
Yeah, honestly like all the sort of sarcasm joking aside
That's fucking that's a crazy road you've been on
But you're a fucking legend for being here like for making it through all of that
Like I've definitely gone through some paper losses myself
Over the past couple you really just over the 2021 2022 cycle
The biggest one being NFT world, which is now hytopia world
but I was actually it was talking with my my business partner polymath about this and
basically for me like the just back to the R6 like the closest analogy I have personally to my own experience is in a few worlds because
Those things like we knew there so I minted them in October 2021. This was a collection on aetherium
They were building a basically a Minecraft clone essentially
and we knew there was going to be an airdrop and we knew that it was based on a rarity and
For like a whole month these things were oscillating between point one and point two
E and I was just sniping rares like pretty rare ones. I still have them
But essentially that like that work that I was doing just fucking sitting there trying to snipe the rares
I should have just been loading up like on fucking I could have bought a lot of these things
But because nobody was buying them I was like, well, maybe I'm fucking wrong here
You know like the I got flooded out just because nobody around me saw it and I would explain it to people and they're like
Yeah, we don't care. Um
But like within within like two or three months like that like ten grand that I spent turned into like
Basically close to a million dollars on paper and I'm not saying it's exactly the same fucking thing here
But it's similar right like there's basically money trapped in these inscriptions and there's gonna be more too
Like like this fucking rug airdrop who knows how much that's gonna be worth
but like you basically have like like a
You know like there's a new meta of like points, right?
And like people are getting allocated this rug token based on just inscriptions that they hold
And all you got to do is go and basically connect your wallet
You gotta deposit a UT XO for around. I don't know what it is today like around 40 to 60 bucks
Maybe maybe 80 bucks
But it's like little little bit of friction there
But there's gonna be a multitude of these things and to King our point just to tie it back to puppets like there's puppets
There's node monks. There's frogs. There's uh, there's fucking
There's gonna be the cats. There's there's OMBs. Like honestly, I had no idea. He's got so much such a large allocation
It makes sense. It really does
But yeah, like there's there's not there's only a handful of fucking collections here that are actually like have sort of shown themselves to be
Like kind of the it thing of this run who knows that they all make it to the next run
But as far as this run like these are collections that we kind of like we have a good signal that these are gonna be it
And there's going to be more of that come but how many more right?
like that's the question on my mind because it is getting cheaper in terms of like
You know bear to entry like it's getting easier to launch collections of inscriptions. I've got a lot of people
Hit me up just in the last month
And the fees right now are relatively low, but at a certain point those fees go really high
And probably stay at a higher floor
But like how many like good collections can actually come right and I know there's gonna be more
But it's like we already kind of have this school of like like ones that are they're pretty solidified
So, I don't know. I wanted to kind of like ask people that question as well. Like
How many more collections like do you think at this point?
There's a collection that will come in supplant like in the 10k category puppets or node monks. Yes or no
Yeah, I definitely do and I think like that collection is going to give back to the community
And I'm sorry that you spent like your NFT world because that was actually one of my biggest plays
I flipped NFT world for like 11 eat for 4k eat back in the day
That shit pumps so hard like literally I'm like a mentor of like a lot of shit on the eat back back
early eat
But NFT world pumped but I think from like an and if like an ordinal standpoint
Collections right now that are going to give incentives to the communities are going to pump because we're in this meta of giving
Back to the community and it's going to let those communities kind of grow and develop in the in the eco space
Right because we don't get royalties out here, right? So like if someone wants to actually build something from scratch
Like one thing as a founder you have to give those MFers or people that are hungry money
And how can you do that?
Airdrop them and how can you sustain them give them deliverables like airdropping them again, right?
So I see that's going to be a common like thread
Between like every airdrop that they do because like you have to maintain some sort of treasury, right?
Like we're not all tapu wizards, right tapu wizards got seven million dollars, right? Not everyone's getting seven million dollars
How do you make that money get a fucking dope-ass community and make sure that they believe on you and build the fucking cult?
Tapper is actually seven and a half million and then I think like 15 million coming in on on Monday. So there they've got a
nice little
But um, you know good things
Question for you or really anybody
So will there be another collection?
You know like from PFP standpoint
Arcyk like opened my eyes to
to something that I would never even expected like the fact that they
sub 150 or sub 200 inscription and like the distribution mechanics behind it
So the question I have is like how much weight or how much value is put in to?
Like that parent inscription if some you know, if that becomes a meta or you know
We're we're using a super low inscription numbers as a parent to launch maybe intra
Maybe is maybe a 10 kpfp that we haven't even thought of like being possible
like it because our sick took everyone by kind of storm like
Is that even is there value and stuff like that that?
That that we may be like it like kind of like it's a blind side that we're not really thinking about
So what I mean issues I had oh, sorry
Yeah, no, I mean just quickly like it's I think it's the same question of the like sub 100k debate
Like sub 100k matters as long as there's like quality there, right?
There's a ton of shit that was sub 100k or even sub 10k
They're like it's just it's like there's literally like family photos
I've seen like, you know
Like that never inscribed sub 10k and like nobody's fucking buying that and if you launch a collection as that's the parent
unless there's some crazy story or art or arc there that people buy in like so it I think the reason our six are are
Taking things by storm is because even though we don't know who it is
Like like you kind of like for mentioning earlier, like I think it's not just me but a lot of people
Understand that like the quality that that went into implementing and executing this like means that the people behind it are
Our quality people in terms of what they are able to accomplish. And so there's some some like kind of like implied or
Yeah, I guess like implied trust that we have in this team, even though we don't know who they are
And and that it and the fucking you know, like the inscriptions that they're using are notable like this is a conversation
Apparently I need to go actually dig up the tweet
But apparently between Casey and Rock Toshi right to legendary figures in the very beginning early days of ordinals
Like that's what those two inscriptions are pointing to
But yeah, some people who don't know like you can launch a runes collection
Like you can launch like the entire supply of a runes from any inscription that you own so you can use it as a parent
And so we're absolutely gonna see that as a thing, but it won't matter like it won't bring value to the runes
Unless there's like you gotta have a total package, right? So it's one aspect of it. It's so it's I guess it's uh
It's not sufficient right like it's not necessary, but it's definitely not a sufficient condition for for uh, mooning a runes collection
Yeah, I I definitely agree with that because like anyone can just come off the street and just grab like and buy and uh like
a low inscription number and create a 10k like I think that 10k meta of like being the first 10k with a low inscription
Like is not relevant like relevant because like let's say someone grabs inscription zero, right?
And they're like, oh, okay. I am the first 10k now. Like what what are you gonna do?
Oh, come on, dude, description zero would be I mean that in itself would be
But imagine if this arctic team like, you know after the distribution
Did a 10k just to the top 10k
No, uh claimers and it was like tied into the whole thing like like there's crazy shit
I think that I don't know if that that would be valuable but
uh with rarity based on like whoever had whoever mined the most or who knows like I think it's all about the stickiness and
I think the staking mechanism was the best part right like they made like
They made proof of work to be proof of work and stake
Yeah, that's the easiest thing right that's awesome good things. Can you re-inscribe an inscription?
Like can you write data over it?
You can't write over but you can append so re-inscription is like an append operation
So like you can always tag an id to an inscription
So like think about it as a tree. So like the top level tree as that 126 inscription
I will be able to inscribe another id to that inscription and then I will be always
Until that inscription is live and not sent to another wallet. That is not completely your custody
I will always be able to inscribe an id to that inscription always
You know the the other crazy thing about this whole like the the whole you brought up the uh,
like arctic
um, I guess the the gamification of it is that that one of those last sentences says that it talks about that raffle and
For each consecutive block that's that that you hold the arctic like you get more tickets for a bigger distribution at the end
To me that's just like that is just such a killer fucking component
because it really makes you like it's like that that that added piece of
You want to hold this these things for consecutive blocks because you know that allocation is between
one and five percent
um, you know five different allocations one percent two percent three of the fully diluted, um
ruined supply
and then that that that whole piece of like
the consecutive blocks, I mean it's no wonder that
Out of a 21,000 piece collection, there's like 600 of these things for sale
Like it's it's really worked incredibly well on the on the psyche of making people want to hold these things
And and it's not just that it's the whole fucking package like we keep talking about there's so many different
just wildly interesting and
Not even low-key brilliant just pure brilliant like mechanics that that were put into this. It's it's really something incredible
Just just to like I don't know if you guys explained what this is
You know, like i'm sure there's people in here that don't know what the fuck any of this is
The arctic tldr the arctic basically was airdrop to a bunch of people for x amount of reasons whether you bought ordinals
at certain stats, whatever the fuck it is, um at certain block heights, but um
They're basically mining runes, which is what is going to be
The next thing at the next bitcoin happening. So they're quote unquote mining runes and what emily's talking about is
The longer you keep the rune in the same wallet that you have
It in that you have it in the more they're going to reward you
For holding it, etc, etc. That sort of deal. So yeah, the game the gamification of this is fucking insane. They did they definitely did a
Great job with like all that
You know, yeah and speculation they spent a lot of money. I haven't actually I haven't seen anybody
I don't know alpha or leo if you guys know
or orking are like
How much money was spent to execute the airdrop?
But like it's a significant amount of money that they spent to do this. So
So the money they spent it was not the like the price to send these
That was the price right to send the transaction to pay the men
Like the mempool fee was what it was but like inscribing these
They were not that expensive. They were like literally minimal fees because they're doing recursive instructions. They're doing a text file
Actually html file, right? So like it's that's not costly when you when you I know I know that but when you say minimal fees
Like I understand all that
So what you have to calculate is
21 airdrops times the mempool fee and that's like what it was
Right. So like let's say if there's 21 sas per v byte at the time that's like two dollars per sas per v byte
So you can multiply that times whatever
Um the uh airdrop too, right? So that's that's the number
That they really paid for
Um, so like it's so if it was yeah, if it was two dollars per that's 42 grand
You know if it was ten dollars per that's that's a lot more
But like no matter what dude, that's that's a significant amount of money for somebody to spend
On on anything in this space like that. That's a lot of money for people. That's what i'm pointing out
Like like uh, if you're if you're planning to like pull some shenanigans
You don't I mean, maybe maybe you do
Um, but like that's a that's a pretty good amount of money, right? Because like I don't know
Mempool fees, I think it's like I think it's cheap, you know
Um, it's yeah, I get what you mean though. It is like a nice. No, it's it's super. It's super
Yeah, no, like they did it again. This points to the technical prowess of the team
But what i'm saying is like they're dude look at all I mean, you know better than than probably damn near everybody alpha
Like look at all the inscribed to own bullshit
Right where like they're putting the cost on the user on the collector or whatever the speculator
Like this team didn't put the cost on they didn't even announce it, right?
they just fucking
They they spent the time to create the collection first of all, which you're you're either
Even if they had the in-house, which i'm sure they probably did
Um, those people have opportunity costs like everyone on the team whoever however many people were involved here
They all got opportunity costs or they and or they had to pay people
Not just you know, the actual fees themselves, but the fees themselves were very significant
Like I you know, I come from a team where you know
We were we were faced with a lot of fees and we had to think about you know
how to like mitigate those and and and so anyways, it's
it's an important part of the
The puzzle or whatever this this whole mystery that that most people probably don't grok because they don't you know
People are new to ordinals
But like this was a significant amount of money that was spent to put this whole thing together
Just so far right and we don't know exactly what they're going to do
Um, you know and you know from here to
From here on out, but it just to start it. It was it was significant about money. Um,
Cypherd's I knew you had your hand up. Uh, go ahead. Um, yeah, it was on the
Oh, yeah, um regarding like re-inscriptions
um, I don't know if that's possible, but I was thinking about like psbt's and um,
I guess you can like batch and scribe psbt's
um, like if you want to you know, say
you passed away and you wanted your family members to
Get a certain amount of btc in your will you could literally like submit
You could you could put back descriptions on the blockchain and then give them a code
And if they know your wallet they can just sign up that partially signed bitcoin transaction. I know someone that did this
Hadn't been in the past way yet, but it's a pretty interesting like way
Decentralize well, I guess
Keep your funds decentralized and not have to deal with like
Lawyers or anything as far as like getting your funds to your family members
And it's just a little I think about
100 there's there's a lot of interesting things you can do with bitcoin and and um
Like i'm starting to realize them in real time because I like many people I knew about bitcoin
That was always my strongest conviction in crypto
But once nfts came around in 2021 22 when we started hitting that bull market, I was like here's where all the money's flowing right now
Um, so I just I just started paying attention and you know began and actually started working full-time in ethereum
um, but like
We're seeing in real time like actual building happening on uh on bitcoin
And that was the the point that jason fang was making in the spaces earlier
And I think he's made it several times is that like as a vc
He's he's literally like putting a ton of money
Like feeding the speculation because he knows as a very successful venture capitalist that speculation leads to actual utility
And there's interesting to hear him say
Tonight that like he thinks a lot of people, you know are are are kind of well
Of the people who know about runes, which is a very fucking small percentage like probably can
You know the people in this room and then like a handful other people actually understand
What's going to happen with runes or have a have a thesis about it?
Of those people there's there's many of us who are like, okay
Well, what happens after runes right like and it was interesting to hear him talk about like then comes actual real utility
And so yeah
I mean like we we have a lot of shit that bitcoin
That is going to be possible for bitcoin to do and just shouting back to you know
Udi and the team like they are dedicated to making that become a reality like they're literally this whole
You know opcat thing is all about bringing in
New functionality to bitcoin core with the opcat, you know
Code and so yeah, there's there's just there's a ton of stuff like that
Basically everybody outside of like, you know kind of the most bitcoin core people
Understand that like it's it's possible to do on bitcoin and now we're in for in the first time like in history
I think we're actually seeing like the wheels turned because before it was talked about but it was made
for a number of reasons kind of like
People put a stop to it pretty quickly and now like with forces of like udi
And all of us ordinals mf is like it's it's going to be
going to be pretty much impossible to stop it at this point like the
The dam's been broken and we're going to see a lot of
But something like that is I mean that's a that's a meaningful change to the code base
and historically
Like to get change
Okay, historically and obviously like maybe ties are shifting
But like changes to a bitcoin code base
Are mulled over for months years?
like so meticulously like combed over
Um, I mean this isn't this isn't a a short journey, is it?
No, 100% not emily. And I and I think that's why they gave uh two options, right?
You're alive or dead, right?
So like they tried to like give everyone the story behind what opcat is, right?
So like opcat was actually taken away by satoshi himself, right? So if you guys don't know that
You you guys shouldn't like understand what opcat is, right?
So like it was giving too much power to create another attack vector on bitcoin, right?
So like bitcoin should be simple money simple transactions simple going to the mempool and actually transact
Right. So they're giving that storyline and I think that's the cool part and I think that's what the narrative is
behind opcat is that you have to decide and they're trying to build a community to actually make bitcoin like
Great again and like to be honest myself i'm against it
um, but I I believe on like what they're trying to do in like regards to the storyline and try to give uh
The community their choice and consensus, right? So it's all about consensus in bitcoin
So like even if like a bip a vip gets rejected a bitcoin, uh proposal
Like in in bitcoin, right gets rejected. You know, it's all it's all done by consensus, right?
Ordinals was accepted by the consensus
Um like us right like the dgens and it's actually getting pushed out to uh bigger media because of us
Not from any not from a maxi not from anyone else
We accepted it as a community and we saw that like bitcoin is the most strongest chain and we adopted or ordinal client
Right. So like that's not even approved on the on the bitcoin level, right?
So we accepted it as a community. So like can opcat be accepted by a community? We decide that's the problem
That's like the provenance of bitcoin
We as the people if they're not going to make it the change to the code base
Then then we're talking soft fork meaning like we decide the commute like no
It doesn't always have to be a soft fork. It could be like a client level, right?
So it could be a client level updated to the bitcoin core, right?
So like a lot of people run a lot of different bitcoin core
Uh of revs, right?
So like as long as you as long as you run
You could always run opcat at the like at the lowest level of the bitcoin core, right? You could always run that right?
Um, but like can it always be consensed by the next level of bitcoin core?
That's what's the most important thing, right?
So like when the next level of bitcoin core gets released it's not going to be on that level, right?
So you're like like so let's say myself i'm going to be running on the on the next level
Let's let's take it as windows 11, right?
Let's i'm running windows 11 and you're running windows 10
And then I have updates on windows 11 that you can't access on windows 10, right?
So that's like pretty much the simplest way to explain explain it
Can't be myself you guys remember windows at me
Trash was trash dude. That was yeah god
Um, I just heard windows a bunch of times that reminded me of that
Can I jump in here really quick?
Yeah, dude, please
Um, I I know you talked about the costs of the addro from asic a few minutes earlier
I listened and
I I think I actually saw a few people talking about this on the timeline, uh two or three days ago
And apparently the the guy who's running the
Runestaff account so the guy behind r6
He mentioned that it was something around 150k
Something around that so the total costs of this project. Um
But I I don't know how if this is if there's some confirmation or something
I think that's small money dude. Like for for someone like alpha, that's like pennies on the dollar, dude. No, no, like
Like think about how many transactions he had to send out to all those ordinal wallets, right?
So like the like versus like the transactions you made
So like if you inscribe the think about the 10 percent of the supply
No, but think of yeah that too
But like but think about if you inscribed like just jpegs on on bitcoin that were like 30 like like big high
Foul size that could cost you that much
Like so like he just paid transaction fees to send it out to him at first
That's the lovely part
Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, I mean this I mean again, like there's not many people who
Understand recursion parents like doing a parent child collection is fucking hard
Like I know that for a fact because you know
I worked with my former team and like it was not easy to do for them and they are very good at what they do
Um, and there's there's just few people who even understand what parent child is let alone
Can implement and execute like an airdrop using parent trials? Um
So definitely they did it in the most cost effective way
Um, but it still costs money, dude
Like and I know I know you know, like when you're sitting on
I think you said 14 ombs and you get five airdro. I mean it's little money to to an alpha saiyan
But uh to us to us normal fucking, you know, just singular
Uh, you know node monks holders or like got a couple pups like we're we're fucking we're like, dude
They spent a lot of money on this
But i'm thinking about it as a developer and like, uh, like let's say a vc like uh alpha saiyan has an okay bag
Okay, let's talk. We don't want to talk about alpha scenes. Yo, dude. I'm just i'm just chatting you up, dude
But i'm i'm talking from a vc a vc standpoint i'm like, okay
You made it so efficiently that you could airdrop
While the mempool was at like 20 30 sets for b
You guys thought about this not to launch this when it was like 150 sets for b
But because like imagine you launch that as a hundred sets for b bite, right or 200 sets for b bite
That would be next to the price. That would be a fucking million dollars, right?
That's when it would be like fucking pricey. So like if they would have done this in like november or october
Oh my god, this would have been so bad. It would have been so bad
Wait, so are you are you saying there's a vc behind this?
No, but i'm just saying like if like a vc or like binance is looking into this or like be like, okay
They're like trading it and they're like did the correct job of like launching it at the correct time
Okay, it's that's implementable, right? That I just made a word
Implementable it's very implementable, um commendable, uh spendable. I don't know. I don't know what's going on anymore. Um
Yeah, no, I mean look
This thing is it's going to be hard to follow up, right because it's it is like
So they they they've marketed it. This is why I think I don't know
Do you know who's behind it alpha? Like you don't have to say who's behind it, but do you know like at all?
Uh, I don't care who's behind it man. My bad. Oh, it's awesome. Yeah. I mean
If you're not creating the meta you're chasing the meta
My job, um, no, but like the reason the reason I thought it was uh,
Raktoshi was because of the inscriptions that were shown
But also because they said it was the the original marketing was like it's the first runes coin and then obviously like that was such
a good troll
Um, and I think there's there's few people who would know
Like like how good of a troll that was gonna like land like it literally fucking landed perfectly
You had all these people up in arms like runes. Isn't even launched yet
It can't possibly be the first rooms and it's like bro. If you know about runes, like you know, that's true
Like you absolutely know that's true
But it doesn't need to be the first because it's the first to fucking like capture the market
I think you said it best I was hearing in one of your spaces or something like you said uh case
He's not going to launch a rune and that's like that's a hundred percent true. Like he's never launched, uh in inscription collection
Like he could have done any anything on like low inscriptions
But I believe myself that he won't ever launch the rune like it's going to be for fair play
He will launch the protocol like just like inscript, uh order no client
Like he's going to launch like a rune client or uh rune explorer
Right or rune protocol, whatever you want to name it. It's going to be like rune client
protocol root explorer one of those three like
And you're going to be able to play with it and and like you are going as a user, right?
You should be able to like understand bitcoin core
Which is like tough for a lot of normies, right and then understand or client and then you'll be able to interact with uh,
whatever protocol or client that
Casey launches i'm 100 sure that he's not going to launch his own rune token
Yeah, I mean it would it would be like so if he launched it like a normal like hey
This is casey's rune token and like, you know
Like i'm getting casey's getting an allocation and like, you know what I mean?
Like it was like that like it was his project
It would be the like it would be kind of I would think it could be the end of ordinals not the end
But it would be very bad for ordinals period like it would be it would not be a good look
And it's completely out of his character like the dude
So one of the things I really credit jason fang for I mean, I know I talk a lot about jason fang
But if you guys don't know jason fang founder of soar ventures, you absolutely should I think he's one of the smartest fucking investors
In crypto right now because he's one of the first big movers into ordinals like he saw it before
Damn near everybody I think um as as a vc
But he said he said to me because he hosted soar venture or sora, um summit in in taiwan
Which which saw casey give his I think grandest fucking appearance public appearance so far which was the memento mori
Uh talk that we're always referencing which is where casey for 22 minutes talked about fucking runes
But he basically said like in in meeting casey and hanging out with him
He realized like casey's more important. This is jason's opinion
I tend to agree with it. He said he's more important than metallic
Um, and the reason is is because he's done nothing but fucking give
Like he literally launched a multi multi billion dollar
Like industry and ecosystem and never once thought to like try and capitalize on that and still to this day is like
You see you see him on the hell of money podcasts and on his tweets and shit. Like he's the dude is humble
I've met him several times
Like in miami, he was hanging out with like a bunch of people at a hacker house
You know shout out to neuro and the crew like I was there one night and like casey's just fucking kicking it dude
like super humble guy, you know and
There's not many people in this world that come in and are able to do something like there's like some of my fucking heroes
dude, like
The guy who created the world wide web. I can't remember his name
But that dude is an absolute legend because he had one of the most powerful fucking technologies in human history
In his hands and he recognized it and he said instead of fucking commercializing this which would make it
A limited thing that you know, it wouldn't go nearly as far and nobody would benefit from it
He fucking made it for free. He made it free and open to everybody
You know like fucking linus torvalds from the linux the linux fucking foundation like
There's a few
Legends in our in our history of fucking technology that have done this and I think casey is
Emerging as one of those people but yeah for him to launch a runes token would just be
Completely counter to that and I don't see it happening
But I did I was on uh ordinal show with leo and to yesterday and leo was saying how he he's got a theory that
Casey is going to launch the first runes, but it'll be like a fair launch and I was talking to my engineer friend
You know who you know, like he's my go-to guy and um, he was saying how like right now
There's there's basically like an airdrop functionality in runes
But they're talking about doing like creating like a mint function
And that's the kind of the big question I have is like can you launch a runes?
Where it's sort of like it's like just open to mint rather than like you just airdrop its people
And I think that could be a game changer, but I yeah, I still don't I don't quite grasp
I talked to leo just quickly about it on the show
Um yesterday, but I don't quit quite grasp how he how he's thinking about it in terms of casey launching the first runes
I think the thing that that he's that leo's is is kind of talking about not leo on stage but leonidas
Um is is basically that like in that first fucking block on the halving when when uh runes goes live when this protocol goes live
It's going to be open season whoever wants to fucking basically pay or or has some sort of technical know-how
I still don't know what kind of technical wizardry you can do to try and secure that first one
But basically it's going to be an all-out fucking like like gas war fee war
And even the miners could be getting into this like the miners have you know, obviously they've got all the technical power they need
as well as
Um money, so I don't know alpha. Do you have like a perspective there in terms of like that first block?
What do you think is going to happen?
I think it's like whoever has the most money is going to attach them like okay. So like edging into runes
Is actually a thing. Wait, do you say edging or edging?
edging like et
Edgy, okay, because it sounds like edging twice. I just want to make sure we're in the puppets. So
Yeah, you guys are good. Like
No, but that's going to be the meta. Like if you guys go look at my posts in like, uh
october september
I said edging into inscriptions is going to be the matter like I said that was like
because I if you if you read the ruse protocol what like uh
Kc said that's like going to be like what's gonna happen, right? Like I'll post it on the top like I literally posted it
Right after the whole fucking everyone wanted to go crazy. RuneScape
Alpha came out like utx. Oh detective came out like all of them like
Like ordinal wallet came out with their own fucking rune protocol, right? Like the next day, bro
Like I remember posting that on instagram being like, oh, this is the funnest day. I'll fucking pick on
Wait on instagram. Yeah, like i'm a fucking nerd
Uh, dude, I gotta follow you on insta alphas fucking bull posting on instagram. I want in on that
Bro like you didn't you're gonna you're gonna get a follow from a weirdo named snot boogie, dude. That's me
So like my name is carlos to be honest. That's my name
But yeah, no, I I think like overall like like now I went on a tangent. I forgot your question
No, it's all good. It's all good
I brought up the edging because when I put uh when I put the I was like we're gonna do a
A puppet space later someone's like that's my that's my key edging time
So now i'm gonna have to multitask and I was like as long as you don't come on stage and unmute
And we start hearing fapping noises. Uh, we're all good. But um
I got fucking
God damn it. I know I know too you're in there dude. You you can vouch for me. I that really happened. Um
So what goes on in the shed, you know doesn't stay in the shed that's just how it works with puppets, um
But uh, what was I gonna say? Um, oh, I want to ask you before we go leo
um alpha like
How are you looking at the other runes that we know about like how are you looking at leonidas's uh project?
Well, it's not his project, but you know, he spearheaded he created it now. It's kind of like
Uh, there's there should be like a community behind it. It sounds like we're actually doing the work. Um, but between like that runex
And and the derp the derp's another interesting one
But how are you kind of like ranking these do you think like there's only
R6 or do you think these other ones have possibilities and and are you looking for for other ones to come?
No, i'm definitely bullish on the upcomers
Right, like and and it's all like going to be on the team
And how they handle this like so like leonidas was like asking for two bitcoin, right?
So like that makes sense about like the two bitcoin price because that would be the price to uh deliver the transactions, right?
So like send the transfer fees so like if he doesn't want to send out the transfer fees
Like why are you doing this right?
Like you have to do like if you want to start this do like send out the two bitcoin like send it up
so right so like
Uh, the bitcoin machines spend the money right like they spend the money bro
Like if you want to spend the money play bro
And and if you don't want to spend the money wait
Like wait until like some shit is happening and someone can pay for that money to be distributed, right?
There's other ways to actually do this, right?
So it's about do you have enough money to do it now?
Or do you not have enough money to do it now?
Do you have a like a significant amount of a community to do it now and i'm being fucking honest, right?
Like I i'm in this every fucking day like I understand everything about it and yeah
No 100 it's gonna cost money to play and
Yeah, if people aren't that's what i'm saying like like two bitcoin is that's a lot of fucking money to me, dude
Like I don't know that I want to sink two bitcoin into a project when I could just speculate like a like a like a fun
Time, you know with that two bitcoin
Um, but I think I think the moral of the story is you got to pay play
100 and that's what I love about bitcoin, baby. That's what we've been saying since the beginning. So we
everyone we
We keep hearing that it's going to go the first rune
It was going to go to the the highest bidder whoever has the biggest
You know the biggest wallet the most bitcoin
Can we go like deeper on that? So what do you like how like the actual mechanics of that like?
Is it when you're
Putting in for when you're putting in the the fee that you're willing to pay
Are you are like?
Are the people that are competing going to be watching?
That and then increasing their fee within that block time
And is that block going to like be?
a super long block
You know not a you know average sort of time like 10 minute block
What are what are some of the considerations there?
Um like going a little bit deeper like what what that day might look like
Yeah, to be honest, I I need to get with my my engineering expert and and really gamify this out
That's like that's on the docket. I think we might have a phone call later, but I want to work through it this weekend to be honest
My understanding is that it is going to be a fee war like we had a ho who is is like, you know part of uh,
Or very the orderly and friends team
So ordinally is one of two developers that worked with casey on building the protocol also a great dude. Um
But basically ho was implying that there is some sort of technical tricks that that
Will be possible that are not, you know, it's not widely known or like he couldn't say
But it sounds like there there's always there's usually when you're talking about a system
There's a way to hack the system, right? And you know, we've seen already like people sniping in the mempool
Um, but what I would one thing I would I would guess at the very least is like if you wanted to slow it down
Like you can see what block that thing is in probably right?
And if you wanted to slow it down, you can just put other fucking transactions in front of it
So I who knows how it's actually going to go
but I do think like there's gonna be some there's gonna be some tomfoolery like it literally everyone is gonna be watching
The fucking mempool like mempool might even go down, you know
If they're not if they're not equipped to handle the load like anything could happen that day, but it's like it's a day that
We're still a month and a half around. Uh, I don't when I say mempool
Like the bitcoin mempool is not going to go down talking about the the fucking block explorer
Um just from the traffic of like it'll be like the fucking super bowl of bitcoin, right?
but yeah, I think like I think so much is going to happen, but I think it is going to be like an auction and
That's going to be I think the biggest determinant is if you have the money
Plus the technical prowess which again miners have an advantage there
But there's also there's also teams of fucking you know
People who are just as either working with a miner or who are you know have have enough capital
They want to fucking pay to play like there's bitcoin whales
Um that haven't even like we don't even hear from right like they might just be waiting
For this moment or they might become aware of it like closer to so who knows man
And what about like the and then yeah, it's not just that you have the
You know the epic rare sat, uh, which is the the first
In the heavy epoch like there's going to be a ton of fucking shit going on man
That day is going to be that and that's what I want to understand like what
Give me a picture of that. You know like
Give me I can't wait to you talk to your engineer friend because then we're we're going to talk
I want to get some I want to get some like insight. What are we feeling that day? What's going to be happening?
I mean, I I think I think it's the single most important thing that anybody could be thinking about in this industry
Is what's going to happen on that day and like leading right up to it and and after it like I think runes is going to shatter
Everyone's framework about how they're thinking about this bull market because you got people operating on multiple chains
Um, you got people operating like I hear I go into some of like the old, you know
Eth crowd spaces and they're talking about say and I have no fucking clue what's going on safe
But to be honest, i'm like to pull my attention away from bitcoin right now to chase that seems seems asinine
And so I see like I see all the people it's it's like what i've been doing the last year like emily knows
You know king arf knows like I go around to different spaces and I get signal, right?
I ask questions or I just listen and I get signal I find out what people are actually thinking about
And and they're very you know
The great thing about people in spaces and they're usually pretty fucking honest
And so you can in real time start to figure out a picture of what the market looks like based on
You know your favorite influences or your favorite collectors
And there's not enough people talking about this at this point like very few
And even of the few who like are you know?
Starting to become aware
They don't actually understand the fucking technical underpinnings of what of how things are going to go down
Myself included like I haven't been in the code base. I haven't reviewed the 500 lines of code
Um, I haven't watched memento mori enough to like memorize and really grok and understand all the differences
Between the protocol runes and and brc20 and all this other stuff. But so like there's there's just
nearly enough understanding
But we're gonna get there right like as things start to heat up like these r6 are a strong signal to the market like people
Everybody's hearing about this at this point. So it's going to start to peak interest and
I think like we're gonna see in real time like an entire fucking
Mania just coalesce around that day
Um, but I know leo you had your hand up before i'll go aside from these next
But um, I want to get back to you because we kind of like, uh straight away a little bit leo. Are you still there?
Yeah, yeah, sure. Um
I had a question, but first I wanted to get back at what you
What you asked carlos about his thoughts on on
Runestone like the wait, are we calling alpha carlos now? No, but yeah, keep my name alpha, please
Oh, sorry, I I thought you just published it a few minutes ago
Do you want to pop carlos on linkedin? Like I I do have a few patterns and stuff like that
So you you should follow me actually i'm actually
Yeah, i'm a smart individual
Wait, where's your linkedin? I want to I want to I want to link in with you
I'm actually i'll DM you
All right
yeah, just
Going back to what you asked about our thoughts on runestone and like the the airdrop initiative by leo
And I I think the question about the distribution because I think it's they they talk so much about the payer distribution
and all of this
but for me, I I think
Distribution is is obviously
a huge thing to to think about but if there's
Like if you have a product and a token an airdrop and you have like ten thousand
Or a hundred thousand people that you add drop it too
But you don't actually have people that are really interested in holding the airdrop because there's nothing to speculate about or
There's nothing where people
Yeah, just can speculate about or they they think they can get some value out of it out other than selling the token
For me, I I would say if you have a wide distribution, it's it's good
But if you don't have people that you can distribute to that are actually interested in holding
It's it's not really
something super nice because I actually would
prefer a distribution of a hundred thousand assets to like
10 000 people instead of a hundred thousand people, but if these ten thousand people are actually interested
um in in the in the thing and are willing to hold and and share and everything
I think that's the that's the better way to go
And for me, it's it's a super nice thing what he's doing with woundstone and everything obviously
I I know he's also doing it for free
Like I mean it's it's a community based thing
Like he collected some money as far as I know from the people um who who wanted to to add
Yeah, that's just my thought. I I feel like it's a little bit too
Kind of simple like there's nothing to really speculate. I don't know if there are
People after the airdrop who who are really holding it
I mean arsenic has these kind of aspects right where you can speculate you have like
a kind of a value because of the parent child provenance and
Just the the nice gamification aspects and everything but that also leads to my question which which I originally wanted to ask
um because as we know we also have a lot of puppets holders here and we know that
The the arctic airdrop if you sell it
You you're gonna keep the tokens that you have mined so far
I guess at some point it's
It's inevitable to to expect
That people gonna sell the the arctic um ordinal because they will think okay. I
I mined x amount of tokens so far and the floor is still high
Maybe it's not worth holding the the arctic ordinal longer. I I sell
For the price I can get right now and I have the tokens
And yeah, the price right now is super high. I mean it can go it can still go higher
I expect this to happen maybe in around one month when people think okay
Now is maybe a good time to to sell if the floor price of the ordinal is still high
And if they mined a good amount of tokens, and I think this is when we maybe see
some liquidity flowing back into puppets
Especially because right now you could buy like almost two puppets. I think for the price of one
Arcyx, so I think probably the first thing
people have in mind, um that don't just want to take profits the people that actually want a
Rebuy into something they will have puppets
In in their mind first, I think but yeah, this was just my original question, which I wanted to ask
Maybe you can I can hear you guys thoughts on that
Leo I actually talked about this with king arse the other day and I think like the fact that they
Kept some of the rules to the game
You know not
Publicize they didn't publicize the rules to the game
That's what leads to speculation which that's what leads the price run up, which is just like the game we play, right?
Whether it's nfts whether it's bitcoin or ordinals, let's say hypothetically and I don't know if this is true
This is just one of the thoughts I shot with king arse. Let's say 50 days before the halvening
Currently you're mining at x amount of percent like this is you know, again, I can't stress this enough purely speculation
And 50 days before the halvening you start mining every single day you start mining one percent more
One percent more runes and then 52 days 52 percent
53, you know you add one percent per day as you get closer to the halvening like
I think you know, so so that incentivizes people to hold it for longer because let's say you're 10 days away from the
10 days away from the release
Hypothetical release that we don't know, you know, this is still very speculative all of it
Let's you know, let's just be real with each other you're mining at 90
95 are you gonna sell it?
You know that and there is a pvp aspect to it at the end of the day
Like yeah, you could sell it and you know, stop mining and you say fuck the 10. I don't care
I'll just get my 90 if that rule if that was a part of the game, but nobody really knows
So I I did that was one of my concerns. I talked about it with a couple people with good things
Emily can golf like yeah, I'll hold on to these, you know
Until so many people until until we're getting kind of close
I'm willing to like take profits if if it is, but we don't know what the rune is going to be
We don't know how much you're getting you
We don't know if you sell too early if you've lost allocation or move wallets or blocks like there's so many aspects to it
And we'd be fools
In my mind to think that they haven't thought of that as well
You know, like I'm sure someone willing to spend this much money into into something like on this scale
Is also going to be thinking of different aspects of what are other people going to think of?
To kind of continue gamifying the asset. Um, yeah, just my two cents on it
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. I I think that would have would actually be a super super smart mechanism to
If that's really like this
Um, but yeah, as you said, there's also this speculation, you know
I don't think this will go to zero at the end anyways because there's this just kind of speculation
If there might be something that comes after the airdrop and everything and also what I mentioned with the with the parent child provenance
You still have this
I I think for 21 000 supply
Collection this won't necessarily hold a lot of value
Um just based on the on the parent child provenance itself
Um, but in combination with the speculation and everything this this is still definitely holds a certain amount of value
Even if it goes beyond another level and say that in order to get your max allocation
You have to send your r6 to this address, you know anything, you know
They can they can literally play this in a billion
Fucking ways like the possibilities are endless on this
Dude, they can't they could just they could literally do what what alpha was. I think it was alpha that said this earlier. Um
You know like when we're talking when I was asking the question of like, do you think there could be a new
Like a new 10k collection or any any k but i'm thinking 10k because that's the form factor. Um
But like could there be a new collection that supplants one of the ones that already exist, right?
Because we've got like five to six that are like pretty much at this point
Like these are these are considered like goat collections if you hold one of these multiple like you're winning
But what they could do is like what alpha was saying is kind of and this is this is something that polymath
My business partner has been telling me since day one of ordinals like and and he's not alone. There's many people
Um, there's going to be a vyc of ordinals
Meaning it's not going to be like funky ape images, but it's going to be the same playbook where you just keep fucking delivering
Value to the original holders, right? That's what the apes did better than damn near anybody
They basically invented it and um, it spawned a fucking, you know a bull run for nfts
Or everybody copied that model and what these guys could do with r6 is they could fucking be like kidnapped as of right now
It's like hold it for the raffle
But they could just announce at any point like here's another fucking set bros
Like here's your next airdrop like we got the parent same fucking parent. Here's another fucking set, you know
Um, there's nothing at all. And again, like we're going into we're going into a new paradigm with runes
So it's not like it's not like what you see today is what is what's gonna exist
There's literally gonna be hundreds if not thousands of fucking runes that are launched because it's gonna be cheap
Like the whole the whole point of casey doing this is it wasn't efficient like cost-wise or technically
To create vrc 20s and to create some of these other meta protocols
He's creating one that it's gonna be fucking very inexpensive to create runes. So
I would I would expect that these these people whoever's behind
You know r6 like they already know this like they already understand that like people are gonna be looking to dump it, right?
Like they created a very good game
Uh with with pretty strong rules that are that are encouraging people to speculate right now
I I would have to think that they they understand that that game will end unless they keep the game going
So I don't know. That's just my sort of like thought on it
Like i'm not looking to sell mine anytime soon, but I do appreciate leo's take. I mean, um
English not here right now
But he was he was giving that take in our spaces yesterday as well
That people should be wary of that and I think it's something to be wary about but me personally like
I do consider this as like the first big runes
I don't care if it's the actual first that gets etched or not like this is the one that the market has accepted
2021 I saw board eighth at in september of 2021 when I first started buying entities
At like 22 eth or 24 eth and I had 32 eth in my wallet ready to go and I was like nope
Not for me three months later. I'm like, fuck me, you know
Um, so so yeah, I i'm i'm kind of like we're all kind of we've been through multiple cycles at this point
Like we're all of us here are very fortunate because we know what's about to happen
Not exactly, but we know sort of like directionally where this is going
And so it's like you want to bet on the things that are working early on there's always going to be new things coming
But those new things that come they have a challenge of supplanting and stealing the mind share and collector base of the previous ones
and I just don't see
Like I don't see anybody beating out the arctic team right now
Um just back to rune stone like the I I love the the whole like concept of trying to do something that includes everybody
But just like in real life like when you try to be completely fucking equal in distribution
That never works out throughout human history like not to get deep into politics or philosophy again
But it just hasn't worked out
And like me personally like if I have one token and I know everybody else has got one
I i'm thinking I probably want to sell that token before the other motherfuckers do like
There's not a like there's not an incentive to really like collect these, you know, like like leo was saying like
So i'm i'm i'm eager and hopeful that that that collection ends up being valuable as well
Because shit we're all going to get one
But there is something to be said about rewarding people who who fucking you know rewarding whales rewarding the basically the rich
So to speak you you in all societies you need a fucking you need some sort of hierarchy
Like I don't I think we can give you more distributed than we are today in this world
Definitely, but I think you always you can't escape human hierarchy. You can't escape hierarchy in nature, frankly
So trying to beat that with as humans, I think is a flawed
Pursuit but I want to go to cypherds. Um, go ahead
Yeah, just uh, I wanted to drop my question first and then the
Then I had another question. So, um, the first question
Regarding how do we know like how how's kc's being able to
Have a transaction deployed exactly on block 800
Is it because um
They're already like pre-mining a certain block height with like a mining team
So you're you're talking about sorry real quick. You're asking about the launch of the protocol
Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. So the protocol does this is the great thing. I mean it's in some people's minds
It's like a it's like a fucking death knell like people are like, oh, this is just so ordinals is not part of bitcoin core
It's it's um, but it's like a 40, right?
Well, well runes runes is going to launch that I don't know what the exact block height is
I forget but it's going to launch at a specific block height is what he's he's actually put that in a code base
How do you do that?
Well, the way he can do it is it doesn't it's not um, it doesn't involve like a bitcoin transaction
Like it's the the the block height is just a timestamp that he's able to use as a variable in the code
It's like the code is completely the code for ordinals and the code for for runes is completely independent
Of like bitcoin core the network in terms of like ordinals is on runs on bitcoin
No, it it basically is a lens that like sits on top of bitcoin like it's software
But if I want to send like a bitcoin like ordinal transaction
Or on bitcoin the inscriptions. Yes, the inscriptions live on layer one bitcoin. Yes, but the actual software that that recognizes those
Those uh transactions or those like that data
As as like anything at all other than a normal bitcoin transaction that software called ordinals doesn't run on bitcoin core
It doesn't doesn't live on the bitcoin
Network i'm aware like it but it's built on it's or
It's ordinals that you index it and you can launch it and you can deploy like i'm running a bitcoin corner
With a ord client and it's fully indexed as a server
But i'm saying like you still have to run a bitcoin transaction
To launch that runes protocol and i'm curious how he's doing it on a certain block height
That is the having which is the exact date
840k block height which half of that is 420 which is the date predicted right now april 20 of 2024
It's just like an id that you launch that's not fully transacted right so it's like
Uh, how many it's like an or it's like when you write when you run, uh
Ord command on like in your command window. It's like literally you run you send the transaction
You make that transaction like you change it from like basically zero, right?
So like that transaction is like decrypted in that transaction that or transaction
It's like a same command. It's like a similarly similar command to like an or command to
Inscribe something but it just has different taxes. It says or
Uh to pick up from a folder
uh on the computer
And that transaction has already been on
On the bitcoin chain, but it's just hasn't been activated
I don't know what I mean, but um like
I'm just saying like i'm familiar with running full load man and like running transactions
I know how to run them at certain block lights
But everyone in the world is going to be trying to get a transaction through at that block light
This is why it's epic. Oh, this is why it's epic, right?
Yeah, there's well, it's gonna be a fee war because but there's also going to be people that have been pre-mining certain blocks
I think from big mining teams that are gonna try and get that happening block because it's gonna be worth a substantial amount of money
I know this this is like the whole thing. This is like why it's gonna be epic, right?
Yeah, i'm just saying i'm talking about the technicalities
It's gonna be interesting because it's the block light on april 20th, 2024
Which is a palindrome a computer that's running bitcoin
Horrible naturally try and reduce that in binary and when you reduce a palindrome in binary
It actually reduces incorrectly you can do it in willkram alphal
You can do it in chat gbt it fucks up the code
And then if you and if you recurse it back to so recursive palindromic like binary
fucks up code
And this is like a new discovery
Did you hear in that last sentence come out of your puppet pfp just just it just did for me
Hey, you know what else you know what else is a palindrome real quick?
Anyone guess race car?
Yes, but also the number of puppets in the collection
Oh shit, is it really no, but I think this is like uh
Casey's like thing like he wanted to break bitcoin or he wants to test bitcoin. Well, that's what it seems like
Wait, isn't that udi's thing?
No, I think this is a whole ordinal thing. I think like right like ordinals like want to test bitcoin
Technically the timestamp, you know at that block height is going to be I mean the block height will be temporarily incorrectly
Wait, we're
It's going to be really weird. It's going to be like it's not going to break bitcoin
But something strange is going to happen if it's on april 20th, 2024
I think yeah, there's going to be a lot of people smoking weed staring at bitcoin at that point 100
Is jord, I just rolled the jade right now guys
Let's fucking go but I want to want to clue in on what you're or like just
Double click or whatever. The the saying is on what you just said cypherds about
I'm still i'm i'm be honest
Like I I don't know about this transaction that you're talking about that case
He's going to have to launch in order to launch ruins. Can you talk a bit more about that?
Well, there's a certain transaction, you know that well
It's it's possibly a psbt and it's pre-signed right now
And there might be multiple people that can sign that transaction
I mean i'm sure this guy's team is robust
So they have it's not as simple as just you know, clicking a button and there it's fucking launched
It's a lot more complex and intricate and i'm sure there's multiple people can push that button by signing
Right now, but it's not necessarily going to be at that blockite unless they do what what is the transaction doing?
I get that there could be a psbt out there. Um, but what what is it going to do? It'll inscribe the entire
Action like the the function to execute
You know, it'll inscribe an executable and then the you know, the network will launch as far as I know
Oh shit. Yeah, I don't know man. Like like that's what's gonna happen with the protocol. It's a non-fungible token protocol
It's like yeah
Where are you where are you getting this info from because I want to look into it just the internet and uh, you
Think about I mean it's gpt for us
Think about it as a pre-reveal like right. It's like an unrevealed inscription, right?
So like right now it's unrevealed
And like right now has encrypted data and like when fucking uh, kc wants to launch this right like every dev
Is like looking how to do this, right? So like and it's going
It's going to pay money to it, right?
So like you could do r rv to change the transaction, right?
You could do coin control, whatever you want
But i'm telling you it's not gonna work because like you need to have a lot of money to fucking fight this war
Yep, exactly because everyone's gonna be trying to get that block
And it is it is as simple as going into your spare while and going and doing
The transaction replacement like it's it's very simple
If you have a lot of money
If you have well any but anyone can do that
But then it just becomes a fee work because everyone's not everyone to do it like, you know
Like not everyone has a lot of money
No, but everyone has the ability to do a few
apparent fees
Yes, everyone has by fee or parent the problem child scripture. That's why i'm bullish on arctic, right?
Because like whoever's behind this has a lot of money
Yeah, damn straight i'm glad that you're finally coming around to that alpha because earlier you were budding you were like these these cheap
Bastards use recursion and barely spent any bitcoin
Um, it's not that impressive to an alpha saying
Oh, this motherfucker was syoping everybody to sweep floors. He really was dude with those red eyes
He's just fucking just like yeah dump your r6
Uh, he has two dozen, uh ombs and he's you know running around here
Oh willy nilly about you know spending a couple hundred uh thousand dollars
Alpha is unbelievable this guy. It's that omb money, dude
Yo, is king arth there? I had a question for king arth specifically what's up real real quick before we go to king arth
Those fucking cats minted out. I was watching them while we're on the show
And I was like, oh there's there's still 5 000 left and then like I went to go refresh it again
It's like yeah, there's like 4 000 or whatever, but it's sold out and now it's like it's completely fucking like dude
I got one cat. I'm fucking one. This is horrible. Anyways, go on one
Yo, your question the escape. It's I got mine on block 78. I put it on a special set dude
That was a big move emily
Let's go king kings, uh, your ears collecting the escape is how would you describe it like a leverage?
I mean a layer two
Layer three layer three bitcoin
Like my collection
Yeah, the escape. I mean are we voting on after?
You know, so I as I understand that if you hold a piece
from the escape matrix
Then you are awarded ruins a portion at no, okay
There was zero things said about this collection
It's a generative art collection and I have six arsik in the treasury
There are six pieces and that is all and that's it. It's a gen art piece
Oh, okay true. What is the yeah, can we talk about different
There's this honestly this is a piece of generative art. There's six pieces and that is all
I'll change the topic. Let's talk about different runes, right?
So like what's the other one that's like so a lot of people are gonna create rooms
Um, and there's gonna be a lot of a lot of them, right?
So like I think the best move if you want to create a room and you don't have the best money
Like think about on how to be like the best community rune rune guy
I understand what the rune game is understand what airdrop is on other chains understand how you could benefit yourselves, right?
Because like once the rune game starts there's going to be layer two runes like companies
Coming out and developing layer two runes that are going to be like on chain
They're gonna like say all this meta about
What runes is when they have no clue and they're going to trick you right or they're going to like make you fall in
love with the runes to like pump the fucking floor and like all those runes will pump like literally will like
Will be like on the stage be like, oh my god runes layer two
Gonna help build scalability and it's gonna make fucking bitcoin great even better, right?
So like like think about what those are gonna come
So like if you're developing something think about how you could fit into that like nitty gritty game, right?
So like that's the alpha
Or the alpha is also like nah fucking being so goddamn like stuck in your own fucking bubble that you don't
Profit off of that in some capacity like I already knew motherfuckers are gonna be slapping runes on everything from inscriptions to fucking
Energy drinks. They're gonna fucking like it's gonna literally be everywhere and it's get 90 percent of it
If not more is gonna be complete fucking nonsense
It's just gonna become a fucking buzzword
That everyone's gonna use like fucking saying this is the next eth killer or this is the next bitcoin killer
It's gonna be the fucking narrative and actually i'm okay with that one
Rude is the next eth killer fine fine, bro. Fine. Whatever. No, no i'm talking about in a general narrative like back in the day
Like cardano is a great one like yeah. Yeah for sure, bro. And then cardano is gonna kill ethereum
Like you remember that whole fucking bullshit, bro
You said two back to back you're spitting hot fire it does bro. It doesn't matter. It's just the narrative
It's not whether you believe that's true or not
It's just fucking writing that fucking narrative and and fucking capitalizing off of bullshit like people are acting redacted
Yeah, no, dude, just just
You're not wrong at all. Like just go look at the twitter spaces again, like twitter spaces tell you a lot
I mean, there's there's discords there's but like twitter spaces are that's the fucking billboard, dude
Like that's what people see on the freeway
It's what they recognize and when when dumb money comes in like it's going to be new money
And a lot of that's going to be dumb money and a lot of those people are going to learn the same lessons
We all learned. It's just how fucking the chain of nature works
But when look around at those spaces that are going on all the time
Some of them have already changed their name to like include ordinals
Um, but when those mf's start
Pushing runes, you know is full on
And you like alphas saying like toot saying like you need to be smart about it and know that it's probably all
Bullshit because these people don't know what they're talking about, but you can still ride that fucking wave. It's still a wave to surf
And and all us smart mf'ers in here like the puppets the monks the fucking
Omb's the fucking the seals the actual mf'ers who you know who are coming over like a lot of smart people
I know from the east side are coming over
Like this is going to be the smart money
Like we will want to play these these these games with these folks like we're going to want to ride these waves
But yeah, it is going to be
When I say I see the only thing I can think of is icos in 2017
That's how i'm thinking about it. Like when I came into crypto, that's what it was
And I was smart enough even though I didn't know dick about anything. It's not like
You know, I bought some tron, you know
But beyond beyond like trx and like, you know some cardano and like like I didn't go too deep into the shit coins
Like I wasn't buying um, you know, I bought like fucking a hundred dollars of amise go. Yes
Nah, dude, I went to I went to verge verge was as far as I went and as soon as that fucking crazy verge guy
Was was like sitting on like a bunch of gpu's and pajamas talking about how verge is gonna like be the next bit
I was like, okay, this is over with um, but for those of you who are og's in 2017, you know
I'm talking about that was the craziest fucking video
Appearance i've ever seen in crypto this dude
Who everybody thought was a genius because he was pushing verge and this coin called xvg
And then he finally did like a video of himself to show, you know
I don't know what the fuck his purpose was
But he was literally in like the cheapest pajamas in what looked like like a you know, like an abandoned apartment, uh basement
Um sitting with a bunch of gpu's but anyways point is is never meet your heroes, dude
Never meet your hero, dude. We were all like dude. I forgot what his do you remember what his handle was?
No, I remember the video though, dude. I'm fucking crying
Dude, it was so good because we were like this fucking account is just pumping verge. We're like, yes
You know, we're rooting for this guy and then he's like going he's like i'm gonna do a video later today
And we're like fuck. Yeah
And then he did and the whole market is just like oh fuck me wish that guy wouldn't have done that in the video
Um, but the point is is like we're gonna see
Like like tuva saying runes just fucking slapped onto everything like you're gonna hear people
Who have no business talking about runes claiming that runes experts
So a lot of the same people that are experts on ai that previously were experts on ethereum that were previously on experts
On you know gaming that were previous
You know what I mean?
Like these fucking experts that like overnight they get it they get a fucking phd and whatever whatever is hot
Those people when they start talking about runes, you know, it's full fucking on and everybody should be you know prepared and and act accordingly like
It's gonna be fucking mania. Like we've never seen before dude. Shout out to polymath
I see you down there creeping cruise up if you're if you're free. Um
Who just came up? Oh, we got bites on stage guys. Hey, I got a hop i've uh,
Gotta be at the ice rink at 6 a.m. So that's a it's an early wake-up call
Uh here in new jersey time. So dude, it's gonna be our first
What's that? Is your art for us king? This has been fantastic. If y'all was up here, I I would consider it
Um, but i'm gonna i'm gonna get out of here. I actually just noticed he's in the room
I gotta get out of here before he gets up here
All right, guys. I appreciate you so much. Emily, dude
Thank you so much for co-hosting and always being you know, not only a fucking an absolute mf or mayor legend
But also, you know in a responsible fucking hockey dad, dude
And man, yo, he just he just had mini heart attack. He thought that was y'all. I was poly
I saw a request. Why I gotta go bam you up here calling me a creeper. I'm not listening anonymous, man
Yo, I know how to get your ass up here dude, that's
Anyone going to paris out here like is it is that a thing?
No one doing that. I don't think so. I don't know anybody going to paris, dude. I'm going to paris
Let's go. I do know somebody going to paris if I can sign it
Yeah, I think paris will be will be a good one
But yeah, I don't I honestly I had too little time to prep for it
Um, and I don't you know, I don't I don't know. We'll see how it goes
Like I know there's going to be plenty of companies there and and uh, all the all the euro folks
Like that's an easy easy sell for them
But I don't know how many yeah, I don't know how many of like the you know, kind of the the
It's definitely like definitely like a more like proof of stake event right like ethan salata
but I think a lot of them are like changing over from like
What i'm hearing from everyone that's going right? So like I I think it's like a cool event just like more onboarding
Yeah, i'll be honest dude. I
I think the most interesting thing to me right now is ethember
And I say this having just sort of found out about it like two weeks ago when I was in la I was talking with uh
With jen and um was hanging out at like the the irl alpha studio and you know, she was like, yeah
She had just basically secured uh or was on her way to secure like a big
McMansion for a bunch of ordinals folks to do like a hacker house there
Um, and then, you know, I talked to my friend h wonder the other day and he's going
And then I talked to udi on on our show the other day and he's going and then I like I saw elizabeth from uh experts
Tweet out she's speaking and like there's a whole there's a whole fucking crew of like ordinals like legends
That are going to be in denver like on stage and also just you know around the whole time
So i'm i'm probably going to go and i'm thinking like eth denver is going to be another watershed moment because
What you got there is probably like the best fucking engineers on ethereum
Meeting probably some of the best people in ordinals and you know
I'm just i'm bullish on irl meetups. Like fucking when that happens like it happened in miami during the bitcoin conference in a big way
Um, dude, I think I think it's going to be massive
I was thinking the same thing today
Dude, there's anybody going mansion out there and like eat denver, right? Like dude, like yeah
There's like everybody's talking about that. It's gonna be orange pilled like everybody's trying to orange pill eat denver
So I think that's going to be lit
Personally, I don't know if i'm going yet or not. I gotta see
But uh, I do want to go to fucking nashville
So if anybody's doing that, I will drive there because i'm definitely going all right. What's going on with the pfp boss?
Yo, I got the r r
I gotta understand what's going on, bro
Yeah, I got we getting rooms money. We getting puppets money and you up here in the field. What's going on, bro?
Yo, listen, this feels right
Did you see pixel dude because pixel was a 0.003 pennies and everybody funded me to shit all fucking summer, dude
And I kept buying and then it went to four pennies and I have a liquidity pool and that's fucking farming pixel every day
So i'm bullish on seals, but uh, i'm fucking very bullish on puppets
Actually, I have an honorary coming which I will slap on my hand and it'll be my main
Um on my hand, I think that the puppets could be like the mugs of the uh, you know of the bitcoin
btc fucking defy summer bull run
I think we could put these on our little
Nft's that we like the most we could put the puppets on the hands and they could be a little moggers, bro
I think it's fucking bullish
Dude win irl puppets. That's that's going to be a that's going to be a watershed moment when you just
If we go to dimmer, we should throw like a like a puppet no monk party
That's a bad putt you don't want that you don't want to be at that party bro, that's
Yeah, I don't know paul and matt are you ready because you haven't been in the group chats this whole time like yes
I don't know if you're ready for the puppet party. There'll be a lot of ketamine at that party, bro
Yeah, you know y'all might be right y'all might be right two separate parties two separate parties. Just leave us in the basement
We'll be fine don't worry about but no i'd like to uh, look dude, I love seals, uh, obviously fucking came for me
But yeah btc i've been here since day one and like i'm fucking obsessed with it
I never really identified with the project that I was like, you know, this is like something
I want to rep or whatever, but like this is that 100 for me. It's just my vibe
It's entirely so like that's that's my thing. It was like that in the beginning when it was like 0.02
I was like, yo, these are lit. I don't care if they don't care what they do
But I think they're gonna go higher but like it's really a cultural thing and just the vibes
Uh that I really vibe with bro. And uh, yeah, so I want to fucking throw both rep both i'm king arf
I've always been king or people are like when I change the pfp, bro, motherfuckers are like, uh, what's up?
Like what happened say my name, bro
Out loud, uh r bro like the fuck but yeah now we're back as a seal and we got the puppets on our hands
I think it's funny. It was a
Fucking loud pack the ghost or whatever. He did it first
So shots out to him
He started it, but I think we should all do it dude
If you want to fucking if you have a puppet and you have a different pfp, let me know
I'll fucking i'll put a little puppet on your hand, dude
Uh, then you give me a puppet. I'll get my i'll get my i'll probably use my hoodie
I don't know. I gotta get my hoodies. You're like a fucking
You're like an excel sheet. I don't know how I make your hand. I'll try dude
That's what i'm saying. Like I don't know yours is perfect. You know yours is already like hands up like you're being fucking arrested
Not that you would ever do that. Um, but I remember I'm interested. Yeah. All right. All right. Well, I remember
I remember you before king arf and when you went to king arf, I was like, I don't like that
Like I love this guy, but I just didn't like it. I it just didn't they told me that just didn't sit well with me
Right away. Don't change your name. If you want to be a brand you can't change your name. I'm not a brand
I liked your previous name. I thought it was a great name and I was just like king arf tainted forever
Yeah, I know. I know but now but like I can't imagine I can't imagine not not being homies with king arf
Like I just can't see
Hold on. It's a time out. It's a time on time
I was when I when I dipped too early I saw golden on stage
I saw alpha on stage. I saw some some hitters on stage what I missed tonight all the alphabet. Oh, nothing
We're going higher we're going way higher with arsenic is what they all technically said so
Yeah, yeah. Anybody. Do you have a gpt that can just summarize everything from quality math?
Uh, it's a recorded space because you're a fed. So yeah, I could just download the
Whole space and I could put it in the runway and I could get the fucking you know, I just
You know, here's the tldr you're not being bullish enough, let's just yeah, you're not fucking bullish enough
I i've been
Started a space called out by cool capital for being too bullish on arches and look at it
Like i've been willing to tell me to sell it's because he was looking for an entry
Oh four they told me sell a 0.05
They're gonna tell me to sell a 0.1
They're gonna keep telling me to sell and i'm gonna keep telling them that runes are coming to fuck you in the face
I got I got called like a you know, a griffy bumper number i'm like, yo
This is too hard of a shill space bro. Yo, this is like legit too. Fuck. Yes. Sorry, dude
If you can't afford it, don't find your position weird. Don't why don't fuck yourself
You know, you know what dude like this isn't this isn't a fucking shill space. I've seen shill spaces
I came into fucking nft lama shilling. I came into fucking I won't even say i'll go down the list
But like I i've been in fucking shill spaces. This is fucking chads talking about the fucking chad moves
They made and if you don't want to fucking hear about it, you don't like it
I'm sorry, but this is what we're gonna do here like
This is when I when I respect respect when I tweet and I say this is the year that me and my friends fucking win
Like this is our run like I fucking mean it because we paid the goddamn tuition, dude
We could have fucking fucking go let's fucking go. Yeah, dude
We could have fucking scammed like you think all right, dude. Look at the firepower in this space right now
Look around you there's enough collective fucking firepower. Like i've worked in very powerful companies with fucking phds fucking scientists like
Collectively in this room right now just listening. We got fucking firepower. We got big brains. We got artists
We got creators like we have enough firepower that if we want to go into a back room right now and produce a fucking scam
We could but we don't do that because we're fucking we're we're real operators here
Like we really are trying to fucking not only just make money but push the space
So yeah, I I'm not against anybody here
But like i'm just i'm saying it i'll just say it multiple times because i've had a couple people like
Come at me a few times. I'm just like I don't fucking care, dude
Like i've done the tuition. I know what it means to like pump something and we're not just out here like fucking
You know chilling things like this is bags that I hold i'm talking about
We're discussing a thesis in a public forum
Which frankly we don't have to do because we could sit back there and fucking just hold it this information back for ourselves
But we're going to continue to fucking educate and you know, people are going to win because of it
And that's that's what I want it to be, you know, I think that's how all of us want it to be
So yeah, this this is not like dude. I think these things are going to go insanely high
I thought they were going to go insanely high from the beginning
I don't even fucking close my bags enough. I should have shut up and anyways go on
No, no, but what's crazy?
I mean but was crazy like since you know since we set out like you said we could stay in the back but
Like almost like and we're going to get something wrong and I and I heard
You know golden say like you don't get everyone right like we're not getting everyone right
But majority of the calls we've been making since we started our show like they've been on the money, you know
The pup is no monks now artsy like we we've been trying to lead people to the you know
Just based on how the markets work, you know, it's almost like a you know, like when I saw the negativity from the arts
I'm like, yo, this is a win thing and then even price wise like so I was you know, you know
You know, I was telling Mike earlier like
If you think about a regular ASIC miner how much it costs to produce, you know, bitcoin
You know these arctic should be valuable because it's actually mining rooms, right?
Like so so so if you price it as a as a you know, uh, as we you know with hot terabytes
You know hash power then, you know, Jenny it actually adds
More value to the exit. I mean to the actual arctic
So, you know, we just you know, we just been trying to share like
You know real perspective from just what we learned about the markets and
You know, that's why I was like when golden up and i'm i'm sad i'm up now
He in the audience, but he give good takes based on just like
What he see from market sentiment from you know cultural basis like, you know
It's patterns that go on and if you pay attention to him or you've seen him enough
Then you can start to catch on to him. That's again. That's just something else that we're trying to like deliver
You know what i'm saying? So I was anti g
Yeah, no 100 percent. I mean it is
I'm really all about world peace
An arctic and the fucking node monks. That's all i'm doing guys
That's all i'm doing and i'm just pumping my own bags along the way, you know
Guys, I don't know. I can't get enough of them. I don't know about you guys, but
The fucking things are just uh addicting
They're mysterious spamming even works with the emotes good things. I can't stop buying them. Just I need help
I need help
Are you talking like the like the crazy like multiple?
Yeah, all right. So you want to know how to do it?
Please yeah, all right
Let me see if I can explain this. All right, so you're gonna have to use two thumbs, right?
You take your left thumb and you put it in the fucking the space the gap
The black space in between the microphone and the magic wand so you're not you're not doing anything there. You're just putting it there
And then with your right thumb you hit the fucking heart emoji, you know, like the heart plus sign
And you just tap that like as many times as you want
Like two is five times and then the emoji menu will pop up and you have five emojis to hit before it goes
Go that goes away
That is fucking cool
I think I did too many you did you did a few leo
So if you know he's slapping you he wants his super spaces score to increase based off of emojis bites
So, um, that's he's just what he wants. Is that how it works? Yeah, I do want that happen
Everybody should try it. Let's try it on good things space right now. Everybody super tap
Super tap so hit the black space with your just hold your thumb in the in the black space between the bond and the microphone
And then tap the heart plus emoji as many times as you want
And then the emoji menu will pop up
And once it's popped up you just start fucking hitting it
And you can even like, you know, you can slow you can go fast
Let's fucking go I literally just I learned this at probably the same night that like everybody else learned that we're on on leap spaces
And um, I think it was uh, butoshi that was came up and was fucking doing it
And by the way king arf, you know who i'm talking about? Um, our old friend from the shown and junk community
He knew how to do this shit fucking like a year and a half ago and never told anybody that son of a gun
Well, that's rude it's rude as fuck
We kind of they like to hold the alpha
He withheld the alpha. We're not withholding the alpha at least that I know about dude
I don't want the alpha. I get yelled at for not withholding the alpha. Why are you talking about this?
Why are you talking about that? Why are you talking about this? Why are you talking about that?
Why are you getting everybody in this? Why are you getting there? Yeah, and it's dude
It's from people who I got into this shit, too. It's funny. Uh, I don't know what to tell you, dude
It's just it is what it is. It's a very transparent person. I don't really give a fuck
So i'm just gonna talk about what's happening. Uh, that's just me, dude, and i'm not gonna be right all the time
I'm gonna be wrong most of the time, uh, but you only need to be right once and i'm right about runes. So
Uh, remember that you can die fucking that's not important. I hope you're I hope you're so right
I hope you're fucking I don't need to hope i'm right. You need to hope casey's right and he's smarter than me
So I I don't give a fuck casey's right. I hope casey's right
Well, so so real quick about about the the the runes the the runes stone is that another minor?
Leonidas rope so like leonidas is putting that out and then yeah, you can go to his discord actually and check
There's a website you put your fucking wallet in the checker. And if you had, uh
Excriptions that weren't text-based. I guess at the time if you had enough then you are eligible for that
It's like a rune stone is what he's calling it. But rune stone is actually so does it mine though?
Is just like arsenic my wallet is accepted. It's an airdrop, right? Isn't it an airdrop?
I think so. Yeah, like from my understand. It's not it's not it's not mining. It's but I didn't know
Just like the people that was like here early to have uh
It almost sounded like a collectible
He wanted people to have something to say like you were here early to get the airdrop type thing
It's supposed to eventually become a rune
So like remember runes as a protocol hasn't launched it and what these are eventually or essentially are is iou's for
Because the distribution of the inscription is supposed to be uniform meaning everybody gets one
Um, then I would think conceptually it would make sense or logically it would make sense that um, everybody will get the same
Allocation of the actual runes when they come out. So there's no there's no like mining
Other than just holding it
I'm i'm team arctic
Yeah, yeah, I mean let's let my man get some action i'm not a team fuck teams. I want all the runes
I'm team rune. Yeah, every rune that they put out. I want it's it's like if they're dude
Here's the thing runes are just shit coins. I don't give a fuck
I'm not gonna fucking mid curve any of them
It's like if if there's hype behind it, I know shit coins work like we all do we saw them on every fucking chain
So like arctic is to me that it has the most hype it has the most marketing it has the most this it has the most
That like that's the most bullish one right now like in my book. Um, leonidas. He's got a big fucking following
You know what it is. Whatever he does is going to get attention. Uh,
Pups are talking a little bit. They did a pups meme coin once so like i'm pretty hyped on them
Maybe doing a fucking rune. I don't know
Uh, but yeah, like some of these teams who are like hype and have a lot of attention
That's the ones i'm gonna be looking towards i'm not gonna be looking towards some guy
Who's trying to figure out how to whip up a rune with a couple dudes in a node that have no money
Uh, i'm gonna look towards the teams that like are really fucking pushing and getting attention like that's the big thing
So I don't care about this that and the other like oh, this one's fair and balanced
This one's not fair and balanced. This one's that this is all mid-curve bullshit. They're runes. They're coming
Have you been watching fox news again? No, dude, fuck the news. This is the news. Uh, I don't know
Oh, no, that was fucking dude, that was leonidas right with the fair drop this isn't that people on spaces talking about this isn't fair
That's not fair. I didn't get an airdrop. I didn't get this, but I missed out on so much shit here. Fuck off
Uh, go buy one at the bottom or don't and leave and then go make money elsewhere like it's crazy
But like, uh, all of this shit is just noise like you say it all the time since I got here
Uh fucking block out the noise. The people are the alpha bro. That's good things
Uh, he's right. It's fucking noise
They have this shit that we ask on spaces fucking noise half the things you talk about. It's fucking noise, bro
Um, the runes are coming so like you can't stop it
Our sick is one that i'm super bullish on then like have put my money there and my bet there so like
As far as like shilling like i'm not like if if you want to buy and you can then buy and if you buy
And you're putting all your money there and then you're stuck there
Uh, you made a bad trade and a bad decision
So don't do that like you need to take care of your own shit and like understand, you know markets
But like I can't hold anybody's hand for the next 74 days trying to find all of the fucking runes
And we can't not talk about it
We can't we have to talk about it to find them together that I was saying this before anybody was listening to me
When they fucking committed, uh, when casey committed runes on github
I was like there's gonna be an ass load of shit coins on bitcoin. So we need to find those fucking runes
I kept fucking saying it and then we got dm me dude
I was like busy at work and you're like runes bro
All I can see is runes that kept sending me memes and i'm like damn it
I know you were giving me fucking fomo and I was like, you know, dude, I know
Well, that's the thing is I I dude, I I don't care about shit right now. I care about nothing, dude
It's like it's like you said the ico shit this this and that and the other like i've only been here for like three years now
Right. This is like my fourth year
Like it's my first like going into a bull run like after and knowing what the fuck is up
So it's like i'm not fucking that up, bro
And like honestly, I think there's gonna be regulation coming for the next bull run
Like I think there's gonna be a lot of weird shit where this gets a lot harder
Uh, so I think this is like our last shot to really do shit
So like I don't have time and like a lot of like a lot of people might have time
Like I feel pressure when I awaken
Like that's where i'm at right now and it's just gonna be like that until fucking runes
And then after that it's gonna be making the money work for itself and like actually fucking sending it bro
Like it's it's we're gonna prime ourselves for a fucking bull market using a new protocol on fucking ordinals
Like that's what's happening right now
Like he said is like icos
It's like all this other bullshit and like all the mid-curve shit can get fucked. You want more runes?
That's it. You did this lean. I was doing a rune. How do I get it? I'm not eligible
Well, let's stop bitching and let's go find the fucking next room
It's that simple and like all the shit that we talked about in these spaces
It's noise bro. Like half the time i'm fucking zoning out and i'm like either dm'ing new projects trying to get fucking whitelist
Fucking like i'm non-stop right now. So it's like i'm very like, uh
Dude, i'll be honest i'm fucking impatient
I'm fucking frustrated and I don't have time for the bullshit
And it's going to be like that for the next forever until it's a fucking bear market and we could get back in the bear market
GCs and the bear market spaces like you guys have bear market spaces going. I don't know who you guys are by the way
I'm not calling anybody out, but there's bear market spaces right now. There's bear market GCs right now and it's a bull market
So i'm i've adjusted and that's where i'm at and I think everybody needs to get there if they want to like really
Focus in and find out what's coming like i'm not worried about what's here or what's coming out tomorrow
I'm worried about what's coming and then getting all the puzzle piece like all the pieces to the game before the game starts
Like that's it and the pieces are runes, bro
And like this this fucking shit about like
All this like high fucking frequency fugazi bullshit talk like just watch memento mori watch casey speech like half
You people fucking haven't even though i've been saying it dude, even though good things pins it to the top
You don't go watch a 23 minute video. I watch that shit every morning every fucking morning
I wake up. I watch it and i'm like, yeah still bullish on runes and then I continue with my day
Uh, it's gonna be shit coins on bitcoin. He says in there
It's for the deejans like he's like we want to make sure that there were names deejans like names like
So like yeah, let him deejan. It's like that's what's happening. It's shit coins. You just saw it on salana
Everybody fucking moved the liquidity to salana everybody. They stopped. Oh, it's fucking crazy the money goes over there
It's just okay
Well think about that on bitcoin think about when bitcoin
Has things that are fucking tradable and all these platforms that you're talking to that are up on spaces fucking building their asses off
Trying to get ready for this shit
Have fucking platforms where you could trade just like any other chain and then think about how not bullish you are and ask yourself
What's wrong with me? Like it's
The man has ascended
Holy shit
It would be interesting to see how many wallets
Uh hold only exactly three
Send it. There's a chart
If you hold what is it two if you hold like five or more even like the 90% isle something or is it?
Oh, no, no, no, not on the r6. I mean on on lead items is new
I don't know. I have I have two wallets eligible
I don't know what that gets me bro, but i'm gonna get those runes and we're gonna send them
send them
Send runes, bro. Let's go king r
Uh, dude, I just want to say that I hope somebody recorded that whole
soliloquy that artist gave along with this fucking music that gets into slang
And this needs to be the outro of every single ordinal space for the rest of the year
Look, it's just I don't know. I just you know, it is
They fucking get to this shit cut out the noise fucking higher. Toot knows, bro
He calls me and screams to me. He's a psychopath, dude, but uh, it is what it is, bro
We're just gonna be fucking crazy
Looking for that fuck we're here for money, bro
All right, fuck the community bro, like we are the community
But we want to as a community make a fuckload of money during a fucking bull run, right? So let's do that
Let's do that
Man i'm all i'm all out of fucking, uh
What do you call it serotonin after listening to king arf? Uh,
I didn't think I didn't think he was gonna stop, you know
I was like I had my finger on the play button for in the club
You know I was gonna do in the runes because he's like in king arf is I think in the runes
Um, yeah, we need to get a remix king arf in the room, bro
I don't even have as many of these things like that's the thing i'm more bullish than people who I know are whales, bro
Like I feel like and it's just like that's because it's like dude
I know what this is like and like you heard nifty. He doesn't have to know what it is, bro
That guy's smart as fuck. He doesn't need to know he doesn't give a fuck, bro
He's like, oh I see this there's that and the other okay, so I need to hold these get the runes whatever
Dude, let me know when it's here. Uh
Same, you know fucking give me that shit, bro
Uh, but yeah, dude, I don't know tomorrow. I i'm gonna go pick up weed
I've been without weed for like three weeks because I wanted to prove to myself that i'm not a bitch
Uh, so I quit everything and then I just uh, yeah nicotine all that shit all at once but tomorrow
I'll stop yelling you just get
Chattier and chatter now he's up here. Just bragging i'm not even on weed anymore and looking out
I'm not tomorrow though, bro. I'll chill out and you'll just hear me nice and chill but today dude
Nah, fuck this mid curve. Fuck. I I love it. I'm here for it, dude. I fucking tomorrow. He's gonna be like, uh
I'll be sleep tomorrow, bro. Like 100% bro. Yo, i'm getting i'm getting like vicious dms from polymath
You can just unmute dude. He's like yeah me like pick your own music fam. Stop stealing my music choices
You gotta get your own song bro, that's that's that's my songs i've been adding to the show man
Like you gotta get your own
Playlist bro, bro
Did anyone get and we're talking about shit coins did uh, did anybody
hop into uh
the pepe fork pork
Oh, we'll get into that but but I gotta I've been meaning to say what's up to koi. We got a fucking pepe
Artist in a legend up here. Uh, he's just been quietly fucking just chilling. I don't know if you're there koi
But no and and not the koi. We gotta go over to cypher d. Yeah. Yeah, i'm i'm just kidding with you guys cypher d's nuts
I didn't realize that
Mm-hmm. Do I have to repeat myself? Yo, what's up, man? That's good. That's good. It's fine. Yeah, everything good, man
Good morning. I just woke up
Smoking my slip drinking my coffee listening into you guys
It's 5 a.m. Here. So, you know, i'm an early bird trying to get that worm
I knew about those roots though. I heard about them. So
Yeah, faded them but nice to hear that they're doing well
Yeah, man. Thanks. Thanks for having me. You know me. Um, just throwing up a bit of uh,
Pepe's here
For some uh little projects. Uh, i'm doing
together with half guy and all those
Skrilla and uh, lord jamie and all that
And uh, yeah, man, just uh, keeping it fake, you know
Yeah, absolutely man, I was stoked to have you um
Are you have you you're obviously a fake rare artist have you looked at or or done anything on ordinals so far?
I've looked i've looked up in there. I mean i've been fading it so far
Due to just being like, you know kind of being already into something like art collective and all that, you know
But since sasha really breaking those barriers, huh
It's uh, it's a it's a good game plan for all of us, of course
I got a couple of tokens, but I haven't minted any art for them. Um, some people were generous enough in the beginning
Reserving for me some place where I could store my art
For a part for a part or for a share or for some other things, you know, you know
You know how it goes within the community? Um
So yeah, there are some things in the works, um, but i'm not sure where when what and how you know
Well, it's going to be pepay. That's for sure
If i'm doing any ordinal from pepay, it's going to be pepa
Got it let's fucking go
That's awesome, man
Uh, i'm curious one other question I have for you is are people in the the fake rares community?
Are they starting to kind of coalesce or or like find, you know signal interest in putting their you know
Doing some work on ordinals. I think all of them all of them were kind of early with
With some some project they did
Um, but they were just scooping, you know, I don't know what what the name was again, but some
Rare satoshi project or whatever
Yeah, I think they're doing something and
Some of us are
Like mumbling bearded freak or whatever. I mean he comes from fake rats. That's where I know him from at least and
You know, he's fucking with ordinal big time
I don't know. Everybody does that thing the space is wide open for everyone
You know me personally i've been fucking a lot with light coin
Because of mimble wimble and um, you know as an artist doesn't really
Doesn't really matter where your story or art as long as it's on chain
You know do your thing
Hell yeah, man. No, it's great to have you with us man. Um, I hope to see some of your work on on uh on ordinals soon
Yeah, going back to bite's point you were bringing up the the pepe pork pork
Yeah, yeah the pepe. Are you are you uh, you pork in over there sites?
yeah, I I hopped in like uh
Like I didn't get super early but like an hour and 15 minutes in I threw some in and uh
And so i'm porking right now
So it's funny story, you know
I don't know how much I should say but I I know that
I know the people behind it and I knew something was coming but they wouldn't tell me you're already saying too much, bro
All right. All right. Never mind. Um
But yeah, no, uh, I mean dude, everyone knows who's behind I mean, not everybody but people who pay attention knows who's behind
behind it
It's not a secret
I mean, we got a lot of people here. I don't think everybody knows
Well, not everybody but like the people who are yeah, the people who are following are you saying are you saying who is it insider information?
No, no, no
I wish I had insider information because like literally I was sitting across from the person
Like telling me what they're doing. They're like i'm forking pepe and i'm like cool and then I fucking you know
Go, you know, I go along my fucking merry way. I get on a plane
And like right before we take off I think yeah
Yeah, it was right before we take off for like a four-hour flight
The fucking thing goes live and i'm like, holy fuck like I had no idea that that was getting launched tonight like
Um or what it what it really was, you know, like when someone tells me they're forking a chain
I mean, this is a person I know and respect so I knew it was a serious thing
But i've seen a million fucking forks and I just didn't put two and two together
But anyways, so I I had a little bit of insight there, but not inside information and didn't fucking didn't I took no part in it
Um, but yeah, it's been it's been absolutely explosive and i'm happy to talk about it
Even though it has nothing to do with world peace or anything, but it is it is a significant event
um, and I think it does tie into bitcoin in some way or another because
Yeah, the people some of the people working on this are also working on stuff in bitcoin
I mean these basically the developers behind this or you know, they're they're some of the best fucking developers in our industry
Counter to what many people would say because they're those people don't know what they're talking about
Um, but yeah bites. Anyways, go ahead. Um, I kind of talked rancid here, but what what did you know?
I i've just I i'll say I have a a body the one that he told me I hopped out of bed real quick
But he threw in a 0.04
ETH so like like 90 bucks and uh, he cashed out today for 180,000
0.04 to like 77 ETH or something crazy like that
Yeah, i'm not at all upset about that given what I just said
Yeah, holy fuck, right? I mean damn imagine if you would have thrown one
I was just too late really. I I think I pulled like a
a 10 eggs or 11 eggs like right now and uh, which is great, but damn not
Anything compared to that. It's really shit
Yeah, now i'm getting now i'm getting a dm from patrick telling me that i'm not throw it to cypherds i'm a bully
Um, we've heard we've heard plenty from cypherds
I'm happy to hear some more from him
But patrick you can't just come in in the middle of the spaces, you know
In the middle of movie and being like hey like you're you're not you're not giving it enough, you know, like
We were talking fight fight
This is what we do now. He's muting now. He's probably gonna text me. I'm not coming back to your show ever again
This drama guys this drama space, uh, you know, you guys like drama
Who'll call me up and he'll threaten me and they'll be like i'm not threatening you and every time he threatens me
I'm like bro. You say that again like any time I take him
Threaten you tell it tell everybody how bro. He hasn't really threatened me
I marine cord you I carried you on my shoulder. He was like injured at the beach
I like put you on my shoulder and it brought you back to safety bro. Tell that part. It's true
It is true, but I swear to god. I tell him all the time
Like if you ever if there's ever like a legitimate threat from polymath i'm moving like three countries
I'm burning everything. I own like you're never gonna see me again
In person, but yeah, i'm glad we're gonna have to worry about that
But yeah, let's go to cyberdeans
Go ahead, man
Well, you said someone did a while we didn't talk I wasn't paying attention I came back
Oh, this is perfect. Um
No, I I think you had your hand up and uh polymath said I was bullying you by not going too early enough. Um
But yeah apologies apologies. Yeah
Oh, what happened, dude? What's going on? I see he doesn't know
Yeah, yeah. No see now what no see no. No, listen, bro
So now I can't defend people hands up no more
I got a mom
Say me good things, bro
What uh, no, he's a great co-host because he's always like yo like let's let's he's always trying to keep keep things moving
Oh, you gotta keep them inside for did you have anything to say cypher you want to go because we really yeah
Yeah, yeah. No, I I did have a question
regarding leveraging
for 2020, uh
The fucking like like putting a bet on when the having will be I don't know
like well because there's so many different like sites right now that are predicting the having and um, and
I feel like people want to predict what it is
And getting that data
I have no idea how to do that. What are they paying if you get right? What do you win?
No, you'd bet against other people basically. So it'd be like
So if if the odds are
You know a certain if they run a certain way
right now, I think most people want it to be you know a certain date so they're willing to
Get more than it's going to be like
They'll pick that certain date, you know
There'll be more people trying to pick an exact date. So it'll be skewed. It's not going to be like a random distribution
So it's something that you can bet on
And wager
I think it'd be interesting. It's gonna be very fascinating how it plays out
the whole entire habit
I don't know when it's gonna be bro. I have no fucking idea
Uh, yeah a couple different sites say a couple different days. I've asked chat gbt. It says it different every time
I don't really know but uh
Fuck it. Can it be sooner than later if there's like because of the transactions ordinals and shit
I've heard somebody say that some big brand was like telling me that like it might be sooner than predicted because of like
All the action on the chain with ordinals and everything, but I really don't know enough to like dive into it to be real
Yes, I don't see that every nine, I mean it's average it's nine point something minutes, but
So the ballpark it's just strange in april
Yeah, like 420 ish right? Yeah april 20th right now between all but i have a
Just a spreadsheet that thinks the api from everyone that's doing it and it's pretty much dead on 420 the last three days
Don't do I hope it's a little bit longer so we can mine
Roan a few more days
Let's fucking go
Dude bites like you were you were one of the first people I knew who who just fucking loaded up on them
Like have you been continuously loading up on r6?
Yeah, yeah, I have
I've sold a
A couple codas
And it has transferred those over
Well, I actually do like I listened to you
Uh, I I was like I can't remember what I was buying something
And i'm like fuck i'm gonna have to sell this thing and you said I would I'd sell all that shit
I said i'm on e so you did. Yeah, you did and I didn't even take my own advice, dude
I've just been dragging my feet. Oh, man. What a dummy, but i'm i'm happy for you bites. I really am
But i'm gonna get some more. I just I can't I can't do it right now
um, because we're in a pump space and you don't you definitely like rule number one of uh
Of the influencer is you don't fucking buy while you're while you're in a pump space, especially if you're running it
Um, but jesus. Yeah, these things are at 0.082
Yeah, I don't I don't know. I don't know what kind of retrace. Maybe we'll get some weekend fucking retrace. Hopefully
Um, maybe those cats if udi can pump the cats up, that would be great. Um, and just give us a one more shot at this
um, but yeah, I don't know I guess like
No, I didn't want to get into that because that's just gonna pump it more who's gonna ask for like price predictions
That's just a dumb move at this point
but I remember people saying
You know point one is is uh, it's like it's just never gonna happen and and now that's like well within range
I knew that was possible. That's just like a nice psychological, you know number that could was definitely possible
But the other thing that I heard somebody say I think it was tom on his on his morning show this morning. Um
Tommy two guns he was like
He was he was he was giving witters a hard time because witters was like saying that these things are too high or they can't go
Too much higher and he was like you're thinking about it
As if it's like a pfp collection and not as if it's a shit coin because she was pointing to the 21,000
Um, you know supply and I thought that was a really good take. Um, I think I think implicitly
That's how I was thinking about it, but I never explicitly said it. It's got to be honest about that
I think that's a really strong take is like
21,000 of a shit coin is nothing, right?
So yeah, these are these are miners like you're you got 21,000 fucking miners and it's really crazy like because when it came out
I wasn't even
Wasn't thinking about this like fully conceptualized
I think as for how I think about it now just listening to king arth
Listen to leo like listen to all you guys talk about it in real time. It's helping me gel it in my mind
But yeah, we're we're literally sitting on. Um
These fucking things that are just mining us
What's probably going to be one of the most valuable runes if not the most valuable runes and then
And that's not even like that's not even the most exciting part about I mean that is an exciting part about it
But the most exciting part is like what king arth keeps saying is like give me all the runes
I'm with him on that like I want leo's runes
I want fucking like I said earlier at the beginning of the show like there's five that I know about if there's more
I want to know about them
um, and I want to like keep tabs and start stack ranking these I'm gonna give you guys a lot of alpha right now if
you're not paying for uh
For twitter premium plus first of all, you should it's like 16 bucks a month if you do it on pc
Just do it. I almost got banned the other day. I was able to uh, it was like a false flag
I was able to do I think I got reported by a bunch of fucking idiots
But uh, I I was able to like at premium and they messaged me back and fucking saved my ass also
You get access to grok
Which means you can ask it questions and it can see the timeline like it can see all this shit
So like start asking about runes like start asking about if you're looking at a specific rune, right?
That you're fucking curious about leonidas's shit go straight to grok. Like don't ask me. Don't fucking ask anybody
Just go to grok
And like grok has all the access to these tweets
So like i've done a lot of research on grok, bro
And like I use chat gbt constantly like i'm always in the ai sphere
Okay, because that's where the fucking that's where you get the sauce, bro
Like that's the first thing you should be doing is doing that so like heavy alpha for anybody in web 3 if you're not using
Grok, that's fucking crazy. Like it has all of our shit, you know
It's it's like I think people don't talk about this enough
They don't think about it
But you can literally ask it about like upcoming projects fucking runes fucking this fucking that and it will have access to leonidas's tweets
It'll give you the tweets that have all the information
And then you just have it, you know, so that's that's the best way to stay in touch
Like I I do that once a day when I wake up like give me a fucking update on this shit blah blah
And then I go digging and then i'm already caught up. It saves me hell of time. So grok is alpha as fuck
It's not just there to roast you at all. I've been in beta access since it came out
They actually have a standalone version. Okay, where it's fucking dope. It looks like uh, chat gbt
But you can have multiple columns like 20 chats going at once. It's insane
So like don't sleep on grok like just talk to it about web 3 you're in web 3, right? So
Dude, that is super alpha. I didn't even fucking think about that
I need i'm well overdue with the fucking like like an eight hour class with king ark on how to how to function here
Um, because this dude is seriously like I knew it when you start getting into ai heavy
I'm, like, hey, this guy's gonna be a champion because he already knows about blockchain now
He's learned about ai and you know
I pulled out both of those platforms being married up and useful
But I hadn't even thought about that like grok has access to all the fucking data on the timeline
I have not even used grok
Um, I just pinned up to the top what I was mentioning earlier. It's called not the first runes coin
Ntfrc. Have you guys seen this?
Uh, no, I just did. Yeah, all the things I need to do to get their attention for sure, uh right now
Gibb runes, I don't know what this is, but gibb runes exactly. Uh, send it this is lit
So there's another not the first runes coin. It's kind of funny already to me because it says not the first one
So is it up top? It is up. Yeah, it's posted. Yeah
Click the link
Trust me, bro. Leo go ahead
Uh, yeah, just a quick question for you because of grok I was actually also
interested in upgrading, uh, maybe
Um, it's it's obviously ai based so my question was could you
Theoretically ask it's to to create
Just as an example
Um, could you ask to create a list of your?
like the last 100, um people that followed you with a
Puppet pfp for example, can this grok recognize this so like no, it's not that it's not that in depth
And like it's not that great. It's gonna have problems
Most people talk to it and are like this is bullshit
But like you just have to keep trying like that with this ai shit keep trying and grok is like very early days right now
But like i've used the back end of grok
They have something called prompt ide and you get into that if you are like in the beta access
And you could make python scripts and I basically I have one where it's using grok as because grok is the actual model
On the on the back end, right? That's like chat gbt4 or whatever
And like with the prompt id I made a fucking script where it just I can give it a topic
And it'll use grok as the model and it'll like talk as if it was batman and gandhi like
Contemplating different things and talking about a topic over and over infinitely
So you can do shit like that with grok on the back end
But with like the twitter integration
It's still very like new and like you're gonna have problems
You can't do shit like that
But like what you want to do is like go to it and ask about certain things like hey rune coin
I'm looking for alph on this like what's going on with the coin or like this project. What's going on with that?
I would say be as specific as you fucking can you know what i'm saying?
And then like try whatever like and and don't always trust it either because if you ask it for analytics
I've gotten a bunch of bullshit. That's wrong. Um, it's not gonna be right, but it's very fucking useful
Specifically for like if you know what you're talking about and you're looking for a certain thing and you're very specific
I wouldn't go like trying to do deep shit like that. It's not really gonna work like that yet
Awesome, man. Yeah, I guess trying it out counter right for
Something like they will have an api though
Like they already do like I have access to an api insurance
There's all kinds of cool shit that will be i'm i'm very bullish on grok, dude
Like fucking like i'm not gonna go too in deep this okay
But like fucking elon musk was with sam altman on openai. They were fucking there together at the beginning, bro
He called it openai because of open source
Uh, he very bullish on that if you've seen any of his speeches recently the go fuck yourself
Uh thing was funny, but like that whole talk
I don't think many people watch the whole thing and like he talked a lot about this
But yeah open source was the whole goal with him open source
So like this is just like more of that
I think and I think he's gonna go pretty hard on it probably a little slower than fucking
you know openai but
Uh, I can do things with grok that you can't do with openai that openai will tell you no
Uh grok won't uh, you can look up anything that's on twitter
Uh, even if it breaks fucking rules here, you could just look it up and it'll fucking give it to you
So grok's a little bit more like lenient and I think he's going more of that open source open type situation
It's interesting. But yeah, I would uh, I would bet on elon when it comes to ai as well
I don't see why you wouldn't that's where i'm at with it. You know, it's very like like I said
It's in its infancy right now, but it's worth having especially if you're in web 3 because you can benefit from that
Help yourself
Yeah, help yourself talk to ai exactly dude. I was telling too knows this dude. I don't know how many times i'm bish about it
We're i'm just always like chat gpt. Ask gpt. Uh, why don't you ask me gpt?
Why don't you just ask gpt or if somebody asks me a question half the time?
I'll just take that question put in gpt copy pasted to them
It'll be like chat gpt gave me this and it'll be like oh shit chat gpt's pretty good. I'm like, yeah, uh, ask gpt
But cypher you had your hand up. I don't want to get yelled at by poly
I don't know if he's in here going to listen back to the space and yell at me for not
Answering you go ahead. That's all good, bro
It's all you I was just wondering I mean has gpt this but it seems biased because I I don't know
I should trust it because I don't know if I should use gpt
Because groks is I should use groff to use both
Both yeah, and like they all have different fucking data sets and shit
But like it's if you can get information from either and then don't trust yeah, yeah
Moreover, like for the twitter api I paid for it
When in april when it was a lot cheaper, it was a grand for one month. I got this account. It's super expensive
I could be wrong. Maybe it's not that expensive, but I think it's super expensive now
But the gpt for that's the only reason I got like any followers fast was because
I just used the twitter api for a month of auto gpt the
Significant krabby class and you just plug it in just like set
and it just
And at a time or two is on the economist what you can spend a fortune
or over like a month
I was gonna ask you king of like how much is the cost for your api?
So that's I just have one because look for grok specifically
Um because i'm in the beta program or whatever like signed up super early to that and then got into beta
So they like give you an api so that you can fuck around with uh impromptu. You also get an api
so like if I built uh
Anything in that I could use an api maybe make like a discord bot do shit like that
I haven't really done it
But like you do have access to an api if you're in the beta for grok
But as far as like twitter api stuff goes, yeah, that's i've been pretty sure that's pretty expensive
I've never really fucked with that shit. I looked at it a couple times
But yeah, the pricing uh used to be crazy high. I haven't looked at it in a long time
Or uh, I got danny trying to come up. I can't get him up bro. Danny. I'm sorry, bro
Is he up here? Am I rugged?
Would you say you're king r
I don't know. Oh danny's here. Nothing. I was waiting for danny danny. You just came up here, bro. You uh
Is there something important you want to know dude about ai or the bitcoin blockchain and runes? Are you bullish?
Can anybody hear danny? Oh my god, dude
I just want to go to a space where king arf's like he finds himself alone and he just starts arfing
you know wildly
Yeah, and then default that's the thing you get to go back to that if shit gets awkward you just arf dude
I just I just quote tweeted the first not first
When they they liked it they liked it back
Now you might be getting a bunch of runes, uh speculatively they liked their tweet. I don't know how this works yet
Are we retweeting this? Yeah
I've dude, I thought I really like it. I'm about to go to it and retweet it. Yes, dude
It's a new rune. Are we not trying to get this?
I don't even know what we're talking about right now because i'm trying to get this rune, bro
That's it's the not first rune the ntfrc
Well, okay. Yeah, we're about to retweet it. Nobody here knew about it. I pinned it up. I should get it for some runes allocation
Yeah, that's alpha. Maybe you will. Yeah for sure. I I I owe a lot of percentage to good things. Honestly
I've followed him
In the shadows doing what he does and i've made money off of it. What about the nakamoto dude?
Dude, are you like on the ocean?
Never mind
Hey, but what about the nakamoto?
What about raya pepe
Are you collecting those i'm lost do you collect raya pepe?
I like the pepe cars. No, I don't I have uh, I actually have some fucking I have some shit in a free wallet
From a long time. Why are you not collecting raya pepe from friends?
Oh, dude, I don't know. I was I was in raya pepes. Do you remember that project with the fucking designer or red designer?
He was like from bitcoin the artist
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, dude, fucking rare pepe. I was I was like fucking pretty deep in that project of the homie turn sent me some uh
Then like I have like a bighorn's
Fucking thing. I have a bunch of stuff
Yeah, bro, I got the uh, xxx cornstar. Oh man, I was did somebody do that. Yeah. Oh shit. I I owned the token called
Was it corn? Let's fucking go. Yeah, it's like part of that ecosystem, right? But like, I don't know it's cool shit
It's like old school fucking, you know, like they it's like early when they couldn't do this ordinal shit
So they were doing it like on counterparty and stuff, right? I don't know too much about it, but it's fucking
I don't know like whatever whatever the fuck it is. It's 10 years old
Yeah, a lot of people don't know about that
But like people were doing stuff with bitcoin and obviously they had to like have a bunch of crazy workarounds and stuff
But like I would look into it if you haven't heard about it
It's interesting shit, bro, and I have a few of them like in a free wallet
I have one that's like
Ferment, which is like you couldn't fucking send it to them and put a song out on their platform or something
There's a lot of cool fucking little projects over there. It's uh, interesting ecosystem, bro. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
I think they're gonna be like I think it'll be sought after long term though
Like I like definitely in my opinion like i'm not I never
Fucking I was looking into like how to sell them and I figured it out. It was like, okay
Well, i'm not gonna sell these but at least I know how uh, I just I want to hold those things for a long time
maybe 10 days ago the Nakamoto right Pepe sold for
$166,000 for bitcoin in scarcity and then
Seven days before that it sold for 58 Ethereum then
Seven days before that it sold for 109,000 which fits what you eat. I mean
Long term sought after or maybe it's now maybe now it's the time. I don't know
But um, they're going crazy, man
But they're not like the type of
The hype is not really around it or something. It's still still doing well, but it's I know
Doing well in the shadow or whatever, you know
I think these are one of those things that like to me like what it looks like like I just told speculation by the way
I don't know fuck i'm talking about bro, but like long term i'm just bullish on holding them like this is one of the earliest
Earliest use cases of people trying to put things on bitcoin transact like art and stuff like that
I think that it has provenance for that reason
So like i'm kind of in the camp that this shit's dope
And I just want to hold it. I don't fucking care about selling it, bro
But I don't need to so i'd rather have it for the long term and like once like bitcoin does what we all know
What's going to do?
I think those are going to be like sought after grails
You know, it's really hard though
Like the longer you hold on to them art the more you get attached to them, you know
So at some point, dude, I know my bitcoins lady like she dances there
You know what I mean? And it's like every time I see her i'm like dude, this thing's dope
It's like mine and it's dope and I don't want to sell whatever I know bro
And then eventually it's going to be worth a lot of money
So I need to make as much money on runes. So I don't have to sell that's the point, right?
Yeah, you make you make money on the runes and then you keep all the shit that you don't want to sell right when it
Goes real high so then you could be the guy who's just like nah, man don't need to you know
That's the goal
We need to make all the money on the runes and then we could be the chads who just hold all the shit
When they tell us we need to sell and then we look at them and we say guess what?
No, don't have to i'm gonna ride through another bear with these nfts with these fucking assets and you're not going to tell me
Shit. Uh, yeah, you're right. I don't want to sell any more fucking peppers, man
See yeah, hold hold hold
On that uh on that uh statement there
I think I think token tokenization on bitcoin is going to
Uh explode the market
You know, I think I think that's where it's all going to go
runes brc 20s
and I think
Once that stuff gets developed. I really do think that
Uh, that's where the art on bitcoin really starts to shine
But I think that's going to be the thing that takes that off and I think that'll happen
Uh this spring after the having
Send it. I uh, i'm with you. I'm with you. I think this is a kickstarter
What do you would fucking good things say this is gonna like kickstart one of the craziest bull markets on the fucking planet ever
I'm with that. I think it's like same ico days all this other shit. Like I wasn't here for icos
Okay, I looked into it. I've talked to a lot of people who were here like
I'd like I know what it looked like. Okay, I wasn't fucking here, but I know what the fuck happened, bro
Like well you were you're here for icos with pictures. Yeah, exactly, bro
I saw that shit and I saw these motherfuckers print off a billion different things that everybody was like it's not gonna happen
It's not gonna happen. That's fucking crazy while they were sitting in a space talking about the same fucking thing
For four fucking months straight for a fucking two to three x get the fuck out of here
This is the type of shit that like
Yeah, you just have conviction believe in it and shut the fuck up and then sell it. Um when it happens, right?
We need a stable coin on bitcoin and I know people are trying to develop it
If you can get stable coin and bitcoin
That is where all hell breaks loose
Dex is saturn what they're doing, bro. I think they're trying to do that. Sure, right? Yeah, they're trying
I listened to the space this morning a little bit
but I mean if somebody can have a dex
Markets start to explode
Yes, pete were you were you on um the spaces with jason and uh albert earlier I didn't I have that one on
I listened for tomorrow
Yeah, so jason dropped some alpha actually
Um, he said that he recently has had I mean dropped a lot of alpha
But one of the things he said is he's recently had a lot of um
Like a lot of developers smart engineers and good developers
Um hit him up about like about ordinals about bitcoin and basically they're working in stealth right now
He said on shit that's trying to like both beat runes, but also like um
Bring like actual utility to bitcoin like that's his big thing. It's his big bowl
Thesis, um that he's like centering his his his investments around with through through sora
I agree with that because again
You know my philosophy and this has just been in the last couple weeks when i've seen kind of starting to
matriculate within this ecosystem is take a look at any other chain
And the success of the chain allows people to interact with the chain fully by itself
And ultimately then you could replicate
These infrastructure plays from those chains and people are going to try to build them on bitcoin
And so if you can then get behind projects on bitcoin that are doing what say chain like has tap protocol
runes is doing basically trying to develop an ico like model because again if
The way people need to make money and this is where this arsic
Some people originally were a little upset about how arsick said hey at work. We're taking 10 percent
That's going to become the norm because if if people are going to develop
Protocols a bank is not going to give them a loan
To come say hey i'm going to go build something on bitcoin you go to chase bank
They're going to say who the hell are you walking in here?
You know ultimately these people are going to say we're going to put our money on the line
We're going to quit our jobs and we're going to build this but in order for us to do this
We need to ico a token
And we're going to take 10 or 20 percent
And so then we can commit the next six months to build the protocol
And as a result on the back end we think our 20 percent is going to be more valuable
Uh as a result of what we're building and that's where I think this arsic thing is so
Bullish in the sense it costs them a lot of money to develop this
They're holding on to a small portion and ultimately they know what they're doing. Nobody else does
And I think that's what's going to be these ruins protocols, you know matric or you know developing brc 20
Tokenomics things like that. I just think that's the next phase of this
I think I think it's going to be icos on bitcoin big time. Let's fucking go. I would agree bro
And like the thing is is like these dude
I heard a lot of fun about arsic at the beginning because they were seeing the 10
Whatever between the four wallets, right? And that's the most mid-curve fud i've ever heard in my fucking goddamn life
These dude these you've been trading nfts for how long like what about their treasuries?
Like what the fuck are we doing here? Like if you have a team
They have to get paid
And that team needs to get paid long enough to make a runway
In order for you to fucking run through this shit
Like it's it's the reason why I told everybody they were stupid when they were fading wob and seals
Like dude, he sold his fucking eth at the top
Like basically and then like built a runway and all this other bullshit while all these other projects ran that shit to fucking nothing
Like a lot of these guys are smart as fuck and they know that they need money in order to function, bro
And that's like that's anybody that succeeds here
They need yeah, I mean i'm literally, you know, I got a white list for cats on monday
Everybody's lining up for point one, you know lining up for point one
And people get upset that a team is taking 10 and giving you something for free
Praise just find that very
It just doesn't make sense
It's the fud that it's the low iq fud and low iq fud is fucking bullish, bro
Like the more the more of that that comes on in the more bullish I get the more I wake up and people are mad
The more bullish I get like it's it's it's how this goes. I don't have feelings anymore
I like it when it comes to this shit. Are you fucking kidding?
This is a fucking pvp nightmare. So welcome to the fucking show like it's you need to not be like that
You need to not be that way. You need to go get this shit, dude. I love it. I love it
Um, yeah, I was on I was on the spaces a couple weeks ago and and someone made the point of like
Why can't we all just you know, like support one another and I was just like yo like
That's the craziest thing for anyone here to say like this is a market and and really just our world, right?
Like our world as human beings
Again, not to go too deep
But like we're all competing for fucking finite resources. Like when I go surfing
Like i'm down here in nicaragua. I go surfing and there's barely anybody out in the water
It's fucking amazing when I grew up in southern california and I surfed there. Everybody was in the water and guess what happens?
Fights break out like because there's only one fucking wave for 30 crusty fucking surfers
You know like so it's everything in life is is finite resources and
Really the optimal situation is not to find a way
It's not to find a way to where everyone gets equal distribution or you know equal outcomes
It's like find the try to level it so that like the best people can win
They actually have a chance and and you know, just fucking like be a decent human
But we are all competing against one another like but that's not that doesn't mean that we have to be like nasty and dicks dicks to each other
That's definitely like the thing but
I'm glad you said that king arf because like it was it was I got literally got kind of like booed off the stage almost because they're
Like well don't attack that person and i'm just like it's a bad fucking take and it's bad advice for anybody listening like
This is fucking pvp it always was like, you know, I said it and I said it
Maybe not so loudly in public
But I definitely said it and I and I definitely let my you know
My my friends and my team know like this whole golden age of ordinals
Which we saw in the very early days where everyone was like, you know holding hands
Like I knew that was gonna end because when the money enters
Fucking humans don't like to fucking be nice to one another when there's money on the line
And i'm not naive to that like i'm a fucking, you know
I'm a grown person who's worked in multiple fucking companies
I've if you just pay attention to markets at all, you can understand this. So yeah, I just I don't know
I'm really i'm grateful you said that because I remember I walked away from that space. It's like god
I can't really talk to those people anymore
Well, dude, I walked away from almost every space like that
I'd be real and it's like if it look if I can't hold your hand
I'm not your dad and I can't fucking explain to you
If you're not gonna listen and and if you have a wrong interpretation of how markets are I you're just you're on your own
And that's that alone is pvp like opinions
It does. It doesn't matter your opinion is not gonna break mine though, right?
Like that's the thing because you're not going off opinion good things. You're going off the market
You're not going off of your feelings
You're going off of what this thing is and just how it goes and like that's how I move always i'm very rational
logical person
And like that is all that comes to my brain when it comes to all of this shit
And like even these communities, bro, like we talk about communities communities are fucking bullshit, bro
Okay, like because I think about it, bro. These communities are only communities until they sell
So like this bull market all these communities are gonna get fucking completely rinsed
Like they're gonna be gone and you're gonna have new holders and you're gonna have new people in here that are a totally different level
So like the community is just the people you surround yourself with and you choose that like
The good thing showed me that like for real like recently even like a couple months ago
I was like really thinking about my shit and was like who the fuck is in my circle and why the fuck
Are they like for like what is the reason and that that alone is pvp, dude?
It's pvp to talk to me
Like it's it's it's everything's pvp, bro
And people that don't want to like act like that's how life is like you sit over there. I'm gonna go win
It's just it's that simple, bro
But I think if we want if we want ordinals to win we need money in this ecosystem and who brings money
You know these developers and reasons for people to download an xverse wallet, you know
Because they're you know in an ecosystem not everybody's going to go and want to buy a pfp
You know, they're going to want to do something else within that ecosystem play games
Maybe they're going to collect one of one art. Maybe um, you know, they're going to do the defy
But i'm just I just it's one of those situations where the bunny's got to flow in
For all of us degens who've been here, you know since the beginning, you know collecting all this this art
Which we you know, we have different reasons for why we collect what we collect
Um for us to ultimately say hey this
You know this stuff has value and I think it valid. I think we're getting validated right now
With this money coming in jason is early and I think he's one of the few
Early people that is starting to visualize this ecosystem and putting his money where his mouth is
And I think there's many more that are going to be following
Uh that steve
It's a very good question
And it's got a very
very clear answer
the key to dot net
The key to industry transformation the key to success is
developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers developers
Dude, the look on that man's face, dude.
It never gets old.
The sweat's even more impressive, but the look's good too.
He sounds like, I don't know if anyone ever made this comparison, but he sounds like fucking
Chris Farley when he's doing Matt Foley.
He's literally going into a Matt Foley.
He's like, I don't want to do it right now, but yeah.
Fucking classic.
Let's do it.
No, no, no.
I gotta say, I'm super addicted to this thing you just taught me, and I'm sitting here doing
it over and over.
How many times can I make the buttons go super fast?
I can't stop.
Dude, it's like a superpower.
I've seen people just rapid fire it, but I've learned I like to, you can oscillate it.
You can control it.
It's a new power.
When you really, really like something, you give them the fucking, the multiple emoji
But yeah, dude, what are spaces?
We came here to talk about world peace, and I feel like we just-
By any means possible.
We are talking about world.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I thought we've been talking about world peace.
It's been a collection of honorees, and he's putting it on block 78s, and it's really fucking
Happy Puppets Day.
I just de-gen minted a cat puppet.
I don't know what I minted.
Oh, it does sold out.
I don't know.
I don't know if I'm going to get it.
It was a couple hours ago.
Yeah, I got two.
It's coming, supposedly.
Yeah, it's coming.
But they look cool.
Yeah, it's coming.
You know, Bitcoin and all that.
You'll get it later.
Oh, I know what I was going to say before.
So someone brought up, I don't know, a long time ago about puppets and runes, and like,
dude, the puppets are definitely getting runes, because you look at just some of the mini
projects they've done so far, people in the community, we're definitely going to see the
puppets cook a bunch of runes, like, that's definitely going to happen.
I think it's like, so, like, here's the thing, my speculation, I don't really know, by the
way, I don't fucking know, bro.
I'm not really following.
I just trust, you know, the puppets or he could do his thing and his people, whatever
the fuck they're cooking.
I don't care.
I can't wait for my honorary though.
I'm fucking gassed.
But yeah, dude, they did pups, which was the meme coin, BRC 20 got dropped to opium.
I believe the first one.
That was Farmer Joe, right?
I think so.
I don't really know the lore lore, but I think that was Farmer Joe, just just fucking around
and find it out.
Like, let him fuck around.
Like, and let him find out.
But that was like, wasn't it the first, like, airdropped meme coin, supposedly?
That's from what I hear.
So, like, I don't know.
Let him cook with runes.
Like, why wouldn't these guys cook with the rune, bro?
You know what I'm saying?
For the little puppers, get us a little Bitcoin puppets rune.
I could see that happening, of course.
It was like, it wasn't at my ladies that were supposedly launching all the shit coins on
the east.
Oh, naturally.
They were doing work.
So, I mean, we basically have, like, I think an evolved culture of multiple communities
on the east, because there's literally, like, all the, like, a lot of those people are now
in the puppets.
Like, I saw Melted earlier, a fucking, a very legendary MF-er was rocking a puppet.
Obviously, Emily Jr. is puffing.
I don't know when he's going to change that PFP, if he ever does.
Dude's back doing a puppet now that we're having a Bitcoin puppet space.
So, shouts out to Toot.
I mean, Toot, you got Toot MF-er down here?
Like, so, I mean...
What happened to PixelPuppet?
You know, that was another late night D-gen move.
I got, like, 10 of those.
I don't know.
I think higher later, bro.
I got like 30 of them, bro.
I'm just holding.
They're funny.
The Cheetos.
I forgot about the Cheetos.
I was, like, out of it.
The Cheetos.
Bitcoin trumps.
I mean, this has just been, like, a couple D-gen weeks of late night, like, mints.
And the nice thing about it versus Ethereum, you sign your wallet and you're less worried
about being rubbed your entire collection.
I don't know if anybody else has that feeling.
I don't feel as bad about signing this, like, random mint.
Well, I mean, definitely still use caution.
But I mean, it's like, you know, like you're confident in a, you know, never mind, I won't
go there.
But anyways.
I think you guys know what's going on.
Stay safe.
You want it.
You want it silly.
Don't lose your Bitcoins, bro.
I mean, I've been talking to Bitcoins to some fucking guy once, early days.
I didn't get a fucking NFT ride or did not get it or know what didn't happen.
He just took my Bitcoins and he ran.
So be careful.
Like some of these websites, you know, you could spin up a website and be like, hey,
send a fucking here's the transaction.
Here's the fucking blah, blah, blah.
Send the money here.
Send the money and you're like, what the fuck happened?
He got your Bitcoins and you didn't DIY or and it's welcome to fucking that PvP part
that we were talking about.
Yeah, dude, they'll take your Bitcoins.
They want them.
So just be careful with weird mints is what I would say.
I definitely did that early days.
Some fucking asshole dropped in a group chat.
I tracked him down.
I got all of his DMC blocked me.
But either way, they took my $30 in Bitcoin.
And like a lot of us, not that it matters, but I got you for 30 bucks a BTC.
Yeah, it's crazy, dude.
I got right for 30.
I've been here for a year in Ordinals.
I got right to 30 bucks, bro.
So that's that's wrong.
I'm done.
No, but that's a good reminder.
It's been a while, but we're you know, we're talking about just like the fucking hype cycle
that's coming and all the fucking money that's going to rain down around us and how we're
going to try and collect as much as possible.
I think of it like as I don't know if you guys ever did like fundraisers and like middle
school elementary or whatever, but they had those like if you got to like a certain level,
you got to go in the glass fucking case where it's just like dollar bills swirling around
I never did it because I was a terrible fucking fundraiser, but I always had this fantasy
of like, dude, if I got in that fucking glass cage, like I would just fucking I would collect
so much money.
And I feel like that's kind of like that's kind of the metaphor that I use of like, because
you can't collect them all.
You can't, you know, it's like Pokemon, you can't get them all.
But like we know that there is going to be just a shit ton of runes or you be a shit
ton of like collections coming.
But on that note, like, I think early on, there was this sort of like, there was a narrative
being being thrown out there that like, you know, there won't be as many scams on Bitcoin.
And I kind of like thought about it at first and like, yeah, that seems like that's nice.
It's a nice thought.
But the more I like we went along, I'm like, no, it's just going to cost more to scam.
And so it's just like, it's just a different calculus.
It's like the same reason that like, the largest corporations in the world commit crimes, knowing
that they're committing crimes, but that they're just going to pay a fine.
And that it's just a cost of doing business.
And as long as they can, you know, basically create a profit model that shows getting that
fine will still be profitable, they'll go ahead and commit the crime.
So yeah, I think I think we're going to see a lot of scams still, or maybe even just a
few big ones.
So just a reminder, like to all of us, like definitely still still be cautious, like Speed
Racer is not wrong.
You don't have smart contract risk, at least at this point.
But you do still have, you're gonna we're gonna see some we have not even seen it yet.
Like the scammers that like that we know and love are starting to come back in.
But there's plenty of them that haven't come back yet.
And, and like, they haven't really been fully active, because they don't even frankly know
enough about this shit yet.
But when the money starts flowing, like the fucking scams are going to start flowing.
Yeah, they want the money.
As soon as I say that, who shows up swag toshi?
Yeah, exactly.
Let's go scam up in no, the it doesn't cost anything to create more wallets.
And I think that's, that's a big thing for a lot of people.
You know, generate hot wallets, warm wallets and cold wallets on Bitcoin, just like we
did on ETH.
And I think most people will be good.
And even though it costs more money, if you have a high value asset, it's best to take
that transaction fee and move it to a wallet you don't touch this like one other thing
just to point out, like I, I put out a project recently six pieces whenever Lincoln buyout,
like that I'm trying to fucking basically get wireless all the time, right?
So I'm always talking to projects, etc, etc.
A lot of projects will men out on like inscribed now and shit.
And one thing I've been noticing, bro, is like, these guys are definitely inflating
paintings, like there's no way there's fucking 500 paintings, and then they all go away.
And then there's 500 paintings, and then they all go away.
And then there's 500 paintings, and then they all go away.
I'm not fucking stupid.
So the other day, that's fine.
So keep an eye out for this.
It's like manufactured hype type shit, even even that it's like it might not be a direct
But when somebody goes to that website and sees fucking 1000 pending transactions, and
they don't know any better, they're gonna be like, Oh, shit, this thing's going crazy.
I'm gonna start minting.
And then those guys get your money.
And it's technically a scam, right?
Because they're fucking not, it's not genuine, there's not 1000 people interested in it.
But it looks like that to you.
So keep an eye out for that.
Because I've definitely done some white lists.
And I've definitely seen that happen even with a couple of those guys that I've gotten
because they do there's free cheap mints, whatever the fuck.
Some of them are dope.
Some of them are just, you know, not there'd be people trying to just make a bag.
So like, they're gonna do shit like that.
So yeah, I mean, no shade on anybody specifically.
But that's a thing that's happening.
So like, if you are like minting there, just understand that and look at other metrics other
than the pending transactions because they're inflating the fuck out of that.
God, we're so fucking back.
I know, right?
But also pin up to the top, you can see those cats, bro.
They did mint out is the CCO cats, fucking you can go look at all those motherfuckers
up there.
I'm bullish.
I like them.
I got a chef.
I come from like a chef background, restaurant industry type deal, all that bullshit.
So I felt very happy when I got that thing.
And I'm never gonna sell it.
And I hate it.
But if it goes up, I'm gonna not want to get rid of it.
But I do have another one that I got a different wallet.
Hopefully, you guys got those.
They're actually really fucking lit, dude.
And he did like, what do you do little shits?
That was like a project he did already.
So it was a background here moved on from the scam conversation that can no longer talk
about what I wanted to talk about.
The pics of get is his first I still don't know if I can say it.
That's his first collection on ordinals.
He actually has some cool technical stuff, too.
There's like, there's metadata, I'm not sure exactly what what he used, like what format
he used for the metadata, but there is metadata.
And he actually built a metadata reader.
So that you can like, actually go and just drop your inscription ID and see the traits
of your pics again.
They're like very abstract pixel shit.
So like, you kind of got to go check out what the metadata is.
It just isn't getting pulled into marketplaces.
Let's go.
It's fucking crazy.
Yeah, he's been here for a while.
So I'm pretty fucking bullish.
I was looking into ours.
Cool, dude.
Have a little shit.
The entire puppet AI model.
Yeah, bro.
So that's fucking crazy.
And all of those original, like funny, AI, opium meme videos, those are all Luke Lucas
Creating a shit.
It just shows you how early we are.
You know, we have a big, you know, we have quantum cats, you know, they've delayed mint
a couple of times.
You know, we have all these projects, I mean, even the minting process on Bitcoin hasn't
been sorted out yet.
Like there's no standard, you know, I just think this is still so extremely early.
People trying to figure out how you can mint out a collection.
I mean, this is just insane how it is.
I mean, you have, you know, who's who of Bitcoin on that team with quantum cats, and it's still
one of those situations.
I'm still bullish that project.
I'm not funding that project by any means.
I'm just saying it's just like the infrastructure of Bitcoin is so different that I think hopefully
some standard will come in place where people can kind of rinse and repeat for these types
of collections because, you know, people are like minting and they're like, wait a minute,
it's minted out.
And now people are having to send refunds for two weeks because you're having to individually
send your wallet address to a discord somewhere.
Oh, shit.
Yeah, that's what happens.
And then eventually you buy a serial card.
Yeah, to your point again, like, like everybody in this room, even if you've never heard about
ordinals and you've just been listening as Blatheron, you know more about ordinals than
damn near every fucking venture capitalist out there, like quite literally.
And that means, you know, more than than fucking any enterprise company out there or
any fucking traditional, like, you know, finance bros out there, except for Danny, you know,
Danny's definitely I don't know.
I don't know if I'm overstepping the line here, but, you know, Danny, according to according
to his is, you know, his bio, he works in U.S. equity.
So I would say he's he's toeing the line here, but he's got his pub credentials.
But no, but like, seriously, like, like there's literally no there's fucking one percent,
two percent, whatever it is of the world that really understands anything at all about like
crypto, even in a general fucking sense.
And then of that small, you know, one to two percent that get it, like none of them know
about fucking NFTs.
And then of those people that know about NFTs, none of them fucking know about ordinals.
So and even like the people who know if you know about ordinals, like, again, you just
keep going down like if you have any technical knowledge and this isn't I always say this
shit not to like grandstand because I need a lot I need to learn a lot more, dig into
more of the code myself.
But like, it's an opportunity that we all fucking have, like, we're literally fucking
sitting here in whatever year, whether it's 2015, 2016, but it's pre Ethereum ICO.
Like we all know what happened after that.
Now we had DeFi summer.
We had like I mean, we've got multiple cycles, but we're sitting here before all the shit
pops off, looking off into the distance about to see the bomb of fucking money go off.
And it's just it's a beautiful thing.
Like it's a very beautiful thing, especially to be here with so many incredible people
like King Ark, who I've known for a long time, but like somebody like swag just met him in
the last year, fucking Leo just met him like in the last several months, you know, like
fights fucking Danny, like speed racer, we've been riding together like but there's a lot
of people here, we've all been sort of like either directly, you know, in communities
together or just friends.
But there's a lot of fucking people just joining up for the first time who've been riding in
And that to me is like, again, like if we wanted to, we sat down and we're like, all
right, let's fucking put our heads together, our resource together, a lot of shit we could
just do together, but and I think at some point, a lot of us will write like once to
King Arse point, like once you make the money, then you figure out how to make the money
work for you, which is this is why you look at like the crypto G's like they've all started
companies, you know, like Ryan Selkis is the head of Missouri.
He was he was just a fucking blogger back in the day, like he literally if you guys
don't know, two bit idiot, like he's the dude who broke the story on fucking Mt. Gox.
Like that's how he got put on the map.
And now he runs Missouri, which is a massive fucking crypto company, and he's out there
actually like campaigning, you know, like literally quite literally to to change, you
know, the legislation that that fucking that that rules the day like that that, you know,
regulates this entire thing.
So there's opportunities for the people here like Polymath says it all the time, too, but
to become like leaders of not just this industry, but because the technology is going to change
the world, like you were going to become leaders of like the world, like so to speak, like
not actual like, you know, somebody might be a president, but you know what I'm saying?
Like there's a huge, huge opportunity.
It's not just about making money, it's about influence in the future.
And to me, that's what really gets me excited because if all I want to do is make money,
there's a lot of other way I could have been silent, could have just been sitting there
in the background pressing buttons.
But to me, it's much more and it's much more like valuable experience to create this network
where a lot of people are winning together.
And then once we win, you know, we get to the next spot, then we figure out how we want
to do next.
Like it's a huge opportunity.
I see Goodfoot coming up, I'll get Brooklyn up and then I just think people need to spread
their tentacles, you know, you know, and people were so maxi their community.
And I think in ordinals, that hasn't been the case, because a lot of us are intermingling
within other communities.
And ultimately, nobody knows where things are going to go from here.
And but I think it's one of those things where you're going to learn something new from every
community you join.
And I think it's just important, you know, there's, there's, you know, there's 10 to
20 to 30,000 people, you know, actively in ordinals every day, I mean, this is a very
small, you know, group of people.
And so I just think funding other people's projects at this phase of the game, when we're
literally trying to build an ecosystem is, you know, is very nearsighted.
I gotta say what's up to my good buddy, Goodfoot, how you doing, man?
I'm good, buddy.
But I didn't know how long you're into it.
So I was like, we're in deep.
Yeah, I'm waiting, waiting for the end.
Tell me when the end, because I got you, because I'm not going to fuck you up, because you
are legitimately, I just said to the best at the same time.
Fuck off.
What are you saying?
He wants to play a banger when when we're good things in King Arf.
Get fucked to the goddamn best in the fucking space, all of the right reasons.
Fuck your face.
I've been here long and give zero fucks about my tenure or whatever.
But I fucking know people.
Fuck off.
Fuck off.
The two fucking best, side by side.
Fuck your face.
Get rekt.
Let's get hammered right now.
Let's get it.
Fuck me, dude.
Let's go to Brooklyn and then we'll go to fucking Cypher D's and then we'll see if we
can figure out this music.
What's up, dude?
What's up?
No, I'm just vibing.
I'm high as fuck.
I saw that you were online and I miss your fucking crazy ass.
I wanted to say what's up.
And obviously, we got some mutuals in here.
So what's up, everybody?
What's up, good things?
Yeah, I'm just here soaking up the vibes high as fuck on a Thursday night.
Let's go, girl.
Yeah, I haven't seen you in a minute.
Nice to see you, dude.
I'm here every fucking day.
I'm here for runes every fucking day so we can get rich at having.
That's what we're doing for the next fucking 57, 55, 54 days, whatever it's going to be.
For sure.
Wait, I got a question.
Does Brooklyn and Goodfoot, do you guys have an X-verse wallet already open?
Yes, but I don't have one of the six of King Arp because I'm a fucking idiot.
He's told me forever.
He's one of my good friends and I fucking didn't do it because I didn't take a fucking
malarfi guarantee.
I'm worse.
All right.
I'm fucking worse.
You're fine, bro.
You're going to be all right.
You're not an idiot.
You're so we're still friends, bro.
It was a problem as origami fucking swept up right immediately and just got it right
off of under your bro.
But he listed it for point oh five.
Between Goodfoot and origami, I feel like that floor price could be negotiated.
Maybe honestly, he likes money.
If you get into origami, I'm not going to lie to you.
He might pay for hand my shit and you might get it into your cold dead hands, bro.
That is easily my best access point.
For sure.
That's your move if you really want one, but yeah, dude, fucking let's let cypher go and
then I don't know.
It's good things.
I just want to follow up.
So Brooklyn, you have an ex first, though.
You never came to Bitcoin.
I told you to.
I have an ex first and I have a normal.
Oh, yeah.
My dad has all my Bitcoin.
So like anything with him, I don't have a personal one.
Are you sure you have the next verse?
You can still do it.
Yeah, this is a great opportunity, honestly.
I strongly think like it is not is the right time if you don't have an ex first to just
go download the app.
It's I can I can send you the yeah, I can I'll just I'll pin up one of their tweets.
You can go to their account.
Just make sure you go to the right.
I don't know.
Maybe King or if you can DM or the actual link if you have a chance, if not, I can do it.
But yeah, let's get you a busy for me.
Let's get you in the game.
Let's get you like actually just open up a wallet.
It's very similar to as far as the look and feel of MetaMask.
So it'll be somewhat familiar.
And at some point you can transfer Bitcoin in there and start on your journey.
But that's the first thing is just actually installing the app.
It's a little bit of friction that can stop people, but I don't want to have the conversation
in like three months, six months from now and go, hey, Brooklyn, do you have you have
an ex first wallet?
I think it's a good time.
Dude, I will tell you one of the best things I've ever heard Golden say is he was talking
about friction and about how much opportunity that there is because of friction.
Like when the friction is gone, you're not fucking early.
And so like, like me and my team have been looking at like solving friction and everything.
But then a different fucking perspective is like, that's fucking that's a shit.
When you're doing it on Excel, you got the early shit.
Yeah, and there's there's still plenty of friction, man.
That's the second time, maybe the third time Golden has gotten glazed for that exact comment.
So shout out to Golden again.
I know he's listening.
Golden is a goat.
And it's true.
It is true.
When it when it when it was hard to buy Bitcoin, there was no fucking exchange or to meet somebody
in a coffee shop or like some some like, you know, weird situation just to get some goddamn
coin in person.
That was that was a good time to buy Bitcoin.
You know, when whenever there's yeah, I mean, you got to it's not just friction, you got
to have an actual thesis about the value of these things.
But if it's hard for a lot of people to do it, like I remember I was buying coins off
of like, I don't know what fucking exchange it was, but it was a Korean exchange.
And like, you could only really get those coins there.
Like, that was that was alpha for me.
You know, like that was an opportunity before it gets to like, you know, Coinbase or Binance
or whatever.
But yeah, let's go to Cypher D's and then Goodfoot.
I don't know what you got cooking for us, but you can send us out, brother.
Go ahead, Cypher.
Oh, shit, my bad.
No, I just want to apologize to King Arph
because I think I he misinterpreted what I was saying in regarding the escape.
So, yeah, but that's all I want to say.
There's some other question, but that was the main main thing.
Yeah, no, I think I think he's good.
I think King Arph is he's he's launched something very intriguing.
And I miss it out.
I miss out on it, too.
It wasn't just Goodfoot, but I'm really I'm excited to see King Arph build into this
fucking bull market because he's a person who's been sitting there telling people I'm
going to fucking do this.
I'm going to do that.
Like, I'm going to like I'm going to fucking win.
I'm working on it.
And he's he's not been bullshitting like he actually has been working on it.
He's been making a ton of fucking development.
And now, like I have to go to him for expertise because he's got he's got it.
So I appreciate you, bro.
I'm going to put my bags right quick.
Like, look, I described these things in June and like I knew that like I knew the
shit I knew what the shit was the second I saw it.
And I was like, I want to inscribe some of my own shit.
Shut the fuck up.
No, you shut the fuck up.
I've been learning like, you know, I was already learning like some generative art
shit at the time, and it was like perfect for Bitcoin.
So I was like, OK, like, let's pivot and just do some shit or whatever.
And blah, blah, blah.
And that was in June.
I didn't do anything with the collection.
I actually had like 30, 40 pieces, but I saw a product market fit with runes.
So like, if you want to fund a treasury, you either got to fucking do a bunch of
NFTs or you got to do something like smart.
So like for me, I just did like the point oh one six nine generative art piece.
If it's sold, it was like six of them.
If they sold, I was going to fund the Treasury with our six one sold immediately.
Shouts out to the fucking Rocky down there.
Fucking G.
He got the one.
And then I immediately like funded it with like a topped off my own whatever.
And I bought one arsenic just to like fund it because I was like, OK, if I have
one holder like I want one arsenic in here immediately, just so like the
Treasury is funding itself.
And then after that, yeah, it sold out in like twenty three hours.
And then I ended up loading it with now six, which is like partly my own thing.
But I just want to have as many in there as possible.
So basically, I'm just funding a Treasury with our sick roads.
That's that's it.
There's no road map.
There's no anything.
It's generative art piece.
And then I'm funding my Treasury with our six.
And that the plan is basically it's the biggest fade ever of like one of the real
good people that have always known about this and it's only six of any fucking funded
it six X what he was going to.
I fucking hate you.
I apologize.
All the same things.
Fuck, fuck.
Just talk to him.
Quit talking about it because I'm going to talk to origami dude.
You know, this is PVP.
Were you saying cyber?
They've from.
Say for us.
Did now now see casas up here.
We're not ending the space.
We fucking see Casa gets up here.
It's not happening.
Swag hasn't really said too much either.
But and now we got somebody with a macho man.
PFP Benji, we're getting him up here.
I what the more cats I meant to how many do you miss like how many did I try to
I mean, I honestly don't know what I ended up with.
I think I still might get like another refund, but I got at least 20, I think
confirmed plus four four that I minted whitelist.
You're exposed, bro.
That's fucking 30, 30 sacks.
Let's get it.
What's up, my fellow demented motherfuckers?
It's good.
It's good to see a fucking puppet thing going on at night.
Usually you guys holding down the daytime, which is dope.
I just wanted to say, like, this has been a fucking it's such a perfect poetic
continuation of what Bitcoin started of making people so fucking mad that it's so
silly that it actually is going to work because it makes people so fucking mad.
And I felt it similar, you know, when I when I kind of came to understand what the stick
figures on the representative and through the help of fucking the good the good CEO
slash mayor, M. Lee, Junior and good things, some other base motherfuckers.
They finally forced me to look at ordinals in the face and recognized that it is fucking
And then these beautiful fucking sick and enigmatic pups poke their fucking heads out of
the ground like like beautiful fucking.
What are the mere cats, bro?
And my fucking heart, I don't know, man.
They just they just fucking I'm like, these are going to make people so mad.
They're going to make people so fucking mad that I.
It just it's it's the next fucking milestone.
And the fact that then we see the continuation with derps and these fucking crazy cats and
this autistic meta that is just wonderful.
All of it, it requires have resided in the fucking bear market and really love this shit
to recognize and read between the fucking lines of this shit, bro.
And so I just I know we're going to zero.
I understand that.
But on the way, I would rather no other fucking stick and ship that alongside these
psychotic, beautiful fucking puppets.
So hats off to you motherfuckers are fucking send it, bro.
Now, hats off to you, your fucking chief.
That just shows you how it just shows you how a lot of people are, you know, once
which ETF posted their wallet, everybody's sending PFPs to the wallet.
It was pretty insane what was happening here in the last couple of weeks.
It's like once once the market decides, hey, we're going to do Bitcoin, everyone's like,
what's Bitcoin? Tell me about this.
We're literally like that PFPs on these satoshis and people are degen sending them
to random wallets.
It's just insane.
Dude, you cannot.
Yeah, I mean, you can't listen to Seacasa and not get more fucking bullish because he
adds a level of poetry poetry to this that nobody else can bring.
I had not seen anybody, you know, just pontificate calling them, you know, the
visualization of puppets as meerkats just had me fucking in tears, dude, both from
laughter, sadness, happiness.
Like I felt so much emotion picturing that right now, just these beautiful pups just
fucking just popping out of the ground.
Like, you know, just man, they're the fucking they're the umami of animals that don't
fucking exist for beings that should be but are not, but still are.
That's right.
Put your hand in a puppet, dude.
Let's do it.
You're saying you can't unsee a puppet.
You can't. No, you can't feel a puppet.
Yeah, they're elusive.
Like you will unsee it, but it'll come and fucking slap you in the dick just when you're
not expecting it.
And then you'll get mad because you didn't get something we got, but we'll be happy.
I'll be honest, what makes me happy is oh shit.
Yeah, fucking go.
I'll let up when we put it together, like when you said you felt so happy every time.
I told myself that you were right for me, but felt so lonely in your company.
That was love and it's an eight past seven.
Oh, yeah.
Get together.
Who's doing the Macho Man?
Who's doing it?
Oh, who's doing the Macho Man?
Macho Man, he
revived from the dead.
He's here.
Dancing with his shirt off right now.
Yeah, he died with a heart attack.
He was driving his car ran to a tree.
Can't hear him, man.
Get out of the room.
It's not for you.
I don't believe I'm in your love.
Hell, yeah.
Yeah, I was like, yeah, brother.
Golden, what's up, sir?
How you doing?
Dude, there's no way I'm ending this fucking spaces now after that.
Holy shit.
Yeah, it's DJ and shit now.
Dude, we got to fucking run this bitch, bro.
Oh, this is when the gutter rats come out.
Was there ever someone who tried to do a 24-hour space?
Oh, that's not fucking happening.
Maybe he will.
That was the, that was the d-gods.
That was the 24-hour d-gods thing.
Yeah, sounds so bearish, dude.
We're like going to fucking sit down here on spaces, fucking pretending like I got something to say for 24 hours, bro.
That's crazy as fuck.
I listened to part of it.
I wish I had that time back.
I'll be at short.
Yeah, boring.
I've had this song on repeat.
Because dude, I can't get it out of my head.
I fucking hate it.
I fucking want it.
I want it.
I want it.
I want it.
Let me tell you something.
I'm fucking, I'm fucking, everybody, everybody, everybody, everybody, everybody.
Let me tell you something, brother.
See, I really been poppin' my shit on the whole nother level.
You playin' good stuff for the day.
These bitches been naughty.
I swear they keep callin' my phone.
I'm like, hold on, let me check this shit.
This shit get time of day.
I had a good pass on back at the spot.
She gettin' big like a pussy.
These niggas be soft for the bitch.
We talked about her.
One side of this, they know what up.
See, I really been poppin' my shit on the whole nother level.
You playin' good stuff for the day.
These bitches been naughty.
I swear they keep callin' my phone.
I'm like, hold on, let me check this shit.
This shit get time of day.
I had a good pass on back at the spot.
She gettin' big like a pussy.
These niggas be soft for the bitch.
We talked about her.
I'm like, hold on, let me check this shit.
This shit get time of day.
I had a good pass on back at the spot.
She gettin' big like a pussy.
These niggas be soft for the bitch.
We talked about her.
One side of this, they know what up.
See, I really been poppin' my shit on the whole nother level.
You playin' good stuff for the day.
These bitches been naughty.
I swear they keep callin' my phone.
I'm like, hold on, let me check this schedule, bro.
Let's fuck it.
This good foot?
You guys have seen Kacey dancing, right?
Kacey wrote them off?
I gotta take it.
I got to take it.
I got to take it.
I got to take it.
I got to take it.
I got to take it.
I got to take it.
I got to take it.
You guys have seen Kacey dancing, right?
Kacey wrote them off?
I got to thank my wonderful co-host, Black Toshi Bienaurs.
I got to thank the legends, Ticasa, Leo, Poit, Golden, Good Foot, Danny, Speed Racer 2, and
my new best friend, Correct, that I've ever pulled out in my life.
Wait, is Swag playing music at the same time?
Holy shit.
Of course.
Jesus Christ.
Alright, guys.
I'm goin' to bed.
This has been Bullish as fuck.
Bitcoin puppets, world peace.
If you talk to lay puppeteers, I need a fucking...
I need an honorary.
I fucked up on these cats, but I really need one of those honors.
Yeah, get rid of the numbers.
Love you all.
Get those runes.
Be like King Arf.
Be inside the room.
Get in the room.
Holy shit.
What a thought.