BitMart X OPUL Twitter Space AMA

Recorded: June 2, 2023 Duration: 0:44:30



Hey guys, and I will guest up soon. Just give us a couple minutes.
All right, everyone. Hi, Ted. Hi, Lee. Good morning. Good morning. Is it morning for you? Yes. We only feel hours apart. It's 11 a.m. here. You're in Singapore, right?
No, I mean you are. I thought that's why you were always in my house, but well that's much better. Yeah, what nice. That that was April like it's doing now. Oh, yeah, we never catch up to you. That's the problem Victoria. We never catch up. I just see you all. I just I bet that's good. What we can catch up today publicly.
So that's good or fun, all the information. Of course, there's a lot of exciting things coming up from the community, so I would love to know all of that. Well, I know you for quite a while, but I think there's still a couple of new members from our community that I know you, so I want to give us a
So what myself and Victoria the VP of BD have been running this change and today we have Lee process here and he's a CEO and co-founder of Opus and also sorry, sorry, sorry, it's also amazing
I want to put Nora in the space for such a long time. He also has an amazing company called Dito Music. I think this is how you get started to create a web 3 music company for Opios. At the beginning you got the idea of Dito Music. Could you share some information like how you get started?
I'm talking about that a lot actually so I run Ditto. Even in the last few years, Ditto's got bigger and bigger so it wasn't a huge company when I started but it was pretty big. We have a million users on Ditto now and Ditto is a platform
that allows artists to put their music on Spotify and iTunes. We also have a record label and we also manage from the biggest artists all over the world. So it was like a full blown kind of international music company now that's just growing every year but I think it was around 2017 I got into I really got into crypto and
decided I wanted to work in it properly. And I mentioned it because a lot of people, you know, almost daily hit me up and I'm like, oh, Lee, I want to put your brains. We want to launch a crypto token. I wanted to do this. It's not money. It's, you know, I had to literally go to conferences by myself for probably a year. I couldn't know anyone. No one was interested. Even though I#
My first ever contact I made I think was I think I paid about five grand to be on to sponsor a panel in Singapore somewhere I can't remember it was and it was like the only because I didn't have any contacts right so I thought I'll put a panel on and I think I met Max from Zillikron that's how I was introduced to Ali at X-CAD and then me and him met
in around 2018 and we just like hit it off and he was doing something you know close to what I was doing at the same time but my advice is basically there are no shortcuts but you know even me and Ali you know we didn't it's not like we I started networking with people who would weigh more experience we were literally both starting off at the bottom myself and we had to just keep going of these events we had to keep
learning more. I must have done about 300 meetings, and most people were trying to invest in Ditto at the time, so it was just really frustrating. But yeah, but we had the idea, and after several years we got it to market, and we just launched the website, well only a few weeks ago, which is crazy for how long have been working on it, but it feels
like we've been around forever now. And yes, it's been going amazing. I think we're definitely one of the biggest web-telling music companies now. Definitely got the biggest loudest community. So hello to everyone here as well. So thank you for your support. And that's it. It's what Pulas is a music fractionalisation company. So we allow people to invest in songs.
and get paid whenever that song gets played on Spotify and all the other string and platforms. Music IP is one of the fastest growing investments because you know you're looking at like a 10% APY per year and it's not like the housing market where you know you can buy a house and you're supposed to earn 8% but then you know someone moves out you've got to repair it music just kind of keeps going
on with no real other cast apart from the upfront cast of getting the catalog. So that's why most of the biggest banks like Wells Fargo and JP Morgan have all been buying music catalogs. But obviously with Oculus we don't want the power going back to the banks so we've opened that whole market up to normal users to be able to buy parts of their favorite songs.
Yeah, exactly. No matter what kind of market conditions, people always listen to music, right? We sold that sale out yesterday and we probably would have sold out in about 15 minutes. There were too many big orders going through. I don't hear other websites.
So, yeah, but you know, I was actually staggered that we had so much interest yesterday. We sold you know, $55,000 out. Uh-huh. Pretty much straight after that. And it's because it's a stable investment, right? You know, you're getting 10 to 12% APY on that. And I know this has been recording on not to mention terms like
you why. But apparently it would be possible if you wanted to. Well 10% is 100% the inflation these days. If you compound that for three years it's about 13.3%. Compound it over 10 years, it's about 70%.
You know, it's a great investment. I was just like the graph on that. I didn't make that up. I just wanted to sign a tag. By the way, I forgot to mention so none of these discussions is financial advice. So we were just casually chatting and talking about the new way. Yeah, yeah. This is not investment advice just to be clear to the communities and also unfortunately up
is not open to us users. So yeah, yeah, I just want to make sure the compliance is happy about what we're talking about today. Yeah. Well, but I saw the yesterday the product launch. That was the first one, right? We did a few sales
before, but before we were with partnered right because originally we were going to launch them as actual securities, but it just doesn't make any sense because the cost is so high for doing a security per year that you just never get any return on them. So that's unfortunately, you've had to disregard the US market for now, but obviously it's something we're working on long-term.
And I hope the US thoughts itself out as well because it's kind of ridiculous that you can buy a gun, but you can't invest in a piece of music. No offense, I've been no taken. Anyway, so yesterday was the first one.
So tell us more about like this long chance I do so you have the pre-sell and what less how people be able to participate like as early as possible yesterday was one hour everything just sold out so yeah and a lot of people missed it right but if you're in the pre-sell you get about you get around seven days to buy them and the pre-sell you get in by winning
tickets by staking your Oculus. So you're going to need Oculus, not financial advice. But as soon as you stake those tokens, you get an AQI in the token anyway and then you'll get Raffles for all of the sales that come in up because we've got a sale coming up every two weeks now for our next five months and then we've also got a few other things launching. So what you got to do is get some
so you can stake it and then you'll get early access from all of these and you're living the life of a music monster put off. And for the first bite of it, for staking the off your token, do you have to manually try and deflect the ruffles or you automatically get selected if you
So if you win or it will automatically get selected, there's quite a few wins coming through. I think we'll probably make it a few more for next time. So more people can get into it. - Nice, nice. Okay. Well, that's very clear. So I think yesterday was the first one and I'm assuming the next one is coming up in two weeks.
Sorry, I'm mute. Yeah, I think we're opening it today actually the pre I think we're opening something's happening today. And I know something's on this call actually if you want to come up and talk as far as I can see it. So
Yeah, I think that opens today and it will be sailing on pre-sale I guess next week. And then we'll have another week after that and it'll go on public sale, but it's a very small sale. I think it's probably going to sell out quite quickly on the pre-sale this one.
Okay, yeah, sure. Well, we can we can put an end well as well to more talk about like the product and also the platform side and before we get in there, there's another question that's the one to ask you about. Could you like give us more information about like, what is this like music MFT?
MFT, the new ComSap you guys are created, was the CCs behind it and how exactly we'd be able to help the content creators, the general-region revenues and protect them in a coffee way. Before I do that, I'm just going to say a lot of few people because I see a lot of people in the community, Mehmet, Kevin, Ronnie, Carlos, obviously, Fernando is listening, but
But yeah, everyone in the office community, man, just thank you so much for turning up again. Okay, I can see that. So when we started, right, we were fractionalizing NFTs. So what we're going to do is fractionalize a song into people's hearts.
and then those NFTs would be able to have the copyright assigned to it and then they would earn the money. But the problem is obviously, an NFTs non-fungible rights, so you can't really trade it. The beauty of what an NFT is is we're launching a music copyright exchange soon. So if you didn't get into the sale yesterday, so it was
So if you were in the sale, yes, then you spent $100, you've got 100 MFTs now, right? And that assigns you a certain part of that song, a means you're getting paid. If you want to go and sell those on the exchange afterwards, the likelihood is the value will probably go up, right? Because it's such a hard sale to get into and other people are going to want that. So then they can be they#
and it's actually the only exchange you've got for musical assets for the whole music industry. And obviously I think that's going to grow into something really huge as well because you know I've worked in music for 15 years right and I see you know I've had some you know I've had huge hits and some of them are completely unexpected you know we can we put songs out and then you
you know six years later something happened on TikTok and the song goes absolutely crazy. So you're going to see the values of songs you know fluctuate, some are just going to pop and go up and it might you might think well okay I'm going to I'm going to cash out a bit now I've made a lot of profit. So yeah so we're launching an exchange for the MFTs and that's why it's an MFT and not an MFT#
And where is currently available, like which exchange to be able to participate?
The MFTs, so you can't put, you can only put some on the upload platform at the moment because they're basically like collectibles at the moment right and you have perks and stuff but eventually probably over the next, probably in around a month maybe maybe four to six weeks will launch the exchange so when you buy those MFTs you'll better go and you know trade them or buy more away
What if you want to do? Well, I also remember during the London launch, you also mentioned a couple of new features is coming up. Could you share it with us? I remember this as in call, Oh, well, and I was so hopeful. Yeah, I was also coming up. One of the really cool things I wanted to talk about, which are, you know,
not as big as AI, but we launched the O-Plax, which I think are amazing because there was a few videos of my house on Twitter the other day because one of my friends was staying and he took like these videos of you know my room's got a few music desks and it just looks amazing. So what we thought was the people that buy a part of the song should be able to
also have a disc with their name on it saying that they own a piece of this song. So we launched those last week as part of the perks, I think they're amazing. OVALT is like you shouldn't have recorded these footage or what I could say now because we just got guidelines on what we can and we can't say but you know you have no
normal funds, right, that instead of investing in one piece of music, you just want to invest in a broad part of a fund that invested in lots of music and provided a stable APY. That's what O-Bolt does. So the returns on it could be, you know, I'm not saying they would be, but they could
be anything from 9% to 12% a year and you can put a stable coin in there which is USDC and it will just return a stable piece of interest back by what a music catalog is paying because all these music catalogs are actual assets. It's not like investing in something like sales which is literally only making money if the market goes up
down. Whatever happens in the market tomorrow, the music catalog still makes the same amount of money. So we've created like a stable investment for people to put their stable points into that will pay them out regular rewards backed by music catalog, not to that in a few weeks. And this is like also have some kind of royalty program attached with it.
Yeah, so that's that's that's basically it's the same as putting your music anywhere right so like I said I can come to be predict what the music is going to make over the next 12 months so we kind of know what it's going to make so if we pay if we pay a hundred grand for a catalog it's probably going to make around 10% here so the people put their money into that pool
The catalog is bought, then they've got that investment coming back. They can also get rid of the tokens anytime they want. They can sell them on the exchange for around the same amount as they bought them. So there's no kind of it's completely, it's completely safe actually. It's probably the safest way to sustain your money out there because it doesn't depend on the crypto market fluctuations.
Got it and AI stuff you've seen to already mentioned Right, I can't shape the music since the only left space for so long tell me about it Yeah, so it's funny man because anytime you see any new technology in the music industry You see about 50 products going in the complete the wrong direction, and I think that's what we're seeing at the moment
moment everybody is building AI music tools right, make a song in AI making all this and they kind of ignore in the actual problems in the music industry. So one of the biggest problems I have a ditto and even an opera to be honest is we have a million artists right and a lot of artists we have on the label that we'll be writing advances for
And we have to calculate how much that song is going to make over the next 10 years, depending on how long the advance is. Now it's actually really quite difficult. This is how major labels lose a lot of money because they'll look at the top five songs on Spotify. They might write in advance based on those, but when you look at
But the last song performed well, one didn't perform well, one performed well, one had another artist on it. What I'd say I does is creating a full model, a predictive revenue model for any song at any time. So you can type in, you know, you can don't look up an artist and say, look, if I was going
a release song tomorrow, how much money is this going to generate in one year, two years, three years. And the reason that's important is because when we're doing these sales and we're giving out and we're telling people how much they can earn, it's still quite speculative, right? It's just kind of estimated on our past experience and skill of doing those deals, but what I've placed
I will help people in Oculus, you know, know if they are getting a good deal, or also show them how much money they are going to make when they calculate all of the royalty. Artists, obviously have a million artists on DittoRite and this will be a product for them as well. It means they can look into their finances a lot better, they can see how much money they are making in the year.
even business opportunities to say right I want to do a collaboration with Ed here right son like you never know so they'll do that and it will actually tell them how much money that is likely to make it also if he was a featured artist how much would it make if he was you know not a few sites how much money it would make so he kind of gives all the power back to the artist
and how much money their music is actually worth. And that's what AI should be used for, right, for making things better. And also for record labels, as I said before, a lot of them lose around 8 out of 10 record deals. They lose money on because they just mess up all the finances. So this is also a product that will
position to those guys and anyone really buying music catalog is going to help them properly decide how much that music's worth. I guess this is more like things why you're starting to have this kind of idea AI potentially can be able to shape the music industry.
I was just wondering, what was the cleft you start to think about it? We're talking about AI for so long. Since when you're thinking, this is actually makes sense. I'll tell you why, because my team at Ditto has around 10 people.
people in it right and there'll probably be 50 emails for each deal that comes through. So looking at that every day and having to sit on those meetings, that's obviously doing my head in. And it's like, so you think I can see where the problem is right because I literally I have to have two accountants on there. I have to have a guy who's head of, you know, perspective revenue and he needs an economics right, he's got to#
what the financial curve is going to be for the next 10 years. Then I've got to have the guy doing the deal. So there's so many moving parts in this one thing. It's like, well, we had a piece of software to do this. And you know, it's the same in surplus, right? Because we've been writing deals the last year now. But it's clearly a problem. And if it's a problem for me, then it#
You know, it's how it's how most good businesses come around you run into a problem you want to solve it? Well, that's interesting and so what else is very interesting happen in currently and either the music space or like a music world three space for you?
I'm just being, I've been, I look, I've been, look, right, we're in a bit of a bear market at the moment, right? And I think you can see that so many projects came out, you know, last year, two years ago, that aren't going to come back. So I think the crypto space as a whole is
still, it's not very mature, but I think for anyone who's on this call who's not anything in that office or anything, it's a really good time to back some good projects. You've just got to work at how has been, who's been actually doing the work over the last couple of years, because most of these people are going to disappear. Most of these NFT markets were scams and there's a lot of companies that are going to
pop-hop who were just consistently being, you know, just ignoring what's behind them and coming through. I haven't seen any amazing, you know, music things that I like at the moment to be honest. It's very early as well, but you tell me if it's all you work on and it's changed what's happening? Well, okay, you just throw up the question.
question back to me. Yeah, I'm ready to say. We're still like in kind of the beer market. Things still happen in pretty slow, but like I said always, various verbuters. So it's the perfect time to actually, to, to have done to look at what is currently needed and what is the best use case
for the industry and what is things potentially can be done that I caught topics for next year. Like the AI is everybody talking about but at the same time AI is not really like to be able to ship in your business for any kind of business you have to really understand what is for why you need to do this and this actually
works and then you are adopting the new features. I think back to the blockchain is the same thing. Like a lot of people was hoping having a token or the problem will be gone. It's not a case. Like at the end of the day, you still need to have solid product. You have to have business models and you have like constantly understand who is your customers. Not like every
everybody potentially is your customer. So that is the difficulties we're seeing in the last like I mean the space is 2018 so it's being a while it just like always see the same like people's and the projects coming in ago and they kind of also be peeing the same concept over and over again but like each each cycle it's getting
better and the regulation will get better, the market will get better, we'll get more people, more ideas, more money. So each cycle is getting better, but at the same time also the kind of like the dirty stuff is also repeating during the same cycle as well. So like I like opulence, you know I've been
back in your guys since like the token right so I really like the concept like finally I feel like seeing somebody has actually built something and the blockchain is weird okay it's really can change our lives can solve a couple of like specific problems
and it's a beautiful technology. But however, sometimes, it's people talking about, like, we're set up the token models and this is how you're going to work, but actually it's not really. You have to consider the retail factors. You're thinking for a second, the perspective, this is works, but it's retail actually going to use it or like, are you
be able to tell you a customer, this is the technology behind the scene and this is a product I'm going to deliver at the front end and I'm uncomfortable I want to try our product and our business actually like a few projects is have something actually works I am seeing so many people trying to compete with the boss Spotify and so
and like these are like a music hub right content creations and which is can't compete with sound. It's not going to happen right because people don't understand if you want to compete with Spotify go and try and make deals with the major labels for all the content it's not going to happen anyone get a bunch of crappy tracks you know from musicians and put it
online somewhere and you know, it's not a problem right? What problem you're solving by making decentralized Spotify? Like we're all happy. I know. You know the payments aren't great but eventually that will just go the same way anyway. So yeah you're right 100%. Yeah exactly. We have such a large community.
like you guys, you guys have to keep saying like majority of your communities is actually not a web 3 communities, it's web 2 communities which which which why you guys can go this far even do the firm market you're actually doing pretty well and have the product is ready the communities were supportive and for like either the music then the T cells were the
it was doing pretty good. I think because you understand how the normal retail thinks and you're thinking we're just creating something to make it existing working better. It's enough we're just going to create. It's pluses and linens is right because if you think about it, if I came out,
I did and said we're correct the next spot if I probably get loads more interest because people would understand it. I think one of the things I've placed you know so far is because we're so early people even you know I honestly we emailed a manager the other day and she was so rude. I've kept the email I'm going to frame it in a few years. So at the same thing when I started the post on was a terrible idea. She was just#
We work so hard with this. You don't know what you're like. Oh, we just asked you. But you know, even the music industry doesn't understand at the moment. Otherwise, they'd all be doing it. And it was honestly the same thing when I started it. It's hard to imagine now. When I started this, you know, it's 2008. Everyone's in CDs. No one thought digital music was going to take over.
I'm literally sitting there on my space trying to get banned so you get to and I'm like you know I'll put you on Spotify. What we're running out of there. They don't do this. It's right. Okay. See you in a few years. You know a few years happened and then certainly you know we've got a million users so I think you know people just people find a narrative for the
the blockchain industry, right? And I'm not going to see bad mouth and other projects, but you know, there's a few launch pads you just literally make a project called whatever the, you know, whatever the latest narrative is and they fund it and it goes because now it's a big thing. But like you said, I mean, the biggest thing I'm most happy about and most proud of the
team in the community for us. You know, we had people paying for a product. Anyone who could, you know, a lot of people have created a product and they said, well, you know, we've got the best tech, you know, people will use this for they're not are they, you know, they're not, I don't know, on paying to use it. No, if you've got a product that's made $55,000#
Yeah, it is. Well, I completely agree with you. Music is such an interesting industry. It's not like the other thing. Like dealing with artists and also dealing with the contemporary, it's really different like you're dealing with the backers.
like, like, um, portfolio managers wore the FAs. It's just, it's a different, it's a different world. If you get a secret there, it's just, you don't know. Exactly. And the banks, and the banks are trying to come in and do it. Right. And you know, I, man, honestly, I remember when I was in Atlanta, I was in like five years, six years ago, and I went#
of art, and they were saying, "There's parts of it, Lannard, they wouldn't go to the major labels." And then it just blew up ridiculous. And it was the same, me and Matt used to work in girl music and dry music before it was popular. And no one was interested, then it blows up and everyone's always interested. They don't really understand anything until it's already happened, right? And they don't really know
how to translate or communicate because they're not from that world and I think that's why people that like the music and people that love the music should be the ones who are investing in that music and should be the ones to own the music not a bank who doesn't even understand it or care about anything else past the money. They wouldn't be here if there was no money in it. They don't care about anything else, they don't care about
you guys really care about all of these content creators, disorders and also financially helping them to go through the early stage and early cycles and to make it more creations and also it's most sustainable. Yeah, because I've had it right, I've you know, I did so on glitching.
I've literally worked on an artist from their first ever song from their room and seeing them go on to selling a stadium mount, not with my help, they've usually got less and done something else. Like Sam Smith for example, I literally put his first album out and it was awful and then he started working just because you know, so I've literally seen him since he was a little kid to being an absolute
superstars. I'm still kind of part of me. He's like, wow, that is amazing. So what what you want to happen to Opolis is for everyone to get that feeling, right? Of discovering an artist, investing in it, and then seeing that art is blow up and it doesn't just give you, you know, say you make a big financial return. That's one thing, but you know, being a part of that is something that only#
access to until now with Opelus. Thank you very much. Yes we should put that on the on the highlands well so people can know about what the office is doing also the new website. Yeah it's a really cool website so it's all over there now. Oh yeah. We finished at 12 o'clock.
you'll join us in questions. What do you want to do? Well, we do have some questions from the community and there's one person who was asking about the token armors of the opulence of the tokens and also what is the incentives are available to the investors when they buy the opulence.
I can't really talk about tokenomics to be honest. It's quite a, it's a bit of a financial discussion and stuff. It's also not really my area so I don't really want to go into that. Actually, you have to be really careful. You've got an incentive to buy a token with SCC guidelines.
I don't see anything in it too right now it's like you guys don't do a staking or whatever it just keeps taking right I'm sorry okay so what are the benefits the benefits of holding the up list open is right you're getting to all the sales so it's the same as like any any
So every product we have, it's mainly, it works like any other platform, you can stake in the token, you'll get first access. Oh, by the way, things are speaking of the gold plasm, like the rewards. That is why you buy more, the MFTs and you will get additional rewards.
Sorry, you lost me there. The one the sales is happening right so each MFT is worth like $1 and they also have some exclusive perks like what is that for? It's just like any like a normal in a teed shop right so if you spend
On the last on the last token if you spent X amount you've got your own platinum gold disc right with it and then you've got like We've got a sale coming up with a with a really really awesome bank called Hunter as a horse It's a really small sale and they're doing like a special Small concert on zoom for people. They've got a special like bits of clothing line for stuff. They'll also have a gold
available on the perks. You also get a digital entity of it and if you collect those you're you're eligible for the you know up list goodies and stuff so I think the perks have been really good and we try to make them quite individualist to something you can actually you know people will actually get some get some closer to the art they like. Well another thing I
noticed like in the like for the ruffles there also have some artists is over here and it is means in the next six months as you mentioned and all of these artists will have their music collections come out. Yes so we've got around I think a ton of pieces
It's six months worth, so 26 weeks. We've got about 13 collections to drop, I guess, over the next six months. We've also got the oval that we'll be putting in there for people to get stable rewards and they're staking. So yeah, really exciting, man. We've still got people like Tygo coming through. We've got his drop to come.
There's a guy called Lalo, Lalo is Yara, one of them has got like about two billion streams on Spotify. There's loads of different artists more over the world, right? And that's one of the other things. If you, I know I keep saying but I work in music so I have to, I look at the stats every day. If you look at stats like Latin America, parts of, you know, different parts of Africa, all#
So a lot of the investments choices we've made are areas of the world that we know are going to, you know, the next few years provide much better returns than they could, you know, in the US or something because they're quite, you know, the fast-growing markets. So there's something for everyone really on the opposite side. There's some really great artists at
Okay nice. Well that is very exciting and well that's pretty much all the questions I have and do you have anything else? Like so far you have a share with the communities and you want to talk about that. If you've got time to get anyone up from the chat if anyone wants to ask a question, would you have to do that if you want, or if you've got. Let me see what we have over here.
But I'm gonna check the check the chat box to see if something is interesting and the community feel free to drop some messages in the chat box so I know you'll have something you want to ask to leave. If you want to come up, put your hand up or then I'll do that. We can do that too.
So Fernando's absolutely doesn't want to talk about anything about the other stuff. I'm supposed to come on and explain AI again in his dodged it. Now to be fair, he's so busy. I saw him at a club this morning running into his office so I don't know what's happening but Fernando's faster than AI. You'll never get a technology fast in Fernando's
So you're probably working. No, I guess maybe next time and like we can we can actually have something more AI focus and quite early right? We actually just did our tests on the POC on the AI and it was really good I think we worked to quite a high percentage of accuracy but over the next few months we'll bring out some
something that people can kind of, you know, when you design anything, it doesn't have a front end to it yet, so it's not really something you can kind of show people, but I must say it's really, really exciting and what it does. So that's it. Yeah, nice. Well, I do see another question. They were asking about like, what is the biggest plan for our
for the next six months and also for next year. Yeah, so someone's cutting the grass outside my house. Did you see the photo I sent? Victoria, that's good, right? I did. Did you see the video? So the video's been in Brazil. So the biggest plans in the next year, we've got, you know, we've just launched a huge platform that we spent, you know, four years building.
But we've been building and building and building. We've got so much more that we'll be dropping over the next 12 months. We're dropping the oval. We're going to drop up a list AI. We're going to drop 20 to 30 sales probably. We'll eventually be opening up for any artist to join. The oval, like I said, I want to grow that into the one of the world's biggest music catalogs, which is also
So a really good benefit to the token, put in the tokenomics and with the more catalog we have, the more the more usually happen to token and you know the more that should increase. So yeah, man, there's loads coming in the next. Did anyone put their hand up? Did you put your hand up running? If anyone wants to ask a question, I'm happy to do it for a few minutes.
No, I'm all done shy. Is anyone got a hand up for to it? Three feet is it? He's got the best northern accent ever. I'll put him up then. Think it's him from that
on Corbyn has got a question, the operas and ambassadors, the best beard, not just the probably ever, honestly. Well he was at the event happening in York City and was talking about the AI and also the beauty industry stuff, it was really nice. Yeah that's great man, like the operas
community everywhere they love to travel. Speaking of travel you better go out and I'll tell you. All right so there's a few hands up right I don't know how to do it and I don't know if I can but if you can work out to do it get someone else. Sure yeah but I can put this guy up and I have the questions. How many
Okay, I'm gonna ask help. I actually don't know how to put people up. Oh, I'm just a speaker that I can't do it. Let me ask my colleagues and to put people who put hands up and then.
Actually, thanks to investors here. Do you want to talk about what happened yesterday? You want to share something about the event?
Do I want to? No, you're ambassador in New York City.
Oh yeah that'd be great if you can get someone up. Is it a bit more doing? Mm-hmm they are putting him up like yeah. Oh nice. Yeah. Yeah that's always good for conversation.
Okay, I'm asking my colleagues to put him up.
So your office is really on my feet? Is there more offices than that? Is that the only one? Yes, we have office in Jersey. So like I'm coming back and then you know staying office for a bit. By the way, I'm actually coming to a sub-house next week. Oh really? Oh, you should have said.
It's kind of a last minute decision. Is there something happening there? Yes, there's kind of like cryptocurrencies. It's happening from the A to the 12. I wasn't using the more information that you guys want to come up. It's like an hour from me, so no worries.
It was like last minute decisions and it's a great decision. You want to regret it? Yeah, it should be a good one. Okay, here we go. He's here. Hey, come on. I did.
How are you? We're good. Victoria, pleasure meeting you yesterday. Yesterday was fantastic, wasn't it? Yes. Well, you're talking about the conference. We're just stating over there and imbind them at peace. Yeah, we were following what's going on both, I guess.
fascinating. The conference was fantastic. You moderated the panel. I had the pleasure speaking about Web3 and AI. It was amazing. Spreading the word about Oculus.
I mentioned it several times, but I'm going to do it again. It's fascinating for me to see how early we are actually. And just explaining them that now the way we reinvent the connection between fans and artists by...
letting them raise funds directly instead of giving their master rights away to the big labels and then actually earning royalty payments whenever they listen or make money on Spotify and YouTube. I think that concept people
So slowly getting to understand that's going to change the whole music industry. And yeah, all world and the Open was AI. I'm just like still fascinated how early we are and it's going to change everything. I'm so confident about that.
Amazing man, you're right. It will That's great. Well, thank you so much guys and it was it was really fun yesterday about the conferences and also I personally participate in your your music and the south it was really smooth
So we do have some like like the difficult at the very end of one is like only very very small amount is available Yeah, and I think because the traffic is really high Yeah, I couldn't go there at the last piece, but like overall this moves is so that the process is very small
most and there's no like delays or whatever so the process is really working and I'm very happy and I'm sharing my experience my own experience it was great so very looking forward to for the next ones yeah man I'm gonna say you know everything we've launched so far even
know, you know, people have kind of, you know, we've taken a while to do it. We haven't had really had any problems right with them, we've been tech, it's always been very secure, very audited and very smooth, man, and it just shows if you, you know, if you're building something for a long term, that's how you do it. You get a Fernando AI involved, that's what I
I love that. Well, definitely looking forward next time to hear more about a Fernando AI stuff. Yeah, definitely from Fernando. We don't we got any time for the question or you want to wrap it up? Let me see if we have more questions and then we can just wrap it up.
Yeah, I think that's pretty much it is what we do also cover the questions about the communities and that's it. Thank you so much. Leave for taking. Amazing. Thank you everyone. I'll see you on Twitter. Thanks everyone. Thank you so much. And yeah, thanks for joining in. See you soon. Take care. Bye. See you guys in bye. Thank you.