Bitrue x @AgeOfGodsnet | Join the Live AMA & Share 28,900 $AOG

Recorded: March 27, 2023 Duration: 0:40:48



I see, I see. Thank you for the compliment by the way. Can I ask you briefly about what about Age of Gods, how it differs between Age of Gods and other blockchain-based gaming, other game-fine narratives out there? Sure. I think a couple of things are different. So first of all,
myself and my co-founder are retired like I mentioned so the reason why that's different is because we do not sell any tokens into the market as the team there's no salary there's no you know team selling pressure that's been put on the project so that I think that's an important
next to that we have a policy which is 100% buyback so all revenue the game makes or all revenue sources from anything that the project does will go back to buying token from the market and that lands up in a buyback wallet which is publicly on our website
you can track it. So it's a normal blockchain wallet. And that wallet is the biggest holder of any token and all buys from the market. So not just me putting tokens in but literally buys. You can see on the blockchain as well. So let's say you would buy or swap any in-game
purchase that you would do, it would come to the employer and then the employer sends it to the to the buyback wallet. So that 100% buyback policy to stimulate the token value I think is pretty unique. Outside of that I think the game itself is centered around or is based on another game called AFK Arena which is one of the most played
mobile games in the world. So that's a multi-million dollar game obviously with I think something like 45 million players. And so that's our basis and we put that into a different IP that everybody knows but nobody owns. Right? So the mythology of Greek gods and
Norse gods and Egyptian gods is what we use so everybody knows Thor right everybody knows Zeus etc But nobody owns that IP so I think that's a pretty cool looking game and it's based on a very successful game and obviously we We just started right so an MVP status, but you know, that's what we're working towards
I see great, great introduction. Okay, no more about your team. You said about your funders are retired. Can you tell more about the team you have and what investors who are your investors or partner that is supporting this project? Yeah, so
the co-founding team are two people. So our names and LinkedIn's, etc, are in the white paper and on the website. So you can have a look like I said, we're both former QCoin executives. So we were there and QCoin was still very small and we were there to make them
bit let's say and we retired I think three years ago and so how we work in terms of the team is we hire the game studio so an existing game studio called Wago Studios and they develop the game and next to that we have a developer team that consists
of blockchain devs and regular front-end and backend devs. They are mostly Eastern European and Vietnamese. So we have a very global setup in that way in terms of developers. And yeah, the co-founding team are Europeans.
Sorry, and what was the rest of the question? Oh, yeah, our partners. So yeah, I think that's your investment partner. Yeah, we have a couple of really cool partnerships. One of them is The other is that we have had very good partnerships with thank X-Wap and by swap. So we had core funds there and had increased
like offerings for liquidity farming. We have done pools in the past, they have expired by now, but we tend to do promotions with both of them. So recently we did a training competition with Vice-Web, so we're one of the eligible tokens on Vice-Web.
PancakeSwap, we're listed on Qcoin and on Gate and we have like I said as one of our strategic partners. Next to that we do a lot with Brave, so I'm not sure if you familiar with Brave Browser but Brave is also a token and we're one of the top gaming partners that they have globally.
I see, I see. You have a vast partnership with other crypto exchanges I see. Okay, you told me about the market downturn, there was a market downturn, how it impacted
the crypto space, our age of God has been impacted by the recent market downturn. What steps has the team, your team has taken to navigate through this crypto winter situation? Yeah, so we started in like I said, 2021, right? The end of 2021. So just went the bear market there.
sort of started or really became official. And I think most of my competition is dead by now, right? So most projects have died last year. And I think we went through it because a couple of reasons. Well, like I said, I'm retired, so I don't have to take any money out of the project.
And that's again, in fact, that's a fast big difference for most or pretty much any other project that I know. There's a few exceptions to that, but most founders that I know still have to do it to make money somehow. So I think that is a key part where we're still alive. Other thing is that because I had my two coin backgrounds,
had a lot of connections including with Binance right so we we had our initial NFT launch on Binance so we're also trading on Binance for our NFTs we have our second got released coming soon and so with that we also have partnerships with the exchange so I think my
exchange background and relationships have made it so that we were able to attract more of all this. So just for your info, when we started, we had like 8,000 holders. I think we have 20... Yeah, so just on chain, I think we have something like 26,000 holders. So if you
to count all the Q coin people and gate on top of it. I think we're well over 30,000 people. I see. Do you have anything to add? No, I'm just saying that's how we survive. There's been a big sell off of all the venture
capital, people that were, let's say in there in the beginning, we use venture capital to mostly open some of the doors and to have influences, support us in all these things. But yeah, venture capital has not had a great year, right, in 2022. And so they've basically sold
off all of it. So we had big cell pressure from all the VCs, all the fasting is over by the way, so end of last year all the fasting, the fasting tokens were done. And we made up for it by having a lot more holders, more people joining, more players, etc. So that's how we survived.
I see, I see. Thank you for the good explanation. Looking ahead in 2023, can we expect something from each of Gods? What are your upcoming projects, your features? Are there any significant plans you have
on your agenda from 2022 that is going to be happening in 2023. Yeah, so we have we had our MVP launch in so our minimal viable products in 2022 which came with a let's say version on your computer and
on your Android phone that would work. And then in this year, pretty, pretty soon, I expected to be early Q2 to have the game release, let's say version 1 or the first game release.
With that we'll have 10 more gods into the game. We will have much more improved gameplay and more abilities, much more depth and the game will hopefully be a lot more fun to play. We'll have improved player versus player and basically enhanced our
Like the way you earn money in Age of Gods is by our bi-weekly tournaments. Every two weeks there's a tournament that ends and then it pays out to the winners. And yeah, that experience, it was working pretty well, but needs a lot of work and to become much more fun. And the first version of our game will
will be a much better version for that. So I think the game will be a lot more fun to play, your typical AFK arena, things that you expect from a game, much more strategic and depth and all that. So much more strategy, much more fun and I think that that game release will be pretty big for us.
We have 50,000 players that have registered. They're not all active because it's a minimal viable product. So I'm hoping to re-engage those people. We're also going to launch on iOS, so on Apple. And so all the iPhone users out there can then also play the game.
a few other things that we will be introducing with the game. But I think that's the most important part for 2023 what we're planning. And then obviously from there we try to expand our reach in terms of more exchanges and more holders.
I see, I see. Wow. Summary plans you have, Ed of you for 2023. I'm actually looking forward to your game in 2020 and your signature.
we can upcoming plans for this game. And I think to make this AMA more interesting, I will start a live AMA session. We will be opening live questions from the audience.
If you have anything to ask about Age of Gods and the team, Sir Nick will best answer them. Please raise your hands if you are interested.
I see some choose some choose race has hand first.
(keyboard clicking)
Hello, can you hear me? Yes, yes, we can hear you. All right. What is your question? So my question is about the year talking, the OG. Is there any plans for bonding?
buy back mechanism or any sticking pool in another sustained prize of this topic. Thank you. Yeah, it's a good question. So we offer staking on our website natively, so we already have a fully decentralized solution for that.
where you can stake your age of God's tokens in a pool. How it works is I think it's pretty unique. So how it works is you put it in the pool. It has a three-month period. You can withdraw at any time, but in that three-month period we have
a penalty fee if you withdraw early that progressively gets less and less and less if you withdraw at any time. And obviously after the three months it will be zero so there will be no fee. In terms of how much APY in terms of staking rewards depends on how many people stake.
So the more people stake in the pool, the less rewards everybody will get because you're sharing it with more people. However, if more people stake, then there's less circulating supply in the market, meaning that the price usually of the token would go up.
So as the API lowers, then typically the price should continue to go up. More people stake higher the price. So it's available on our website. So if you go to, you click on Staking and you can fully decentralize Stake there. You're full control.
fully out of it and it's been all working for since launch. All right, thank you for your great answers. Good luck to you, Pradek. Anyone else would like to ask?
We'll see you next time.
Yes, we can hear you. Okay, so my question is regarding the age of gods NFT. Let's say for a user who don't want to use NFT for the game, would he still like obtain the value of this NFT, maybe by holding it or something else?
That's a good question. Actually I didn't mention that in terms of our upcoming events, but we have our our second NFT release with the 10 new gods because each god has a thousand NFTs and with the game release. So we'll have we'll have new NFTs coming with the game release. So in terms of how NFTs work with age of gods is that each
God has a thousand NFTs and will never have more than a thousand. These NFTs can be traded on Binance, on our own marketplace and probably soon on some other exchange that I cannot disclose to you yet very, very soon.
how it works is you simply have to hold the NFT inside your wallet. When you create your age of accounts, you simply connect your wallet one time to your account and we read your wallet basically from time to time and then we know which NFT you own. So it's fully safe because it's in your
own wallet, but we just simply read what you have in your wallet and then in the game that's reflected. If you have an NFT of a God, you can upgrade it to a higher level and then basically, so basically a higher tier, so the God will become stronger and you unlock the level cap which is
currently for free at like 80 level 80 to 100 and in the future it will be above level 200 so the NFTs is basically like a function like a key to unlock a God to its full potential and it's limited to only a thousand of them per per God so that's the way it
it works in a nutshell. Okay, thanks for your clarification. Thank you. Thank you. Anyone else? Anyone else would like to ask? Maybe on the NFT bit, just a quickly explain on that.
So we have our buyback rule, right? So anytime we sell any NFT in the beginning, all revenue is used to buy tokens from the market and that's publicly showable on our buyback wallet. And then also for the royalty fees for trading is the same thing. So we get 1% royalty for each NFT trade that happens.
that goes to the the bi-back wall of and it's not sold or not done anything with it. I see I see very nice. Anyone else?
Hi Chaki.
Jackie, would you like to ask any questions? He's connecting, I think. Okay. There he is. Yeah, hello guys. Can you hear me? Yes. Okay, so I can see that this is a training card game. So
I want to know how you're going to win the rarity of the cards and how can you ensure that the players in the game don't run like the professional player against novice players. Is there any fable mechanism to ensure that kind of a mechanism during gameplay?
Yeah, so it is true that it has cards inside the game basically to level up your character, right? However, you get some free cards from the start and then you can purchase more cards to upgrade your team of Gods further.
It's really similar to how Evkerina works and I guess most trading card games where you have a card and you have multiple cards of the same card and then you upgrade them. I do want to emphasize that that is not the NFT though. So the cards inside the game are in that sense separate from the NFT.
If you have three gods of the same, you can upgrade it if you have the NFT. If you don't have the NFT, you cannot upgrade your god further. So in that sense, you can play fully for free without NFTs and you will be semi-competitive. I think you'll be mediocre in the field.
If you want to be in the top and you want to earn the most from our bi-weekly tournaments, then the NFTs are really your requirements and a little bit of age of God investment in terms of tokens into your account is probably recommended. But you can then earn age of God tokens with tournaments.
even for free. So technically you could also just play for free by the cards and or by an NFT and go from there. It will just take longer if you play for free. So in that sense everybody can earn. If it's just that if you spend more, you'll be more competitive and you'll be in the top. If you do not want to spend then you want to just play for free. That's also doable. It will just take longer.
We don't have a winner take all type of thing that maybe some other games have. It's very comparable to if you have a poker tournament right and there's 500 participants then typically like the top 20
percent will have a price. The people that just finish in the money don't get a massive price, but they do get some tokens. And then the biggest prices are usually for number one, two and three. But everybody within that 20 percent
will earn a bit of tokens. So there's a lot of prizes that we give to people and definitely not all of them are paying for it. There are many free to play as well.
I see I see. Okay. Anyone want to ask? Next.
I have every, I have every, has been raising her hand.
Hello, can you hear me? Yes. Thank you so much. Actually my question is, while this AMA is growing on I visit your website and I actually want
to connect my wallet to your platform and what I saw did like the available wallet is metamax and trust wallet and I'm using Bitkeep so I don't know my question is any plans on adding more wallet in the near future
That's a good question. I was expecting a lady with your profile picture but okay so I don't have any current plans to add more wallets necessarily. We have a lot of
development things on our head already in terms of the game release. Not saying never, so I do think that in the future adding more decentralized wallets makes total sense because there's many new wallets coming out and the people use on the wallets than
just met a mask and trust wallet. So I'm not saying that we will never do it, but in the nearby future, I do not have plans for it because we have so many other development things already going on. So what you could do is just create or just load in the same wallet that you use.
with your private key right and just load it into Meta Mask and then it will you can have the wallet your own wallet in a different environment too and then you can use that or create a new wallet you can do that too of course
Okay, okay, so before I go I have one more question. I don't know if I can ask you. Okay, my question my last question is is there going to be like in game communication between players during gameplay? Yeah, so I'm
We want to have clans and let's say chat or within your clan. So that's definitely a functionality feature that's coming in the future. We do not want to have like a global chat or the
ability to taunt your opponents mostly because I worry about people spamming stuff and people coming to exploit or to shield their other tokens and all that stuff. So if there's going to be chat, it will be very similar to FK Arena, which is also centered around your clan, your guild.
All right, thank you so much. I wish you good luck in your project. Appreciate you, man. Thank you. Thank you, I very thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Anyone else? Anyone else want to ask?
- Have a there are you there? - It always takes a bit of time before you connect it.
Yeah, okay. Twitter is not always that quick.
Maybe you'll also connect them out of person because it seems like you stuck on connecting. Yeah, anyone else? Anyone else to want to ask? Rhea?
Ria, are you there? Do you want to ask anything?
She is there, she is on me. Oh my Adval. Yes, you are on. Thanks for this opportunity. So my question is about challenger. So what are the challenges you are trying to solve in the next 62 months?
So in general, I'd our challenge is what we've had a lot of attacks on our telegram and on our game from
DDoS attacks to people trying to exploit people making bots fake websites fake adrops and God knows what a lot of things and we've been working very very hard on on tightening up our security and because we tightened up our security some
other things broke inside the game in the MVP that we then had to fix and that had some consequences in terms of basically being some annoying things that have happened within the game. Not necessarily people lost money definitely not but just that for ease of use and just
friendliness for gamers it's been yeah not been great so that was a that's a big challenge and we've been we are and we have been working very hard to make that better while maintaining very high level of security and making sure that we don't get hacked or like a lot of
phones would be stolen or things like this. No mistake about it, like we're under attack 24/7 from all directions all the time. The amount of explorers and people trying to attack us is insane. So yeah, that is a big challenge.
Wow sir, thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Next, are there any more questions from anyone?
- Can you have any questions you want to ask? - Also connecting. I really wonder if all the female pictures, if they are all men. - Yeah, same. I was wondering also if they're all figs. (laughs) - Yeah, definitely. - As a thank you very much.
I'm finally out. Thank you very much for bringing me up to speak. It's really quite informative. I'm looking at your gaming projects. I believe that web 3G gaming project should be looking more at onboarding web 2 or now crypto
to the ecosystem. So I want to know what your plans on providing a user for these platforms in order to onboard and attract not a crypto gamers into your ecosystem. Thank you. I could not agree with you more. And in fact, we
are also quite unique on this. So we are one of the few crypto games that does not require a wallet inside your app. So let me explain. If you use Android or you use iPhone, you can just download the game and
and you basically use your normal Apple count. Inside our web system, so our web account, that's where you connect your wallet. And so it's not in the app itself. So that is then very user friendly for anybody that is not familiar with crypto.
And then can use it to any web to user that wants to play the game. Does it if Google or Apple ever does difficult with you know if you if you have web three things inside your app which they already do right like we are not affected by that because there is no connection
to the blockchain inside our game itself. It goes through our account system on the website. So that's what connects the token to the in-game token. Because they are one-on-one, but you have to swap it. So you can earn the token inside the game without having a blockchain wallet.
So we are very non-crypto friendly as well. So we are very friendly for any mobile gamer out there that wants to play the game and earn some tokens. And obviously if they ever want to cash out their tokens, they're going to need a wallet. So at that point, obviously, you do need it, but it's not inside the app.
I think we're very friendly for that purpose. Well, I'm actually quite an Irish guy's best of luck and I would like to be part of your community. Thank you. Thanks, man. Thank you, Quinn. This is all for today.
Thank you guys for anyone who asked. Congratulations. Don't forget to fill the form so we can distribute prizes to you guys. Before we end the MAsA session, can you tell us where we can get more news or updates regarding the
each of God's. Nick, any other social media's, mediums or blogs? Yeah, well I think that the easiest thing to do is to go to our website, it's ageofgod' In there you will find all the links and our socials are in the bottom. I think to highlight a couple of them, we
a very active on Telegram. So just go to our website, scroll down all the way to the bottom. There are the buttons to the socials. And on, we have a verified account there and we post things there. So I would say those two. And then sure we also are on Twitter and on Facebook. But mostly
mostly telegram and we also have a big email list so if you're opt in for the email you also be up to date all the time. I see I see so you guys can go to their website go to your social medias to get the latest
updates. Do you have anything more to add, Mr. Nick, before we end this AMA session? No, yeah, best of luck with the bit true event. I think we have a very cool event where it's simply by turn. So it's just, it's just open, you already qualify basically to potentially win some
extra tokens and then also I like it a lot for everybody else because then it creates positive buying pressure on the token price so everybody wins and it's a lot of tokens worth a lot of money so it's pretty cool. You don't have to buy it and then you
by and hold. Yeah, if you guys have heard, be true as a Bay by to an event. There is we are holding it from 28 of March till April 11. So be sure to check it out and participate to win more LG.
Thank you, Nick, so much for today. We have a very awesome and informative session. We are so grateful for your insight about Age of Gods. Thank you for answering the last questions. We are very honored to be a partner of such a game-fire project.
I know that your team has been putting a lot of work and we are rooting for you every step of the way. Picture out to all our listeners for tuning in and be sure once again to have your buy to an event. It is going to be live from 2020.
eighth of March until April 11. You only need to buy the coin and you will already earn AOG token. And when it's from this AMA, we'll be announcing on our Twitter. So stay tuned and have a great day everyone. See you next time.