🥳Bitrue x @SeiNetwork #AMA | Join & Share 50 $USDT

Recorded: April 4, 2023 Duration: 0:48:10



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Hello? Okay, yeah. Can everyone hear me now?
Yes, I'm glad to hear that. Alright, great. Okay, so hey everyone, welcome to another exciting edition of our AMA series. Today we have a very special guest from Saiy Network and it is actually one of the most innovative and excitingly or one blockchain partners.
forms out there. It is designed to give decentralized exchanges a competitive advantage by being a defy focused blockchain. So without further ado, let's welcome our guest, Grover, head of the SAE ecosystem. Hi Grover, how are you?
Hey Whitney, great thanks. How about yourself? Yeah, I'm doing great. It's been a, it's actually night time here in Asia. So yeah, pretty tiring day. So it's great. It's really great to have you here today. Could you please take a moment to introduce yourself to our audience?
Hey, yeah, sure thing. So yeah, first of all, thanks to everybody for coming in. So my name is Grover. I've been in crypto since around 2017. I know first got involved just as a speculative user on Coinbase, but
Since then, I've been working through a number of different ecosystems. Most recently I was building on Terra and about a year ago or so. We all know how that kind of went, but it was a very good formative experience. So through the last summer I was looking at where to build next.
I actually met the co-founder of Sagef through some connections when I was working on Terra projects. I studied building the first app on Sage, which was called Vortex, Purps Exchange, long story short, very long story short.
I sold that product all recently to another team and now I'm working as part of the core team on Say, looking after ecosystem, looking after which teams are launching when and where and how we sort of stitched together this new ecosystem on this new layer one.
Oh, that's very interesting. So you've actually participated in a layer one blockchain project before, even though we all know Terra didn't win as well as expected. But so can you give us a brief overview of the say of the say blockchain platform itself?
for the audience here who might not be as familiar with the product. Yeah, sure thing. So I think the best place to start when it comes to say is we have one core thesis, which is that exchanges are the central app in crypto, both on and off chain. So whether that's something like
like off chain you look at Binance or you look at BitTrue or on chain if you look on Ethereum with Uniswap and OpenSea or products sort of built around exchanges and most of the demand for even things like lending on RV is from exchanges the reason you take out a loan in the first place is to go and swap some tokens.
It's also important in gaming and NFTs, so not just DeFi, so if you look at Axi's decks or Steppens decks, OpenC, Magic Eden, everything in crypto comes back to the exchange. So naturally you sort of ask, how do you scale? How do you scale exchanges and get bigger today?
Exchanges are not really able to with existing layer one infrastructure. So we solve the dexscaling problem and the way we do it is to build the best infrastructure for exchanges and today that looks like a sector specific layer one where you optimize every single element of the stack for the one key product which is
So whether you run a DeFi Dex and an FT Dex, a gaming Dex, you'll have a competitive advantage on say. So that's sort of, there's a few key optimizations that we've made to the actual text stack itself. So we have something we call affectionately twin turbo,
consensus, which is a combination of things and changes we've made to existing and well-established consensus mechanisms to essentially speed up the process and give people the fastest time to finality possible. So we are actually at say able to give a time to finality an order of magnitude faster than
the fastest blockchains. And when I say that, it's things like Solana, because we have a single block finality versus Solana, which is multiple blocks, we can give people literally 10 times faster time to finality. So it is truly like a genuine step increase on other layer ones.
And we also introduced parallelization. So that's something that other blockchain, such as Sway and Salana, have sort of championed. So we think that these combination of things is the first step in giving people the best infrastructure to build exchanges on top.
Okay, I see. So since you already mentioned how the saying network is a different layer one blockchain as compared to Solana and I think you mentioned yes, Solana and avalanche. Yeah. But is there any other D5 focus block
change out there and if there is, what do you think makes say standouts from the other competing device specific change? Yeah, I would say it's definitely, you know, it's not even just DeFi that can find a place to
Any kind of exchange will have that advantage on C. And so all those things I just mentioned there sort of talking about the twin-tobar consensus talking about parallelization. And also we introduce a few measures to combat front running just at the chain level.
itself through frequent batch auctioning, which we could get into in more detail, depending on what your audience would like to hear about. But that's some other stuff we look at here to prevent the front running problem. And that's an entire topic by itself. We think about
M-E-V quite a lot because we're incredibly sad. So M-E-V is one of those big problems in any kind of exchange, DeFi, gaming NFTs, any kind of swaps that take place on chain. So we want to make sure that that's as minimized as much as possible for the users on the say.
Okay, so we're going to have the live questions session later. So maybe like the members of the community can ask you about the MEV if they want to. But for now, let's just talk about the basics first. So is this a may not live currently and if so, can you
share any notable projects built on the chain? Yeah, sure. So we're not live on Maynet just yet. That is coming in the next little while. I won't give any specific timeframes there just yet. But we're currently on Atlantic 2 Testnet.
which is the final version of our test net where we've implemented all these changes, all these optimizations and people can come and we just ran an NFT, Mint and Claims sort of project just to test really stress test the network.
Because it's really one of the most important things we can do in testnet is to really put the chain to its absolute limits. Remember, gas is free on test nets and people are incentivized for whatever reason. They want to come and spam the hell out of say ahead of main net. I can't speculate why they want to do that.
But they we really we saw it at absolute time an absolute ton of use uses and transactions going through millions of millions so it's been a really good way to stress test absolutely every single element of the stack in terms of teams coming to build on top so we have
a good wide variety of teams. I think one of the strengths of SAE is the ecosystem. We've got well over, I've lost count, well over 120 teams who have committed to come and build on top of SAE. I won't pick favorites, but there are some established teams for
from existing Cosmos chains such as I think, I'm afraid to say Astroport is there. If you go and have a look on TestNet, I think they're there too. So you could come and use all of your typical AMMs, your lending, PURPS, NFT exchanges. We have some gaming
projects interested as well to come and take advantage of the NFT swaps that take place on say as well. So there'll be a really good and eclectic mix of projects here. And I think one of the most exciting things about say is being able to build out the kind of ecosystem where people can come and see
these opportunities to, it's almost like a Lego set, right? So you have all these different DeFi primitives and we can come up with some new and novel things that people took to put together and to build in conjunction with each other. So yeah, I think that is one of the absolute strengths of SAE is the size of our ecosystem at this stage.
Wow, 120 projects in test map, that's very impressive. Congratulations on that. Yeah, so since we are in BitRue, we are in exchange. And we are of course, we are very interested to hear more about your token, the SAE token. So, it's
Is there any plan for a token in the future and if there is, could you explain the tokenomics, maybe the utility of the token itself? Yes, so as a layer one blockchain, we'll have the say token will be part of that. So the utility of that token will be gas and governance.
at the time of mainnet. That's really a truly meaningful governance process. I work for saylabs and saylabs. We're sort of the core contributors here, building up the first edition of the saybox chain. But once it goes live to mainnet, that governance process will kick in and it's going to be really
interesting to see what people come up with and I really want to encourage people to come and propose changes, propose new things, build things on top, really play with say and see what we can build here because yeah that's the meaningful utility of the say token.
Awesome, and we really can't wait to be listing your token on BitTrue. Apart from those 120 projects or maybe among those, can you share any maybe
notable partnerships or collaborations that say he has established with other companies maybe in the blockchain space or just in general. And how have these partnerships benefited the platform and its users?
Yeah, so yeah, I find it sort of name I mean like just like from from bottom to top. We've got pretty pretty large a wide wide variety of interests, you know bridges We've got we've got several bridges there interested and integrated with say already and
and looking to work closely to make sure we can bring in, because obviously, like, say, being a standalone chain, we want to make sure that the user experience coming across from other chains and Ethereum, they are twos, and wherever it is in the crypto ecosystem, you can get across straightforwardly.
see here. So I guess all your basic apps, your sort of AMMs, or order, I mean, like something a lot of people like to talk about is, you know, say you're going to facilitate order book exchanges, which is true. Order book start exchanges like, you know, if you use bit true or use Binance, people will be familiar with
what that looks like and this is going to be one of the first times you can truly sort of get that centralized exchange kind of experience on chain with all of the auto matching taking place on chain as well. So, Symba is I think the first spot, spot autobook decks that's going to launch on say alongside
and AMM style decks as well such as Astroport and Sparrow swap spring to mind. We'll also have lending. So Crypto Knight is a project that is bringing some interesting lending primitives to say and there might be some more which I can't talk about just right now.
There's a good number which I probably can't talk about. Then let's see, while it whys, we have integrations with, I've lost count again, the thing 405 different wallets have come to integrate with say so far, but more and more will be coming over time. So, I mean, in all of these cases,
Yeah, like the number of teams and number of apps filling every single gap in the ecosystem is pretty wide-ranging. So I'm expecting to see a pretty comprehensive ecosystem. I mean, yeah, that's just the first one that's spring to mind.
Oh awesome, yeah that's really interesting to hear directly from you about all of these new this project, Astro Part, Spiderswrap, Kryptonite and the 4-5 wallets. Yeah, I think so to keep this AMA short since we still have the live the live questions sessions later
So I have one final question for you and I think this is more of a personal question. So how do you think 2023 will play out for the crypto space in general and where do you see say by the end of this year? Yeah, it's a really interesting question.
So I mean, this year is obviously, we're all coming out of, when at least it feels like we're coming out of a prolonged bear. And so it feels a little bit like we've planted a few seeds. Maybe this is crypto spring, right? So we've planted the seeds across the last year. We've been building a lot of people have been heads down on.
bringing projects and building projects together and over the next year or so I think we're going to start to see some of those seeds sprouting and people starting to come back and using these unchained primitives again which I'm really excited about. I think there's been a lot of talk about regulation as well which is somewhat inevitable.
And so, yeah, we'll just have to see how that plays out. Obviously we hit say labs are doing everything we possibly can in that regard. So that's just something to bear in mind as well. And yeah, and just really looking forward to see, you know, with all of these new, there are a good number of new layer ones launching and layer two as well.
over the next few months. So it's going to be really interesting to see how the class of 2023 evolved and what fundamental changes and what fundamental differences happen here versus if we look back at 2021 and sort of the most recent cycle, what are the changes going to be, what are the lessons learned?
And, you know, how we're reflecting that in the tokenomics of the different projects launching on top of layer ones. I mean, if we all look back at 2020 and some of the very unsustainable tokenomics there, I think there's like, there's a ton of lessons I've been learned. And I'm excited to see how teams kind of implement those lessons moving forward.
Okay, awesome. Yeah, so I guess that's it from us, but I think we're going to open the floor for live questions now. So Grover, are you ready? 24/7.
I like that. Okay. So for all of you who are listening right now, this is your chance to ask any questions you have about saying that we're just anything since we have the expert here today with us and also
member that BITRO will be distributing rewards for the community members that ask questions. So if you have any questions, please click on the hand emoji and maybe I'll let Grover pick anyone of you.
Grover feel free to pick anyone who you want to. Oh, okay. Yeah, yeah, sure. You can pick yourself or do you want me to help you pick? I think
Chuck Chuckie looks like he's doing a lot of things and he's also my personal. Okay, so let's get him up. Yep, our fun. Can you help on Mike Chuckie?
I'm sorry. Can you help turn on his mic?
Heather, check in. Sorry, I'm not talking.
Thank you.
I certainly can. All right. So I can see I mean you said over 200 I think was it 200 or 120 you said and projects were different this and then I've seen that you guys there fast testly or one blocking so basically
how do you arrive at that number, whether like any comparative test you perform against other chains to come out at the fastest and then on your chain how do you do with front 20 especially like how do you solve that problem
Yeah, good questions, good questions. So I think wish I start. So maybe just starting with the MEV question. So with what we do is we implement something called frequent batch auctioning. So let's say,
And maybe is it worth going through what MEV kind of constitutes? So the problem front running is essentially if you submit a transaction, let's say you're buying some beef, and you place that order, and you sort of basically that goes to the mempool before it goes
So validators have the ability to sort of reorder blocks and extract money if they can find an opportunity to. So they see that that order comes through. They can place an order in front of yours. So let's say you wanted to buy a thousand dollars of East. And then they basically say you set some slippage like 5% so you
basically saying I'm willing to pay $1,000 plus 5% to buy some ease. That person sees that you've set send that transaction to the mempool, that validator can then order the block so that they place two more orders. They place an order one where they buy some e for $1,000.
And they said, second order where they sell some east for $1,000 plus the 5%. So they've basically just front-run you. They've bought these and they've sold it to you at whatever your maximum slippage tolerance is. So they've made a risk-free 5%. And this is quite a predatory practice. Is it something like negative MEV?
Instead of allowing this reordering of transactions in the block, every single order that's placed through the market module on save, there's just an average, all of the market orders placed in that block are averaged out, so everybody gets the same price.
So there's no one can sort of get in ahead of you and then sell to you within the same block because you have this frequent batch auctioning. So that helps with front running. It doesn't remove all MEV. There will always be opportunities for people to, if they're fastest, to make money. And that's like, there's a number of integration. So one integration
you're making there is a team called Skip. So let's say in the example of a liquidation. So if you have a liquidation, the person who gets their first gets to claim that they get to make some risk-free money. So a lot of the time people will bid, they'll have a gas war. So basically paying gas, more and more gas than
Everyone else who is trying to bid for that liquidation means you'll get there first and you'll be the one to claim it. So that causes a lot of spam that causes a lot of like hot points on your chain. So instead you take that off chain, you take that auction off chain via a project like skip and then they settle all of that off chain and then the the results
resulting the resulting winner gets the degradation. The losers don't end up actually spending any money at all. And then some of that gets redistributed to stake as of the say token. That's another way we're thinking about MEV. In terms of how we can demonstrate with faster, then
We've done a number of tests, a number of load tests, benchmarking tests on the say chain itself. One way to think about this is, although we've got this block time of 300 milliseconds, the consensus mechanism
we use means you get instant finality in that same block versus if you look at Salana for a comparison you have to have several you need more than one block to get a actual finality on your trade so although they have very fast block times you don't get finality on the trade for just more like three seconds something like that
So that's like one way we can sort of demonstrate that piece. But there'll be more data coming out obviously Atlantic 2 has been out for two weeks and we just run our first sort of major event on it. So there'll be more data to share on that front and I'm sure we'll be tweeting about it pretty soon.
Can you create the start answer to the question, Chucky?
Yeah? Okay. I think we can move on with the next speaker. I think I saw Emica. Grover, do you want to answer the question from Emica? I think I saw her. Yeah, no worries. Yeah, first. Yeah, but our fun can you unmute Emica?
Hey there Amica, you can speak now. Hello, I'm crying on me.
Yeah, yeah, we can hear you. Yep. OK. Can you tell us a little bit about your plans towards a community building in the longer? Thank you.
Yep, yeah, so community building wise you can join our ambassador program sort of like that's the first sort of major initiative and probably the most important initiative we run on the community side and there's there's a good if you join our discord there's a good guide to sort of how you can get involved and how you can sort of
of step up the ranks to get to the very top. And I have a regular call with the very top rank of that ambassador program is the majors and we have a regular call on a Friday and sort of just discuss what's going on in the ecosystem and like what the alpha is I suppose. So that's one of the, I think if we're looking back at
last year. One of the things I'm most proud about is the growth of that ambassador program and how it's taking on its own life. The second side of things for community is there will be an established governance process once the main net goes live. There will be
The same foundation will be able to allocate grants and there'll be like a process for teams who want to come and all like it doesn't have to be teams it could be anyone who wants to do anything around say you know you can come and you can request grants you can you can get involved in that kind of way we're empowering like we think it's important for us
are ambassadors to actually look after local events and things like that and make sure they're funded to run local events. So there are individual sort of country, country pages and individual, like nation groups for every single country around the world pretty much.
this point well not every single but a good a good number of them. So if you want to get involved on that front as well yeah like that's that's another way too but it all starts to just hopping into the discord and and saying hello I think that's the first step so yeah hopefully that answers your question
Yeah, thank you very much.
Yep, great. So Grover, you can choose the next person to ask the question. Sure. Anyone you like? Let's go for, I can't even pronounce the name, silly or
- I'm not sure. - I'm not sure. - I'm not sure. - I'm not sure. - I'm not sure. - I'm not sure. - I'm not sure. - I'm not sure. - I'm not sure. - I'm not sure. - I'm not sure. - I'm not sure. - I'm not sure. - I'm not sure. - I'm not sure. - I'm not sure.#
Greenberry it's a little character with the it's not a blueberry actually it's another NFT it's ERC721 I could be yes This is a bit this is a bit hard because we have like I think over two hundred
I'll just pick for you if that's okay. That sounds good. Okay, um, let's have ivory because he's been raising her her hand for a dual hand for quite a while now. Um, Arfan, can you can you unmute ivory?
Is that the heart? Oh, that's a heart, not a hand. It's a heart emoji. Yeah. Never mind. You can say thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to speak. It's been an informative administration.
Actually, my first question is I had to you talking about grunt so I would like to know like what I did requirement for someone to be eligible for your grant. And my second question is
while this AMA is going on I actually visited quite my catcub to like check and know more about your project and I couldn't see anything so I don't know when are you going to like
get listed on current market cap. And do you have any plans on launching your own wallet? Because I was like, based on what you just explained to us, I understand that this is a one project.
Thank you. Yeah, good questions. So around the grants. So I work for say labs and just to be clear, so separate, it's a separate entity to say foundation will be able to issue out grants and kind of what therefore is,
I guess the spirit of those is open source projects that generates public goods to the community giving other ecosystem participants the opportunity to learn from and build on those projects. Pretty much anybody who wants to apply for them like individuals, teams, governments, nonprofits,
I think the key things are probably like doubt tooling, developer tooling educational pieces. Like, you know, if you have an educational initiative that you want to run things like research, something that say labs is actually going to be a
do sort of like straight away from from the outset is this this climate sort of initiative. So we're going to be making sure that say is carbon neutral operation and carbon neutral from from day one, which is something that's also important to us. So that's the kind of like that's that's the kind of thing that I think is the most
beneficial thing to spend or to apply for grants for. And yeah, I mean, like, as a few things that it's not for, so things like your NFT marketing budget or like, or if you were looking for venture funding, but you couldn't get venture funding for your project,
It's fundamentally not free money. That's exciting. What the fundamental thing is. The second thing you asked was around a coin market cap. Because the say token isn't circulating yet, we personally haven't applied to coin market cap to show anything just yet.
Once that happens, then I guess there's yes we probably will but we'll have to see. So I might do it on our behalf that might happen too. Then the last love building a wallet. I mean so there are a few different guys providing wallets at the moment so Kepler, Leap and who else we've got?
Falcon and coin 98 actually a bit of wallet of those. We will probably make sure that we, as say labs, have a wallet that works fundamentally like we have control over as well, just to ensure we have control over that element of the stack just in case. And that's just from the point of view of
making sure that, you know, if whatever reason those teams aren't catching up or aren't like up to speed, we always have that option to make sure that people can come and use the apps on say 24/7. So hopefully that answers your question. Yeah, thank you so much. And I wish we could look in your project.
Great, thank you. Okay, yeah, thank you, I've already I'll pick another one for you. Okay, so we have a Franky here.
Can we try, Frankie?
Hi, hi, Frankie.
Hello Frankie, you can speak now.
Yes, okay, so my question is I just wanted to know like like what can I actually buy this sweet talking and can I actually stick this sweet talking actually and reward Swipe all of it
So yeah, good questions. I can't answer the first one just because I work for sale ads and I probably can't comment on this the token launch or like how people might be able to get their hands on it.
But I think there will be obvious places. The second question around staking, yep, so part of pretty much I think it's been well established that sensible tokenomics for any layer one chain will include some kind of reward.
for staking, some kind of APWIFE staking. And that is almost certainly going to be a part of say as well. It's the proof of stake network. So yes, they will be staking for the token. I think I can say that.
Okay, okay, thank you.
Okay, great. Yeah, you've been doing great growth. I think we can answer one more question before we, and this session. So, yeah, is there anyone else?
I will pick spot with the little CZ3D character. This is actually hard.
Yeah, yeah, I find this to be funny. Our fun, can you, can you spot the guy Grover talking about? Yeah, I'm gonna blow spot to spot. Spot guy, yeah.
Hello, am I Audibu? Yeah, you are. All right, thank you for bringing me up to ask my question. So my question is how can investors who doesn't understand your dynamic platform?
from user that I think applied from effectively. Do you like offer consulting service or you have tutorials that I can assist? If I understand your question is how can I use say is that essentially the question?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cool. So yeah, so it's important to note them. So we're just building the layer one itself. We're not building any front ends or any apps. The only front end actually that say labs is put together is going to be the page where you can stake and unsteady.
your tokens. You will have to use any number of the apps that are building on top of say and use their interfaces to benefit. So yeah, just to be clear, we're not actually building any kind of exchanges or any kind of dexies or any kind
But I think if you follow the save page and you get stuck into the discord, there will be a ton of teams and there will be a ton of links you can use just to come and try things out. So I mean, we're always looking for feedback as well. So like if you have a good or a bad user
experience and just like understanding what could have been better is something that's important to us as well. So we want to make sure that it's as straightforward as possible. So wherever you are now, like whichever blockchain you're using now, it's not too complicated or difficult to get across to say and use some of the applications over here.
All right, thank you, funds for me. Okay. So I think we have to close the live questions session now. It was a really fun session. We learned a lot. The frequent bats auctioning
and everything. It's really interesting to hear all of these first hand from you, Grover. So thank you for that. But before we close this AMA session, I'm sure everyone would love to be updated on the latest news and developments concerning C. So can you please share with us how
we can stay connected and inform? Yeah for sure. Yeah thanks for everyone asking questions and yeah thanks for hosting the space. The best way to get involved is say you know what I'm going to say here is follow the Twitter see what the latest news is there
I have followed for the same page, which I will just double confirm is there's a number of fake pages. What I want to say here is, as we build up the main net, there's more and more incentive for people to create fake accounts and fake, say network pages. The one up here right now
with me as cohost at say network is the correct save page. So please don't pay attention to any other save pages. So follow us there on Twitter and then also join our discord and get stuck in with the ambassador program. There'll be a number
of activities on TestNet over the next few weeks that you might want to get involved in and might be interesting for some of the people here just to come and see how you become a user of say I think that's the best way of putting it.
Great! We are also really looking forward to the same main at-lamps. There's been a lot of hype around it. So yeah, just really happy to be hosting this AMA with you. I'm here today. Is there anything else you would like to add before we close this session? Grover?
I'm excited for, like I was saying earlier, I think the next year can only be better than the last, from the perspective of the crypto markets at least, not financial advice, but I think that it's looking up from here and I feel like all
of the seeds have been planted over the last year, everyone who stuck around has been building, you're going to start to see all of these projects and all of these new chains and apps start to blossom. So I'm really excited to see how that goes. And yeah, say mainnet is sooner than you think. I think that's what I'll end it on.
Okay, great. Thank you very much for joining us today Grover. It has been a pleasure working with you guys. The team are very cooperative and we and make sure that all of you here listening to stay tuned because we'll be we'll be sure that we're the we're the first exchange
to this year token. Yeah, so we're really looking forward for everything and we really can't wait to be a part of this journey. So I guess that's it for me. Thank you very much Grover.
Yeah, all right. I guess that's the end of our session. Have a good day and or good evening to everyone and everywhere you are. All right. Thanks Whitney. Cheers everyone. Yeah. Yeah. Bye.