Recorded: Oct. 21, 2022 Duration: 0:40:42



Hey guys, we're just waiting so we can add the other speakers as well.
Hey Greg. Hello, hello everybody.
Just waiting for the speaker for Frodad to come on.
Is it just me or every time that someone throws that little emoji, they look like gang signs? Might just be me though.
Hey CJ, if you want to come up on stage, feel free. Go ahead and request Mike.
Yeah, I already sent them an invite. CJ, if you're in mobile, you should be able to come on. If you're on desktop, I don't think you can.
Elon Musk fixed this.
Soon. Soon TM.
Yeah, no worries. You can just spectate TJ. That's no issue.
Hey guys, we're just waiting for the photo speaker to come on. We'll be a couple minutes.
Are you in a Portugal? Correct?
No, I'm not. I am home.
Dang, okay. All right, keep forgetting this space is is recorded. So people might hear some random chatter. So just ignore it and maybe we'll let you know when it actually starts when we treat about this.
Hey guys, sorry we're just having some technical difficulties but we'll be on real quick.
Everyone that joined in, we're just waiting a couple minutes. Some difficulties are risen, but we'll be on it real soon.
Hey guys, I know that a couple of you just joined. We're just waiting a couple minutes. We're just sorting a couple things out on photoside. So we'll be on in a quick minute.
Y'all, in the meantime, can you tell us some jokes or something?
from jokes. Oh god, I mean, I got some pretty bad ones. Why couldn't the toilet paper cross the road? Because they got stuck in a crack.
But um, oh gosh. Yeah, I told you it's pretty bad jokes.
If you want to entertain us with one Greg go go for it, you know, we're all here for a laugh as well Okay, I just want to read it dad jokes Those are the best Here's a good one for our European friends. Why is Europe?
like a frying pan because it has grease at the bottom. Oh my god. So bad that's top on reddit gadgets. Okay, here's a good one. Yeah, you'd like this one. How do mermaids talk to each other?
How? On shelf phones. Oh my god. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh,#
Oh goodness. I think I kind of remember one, but I'm not sure I'm my butcher. How does the ocean greet somebody?
How? They wave. Wave.
Okay, here we go. Yes. What do you what do you call a frog that's parked illegally?
What? Toad. Oh, I see that Victor joined. Victor, I give you the invite to become a speaker.
Victor, if you would like, you can also continue having technical difficulties and we could just help the worst of Reddit dad jokes for the next 25 minutes. No, he's on he's on. Um, hey Victor.
There's the mic button on the bottom left hand side. If you have an iPhone, I'm not sure if Android is the same.
I'll take that as it's working. But yeah, I guess we can get started. Hey guys, hey everyone. Thank you for joining. Also, you know, if you liked our jokes as well, please feel free to share the Twitter space, retweet it,
to anybody that might be interested. My name is Hyun. I lead community at Bova and we also have Greg here from the team. Greg, could you give yourself a little intro for everybody? Hey, my name is Greg. I lead the BD and ecosystem team here.
and I'm also responsible for telling the most ridiculous dad jokes on the team. - Yep, as we all heard. But don't be scamming reddit.
and take it. I'm just kidding. But we also have Victor here from Fight of the Aged's team. Could you give yourself a little intro and what you do at Foda and tell us more, a little bit more of why you decided to join Foda or what made you join Foda?
You can click on the mic button. You're already what to do before. I'm not sure if something is happening, but...
Hello, hello, sorry, hello everybody. Hey Victor, so I just wanted to ask to give yourself a little introduction and tell us more about photo and what you do there.
Sorry sorry. Please answer again. Blue question again for me. Pardon?
Hello, John. Hey, Victor, can you hear me? Okay, okay, I can, I can hear. Please, please talk again with me. Yeah, so I wanted to ask you if you could introduce yourself and your work at Foto and how you joined Foto.
Hello, hello every I'm this talk I'm CCO or further I Have been working in the game industry forever 10 gs
The question about what led me to try to find a quiet interdressing. Actually I have a whole interesting and empty blockchain and I have been research for a year. I met the management of Photobike
I had an interesting conversation and shared many views on work and I found out that photo is such a quick project. Not the reason why I decided to try photo.
Oh, that's awesome. Thank you for the intro, by the way. So basically, for all of you guys that are joining from the photoside, if you guys don't know, Boba Network is a layer 2 scaling solution. Well, recently we've gone multi-chain as well, so you can find
as on many different ones, such as Moonbeam and Avax, and then keep a lookout for new ones as well that we're coming out this quarter. One of the things that Boba Network does as well is we offer hybrid compute with lightning fast transactions and cheaper, smarter, faster
your smart contracts as well. So just moving on from this, I did want to talk a little bit more about the partnership that we have with Foda. And I wanted to introduce Greg or allow Greg to speak a little bit more and kind of tell us like what your favorite aspect
of the foot of like partnerships are. Yeah, thanks and thanks Victor for that show. You know, we've really enjoyed working with the photo team over the past months getting to know the team and the project and the community.
As part of our efforts at Boba, we, as Jan said, we are a multi-chain layer too, so we focus on scaling layer one blockchains, providing faster, cheaper, and smarter resources for
layer one blockchains the scale and that works really nicely with gaming projects because when it comes to gaming gamers want fast and cheap transactions and ultimately they want games that are fun. They have to be fast and cheap and they have to be fun.
And that means with the relationship with Foto that just made a natural pairing because what Foto has done is created a very fun game and that's just apparent for anybody who's ever been to their site, downloaded the game, checked it out, and it's available on mobile.
and you know for PC and Mac download as well. It's a very fun game. They've built a really large and engaged community around the game and to have the scaling opportunities that are provided by Boba as well, it just makes for a really natural pairing.
So we've enjoyed getting to know a photo and the team and the community over the recent months and look forward to working more together over the next couple months as well. Thank you Greg. Great answer by the way. As you guys know Greg is amazing at public speaking and he knows
What's up with Boba so I appreciate you Victor I wanted to ask you if you could give us a little bit of an overview about photo just for our community and yours as well Okay, I took it right here. Yes photo you keep a
game project that's played a chunk and has an user experience in the midst of us. It's a weird honor for folks to discover some micro-submess to produce the richest real-time player experience.
The second photo enable user to run play and personalize the charter in the Metaverse universe.
3. Entering into the 4D Metaverse, if player will become in Hedge Uniquest, heroes to start the journey. The hero comes from two different
The artworks, Greenlands, the earth and the Niamhme. They are about the artworks, story and missions, along with the two artworks.
Awesome. Thank you for that. So for everybody that enjoys these kind of games, you can try it out. There's many different heroes from three different worlds like Victor said. So give it a look. After this, you can go check out the social
media platforms that they have and try it on for yourself. Also, Victor, I wanted to ask you if you could tell us a little bit about the ways that users can play to earn basically in VOTA. Oh, play OK.
user can play and follow us. We are going to Google into the next detail video tutorial about the question. In this AMA I will answer this in a prep in JSON.
There are the 4 basic 4 tag gameplay. Step, that's your most follow. Step 1, I said the campaign mode. Step 2, to a map and a mission. Step 3, select your form
and equipment, step-for, task skill, to defense, and image. There are some ways that you can unfurlter to confine in the filter with our campaign modes.
So NFT on the photo market play and someone even game beside this the way they will be more way for to earn photo token in the upcoming version. Let's wait for this.
Awesome, I appreciate that. Basically, you can just fight against people with casting skills and formations. There's a little bit of strategy behind it as well. Also, I heard that there's a marketplace
some event games, so be on the lookout for those. And then for anyone who suffered through Halo Campaign, you can do a campaign mode as well. So Greg, we've seen that NFTs basically are becoming huge in the NFT, you know, metaverse games.
What do you think in your personal opinion that sets photo apart from the other games? Yeah, I think photos doing a really nice job. They've created NFTs that represent a bunch of different kinds of in-game assets.
So they've got a marketplace, they've got heroes, they've got different in-game items, they've got lands, they've got a number of other things on the roadmap, probably some that I'm not even aware of. So there's a lot of different kinds of in-game assets that they've tokenized.
I think one thing that really sets them apart and I was listening to a recent interview that the photo team did is they have a big focus on balancing the play to earn with the actual gameplay.
That's been an area that has been largely imbalanced in recent years as Web 3 Gaming has come up. It's either been focused on all economy and at the expense of gameplay
or all gameplay with no economy backing it up. So you've seen things where the economy has just gotten completely wrecked and everybody has lost all their money or there just hasn't been any focus on gameplay whatsoever and it's not been a fun game. And neither
those are good value propositions right? The ideal web3 gaming situation is going to be a great game that people want to play because it's fun that also happens to have blockchain attached to it with a fun economic model
that's sustainable. And I think Foto is really trying to get at and something that we're focusing at and looking for at Boba as well as projects that are getting at balancing those two components of fun gaming experience with a sustainable economic model. So I think we're aligned on that front. I think
any other gaming project that is thinking about that kind of balance is a gaming project that we would want to get behind and that myself as a gamer and that anybody as a community member would want to get behind as well. Yeah, thanks, man. I mean,
I definitely agree with you. There has to be a balance between blockchain and actual gaming experience. So I mean whoever is able to really put that into their top priority will definitely create something revolutionary within the gaming industry.
So basically, I do want to remind everybody that you are free to ask questions as well. There's a little button that's a common button. You can ask the questions there and then at the end of it we'll be able to answer some of the questions for you.
I do have a question as well from the photo community and such, but we'll keep that for the end. For Victor, I do have another question for you. Are there any new things that you would like to share on photoside?
anything that you guys are working on or that you're excited about.
Sorry sorry, Jan, please stop again. I don't care. I'm not here. I'm not here. You.
Yeah, so basically, okay, so how about this? What does a partnership between photo and boba mean for users?
I will highlight some major upcoming events.
We will be soon coming up with new Viblyceres, combined more submission, training room PVP, PVMOTS, play game play.
they will be a U-I-US update mobile version and someone.
For this type of roadmap, you can visit our new with our We will go updates.
Also, we are prepared for another update. We already reached someone new. Then you will be a lot of interest and benefit for the player.
Yeah, no, I appreciate that. So basically for the community, you can basically just check out their social media platforms and they already have to leak some alpha, you know, as you guys may know it as and you can also visit their website
about for more information. And for Greg, if you could answer this question, what does it mean the partnership between photo and boba for the users? >> Yeah, 100%. So with photo, we're working on long-term
strategic basis. So this is not a short-term relationship. We'd like to work long-term with our partners as well. This is kind of cheesy and I know it's cheesy and you know I'm cheesy because I just told 20 dad jokes at the beginning of this call.
When we work with our partners, it's really like joining the Boba family. And that's more of a long-term thing than just a short-term relationship. So that's kind of how we operate. So that's kind of how we're approaching this relationship. So this really is a good chance for us to develop
than an ongoing relationship with the players and with the Boba and Foto communities. For each of our joint communities, they're able to participate in the Foto game test experience as they're continuing to develop their game.
And they have a lot of stuff in their pipeline. You can check out their roadmap on their website at, scroll down to the bottom. They've completed a number of their milestones so far and they have a lot of things upcoming and some of that does involve Boba, which is very, very exciting.
We're also working on some exclusive mini-game events, stuff with Boba and Foda, tokens, NFT, merchandise, rights for early purchase of NFTs and other, you know, in-game items like
like loot boxes and things like that that are exclusive for the Boba community. So there's a lot going on that Boba we also have a major product announcement coming up in looking at the calendar maybe two two weeks or something and a week and a half two and a half weeks somewhere around there.
So stay tuned for that. I can't say much more on that quite yet because Yann in the marketing team will kill me. But you know, there's a lot of rumors and chatter going around. We're super excited about that. And photo has a great deal to play in that announcement as well. So stay tuned for that one. So that's
super exciting. So yeah, as far as participation, this is a long-term thing we plan on photo and boba working together for a long time and I plan on playing photo for a long time. So if you want an in-game buddy, hit me up. All right, you hear, heard it here first.
just add the nurse Greg to the game and he'll play with you guys. So basically I do want to hop into the questions right now that people have been asking. So I'm guessing this is more for you, Victor. So Mr.
Mr. Grogek present, he's asking what motivated you to start this project? I guess it kind of started, you know, it was answered in the beginning, but I guess, you know, I would ask more on the personal level, you know, if you can share a little bit more about that.
Oh, you might be muted as well.
Oh, he might be having a bit of technical difficulties. But you know, other than that, just speaking about the partnership itself, as you guys know, there's a lot of gaming projects coming through and photos one of them definitely checked them out.
explore and you know I'll tack the term Baba Gaming Hub right? Hopefully some of you guys are fellow gamers like I am and Greg as well you know feel free to add me as well too we can game together obviously outside
work hours but most definitely feel free to check it out. There's a lot of cool exciting things coming. Always follow the social media platforms from both Foda and Boba. You'll be able to find the most up-to-date announcements. Maybe some off as well.
right? I mean, what was that saying? Early bird gets the worm. I'm not sure if that gets translated the same in different languages, but you know, it's quite true to this day. So just make sure you follow and yeah, you know, you'll be able to get some alpha.
And let me just double check with Victor if you're still there Victor.
No, no, I don't know.
Okay, okay, no worries. But from our side, we seem to be good nurse. The nurse. Greg, did you want to add anything from your side?
And I'm also just excited and I want to read it and excited to work with FOTA and continue to build out the BOBA Gaming ecosystem. Thank you all for joining this Twitter space. Continue to stay plugged into our Twitter socials and community. We've got a
lot coming, big announcement on the product side in a week or two, a couple games have released in the last two or three weeks and several more are coming very very soon. So continue stay plugged in, excited for y'all to be here and grateful for y'all taking your time out of your morning, afternoon, evening or whatever day
for you to join us today. So thank you. I appreciate that closing. You know, I decided to just go with good day. Have a good day. Yeah, Victor, thank you so much for joining and I appreciate you hopping on and explaining to our community and your community as well for those who have missed out on
some of your announcements. So we do appreciate you and if everybody in here can give the thumbs up, the little gang sign, that would be awesome to show some support. Thank you Greg. Appreciate the thumbs up man. Victor, do you have any last words you would like to plug in?
Okay, thank you. Awesome. Yeah, well, that concludes this Twitter spaces. Thank you so much everyone for joining and have a good day. Thank you, thank you, and thank you everybody. See you next time, AMI in the next time.
Hey, bye bye. - Bye bye. - Bye bye.

FAQ on Boba x FOTA AMA | Twitter Space Recording

What is the purpose of the podcast?
The purpose of the podcast is to discuss the partnership between Boba Network and Foda, as well as provide an overview of Foda and its gaming project.
Who is Hyun?
Hyun is the person who leads community at Boba Network.
Who is Greg?
Greg is the person who leads the BD and ecosystem team at Boba Network.
Who is Victor?
Victor is part of Foda's team and serves as the CCO (Chief Commercial Officer).
What is Boba Network?
Boba Network is a layer 2 scaling solution that offers hybrid compute with lightning fast transactions and cheaper, smarter, faster smart contracts.
What is Foda?
Foda is a gaming project that provides users with a fun and engaging gaming experience and allows them to customize their characters in a metaverse universe.
What is the partnership between Boba Network and Foda?
The partnership between Boba Network and Foda allows for faster and cheaper transactions for Foda's gaming project by leveraging Boba Network's scaling solutions.
What is Greg's favorite aspect of the partnership?
Greg's favorite aspect of the partnership is the natural pairing between Boba Network's scaling opportunities and Foda's fun and engaging gaming project.
How many different worlds are there in Foda's gaming project?
There are three different worlds in Foda's gaming project: Greenlands, the Earth, and the Niamhme.
What is the goal of Foda's gaming project?
The goal of Foda's gaming project is to provide users with a rich real-time player experience and allow them to become unique heroes in a metaverse universe.