Brand Building W/ @ElenaaETH

Recorded: May 23, 2023 Duration: 0:32:51



GMGM fam sorry for that my my dog was barking welcome to the 21st episode of the Shnuffalo paradox with a very special guest Alina I'm so happy to have you here before I get this
I do want to explain how these spaces work a little bit. So for today, we're going to have a 15 to 20 minute interview with you, Alina. And then we'll let the listeners up if they want to speak, add something to the conversation, maybe ask you something or ask me something. So Alina, how are you?
Hi, GM, I'm doing good. Thank you for inviting me to your spaces. So like I mentioned earlier that I work right now, so I might be able to stay here for like 15 to 20 minutes, then I have to leave.
No worries. I really appreciate you hopping by even with your work So without further ado, let's let's get this started and make this as fast as possible, but is quality fill up
full as possible. So first question, what got you to where you are today? What keeps you going and what did you do before entering this space of Whopper 3?
So before entering, I'm actually going to med school next year, like applying to med school. So like I was in college and I just graduated this year. So before entering Web 3, I was just doing my pre-med, you know, med school prep and all that. And in 2021, like for a
I got into F3 because I heard about NFTs and everything so I thought it would be something very new to me. So I just wanted to explore and I really enjoyed it. I really liked it. And yeah, I just have been showing up here every single day and that's pretty much it for me.
Love to hear, Alina. That was very well said. So a question on top of that, how do you manage being full-time Web 2 and working with this brand in Web 3? It's actually very hard. Sometimes, I think usually I get like 4 to 5 hours
of sleep and there are days where I'm like you know this is very complicated and hard and it's like like I'm full-time web 2 and then I'm studying for MCAT and then I'm also in like like almost full-time in web 3 so it's just like I have to like be very mindful of how I
I spend my time and where I spend the most time during the day. So that's pretty much it. I don't have any specific schedule where it's just like, I'm going to spend this specific time on this specific thing. It's just like, I just got to work with whatever I have.
Perfect. So why what's the reason you do what would you do? Why did you start Alina? Why did you start this brand? Why are you going to med school? What is what is the reason behind these small but big decisions? Well, I guess for me my goal
in life. It's like it might sound like I don't know. Like for me it's like I want to help people growing up. My whole thing is like helping people making people's life better. So I wanted to become a doctor because of that reason. I
always felt when I was growing up, I felt like I wanted to become a superhero, right? And what is close to being a superhero, like superhero, to get to a safe people's life, that's why I wanted to become a doctor, so you know, I can save people's life. And when I got into Web 3, I saw people were getting bragged and there are
There's this whole group of people in Twitter who were unaware of NFTs, like how to trade them or what announcements is bullish for a project or whatever. And I thought it would be very helpful for people if I put out a thread every single day where it's just like an hour
I got all these DMs like when I just started out and people were like, oh, this is very helpful, you know, like, and there are also DMs like, oh, I made this amount of money this week because you like, thank you so much.
And I was like, you know, if this helps people, this is good. Like, you know, I want to help people and that's pretty much it. Yeah, very well said. So talking about your research, what has been your biggest takeaway? Maybe not only in the market, but about Web 3. Um, I feel like
My biggest takeaway is you can be persistent with the very specific thing, like the market changes like every couple of months, every couple of weeks, maybe even like in a day there's like so much happening. So you need to be open to like adapt. So let's say
before it was like let's go back to last year it was like a free mint and then it was like open edition and now it's like chitcoin and now it's BRC you know you have to be like you're aware of like what's happening in the market and adapt
Ah, very well said Alina, so I'm gonna go with the two questions that come with one. You've been working with a Zuki and inspect. I think with a Zuki it's been longer, but working with both of these teams. How has it been? What do you think needs
improvement maybe in both of the teams, both of the projects. Are you bullish? Um, so I started working with Suzuki in January and I think the Suzuki team is amazing. Like I don't know if you have interacted with the damn Z location TBA but
We are, we mainly work in Slack and we have this group chat where we just talk about different things, whatever is happening in the market. It's very, it's a nice environment to work in and it's just like they're very open to listen to whatever I have to say and like, you know,
If there's something I think needs change they're open to like implement that so it's very nice working with a zuki and a team spectre as our working them. It's been a month and We have these weekly meetings where me and well we talk about things that needs to be improved with an a team spectre and
And they're also very open to this and our thoughts. And they also try to implement those suggestions that we make every week. So yeah, I bullish on both of them. And I feel like the teams are really nice.
Beautiful. What's your role with a Zuki and inspect? So for a Zuki, it's researcher and residence, so it's basically like, so it's basically, you know how I write daily rewinds where I just spread out like whatever. Like I used to write those every single day before and
It's just like announcements trends floor prices what made those floor prices go up airdrops So what airdrops is bullish for what projects things like that and for a spooky I pretty much do the same thing we wish we just have to be on top of like Like what's going on in the market like every single day, so like you know
sometimes they ask us like, "Oh, we need information on this." So me and Well, we are able to be there and explain that. So that's pretty much the role of research and residence where it's just like you need to be on top of the market with your knowledge and information. And with NFT inspect, it's more like
like what accounts are doing better and what makes those accounts do better, you know, like than other accounts. Like we see so many content creators in Twitter raid and some tweets go viral, some tweets do really well and our job is like my job for NFT in spaces to let them know like
Why did those two do well? Why are these accounts growing? Why do people have interest in that account? You know, things like that. Love it. This might be a very simple question, but how do you do your research? How do you help these companies with your research or your personal research with your threads?
How do you do your research? Where do you put the time for it? How does it work? As in for research, I do spend a lot of time in Twitter like whenever I have break or like whatever. I'm just on Twitter going through accounts there are like very smart people on Twitter like sometimes I go through their accounts. Sometimes on my timeline I see a lot of information.
I have noties on for like a bunch of projects. So it's easy for me to like stay on track but their information and like also the market place is like open seabloor. You have to like look at the charts and everything. So yeah, there's that. And I feel like I'm really good with I'm really good at analyzing things.
So if I see something, it's very, like for me, it's easy to understand like why that happened. And like, then like after I figure out what happened, I can like also go back and see like if this matches like whatever I think it is. So it's pretty much that. And yeah, that's how I do my research.
Lovely Alina. So I have two questions left. So I'm going to start inviting listeners up if they want to add anything to the conversation if they want to. You know, ask any questions. So please anyone who wants to add something request to speak. I'll get you up here. So let's go with these last two questions. I'm very big into Habs.
and I ask every guest this, what is the day in a life of Alina? Oh, um, so ever since I was in college, my schedule has been pretty much the same. I guess now probably way less sleep, but like since then it's just like I wake up at like five, six, I
go workout for like one hour, go for a run, and then I come back, make my breakfast, I go to work, I work till like six and then before it was like college till six and now it's a workout till six and then I come home, I go through like whatever I have to do and then I work out again and then I eat my dinner
and if I have to, there's like a bunch of meetings throughout the day with like different projects, different people, Azure KT and Effect team, all that and yeah, and now at night I usually spend time like learning more things like right now I'm learning about BRC 20,
That's what's trending right now, right? And yeah, I usually spend the night time for me to research things in Web 3. So yeah, that's pretty much my life. Perfect. Is there any type of practice or you know habit that you
you perform or practice throughout the day that keeps you in some sort of balance with all of this that you have to do. So I feel like for me, I have to like, there's this very specific thing about me. It's just I need to walk 10,000 steps a day and this is what keeps me safe.
because the day where I don't walk 10,000 steps a day, I just feel like I just feel anxious and I don't feel well, I feel lethargic and I feel like I can't do what I have to do. So this is something that I do every day, like I have to do it and yeah that's like part of my daily routine that I
to. Perfect, Alina. I think I go by that rule as well. I cannot live a day without my 10,000 steps as well. I want to go with the last question which I ask all of my guests as well. Is there any advice you want to leave the people who are listening to this space right now?
now or they're recording, whether it's, you know, for brand building, for life, for running, for your steps, whatever. Any piece of advice you'd like to leave people with. I feel like in Web 3, people spend a lot of time in like, um, caring about what kind of engagement they get, like, if it
if they get a really good engagement they're like, "Oh, you know, like this is it, but that's not it to be honest because like your engagement on your Twitter, if it wasn't really mean anything, if like you can be a very good account, if you tweet like 50 times a day you'll be on the top account." So I feel like people do worry a lot about when their engagement
is down on one certain post and like the next one it's like up and I feel like you shouldn't really care or worry that much about like what kind of engagement you're getting like yeah I guess it's important that you know there's a certain amount that you get but like don't worry too much about what kind of engagement getting because I feel like that messes up with your
mental health and this is like this is supposed to be something that you enjoy and not something like should be tied to your mental health, your happiness. So my advice would be don't take this way too seriously, this is supposed to be fun and
and your engagement doesn't define you so yeah that's pretty much it. I mean that was very very well said that was beautiful that was also the quickest space I've ever hosted. It was so it was such a beautiful opportunity to have you as a guest I really
wanted to say for those 15 to 20 minutes that you have. So for the last five minutes, I do want to give it to my speakers who have joined. I'm going to go, I think the first hand was Criatura. What's up, my man? Hey, Schnaf, GMGM. Great space once again, man. Shout to you.
And Alina, it's great to talk to you. Hello. I guess my question would be Alina. There's a lot of people who've gotten into content, content creation, and Fred is a big part of that. And alongside your incredible rewinds, you do great Fred. I mean, that's understanding it.
doing incredible threads. And the question would be really, what is the one thing that has made the most difference in the quality of your threads? I'll say, like you have to make your thread in a way where it's easy for people to interact and easy on the eyes so you cannot be using big threads, big lines,
big paragraphs or people are just like like I'll look at certain threads and I'll look at the first paragraph and I'll be like I don't want to read that like that's too much. So I feel like you have to write the hook in a way where people find it interesting in reading that and like when you continue like the sub-dreads it has to be like small lines like like
lines with smaller words, so yeah that's something that I look for when I'm reading on the internet or writing on the internet, so that's their set. And like use images because that's easy on the eye, people like looking at images, if you have good charts, include that, and make sure to like
when you end the thread, make sure to enter, if you guys like it, please make sure to retweet because people don't want to do something if you don't tell them. So if you mention, I would really like it if you could retweet that, that really helps. Thank you so much. I couldn't agree more. I tried to
personally keep it down with you know the paragraphs but sometimes I do find that a little bit of a struggle but yeah definitely work on that thank you so much. They're from. Corridor thank you so much for hopping up. I'm gonna go with the next hand which I saw first I'm not I'm not sure if this or Kenton what's up.
Hey, what's going on? And thanks, Shnuffalo. Thanks for having me up on the stage. Alina, I wanted to say, yeah, the threads are great. Appreciate everything you had to say, just like the insight on it all. This question might be a little out of less field, but I just wanted to ask you about your
Overall thoughts on the state of like NFTs and the space right now and this is broad but like you literally study the trends you know what's happening. So what is your perspective on it all? Do you hate meme coins? Do you want to go back to talking about NFTs?
Tees, like what's this your personal take on everything that's happening right now? So I feel like whatever the market is, there's always like it depends like why you are in the market in the first place where you are in the web 3 if you're like your focus is to make money then I feel like there's like always a situation and like every single matter or whatever it is you can make
money that's like now is like meta-short coin so if you're like a good trader you could like make a lot of money and if it's like you're not a trader and you just enjoy like NFTs then it's like different for you but for me it's like whatever the situation is there's always
positive side to it. Let's say like, "Oh, it's BRC 20, right?" And this is this whole new market that we haven't explored yet. And there's a whole different audience. And there's a whole different, because the summer, in BRC 20 are like, ordinals.
I feel like my thoughts on this like the overall trend in NFTs is like yeah the volume has gone down the liquidity and like NFTs has gone down but it has been shifted to like a BTC right now so like pretty much focused on like whatever the trend
is, it must like sometimes it's hard to like keep track of whatever the thing that is viral, like that is trending right now, but if you could like focus on whatever it is, it's actually really fun and you can always learn new things and if you're a good trader then like it's easy for you to like enter early.
Awesome. Thank you for that. Yeah, it's good to hear that from you because you're watching all of this is like one gigantic revolving timeline. So you're your insight on it really matters. Appreciate that. And yeah, thanks again for letting me ask you a question. Of course, that was that was a really good good
background it comes with a lot of value you know my pfp was down in the gutter now it's worth ten eighth plus so you know put some respect on the name I guess almost it also LAYNAR you know with this bcc vibe the ordinal vibe that's happening when is you know a LAYNAR ordinal is dropping that's why I wanted to know I want them alpha I want the alpha
So the thing is, I don't want to, like I have never healed anything or any project or anything to any of my audience because I care about my audience. I'm not a type of person who's just gonna dump on my audience and be like, "Oh fuck you guys, you know, like no, I'm not like that. I care about them." So, like right now, I'm doing my research.
I'm trying to learn as much as possible. So before even if I heal anything, I'm not saying that I will, there will be a lane of ordinal, but I'm saying my job here is to let everyone know what to look out for and how they can be better in this
And I don't know, Shiv, maybe there will be an Elena ordinal, but maybe not, probably not, but who knows. No, I got the code message. She's not going to tweet it. She's going to DM you, you know, to protect herself. Thank you. Thank you, BTC, Shiv. Alina, that was what?
very well said as well. Demon, welcome to the stage. What's up my man? Yeah, what's good? My sound might be a little bad, but it is what it is. You know deal with it. VKC shift, you know, say hello to VKC Demon. And also I wanted to say like, you know, the point from before, if you're not first, you're last.
So like you know if you think you're getting complacent you're doing great you probably are not do better and yeah that's my message for you guys Let's go demon BTC demon fastest up Thank you demon. Thank you for joining so if oh well Chris
Welcome to the stage and see you there. What's up, my man? Uh huh. Hey, good morning. And welcome to a Friday day. GM GM. What is up? I just saw the space poppin wanted to pop in, say hi and see what's going on brand building. Awesome.
Let's go. I love how everyone here that shows up. They have their own intro music. That's really cool.
Chris, thank you for joining in. Kenny, welcome to the stage. What's up? Hey guys, thank you very much. So I don't have an interest song though, but I can make probably. So I just wanted to ask Elina like, how?
How much time did you put before all of these things? How many hours per day did you work on your stretch? Just because many people are asking.
Of course it's different for people to people but I was curious about that. Oh, so before that I just wanted to say like I almost didn't recognize you I remember you by your clone acts and now your seals and I'm like hmm can you see or that sounds like familiar? Like a familiar person but then I was like hmm
that is the guy. And also like you're one of my favorite people in a web 3 because like I always see you like in my timeline and in my comments so it's nice seeing you and to answer your question. So when I first started writing dreads I was new to that. Like I was in, I was in new to like
like finding information about like different projects and announcements and like whatever information is bullish for the floor price but like when I started writing the thread you need all the important ones right like you can miss out like whatever it is so at the beginning it was it took me like three hours like a day because I also knew to like writing threads so you'll take me three hours
every single day and I was just exhausted sometimes but in my mind I was like maybe it's helping someone you know like it's helping someone make money it's helping someone just to be careful of like grugs and shit so you know there was that so even if it took me like three hours a day it was like worth it in a way for me
Beautiful Alina I thought I had my mic open. Thank you for those beautiful words. If no one wants to add anything else to the conversation Alina I'd like to end my spaces like this with an outro song chosen by the guest. Is there any song you want
want me to play specifically? I guess you can play whatever you feel like it's your space is today's your day. Wait hold on I think Shiv wants to play something. What's good Shiv? You've got a load of AI Drake bro you're gonna load of AI
Okay, I Unfortunately I've heard that song more than five times from five different spaces where he is pumping content every day bro. He's pumping out content every day. He's working harder than your favorite artist Okay, hard on my sleeve correct
Oh, whichever one you prefer, can't go for that. Okay, I'm gonna go with this. Thank you, Alina so much for this. Everyone, thank you for joining. Let's go with some AI Drake.
I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I can't help but I#
All I know is you could have had to ask, had to ask, yeah you were my heart. 'Cause these girls, I'm red-night, 'cause these girls are my child, 'cause they're lily-maybe you're my cheat-maybe I still can't live over with dry, some of that's the worst.
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