๐Ÿซ Bringing GMX & GLP Assets to Cosmos ft. @GMX_IO ๐Ÿซ

Recorded: Feb. 10, 2023 Duration: 0:36:07



Hey, Morning guys, here you hear me?
Yes, I can hear you can you hear me? Yeah, not in clear I can't agree on your site Everything is going well Just excited to talk about new development happening with GMX and to hear about what you guys have got going on
Awesome. Excellent. Thanks so much for joining. So before we get started, let's just quickly go down and introduce ourselves. So hi everyone. This face is recorded. So if anyone misses any part, you can always come back and tune in again. I'm Sam.
I'm the co-authored for DMX. So I'll be your host for today. CJ, you want to go next? Yeah, everyone. I'm CJ, also known as Fish Market Academy on Twitter. And I am the BSTF and Chief Syllagy's DMX. So I'm going to be sharing
this to your spaces to more of my communities so that we can get more people in the room. Just give me a second and then we can get started really shortly. Okay, sure. A friend, is it okay if I share the link to the GMX Telegram group? Yeah, definitely. I was actually
I'm sure just about to ping our internal team as well to see if someone's up and cannot maybe circulate it around a bit more as well. Awesome. Really appreciate that.
Okay, I think we can get started for now while Motifalka and P2 is in. Fred, would you like to introduce yourself?
Yeah, so I'm Fred. My title is a business developer contributor over at the GMX Dow community. I mostly focus on the Arbor Chum Deploy for GMX, so any kind of project collaborations that you guys have seen.
I've mostly handled most of them from conception to execution. And yeah, that's what I mostly handle. And I'm here to just talk about what Demix has got going on with their new products built to top of GMX and here to talk about what we've got planned.
for later down the road and within the GMX development side of things. Okay, excellent. I think for our first question, there will probably be like, can you give us a quick introduction about what GMX is? It's one of the top trading platforms of perpetuals and arbitrawns. So can you share a little bit more about that?
Definitely, definitely. Thank you for that little introduction for GMX. Yeah. It was a lot of work, but for those who aren't familiar, GMX is a perpetual and swap decentralized exchange on Arbitram and Avable.
The Sint-Shay allows users to swap or leverage trade tokens without any kind of price impact and because we use decentralized price feeds, it eliminates the phenomenon of scale
and cascading liquidations which are pretty common experiences with centralized exchanges and so we offer a pretty neat trader experience and users are able to trade directly from their Web 3 wallet with
reserves are fully backed and tracked on chain. Amazing. And so I know that GMX is not your typical audiobook of how you see where you actually place orders. So can you walk us through how exactly this

FAQ on ๐Ÿซ Bringing GMX & GLP Assets to Cosmos ft. @GMX_IO ๐Ÿซ | Twitter Space Recording

Who is the host for the podcast?
Sam is the co-authored for DMX and the host for the podcast.
Who is CJ?
CJ is also known as Fish Market Academy on Twitter and is the BSTF and Chief Syllagy's DMX.
What is the main topic of discussion in the podcast?
The main topic of discussion is the new development happening with GMX and to hear about what DMX has got going on.
What is Fred's role in GMX?
Fred is a business developer contributor over at the GMX Dow community who mostly focuses on the Arbor Chum Deploy for GMX.
What is GMX?
GMX is a decentralized exchange on Arbitrum and Avable that allows users to swap or leverage trade tokens without any kind of price impact.
What is different about GMX compared to other exchanges?
GMX uses decentralized price feeds, eliminating the phenomenon of scale and cascading liquidations which are common experiences with centralized exchanges.
How do users access GMX?
Users are able to trade directly from their web 3 wallet with reserves that are fully backed and tracked on-chain.
What is the purpose of the podcast recording?
The purpose of the podcast recording is to discuss the new development happening with GMX and DMX.
Is the podcast recording available for replay?
Yes, the podcast recording is recorded face and anyone can come back and tune in again.
Who will CJ be sharing the podcast recording with?
CJ will be sharing the podcast recording with his communities to get more people in the room.