Build Beyond. #BuildOnSui

Recorded: May 26, 2023 Duration: 0:42:09



Hello friends.
We'll get started in just a moment.
(upbeat music)
Oops. It seems as though Twitter Spaces is mad at me today. My apologies. Can you hear me all right?
Perfect. Well, now that we've got that out of the way, let's jump right into introductions. Who'd like to kick us off?
I can go ahead. Wonderful. Welcome to the stage. Why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself and your project. Hey everyone, I'm Daniel, co-founder of Moonsudio IDE. At Moonsudio, we are providing developers with an online, portable and easy to use environment to build out
their suite packages. Our bottom line is our IDE streamlines suite development. We provide a built-in suite package editor for developers to create, compile and test their suite packages with the unit testing framework. We also provide
and environment to deploy and interact with suite packages without the need for any additional code. So our main goals are to help new learners by removing the need to set up dependencies, use CLIs, and get really stuck into the weeds. And then we also
So our second goal is to help streamline development for experience users by removing all of the time-consuming aspects of suite development. Wonderful. Thank you for being here. Now let's see. Be launch.
yourself and your project.
especially in Newbies in crypto to create their own initial to console. And as a user oriented platform, we launched focus on facilitating a balance and mutual, mutually beneficial environment for both investors and product owners. And we
can support products from a first beginning step like the configuration, large back integration listing on the decentralized license and we also have other function to support the NFT product and also to help users easier when interacting with a suede ecosystem
and we are also the lunchbox, received the Subito Hero Award from Sri Phanasi and very nice to meet everyone in this meeting. Thank you so much. Fantastic. Thank you for joining us. Now, probably media, how about you? Could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your project?
Sure, hi, this is Juzy. I'm the founder and developer of Polymedia and I've been building on Suisse since last summer. I created Polymedia to have a common brand under which to develop all my projects on Suisse and my goal really
to build original applications that are different from what's out there and to do it fully on-chain because I think it's quite an interesting design space when you have back constraint. So far I have released four end-to-end applications on SweetMendit.
For some was a betting application called Go Beef. The second one was a fully unchanged chat application. The third one was a profile system, again identity system, but allows you to attach a profile to a suite address. And the fourth one was a point and click.
browser, minigame that I built to introduce the profile system, but people kind of liked it. And currently I'm working on my fifth project, which maybe I'll talk a bit more about it later towards the end of the episode to link some of her for our listeners. - Phanamano. Now.
a little bit about me and this space. My name is Akasha. I'm an artificial intelligence here at the S.V. Foundation. This Twitter space is the third and final of a weekly recurring series. The goal of these spaces is to bring together builders in this week ecosystem to share their experiences of building on S.V.
main end is launched, we'd love to hear perspectives on my builders are building on suite and what they're looking forward to in the future. Each session is moderated by me and we'll have one part is meant from three ecosystem projects. So now that we have intros out of the way, let's dive in.
All right, first question. Why did you decide to do it on sweet? Let's start off with B-lunch.
Yes, many days for maybe for an amazing questions. Firstly, from the beginning day, we recognize that in the incredible potential of the Shrineguuk and we start to research about Shrineguuk and about Muf Languages.
it might be a long time ago and we saw that we with a new language and with a new layer one we project we have some property when developing or project and especially token this is the reason why we want to develop a
in one platform building on Shui. And this reason, Billang was born with a beneficial kind of support product from the first building in time. And beside that, we are very impressive with the way the Shui building
the community especially focused on the developers because we have some chance to discuss directly with the Suiti member and Suiti member also supported many things to maybe to in the technical and also supported in the
building our platform. And also we also have some chance to use some event of Sri Neku in our country, Vietnam like Sui Bidra House, and also have some chance to introduce
about our product to more and more people to understand more about how we don't work and how we don't support our product using our shui and move language. This is some impressive thing that we are very impressed with the shui in Nghok.
Fantastic. Now, how about you, probably media? Why do you decide to build on-sweet?
For me, I have been in crypto for some time, more as an inspector or participant, and I had been wanting to get my feedback in Web3 development for a while. I previously worked for about 10 years in Web2 development and looking at
The X16 platforms, I just felt like they were too unsafe. It was just too easy to make serious mistakes that could lose people money. And I was not comfortable with that. At the same time, it made those platforms made it hard to build complex applications.
So for me, Sui just straddle a balance where you can build things that are safe and at the same time, it has the expressiveness where you can focus on your application logic. So that's for me, maybe sort of do the jump that I can focus on my application.
without having to worry about random quirks of the network. And the transition was quite easy, like for me it's like building on another backend really, but I don't really have to overthink it too much. I can just rely on the model.
That's right. Thank you for sharing. Now, last but not least, Moves to do. What brought you to sleep?
I decided to build on Swee for a few reasons. Firstly, I really enjoyed learning and using the new Move Language. I think that move, personally, is my favorite blockchain programming language out there. I really wanted to help improve the user experience for Move since the new language won't have
as many features and tools as other languages like Solidity. So I wanted to help do my part with providing some improvements to the user experience. And secondly, I really like the object-centric nature of Sway, and I think that it is a really creative and novel approach to blockchain design.
object-oriented nature really makes we stand out from the crowd. And it also brings some cool visualization opportunities for displaying blockchain data. And other IDEs, most visualization is just done through a list of when they display
deployed contracts is mainly just a list of functions but with Sway and the objects we're able to go a little bit further and show a canvas that displays both packages and objects and we think that this is a lot more intuitive for building and learning since you're able to see the objects and interact with them directly.
That's right.
This is all very interesting. And we've all touched on our next question. So we'll start this one out with Juzy from Polymedia. What is your experience been like building on Sway so far?
For me, I have to say it's been really smooth. Even at this early stage, I think the developer experience is just unparalleled because with the sweet framework you're given some really solid building blocks that you can use
to build basically anything that you can imagine. And a Kindaniel has talked about this, about how you can really think in terms of objects. So if you're working with Java, C#, or any other language, it's just
really easy to model things and the underlying object model, the underpins suite is really powerful. So for me, like I said earlier, it's like another backend coming from Web2, has been quite easy and I love it.
Fantastic. I certainly love it as well. Now, let's see. Daniel, how about you? What has your experience been like so far?
So far my experience has been really fun and really valuable. I've never been involved in developing blockchain so early on in the building, developing phase. Having been involved in the community before and after Mainlet launch has been able, I've been able to meet and connect with a lot of
builders and other project members and managers. Overall it's been really nice to connect with everyone when the community is still typically smaller than usual. That said, I'm really motivated to do a lot
to try to improve the amount of developers in the ecosystem. That's one of our biggest motivators is to do everything we can to improve the build a community. And because it's such a small but growing community, we're able to connect personally with developers and try to figure out exactly what we can do to help.
improve the community. Amazing. So let's see, be lunch. How about you? What is your experience been like so far? Yes, I think e2PAS, we also have a little experience that you know
developing and managing the central island spot and also the central island spot in other chains and like I mentioned before from the beginning term we realize that we can develop an O1 part form that can support or protect building on the shui from the first from the
put me really stuff and also suit also focus on the NFT and game file projects and I think with this we are in one decentralized part we also can support all the good NFT and game file projects and beside that we also have experience in
developing a decentralized in other countries. In the past, this is the reason why in our ecosystem we also have a large part for token large part for NFT and also the decentralized each and all. So, and we hope that we can support more and more good product building and show it and also we can contribute
you would move to the suite network. Thank you. That's right. Thank you very much. You've all hinted at my next question as a matter of fact. And we'll start this off with you, Daniel, from MoVStudio. What are some unique features of suite that you're using in your project?
Well, the nice thing about Moos Studio, since we are a tool to help developers, especially as a developer, I really enjoy that we get to use and interact with all features that we provide. That said, there are definitely a few features that we use more heavily than others. Kind of like I mentioned previously, we've really enjoyed
the opportunity to work with visualizing the object, centric, or nature of the sweet blockchain. We think that we've really enjoyed having this new way of displaying blockchain data and we feel that it's really helpful for our users. Additionally, in the IDE, we try to really
put an emphasis on testing. We know that security is one of the top-minds most priorities when developing blockchain contracts and to help developers with security in mind. We want to make sure that we fully support the native testing framework that is built into the sweet move language. Wonderful.
Now let's see. Premise, how about you? What unique features are you using? Answering? Yes, with me and my team I think parallel is a cushion, a remarkable feature of the Superchain that allows for a semi-turned
process of multi-boot transitions and setting it apart from the traditional blockchain networks and it conventional system, transition I secluded sequentially with each transition being a process one after the other.
However, 3-boxions problem is a cushion system enable users to perform multi-boating soon. This feature is a particular beneficial for large part, platform like Bilanch, where speed is almost important.
and users when using VLANGE, the parallel is a quotient feature of suboxygen, translate into enhanced efficiency. First, to contract a smoother users experience and instead of waiting for one person to complete B for moving onto
with a nice multi-pointed citizen can be as equal to simultaneously and enable bidenche to support larger amount of large numbers of citizen and accommodate increase the demand, ultimately contributing to the subset of product
on the platform and when a user has about the better experience, the IDEO and I know a product will be better and also have about better IDEO and I do anything. It will support more and more for the product meeting or showing.
fascinating. Now, juicy. What are your features of sweet? Are you using my Polymedia? Sure, happy to go into a bit more technical realm. Maybe I like one thing or two from each project. Got beef and
This is really true for every project. So in GoBif, which is an application to do beds with your friends, informal beds, they cannot use them in crypto twitter. So every bed is a suite object. And these beds, they have a natural life cycle from moment you create it to the players' fan minute to then somebody having to vote for the winner and
and then distributing the funds. And so this life cycle, it all happens within one object that very naturally encapsulates the logic involved with handling funds, handling boats, and so on. And just like this, you don't model really anything on suite and have that object to have a life cycle. So it emutates over time for
for the preliminary chat, highlight the chat themselves, there are also objects and there are immutable objects and this has the advantage that they don't have to go through consensus. So sending a message to a chat is extremely fast almost instant and the messages themselves are not even stored
the on-chain so that the leveraged the event system on sweep so this makes it really fast and really you know keep to send messages and this was kind of an experiment to test the limits of sweep to see you know if we could build something as ridiculous as a real-time chat application on-chain and it does work pretty pretty
especially something I'm looking forward to here. This is not something that's used right now, but I heard Costa has mentioned, he wanted to standardize transaction pre-approvals so that every wallet has a peer standard to implement what you guys see, for example, on
on the 2.48 game that you first developed where you don't have to click "Approve" on every step. So this is again, change your application's like chat, things are more real time. And to speak a bit about the Polymeda profile system that's also leveraging the sweet object storage model. So under
the hood of the profile registry, there's the dynamic objects, which means the object is stored in the file system rather than within the table itself and you can have basically infinite profiles. And finally the journey to Mount Fogo mini-game at the end there's an NFT
that you can mint and instead of sending this card to your suede address, it's actually stored within your Polymedia profile. So it's another interesting feature that objects can own objects so that you can sort of have a matroska situation and have interesting compositions.
That's right, very interesting indeed. Now, you've touched on my next question, but I've just received a word from the Control Studio that it's time for our intermission. We'll be back in about 60 seconds.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Welcome back. Now, as I mentioned, our speakers have already hinted at my next question. So let's dive right in. How do you plan to make use of sweet features in the future? Let's start with you, Bravis.
I think we are looking for a new feature of the Surya Network because at the moment we are trying to use all the features of the Surya and to support all the users easily when interacting with the Surya ecosystem because
In our platform, we also have some tools to support user easier when interacting with the three ecosystem like the Much aspreetCore update or MantisCender or maybe transfer from image to the IPMS file. And I think in the future, our developer teams will try
We try our best to use all the features of the suite and to make it easier for users to use. Yes. That's right. Sounds like some alpha if you ask me. Now, Juzi, how about you? What are you looking forward to in the future? Sweet features.
So I really like to test the limits of that technology. So for my next project that I'm currently working on, I'm trying to, well, it's already working. I'm generating on chain art.
I'm just trying to do everything on chain the generation itself and the storage. It's like a sort of Bitcoin inscription, everything's there. And then on top of that make the art pieces itself malleable.
this kind of what I'm working on now and I have a bunch of other ideas for things that could be done. I, yeah, I guess I'll stop there but yeah for now I'm working on generative heart. Yeah.
Wow, that's very relevant to my interests. Now, let's see. Daniel, how does Move Studio plan to make use of future, sweet features?
There is one specific feature of SWE that we were looking to integrate very soon into the Mou Studio IDE and it is package upgrading. We know that package upgrading, the package upgrading scheme can be very confusing, especially if you are just using CLI commands. So we are planning on helping developers
by adding a package management feature to help organize and streamline package upgrading. We are really excited for this and we hope to really help in the use case when developers need to upgrade packages quickly to fix newly found bug and vulnerability in the
package because we know like when that happens time is of the essence and when you're if you aren't prepared or you have to use CLI commands we know that it could slow down fixing the issue so we want to make sure that we can help streamline developers fixing of packages when time is of the essence.
Fascinating. You're actually touching on my next question. So we'll kick this back to you. What is your experience been like since going live? I mean that. Yeah, well, so we aren't an on-chain project. We don't have anything deployed on-chain. So there
was not much of a technical difference when mainnet went live. That said, we do make sure to, in addition to our IDE, we try to maintain a developer community where developers, especially developers that are learning move, they can come and ask questions
especially move related questions. And before the sweet launch until after, we saw a big shift from more theoretical move-based questions to more practical questions about gas and taking coins and
splitting coins and all the nitty gritty features that you have to deal with when you're deploying on mainnet. So that's probably the biggest difference for us is now we're getting insight into what choke points there are when developers are deploying on mainnet.
Perfect. How about you, Juicy? What's your experience been like since going live on me net?
For me it's been really smooth, I have to say. Honestly I was having a surprise because I've seen in the last few months how fast the Miss Tint team has been developing and in features. There were some issues in the first Destiny's Wave, but
You know, it was like, as good as I could have expected in terms of everything worked fine, as fast as cheap. I found no issues. And so, for me, it was a smooth presentation. I deployed my four apps within like an hour.
of going, you know, the sweet going life and I just jump into the next project so I like what I'm seeing so far. It's a small community but everybody's pretty tight so I'm pretty excited.
Amazing. How about you, Bravis? What's your experience been like since going live on May 9th?
Yes, I think after the many launch, the Sri Nagorkas launch very smooth and with Remakkali the lower changes and face and I think everything operate quite successfully and they haven't been any major issues report. So they were to
provide a circuit environment as they have been at the HECC and you see them during the display. It is rare to hear that the NGOO also has demonstrated a high level of stability and a circuit. A smooth user experience and low-tattage is
smoothly and also the gift the user's best experience when interacting with the shui ecosystem and I think it may be the longer future of the users who have the better experience when interacting with the shui ecosystem and when interacting with most of the app leading our shui
That's right. 100 emoji. Now let's see. I have another question on the agenda and for this, let's start with you, Juzy. What are some things a community can look forward to from your project?
From my side, I would say if you're interested in apps that are different, that are more idiosyncratic, if you're interested in not necessarily financial use cases of crypto, but social art, if you're interested in pushing the limits and experimenting with stuff,
Then, you know, stay tuned. I like to ship and I like to ship fast and hear what people say. So I really got a lot of ideas just from the previous projects. So what people resonated the most with. Currently working on generative art. So I'll probably have a new release, new project release in June.
And then, you know, just disguise the limits. So just follow AmonDiskord, AmonTwitter, and get involved if you want to see something built. I'm really responsive. And really, I try to surprise the users of my apps, everybody who deals the apps, they may have found some Easter eggs, some door that let some work.
Yeah, I think if you're just surprised, if you're into experiments, that's what you can expect from us or from me rather. Fantastic. How about you, Braimus? What can the community look forward to from Bilaj? Yes, we are trying to do
to give the users the best experience when they are trading with our platform. We want to develop the tool to focus the smart contract for the product. If we have a product and users easier to have the good smart contract for
they are developing on the Shui network and also in the maybe the longer future we want to become the real-life part for all good product building on Shui not only have a product in the fundraising we want to support the good product in the marketing community building and also some problem
to the technical we want to become the good incubator for the good incubator for the good product during our show. And I think when we can set up more and more products can raise funds successfully. And I think the more and more, let me say,
We will go into the Sui Network and we will also support more and more product building in Sui and we hope we can contribute more to the Sui ecosystem. Fantastic. More alpha. Indeed. How about you Daniel? Last but not least, what are some things that
community can look forward to from Moves to India. Yeah, we have a few features and additions we are currently working on right now. Firstly, we know that most experienced developers like to use their own environment to code, but on the other hand, we also know how useful it is to be able to deploy packages on the spot without building
building any additional code suites. So to help experience developers, we are integrating our IDE with GitHub so that devs can import and export their packages from GitHub. This way, developers can build their own build on their own environments and then import the project onto the IDE to test and deploy
on to the sweet network. We are really excited for this because then it will allow devs to have the best of both worlds and be able to choose our own environment and utilize our tools. Secondly, we are working on a collection of tools and features that help developers set up projects much quicker. We are already
organizing all of the sweet standards and working on a package wizard that will allow developers to use standard templates to start out their new projects. And in addition to this, we are also planning a feature to help developers generate a base of unit tests to jumpstart their package testing. We are really excited to work on these
two tools as we will be utilizing AI to help power them. There's something we're looking forward to. Amazing. Let me take a look here at our agenda. It looks like we've pretty much hit all the questions I was asked to ask you.
So let's just start our wrap up. Let's kick it off with Bravis. Anything else you'd like to share before we say goodbye? Yes, I think Srineguil is doing very, very good to support the developers to
the good platform and good DAP and good product, leading us away and also support all the users when it's like with a new language and new layer one and with our team we are trying to develop more and more in our platform like MSNB
before we can support products from the third big term for being the step-light of token creation, large part creation, listing on our decentralized agents. And I think in the future we've been released many new features and also new programs to protect the users and
protect the protect owners and we hope we can have more and more protect can raise funds and can have the about the successful ideal and I know and we hope we can contribute more to the Sui ecosystem and yes and if you have any questions for bilanj team and
So if you want to enjoy our product, our platform, you can follow our channel. And also you can ping me when you have any problem, any questions about me like, thank you so much. Amazing. Thank you as well. Now let's see, Juicy, how about you? Anything else you'd like to share?
Well, I think I've been, I've been revealing enough. I don't want to say too much about future projects, but I just want to thank the Sweet Foundation for inviting me and being here is great. And also thank everybody who's here listening and just want to
to understand an invitation to anybody, be it users or builders who want to collaborate in any way, even if you don't have technical skills. I'm sure there's things you can contribute. I'm trying to build as much in the open as possible and open sourcing a bunch of stuff as well.
So, yeah, just hit me up on Twitter and Discord and Telegram and, you know, stay tuned for the month to come. Phenomenal. How about you? Daniel. Anything else you'd like to share?
Yeah, well bottom line our goal is to serve the current and future developers of the suite ecosystem. So this said we really welcome all feedback and requests so that we can make our IDE the most useful tool in the community. And since you know we're developers, we're
We're building four developers. We really value the connection to the developers that are directly using our tool. And we really value the any feedback that they are able to provide. And this said, like I mentioned earlier, we are also really looking to help educate and bring more developers into the ecosystem.
So for any users that are or anyone that's interested in developing in the suite system, we also invite you to come talk to us, come chat with us and tell us how we can help bring more developers into the community. We really are looking forward to focus
focusing on more educational pieces and any feedback or suggestions would be very helpful. Amazing. Well, I just like to thank all three of you for being here. It's really been great getting to know you and hearing about your journeys on Sweet.
So, around of a plus. I'd also like to thank the audience. Everyone here. We couldn't be doing these spaces without you, so thank you for joining us as well. Now, like I said, this is the
the last of the current series. So if you didn't catch the first two, I'd recommend doing that. And I suspect we'll likely come up with something else in the near future. So keep your eyes peeled. Don't forget to smash that follow button for all three of our guests.
with that. I guess it's time to say goodbye. So I'll keep the outro track and you can all hang out with us until this base is end.